Where We Begin - Top 6 Lessons Overview

Anne on April 10


For me it’s Influence… I struggle with knowing that I’m an influencer for God. I’ve had a Christian Childcare Center for over 40 years but …I don’t always see my worth in His eyes.


On the positive side is Returning…the Lord has blessed me by letting me return to Israel, Ireland and Russia many times -all praise to Him💥





Wayne Stiles on April 11


I like that you chose two lessons to highlight, Anne. Influence and Returning are two of mine as well. What an amazing blessing you've had to travel to Ireland, Russia, and the Holy Land. God bless you-- and welcome to Walking the Bible Lands!




rjames576 on April 5


Trust is the lesson I am learning now.




Wayne Stiles on April 6


That is a lifetime lesson, isn't it? God bless you.




Susan Hollingsworth on April 5


Influence is the lesson that strikes me




Wayne Stiles on April 5


That's a great lesson, Susan. Influence is so huge in our passion for serving God.




Kathryn Wright on Apr 3


Hope is the lesson I am most interested in




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4


Hope is near the top for me too, Kathryn. Where would we be without it? Welcome to Walking the Bible Lands, and I pray the Lord powerfully blesses you through the videos.




Jamie on Apr 3


Trust , stepping away from my church of 40 years and trusting Jesus will lead me to a church that follows the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4


I applaud you, Jamie, for seeking to follow the Word of God and not the words of people. If you're looking for a good church in your area, you might find this tool handy. It helps you find churches in your area with staff from a seminary (mine, in fact) that teaches pastors to preach the true Word of God.




Joyce on Mar 26


Contentment: I do not always feel contentment about where I live. I think I should be doing more to spread His word . I am trying to be more useful within my own family and community.




Marcia Kirby on Feb 16


All lessons spoke to me. I'll just comment on the "authenticity" of RETURNING. God took me back to a geographic place of disobedience 34 years ago where I had so failed Him 13 years earlier. I will never forget the 'cleanness' and 'joy of obedience' I felt at the time of return. It was the first time I felt totally forgiven and then through a fresh step of obedience, it became a private life-long anchor in my soul. God has used returning ever since then as a pattern of teaching deeper truths, new steps of obedience/trust, and expectation of His leading to fresh challenges.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17


Thanks for sharing that, Marcia. How gracious is our God to redeem even places in our memory. I pray that our time together in these videos will continue to be a great encouragement for you. Welcome! God bless you.




Sandy Sirovey on Feb 1


Trust. In trusting God, it gives us all the other attributes, security, hope, etc. In order to be saved, we are asked to believe, or trust, in Jesus Christ and we are His. Through that trust we need only to call on Him whatever the circumstance or need and “trust” that He hears and answers.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2


I love the way you put that, Sandy. I pray that the Lord deepens your trust in Him as we walk together through the Bible lands in these videos. God bless you — and welcome!




Diane Heck on Jan 28


Trust. I need to trust that Jesus is in control no matter what is happening.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30


Me to, Diane. Trust covers so much, doesn't it? God bless you-- and welcome.




Newton on Jan 16


The Trust lesson was the one that spoke to me the most. We are in a place of trusting the Lord for our finances. We are in our 70's and the Lord has always taken care of us and since we retired, this year is the first year that it has been tight and He is leading us to trust Him more. Thanks for the good lessons.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17


I'm right there with you on the need to Trust the Lord for finances, Newton. May the Lord powerfully encourage and provide in surprising ways for you. God bless you.




Dee on Dec 30, 2022


All of them!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Right, Dee? I agree. :-)




Ty on Dec 28, 2022


Hope, as Hope in the Christian meaning means certainty in the Person of Jesus Christ.




Pamela Drake on Jun 22, 2022


All of the lessons are important for me the returning is what touches me most




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


Indeed, Pamela, they are all essential, aren't they? I can relate to the "returning" as a touching emphasis. God bless you.




Pamela Drake on Jul 16, 2022


Wayne I wanted to let you know I've been. Away because I have COVID omnicron I am on the mend now




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


So glad you're doing better, Pamela! God bless you.




David on May 15, 2022


Seems to me trusting God and seeking His face are one and the same. We must trust Him for all we need never be let down as He keeps convent forever. May I obey His commands.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


What a great insight, David. I join you in that prayer of obedience, and in linking trust and seeking God. God bless you – and welcome!




Bobbye Casner on May 10, 2022


Trust is the lesson that is of great importance and most concerning to me. I feel that this should be the first lesson to focus on and hope to feel closer to God by at least trying to get this lesson understood..




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2022


I'm with you there on the need to trust Him, Bobbye. Indeed, I think you'll find many, many videos that highlight our need to trust the Lord each day. May God bless you as you watch the videos and explore the Bible lands. Welcome!




Stephen on Apr 24, 2022


For me it seems that Trust is the key to accessing and obtaining all the rest.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


So glad to see you on Walking the Bible Lands, Stephen! I pray that the full spectrum of all the videos would be a great encouragement to you.




Stephen on Apr 24, 2022


The land and its geography is indeed the stage upon which God's story of redemption takes place. Past, present and future. The land is the silent but ever present "actor" in every scene of the "play."




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


Absolutely true, Stephen. Geography is the stage upon which the divine drama took place. And the future drama! :-)




Sharon Paxton on Apr 23, 2022


All six of the qualities work together in God’s mighty plan. The Bible gives us the past, present, and future of Israel. We are blessed by the history and the prophecies. We pray for peace in Israel as Christ instructed us. Both the Jews and the Gentiles are blessed by our LORD and Savior. I look for the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


That is a great perspective, Sharon. Indeed, all of the qualities worked together in God's plan. Well said.




Sharon Paxton on Apr 25, 2022


God bless you, your wife, family and team. I thoroughly appreciate your amazing videos. They are powerful. I talked to a USBank employee from Idaho checking on my balance from the videos I ordered from you. It was a blessing. It was a God incidence. I told her about the videos, and she is going to buy them. We talked for 20 minutes about our Savior. Thank you for giving me a witnessing tool. I am learning so much. Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2022


Wow, Sharon, I am thrilled to hear about your conversation with the bank employee. Isn't God amazing? I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you through every single video. God bless you.




Sarah Valentine on Apr 23, 2022


Trusting in God that He wil provide the security and contentment that I need.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


I am right there with you, Sarah, in trusting God each day for these essential elements of his grace. God bless you as you walk with him in security and contentment.




Frances Tencza on Apr 16, 2022


Trusting God, for He is all knowing and so forgiving of our mistakes!

I have made so many mistakes and poor decisions specially at the times of my life I didn’t know the Lord. Even now, when I fall off the path of righteousness and forget to pray, I am leaning on my own understandings and not placing my trust in Him!Forgive me Lord!

Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


I am right there with you, Frances, in the daily struggle to walk with God. I pray that he continues to encourage you in your walk with him.




Karen Ernst on Apr 15, 2022


Trusting God is most important for me. Even when I don't understand, I need to constantly trust & obey his goodness and faithfulness.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


I am right there with you, Karen, with the need to daily trust our God. God bless you.




Carol Brewer on Apr 13, 2022


Trust - Looking forward to God returning for us some day hopefully soon to live a much nicer life than this world has become. That is my HOPE!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


I am right there with you with the need to trust, Carol. May the Lord strengthen you and encourage you with each video to deepen your hope.




Patty on Apr 13, 2022


HOPE - in the present turmoil of the world today - the trust challenge is that my hope is to be in my Lord God alone.




Desiree Guerrero on Apr 12, 2022


To me it means security. One foundation




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022


Yes, Desiree, our God is our sole foundation and our complete means of security. God bless you.




Yvonne Chang on Apr 12, 2022


Trust. Trust is having faith in God who is omniscient. He knows the beginning to the end and He is able and faithful.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022


I am right there with you in the need to trust God. Thank you, Yvonne, for continuing to walk with the Lord and for trusting him.




Anne on Apr 10, 2022


CONTENTMENT -- I am learning to not push back against any adversity which God may bring me but, rather, to find its lessons and grow in spiritual maturity. Each time I do this, my faith (TRUST) grows.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2022


I am right there with you, Anne, seeking contentment with God's gift of life. So easy to struggle with discontent! God bless you.




Bill & Lenora Raines on Apr 9, 2022


In my returning to the Lord, it would be Trust. Lenora




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2022


Yes, Lenora, trust is an essential part of our walk with God each day, isn't it? It is essentially a synonym for faith. God bless you as you trust Him today.




Kelly Santilli on Mar 28, 2022


Hope & Trust




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


Yes, Kelly, I am right there with you on hope and trust. They seem to stem from the same need and desire in our walk with Christ.




Pamela on Mar 26, 2022


My husband and I both feel contentment resonates with us most. It fits well with all of these lessons!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


What a blessing, Pamela, that the Lord is encouraging you both with contentment. God bless you.




Sharon on Mar 23, 2022


Trust…I must always trust the Lord and His plans for me. He planned my past, my present and my future. Therefore, I will receive His blessings as I follow His plan for me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


That is a wonderful perspective, Sharon. I pray the Lord continues to give you faith to trust Him, and I pray that these videos will deep in your walk with Christ.




Beverly on Mar 2, 2022


Hope and Trust




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2022


I am right there with you, Beverly, on hope and trust. May the Lord bless you as you explore these wonderful places through the videos.




Beverly on Mar 3, 2022


I have been to the Holy Land and love you videos. I will relive the places we visited.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


What a blessing for you, Beverly, to have been able to go to the Holy Land and to experience those wonderful sites! I pray that these videos will be a wonderful reminder to you of your significant journey. I can't wait for you to experience it all over again. Welcome!




Louis on Feb 24, 2022


Off subject question on the Pictorial Library. Do you know the resolution of the photos (.jpg files) in the Israel Collection?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


Louis, the resolution of the photos in the Israel Collection varies — but they are all high quality and high resolution.




Diana Davidson on Feb 12, 2022


Hope and trust




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2022


Yes, Diana, hope and trust are high on my list as well. May the Lord continue to give you grace as you hope and trust in him.




Shelley on Feb 1, 2022






Friend on Jan 31, 2022


Loved it. HOPE resonates the most followed by Influence and Trust.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022


I'm right there with you on HOPE as a huge motivator in my life. Thanks and God bless you.




Jody on Jan 31, 2022


Returning, I have actually enjoyed a trip to the Holy Land. The trip brought to life for me the places in the Bible where Jesus grew up, where he taught, and brought the true meaning of salvation into my life. The Masada was awesome. Thank you for providing this return in depth for a closer walk with Jesus. I’m now awaiting His glorious return ith anticipation!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022


What a blessing for you, Jody, that you got to go to Israel. I pray that the videos are a blessing to you as you remember and as you see brand new places as well. God bless you.




Janet on Jan 27, 2022


Contentment means the most to me. I am elderly, single, and living in semi-seclusion, due to Dr's orders re. COVID and a vulnerable state of health. The Holy Spirit keeps prompting me (through the study of the Word with a dear friend via FB Portal) to continue obedience to and hope and trust in our Lord. This has led to a state of contentment that I have never experienced, All glory to God for this!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


I'm thrilled, Janet, to read of your commitment to the Lord during these unusual days-- and during this very special season in your life where God has afforded you such FOCUS on Him. May the Lord continue to grant you the grace of contentment.




Victoria on Jan 17, 2022


what a wonderful journey this has stared out to be. i am seminary student but i have mobility limits. thank you for making this journey possible.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


I am thrilled for you, Victoria, that you are studying the Scriptures in seminary. I applaud you! I pray that the Lord will bless your studies not only for a course to pass but for a livelong ministry. I also pray that these videos would add a marvelous context to your study of the Word of God.




Lesieli on Jan 16, 2022


Thanks be to God. He actually leads me to come across your program so I can learn how Holy Land looks and more importantly to witness the places that I have been reading in the bible. Very grateful to see the videos as if I am on tour already. It really touched my heart to see the path Christ went through because of His unconditional love. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


What a blessing, Lesieli, that the Lord has led you for our paths to cross! I pray that the videos will continue to encourage you as you see the many sites that Jesus walked and the places where He taught. God bless you — and welcome!




Norma on Jan 12, 2022


Influence- God chose these lands and its people to become a witness to the world of the plan that He layouts and has for all of us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


Amen, Norma! I pray that as you study the lands and the Scriptures that the Lord would powerfully encourage you.




Chito on Jan 10, 2022


It is exciting to see close up views of the land. Israel has especially embodied a place of promise and hope; I have not been there, but thank God for bringing the Messiah to this land,and reading about how the promised hope will play out in the future.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 11, 2022


Yes, Chito, indeed Israel is an amazing land-- not just for being the place of the Bible's past, but also for being the place of the Bible's future. I pray the Lord encourages you greatly as you watch the videos and explore these wonderful, biblical places.




Stacy on Jan 8, 2022


Thank you! I love this study already! We are so excited and Blessed to have found you and your teachings .Thank you!! We, my husband and I need to trust God's way our not our ways! 💝




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2022


I am excited to have you both on this virtual tour with me! I pray that the Lord would encourage you with each and every video. God bless you.




Elvarene on Nov 28, 2021


thank you for this study, I'm very excited to receive the teaching and training with all of the knowledge, I will get, to further my growth in Him and His Word! 6 lessons contentment, hope, returning, influence, security, and trust. and we need all of them. I went on a 10 day tour of the Holy land, i was baptize in the Jordan River, that was a special feeling that i never had. thank you again for all of your hard work. Blessing to you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


What a blessing, Elvarene, that you got to go to the Holy Land! I pray that these videos will bring back many moments from your significant journey, and that you will also discover many new and wonderful places. God bless you.




Heather on Jan 12, 2022


Wow, that sounds amazing! I hope to go to the Holy land one day and see the places I've read about in Scripture and walk where Jesus walked. It is my dream to go to Capernaum, Nazareth, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. I am so grateful to have found this and I know it wasn't coincidence. Thank you Lord!

I am truly enjoying the videos and the rich history of Israel.. So wonderful to be able to see the places I've read about in Scripture. I would love to be baptized in the Jordan river, but I read that it is too contaminated now. Is that true?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


Welcome, Heather! I am thrilled that you were with me on these virtual tours. I would love for you to go to the holy land one day – and when you go, I hope you go with me! :-) The southern baptismal spot is indeed fairly dirty, but the northern baptismal spot by the Sea of Galilee is crystal clear, beautiful, and safe. You'll see what I mean in the video on the Jordan River.




Brian on Nov 3, 2021


I am new to Walking the Bible Lands. I can't wait to deepen my walk with my Savior by seeing where my Savior walked.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 4, 2021


Welcome, Brian! I'm thrilled you're on the "bus" with me here in Walking the Bible Lands. I pray the Lord will powerfully encourage you as you watch the videos and experience the sites of the Bible. God bless you.




Barbara on Oct 21, 2021


Trust. I trust Jesus to keep His promises.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


I am right there with you, Barbara, regarding trust. It's just another name for faith, isn't it?




Barbara on Oct 21, 2021


Love the scenery. Almost feel like am there.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Thank you, Barbara. I'm so glad that you are enjoying the visuals in the video. God bless you.




Dianne Reynolds on Oct 6, 2021


Hope...just knowing that as believers we have hope of eternal happiness with our heavenly Father




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2021


Amen, Dianne! God bless you.




Debi Kristall on Sep 30, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2021


I resonate with hope as well, Debo. Only the hope of resurrection gives us the strength to keep going. God bless you.




Donna on Sep 26, 2021


Through my years of walking with the Lord, I have learned a lot about these lessons, but I think "trust" stood out to me during this video. In this season of my journey, I have had to totally trust the Lord for everything day by day after my husband "went home to be with the Lord." Let's just say He has my undivided attention right now, as I navigate this "new beginning" and transition to life without my spouse after being happily married almost 50 years, and serving the Lord together for 30 years. I am learning to "rest in Him" simply trusting that He is with me, and will lead and guide me the rest of my life.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 26, 2021


Hi there, Donna. Thank you so much for sharing with me this season of your journey. I pray that the Lord would encourage you in this important time where you are fully focused on Him. I also pray that these videos would play a part in that encouragement. God bless you.




Norma on Sep 12, 2021


Trust of the past, present and future!




Marsha on Sep 4, 2021


You really need all these things together to grow. Learning God's grace is essentially allowing Him to lead you. All we need do is follow! It can be hard when we lack trust or have little faith because, let's face it, there are too many distractions in this world that make better sense to us than what God is trying to tell us.




Linds on Sep 4, 2021


My trip to Israel was November/December 2018. I was an unprepared visitor. I called myself a Christian since a young girl, etc... BUT upon returning and reflecting, I realized. how much more the trip would have meant had I really understood the value of what I was viewing and walking on. Once home, when I eagerly began to research where we had been, my historical understanding of the places and cities where things took place so enriched my understanding that the Bible is more real to me at 78 than ever.

These videos will help me remember my visit and further strengthen my faith.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2021


I felt exactly the way you did, Linds, after I returned from my first trip to Israel. I am so excited for you, having gone there and having returned to study the deeper significance of these holy places. I pray that these videos would be a powerful encouragement to you as you grow closer to the Lord you met as a little girl.




Juanita on Aug 11, 2021


Please allow me to share one of my poems. Hope you like it.


You received the letter I wrote to you as a little girl,

I was asking for forgiveness for all those in this cruel world.


All those decades ago, as I drifted further and further away,

Not realizing, close to You is where I should have stayed.


I ventured off on my own without knowing which path to take,

Thinking I could make it without You, was my biggest mistake.


So here I am once again, I’m the same little girl You knew,

I’m begging for Your forgiveness that will make me brand new.


You know everything about me, how I’ve lived and what I’ve done,

I have finally discovered “This woman’s heart, You have won”!


You’ve been there to pick me up whenever I would falter,

I didn’t know you wanted me kneeling at Your alter.


Instead I wandered off on my own, never looking back

Not knowing, without You, my days would turn to black.


You know my story, You were the Writer and the Creator

I’m now praying for forgiveness so I can become something greater.


You’ve got to know how sorry I am, because you know my heart,

I wish I could have been following You from the very start.


So, this is where I will begin

God, please forgive me of all my sin,

I’ll never leave You, never, ever again!






Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021


What a beautiful poem, Juanita! I love the way you put that and your metaphor is perfect. We are God's children — always! Thank you so much for sharing. By the way, welcome!




Juanita on Aug 11, 2021


Thank you so much. I'm so new to discovering what the Good Lord created me to be. I've lived a life far from Him and when I nearly died in 2018 due to an aneurysm and brain surgery, I knew it was high time I make some changes in my life. I really did write a letter to the Lord when I was a little girl. I didn't grow up in church, instead I grew up in housing projects in CA. Some girls picked on me on my way home from school, so I asked if they could be forgiven and tucked the letter into mom's Bible. My poem is basically my life story. Glad you enjoyed it.




Amanda on Aug 4, 2021


I would say HOPE. At this time in my life I am not where I'd like to be. However, I can see Adonai's hand of SECURITY in placing me here in this job. I am a caregiver, I live with my client, I am not running around all over the place like I was with my other clients. Even though I am here 24/7 and do not have much freedom to come and go when I want, being here right at this moment has given me protection from being in the public and less chance of being exposed to the covid-19 virus. Nevertheless I have HOPE and look forward to the day that I can have a change in my life, being a full-time Novelist and always being an ever learning student in the Bible.

I would like to one day remarry, if that is in God's plan for my life. I want to be able to be with family and have the joys of my grandkids being around more often.

I never thought in a million years I'd be where I am at right now, However I know this, "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, Plans for welfare (to prosper you) and not for calamity, to give you a future and a HOPE. Jeremiah 29:11"




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2021


Isn't it amazing, Amanda, how the Lord sovereignly guides our lives? I love that you have chosen HOPE as the emphasis of your focus right now. Indeed, the Lord gives us an amazing hope! I join you in your prayers for your future – that God would grant you great joy in His plan.




George on Aug 3, 2021


The video cuts out before continuing until stopping again. I do not have this problem with youtube. What can you suggest to get a strong signal. It has been fine up to now.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2021


George, what you're describing typically isn't an issue with the other subscribers. So sorry for the trouble... Try downloading the video to your computer and then watch it. That way, streaming isn't an issue for you. God bless you.




George on Aug 5, 2021


How do I down load your materials and videos to my computer. My internet connection for streaming is a little poor at times, but I don't see how to down load the video due to my poor knowledge of computers. Thanks so much.




Charles on Jul 23, 2021


Thank God for teaching me to trust in Him completely and to be content in whatever circumstance I find myself.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021


That is a magnificent application, Charles, and I applaud you for trusting God completely and finding contentment in every circumstance. I pray the Lord gets me to that place as well! God bless you.




Dawn on Jul 14, 2021


True security comes from God - Often I feel insecure in my life and have to regularly work on trusting God to see me through.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


I know what you mean, Dawn. Insecurities creep in through our emotions and we need God's grace to fill in the cracks. May He strengthen you as you trust in Him each day.




Linda on Jun 28, 2021


Trust and Security. I can see back to His Hand in first grade. Also all I have been through had His lessons.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2021


Great choices, Linda. Trust and security-- those are powerful lessons of faith. God bless you.




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021


Trust . Boy, I have returned again and again, going higher up the mountain of trust each time. This resonates in a season of tremendous personal change right now.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021


I am right there with you, Jenny, with needing to trust the Lord in a deeper way. May the Lord strengthen us as we cling to him!




Maria on Jun 10, 2021


Contentment. There is always a thorn in me seems like it... so I need the. O tenement to focus on God and all is well with my soul. He is in control. He is got my back. He is for me like no other. He is faithful. Right here contentment because of Him... not the circumstance.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


I appreciate your honesty, Maria. Indeed, contentment is a daily challenge, isn't it? I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you with a thankful heart and greater insight into the Scriptures. God bless you.




Maria on Jun 19, 2021


Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏God continue blessings that we are comforted with as well. Glory to God.




Lynda on Jun 4, 2021


Trust is what keeps me going. I just know that God is with me and I trust He will do what is best for me




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021


Well said, Lynda. I am right there with you in trusting God as an essential part of our walk with Him.




Deanna on May 13, 2021


I am new here, and so far I am loving these videos, as Israel is a place I would never be able to travel to, but thanks to these videos, I can learn about the area historically and geographically. I'm very excited that this is made possible. I would say Influence is the lesson I resonate with, because I am constantly asking myself how I might be of a godly influence to others. Thank you for making these videos available! I can't wait to dive further into these!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


Welcome, Deanna. I'm excited for you to explore and to see the many places of the lands of the Bible! May God bless you as you watch each video and dig deeper.




Sara on May 11, 2021


TRUST is what I need physically and spiritually. I think that is true for what Israel needs too - to trust in the LORD. I want to experience His presence - just like Israel's blooming in the desert in spite of her enemies. Thank you for this opportunity!




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2021


Yes, Sara, I also have trust as a huge lesson in my life. I pray that these videos will encourage you to trust the Lord on a deeper level. God bless you.




Charlene on May 8, 2021






Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2021


I can certainly relate to your desire for hope, Charlene! It is our anchor. God bless you.




Joe on May 6, 2021


Hope, for without Hope there is no tomorrow




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021


Well said, Joe. Yes, hope is what keeps us going as we walk with Christ. God bless you.




Maria on Apr 28, 2021


Contentment! I was a 'cactus' from sunny México and was transplanted to the shores of Lake Superior in Upper MI. I had to bloom where God had planted me! I met Jesus here...on this frozen land!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


I love your metaphors, Maria! What an amazing journey and transplant you have had! From Mexico to Lake Superior? Wow… May the Lord continue to bless you there in the frozen land.




Kendra on Apr 22, 2021


How do I access this from the internet? Ex: email? Facebook?

I am an annual member.

Also, once I watch a video, am I permitted to watch it again?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Hi, Kendra. You are welcome to watch the videos as many times as you'd like-- and you can even download them to watch when you don't have internet access. You access all of the videos only from the website. God bless you, and welcome! I pray the Lord encourages you with each video.




Lynn on Apr 21, 2021


Though I know all of God's lessons are vitally important and I look forward to learning more of how they impact my daily life, I am going to say that HOPE is the main lesson that resonates with me. Why? It is because of that HOPE I know that I have everlasting life, love, and happiness. All the other lessons are great bonuses. Again, I look forward to learning how the other lessons God wants me to learn will help me to grow.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


What a wonderful perspective, Lynn. Indeed, Hope is our major anchor of the soul. Jesus gave us a real reason to look forward to the future, didn't He? I pray that the Lord would encourage you and bless you through this video tours, and I pray that He would draw you closer to Himself in the Scriptures. God bless you.




Barbara on Apr 20, 2021


Influence - I had not realized that God placed the children of Israel in this fertile land with its natural roads (paths) and valleys as a way of influencing the neighboring nations. They would travel through Israel and see the opportunities that God had provided His children. They were a witness to other nations of the one true God by living in this tiny nation.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


That's right, Barbara. Influence was a huge part of Israel's assignment-- and it's part of ours. God bless you as you shine His light in the places God has placed you.




Genie on Apr 7, 2021


Trust. Trusting God when things don't look so good.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2021


Yes, Genie, trust is huge… It is another word for faith, an essential part of our walk with Christ.




Jeff on Apr 1, 2021


Returning, is the part that relates to me now. I'm more like the Prodigal Son that has returned back home to God. Now starting to grow again in Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


I'm thrilled, Jeff, that the "returning" is the aspect that resonates with you the most. But I'm most thrilled that the Lord has drawn you back home to Him and that you're growing in Christ. These videos are a PERFECT companion to your time in God's Word. I pray for you, truly, to be blessed and encouraged with every video.




Garry on Apr 1, 2021


Dear Wayne,

This video is stunning in its filming, your simple delivery, and the presentation of what the Lord promises. I loved the airplane filming coming into Israel as I have enjoyed that view so very much. You also covered North, South, East and West of Israel in this video. I could not really choose one very easily, but I think Trust would be my choice. So easy to give our troubles to the Lord, and just like the Hebrews did, take them back into our own hands to handle them ourselves. There are no perfect people among us. . A lady in a furniture store had a nice sofa for sale. She told her costumers that "you could seat four people on this couch without problems"!!! Good luck with finding four people without problems. A little humor for the day. An empty couch.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Indeed, Garry, we all have empty couches! I'm so glad the video was an encouragement to you. I pray it continues! God bless you.




Lucy on Mar 28, 2021


Your statement, "God takes us places we would never choose in order to to give us what we could get nowhere else...Himself.", resonated deeply in my heart. It provides ALL SIX of the lessons at once. As I pondered and wrote it down, it seemed a lightning-fast review of my life occurred and confirmed the truth of it.


Thank you for all you invested to create this Bible walk. My husband and I spent a month in Jerusalem helping remodel the home of Roy Kendall. Our evenings were filled with wonderful discoveries of the city. So glad we could do that before God called him home. These videos will be more meaningful.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


What a blessing for you, Lucy, to have spent that month in Jerusalem! You know, better than most, how significant the Bible lands can be to Bible study. I pray that the Lord brings back wonderful memories for you of your time with your husband. I also pray that all of the MANY new places you'll see will be just as encouraging. God bless you.




Stephen on Mar 28, 2021


That is a difficult question as all 6 resonate with me, but on this Palm Sunday, I think Hope is the one thing to truly resonates the most. I live in the hope of the coming of our Lord and Savior. I have been in ministry for 30 years and the hope of God never disappoints. I also hope to one day to visit the Holy Land.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


Welcome, Stephen! I'm thrilled that you're taking this journey to the Holy Land with me. I agree, Hope is the overarching magnet that keeps us moving forward in our lives and passion for Christ. Thank you so much for your significant ministry of three decades... I pray that the videos will powerfully encourage you and offer insights you can pass along to your flock. By the way, when you do go to the Holy Land one day, I hope you'll come with me! God bless you, Stephen.




Taylor on Mar 27, 2021


Wow...I've never trusted ANYONE this quickly with taking my money, i.e., your organization, so maybe I'm well on my way towards trusting God! So I would say my word is TRUST!...lol




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


That is great, Taylor! Let me say, you can trust me. :-) My whole goal is for you to see the wonderful land of the Bible and glean marvelous lessons for your life. God bless you, and welcome!




Kelsey on Mar 27, 2021


Trust resonates the most learning to trust him. As a single woman it is difficult to trust in Him because I have no security unless I do it myself.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


I am right there with you with regard to trusting the Lord. I have learned that whether I am a single person or a married person, it all boils down to trust. May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you walk daily beside Him.




Jim on Mar 26, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021


I am with you there, Jim. Hope is what I cling to each day. May the Lord continue to bless you as you hope in Him.




Diana on Mar 22, 2021


Returning. When I was there I felt like I was at home & I really did not want to go back to the us. I felt contentment, security, hope, trust & at peace when I was there. That Israel but specifically Galilee & capernaum area was where I belonged. And watching for our lords return also brings me joy & peace knowing that we will be reign with him soon & eternally. Diana




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


What a great thought of reflection, Diana. And what a privilege you had in journeying to Israel! I pray that you will have many wonderful memories from your trip there through these videos. God bless you.




Travis on Mar 21, 2021


Travis: Trust. I"ve been through a number of difficult times in my life and the Lord has seen me through them. This has helped me to trust the Lord more.

Carol: Contentment- I have depression and many times I feel that I am not good enough. This way of thinking is very exhausting on my life every day, but God shows me that trusting in Him I am good enough as He created me. This brings contentment to me. Also, seeing the Bible lands gives me contentment, too.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


These are wonderful takeaways, Travis and Carol! Thank you so much for sharing your insights and your spiritual challenges. I have prayed for you… I also pray that the Lord would powerfully encourage you through the places and through the applications in these videos. God bless you.




Travis on Mar 22, 2021


Thank you so much for praying for us! We will pray for you and that you will continue to have strength from God for this work that God has given to you. God bless you.




Leta on Mar 18, 2021


Hope. Hope that the world isn't collapsing into the devil's control




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


I know exactly what you mean, Leta. Indeed, we have to cling to hope and to faith that the Lord God is in complete control. We know He is! May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you cling tightly to Jesus Christ.




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021


After I became born again in 2011 I realise that the Lord has always been there with me I just didn't know it. In my new walk I have learned not to worry and to trust in God's timing. I know that He takes care of me so I can trust in Him. I have also learned that I may not have everything I want but I am everything I need and with that I can be content and happy




Leslie on Mar 12, 2021


Trust. It is incomprehensible how faithful our God is! Over and over and OVER throughout my life, He has led me to places and circumstances where I had to completely trust Him. And He has NEVER ONCE let me down or failed me! But every year older I grow, the more intense are the situations where I have to trust Him. And I do! But WOW do I sometimes wonder where it’s all going!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2021


I love your honest words, Leslie. So true! Our gracious Heavenly Father has never failed us once – and never will He! God bless you.




Janice on Mar 11, 2021


Hope and security.......with hope for the future and security for today.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


I am right there with you, Janice. Hope and security go hand-in-hand, don't they? I pray that the videos will be a great encouragement to you as you watch each one. God bless you.




William on Mar 8, 2021


Trust. In this time of the pandemic, isolation, and uncertainty, we need to learn to TRUST God who is the Creator of the Universe and knows all things.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021


That is right, William. Trust in God during these difficult days is the best way to move forward. May He give you grace and strength as you trust in Him! God bless you.




Cheryl on Mar 4, 2021


I would say hope and security. I depend on the Lord for my protection during and in the difficult times of life. I know that He is my helper, protector, provider, healer and redeemer; and that I can hide under His wing. In Jesus I have His gift of hope in and for my forever home with Him. He gives me peace in knowing that life down here is not all there is (Praise God!), but rather my true home is with Him forever!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Well said, Cheryl. Indeed, hope and security are rolled together, aren't they? So much of our hope comes from the fact that God's promises are secure and we can trust Him for the future. God bless you as you watch these videos.




Rowena on Mar 3, 2021


Security! I’m so thankful in our day that we have the security that the Lord has us in the palm of His hand.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


Yes, Rowena, isn't security an amazing blessing? Thank you so much for your reminder and your comment.




Greg on Feb 28, 2021


God is our hope and salvation. I’m so thankful that God alone provides all our needs if we just trust him.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021


Well said, Greg. Indeed our hope is in God alone. God bless you.




Lenora on Feb 26, 2021


Returning. I want to reignite the zeal that I used to have for studying GOD's word and spending time with him. I need to be more dedicated to making time daily to study and pray.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


I just prayed for you, Lenora, that the Lord would bless your time in His Word and in study and prayer.




Kathy on Feb 25, 2021


Trust and Security- I have often struggled with these 2 areas. I’ve always in life had to rely on myself and trusting God for my Security is so often a scary thing. I’ve gotten better over the years, but I still need to grow in these areas!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


I'm with you too, Kathy, on trust and security. How essential these are. God bless you.




Nan on Feb 25, 2021


Trust - Through the most difficult times of my life I have learned to trust the Lord and His word because they have NEVER let me down.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


So true, Nan. The Lord is the only one we can fully trust, who will never leave us or forsake us. God bless you as you follow Him.




Marlene on Feb 25, 2021


Hope and trust resonates with my life, my struggles with bipolar, COVID 19, and believing that God will help pull me through.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


I'm with you, Marlene, and I resonate with hope and trust in my life. May the Lord give you strength as you hope and trust in Him day by day. I pray the videos are a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Maureen on Feb 24, 2021


Hope most resonates as I strongly believe in these covenants However Trust is the one that I think I need to work on.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2021


I am with you, Maúreen. Indeed, hope is what I cling to each day! God bless you.




Lili on Feb 22, 2021


Returning is important to me and I have a hope to return where God put me first in the beginning.I do like to find how God will lead me and my family while I am Waking the Bible Lands.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021


Thank you for sharing this, Lili. I pray that the Lord will bless you as you return to your first love with Him. God bless you.




Teresa on Feb 20, 2021


Both trust and contentment. I live in a state that is not predominantly Christian, and I wonder every day if I should think about moving away; but I am absolutely positive that I am here because it has pushed me to become closer to God than I probably would have been anywhere else.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


I appreciate you considering where God would have you live, Teresa. He will lead you when it is time.




Elaine on Feb 20, 2021


All 6 are important to me. However, trust is an issue that God is working in my life everyday. He is gracious and patient and His blessings surround me. However, I need to let Him work in my life on all the issues. I am looking forward to understanding more of the scriptures through the videos of the Bible lands.

Thank you and God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


I know what you mean, Elaine. Trust is so essential, and it is basically a synonym for faith. May the Lord bless you and keep in your trust in Him. I pray that He uses the videos to do so! God bless you.




Diane on Feb 19, 2021


Both contentment and trust really spoke to me. I have learned to be content in my situation because I can trust that God allowed it and had a purpose in it and 4 years later I can now see the spiritual growth that has taken place in me because of that.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021


You've been blessed, Diane, to find contentment in a world that demands we be discontent. I pray the Lord continues to bless you with His wonderful perspective!




Rosemarie on Feb 17, 2021


All 6 are important and resonate with me and looking forward to learning, growing, and loving God more and more each day.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2021


So true, Rosemarie, that all of the lessons are essential for us. I pray that the Lord will bless you as you take these virtual video tours with me! God bless you.




Brenda on Feb 8, 2021


The thread of places that God uses throughout Scripture and the lessons in each place, over the thousands of years that scripture was written and the consistency of the Word through so many authors certainly speaks to the fact that truly God inspired each individual author to write as He would have them to write; without error or contradiction. Amazing truth!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


I like the way you put that, Brenda. No doubt, the Bible could only be the Word of God with its amazing consistency in spite of its amazing diversity – 40 authors, written over 1500 years, on three continents, and yet, one message!




Cheryl on Feb 5, 2021


Thank you so much! I have always wanted 2 go 2 this special place and walk where Jesus walked.....but never could afford it and now have many physical limitations which would prevent me from doing so. You are an answer 2 my prayers...I can now experience the Land of my Father and have His Word come 2 life. Thank you again 4 making this prayer and dream possible.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


I am thrilled for you, Cheryl, and you are exactly the reason I created Walking the Bible Lands. I hope and pray that the Lord genuinely encourages you through each video, and I pray you will be enlightened and excited as you see all of the places where the Bible occurred. God bless you.




John and Kathy on Jan 26, 2021


Very interesting! Captivating message. Looking forward to seeing more!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


Welcome, John and Kathy! Indeed, there is so much more to see… I pray that the Lord would powerfully encourage you.




Mary Jo on Jan 25, 2021


I'm not sure how I missed this first video. I am not certain if I am technically following the correct steps for entrance to the site, but I will learn.


I trust and ask God for patience. I know through much trial and tribulation that if Christ is in the center of our lives we will prevail. I know at those times God gives us strength to endure as long as we stay in His word. He gives us hope and our walk without fear in the core of the storm. He has shown this to me so many times.


I must stay in His word. I must pray. This is how to live a life in faith with contentment, hope and trust.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2021


You are absolutely correct. Trust is such an essential part of our walk with Christ. It is essentially the same as having faith. I pray that the Lord would encourage you with and trust as you walk with Him. God bless you.




Carol on Jan 22, 2021


Thank you so much for these videos. Lesson of hope particularly moves me. In the times we are living in sometimes it seems like there is no hope. But with Jesus we find that there is hope for the future. He is in control and He will never leave us or forsake us. God Bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 22, 2021


I am so glad that the video was encouraging for you. I agree, hope is one of my huge priorities in the Christian life. So essential that we have our Lord to look forward to! God bless you.




Donna on Jan 21, 2021


As a result of a close & personal relationship with Christ, that developed through 36 years of great sufferings, I have learned these 6 lessons. Through obedience as He's led and guided me and my family, we have learned to be content whether we have a lot or have a little. As He has rescued me through every trial, I have found hope in Him to be my rescuer and deliverer. He helped me to return back to Himself as my first love. The changes He's made in me by His indwelling Spirit, have worked character and integrity into the fiber of my being and made me an influencer to others. As a result of all the battles I've faced, I have learned that He is my Security. Due to not having anyone who could pour His living water into my heart, His Spirit and His Word became my rain and fresh well to drink from daily, to help me survive the wilderness seasons of my journey of life. As a result I've learned to trust Him and Him alone. This one video alone provided great truths! Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 22, 2021


I am so grateful, Donna, the Lord encouraged you through this initial video. There are many more to come! May God continue to keep His hand upon your life and your heart as you walk with Him each day. God bless you.




Laura on Jan 20, 2021


Lately I’ve been trying to draw closer to God and delve deeper into the Bible. I’ve told my husband how awesome it would be to go to the Holy Land. I’m a very visual person and it helps to see places I read about. It’s amazing how God answers prayers and opens doors when you seek Him. It’s no coincidence that your free webinar came across on my phone. Now I can experience the Bible in a unique way. God is good...AlWAYS!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2021


I am really excited for you, Laura. If the Lord led you here through answered prayer, He has much He wants to show you and teach you in these marvelous lands of the Bible! God bless you.




Sharon on Jan 19, 2021


Trust is my problem. I have a hard time trusting. I always have. Prayerfully that is improving as I practice being still before the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2021


I am right there with you, Sharon. Trust is a tough assignment, isn't it? Thankfully, the Lord gives us plenty of opportunities to grow in our trust of Him by day, month by month, year by year…. The Lord strengthen you and encourage you as you walk with Him.




Kathy on Jan 18, 2021


Thank you, Dr. Stiles, for developing this wonderful collection of videos. My sister and I live in different cities, but this gives us the opportunity to "study" the Bible together. The beautiful photography definitely adds to my understanding of how God has lead God's people to a deeper relationship.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2021


How exciting, Kathy, that you and your sister get to study the Bible together and watch the videos. I pray the Lord powerfully blessed your time in His Word. God bless you!




Leah on Jan 18, 2021


Sister, I'm looking forward to touring the lands, and the Bible, with you and Dr. Stiles.




Louella on Jan 15, 2021


TRUST. When I first saw how dry some of the land are, I thought wow, it must be very hard to live there, why would they want to? And when I heard the reason, it humbled me, Yes indeed, we should trust the Lord in our lives FIRST and the rest will follow; for “He alone provides and He alone protects“. Thank you Dr. Wayne Stiles for not only showing us the places in super clear and amazing shots BUT also putting it all together with a reflection ❤️




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021


I am so glad, Louella, that you are enjoying the videos and their applications. In truth, application is one of the greatest reasons we do these videos. God bless you.




Rayne on Jan 14, 2021


Hope and Trust. All of my hope and trust are in God. It's nice to know that this thread existed when the Bible began to help God's great soldiers and it exists today to help me.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021


I am right there with you, Rayne. My hope and trust are in God. May the Lord strengthen you as you cling to Him.




Maria on Jan 8, 2021


It is hope, security and trust. With God in my life, there is always something to be hopeful for no matter how difficult my circumstances may become. Security, in God alone I know I can find my security and protection from any evil nor harm. Trust in God who is always true to His promises and He alone is in control of everything.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2021


Wonderful applications you've shared, Maria, on hope, security and trust. Thank you.




Jerry on Jan 6, 2021


Of the six lessons of the land, the one that resonates mostly with me is the Hope, since God's promises of Blessings through Abraham have made it possible for me to be drafted into that promise as a Gentile. My plans to come on an actual tour in 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID- pandemic. Therefore, I am thankful that I am a subscriber to Walking the Bible Lands to see these historical lands explained.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2021


I have to say I agree with you, Jerry. Hope is such an essential part of our walks as Christians. It is the foundation of our commitment to wait on God. This may indeed open up again for travel to Israel. If so, I invite you to join me. It would be a magnificent tour with you. God bless you-- and welcome!




Rhonda on Dec 30, 2020


I have been wanting to go to the Holy Land but could not. I am caring for my mom. I was caring for both parents but my dad passed away Oct. 22, 2020 so I have my mom left to take care. I feel this is what God wants me to do.

I have taken a couple of classes on virtual and wanted to go to Israel to take a tour under the people I studied (they are also tour guides of the Holy Land). I believe God lead me to you Dr. Wayne Stiles.


For some reason what's on my mind is Return and cant wait to get to all the lessons but return hits my heart and I dont know why.

Thank you for this tour and study. I am very excited. Rhonda R




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I applaud you, Rhonda, for caring for your mom after your father's recent passing. I pray that these virtual video tours will powerfully connect the Bible and its lands to your life. May God bless you abundantly as you see these wonderful sites.




Abigail on Dec 26, 2020


Anyone else notice how the first letter of each lesson spells CHRIST





Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2020


Great observation, Abigail! 😄




Sue on Dec 23, 2020


Trust! I always say to people that not having trust in God and His Word in one of His biggest bugaboo!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2020


Well said, Sur! May the Lord strengthen you to trust Him even more. God bless you.




David on Dec 21, 2020


I didn't catch how to get the 30 devotions




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020


Hi, David. The 30 devotions are a gift for those who attended the webinar, but since you've joined Walking the Bible Lands, you have access to all 90 audio devotions (which include the 30). You can download the audiobook here.


God bless you, David, and welcome to Walking the Bible Lands. I pray the Lord will bless and encourage you through the videos and His Word.




Mary on Dec 21, 2020


I can’t wait to get started! After suffering from a traumatic event which shook my faith to the core, I have been praying for a sense of reality to Christianity, the reality I knew and never doubted as a child and young adult. I believe this might be a step toward an answer to that prayer.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2020


What a wonderful step for you, Mary, to dive deeply into the reality of the Scriptures! I am confident you won't be disappointed in what you find. In fact, I did an episode that focuses on this very subject of faith and doubt. Check out the video on Machaerus and John the Baptist's doubt. I hope it is a great encouragement to you! May the Lord bless you as you seek the truth in His Word. I am always here for you for any questions.




Mary on Dec 21, 2020


Thank you. That was a good reminder to put faith in God’s promises not our feelings.




Martha on Dec 20, 2020


Trust I have to not compare my Heavenly Father with earthly fathers. His expectations and love for me is so very different !!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2020


I do understand that struggle, Martha, of comparing our earthly fathers with our Heavenly Father. Your comment reminds me of the encouragement found in Hebrews 12:9–10: “We had earthly fathers to discipline us... For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.” Indeed, our gracious Heavenly Father is perfect in every way. May you continue to deepen in your understanding and love for Him. I pray that the videos will be a great encouragement to you as you understand the Bible lands and the God of the Bible even better! God bless you.




Annabelle on Dec 16, 2020


Contentment and trust.contentment because without it I will never be happy with anything I have or will achieve and probably anxious of what will become of my tomorrow if I have no trust in God’s provisions.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


Those are wonderful takeaways, Annabelle. May the Lord continue to give you contentment, trust, and His blessing as you watch the videos and study His Word.




Levi on Nov 30, 2020


We have committed to taking each of our children, with their Sunday School Teacher, to Israel when they turn 12. We took our eldest daughter last year and had an amazing trip. She applied for membership in our church as soon as we returned. Our next daughter’s trip is scheduled this Spring, though we can’t expect travel to be open by then. Your videos will be a wonderful way to introduce her in preparation for her special time there. Thank you for what you are doing to bring the Holy Lands, and the Word of God that Infuses them, to life, right where we are now and in our own homes.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 1, 2020


What a magnificent blessing, Levi, for your family – and especially for your daughters! We have taken both of our daughters to Israel multiple times, and it has transformed the way they read the Bible. You are investing in a lifetime of blessings. So sorry your spring trip has been canceled. I invite you and would love to have you join me for any of my upcoming tours to Israel and the Bible Lands– including the fall of 2021. In the meantime, I pray that these videos will be a great preparation and blessing for your trips. God bless you.




Penny on Nov 29, 2020


Visited Israel in 2019 and just did not see enough. Looking forward to "Walking the Bible Lands" to see & learn more.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


What an amazing blessing for you, Penny, to have visited Israel in 2019. I pray that these videos will bring back many wonderful memories from your significant journey – and also offer some additional insights for your study in God's Word. God bless you.




Teresa on Nov 20, 2020


What are we looking at in the beginning of each video. You may tell in a video and I haven't watched it yet. Thanks





Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


Each video stands alone, Teresa. Go ahead and watch a few, and let me know if it doesn’t make sense. God bless you.




Teresa on Nov 20, 2020


I mean when the music is playing. All of them are the same.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2020


The opening music and map are just visuals, similar for each video—except the map changes slightly, depending on where the video's location is. It's more of a visual introduction rather than an attempt to teach much. The video itself is the content.




Joan on Sep 28, 2020


Wow, It never occurred to me that the land could shape the lives of the people and the events that took place in the Bible. Not just every given names, numbers, but also the geographic settings have all been chosen by God when He inspired the scripture, so

knowing the land should help us to have a fuller understanding of the Bible truths and better apply them to our lives. I am looking forward to the next 6 lessons on Contentment, Hope, Returning, Influence, Security, and Trust. Thanks your insight and for making this program.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2020


I am glad that the video provided some encouragement and insight, Joan. There are many more videos to come, most of which point to one of the six lessons – though not specifically mentioning them. I pray you are encouraged as we continue this journey together. God bless you.




Patricia on Sep 27, 2020


Returning. It shows God's wonderful grace and patience. He is constantly pursing me and never gives up!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2020


That's exactly right, Patricia. Returning to the same places over and over shows God's amazing grace in our lives. I am so grateful that He never gives up on us. God bless you.




Deborah on Sep 17, 2020


Exciting ! Looking forward to watching and learning!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2020


Welcome, Deborah! May the Lord bless you and encourage you as you watch the videos and take the tour.




Greg on Sep 17, 2020


I think this is a video that I will need to watch multiple times. So simple and yet so profound.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


Very true, Greg. In fact, you will see these same six principles repeated a number of times. They are so significant in our study of the Bible lands. May the Lord bless you as you continue to study.




Pamela on Sep 16, 2020


I have learned and still learning that my trust in God goes to several different levels. By faith, my trust is continually being developed in Him. I believe that He can trust me to trust Him through whatever situation I am faced with, because He always, always, always gives me the victory through Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2020


I admire your faith, Pamela. Indeed trust is a huge aspect to our walk with Christ. The longer we live, ideally, the greater our trust in him will be as we see over and over his faithfulness in our lives. God bless you – and welcome!




Leigh on Sep 14, 2020


Trust is my first. As I have been learning more I am trusting the Lord more and he continues to give me hope. As we all have been going through a rough year I have realized more so now than ever that I can’t succeed on my own. I have tried and it never works out well. And so I was baptized February 23 2019 and since then I have had set backs but I am mores dedicated to now to put my trust, faith and hope in the Lord for I know he is always with me, loves me and will never forsake me. You can’t say that about any human.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2020


Those are some wonderful insights God has given you this year, Leigh. Trust is indeed so essential, isn't it? It is almost synonymous with faith in our daily lives with God. May the Lord continue to encourage you with truth and to give you a great confidence in Him.




Carolyn on Aug 27, 2020


I believe contentment resonates with me more because I am 74 and I am happy to be where I am at this point in my life. I have lived fully and the ups and downs refined me. I embrace peace , joy, and contentment now more than I ever have. I am walking everyday with Jesus and I rejoice!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 28, 2020


Your joy is contagious, Carolyn! Thank you so much for sharing – and I am thrilled you're on the bus here. :-)




Linda on Aug 20, 2020


Contentment, hope & trust. No contentment w/out hope & no hope w/out trust.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


Well said, Linda. Isn't it amazing how each of these tends to interweave with each other? May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him.




Linda on Aug 16, 2020


Hi There,


My name is Linda and I have just signed up about 1/2 hour ago.

I had been to the Holy Land in January 2020 with Pr Rick Ousley and members of his Alabama Church and my Pastor. We have had a great time of learning and seeing where Jesus had actually walked and taught. It was a totally breath taking experience. I loved the tour and it made the Bible came alive and allowed me to see God from a different perspective. I will not be able to afford another such trip soon and this virtual tour will help me relive those places and lots more. Looking forward to this Virtual Tour and God Bless you and team, Dr Stiles.








Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020


I am excited for you, Linda, to relive your significant trip you took to Israel. I pray that the memories that you get to relive will be a wonderful encouragement to you in your walk with God. In addition, there is so much more to see! God bless.




Karlene on Aug 13, 2020


Hi, I m Karlene & have just become a member! I am so excited to get started & there s so much in ur videos to see, read, absorb.....!!!! This will be my Israel trip via you! I like the way u explain, calm voice, pleasant, & all. I have to charge my iPhone up now but am very much looking forward to enjoying the Biblelands with u!!! Now, next month, u will send more info & so in? God bless u! Appreciatively, Karlene




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2020


Welcome, Karlene. I am excited for you to take these virtual tours. Yes, you will be receiving an email each Thursday that introduces you to another video. You can also browse the various videos at your leisure. The bonus section is full of wonderful resources. God bless you, and welcome!




Elena on Aug 13, 2020


Hope. My hope is in the Lord! With God there is always hope!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2020


I am with you on the need of hope, Elena. Indeed, hope is what we cling to every day in these uncertain days. God bless you.




Marge on Aug 13, 2020


During this season the lesson of hope; that no matter what is going on around us and with us, we have eternal hope. The word of God assures us of this promise.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


What a wonderful perspective, Marge. I agree with you that hope is so essential in these uncertain days. How thankful we are that our powerful and sovereign God is on the throne.




Pat on Aug 1, 2020


The Good Shepherd photo, Jesus holding the lamb




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


It is a wonderful visual, isn't it, Pat? Jesus is our good shepherd and we are the lambs He holds.




Pat on Jul 31, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2020


That's wonderful, Pat. Security is such a huge need for us these days. God bless you as you seek Him and as you enjoy these videos.




Cathy on Jul 30, 2020


Hope I say this because I'm transitioning from my job of 29 yrs not because I chose to but because of downsizing and giving the option to go out on FMLA at the young age of 60.In August 61. Hope Rms 8:24😊. 🙏🏽🙏🏽




Wayne Stiles on Jul 31, 2020


May the Lord bless you, Cathy, as He leads you into this new season of life. And welcome to Walking the Bible Lands! I pray you are encouraged as you see the places where the Bible happened.




Steven on Jul 29, 2020


My Adult Bible Class will soon complete our multi-month study of the book of ISAIAH. We began this study well before my own first visit to Israel in the spring of this year. The theme of "Return", of course, runs throughout this important Prophetic text. This theme particularly stood out to me as I watched your wonderful introductory video. Many thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020


Welcome, Steven! What a wonderful privilege your congregation and class have as you introduce them to the complete "context" of the Bible. May the Lord bless you as you shepherd, teach, and grow personally.




Mary on Jul 28, 2020


Trust in God. We never walk alone because God is with us always.. He will protect us. God will never take you into a challenge or bad situation without leading you through it. We must trust God and he will always be there for us. God will provide.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020


I like the way you put that, Mary. It reminds me of those wonderful, familiar verses in Proverbs 3:5-6.




Sherry on Jul 23, 2020


Amazing footage! :)




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Thank you, Sherry. I am glad you enjoyed the video, and I pray the Lord continues to bless you abundantly.




Linda on Jul 23, 2020


Ready for this




Julia on Jul 16, 2020


Just joined and was already challenged to dig deeper. Might not get anything else done. Dust just settle down and spider webs go to sleep!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020


That's great, Julia. I hope you continue to be challenged to dig deeper into God's Word. May the Lord bless you as you do so.




Janet on Jul 9, 2020


I watched the first video and the pictures where Jesus walked are simply breathtaking




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020


I am glad you enjoyed the video, Janet. If you want to dive in and see many of the places Jesus walked, you might enjoy watching the nine-part video series on the life of Jesus. You can see it here.




Katherine on Jul 6, 2020


Contentment most resonates with me as I would keep looking for the next best thing. I want to learn how to be content no matter what.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020


That is a wonderful goal, Katherine. Contentment is such a challenge, isn't it? How essential that we cling to our Good Shepherd in moments of want. God bless you as you walk with Christ.




Judy on Jul 6, 2020


Acceptance of all cultures and people. I live in Hawaii and am in the minority most of the time, but have never had problems. Have just loved and accepted everyone and they have done the same.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2020


What a blessing, Judy, that God has given you such a grace-filled environment. I pray that you enjoy these videos and that they give you a great encouragement into the Word of God and into the lands of the Bible. God bless you.




Nancy on Jul 2, 2020


Trust resonates with me. Too often I grab the wheel and try to drive when it's The Lord whom I should trust!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


I do understand that tendency, Nancy. How easy it is to be a backseat driver with the Lord. May He give you strength and grace as you trust Him.




Amy on Jun 30, 2020


I am looking forward to this. I really like seeing the places talked about in the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


How exciting! Seeing the places where the Bible occurred really makes a difference in your study of the Word of God.




Jeanne on Jun 29, 2020


I am really excited to see more of the Bible come to life and in a way that I can understand it. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2020


I am excited for you, Jeanne. I pray that the Lord will powerfully bless you as you watch the videos and experience the land of the Bible.




Karen on Jun 28, 2020


I am so excited that i found this and joined thank you




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2020


Welcome, Karen! Just curious, but was your family in our church years ago? I know your name. :-)




Yvette on Jun 27, 2020


I had the awesome opportunity to travel to the Holy Land this year. As you mentioned earlier it was a “Blur “ so much to take in, so I’m excited to have this opportunity to build upon that time.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2020


What an amazing privilege you had, Yvette, to visit the land of the Bible. I pray that you enjoy some clarity to the blur you experienced! May the Lord bless you through these videos. God bless you.




Yvette on Jun 27, 2020


Contentment relates most but I have struggled with them all,




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2020


You're not alone, Yvette. Contentment is a huge challenge for us in a world of marketing, comparisons, and lack. I'm so grateful to the Lord for those occasions when His security overwhelms us enough to rest our hearts in Him.




Linda on Jun 25, 2020


This is truly incredible..to be able to take a virtual tour with bible teachings,showing us the actual places that we have been reading in the bible for all of these years is so very beautiful. I am absorbing everything. I definitely feel that God has led me to this program. Thank you so very much for this opportunity. I will make sure to refer others. Blessings, Linda Scarpitti




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2020


I am so glad, Linda, that the Lord has led you to this site and these videos. I pray that you are encouraged and inspired as you see the places and lessons from the Scriptures. God bless you.




Jerry on Jun 18, 2020


I couldn't write fast enough to fill in the blanks.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


Hi, Jerry. Are you referring the webinar? If so, I've put the replay in the bonus section. You're welcome to watch the webinar again. God bless you.




Nick on Jun 11, 2020


Good teaching !




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020


Thank you, Nick! God bless you.




Lynne on Jun 11, 2020


Hope resonates most with me because it reminds me that what God promises, He fulfills. All one has to do is look to Scripture to confirm that truth. Our world today desperately needs that hope.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020


Hope is at the top of my list as well, Lynne. It is the magnet that pulls me forward in my walk with God and my love for people. May the Lord continue to deepen your help in His coming! God bless.




Martin on Jun 5, 2020


Contentment. While equally as valid, it seems to me the other 5 can fall into place when we rely on the fact and accept that contentment and much more (hope, returning to grace, influence, security, and trust) can be ours when we accept that He always knows what's best for us, even if we don't.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2020


Well said, Martin. I agree-- and I'm amazed at how interrelated all of the lessons are to one another. Like legs on a stool, the all serve to support us in our walk with Christ. God bless you.




Rebekah on May 28, 2020


Trust...... I want to lean into the Lord, for trust, with trust, and to abide in trust. I would love to walk away with the kind of trust the Israel people have with the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2020


That's a wonderful goal, RebeKah! I pray and hope that the Lord gives you a deeper trust in Him – and in a gracious way along a path of mercy.




Denise on May 23, 2020


My previous comment was from seeing the videos on Judah. God has moved me to a place " beside the still waters " and given me this study. I love the teaching that" God puts us in places that we would not choose in order to give us what we could not receive any where else...Himself" Thank you so much for sharing




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


I’m glad, Denise, that the principle of God putting us in unwanted places was an encouragement to you. So often those moments are only encouraging in hindsight! I am grateful the Lord has led you to this study and I pray you are encouraged each time. God bless.




Denise on May 23, 2020


I loved to see the beauty of the sheep in the green areas. I loved seeing the relationship of the Alleiha Valley to Bethlehem and Gath. I loved seeing and learning about the Herodian and how God has the final word.

Thank you for the spiritual insights. What a joy to know "God leads us, comforts us and goes behind us with His goodness". An important instruction I gained to encourage my walk is to just " do the next right thing and trust God to make my days great in His time and for His purpose".




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


I agree with you, Denise. That principle of just doing the next right thing is a helpful one when you’re not sure what to do.




Alejandra on May 11, 2020


The returning lesson really spoke to my heart. I'm in a place in life where I feel the need to return to where I met the Lord the first time. Returning to my first love. Returning to Him with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. I'm praying for a renewed spirit within me, a renewed passion for Him, and for even greater things to do for His name and His kingdom.




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


That's a wonderful goal, Alejandra. I pray that the Lord grants you the desires of your heart – and allows you to do even greater things for His name and His kingdom.




Lauralee on May 14, 2020


Alejandra, I'm praying for you right now that you will "return to where you met the Lord the first time." May you be revived and refreshed and useful for His work.




Alejandra on May 26, 2020


Thank you so much for your prayers!




Laura on May 8, 2020


Absolutely Beautiful.. Someday would love to visit in person.




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2020


I will join you in that prayer, Laura, that you can visit Israel in person one day. It is a magnificent experience!




Sandy on May 7, 2020


I loved the video of the Top 6 lessons but it went so fast it was hard to complete the written notes or fill in the blanks. Is there a place to watch the video again. I found the audio but it isn't the same.




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2020


Hi, Sandi. Yes, you can watch the recorded webinar in the Bonus Section. Please let me know if you need something else! God bless you.




Rose on Apr 30, 2020


RETURNING is the word that most resonate with me after viewing the video from the 6 lessons of the land. For my 49th Birthday this year, I was very fortunate enough to visit Jerusalem for the very first time. The experience was quite overwhelming, profound and special. I am an international flight attendant for United airlines and I started flying for work to Israel since May of 2019, which is almost a year from now. But before flying to Israel, I began reading and learning about Israel and Jerusalem. I did not do much planning for this birthday trip but everything came into place for my work schedule in order for me to have made this unexpected birthday trip possible. In fact, I found out that I will be able to go to Jerusalem for my birthday just two weeks prior to my birthday which also coincidently fell into Ash Wednesday this year. I feel in my heart that it wasn't just a coincidence and that I was meant to be there. I want to go back to Israel after this lockdown is over. In the meantime, I look forward to virtually traveling and learning about the Holy Land and the Bible through these wonderful video series.




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


What a blessing, Rose, that you got to go to Israel after all this time. And what a blessing that the Lord provided you a vocation that enables you to do so! I pray that your membership to Walking the Bible Lands will be a great encouragement to your walk with God, as well as a great preparation for your next journey to Israel. God bless you.




Apple on May 1, 2020


hi uncle Wayne how do i turn the volume on?




Cheri on Apr 30, 2020


I’m so excited about this!! I visited the Holy Land in 2013 with my husband for our 20th wedding anniversary and really want to go back. I can’t wait to discover the Holy Land more through this video series.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2020


What a blessing, Cheri, for you to have gone to Israel in 2013 with your husband. I am sure that these virtual video tours will remind you of many things that you saw, and I pray that they will introduce you to many, many more new sites and insights! God bless you.




Heather on Apr 28, 2020


Trust most resonates with me. We are taught in several scriptures that the Lord will provide, we need to be still, we need to wait for him, we need to trust him. Contentment was a little shocking. I have never thought of it as not being content with what the Lord gives you (as you said they moved from where the Lord placed them). I can't wait to delve deeper into this part.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020


I have to agree with you, Heather. I think trust is so foundational because it is almost synonymous with faith — which is the entire underpinning of our walk with Christ. Most of the other lessons and characteristics stand on faith's foundation. May the Lord bless you as you continue to seek Him! And I pray that these videos will be a helpful part of that journey. God bless you.




Judy on Apr 23, 2020


All 6 resonate equally with me, I think, because I have a hunger for God that hasn't begun to be satisfied by several years of Bible studies. It's my hope that thru these videos I will become closer to my Lord and Savior.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2020


I'll join you in that prayer, Judy, that the Lord will draw you closer to Himself through His Word and through experiencing the "context" of the Bible in these videos on the Bible lands. God bless you.




Judy on Apr 24, 2020


Thank you so much for your prayers, Wayne! Your videos and commentary are amazing....looking forward to seeing and hearing about the Holy land in the coming days and weeks! God bless you.




Paul on Apr 21, 2020


What are the three wonderful and unconditional covenants? Land, Seed, and Blessings... what are the bible verses associated with these covenants?


Thank you...




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2020


Great question, Paul. The three unconditional covenants are to:

1. Abraham -- for land, descendants, blessing (Gen. 12:1-3)

2. David -- for his house, throne, kingdom (2 Sam. 7:16)

3. New Covenant to Israel -- for indwelling Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sins (Jer. 31:31-34)

The video series on the Birth of Jesus talks more about these as well. God bless you.




Julie on Apr 17, 2020


Trust is something I have struggled with my entire life, as persons who were in positions to be most trustworthy let me down and I was injured. Perhaps God has placed me in a "land of lack" - not necessarily geographically - but relationship wise in order to show me He is the only one who can provide for me.......the need to be loved and accepted for whom He created me to be and to be dependent on Him alone. The more I begin to trust His love, promises, leading and guiding, I will no longer allow the past to interfere with current beautiful trustworthy relationships.....even trusting myself to become all that He created me to be. I will be able to freely and confidently say, "He's got me" in every area of life in all situations.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2020


I’m sorry to hear that, Julie. Your situation sounds like it was a tough one to have been in. Sometimes when I look back at the people who have betrayed me, it does make me very wary of trusting anyone ever again. But I believe the Lord would have us try. I appreciate your bravery and courage. God bless you.




Jaz on Apr 16, 2020


“Trust” resonated with me the most. My entire faith walk with God is based on me trusting His faithfulness. He is my sustainer, provider and so much more!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2020


That's a great aspect, Jaz (great name). It really is a matter of trust each day, each step, each breath. God bless you.




Patricia on Apr 13, 2020


I am totally enjoying my new membership. I have never been to the Holy Lands. These videos are helping me so much to aborb the place, what happened there, and the principles to apply to my life. Thank you.

I wonder if there is the potential to somehow do a bible study with these?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2020


Good to hear from you, Patricia. Welcome, once again, to Walking the Bible Lands! I'm thrilled you're taking these virtual video tours with me.

You asked about a Bible study? Many people simply print the PDF transcripts for personal or group study, and then they watch the video and discuss its relevant Scriptures as a group. Is this what you're asking? God bless.




Hayden on Apr 13, 2020


I am filled with joy and contentment as I wind my busy day down to the first video. It is exciting! Thank you, Mr. Wayne. I look forward to our journey. :)




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2020


I'm excited too, Hayden, to be taking this journey with you. I pray the Lord powerfully blesses and encourages you with each and every video. There's SO much to see. :-) God bless you.




Susan on Apr 13, 2020


I am very excited to be taking this journey.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2020


It is great to have you on these virtual tours, Susan! I pray that this journey would be a great encouragement to your walk with Christ. I believe that you will see some wonderful places that connect the Scriptures to your life. God bless you.




Caroline on Apr 11, 2020


Hope....that our country returns to Him. Hope for a massive revival in the hearts of men...worldwide as a result of COVID-19.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2020


Amen! Thanks and God bless.




Julie on Apr 17, 2020


Caroline - I've been calling this period....."The Great Pause"....and it can be so purposeful! I, too, have been praying that God's children use this pause as a means to really "listen in the quiet" and return to Him. We have seen so much good happening in our city.




Paul on Apr 10, 2020


Is it possible that you add subtitle to the video... it will help tremendously...




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10, 2020


Hi, Paul. I don't have subtitles available, but most videos do have the full transcript for download in the sidebar. I hope this helps some. God bless you as you take these virtual tours and see the lands of the Bible. Thank you.




Kimber on Nov 25, 2019


I don't know that there is one lesson that resonates with me. I've been to Israel twice and want to take it all in, learn and be shaped by all 6 lessons.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2019


You're way ahead of the curve, Kimber, having taking two tours to Israel. What a privilege. I hope and pray the virtual tours help you relive many moments in Israel and that you'll also experience many, many new places and principles for your walk with God. Welcome!




Stacey on Aug 27, 2019


Hope, I am blessed with hope, the confidence that God will fulfill all His promises, that all His promises are Yes in Christ!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 27, 2019


That's a wonderful expectation, isn't it, Stacey? Hope is so, so vital to our perseverance. Thanks!




Barbara on Jul 27, 2019


I trust in the Lord, I am living God’s plan for my life. I have been to Israel last year and am planning on returning this November. These videos will enrich my next trip. Thank you and God Bless




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2019


I hope your enjoy reliving your trip to Israel, Barbara, as well as preparing for your next tour in November. How exciting for you! God bless you, and welcome to Walking the Bible Lands.




Corlyus on May 1, 2019


Having visited Israel twice I want to learn all I can. Trusting is probably most important to me. Knowing God will take me exactly where I need to be & when.




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2019


I'm right there with you, Corlyus. Trust is a huge part of the Christian life that we need help with from the Lord. I'm so glad you've joined Walking the Bible Lands, and I pray that you're blessed and encouraged by God as we journey through the Bible Lands together.




Lynn on Apr 25, 2019


I love the clarity of the videos because I was just in Israel 2 months ago and I feel like am transported back when I watch. Wayne's explanations which are easy to understand and very effective.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2019


So good to hear from you, Lynn. And thanks! That's precisely what I'd hoped and pray you would receive as a member of Walking the Bible Lands. I hope you relive MANY of your experiences from Israel-- and so many more new ones. God bless you.




Dawn on Apr 24, 2019


Security and Trust most resonated with me. Knowing that God's plan for my life is always good.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2019


Those are huge for me too, Dawn. I especially appreciate knowing God's plan for our lives always has His best intentions. God bless you.




Tera on Apr 23, 2019


I am excited to explore these lands. I really want to know more of where Jesus was and all the events in the Bible took place.

Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2019


Great to hear from you, Tera. In addition to the weekly video emails you'll receive, you can explore the sites on your own. In fact, there are 9 videos on the life of Jesus-- the Passion Week videos are the final 3. Once again, welcome!




Gloria on Apr 19, 2019


I had never thought about the location of Israel as important in God's plan for the nations. I realize that because of its location, Israel was able to exert influence over all of the other nations in the then-known world. I wonder if that might not be so today also. Sometimes, I think, Americans view the United States as the center of influence in the rest of the world, but is that just an acknowledgement of our egotism or a reality? Could it be that the REALLY influential area of the world is the area in and around the Bible lands? I look forward to learning more as I explore these lessons and videos.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2019


Geography played a huge role in Israel influence, but since we have airplanes now, influence is more of a principle to apply. You'll see this much more in the videos on Capernaum and Megiddo. Thanks, Gloria.




Marianne on Mar 23, 2019


What a unique perspective about what the Land of Israel teaches us in the six areas of our walk with Him. Thank you, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2019


You're welcome, Marianne! I pray you and John enjoy re-experiencing these places. :-)




Marta on Feb 8, 2019


We are going to enjoy the coming adventure




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2019


Marta, I'm thrilled that you've joined Walking the Bible Lands! I pray that you TRULY are encouraged by God's Word and the land of the Bible. God bless you.




Judy on Nov 11, 2018


contentment!- Realize how often God's children want to be someplace else, instead of learning the lessons the Lord has for us- in the very place He put us..




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2018


Yes, Judy, contentment seems to be a lesson we need to learn over and over... Thanks.




James on Sep 17, 2018


"The Holy Land gives a sense of authenticity to our Holy Bible." It sure does, especially when you lift out those 6 lessons for us. Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2018


Thanks, James. Those lessons have tons of implications, scattered like stones in most every site in Israel.




Laura on Aug 19, 2018


Hope, security and trust.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2018


Those elements of faith are high on my list as well, Laura. Thanks for your comment.




Christine on Aug 14, 2018


I am so looking forward to continuing this journey into a deeper understanding of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I had the opportunity to visit Israel for 10 days in January 2018. I was asked upon my return if the trip had made a difference. I thought for a short while and responded that God created such a wonderful world and that He has blessed us abundantly regardless of where He placed us. I still believe that, but visiting Israel, in reality, was a dream of mine since I finally realized that Christ Jesus, in His love, saved even me. I am content where I am, but hope to return to Israel again. Until that time, I am so looking forward to revisiting via this Walking the Bible Lands site. Thank you so much for offering this.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2018


So glad you've joined the "tour", Christine! I pray the Lord profoundly blesses you as you re-enjoy the Bible lands. God bless you.




Mary on Jul 12, 2018


Lesson #4 Influence spoke to me the most with where I am right now. God has been convicting me and showing where I have lost my self-control and have taken my eyes off of the Kingdom and onto the world. I have been letting the world influence me but I am ready to commit and surrender to God to transform me and remove the desire to give into a temptation that for years I had conquered. It is a little seed that has been growing and growing and I have let it get to a point where now I am sinning in this area. I know that God uses me to influence others for Christ, but I also know that I cannot take others where I'm not willing to go myself. Thank you, Lord for your Holy Spirit that has been convicting me and revealing to me my sin.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2018


How wonderfully transparent of you, Mary. You might enjoy watching the video on Megiddo, which is all about influence—and how essential it is that we guard our hearts.




Mary on Jul 12, 2018


Thanks Wayne. I have learned through the years that people can relate to you more when you are transparent and don't pretend that you have it all together. There is so much in our culture that we need to guard against. And it starts in our minds. I will watch the Megiddo video. Thanks for recommending. Blessings.




Jeffrey on Jun 24, 2018


It is difficult to pick just one of the six lessons because they all resonate with me, but I would say that trust resonates the most. I know that no matter what happens in my life or what I face, I can always trust in God's love and His promises to us.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2018


What a fabulous truth you share here, Jeffrey. Yes-- trust is so foundational to our walk. It really is another word for faith, I think, which is essential from the beginning of our relationship with God all the way to the end. Thanks for your comment. God bless.




Judy on Jun 21, 2018


Thank you. Comprehensive and exciting overview of the Bible lands. looking forward to seeing more soon.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2018


Glad you enjoyed the video, Judy. Thanks for letting me know. God bless.




Karen on Jun 14, 2018


All 6 do, but TRUST resonates the most. I would (and sometimes still do) go through the same trials over and over till I open the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit, and be obedient. And the biblical promises happen. Now I go to the Word first to hopefully cut off a huge trial beforehand with perfect wisdom and knowledge from God. Obedience truly is key, and is actually freeing. Love God’s way for us.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018


It really does seem to boil down to trust, doesn't it, Karen? I like the way you put it: "Obedience . . . is actually freeing." So, so true.




Melinda on Jun 3, 2018


Contentment. There is no true, lasting contentment to be found in this fallen world. I have learned through the challenges of my life that only faith and trust in God provides the peace that is needed.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2018


You're right, Melinda. Contentment from this world is truly an illusion. My challenge (far too often) is to resist the urge to become a cynic. Still choosing genuine joy in the Lord-- that's the assignment. :-) Thanks.




Lydia on Jun 1, 2018


The lesson that most resonates with me:

Security--I in God, and He in me. He never leaves me behind. Even the land itself is

secure in its place. So many things of God happened right here for many years, God also chose this land and its people and never let go.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 2, 2018


I like that perspective, Lydia: "Even the land is secure..." That's true-- and it's a great illustration of our security. Thanks and God bless.




Brenda on May 31, 2018


This was excellent.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 1, 2018


Thank you, Brenda. So glad you enjoyed the video. God bless.




James on May 31, 2018


Contentment and Hope resonate with me especially after the closing lesson, "God alone, provides; and God alone, protects." In this we find contentment and hope!




Wayne Stiles on May 31, 2018


Great perspective, James. I like the way you connected those thoughts. Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2018


Which of the 6 lessons from the land—contentment, hope, returning, influence, security, and trust—most resonates with you?



Top 6 Lessons Overview

The Wilderness - Enjoying Security from the Good Shepherd



I can look back on my 74 years and see the consistency and promises of God in my life…even before I was a Christ follower ! 

He’s the BEST! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14 


Yes, Anne, isn't that so true-- and amazing? We love because He first loved us. 






Wanda on Apr 13 


How foolish I can be to try and provide for myself when Jesus is right there by my side with abundance and love that has no end. How foolish of me to want something else when only Jesus knows what I really need. I’m amazed that Satan can snatch away from my mind how God has ALWAYS provided for me. Again, thank you Wayne for giving me the means to be a part of this wonderful medium. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14 


We all need those reminders, Wanda! I'm right there with you. 




Cynthia on Feb 15 


My eyes are flooded with tears as I read and listen to your teaching and watch the video, Psalm 23, I have never received it as I did today. 





Wayne Stiles on Feb 15 


Isn't Psalm 23, wonderful, Cynthia? What grace our Good Shepherd gives us! 




Ty on Jan 28 


A great video to see again and soak in the anointed teaching and expounding Wayne has in his given gifting and talents from the Lord. A wonderful reminder again of the goodness of our faithful God. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30 


Indeed, Ty, we always need that reminder and encouragement, don't we? God's provision in the wilderness is so good. 




Frances Tencza on Aug 23, 2022 


I recited the Psalm 23 at my mom’s death bed! She was in a comatose state, and not sure if she believed in the Lord Jesus. I pray that God gave her comfort and before she drew her last breath He took her home to be with Jesus.🙏🙏🙏 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2022 


What a privilege you had, Frances, to recite Psalm 23 to your mom. We can rest in our sovereign God. 




Marcia Visker on May 26, 2022 


I love your comment: Contentment comes from security. I think that has been the basis of the spiritual gift God has given my husband and me - Giving. We are not rich but we love to give financially to our church, missions and even individuals. We have long ago decided what lifestyle we would live and give the rest away. We are content because of our security in Christ! 




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022 


There are SO many ways to be rich, Marcia. God bless you as you serve Him and give so generously. 




Rosemary on May 13, 2022 


Beautifully presented - thank you. It is so 'calming.' 

It's one that could be played many times for assurance that God leads, walks besides us during stormy times etc, and to know that when I look back on circumstances to see that God was indeed with me through that season even though it felt that He wasn't. 


The visuals are so good showing the geographical areas and changing seasons of Israel, with lushness and spaseness of the Judean Wilderness. It is so helpful to see the tracks that are crisscrossed across the hills that the sheep follow their own track. It's very helpful to see that in relation to sheep following their shepherd and that the sheep "know" their shepherd. But also understand that in that rocky terrane that at times the shepherd may leave the others to go searching for the one that is lost etc. The other sheep have a "known" track that they could follow until the shepherd returns with the one that was being searched for. 




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2022 


I appreciate your comments, Rosemary. Indeed, we need to remain "on track" and not wander away from our Good Shepherd. God bless you as you follow Him today. 




Yvonne Chang on Apr 20, 2022 


Contentment comes from God's assurance of provision and security in Christ, my personal shepherd. Feeding on the Word of God gives me contentment for my spiritual nourishment. 


Paul teaches us in Philippians 4:11-13 about contentment. "Not that I speak from want, for I have learnt to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I knew how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any need, in any circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." 


So no matter what happens, we will know how to abound when we are prosperous or when we have nothing by knowing that we can face through all our circumstances in life the way He wants us to. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


Magnificent applications you share, Yvonne. Thank you so much. 




Karen Ernst on Apr 15, 2022 


I was baptized in the Jordan in 2018. What a blessed memory that is! In the video you quoted Phil 1:6 and I need to cling to it. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022 


Indeed, Karen, we all need to claim closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. What a blessing for you to have been baptized in the Jordan River several years ago! God bless you. 




Karen Ernst on Apr 15, 2022 


I am hanging on to the image of Jesus the Good Shephard rescueing my grandsons from sin & fornication. Also rescueing me from worry that they will refuse to return to the Lord. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022 


Your grandsons are blessed beyond measure, Karen, for your prayers for them and for your compassion. I pray the Lord powerfully encourages you and answers your prayers very soon. God bless you. Luke 18:1 




Patty on Apr 14, 2022 


Gods leading leads me through the valleys- where I press into my Shepherd more and more. The narrower the valley the closer I press - until I end up on His shoulders ❤️ 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022 


You paint a beautiful word picture, Patty. Thank you. 




Katherine Medina on Apr 12, 2022 


Great teaching on trusting God. I really enjoyed the transcript of the teaching on Other Downloads. I was able to go through and pick up the 3 steps much easier than from the video. 1 Look Ahead You. 2. Look Beside You & Look Behind You. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022 


Thank you for letting me know that the transcript was a help, Katherine. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you through each video. 




Bill & Lenora Raines on Apr 9, 2022 


Contentment and security come from hearing and following God’s Word through Jesus. Lenora 




Ty on Apr 3, 2022 


A good thought provoking video with some great teaching and expounding to go along side the superb filming. The question in the "join the conversation', What other lessons do you find in the biblical picture of God as your Shepherd? drew me to Psalm 96 which paints a glorious song to sing to the Lord.. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2022 


Thank you for adding the reference to Psalm 96. 




Pamela on Mar 26, 2022 


He leads us through the wilderness, good and bad times. 




Dana on Feb 12, 2022 


Great video, I love how you compared the two passages, Psalm 23 and John 10, from the perspective of the sheep and shepherd. I also love how you tied them both together by reminding us that contentment can only be found in Jesus as we allow his security, comfort, and grace to be our guide. It's been great to meditate on these truths. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2022 


That’s right, Dana, the Lord‘s grace as our shepherd is also there as our keeper. May he continue to bless you with every video. 




Marian on Feb 5, 2022 


I will never be able to go to the Bible Lands, being able to visit all the geographical locations daily I brings Gods word to life for me! 

The 23rd Psalm is a highlight of my journey as he leads me, is beside me and his loving kindness follows me. 

God bless you and this ministry! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2022 


What a blessing, Marian, that you get to see all of these biblical places, even though you will not perhaps see them in person. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you through the videos. 




Shelley on Feb 1, 2022 






Ruthann on Jan 27, 2022 


I appreciate the three perspectives. Looking back into the valleys and seeing God’s Grace and prevision increases my faith and gives me even more assurance that he is always with me. This helps me safe the future dealing with my husband’s terminal cancer. We both feel so blessed. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022 


I pray for God's grace and strength for you, Ruthann, as well as for your husband in this final season of struggle and hope. I'm thrilled that the Psalm 23 principles encourage you. God bless you. 




Vicki on Jan 25, 2022 


What a beautiful way to start my day. The scripture, video, music and your lesson poured God's love, peace and comfort over me. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Psalm 23, Vicki. May the Lord continue to give you grace as you follow the Good Shepherd. God bless you. 




Ann on Jan 23, 2022 


Thank you for this lesson , the beautiful verses, & lovely music. It was a blessing to me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Psalm 23, Ann. I pray you continue to enjoy the videos. God bless you. 




Jerrie on Jan 21, 2022 


This video really brought the 23rd Psalm alive for me. I've read it many times, but to see it visually made it real! I'm beginning to see total focus on the Lord brings contentment no matter what's going on all around. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022 


Yes, Jerrie, it's amazing how seeing the land where all these events took place makes the events come to life! I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos and the Lord is encouraging you. God bless you. 




Lynn on Jan 20, 2022 


Love this it really helps with the meaning of the scripturrd 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2022 


That's wonderful, Lynn. I'm so glad the Psalm 23 video encouraged and helped. God bless you. 




Cynthi on Jan 20, 2022 


Your voice is very peaceful and I feel, I can trust you! Thankful to the Holy spirit. I take learning about God very seriously and not too many people have been able to teach me, so thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022 


Thank you, Cynthi! What a blessing to be able to connect with you over the videos and to encourage you in your walk with Christ. God bless you. 




Neil on Jan 20, 2022 


I loved it and was blessed by the clamness of the video of fields. I also love your commentary. 

I loved it but am I able to cast these videos on to a Television, My wife and I would like to watch them with a full picture and full sound. I know I can us an HDMI cord and put on the screen but casting is much easier then getting the cord and plugging it in. 

Neil Timpson 


(603) 703-6790 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022 


Hi, Neil. You should be able to cast the video to your television. I will ask someone on my team to connect with you about that. God bless you. 




Lorraine on Jan 19, 2022 


It is comforting to know that trusting Jesus brings us to a place of peace 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2022 


So true! Our Lord Jesus indeed is our Comforter as well as our Shepherd. God bless you. 




Cynthia on Jan 18, 2022 


I watched the original video and was impressed. I prayed for about an hour about purchasing it. Money is very tight right now. But I felt led to purchase it for myself and my 15 yo grandson who I have raised. I firmly believe there is much to gain by immersive history. Thank you for this opportunity to join you in this journey. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022 


I am thrilled, Cynthia, that the Lord led you to join and that He confirmed it by encouraging you through these videos. I pray that He would continue to encourage you and to provide for you to be encouraged. God bless you — and welcome! 




Claudia on Jan 4, 2022 


I was able to read Psalm 23 to my husband on his deathbed . What a comfort to know Jesus was with him and he need not fear .Jesus wax also holding me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5, 2022 


Wow, Claudia, what a magnificent memory of Psalm 23. May the Lord continue to be your Shepherd… 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


When I think of God as my Shepherd, I think about his leading and guiding me along the path of life. He leads me to His Word that feeds my soul, and quenches my thirst to know Him, and to grow and mature in my walk with Him. As our Shepherd He takes care of His sheep who are sick or hurt. He's placed me on the path of healing many times. Shepherds protect their sheep from harm, as God protects me day by day. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021 


Great insights, Donna. Thank you for sharing them. Our good Shepherd cares for His sheep. Oh, I am so glad He does… 




Patti on Sep 22, 2021 


When I had a panic attack and had to take a stress test I recited the Ps. 23. A calm came over me and I imagined holding Jesus hand while walking beside a creek on a green grassy hillside. I was able to pass the stress test and haven’t had a panic attack since. The Lord truly is our shepherd and cares deeply for each of us. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


What an interesting story, Patti. Thank you so much for sharing it. I'm so glad that the scripture in Psalm 23 was an encouragement to you. 




Charmaine on Sep 16, 2021 


Everytime I feel my faith being weakened all I have to do is read this Psalm and He definitely Restores my Soul" Loved the video. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021 


I'm so glad that the video encouraged you, Charmaine. I pray that Psalm 23 continues to be a close companion for you and continues to offer you much encouragement. God bless you. 




Deloris on Sep 11, 2021 


Psalm 23. Has been a favorite for many years. Good to start this day 

With that word And to look for contentment thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2021 


I’m so glad that the video on Psalm 23 encouraged you, Deloris. May the Lord continue to lift you up with each video as you look at the land and read the Scriptures. God bless you. 




Judith on Aug 23, 2021 


I enjoyed the first video and my heart longs to be there. I look forward to seeing the reminder of the videos. My husband, a Baptist pastor, and I took our first trip to the Holy Land in 1975. Our first church recognized how much he wanted to go, but they also understood he would not want to go without me. That little country church completely paid for our trip. I would not take anything for the experience. Israel then was very different from today. We went to Samaria and Bethlehem with the same ease as my going to my mailbox. We made our next trip in 2000, and during the coming years, twelve trips were made. My husband also participated in an archaeological dig at Hazor. As co-host for these tours, I have been blessed to introduce many people to the Holy Land. A trip really is an eye opener. We read the Bible from a Western perspective and usually do not give much thought to the lay of the land. During one of our trips, I spent most of the ten days with a pastor who was blown out of the water. His minds eye view varied differently than reality. My husband and I made our last trip in 2018. A 2019 trip was planned but because of COVID, it was cancelled. I hope to make a 2021 trip. My husband had a heart for the Holy Land, but little did we know in 2018 it would be his last trip. In December 2018 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia that resulted in his death on April 13, 2020. He loved walking the streets of the Old City but now he is walking on streets of gold. I would encourage Christians to budget a way to go on a tour. It is life changing and one will never be the same! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021 


Your story is magnificent, Judith, and I'm thrilled to read it. What a HUGE blessing God gave you and your husband in your many tours to Israel. As a veteran traveler to the Holy Land, you'll find many familiar places in these videos-- and also many new sites! I pray the Lord gives you much encouragement as you remember your journeys and as you see the rest of the Bible lands. God bless you -- and welcome! 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 16, 2021 


Jesus and the Father are ONE and that goes beyond purpose. Jesus told Philip if you see Me you have seen the Father in John 14:5-11. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021 


What a great connection you make here, Wanda. I love that truth that Jesus and the Father are one. YES. 




Suzanne on Jul 12, 2021 


This video made me feel peaceful because I once was lost but my shepherd found me and brought me back and my love for Him is increasing day by day. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2021 


What a blessing, Suzanne, that the video was an encouragement to you as a reminder of your great salvation. God bless you. 




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021 


I am weeping. The “paths of righteousness” is an image I’ll keep close to my heart...the paths aren’t glamorous looking, and have cost me everything, in some earthly sense. But I know I’m walking with my good shepherd. 


The images and devotional style of this passage I’ve rehearsed since childhood touch my heart w fresh rivers of his love. 


Finding this website today is a tangible reward for me from the Fathers heart for trusting Him in the journey. Thank you Jesus for the encouragement to keep going! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021 


I'm so glad that the good shepherd video was an encouragement to you. God bless you, Jenny. 




Donna on Apr 29, 2021 


My small group did a 12 week lesson on Psalm 23 which brought us all great comfort. We know that our comfort and contentment only comes from the security of knowing that our Lord is with us at all times, when we’re on a Mountain or in the valley. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021 


What a great blessing, Donna, to have studied Psalm 23 for three months! Wow… I am glad that this video was able to remind you of your significant study and hopefully encourage you in those biblical essentials. God bless you. 




Mary on Apr 29, 2021 


In my life there is only security in knowing that Christ is my Savior! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021 


Amen, Mary! Indeed, only our Lord Jesus and His powerful hands give us the security we need. God bless you. 




Patricia on Apr 27, 2021 


the scenes are just beautiful and the words comforting! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2021 


I am so glad, Patricia, that the video encouraged you and that the Word of God was a comfort. May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Lynn on Apr 23, 2021 


I was moved and inspired by the lesson and imagery from David that each flock/sheep has their own path as they follow the Shepard. Just as we each have our own path of Righteousness in our lives that the Lord leads us through. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


It's amazing, isn't it, Lynn, how the Lord leads us along a path He has made for us? May He continue to bless you as you follow Him. 




Carol on Apr 21, 2021 


Really enjoying these videos! Almost feel like I’m there and learning so much more 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021 


That is wonderful, Carol! That is exactly what I had hoped you would feel as you watch the videos. I pray that you continue to enjoy the videos and that the Lord would encourage you through the Scriptures, the land, and everything else to draw you closer to Him. God bless you. 




Bobbie on Apr 21, 2021 


Mr Wayne, I’ve watched this again over and over and finally took notes this time. Love Psalm 23 and how you broke it down - He makes... He leads... He restores... He guides... This such a powerful way to understand Psalm 23 so much better. Thank you. I do feel more secure in my soul knowing God is always with me in the pastures and the valleys and that my salvation is secured. Love this video. That’s why I didn’t want to click the button that I watched it. I kept going back to it bc it is so good. 🥰 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021 


I love reading your words, Bobbie. And I'm thrilled you watched the video again and again so that the Word can encourage you again and again. Even if you click the button, you can always come back and watch all the videos as many times as you want. God bless you. 




Gayle on Apr 12, 2021 


I have always pictured the Shepherd with a calming and comforting voice. The sheep need to hear that to stay on the path. I think that the knowledge of being cared for with a familiar voice gives a person a secure and safe outlook on the future. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021 


I like that perspective, Gayle. The sheep need the familiar and calming voice of the Shepherd. How essential that we seek His voice in His Word. God bless you. 




Peggy on Apr 8, 2021 


I love the story of the Shepard caring for his sheep. My daily prayer is to be listening for and following His guidance in my everyday life. The video and scriptures are inspirational. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021 


So true, Peggy. The Lord is our Shepherd and He leads us in directions we would never choose, but in hindsight as we look back, we understand He has led us the best way all along. May the Lord bless you as He leads you and as you follow Him. 




Theresa on Apr 6, 2021 


That video was so peaceful this is what God brings to us all the time. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021 


What a blessing, Theresa, that the Lord encouraged you through the wilderness and Psalm 23 video. God bless you. 




Janis on Apr 6, 2021 


I found great comfort, contentment in your analogies from Psalm 23: God leading in front, the Lord beside us, and looking back- seeing and knowing his goodness and kindness follows us. So excited to be a part of this journey- your pictures, video, commentary far exceed what I expected this journey to be. Much gratitude to you and your partners. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021 


I am so glad, Janis, that the Lord is greatly blessing your journey with me through these various Bible lands sites. May He continue to do so! Thank you very much for taking a moment to let me know. God bless you. 




Kelsey on Mar 31, 2021 


He reveals things to me which I need to change in order to grow. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021 


I know what you mean… And isn't it a blessing? Imagine how lost we would be if the Lord never graciously opened our eyes to truth. God bless you. 




Marilynn on Mar 27, 2021 


I visited Israel years ago, but your photography/words makes this video experience very spiritual for me. 

I am looking forward to continuing this beautiful journey. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021 


How exciting for you, Marilynn, to experience the lands of the Bible through these videos. I pray that the journey is encouraging for you and offers tremendous insights. God bless you. 




Macaria on Mar 27, 2021 


Looking forward to follow and learn the Bible. I grew up uninformed about the Bible. I am quite old but better late than never. Thank you for this opportunity. 





Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021 


I applaud you, Macaria, that the Lord is providing you the opportunity to learn His Word through the experience of the Bible lands. Hooray! May He bless you and encourage you through each and every video. 




Sally on Mar 25, 2021 


Beautiful video 1. Thank you so much in producing these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


I'm glad you are enjoying the videos, Sally. May the Good Shepherd continue to walk with you and comfort you. 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


I became born again on Good Friday. The next day I purchased a bible but did not know where to start. I just opened it up and there was psalm 23. I new the Lord was telling me that He was going to guide me and take care of me. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


What a blessing for you to have open your Bible to Psalm 23. And to be saved on good Friday? Wow… Such wonderful memories for you, Debbie. 




Pat on Mar 13, 2021 


I have had some contentment in my life when I didn’t know what direction to go but I knew he would tell me.. And he did in better ways than I would have imagined. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Pat, to have received clear direction from the Lord in the past. Isn't that amazing? In spite of the fact that we read a Bible written so long ago, its truth is still relevant for us today. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow His leading. 




Lydia on Mar 13, 2021 


God has protected me from some many dangers in my life and it is only because of him that I am alive today 




Natalie on Mar 9, 2021 


I love knowing that we can never be taken out of Gods hand. That to me is contentment. Knowing we are sealed and His for eternity. It is all about not what I can do but what Jesus has already done on that rugged cross. I love the 23rd Psalm and I think it’s important for every Christian to memorize it. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10, 2021 


I love the way you put that, Natalie. It is so true! There is great contentment in security. God bless you. 




Mely on Mar 7, 2021 


Contentment is something everyone should seek, but no one does nor understands. It precedes bliss. 


Contentment comes as pure grace in trusting God. We all strive for happiness, which is temporal and fleeting, on the surface, abundant but unstable. Happiness is self-satisfying , contentment is spirit-driven. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021 


I like the way you describe contentment, Mely. I pray that the Lord would give you grace to have contentment in an ever-increasing way. God bless you. 




Mely on Mar 7, 2021 


Thank you, Wayne. 


I truly appreciate your blessing. 


God be with you! 




Doreen on Mar 6, 2021 


The 23rd Psalms has always been one of my prayers that I have learned from a child. I always ask God to walk before me stand beside me and stay behind me. Contentment is now added when I say this Psalms. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021 


What a blessing, Doreen, that Psalm 23 has always been with you. I pray and always will be! God bless you. 




Rosemarie on Mar 2, 2021 


Psalm 23 was never explained to me like you did in this video. I have a much better understanding of it now. This was my late husband’s favorite psalm and he loved it. I can appreciate that now thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021 


I’m so glad, Rosemarie, that the Psalm 23 video blessed you. I pray it continues! 




Andrea on Feb 28, 2021 


There have been many crossroads in my life where I could wander as sheep wander. I turn to the Lord for direction. The Lold is my Shepherd. I shall not want. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2021 


I know what you mean, Andrea. Thankfully, our gracious Heavenly Father is also our good Shepherd. May God bless you as you follow Him. 




Lenora on Feb 26, 2021 


Psalm 23 is a favorite of mine. One that I learned in childhood. As an adult I recite it often because the LORD is my Shepherd and I do not want. As the shepherd tends his flock so my LORD takes care of me and I can rest in that security. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021 


I also love Psalm 23, Lenora. Isn't it comforting? Much like the Lord's Prayer. May the Good Shepherd bless you and encourage you. I hope you continue to be blessed as you watch these videos. 




Maria on Feb 26, 2021 


What a lovely video! Psalm 23 has always been a great comfort to me. The way you presented it came to life! I loved the sheep tracks! 

Contentment is what I always pray for. With Jesus as my shepherd, I feel secure! Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021 


Yes, Maria, aren't those sheep tracks a great illustration? Contentment is such a wonderful goal. God bless you. 




Karen on Feb 20, 2021 


My contentment comes from security. And my security is in Him. What a wonderful thought to meditate on and live by especially in these challenging times. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021 


So true, Karen. Security in the Lord is the only true security. God bless you. 




Vicki on Feb 18, 2021 


The picture of the sheep tracks (tracks of righteousness) was a new revelation! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021 


That's great, Vicki. Those tracks of righteousness are the kind of ruts we want to stay in. :-) God bless you as you follow the Shepherd. 




Mary on Feb 11, 2021 


The 23 psalm is one of my favorites. It says it all. I trust in the Lord and He shall lead me . 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021 


Absolutely yes, Mary. God is our shepherd and walks with us through those valleys. God bless you. 




Jae on Feb 6, 2021 


Thank you for listing the scriptures and the charcters 




Kim on Feb 5, 2021 


Wow! I love this video. Such a comfort. Fills my heart with thankfulness. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


I am so glad you enjoyed the wilderness video, Kim. There is a lot to be encouraged by and the truth of God's Word. 




Glenda on Jan 29, 2021 


I have read this psalm so many times but I had not seen the transition from He to You. Just goes to show the Word is "alive " it speaks to every situation 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2021 


I know what you mean, Glenda. God's Word is living and active — and it often shows us new truths every time we open it. God bless you as you continue to study His Word and watch the videos. 




Barbara on Feb 18, 2021 


In psalm 23 we also see the covenant names of God and the depth of His relationship with us. Verse 6 in the Hebrew speaks of God pursuing us with His goodness and mercy rather than following us. A beautiful psalm to visualize daily and I love how you scenes from Israel and the music bring such contentment. 




Susan on Jan 28, 2021 


My Dad passed away Aug. 17th and I think of him almost daily as something comes up just like this. This verse was on his memorial card. Love this scripture and the video too! Thankyou! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


Thanks for sharing about your Dad, Susan. I pray the Lord continues to bring him to mind for you in many ways such as with these videos and God's Word. May He comfort you. 




Rosemarie on Jan 26, 2021 


Psalm 23 means so much to me. Loved this video and the sheep. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021 


I am so glad you enjoyed the video on Psalm 23, Rosemarie. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. God bless you. 




Donna on Jan 23, 2021 


Just as the shepherd leads sheep to green pastures and still waters, Jesus as my Shepherd has given me His Word as my daily bread, and His Spirit of living water, that sustain me and fill me with His life. My Shepherd's Words become my prayer as I go through life's trials in the valleys, and look to Him to lead me through them, and to help me respond to those trials in a Christ-like way. His Spirit protects me from the words and actions of others like the oil poured on sheep's heads, that protected sheep from other rams butting heads with them, and insects/parasites that affected their health. His Word is my rod and my staff that comforts and protects me as He guides, directs, moves, and corrects me through each day, keeping me in the fold under His constant care. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021 


I love these devotional and applicational thoughts you have here, Donna. Thanks so much for sharing them. God bless you. 




Joan on Jan 22, 2021 


Psalm 23 has always been of great comfort and assurance to me, on which I have called many times in the valleys of challenges I've faced. The passage about His rod and staff became clear to me a few decades ago in reading a book about Psalm 23 (forget the author sadly): He will use His staff to pull us back from danger and draw us close and He will use His rod to stave off predators and obstacles as well--I am always secure in Him! This visual depiction showing what David saw, knew, and experienced as his inspiration for writing Psalm 23 has greatly edified my favorite Psalm of all! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 22, 2021 


How wonderful, Joan, that the video encouraged you with regard to a psalm that was already a favorite! I love how the Lord takes what is great and makes it even better in our lives. God bless you. 




Joan on Jan 22, 2021 


Thank you so much for taking time to respond and for your blessing, Dr. Stiles. In researching the earlier book I mentioned on Psalm 23, it may have been one of Phillip Keller's much earlier editions of "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23" (early 1970s), as I just learned today of his extensive background in Africa. Our Associate Minister at that time had recommended the book, which thoroughly blessed me. Rocket forward another 45-ish years and my church did a sermon and Bible Study series on "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23" across all church groups--it was an awesome study. I highly recommend that book for everyone's library. Thank you again. 




Karen on Jan 15, 2021 


I have helped Senior Citizens in their homes for 20 years and more. When I have to do a daily report of my visit and peace prevails in the home...I just write the word Content. That was a natural word for me to use for when love, peace, and blessed feelings abound that word remained strong in my definition of the day. Enjoyed the beauty of this video and message. Very awesome meditation material. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021 


I like your reflective thought here, Karen. And may I applaud you and thank you for your work and your ministry among the elderly. God bless you. 




Sherry on Jan 14, 2021 


We are excited to rediscover Israel, it’s been 10 yrs since we have been there and time has taken some of the sweet memories but we are so happy to relive it through this resource. Thank you very much for giving this opportunity to replace those memories for us today! 

Rich and Sherry DeCosta 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021 


I'm really excited for you both, Rich and Sherry, that you get to relive your experience in Israel. God bless you as you enjoy the videos, the memories, and as you get to see so many NEW places. 




Maria on Jan 8, 2021 


Psalm 23 has always been my go to passage especially when I am facing the valleys of life. In Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, I find rest with my weary heart and mind. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2021 


Yes, Maria, Psalm 23 is a marvelous chapter of comfort and peace in the midst of the world's chaos. May the Good Shepherd Jesus lead you in His paths of righteousness. God bless you. 




Sandi on Jan 7, 2021 


Beautiful pastures, and the sheep graze so peaceful. Jesus wants us to leave our worries with him and have his peace. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021 


That's right, Sandi. The Lord wants us to cast all our cares on Him. What a beautiful picture is the sheep and shepherd. God bless you. 




Cynthia on Jan 6, 2021 


Such a peaceful video. Very welcome after the events of today. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021 


I am glad that this video encouraged you, Cynthia. Indeed we need much hope to look forward to God's kingdom. 




Barbara on Jan 4, 2021 


I love the fact that our Good Shepherd walks beside us through the valleys. He is always with us and promises to never ever leave us. That deinfitely provides a security that we won't find anywhere else. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021 


I like the way you put that, Barbara. May the Lord encourage you and strengthen you as you walk beside Him each day. God bless you. 




Greg on Jan 4, 2021 


That's a really great devotional, but I expected it to be more of a "tour" of the Land? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021 


I understand, Greg. I think you'll find that different sites lend themselves to different emphases. I hope you enjoy the rest of the videos. God bless you. 




Doris on Dec 29, 2020 


Awesome as a child I had to memorize the 23 Psalm and over the years has provided comfort. So neet to hear that Jesus will not allow Satan to take you away Him. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2020 


Isn't it wonderful, Doris, to see the context of Psalm 23 for real? It's neat how our memorization as children is not always what we see in reality. I hope that the videos are a great encouragement to your walk with Christ. God bless you. 




Sue on Dec 17, 2020 


I loved the realization that David's intimacy with God...and God's intimacy with us...increases as we walk through the valleys 

What an awesome God we serve!🙌🙌 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020 


Yes, Sue, isn't that a wonderful observation from the text? How gracious of our God to embrace us in those moments we need Him most. Only He knows the perfect timing of it all. May the Lord bless you as you continue to walk with Him. 




Nancy on Dec 14, 2020 


I just watched the video of the good shepherd. It was amazing I could have reached out and touched the sheep 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2020 


That's perfect, Nancy! I had hoped you would be able to feel the wool in your fingers and God's encouragement in your heart. God bless you. 




Gina on Dec 10, 2020 


I 'am absolutely loving these videos and lessons. Thank you for all the hard work you've done to bless us with these beautiful Bible land translations. It really does bring the Bible to life. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2020 


I'm thrilled, Gina, that the Lord is blessing you through His Word, the land, and the videos! May He continue to do so. God bless you. 




Robin on Nov 21, 2020 


Awesome and helps me so 

Much to learn on the Bible 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2020 


Robin, I'm so grateful that the videos are helping you to learn more about God's Word. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch and as you read. Thanks! 




Denise on Oct 17, 2020 


Because God is my Shepard, I have food to eat- He provides for me... I can rest at night- He watches over me and protects me,.. and I don't have to worry or stress in planning for my future- He knows the right way and what tomorrow holds. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020 


I love the beautiful reminders you mentioned, Denise. Thanks so much. 




Jane on Oct 16, 2020 


I just joined. I am loving this video of the good Shepherd! It is so peaceful and calming. I am sure I’ll be watching this video often, especially when I get nervous or upset. God bless you. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020 


Welcome, Jane! I'm so glad you've joined and that the Lord is already blessing and encouraging you through the videos. May He continue to do so! God bless you. 




Charolette on Oct 14, 2020 


Hello! I just joined for a year last night after watching the tour. I am sad I have never been to Israel, but maybe one day I can see it up close. I would love to walk where Jesus walked. Thank you for creating this amazing experience for all His children to enjoy. I loved watching this video and hearing more about Psalms 23. I enjoyed watching all the animals too. It looks so beautiful. Look forward to watching more videos in the coming months so I can learn more about one of my dream vacations. God Bless You! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020 


Welcome, Charolette! I am so glad that you have chosen to join this journey with me. I pray that these virtual tour videos will be a great encouragement to your walk with Christ. I hope that you will go to Israel one day! When you do, I hope you go with me. God bless you. 




Veronica on Oct 8, 2020 


I am new here and didn’t get to see much but I am already loving it! I was in Israel in January of 2020 and had a wonderful experience! The highlight of the trip was being baptized in the Jordan river! Go is so good! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2020 


What a great privilege you had, Veronica, going to Israel in 2020 before everything shut down! What a blessing. I am thrilled that you are getting to see some of the significant places you’ve experienced on your journey – as well as so many more! God bless you. 




Debbie on Oct 7, 2020 


Loved going to the Jordan River in 2010 and was baptized there and and changed so many beliefs in my life. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2020 


Wow, Debbie, what a privilege for you to be baptized in the Jordan River. I am glad it had a profound impact on you, and I pray that the Word of God would continue to encourage you and be the source of growth and encouragement in your life. 




John on Oct 3, 2020 


Do you have a cd or download with the music only? Beautiful. Would make a great add on for increase in revenue. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2020 


That is a nice idea, John. Most of the background music I have purchased with a license only for this purpose, so I couldn't resell it. So glad you enjoyed the video, and I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and encourage you. 




Jeanette on Sep 22, 2020 


Very powerful and beautiful. Such a simple reminder, that I tend to forget at times, that Jesus protects and provides - He will not forsake me. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 23, 2020 


Yes, Jeanette, it is a beautiful reminder. How gracious is our God to protect us and to provide for us like a good shepherd! May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him. 




Greg on Sep 17, 2020 


Contentment. Easier said than done, especially when you know there is something more, something better waiting for you. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020 


Very true, Greg. Contentment is such a challenge, isn't it? The tempter always has an alternative that seems to be a quicker and easier solution. But it always has long-term regrets. How essential that we cling to what God has provided. 




Terry on Aug 15, 2020 


Watching this today, the imagery of sheep walking the same paths really resonated with me. Mind blowing how the Psalm was written oh so many years ago, yet remains relevant today. Thanks be to God! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


Isn't that amazing, Terry? God's Word is profoundly timeless in our lives. May the Lord continue to bless you as you read the Scripture. 




Lucila on Aug 14, 2020 


The Lord is always with us holding us protecting us providing for us. He is our shepherd He is the way. Enjoyed the video beautifully done. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


I am so glad that the video encouraged you, Lucila. May the Lord continue to give you encouragement through the videos and through his word. 




Marge on Aug 14, 2020 


So much truth in this statement "contentment comes from security". This is the security I look for in Christ. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


Absolutely, Marge. The security we have in Christ is such an amazing contributor to the contentment we can feel each day. God bless you. 




Linda on Jul 23, 2020 


Beautiful and Spiritually encouraging. 




Pamela on Jul 9, 2020 


I love knowing he is my shepherd. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2020 


I agree with you, Pamela. Knowing that God is our Shepherd gives such peace and contentment. God bless you. 




Sheryl on Jul 8, 2020 


I love seeing the land with scripture. Jesus is my shepherd and savior and Lord. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 8, 2020 


I agree with you, Sheryl. I also enjoy connecting the land with the Bible. May the Lord bless you as you continue to do so! 




Katherine on Jul 7, 2020 


God as my shepherd protects me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020 


That's right, Katherine. If God is for us, who can be against us? God bless you. 




Judy on Jul 6, 2020 


My father died when I was 13, but the Lord told me He was my daddy. He has shown that he is faithful by guiding, providing, comforting, healing, protecting, and restoring my soul. And He knows my name! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020 


What a wonderful perspective, Judy. Thank you so much for clinging to your Heavenly Father. In a very similar way, I understand what it is like to be without a father. How gracious of our God to draw us closer to Him. 




Nancy on Jul 3, 2020 


I watched this just after viewing several videos regarding Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ community and the church’s response, and COVID-19 current events. Your video was a drink of fresh, pure water - living water! He is always beside us through the valleys—and there are so many valleys we are all experiencing today. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020 


You're so right, Nancy. Such a refreshing contrast to drink from God's Word when the world hands us cups of mud to slug down. May the Lord continue to refresh you! God bless you. 




Yvette on Jun 28, 2020 


While I have been single over 20yrs, I realize along this journey “He”has been my strength, security and guide. 

While not always content , James 1 has held me up, all along the way ,as I’ve watched the daily return of the birds singing , each morning and the lilies along the road, So after visiting the land earlier this year I’m certain finding your program is really the clarification of Another beginning .Thankful 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2020 


I praise God, Yvette, that He has given you tangible expressions of His grace in your life – like your trip to Israel, birds, and flowers. I’m also privileged to play a small part of His ongoing grace in your life. God bless you! 




Teresa on Jun 27, 2020 


I lived this message. You opened my eyes to see Psalm 23 in a new way. I will share these insights with others. Thanks for taking me deeper. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2020 


That’s wonderful, Teresa. I pray that Psalm 23 continues to be a comfort to you and to those you share it with. God bless you. 




Friend on Jun 26, 2020 


He leads sheep and us, he is our comfort walking beside, and blessing following. Beautiful truth. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2020 


Yes, it is a beautiful truth-- and so essential to our contentment. Thanks and God bless. 




Patricia on Jun 25, 2020 


A beautiful reminder of what true contentment is. This video reminded me of summers I spent with my grandparents and uncles. They all were dirt farmers but each uncle specialized in a different animal. I walked with the sheep and herded the cattle. I collected eggs and cleaned poultry houses. I worked in the slaughterhouse when I was older. I had a very turbulent childhood with divorce, death through illness and flood, and assault. God gave me those summers to restore my soul and to give me a solid foundation of what a family could be. I was 10 years old and my beloved stepfather was dying. I was sitting on a huge rock on top of the hill overlooking the town. I was crying and asked God why I couldn't have a father who could stay with me. I felt his love and heard his answer. clearly. "You do. I am your Father and I will always be with you." That was 66 years ago. He has kept his word. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2020 


Thank you for sharing that wonderful testimony, Patricia. Like you, I had a troubled childhood and the Lord drew me close to Him at a very early age. It is amazing how His grace sustains us and continues to walk beside us along each path. May the Good Shepherd continue to guide you and give you strength. 




Tamra on Jun 25, 2020 


The video was great. The scenery was beautiful and a great teaching. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2020 


I am thrilled, Tamra, that you enjoy the video and the scenery and teaching. May the Lord continue to encourage you through the land in through His Word. God bless you. 




Maureen on Jun 25, 2020 


In our morning devotional I spoke this to my husband. "At this stage of my life I want contentment. As I was watching and listening to this video I heard "contentment comes from security" there is contentment in my life with God ; knowing His promise that He will never leave me gives me security that my Savior is and will always be. Also, I have security in my marriage that God is our guide and our counselor. He is at the center of our marriage. God is our security. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020 


What a wonderful application of the promise of security, Maureen. May the Lord indeed bless you both and affirm your commitment to Him and to each other. God bless you. 




Joyce on Jun 15, 2020 


I like to think that the Table He set before us (that covenant meal He shared with His own) was referring to the bread (His flesh) and the wine ( His blood). So powerful! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2020 


Yes, Joyce, the metaphors of Scripture are so rich and full of meaning. It really does take pondering and studying the Scriptures to glean all of the nuances that God is trying to teach us. God bless you as you study! 




Nick on Jun 11, 2020 


The Good Shepard, Jesus ! 




Lynne on Jun 11, 2020 


The 23rd Psalm always reminds me that the Lord loves me so much that He provides everything I need, walks beside me in good times and bad, and at the end of my life I will be with Him in eternity. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020 


You are right, Lynne, this psalm is wonderful in all that it communicates to us of the love and security we have with our Savior. God bless you. 




Martin on Jun 8, 2020 


Great insight into David’s perspectives in Psalm 23. I’ve never thought of them like that. I particularly like the fact He walks beside the psalmist and us in the valleys. Thanks for sharing. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2020 


Thank you, Martin. Yes, I love the way David says that in the psalm. Such a helpful reminder in those valleys that the Lord is walking with us. God bless you as He walks with you! 




Rhodora on May 30, 2020 


"well worn tract"... a history of abiding with Him. 


Wayne, your voice is so soothing...matched your teaching on contentment. 




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020 


Thank you, Rhodora. God bless you. 




Susan on May 29, 2020 


With Covid 19 it seems like being in the valley. At this time, it is good to remember how secure we are in God and that he is leading and yet walking beside us as we go through this valley. 




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2020 


Well said, Susan. The current situation is a stark reminder of what is always true – but sometimes it takes a crisis of sorts to make it plain. God bless you. 




Heather on May 15, 2020 


Have just watched this again today and it is of comfort to know that wherever we might be in life - if we know Him He will keep hold of us in our situations, help us through those valleys that otherwise overwhelm us and lead us to higher places in time. Even if we don't feel it always He remains with us waiting for us to see again and lead us on again. He is Good 




Wayne Stiles on May 15, 2020 


Well said, Heather. What a blessing that Christ, our Good Shepherd, keeps His hand on our lives and souls forever. I like the way you put it: "Even if we don't feel it, always He remains with us waiting for us to see again and lead us on again." Thanks. 




Alejandra on May 12, 2020 


I'm eternally grateful for the gift of His salvation! Knowing that nobody and nothing can snatch me away from His hand gives me so much peace. Thank you for putting this truth in such a wonderful way! 




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2020 


Amen, Alejandra! Our security in the hands of our Good Shepherd is such a comfort. God bless you as you rest in Him. 




Melinda on May 4, 2020 


Great,thank you 




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020 


I'm glad you enjoyed the video, Melinda. God bless you. 




Ellen on May 3, 2020 


Such a timely video as we are studying Psalms 23 in my (presently by zoom) Bible Study. Also, the idea that Jesus is our eternal Shepherd and is with us all eternally and even through the "valleys" of life (the coronavirus pandemic) is so reassuring, comforting and does lead to contentment. 




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020 


How wonderful, Ellen, that you're studying Psalm 23 and also get to see the video of the same area. What a providential blessing. :-) I pray the Lord continues to provide timely connections to your personal studies. God bless you. 




Heather on Apr 30, 2020 


I've watched this one several times now, and I'm still beinng blessed by it in new ways. I'm preaching this Sunday on these two texts and you've inspired me greatly. I wish I could show everyone in my congregation this video. I'll be sure to let them know about your website tours. :) 



Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2020 


I'm glad, Heather, that the video has blessed you each time you've watched it. I find the same is true with God's Word. It is an inexhaustible text! God bless you. 




Apple on Apr 24, 2020 


It's quite fun watching it. That you know about the Good Shepherd. I learn more about Psalm 23, to be content. Psalm 23 is my favourite Psalm. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2020 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Psalm 23 video, Li-Ann. It really is a wonderful truth to be connected to the Good Shepherd. God bless you. 




Apple on Apr 26, 2020 


Thankyou Uncle Wayne 




Julie on Apr 17, 2020 


I loved having a visual for "the "paths of righteousness" that David used as an illustration and also seeing the steep drop-offs in the "valleys of the shadow of death". Walking with Jesus, knowing He walks before us, beside us and behind us is very powerful....giving way to security and contentment. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2020 


That’s great, Julie. It really makes such a difference to see the terrain and the area about which David wrote. God bless. 




Sue on Apr 15, 2020 


I appreciated seeing this psalm through the lens of God in front, beside, and behind us and knowing the context of God's lovingkindness is a covenant relationship. Ours through faith in Jesus! I noticed the yellow tag on the ear of each sheep. Are they tracked in some way? 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2020 


Hi, Sue, I'm glad you enjoyed the video about God as our shepherd! I believe those yellow tags are used for identification, and they may also have some sort of insect repellent on them. :-) Much like our Texas cattle. 




Sue on Apr 15, 2020 


Interesting. Thank you! 




Heather on Apr 14, 2020 


Beautiful scenery and teaching. I've never thought of Psalm 23 in the way you shared it here in this video. Very satisfying. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2020 


That's wonderful, Heather. I'm so glad the Psalm 23 video offered a fresh look at a familiar passage. God bless you as you follow the Good Shepherd. 




Susan on Apr 13, 2020 


I love that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that He walks with me daily. I am thankful for his leading, guidance and restoration. The video was amazing and I want to watch it again. 😀 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2020 


That's wonderful, Susan! One of the great reasons for joining Walking the Bible Lands is that you can even download the videos and watch them as many times as you want. So glad you are taking advantage of these tools. God bless. 




Paula on Apr 12, 2020 


I loved hearing about the Lord's caring for us and the setting in the video was comforting and beautiful. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2020 


Yes, Paula, seeing the Lord as our Shepherd is a marvelous metaphor for His grace and our security. I'm so glad the video was an encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Gina on Apr 10, 2020 


I really learned so much about being the sheep from a small book called, A Shepherd Looks at The 23 Psalm by Phillip Keller. I just opened my eyes to all the times the Bible says how we are His sheep.. and boy, after reading that book, I realized how much we are and Christ is the Good Shepherd. So I am truly enjoying your video.. I can really relate. It's so wonderful to be in the care of the Good Shepherd. I am content in His care. I want to learn so much more about Him. Thank you for this, Dr. Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10, 2020 


Good to hear from you, Gina. Yes, I know of Keller's great book. We have had it for many years-- and it does offer a wonderful perspective on us as sheep and Christ as Shepherd. Thanks for reminding me of that. I hope and pray you continue to enjoy these videos as we journey through the lands of the Bible. God bless you. 




Marcella on Feb 23, 2020 


A wonderful reminder that I am loved and cared for by the Father in all circumstances! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2020 


Yes, Marcella! These passages are such a magnificent reminder of God's love, care, and grace in our lives. May the Good Shepherd bless you as you continue to follow Him. 




Tammie on Jan 2, 2020 


Loved this video with the sheep in Israel! Such a great visual of how our Shepherd cares for us! 

Thank you for sharing this😊 





Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020 


Yes, Tammie, those sheep are a wonderful illustration of our loving Good Shepherd. It was a blessing to come upon the flock that day and to allow them to contribute in such a powerful way to this video. God bless. 




Laurene on Oct 29, 2019 


WOW! Such a beautiful visual. This is my third video and I can already tell that this site is going to be one of my top 10 bible tools. Thank you and bless all involved in making this available. You have planted such a beautiful seed for his kingdom. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2019 


I'm so glad, Laurene, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. You're right, there really is nothing like seeing where the biblical story takes place. It adds so much to the context of the Bible. God bless you. 




Judy on Oct 9, 2019 


The best teaching on Psalm 23! 

The shift in person/perspective from "He" (leading) to "you" (beside us) stood out to me - the proximity and position in relation to the visuals of the valley and the green pastures. Also, the "well worn tracks of righteousness" for "each flock" reminds us of the security in His presence in our covenant relationship with Him. I very much appreciate the Hebrew reference and would like to know lovingkindness in Hebrew. Also, the Greek reference to "one" - "in person and in nature" - and would appreciate references for both. 

Do you have any videos that specifically address the Hebrew festivals and their application? Especially during this sacred time on the Jewish calendar, I would like to explore any videos you might have that touch on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Trumpets. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 9, 2019 


Judy, I love your questions. The Hebrew for "lovingkindness" is hesed. It basically refers to an unconditional devotion based on relationship or covenant. It's the New Testament's corresponding term for "grace." As far as the Greek term for "one," heis (εἷς), refers to being one "in opposed to a division into parts, and in ethical matters to dissensions... to be united most closely (in will, spirit)" (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, paragraph 3332). 


I have a new video on the Hebrew feast of Sukkot releasing next week with the video on the Pool of Siloam. Just watch the sidebar of the website, as it will appear next Thursday. I also did an audio devotional on The Passover - What the Feast Means to Us as Christians. 


I hope that helps some! God bless. 




Stacey on Aug 27, 2019 


He is the gate into the sheepfold - the only way into the place of protection. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 27, 2019 


Jesus as the "gate" is a beautiful picture in SO many ways. I love that image. Thanks, Stacey. 




Teresa on Nov 11, 2018 


We can only find contentment through Jesus Christ. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2018 


That's succinct and true, Teresa. The Lord provides His great security, which allows our contentment to have a basis of truth. 




James on Sep 17, 2018 


Contentment comes through security. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2018 


Yes, James, I agree. :-) Thanks. 




Jennifer on Jul 3, 2018 


I was so encouraged listing to this today! This video was a blessing to my eyes and soul. Thank you for your ministry! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2018 


So grateful, Jennifer, that the Lord blessed Psalm 23 and John 10 through this video for you. Such an honor for me to participate in it. Thanks for your encouraging words. 




Cathy on Jun 26, 2018 


I will now always have a picture of what the “paths of righteousness”,that David talked about, look like. Writing from everyday experiences, validates to me that the Bible was written by everyday people inspired by God. Connecting God to everyday even in our minds eye is what sanctifies us. To this visual learner, the tours you are giving us help me to do that. Thanks 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2018 


I'm thrilled, Cathy, that the virtual video tours give you the picture of the words God's Word shares. Thanks also for your insights. 




Karen on Jun 14, 2018 


My lessons are obedience really does bring blessings, God will never bless sin. When I chose to stay in sin, though not in peace with sin, things were always going wrong around me. I thought God didn’t care or heard my cries, turned out (as I opened my bible & studied with the Holy Spirit) I was the one who was ignoring, and I reaped my actions. Thank God I get it now! I become freer with every sin I work to let go of, and ecstatic for that huge lesson. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018 


Great lessons here you share, Karen. Sometimes it seems the Lord also ignores our faithfulness, though we know He doesn't. All that to say (along with the psalmist in Psalm 73), evil sometimes seems to be getting the better deal in life. We have to keep the bigger picture in mind. 




Karen on Jun 14, 2018 


God is always telling me don’t react the ways of the flesh, but of the Word and Spirit. He tells me do good so good will follow, for me and all involved, for His glory. Shwew 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018 


So true, Karen. I've discovered (as the video mentions) that seeing the good following us often comes from looking back. So often the current situation feels like the shadow of death. 😊




Enjoying Security from the Good Shepherd

Jordan River - A Reflection of Your Spiritual Life



Thursday at 3:18pm 


My son, Stephen, was saved as a young boy. In his teens he got involved with the “bad” kids and started doing drugs and even vandalized the Junior High School. Finally we gave him a choice, go to the boy’s home or rehab. He chose rehab. After many months he finally came around and accepted he had a problem. He got clean. He met a girl fell in love and they planned to get married. Our pastor took them through pre marriage classes and Stacie was saved. She was baptized and Stephen wanted to be baptized again as a testimony that he had changed. We live in a small town and they all knew what he had done in the past. It was a beautiful ceremony and testimony of God’s grace and mercy. 




Wayne Stiles 


Friday at 10:00am 


What a magnificent testimony you have here, Wanda. Praise God for His amazing mercy in the lives of your son and daughter-in-law. God bless you. 




Susan on Apr 13 


Your video reminds me of when my two sons and I were baptised in 1995 and my youngest daughter took the same step two weeks ago. Thank you for a wonderful and explanatory video. You always help me to 'see' things in a new light. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13 


How wonderful, Susan, that your daughter was recently baptized! What a marvelous blessing. 




Ty on Apr 11 


Lovely to see this video again and allow the Spirit to use Wayne and his team members to encourage us. Marvellous teaching and expounding on the Word to stretch us and deepen our commitment to the relationship we are developing. It is a great crossing over for anyone from the old life to the new life, 'in Him, in Christ'. (Ephesians 1:3-10) 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11 


Yes indeed, Ty. As Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24) 




Susan Hollingsworth on Apr 6 


so much information- wow! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7 


I'm glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Susan. God bless you. 




Joyce on Mar 26 


I can’t recall a hymn but I have been baptized in the Jordan River. What an awesome experience! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27 


Wow, Joyce... What a privilege to be baptized in the Jordan. God bless you. 




Steve Johnson on Feb 7 


Wonderful video! Thank you from those of us who have not been there. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8 


You're welcome, Steve. You should GO! :-) 




Cynthia on Feb 3 


thank you so much for this video. Reminds me of how faithful God is, He sent me to Israel in answer to prayer and I was able to be baptized in the Jordan river. Would love to go again with you Wayne. You have such a heart and gift to present Gods word. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3 


I would love for you to come with me to Israel, Cynthia! I have second-timers tours as well, which allow you to see sites you didn't see on your first tour. See them here. 




Donalee Susich on Feb 2 


I have been baptized at Yardenit! So amazing and I still get goosebumps when I think about it. Who is singing the hymn Rest Beyond the River in this video? 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video and song, Donalee. The singer at the end of the video is my father, Dudley Stiles. You can hear his music on Spotify. 




Robin on Jan 28 


Thank you for what you do, you are a true blessing. Do people still get baptised there today? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30 


Thanks for your encouragement, Robin. And YES-- people get baptized in the Jordan every day. :-) God bless you. 




Maxine on Jan 3 


I’m so blessed to have been baptized here! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4 


Wow, Maxine... You are blessed indeed. What a thrill to journey to where the Bible actually occurred. 




Ann on Dec 28, 2022 


Love this video. It gives you hope . Beautiful! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022 


Thank you for letting me know, Ann, how much the Jordan River video it was an encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Jeanetta on Sep 8, 2022 


The first hymn that comes to mind is "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand." 

Is the Jordan often stormy? 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2022 


Honestly, Jeanetta, I have never seen the Jordan stormy! Usually it is nice and calm down south, and it has a few rapids up north. But that's it! 




Jeanetta on Sep 9, 2022 


Thanks, Wayne. Since in your videos the Jordan seems to be in a sort of valley, I wondered how it would have storms like the Sea of Galilee does. Perhaps that hymn writer was just imagining it based on a river nearby. 




Paul Kizanis on Aug 27, 2022 


I got baptized in the northern section of the Jordan this past May. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022 


Congratulations, Paul, on being baptized in the Jordan River earlier this year. How exciting – and what a privilege. God bless you. 




Diane Shields on Aug 5, 2022 


I can't think of a Hymn off hand but I do like Jordan Feliz's song - "The River"! I heard it first on KLOVE my new favorite radio station of choice these days.... :) 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022 


I have never heard of that song, Diane. I will need to check it out. God bless you. 




Judy on Aug 3, 2022 


This is an excellent video. I toured Israel in June with The Crossing Church, Columbia, MO. Such a thrill to tour with our daughter, Kelly,Pastor Irwin Lutzer from Moody Church, and pastors and believers from The Crossing. Of course we went to The Jordan River at the place where John baptized Jesus. Two from our group of 77 were baptized. Such an honor to witness their transition from death to life. 🙌🏻 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022 


What a privilege, Judy, to have been to the Jordan River and to have seen those baptisms as you have! I have a deep respect and appreciation for Dr. Lutzer and the Moody Church. You are very blessed to have those associations. 




Judy on Aug 9, 2022 



Have you ever been a part of something God was doing, but did not recognize it, or have you ever realized “after the fact” how God blessed you? Well, that is what happened for me on this trip to Israel. Honestly, I had not t heard of Dr. Lutzer. He, his wife, their three daughters and all their families came together on the trip. They each were just one of us, so to speak. He did some teaching at some of the sites, but I didn’t think anything of it, as others taught at sites, also. It was not until I arrived home and a friend said to me, ‘I listen to Dr. Lutzer every day at 1:00 p.m. on Bott Radio.’ 😃 

Sometimes, when we lose our focus or become preoccupied, we miss the gifts God has given us right in front of our eyes! I sure did! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022 


There are so many wonderful programs on Bott Radio. Thank you for that reminder, Judy. I am thrilled that your journey to Israel was so significant for you. 




Sheron Keeling on Jun 2, 2022 


One of my favorite hymns, I walked today where Jesus walked. My choir often sang this song at Church, but it really touched me when we sang this song in the Holy Lands, with a whole new meaning. I am thankful to God for this trip had been delayed due to Covid for 2 years, and this year we were able to go. God said, "When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen". Isaiah 60:22. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022 


How exciting, Sheron, that you were finally able to go to Israel. I know that you had a wonderful time, and I pray that these videos would be a wonderful reminder of your significant journey. God bless you. 




Sheron Keeling on Jun 3, 2022 


Thank you so much, and May God bless you too! 




Sheron Keeling on Jun 2, 2022 


I really enjoyed this lesson. There is so much history with the Jordan River. The video, the music was so peaceful, calm and inviting. To see the flow of the water, as it replenishes, cleanses as God restores. 4/27/22-Yardenit, I was re-baptized. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022 


How exciting that you were able to get baptized in that special place, Sheron. This is a memory you will treasure forever. 




Sheron Keeling on Jun 3, 2022 


Thank you, I had been patiently waiting for that moment! 




SHARON L BROWN on Jun 1, 2022 






Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022 


I am thrilled, Sharon, but the Lord encouraged you through the Jordan River video. I pray that He will continue to encourage you to the videos and especially through the Scriptures as you read them. God bless you. 




Stephen on Apr 28, 2022 


Very nicely done Wayne! My heart rejoices that the same grace that saves us is the same grace that leads us home. What a burden lifted, to know that even I can't sabotage my salvation. He will finish what He started, in me. These days the word TRUST resonates more with me, than FAITH. I trust completely in His faithfulness. Emphasis on "His" faithfulness. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022 


Amen, Stephen. The same grace that saved us will lead us home. I really, really love that thought. 




Patty on Apr 21, 2022 


Beautiful video photos Wayne - focusing solely on Jordan R - ThankYou! 




Patty on Apr 21, 2022 



by Frank Davis (1800’s) 


1 Over the River of Jordan we’ll meet, 

In the beautiful by-and-by; 

Loved ones long gone on before we shall greet, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 

Ties of affection are broken no more, 

Life is a treasure sublime on the shore, 

Angelic bands wait to welcome us o’er, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 


2 Joy will illumine each step of our way, 

In the beautiful by-and-by; 

Darkness will melt in the brightness of day, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 

Yes, far away in the city of gold. 

Teeming with pleasures to mortals untold, 

We shall the face of our Saviour behold, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 


3 Gladly we’ll join the sweet strains of the blest, 

In the beautiful by-and-by; 

Gladly we’ll enter the heavenly rest, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 

Far from the shadows that darken this land, 

We shall be one of a glorified band, 

Led by the Father’s own bountiful hand, 

In the beautiful by-and-by. 




Frances Tencza on Apr 21, 2022 


I was baptized twice in the Jordan River, however after the first time in 2015, I fell away into carnal sin! 

The second time in 2019, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit! I am still struggling with letting go of my past! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


I am right there with you, Frances, in the constant battle of renewing the mind. Our past has deep roots, and the grace of God often takes its sweet time to pull them out of our hearts. Remember that God's mercies are new every morning. Just keep going… 




Frances Tencza on Apr 21, 2022 


Thank you Wayne, 

I need to be in constant prayer to the Lord, who is concerned I’ m sure about my past inadequacies, that keep holding me back to a strong relationship with Him!! I was always afraid of speaking from the heart in 

love. I was angry with the poor decisions I made. There were a lot of insecurities in my past and I had difficulty having a sound relationship with someone. I didn’t know how to react then!I recently came across someone who might have been the person I had profound feelings some 53 years ago, but was not brave enough to confront him!Praying that the Lord will help me to overcome those insecurities! 





Audrey on Apr 20, 2022 


I️ am listening right now to a beautiful song: “Just Beyond the River Jordan- 

A better life is waiting for me.” My husband and I️ were baptized in the Jordan 10 years and it was so meaningful. We questioned where Jesus was baptized because we were told it wasn’t there. Now I️ understand why! I️ love your teaching and seeing this area again. Thank you so much. Audrey 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


What a blessing, Audrey, that you and your husband were baptized in the Jordan! I'm also thrilled that you were able to tie a bow on the location of where Jesus was baptized. 




Yvonne Chang on Apr 20, 2022 


Thank you for such a good insight on the source of the Jordan River (with aerial view too). Crossing Over Jordan is a good song, 'When you reach the other side you shall be free'. 


Praise God for the many people coming from all over the world to be baptized. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


Amen, Yvonne! So amazing to see all of these people desiring to follow Christ and be baptized. God bless you. 




Nancy on Apr 11, 2022 


I just noticed that the Wayfaring Stranger song was by Dudley Stiles. Maybe just a coincidence, but is that your father or another relative? 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022 


You have a good eye, Nancy! Yes, Dudley Stiles was my father, and he sang opera for many years. Very gifted… 




Nancy on Apr 19, 2022 


Thank you , it didn’t seem like the typical music for the videos, but very fitting. Wow, really cool that your dad was so talented. 




Pamela on Mar 26, 2022 


“Jordan River, I’m Bound to Cross” - the verse that says “my Jesus he’ll be awaiting there, and he will help me across.” The significance of this being the last River I’ll ever cross alone touches my heart every time I sing it! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022 


That is a great song, Pamela. I need to listen to it again! Thank you. 




Janice Markley on Mar 17, 2022 


When I was baptized in the Jordan River the presence of the Holy Spirit filled me with joy and a strength to go forward with my life. My husband had gone on to the Lord a few months before and this was truly part of my healing and assurance of a future and a hope that the Lord would be with me. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022 


What a marvelous gift from God, Janice. Thanks so much for sharing. 




Janet on Feb 17, 2022 


My husband and I watched the Jordon River this morning. My husband has been a pastor for over 50 years. Started a church in Lodi, CA over 30 yrs. ago. He liked the Jordon River video and said well done. 

We are leaving for Israel 3/24/22. I really wanted to see your travels to Israel before we leave but my husband really enjoyed your work too. 

We traveled to Israel in 2019. Looking forward to 3/24/22. 

God Bless, 





Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022 


Janet, I am glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video. Your rich history in ministry and Scripture is a wonderful preparation for your next journey to Israel. I pray that this next year will be a a time of great anticipation as you watch the videos and prepare to go once again. 




Lisa on Feb 16, 2022 


First I would like to thank you for the best first day ever, I have trouble opening the Bible and reading it instead I was looking at my phone and I ran into you and your Bible study while I walk through Israel and I am already loving it thank you so very much for helping me understand more about Jesus, I still have many questions and I’m sure they are in all of these videos thank you so much you are awesome God bless 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022 


What a blessing, Lisa, that the Lord would bring us together to read the word together. I prayed that he would continue to encourage you through these videos. God bless you. 




Dana on Feb 12, 2022 


The same God who redeemed me will lead me home. That spoke to my heart and comforted me. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2022 


Yes, Dana, our God is our God from the very beginning to the very end. I’m so glad that this video encouraged you. 




Delgadillo on Feb 12, 2022 


that is amazing stories I listing so far help me see God and hear him talking to me thought these videos. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2022 


I am thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos, Tammy. May the Lord continue to do so! God bless you. 




Cathryn on Jan 31, 2022 


I shall not be moved this song isn't specific about the Jordan but definitely a great song about being rooted 💘 and The strength he gives us to withhold the storms 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022 


Great song, Cathryn. Thanks for adding it here. God bless you. 




Krishna on Jan 28, 2022 


Very insightful! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022 


Thank you, Krishna. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video. :-) God bless you. 




Stacy on Jan 19, 2022 


Peace like a river 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2022 


That's a great song, Stacy. Thanks for mentioning it. God bless you. 




Norma on Jan 13, 2022 


My favorite hymn in Spanish "En las Aguas del Bautismo". It says that we are forgiven and pardoned by Grace. When I visited the Jordan River I was not accompanied by a spiritual leader, so I decided not baptize. I will do it next time and be prepared for the experience. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022 


I have never heard that hymn, Norma. It sounds beautiful! I do pray that you go again to Israel, and perhaps you can come with me this time! God bless you. 




Lola on Jan 5, 2022 


I purchased this program a few months ago and have watched 22 of the videos. I absolutely love the job that you have done with the program and love this video very much in particular. I long to visit the Holy Land but there are so many barriers, and now we have COVID and it's cronies .. I am going to start over and re-watch and post/share some of my thought about the video. I want to be more interactive other members of this great program. so I'm gonna go back to the beginning again LOL 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5, 2022 


I am thrilled, Lola, how the Lord has blessed you as you have watched these videos the past few months. I pray that He continues to encourage you! God bless you. 




Georgia on Jan 2, 2022 


“Shall we Gather at the River” is one of my favorite songs. I’m not sure if it was written with the Jordan River in mind, but it certainly speaks to the transition all believers will experience at the end of this life. But it also speaks to our earthly transitions, where our faith “parts the waters” and gives us the strength to carry on, particularly as aging brings new frontiers. Two years ago my husband and I made the decision to move from our home to a Senior Living Facility; six months later we both had Covid and my husband did not survive. These were two very big changes, and there is no doubt that God’ s Grace has sustained me and given me a new purpose for this stage of my life. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022 


My heart goes out to you, Georgia, for the significant transition the Lord has taken you through these past two years. I pray that He continues to bless you and encourage you through these videos! And yes – "Shall We Gather at the River?" is indeed speaking of the Jordan River. :-) 




Marian on Dec 13, 2021 


This section on The Jordan touched my heart and brought me to tears! Seeing the joy on the faces of followers says it all. Thank you for this travel to see Israel! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2021 


Yes, Marian, those tears flow right into that special baptismal water. :-) Such a beautiful moment. I'm so glad the video encouraged you. God bless you. 




Shane on Nov 16, 2021 


I have found it curios as to why the Israelite people didn't get to Jericho from the south of Israel through Beersheba, Arad, Canaan, Hebron, Jerusalem and then to Jericho; instead going around Kadesh Barnea for years and eventually crossing Ezion-Geber and then going north to Jericho through eastern wilderness. Why take the long way around? 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 16, 2021 


GREAT question, Shane! In fact, Israel asked that very question. I did an entire video on the episode: King's Highway - When God Takes You the Long Way. In short, God was developing the lives of His people-- and entering from Jericho was far more strategic from a military standpoint. 




Shane on Nov 21, 2021 


Hi Wayne, unfortunately, when I clicked on the link to the video "King's Highway - When God Takes You the Long Way Around", I got a blank page with 'you don't have permission to access this page'. I guess it's because I haven't paid the full yearly registration. I'm only paying $25.00 per month. If that's the case, I understand and can wait until I have enough money to pay for a year, or even wait 12 months. I'll note it down anyway and look forward to one day watching it. God bless. 




Mary on Oct 29, 2021 


Far Side Banks of Jordan 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 30, 2021 


That's a good one, Mary-- but so seldom sung. God bless you. 




Terry on Sep 26, 2021 


Beautifully written and filmed. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021 


Thank you so much, Terry, for your gracious words. God bless you. 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


Growing up, my favorite song about the Jordan River was "Michael Row the Boat Ashore. Years later, I heard one by Barbara Streisand called "The Water Is Wide/Deep River" that I enjoyed that sang about the Jordan. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021 


I have never heard the Barbra Streisand version, Donna. I would love to hear that! God bless you. 




Patti on Sep 23, 2021 


Down to the river to pray. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


Yes, Patti! I love that song as well. Alison Krauss, I believe. 




Janelle on Sep 20, 2021 


I am deeply touched by this video. My 49-year old son, Brent, and I visited Israel for the first time in 2019. He was baptized in the River Jordan, which I captured on an iPhone video. God had done great miracles in his life prior to that trip. Almost four months later he died unexpectedly. I thank the Lord that he is in Heaven with our Savior. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 21, 2021 


Wow, Janelle... What an amazing blessing for you to be able to experience the Holy Land with Brent just before his home-going. Our God is a giver of good gifts. Thanks so much for sharing this with me. 




Janelle on Sep 21, 2021 


Thank you, Wayne. I am happy to join you on this wonderful online experience through video. God bless your work! 




Fred on Sep 18, 2021 


One of my favorites. I loved the old hymns played in this video. One could certainly feel God while watching. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2021 


What a blessing, Fred, that the Lord encouraged you through the Jordan River video. I pray that He continues to do so in the rest of the videos. God bless you. 




Fred on Sep 18, 2021 


One of my favorites. I loved the old hymns played in this video. One could certainly feel God while watching. 




Marsha on Sep 5, 2021 


What a wonderful video! I started balling at the end when the lady that was baptized was smiling so big. I could feel her joy! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2021 


I know what you mean, Marsha, about weeping out the lady who was baptized. Such a special event! 




Judith on Aug 26, 2021 


There are two places in the New Testament when God affirms that Jesus is his son in whom he is well pleased. 


The first is at the southern end of the Jordan River near Jericho. Jesus went to John the Baptist for His baptism and to start his three year ministry. 

Matthew 3:16-17 

At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” 


The second time is at Mount Hermon, the highest peak in Israel and where at the base the Jordan River begins. Jesus is in his final days as he prepares His disciples to go to Jerusalem where He will be killed. 


Matthew 17:5 

a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 26, 2021 


We’ll said, Judith! Thanks. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 20, 2021 


I had to watch this again and love where your spoke that when Jesus was baptized, rather than the river parting, the heavens parted! What a keen observation! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021 


That’s right, Wanda. Often the Lord uses geographic insights to teach right along with the Scripture. God bless you. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


It is interesting to note that God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites and then the Jordan so they could enter the promised land. I need to learn more about Elijah and Elisha to understand why he parted the Jordan for them. 

It’s comforting to note that the grace Jesus gave us by dying on the cross is the same grace that will lead us home. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


It seems that the Jordan River parted at significant points of transition in Israel's history. With Moses and Joshua, it was entering the land. With Elijah and Elisha, it was in preparation for the exile — leaving the land. And with Jesus, the sky parted as another wonderful transition! 




Donna on Aug 20, 2021 


Thank you for your answer. I’m going to save it because these are powerful reminders of God’s sovereignty. 

Would you please send me the name of the book you recommended for understanding the beatitudes better? You said it was detailed and thorough. I deleted it by mistake. I really need to read it and have sought deeper insight into the beatitudes with little success for many years. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021 


Donna, that book again is Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. 




Donna on Aug 20, 2021 


I have ordered the book and it is here now! Thank you! 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 18, 2021 


I loved this. Interesting to see the Bible referenced while showing us the footage of it. Just beautiful! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2021 


Yes, Wanda! Isn't it great to be able to connect the Bible and the lands together — and then connect these to our lives? Such a privilege… 




Deanna on May 13, 2021 


This video was amazing! I love how it details the biblical metaphors of transition, and I love that scripture references are provided. Some songs that instantly pop into mind are Ernie Haase & Signature Sound's "Get Away Jordan" and "John In The Jordan." Now I'm interested in looking up a list of songs pertaining to the Jordan River. 




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021 


I am familiar with some of the songs, Deanna. I’m so glad you enjoyed the video. God bless you. 




Karma on May 12, 2021 


I love and appreciate the metaphors and the also the beginnings of where the River Jordan begins and ends. 





Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021 


I am so glad, Karma, that the Lord blessed you through the Jordan River video. I pray that He continues to bless you with each video you watch! Thanks. 




Sara on May 11, 2021 


I felt so much peace with this video. God is doing a healing on my heart. I can just enter His rest by watching and listening. 




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2021 


How exciting, Sara, that the Lord is using the videos to bring peace in your life. I certainly pray that He continues to do so! 




Bonnie on May 6, 2021 


Loved it.. My favorite songs: At the Cross and Get Away Jordan. I saw the Jordan but not the waterfalls or much of the river. I injured my arm slipping on rock steps. 




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021 


So sorry, Bonnie, that you did not get to see the waterfalls or much of the river. I am glad that the video I was able to take you there! God bless you. 




Elsie on May 4, 2021 


The river’s peace is reflected on the faces of the faithful. 

Thank you for capturing the essence of this special place. 




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2021 


I never thought of it that way, Elsie. In a way, I guess the river does reflect the peace of the place. God bless. 




Lynn on Apr 23, 2021 


There are so many great hymns about the Jordan River. The question for this lesson took me on a journey to discover (listen to) Jordan River songs that I may not have yet heard. I enjoyed listening to several different songs I never heard before. Even after all the Jordan River songs I listened to, I am still drawn back to the old hymn that I grew up with: Shall We Gather at the River 


Yes, we'll gather at the river 

the beautiful, the beautiful river 

gather with the saints at the river 

that flows by the throne of God 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


Yes, Lynn, that hymn offer us a beautiful hope, doesn't it? I can't wait to gather at the river. 




Friend on Apr 23, 2021 


I'm enjoying the teachings. And thank you for including the verses from the bible. It helps to re-read them. The visual plus your teaching on where the Jordan river begins and ends helps too. I will have to watch the video again but I suppose the river was much wider when the Israelites crossed. It had to be very wide. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


That's right. The Jordan was at flood stage, the time of year when it reached its peak level. When they crossed, we're told: 


“For the Jordan overflows all its banks all the days of harvest...” (Joshua 3:15). 


I have seen the Jordan at its height, and it is amazing the difference between its flood stage and its lower level. God bless you. 




Charis on Apr 22, 2021 


These tours are perfect because it shows all the places with historical descriptions and the beautiful detail of nature. It is also so comforting to listen to scripture and learn and see the actual places talked about in scripture. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


I'm so glad, Charis, that the Lord is encouraging you though the videos and especially through the Scriptures. May He continue to do so with each video! God bless you. 




Janet on Apr 8, 2021 


I am so happy that I discovered your virtual tours! I've always wanted to visit The Holy Land, but couldn't afford the trip. Now, in the comfort and safety of my home, I can visit the sites I've heard and studied about over the years. I now have more of a "feel" of the scriptures. God bless you and your work Dr. Stiles! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


How wonderful, Janet, that you are experiencing the Holy Land in such a beneficial and blessed way! This is precisely what I had hoped. I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you with each and every video. God bless you. 




Randy on Apr 8, 2021 


I got baptized at Yardenet by my grandson who worked at a military base south of Beer Sheva. We visited there in December, 2015. It was cold then and no one was there so I had the honor to baptize him and he baptized me.! I have a video of the event!😍 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


What an amazing experience, Randy, to baptize your grandson in that river! That is something that neither of you will ever forget. God bless you. 




Randy on Apr 8, 2021 


I was raised Methodist and at age 12 I got baptized by water sprinkled on my head. When I was an adult I joined an Evangelical Church where they baptized by immersion and I prayed that could be baptized by immersion! The Lord answered my prayer to have that happen in the Jordan River, so I was doubly blessed! I’ve had other answers to prayer in my 85 years of life but best one was when I 19 I prayed God would give a personal experience that I could use to win others to Christ so when I went to Atlanta to supply school for 3 months while in the Naval Air Reserves, I went to church there and attended revival meetings that summer and invited my buddy to go with me. He declined and said he didn’t believe in God. After the Monday night meeting, he asked how it went and I witnessed to him. He decided to attended the Tuesday night meeting and when we got back to the barracks, he wanted to talk. He told me their was something different about me and he thought it was my Christian beliefs and if what the preacher said was true about Heaven and Hell, he was going to Hell! If there was no after life, he would just go to the ground. If there was an eternal life, Heaven was a better choice. He accepted Christ that night and went with to the revival meetings the rest of the week. He told his parents and they made him leave the house! 


He later married a Christian girl and they joined an Evangelical Lutheran church where he became Lay Leader. 

He called one summer when we were we were in our 60’s to inform me that he would be in Heaven before me. He had a brain tumor and was expected to pass in six months and he did! He planned his funeral message with his pastor and I drove up to Cleveland, Ohio 200 miles to his funeral. At the end of his service the pastor said that had known Mike for many years and appreciated the work he had done for the church and asked those in attendance if any of them knew how Mike got saved? I I went to the pulpit and shared Mike’s story and people came to the alter at his funeral! To this day, I cry when I share his story and it has been an effective tool the Lord has given me to lead others to Christ! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


What a magnificent testimony, Randy! Thank you so much for sharing it with me and with others here. May the Lord continue to use your story to draw many people to Him. God bless you. 




Cris on Apr 4, 2021 


Loved the "revisit". I love that "I Won't Have to Cross Jordan Alone". 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2021 


I am with you on that thought, Cris. What a blessing that we never have to cross that river alone. God bless you. 




Barbara on Apr 1, 2021 


I love these videos!! So happy to be along on the journey!! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Barbara, that the Lord has led you to be with me on these tours of biblical sites! May He continue to bless you as you watch each video. Thanks. 




Travis on Mar 31, 2021 


I really enjoyed this video on the Jordan river. All I have ever seen were still shots of small sections of the Jordan. I almost feel like I've actually been there after seeing this video. 

Carol: I truly enjoyed learning that so many important events occurred at the Jordan RIver such as Jesus being baptized there, the meaning of Jordan and that God had important events happen many times at the same place. For example, God parted the Jordan River so that the Israelites could cross into the promised land. Another event at the River. Thank you for all of your work to bring this information to us. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Travis and Carol, that the Jordan River video encouraged you both! It's such a beautiful and significant location for us who love the Bible. God bless you. 




Susan on Mar 31, 2021 


Gonna Lay Down My Burdens???? When we were there, I and others in our tour group got baptized. Thank you for sharing ! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2021 


That song is a GREAT one, Susan. And what a lifetime memory that you got to get baptized in the Jordan. Such a privilege. 




Marilynn on Mar 27, 2021 


I was there at the Jordon River, however, you were blessed with sites we did not enjoy. Thanks for sharing! I feel like I am on a whole new journey. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021 


What a privilege you had, Marilynn, to experience the Jordan River. I am also thrilled that you are getting to experience so many more sites through these videos. God bless you. 




Sally on Mar 25, 2021 


I got rebaptised with water from the Jordan River poured over my head when I went on our pilgrimage to Israel, I did not know there are water falls. So much we didn't get to see. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


So true, Sally! There is so much to see in Israel. One tour, or several, is not enough. I hope you enjoy these videos that will take you to dozens and dozens of sites. God bless you. 




Sharon on Mar 20, 2021 


I loved seeing the people get baptized. thanks for including that. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021 


You’re welcome, Sharon. I’m so glad that the baptism moments encouraged you. God bless you. 




Amelia on Mar 18, 2021 


Thank you for this information about the Jordan River and its significance. I love the hymn Baptized in Water and On Jordan's Bank. When I went on a Pilgrimage last 2019 we renewed our Baptism at the Jordan River. None of us in our group went down the water. I didn't even get water from there, though we were told to bring empty water bottle. We didn't get to see that part of the River where the water is clean. Just being there was enough for me. I was privileged to walk where Jesus walked. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


What a great privilege you had, Amelia, to go to Israel and to this unique place at the Jordan River. Absolutely profound, isn’t it, to ponder all of the history that occurred there? God bless you. 




Amelia on Mar 18, 2021 


I treasure that experience and I remain grateful to God and to those people who helped realize my dream. 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


I loved hearing about the significance of the crossing of the Jordan river and where it starts and where it ends And the meaning of its name 




Doreen on Mar 6, 2021 


In November 2018 I traveled with my Pastor and a few of my church members to Israel. Most of us was baptized in the Jordan by our Pastor and it has been for me one of the most exciting event in my life. My lufe have not been the same. I feel such a strong connection to Israel now I cannot explain it. I see myself going back, I dont know how but I know that I will be going back. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021 


What an incredible privilege for you, Doreen, to be able to go to Israel in 2018 with your church. And baptized in the Jordan River? Amazing… I do hope that you will go back again, and when you do, I pray you will come with me! God bless you. 




Maria on Mar 5, 2021 


I loved the video. Wonderful memories came back from our visit in 2018! Next time we travel to Israel we want to be baptized in the Jordan River! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Maria, to have journeyed to Israel in 2018. I hope when you return, you'll come with me! :-) God bless you. 




Maria on Mar 10, 2021 


God bless you too, Mr. Stiles. When is your next trip to Israel? It would be wonderful to go back and walk where Jesus walked once more! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021 


Maria, our next tour to Israel is THIS fall. See all my upcoming tours here. Would love to have you join me! 




Maria on Mar 13, 2021 


Thank you, Mr. Stiles, we'll check it out, and especially we'll be praying about it! May you have a Blessed day...every day! 




Andrea on Mar 4, 2021 


Having visited the Holy Land in 2018, I stood beside the River Jordan and the scripture reading about John the Baptist baptizing Jesus just cemented the reality —Jesus was baptized here and God audibly spoke—“This is my So.n. In Him I am well pleased.” Awesome revelation. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Andrea, to have journeyed to Israel in 2018. Wasn't it a magnificent time? I love that you were able to read the Scripture by the Jordan River. These are the moments we never forget. God bless you. 




Katherine on Mar 4, 2021 


Sincerely enjoyed the video. I just finished reading Deutoronomy so these visuals definitely enhanced my understanding and connection to the places, people, and events of this Biblical chapter. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021 


I love that, Katherine! I am thrilled that you are reading the Word in conjunction with these videos. In my view, there is no better way to watch them! God bless you. 




Maxine on Mar 3, 2021 


I was fortunate to go to this spot to be baptized. It is a memory I will never forget! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021 


What an amazing privilege for you, Maxine, to be baptized in the Jordan River. So true, you will never forget it! I pray that the videos continue to encourage you and to remind you of your significant journey to the Bible lands. God bless you. 




Marlene on Feb 25, 2021 


Just Beyond the Jordan River song 




Lois on Feb 25, 2021 


Very interesting video of the Jordan River and the map. Didn’t know there was a beautiful section and dirty and muddy area of the river. A very moving and spiritual moment watching those getting baptized in the same river Jesus was baptized. Wow! We’re all those people new Christians? Do groups come there from other countries to get baptized? Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021 


Yes, Lois, people come from all over the world to be baptized in the Jordan River. I hope they are all new Christians. :-) No way to know. God bless you. 




Norma on Feb 22, 2021 


Wow God that was inspirational. the explanation was very informative and i enjoyed hearing it. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021 


What a blessing, Norma, that the Jordan River video was an encouragement to you! I pray that the other videos will be just as inspiring. God bless you. 




Donna on Feb 21, 2021 


I did not realize the Jordon continued on south of the Sea of Galilee and that the river could be muddy looking or clean, depending on where you are and that there's such a beautiful waterfall.. Hope I can visit someday! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021 


Yes, Donna, the Jordan River looks wonderful up north and muddy down south. :-) I do hope you will go to Israel at some point – and that you will come with me! God bless you. 




Kimberly on Feb 19, 2021 


My biggest regret when I was there is that I got sick and wasn’t able to be baptized there. One day I will go back and be baptized. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


I understand that disappointment, Kimberly. I do hope you'll return to Israel soon-- and that you'll come with me! The Jordan River isn't going anywhere. In fact, being baptized in the Sea of Galilee is also magnificent. It's just a wide spot in the Jordan. :-) 




Diane on Feb 19, 2021 


No song comes to mind but had the privilege on going on a tour to Israel in January of 2020 and was baptized at the Yardent Baptismal Site on a cold drizzly day in January but I'm so blessed to have had that opportunity. This brought back some memories. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


What a privilege for you, Diane, to have traveled to Israel so recently (just in time!) and also to get baptized in the Jordan. What a treasure of memories for you. 




Lynne on Feb 17, 2021 


Wonderful to see it 

More meaningful now 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Lynne. I pray the encouragement continues! God bless you. 




Barbara on Feb 12, 2021 


I have been to that spot 6 times in my 7 visits to Israel and it never gets old. Thank you for all the wonderful connections from the Old testament to the New as a place of transition and death to life. Blessings 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2021 


Wow, Barbara... Seven tours to Israel? You, more than most, know the amazing value of experiencing the land of the Bible. I'm thrilled that the video was able to make some connections and offer encouragement in addition to your many visits there. By the way, the next time you go, come with me. :-) God bless you. 




Mary on Feb 11, 2021 


Brings back memories from 50 years ago. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021 


What a blessing you had, Mary, to visit the Jordan River a half a century ago! I am glad that video brings back memories. God bless you. 




Melissa on Feb 11, 2021 


Literal tears in my eyes seeing such a place of beauty. So many emotions seeing a place that God used many times in His Word. Truly hoping one day I'll actually be able to experience it. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021 


What a joy, Melissa, that your virtual tour to the Jordan River brought literal tears to your eyes. That is my prayer for you as you watch these videos on Walking the Bible Lands. :-) I also join you in your prayer and hope to go to Israel. When you go, I hope you'll come with me. :-) God bless. 




Kim on Feb 9, 2021 


Praise God! What a moving video. I love seeing what I read come to life. Thank you for these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021 


I am glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Kim. God bless you. I pray that they continue to be an encouragement to you. 




Anne on Feb 8, 2021 


Love seeing the baptisms in the Jordan! I did not have the opportunity to do this when I visited Israel in 2016! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021 


What a blessing, Anne, that you got to go to the Jordan River! A rare privilege… I'm also thrilled that you get to see these baptisms in the very place where you were. God bless you. 




Carol on Feb 4, 2021 


Loving this wonderful virtual. It brings back many happy memories of being there. 





Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


What an amazing blessing you have experienced, Carol, in going to Israel. I am thrilled that the videos are bringing back happy memories for you, and I am excited of all the new places you will see! God bless you. 




Jonathan on Feb 4, 2021 


Thank you Dr. Wayne for the Jordan River video teaching. A place of beauty to surrender and be baptized. To die to the old self and to come up new in the faith and hope...a new beginning. Hallelujah. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


I am so glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Jonathan. It is a beautiful picture of new life, isn't it? God bless you. 




Bobbie on Feb 4, 2021 


I watched this video now three times. In March 2019 my Husband and I were baptized in the Jordan River at the same spot in the lower geographical area. Oh what a wonderful day it was. I had been baptized before however my Husband had not. My journey to Israel was my dream since I was a little girl. And for my Hubby to be with me, well, what a blessing. I just wish there was someway I could share the Jordan River video with my younger son Nick, who lives in Japan and has not received Salvation- yet. Please pray for him. I feel time is running out before the Rapture and my heart aches for his Salvation. I pray for him all the time. He knows his older Brother and SIL, his Dad and I have all been baptized. Now if God will open his eyes and heart to Him I pray Nick will except Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Sorry for the long text- this video really hit me hard. Thank you Dr. Wayne. Love your videos. I would love to go back to Israel Looking forward to more videos. Learning way more here than when in Israel. Thank you Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021 


I am thrilled to read about your baptism in the Jordan River, Bobbie. What an amazing blessing that you and your husband were able to travel to Israel and be baptized there. A rare privilege! I am praying for Nick that he will see and understand his need to have Jesus forgive him of his sins by faith alone. When he believes, I would love to know about it. :-) When you return to Israel, I hope you will come with me! 




Bobbie on Feb 4, 2021 


Thank you for praying for Nick. Of course, we would love to take our next Israel trip with you. Keep us posted. Thank you. 




Marilyn on Jan 28, 2021 


Your videos are awesome!! We have been to Israel 2 times 2006 and 2009 and I have never learned as much as I have watching these videos. I wish I had known about these videos before we had gone. I was so overwhelmed both times we went. We had excellent guides and our Pastor of a Bible Church went with us both times, but these videos really bring it to life for me. I will be eternally grateful to you!! Thank you thank you. I hope to go back again some day Marilyn Huffer from Texas 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


What a privilege for you, Marilyn, to have gone to Israel twice! Such a blessing… I am thrilled that the videos are bringing to your mind all of the places you've seen him– as well as providing you new insights from the Scriptures. And I do hope that you are able to go back to Israel one day – and that you will go with me! God bless you. 




Raymond on Jan 27, 2021 


My bucket list is to See the Holy Lands. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021 


That is wonderful, Raymond! Seeing the land of the Bible will absolutely change the way you read the Scriptures. When you go, I invite you to come with me! God bless you. 




Rosemarie on Jan 26, 2021 


To think I just saw the Jordan River....... WOW 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021 


Yes indeed, Rosemarie, and there is so much more to see! 




Gary on Jan 23, 2021 


Gday Wayne,I enjoyed video of jordon i have studied book of Joshua a bit especially while going through extreme hardships. I dont when i can travel overseas yet. Looks like another 12 mths at least. Texas is my first choice though.. cheers Gary Steele. I was baptised back in 1992 September 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2021 


I'm glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Gary. God bless you as you walk with Him each day and study the Bible. 




Joan on Jan 22, 2021 


My favorite Jordan River song has been "Michael Row the Boat Ashore" for years; but I just discovered a new favorite as sung by Jimmy Fortune (favorite tenor of the Statler Brothers), "Far Side Banks of the Jordan", which helps me picture my late husband on the other side of the Jordan. Then there's the popular Christian song by Jordan Feliz (see the connection) entitled, "The River", picturing a group of people going to the river and getting baptized, which I also love! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2021 


Wonderful connections to the Jordan River, Joan. I've never heard of the final two songs you mentioned. Thanks for sharing. God bless you. 




Ellen on Jan 18, 2021 


Loved this. Was so wonderful seeing so many people being baptized. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2021 


Yes, Ellen, isn't it wonderful to see all these people baptized? And in the Jordan River! I am glad the video was an encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Sharon on Jan 19, 2021 


Me too! I love seeing people get baptized. I've just joined. The last woman baptized looked transformed. It appears this will be a good thing for me. I doubt I will ever get to Israel because my health isn't good plus my husband has no interest in going. 




Bonnie on Jan 16, 2021 


I was moved spiritually just watching the baptisms in the Jordan! ( okay-I cried). I was baptized in a river and felt like it was a very spiritual blessing! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


Baptisms are a very moving experience, aren’t they? What a blessing that your faith in Christ is such an encouragement to you that you can weep when you behold it in the lives of others. God bless you. 




Karen on Jan 15, 2021 


Don't have any Jordan River songs....but my favorite songs are Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves All The Little Children, Old Rugged Cross, Because He Lives, Amazing Christ, Crucified With Christ. When people say Why get baptized? I don't have to prove to anyone that I have done so? I say Jesus was baptized to please the commitment to His Father. It's a hope in God that we believe in Jesus Christ and be baptized in order to feel salvation as a completed accomplishment thru obedience of His Will for our lives. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021 


That’s a great point, Karen. Indeed, we are baptized not because it changes anything, but because God commanded it and we are obedient to display to a watching world that we are Christians. 




Sherry on Jan 14, 2021 


This brought back memories when we were baptized in the Jordan River in the Mighty name of Jesus! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021 


What a privilege for you, Sherry, to be baptized in the Jordan. Wow... 




Sherry on Jan 14, 2021 


Yes it was and life changing going to the places where the prophets walked was so amazing! 




Sandi on Jan 14, 2021 


"In the 'Sweet Bye and Bye' we shall meet on that beautiful shore" that hymn came to mind. The crossing over aspect. 


It is sad that the waters where Jesus was baptized & the sky split open are so dirty. It is nice that further up clean waters are available for baptisms. It is interesting how many different scenic views can be found along the Jordan River. That would be a fun trip all in itself. Thank you again for sharing. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021 


Yes, Sandi, that is a great hymn, isn't it? The Jordan River is an amazing body of water. Such a variety! North of the Sea of Galilee, it is absolutely beautiful. Check out the video footage of the Jordan River in the Ministry of Jesus video. So beautiful... 




Angelo on Jan 8, 2021 


Are the 12 stones still there today? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2021 


Great question, Angelo. No, those stones are not visible anywhere. It is safe to say only God knows where they are. :-) God bless you. 




Debra on Jan 7, 2021 






Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2021 


Thanks, Debra, and I am so glad you enjoyed the video on the Jordan River. God bless you. 




Greg on Jan 4, 2021 


This is a great video. You do a great job mixing elements of touring the Land with devotional thoughts. Loved it. Thanks. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021 


Thank you, Greg. I am thrilled that you enjoyed the Jordan River video. May the Lord continue to bless you as you work your way through the videos. 




Ty on Jan 3, 2021 


Playing catch up with the viewings and readings today. I have read 'The Book' in a year (OT,NT, Psalms & Proverbs - Tyndale House Publishers) for about 3 decades. Indeed it is a scriptural/spiritual journey. The visual impact and the expounding with this interpretation is almost like sitting at the Almighty's feet and allowing Him to give us a personal story telling with visual effects of His story to us for our own personal journey 'with Him and in Him'. 


Where is yours and my Jordan? If you have to travel to get there you may be missing the point, it's right in front of you in your local area. So the key word in this whole undertaking is 'obedience' and it's right now not later. It's on God's terms not mine or yours. 


Funny thing about obedience it's personal in hearing, seeing, sensing, knowing a prompting. As God walked daily in the garden with Adam and Eve prior to the fall, He intends to walk daily with all His kids whether we understand and surely don't appreciate it, at least in the way we need to, in how I understand things for my personal relationship with our Creator God. Key word is 'personal', so don't make it religious or a head knowledge learning only. (Two trees in the garden of Eden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the Tree of Life. Don't relive the same result of that first wrong choice in using yours/mine gift of 'free will'. What's yours and my garden looking like?) 


This undertaking is designed by our Creator God for our personal DNA as it is unique and personal only to us individually. Only one person can carry out yours and my life and it is ourselves. Surely we can all follow the God we see inside someone, but to follow another fallen human being, is dangerous. Yet God in His wisdom (wonder why Proverbs is picked in this interpretation and presentation?) uses what is broken to restore what He intended. 


What God is doing through Wayne and the others putting this together is remarkably personal to everyone participating in it. It's as close to a Hollywood sign to get all of our attention as one is going to get outside a person appearance of the Almighty Himself. 


Obedience will not come easy to any of us. One only has to read the Word to see the many miscues and the struggles with those who have went before us had and made, yet God in His daily grace and mercies has used them to inspire us, right now, not tomorrow. One of the first names we read of Him, our God, is 'I am who I am', He's right now in each and every moment. So although we know He is the I was, and He will be the future, He is very much I am, right now and personal to every one of us. 


We are 'visually' and 'audibly' inspired beings who are greatly influenced by these 2 gifts. Every day our Creator is allowing us a choice (His grace and mercies are new every morning) to take a walk with Him in His created garden we walk in. It's call God's practical daily school of life in class room 101. We have been given a super Teacher called the Holy Spirit (always with us, He who is in you and me is greater than he who is in the world) and the School's Head Master (His church) is Jesus Christ, Himself who leads us to the path to our diploma at graduation death of being lead by the natural into our being lead by the spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17) and ultimately to heaven to be with the Father and the Godhead Trinity.. 


Pretty exciting story to be unravelled by the story tellers God Himself is using for us, so we get a front row seat personally. This is pretty amazing of God, who gives us one job to do this side of heaven. Get to know Him personally and allow Him to lead as we all follow. How does one follow someone you can't see in the natural? 


Stay tuned as lots of the story teling is in the making and forthcoming. Pretty exciting and challenging new year's gift with what we all have just come through in 2020 and what lies ahead for us in 2021 and ......... in the natural. 


Ever feel like Moses when God was telling Him to be His scribe? One encouraging brother has often reminded me, if I get the Word in me (daily), the Holy Spirit with my obedience, will get the Word out of me for the benefit others and myself. (Colossians 3:17). And yes, those deeds, do speak louder than words as they create moments for questions by others. Preach (do, obey) the Word with all your/my might and only use words as a last result. But, be ready in season and out with ...... 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021 


It's amazing, Ty, how your comments are often like small devotionals all by themselves! Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and for your passion for God's Word. 




Doris on Dec 27, 2020 


First hymn to come to mind was When Jesus Came to Jordan. Before visiting I thought the Jordan was alot wider and cleaner. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2020 


I do understand what you mean about the Jordan River, Doris. This southern part of it is the dirtiest, for sure – but it is the place where Jesus was likely baptized. Of course, it was much cleaner in His day. If you want to see a more pristine and beautiful part of the river, check out the video series on the Ministry of Jesus. The Jordan River is absolutely beautiful north of the Sea of Galilee. God bless you. 




Joan on Dec 27, 2020 


Just this morning during Bible Study we talked about the angels announcing Jesus' birth to the Shepherds & how he is The Good Shepherd and we talked about being Baptized in the Jordan River. When the study was over & I logged in to your site here were 2 videos of exactly what we talked about. I love God's sense of humor. My husband and I had the privilege of being Baptized in the Jordan River a few years ago. What an awesome experience!! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2020 


What a wonderful providential morning, Joan! How amazing that the Lord connected your Bible study with the videos. In truth, I hope and pray He continues to do so. God bless you. 




Nancy on Dec 13, 2020 


It was such a wonderful experience and I loved the waterfall 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2020 


I'm so glad, Nancy, that you enjoyed the Jordan River video. Such a special, beautiful place and such a great reminder of the grace of God in our lives. God bless you. 




Nancy on Dec 14, 2020 


I am going to the next video,I can’t wait 




Sue on Oct 28, 2020 


Can you be baptized more than once? It looks like that's what people are doing. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2020 


Great question, Sue. If by more than once (all at the same time), yes-- the early church actually baptized new believers three times in a row-- for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also, if someone was baptized as an unbeliever (say, as a child), they should be re-baptized as a believer (we see Paul doing this with converts in Acts 19, but under different conditions). But if you mean can one be baptized more than once as a true believer-- there's no need for it. But there's also no prohibition against it. Some pilgrims choose to do it as a rededication, although it isn't necessary. 




Karen Kalinowski on Sep 29, 2020 


“Every time I feel the spirit moving in my heart, I will pray. 

The Jordan River is chilly and cold. It chills the body, but not the soul!” 

I love the old spirituals! This was the first to pop into my head that mentions the river Jordan. 

I was so blessed this morning with your video. I was baptized in the Jordan River at Yardenit just days before the COVID-19 lockdown. I have been using my new-found free time at home to read and study God’s word. This free time has been a gift to me from Jesus, as he reveals new things to me every day! 

Thank you, Pastor Wayne! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2020 


What a blessing, Karen, that you got to journey to Israel and be baptized in the Jordan River. Wow… Such a rare privilege. I am thrilled that the videos are encouraging you, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as we take this journey together. 




Jeanette on Sep 22, 2020 


I love listening to water run, whether at a beach, river, lake, etc. As I watched this video I found it so soothing and then thought God is the fountain of living water - He soothes my soul 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 23, 2020 


What a wonderful response, Jeanette. Come to think of it, I also enjoy listening to water run – especially rivers. Very peaceful and quiet. I need a river in my home! :-) God bless you. 




Lucila on Aug 26, 2020 


Beautiful video very nice to see how they got baptized so excited and can imagine what everyone felt having the chance to be there 🙏 Blessings 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 26, 2020 


Yes, Lucila, it really is amazing to see all of the baptisms and the joy. Such a blessing! 




Helena on Aug 21, 2020 


Profound spiritual meaning set in a beautifully done video. Thank you! 

Just one question about Jordan meaning "descending from Dan." In the Bible the name "Jordan" is used long before the Tribe of Dan moved up north. How then is "Dan," as in the name of the tribe, part of the name of the river? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020 


That's a great question, Helena. Sometimes the Bible will refer to a location in terms the current (then) readers would recognize, much like we might refer to "North America" back before there was an America. Genesis 14:14 is a good example, where Abram went "as far as Dan." There wasn't even a "Dan" at that time! I hope that helps some. 




Helena on Aug 22, 2020 


Great answer! Wow, Dan mentioned in Gen 14 - food for thought. Thank you! 




Rick on Aug 21, 2020 


Another "transition" crossed my mind when viewing this video - transitioning from this life and the next. It reminded me of the old hymn "I Won't Have to Cross Jordan Alone." 


When I come to the river at the ending of day 

When the last winds of sorrow have blown 

There'll be somebody waiting to show me the way 

I won't have to cross Jordan alone 


I won't have to cross Jordan alone 

Jesus died all my sins to atone 

In the darkness I see 

He'll be waiting for me 

I won't have to cross Jordan alone 


It comforts me to know He's waiting to welcome us home! 


God bless you. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020 


That's a great one, Rick. Your comment reminds me of Pilgrim's Progress when Pilgrim crosses the river at the end. 




Elena on Aug 16, 2020 


I really enjoyed seeing people getting baptized in the Jordan River! A blessing to witness! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


Yes, Elena, it really is a blessing to see people get baptized anywhere – but especially in the Jordan River. I am glad the video encouraged you. I pray they continue to do so! God bless you. 




Robin on Aug 15, 2020 


I was baptized in one of those exact! Spots! I am a newby here and so very excited. Thank you and God (continue) to bless! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020 


I am so glad you had the privilege of being baptized there, Robin! How wonderful for you to relive your significant experience through the video. I pray that the other videos will be of similar encouragement to you. God bless you — and welcome! 




Marge on Aug 14, 2020 


There's a song that is very endearing to me. Its called Down To The River to Pray. Beautiful song by Alison Krauss. I always think about the river Jordon. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


I love that song, Marge! Alison Krauss is so gifted. She has so many good hymns as well. 




Cathy on Aug 5, 2020 


I stood on the banks of Jordan by Rance Allen 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020 


I have never heard that one, Cathy. I will have to check it out. Thanks. 




Rita on Aug 4, 2020 


It surely would be great to be baptized in the Jordan. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2020 


The entire journey to Israel is an amazing experience, Rita. If you have not been, it would be great for you to take the plunge. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


"On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry"... On my recent Israel visit, we visited both of these baptism sites on the Jordan. Your video presentation is profoundly evocative and very moving. Many thanks! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


How wonderful that you got to relive your significant moments along side a Jordan River, Steven. I am so glad that you got the visual reminder as well as the spiritual memory. 




Wes on Jul 23, 2020 


That was amazing! Thank you Wayne 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


I am so glad you enjoyed the Jordan River video, Wes! May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Linda on Jul 23, 2020 


Amazing to learn the Word and see the sights that was the backdrop of the actual events that took place...I am a Bible College student and wish I could have had this resource back then. I am enjoying it so much. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020 


I am so glad that you are getting to see the real thing, Linda! How wonderful for you to have studied the Bible in college – and now to add to your studies the visuals. May God bless you as you enjoy these videos. 




Rosa on Jul 23, 2020 


I just joined! Recommended this to several friends! Excellent Wayne. Dr. Charlie after endorsed your video devotions on FaceBook where I saw this’ll it this morning! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020 


Welcome, Rosa! I am so glad that you have joined and that you are able to enjoy these virtual tour videos. Charlie is a wonderful friend and a great man of God. God bless you 




Rosa on Jul 23, 2020 


I was blessed to have Charlie as my tour guide when I went to Israel years ago. I love your teaching, videos and questions to help us grow spiritually! Thank you! 




Rose on Jul 23, 2020 


I'm being blessed by these videos. Going to Israel has been on the top of my bucket list. I'll probably not get there for many reasons. 

So, thank you for this opportunity. Blessings, Rose 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020 


You are not alone right now, Rose. Traveling to Israel is a challenge for all of us at this point. I am thrilled that you are being blessed by the videos. May the Lord continue to bless you! 




Katherine on Jul 10, 2020 


I would love to know the name of some songs that you recommend that has the Jordan River in it. I was trying to look up some. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2020 


A few hymns that are my favorite that mention the Jordan River: "Wayfaring Stranger," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," "Deep River," "On Jordan's Stormy Banks," and the list goes on! God bless. 




Judy on Jul 6, 2020 


I am 75yo, so God's grace has strengthened me many times in my life, but probably most after my divorce after 32 yrs of marriage. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020 


Thank you, Judy, for clinging to the grace of God during the painful days of your life. I pray that the Lord would restore those years that the locusts have eaten. God bless you in this new season as you serve Him. 




Zina on Jul 4, 2020 


In 2018 I was baptized in the Jordan River a reaffirmation of 42 years of being a believer in Jesus Christ. Our group sang Amazing Grace afterward. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2020 


What a wonderful and special memory, Zina. I bet this video really brought back some special moments for you. May God bless you as you follow Him beyond your 44 years of faith to eternity. 




Lynne on Jun 12, 2020 


The video was so enlightening! I had never thought about transition in relation to the Jordan River, or the way the river winds and wanders its way through the land to the Sea of Galilee representative of the Israelites' wanderings to and from God. Ultimately it represents us and our own wanderings and transitions. God's grace leads us home to Him. "Shall we Gather at the River" is one of my favorite hymns. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020 


That's a great hymn, Lynne! Yes, it is amazing to see the many ways that God uses the lands of the Bible teach us about our spiritual lives. God bless you. 




Nick on Jun 11, 2020 


"The same Grace that Redeemed us will lead us Home". WOW ! 

I needed that gold nugget ! 

Just lost my younger brother (48) in March of 2020. He was saved and baptized as a child, so I have no doubt he is in the arms of God. 

We were so close. He was a wonderful person but, the last few years of his life, he made selfish choices of substance abuse and it costed him his life. 

He still read his Bible and was always singing gospel songs, but was unable to do for his kids and others as he previously had. 

But, God always knew his heart and his mind. And while kids go astray, the parent still loves them. 

God does too ! 

Consider the lilies and the sparrows , He cares for us so much more ! 

Thank you for these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020 


What a tender time of life for you, Nick. How wonderful that the Lord was able to give you a closer relationship with your younger brother – as well as the confirmation and encouragement of his salvation as a boy. May the Great Comforter continue to extend His hand of grace in your heart. 




Daisy on Jun 11, 2020 


Greetings everyone; Blessings in the name of the Lord... Iam new to the group. so excited to be here. Don’t have a favorite hymn yet but will be listening to the ones mentioned soon. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020 


The longer I have thought about the Jordan River, Daisy, the more hymns I continue to hear that include this wonderful metaphor. God bless you. 




Rebekah on May 30, 2020 


The River by Jordan Feliz 


Lets go down to the river, you will leave changed. 

All of my dirt, all of my shame. Drowned in the steams 

that made me born again. 


awesome song, Praise Jesus I'm born again! 

loved seeing this, I was baptized in the Jordan brought back great memories. 




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020 


What a privilege, RebeKah, and thank you for sharing. 




Alejandra on May 15, 2020 


When I first trusted the Lord Jesus, I bumped into this song "Glory Defined" by Building 429. It became my favorite song of hope for many years. 


"I'll wake up to find 

Your glory defined 

I will finally bow at Your feet 

I will lift up Your name, in honor and praise 

When I cross over the Jordan, I know that I'll be running home to You." 


Looking forward to finally being home with Jesus. 




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2020 


Nice song, Alejandra. It's nice to see the Jordan River as a metaphor in a song that isn't a hymn. God bless. 




Adele on May 14, 2020 


Deep River... 

my home is over Jordan. 

Deep River, I want to cross over into campground. 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020 


Yeeesss.... I love that great hymn, Adele. Such a beautiful metaphor. God bless. 




Diana on Apr 26, 2020 


How about Wade in the Water? :) 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2020 


Yes, Diana, that is a wonderful spiritual song. Great addition! Thanks. 




Susan on Apr 16, 2020 


On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand...I am bound for the promised land. 


I enjoyed the video. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2020 


I love that song, Susan, "Bound for the Promised Land"-- such a great hymn. Thanks. 




Sue on Apr 15, 2020 


Loved it! I remember the tremendous power of the Banias Falls and think of Jesus, the Living Water. There's never a moment we can't be cleansed, refreshed, renewed when we turn to him. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2020 


I love the way you put that, Sue. The Jordan River is such a beautiful metaphor for so many spiritual truths in the Scriptures. Thanks for your insightful comment. And what a blessing that you got to see the falls! Wow… 




Judy on Sep 27, 2019 


For many years I have "heard" the LORD speak to me to cross over the Jordan. When I first heard that message, it frightened me because I always understood it to mean a passing over from earthly life to death, and I wasn't ready for that (not that I have much say, of course)! As I allowed the message to move in me, instruct me, and saw it come back in various forms, I understood intuitively that God was taking me through a transition, and all I needed was to trust Him and take a step. Never have I heard anyone teach that the Jordan was a metaphor for transition. Thank you! I feel liberated to hear and understand in the spirit before I understand in my brain or my heart. Some obvious things escape us in this journey of faith. Still, God's timing to reveal something is perfect! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2019 


Judy, I do pray that the Lord gives you strength to cross over into the significant transitions He leads you to. Of course, whatever He leads us to do will never contradict His Word — the ultimate source and guidance for our Christian lives. God bless you and thanks. 




Beverly on Jun 28, 2019 


Loved it! Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2019 


You're welcome, Beverly. And thanks! 




Diane on Apr 20, 2019 


Is there any way to cast the videos to our tv? Chromcast or other? 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2019 


Diane, the best way to cast the videos to your TV is to use Apple TV or another device that plays from your computer or smartphone. We do this often! Thanks. 




Mary on Sep 19, 2018 


Oh, I forgot to mention, too that I was here a couple years ago, standing in the Jordan. This video brought me to tears watching the people get baptized. 




Mary on Sep 19, 2018 


Thank you, again for an amazing video and teaching! I'm showing it tonight to our life group that meets in our home. We are studying the Bible in Chronological order. The video will go perfectly where we are at in the Bible-Joshua taking the reigns from Moses and leading the people into the promised land. Of course this covers the parting of the Jordan. I have a question. I have heard that the Jordan river today is much different than it was 3,000 years ago. I'm assuming it was probably wider?? I know when Joshua crossed it was at flood stage and that the water piled up in a heap at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan. Do we know where that is today and is there any archaeological ruins there? 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2018 


I'm thrilled, Mary, that you enjoyed the video and that you shared it with your study group. That's great! 


You're right. Most of the Jordan River’s flow has been diverted for agricultural use—with sewage replacing it. It's a real issue, so much so that the Dead Sea's survival is at risk. (The Jordan River is the Dead Sea's only source of intake.) The site of Adam is still known today, yes—about 16 miles north of Jericho. Here's the spot on Google Maps by Damia Bridge. As far as I know, there are no ruins-- and access is prohibited since it's the border between Israel and Jordan. 




Mary on Sep 20, 2018 


Thanks Wayne for your and for the info! So sad about the Dead Sea! Who controls the River, Jordan or Israel or both? Is the Jordan River part of Israel or Jordan? 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2018 


If you zoom in real closely on the Google Maps, you'll see the border between Israel and Jordan is right in the middle of the river. So they each control it up to the center. Israel and Jordan work well together, so it's rarely an issue. 




Mary on Sep 20, 2018 






Diane on Aug 29, 2018 


the teaching and the photography are outstanding! we learned much and enjoyed every minute of it. Can you tell us who sang that beautiful rendition of "in the cross"? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2018 


Thanks, Diane. The composer is listed as Brittney Phelan, though I'm not sure if she's the vocalist. I got the recording from Audioblocks. 




Deborah on Aug 21, 2018 


This was such a moving video, thankyou Wayne. There are so many wonderful hymns about crossing over Jordan, and Poor Wayfaring Stranger was the best choice! I have just been there in June to the southern baptismal site and 'baptised' myself on the Jordan side even though noone else in the tour group went in! I would always have regretted not doing it otherwise. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Yes the Jordan River was muddy, shallow, and tepid (not "chilly and cold", not "deep and wide"), but that moment of being fully immersed in its waters as our Lord once was felt very meaningful. Such peace, relief, longing, and joy all at once! Praise God. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2018 


So glad you got to experience such a special moment, Deborah. Indeed, the Jordan River is so meaningful! So much history and truth in its metaphors. God bless. 




Cobi on Aug 18, 2018 


This video brought me to tears, and reminded me of my baptism in the Jordan a few years ago, I have grown up in a traditional church where infants were baptized. When I was baptized, i realized how visual God really was. When I came out of the water, it felt like all my sins were being washed from me, and for the first time I felt clean. I knew I was saved, I had been a follower of Christ all my life, yet that experience changed me in a way I had not expected. Praise be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2018 


That's wonderful, Cobi. I'm thrilled that the Lord encouraged you at your baptism that your faith in Christ washed you clean. I'm honored that this video reminded you of that special memory. Thanks and God bless. 




Rosario on Jul 15, 2018 


Excuse me, but the Download video link (blue button) seems to link to the Qumran title. Is it supposed to be so? 

Still, thanks for the helpful videos. 




Jeffrey on Jun 26, 2018 


One thing that came to mind as I was finishing watching this video was how the Jordan River is kind of a metaphor for new beginnings and fresh starts. Whether it was crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land for the Israelites or repenting of sins and being baptized by John the Baptist, I think the Jordan River can symbolize that type of change for everybody. For me, I can see it as representing the first time I began to experience God's grace and His promises He has in store for me or a new direction when it comes to realizing God's purpose and how I can serve Him in new ways. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2018 


Magnificent insights, Jeff. The Jordan certainly represents those truths. Thanks for offering your input! 




Karen on Jun 14, 2018 


“I Am Bound For The Promised Land” that contains Jordan River. Not the best tune...but the words, yes! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018 


Great song, Karen. Yes-- on our tours I'll often have our group sing that hymn as we're driving away from the Jordan on the way to the Promised land. :-) 




Karen on Jun 14, 2018 


Wayne, your videos are perfect! We get to see areas up close, far above, highlighted maps, it’s history, meanings & definitions, related scriptures, and develop an even more closeness to God visually. And it’s all to the glory of our most amazing Lord and Savior. Thank you. 


(I’m finally getting a chance to catch up, so I’ll be commenting a lot till I do. Thank you in advance for your patience with me about that, lol) 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018 


So glad you're catching up, Karen. Keep the comments coming. :-) And thank you for the kind words; it's really an honor. 



Jordan River - A Reflection of Your Spiritual Life

Elah Valley - What to Do with Your Ordinary Days of Life 

Joyce on Mar 28 


Throughout my life I have had what I call “God moments”. He has shown up at just the right time or has sent someone to intervene when I needed it most. When I reflect on the situation I justify it away by saying it was just a coincidence. I know it really wasn’t. There are no coincidences. God always takes care of me. What a great feeling! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29 


Right, Joyce? Those God moments are so very special. 




Roy Stewart on Mar 25 


Thank you Wayne...Your videos bring the Bible to life. I look forward to walking with you daily. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26 


I'm right there with you, Roy. And I'm thrilled that the Lord is blessing you as you watch the videos. :-) 




Susan on Apr 13 


I so very much agree with Roy Stewart. Your videos and podcasts do bring the Bible to life. They are special and I look forward to them daily. God bless, Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13 


Thank you, Susan! God bless you as well. 




Lori on Sep 18, 2022 


Its so amazing to see where biblical events actually took place. What an honor. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. 

God Bless you ❤ 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022 


Thank you, Lori. I'm so glad that the Lord continues to encourage you through these virtual tours to biblical sites. God bless you. 




Debra on Aug 10, 2022 


Thank you so much for these videos. They hit home. Every time. God bless you. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022 


Thank you for letting me know, Debra. I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. God bless you. 




Ty on May 8, 2022 


‘In looking through the comments section where I don't see any left by myself, so I can only determine this is the first time viewing of this video by myself. 1 Samuel 16:7 comes to mind immediately. 


'But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”.' 


How easy is it for any of us to get caught up in this? We see seem to only see in the natural, but God sees it all. The only heaven on earth I believe in the here and now is the gift (Holy Spirit) from God that resides in His adopted sons and daughters. The cost of that gift was a price of a life (God's Son's life), which we really can't appreciate, as we live in a fallen world. We must remind ourselves where does this gift of God reside and it is in us. Revelation 3:20 says: 


'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.' 


To look for heaven on earth in any other place is worthless, in my personal opinion. So, we can't see what's in a person heart without God. Who is doing the looking for any one of us? Without heaven on earth (Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead) living in us, we can only see in the natural and reason it out that way. But with God's help we can be elevated into the spiritual realm and get a glimpse of God in what He is doing in changing us from the inside out. To be honest, we all fear that, so we refuse to understand and step into the 'fear of the Lord'. We instead back away with our limited understanding and we fear everything else, which can and will defeat us every time. 


The question Wayne poses to us is found in everyday life as every day is normal in a fallen world. The only way to get out of the normal is through the spiritual realm and only God can elevate us to that level or the prince of the air restricts us from stepping into that spiritual realm. One can only reflect upon that and answer for oneself how they are doing. Every day is a school day in God's practical school of life. Our choice is do we desire to show up and attend God’s practical class of life happening every day. For the most part we are too busy to even think about this, so taking the proper time is beyond any of us as we are too swept up in all the goings on in this fallen world. The negatives used by the prince of the air suppresses the positives of that of an adopted child of God, which is available in our life. Many are called but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14) Hard to read these scripture words and not feel the weight of them. We seem to bow down to what we see in the created as the real thing. (Revelation 19:10)’ 




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022 


So true, Ty. We are often so busy that we do not think about the significance of the small things we do each day. 




Patty on Apr 21, 2022 


ThankYou for another great devotional scripture land video. It’s a good exhortation to me to be aware/alert/attuned to the truth our Lord is in every day. Even very early in morning at gym - prayer assignments were given for folks there - always with redemption in mind. Love this David/Goliath location - just read through this area 😊👍 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


What a blessing, Patty, that the Lord encouraged you through the Elah Valley video. It's a valley we walk in every day! 




Frances Tencza on Apr 15, 2022 


This was no ordinary day, because I was able to introduce a neighbor to the Widows group at my church! It was painful for her, but hopefully it will be a blessing to her as it has been for me! I realize that my past relationships before I met my husband, which have lately been haunting me, must not have been meant to be!My relationship with my deceased husband, even though we had little in common,was a challenge, but God saw us both through all our trials and gave us the strength to persevere! 

Praise God! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2022 


Thank you, Frances, for persevering in your marriage and for sharing how God gave you the strength to do so. God bless you. 




Dave on Feb 14, 2022 


Pastor, I am in the process of putting a men's bible study together for my church men's group. It will be Friday evening and all day Saturday. Looking at the last weekend of March as the dates. 


Do you have any recommendations for me? I want the study to be based around living as men of God in our society or something like that. Please get back to me with any resources you can provide. Thanks. 


Also, I wanted to know if you knew Dennis and Sharon Malone. They worked with my dad in the highlands of New Guinea for Wycliffe Bible Translators 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2022 


Dave, please call me Wayne! :-) I do not know Dennis and Sharon, unfortunately. As far as a resource for your men's retreat, you might check out Gene Getz's excellent book, The Measure of a Man: Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man. 




Ivette Rebecca on Feb 1, 2022 


My husband and I have been in a long Sabbatical from active full time ministry. In may occasions I have asked the Lord why, when. At one time He gave me this poem: 

(I don't know the author) 


Where shall i work? 

Master, where shall I work today? 

And my loved flowed warm and free! 

And He pointed out a tiny plot. 

And He said, "Tend that for Me." 


But, I answer quickly, "Oh, no, 

Not there; not anyone could see 

No Matter how well my task was done; 

Not that-that little place for me." 

And His voice when He spoke, 

Was not stern but kind. 

But he answered me tenderly, 

"Friend, search that heart of thine." 


"Are you working for YOU, 

For them, or for ME? 

Nazareth was just a little place, 

And so was Calvary." 


Wherever, when ever, that's the call. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022 


Great poem, Ivette, with an even great message. Thank you for including it here. God bless you. 




Kathy on Jan 7, 2022 


What was an ordinary visit to stand outside an abortion clinic turned into an opportunity to reach out to the workers inside the clinic. What followed was notes and gift cards with a story about a young girl who found herself scared and pregnant and not married. The baby was unexpected but planned by GOD....a Christmas story was given to each Planned Parenthood worker, 12 in all!!! This story told of Jesus, the planned and unplanned Son of God and His love for the workers! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2022 


Wow, Kathy... THANK you for serving the Lord, as well as these mothers and babies. I pray that the fruit of your labor would save lives and save souls. God bless you. 




Emmet on Jan 2, 2022 


Two widows whose paths crossed in a mega church went out for coffee one Sunday morning after church. Four months later, they married and have been joyously happy because of their many similarities, i. e., Christians, high school teachers, life-long learners. We love your series. Thanks! Emmet and Kay 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022 


It is amazing how the Lord uses every day events to bring about extraordinary blessings. May the Lord continue to bless you both. Thanks for sharing – and thanks for telling me how much you enjoy the videos. I pray they continue to encourage you! 




Sharyl on Dec 2, 2021 


I’ll just do the next right thing today. 

It is in the valley where we live, learn and lead our lives. The mountain top experiences are marvelous but we can not live there. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021 


I like the way you say that, Sharyl. Just do the next right thing — and trust God with the results. God bless you. 




Shane on Nov 21, 2021 


I find it amazing how we chase the extraordinary because we don't want to live ordinary lives. What David did was ordinary to him, but God turned it into extraordinary. In these days of people bringing glory to themselves we have been caused to chase the extraordinary. But do we pursue God who is extraordinary and let Him change our ordinary into extraordinary in "His time" as Wayne said? Learning to rest in God just doing the ordinary things of daily life is what I've grappled with for a very long time. This is because I want to know that when I have left this earth, I have done what God called me to do. We have a book in Heaven of our life. We need to know what it is; or do we? I believe we do. But how we pursue this is, I believe, has been missing for decades. Enlighten me Wayne on this subject. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2021 


Shane, you asked about the Book of Life. This book isn't a book about our lives, but rather it is a book that records the names of those to whom God has granted eternal life. It is referred to a few times in the Scriptures, but most notably and frequently in the book of Revelation (i.e. Rev. 13:8). 


As far as knowing God's will for our lives, the Scripture is replete with examples that He is far more interested that we know about His will for us than we are. He has prepared good works in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10). That being so, He will communicate it to us and lead us in His time in His way. In the meantime, we do what this video shows. We simply remain faithful with what we know today, and trust God for tomorrow. 




Sharon on Oct 8, 2021 


Thank you so much for doing these videos. I have always wanted to go to The Holy Land. I have enjoyed seeing the beautiful lands my Jesus' life is built around. I am looking forward to seeing them all and learning more. Thank you so much. God Bless you and your ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 9, 2021 


I'm so glad that the videos encourage you, Sharon. I pray they continue to do so. God bless you. 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


One day years ago, I woke up hearing these words by the Spirit..."You can get there by going past two Food Lions." When I heard that, I knew which two Food Lion grocery stores were being referenced. I had also just had a dream and knew what I'd been shown in the dream was what would be found after passing the two Food Lions. After getting the kids off to school I asked my husband if he'd like to go on an adventure. He agreed, and off we went for a drive, first past the two Food Lions which took about a half an hour, and then crossed over the state line. I started looking for the things I'd seen in the dream...a building with an "Open" flag hanging outside of it, and a building supplies store next to it, on the left side of the road. Sure enough, we found the building with the flag, and a building supplies store next to it, on the left side of the road! It looked like an indoor flea market of some kind and we went inside feeling excited that we'd found what we were looking for. Inside, we had an interesting conversation with a young man and we shared contact information. Before going completely around the room looking at things on the tables, we saw a woman who played the organ at our church services. She actually belonged to another church but was employed by our church to play the organ. After we began talking with her, we learned her Dad had just passed away and she was distraught, and had important decisions to make. We knew that THIS was the situation God had sent us there for, and began to minister to her. We ended our time together with prayer, inside the flea market. After that, I shared with her how we happened to get there that day and she was amazed to think that God cared about her so much that He would have sent us there just for her. She then told us that it was the last day the place would be open and if we had waited a day to follow His lead, that there would have been no "Open" sign and the building would have been closed. It felt like an ordinary day, as it started out, but God had a mission for us, and thank God, we were on time to help the person He knew needed both prayer, and people who would listen to her pouring out her heart. What an "adventure" that ordinary day turned out to be! 




Patty and Jeff on Sep 23, 2021 


I love this study. Thank you for your leading. It has been quite interesting. Patty Harp 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


Thank you, Patty, for letting me know how much you are enjoying the study and the videos. I pray they continue to encourage you. 




Patti on Sep 23, 2021 


When I first became a Bible teacher I felt a little intimidated. I had 2 doctors and a dentist in my mixed group and I hadn’t finished college. But I always prayed that the Holy Spirit put words in my mouth and that His message was given and received. At the end of the year one of the doctors got baptized. I am still teaching over 15 years later. God does supply when you humble yourself before Him. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


What an amazing testimony, Patti! Thank you so much for faithfully following and being used by God. 




Mitchell on Sep 18, 2021 


So far it is AMAZING!!! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2021 


I am so glad, Mitchell, that the Lord is encouraging you through the Elah Valley video. I pray that the rest of the videos would continue to do so as well; God bless you. 




Judith on Aug 26, 2021 


From what I understand, very few tour groups go to the Elah Valley. During the 2008 trip to the Holy Land, we asked if we could go. Our local guide accommodated our request. We saw several points of interest and many in the group collected stones from the waterbed. We were able to go to Abraham’s well, and Lachish where we had a devotion. A shepherd was in the field, and with the local tour guide interpreting, our leader was able to demonstrate how sheep only respond to the shepherd’s voice. We were not allowed to stop at Hebron but we drove past slowly. From there we enjoyed a magnificent meal in Bethlehem. This is a tour that I shall never forget. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021 


This is true, Judith. It is fairly uncommon for tours to go to the Elah Valley, but my tours go there! :-) These off-the-beaten-path sites are magnificent contributions to a rich experience in the Holy Land. God bless you. 




Michelle on Aug 23, 2021 


That was awesome. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Elah Valley video, Michelle! God bless you. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 20, 2021 


That was good! So informative and makes the Bible come alive. I'm truly enjoying this series so far. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021 


Thanks, Wanda! I’m thrilled you’re enjoying the videos. God bless you today. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


We were 150 miles away from home at St Louis for a ballgame. It was a month before my son was expected to be born. We soon realized that this was the time and God calmed our fears and got us safely home in time. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


Isn't God's providence amazing? I pray that you continue to recognize His hand in your life in the everyday things. God bless you, Donna. 




Michael on Jun 11, 2021 


I had just driven 65 miles on my way to Bible College, a trip of 1800 miles loomed before me. We had car trouble and stopped to see a mechanic. He said the problem was significant and that we should turn around and go home. But my wife and I knew that God had told us to continue our course. That ordinary day became a turning point in our lives. Now forty years later we continue to serve the Lord in pastoral ministry. Michael 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2021 


What a magnificent story, Michael. Isn't it amazing the courage and fortitude we can have when we know we are pursuing the will of God! I pray that the Lord would continue to give you such insight and courage. God bless you. 




Lynda on Jun 4, 2021 


My life is ordinary now 

No more working no more children 

I have had to endure sickness loneliness loss of friends and family through it all I have learned patience I don't always have the answer but He does. He has saved me many times so I look to Him for the answer to a problem and trust that He has the answer I need 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021 


For sure, Lynda, the Lord has not forgotten you. You might enjoy watching the video on the Cave of Adullam, during a season of David's lonely life. May the Lord continue to be with you as He reveals to you next steps in serving Him and the body of Christ. 




Lynn on May 8, 2021 


I continue to be amazed as I watch these tour videos and learn how it is figured out where the stories we read in God's word played out in the days before us. 




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2021 


Yes, Lynn, it is amazing to be able to connect real live places to the Scriptures. Really helps the Bible come to life! God bless you. 




Eugenia on May 6, 2021 


My friends wedding day someone didn't show up to do flowers but my friend had everything written out so I just followed what she had written down she has thanked me for saving her wedding...all I did was follow the instructions 




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2021 


Your story reminds me of the importance of following the instructions of Scripture, Eugenia. May the Lord bless you as you follow Him. 




Bob on Apr 10, 2021 


Thank you for this great reminder of the importance of being faithful to the Lord's leading one day at a time, today! As we grow much older, it is good to be reminded that "it's not our job to figure out what great works God has prepared for us. We just do the next right thing," The reminder is always helpful! It has been a pleasure to share with our students at the college how the Lord used a very ordinary day and info I normally would have overlooked from a friend about teaching positions available in Australia. This 'chance' event occurred back in the 1970s and changed the total course of my life. Only because of God's grace in connecting the information from my friend to a very honest, frustrated prayer thrown heavenward about there being no teaching positions, did I have the faith/courage to step out. I made phone calls, went through interviews in NYC, and took a teaching position offered in Australia. There I met my godly husband who loves the Lord. We have had an incredible journey far greater than we could ever imagine and now teach as professors in our senior years at Alaska Bible College. GOD is always faithful and He has far greater plans than we can ever imagine. Wayne, this has been a refreshing blessing. 






Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021 


Thanks so much, Linda, for sharing this. Indeed, trusting the Lord's leading in the ordinary days of life can be challenging, but daily faithfulness works out in amazing ways in God's grand plan. I appreciate your personal story and also that the video was able to encourage you with your following of God. 




Marlon on Apr 9, 2021 


I am enjoying the videos very much. It is almost like being there. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10, 2021 


I'm so glad, Marlon, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos and helping you see what the Bible lands are like. That's great! God bless you. 




Janet on Apr 8, 2021 


Thank you for your videos. I just started watching today. They make the Bible come alive. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021 


I am thrilled to have you on this journey with me, Janet. What a blessing that the videos are encouraging you and that they help the Bible come alive in a new and more vibrant way. May each video continue to do so! God bless you. 




Marilyn on Apr 8, 2021 


I have visited the Holy land 3 times. I'm enjoying the videos. It's helping me visualize. As I read the bible. I still have a lot of questions in my mind and the narration is helpful in my understanding . 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


What an amazing privilege you have had, Marilyn, to have gone to Israel several times! I am so glad that the videos are helping you to visualize the Word of God. I pray that your questions get answered and that the videos will give you greater insight. God bless you. 




Helen on Apr 8, 2021 


Enjoyed this very much. It felt like I was right there. Thanks 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


That's great, Helen! I am so glad you got a sense of what it was like for David that day in the valley. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch these videos. 




Judith on Apr 8, 2021 


Thank you for this video. I now can understand with this visual of where David actually killed Goliath. I have always wanted to go and visit the Holy Lands. This is amazing outreach to all born again Christians and the unsaved. I, Praise God for you, Wayne and your videos. I find or learn something daily with my walk with my Savior and Lord. What a wonderful Ministry, Wayne. God bless! 





Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


Thank you so much, Judy, for your gracious words. It is such a joy to be able to share these Bible lands with you and with many others! Isn't it amazing how much insight they offer us into the Word of God? 




Barbara on Apr 2, 2021 


I am 81 - as I look back I see God’s working in my life on ordinary days! So many important things in my spiritual life took place on those days - mainly coming to know who He is!! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021 


Yes, Barbara, the Lord has used so many of our ordinary days in special ways, hasn't He? And He's not done! There are more days He still wants to use in your life. God bless you. 




Jeff on Apr 1, 2021 


On just a ordinary day apx the 3rd week of September last year in 2020 I rededicated my life to Jesus. Ever since that night, I have repented & turned away from sinful ways & on a new better road of life following Jesus & learning so much reading the Bible daily. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021 


How wonderful, Jeff, that Christ used that ordinary September day in an extraordinary way for you. There are many more to come... 




Travis on Mar 31, 2021 


We were fascinated by seeing the area that David killed Goliath! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2021 


Yes, isn't the Elah Valley area amazing? So powerful to see the very place where this pivotal event in David's life took place. 




Connie on Mar 25, 2021 


Thank you for the video. I really enjoyed how you connect to us today. Thank you again 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


Thank you, Connie, for your gracious words. I am so glad that the Elah Valley video was an encouragement to you. David's faithfulness in just doing the next right thing – is always a wonderful model. God bless you. 




Russ on Apr 8, 2021 


This is Pastor Russ Winn from Bonita Springs, Florida. Do you have available small group questions that coordinate with each video segment? 






Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


Hi, Russ. Yes, each downloadable transcript (in the sidebar) includes a couple of questions to consider at the end. God bless. 




Sally on Mar 25, 2021 


Thanks for connecting the Bible events to our lives.I am enjoying the videos and learning too. God bless you for your creation of these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


What a blessing, Sally, that we are able to connect the Bible and its lands to our lives. I am thrilled you enjoyed the video on the Elah Valley. God bless you. 




Robbie on Mar 20, 2021 






Amelia on Mar 18, 2021 


I’d like to go back to the Holy Land. in fact, there’s a group going this summer from my new parish, but as you said money is one of the things that will prevent me from going. The day I saw the invitation about the Passion - I thought I was just going to watch it.,.then came your offer - Walking the Bible Lands by becoming a member... God has gifted me with this opportunity. This is much less expensive tour.. God surprised me that day. I am so grateful. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021 


What a blessing, Amelia, that you got to go to the Holy Land! I am also thrilled that you are on these virtual tours with me. I hope and pray that you will remember many significant places – and that you will enjoy many brand new places as well. God bless you. 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


I have always liked the stories with David. He lived a ordinary yet hard life. He made many mistakes yet loved the Lord deeply. He gives me inspiration. It's awesome to see this Valley and to be able to picture the stories of old. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


So true, isn't it, Debbie? Seeing the places of the Bible makes the Bible come alive. I pray that you continue to be encouraged through the many videos. God bless you. 




Lynda on Mar 7, 2021 


After being sick for so long one day I started feeling better. SOON o mb e medication was dropped to 2 tablets a week rather than 4 per week God has been so good to me throughout a horrible disease. HE IS STILL healing me one day at a time 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021 


May the Lord continue to be with you, Lynda. May He strengthen your day by day as you look toward your healing and ultimate healing. God bless you. 




Lydia on Mar 5, 2021 


Yes he definitely did like today I was on Facebook and I saw the invitation to view this free espoused of walking 🚶‍♀️ the Bible land and I’m so thankful To God that I did 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2021 


I'm glad the Lord made the day special for you through Walking the Bible Lands, Lydia! That's wonderful. God bless you. 




Marlene on Mar 5, 2021 


My uncle called me and we enjoyed a nice visit, which changed my ordinary day into an extraordinary day!! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021 


That’s great, Marlene. Isn’t it amazing sometimes how the simple things can become significant? God bless you. 




May Joy on Mar 1, 2021 


I just heard a teaching recently that talked about the ordinary mundane days of our lives as the “Kronos” time of our lives and then there’s that one day among the ordinary days that God chooses when He strategically intervenes in our lives and create something extraordinary and that day is called “Kairos”. 


True, it’s being faithful in the Kronos times that leads us to the strategic Kairos time of our lives. After a long season of unsuccessful job hunting and job searching, there was that one day, when my last application caught the eye of a recruiter which led to a phone call, then two Interview sessions and just very recently, I have been finally offered the job! Praise God that He finally intervened in my life, gave me a breakthrough and granted me a victory over my ordinary, Kronos days of job hunting! God is good! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021 


I rejoice with you, May Joy, in your new position! How wonderful of our God to provide in a way that He alone gets the glory. 




Sandi on Feb 25, 2021 


One of my ordinary work day assignments is to go to the post office. I at times wish someone else could do this; however, I thank the Lord for my blessings & go. Today I was blessed to see my daughter & grandson in their vehicle while leaving the post office! We have not been able to visit much due to COVID. 

I enjoyed this video on the Elah Valley. It is fascinating how David from Bethlehem & Goliath from Gath begins & ends Elah Valley. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021 


Thanks for sharing that, Sandi. So true, isn't it? God blesses ordinary events in ways only He can. 




Lili on Feb 22, 2021 


Yes,Remaining faithful to our Lord is what I can do daily. 

Praise the Lord! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021 


I like your perspective, Lili. Daily faithfulness and trusting God with the results is an absolutely successful day! God bless you. 




Jae on Feb 6, 2021 


closed caption = words of what being said please 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021 


I have considered using closed caption before, Jae, but there hasn't been much request for it to warrant the work it would take. However, I do provide a transcript of every video, which you can download in the sidebar, if you are looking for the words of what is being said. 




Rosemarie on Feb 5, 2021 


These days now with the pandemic my days seem very ordinary. But on reflection I see many of them become extraordinary. Daily prayers and now these wonderful videos have changed things for me. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


I am honored and encouraged to be able to walk alongside you through these videos, Rosemarie. I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you as you watch the videos, read His word, and walk with Him. God bless you. 




Lola Fitch on Feb 4, 2021 


This series is amazing in photos and lessons. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


Thank you, Lola, and I am so glad you enjoyed the video on the Elah Valley. May the Lord continue to encourage you as you watch these videos! God bless you. 




Margaret on Feb 3, 2021 


Thank you for the reminder about ordinary days. I was recently blessed in an ordinary day. I'm currently in a rather stressful time in my life. I'm a 71-year-old widow and grandmother homeschooling my learning disabled 10-year old grandson for the year. I recently became aware I was in need of some new undergarments (you can't get more ordinary than that). I hadn't yet gone shopping when my daughter brought me a new package she had bought for herself but they were too small for her, just my size. Since no one knew I was in need, I know He is the one who so kindly provided. Just an ordinary day He made special because of His love. 

Thank you for your site & being able to read your transcripts. You seem to have thought of everything. I also appreciate the length of the videos. Just right. So thankful I found this treasure. 





Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2021 


What a wonderful story of God's provision for you, Marge! How much I appreciate and treasure your kind words about Walking the Bible Lands. I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos, and I pray He does so each time you watch. God bless you in the ordinary days. 




Marilyn on Jan 30, 2021 


Stay strong, be patient, keep the faith and watch what God will do in your life. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021 


I like the way you put that, Marilyn. Indeed, we need to cling to the strength of God and trust that He will make good on our future. God bless you. 




Rebecca on Jan 16, 2021 


Long time ago when I was at 4th grade, we moved to a new city , I was enrolled to a new school, and one night I heard a story about Jacob's dream seeing a ladder to heaven! Days later I heard story Jacob wresting a man till daybreak! Actually he wrestled with God face to face. It happened at lonely and upset times. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


So true, Rebecca. It seems we wrestle with God so many days of our lives, doesn’t it? May the Lord bless you as you walk alongside Him. 




Bonnie on Jan 16, 2021 


These video visits really bring a deeper understanding of the biblical events! Thank you for making this possible! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


I am so glad that seeing these videos is giving you a deeper understanding of the significant events that occurred in these biblical places. God bless you! 




Bonnie on Jan 17, 2021 


Thank you! 




Debra on Jan 16, 2021 


This makes the Bible come alive. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


I am thrilled, Debra, that this video about David and Goliath helps to bring the Bible alive for you! God bless you. 




Karen on Jan 15, 2021 


If we pay attention there is always someone in need that approaches us as well as surprise miracles that come unexpectant. Sometimes I am so busy that I don't wish to be bothered by other people's problems but somehow grace and amazement on how I deal with each situation that decides to pop in my daily rush. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021 


I know what you mean, Karen. Being interrupted isn’t always the best feeling, but sometimes God brings great joy from the conversation that follows. God bless you. 




Mary Jo on Jan 14, 2021 


My husband and I moved to AZ in June. With Covid19, we as yet have not had the opportunity to socialize with our neighbors who are all over the age of 55. The majority in their late 70's and 80's. I have for the last two weeks been feeling down and depressed. My husband is recovering from being very sick for almost 5 months. He has much anxiety causing harsh irritability, which the doctor stated will take time for his hormones to adjust. I have been praying for peace on our marriage. With the stress and depression I was feeling, I decided to learn how to do Loom Knitting online and went to the store to buy yarn. A lady walked by and complimented the yarn I placed in my cart. She said she just started learning how to do Loom Knitting. We talked, exchanged phone numbers to text. I thanked God for this person he sent. I was given joy and hope. I was freshened. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021 


Isn't it amazing how God comes to us and refreshes us in those critical moments. I rejoice with you at God's reminder that He hasn't forgotten you. I also pray for His mercy upon your marriage and your joy. You're not alone in the struggle... 




Mary Jo on Jan 15, 2021 


Thank you so much for your prayers for our marriage. I will pray each day God bless your ministry. 




Barbara on Jan 11, 2021 


I'm enjoying seeing the actual places these Bible stories took place. I appreciate the way you point out that David had ordinary days just like we do and yet God shows up and changes it into something extraordinary for His Kingdom's sake at just the right time. I pray that I am open and willing to be used by God for whatever He has planned for my life. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12, 2021 


How great, Barbara, that you're enjoying the videos and seeing the real thing where these events occurred. I appreciate you reminding me of this principle again-- ordinary days. God bless you. 




Peg on Jan 9, 2021 


I am loving your video's and teachings, on an ordinary morning of devotions somehow Walking the Bible Lands appeared in my inbox, I have been wanting to go to the Holy Lands, so why not? Just a few days later, my bible study is taking a break from planned studies and wanted to study a chapter in the Bible, Phillipians being selected. Guess who can step up and offer some insight on Phillipians and Pauls teachings now, I plan to share the 4 video's you have indexd for Phillipians, I feel this is wonderful history, beautiful scenery and Godly teachings all in one, thank you Wayne for your expertise. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2021 


I am thrilled, Peg, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. May God continue to bless you abundantly! Thank you. 




Doris on Jan 8, 2021 


Love how the Bible shows us how He takes care of His faithful servants, whether David or Daniel. Over the years the Lord has surprised me many times with changing my plans, protecting me,providing for my needs and showing me that he is with me even in trying situations. An awesome God. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2021 


Isn't He an awesome God? Thank you, Doris, for sharing how the Lord has led you, in spite of the changed plans and redirections. His unusual leading is always best, though seldom does it make sense at the time. God bless you. 




Sandra on Jan 7, 2021 


Can you give me an approximate feet as to how far the stone traveled from David to goliath? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021 


It's just a guess, Sandra, as the Bible doesn't say how close they were. The sling had an amazing range, and some experts suggest it could be accurate in excess of 1300 feet. Pretty amazing! 




Beth on Jan 5, 2021 


God's peace ruled the day our daughter was diagnosed with glioblastoma and died 5 days later. So thankful for the gift of faith to walk these years of grief yet hope to be with her again in our prepared mansion. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5, 2021 


I applaud you and your courage, Beth. Amazing journey that the Lord has called you to walk… May He continue to give you strength and greater insight into His good character and His deep love for your family. 




Nancy on Dec 13, 2020 


It is amazing to be able to sit in my living room and get to see the places in the Bible 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2020 


Yes, Nancy, isn't it wonderful to see the biblical sites from your own home? I'm thrilled the videos are encouraging you. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him. 




Phyllis on Dec 11, 2020 


These are wonderful videos. Its probably the closest I'll ever get to Isreal. Thanks. I have some questions. Was Goliath really a giant or just a big man? Does Jesus have brothers or sisters? Did Jesus drink wine and during the Last Supper? Thanks. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2020 


I'm thrilled, Phyllis, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. And you ask great questions! Goliath was about 9 feet 9 inches tall (1 Sam. 17:4), so although he wasn't a giant in the sense of movies or cartoons, he still stood much taller than any on the field. Yes, Jesus had brothers and sisters; see Mark 6:3. As far as drinking wine at the Last Supper, yes, He did, as He says, “I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God" (Mark 14:25). His word "again" suggests He was drinking wine but won't again until the kingdom. I hope that helps some. God bless. 




Andy on Nov 16, 2020 


I love the line... God can use our “ordinary days in extraordinary ways”! Wow, that can preach! Thanks Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 17, 2020 


You're welcome to it, Andy! God bless you, my friend. 




John on Oct 5, 2020 


If we start tomorrow at sundown today (Gen 1:5) we are more attuned to His greatness every "ordinary" day. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020 


I agree, John. The best days start the night before. I wrote a post about this you might enjoy. God bless you. 




Greg on Sep 18, 2020 


As I watched this again I am reminded that the ordinary in my hands can become extraordinary in GOD'S hands. The stone that David downed Goliath with was an ordinary stone, but GOD used it to accomplish an extraordinary feat. I have five stones from the dry creek bed in Elah Valley. I think I need to make a display with them to remind me what GOD can do with the ordinary. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020 


What a great idea, Greg! Those five stones would make a wonderful display and reminder of God‘s ability to make extraordinary events occur from ordinary days. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him today. 




Greg on Aug 22, 2020 


Such a timely word of counsel for me, especially given what I am going through right now. Be faithful to GOD and walk in HIS ways and HE will shape my "ordinary" life in order to achieve great things THROUGH me. Had I watched this video last week, or even yesterday, it may not have had the impact it is having right now. Thank you, Wayne, for your faithfulness and obedience to GOD in your life. Much shalom! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020 


I'm so glad, Greg, that the Lord's perfect timing worked that you recognize His special message for you from the Elah Valley. I pray you continue to walk in His grace each day and find joy in the faithfulness of each moment, trusting Him to make them great in His time. 




Elena on Aug 16, 2020 


Love the story of David and Goliath. David had so much faith God would be with him, he didn't even question his ability to win against Goliath. I strive to have faith like David.; especially in the times we are living in now. I find myself in the word more. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


Going to God's Word is the perfect place, Elena, to find strength and encouragement in these uncertain days. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him in the Scriptures. 




Marge on Aug 14, 2020 


Especially in these days when I'm unable to lead the ministry I'm called to do. In the ordinary, I'm finding in God a new level of faith and a patience I need to have. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


Indeed, these are challenging times for us, aren’t they? It is so helpful to remember that we just stay faithful in the ordinary tasks of each day, and we trust God to make them great in his time. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow him. 




Loni on Aug 1, 2020 


I liked the perspective being committed and faithful in our ordinary lives and allow God to bring His glory to extraordinary events. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020 


I agree with you, Lonnie. It is so essential that we keep our focus on faithfulness and simply allow God to make our actions great in His time. God bless you. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


Wayne, you have provided us with an excellent invitation to personal application of the familiar David and Goliath story. God's providential entering into what begin for us as "ordinary" days does prove to be truly "extraordinary"--when viewed through the right lens. Thanks again for inviting us to consider this important divine perspective. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


Steven, you are really going to town on these videos! I love it, and I'm so appreciative of your gracious words. 




Mary on Jul 28, 2020 


David had such faith and confidence in God. Like in my life today, I talk with God everyday and know that he will be with me always. I often look up at him, smile and say, thank you God, I know that was you. Our faith in God gives us strength. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020 


Yes, Mary, isn't it wonderful when we can attribute to God what is truly from His hand? Being able to recognize God's special place and activity in our lives is a gift all on its own. 




Wes on Jul 24, 2020 


Thank you for this Tour of how David was confident in God.. It reminds me of my college career In wrestling… I had confidence in the Lords Strength to get me through overcoming the demands. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


That is a wonderful metaphor, Wes. It reminds me of Jacob wrestling with the Lord. Seems so often we do that, doesn't it? Thanks for your encouragement – and God bless you. 




Janet on Jul 23, 2020 


I am loving the video’s, I can’t help but to think that whatever we face in this life, we can always trust God and to know that he is still in control even when we don’t think he is .. he never stops working .. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


I like the way you put that, Janet. Indeed, it really all boils down to trust. Either God is in control or he is not. And He is! May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Linda on Jul 23, 2020 


Very educational. 




Debbie on Jul 19, 2020 


Thank you Bro. Wayne, with your simple comment yet profound at the same time, "We just need to do the next right thing and trust God..." It reminded me of what my previous Pastor (now in Heaven) used to say from the pulpit also filled with wisdom and I believe is a similar application to what you are saying. When you don't know what the next step is (in life), just keep doing what you know you're supposed to be doing and leave the rest up to the Lord. It's the ordinary things, regardless of how small in our eyes, that can literally change the course of another person's life. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and making everything easy to understand. My husband and I made one trip to Israel in Mar/Apr 2019, and it profoundly changed the way I see pictures in my mind when I read scripture. I just can't get enough of Israel and the Biblical application to all of the sites that you are showing us. Bless you for your passion in this ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2020 


What a privilege, Debbie, for you and your husband to go to Israel! You know, more than most, what an amazing journey it is and how it profoundly affects the way we read the Scriptures. I am glad that the videos are encouraging you and reminding you of your time in the land. May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Katherine on Jul 10, 2020 


God surprised me by giving me a person to talk to about Him on a bus ride on the way to work. He was using this person to help me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2020 


What a blessing for both of you, Katherine. May the Lord bless the memory of that conversation for His glory. 




Judy on Jul 6, 2020 


You never know when God will choose to use you. We just need to show up and do the next fight thing. God equips the faithful. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020 


That's exactly right, Judy. We just do the next right thing and trust God to make it magnificent in His time. God bless you today. 




Amy on Jul 2, 2020 


Wayne, your last words in this video truly struck a chord with me. "We never know what events God will use even today for His glory. But it’s not our job to figure 

out what great works God has prepared for us. We just do the next right thing. So, we should always remain faithful in our ordinary, daily tasks wherever we find ourselves—and let God make them great according to His time and His purpose." Thank you for helping me to see Scripture in a new light. 




Jeanne on Jul 1, 2020 


This video spoke with me about how I want to serve him but just don’t know how. I think that he is saying just to relax and realize that I am serving him with the daily things and he will orchestrate the rest. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2020 


Yes, Jeanne... That is a perfect application. God bless you 




Daisy on Jun 20, 2020 


This video brought back to memory when God on one ordinary day blessed me with a new job that tripled my income after being unemployed for 4 months and my funds were running out that same week ! Amen He is never late always on time!! To Him belongs the Glory!!🙏 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2020 


What an amazing story, Daisy! I rejoice with you in God‘s provision and that he reminded you of his grace in your life each day. God bless you. 




Alejandra on May 19, 2020 


It was just an ordinary day at the office in the Bible school. Sitting at my desk, I used to leave the doors open so I could hear the Bible teaching in the classroom next door. That day, the teacher was teaching about missions in China, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit came to me and said: "Whom should I send?". I started crying uncontrollably and feeling a heavy burden in my heart for the Chinese people, something I had never felt before. That same day in the evening, He asked me the same question again. I raised my hand high and said: "Here I am! Send me!". 

The events and divine appointments that followed after that day still amaze me! 14 years later, and I'm still serving Him in China, all by His grace alone. He is so faithful! 

That ordinary day the Lord turned my life upside down! Lol! 




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2020 


What a wonderful story, Alejandra. It's amazing how the Lord continues to use ordinary days in our ordinary lives to do extraordinary things. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him in China! 




Heather on Apr 30, 2020 


The "ordinary" day that comes to mind is the day I first met my husband. I was home all day and did not expect the chance encounter through a friend later that evening. We never know what God will put into place, even as the light of the day is gone. God blessed me with my husband for 19 amazing years until he was called home and I'm so thankful. This video really put into perspective for me that God really does have out lives planned out for us and even if we may be having a bad day or things just don't seem to be going right, God has a plan for us. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2020 


I love your perspective here, Heather. God's plan in our lives is amazing and includes the little details as well as the large, anticipated turning points. In fact, as you've mentioned, He often uses those small events in big ways. I pray the Lord powerfully blesses you as you seek Him and find comfort in His presence with you and His leading in your life. 




Esperanza on Apr 28, 2020 


this video spoke very loud to me. God will make my simple faithfulness great in His time. I need to release everything more and more each day and stop trying to figure it out all the time. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020 


I think we are all at different places in learning the same lesson, Esperanza. The Lord is the one who makes our days great for His purposes. Our one and only task is faithfulness. May God bless you as you follow Him! 




Nancy on Apr 23, 2020 


David likely did not realize he had done something extraordinary as he was accustomed to using his expert marksmanship on predators throughout the long days and nights he was doing his very ordinary job- guarding the flock. We are to be faithful in using the gifts and abilities God gives each of us, honing our craft, being diligent in what we are trained to do, and letting God make something extraordinary out of it for the Kingdom. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2020 


I love the way you put that, Nancy. Yes, David just showed up and did what he had already done every day as a faithful follower of the Lord. We never know what days the Lord will make great for His glory. I like the idea of honing our craft for His use. Great application. God bless you. 




Karen on Apr 22, 2020 


On a not so ordinary day for me, and while on a tour of Israel, I walked the dry creek bed in the Elah Valley, so as you walked it, I felt I was walking it again! I enjoyed the map showing Gath and Bethlehem and appreciated your comments on David's ordinary day turning into something extraordinary for God's glory. Thank you for making that connection. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2020 


What a privilege you had, Karen, to walk in that stream bed! I'm glad that the video brought that memory to mind, and I am thrilled that the principles encouraged you as well. God bless. 




Julie on Apr 21, 2020 


I've never interpreted the story of David and Goliath as David just being faithful to what he did every ordinary day. He had the foresight to step into the opportunity through his ordinary day. Thank you for that insight! I've learned a lot through volunteering over the years about concerning myself only with being faithful to the work I am called to do rather than looking for results that I expect to see. The results are always up to God and in His timing even if I don't ever see them. When we are faithful in what we are doing and leave the rest to God.......those are good hands to be in and it sure takes the pressure off of anything I can or cannot do. Reliance on Him in the ordinary makes all the difference in our every day living. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2020 


I love the way you put that, Julie. Thanks for your insightful comments. God bless. 




Jessie on Apr 19, 2020 


Wow! The end of this is profound! "We just do the next right thing, Stay faithful to ordinary tasks, and let God make them great according to His time and for His purpose.". So often I try to control instead of letting God be God. However, the joy and freedom comes when I see God show off. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2020 


I'm glad you enjoyed the Elah Valley video, Jessie. And you're right, it's such a helpful reminder to just keep faithful and trust God with the results. God bless you as you seek and follow the Lord. 




Heather on Apr 15, 2020 


Just do the next right thing- wherever we are, and be faithful to God. That is really good advice. I really liked this simple but powerful video. 


Its hard to believe that much grows in the Elam Valley. The soil looks so dusty and rocky there compared to what I see here in Iowa right now as farmers prepare to plant. Our soil is dark and clay-like and sticks to your shoes. I guess it all depends on what you're trying to grow. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2020 


That's right, Heather. Israel is amazingly fertile, especially in the valleys. This area of the Shephelah is super-fertile in spring, as it gets a lot of rain. I'm glad the video hit home for you. Thanks. 




Kathy on Apr 13, 2020 


On my first day of junior high a girl came up and asked me to be her friend. Over 50 years later we are still friends. I followed her pathway throughout school with a mutual goal of being teachers. When I moved away after high school I stopped attending church and for 10 years spiraled down in a life that did not include God. This friend early on after I moved had written me a letter and simply said “If I were to move away the first thing I would do would be to find a church.” When I was hired to teach kindergarten I shared a classroom with a devout Christian. Attending her church I first learned about God’s grace and forgiveness and after 10 years of turning my back on God I gave my life to Him. That church was a teaching church and I grew strong in my faith as I learned to study the Bible and pray and serve. A few years later six months before my wedding a friend invited me to attend a Bible study which I have since attended for over 30 years continuing to walk deeply with God who I had walked away from so many years ago. Ordinary days with pivotal events for which I will forever be grateful. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2020 


Wow, Kathy! What a relevant and magnificent example of this very principle. Thank you so much for sharing it! Thank you also for responding to the gentle nudging of God's Holy Spirit in your life. I applaud you. 




Steven on Dec 7, 2019 


Such a practical and relevant point made out of an extraordinary event in the life of David. It is so encouraging to realize that David's courage to face the giant was forged in the unseen battles of the humble occupation of a shepherd. I've been to the Elah Valley twice and this video and your message was a wonderful reminder of such an important principle. I've recently re-entered the academic world (seminary) at 62 to prepare for whatever God has in store for the next phase of my life and ministry. This principle is so relevant as the daily grind is somewhat different at this phase of life than when I was younger and preparing for a longer professional career. Nevertheless, there will be more "giants" ahead to be slain :-) 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2019 


What a great insight you've gleaned in your years of life and ministry, Steven. And what a privilege to have been to the Elah Valley twice! Thanks for following the Lord's leading to return to seminary to get prepared for more effective service. I admire that! May the Lord bless you as you face those Goliaths. 

By the way, I wrote a post on 5 Reasons to Get the Best Training for Ministry You Can. I hope it encourages you in your pursuit of God's will. 




Stacey on Sep 16, 2019 


It was an ordinary Thursday when my husband and I flew to get our adopted son, 6 days old, from the hospital. Because of God’s gift, it became an extraordinary day and continues to be 41 years later! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2019 


Amazing story, Stacey! How blessed you were on that ordinary day... 




Dari on Sep 5, 2019 


I visited the Elah Valley for the first time on my trip to Israel last summer in 2018. A strategic place indeed. The provision God gave to the Israelites was neat to see. A stream for water, trees for food, and other resources only God could provide in such a desolate area. It really brought the story of David and Goliath alive. Your video is awesome and shows the connection with an ordinary day of David serving food and drink to his brothers on the front lines and how God used what appeared an ordinary task for David to bring out an extraordinary result in battle against the enemy. Indeed, as you reference in your video, just when we are going about our daily routines, God shows up and performs extraordinary feats using us as a tool to accomplish his will. That is truly amazing! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019 


I agree with you, Daria, and that principle is one of the most powerful applications for our daily lives. The Lord seldom calls us to do anything great, but just to stay faithful in the daily, little things, and allow HIM to make them great. Thanks for your comment. God bless you. 




Linda on Aug 1, 2019 


Amazing to see these sites on a virtual tour as I will never get to travel there in reality.thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2019 


You're welcome, Linda. I'm thrilled that you get to see these magnificent places. God bless you. 




Sally on Feb 7, 2019 


I have wanted to see the site where David and Goliath met- thank u and thank you for the narration 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2019 


You're welcome, Sally! I'm glad the journey to the Elah Valley encouraged you. Thanks. 




Mary on Jan 23, 2019 


Love this video! Showing it tonight to my class as we are studying king Saul and David. Thanks Wayne for all your work for the Kingdom! Blessings to you and your family;) 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2019 


Thank you, Mary. There are a few videos that include David (just look at the Character Index). Also, don't forget the recent release: En Gedi! I pray your class is encouraged. Thanks. 




Mary on Jan 23, 2019 


THanks so much! I forgot about the new video. Thanks for telling me. Listening to it now!




Karen on Nov 15, 2018 


“Just do the next right thing”, perfect. We’re told that in all we do do it to the glory of God. 


It’s wonderful to be able to put these sceneries in my mind now when I read scripture. Thank you! Just imagining the efforts that went into learning and knowing the areas back then without google earth, radars, and helpful video drones has me stressed and impressed. Constant people spying and watching and having to be ready, wow. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2018 


I'm really glad, Karen, that the videos help you get the context. That's great! 





Laura on Aug 19, 2018 


Hello Wayne, 


What a beautiful and simple concept. Letting God make the ordinary great...on his own time. Sometimes we get so caught up on finding a meaning to our ordinary lives when all we have to do is to stay still and let God do his work, not on our time but his. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2018 


You're right, Laura. It's the ordinary days when God shows up to surprise us with His amazing sovereign hand. 




Anita on Jul 17, 2018 


Wow, the tours really gave me new insights to the words on the pages of my bible. I love the aerial views of place I visited in March 2018. Thank you for your ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 18, 2018 


So glad, Anita, that the videos are giving you new insights to familiar places—both in the Bible and in review of your recent journey to the Holy Land. May God bless you as you explore Walking the Bible Lands! Thanks so much. 



Elah Valley - What to Do with Your Ordinary Days of Life 

Herodium - Geographic Ironies Guide Us to God's Path 

Steve Johnson on Feb 16 






Ty on Feb 11 


I believe this is the first time viewing the well filmed and presented video. Lot of wonderful teaching and expounding done by Wayne in using his gifting and talents he does so well. My response to the question Wayne ask in the comment section is as follows. Knowing and realising the difference between the fear of the Lord and the fear of man/woman. 


As Oswald Chambers says, if one knows and has the fear of the Lord in one's life he/she will fear nothing else, but if one doesn't know or have the fear of the Lord in one's life, he/she will fear everything else. Isaiah 11:3 God delights in those who fear Him. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13 


I'm thrilled that the Herodium video offered some encouragement and personal challenge to you, Ty. God bless you. 




Leslie Lance on Feb 7 


I am confused how did Herold order the slaughter of all boys 2 and younger if he died 4bc 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8 


Perhaps the confusion, Leslie, is because the dating system of BC and AD missed the birth of Christ by some years. Jesus was born closer to 5 BC than to year 0. 




Janet on Jun 3, 2022 


So awesome!!! Thank you!! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022 


So glad, Janet, that you enjoyed the video on the Herodium. God bless you. 




Patty on Apr 21, 2022 


Gods sovereignty is huge in the arena of trusting Him for everything and everyone. It all comes back to the Lord and His commanding control over all - all HIS creation. I’ve come to appreciate the book of Job so much- particularly the last chapters. In everything it comes down to no choice but to bow the knee and surrender in worship- in trust - by faith not sight. The only other road is a torture of fear and flesh. 

Interesting how Herod built his final resting place high up - trying to get up close to Heaven with all his pomp and ceremony. Futility. The only way is through the cross and the only path is through our Saviors resurrection and ascension. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


Indeed, Patty, all earthly efforts to reach the heights of life end up in ruins, like the Herodium. 




Frances Tencza on Apr 16, 2022 


All the beautiful Herod’s palaces and fortresses with all their splendor didn’t bring any true security wholeness, and completeness, ( all materials and temporal).But the Lord provides us eternity in dwelling with Him ! 

Frances Tencza 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022 


Indeed, all of the beautiful trappings of our world are, in a sense, only trappings. 




Sharon on Mar 31, 2022 


The YouTube video of Herod the great in the winter palace complex, does not have any sound. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2022 


That's right, Sharon. I guess they released it without sound. 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


During moments when fear came to try me through the years, I spoke God's Word to my circumstances, and held onto its promises. Psalm 91 offered great assurance that God was with me, and had His angels assigned to protect me, and always gave me great confidence and peace. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


When God gives us an impossible task we need to remember that he doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called. Moses was a stutterer. We need faith - just as Peter did to walk to Jesus 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021 


Fabulous perspective, Donna! I love the way you put that: "He doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called." Well said, and so true! God bless you. 




Jay on Jan 5, 2022 


Thank you, Donna, for sharing this truth with us. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


God’s sovereignty let’s us know He is in control. He is the Alpha and Omega. He helps us, guides us and directs us. Things work best when we follow His plans. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021 


Yes indeed, Donna, His plan is the best – although it is so seldom easy to see before hand. May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you follow Him step-by-step. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 21, 2021 


At 50 I got my very first apt. where I lived alone. I saw a marking that showed a lock was there but now was not. I was scared and was going to buy another lock to replace it. Then God spoke: "Wanda, I am your Protector." So I never got the extra lock and only use the regular lock of the apt door. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021 


The Lord is your security, indeed, Wanda. May He continue to protect and provide for you. God bless you. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


We need to remember that God is in charge and have faith that he will do what’s best for us. We can see this by looking back at positive happenings in our lives. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


Isn't that true, Donna? Looking back is one of the greatest benefits to strengthen us as we move forward. God bless you as you walk with Him each day. 




Dawn on Jul 14, 2021 


These tours are wonderful. I have wanted to go to the Holy Land for decades, and you are making it possible and enriching it with commentary I may never hear otherwise. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021 


You are the reason I produced these videos, Dawn! I'm so excited that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. I pray He continues to do so. 




Anne on Jul 13, 2021 


I am stunned and amazed at the amount and quality of work you have put into this project. Personally, I was in Israel in 2019 for 3 weeks. I travelled alone (long story), so I missed the running commentary of a good tour guide. Your videos are filling in lots of gaps for me. God is so good. This is EXACTLY what my heart desired. 

thank you so much--I'm gonna love this. Anne 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2021 


What a blessing, Anne, that the Lord has encouraged you so profoundly through these videos. I pray that He continues to do so! And you are right, the tour guide makes ALL the difference in a tour to the Holy Land. If you go again, come with me! I offer a second-timers tours as well as journeys in the steps of Paul. God bless you. 




Linda on Jun 28, 2021 


Dr. Stiles I thank you ever so much for these tours. You are taking me to places I long to visit but without funds to do so. I gain so much information as I am sure countless others do also. Hopefully you will continue to post these wonderful tours that many can and will enjoy. Thank you again Linda Sanders 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2021 


What a blessing, Linda, that the Lord has encouraged you and enabled you to enjoy these videos so much. God bless you. 




Sherry on Jun 9, 2021 


Visited Israel in March 2020 barely getting back to states before closing down everywhere due to COVID. I miss it so much. We didn’t get to see Jericho or Bethlehem because they had shut those cities off. It is so good to be able to review places that were visited and see more places not visited. You could stay a life time and not see all that is there! Thanks for bringing Israel to my home, especially in a time where travel is still on hold. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2021 


I was right there with you, Sherry, and we barely made it back in time. I'm thrilled that you're here on the virtual bus with me. I pray you're encouraged as you recall the many places and as you see all the new ones. God bless you. 




Mary on May 13, 2021 


I am enjoying the videos as I visited Israel in 2016! Such fun to renew or extend my visit! 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021 


Welcome, Mary Lou. I'm excited for you to explore and to see the many places of the lands of the Bible! May God bless you as you watch each video and dig deeper. 




Charis on Apr 23, 2021 


Incredible..I have no words to describe my gratitude for all these resources! Thank you. God bless you as you continue to serve Him! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


I am thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through these resources, Charis. May he continue to do so! God bless you. 




Kelsey on Apr 16, 2021 


God is in control no matter how much of life seems out of control to us. Look at the year 2020! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2021 


Great example! It’s amazing how the Lord can get us through the most trying of times. May He continue to do so! God bless you. 




Peggy on Apr 8, 2021 


Thank you for bringing the geography and pictures to the scripture. The visuals add so much more meaning to His word. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021 


You are welcome, Peggy! I am so glad that the videos continually encourage you with a greater grasp and visualization of the Scriptures. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch and as you read. 




Loi on Apr 8, 2021 


Thanks Dr. Stiles for guiding me to the Herodium you bring the story in the Bible and see how it looks. I also noticed on the map where John the Baptist was killed. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021 


That's great, Loi, that you enjoyed the Herodian video. I pray that each video continues to be a great encouragement to you! God bless you. 




Travis on Mar 31, 2021 


We have seen over and over again how God takes care of things and makes it right in the end. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2021 


So true, Travis-- and so amazing that the Lord can take evil and turn it on its head for good. God bless you. 




Jim on Mar 28, 2021 


Built on human slavery! 




Connie on Mar 25, 2021 


This is amazing. Thank you so much WOW what a fortress Herodium was. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


Isn't the Herodium amazing, Connie? I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing the virtual tour of the site. God bless you. 




Loi on Mar 20, 2021 


For 39 years since I became Catholic , I never known Herodium , where King Herod was buried . Now I can see with my own eyes .The tomb of babies killer. Thank Dr. Wayne Stiles. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021 


So true, Loi. How wonderful that after all this time you got to see a place significant in biblical history. Even though that history has a terrible turn to it. Our God will make all things right in His time. 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


I am always in awe when I see God at work especially in my own life. He has brought me out of despair and healed me. He has been guiding me and providing for me. God is good and faithful. 




Marlene on Mar 1, 2021 


Just knowing He is with me all the days and moments of my life!! 




Marlene on Mar 1, 2021 


Just knowing He is with me all the days and moments of my life!! 




May Joy on Mar 1, 2021 


God’s sovereignty and supremacy rule through time. This video has reframed the perspective that what may cause fear and paranoia for us, in this moment, may actually be a part of God’s glorious purpose in the big picture! In the end, God always turns around anything that may be weak, frightening or dark, and twists it into something that will ultimately bring Him glory! He is the master of turning tables around! Just look at the Crucifixion which turned into resurrection in a matter of days! He knows the ending before the beginning. He always work things out in the end! 


Thank you for this video on the Herodium. I’ve never been to Israel and my first time to learn great details about this place. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021 


How exciting, May Joy, that you get to experience the lands of the Bible this way! I am excited for you and I am thrilled to be on this journey with you. God bless you. 




Sandi on Feb 25, 2021 


God's Sovereignty is like none other! "Be still and know I am God" Ps 46:10 comes to mind. 


The first time I have seen the Herodium. What a wonder. Only God could have brought about such bookends & events. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021 


So true, isn't it, Sandi? Our sovereign God is able to weave His wonders in and through our lives all at once. He is truly awesome. God bless you. 




Tammy on Feb 21, 2021 






Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021 


Right, Tammy? The Herodium is an amazing place. I'm so glad video encouraged you. God bless you. 




Diann on Feb 15, 2021 


I still have NO IDEA how they constructed such monumental structures with no fork lifts, excavators, cement trucks, etc. AMAZING 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021 


They probably just built it one bucket at a time. :-) It TRULY is amazing. Thanks, Diann. 




Mary Jo on Jan 29, 2021 


In response to your question, I have experienced a time when asking God for guidance in what was an extreme occurrence due to corruption in our city. I felt the Lord's presents all around me. His answer was "Do not be afraid." From that day forward, I was not afraid. God gave me strength and peace to endure a great loss. There is much to tell, but what is most important is having faith in our sovereign Lord.; we can be at peace when riding the storm. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021 


Thank you so much for sharing this, Mary Jo. It is amazing how the Lord gives strength in those moments we need it most. May He continue to strengthen you as you walk with the Lord each day. 




Rhonda on Jan 28, 2021 


I find King Herod very interesting and I enjoyed the tour of Herodium. I have a book Killing Jesus" by Bill O'Reilly and the first few pages of the book was interesting talking about King Hetod. 

Another King I find interesting in Daniel is King Nebuchadnezzar. Are you going to have anything on your Virtual tour about Daniel ? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2021 


I would love to include something about Daniel in Walking the Bible Lands, Rhonda. Of course, the challenge is finding a safe way to journey to and film in Persia and Iran. :-) Perhaps we can find a way to make it happen. 




Rhonda on Jan 29, 2021 


I understand. Safety is important and dont risk your life or any other life. 

I found King Herod very interesting. I did not know some facts about him that you brought up. King Herod and evil man (killing), also had beautiful architect. 

Learning so much from your videos. I also find it easier on your videos because if I miss something I can go back to listen. Thank you, Rhonda 




Sherry on Jan 25, 2021 


This was sorta like Masada I love this! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2021 


Thanks, Sherry. :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it. Herod built many different fortresses. You may find the video on Machaerus very similar! God bless you. 




Bonnie on Jan 16, 2021 


This is an amazing experience! I had no idea! Thank you for sharing the details!!💕 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


I am so glad you enjoyed this video on the Herodium! God bless you. 




Debra on Jan 16, 2021 


Thanks. Too many steps, Too high, Too old. Thanks for the opportunity to see the land where Jesus walked. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


I do understand, Debra, about those many steps! That is one of the many reasons I created these videos… My hope is that it would encourage you to be able to see many sites that you could not otherwise. God bless you. 




Karen on Jan 15, 2021 


Scriptures have Do not be afraid mentioned multiple times by the Lord often. Even when I am fearful at times.....the Lord says to me......Let me handle this. Peace be still. And I relax eventually. But does the emotions start strong and I am an emotional wreck at times especially when no one on earth is near to help me. I depend on God every second of the day. 




Barbara on Jan 15, 2021 


Is this sight on one of your tours? What an amazing structure! How many steps can you walk up today? Do you know how many people it took to construct it? I need to know more! Thanks! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021 


Hi, Barbara. Yes, the Herodium is on one of my tours! It is an amazing place. You can walk all the way to the top. I have no idea how many thousands of slaves Herod used to build this place, but it must have been enormous. 




Leigh on Sep 21, 2020 


This was an amazing video not that the others aren’t but just seeing the places and you explaining how they all tie in together and the irony. It’s easier to see it versus trying to read about it. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020 


I know what you mean, Leigh. It is so much more educating and inspiring to see the places, as opposed to just reading about them. I am glad you enjoyed the video, and I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you through them. God bless you. 




Greg on Sep 18, 2020 


The Herodium is one of the (many) places in Israel I still need to visit. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020 


I am glad, Greg, that you got to see this video on a place that you have not seen. Truthfully, there are still so many places in the holy land to see! I pray that the videos will be a great encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Rhonda on Aug 29, 2020 


I love the Google maps! How wonderful to virtually tour these places! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2020 


That's right, Rhonda; it's amazing what you can see with those Google Maps. There an entire video in the Bonus Section on "how" to do it, if you haven't seen it. 




Elena on Aug 16, 2020 


History and archeological discoveries prove that the stories from the Bible are true. Science tries to deny Jesus's existence, His existence is proved time and again by history. Love seeing the videos with the story from the bible. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


Indeed, Elena, it is wonderful to see how archaeology supports the Word of God. I'm glad the video encouraged you in that way. I pray these continue to do so! 




Karen on Aug 16, 2020 


God’s sovereignty offers me comfort if I might feel fear, because I remember He is my own safe fortress wherever He has me. I’m okay when I’m in His will. 


I appreciate archeology and enjoy you taking us there. It’s too easy to fib about or change history in a school book or online, so thank you for the biblical visuals and proofs that backup scripture, and finding videos that graphically reconstruct too. The camera work is always amazing, thank you. Blessings! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020 


So true, Karen. Archaeology gives us great insight and affirmation to the truth of Scripture. I am glad that this video helped encourage you and your understanding of the context around Jesus’ life. 




Onilda on Aug 15, 2020 


Great exhibit! Enjoyed watching all the "extras"! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


Fantastic! Praise God. 😄 




Loni on Aug 6, 2020 


It was interesting to learn that both Herod and Pontius Pilate did not recognize that Jesus was truly a Savior of the world. Both were fearful of His message. 


That once regal palace is a pile of rubble. 


It is reassuring to know that God is in control of every situation and we don't have to dear. 


Although we will go through difficult situations, God will be right there with us. Providing comfort. 


The Bible has certainly come alive when watching these videos. 


I like how you bring biblical perspective and incorporate it into our lives today. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020 


I am so glad, Lonnie, that you are enjoying the videos. You're right, there's just something about seeing where it all took place that helps the Bible come alive more than words on a page. God bless you. 




Cathy on Aug 5, 2020 


God's sovereignty can offer comfort to us when we walk the bible of all the Faith walkers that where before us those great clouds of Witnesses. Even when Elijah the man God used on Mount Carmel against Baal`s prophets BUT this same Elijah ran from Jezebel and his in his paranoia God had to remind Elijah just as he does us today I. Our doubting I Am who I say stay in God keep the faith🙏🏽 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020 


Absolutely, Cathy! God's sovereignty is such an amazing comfort. Without it, we would surely wander off course and suffer consequences we could never imagine. Thank God for His amazing providence and grace in our lives. 




Katherine on Aug 2, 2020 


It helps to know that God is in control even when things are scary. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2020 


I agree with you, Katherine, and what a wonderful comfort it is to know that God is in control. Our world will always seem like the wheels are coming off, but God has proven Himself over and over throughout history. How grateful we are for His sovereign, providential care. 




Janet on Jul 30, 2020 


I think when life gets hard and overwhelming circumstances.. that we first need to pray and ask God what it is he wants or needs me to do .. then just be still and know that he is God .. listening to God is just as important as talking to him .. we must never allow the pervasive bitterness and rage of the majority culture, which is nearly undeniable at present, to invade and capture our souls .... God, heal us ! God, restore us! God, revive us! God, enflame us with your love ! Jesus doesn’t leave us hopeless, does he ? “ But the one who endures to the end will be saved .. there it is ! What ever we go through for Christ .... “ Endure. “ .. Endure. Endure . I Soo look forward to your videos and walking and learning more and more about Jesus !!. His love Endures forever !!!! Thank you for sharing all this information and videos!! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 31, 2020 


I "Amen" your prayer, Janet! It is so essential that we endure, isn't it? May the Lord bless you as you press on for His glory. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


This visit to the ruins of Herod the Great's palaces offers a valuable meditation on how the greatest achievements of man pale in contrast to the eternal Glory of God. Thanks again for your excellent commentary. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


Yes, Steven, it is a wonderful reminder that all the glory this world offers ends up little more than a pile of stones and rubble. Hardly worth comparing to the glory of knowing our eternal Savior. 




Mary on Jul 28, 2020 


Just knowing I can and do pray to God to help me through something whenever I have anxiety or fear brings and knowing God is there helps to reduce the anxiety and/or fear and brings peace knowing God is in control and loves us. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020 


Absolutely, Mary. Knowing God is in control brings immeasurable peace to our chaotic emotions. May God bless you as you continue to trust in Him. 




Nelda on Jul 24, 2020 


I am excited to see and experience these historical sites.. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


I am so glad, Nelda, that you get to enjoy these virtual video tours with me. May the Lord powerfully bless you as you do so. 




Ruthann on Jul 16, 2020 


My husband John and I are thrilled to be able to learn things that help us visualize the things we read in God's Word. It helps us gain a more clear understanding. We watch two or three clips every morning while eating breakfast. We start our day with devotions and study and prayer and then take a walk through the Bible. A great start to each day. Thank you so much for all the effort you have all put into these clips. They are so well done. Blessings! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020 


What a privilege to be part of you and your husband's breakfast table each morning, RuthAnn! May the Lord continue to bless your journeys through the Scriptures and through the lands of the Bible. 




Sheryl on Jul 13, 2020 


So happy I can see these places. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2020 


I'm thrilled you get to see them as well, Sheryl. May God bless you as you watch the videos and continue to walk with Him. 




Judy on Jul 11, 2020 


I always know God is in control,even when I don't understand. My trip to Holy Land was cancelled due to pandemic. I was disappointed, but finding out this may be better. Thank you, Pastor Wayne! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020 


I am so sorry, Judy, to hear that your trip to Israel was canceled. God's timing is perfect. If He allows, I would love to have you come with us. Here is all the information. God bless you. 




Jeanne on Jul 2, 2020 


The reconstruction video was amazing! To think that they can learn all of that from just the ruins! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020 


Right, Jeanne? Archaeology is amazing. I love how modern technology can blend with the ancient to inform us. 




Rebekah on May 30, 2020 


In the video, it says that for centuries, Herod’s tomb was not found. Then it was found in 2007, and seemingly in a rather prominent place. How was it not considered to have been there before, and what was discovered that made it apparent that it was indeed the site? 




Rebekah on May 30, 2020 


I also found the comment that the Wise men’s visit and the trial before Pilate took place in the same location! 




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020 


Great question, Rebekah. The Archaeologist knew that it was at the Herodium, but just wasn’t sure where. Finally they found it. For years they searched in the lower Herodium. 




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020 


Yes, isn’t that uncanny? That’s how God works. 😄 




Alejandra on May 21, 2020 


I have to admit that I struggled with paranoia and fear at the beginning of this pandemic. My husband felt led by the Lord to leave China when the outbreak started there in late January. We've been living in States out of a suitcase since then. And now that the Chinese border is closed to foreigners, we can't go back. 

It's been a rough emotional journey for me, but also a good one. I see the Lord's sovereignty and control of everything. I see His faithfulness in provision and protection. We might have lost all the material possessions we left in China, but by His grace, we haven't lost our faith and trust in Him. He has given us peace and contentment in the midst of these difficult and sometimes impossible circumstances. We still don't know if He will take us back to our home in China, but one thing is sure, He is in control and we trust Him. 


PS: Finding this website has been part of that comfort and peace the Lord has given me. I'm enjoying this so much! Thank you, Wayne! God bless you! 




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2020 


So often our disappointments, though deep and genuine, are often God's grand, sovereign way of leading us into a new season far better than we could have imagined in our little boxes. I pray the Lord allows you to return to China, if it is His will. Either way, His blessings lie before you, Alejandra. 




Alejandra on May 26, 2020 


Amen! Thank you for your insight! 




Rebekah on May 30, 2020 


@Alehandra, I seem to be following your footsteps. I left China later when my income was cut. The Lord had been bringing the story of the rich young ruler to mind, “go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, then come follow Me.” Things were so rushed and community access limited, that many things went by the trash can where random people picked them up. I still brought three cases home, but got rid of so much. Since then, the Lord has provided everything. Like Abraham I left with hardly more than the next step. And like you, I’ve stumbled upon this site. I’m going through the comments to see if my question on the video above is answered, and saw your comment. God is with you in this season, and he has purpose, like in the videos in this series, purpose when the path is through green pastures or the valley, purpose on the ordinary days preparing you for the extra-ordinary. 




Alejandra on May 30, 2020 


Hi Rebekah! Thank you for your words! Miraculously, I still have my job back in China and continue working online. But only God knows for how long, if this ban gets extended. However the case, I have already gave up the possessions we left to the Lord. The other day I counted my blessings and realized I have everything I need! Clothes, food, water, a safe place to sleep (although it’s a rental and we will need to move very soon because the owners need the place). Lol This nomadic life is not near to end! :D 

I’m so glad to know your testimony and how the Lord has provided everything you need. That’s our Papa! Always faithful and never failing! 




Esperanza on Apr 28, 2020 


I've been to Israel twice and didn't get to visit this place. I really don't need to be there physically because the video and your commentary is wonderful. I can replay over and over. On a tour, you have to keep moving. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020 


So true, Esperanza. Tours have to keep moving! That is one wonderful thing about these video virtual tours – you can watch them repeatedly. I am thrilled that you are enjoying the videos and that the Lord is blessing His Word for you. God bless. 




Diana on Apr 26, 2020 


I didn't get to see the Herodian, just the lower section. we saw a boy with some sheet at sunset. I think we were too tired at the end of the day to go up the hill. Thank you. That was eye opening. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2020 


How wonderful, Diana, that you were able to see the parts of the Herodium that you were not able to see on your tour. Yes, it is quite a hike to the top! Thanks so much for your comment. 




Julie on Apr 23, 2020 


Wayne, I've only just begun, but your virtual tours are "unearthing" much for me as I study God's Word. I never would have thought of the irony that you pointed out in this lesson. It is also very helpful to be able to visualize these "earthly masterpieces" in ruins - as you said, "a testimony to all earthly glory" and its futile end." God's sovereignty is beyond our understanding in how He can use even evil as a part of His master plan. That's why I don't worry about evil leaders in our world. 

Proverbs 24:19 - "Don't let evil people worry you or make you jealous. They will soon be gone like the flame of a lamp that burns out." Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2020 


I love the verse, Julie, that you included from Proverbs. You're right, it is so essential to keep God's sovereign power in mind when we look around at the chaos in our world. The biblical days also had chaos, but God showed Himself sovereign. God bless you. 




Heather on Apr 15, 2020 


Wow- This is wonderful. I like the Irony you pointed out in the location where the Magi asked about Jesus born king of the Jews, and then Pilate asking Jesus at the end of his life, "Are you king of the Jews?" That blew my mind. God is so amazing. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2020 


That really is amazing, isn't it, Heather? God has so many geographic ironies like that in the Bible. I like how they're under the surface and require study. Then when you find them, WOW... :-) 




Patricia on Apr 14, 2020 


Today we look for His Second Coming ......a rich promise still to be fulfilled. Security is a strong motivator. I found this very eye opening. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2020 


You're right, Patricia. Jesus' first coming in humility paved the way for His second coming in glory. Won't that be magnificent? I like the way you refer to it as security; great thought. 




Rosemary on Dec 19, 2019 


Thanks for this great video. I saw it before I went to Israel recently and it was really helpful in having an understanding of what I would see. I’ve just reviewed the video again since returning and I can really understand it more. Nothing like visiting the area shown in the video and exploring the site and climbing down those tunnels. I read the scriptures now where various sites are referred to like Bethlehem and Jerusalem with so much more understanding and greater interest because I can relate so much more to it. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2019 


What a great privilege you have had, Rosemary! And you're right, revisiting the videos repeatedly — especially after having visited the sites — allows a much deeper appreciation of the land and a greater gleaning of the facts surrounding it. God bless you and thank you for your gracious words. 




Steven on Dec 7, 2019 


The Herodium is a great reminder Wayne to me of how many times the insecurity of man apart from the God of the Bible revealed in Jesus motivates the quest for security in this world. Despots such as Herod use their power in abusive ways to secure their kingdom on earth. What a contrast to God's path to security and greatness! Herod's architectural accomplishments are indeed incredible, but they stand as a dramatic reminder to me of just how far fallen man will go in a quest for the security and peace we all desire, but which is ultimately available only through a different path. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2019 


Well said, Steven. I appreciate your words and reminder. Indeed the despots of history (and today) are mere puppets in the grand plan of God. I'm so glad He's sovereign over the affairs of history and of our lives. 




William on Nov 18, 2019 


When I visited the site they were still looking for the tomb. August 76. Jim Munson gave a few possible locations. Rainy and cold where I am today, glad to see the sunshine in the virtual tours. The way these locations communicate the reality of the NT is so encouraging. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2019 


It's amazing to think Herod's tomb lay there that whole time. I'm glad the videos encourage you, William! You encourage me. 




Tammie on Jan 13, 2019 


Never knew about this place & the history you gave- wow! Just amazing! Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019 


Yes, Tammie, the Herodium is an amazing place-- full of irony and history overlooking Bethlehem. 



Herodium - Geographic Ironies Guide Us to God's Path 

Sea of Galilee - When God Gives You an Impossible Task

Robin on Apr 6 


The water reflects the shining ray 

Of the morning sun at the break of day. 

A place where our Lord had trod 

And soothed the storm, this Son of God. 


He spoke the word and all was still. 

He calmed the fears of men until 

All was peace, the tempest past. 

Our Lord and Savior revealed at last. 


Now the sea reflects the light 

Of evening dusk from edge of night, 

A grace reminds of faithful love, 

The Word who came from God above. 


He promises an inner peace, 

But does not mean our strife has ceased. 

He calms our storms, our fears allayed, 

For on the cross the price was paid. 




Kelly Kleine on Mar 26 


It has been thought provoking for me that it was due to a drought that led to the discovery of that boat! We often don't care for periods of drought as we see it as a lack of provision. But in this case, the drought surfaced an artifact as a result of it. It is the same in our own lives. We have personal periods of drought where we don't see the provision, yet after the fact, we can often look back and see these times as a season where God unearthed a treasure within us that needed to be brought to the surface. God may not be providing what we see as the solution to our thirst, but He is still working to levitate something in us that can be explored!! I've been experiencing this both figuratively and literally. God has been revealing things to me in a period of wait in a dry, desert season personally. And then the environment we live in has been in a drought for as long as I can remember! But then this year, we have been dumped on with an uncharacteristically wet, rainy and snowy climate that is unprecedented in our area! It's like after the dry spell, the heavens will once again bring about the refreshing waters to revitalize things again so that everything can flourish. He will close up the hard dry cracks in the ground so that we can continue on His path of vitality!! He will provide the source of refilling. Just like the Sea eventually experienced after the boat was revealed. Lesson learned. Don't doubt the drought! Search and dig for the treasures that are revealed in the dry spell! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27 


Those are some tremendous insights, Kelly. Thank you so much for sharing. What wonderful applications! 




Marcia Kirby on Mar 19 


Faced with impossibility, give thanks to the Father for exactly what you have and pass it out. The multiplication is Jesus' responsibility, and you may not see it at all as you give. Only later will it become apparent that Jesus did what only He could do. Jesus is more than enough. Do I understand it takes only one, and a weak one at that, willing to be broken, divided, sent out, and multiplied in ways only God can do? 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20 


Yes, Marcia, you have explained it well. It's a tough assignment, and often the Lord's multiplication/provision is only seen in hindsight. There are times also when His wisdom continues to allow the lack in our lives, which is a tough assignment. Trust is the important part. 




Steve Johnson on Feb 23 


Wayne, I don’t want to overwhelm you with questions or remarks, but do you happen to know, my dear friend, Dr Randy Price? He’s a world, renowned archaeologist, specifically a biblical archaeologist. He just retired as a museum curator at liberty university, he also was an instructor there in the study of Judaism. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24 


Steve, I've heard of Randall Price for years-- but we've never met. 




Steve Johnson on Feb 23 


Thank you for that presentation 




Ty on Feb 22 


Another well done and challenging video to watch again. Surely faith is going to be part in answering the question posed to us, but there's a lot more involved too. Knowing the Word of God and refreshing myself in the Word of God often, daily for me, allows me to reflect upon and gives the Spirit freedom to remind me of that Word just how faithful God is and that He is a Promise Keeper. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24 


So true, Ty. We need DAILY to be in the Word and to meditate on its truths for the renewal of the mind. 




Ty on Jul 14, 2022 


Great video reminding us of the faithfulness and promise keeping of our Creator God. His grace and mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) as a starter. We only have to look around us to see His great provision with so much we take for granted i.e. the air we breathe, the gravity we have to walk on this planet, the seasons we have, our working bodies, our mind to think and increase in knowledge, the uniqueness of our own DNA, the emotions we have to express ourselves and our free will to choose. Our ability to participate to be fruitful and multiply. Our ability to create and improve our standards of living. The ability to love and be loved. 


In response to this short incomplete list of abundance He provides for us daily we respond with a heart of thankfulness and to express our appreciation for His agape love poured out on us. His Word says if you love me obey my commands. (John 14:15) To do this one must know His Word while being sensitive and realise His promptings as He communicates to us in applying His Word to our life for His glory. We show our love for Him with our obedience to His Word and His life in us as freely we have been given, we can freely give in demonstrating His love. (Matthew 10:8) 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022 


I was thinking of that verse from Lamentations 3 earlier this week, Ty. As I was talking to my wife from Israel (and her in the States), I realized that "morning" is a relative term. My morning was her evening. In other words, it's always "morning" somewhere-- at every moment. That means His mercies are new every moment. :-) 




Jeanetta on Sep 8, 2022 


I love that - His mercies are new every MOMENT! 

As a caregiver for my parents in my home, every day-hour-minute has a need. Early this morning my Mom rang her home call button when she awoke confused from a nightmare. Being stuck in her home hospital bed she has to wait until I hear it, wake, & get to her. My Dad & husband are both hard of hearing, so I needed God's mercies in that moment to quickly get to her to help her understand it was just a bad dream and stay with her until she relaxed & was able to sleep another hour. 

"God's mercies are new every moment" is going on my fridge! 




Louis on May 11, 2022 


Dr. Stiles, I am a little confused as to where the 5000 were fed. From your notes it looks like they were fed near Bethsaida. The point of confusion comes after they were fed when I read Mark 6:45 saying: Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. 

Any help here would be greatly appreciated. 

After searching on the internet I see the verse in Mark is in question compared to the other gospels. No need to answer, it was in the Bethsaida area. 




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022 


Yes, Louis, this is a head-scratcher at first. They were indeed near Bethsaida, as Luke 9:10 tells us. But they were also in a "desolate place," which would have required them to go into surrounding villages to find something to eat. So, the location of the miracle was likely in the Plain of Bethsaida. You can see a video on this location. So the boat journey would have begun at the Plain-- with the intent of going to Bethsaida. But the storm blew them west into the lake. 




Patty on May 3, 2022 


So many times when called to do something - having to step out in faith as He provides. Most recently a Covid interrupted overseas outreach lasting over past 2 years. Having to start over with provisions and He provided within 24 hours for new reassignment country. Now within weeks of leaving I come down with Covid and He provides quick healing. When He calls - He does it. So we can focus on Him and His Kingdom He takes care of the rest. Matthew 6:33 




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2022 


I like the way you put that, Patty. God provides, and this frees us up to focus on obedience. 




Mary on Apr 30, 2022 


I really enjoyed this video. It reminded me of the times Jesus came 

To my aid. I have had a few very dark days and weeks in my 75years of life. 

The latest was last year. I was diagnosed with troath cancer. Somehow I knew he would take care of me. I remained calm and 

Put my life in his hands. It was quite a testimony to everyone who knew me. I remained calm and upbeat. I told them that Jesus was taking care of me . I had lived a good life, had 3 wonderful children 

And 7 beautiful grandchildren, what more did I need! 




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022 


I pray that the Lord continues to uphold you, Mary, and you trust him each day. God bless you. 




Julia Thomas on Apr 21, 2022 


We can spend our time concentrating on God and His attributes instead of worrying about all of the details of our day. As we do that the cares of the day diminish and we can face each task with the knowledge that He has our day all mapped out. We just walk through it with Him! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2022 


Well said, Julia. Indeed, God's promise to provide has freed us from the worry and concern of the swirling storms around us. We simply trust Him and obey Him and watch the storms eventually calm down. But in the meantime, we hang on! :-) 




Frances Tencza on Apr 16, 2022 


It was so awesome to visit the boat museum twice, once in 2015 & again in 2019! I wondered if the boat was one that got caught up in a storm, like the one Jesus and His disciples were in! 

The issues of relying on Jesus during the storms of our life or just trusting in Him at all times and leaning on His strength is so important to bring direction and purpose to our lives! 





Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022 


How exciting, Frances, to be on a storm on the Sea of Galilee! What a rare treat for you. 




Terri on Apr 7, 2022 


O ,so beautiful, the video of the Sea of Galilee, it's my birthday today , a beautiful gift. I so want to go there.and now I have . Thank you so much, this app has blessed me so much ,this look at where Jesus was is priceless to me Praying someday I will be there and walk there and sleep there and song there and praise Jesus there. God bless you 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022 


Happy birthday, Terri! I'm so glad that you got to journey to the sea of Galilee on this special day. God bless you. 




Terri on Apr 7, 2022 


Thank you , so much 😀😀😀✝️✝️✝️ 




Sara on Feb 25, 2022 


This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for your prophetic words of wisdom. I pray the Lord continue to bless you for all you do for His kingdom. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022 


God bless you, Sara. May the Lord continue to encourage you through each video. 




Shelley on Feb 1, 2022 


love it 




Ruby on Jan 27, 2022 


I'm loving this. I've been to Israel twice, 20 years between, wish I had had these tours before each. Your tours cover some of the places we were, bringing to life the places we visited. 

The Church where I go is without a Pastor, Song Leader & Pianist, Please Pray for us as we go about God's work. Thank you so much 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022 


Yes, Ruby, I'm praying that the Lord leads your church to find the right man as pastor—one who preaches from the Word and loves the people. God bless you. By the way, you can always go again to Israel—with me! :-) See the tours here. 




Liza on Jan 8, 2022 


It takes the pressure away, knowing what he calls is to do, he will provide the resources for us to complete his calling. We must stay close to him and seek him daily, and watch him work in our lives. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2022 


I like the way you put that, Liza: "What He calls us to do, He will provide the resources for us to complete His calling." Such a great statement of faith and of fact. God bless you. 




Beth on Jan 25, 2022 


That is really good Liza. 




Shane on Jan 3, 2022 


In just re-watching this video I heard something that I didn't catch previous. We do a lot of spiritual maintenance compared to spiritual growth, which only can be achieved when we let Jesus challenge us and we respond. The last 4 minutes of this video are rich in wisdom and revelation Wow! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022 


I am thrilled that the Sea of Galilee video encouraged you afresh, Shane. Indeed, we need to submit to the Lord both in maintenance as well as in growth. The Lord strengthen you for each! 




Shane on Nov 21, 2021 


If I'm right, Peter got out of the boat to go to Jesus in the midst of a storm. That small amount of faith to do just that would have been a lot for Peter, but it was all Jesus required for Peter to be empowered for later in his journey, namely the Day of Pentecost. I see tithes and offerings in this. What we give is just enough for God to do something we cannot do. But, how many times do we with-hold; because we are not sure of the outcome; or we have an expected (our own outcome - what we would like to see happen, as opposed to what God can do outcome. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2021 


Well said, Shane. It is that mustard-seed faith that God is looking for. It's all He needs to work in our lives. But for us, it often is so much! 




Alan on Nov 7, 2021 


I need to always remember that as Christ who comes to see and not myself. As long as I focus on Jesus in the midst of the storms I will be OK it is when I like Peter step out and then only see the waves not see Christ. As I have grown older the storms come more frequently in the waves are getting higher but God‘s grace is abounding more. Thanks for these reminders in this Message God bless 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 8, 2021 


So glad to hear, Alan, that the Lord is encouraging you to keep your eyes on Him in the storms. May He continue to give you the grace to focus! God bless you. 




Norma on Oct 18, 2021 


That is so true in my life, well shared to all. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021 


I am right there with you, Norma, on needing to trust God with the impossible. May the Lord strengthen you as you trust him. 




Fred on Oct 10, 2021 


When will you have more videos? I'm really enjoying these studies and can't get enough of them. Because of these videos, I'm studying the Bible more than ever. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2021 


I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos, Fred. We produce new videos every month. I noticed you're a Monthly Member. Once you have been a Monthly Member for a year, you have access to ALL videos from all countries and Bible lands. With an Annual Membership upgrade, you can watch them all today. :-) Just contact us if you're interested in an upgrade discount. God bless. 




Patti on Oct 7, 2021 


You said our inadequacy doesn’t matter when we rely on Christ. If God calls us He will supply our strength and support the outcome. God proves over and over He is enough. He is all we need. Let us rely solely on Him and not only on ourselves. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2021 


I like the way you put that, Patti. God bless you. 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


When my husband and I were first called to serve the Lord, He gave us a promise that "we'd never have to worry about what we'd eat or wear, and that we'd always have a place to sleep." By simple faith we believed and were obedient to His leading and guiding. It gave us great confidence and whenever there was a need for food, clothing, or shelter, we leaned on His promise and reminded Him of His Word to us. A few years later we came upon Matthew 5, and saw that promise we'd been given right there in God's Word. It was a foundational truth we clung to during our 30 years of ministry, and God was faithful to honor that promise every step of the way. It allowed us to "rest," rely, and lean on HIM as our Source. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021 


Thank you for sharing this, Donna. Isn't it amazing how God is so faithful? Always surprising and always amazing. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 9, 2021 


A number of times God has told me: "Wanda, I have set you apart for Myself." And another time: "Wanda, I am your Provider." Yet another: "Wanda, I am your Protector." With all these affirmations plus God telling me what He has me do will flow out from our relationship I cannot help but to focus on all He desires and follow Him! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021 


I love that each of your promptings from the Lord is rooted in Scripture, Wanda. Indeed, Scripture is the best way to hear God's voice. God bless you. 




Marsha on Sep 5, 2021 


When my kids were little, I used to worry about everything, despite knowing that God always found a way to provide for our needs. I have since learned not to worry so much. He is faithful to those who trust him. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2021 


Funny how young children can spur our worries, isn't it, Marsha? One of the great benefits of living a little while is seeing the consistency of God's faithfulness. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


If we obey Him we are doing what’s best for us which to some extent will fulfill our needs. If we don’t focus so much on providing for ourselves He will provide for us. This will free us to obey Him perhaps by performing works of charity and the corporal works of mercy. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


I love that perspective, Donna. If we simply obey Him, we can trust Him and His sovereignty to allow everything to fall into place. 




George on Aug 12, 2021 


very important and personal commentary to make practical applications of the life of J.C. and disciples two thousand years ago. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2021 


So true, George. Personal application is the goal of God's Word in our lives. God bless you. 




Dawn on Aug 6, 2021 


Worry - relying on God to supply my needs is the security blanket or lifeline. Knowing that God 'has my back' lets me move through my day with less anxiety about what might be next. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2021 


What a wonderful application against anxiety, Dawn! How wonderful it is to know that God has our backs. Thank you so much for including that. God bless you. 




Anne on Jul 13, 2021 


I am enjoying these. Learning more and more. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2021 


I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos, Anne. May the Lord continue to encourage you through each one! God bless you. 




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021 


I’m learning to trust, one area at a time. Knowing him intimately by his names. Which takes time. And process. Experiencing him in one area strengthens my faith for the next challenging area. I hold doggedly to his word, character and what He says...and “not believing” my circumstances have the last word! 

. I will know him as Provider and recompense in this season. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021 


I am right there with you, Jenny, learning to trust the Lord one place at a time. I am glad that the video encouraged you. God bless you. 




Diane on Jun 12, 2021 


I not only forget to call On Jesus, I go ahead and do what I think is the best thing to do. And when it doesn’t work out, I ask God why He didn’t work it out, and wonder why I’m in another quandary!! I can’t seem to WAIT, ever!! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2021 


I know what you mean, Diane. So often the Lord will put us in places of lack in order to see what we will do with it. O for the grace to trust him more and to see his blessings right in front of us! 




Diane on Jun 13, 2021 


I forget to wait on his grace, I need not to be in such a hurry to sell things on my own! 




Saleem on May 20, 2021 


So blessed to see and learn about the Holy Land but at the same time hearing the news of what is happening there is so depressing--- the land where the Lord's peace should prevail is devasted by Satanic Scheme. Praying for His Peace there as we have been commanded to do so. 

God bless you for such wonderful videos & teachings !! 




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021 


What a blessing, Saleem, that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos and the Scriptures. I pray that He continues to do so! God bless you. 




Vanessa on May 13, 2021 


I am overwhelmed with the videos it suits my soul I can’t stop watching I am learning so much it is opening my eyes to the Scriptures thank you very much for the videos 




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021 


How exciting, Vanessa! I am thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. May He continue to do so! God bless you. 




Donna on May 4, 2021 


I love how you incorporate history, places and scripture. I am learning so much. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2021 


I think this is the best way to experience the lands of the Bible, Donna. Taking history, places, Scripture, and application all together. God bless you. I pray that the videos will continue to be an encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Frances on Mar 26, 2021 


I like the devotional applications as much as the history and geography in the videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021 


That is wonderful, Frances! I have to agree… Without application, the rocks and hills and dates are just dust. May God continue to bless you as you watch the videos and dig deeper into His Word. 




Sally on Mar 25, 2021 


Whenever I started my work day in prayer asking help from Jesus my days always went much better. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


That is a wonderful way to start the day, Sally! Prayer is so essential in our relationship with God. God bless you. 




Connie on Mar 22, 2021 


I am truly enjoying my journey through the Bible comparing the geographics of the Holy Land. I love learning, and that's exactly what I am doing. Thank you for your work in providing this to others. God bless! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021 


This is wonderful to hear, Connie. You are exactly the reason I designed these videos to educate and inspire in your walk with Christ. God bless you. 




Loi on Mar 21, 2021 


First question in Galilee Essential Tour.Yes I have seen God work the impossible in my life in the past. 

I escaped the Viet Nam Communist more than 40 years ago after the Fall of Saigon Apr 30 1975. On the boat we were hungry and thirsty and everyday we prayed asking for the direction to the safe journey also foods. And God provided us with a large net of fish in the sea, we found the black triangle flag in the ocean and we tried to pull it up, there was a large net full of fish. we cooked and sharing among 43 people on the boat. We dried the left over for the journey. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021 


That is an amazing testimony, Loi. May the Lord continue to bless you as you trust Him each day. 




Loi on Mar 23, 2021 


Yes Dr. Stiles . After I came to America worked and back to High school to be graduate at the age of 30. I waited for 10 years remain single until our reunion with my wife and 3 teenagers and raised them up in America. Now I am retired 2 months ago I have desired to visit Holy land . And now you are Walking the Bible. You are helping me to see Israel. I am not very good with English I start at junior high with the helped by a local high school principle . He let me back to the classes . I am Viet nam veteran spent 5 years in the Navy. 




Karen on Mar 19, 2021 


Very reassuring. A good reminder of where my resources truly are. Need to watch again though! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021 


Yes, Karen, how essential it is we remember that Jesus has all we need and we can go to Him repeatedly. God bless you as you rely on Him. 




Maria on Mar 18, 2021 


I love the videos! Such a blessing to relive happy and memorable moments in The Holy Land! Thank you, Mr. Stiles, may God bless you and your family every day! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021 


Thank you so much, Maria, and I am thrilled that you got to go to Israel! I pray that the videos will bring back all of your wonderful memories and that you will also discover many brand new places from the Scriptures. God bless you. 




Maria on Mar 19, 2021 


Thank you, Mr. Stiles, God bless you too. 




Michelle on Mar 18, 2021 


Wonderful to have the opportunity to see the Holy Land and the surrounding areas that help to make the bible scriptures and locations come alive. 

The maps help to visualize where these places are, but I wonder are they current maps or maps from back in those times when Jesus was in obedience to God the Father? 

I will have to re watch these videos after reading those sections in the bible. Currently in Deuteronomy and Mark on my reading plan for the year.. 


I also found it very emotional seeing people getting baptized in the river Jordan. Thank you for showing in person and on the map the beginning and end of the river Jordan. Very interesting! Also loved seeing the "Jesus boat" that was discovered, makes my faith seem more truthful and authentic! The Herodian, David's victory over Golaith, the paths created by the sheep all so amazing! Thanks again! Look forward to watching more videos. The scriptures connected with the videos really bridge the gaps. "You can do nothing apart from me, said Jesus!! Amen! Amen! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


I am so glad, Michelle, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. Some of the maps are of recent times, but most of them focus on ancient times. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos and draw closer to Jesus. 




Edna on Mar 15, 2021 


your video have problem 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


Sorry about that, Edna. What problem are you having with the video? 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


Knowing how much He has already done for me I can tell when I start drifting and trying to do things on my own I start struggling and realize that I have to look to Him 1st. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Debbie, to be able to realize when you are drifting from the Lord. How gracious of Him to tap your shoulder and to draw you back. May He strengthen you each day! 




Lynda on Mar 8, 2021 


I believe He will provide. For me when I stop trying to provide for myself. I am learning to let God provide what he already knows I need 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021 


That is a wonderful perspective, Lynda. Indeed, our Lord will provide and has proven it so in our lives every day of our past. God bless you 




Tonya on Mar 3, 2021 


I believe he will provide and stop trying to provide for myself. Then the only thing left to do is trust. When I am uncomfortable like I have been last 5 months being sick I find myself seeing I’m not as steadfast in my trust as I’d like to b. I started to overthink and reason and felt frustrated then started withdrawing which just brought me more pain. One scripture God brought me to was Honor Me by trusting Me in your days of trouble. Which shows me I will have trouble and I’d like to reach the point where my trust and praise does not waiver or weaken in those days of trouble. It is something I struggle with. I don’t want to allow the valley to steal my song idea from the song stones. The valley won’t steal my song. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021 


I like hearing your faith, Tonya. I pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen you as you wait on Him. God bless you. 




May Joy on Mar 1, 2021 


I have seen many times in my life, how He has miraculously provided for me and how He has rescued me from so many impossible and difficult situations. From my difficult divorce, to the loss of my job, to having a stroke (hemorrhage in the brain). Because I know now that He always provides and my difficult situations are His perfect staging to reveal His character and purposes in my life (like what you mentioned in the video) then I shall keep depending, trusting and abiding as well as obeying Him. My recent experience of a difficult job hunting process riddled with lots of rejection and painful waiting, brought me to despair, fear and anxiety but I kept praying to God, reading His Word and obeying his teachings. I thought I must have displeased God with my negative thoughts and anxiety but I learned later on, that God’s power is best manifested in the sanctifying process, in the ability to endure contradictions, and persevere through the pain and heartbreak. After all it happened to Elijah and Moses too. Now I understand what it means to keep obeying God even if the pain and circumstances don’t change yet. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2, 2021 


Thank you for sharing your story, Mary Joy, and I rejoice with you and how the Lord is working in your life. God bless you. 




Marlene on Feb 27, 2021 


I have fear of water and escaping it by not showering. I need to face my fear knowing God is with me and I will be fine! This video has meant more than you'll ever know to me. Thank you!! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2021 


I am glad that these videos are encouraging you, Marlene. May they continue to do so! 




Katherine on Feb 20, 2021 


It gives me the freedom to obey Him and to know that He will provide a way for me. I have no need to worry then for all my needs will be meant. I just need to Trust God which is something I need to work on. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021 


So true, Katherine. God's promise to provide for us gives us the freedom to follow Him in faith. I pray that He will continue to strengthen you to do so. God bless you. 




Donna on Feb 19, 2021 


It allows me to live from a place of rest, where I simply trust Him to be my everything day by day, as He leads and guides me. I can live KNOWING that as I "seek first the Kingdom and its righteousness" keeping my "branch attached to His vine" that all my needs will be met, because His abundance life will be my source. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


Well said, Donna. How gracious is our God to provide our needs as a good Father. May He bless you as you walk with Him. God bless you. 




Kim on Feb 18, 2021 


What perfect timing. Much needed reminder for the times we are in. I liked what you said about spiritual growth, not spiritual maintenance. Let us not forget how God has blessed us as a nation. I know that God is working to draw hearts toward Him in these times. Knowing His Word has never been more important. God's promises are what I hang onto each day. He will never leave me, nor forsake me. The 23rd Psalm. I am able to freely tell others about Our Great God!!! I just tell them what He has done in my life! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


Well said, Kim. We are abundantly blessed indeed. Thanks for the good reminder. 




Jennifer on Feb 14, 2021 


God makes the impossible, possible when it is His will. Let's see if He finds funding for seminary for me, as He sent the fish for Simon Peter. If he does, then I'll know it's His will, and if not, then I'll also know it's not. So to answer the question, "how does God's promise to provide, free you to focus on obeying Him?," well to put it simply, as long as a person keeps their eyes solely on Him, nothing else seems to matter and peace comes to that person throughout all diversities. Even growing up in church, I'm just now learning this is very true. My life has been riddled with all types of obstacles and diversities; however, the ones I am currently facing, I've never felt such peace and that's because I've learned to keep my eyes on Him and to take up my full armor. I've seen God provide for me (money, helping hands, spiritually, etc.) since my eyes opened and my spirit began to awaken after a very long slumber. So maybe, my post here will help another where they don't get to middle age like me, before realizing they don't have their eyes solely on God by allowing outside distractions in and have failed to put on their full "Armor of God." I hope you read this and learn from my own failure and rise up and become whom God made you to be. When you do, you'll understand the complete peace I speak of and then you will be ready and willing to be God's servant. God bless to you all! 





Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021 


Thank you so much, Jennifer, for sharing your story and how the power of God gave you the strength to press on in an impossible situation. May the Lord continue to give you strength to take each step each day. God bless you. 




Marlene on Feb 27, 2021 


Thank you Jennifer!! I need to put my trust in God more, as well 




Gary on Feb 13, 2021 


Wayne, I'm going through many obstacles at the moment but staying focused on my dreams and goals that look impossible created by toxic people.. But God is still givingme strength to get there though it still looks impossible today. God will do the same for me what He done back then i enjoyed video. Cheers Gary Steele 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2021 


Gary, I pray the Lord strengthens you in the Word and in the peace that passes understanding that only He provides. God bless you. 




Sandi on Feb 6, 2021 


We have help. What you said really rings clear, "just like salvation we can't live a Christian life alone." Thank you for this calming video. It increases spiritual growth to see where Jesus & his disciples walked & sailed. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2021 


I am so glad, Sandi, that the video encouraged you and offered a wonderful reminder of the grace we have each day of our Christian life. May you continue to walk in His strength each day. God bless you. 




Barbara on Feb 5, 2021 


We are loving your video series and look forward to each week. We love your humble and quiet spirit and excellent teaching! God bless you Dr. Stiles and staff. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


Thank you so much for your gracious words, Barbara. It is truly an honor to serve alongside you as we walk the Christian life together. I am thrilled that the videos are encouraging you, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless you through them. 




Mary on Feb 4, 2021 


This video really hit me at the end. I recently felt pulled to lead a Bible study, virtual of course, with 6-8 other people. I had never lead a study and almost backed out...but I didn't. I am so glad I didn't because we now have two young men...possibly another to join...that have had hard lives but now want to know about Jesus. One of the young men was a self admitted ashiest...but has now turned to the Lord. The group is at 10 and growing. My day is filled with busy...work, training team members, household duties on and on. But knowing Jesus is there for me every step of the way gives me strength to continue on. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


How exciting, Mary, for you to be led by God to lead your Bible study. And what an amazing honor that the atheist turned to a theist! Only God could bring about such wonderful change. May He continue to bless you and encourage you as you watch the videos. 




Rosemarie on Jan 28, 2021 


Knowing the Bible stories but now seeing them thru the Bible lands and your narrative and video is so complete. Thank you for this. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


I am so excited for you, Rosemarie, to see the places of the Scripture in their actual locations! I pray that the Lord would bless and encourage you with each and every video. 




Victoria on Jan 26, 2021 


Love the videos and your narrations Wayne. It is still my desire to one day visit the Bible Lands. Thank you so much for bringing to us these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021 


What a blessing, Victoria, that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I do hope you will go to Israel very soon! And when you do, I hope that you come with me. :-) God bless you. 




Rebecca on Jan 22, 2021 


Thank you so much,I have learned so much by just listening an letting the word help me understand I want to go to the holy lands one an it will happen, but until then this is the next best thing 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Rebecca, that you're learning and that God is encouraging you through the videos. I pray you DO go to the Holy Land one day soon. God bless you. 




Doris on Jan 20, 2021 


It was at the Sea of Galilee where I felt a real presence with Jesus. While riding on the boat across the Sea of Galilee i pictured Jesus feeding the 5000, walking on the water, choosing His disciples, His healing Peter"s mother and the pigs ran off the cliff into the sea.. This was very humbling and thought revoking. So blessed to have been given the opportunity to walk where Jesus Walked, Thanks for bringing back fond memories. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Doris, to have sailed on the Sea of Galilee and to hold those precious memories. Memory is indeed a gift the Lord uses to spur us to action as well as emotion. God bless you as you walk with Him. 




Pamela on Oct 4, 2020 


To actually see the places where Jesus was is so inspiring. I hope and pray that He allows me to be able to visit one day. Nothing is impossible to them that believe, and I believe that He will allow this to happen. I can do absolutely nothing without Him. As long as I put Him first in everything I say and do, I believe everything He has promised will come to pass. Thank you for these beautiful videos and inciteful teachings. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020 


I am so glad you enjoyed seeing the Sea of Galilee and the very places where Jesus traveled. Truly, a journey to Israel is unlike anything else you will ever experience. I pray that the Lord will open the door for you to go one day, Pam, and I pray that you will go with me! God bless you. 




Pamela on Oct 5, 2020 


That would be wonderful, Dr. Stiles. 




Ruth on Sep 26, 2020 


The videos are beautiful. I will never have the opportunity to visit in person, so these videos make Jesus so real. To see the places where he actually lived, worked and even played is a treasure. Thank you again, Jesus I Trust in You ❤️🌈 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2020 


I'm thrilled for you, Ruth, that you get to see these sacred places of your faith. What a blessing that the videos are encouraging to you. God bless you. 




Lucila on Sep 12, 2020 


Beautiful video. God is always with us. Thanks for your words 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 13, 2020 


I am so glad you enjoyed the video, Lucila. It is indeed amazing how the Lord is always with us and gives us occasional reminders of that truth that we cannot miss. Maybe Lord continue to bless you. 




Greg on Aug 31, 2020 


Such a great reminder of GOD's sufficiency in our lives. The calling that I believe GOD has put on my life certainly is way beyond my meager means. I know He has to provide....but my impatience often gets in the way of my faith. It is a daily struggle. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 31, 2020 


You are not alone, Greg, and your struggle with impatience and waiting on God. Thankfully, He shows himself faithful each and every time. Slowly, slowly, slowly we grow to trust Him more. May He strengthen you to do so today! 




Linda on Aug 28, 2020 


I am not a beach person but I definitely had fallen in love with the Sea Of Galilee. The calmness and tranquility. When I stood on the beach that day and in that small tourist boat, what Jesus did 2,000 years ago kept flashing across my mind.....Everything seemed so so real. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 28, 2020 


I agree with you, Linda. The Sea of Galilee is a wonderful and special place. So much of it looks exactly like what Jesus must have seen. 




Marilyn on Aug 28, 2020 


This was very inspiring. A lesson in trust! The Lord will always have our back!! Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 28, 2020 


Thank you, Marilyn. I agree with you – the Lord always is supporting the challenging commands He gives us. May we draw upon His strength as we do His will today. God bless you. 




Karen on Aug 24, 2020 


I have been to the Sea of Galilee twice. It is my favorite place in all the earth. It is powerful and healing. This video made me homesick 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2020 


How wonderful for you, Karen, to be able to relive your experience and revisit your favorite place on earth. What a thrill! 




Elena on Aug 16, 2020 


I'm so thankful God is in my life to guide me in what I need to do and say. I pray I will remember to always ask for that guidance. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


That is a wonderful prayer, Elena. I am grateful also that God is in your life. May He continue to draw you closer to Him. 




Cathy on Aug 8, 2020 


God's promise free`s me up to focus in obeying him would be me learning how to become more selfless knowing that there are those that are in greater need than I and knowing that when I go through it's not always for me there are lessons we learn to lift up others. Patience is something none of us really want to ask for due to the fact we will find ourselves being tested but when we have task that appear to be impossible God is waiting for us to obey him. If I have this mind of Christ the promises will come by obedience. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2020 


Well said, Cathy. We never have to ask for opportunities to apply patience, do we? How wonderful that God gives us the strength we need in the moment we need it. 




Loni on Aug 8, 2020 


I am reminded from this video that we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. 


When we take our focus away from Him, we end up failing. 


The Holy Spirit empowers and emboldens us if we seek him. 


It seems in life when the seas are calm it lulls us into a false sense of complacency and when the storm hits we turn to God. 


Life is so much more joyful when we seek a relationship with God and we gain wisdom through mediation on the scriptures and prayer.. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020 


I agree with you, Lonnie. We have to keep our eyes on the Lord at all times. And yes-- Scriptures and prayer are so key for me too for the renewal of the mind. God bless you as you seek Him. 




Apple on Aug 8, 2020 


We must put God first and put our trust in Him wherever we go. I am reminded of a song called Nothing is Impossible by Planetshakers. I have faith in God now and forever more, Amen. 


I really like the video. I am really touched by the video so much. Thank you for the videos. 


I learn that I need to obey God and my parents too. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020 


I'm so glad you like the videos, Li-Ann. We are all learning to obey. God bless you. 




Nancy on Jul 30, 2020 


This is a great reminder that I’m not in this alone and can never do it on my own. This reminder relieves a lot of the pressure I put on myself and gives me peace to wait for him instead of forcing my own solutions to life’s challenges. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


I'm so glad, Nancy, that seeing the places of the Scriptures helps them come to life for you. I am the same way! God bless. 




Apple on Aug 8, 2020 


hi uncle Wayne i am back. 




Mary on Jul 30, 2020 


Through prayer and through our faith in God tells us God will provide. God is always with us. I have experienced many times where God has provided. We just have to remember to give it God and let him do his work. Once you give it to God through prayer -Let go and let God. Do not interfere. It’s hard sometimes though. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


I agree with you, Mary, that keeping our hands off the steering wheel is a tough assignment! Thankfully, our God can be trusted. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


What a MASTERFUL tapestry of Biblical events and Holy Land sites--combined to illustrate a central teaching of our Christian faith. Wayne, I am so grateful for your ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


Thank you, Steven. I love the reminder that all four of the gospels give us. How essential that we continue to come to God with our inadequacies and trust Him in these impossible situations in life and ministry. May the Lord powerfully bless you, Steven, as you serve Him. 




Joseph on Jul 27, 2020 


Very interesting. I didn't know you could look across the Sea of Galilee and see the other side. I always pictured it larger that, more like Lake Michigan. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020 


I know what you mean, Joseph. Before seeing Israel I had a very different view of what the wilderness look like. When I think wilderness in America, I think upper Northwest! Not so in Israel…. 




Teresa on Jul 24, 2020 


I liked it.,I felt encouraged. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


I am so glad that the Lord encouraged you through this video, Teresa, and through His Word. God bless you. 




Mitzi on Jul 24, 2020 


Hello Wayne, You have really put together a wonderful series. The video on The Sea of Galilee cut off after 5:38 minutes. So I decided to read your book, but Safari said it couldn't open the page. Wonder what I'm doing wrong? It's so interesting and I appreciate you and all your hard work. Thanks. Mitzi Matthews 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020 


Sorry for the trouble here, Mitylene. I have watched the video again, and it seems to be working just fine. Maybe you could try downloading it to watch it? As far as the book you mentioned, do you mean the transcript for this video? Not sure what book you're referring to. Sorry for the questions – but I'd love to help. God bless. 




Jeanne on Jul 23, 2020 


I have heard about the Jesus boat before and have often wondered if God’s preserving of the boat and the unearthing of it is another message to us today. Like a way to remind us, not necessarily believers, but people in general who he is. Maybe it is a way to keep people talking about him when otherwise they wouldn’t. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020 


I like your way of thinking, Jeanne. There are so many wonderful things discovered in the last century that give great support to the Word of God. God bless you. 




Pamela on Jul 18, 2020 


When I focus on his promise to provide, I walk in greater peace and my faith increases. This allows me to view the situation from God's perspective. I, however, continue to work on the obedience part. Like Peter, there is still a gap between my faith and obeying God's instructions. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2020 


I am right there with you, Pamela. It is a struggle to connect our obedience and God's commands. Thankfully, His grace gives us the chance to do it again and again – just like with Peter. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him. 




Sheryl on Jul 14, 2020 


I like how you explained success. 

Success occurs when we continually come to Christ and draw on His resources to meet my need. I know I can't do it alone. I am so thankful that I have Christ in my life. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2020 


I know what you mean, Sheryl. Where would we be without Jesus Christ? May He give you strength as you draw upon Him for success. 




Judy on Jul 11, 2020 


I have been aware of my own inadequacies many times in my life. But trusting in God shows me He always provides where and when I lack. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020 


You are not alone, Judy, in becoming aware of your inadequacies. I'm right there with you. The Lord so graciously reveals them to us in order to strengthen us. May He continue to strengthen you as you follow Him. 




Angela on Jul 11, 2020 


It frees me from the little things, the worry etc, I need to remember what God brings me to He will bring me through, I don’t have to worry because God has shown me He is taking care of those daily struggles and I should be focused on Him. I really had an eye opening moment with this video. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2020 


It is such a good reminder, isn't it, Angela? God's promise to provide frees us to focus on serving Him. May God help you and bless you as you follow Him. 




Friend on Jul 2, 2020 


Regularly depend on God! 

Our own inadequacy/Success spiritual growth through God- 

Life's storms walking on water-ghost i Peter said command me =Jesus said little faith, 

impossible task through Jesus loaves and fishes. 

Character = the mental & moral distinctive to an individual to the faithfulness in God. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020 


Very nice summary. Thank you. 




Stacey on Jun 25, 2020 


How true, Wayne: our lives focused on Christ are meant to be about spiritual growth, not spiritual maintenance! Beautiful video to share the Sea of Galilee. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020 


Thank you, Stacey. I am thrilled that the Lord encouraged you through the Sea of Galilee video. Such a helpful reminder, isn't it? Spiritual growth and becoming like Jesus are our goals. God bless you as you seek Him. 




Kim on Jun 14, 2020 


Such a great reminder of Gods work in our lives. And one of my favorite places that I visited. I times like these life can seem impossible at times. Thankfully God is in control of each situation and walking right beside us through it. We need not fear! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2020 


I agree with you, Kim. The Sea of Galilee is one of my favorite places as well. It looks like it did during the time of Christ, because you cannot change water! Most grateful to you for your insightful words. 




Julie on Jun 5, 2020 


When we think of God's promise to provide, we often think in terms of earthly and tangible "needs", or in the way we "expect" Him to provide. When we replace "earthly" with "eternal", that changes everything with regard to the most important provisions needed. When we truly search for His provisions with an eternal focus, we are able to weather the "impossibilities" in our lives in total trust and reliance upon Him. 


After viewing this video, I now understand how you thought my comment on the Ministry of Jesus series, Episode 2, was fitting for this video, with regard to the principle of total reliance upon Christ. Thank you for vividly teaching us the need to "tap into the source of supply outside of ourselves". 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2020 


You're welcome, Julie. I'm always amazed how the word of God intertwines its principles with one another to create an amazing tapestry of truth. 




Alejandra on May 26, 2020 


Coming from a poor country like Honduras, I really needed to trust the Lord would provide everything I needed in China because I believed He had invited me there. 

I remember my mom being very scared and afraid that my local church would forget about me and wouldn't send me my financial support. I firmly told her: "Mom, the church might forget about me, but God will never abandon me. I might be beheaded for preaching Christ in a closed nation, but I won't die of starvation." 

Her facial expression...priceless! Lol! I love my mom! :D 


I can testify of the Lord's faithfulness to anyone who trusts in Him. He taught me to rely on Him alone for anything I need. I've learned to be content in Him no matter how much money I have in my pockets. He always provides! 




Wayne Stiles on May 26, 2020 


I appreciate and admire your faith, Alejandra! Keep up the good work – and may the Lord bless you. 




Hal Warren on May 25, 2020 


"But we forget Jesus also uses life and ministry to do a great work in us." Wayne, what a great statement. Thanks for the reminder! 




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2020 


I appreciate you shooting that reminder back my way too, Hal! It's so easy to forget that God is working in us as well as through us. God bless you. 




Kym on May 16, 2020 


I love being "transported" back to favorite places! The Sea of Galilee is a special place, and seeing the shoreline of Tabgha, the city of Capernaum and the landscape we know Jesus walked always comes alive. I can't wait to take my next tour group to Israel in Feb 2021, Lord willing! 




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2020 


I'm so happy for you, Kym, that you are going with your group in 2021. May God bless you as you experience these sacred places. 




Heather on May 4, 2020 


I am the pastor of a small rural church, With Covid-19 we've had to resort on video recording worship services for our members and provide it in several formats. I hate having to watch myself and see all my flaws on display. YUCK! Lately, I've caught myself comparing with churches and ministers also recording their worship services- never a good idea. Thank you for the reminder that I don't have to be somebody else to do God's work, or have the slick and polished video recording to share. I just have to be me, follow his word, and share him. The glory is not mine anyway- but his. Good ego check. 




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020 


I'm right there with you, Heather. It is so humbling to see yourself on video! I might share some giggles with you and remind you to take a look at my bloopers videos in the bonus section. You won't feel so alone! 




Diana on Apr 27, 2020 


The more I learn about the disciples, the more I am encouraged that God can use even me in all my weaknesses. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020 


I'm right there with you, Diana, in amazement of how the Lord uses us for His glory in spite of our weakness. Those disciples were great examples because they were so very, very normal. Thankfully! God bless. 




Christine on Jan 30, 2020 


I just returned from Israel last week (my second time since 2018). I love the videos that you share with us. They are reinforcing what we learned during the two trips. 


The Lord has continued to be faithful in all He promises. It encourages me to know that His provision is sure and His protection will continue throughout our lives. Because of His faithfulness, even when I fall again into sin, I know that Christ's sacrifice on the cross suffices and His mercies, while new every morning, will never fail. This assurance gives me hope for the future. Will He find faith on earth upon His return? I hope so, but I know that His faithfulness is what really counts. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2020 


What a blessing for you to have gone a second time to Israel so soon, Christine! I am thrilled that the videos can reinforce the experiences and the places you had in the Holy Land. I pray they will provide insight beyond what you've gained even while being there. God bless you as you follow closely after Him. 




Bonnie on Sep 28, 2019 


I visited Israel in 2008 and 2011. I wanted to return with my tour group in November but my husband's health will not allow. When I watched your introduction webinar, I knew this was God's way of allowing me to travel to Israel again. As we watch each video, it has brought us back to the sites we visited and given greater depth to our current knowledge. I so appreciate your labor for God in developing this info. Thanks so very much! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2019 


Bonnie, I am thrilled that the videos are allowing you to relive so many of the experiences you had while in Israel! I pray that you will continue to gain greater depth and insight to your current knowledge. God bless you. 




Alice on Jul 4, 2019 


Awesome, love to see these. I went there in 2006. So wanted to go again but age (82) and husband's health issues; plus not feeling I should spend our money this way in this time of our life. These videos are my 'revisit' there. Jesus (YESHUA) is smiling about these as a means to 'visit' again. Blessings for your listening to HIM as to accomplishing this: for me to visit again. Love all those tours that I have seen. Will be visiting many more times in the coming weeks. Blessings, for your obedience to HIS call and thank you much. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019 


Thank you, Alice! You're the one of the primary reasons I created these virtual tours. :-) I'm thrilled you get to re-experience these special places. May the Lord bless you as you do. 




Karen on Nov 15, 2018 


I often wonder what would have happened if the Israelites had said after hearing the Law read by Moses, “Oh my, we can’t do all those things”; which they should have been honest instead of, “Yeah, no problem!” 


God’s promise to provide frees me from stress and fear. I can’t be irresponsible, I need to obey and do my part, but knowing He’s already ahead of me is so comforting. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 16, 2018 


Great thoughts here, Karen. 




Fran on Aug 17, 2018 


I have seen this before but I missed some really great info. I often need to re-view some of the tour sites. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2018 


I'm with you, Fran. Review is so essential to helping it all stick! Thanks. 




Sepphoris - Why Our Little Lives Matter So Much 

Ty on Mar 17 


The little every day things in life build our character in influencing those around us. Whether it's with the things we do, that can speak volumes of encouragement to those watching or with the words we use in providing good character building guidance in one's life, will add value to others in being a blessing to them. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 17 


Those daily, little things seem like big things when they are daily. How essential that we trust God and press on when the shortcuts call. 




Molly on Feb 10 


Pondering Jesus learning God’s Word…connecting being fully God and fully man with the gospel of John identifying Him as the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us—-never occurred to me that He’d had to learn all the scriptures. Will continue to ponder. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13 


Yes, Molly, the ways in which Jesus "emptied Himself" (Philip. 2:7) and condescended to live among us are staggering. So humble, and yet, still fully God. 




Paula on Jun 17, 2022 


I have been in a season of suffering and enforced rest. God has certainly worked on my character during this time! I have been unable to minister actively and have had to humble myself to ask for help from others. I have tried to use my time wisely in lots of Bible study, trusting that this faithfulness will result in deeper ministry in the future. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2022 


Indeed, Paula, the Lord is shaping you for a more effective future. May the Lord bless you in this season of waiting. 




Stephen on May 26, 2022 


The concept of little things being powerful has long intrigued and inspired me. Using obscurity for preparation is one example, for sure!! And I believe that being faithful in little things is powerful in itself too, even if it never leads one to greater influence or utility. Often I am reminded of a quote I heard "Just because you can't do all that you would like to do, does it stand to reason to do nothing?" This has become a way of life for me; to do the small thing that is in my power even though the need is so overwhelming. Very good visit today of Sepphoris! 




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022 


Great quote, Stephen. Thank you! 




Frances Tencza on May 12, 2022 


I would have loved to have visited Sepphoris where Jesus performed his carpentry and masonry works! Our tour of Israel for the first 3 days was based out of Nazareth before we spent the rest of our tour in Jerusalem! Other than visiting Mount Precipice overlooking the.city,there wasn’t anything significant that we visited there! But watching the video gave me a better idea of how Jesus was able to developers his skills in obscurity and contribute to some of the structures in Sepphoris! Sometimes it is to our advantage to develop and practice our skills in seclusion! 





Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2022 


You may enjoy taking another tour to Israel, Frances. There is SO much to see. 




Patty on May 3, 2022 


After years of active work in teaching and caring in ministries and parents - I’m learning to be faithful in the daily things especially housework and house supervision. Being more homebound has never been on my radar but it’s where the Lord has me now - to be faithful in ALL things. Everything under Heaven matters to Him - and is used by Him! 




Karen Sergey on Apr 29, 2022 


This was a profound video to think about Jesus being in obscurity for 30 years for 3 years of ministry. Living in USA where everyone seems to be trying to "get on stage" this is a very good reminder - God is the one - we are "playing for" to an audience of 1 and I want to see my God's smile first and not the worlds. I work in ministry at a large church with a staff close to 100 - I've gone through different seasons where I'm in the spotlight and when I'm not. I've been in a long season of not being seen - today this video released me to rest in where I am, continue to faithfully look for, talk to and find Jesus moment by moment. Thank you! I've been so blessed by these videos. 😀 




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022 


I really can relate to what you are saying here, Karen. The longer we are in ministry, the more seasons of obscurity and popularity we seem to experience. I pray that the Lord would continue to powerfully encourage you to remain faithful in the little things. I am right there with you! 




Carolyn on Apr 14, 2022 


At the age of 77 I know I will never get to Israel so your videos along with Biblical history make it more relevant and exciting than many tours. You make the Bible come alive. I was surprised at all the lush fields and trees. Before I had only seen photos of bare locations with rocks and dryness. Israel definitely is a land flowing with milk and honey. I love the Bible principles you give that coordinate with events that happened there in Bible times. Blessings to you. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022 


You are the reason that I created the series, Carolyn. I'm so glad that the videos are an encouragement to you. God bless you. 




Doreen on Mar 19, 2022 


What an interesting tour of this city and the roads, and to learn of it’s importance years ago. And a timely lesson on doing small things well between times of greater activity. Obscurity can be an opportunity - for character development, indeed. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022 


Amen, Doreen. Thanks. 




Norma on Jan 16, 2022 


There times that God used my voice and advocacy skills to represent the Latino-Hispanic people to tell the United Methodist Church that they needed to allocate resources to develop its Ministry. Wow! I was successful and an endowment fund was created. Then my prophetic voice went silent. I understood that my mission was accomplished. Recently -to my surprise - the church asked me to join a meeting where ideas will be share on how to develop or plant new churches. There are times that God takes over and ask us to be quiet so we can see HIM acting. I have learned to respect God's silence. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022 


Yes, Norma, our faithfulness in those seasons where we are not used to our full capacity is simply God's means of developing our character for greater use later. All the while, we spend our time in the Scriptures to seek the truth that God would give us. 




Angela on Jan 14, 2022 


I love what he says at the end that God is working on our character in little things and being faithful in obscurity is actually an opportunity and that God is watching and applauding. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 15, 2022 


Yes, Angela, the Lord is applauding when we trust Him through faithfulness in the little things. I pray the Lord would encourage you today as you walk with Him. God bless you. 




Patti on Jan 4, 2022 


This is the first year I am living alone after 44 years of marriage. It might seem that what I do doesn’t matter to anyone but I am aware that God is with me always. So what I do matters to Him and so it matters to me. Little things become big things when done for God. Thanks for your study to point this out. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2022 


I am glad that the video encouraged you to be faithful in the little things, Patti. I also pray that the Lord would give you great grace in this new season of life where you get to devote 100% of yourself to Him. 




Mary on Nov 28, 2021 


Your message was very helpful, Wayne. Thank you. 





Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021 


I am so glad that the video on Sepphoris, was an encouragement to you, Mary. I pray that the rest continue to be as well! God bless you. 




Michael on Oct 19, 2021 


Just reading Esther today. Chapter 4 mentions a guy named Hathach, who was the go between for Mordecai and Esther. How long did he serve in obscurity as one of the king's eunuchs? Then suddenly, being used in a critical way. 


Wonderful word of encouragement today, about faithfulness in obscurity! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 19, 2021 


Yes, Michael, that's a great connection. Thanks for adding in ol' Hathach to the mix here! God bless you. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 16, 2021 


I try and live experientially by the Corinthian verses about taking every thought captive on a daily basis. I try and turn my thoughts into prayers. I acknowledge my life is not my own. I try and not have one life when no one is looking to a life when others see. It is all a process and God helps. It's all growing up into maturity in our LORD. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021 


That is a wonderful strategy, Wanda. I appreciate the reminder for myself personally, as well. Thank you, and God bless you. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 17, 2021 


So glad to hear that. May God Bless you and your family's walk-in Him too! 




Terry on Sep 11, 2021 


How could Jesus "learn" the Word of God when He IS the Word of God. The spirit within me tells me that the one who was the Word of God had no need to "relearn" or memorize God's word for Jesus already knew what God had said and is saying to His own people. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2021 


Yes, Terry, that is a head-scratcher question. I guess we could ask the same question regarding His omniscience and omnipresence-- both which He partially chose not to exercise during His days upon the earth. Philippians 2 speaks of Jesus "emptying Himself," in the sense of His amazing condescension to becoming a man and accepting some of the limitations of humanity. For Jesus to be completely God and also completely man means that He did willingly, temporarily surrender the full exercise of His power, without surrendering ANY of His deity. Is it possible that Jesus knew the fullness of Scripture from the moment of His conception? Sure it is. But somehow He still matured in His ability to communicate it-- since He couldn't even speak yet. No easy way to wrap our arms around the amazing incarnation. 




Terry on Sep 11, 2021 


At the age of 12, Jesus was about his Father's business among the teachers of the Temple at Jerusalem. He grew into His appointed role as Messiah. Of course an infant is not born knowing all; but, I choose to believe that God's spirit dwelt with Jesus as he grew and that this Spirit was his essence and source of wisdom. 




Marsha on Sep 5, 2021 


So often we wonder why we're here; what is our purpose. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will know our purpose. It is to serve him. I love this segment. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2021 


That's right, Marsha. We are here for His glory, and He will guide and direct us in His time. God bless you. 




Renee on Sep 3, 2021 


Your videos are filled with such great content about the area but I love how you tie in the spiritual content and how our lives are affected. It’s like a bible study with a devotional attached. It truly causes me to reflect on my personal character and how I might improve in certain areas of my life. In answering the question, I try reading my bible daily and working on those character flaws I have in order to improve the person others see in me. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2021 


Excellent application, Renee. Thank you for sharing your strategy with us. And YES-- I'm wholeheartedly committed to making the transition from "See that?" to "So what?" in these videos. It's never enough to point to a pile of rocks. We need to know how to connect the Bible and its lands to life. God bless you. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


By taking care of my husband and being attentive to his needs, by saying my rosary daily and attending Mass onSundays. Do you have any suggestions? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


Absolutely yes, Donna. I recommend you make it a daily habit and discipline to read the holy Scriptures. As Saint Peter wrote: "Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation" (1 Peter 2:2). The Bible is God's primary mean for us to grow. If you need a good place to begin, try the Gospel of John. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


Thank you! I will! 




Lawrence on Jul 13, 2021 


It is scary how often the information you share, Wayne, impacts my life currently. Are you reading my mail? Praying that this body of work (the little increments!) that you are creating will continue to have great impact in this life and the one to come! Maranatha! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2021 


Okay, yes, I have to confess that I am reading your mail. Actually, reading the Bible which is just as good. :-) All kidding aside, isn't it amazing the life-changing truths that are timeless in the Scriptures? It affects me every day as well. The ink is still wet. 




Anne on Jul 13, 2021 


To see where Jesus worked with Joseph is exciting 

And to understand that most of his life he was preparing for His short Ministry on earth 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2021 


Yes, Anne, aren't those amazing bits of history? God's power in those short years of Jesus' ministry is amazing. 




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021 


The past 2 years have required me to focus almost exclusively on rebuilding my physical home...managing 2 contracting teams, a large budget, to repair the foundation, and entire septic system. Lots of excavation, steel beams, and 14 anchors into the hill. 


I have been faithful to address the flooding and septic overflow devastation in the natural (by myself & not easy!), which closely parallels rebuilding spiritual foundations for myself and 2 children. 

Step by step, 1 day at a time. Trusting the Lord to help me do it. 

WAY Out of my comfort zone. 

I am well-familiar with living before an audience of 1. 

This video encourages me as do the stories mentioned of Ruth, Joseph, David who lived decades in obscurity. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021 


Good for you, Jenny, living before an audience of One. He loves you and wants to see you succeed. 




Diane on Jun 12, 2021 


Sometimes I make mountains out of mole hills with the little things! I get so upset over them that I forget the big picture to ask God for help. I fret over the little things instead of just trying to make the best decision and move on.I guess I don’ realize God’s help and try to always do it on my own! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2021 


You are not alone, Diane, in your struggle and trusting God with the little things. It's amazing how much he cares for all the details. God bless you. 




Sharon on Apr 22, 2021 






Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021 


Thank you, Sharon. I'm thrilled that the Lord encouraged you through the Sepphoris video. God bless you. 




Donna on Apr 4, 2021 


This video is truly beautiful! It spoke to my heart for the season I am currently in. After 30 years of ministry alongside my husband, as Chaplains, I find myself a widow caring for a grandchild. Your videos are done so beautifully, and I have been enjoying seeing Israel, and hearing how you tie each location with a truth or lesson for living. What comes across most is "peace" through the words and messages, and the beautiful music. May God continue to "bless all the work of your hands" in the making of these videos! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021 


How exciting to read of what God is doing in your life, Donna! By his grace, he has transitioned you from one significant ministry to another – including your present one! Thank you so much for your many years of service to Christ. I am thrilled that the videos are affirming you and are encouraging you. May they continue to do so! God bless you. 




Friend on Mar 18, 2021 


So Awesome! I’ve never seen this site b4. I do wish u had a more close ups & would tell us a a lot more of what we are seeing tho in details, like a house, what the pillars along the roads were for, history, etc. Like when I went to Israel they showed us in Capernum the millstone laying there, like Jesus told abt in the parable. The little details that are really visually Awesome when able to connect them! Thanks & God Bless! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


Each site is so rich with history and facts, it is a challenge to squeeze any of it into a video! Truthfully, the video could last hours. Hopefully you will find a good balance between details and the big picture and biblical application. Thanks for your comment, and God bless you. 




Debbie on Mar 13, 2021 


I was always concerned about what my purpose is and what my talents are but now I realise that it's a day-to-day journey and every day makes a difference whether I'm learning or ministering. Most of the time I don't even know it. I have learned that my past experiences can help me now to teach others. I have always been caring and now I know that I can be an encourager. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


Those are wonderful insights, Debbie. Indeed, the Lord uses our past for our future. Thank you for your commitment to serve Him and to walk with Him. God bless you. 




Lydia on Mar 12, 2021 


I do try to stay focused on his words and living by them 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2021 


That is a great strategy, Lydia! Keeping in the Word of God and staying focused on His truths… Such an essential part of our lives. God bless you. 




May Joy on Mar 1, 2021 


It’s in the daily task of caring for my family, taking care of a home, working, at the same time maintaining a regular routine of reading my Bible, praying with my husband and serving our church regularly through attending Bible Study or small groups, attending mid-week prayer meetings, serving on Sundays and the intentional way of speaking what I believe and living out what I say. 




Nan on Mar 1, 2021 


Once again I’m seeing the faithfulness of God. I just had foot surgery and I was asking God what am I going to do for four weeks not being able to walk. The day before surgery I received your email. Each day I’m being encouraged by the videos and words of encouragement. Thanks so much. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021 


Isn’t it amazing, Nan, how the Lord encourages us when we need it most? May he continue to do so in your life through these videos! God bless you. 




Donna on Feb 19, 2021 


After 30 years serving the Lord in ministry, and watching Him move in wondrous ways, I find myself now helping to raise my grandchildren, and counsel my children, since my husband went home to be with the Lord. It seems like a small thing to be doing but I know that it is THE THING He wants me to do in this season, as I pour His Word into their lives, and demonstrate His character and love to them. My heart wants to be found faithful in this assignment, because I know how important this foundation that is being built will be in the future as my grandchildren are grown up and living on their own. I loved this video very much! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


It's great that you realize, Donna, how significant a task it is for you to help raise your grandchildren. God has called you to a HUGE task and a huge privilege. God bless you. 




Sandi on Feb 15, 2021 


I enjoyed learning about Sepphoris. It is also interesting how Jesus worked & studied so many years before his public ministry. God's timing is amazing & on time even in our lives today. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2021 


So true, Sandi. Indeed God's timing is perfect in our lives, and He prepares us some times for years for the future. God bless you as you wait on Him in the little things. 




Jae on Feb 6, 2021 


Why did they move the capitol/ Is Sepphoris an abandon town, why ? 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021 


I'm trying to understand your question, Jae. Are you asking why they moved the capital from Sepphoris to Tiberias? Herod Antipas built Tiberias from the ground up, and he named it after Caesar in order to ingratiate himself to him. 




Bobbie on Feb 2, 2021 


Wow! I really needed to hear this one. Love it. Never knew about little things meaning so much to God. And never knew about Sepphoris. I learned much on this video. Thank you 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2, 2021 


Thanks, Bobbie. Honestly, this video about Sepphoris is one of my favorites-- for the very reason you mention. God bless you in those little things! 




Rosemarie on Jan 28, 2021 


I did wonder why we didn’t know what Jesus did up to those last three years of his life outside of wood and stone like Joseph. In my life I would wonder why things happen and yes God makes things happen for us preparing us.. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


So true, Rosemarie. Our Lord God works all things for our good — and sometimes this takes a long, long time! God bless you as you wait on Him. 




Sharyl on Feb 25, 2021 


I love the blessings of little things is noticed by an audience of One. 

Powerful thought. So very true. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021 


Yes, Sharyl, that is a great thought, isn't it? God bless you. 




Kathleen on Jan 23, 2021 


Wow. This is a great message! I need to be patient and faithful in the "setting aside season." Thank you for the including the verse, Luke 16:10. Little things, little moments, little opportunities to chose God....all these add up to form and strengthen my character. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021 


I'm right there with you on this, Kathleen. Trusting God with the benefits of the little things is SUCH an act of faith. May He encourage you daily as you walk with Him in the little things. 




Karen on Dec 24, 2020 


I for one know when I sin against Him....Jesus corrects me strongly. I believe He is true in History and walks, disciplines, and leads the way today. I am not perfect but I try my hardest to do what is right within Christ's commands for my life. I don't diet like I am suppose to but He reminds me enough is enough when I go overboard in my menu planning and doing. Jesus sets the example in whom I am suppose to be. He is my Leader who I can truly depend on. So grateful these history lessons and wise counsel here remind me of that strength, wisdom, and Leadership in which Christ portrays yesterday, today, and tomorrows. 



Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2020 


Our Lord's grace is amazing, isn't it, Karen? I'm right there with you in the battle—I promise. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him each day in His mercy. 




Pamela on Oct 4, 2020 


To me, faithfulness and integrity go hand in hand. I try very hard to be a person of integrity, keeping my word, in whatever the circumstance. I don't do things to receive accolades from man. God is the God who sees all and knows all things. He said that whatever we do in secret or obscurity, (which includes the little things), He will reward openly. If I can remain focused on the things I do for the Kingdom, out of the purity of my heart, I believe it will be well pleasing to my Father. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020 


That's a great perspective, Pam. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him. 




Karen on Sep 6, 2020 


In looking back in my life I realize God prepared me for many things. My marriage raising my boys and my career. He also prepared me for my husbands passing in the most beautiful way. I never thought about how God was preparing Jesus to do his ministry. I think I just thought it was God given at the time of need 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2020 


Yes, Karen, isn't it amazing to look back and see how He has prepared us for a future that only He knew about? Indeed, He is sovereign and all powerful and gracious. May the Lord continue to bless you and to strengthen you for His purposes and glory – even in the little things. 




Greg on Aug 31, 2020 


Learning in obscurity. Not a concept actually taught, but one really resonated with me as I watched this video. The "delay" in GOD's provision for my calling is, in reality, GOD telling me I need to get prepared. One cannot go on a trip until they have made the necessary preparation. GOD is not going to send me out until I have done what I need to do to get ready. He doesn't want me to fail He wants me to succeed. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 31, 2020 


These are great insights, Greg, on God preparing you for the future. I pray that you would make the most of your time and find joy in learning in obscurity. Jesus did that the first 30 years of His life! God bless you. 




Loni on Aug 22, 2020 


Christians are like a mosiac in that it takes all of us to build a beautiful picture of God's love through our lives to create a masterpiece. 


I have been struggling to find a way to reach out to others during the COVID-19 pandemic to share about Jesus love but this lesson has instilled in me that God is using this time to get to know Him more intimate my and build my character.. 


The small things we do in life really do matter to God. Thank you for this fresh perspective regarding Jesus' ministry.. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020 


I really appreciate your words, Lonnie. It is so alluring to want to produce for God at all times. Sometimes these forced breaks are so essential to refuel for a more effective future. May the Lord bless you as you draw near to Him— even in the little things. 




Marge on Aug 17, 2020 


I really needed to hear this word today. Obscurity or as I say it "delay does not mean denial". Jesus had to prepare and I know God is preparing each one of us for our purpose. In the interim, we can't be silent and not share the word of God. Enjoying the places He lived and walked. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


It is such a comforting truth, isn't it, Marge? How essential is our daily faithfulness and trust in the Lord Jesus. May you continue to sense His abiding presence and affirmation in your life while you wait on Him. God bless you. 




Elena on Aug 16, 2020 


Sharing God's word and message when the opportunity presents itself. 




Janet on Aug 14, 2020 


Hello, I am trying to stay faithful by reminding myself how true and faithful Jesus was with all he had to endure for us all.. with everything going on in the world right now, it can sometimes feel overwhelming, but Jesus came to save the world, and his word is forever true.. I think that is what we all need to remember when life gets hard .. give it to God ! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2020 


Well said, Janet. It is amazing all that Jesus endured for us, remaining faithful down to the very little things. What a wonderful model for us to follow. God bless you. 




Apple on Aug 11, 2020 


I am taking art class. God can use art to heal other people from sickness and death. God can do miracles on people to be whole. Amen 

Prophetic art is something I am doing with my sister and art teacher. My art teacher is doing prophetic art. It is her passion. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2020 


Thank you, Li-Ann, for using your gifts for the glory of God. 




Cathy on Aug 8, 2020 


Parts of my life that I'm trying to stay faithful in is setting a specific time to study and not allowing anything to hinder that time on a daily basis 🙏🏽 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2020 


I am right there with you, Cathy. Trying to stay faithful in the little things – and trust in God to make them big in His time. 




Nancy on Aug 7, 2020 


COVID-19 dealt me a blow in my ability to serve Him. I’ve been retired for a couple of years and did a lot of work with my church and a counseling ministry. It all stopped cold in March; I was feeling pretty useless. Your video helped rearrange my thinking—God’s not finished with me yet! This is a time to reflect on His love through the Bible and prepare for whatever comes next in this adventure called life. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020 


You're exactly right, Nancy. These months of solitude are somehow God's season of preparation for effective ministry down the road—and even today. He wastes nothing. I'm glad the video helped remind you of your tremendous significance and value to God's kingdom program. Faithfulness in the small things... trusting God to make them big in His time and wisdom. Thank you for your commitment to Him. 




Teresa on Aug 6, 2020 


I liked the parallel 3 1/2 decades Jesus studied to prepare for 3 1/2 years of intense ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020 


Yes, Teresa, that is an amazing ratio. It speaks volumes to us in regard to having patience for God's plans for our lives. So much of it is preparation and waiting. God bless you. 




Mary on Jul 30, 2020 


I thank God every day for the beautiful world he has created for us to enjoy and for my family and friends. (Although we can’t see them in person right now). I notice little things that God does for us everyday. Even in this Covid pandemic, I try to enjoy the beauty of nature. I enjoy a bible study that I joined on line due to the pandemic not allowing gatherings at church. I believe God brought me somehow to your group so I can enjoy the lessons and the beauty of the land I have been studying in the Bible. It’s the little things in life that count. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


Indeed, Mary, the Lord is blessing us during these very unusual days. I love the perspective that he gives us in nature and the reminder of the blessing of fellowship. I'm also grateful that the Lord lead you to these virtual video tours! I pray that you're blessed as you watch. 




Linda on Jul 30, 2020 


I needed this message..in addition to all the slow down we are going through because of the covert 19. I had an unexpected heart attack with no previous idea of any heart problems. Then I lose new children's ministry due to church split..which was total shock to me. Of course this is making me think .....my place in ministry must be over..at my age 70 +. Thank you for giving me hope to look forward to what God may be doing in my life...maybe a quiet time for more spiritual growth instead of a end to my place in Christian ministry. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


I do understand those difficult transitions, Linda. I have been through a couple of them myself, and I always wondered if God was about to put me on the shelf. Turns out, He had simply prepared me through the years for the new season and the new corner I would turn. God is not done with you! If He was, He would take you home. 




Linda on Jul 30, 2020 


Thank you for encouragement. I've wanted to visit Holy land for over 50 years now. Hasn't happened yet...your program is a God send...I feel that it is an answer to my prayers not only can I experience the land, but at the same time recieve great Biblical knowledge. Thank you so very much for your work and sacrifices for us the church. God bless you. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


I am so glad that you have included Sepphoris in your Bible Lands itinerary. This site is totally new to me, but clearly essential to the overall narrative of Jesus' life. Your application lesson is also so helpful. Thanks yet again! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


You are not alone, Steven, in learning about Sepphoris and its significance in the life of Jesus. Truthfully, it's the lesson of simple, daily faithfulness in the little things that gives the toehold God uses to do powerful things through us and in us. 




Jeanne on Jul 23, 2020 


I frequently wonder what my life is for and how it is measuring up to what God wants for me, now I will try to remember that He is working even in my mundane life for something that I can’t see. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020 


Yes, Jeanne, it is such a helpful perspective to keep Jesus' example in mind. He served His Father faithfully all those silent years – without acclaim and patiently waiting for His time. What a wonderful lesson for us as we serve in what seems obscurity. May the Lord bless you as you walk beside Him day by day. 




Friend on Jul 13, 2020 


Hello again, Friend 

Platform of obscurity attributes to God applause-or just God just showing off. 

Our little job of boasting on Him, trusting Him to add to their numbers- 

gains momentous 

Little things done in Kindness influences the righteous. 


In my kitchen a have a potholder that has on it 

"doing small things in great love", 

Praying I find it again! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2020 


I pray the Lord continues to encourage you in the little things, every day for His glory. 




Friend on Jul 13, 2020 



For God's glory, 


His timing. His way! But always for His glory! 




Angela on Jul 11, 2020 


I sometimes wonder where is God taking me and what is my purpose, How can I make a difference? this was so helpful In realizing maybe by staying faithful during the trials and learning that God could be preparing me for a specific thing. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020 


I am right there with you, Angela. It is a head-scratcher to try to figure out God's plan for our lives at all times. Thankfully, He leads us in His timing. We just try to remain faithful each day and to trust that He will make our small faithfulness great in His time. 




Julie on Jun 26, 2020 


This is a beautiful episode and such an incredible reminder of the necessity to be faithful in every little detail of my life. When I have learned over time, through study of God's Word, prayer, being faithful and building character, that "God alone is my audience"............IT IS SO FREEING!!! It allows God to work through me rather than any attempt I can make on my own in influencing for Him. What a great archaeological find! Thank you for sharing! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2020 


I absolutely agree, Julie. It is so freeing to serve the Lord alone. Even when serving and loving other people, it is ultimately for Christ. I'm so glad the video encouraged you. Honestly, this is one of my favorites as well. God bless you. 




Rainey on Jun 17, 2020 


You do a fantastic job of bringing the life of Jesus and the lessons they’re right down to lessons in my life. These are wonderful videos 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 17, 2020 


I appreciate your gracious words, Rainey. To be honest, Sepphoris is one of my favorite episodes. I simply love the principle of God applauding our simple acts of devotion to Him. Thanks again and God bless you. 




Kim on Jun 14, 2020 


What a good reminder that we need to operate on God's timing, not ours. When we are not sure of the path to take, wait! God will show us the paths for our lives. We wait for you Lord Jesus. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2020 


Well said, Kim. In truth, that really is what we're waiting for, isn't it? We are waiting for Christ. 




Cheri on Jun 10, 2020 


It really spoke me when you talked about "the set aside" season. It really encouraged me how Jesus spent 3 1/2 decades to minister for 3 1/2 years. I have been in a season of waiting and it's very difficult sometimes to be here. But I'm thankful for the reminder that God's timing is perfect and when His plan comes to pass I will not only be ready for it but also will walk in His power and not my own. :) 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 11, 2020 


You are right, Cheri. I think that waiting on God is probably the hardest discipline we Christians have on our plates. You have access to my unabridged audiobook, Waiting on God, and it may offer you some encouragement during this season. I hope so. :-) May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him. 




Cheri on Jun 12, 2020 


Thank you so much. 




Denise on May 28, 2020 


I appreciate the scripture you shared in Luke. 16. It really emphasized to me that little things matter and are multiplied to greater things. I also loved hearing that God provided work in reconstruction for Joseph and Jesus. 




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2020 


I agree with you, Denise. We need those regular reminders that the little things matter! As you mentioned, God also takes care of those little things in our lives – just like He did with Joseph and Jesus. May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him. 




Alejandra on May 28, 2020 


Since the pandemic started, I've been working from home. It's been hard for me to organize my time and stay motivated to do my job. Especially when my work is not being appreciated or it's being completely disregarded. My husband is the one who keeps me on track by reminding me that whatever I do I should do it for the Lord and not for people. This video encouraged me even more, to continue being faithful in the little role I play in this life. Praise the Lord for this timely teaching! 




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2020 


I agree with you, Alejandra. Being faithful in the little things is one of the most challenging aspects of our Christian walk, because so few see those little things other than those closest to us —and Christ. I applaud you! 




Alejandra on May 28, 2020 


Thank you for your words of encouragement, Wayne! The Lord has used your website and teachings to rekindle my love for Him and His Word. My husband even told me he would love to go on a tour to Israel with you. :D We’ve never been there and we pray The Lord would allow us to go there one day. God bless you! 




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2020 


I would love to have you both on an upcoming tour! You can sign up to stay notified (and also see the upcoming tours) here: waynestiles.com/tours 




Hal Warren on May 25, 2020 


Thanks for this lesson! "Audience of one" I love that phrase! 




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2020 


Yes, Hal! It's easy to forget in a world of people that we serve ultimately One person. God bless you as you seek Him! 




Nancy on May 18, 2020 


During this time of uncertainty it is so good to know that He knows the beginning and the end. He counts our days. 




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2020 


Well said, Nancy. These uncertain days highlight what is true all the time — we desperately need our Lord and the security that He offers us. God bless you. 




Cindy on May 14, 2020 


Love the reminder that He is working in us even when we feel insignificant! 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020 


That is such a helpful reminder, isn't it, Cindy? I especially love Jesus' words that the little things matter to Him. God bless you. 




Mary on May 14, 2020 


I am trying to stay faithful with reading the Bible everyday and continuing to tithe to the church. 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020 


That's great, Mary. I love the reminder that Jesus told us that the little things matter to Him. Thankfully our walk with Him is based on grace, and not on the things we do for Him. God bless you. 




Heather on May 2, 2020 


Thankyou for the video of Sepphoris, actually all that I have so far watched. Since God has drawn me back in 2015, after a decade of self-wandering (drifted away from from my Christian experience) I have experienced His hand and His words, through a very dear Christian Sister, and obviously through His Word, to do with what He is preparing. At times I have wondered what exactly is going on but He is giving me the request to Trust, long an issue with me, but I am glad He is still with me whatever He is doing within. This video stirred me to think on how faithful i actually am, and humanly thinking I would likely think rather little but only He knows and all i can do is ask for help to do more and allow His Spirit to be the Guide. Thanks. 




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2020 


I am so glad, Heather, you have come back to a deepening walk with Christ after a season of wandering. May the Lord powerfully bless your new commitment to him in the many years to come. 




Letah on Apr 26, 2020 


Loved this message!! So applicable to right now when we are all staying isolated - socially distanced to protect from the virus. God is a work in our hearts, He is showing us other ways to reach out and touch one another. And He is certainly providing the time for us to be in His Word, meditation and prayer! Thank you for this reminder. I wish everyone could see this! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2020 


Thank you, Letah. I also love the principles and encouragement behind this episode. Jesus' life of complete obscurity as a young man is so inspiring, as He contented Himself to wait for God's timing and to remain faithful the whole time. What a great model! God bless you. 




Hayden on Apr 25, 2020 


This is my favorite destination so far. Thank you for sharing. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2020 


I agree with you, Hayden. Sepphoris is indeed such a special place with great lessons and reminders. I love the humility and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus as a young man. Total obscurity — and yet seen by the only One who really matters. 




Tammie on Feb 4, 2020 


‘We have an audience of one- God’. I love that! 

Thank you once again for a thought provoking video with a visual of a place I just learned about! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2020 


So glad that Sepphoris is on your "map" now, Tammie! God bless you. 




Steven on Dec 11, 2019 


What a practical and relevant insight from this particular site Wayne! Faithfulness in the little things and while in obscurity - couldn't be a more important principle to extract from this geo and its place in the life of Jesus. Our paradigm of success is so oriented to things like efficiency (immediacy), numbers, position, etc. that this timeless principle so related to character development is missed. Thanks for the reminder! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 11, 2019 


You’re exactly right, Steven. How essential it is that we keep the Lord’s priorities in mind. He certainly has a different scale than we do, doesn’t He? 




Karen on Oct 6, 2019 


Faithful in sharing what GOD has done and not “This amazing thing happened” and then leave Him and my prayer request out of the story. People sometimes get sick of it, but I can’t not tell them the whole truth, God’s just more important. I’d rather be known as that Jesus girl than one without much fruit to show. And also going to God in everything and thanking Him, and purging known sins from my life as I find out about them from scripture :) it’s a big book, but a good book. Thank you, wonderful insights Wayne 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019 


I like the "little things" you've chose to focus on, Karen. Turns out, they are really big things, aren't they? God is amazing. Thank you for sharing with others faithfully and for pointing to the Lord for all your successes. 




Linda on Aug 22, 2019 


I have a question. Why would Jesus need almost 3 decades to learn God’s word when He is The Word? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2019 


Great question, Linda. When pondering the mysteries of Jesus' incarnation, the "why" questions are tough to answer. Paul gives us a small hint when he writes: “Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:5–8). Jesus willfully limited the full exercise of His deity while on earth, including, for example asking questions of the teachers as a boy (Luke 2:46), not knowing the hour of His return (Matt. 24:36), and “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered” (Hebrews 5:8). 


Of course, this in NO way limited His deity, but He willfully chose to limit the full exercise of His divine attributes. 




Steve on Aug 15, 2019 


What a great video! I loved the lead in from space to showing where in Israel we are going. It's helps us "less traveled" folks to bring an understanding of perspective. I have quoted you many times to friends and family Wayne, and your words "we have an audience of one...God...and He is applauding" will most certainly be my next. 

Thank you and God bless you Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2019 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video, Steve! Isn't our Lord gracious to give us the space and grace to grow? What an honor to take that journey together. 




Steve on Aug 15, 2019 


I don't have the words to express my gratitude to you for this site and your ministry Wayne. Know that I pray for you often, and yes, by God's grace I grow everyday closer, and you have much to do with that. Truly. Thank you again sir. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2019 


It's an honor, Steve, to serve in this way-- and to walk these tours with you. Thank you. 




Garry on Aug 15, 2019 



This is really wonderful! Do you have to get up at 3:00 am in Israel to get to these sights before the crowds? Also, the drone work and filming is amazing. Loved the message of the video too. Easy to read about or watch, but hard to live. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2019 


Ha! Well, Garry, YES, to be honest. :-) We're usually somewhere before sunrise in order to get the best lighting. Some places we have to contend with crowds, but other sites (like Sepphoris) are gracious enough to allow us to come early or late and have the run of the site—which allows us tremendous flexibility with the cameras and drone. Thanks and God bless. 



Sepphoris - Why Our Little Lives Matter So Much 

Capernaum - How to Live Intentionally for God 

Ty on Jan 8 


Some very good teaching and expounding done to us by Wayne. Some excellent challenging questioning to reflect upon and allowing the Holy Spirit room to do His work in me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9 


Yes, Ty, the questions challenge me as well to think strategically about life and decisions. SO many things I could do, but I only want to do what God wants me to do. 




Kenneth Schoening on Dec 14, 2022 


I appreciated your point that Jesus made a strategic move from Nazareth to Capernaum, and the application question: am I living deliberately for God and His kingdom. What helps me do this is keeping my mind and heart on God--His Word and His Promises. I especially need to do this in light of our world and its conditions today! I'm grateful for your teaching and videos that help me with this discipline. We visited this site in Capernaum a few years ago, and it was one of my favorite places! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2022 


What a blessing, Kenneth, that you got to journey to Israel and Capernaum several years back. Isn't it a magnificent place? I am thrilled that the video reminded you of the significance of thinking strategically for the kingdom. God bless you. 




Melissa Anderson on Aug 15, 2022 


I never thought of this before in this perspective. "Our short life on earth is the only time in all of eternity that we can glorify God when we're struggling." That's a good thought and I'm going to ponder on this some more. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2022 


That is a fascinating thought, isn't it, Melissa? It certainly puts the spin of privilege on suffering. 




Frances Tencza on May 6, 2022 


My two visits to Capernaum were very enlightening, but your video really showed the reason why Jesus moved there, because he was trying to teach purpose in life and he had an advantage of spreading his word because of a strategic location!He was trying to convey to people there that 

his word is true! But many there didn’t make the connection of the teachings from the prophets to his teachings!They we’re going through life with no direction! 





Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2022 


So true, Frances. How essential it is that we not just wander through life but that we, like Jesus, have focus and purpose. 




Patty on May 3, 2022 


Daily Bible Reading and a good verse by verse study with other believers plus daily worship and prayer certainly helps to be intentional in daily walk. Scripture repeats the exhortation to ‘seek His Face’ 




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2022 


That is a wonderful strategy, Patty. 




Tony on Apr 28, 2022 


Thank you for the history of Jesus' move to Capernaum and the message of how best to serve the Lord and first seek the Kingdom of God. I recently retired and I am praying and seeking the way God wants to use me. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022 


I join you in that prayer, Tony, for the Lord to powerfully guide you. As you wait on Him, I pray that He draws you close to Himself. 




Liz on Mar 20, 2022 


Couldn’t get sound for this one. (Capernum) 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022 


Perhaps try downloading it, Liz? 




Claudia on Feb 17, 2022 


Early in our marriage my husband and I moved from Florida to North Carolina to serve my parents . I am an only child and knew they would need our assistance as they aged . 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022 


I'm sure that your move to North Carolina was challenging and also rewarding, Claudia. May the Lord continue to keep his hand upon you. 




Ivette Rebecca on Feb 9, 2022 


I had the enormous privilege to grow up up in church. One song I learned in SS: "This little light of mine, in going to let it shine", comes to mind when I watched this video and hear you talk about living intentionally. I believe that that is what ultimately means, letting the life of God, through His Holy Spirit, show through us no matter the circumstances. It's not about doing big things, or important things, it's about doing what God wants us to do, and bringing glory to His Name.. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2022 


That is a great application, Ivette, of that wonderful little song. Thank you for sharing that. 




Norma on Jan 16, 2022 


When I was a superintendent of schools in the island of Puerto Rico I was asked to run a political career as House Representative. God had other plans for me in which He showed me in a revelation of my dreams. It wasn't easy to let go. I knew that if I follow God's intentions and plans I would live a more fulfilling and significant life. When I saw the Sea of Galilee, I was mesmerized and couldn't keep my eyes from it knowing the significant miracles that happened there! My life have been like that vast sea. I think Jesus saw those possibilities for the thousands who gathered there. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022 


No doubt, Norma, that the Lord Jesus saw the hearts of the thousands of people who gathered around Him beside the Sea of Galilee. He pointed them to the Scriptures as the source of guidance and truth. What a fabulous lesson to learn. 




Patti on Dec 4, 2021 


What helps me intentionally live for God is by asking myself “who am I serving?” If it is me without thought of God or others I need to rethink what I’m doing. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021 


I like that question, Patti. It is good to delve into our motives. God bless you. 




Janelle on Oct 10, 2021 


Wayne, you have designed an amazing website with video tours to key locations and many places I never saw when I toured Israel two years ago. I love the rich history revealed through your tours. Recently, I was longing to go back to Israel, but did not believe I was physically up to the travel. As I was feeling a bit sad over it, I received an invitation to go to your introductory webinar of your website. I signed up for the year and was immediately diving into great teaching and training from you along with the amazing visuals. The Lord blessed me to discover your website and is fulfilling that longing to learn more about Israel. Thank you, Wayne, for your intense revelation of Israel and the lessons learned at each location. God bless you! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Janelle, that the Lord guided you to Walking the Bible Lands and that He is encouraging you through the video and content. May He continue to do so! And I pray the Lord allows you to go to Israel soon as well. God bless you. 




Frank on Sep 28, 2021 


Keeping myself in God's word is what helps me to live intentionally for Him. Apart from that, sharing the knowledge of God with people who I meet is also helpful because I know that in doing so, I am fulfilling the command to love God, love people, and make disciples. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021 


That is a great plan, Frank! Indeed, God's Word is a daily necessity in order to renew our minds. God bless you. 




Frank on Sep 29, 2021 


Thank you, Wayne, 

It's wonderful to watch the rich content in your video tours. It is the next best thing to being there. Have a blessed day. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 23, 2021 


I believe God directs me to live intentionally with/for Him day by day. For example, I have a small dining room with just a small table in it. I call that section "The Bride Groom's Cafe" If I eat a meal there I set a plate for Jesus. I have a number of things that I do and that is just one. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


Very interesting habit, Wanda! I love that you have a number of traditions that recognize the presence of Christ with you. 




Donna on Aug 19, 2021 


My morning prayers include petitions to God to make me more Christ like everyday. Most of my reading is about Christianity. Do you have any suggestions? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021 


There are so many books I could recommend, Donna. If there is something you were interested in, I would be happy to recommend something. I hope that you will journey through my books at some point! God bless you. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


Thank you! I have listened to some of your podcasts that came in my email. Do I need to pay a fee to keep getting them? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 28, 2021 


Donna, those podcasts are completely free. 😄 I pray they encourage you. 




Julie on Aug 10, 2021 


Living intentionally for Christ hits home right now, as the Holy Spirit has led me to discern that I need to focus on "obedience". It's one thing to spend time in my devotions, prayer, worship, daily bible readings, leading community groups, and volunteering, and another thing if I am not being obedient through my plans, my thoughts, my actions and words that come out of my mouth. I have to ask myself, "Am I actually practicing and obeying the words I am reading, and am I following the guidance Jesus is modeling for the way I am to live, or am I just loving reading the Word, knowing it is "truth", but not intentionally applying the Word.?" 


A recent morning devotion I read was about obeying NOW! Immediately! So many opportunities present themselves every day in multiple ways with multiple people outside and inside of our homes. We have the opportunity to walk with the Son of God in each of these yet the concerns of life compete for priority with obedience to God. Some opportunities to serve Him through our actions or words, if not accepted immediately. will be lost. Occasions to minister to others may pass us by if we do not reach out or even attempt to reflect the character of Christ in difficult situations or conversations. Obedience is NOW. I must look for those opportunities that God places before me each moment of every day. This would be intentional. 


Thank you for this tour, Wayne. It really teaches and models the necessity of intentionality in our walk, which is vital as we seek to serve our Lord. The questions laid out are fantastic to ponder and consider, especially with the new freedom that retirement will offer in a few years. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021 


I like what you said, Julie, that "obedience is now." So much to deal with in the moment — why worry about tomorrow? I'm glad the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you. 




Lori on Jul 28, 2021 


I absolutely love your concise teachings, so full of meat! To actually see these sites, even if only on video, brings me to tears. Scriptural teaching comes alive when paired with the visual! My dream is to visit the Holy Land, and I’m going to explore your upcoming tours. God bless you! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2021 


What a blessing, Lori, that the Capernaum video encouraged you. And I would LOVE to have you on an upcoming tour! God bless you. You will get to see the real thing. 




Jenny on Jun 19, 2021 


One of my favorites. Understanding location of Capernaum near the international hwy makes SO much sense. 

Thinking about” Location and vocation” and praying the next decade (or 3 ) will be my most impactful. “kingdom minded” resonates strongly. 

For above question: 

Focusing doggedly on the Word & what Jesus is saying rather than on hard circumstances (like really hard) keeps me interceding with tenacity of focus, and loving people. This video reminds me of 

Isaiah 62:10–“pass through, pass through the gates. Prepare the way for the people. build up build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations” 

....as we prepare for the Lord to return. 

Any insights on What these verses mean to you in context of the geography of Israel appreciated. They stick out to me as important “now” words! Travel looks difficult in Israel bc of the deserts and rocky terrain etc. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021 


The idea of of Isaiah 62:10 is similar to 40:3-9. It is prepping the way for the coming of Christ. Check out the video on Qumran for a nice application of the principles. God bless you. 




Diane on Jun 13, 2021 


The major thing is reading the Bible every day. Sometimes following we’re I had left off previously and sometimes going randomly. It seems my questions are answered then. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 17, 2021 


Yes, Diane, our priority in reading the Word is essential, isn't it? I love what you said about the Lord directing you through the scripture. That is right on the money! 




Diane on Jun 19, 2021 


Just to let you know the reason I haven’t been looking at the episodes and getting back to you is because I had hip surgery and I’m not doing too well right now I have home health care I’m at home but I really am not doing much reading. But the episodes are very Interesting and I will get back to them as I feel better and better 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 20, 2021 


May the Lord bless you, Diane, as you recover from your hip surgery. I pray the videos will encourage you. God bless you. 




Diane on Jun 21, 2021 


Thank you for your prayers for my recovery, I will pick up the series shortly 




Barbara on May 7, 2021 


So enjoy seeing the historic sites since l can't travel there 




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2021 


I’m so glad, Barbara, the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. May He continue to do so! 




Laura on Apr 15, 2021 


You wanted to know how we live for God in the comments, so here is a part of my story. 2 1/2 years ago my only Son Jeremiah was coming home for the holidays and he was in a horrific car accident and didn't survive his injuries 💔. So inlou of flowers I decided to have people donate to Jeremaih's favorite charities . Since then I have started a memorial fund. Https://thejeremiahmattherwrightmemorialfund@wordpress.com. I have given away hundreds and hundreds of books on Heaven, Grace, God's Mercy in times of unimaginable grief and many more. To be able to help more people, My daughter and I started making silicone reborn babies for moms who have lost their babies too comfort them until they are together again in heaven 💞. To give some of God's love to griefing mother's and father's too. All proceeds of that do directly back into Jeremiah's memorial fund to help as many people know God's love for them in their most difficult times of Grief and suffering. So that is how I keep Jeremiah's love of the Lord 🙏 and his legacy of Love and kindness to others alive ❤️ 






Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021 


You very much for sharing your story, Laura. My heart goes out to you for your only son, Jeremiah. Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you in the 2 1/2 years since. May He continue to do so! God bless you. 




Friend on Mar 18, 2021 


What helps me to live intentionally for God rather than simply exist day to day, is HIS AMAZING LOVE, all the little things HE does for me, for all of us. How important it is to Watch & Listen, He Speaking, if only we will Listen! Jesus told us, The Kingdom of God is withIN us Luke 17:21 When we ask GOD into our Heart He is right here WITH us. John 14:20 Jesus Said I am in My Father & you are in Me & I am in u! Ah So Beautiful! We are Never alone! Shalom, 

His Peace be unto u! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


That is a magnificent perspective! Indeed, His great love is why we love Him – for we love because He first loved us. God bless you. 




Debbie on Mar 14, 2021 


To be the person God wants me to be 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


That is a wonderful goal, Debbie, and I applaud you. May the Lord bless you and empower you to be the person He wants you to be. God bless you. 




Jane on Mar 4, 2021 


My favorite life verse Matt. 6:33 snd there you put it right when I was praying “ Lord, let me glorify you on all I do!” Thank You! For this video!! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021 


I love that verse too, Jane! So simple and yet so profound. I am thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. May it continue! God bless you. 




May Joy on Mar 1, 2021 


By believing that my life has a purpose towards helping expand God’s kingdom in the hearts and lives of people. And because of this, the job I take on, the place I move to, the people I associate with and the relationships and conversations I engage in has to be considered in the light of God’s kingdom purposes. 




Marlene on Mar 1, 2021 


Living intentionally for God is reading my Prayer books, listening to Walking the Bible Lands and praying for those in need!! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021 


I like your game plan, Marlene! May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him in strategic ways every day. 




Bonnie on Feb 19, 2021 


It is my prayer to draw closer to my LORD and Savior! This series makes me feel closer as I see the Bible Lands!!! Thank you for doing these amazing virtual tours!!! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the Capernaum video, and I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as you watch, read, learn, and live. 




Donna on Feb 19, 2021 


The Apostle Paul said in Galatians that he was "separated from his mother's womb to reveal the Son." Each day I ask Holy Spirit to help me reveal Jesus to those He places on my path in the way He intends me to, through my words and actions. I am always watching and listening for opportunities He will create that will allow me to reveal Him in the middle of them. 




Melissa on Feb 13, 2021 


My kiddos and I were excited to see the Church over Peter's home! 

What a blessing to see it. 

How exciting to think that you could hear the Word preached in such a place! 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021 


Yes, Melissa, it is amazing all of the wonderful connections that the land of the Bible offer us. That church over Peter's house is just one of many wonderful places to visit. God bless you. 




Ruthann on Jan 28, 2021 


Good morning, 


It seems that the sanctuary website is no longer accessible. Is there another way to view it. Thanks and have a blessed day! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


Good to hear from you, RuthAnn. Indeed, it seems that website goes in and out. I have tried a number of times to access it other ways, but it does not always work. So sorry… 




Debra on Jan 23, 2021 


Here I am 77 years old and receiving so many blessing of the Lord. Taking classes with DTS and being able to see all of the land where our Lord walk. Many blessing to you as you lead others to these wonderful places. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021 


I'm thrilled for you, Debra, that you're taking classes at DTS. YES! What a great school. I pray the Lord blesses your time in His Word-- and that the videos also are a great encouragement to you personally. God bless you. 




Karen on Oct 2, 2020 


I pray each morning for guidance and feel his gentile nudge by day. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 3, 2020 


That is a great strategy, Karen. Thank you so much for sharing it. 




John on Sep 24, 2020 


Anticipating life eternally with Jesus and the Father 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2020 


I am with you, John. Indeed, we hope we have and expectation of living forever with God is very motivating for our lives right now. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him. 




Loni on Sep 13, 2020 


This video pointed out how Jesus adopted Capernaum as His home town so He could have access to crowds of people. 


Jesus used much of His time in Capernaum training the disciples and apostles. 


He intentionally chose this location to glorify God. He could reach so many more people since news spread very quickly here. 


It was fascinating seeing Simon Peters home as well as the synogogue where Jesus taught.. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2020 


These are wonderful takeaways, Lonnie. I am so glad you enjoyed the video and were able to glean these significant principles. May the Lord bless you as you live strategically and intentionally for Him. 




Greg on Aug 31, 2020 


I think that too often when we think we are living for GOD we are really living for ourselves...in GOD's name. Being intentional in living to bring glory to Christ is too difficult for most of us. Yet, if we really think about that, living for Christ means putting ourselves aside and allowing Him to do the living through us. The burden, so to speak, rests on Him not us. We just need to get out of the way. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 31, 2020 


Great points, Greg. We just need to get out of the way! Nice. You may enjoy listening to my podcast episode called What's Your Motive? It really dials in on this issue. God bless you as you continue to live for His glory. 




Marilyn on Aug 21, 2020 


Excellent presentation. Happy to revisit Israel one again. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2020 


What a privilege for you, Marilyn, to have been to Capernaum before! I am glad that the video was able to help you relive your significant journey. God bless you. There is so much more to see. :-) 




Onilda on Aug 14, 2020 


I think the website took out the virtual tour and site map. Couldn't find the link. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020 


You are probably right, Onilda. I have found that the website continues to change its link. Sorry about that. God bless you. 




Apple on Aug 12, 2020 


I think is to obey God and listen to his commands. And follow his rules accoringly to God . I learn to obey My parents and follow instucttions when they ask me to do it now. 





Cathy on Aug 8, 2020 


Just as the lesson brought out seek his kingdom and his righteousness. We shall have eternal life I'm living intentional to be a disciple of Christ not to get glory but that God can be glorified so my life living can persuade others to walk with Jesus. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2020 


Absolutely. It is all about motive. We serve in order to give glory to God. I love the reminder to live intentionally and to make decisions that will maximize His glory. 




Teresa on Aug 6, 2020 


I really liked seeing the synagogue and house. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020 


That's great, Teresa. It really is amazing to see the synagogue and its proximity to Peter's house. Archaeology is wonderful sometimes! God bless. 




Mary on Jul 30, 2020 


Through prayer and listening to the word of God, through church and the Bible helps me to keep my focus on God. Life’s experiences and struggles and the things that I have noticed that God has done in my life day to day proves it is worth living for God, praising God and keeping the faith in God. He is real, he loves us, he protects us and is with us always. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


That is a great perspective, Mary. How essential that we live intentionally for God, and prayer and scripture are the essential ingredients for that focus. May the Lord bless you as you continue to seek Him. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


It is so instructive to see that Jesus moved from Nazareth to Capernaum as a strategic step in his public ministry. As I review the ongoing trajectory of the Holy Spirit's influence on my own life, (I am now 69), I am very grateful to see it increasingly God-focused. Wayne, I am enjoying these videos with great appreciation. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


What an amazing journey, Steven, you must have had these almost 7 decades. And what a blessing to have the perspective of strategic use of time and place in your life. I pray that your remaining decades will be abundantly fruitful, my friend. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


Wayne, I also want to express my appreciation of the sacrificial time you take to personally respond to each one of your viewers' individual comments. What a gift of ongoing encouragement to us. May the Lord richly bless you for your "pastoring" of us in this way! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


You are very welcome, Steven. It is a privilege and truly a joy to interact and connect with the members. Just like on a real tour! :-) 




Amy on Jul 28, 2020 


My struggles help me live intentionally for God. I don't like struggling, and I used to do everything I could to avoid them. But in the midst of trials and hard times, God has proven Himself over and over, and I have learned to lean on Him more and more. Devotion and commitment also help me live intentionally for God. Devotion leading to discipline in how I spend my time so that I am focused on Him. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020 


I love the way you put that, Amy. It is so true that our struggles draws close to the Lord – and in that way they are a blessing. But they are so challenging! I applaud you for leaning into the struggle and for leaning into Christ. 




Alejandra on Jul 8, 2020 


Conviction and commitment are the main things that help me to live intentionally for God. If I really believe His Word and fully trust that He loves me, then the natural response of my soul (mind, emotions, and will) is to live for Him in everything I do. 

I know the Lord is committed to the work of regeneration of my whole being, and that He always finishes what He starts. When I remember that I'm a work in progress and that Jesus is walking with me, I can only desire to do His will. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 8, 2020 


That is such a great perspective, Alejandra. God is concerned with our whole being, for sure. Such an essential reminder. He has created us both spiritual and physical beings — and the fact that we will be resurrected shows that God wants to prolong that combination throughout eternity. God bless. 




Maureen on Jun 27, 2020 


To live intentionally for God is to keep Him the center of my life. Studying His Word. Living in true faithfulness that He is my Cornerstone without Jesus as my foundation I would just be with no purpose. I love this tour. Seeing the sites where Scripture talks bring a new level of understanding. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2020 


This is a wonderful goal and passion you share, Maureen. May the Lord strengthen you to cling to Him and to keep Jesus as your Cornerstone and purpose. I'm so glad the videos are encouraging you. God bless you. 




Marilyn on Jun 14, 2020 


I am new to Walking the Bible Lands. I am gaining insight in so many ways! I so appreciate Wayne's scholarship and Biblical application. The maps give me a sense of place. Though Israel is a relatively small country, with all the name changes and frequently different perspectives and purposes for their perspectives, I am often lost. The pictures and cinematography are outstanding. Truly, a picture, and better yet, a video, are worth thousands of words! I am relishing revisiting many of the places I have seen on my two precious trips to The Land, and thrilling to "visit" the places I was never able to get to. Thank you, Pastor, for creating this pasture land and being our shepherd and feeding us "angel food"! Marilyn 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2020 


What a privilege you have heard, Marilyn, to visit Israel twice! I am thrilled that these videos are helping you to relive your significant journeys. I also am praying that you will be encouraged through the new places you see and the new insights you gain. God bless you. 




Cheri on Jun 12, 2020 


This devotion really got me thinking about what I'm doing/not doing and John 6:68 is a reoccurring verse that keeps popping up in random places. As I think about this.... "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life," I never ever want to be anywhere Jesus is not going to be. So, I am pondering these questions...is the kingdom of God really the goal of my life?...what's the best use of my time serving God? In what vocation OR location can I best serve the Lord? Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020 


These are wonderful questions, Cheri. I love that verse you mention in John. Peter's question is so profound. In fact, I have another video coming out later this year on Capernaum. It deals with that very verse! God bless you. 




Grace on May 8, 2020 


watching this video brings so many blessed memories remembering my visit to Capernaum in June 2017 and 2019 pilgrimage tour. Seeing these holy sights made the bible stories come alive and I felt God's presence at each sight. 




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2020 


I'm so glad, Grace, that the Lord blessed your time in Israel and Capernaum. Praise God that the videos are encouraging also. God bless you. 




Diana on Apr 27, 2020 


It was good to revisit Capernaum again on my recliner. I had heat exhaustion that day, sitting on the benches under those big shade trees. I remember was apologizing to Jesus because I didn't care about anything but getting back on to the air conditioned bus lol. I'm no stranger to heat, living in Phoenix, but it was 85 degrees and I was roasting. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020 


Sorry to hear that Capernaum was hot that day, Diana. You must have been there in May or June. :-) We always take early spring tours for that reason! The humidity in Galilee is a bit different than Arizona, no doubt. I'm glad you got to enjoy the site again through the video and your air-conditioned home. God bless you. 




Diana on Apr 28, 2020 


We were there the last week in October lol. 




Brenda on Mar 6, 2020 


This was very encouraging. Thanks for sharing about intentionality for Christ. In the end, nothing else matters. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2020 


You're so correct, Brenda. In the grand scheme of life and eternity, what we do for the glory of Christ is all that matters. Of course, that focus entails so many of the daily activities that could seem trivial as well. As Paul wrote, "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31). 




Barbara on Apr 23, 2019 


Dear Dr Wayne...have truly loved returning to many sites my late husband & I enjoyed in 2010! He wanted to literally return a few years later but selfishly I thought the flight over the Atlantic would be too exhausting...turns out our Lord had in mind Dr Bill’s “home-going” in February, 2015! Am learning contentment in a whole new setting with our Lord Jesus Christ as my Husband and Spiritual Leader! Trying to trust Him and resting in His will, not an easy task for this headstrong woman! Once again, am already enjoying “walkingthebiblelands” far beyond what I had imagined...thank you. And thanks so much for teaching us God’s Word in the Marathon Class! GrannyBarbara 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2019 


Thanks for sharing your story, Barbara. I'm thrilled that you got to experience the Holy Land in 2010 and that you're getting to see it again through the videos. May God bless you. (And I'll see you Sunday!) 




Karen on Nov 15, 2018 


Oh wow that was awesome! I love how close Peter was to the synagogue. Was that the one they wanted to push Jesus over the edge? What helps me live intentionally for God is my love for Him. Jesus said “If you love me you’ll keep my commands”, that shows me and Him how intentional I am. I don’t want that old man back. Ever. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 16, 2018 


Karen, the place where the people wanted to push Jesus over the edge was in Nazareth. Do a search (at top right) for Nazareth and watch the video(s) associated there. We do discuss this event. 




Tammie on Jun 28, 2018 


Great video & the pictures brought me back to this place that I love! 

In the synagogue, there were markings on several of the marble stones that games of dice might have been played by the secondary room. Also, there was something significant about the white & brown building next to Peters house- something about the steps, & they have it marked off. Do you know about what is significant about it? 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2018 


That's great, Tammie. Isn't Capernaum magnificent? Do you see the building in the video--or somewhere where you can show me the steps you mention? Thanks. 



Capernaum - How to Live Intentionally for God 

Hazor - Consider What Great Things God Has Done 

Gary Templin on Aug 28, 2022 


God helps daily only for the asking. 






Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022 


Yes, Gary, isn't it wonderful how the Lord helps us when we ask? I also love that the Scripture offers us wisdom and counsel. 




Sheron Keeling on Jun 10, 2022 


Another awesome, important message. I never ever want to forget, what God has done for me. Often times, we do get so caught up in our daily lives, that we don't take the time to reflect on His goodness, faithfulness and the plans that He has for us. When we face detours, this could be a blocking from God, because He has something much better in plan for us. Psalm 100:3- Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:5-For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Praise His Holy Name! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022 


I love the way you put that, Sheron. May the Lord continue to bring to mind a grateful heart, reminding you of the great things he has done for you. 




Frances Tencza on May 6, 2022 


Such detail about how various cities beside Hazor, had protective gates!All man made! But our true protection comes from the Lord! 

Psalm 91:14 -16 Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me,I will answer him;I will be with him in trouble;I will rescue him and honor him and show him my salvation. 





Frances Tencza on Jun 13, 2022 


I too need to remind myself how fragile life is and how turning to the Lord, gives us all the protection we need! 





Patty on May 3, 2022 


Gorgeous views and reflective thoughts ‘Choke point’ is good term - I have many choke points of congested chaotic fearful thoughts coming at me. Remembering and thanking God for His faithfulness and loving kindness throughout the past can unchoke me to continue on into the future with Him - creating more Hope. 




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022 


Your words remind me of Psalm 103, Patty: "Forget not all His benefits…" there is such a benefit in counting our blessings and thanking God for His faithfulness. 




Ty on Apr 20, 2022 


Appears to be the first time I have viewed this video. 


Out of this video 1 Samuel 12:22-25 rings out to me. 


‘For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own. As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will perish”.’ 


In the book of Job it reads in Job 3:25 


'What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.' 


Who or what do you and I fear? 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022 


Penetrating question, Ty. Thank you. 




Sharon on Apr 7, 2022 


Remembering what God has done for me keeps me humble and grateful. I desire to learn more and more about His love for me and with this knowledge continue to work to advance His kingdom. I am eternally grateful for His mercy and grace in my life. Through His love and forgiveness I am learning how forgive myself and others. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022 


Your words are magnificent, Sharon, and I applaud you for your intensive pursuit of the Lord. May He continue to bless you as you draw close to Him. 




Ellen on Mar 31, 2022 


A the Father has been faithful to me in the past, I know He will continue His faithfulness today and for tomorrow. Ps 90:12 




Joyce on Mar 20, 2022 


Remembering what God has done for me makes me feel humbled, grateful. Gratitude is my go to when I am troubled or feeling down, remembering how much I have to be grateful for gets me through those tough times. It gives me hope. Likewise I try to remember to be grateful in the good times also. 


There is always something to be grateful for! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022 


Amen, Joyce. Thanks. 




Debra on Feb 7, 2022 


I am curious as to why we do not see other people in many of these vidoes, tourists, etc. Is it just a matter of timing or are these sites not very popular to see? 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022 


I had to smile, Debra, when I read your question. Some of the sites that we film are so far off of the beaten path that tourists never go there. But in some cases, like Hazor, we requested special permission to have the place to ourselves. At other times, we just do our best to keep people out of the frame. A tough assignment! 




Jay on Jan 8, 2022 


Question: Why would there be fragments from Egypt in Hazor? 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2022 


Great question, Jay. Hazor lay along the international highway, and all world powers wanted to control key cities along that road. The Egyptian ruins are there from the days when Egypt controlled it. 




Shane on Dec 25, 2021 


Like the Israelite People, we can become so forgetful so quickly and go from a thankful attitude to a murmuring attitude in minutes. For me it has reminded me of the fragility of our decisions and that we need to be more considerate about what we say a do. Life does go up and down according to our struggles; our battles, just as it did at Hazor. Knee-jerk Christianity is what gets us in trouble. I'm pretty sure that's what the Israelite people did when they asked for King Saul. I'm reminded of Romans 12:2 where God commands us, Do not to be conformed to the pattern of this world..." Well, that went down the gurgler real quick. We need to be slow to speak (in other words be more considerate) before acting on what we speak to keep ourselves from trouble, because as we know trouble isn't always a good friend. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2021 


Powerful truths you share here, Shane. Thank you. I loved the "knee-jerk Christianity" idea. So true... God bless you. 




Janelle on Oct 10, 2021 


About three months ago, I started praising God as soon as my eyes open to start my day. Then I follow up with asking the Lord to use me to minister to someone that day. I have been amazed at how the Lord directs me to individuals and is doing miracles before my eyes in unusual encounters. Keep in mind, I don't see very many people during a day's time. The Holy Spirit gently directs me to speak words of wisdom. As I obey, the results have been astounding. I have been a Christian since the age of nine and have found that this act of obedience has brought great depth to my life. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2021 


Thank you for sharing this testimony, Janelle. God is indeed amazing, isn't He? 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 23, 2021 


Every single solitary day I am deeply grateful for my Salvation and walk with God. On a serious matter regarding this, I had failed the Army entrance exam at the age of 17 as I had been a dropout. At the age of 22, I passed the Air Force entrance exam. I was delayed entrance and went in on Dec 14th the day of my grandma's birthday who prayed for me. Since I left where I lived, I was not there as my friends became Wiccan's and I was Born Again by the time I returned! God is Good! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021 


Wow! What an amazing transformation by the Spirit of God. Thank you so much for sharing this, Wanda. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


Remembering all that God has done for me makes me want to do things for Him. I can do this by focusing on other people more and trying to help them or by volunteering at parish events. Do you have any suggestions? 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021 


Donna, you may find helpful the videos on Capernaum as well as Mount Arbel, as they focus on serving God within His will and within your giftedness. Thank you so much for your passion to love the body of Christ. 




Donna on Aug 20, 2021 


By being grateful to God for my many blessings I can also share them with others. I wish I would actively focus more on my blessings than I do instead of worrying so much. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021 


I'm right there with you, Donna, in the challenge of focusing on blessings rather than worries. God bless you as you trust Him today. 




Julie on Aug 13, 2021 


A light turned on when one of my devotions this morning referenced Deborah in Judges 4-5, just the day after viewing your Hazor tour! What a God thing and how wonderful it was to have the images of Hazor and your teachings in my mind from your video as I read these chapters. 


The focus of these readings fell in line with the "considering what great things God has done" theme of your video. "God is not bound by tradition (a woman being a judge at the time when the culture was generally ruled by men). God sees the heart of individuals who serve Him and is motivated to use them for His purposes. It doesn't take a certain set of credentials to become and effective servant of God. The only requirement is a heart that is willing to be used by Him." ~Charles Stanley~ 


I used to be stuck in believing I could not be effective in serving, due to lack of appropriate credentials, which I have learned is really a self-centered attitude. It's not about me and I can use that thought to not serve! As long as I am faithful in serving Him with my heart, I can leave the rest up to Him. That sure takes a lot of pressure off of me and no better hands than God's to leave the people whom I am serving. Looking back.........what great things He has done! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2021 


You are exactly right, Julie. What matters most is what we do with what we have! Over and over we see that in the Scriptures. I pray that the Lord would powerfully use you to the full extent of His will for you. Thank you so much for your insightful comments. 




Maria on Jul 22, 2021 


Keeps me at awh 



Encouraged to live consecrated to Him. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021 


What a wonderful application of gratitude, Maria! May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Michael on Jun 28, 2021 


This video was a great reminder to look back upon the times God has intervened in my life in significant ways. There have been many along the way. I think remembering God's interventions in my life is like building a "stone of remembrance" - like the Ebenezer Stone; "hitherto the Lord has helped us". Thanks for the lesson, Wayne. It was awesome! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2021 


So glad, Michael, that the Hazor video was an encouragement to you. I pray they all continue to be. 




Jenny on Jun 19, 2021 


Loved seeing the gates and learning this story. 

Spent a long time this morning writing down Gods faithfulness to me the past 2 years. Seeing how many obstacles he has helped me overcome encourages me that many of my greatest disappointments really are answered with patience and time. Or eventually redeemed in some form. I pray my kids are watching and perceiving this life lesson as well...bc it sure seems important. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021 


What a great idea, Jenny, writing down all the blessings of God's grace in our lives. I did this not too long ago too. Very enlightening, and so essential for a new perspective. 




Diane on Jun 13, 2021 


It seems remembering what God has done for me in the past influences what I will do in a future situation by stopping to think “what would God have me do in this next situation” Instead of foolishly following what I would come up with on the spur of the moment, just following my own advice. Asking God in prayer alway finds better solutions for the situation!! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 17, 2021 


Well said, Diane. Looking at God's work in our lives in the past is a wonderful insight into his work in our lives today. 




Ural on May 13, 2021 


I am really enjoying your tours but tonight's audio was scratchy and I was not able to understand your commentary. This is the first time I have experienced this problem. I hope next week will be clear. 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021 


I appreciate your words, Ural. You're saying the Hazor video sounded scratchy to you? For some reason, if the audio seems hard to hear, you can always download the transcript in the sidebar and follow along by reading the identical wording on the video. God bless you. 




Donna on May 13, 2021 


God is constantly doing things for me, even when I don’t notice or forget to show my gratitude. Even if He never did another thing for me, I can never adequately thank Him for the gift of salvation. 


Thank you for incorporating all the Biblical history in your videos. It refreshes me and helps put the timeline in perspective. Hearing it and seeing it with the beautiful video images and scriptures helps make it stick in my mind. As a bonus, you help with the correct pronunciation of the names such as "Hazor." 


I am praying that God will put the current conflict in Israel and Gaza quickly to rest. I worry both about the people and all the historically sacred treasures. 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021 


Thanks for your note, Donna. I'm thrilled that the many places of the lands of the Bible are encouraging you. May God bless you as you watch each video and dig deeper. I join you in your prayers for Israel. 




Loi on May 7, 2021 


Thanks, for reminding me, I should and tell my self do not forget what God has done a great things for my life and remember Him each time I take the Holy Communion. 




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2021 


Yes, Loi, it’s so helpful to remember all of God’s blessing in our lives. Isn’t He so good? 




Faye on May 7, 2021 


My reminding myself of all my Good Lord has done for me, makes me feel so humble. He is with me always!!! Thank you so much for all you do in spreading GOD’s WORD!!! 




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2021 


So excited for you, Faye, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. God bless you. 




Dorothea on Apr 29, 2021 


I enjoy the series: “Walk the Bible Land”, but never had the opportunity and money to go there. Seeing it on your tour virtually is the next best thing. Since my age (85) would also prevent any long journeys anyway. I enjoy studying my bible more and getting interested in seeing the land where Jesus lived his earthly life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021 


You are the very reason I created these videos, Dorothea. I pray that as you watch you will experience these places with just as much significance and encouragement as if you were standing there. God bless you. 




Lola Fitch on Apr 16, 2021 


Knowing what God has done for me makes all the difference in the world for my gratitude, appreciation, empathy - my whole being. So appreciate traveling on line with you, Wayne. It is almost like being there today and in Jesus time. Have you followed THE CHOSEN series? With you we walk the Bible lands. Now add THE CHOSEN and walk with the followers of Christ. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Lola, that the Lord is blessing your journey with me through the videos. And YES, I have seen The Chosen series. It is very creative and well done. 




Nancy on Apr 9, 2021 


I love all of the videos, I feel much closer to Jesus, even though I have not walked where he walked. Thank you for making these videos. Joshua is one of my favorite people in the Bible. I particularly love learning and seeing about Hazor. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021 


Thank you so much, Nancy! I am so glad that you enjoyed the video on Hazor. Joshua is one of my heroes as well. You might enjoy watching some other videos that include him. God bless you. 




Loi on Mar 23, 2021 


What great things God have done for me are Faith, Family and The United States of America . Each Sunday when I take the Holy Communion I will remember not to against God the Holy Almighty, who has done the great things for me. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2021 


I am so glad that you are able to keep in mind all of the great things that God has done for you, Loi. May the Lord continue to bless you and draw you close to Him in the Scriptures. 




Loi on Mar 23, 2021 


Thank you Dr. Wayne Stiles. May God bless you and your family too. 




Donna on Mar 22, 2021 


Awesome! The first time through these, I am just watching. The second time through, I hope to take more time and take notes. There is so much "meat". Thank you for making such wonderful videos & making these Bible lands come to life! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021 


What a great strategy, Donna! True, there is much more to clean than in just one viewing. I pray that the Lord would bless you more and more each time you watch. God bless you. 




Bobbie on Mar 18, 2021 


God has given me many many blessings in my life even when I was rebellious in my teen years and my twenties. At 21 even though I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and baptized, I still did rebellious things however day by day the Lord showed me conviction and it got stronger and stronger. In my mid 60’s now I can look back at all of my blessings after living with my failures and still rejoice and praise God for all he has done. Not just in my life, in my family’s lives. Each day i awake and seek ye first the Kingdom of God and receive joy, love, wisdom for the asking to glorify Him who loves me so much it is mind blowing on his Faithfulness. I love you Heavenly Father and King Jesus. And I love your videos Dr. Wayne. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


What a wonderful testimony, Bobbie, that the Lord has given you grace in these latter years. Your words remind me of the words of King David in Psalm 25: 


“Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; 

According to Your lovingkindness remember me, 

For Your goodness’ sake, O LORD.” (Psalm 25:7) 




Bobbie on Mar 18, 2021 


Thank you. I will highlight this verse in my Bible. 




Lydia on Mar 13, 2021 


It reminds me every day that he is in control of my life and that with out him I will be lost 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021 


Well said, Lydia. Our God is in control of each moment of our days. What a blessing that you realize that and that He has given you comfort in the awareness of His blessings in your life. May they continue! 




May Joy on Mar 5, 2021 


It certainly keeps you faithful and keeps you trusting in him. It keeps you grounded on your faith and on the truth of who He has been in your life, He will always be! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021 


So true, May Joy. Indeed, when we consider the great things that God has done for us, it does keep us humble and motivated to remain faithful. God bless you as you walk with Him. 




Ed on Feb 23, 2021 


I thought it was great and learned a lot here, the long history of the place. The connections to Joshua, Deborah, etc. The fact that it was burned twice and how to pronounce, I have been preaching 50 years and always pronounced it Hay-zor, Not Hot Zor. Thanks 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021 


That's okay, Ed! When we are transliterating names, it's sort of a coin toss as to how to pronounce them. I am so glad that the video encouraged you. God bless you and thank you so much for your years of significant ministry. 




Donna on Feb 19, 2021 


In the 80's I went through a time of great pain and suffering due to what was called an "incurable" disease. After 3 1/2 years of great suffering and becoming house and bed bound, God intervened and did a major work in my heart first to "save me" through faith in Christ, baptized me by His Spirit and brought His word alive to my soul, and ultimately healed the disease, and my spine after 3 failed surgeries. From that moment on, my heart has overflowed with great gratitude for a second chance to live...truly live in Christ, and to come to know Him more deeply through His Word and by His Spirit. I live in remembrance of this each day, knowing He healed me so that I could reveal His life, love and character in whatever way He chooses through my daily living. Once healed, I gave my life to Him to do with whatever He wanted. It has been 34 years now but each day continues to overflow with gratitude for all He has done, and I live to point others to Him in any way I can. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021 


Thanks so much, Donna, for sharing your story with us. Isn't God amazing? 




Bonnie on Feb 27, 2021 


What an amazing testimony Donna! Thank you for sharing that. God bless!! 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


You are so welcome, Bonnie! Thanking God that my "test" became a "testimony." God bless you today and always! 




Donna on Sep 26, 2021 


Yes He truly IS amazing, Wayne! I am in awe of His ways... 




Barbara on Feb 17, 2021 


What is the meaning of tell? 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021 


Great question, Barbara. You'll see this explained more in the video on Megiddo, but Tell is from an Arabic word that means “hill,” and it refers to a man-made mound that’s formed when one settlement builds right on top of a previous one. When somebody chose to settle at a site, it was because it had a natural water source or a strategic military advantage. And when an army conquered a site, those advantages didn’t go away. It was easiest to rebuild directly on top of the rubble of the previous inhabitants. Over the course of centuries, the levels got higher and higher. A tell represents the layers of civilization through the centuries in the very same spot. 




Micol Mora on Feb 15, 2021 


I am amaze how God is using you to do a virtual tour . I was planning to go and visit with my husband but thank to God because of the circunstancias we are living now a n d not a b l e to travel。I wan t to Thank you for using your talent to teach us and showing places were Jesus was and the importance .I am so graceful God still teaching me in difference way to know more about him a n d his purpose 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021 


I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing you and your husband through these videos. I pray that the Lord would continue to do so! God bless you. 




Jennifer on Feb 14, 2021 


It leaves me more humble and grateful each day., It also makes me think "what would God have me to do" before making a decision. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021 


That is a great question to ask, Jennifer. How with the Lord help me respond? Excellent idea. God bless you. 




Debra on Feb 4, 2021 


I stand is awe of what the Lord has done in my life. Who am I to receive so much. Not sure what God has planned for me but I am his servant. Who am I that I can see the Bible Lands. Who am I to see things that people want to see. The Lord has given me this time to learn what I need to learn for when this comes to an end. Ready to serve. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


I admire and applaud your humble perspective, Debra. Indeed, the Lord is gracious and merciful to us all, isn't He? May He bless you as you serve Him. 




Celia on Feb 2, 2021 


The Lord has brought me closer to Him. I depend on Him daily to lead me in the way I should go. Walking the Bible Lands is just what I needed, I was beginning to read I book about the Holy Lands. The Lord lead me to your site, I am enjoying the videos brings the bible to life. Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2021 


What a blessing, Celia, that the Lord lead you to Walking the Bible Lands. I pray it continues to be a blessing for you and that the videos are a continual encouragement each time you watch. God bless you. 




James on Jan 26, 2021 


I am so glad I joined your site Wayne. I am loving these videos so very much. I would love to tour Israel with you and see as much as possible while walking the bible lands! 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021 


I am also glad that you joined Walking the Bible Lands, James! It is a blessing to have you here. And I would be absolutely thrilled for you to join me on an upcoming tour to Israel. Check out all the upcoming tours here– and I hope you'll come! God bless you. 




Mary Jo on Jan 19, 2021 


Remembering what God has done for me is an affirmation of faith when in a tumultuous time. I then have no fear. When remembering those times also reminds me of the need each day to pray and read the scriptures. I chose this virtual tour to help me be present with Him because I found myself too tired to read when in this troubled time. God is giving me strength and hope. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2021 


I'm so glad that the Lord is giving you strength and hope through the videos and through His Scriptures. I pray that He will continue to sustain you as you walk with Him, step-by-step, each day. God bless you. 




Eileen on Jan 2, 2021 


It gives us direction as we see how He has worked. It also gives us fuel for faith as we obey Him in the present and future. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021 


Well said, Eileen. Indeed, God's faithfulness in the past is a wonderful encouragement of His faithfulness today and tomorrow. God bless you. 




Karen on Dec 31, 2020 


Yes, thank you! Considering all the great things God has done for me in 2020!! Wayne, Happy New Year. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020 


God bless you, Karen. He had done great things for us indeed. And He isn't done yet! 




Cheryl on Dec 21, 2020 


When I must be a witness and testify of the goodness of God in my life to someone else, I remember the mighty works of the Lord Jesus. For instance, when God removed me from the house of bondage and told me what HE was going to do! And how God allowed perfect strangers to ask me for thirty years, "Aren't you a teacher?" and I replied, "No I'm sorry." But I am a teacher today. 




Rose on Nov 7, 2020 


God indeed rebuild our lives as He did rebuild the cities over and over again. Just as we keep sinning and He does forgive us again and again. How awesome is our God. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 8, 2020 


You're so right, Rose. Indeed, our God is gracious to us over and over again in spite of our sin. Amazing grace is so true... 




Loni on Sep 16, 2020 


It is so amazing that God helps us rebuild our lives just as the people rebuilt their cities from ruins over and over again. 


God fortifies us with the Holy Spirit. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020 


That is a great perspective, Lonnie. Rebuilding our lives. May the Lord bless you as you continue to build. 




Rose on Sep 3, 2020 


Seeing these ruins. It's a good reminder of God's word and His faithfulness to all His people. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2020 


I agree with you, Rose. It's amazing to see the consistency of God's grace in the live of His people-- including us. God bless you. 




Nancy on Aug 20, 2020 


While I was watching this video, I received a phone call from a pastor friend who oversees a ministry named Spiritual Care Consultants. Through a simple, small (25 people) missions conference we all attended last week, over $12,000 was raised for hungry families in Honduras and Costa Rica. God has done so much for all of us! He cares for us in so many ways. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020 


What a wonderful application to the video, Nancy. I love God's uncanny timing in making himself known to us in ways that could not be coincidence. I join you with my prayers that the Lord will bless those in Honduras and Costa Rica through the funds that were raised. 




Nancy on Aug 20, 2020 


Thank you so much! 




Teresa on Aug 17, 2020 


I learned a lot today. It challenged me to keep remembering all that God has done for me.. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020 


That's wonderful, Teresa. It really is helpful to remember what God has done for us. So, so easy to take it all for granted. God bless you. 




Apple on Aug 12, 2020 


I think is to obey him in all i do every day of my life I will try to be more careful on wthat i say to my parents and sibings too. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2020 


Those are wonderful plans, Li-Ann. May God bless you as you continue to follow Him. 




Sheryl on Aug 11, 2020 


It is extremely important to make God first in my life. To study His Word and talk to Him. Because of Jesus, I have this privilege. If I forget to read His word or talk to Him I begin to fall away little by little. I know this because I fell away and was lost for years. I never want that to happen again. I love the videos and how they are teaching me places of the Bible, and where Jesus walked while He was here. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2020 


How wonderful for you, Sheryl, that you see the essential nature of the little things. Studying God's Word and prayer and fellowship with others… These are so essential. May the Lord powerfully bless you as you seek Him day by day. 




Cathy on Aug 8, 2020 


When I look back over my life and I see all the things he done for me how he spared my life through cancer, dangers unseen, how he brought my husband through open heart surgery, how a gas station tried to accuse my daughter of stealing over 75,000 even though she had to get a lawyer to proof the case still found guilty served community service BUT GOD cleared her name because they found out who really did it they are serving major time so I ask God to k6me humble to let my life be always of gratitude to stay on the road called straight and narrow. Thank you Jesus for brand new grace and mercy.💗 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2020 


Wow, Cathy, what do you wonderful testimony. Indeed, there is so much to be grateful for. You have a wonderful story to share with others! 




Kim on Aug 5, 2020 


I am currently studying and teaching from the book of Mark. We are looking at the final days of Jesus on Earth and the Crucifixion. He death, burial and resurrection for our sin is the greatest thing that God has done for us. So undeserved! Yet so loving and merciful. Do our lives daily show in whom we put our trust? We are getting lots of practice these days. That is fine because we do not walk alone. The Holy Spirit is with us every step of the way. Focus on Jesus, not the storm. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020 


I applaud you, Kim, for teaching God’s word and encouraging others through the scripture. You might enjoy an additional resource in my podcast. I believe it went through the entire book of Mark. Also, check out the Jesus life videos in the bonus section. Great for the passion week. 




Mary on Jul 30, 2020 


Every day I thank God for everything I have and everything God has done for me. I thank God for loving us so much that he sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross to forgive our sins. I have learned to pray, to always forgive others and not to judge others as God will judge me On how I judge others. I ask for forgiveness of my sins. Sometimes it is a struggle as we are not perfect like God is. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020 


I admire the grace and your words, Mary. Indeed, the forgiveness and grace we have received from Christ is the greatest motivation to extend the same to others. May the Lord bless you as you do so for His glory. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


What a great reminder to be ever-mindful of God's goodness to us--individually and collectively. Speaking for my own life, God has forgiven the sins of my youth, delivered me from mental illness in my 20's, blessed me with a loving wife and the gift of children, strengthened me in ongoing struggles with sin, and called me to work that I have truly loved throughout my vocational career. Truly, His blessings are never failing! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


I'm right there with you, Steven, in gratitude to God for the specific blessings of forgiveness and present grace. 




Marilyn on Jul 16, 2020 


I find all this so fascinating and love finding out about all the biblical places, I so wanted to go there then the trip got canceled 3 yrs ago very disappointed. 

Did you ever have tours over there I know it’s in possible now but I still dream of going! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020 


Yes, Marilyn, I take a number of tours over every year. You can see all of my upcoming tours here. I would love to have you join me in 2021! God bless you. 




Alejandra on Jul 10, 2020 


Remembering what God has done for me helps me to be grateful and full of hope, knowing that no matter what difficult circumstances I'm going through, He will always take care of me. It also helps me to extend forgiveness and grace toward those who offend me. The Lord has been amazingly merciful and gracious to me, the least I can do is to allow Him to use my life as a channel for His mercy and grace toward others around me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020 


What a great perspective, Alejandra. It is true, God’s grace toward us is one of the greatest motivations to be gracious to others. We didn’t deserve it, and we can extend grace to those who don’t deserve it as well. God bless you as you lean on His grace. 




Sandy on Jun 29, 2020 


Thank you for these beautiful videos and for your Bible teaching! The website is so user friendly. I love how it marks which video I have watched yet I can go back and watch any of them again! Thank you that I can contact your staff with any questions. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2020 


I am so glad, Sandy, that you are enjoying the videos. May the Lord continue to bless you! Thank you. 




Sue on May 8, 2020 


My sister and I got to see all of Solomon's fortified cities, and it was good to revisit the fullness of its history and strategic position on the International Highway. I always appreciate your Christ-centeredness, and found your link to remembering what God has done in the Lord's Supper especially meaningful. "Our God, our help in ages past' is a favorite hymn that leads me to consider his personal help and provision over the course of my life, yet the core of life with God is Christ's finished work on the cross. 




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2020 


What a wonderful experience you and your sister had, Sue. It truly is rare for tours to see Hazor and Gezer, even though many tours get to see Megiddo. I appreciate your focus on the Lord's Supper and on that wonderful hymn by Isaac Watts. Thank you for your insightful comments. God bless you. 




Sue on May 8, 2020 


It was an amazing tour hosted by Dr. Mark Meehl of Concordia University Nebraska. From there, we went to Dan, the Baneas Falls, Caesarea Phillippi, and Golan Heights. Quite the day! 




Diana on Apr 27, 2020 


Hazor was the first site we saw on our Galilee tour. Our guide used all our hats piled on top of his head to illustrate all the layers of the archaeological sites, all the kingdoms that conquered and destroyed Hazor. Very memorable. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020 


How rare, Diana, for you to get to see Hazor. So few tours ever go there. And I love your guide's use of the hats for the tell layers. Very nice. (I may have to borrow that illustration.) Thanks much. 




Steven on Dec 16, 2019 


Thanks Wayne! I too had not seen Hazor on my two trips to Israel with DTS - or if we did, I don't remember visiting it. The history there is amazing and the connections of the gates with those at Megiddo and elsewhere was fascinating. Also, your point about how easy it is to disregard or forget God is timeless. Great video! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2019 


Thanks, Steven. And yes, most tours sidestep Hazor, even though they drive right by it on the way up to Tel Dan and Caesarea Philippi! The next time you go, you'll need to at least wave at the tell. :-) I'm glad the video encouraged you about such a significant site. God bless you. 




Walt on Oct 13, 2019 


It was interesting to learn about Hazor. I hadn't thought much about it, although I have read those passages. I have to ask how you pronounce the name, seems it should be spelled Hatzor 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2019 


You're right, Dad. The Hebrew letter tsade is spelled with a simple "z" in English, but in Hebrew it's pronounced with a "tz." Translations and transliterations hardly have a good standard or a consistent rule of thumb. :-) 




Karen on Oct 6, 2019 


Remembering what God has done for me is a testimony I use to prove Him to the skeptics around me: because they know me and see me improved in behavior or health, they cannot deny the physical evidence that also happen to match scripture or something really only God can do. It’s my seed plantings :) It also lifts my heart up and out of the way when the fallen world wants to stomp on it. Another great video, praise Jesus, thank you, Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Hazor. You're right, Karen, our testimony is one apologetic tool that can't be disputed. How do you argue with a changed life? It's still essential, of course, that we wed experience with Scripture, for even other religions can claim life change at times. God bless. 




Nancy on Oct 5, 2019 


I saw Hazor only in a drive-by during my Israel trip. It was so good to see it up cl.ose and learn about its history. Your point hit home, that God intends us to remember what He's done, because it keeps us strengthened and encouraged. I've been realizing I need to review more often my journal entries of how God has worked in my life. I will try to do that now! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2019 


You're like most, Nancy, including most of my tours— we just drive by Hazor on the way up to Tel Dan, etc. So tough to squeeze in so many significant sites! I'm glad the video gave you a peek at what's on top of the tell. :-) Reviewing journal entries... What a great idea. Thanks. 




Karen on Oct 6, 2019 


Good point and excellent journal revisit idea, Nancy! 




Kathleen on Sep 21, 2019 


I was convicted by your words, "Biblically speaking, when we "remember" something, we act on it." Ebenezer. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 21, 2019 


You're right, Kathleen, those are convicting words! May God give us strength to remember well. 




Karen on Oct 6, 2019 


Excellent point, we do, lol! Thanks for reposting that :) 




Mary Anne on Sep 19, 2019 


The discovery of 21 levels of civilization boggles my mind! 

I really enjoyed seeing the gate dating back to Salomon. I tried to invision the size and grandeur of the structure since the gate looked so large to me. 

Thanks Wayne! 

Welcome home! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2019 


Thank you, Mary Anne. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing these Solomon ruins at Hazor. So, so amazing that archaeology and the Bible work together. 




Karen on Oct 6, 2019 


You’re so right, 21 levels is wow! And it’s grandeur as well, yes. I love to see when graphic designers rebuild on screen what some structures would have looked like based on such foundations :) 



Hazor - Consider What Great Things God Has Done 

Megiddo - How to Strengthen Your Influence for God 

Bruce on Mar 29 


I wish I had seen you video before we visited Tel Megiddo April 12, 2010 your video is a great reminder of what we saw. Israel was our 3rd trip during our first year of Marriage. We called it our 3rd honeymoon. With my wife having just gone home to be with the Lord. Your videos are being an awesome reminder of how awesome a gift she was from GOD. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30 


Bruce, I'm so glad that the videos are touching a tender place in your heart. God bless you as you walk with Him in this new season. 




Jeanne on Mar 25 


I really like the idea of whom is influencing whom. I always think that I should go to a mission field or that I can do something for the Lord when I retire. Maybe my influence is right here? I struggle with attending church regularly and because I am a teacher and single I get told that I should be with the kids. I respond by saying that I want to have adult conversations/relationships and so I back off. Maybe I should just listen. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26 


Only listen to the Lord's clear leading, Jeanne, and follow His voice above all others. Opinions about what we should do are many and contradictory, but God will lead you in the path He wants you to take. Waiting on God is worth it. God bless you. 




Carol on Jan 13 


Discouragement. Feeling Insignificant not Making a difference . 

Intense personality. Desires accomplishment. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13 


Those are areas I can relate to as well, Carol. We are so vulnerable, aren't we? How essential that we find our strength and trust in God. 




Ty on Dec 28, 2022 


My vulnerable weakness in my heart is trusting in myself instead of trusting in our Creator. That releasing of this weakness and learning and then often renewing of His trust is a life time journey I and I would say all of us have to make. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2022 


What an amazing blessing that you realize your vulnerability. Recognizing your weakness is actually a strength. 




Lavona on Nov 20, 2022 


These are very moving and influential videos. I am thankful to have found this website. Thank you Mr. Stiles. 


For me the vulnerable point of weakness in my heart is pride. It really all comes down to this. I have to fight constantly against my own self-reliance, self-independence, just plain self. Pride is really a very ugly sin that we must contend with every minute of every day. Of course, this is one of the most prominent lies the enemy will wage against us. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2022 


I am right there with you, Lavona. Pride is a big deal in my heart as well. Thank you so much for pushing back against the world's influence. 




Rev. Joseph Hlubik on Oct 8, 2022 


I really enjoyed this video. It sets the stage to understand the final battle at "Armeggidon." 

I would probably have also added the story about Deborah's victory there and the need to stay on solid ground (the right path) passing through the Jezreel plains, especially during the rainy season. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022 


Indeed, Joseph, it is always hard to decide what to include and want to leave out. So much biblical history occurred in the same places! I saved Deborah's story for the video on Mount Tabor. I hope you enjoy it! God bless you. 




Rev. Joseph Hlubik on Oct 10, 2022 


Dr. Stiles, 

You mentioned the set of resources you use for presentations on the Bible. What are these resources, and how can I obtain them, or at least look for them for my own parish presentations? 

Fr. Joe 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022 


Happy to help, Joseph. Will you please tell me where I mentioned the resources? I recommend a lot of them, and I would like to direct you to the one the most interests you. 




Diane Shields on Sep 29, 2022 


The vulnerable point of weakness in my heart has to be - patience. Or oftentimes as experienced in the past, lack thereof. It has gotten me into trouble as I took it upon myself to “rush right in”. Oh my gosh, the Ricky Nelson song lyrics just popped in my head! “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”…. (A lot of things either remind me of a song or a movie). Anyway, I love it that even in “worldly” things like music and movies God is speaking to us! We just need to have open our spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear! Thank you Wayne for this educational and beautiful trip to a city I honestly had never heard of. Before. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2022 


There are so many wonderful, unheard of, cities in Israel, Diane. :-) All with lessons relevant to our hearts. 




Sharon on Jun 29, 2022 


The most vulnerable point of weakness in my heart is waiting on the Lord’s guidance as to how to follow his plan for my life. I am learning as I patiently wait on him that it is his timing and not mine. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2022 


I am right there with you, Sharon, in the struggle of waiting on God. Have you read my book about Waiting on God? If not, it may offer you some encouragement as you trust in His timing. God bless you. 




Frances Tencza on May 8, 2022 


I visited Megiddo in 2019 and walked through the tunnel. 

King Solomon knew how strategic this location would be for the protection of Israel.But with all the wisdom he was given by God, he relied on his own plans and went against God’s commands.He was an appeaser of the enemy and so this carries on with our present situation of the world seeking “World Peace” according to man. When true and everlasting peace will come only from our Savior! Jesus will prevail over all the enemies of Israel in His second coming!We his saints will be with him praise God! 





Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022 


Wasn't Megiddo fascinating, Frances? I am thrilled that you got to go there. 




Janet on Apr 27, 2022 


Wayne, this was wonderful. We were there in March 2022. 





Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022 


How magnificent, Janet, that you just returned from Israel and Megiddo! I'm so thrilled that you got to go, and I am thrilled that the video was a poignant reminder of your significant journey. I pray that the rest of the videos continue to be! God bless you. 




Joyce on Mar 20, 2022 


Willfulness, I need to get out of my own way. God gave us free will. Getting a harness on it can be hard sometimes. 


Many years ago I heard a line in a song/poem (?) that said, "I looked out side and saw the enemy and the enemy looked just like me." 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022 


That’s poignant, Joyce. Thanks for sharing. 




Kathy on Mar 1, 2022 


Do we make disciples of Christ or are we disciples of the world! So well put!!I need to ask this every day to myself. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2, 2022 


Yes, Kathy, this is a question we always need to ask. Who is influencing whom? 




Lola Fitch on Feb 23, 2022 


I would say my vulnerable issue is what is the limit of helping others too much. "Feed the fish or teach others to fish?" 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2022 


That is a tough balance, isn't it, Lola? I pray the Lord continues to give you wisdom as you walk the line. 




Rosemarie on Feb 19, 2022 


It seems that I had been so busy in my life that I missed many opportunities to spend time with God. Even though I am a Christian I wonder if I ever influenced any others. I hope so. These videos and Bible readings have change me so much. Now a day doesn’t go by without thanking Him and asking for guidance in all my weaknesses. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022 


We have all been there, Rosemarie. I pray that the Lord would continue to draw you close to himself each day. 




Norma on Jan 18, 2022 


I was 11 years old when I lost my mom. I was the 2nd of 5 children. These circumstances put me in a position to protect and influence my youngest siblings. I was always afraid of not be strong enough to accomplish what I thought it was my role. I always turned to God looking for that strength. Meggido was a strategic place that God used to guard its people and will be the strong hold for the last battle for our salvation. I missed visited Meggido despite that my cruise ship was so close to that site. I have made myself a promise to go back to Israel and stay a minimum of 30 days. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022 


I do hope you will be able to go back to Israel, Norma. And when you go, I hope that you will go with me! God bless you. 




Shane on Jan 3, 2022 


This video has shown how brilliantly God knew the past present and future in our perspective before it all happened. That such places like Megiddo were set up by God for His glory; there are no words to match God's brilliance. Thanks again for showing us these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022 


So true, Shane. Megiddo is an amazing site, not only geographically, but as you say also, in God's sovereign plan for history. What's true of Megiddo is also true of our lives. 




Patti on Nov 11, 2021 


I am retired now and am enjoying my leisure. I tend to get lost in books and crafts and neglect my influence on others. The pandemic which kept us inside has led me to fear traveling so I hibernate at home. I need to get out more and get involved in helping others. I have started to get out more but there is so much more that I could do. I love watching your videos and am learning so much. I have recommended it to my Bible class ladies and even shared a video that pertained to what we were studying that week. Thank you so much for bringing the Holy Land to us who will probably never get there ourselves. 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2021 


I am thrilled for you, Patti, that you get to enjoy and explore the Holy Land with me through these videos. May the Lord continue to encourage you with every one! Thank you for sharing with your class as well. 




Deb Scott on Nov 2, 2021 


This tour is wonderful. It's bringing the Bible to life! Thank you for making this available! 




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2021 


I'm so glad, Deb, the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. God bless you. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Oct 7, 2021 


That's an interesting question to ask for a video relationship. But God does want us to be vulnerable before Him. Once I was struggling with a past sin and I didn't think I could talk to Him about it. I heard His still small voice say, "Wanda, I see all and know all." My reply was God I have to talk to you. Due to sexual abuse starting at the age of 6 I ended up a pretty messed up person but God stepped in and redeemed me. It is critical that I stay very close to Him and show Him all my heart as it is exposed. Taking every thought captive (2 Cor 5) 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2021 


May the God of all comfort continue to give you grace, Wanda, as you cling to Him each day. I'm right there with you in the battle. 




Carol on Sep 25, 2021 


Thank you for reminding us that the human heart is vulnerable, "desparately wicked" and who can know it! May God keep our hearts; may we cooperate in keeping it ! 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 26, 2021 


Yes, Carol, it is so essential we remember the frailty of our hearts. I pray that the Lord would give you strength as you trust Him day by day. God bless you. 




Donna on Aug 26, 2021 


I tend to see both sides of the issue and not want to speak up. On occasions when I have spoken up I’ve been put down. 

I also tend to enjoy leisure during my retirement and not want to get involved. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021 


There is much to commend the leisure the God affords us in life — and retirement. Still, Donna, you have not lived this long for nothing! You would have a magnificent contribution to the lives of many young women who need the wisdom of your years. 


“Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.” (Titus 2:3–5) 




Julie on Aug 13, 2021 


"God's people would either influence the nations for the Lord or the nations would influence God's people toward idolatry." This hits home with the influences my grown children face in today's culture and where they live in SoCal. 


Vulnerable point of weakness in my heart: 

That my grown children come to Christ with all of the secular influences/religion/pagan options they have all around them today. 

Trying to somehow control this and thinking I can change their own walk that they must walk. Agonizing at times over their choices...... 


Guarding that point of entry: 

1. Pray for them earnestly and that God places people in their lives who will lead them to Him. 

2. Understand that if my own heart desires that my children come to Christ more than anything else..........how much MORE does God desire for them to come to Himself? 

3. Place them in the arms of Jesus and let go. This has released me from worry as I trust in Him. 


I've had it on my heart to study Revelation and not side-step this most challenging yet relevant book in the Bible. I read it once in a study group and bits and pieces o 

n my own. This video tour has pressed it upon my heart to study it again with guidance. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2021 


Your heart for your children reminds me a post you might enjoy, which includes a prayer list for your children and grandchildren. See it here. God bless you, Julie. 




Julie on Aug 16, 2021 


Thank you for this prayer list, Wayne. I have found praying Scripture, rather than my own feeble words, is so much more powerful and in line with God's will. Great resource! 




Maria on Jul 22, 2021 


Talk ab. Me 

My life 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021 


Yes, Maria, we are all there together. Definitely need to guard our places of input. God bless you. 




Diane on Jun 21, 2021 


For me it will be material thing,Thinking about what I want instead of what God wants for me. Not focusing on using money for me,more so to help others. Also to use my time thinking about others, helping them to find Christ, thinking more on others, rather than myself. Things and the getting of thing will take our minds off of things of God and what He wants us to focus on. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021 


It is very easy, isn't it, Diane, to long for the material over the spiritual? How easily we can let down our guard… I pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen you as you ponder the strategic points of entry into your heart. 




Jenny on Jun 19, 2021 


Wow. Learning @ The strategic influence of Megiddo, role in revelation, really impacted me. Seeing the Tel reminds me of the huge work God has had me partnering with him past few years to “excavate” down to the foundation level and rebuild foundations spiritually from generational sin that has gone unchecked. 

It hasn’t been fun, but necessary demolition work. 

Cleansing and guarding the gates for my children feels really really good now. Love this metaphor. My house is strategically positioned on the “highway for teens” in this season, and the lightbulb of influence in my land where I am is gaining traction watching these videos! 

Gates and highways...really sticking out to me. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021 


I love that metaphor, Jenny! Nice connection. God bless you. 




Sheryl on May 21, 2021 


I been praying for Israel and I loved your video God bless 




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021 


Thank you, Sheryl. I join you in that prayer for Israel. May the Lord come soon! 




Joan on May 16, 2021 


I think materialism has been the weak point in my heart; and now that I'm a 'seasoned citizen' I want to offload many of my belongings (and those of my late husband), so our kids don't have to do it one day! I realize how superficial those 'wants' for things were! Only devotion and obedience to God truly matter! May God be merciful to me! 🙏😇 




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021 


What a blessing for you, Joan, to have a greater grasp of how materialism can get its hooks in our hearts. May the Lord bless you as you move forward in this new season. 




Dorothea on May 13, 2021 


I am enjoying “my trip” to the Holy Land, with historic facts included. The Bible telling us about happenings that were, are, and will be. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021 


I am also enjoying having you on the "bus," Dorothea! I pray the Lord continues to bless our tour together. God bless you. 




Dorothea on May 13, 2021 


You are a blessing to many like me, who are unable to do the trip in person. 

Thank you for giving us this opportunity. 




Connie on May 6, 2021 


I loved the video thank you. I need to examine where I am at now. God has a purpose for me. I am very Blessed to have a job, even though it is working with COVID-19 residents (well not all of them). I need to pray where I am g erring influenced. I feel very Blessed you cam into my life and you are helping me understand the Bible more. I know I will soon have more clarity thanks God Bless you 




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021 


I am so glad that the video on Megiddo encouraged you, Connie. Indeed, we need to stay aware of the influences in our lives. Thankfully, our Lord is proactive in His love for us and the Scriptures are a continual source of encouragement. God bless you. 




Katherine on Apr 15, 2021 


Timely and purposeful for me. God has a way of placing things in front of us to see, doesn't he? Just finished reading Judges recently so this film helps to cement ideas from the chapter. I need to examine where I am, how I am influenced/influencing, and understand God's purpose for me here and now. Thank you, Wayne for your guidance. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021 


I am right there with you, Katherine. Examining what is influencing us is a daily assignment. God bless you as you seek Him. 




Wanda on Apr 11, 2021 


I always wanted to visit the Holland land, but when I could go, I did not have the money, but now that I have the money, my health does not allow it. Thank you Wayne for giving me this opportunity to visit places that are probably not on the average tourist’s itenerary. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021 


You are exactly the person I created these videos for, Wanda. I pray that you will find great encouragement from the Lord and greater insight from His Word. God bless you. 




Penny on Apr 1, 2021 


Thank you Wayne for Walking the Bible Lands. Your insight into scripture and the applications you share are so refreshing. You are blessed with the ability to share God’s word & relate the sights of the Bible in such a way that I can not miss the truths intended. Through this video I am reminded of the importance of guarding my ❤️ and being a disciple of Christ not the world. Happy Easter! 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021 


I'm thrilled, Penny, that the Lord has blessed you with Walking the Bible Lands-- and I pray He continues to do so! God bless you. He is Risen! 




Bobbie on Mar 25, 2021 


Love this video. Lately my heart has desired to know about this location. When in Israel in 2019 our Tour took us to the top of Mt Carmel where Elijah fought Baal. Of course you can see the Jezreel Valley from there also. . It was amazing. I love maps and recently found Tel Miggedo. The history you present here is something I will for sure remember. Especially who gets my heart as a prize. God already has it, though this video confirms I need to guard it even stronger. This video really resonates with me. Thank you Dr. Wayne. God Bless You. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


I'm so glad you enjoyed the mikado video, Bobbie! I also love maps. :-) I pray that the rest of the videos will also resonate with you. God bless you. 




Joan on Mar 11, 2021 


My vulnerability lies in selfishness. I want it always to be about me. I pray to God to show my hardened heart His way of restoration. He has rewarded and encouraged me mightily but I know selfishness is my character flaw and repent before Him whenever it emerges. This was a very edifying lesson. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2021 


You're not alone, Joan, in the fight against selfishness. May God strengthen you and encourage you today! God bless you. 




May Joy on Mar 6, 2021 


I think my vulnerable point of weakness is trying to please people. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2021 


You're not alone, May Joy, in the challenge of trying to please God versus pleasing people. It's a daily challenge to put the Lord first. God bless you. 




Debra on Jan 28, 2021 


WOW. How wonderful. What a gift to be able to walk these lands with you. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


Thank you, Debra. Indeed, it is a blessing to be able to walk these lands together, isn't it? Megiddo is such a fascinating place and rich with history. What a tremendous lessons it teaches! I pray that each video has a similar impact for you. God bless you. 




Pam on Dec 25, 2020 


I am unable to access the resource link- I’m sure it’s just a kink somewhere 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2020 


Pam, do you mean the Resources link in the menu? Please let us know if you need more help. God bless. 




Annie on Oct 10, 2020 


My vulnerable weak point is my work place ,my coworkers and the people I meet every day.How I treat them and approach the situation I go through. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2020 


That makes sense, Annie. Those first steps in interacting with people can direct the whole course. May the Lord bless you each day as you trust Him. 




Patricia on Oct 10, 2020 


My most vulnerable point is being in a place of comfort within my community. I seek direction on specific ways to influence others whom I come in contact with. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2020 


May the Lord give you guidance, Patricia, as you seek ways that you can serve God most effectively. May he lead you into his will. 




Linda on Oct 6, 2020 


really brings the point home that certain places are very important, especially when God says they will be. 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2020 


You are absolutely right, Linda. It is amazing how so many of these significant places throughout the Bible show up again and again. So often the lessons the Lord teaches in those places are similar as well. May the Lord continue to bless you as you walk with Him. 




Lucille on Sep 9, 2020 


The weakness that I face is not being disciplined enough to study God’s word regularly and spend quality time in His presence. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020 


I do understand your challenge, Lucille. For me, I have to make it the very first thing – or it likely gets shoved to the back of the pile and doesn't get done. I wrote this post about inserting your quiet time into a crazy life. I hope it encourages you. God bless you. 




Cathy on Aug 21, 2020 


The vulnerable weaknesses in my heart would be TV. I do get my prayers in, in the morning, reading and studying but TV occupies to much of my time 🙏🏽 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2020 


I do understand that pull, Cathy. That colorful, beautiful screen is mesmerizing and its effects, isn’t it? Indeed, we have to guard ourselves from too much time and too much passive activity. God bless. 




Teresa on Aug 20, 2020 


This was great! The vulnerable part of my heart is what I see on TV and FB.. I try to influence others about God by what I post.. I find I must limit screen time so I am not robbed of life-giving time in God’Word. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020 


What a magnificent application, Teresa. Indeed, the media and social media is a huge influence on us. So essential that we keep our guard up at all times. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him. 




Mary on Aug 3, 2020 


Are we going to be influenced by the World in One hand or by God in the other hand. We strive to be influenced by God but the world we live in tries to influence us daily. We need to make the decision to follow God's path. That decision is not always an easy one. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2020 


You are so right, Mary. It is very challenging to keep our hearts guarded. But so essential! 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


Wayne, thank you--yet again--for conjoining another valuable interpretative application to an important historical site. Today's culture offers us increasing daily assaults on our hearts--through the vulnerable "gates" of our physical ears and eyes. I am much more media-wary than ever before as I struggle to protect my heart from wrongful influences. Such discernment has become a full-time job| 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


Yes, this is a lesson that is a constant and full-time assignment, isn't it? The world continually tries to scale our walls. Thank God for His Word and for the wisdom within it to build that security wall of truth around us. I am right there with you in the battle, Steven. 




Bette on Jul 10, 2020 


God wants us to bloom where He planted us. It is not an easy path, but we need to follow Him closely and obey Him, even if it means the world around you makes fun of you and causes problems for you. We need to choose between us influencing the world and our culture to let them see Jesus shining through us, or to try to fit in with the culture to avoid conflicts and persecution, which leaves us in danger of drifting away from God and embracing the worldly pleasures (idols)! God has placed us in the perfect place where our influence is needed the most, and blesses us when we shine for Him, and sometimes we do not realize that our lives have influenced others to come to God. 


I was made fun of in high school because I was a Christian and went to church and church activities faithfully. They were very mean to me, but I refused to give into the bullies. About 20 years later in a store, a woman stopped me and asked if I was Bette from her high school, and then said "Because of you, my son is going to be baptized tomorrow! You probably don't remember me, but I watched and admired you in high school, and how you stood up to the bullies as a Christian. I wanted to be just like you, so after graduating I hunted for a church where people acted just like you. I found one, and accepted Jesus as my Savior, and now my son has accepted Him too! Because of you, my son will be baptized as a Christian too!" She thanked me and hugged me. I was so blessed, because I told others about God, and it seemed I was not seeing results, and other Christian women in a Bible group said if I did not save people every week, maybe I was not a Christian! God let me know that He was working on others through my influence and faithfulness to Him. I was planting the seeds, but only God through His Holy Spirit could work in their hearts and use me to eventually bring them to accepting Christ and sow my seeds. 


Never doubt your influence on others when you live for Jesus, even though the world tells you things to influence you to turn away from God, because you are missing all the worldly pleasures you "deserve"! 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020 


What a wonderful testimony and story, Bette! Thank you so much for sharing it. I applaud you for your courage 20 years ago and I am thrilled that God gave you a little peek behind the curtain of His providence in your life. I am confident that we will see so many more of these a-ha moments when we get to glory! God bless you. 




Karen on Jun 25, 2020 






Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020 


Thank you, Karen! I'm so glad you enjoyed the video. God bless you. 




Regenia on Jun 24, 2020 


"Who is influencing whom?" is a deep statement to ponder. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020 


You're right, Regenia. Usually one is influencing the other. Romans 12:1-2 suggests the world has its intent, while God has His intent we reverse that and renew our minds. God bless you. 




Jeannie on May 28, 2020 


I've watched the video several times. Really learning so much about the world Jesus lived in. How could I learn more about the etching of Jerusalem as the center of the world? Did it represent what they believed the entire world to look like at that time? 




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2020 


Great question, Jeannie. Bunting's Cloverleaf map was simply a stylized depiction — and did not represent what they believed the world look like. It was a theological statement rather than a geographical depiction. You can see the map and more information on it here. 




Jeannie on May 29, 2020 


Thank You!! The Wikipedia Info was Great!! I appreciate your time to share it! 




Nancy on May 21, 2020 


I have been searching for the Thursday information . Where do you give it to members. 




Diana on Apr 28, 2020 


So many epic events happened at Megiddo! We got to see 3 different places where they had similar underground springs. You mentioned the location as a military advantage. If you wanted to defeat your enemy, all you had to do was put a dead animal carcas in their well, and that was it. I can't imagine what it was like to have to dig those tunnels, without modern machinery, to access the spring water. Those stairs and tunnels for the springs below are no joke! It was a great reminder that water is life, and that we take our faucets at home for granted. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2020 


How great, Diana, that you got to see several sites with underground water systems. I've often thought about those citizens who had to dig those channels! Amazing stamina. It was a different world, for sure. I like the way you said it, "Water is life." So true. 




Lynn on Apr 21, 2020 


Looking at Megiddo physically again and through the pages of Judges was enlightening. We have studied over and over again in Judges how Israel failed to obey God and to take the land He promised them. What a precious piece of property He wanted them to have if they would have chosen to obey Him and call on Him to fight for them. Thanks for the reminder for me to obey Him and rely on Him and His power to fight my battles. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2020 


That's a great connect you make, Lynn. You're right, it's amazing to see the potential God was placing in their laps. The same is true of us each day with the Megiddo of our hearts. God bless you-- and thanks. 




Steven on Dec 19, 2019 


This was one of my favorite sites on my tours with DTS. The Jezreel Valley below the Tel is so visible from that vantage point. I was an artillery officer in the Marines and it would be an excellent observation post for a forward observer or an aerial observer to direct fire - not to mention in ancient times a strategic vantage point to control the valley below. It was also pointed out that to the east, the valley was demarked by the incredible Bet Shean and to the west by Mt. Carmel. That really helped with perspective and to realize the strategic role this valley plays in prophetic events in the future. Thanks Wayne! It was especially helpful to see the aerial from the drone. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2019 


Really glad you enjoyed the Megiddo video, Stephen. As a veteran, you (more than most) have a perspective that gives you greater insight into the future. This makes a great place for the leaders of the rebellion against Christ to gather in order to form their doomed plan to overthrow Him (Rev. 16:16). If you've not yet seen the Beth-shan video, you'll enjoy a similar perspective of its strategic position. God bless. 




Corlyus on Jun 28, 2019 


All the videos are wonderful but I think this was the best devotion yet. I want to share it with so many. Also glad to do the “tour” as previous trips did not visit this site. Yes indeed a question for us all who is influencing who? Thank you again. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2019 


Really glad, Corlyus, that the Megiddo video encouraged you. That message and principe is so essential for our lives, isn't it? God bless you. 




Marilyn on Mar 20, 2019 


Well Wayne I have had an absolutely amazing afternoon watching this virtual tour after actually being there it’s just been great I so appreciate your teaching your insides and the inspiration that God‘s plan Is always the best I so loved our tour and our time in Israel with you thank you for all of your hard work and for the spiritual revival that I think a lot of us experienced I know I did 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2019 


You're very welcome, Marilyn. I'm thrilled that you're enjoyed the tour for the second time! What an honor it was to journey with you through Israel. 




Karen on Dec 22, 2018 


Your Pharaoh mention with Joseph reminded me what I wanted to ask you, Wayne. Have you watched Exodus: Patterns of Evidence. That and Is Genesis History are among my favorites :) along with all you share with us. Such blessings 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2018 


Karen, I have seen "Is Genesis History?" but not the Exodus video. Thanks for the recommendation! I'm honored that the Lord is blessing you as you watch the videos on Walking the Bible Lands. 




Karen on Dec 21, 2018 


Fantastic devotional as always, Wayne. 


A vulnerable point of weakness in my heart, the one at the top, is food. I am tempted constantly by flavors. I grew up eating for taste, it sounded good to our tastebuds so we’d eat, or drink too (juices, coffee, koolaids, etc). I have put a better meal plan in place and have gained much health back, and although I don’t go to food/sugar like I used to, I do cave more than I want. Should my heart break over saying no to pizza, lol, no. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2018 


That's so true about pizza! I can't wait for heaven. Seems like we can have our cake and eat it too. :-) 




Karen on Dec 21, 2018 


Oh, and cake...YES!!! :) 




Karen on Dec 22, 2018 


Cake! Yum!!! 👏🏻 




Steve on Dec 11, 2018 


I led a group to Israel in 2016 and we visited Megiddo. Looking forward to visiting it again in February with another group that I will be leading. What an amazing site to visit! I love walking down the water storage site! Loved refreshing my memory of Megiddo through your video! 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2018 


That's wonderful, Steve! I hope you have a wonderful time with your group in February. Lord willing, I'll be right behind you with a group in March. God bless you. 




Christine on Sep 14, 2018 


This video helped me picture the site. While I visited it in January, I was unable to do the entire thing as I was with someone who needed assistance walking and I accompanied her back to the bus earlier than the remainder of the group. So glad you have made these videos. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2018 


That's wonderful, Christine. Thank you for assisting the woman who needed to return to the bus. I'm so glad you're getting to "revisit" Megiddo through the video! Thanks for letting me know. God bless. 




Tammie on Jun 30, 2018 


Wow! What an amazing lesson! I never thought of this place like you told it! Thank you for the rich application of this lesson! Just totally loving these lessons! I can't stop watching them! So glad I joined a s a member so I can get access to the videos! 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2018 


I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the lessons, Tammie, and that the Lord is blessing His Word, His land, and you! 



Megiddo - How to Strengthen Your Influence for God 

Samaria - How God Helps Us Become Who We Want to Be

Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 5 


I know. I hate throwing anything away. I struggle with sharing but God helps me right along! Praise God! I was amazed to see all those columns standing, built by someone else who is no longer here! Unreal. On a good note I realize my life is not my own and try to live accordingly. Interesting about the Samaritans beginnings. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6 


Such a helpful reminder, isn't it, Wanda? Our lives are not our own. 




Steve Johnson on Mar 31 






Gary Templin on Sep 1, 2022 


I think most Christians don't struggle with sharing God's blessings. I pray for those who don't. 




Ty on Jun 11, 2022 


A good question to reflect upon that Amos presented to Israel as read in Amos 6:3. 


‘Do you put off the day of calamity?’ 


We all will stand before our Creator God, no one will escape this encounter. A judgement or a welcome will be given. It is good to spend time in deciding what reaction from God we would receive and live out our life accordingly. Hopefully a welcome is our view and choice. We get to start appreciating that choice right now in walking the talk and building on our relationship with our Creator God in the here and now. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2022 


Well said, Ty. 




Frances Tencza on May 8, 2022 


A very good lesson that the prophet Amos taught! 

Accountability to God,seeking His will for us ,not taking life for granted! The people of his days were doing as they pleased as are many today! 

Jezebel was killing prophets because she didn’t like what they preached.So many prophets were killed because they were preaching accountability according to God’s law! Elijah was one prophet who was responsible for the deaths of 800 false prophets who were worshipping Baal.In fact Samaria became a place where gentiles and Jews intermingled and made their own laws,that were not biblical,according to Judaism. 

We have to be careful to seek God’s wisdom and be accountable for our action when we stray,and rely on Him to guide us back to Him! 





Ellen on Mar 31, 2022 


I learned 40 plus years ago that my life of faith is constantly being watched by others. Not the over the shoulder way, but in the way of influence. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022 


So true, Ellen. Our lives are open books for those both near and far. I pray that the Lord will use you powerfully in the lives of others. God bless you. 




Norma on Jan 18, 2022 


This pandemic -that looks like a great calamity- has put us to the test. We are not longer in control. It's time for accountability and reflection to what we have done to contribute to the spread of this virus. Personally it has brought me to seek God closer and to strengthen our relationship. As a result, He has revealed -like never before- in the theofany of my dreams. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022 


Yes, Norma, accountability is an essential part of our growing in the Lord. Another essential element is our daily time in the Scriptures – our sole source of revelation from God. 




Wanda Faith Sewell on Oct 14, 2021 


Personally, I like the glitter and glamour of Christianity! Howerver, over the years God has taught me that provision is not permission! And I also understand my life is not my own! 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2021 


Those are powerful lessons to learn, Wanda. I like that you like the glitter and glamour of Christianity. I smiled when I read that. Heaven will be full of both! 




Donna on Oct 11, 2021 


One blessing I’m struggling with is with my son. He has been the perfect child doing mostly everything right. Recently he made a mistake without checking out the consequences. He told me what he had been asked to do and I had a foreboding feeling but didn’t want to get involved since this was between him and a lifelong friend. He is too precious a blessing to me not to have been involved. I’ll have to pray for the insight and fortitude to speak out in situations like this. Any suggestions? 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2021 


Both of our daughters are grown as well, Donna, and we have a good relationship that allows for open communication. I try to offer counsel occasionally and encouragement often, rather than the other way around. I've also learned that God is fully capable of brining them counsel from elsewhere, and I'm not as essential in their decision-making process as I once was. It's an art, not a science. 




Donna on Sep 27, 2021 


If we are building our own kingdom, it would be hard to lose anything related to it, because we look at it as our own. If we are building God's kingdom, we are more likely to have an open hand, knowing it all belongs to God and that that He gives and at times takes away. If He can trust us He may give the more to us knowing we will pass it along however He directs. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021 


So true, Donna. His kingdom is the only one worth investing in. God bless you. 




Julie on Aug 19, 2021 


I think we struggle so hard to surrender the blessings we have received so easily, because we forget the source from whom all blessings flow. We aren't meant to become "all that we can be" for our own purposes. No one is ever called to a vocation for their own purposes. We all want control of everything in our lives, especially the things we think we have worked hard for, yet everything is meant to glorify God and his kingdom. 


I LOVE my church! Accountability is absolutely essential for the Christian and it changes us to live godly and eternal-focused lives. We need to be in fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ in order to have accountability in our lives. Our pastor never shies away from Scripture that challenges us......in fact, those are the passages he seeks out - the really difficult ones. I'm so glad he does! Then he directly challenges us through his messages in a loving, yet, "hits you between the eyes" challenge to self-reflect and make changes. From there, we meet weekly with our community groups to go further in depth with the current scripture and message, challenging each other and holding each other accountable. We have seen tremendous growth in ourselves and in the people in our group due to this accountability. Over the years, it has been such a blessing to see people become who they are meant to be. 


Great lesson, Wayne. Thank you! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021 


I love the point you make, Julie, that "No one is ever called to a vocation for their own purposes." Well said! God bless. 




Deanna on Jun 19, 2021 


I really enjoyed this message on accountability before God. This is a topic that you almost never hear preached in churches today with so much watered-down preaching and feel good messages which have really plagued the church. Among the ruins, I especially loved the statement that the only beauty left is that which God created in the first place. That statement really triggers theological thought. This Samaria video is beautifully rich theologically and one that I will most likely view again. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 20, 2021 


I'm so glad, Deanna, that the Samaria video hit home for you. May the Lord continue to encourage you with each video. God bless you. 




Dorothea on May 20, 2021 


Thank you for the visual and spiritual support you provide. The Bible is a living testament, given to us through God’s gracious love for us, to live life fully in his word. Thank you for giving us an additional source to experience it, as we see the country that started our faith journey. 




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021 


What a blessing, Dorothea, that the Lord encourage you through this video on Samaria. I pray that He continues to do that and that you are blessed with each video you watch. 




Connie on May 13, 2021 


How true without accountability we will not become who God intended us to be. This statement is a mouth full. I am so grateful Wayne you walk through the Biblical Land and show how to connect the Bible with the land. This gives me great joy and praise. I thank God every morning I awake for this day. I am accountable to be the best Mom I can be to our son,Isaiah. See this I take very serious for I have had two children pass away. My first son, Nicky, was 21 months old, death from drowning. My second son, Joey, passed away from a drug overdose, this is just 5 years ago, he was only 34 years old. So I feel very Bless to have Isaiah in my life, he now 21 years old. Thank you Wayne for the videos this is enriching my life and intern Isaiah’s heart 




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021 


May the Lord bless and encourage you, Connie, as you continue to walk with Him. I praise God for your gracious heart and your motherly love of Isaiah-- as well as your loving memory of Nicky and Joey. God bless you. 




Connie on May 15, 2021 


Thank you that means a lot 




Maria on Apr 23, 2021 


How true that without accountability we will never become all we want to be! Thank you, Mr. Stiles for the video and for the lesson learned! Enjoyed both very much! I try to be accountable to God at every moment and praise Him for all the blessings he pours on me every day. 




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2021 


I am so glad that the video on Samaria encouraged you, Maria. May the Lord continue to give you great grace in your relationships and even in accountability. God bless you. 




Bobbie on Mar 25, 2021 


Every morning after I awake from my slumber, I talk to God and Jesus first praying about many things. Before I put my feet on the floor, I say “OK Lord, let’s do this together. Let’s handle all of today’s problems together. Thank you Lord”. And on those days where the problems I have caused are not solved, be it in relationships, my job, financial, etc., I have to stop and repent and ask for the Lord to fix whatever it is I broke. On material things I have been blessed with, I take the items to a local community resale store that sales the wares and that money helps pay to provide hot meals to hungry people in the city I live. It’s a way to give back and help and praise God for all he has blessed me with. I keep waiting on God to work things out for my good. God Bless. Back to work. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021 


These are wonderful habits, Bobbie. Thank you so much for sharing them. May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him and serve others in His name. 




Katherine on Apr 15, 2021 


Bobbie, I love your personal prayer habit with God. I often struggle on how to pray. Your open, honest, simple manner is inspiring. I 




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021 


Katherine, thank you. I use to be the same way till I realized, praying is the same as a conversation with your best friend. Just open your heart, talk openly to our heavenly Abba. He loves hearing from us. God bless you. 




Patricia on Mar 19, 2021 


I struggle because I worked so hard to acquire them. But then I remember, it is God who gave me the strength to accomplish things in my job, so all I have acquired belongs to him He was so gracious to allow me to have these things to enjoy, so I will be gracious to others as God leads me to share my blessings remembering that these things will grow old and worn out, but God is new every morning ready to walk and talk with me. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021 


I like the way you put that, Patricia. Indeed, it is God who gifts us with the ability to do what we do. They are all for His glory. 




Gary on Mar 18, 2021 


I enjoyed the video knowing that God will make all accountable for troubles they cause to others alao one who good. I have had bothsides of life. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021 


We have all been there, Gary, as you say-- on both sides. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him for vindication. God bless you. 




Nora on Mar 12, 2021 


Hi Dr. Stiles: When will you be hosting your next tour to Israel? Thank you. 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2021 


Hi, Nora. I have Tours scheduled beginning this fall. Would love to have you join me! See more information here: www.waynestiles.com/tours 




May Joy on Mar 7, 2021 


Because we get used to the gift and the blessing and forget that the Giver and/or the Blesser is way more beautiful, sufficient and eternal than the petty gift or blessing we received which can be present today but gone tomorrow. We lose our focus on the ONE who is THE source of all good things. How silly to hold on to “stuff” which is often just a passing thing, or a passing event, or a blessing that lasts a season. So we lose perspective: the hidden blessing and the bigger purpose of letting go so we can receive again, the new, the greater and the fresh things of God. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, the taking away or the losing ought not to bother us much because we have the One who is the Bread of Life, the Living Waters, and the One who will satisfy us for eternity and having Him forever means we will not lack anything! 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021 


How essential it is that we keep our eternal perspective. Thank you for that wonderful reminder. God bless you. 




Tonya on Mar 3, 2021 


I enjoy the comfort the blessings bring but I need to love the Giver of all blessings more then the blessings and keep the comfort and the blessings in perspective and be willing to b obedient and give up the blessing when called to w the reassurance I will be blessed again and I can’t out give Gods supply. I used to feel I needed to hang on to material things and found security in the ownership but now I am really enjoying blessing other people and not just myself. I am not growing 




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021 


I love your perspective, Tonya. We cannot out-give a God who is infinite! Thank you for that wonderful reminder. 




Jae on Feb 7, 2021 


What kind of produce are are the trees ? 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021 


Tell me about where in the video are the trees with the produce you were asking about, Jae? Happy to help if I can. 




Debra on Feb 4, 2021 


You stated only God can make us who ere and who we want to be. Our closeness to him is important. Only he can deliver us. 




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021 


That's right, Debra. Only God can change us from who we were and are into whom we will be. His grace is amazing! 




James on Jan 28, 2021 


This was beautiful and precious like every single video I am watching. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021 


What a blessing, James, that you enjoyed the video on Samaria. It is so rare that a tour gets to go to this part of the Bible lands, and I'm so glad that you got to see it this way. God bless you. 




Peg on Jan 15, 2021 


In our busy lives, we get wrapped up in what we think makes us happy, forgetting that it all comes from God in the first place. May we in this new year of learning become accountable and become and do what God has planned for each one of our lives. 




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2021 


What a wonderful application you have made here, Peg. Indeed, all of our blessings come from God to begin with. May the Lord encourage you as you continue to seek Him in His Word. 




Cheryl on Dec 21, 2020 


It's our flesh and the fact we don't believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit knows better than me. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020 


You are right, Cheryl, and isn't it amazing? After all the many times that the Lord has proven Himself true, we still struggle to trust. How grateful we are for His grace! 




Karen on Oct 10, 2020 


It is so easy to get into material things and forget what God has called us to do. Time spent with God is very rewarding and many blessings follow 




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2020 


You are exactly right, Karen. The material things before us, and the many responsibilities that bear on us, can easily distract us from the main thing. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him each day. 




Janet on Sep 10, 2020 


Hello, I think the reason we struggle is because when things are going sooo great in our lives, we forget and take God for granted, and in doing so, we forget to Thank him for all his blessings great and small . We also can and do forget that when all blessings flow, we forget that nothing comes from our works but only from God . 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020 


Well said, Janet. As much as we enjoy God's blessings, you are right – sometimes they blind us to the true blessing of the Lord Himself. May He give you strength to embrace both in a balance that glorifies Him. 




Cathy on Aug 21, 2020 


We struggle so hard to surrender because we forget that we have to continue to meditate on the God who, allows blessings to overtake us. Everything belongs to him. It's a hard thing to surrender all the flesh and spirit are continually warring...👏🏽 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2020 


That’s so true, isn’t it, Cathy? Surrender seems to lie at the core of all of our struggle in the Christian life. Oh, if we would only trust God more! 




Kim on Aug 19, 2020 


A good reminder of Who we trust in and live for in these times of great distraction. It is so easy to focus on everything except our Loving God! 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020 


So true, Kim. We need those reminders and the accountability to focus on God during these distracting days. May the Lord grant you the grace of focus! God bless you. 




Apple on Aug 18, 2020 


trust god allways he will help you daily in your work everyday of your life. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2020 


That is a wonderful strategy, Li-Ann. May God bless you as you continue to trust in Him. 




Karen on Aug 16, 2020 


I struggle because my flesh wants to hold so dearly to what God gives and fixate on it, but you’re right, He’ll take it away or delay something if I don’t stop. 


Great words to ponder in this video...as all your videos contain. I heard a saying recently, “Biblical Christianity is unpopular, and popular Christianity is unbiblical.” I found that to be so true in my own accountability when I was in a popular but wrong church. Now I make sure I am following God, by way of the Holy Spirit, the true Christ of scripture, and not another Jesus made up, intentionally or unintentionally, by fallible mankind. We can get some things wrong, but we can’t get that wrong. I’m accountable to that here...and after... 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020 


I do understand that tension, Karen. Accountability is not something we naturally gravitate toward, and yet when we submit ourselves to it, it provides such a great feeling of security and affirmation in the things of God. 




Mary on Aug 3, 2020 


During this pandemic, I have found that I have become closer to God. Seeing, we could not go to Church in person or the Bible studies, I joined on-line Bible Studies and Church on-line plus this Walking the Bible lands membership. I try to tell myself when I catch myself complaining or feeling sorry for the way things are, with all the terrible things going on in the world, we should feel blessed and thankful knowing that God is with us, he is protecting us and be thankful for what we still do have, like internet so we can continue to go to church, study God and pray; for TV, for electricity, for food, for a home. Some days we struggle with it, but when we do, we need to remind ourselves to be thankful for what we do have and feel blessed knowing God is with us always. 




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2020 


Yes, Mary, we have so much to be grateful for — even during these unusual days. I am so glad that the videos are encouraging you and hopefully part of what God is using to deepen your walk with Him. 




Steven on Jul 29, 2020 


One way to look for a possible "silver lining" in the current life-interruptions of COVID-19 is that in a significant way the entire world has found itself placed in a global "time-out". Divorced from our accustomed distractions, we find ourselves with the unexpected gift of "time on our hands." My prayer for myself and for us all is that we use this break from the routine of our lives to reconnect more personally with God. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020 


What a wonderful goal. Thank you for sharing that, Steven. 




Tina on Jul 6, 2020 


This video would stop playing and I would have to advance it manually missing parts of the video. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020 


Sorry for the trouble on this video, Tina. Sometimes it is the speed of the Internet. You can always download the video and watch it from your computer without any skips. God bless. 




Jeanne on Jul 5, 2020 


I think that as a single adult, I want to feel like I am independent of being accountable to anyone. However, I know that isn’t true. I’m accountable to government, leaders at work, society and family. What I need to learn is that through it all, I am accountable to God first and foremost. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2020 


You are rare, Jeanne, among singles. So often the tendency is exactly what you expressed – independence. Thank you for following the Lord and making yourself accountable according to God's Word. God bless you. 




Bonnie on Jul 4, 2020 


I am learning a lot about the Bible Lands through your videos. This video is timely for everyone and it makes a person stop and think. 




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020 


I am so glad that you are enjoying the videos, Bonnie. May you continue to find new insight and encouragement each time. God bless you. 




Karen on Jun 25, 2020 


These videos are so interesting and your comments are so thought-provoking. They are a blessing and I know God will bless you as you continue to teach as and encourage us to draw near to God. 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020 


Thank you so much, Karen. I am thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos – and that you are finding them interesting and thought-provoking. May the Lord continue to bless you. 




Marsha on Jun 4, 2020 


Wonderful video on Samaria! I love seeing the sights and learning the history!! Do you offer travel to the Holy Land when you go? 




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020 


I'm glad you enjoyed the Samaria video, Marsha. Absolutely, yes-- I lead multiple tours each year. You can see them all here. Our spring tours are full-- but this October 2020 still has some space. Would love to have you join us. It's truly life-changing. 




Steven on Dec 19, 2019 


Great lesson from Samaria Wayne! Accountability and asking the question from Amos - "Do you put off the day of calamity?" The ruins of Samaria in this video stand in stark contrast to the timeless nature of those points. As others have noted in their posts, I pray that our nation will begin to ask the same question of itself. 




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2019 


I join you in that prayer for America, Steven. Our Christian roots still find their origins chiseled in the granite monuments in Washington DC, but the faith they display are quickly becoming museum pieces in government. Thankfully, the kingdom of God isn't the USA, and our best prayers for our homeland simply allow us to "live a quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Tim. 2), so that we may proclaim the gospel. Thanks for your good words and encouraging comment. 




Lydia on Sep 13, 2019 


Basically, I think it has to do with ownership. We are in such a habit of , "this is mine", that we are almost part of what we "perceive" to be "ours". 

It starts when we learn to speak "mine". This is where all the fights come from. 

We want other's belongings to be "mine". 

"All the world belongs to God" "and He gives us all things". 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2019 


Your insightful words, Lydia, remind me of James' words that sound similar: “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:1–2 NIV). Thanks much, and God bless you. 




Tammie on Sep 13, 2019 


Wow! It’s as if I had totally skipped over the book of Amos- I did not know the information you gave about Samaria- it was so interesting!! 

I am so excited about learning through your videos, even when I might know the story, there’s always something to learn. This one was a pleasant surprise with a great application. 

Thank you 😊 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2019 


We all have so much to learn, Tammie-- always! I'm so glad the video helped give some additional info on Amos and on Samaria. God bless you. 




Steve on Sep 12, 2019 


As I watched this video I wondered what it would be like to sit in the circular amphitheater. Then, late in the video you sat and I listened to the narrative. I thought about who may have sat in that very place you sat? This is what brings me closer to God, Wayne. Actually seeing the biblical places where the stories I read took place. As Sandra said ""Thank you for a visit to the Holy Land through your eyes," as I will never be able to see it myself. May the Lord continue to richly bless you Wayne. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2019 


I'm thrilled for you, Steve, that you get to see these places, and I'm honored to be a small part of the means of God's encouragement to you. Thank you, brother. 




Sandra on Sep 12, 2019 


“Do you put off the day of calamity?” God has heard these words before from Amos and many of us today ask the same question. Theses are words for us to think of in these very sobering times in our country. We know God will judge each one of us, but He will judge the nations as well and they will see calamity as never before. Your teaching is historical, spiritual, biblical, and prophetic. Thank you for a visit to the Holy Land through your eyes. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2019 


Your words are so true, Sandra, and so chilling. I'm so grateful for grace and hope that the Lord has mercy on the USA. Thankfully, the kingdom of God will have Jesus as its benevolent King. 




Garry on Sep 12, 2019 


Hello Wayne, 

It looks like to you found the spot in Israel that could also be named "America"! Powerful message here, lots of great questions for those of us who see it to ponder. Of course, we already know the answers to the questions about where we are with our priorities. Sobering indeed. The beautiful harp music at the end as you pan the column lined road is stunning. 




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2019 


So glad, Garry, you enjoyed the video. And YES-- Samaria's lessons spill over from its tell to us personally and nationally. I pray the Lord stays His hand on us that many will repent and grow to know Him. God bless. 



Samaria - How God Helps Us Become Who We Want to Be

Shechem - Your Place of Rededication



Saturday at 7:47pm


The legacy I want to leave my children and grandchildren is my second motivation that keeps me grounded in God’s word and devotion to Him. The first motivation, however, is thinking about the cross and how He suffered so much for me. How can I crucify my Lord again by turning away?




Wayne Stiles


9 hours ago


Wanda, your words and motives are excellent-- just magnificent. Thank you.






Saturday at 2:22am


Good reminder to soak in these timeless truths along with Wayne's teaching and expounding in this excellent done video.




Wayne Stiles


9 hours ago


Our rededication to God can happen each day anew. I'm grateful to you, Ty, for your genuine walk with Christ.




Douglas on Feb 3


Great message.... rededication....

I have heard this story many times in the past and it really came together in this message. The idea of choosing Christ is something I never thought about. I always figured it was automatic....(once saved, always saved)... I guess from now on it's going to be a conscience decision made deliberately.... Thank you for a great message that explained things quite well.... blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4


Douglas, you're right in that "once saved, always saved." In other words, we don't equate rededication to a re-salvation. But this type of rededication is in regard to our daily walk with Christ. For the woman at the well, it was salvation. But for Joshua and us-- it was a reaffirmation of that commitment.




Ty on Jan 19


Seeing this video again reminds me of those things we see every day that become so natural to us that we will probably miss their significance. All creation points to its Creator, so everything around me points to our Creator God.


What a gracious God we have who allows us to have a reminder like that. However, if I (we) don't think about those daily reminders we tend to forget and then take things for granted.


His grace and mercies are new EVERY MORNING, great is God's faithfulness. The question will always remain, how does my faithfulness line up against God's?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20


How essential is that reminder that His mercies are new each morning. We've talked about that before, haven't we? :-) Always good to have that reminder.




Anneliese on Jan 5


Before I get out of bed each morning, I meditate upon Lamentations 3:22-24. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.

The Lord is my portion, says my soul. Therefore, I will hope in Him.”

This verse is a wonderful reminder of God’s faithfulness to me always and a reason to serve Him daily. He is my hope!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6


What a great way to start each day, Anneliese! Thanks for sharing.




Doreen on Oct 9, 2022


It is a daily choice to serve God or our idols. Thank you for the reminder, and the engaging tour of this historically important valley and well.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


So true, Doreen. Those idols come knocking on our door every single day. We need regular reminders to keep the deadbolt in place.




Gary Templin on Sep 14, 2022


Awesome place.




Melissa on Jul 21, 2022


Wayne - I love your videos! Thank you for making them as most of us won't ever go there ourselves. The reminders I have to serve God daily are Scripture products I make and use continually - mugs, water bottles, bookmarks, also Bible studies like Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" which is the fantastic one I'm doing right now. Thanks again so much for your work. It's very valuable to me! Melissa O.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


Thank you, Melissa, and I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos – as well as the other resources he brings into your path. He certainly desires you to grow deeper in your knowledge and love of Christ.




Frances Tencza on Jun 16, 2022


Praying that more people will come to serve the Lord! The Secularism in our world is a great indication that rededication and more Gospel awareness is lacking!We need more Shechems with blessings and curses announced aloud to wake people up

and bring them to serve the Lord!





Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


Amen, Frances! May the Lord answer your prayer powerfully.




Marian on Jun 1, 2022


Actually reading in 1 Kings 12 this morning I came to v25 where it spoke of Shechem! Wow I thought! Walking The Bible has a video on Shechem so this is where I found myself, not the story of Jeroboam but the Samaritans. Your amazing way of teaching led me to the thought you mentioned, “to renew our minds- draw close to God away from our culture to rededication to serve our Lord in sincerity and truth daily! So that’s what I did! To focus on the gift of the truth of his word and remember Jesus words John 11:40 “if you believe, you will see the glory of God.”

Thank you for your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


What an amazing blessing, Marian, that the Lord led you to that passage and to the video that complements it. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos and especially through His Word. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on May 19, 2022


I love how there are so many biblical sites that take us back to the time of Jesus! Jacob’s well is an amazing one ,I didn’t get to see this well on my trips to Israel!It is amazing that it

provides drinkable water even to this day!The woman at the well was so blessed with her encounter of Jesus! She received a renewing of the mind and spirit which we need daily,knowing that staying in his word gives us water of life,and helps to nourish us!





Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


It is amazing, Frances, how many places in the Scriptures are still there for us to see. Geography doesn't move!




Rhonda on Apr 29, 2022


This is the first tour video I watched in my new annual membership. Why did I choose this one? Because I “needed to go through Samaria.” (John 4:4) I was blessed to travel to Israel in 2011, but I did not go to Nablus. My 70th birthday is in October, and I have prayed about celebrating with your fall tour because it includes sights I have not visited. Most of all because it included Mt. Gerizim and I hoped Jacob’s well. (I do not think I will be able to join your tour, and thus I joined your virtual tour.)


I write and teach Bible studies and since my trip to Israel, I have incorporated geographical travels in the studies. I have your travel books in my library. I have written a number of Bible studies on John 4 and studies on Mount Gerizim & Mount Ebal. Your devotional approach to this area was awesome. Thank you for making your transcript available. Your tour was spectacular, I only wish you had another one on Mt. Gerizim showing closeups and descriptions of the ruins. It is my guess filming in the area is restrictive and costly. Your film crew did a fantastic job giving us the overview of the land.


I would like to ask a few of my many questions: At Jacob’s well are you able to have a drink of water from the well? At the Greek Orthodox Covent Church is there a place in the garden area or inside the building where a group can gather for a devotion/informational time? Have you visited Joseph's Tomb? Can you share anything about what it is like to travel on a bus or on foot in this area of Samaria ? Thanks for your response and I look forward to virtually traveling with you in beloved Israel.




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


What a blessing, Rhonda, to have walked with you virtually through this significant place of Shechem and Nablus. I am thrilled that you are including geographical aspects in your writing and Bible studies. It adds so much, as you know so well!


To your questions, yes, you are able to have a drink of water from the well. There definitely is a place around the church outside or even inside where a group can gather for devotional information. I have never visited Joseph's tomb, as the area is not friendly to pilgrims. The current political climate changes often in Nablus, as you can imagine, as it is the center of Palestinian passion. I have traveled there in a car with a Palestinian guide, which is highly recommended. The last time I traveled through the area on a bus was 20 years ago. A good tour company can give you advice on practical ways to accomplish this, if you choose to do so. The tour in October will also be repeated next spring! Would love to have you, as this particular tour I repeat many times. God bless you.




Rhonda on May 2, 2022


I am very thankful I signed up for Walking the Bible Land Virtual Tours. The resources are valuable, and I realize much money was spent to make them possible. Thanks for the answers to my questions, they help me in my writing. I know God will show me when I am to travel to Israel again.




Rosemary on Apr 28, 2022


When I visited this area a couple of years ago I was only able to look down on the current city of Nablus from Mt Gerizim. When I viewed Mt Ebal from that position where I was it seemed that it was more barren than Mt Gerizim. I only saw a small section of both though. However when I saw your video (beautifully done -thank you) I had similar thoughts. I thought that was interesting - Mt Gerizim (Blessing) and Mt Ebal (Curses). As you have viewed these areas from different positions I wonder if you could advise me if they are so different in vegetation.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Yes, Rosemary, they are indeed very different. In fact, some of us refer to Ebal as E-bald. :-)




Rosemary on Apr 28, 2022


Thank you Wayne.




Ty on Apr 23, 2022


If anything has inspired me in viewing these videos is Wayne sharing his heart and not reading a script. We all know from the year end bloppers, there are retakes, probably more than we are shown, but it's who sharing the teaching and expounding. If we think it is Wayne, we're missing the mark. If one shares their heart it shares what is in one's heart.


Revelation 3:20: 'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.'


Wayne carries a bible as a reminder of the closeness of God's Word to him and us. When one starts to distance themselves from God's Word and only seeks knowledge, a turn takes place. Is knowledge bad, no, in my opinion. but what's my motive for seeking knowledge?


It is great when history acknowledges the Word for us to absorb into our life. Our history has to be consistent with God's Word. We then have God Himself, or our personal internal Counsellor, to help us fill in the many gaps we read in His Word to us in applying it into our life. And yet we are called to walk in faith when what is beyond human understanding, science and knowledge to trust Him. Every day is a learning day in God's practical school of life. The question is, am I going to show up for class?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


Really appreciate your gracious words here, Ty. I am reading a script, to be honest, but it is also my heart! It takes hours of thought and study to synthesize these videos into bite-size chunks. And yes – carrying the Word of God is an essential part of these videos as is reading it. We need the book!




Ty on Apr 17, 2022


In seeing this video again I am reminded with the question. How consistent is humanity versus God's consistency? Not really a good track record on humanity's side and a perfect record on God's side. Just whom do I really desire to follow and to lead me?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


Like you, Ty, my time together in the scriptures with the Lord each day is a time of spiritual renewal.




Karen on Mar 31, 2022


I have viewed about 10 videos now and I just love these! The content, presentations, and messages are all so amazing. Thank you for putting these together. What an incredible library! So blessed to have you sharing all of this with me and others!

I plan to watch all the videos over the course of the year along with my Bible reading. It is so interesting to see the areas where the history and lessons in the Bible took place. Thanks again, Wayne, for compiling and creating this amazing resource! God Bless YOU!





Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022


I'm really excited, Karen, how the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. Thank you so much for taking a moment to let me know! God bless you. By the way, you know I also have a program for each both the Old Testament and the New Testament — to read each Testament through in a year with these videos connected to the Scriptures?




Karen on Mar 31, 2022


Yes! Good to know...I will consider that, as currently I have been watching them in the order you have been presenting them. However , a program for each Testament would be ideal. Thanks! Also...I have been telling others about your site / videos. Such a blessing and treasure!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2022


Thank you for spreading the word, Karen! God bless you.




Elsie on Mar 30, 2022


I was led to revisit this tour and it was very much needed. Sometimes I just need a gentle reminder from our lord and this was just right. Thank you for suppling this mission of discovery to those of us unable to travel home, we are blessed.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30, 2022


I applaud you, Elsie, for continuing to deepen in your walk with Christ and for your desire to rededicate yourself to Him. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Mar 2, 2022


Each day a new day. I asked God to continue to give me the strength and encouragement to make this day to serve him, love him as he wants me to.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2022


What a wonderful game plan, Rosemarie. May the Lord continue to bless you as you rededicate yourself to him each day.




Norma on Jan 18, 2022


What makes my re-dedication to my Lord is the assurance that I will not be thirsty again, knowing that He fills my life with love, peace and the promise of eternal life. Samaria is a place that I don't want to miss visiting.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022


I love the way you put that, Norma. Yes, we have wonderful assurance of our salvation through Jesus Christ. May that peace continue to bless you.




Jay on Jan 16, 2022


Another great tour! Thank you for your reminder and encouragement to rededicate each day.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


I'm so glad, Jay, that the Shechem video encouraged you. Those basic principles also encourage me and my rededication to God. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022


Jay, I just saw your question about Joseph's brothers selling him in Dothan, not Shechem. (Sorry, but I can't find your question here on the web site.) You're right about Dothan, but Joseph initially went to Shechem to find his brothers because that's where they were supposed to be. Thanks.




Marian on Jan 13, 2022


His word hidden in my heart, each day I hear this verse

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness “

That is where my devotions begin so he is with me until I rise the next morning.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


What a wonderful verse to think about each morning, Marian. I pray that the Lord would continue to draw you close to Himself with a renewal and rededication every day. God bless you.




Joan on Nov 22, 2021


I build practices and routines into my life to remind me that God only is the One for me to serve, such as devotionals in the a.m., an app on my phone that takes me to a moment with the Lord three times a day, and reading my Bible at night before I turn out the light. I also bring all my questions, puzzlings, doubts, and/or praise to Him throughout the day as moments and issues arise. Wishing you and your loved ones a Very Happy Thanksgiving, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2021


Your strategy is a wonderful one, Joan. Thank you so much for sharing. I applaud you for your consistent and regular focus on God. God bless you.




Angie on Nov 18, 2021


I love the video of Shechem/Samaria. The area is beautiful. You describe everything thoroughly. Great tour!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2021


I am so glad that you enjoyed the Shechem video, Angie. Indeed, it is a very beautiful area and it is rich with biblical history. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you! God bless you.




Dawn on Nov 13, 2021


The question here and in the previous two videos I only can answer by acknowledging my vulnerability and insecurity. I know I can only get through each day with the help of God and not by my own power. I have a painting of Jesus walking on the water that my brother painted for me in oils in answer to my request. I wanted to be reminded daily that I must remember to keep my eyes on Jesus. It is a beautiful large painting that hangs in my dining area opposite of where I sit to eat.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2021


Amen, Dawn! Only with the power of God can we continue to walk with Him and honor Him. May He continue to strengthen you to do so. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Oct 21, 2021


I like to say I've been saved going on 50 years and walking with God going on 40 years. He and I have gotten so close I don't need reminders to be with God each day. My concern though from time to time is the issue of religion vs relationship! I sure enjoyed this very informative video and how you tied so many things together.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Thank you, Wanda. I am right there with you in the regular communion with God on a daily basis. And yet, how essential it is that we continually re-dedicate our selves to Him! We come to Shechem every day.




Donna on Sep 27, 2021


For me, it is the voice of God's Holy Spirit who is always keeping the Lord as my first priority day by day. He speaks to me through my dreams at night, and through His Word, worship, devotional time, prayer, the beauty of His creation, and other believer's, during the day. He has led and guided me for 34+ years, since I gave Him my life, and pencils "divine appointments" into the hours of my day to serve Him and help others He puts on my path. After all He's done for me, every day my heart is grateful, and lives to serve Him.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021


What a wonderful testimony, Donna. Thank you so much for sharing it.




Sandra on Aug 30, 2021


Very beautiful indepth revelatoty teachings. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


I am so glad, Sandra, that the Lord encouraged you through the Shechem video. I pray that He continues to do this with each and every episode! God bless you.




Julie on Aug 20, 2021


You mentioned Joseph's bones being carried from Egypt and buried in Shechem (his bones remaining in Egypt for 360 years before this transport). Talk about a "location" that Joseph set his sights on through his act of faith in requiring an oath from his family as to where he would be buried........all from the foundation on which he rested and risked everything - THE PLAIN PROMISE OF GOD. Our purpose is not exhausted in our earthly lives, and his bones being transported would serve others as a testimony of the faith available to all. Our pastor just preached, last Sunday, on Hebrews 11:1-40 regarding OT believers who exemplify godly faith - trust and a reliance on God to make good on His promises.........that's why Joseph stood out to me in your video. I may listen to that sermon again, now that I have the images of Shechem which you laid out so beautifully.


The sun rising each morning and setting each evening on His command are reminders for me to serve Him each day. Other reminders: Stories of the OT patriarchs who had such faith yet were so far away from the advantage we have today as Christians in the Messiah having come. We've heard the good news and have no excuse not to serve God each day.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021


Beautiful, beautiful thoughts and applications you've shared, Julie. Have you read my book on Joseph, Waiting on God? If not, you may find much encouragement there-- and definitely it coincides with your pastor's message. God bless you.




Julie on Aug 21, 2021


I have not read your book on Joseph, but would love to. Where can I purchase a copy? Thank you for the recommendation.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2021


You can pick up a copy on Amazon or get an autographed copy here. God bless you, Julie. Thanks.




Maria on Aug 13, 2021


being married and the call to serve and love , respect, help Leo my husband.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2021


May God bless you, Maria, as you follow God's lead and enjoy those blessings you mentioned.




Dorothea on May 27, 2021


Thank you for showing us the way, by walking the Bible land and giving spiritual insights to the sites and lives lived by the well known biblical characters. I hope to “accompany” you in many more walks!




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2021


I am excited, Dorothea, for all of our upcoming journeys together through these videos. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each one.




Connie on May 13, 2021


Thank you for the video, it was awesome seeing Jacob’s well and the reminder of the women at the well. I choose daily to follow God. Every morning I read the devotional “Jesus calling” the devotion usually gives three Bible verse to assist in my thinking. I feel so Blessed to have found you thank you so much for the guidance you have given me through your talks and videos




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


I'm excited for you, Connie, to explore and to see the many places of the lands of the Bible! May God bless you as you watch each video and dig deeper. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the Jacob's Well video in Shechem. God bless you.




Maria on Apr 29, 2021


My quiet time in the presence of the Lord, with His Word, reminds me to serve Him and become more like Him! I fail many times, but every morning is a new beginning!

I loved to see Jacob's Well! Thank you for such uplifting videos! God bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


That's right, Maria, every morning is full of God's tender mercies. I am so glad that you enjoyed the mornings with him in His Word. And I am thrilled that you loved the Jacob's Well video! God bless you.




Bobbie on Apr 14, 2021


So happy to see Jacobs Well in this video. Have always loved this story. How the Samaritan women was excited to go tell everyone about Jesus. This story helps me to remember the joy she had and I need to have that joy each day to serve the Lord in spirit and truth. Thank you for sharing Jacobs well.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


You are welcome, Bobbie. Yes, Jacob's Well is a wonderful site. One of the few places we can say with certainty, "Jesus was here – right here!"




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


A big AMEN to that.!




Joan on Mar 25, 2021


My daily morning devotionals and my Bible reading and prayers at night before I turn out the light--as well as prayers I raise during the day as concerns and joys come with each day--guide me to serve and worship the Lord only, that, like Abraham, I might be counted as righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ before God.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


Absolutely correct, Joan. I love the way you phrase all this and the habits each night you have. I especially appreciate the reminder that our righteousness is only because of Jesus. Magnificent!




Joan on Mar 25, 2021


Thank you. To His glory alone.




Patricia on Mar 19, 2021


Every morning I feel the spirit of God within calling me. Most days I follow Gods lead as I learn his ways can be my ways, IF I chose to drawer near through his word and prayer he draws near to me. Joshua 24:15




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


So true, Patricia, that our daily decisions are often what determines our days. May the Lord bless you as you choose each day whom you will serve.




Lydia on Mar 13, 2021


For me is when I awake every morning and before I begin my day I read his words and it gives me the strength to begin my day




May Joy on Mar 7, 2021


For me, it’s very Sunday when I am at church attending church services. The sermon, the worship, the prayers, every part of the church fellowship is a reminder to me to respond to God’s Presence and His message to rededicate my life to Him on the first day of each week. And when I read my Bible every morning, it is my way of staying focused and grounded on Jesus and His daily Word, day by day.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021


I like the way you put that, May Joy. Indeed, our daily time with Christ is a wonderful opportunity for rededication.




Bonnie on Mar 6, 2021


I continue to be mesmerized by these virtual tours!! The message you entwined through each one brings greater understanding as well!!! “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” has an extra special meaning to me now!! I too dedicate myself to the Lord each new day and throughout!! You have opened my mind and my heart for a closer walk with our Lord!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021


What a blessing, Bonnie, that the Lord is encouraging you through these virtual video tours. I pray that they will continue to be an encouragement to you! God bless you.




Katherine on Mar 4, 2021


Choose today whom you will serve. Such simple but meaningful words. I will rededicate myself to my Lord and speak these words each morning to guide my day as God directs me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021


How thrilling, Katherine, that the Lord would encourage you and inspire you to re-dedicate yourself to the Lord each morning. May He bless you as you do so! Thanks for your comments and encouragement.




Margaret on Mar 3, 2021


I am amazed at these videos! So much information, So wonderful to see these sights. Your messages are very impacting. I am so thankful I found this work you & your team have produced while being led by God.


Trivial question. The buildings in Shechem look so cold & bleak. I'm assuming they are all white to help against the heat. Are these modern homes inside? Is this an area of modest living or is there much poverty?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Thank you so much, Margaret, for your enthusiasm and your gracious words. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you! You are correct in your assessment of Shechem. This is a primarily a Muslim city, and their culture simply represents a very different standard of living than what we are used to—in fact, it is even much different from the Jewish modern culture. Poverty is everywhere, of course, but these homes tend to look shoddy regardless.




Tonya on Mar 3, 2021


Before I step foot out of my bed I declare this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it and in our morning prayer my husband and I have been declaring I submit. I submit all that could make me worried and we declare your will b done not ours Lord. I have to declare truths and my submission to God out loud on a regular basis to keep me from forgetting or withdrawing when things get uncomfortable. It often surprises me how often I seem to forget things I think I’ve already learned in tough times. As for me and my house we will serve You alone. Help us Lord where we lack in Jesus’ name amen




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


I know what you mean, Tonya. Indeed, we need regular reminders and rededications to the Lord. May He bless you as you walk with Him each day.




Barbara on Mar 2, 2021


It's so cool that Jacob's well remains in this location today after 2,800+ years. I love the way you explain what Shechem was like in biblical times and who the key people were that resided here and their history. I love the spiritual message that you thread throughout each video. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2, 2021


Thank you, Barbara! I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. God bless you.




Dorothy on Feb 13, 2021


Thank you for helping to bring the Bible to life! These are very meaningful videos.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


Thank you, Dorothy! I am so glad that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I pray that they continue to illuminate the Word of God and to encourage your walk with Christ. God bless you.




Cheryl on Dec 21, 2020


What does Tel mean when you pronounce it before a location or city? Or did I miss this explanation?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020


Great question, Cheryl! And so essential for biblical studies. "Tel" is an archaeological term that refers to an artificial hill or mound built by layers of civilization built on top of one another. They are easily identified from natural hills, because they usually have a relatively flat surface. When the word "tel" is before a biblical site's name, it signifies that we are referring to the ancient site. For example, "Tel Beersheba" distinguishes it from the modern city of Beersheba. I hope that helps some. God bless you.




Patricia on Oct 14, 2020


Absolutely antonishing that after 2,800 years Jacob's well is still there, in a church! I love the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus takes just as we are! What an amazing love! Thank you for your time and dedication in taking us to these historical places. As I read God's word, I'm seeing these places in a different light.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2020


It really is amazing, isn't it, Patricia? That well hasn't moved in almost 3000 years... I'm thrilled the video encouraged you, and it's a privilege to journey with you to these special places of Scripture. God bless you.




Pamela on Sep 22, 2020


We must choose to follow God. No one can make you, this is something you want to do in your heart. Put God first.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


This is so true, Pamela. I find that Joshua's passion to remind God's people of God's mercy throughout history is a wonderful model for us. We need reminders of God's great work in our lives in order to re-dedicate ourselves to Him anew. God bless you.




Lucille on Sep 9, 2020


Everyday I choose to follow God and walk in His ways. I trust Him and believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I pray for wisdom to make Godly decisions and to remember that when we are weak, He is strong. With all our imperfections, I am humbled by His amazing love for us all.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


What wise and profound thoughts you shared, Lucille. Indeed, we need to rededicate ourselves on a daily – if not hourly — basis. How essential that we walk moment by moment with the Lord. And you are right, He is amazingly gracious!




Cathy on Sep 5, 2020


My reminders to serve God each day is the fact that I'm filled with his spirit so therefore in o order for me to stay feeling up with him I must stay in his words as well as the things that I see and hear everyday we need to pray for one another we need to learn that we cannot be selfish as well as judgmental that we as the body of Christ need each other and those that don't know him we need to witness to as well as pray for.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2020


Great points, Cathy. Indeed, we do need one another and we most certainly need to be in the Scriptures on a daily basis in order to keep our minds renewed and focused on Him.




Teresa on Sep 3, 2020


I have a metal cross by my house entrance with Joshua 24:15 inscribed on it. It’s a physical reminder who is #1 here. I see it every morning on my way to my QT.

I’m studying Joshua . Seeing the video gave me a better understanding of Shechem ‘s significance.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2020


What a great idea, Teresa! I love that verse – especially because it reminds me of all the history and rededications at Shechem.




Apple on Sep 2, 2020


I will look at my SOAP book. SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. I will observe what Jesus had done in the Bible and I will think about what I can learn from the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2020


What a great strategy, Li-Ann. Keep up the great work in the Word of God.




Kim on Aug 19, 2020


I have heard verse 15 a million times but verse 14 must be considered before we can make the statement that we will serve the Lord. So many things get in the way and daily we must make the decision to do just that. Removing the idols in our lives. Fear the Lord and serve Him with faithfulness. Only then can we shout from the mountain tops, we will serve the Lord. Each day the choice is ours. God does not bully us! He wants us to desire Him daily.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


Absolutely, Kim. The context completely speaks to the application. So essential that we make the personal choice to follow God regardless of our family, our culture, or anything but our own dedication.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


What reminds me to serve God each day was getting into the practice of it. When I left the world for Jesus I had to set up new practicing routines for my life: morning devotions, music change, Word study, new behaviors...and remember to do them till they became second nature and a part of who I am now in Christ. Great video, thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


How wonderful for you, Karen, to have new rituals for your morning that assist and aid in your spiritual life and growth. May the Lord continue to affirm you as you make these wonderful decisions each day for him. I am right there with you.




Mary on Aug 3, 2020


My morning and evening prayers; My daily bible study on line; my alarm goes off to remind me of on-line AM and PM devotions and morning devotions sent to my email. I try to listen to as many as I can each day, but these are all reminders to serve God each day and to try to keep my focus on God.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2020


What a great way to trigger the reminder, Mary. And I applaud you for your daily Bible study and prayers. There is nothing more essential to keeping our hearts focused on the truth.




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


As an ordained Deacon in the Anglican Church (ACA), I read the services of Morning and Evening Prayer each day as part of my devotional practice. These daily reminders serve to keep my mind renewed and heart centered on God--a valuable practice of "rededication" each day. Wayne, your presentation of the lessons of Shechem are both instructive and inspiring. Thanks yet again!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


I applaud your dedication, Steven, to the daily readings. I agree with you; it is so essential that we keep our heart and mind firmly fixed on the truth of God’s Word. May He continue to bless you as you do so.




Hal Warren on Jul 12, 2020


Very profound, seeing the two mountains and aligning them with the Biblical events of Abraham and Jacob! Choose to live a Blessed life or a Cursed life. Powerful! This video touched my heart. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020


Thank you, Hal! Yes, those two mountains represent two decisions and lives before to God. May we be the one blessed!




Gina on Jun 19, 2020


This is one of my very favorite videos.. I love seeing Jacob's well. I can truly relate to the Samaritan woman at the well, and not only to know the Biblical story of her, to actually see and know the well still exists is a blessing. It brings tears of joy to my eyes and fills my heart with joy to know this Biblical truth and it's existance today. Love it!! Thank you, Dr. Wayne. You have blessed my Bible studies through your videos of Walking the Bible Lands.. heartfelt thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2020


I'm thrilled, Gina, that the Lord has blessed your Bible study through the videos! May He continue to do so as you follow the great Savior Jesus, who fills us up to overflowing so that we never thirst again.




Jim on Jun 18, 2020


I so loved this teaching this morning. In our dining room we have a 9 foot by 4 foot ship lap section with iron lettering that is Joshua 24:15b. So every day when we get up it is the first thing we see on our way to our devotional study area. It is so important for us to be reminded daily whom we belong to and whom we serve. That visual reminder of that sign also contains two butterflies. Butterflies remind me of the changed life through Jesus Christ!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


What a wonderful metaphor on your dining table, Jim! What a wonderful idea. I'm so glad that the video is able to affirm this in your heart and to encourage you even more. God bless you.




Heather on Jun 18, 2020


The Church over Jacob's well is certainly beautiful and inspiring with its architecture and colorful Icons and garden. I just wonder if you are ever visiting a new location and disappointed that it was not left in its natural setting (without a church over it)?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


Oh, Heather, absolutely! While I am so grateful that a church is over many places to identify and preserve the location, sometimes, admittedly it is a huge distraction. Occasionally, like at the Sea of Galilee, it's wonderful to see the real thing just as Jesus saw it.




Sue on May 22, 2020


I love the way you set the stage by putting cities on the map and describing their location. I hadn't pieced together that Shechem is between Mt. Gerezim and Mt. Ebal. What a biblical journey to consider God's repeated covenant commitment to his people in Shechem, and likewise, Joshua and Jesus' call to respond with a life of service. Starting the day with Christian music helps my focus.




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


Yes, Sue, Shechem is an amazing place. So much history in so little square footage! Thanks for your comments and God bless you.




Gina on May 13, 2020


I find it so amazing that Jesus actually was at Jacob's well with the Samaritan woman.. looking at Jacob's well inside the church, well, that just was amazing to see and know that Jesus was there. Such a blessing to SEE these Biblical truths! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2020


That's right, Gina, it's amazing to see what Jesus saw, to walk where He walked, and to experience the breezes and hills of His own time in Israel. I'm so glad the videos help bring some of that to life for you. God bless you.




Diana on Apr 30, 2020


I so enjoyed this video! It was one of the places I wanted to go to, but we didn't get to. It's one of the few places that you can say, "Jesus was definately here". Not to mention the patriarchs.




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


Yes, Diana, Shechem is a wonderful place to visit – and it is a place that very few tours ever get to see. It is just such a challenge to change buses, guides, etc. I am glad the video encouraged you, and I hope they continue to do so. God bless.




Rosemary on Mar 24, 2020


Great video Wayne. Thank you. I watched the video prior to going to Israel late last year. I certainly understand what I saw in the video more now. It makes it so much clearer now. Although I was not able to go to this archaeological site or visit the area where Jacob’s Well is located, it helped me a lot as I was only able to look down into the area from Mt Gerizim because our tour group was not able to get into the area that you went into. We had to go in an armoured bus to Samaria. Thanks for sharing this video and the importance of our dedication to our God. It’s really good to review the videos that you have done and listen to your commentary and message. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2020


If it helps you feel any better, Rosemary, it's very common not to be able to go there. Changing buses, changing drivers, changing guides — all these cost money and take time. So much more benefit is gained (and saved) by adding in several more sites to replace this one. I'm glad the videos give you a virtual sense of being there!




Steven on Dec 20, 2019


Great video, lesson and views Wayne! We did not visit Shechem on my two tours in Israel and I wish we could have. The aerial views and the map orientation is extremely helpful. To see how Mt. Ebal (north) and Mt. Gerizim (south) are oriented and create the valley below with the pass so critical to history is so helpful. The point "to choose this day whom you will serve" is a point I wish I had repeated each day of my life as I arose to face the day - and several times throughout. The busyness of life with all of its distractions can easily allow that timeless principle so vividly illustrated by this location to slip to the unconscious background of our activities.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 20, 2019


You're right, Steven-- and so well said. The demands of our daily lives can distract us from the daily decision to "choose this day." It's not only a direction of a lifetime, but it's a decision for each day. So glad the video on Shechem helped and encouraged you. Your comments did the same for me today! Thanks.




Scott on Jan 3, 2019


Wayne, great views of Shechem valley. I love to explore the area and relive the patriarchal stories played out there as well as of Jesus and the disciples. My wife and I had a treasured experience this past October exploring Mt. Ebal and Joshua's Altar. It was quite an adventure and story of how it all worked out. Would love to share with you about it sometime. We were able to introduce two Israeli soldiers who were our armed escort to the site and the sacred covenant that was renewed between Israel and God on that site.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2019


Wow, Scott, what a fabulous opportunity to explain to God's people what God covenanted with His people! Would love to hear about your time there sometime.




Lawrence on Jan 3, 2019


This such a special video Wayne. The geography in Shechem we can touch and see strengthens my faith. Thank you for confirming and reminding us that faithfulness is a daily choice, with ramifications for this age and the age to come! Maranatha! Kevin




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


You're welcome, Kevin. Seems like your clan had its own study of Shechem, no? :-) Thanks for your insightful reminder about faithfulness. It really matters, even when we think it doesn't. God bless you, brother.




Donna on Jan 3, 2019


I really appreciated your devotional. We've been to Shechem 3 times, It is one of my favorite places next to Shiloh and the Galilee. I was a little surprised that you didn't discuss the standing stone. From what I understand that is a fragment of the whole stone that Joshua placed there. Unless they have changed their thoughts on that? Thanks again.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


You make a good point, Donna. Honestly, the standing stone isn't conclusive that Joshua put it there, though it's possible. There is so much history at Shechem that it's really hard to know what to omit. :-) I'm grateful for your insight.


I love that you've been to Shechem so many times. That's rare! Most tourists don't even get close to Nablus. :-)




Bruce on Jan 3, 2019


Excellent Wayne,

There were many things that happened here. It is a key point of reference in the events of the Word. It helps in understanding and linking all of those things together. I am 74 years old now after pastoring for 40 years. I will physically never be able to visit the Holy Lands so I enjoy your presentations as the next best thing. Thanks, Bruce Harpel




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


Thank you, Bruce, for serving the Lord in the pastorate for 40 years. That's magnificent! I'm honored you would take these virtual tours with me and continue to engage in God's Word and work. God bless you.




Linda on Jan 5, 2019


Bruce after reading your post it reminded me that Moses did not get to stand in the promised land while he was alive but after his death he was honored to not only be in the holy land but to stand there with the promised Savior at the Mt. of transfiguration. The giver of the law (Moses) was able to witness the fulfillment of the law and to the giver of Grace (Jesus). You too might not physically see the promised land while alive but scripture promises we will be there for all eternity with the King of Kings as we serve as priests! Shalom and Marinatha!




Steve on Jan 3, 2019


Another wonderfully insightful video. I especially like the graphics like the ones that pointed to the two mountains. They enhanced my connection to actually being there. You are truly a gifted teacher Wayne. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


Thanks, Steve. Really honored to take these journeys with you. I'm thrilled the Lord continues to encourage you with our tours! God bless you too.




Mary Anne on Jan 3, 2019


Thanks for your wonderful teaching through 2018!

I am looking forward to all you have planned for 2019!

May the Lord Bless You and your family through this coming year!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


Thank you so much, Mary Anne! It's an honor to journey with you to this special places. God bless you.




Mary on Jan 3, 2019


Loved the video teaching on Shechem! What a great review of Israel's history! This is the perfect video to show to my class as we return from Christmas break and continue on our journey through the Bible. We will be starting our study at the beginning of the divided nation of Israel. Thanks again, Wayne, for a great video! Happy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2019


Happy New Year, Mary! Yes, Shechem is a microcosm of biblical history—from Abraham, to Joshua, to the divided kingdom, to Jesus... So much to great history and application from that place. God bless you as you lead your class this year.




Mary on Jan 3, 2019


Thanks Wayne!



Shechem - Your Place of Rededication

Jericho - Walls Fall in Your Life with One Question

Bonnie DeFreese on Apr 11


Is this road you are talking about the ascent of Adummim that you told us about?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11


Bonnie, I'm not sure in what context I said this, but the Ascent of Adummim is the road that leads up from Jericho to Jerusalem.




Brenda on Mar 23


Reading through the Bible again, I am thankful I can revisit this video and remind myself if this site where God displayed just a bit of His great power!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


Absolutely, Brenda! Jericho is one of the most awesome sites and its history is astounding. God bless you.




Gary on Mar 3






Wayne Stiles on Mar 3


That would flatten us all, Gary! :-)




Ty on Jan 19


Great video to see once again and take some reflective time to allow God's intentional thoughts to soak in for my life's application. The question Wayne poses to us is an excellent one.


Seek ye first (Matthew 6:33) is my initial answer, but is it my desire and life's work? Lots of distractions in my life and many who are vying for my time and there are places I sleek off to for my own personal reasons.


How often do I still myself before our Creator God and desire to spend time with Him? If is good to challenge oneself on such thoughts and ask myself, am I on the right road in life?




Frances Tencza on May 19, 2022


I am asking Jesus to help me to tear down my walls of insecurities and to rely on him,to walk in his ways, to lean on his understanding of how he wants me to live, setting a good example to those in my life! Being more compassionate and loving towards others, especially my family!





Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


I join you in that prayer, Frances.




Ty on Apr 7, 2022


This is my first viewing of this video. Lots of historical facts and references are given and the teaching is very good in increasing one's knowledge. Once all the statements about facts and a recount of digs is made with their learnings to prove or disprove one another, Wayne takes us into a little spiritual reflection time.


Walls, are your and mine still up or have you and I allowed God to work in our life to allow these spiritual walls around us to tumble down as He did in the physical sense with Jericho's account in the bible as read in Joshua 6:1-20.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


So glad you finally saw the video on Jericho, Ty. I wonder how many others you have yet to see! God bless you.




Marjorie on Mar 5, 2022


There is so much in this video. One thing that stands out is our need to ask for mercy. I love this truth. So powerful and life changing. I'm so enjoying all these videos. It has made a huge impact on my thought process studying and conversing about the scriptures. What a blessing this has been. Thank you!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


I am thrilled, Marjorie, that the Lord continues to encourage you to the videos. May he continue to do so! Indeed, we all are in desperate need of his mercy, more than anything else. God bless you.




Hal Warren on Mar 2, 2022


“Expedition Bible: Jericho Unearthed," also available on PureFlix.




Ivette Rebecca on Feb 16, 2022


Mahalia, Mahalia & Mahalia! Glad to know one day will sig together in heaven. :)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


Amen, Ivette! Boy, she could sing, couldn't she?




William on Feb 14, 2022


My husband suggested our problems with reception of your videos (i.e. freezing and wobbly, audio and, possibly difficulty in signing in) might be that you from time to time have too low a band width. Is that a possibility? Mary




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2022


I really doubt that the issue is on my end, Mary. Bandwidth is mostly an issue with a user's Internet provider. I recommend downloading the videos and watching them that way, if you're having trouble.




William on Feb 16, 2022


Thank you for responding. I really hope we can get this to work I have recommended this program to others. I think your tours are wonderful and my hubby and I have mobility issues. and don't plan to travel. Although he had degree in Electronic Engineering, he can't seem to keep up with my mess ups with the computer.. We thought we had downloaded your videos and were watching them in that way. What are we doing wrong?


Thanks in advance for your continued help and patience. We have become ancient of days and need His help and mercy more and more. Praise Him for His faithfulness. Bless you and your work.. Bill & Mary




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


There is a button below each video, or perhaps in the sidebar, that says to download the video. That's the button you want to click. If you continue to have trouble, please contact us here.




Norma on Jan 18, 2022


Fifty one years ago I was a college student when God in his mercies brought my walls down. Today, if God ask me, What can I do for you? I would ask mercy for my husband that lies in a extended care facility with Advanced Parkinson waiting for a miracle. Sometimes God need our faith and actions for those miracles to happen. I contacted University of CA to enroll my husband in a trial group for stem-cell therapy. It's our last hope for a cure. I am waiting for doctor actions to do the rest. It's in God hands and will that this miracle rest.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022


I join you in your prayers, Norma, for your husband's healing. I also pray that the Lord will give you comfort as He leads you in the next steps. God bless you.




Patti on Dec 2, 2021


Mercy I find myself hiding behind my weight instead of being who God created me to be. I want my walls to crumble down and go forth and spread the good news if Jesus.




Dawn on Nov 13, 2021


I agree with Bartimaeus - Mercy is the best choice. I want mercy here for what I have done and failed to do, and I want to be with Jesus in eternity.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2021


I'm with you, Dawn. Mercy is my greatest need as well. I'm so glad you enjoyed the video.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Oct 28, 2021


That's a hard one to answer. Of course, it's a given that we need grace and mercy every day. If you give mercy you'll receive mercy (Matthew 5). I notice in my own life no matter what I ask God for I always need something else. I have gotten in the habit of saying the following: "LORD, I don't care what I want if You don't want me to have it, don't give it to me, even if I think I want it." Over the years I learned that attitude and motive are also of importance to God. So I pray something like: "LORD, I realize if You give me every little thing I ask You for, a monster will be created." Other times I say, "LORD, is it okay if I ask for thus and so?" You get the idea here. This is just a fraction of some of how I relate to God over issues of asking.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2021


I like your point about motive, Wanda. It reminds me of Jesus words in John 7:18: "He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."




Donna on Sep 28, 2021


I would ask Jesus to continue showing His mercy on myself and all of my family; to guide us day by day keeping us in the center of His will.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021


That is a magnificent prayer, Donna. Indeed, our greatest need from the Lord is mercy. And His mercies are new every morning! He is so gracious…




Julie on Aug 20, 2021


I would ask what I often begin many of my prayers with: Psalm 139::23-24, "Search me, Oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." I am so blind to my own faults and sins.....in what I have done and in what I have failed to do. It is important to ask Him to open my eyes to the things I cannot see, in order that I can repent and strive to reflect His character to others.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021


What a great prayer, Julie. Indeed, only God can show us the blind spots that only He sees. God bless you.




Micol Mora on Jul 8, 2021


Thank you Dr. Stiles my dream was to travel and walk where Jesus walk and see God creation, but circunstancias happen that we can not travel now and God use you to show us his land and so many places . Found true and mercy through the virtual videos walking the Bible land. God timing is amazing. God bless you and your family and friends who help you to created this virtual videos.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 8, 2021


I’m so glad you’re enjoying the videos! I pray that God’s grace continues to bless you.




Barbara on Jun 30, 2021


Thank you Dr. Stiles for the video comments especially the mini sermons urging us to walk with Him as I'm learning daily that I can do nothing without Jesus in my life. I pray that He will continue to develop His faithfulness in my character and that I would be filled with praise for all He has done in my life and that of my family.





Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2021


I'm so glad, Barbara, that the video on Jericho was an encouragement to you. I loved reading your words of personal application. Thank you.




Diane on Jun 29, 2021


I would ask Jesus for mercy in my life




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2021


Yes, Diane, I'm right there with you. Mercy is our greatest need. God bless you.




Connie on May 14, 2021


Thank you for the video and opening my eyes to sooo much more. I pray the Lord open my eyes and help me to understand the ways. I pray to use this in my daily life with my family and work. I work in a nursing home. I prayed for patients and received now I need understanding of what they need, I will use this video for sure thank you again. I feel sooo Blessed you are doing the walking the Bible lands for I can not afford to go. Thank you again




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


Connie, you are the reason I created Walking the Bible Lands. I pray that the videos will be the next-best-thing for you to traveling to Israel. God bless you as you serve Him in your significant work.




Charis on May 7, 2021


I was so pleased to hear you talk about the errors of Kathleen Kenyan's research. I learned about her errors first from the series by filmmaker Timothy Mahoney on the Exodus (Patterns of Evidence) and the archeological digs and the evidence found to support Scripture. His research explains how past timelines of the Exodus have had an error due to a presumption that Moses and the Israelites took the Exodus under Pharaoh Ramses instead of later under a later Pharaoh (I forgot which one but it's in the movie). His work (in the many movies he's made) shows an abundance of evidence confirming many of the stories of the Bible. What an incredible research he is doing to uncover the actual dates that confirm the Bible accounts along with all the evidence to match! Thank you for being accurate in your studies and teaching! God bless your work and ministry. Your work has been a delight, like a balm of peace and enriching my husband and I in the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2021


I'm so glad, Charis, that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I appreciate your comment on this Jericho video, in particular. I think you would also enjoy my interview with Bryant Wood. He is the true expert on all things Jericho. God bless.




Maria on Apr 30, 2021


I love you, Lord, I praise your Holy Name. Thank you for loving me with your mercy and grace each day. I pray for mercy for my family, especially for my prodigal son. In your precious name, I pray, Amen




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2021


What a beautiful prayer, Maria. Amen.




Maria on May 2, 2021


Thank you, Mr. Stiles. We will never cease to pray for mercy for our prodigal son Ben and his wife Elizabeth.




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


Lord, have mercy on me and my family. I know you can, will you?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


I know what you mean, Bobbie. We know He will be merciful to us and for giving us, but we also ask He would be merciful in our daily lives. I join you in that prayer…




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


Thank you.




Lenora on Apr 4, 2021


Have Mercy on me oh Lord!




Katherine on Mar 21, 2021


I want the Holy Spirit to open my eyes and ears and heart to studying and understanding and living God's word.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


That is a wonderful prayer, Katherine. I join you in that prayer in asking the Lord to give you greater insight into the Scriptures and a greater heart to apply what you read. I have found that sometimes just the simple act of daily presence in God's Word brings about the insights I am asking for. God bless you.




Bonnie on Mar 26, 2021


Amen! A great point! My prayer and desire is to draw closer to my Lord as I read scripture.and study the Word. This video adventure has brought greater understanding of the events that took place in the scriptures!! I have been telling others about this!




Lenora on Mar 19, 2021


Less of me and more of you oh Lord ! Have mercy on me as I try to live this Christian life! Without You I am nothing!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


You said it so well, Lenora. Your words remind me of John the Baptist: "He must increase, and I must decrease." God bless you.




Debra on Mar 19, 2021


I want to learn more. To bring others to you and your saving grace.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


I am right there with you, Debra, on wanting to learn more in order to draw others closer to Christ. May the Lord bless you as you ponder His truth for His people.




Patricia on Mar 19, 2021


I want you to always allow me to hear your voice, through the good times as well as the bad times. James 4:8




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


I like how your comments are prayers, Patricia. Amen!




Lydia on Mar 13, 2021


I want his mercy in my life that will guide me always




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


Yes, Lydia, God's mercy is a wonderful request. I pray that He would continue to give you mercy and to open your eyes to the truths in the Scriptures — our source of light and life. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you.




Debra on Mar 13, 2021


I live each day for the Lord. Wake up singing a song. This morning I am singing "What a wonderful world." Today is a new day in the Lord and cannot wait to see what he has in store for me today. I get excited about my walk with the Lord.


To God be the glory.




May Joy on Mar 8, 2021


With how the way our world, our culture and our time is going darker, with increased lawlessness, deception and love growing cold and with open hostility towards God and his people, I would ask Jesus to revive his people and awaken his church once again. That He will pour out His mercy and pour out his Spirit over his church and his people so that every person repents, returns to God and serve Him once more. If Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit during Pentecost, I pray that He would do it again in our times. That a great awakening and the final revival comes to the earth to bring in worldwide harvest of souls for God’s Kingdom! Oh how awesome it would be for this to happen, so the walls of deception, darkness and rebellion fall down and disappear by the power of God so the reign of Christ can be ushered in again all over this land.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021


I will join you in that prayer, May Joy, for the Lord to use the Spirit within His church to enliven us to greater faithfulness and devotion. God bless you.




Joan on Mar 7, 2021


I would think/hope I would ask for Jesus' mercy, because of the sacrifice He made on the cross for my sins and because I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. Jesus is the Lord of my life and I honor and revere Him.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021


I am with you, Joan, in that our greatest need is mercy. How essential that we keep reminding ourselves of this during those moments when we long for glory. God bless you.




Bonnie on Mar 6, 2021


Dear Lord give me mercy and direct my path as I continue to serve You in all I say and do!!




Bonnie on Mar 6, 2021


Thank you for another spiritual blessing. I will see this presentation whenever I sing the song!! 🙏🏻 Praying for His mercy and that the Lord continues to reveal His story through these historical sites!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021


Isn't that song about Jericho great, Bonnie? I'm glad you now have a visual of it. God bless you.




Rhonda on Feb 22, 2021


This is so rich in history Jericho! Mercy, mercy Lord.

Awesome thank you Wayne

Is Jericho part of the Bible Tour when you take the tour in Israel?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Jericho, Rhonda! Yes, Jericho is one of the many places we go on one of my tours! (There are several tours and several itineraries.) You can see the upcoming tours here. God bless you. I hope you will join me!




Rosemarie on Jan 30, 2021


Every day I ask God for Mercy on us and the whole world.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021


Thank you, Rosemarie, for your gracious prayer to God for mercy. I join you in that prayer that the world would open its eyes to our Savior, Jesus Christ.




Pamela on Oct 4, 2020


If I were asked that question, I would respond somewhat in the manner of Bartimaeus. It would be a "nevertheless" response. Not what I want you to do for me, but whatever your will is for my life, help me to be able to perform it and endure whatever trials/conflicts I may encounter, through your grace and mercy. Pam Wakefield




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020


That is a wonderful prayer, Pam. Honestly, that would be the way I would want to respond as well. But so often it seems my prayers are temporal rather than character-building. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him.




Carolyn on Sep 25, 2020



I want to be able to serve you all the days of my life. I am ready at any time for you to come. I want to enjoy the eternal life that you have prepared for me. This world is not my home. I want to be with you when you are ready for me to go. Carolyn Dew




Wayne Stiles on Sep 25, 2020


That is a beautiful prayer, Carolyn. May the Lord give you strength as you wait on him during these days of your life. God bless you.




Pamela on Sep 22, 2020


It's wonderful to be able to see where these events in the bible took place. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


Yes, Pamela, it really is marvelous to see where these events took place. I am so glad that the videos are encouraging you. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as you watch them! God bless.




Teresa on Sep 12, 2020


I’m studying the book of Joshua so seeing the real Jericho was very helpful.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2020


That’s great, Teresa. There are a number of videos that look at events from Joshua. Be sure to check out the video from Shechem as well! God bless you.




Cathy on Sep 5, 2020


What I'm asking Jesus to do for me is to keep me focused in the word I have a problem with memorizing scriptures what book they are in for example 1st Thessalonians 5:17 I know what the scripture says but I have problems memorizing the book chapter and verse and as well for my children to real four and walk in Christ




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2020


That’s a challenge for me too, Cathy. May the Lord strengthen you to remember the content, even if the reference is a challenge.




Kim on Aug 19, 2020


That was so good. I taught the story of the disciples ask for glory and compared it to the blind man who received Spiritual healing that day. Have mercy on us Lord. He then gave God the glory. How easy it is for us to take the glory instead of giving God the glory for the things that he has done in our lives. I was at Jericho on my visit to Israel. We didn't get out of the bus and just drove through as I remember. I wish we had explored more of it.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


Well, I am surprised that your tour went to Jericho at all. So rare! I'm glad that the video allowed you to get out of the bus and walk around for a few minutes. :-)




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


Mercy is such a blessing; the only One I want to have and deserves glory, is Jesus. I’m thankful God had people keep digging at Jericho to bring His truth out, and above, those who were in timing error.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


Isn’t that true, Karen! We are so blessed to have gifted archaeologists who have sifted through the dirt and found what it truly reveals — as opposed to the liberal agenda that slants itself against scripture. We have nothing to fear, because we believe the truth.




Mary on Aug 3, 2020


I liked most of the versions of this song shown on YouTube. One of my favorite was Sidney Bechet on the trumpet and Kim Collengsworth on the piano. God's question " What do you want from me?" in this video makes a person stop and think. The Blind man's answer for mercy was made in such faith.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2020


That really is a penetrating question, isn't it, Mary? So often our requests to the Lord are for our glory in some way or another. So seldom are we asking Him for mercy. Thanks for that reminder!




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


What an EXTRAORDINARY collection of YouTube performances. What a delight! As for the your own teaching video, again I am edified again by your combining Old Testament, New Testament, and present-day applications. The question about the difference between asking Jesus for "Glory" or "Mercy" is certainly still pointed today. Bull's eye again, Wayne! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


So true, Steven. I try regularly to evaluate my prayers through the grid of the question. Glory or mercy? I’m glad you enjoyed the YouTube videos as well. We are so blessed to have gifted scholars and archaeologists who believe in the Scriptures.




Sandy on Jul 22, 2020


I was there in Dec 2019. Your views and narrative help put into perspective some of my notes from our guide. It's great to revisit these places on your videos and get a review of the site especially with a drone. My own pictures now make more sense. Our guide said the mountain we saw may have been where Jesus was tempted.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020


What a blessing for you, Sandy, to get to go to Jericho so recently. So a few tours go there, it seems, and it's a shame, because it is an amazing place with some great lessons to teach. Your guide was pointing to what is often called the Mount of Temptation. Whether or not it is the actual place, it is the actual direction in which Jesus was tempted. After His baptism, He went into the wilderness, which is directly west of the Jordan River. I'm glad the video was helpful – and I so appreciate your gracious words. God bless you.




Sue on May 30, 2020


Really appreciated being on the Tel, seeing the layers, and understanding how they used pottery and the burn layer to confirm the truth of Scripture. Thank you so much! The Expedition Bible segment was a real bonus, too.




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020


I’m so glad, Sue, that you enjoyed the Jericho episode. That place is absolutely fascinating! Amazing that so many scholars refuse to look at the evidence.




Sue on May 31, 2020


Our group was at the spring and saw peacocks on the other side of the fence, but couldn't see much of the tel at all, so it's marvelous that you took us in! It is amazing scholars have such a determined blindness. That makes me think of Romans and creation itself: (1:25) "They exchange the truth about God for a lie; they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever! Amen." So... as we celebrate and live into the truth of Pentecost, we pray the Spirit will guide them into Truth.




Hayden on May 28, 2020


I did not want this episode to end. Beautiful in every aspect! I confess my need for God's mercy, for I am blind without His touch. I felt like a failure in my faith today. I have an approaching standardized test. Although I have confidence that God has led me down this road, I was discouraged and doubtful that I will be able to pass the test. It is as if this test is stronger than Jericho's walls. I am not saying, "Just BELIEVE and God will let me pass the test," but what I am saying is, "Trust God that He directs my life and not a test score." I want stronger faith. I pray for Him to touch me and give me eyes to better see.

It is not about the test. It is about trusting God, and He will see to it that our path is for His glory.

Thank you Mr. Wayne :)




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2020


You're not alone, Hayden, in your feeling blind and discouraged about your faith on some days. We all need the Lord's healing touch and to ask for mercy instead of just glory. I'm praying for your test!




Heather on May 18, 2020


I noticed this video on facebook not long ago this evening and only this morning had i read the exact same bit in your brilliant book "walking in the footsteps of Jesus". As well as the video tours around, the book really brings the feeling of walking with Him, and hearing the sights and sounds around and imagining the expressions worn by the disciples and other people that He spoke to during the three years of His ministry. Normally i can read through a book of the size of yours in hours but i have deliberately paced myself and kept to only one, maybe two chapters at a time but it's very absorbing and today i read three! Lol. Think i will have to get your other book as well. At this precarious time I feel Father is drawing me back to base, trust and strengthening of Faith. Thanks for your hard work in making all the videos and giving a great insight to the world Jesus lived in.




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2020


You are astute, Heather. The more you read and work through my content, the more you will see it all interrelating. Books, blogs, podcasts, videos, tours… It all flows from the same fountain. :-) I am thrilled and honored that the Lord is blessing you in this way. May He continue!




Diana on Apr 30, 2020


Visiting Jericho was very interesting. A lot to see. Deserted? Nope, not the week of Halloween. There were tons of people there. How come none of your videos have any crowds? We had 50 tour buses follow us to every site, except for Hazor. Someone in our group took a camel ride and got kissed by said camel lol. It was an enjoyable stop, surreal to be in a place so old! Had a delightful lunch at a nearby family restaurant. I think we got to go because our guide and driver had family living nearby. Bonus points to you for you posting the Mahalia Jackson song! Love that song. My favorite version is by The Moses Hogan singers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04CNNyr95Xs




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


It's rare that a tour goes to Jericho, Diana. I am thrilled that you were able to go – even though you were there with 50 buses! Amazing…


It is hard work to shoot our videos without a lot of people in them. As often as we can, we try to be the first ones there. That helps a lot!




Rosemary on Mar 31, 2020


Thanks so much Wayne for doing this video. Great aerial views which really help me understand the layout of Jericho. I did not get the opportunity to visit Jericho but visiting the side where Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan helped me understand the significance of the position of this city on the travel route. I found watching the video brings more clarity to events outlined in the Bible such as blind Bartimaeus. It’s good to be able to place where events such as that happened in the Bible. For me it adds a richness rather than just reading it as a miracle that occurred somewhere in the land. Seeing the geography of the land along with the events that took place add more meaning for me. So thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2020


Rosemary, you have said it well! Seeing the land adds so much context to our understanding of God's Word. There indeed is a richness found no other place than through experiencing the places where the Bible occurred-- even if that experience is only virtual through video. I'm thrilled these episodes are encouraging for you. God bless.




Steven on Dec 23, 2019


What an amazing site Wayne! Another one I'd not visited - at least I do not recall it. I'm sure I would have if we had. There is too much history there. Great contrast between the desire of the disciples and the desire for mercy by Bartimaeus. Mercy (Bartimaeus) and wisdom (Solomon) - much more valuable. I always need more of both. It appears that there is no activity at the site currently based upon my untrained eye. Is that correct? It seems that there is so much more to be discovered there. Wonderful video and narrative!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2019


You're right, Stephen. Every time I have gone to Jericho – either alone or with groups — the site is almost vacant. Some of that is due to the fact that not all Israeli guides are allowed into Jericho. Also it is a bit off the beaten path. My advanced tours go there and the pilgrims always say it was a wonderful place to visit.




Leisa on Nov 12, 2019


Love these videos! It helps so much to see a picture of the actual place you read about in the Bible!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2019


I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos, Leisa. And you're right! It makes such a difference to see the context in which the Scriptures occurred. God bless you.




Brenda on Jul 19, 2019


Thanks for making these videos. It helps put “sight” to my faith.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Brenda, you're so welcome. I agree that it's so essential to learn with as many senses as possible. God bless.




Carl on Jul 18, 2019


Very very nicely done. Great verbal content and beautiful, informative, photography!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Really grateful, Carl. Thanks so much, and I'm glad you enjoyed the video. God bless you.




Steve on Jul 18, 2019


I second Fred's comment. I too am grateful for what you do Wayne. You continue to open my eyes and my heart to the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Thank you, Steve. Really glad you enjoyed the video on Jericho, and I'm honored that the Lord would encourage you through the video and His Word.




Fred on Jul 18, 2019


This is an awesome aggregation of the source material, expert testimony, and commentary. I'm grateful for what you do Wayne! Thank You!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Fred, I appreciate your gracious words. It's often a challenge with major sites (like Jericho) to choose what to add and what to omit. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm grateful. God bless you.



Jericho - Walls Fall in Your Life with One Question

Temple Mount Tour - A Walk Inside and Around God's Holy Place

Wayne on Feb 21


This video was thrilling! I did not expect that you would be allowed on the Temple Mount, but since you were, I'm really shocked that you were able to enter the Dome and also al-Aqsa! I've seen very few pictures of the inside of the Dome. How thrilling to see this video of you walking around in there. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


Yes, Wayne, it is VERY rare for non-Muslims to enter those spaces, and I'm thrilled that the video encouraged you.




Doreen on Feb 8


Thank you so much for this video. I was blessed to visit Israel in 2019, but our group was not able to enter this site. It is so troubling to think about how much strife there is between Muslims and Jews. I know true peace will not come until Jesus returns, but I pray that things will be more calm in the meantime.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


Indeed, I join you in that prayer, Doreen. As the psalmist writes: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6).




Ty on Dec 26, 2022


First time viewing of this video. Well done as with all the videos being presented with some excellent filming and teaching given.


As to the question, 'How does Jesus’ promised coming give you purpose for your life now?'


The Creator states in His Word there is purpose in His creating us. I believe the bible is the Word of Truth of God to us. The bible states that Jesus is God's Son (Matthew 27:43) and that He is coming back to rule this planet (Matthew 24:44, Hebrews 9:28) that we have yet nor will ever figure out why we were created as God intended in ourselves.


There is more to this life than the here and now. We can only see evidence of this time in the here and now, which ends in grave yards. The 'more' if one believes is after the grave, which there is little evidence in the natural that support it.


So, the Word faith comes into play. (Hebrews 11:1) 'Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.' Faith leads us to two other words 'hope' and 'assurance'. Hope in a Christian's life is a certainty as it is in the Person of God Himself with the name He has given us, which is above all other names, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ walked this planet. Was crucified, died, and was buried. He rose again and has ascended back to heaven. (Acts 2:32) Jesus now sits at God the Father's right hand side. Assurance is in the words of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 28:18-20.


John 14:1-3 says Jesus is coming back to complete what He came for with His first coming. The choice is mine to accept or reject this understanding and belief, which I choose to accept and live out my life accordingly.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


I'm so glad the Temple Mount video offered some encouragement, Ty. Thanks for letting me know.




Frances Tencza on Jun 2, 2022


It is so special knowing that Jesus actually spoke here and even as a child he was teaching and talking with religious leaders !

To know that there was a specific grove in the stone of Mount Moriah where the ark was placed,and where the ark is now isn’t significant,but Jesus’s coming soon is, because he is the true holy of Holies!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


Yes, Frances, walking around that place is amazingly profound. It is stunning to ponder the fact that the temples stood there and that one day our Lord Jesus will walk the grounds again.




Claudia on Mar 24, 2022


So looking forward to the day when Jesus puts his feet in the Mount of Olives and sets up His Kingdom🙏




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


Me too, Claudia! Oh, me too…




Janet on Mar 12, 2022


Gosh, we are thrilled with your videos. If my husband who has been a pastor for over 45 years thinks they are great then that says a lot! Plus, I love them! We watch them every morning. We are having a great time watching them as we leave for Israel soon.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


I'm so excited for you both, Janet, about your upcoming tour. I'm in Israel now, and it is magnificent. :-) You'll have a great time. I'm thrilled that the videos are encouraging you and helping prepare you for your significant journey. God bless you.




Ivette Rebecca on Feb 16, 2022


Can't say a word! I'm astounded and excited to know that my King will be back to these same places now as King and Lord of all. PTL




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


It will be wonderful to walk around the temple mount with Jesus.




Norma on Jan 20, 2022


I think Jesus coming marks the start of his mellinium reign. This event will give me tremendous hope knowing that the church rupture has already happened and we have been already reunited with our love ones in Jesuschrist. I can't wait for that great reunion! When I stood in the Mount of the Olives looking at the Golden Gate, I was surprised to see a cemetery blocking Jesus's coming entrance thru this Gate. Amazing ignorance! How much will cost to enter the Temple Mount? Do they admit tourists?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


Absolutely, Norma! The scriptures make clear that the second coming of Christ begins His millennial reign and the long-awaited kingdom of God. The Temple Mount is accessible for tourists (we go every time), but the Dome of the Rock shrine is not open to groups.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 4, 2021


I think from a previous video I found out the Dome of the Rock was not a mosque and I was surprised to see anyone could visit. I learned something new about it.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Yes, the Dome of the Rock is a shrine — but not just anyone can visit. It takes cash. :-)




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 4, 2021


I suppose a couple of verses motivate me to beware and apply prayer and caution; The end will not come lest there be a falling away and The love of many will wax cold. Needless to say, someone will fall away and someone's love will wax cold and thus my concern. I don't want it to happen to me, or my family, or really anyone.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Staying close to God comes through daily time in His Word and regular fellowship with His people. May God bless you, Wanda, as you walk with Him each day.




Donna on Sep 28, 2021


So enjoyed the Temple Mount tour! What a blessing to be able to "see" the actual location of Mt. Moriah where Abraham was tested, and the location of the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant!


Living in a time when bible prophecy is taking place before our eyes, the coming of Jesus is even more of an expected reality for those of us alive now. It gives a greater sense of the importance for our "preparing the way" for His arrival, and the need to live righteous and holy lives following the pattern Jesus modeled for us in the Bible. I know how important it is to be a good steward of my time and talents and to demonstrate a Kingdom lifestyle in the way I live, for those who do not know Him as Savior yet while we still have time.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the video on the Temple Mount, Donna. I pray that the rest of the videos would continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Julie on Aug 25, 2021


Wonderful tour of Temple Mount and really special to be able to view the inside with your great guidance. Great footage and information. I learned a lot. Thank you!


Jesus promised coming can give purpose to everything we do if we are living life with an eternal focus and with gratitude for what lies ahead because of what He has done for us. That can turn the most mundane jobs, tasks, relationships, lives, into joyfully serving Him in anything we do, with the love of Christ impacting and changing lives for His kingdom.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 26, 2021


That's right, Julie. The significance of our everyday lives goes up a notch when we do all we do for God's glory. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount video! God bless you.




Julie on Sep 2, 2021


I revisited this video and did further reading, but I still need your knowledge and insight with regard to your first question to for us to consider: "Why do you think God allows a Muslim shrine on the Temple Mount today?"


All a part of His plan (which we do not fully understand) for the 2nd coming of Christ? Revelation that false gods will be worshipped and a 3rd temple will be built before Christ comes again? That He no longer dwells in a temple, but within us? Help!?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


Great answers and thoughts, Julie. I think ALL of what you mention is potential. Perhaps another reason (my speculation) is that the shrine simply marks the spot where the new temple will be built. Kind of like a ball marker in golf!




Julie on Sep 2, 2021


Thank you!




Bob on Jul 22, 2021


Wonderful seeing the inside of Temple Mount. We weren’t able to go inside during our visit.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021


That's right, Bob. Very, very few tourists ever get to go inside the Dome of the Rock. It really isn't a group activity, and it isn't cheap.




Kim on Jun 25, 2021


My favorite video so far!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


Great, Kim! I'm so glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount video so much. God bless you.




Michael on Jun 24, 2021


After visiting the Temple Mount I realized that there is adequate space for a Third Temple to be built there. I am wondering what current Jewish thoughts are regarding this possibility - that the two religions could co-exist in this way?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


Great question, Michael. Certainly there is room on the Temple Mount for the Jewish temple to come. Of course, the next temple is the one built by the antichrist during the tribulation. And some cents, it doesn't really matter where it goes on the Temple Mount! But when the final temple in the kingdom of God occurs, Jesus will surely remove the current placeholder Dome of the Rock and put the temple where it should be.




Michael on Jun 25, 2021


Thanks for your excellent reply Wayne. This has become my line of thinking too. I can't wait for the return of Christ and the ushering in of the Kingdom of God.




Sue on Jun 20, 2021


Thank you for these videos🙏 I have learned so much☺️ God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2021


I am so glad you are enjoying the videos, Sue. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each one.




Donna on Jun 5, 2021


Wow! These videos are fascinating and informative. I really enjoyed the tour inside of the Dome of the Rock. Please forgive my ignorance but I assumed that non-Muslims were not permitted inside of the Dome of the Rock. Is this an incorrect assumption?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2021


Great question, Donna. I had also assumed that non-Muslims weren't allowed in the Dome of the Rock or the al-Aqsa Mosque, but we are. All it takes is money and taking off shoes. Reservations are required as well. :-) God bless you.




Donna on Jun 6, 2021


Thank you for the prompt response. I appreciate your ministry. God bless you!




Lola Fitch on May 22, 2021


It makes us want to learn more to understand what is to come - eternal life. It is amazing how massive these buildings are all these years later and what it must have taken to build them considering the people power.




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2021


So true, Lola! These magnificent buildings give us but a glimpse of the magnificent of Christ. God bless you.




Maria on May 1, 2021


How very interesting was to see the inside of the Dome of the Rock! Especially to learn about its great significance! Thank you, Mr. Stiles, the Bible comes to life with your wonderful videos!




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2021


I am thrilled, Maria, that you got to see the inside of that shrine. Especially because it represents such a significant piece of land related to the temples of God. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch these videos. God bless you.




Lisa on Apr 27, 2021


This video brought together so many pieces of the Bible, and the future return of our Lord. Thank you for showing us the sites and for bringing the Bible to life.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2021


What a blessing, Lisa, that the video on the Temple Mount was an encouragement to you and in your appreciation of the Scriptures. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each video!




Rosemarie on Apr 19, 2021


I can never get enough of watching these videos. Amazing all I am learning.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


Thanks, Rosemarie! I'm thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you and that the videos are a blessing to you. May they continue to be!




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


The history here is amazing. And powerful. The future here makes it exciting to know what will be and in the present to go about to spread the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tell everyone what Jesus has done and the day of his return. Oh how I long to see it.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


I agree with you, Bobbie! The Temple Mount is a wonderful place to ponder the coming of our Lord. May it be soon! God bless you.




Connie on Apr 11, 2021


Thank you this was very insightful




Joan on Apr 8, 2021


The promise of Jesus' return for his Bride, the Church, spurs me to be about His business in sharing the Gospel, to watch for signs and be prepared for His sudden return 'like a thief in the night', as well as to eagerly anticipate being swept up and reunited with Him in glory!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021


I applaud you, Joan, as you serve the Lord and wait for His return. May the Lord strengthen you and encourage you each day.




Marilynn on Mar 28, 2021


I am currently following Fr. Mike's, The Bible in 365 days and your words and photography really bring it all to life for me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


How exciting, Marilynn, that you're journeying through the Bible in 365 days. What a great plan! As you make your way along, you might enjoy utilizing the Index of Sites and Scriptures to connect the videos with your study. God bless you.




Marilynn on Mar 29, 2021


Thank you for that suggestion. I definitely will take advantage of that.




Patricia on Mar 20, 2021


Front and center keep me mindful of your Second Coming Help me to be a witness to all of your unfailing love and your promises. Promises kept and promises to come. Like the song says, "I can only Imagine" being in your presence for eternity. Thank you Lord for your mercy and your faithfulness.


Titus 2:13




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021


So true, Patricia! What the Lord has prepared for us is beyond comprehension. I can't wait to see it!




May Joy on Mar 10, 2021


Jesus’s first coming which before was only prophesied, but now to us is a completely fulfilled promise and a fact of history. So the second coming of Jesus is now our present time prophecy and Jesus himself told his disciples of this promise to come again. I am just as assured that this promise will also someday come to pass and be completely fulfilled in the same assurance that his first coming was fulfilled. And Jesus’ promised coming, whether the first time or his second coming, both give me purpose in this life, giving me excitement and hope that God always fulfills his promises and He can come again anytime now. It makes me hold on to Him even when there is persecution and hardships in this life. Secondly, it keeps our eyes focused on him, making preparations that we may remain awake and ready to meet him anytime, that we will keep ourselves blameless and holy through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of Truth in us. This hope sanctifies us and purifies us for his return!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


These are wonderful insights, May Joy. Thank you so much for sharing them. Indeed, His coming is our hope!




Brenda on Feb 6, 2021


This may be in other videos (and I will look) but is there anything physical evidence left that can distinguish Solomon's temple from Zerubbebuls temple in Haggai's time? I've been studying in Haggai A small but NOT insignificant book.. Seeing Isreal rebuilding the temple after their return from exile in Babylon. How they became discouraged (because of their adversaries and because they were more concerned with their own priorities) and stopped building after the foundation was laid. Then God "stirred up" the government (Zerrubebul), the priest (Joshua), and the people to "Be strong, take courage and work." The same God rescued them from Egypt and released them from Babylon is with you and His Holy Spirit is among them; so they should not fear. It reminds me that it is God who does the work but with Christ in us we can be strong, take courage and "work the plan" that God has designed for us.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


That is a great question, Brenda, and I don't believe there is anything from Zerubbabel's temple still to see. When Herod the Great set out to renovate Zerubbabel's temple, Herod pretty much tore down the existing one in order to build his magnificent edifice. Both temples are considered the "second temple," as strange as that sounds. If you don't yet have the wonderful little volume called Jerusalem: The Temple Mount, by Ritmeyer, I highly recommend it.




Karen on Dec 10, 2020


Have learned about Jesus being at the temple and His parents were frantic looking for Him. Jesus knows the best safe havens indeed. He teaches us to stay faithful and get wisdom by other Godly people who seek the best wisdom available.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2020


Well said, Karen. Isn't it amazing the insight that Jesus had at 12 years old? Even as a child, our Savior still amazes us. God bless you.




Uvita Scott on Nov 12, 2020


I am sorry I have not been to Israel! I can only look forward now to His return. His Word holds a valuable place in my heart. For through His Word, He saved me, and many of the people in my life. I haven’t looked at the video yet, I just wanted to let you this, and thank you for the work of your ministry. Uvita 🙋🏽‍♀️




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2020


Thank you, Uvita. I hope you get to go to Israel one day soon; it is transformational in your Bible reading. Until then, I pray you enjoy the videos! God bless you.




Teresa on Sep 17, 2020


This video was perfect timing. Yesterday I attended a lecture about the history of Islam. The speaker talked about the Temple Mount . I wonder if the Rapture occurs before the Temple is rebuilt and how the Muslims will relinquish control of this sacred place.

When I visit the Holy Land next year, I hope our group will be granted permission to enter. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Come Lord Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2020


God's timing truly is amazing, Teresa. Your group will have to request permission to enter the shrine-- and it ain't cheap. :-)




Greg on Sep 16, 2020


This was very fascinating. I was in Jerusalem with a tour in 2018 and spoke to a muslim gentleman about the Dome of the Chain. He was more than happy to tell me about it and said the reason the Dome of the Rock was built at that location is because, as he said, there is a portal to heaven there. If only he really understood that. I wish I had videoed that conversation.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2020


It is so ironic, isn't it, Greg? Those who live in Jerusalem are so close to where salvation occurred that it becomes very common place for them. I love the perspective you have brought with this comment. Thank you very much.




Apple on Sep 6, 2020


How does Jesus’ promised coming give you purpose for your life now?

I will wait for jesus to come back in my life forever.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2020


That is a great application, Li-Ann. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Bonnie on Aug 6, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


Thank you, Bonnie! I am so glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount tour. God bless you.




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


Of course, scripture tells us that no one knows the date or hour of Jesus' return. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I strive to keep my "lamp trimmed and full of oil" while He continues my sanctification process day by day. With its perambulating around the Temple Mount--and exclusive footage inside the Dome of the Rock--this video is very special. Thanks so much, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


I’m glad you enjoyed this journey through and around the temple mount structures. How exciting to know that it still has a future with our Lord at its helm.




Olivia on Jul 23, 2020


I loved it! When I was there in January 2020 our group wasn’t allowed in. It was nice to see what I missed.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the temple mount video, Olivia. Yes, it is very, very rare for Christian groups to enter into that shrine. I have never been able to go in with any of my groups either. It took a $pecial connection with other $pecial thing$ for me to film there.




Diana on May 18, 2020


We appreciated the lovely architecture outside the Temple Mount and the Mosque, but the inside is absolutely stunning! This is one of my favorite videos. I was so impressed with it, I decided to join Walking the Bible Lands. We saw a baptismal bath from the Crusader period I think near the chapel that I thought was interesting. So many important historical events here past, present, and future. Thank you so much for "procuring permi$$ion" for us lol.




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount video, Diana. You're right, there are SO many historical, biblical, and prophetic events centered around the Temple Mount-- it's almost surreal to be there. May God bless you as you experience so many of these biblical locations.




Hayden on Apr 19, 2020


Hey Mr. Wayne. I have such a hard time with keeping all of the post-biblical history of Israel straight, specifically Jerusalem. Do you have a favorite resource you could recommend for me to read? Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2020


Hayden, I'm not aware of a good resource that provides a sweeping history without significant bias. For example, Jerusalem: The Biography covers the entire history, and so would give you a general sense of the events and peoples involved, but the author's use (misuse) of Scripture made me question his legitimate use of other sources less familiar to me outside the biblical era.

If you'd like a good book on Jerusalem in more recent days, check out Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century and the gripping O Jerusalem! Both excellent.




Barb on Dec 29, 2019


So fascinating to see the inside of the structures there. I especially liked that you showed the corner of the step that Leen Ritmeyer describes in his books on the Temple Mount. I hope to see that step in person soon. When I was there previously we didn't venture off the platform to the larger temple mount area - did you have any trouble walking the larger area?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2019


Hey, Barb, you shouldn't have any trouble walking the larger area. Even if you do wander into "forbidden" territory, they'll just usher you back to the allowed areas. But honestly, I've never had anyone prevent our groups or me personally from walking most anywhere in the mount in the outdoors. Enjoy your upcoming tour!




Steven on Dec 24, 2019


Wayne, I echo the comments from others about the videos and narration - truly excellent! When I visited, there was discussion regarding the location of the future holy place of the temple. There is a small pergola-like structure on the north side of the Dome of the Rock. It sits in a direct line to the Eastern gate. I'd always wondered how the future Temple to be in existence at the time of Jesus' 2nd Advent would be built if the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim structure, were to remain in place - a possibility that allows for the temple related activities to be occurring as predicted in advance of Jesus' coming. The pergola-like structure covering what some believe to be the site of the holy of holies could be the answer. Otherwise, there would need to be a destruction of the Dome of the Rock, a destruction not likely to occur without many problems. Do you happen to have any information about this possible alternative location of the holy of holies? I believe that the temple preceding Jesus' 2nd advent will be replaced by the temple described by Ezekiel, the kingdom age temple (Ezek 40ff). I know many details are left to speculation, but would love to hear your perspective. Thank you for such wonderful material!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2019


Steven, you're right, much is left to speculation since Scripture doesn't give us answers to some of these questions. The location of the Holy of Holies is fairly well attested (as I mention in the video) to be where the "rock" is beneath the Dome of the Rock. Archaeology offers us this bit of certainty. But as far as the location of the Tribulation temple, it surely could be located elsewhere on the Temple Mount, as the anti-christ will be a man of compromise and could easily find a "solution" that allows the Jews a temple as well as the Muslim shrine. But we're left to guess. Of course, when Jesus reigns in the Kingdom, Jerusalem will have 12 gates (not the current 8), so there will be some "remodeling" that will certainly include removing the current placeholder shrine. :-)




Steven on Dec 25, 2019


Thanks Wayne! I'd not thought about the difference in the number of gates. That is a good point. Fascinating to say the least!




William on Nov 11, 2019


What a gift to see these locations. Reallocations from the past and future. All of man's efforts to establish theocracies have failed. It is good to know God Himself will actually set up His rule from this location. To visit these sites with the understanding you have given is priceless.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 11, 2019


Thank you, William. And YES—how wonderful to know God will set up His kingdom and it cannot fail. I can't wait.




Walt on Sep 28, 2019


This was an amazing video. Thank you for taking us inside both the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque. When I was there, I was told I couldn't enter either one since I was not a Muslim. How do you get special permission? This video is the next best thing to being there. You are an excellent teacher and guide. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2019


Getting special permission boils down to knowing the right person and paying the cash. It’s pretty much that simple! I’m grateful and a bit surprised they even allowed us inside – especially with our cameras. God is good.




Peg and Dale on Sep 13, 2019


Wow, amazing to see the inside. Thank you for gaining access so we could see the top of the mountain and see the relationship when Jesus returns!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2019


I'm so glad, Peg, you enjoyed the Temple Mount "inside" tour. It was a rare treat to get to see inside these places that cover the sites so significant to biblical history and prophecy. God bless you.




Gordon on Sep 7, 2019


Greetings.from Australia Wayne. Your photography and narration are truly excellent for your Temple Mount Tour. I have been privileged to visit Israel on 8 occasions and have spent 30 years conducting Israel Slide Presentations in Australia and on 13 visits usually for 5-6 months in New Zealand. In 1998 the Israel Ministry of Tourism gave me a free trip from Australia and with special permission I was able to tour the Temple Mount including the inside of the Gold Gate. Your photography is splendid. I am very impressed with all your films and appreciate your Bible comments. It has been very thrilling to teach staff and students in hundreds of schools in both Countries. This is why I was given the free trip. I have now retired from my travels at 86 yo,

I agree with you regarding the amazing history especially of Jerusalem and its future.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2019


Gordon, how I applaud you for the incredible legacy you have devoted yourself to these many decades. Thank you for your devotion to Jesus Christ and to teaching His truth to hundreds and thousands. May God richly bless you.




Gordon on Sep 7, 2019


Thank you Wayne for your encouraging words. I can assure you that God has indeed richly blessed me in serving the Lord and of being an ambassador for Israel. After a few visits I had wonderful opportunities to minister in Israel being translated from English (with my Scottish accent) into Hebrew, Russian and Arabic. As I have sought to bless Israel I have been blessed as God has promised and I am sure you have experienced the same. Shalom.




Hannah on Sep 6, 2019


Wayne, I was shocked to see inside the Dome of the Rock, the al-Aqsa Mosque, AND the Eastern Gate! Wow, what a privilege! I'm wondering how in the world you did it!


And to answer your question, His promised return gives me purpose today because I KNOW the end of the story and I can move forward in confidence and with intentionality to live for the world to come.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2019


Yeah, Hannah, I was pretty amazed as well that we were allowed inside. All it take$ is a little $pecial reque$t. :-)


I love your answer! Such a great perspective. So essential.




Nancy on Sep 6, 2019


WOW! This was really impressive. A truly outstanding video! I've been to Jerusalem twice and really had no inclination to visit the Temple Mount. Now I am so happy to have experienced it through this wonderful sight! The best part? When you remind us that the future holds yet more radical change for this holy place! Well done!

Thank you Wayne!

PS: I'm loving your pod-cast!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2019


I know what you mean, Nancy. The Temple Mount isn't terribly inviting with that Muslim shrine on it. But I see it as a placeholder that Jesus will renovate one day! Thanks for your gracious words about the video, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the podcast.




Mary Anne on Sep 6, 2019


My curiosity to see the inside of the Temple Mount has been satisfied! Thanks for showing and enticing us through this amazing video!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2019


So glad, Mary Anne, that your curiosity has been satisfied. :-) Indeed, it is a wonderful place with a wonderful future. God bless you.




Stacey on Sep 5, 2019


The last line of the video is profound to me. The Temple Mount has an "amazing history, but also a future." I watched the video a few times and could not help but smile with anticipation of that wonderful future!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


I agree with you, Stacey! How incredible it will be to see that Temple Mount renovated at the hand of Christ.




Lydia on Sep 5, 2019


Knowing my LORD is returning makes me yearn for all in my sphere to enter the Kingdom with Jesus and I. I do not have the luxury of time to not speak of my LORD

and HIS amazing love of all HIS Creation. LORD, make me bolder!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


What a great response and attitude you have, Lydia. May God bless you as you speak of the Lord to others.




Tammie on Sep 5, 2019


Just an incredible video! Very emotional to me because of the history you gave with it. To be inside the Dome of the Rock AND to be inside the gate of the Eastern Gate- Wow! Thank you for sharing this!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


I'm glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount Tour, Tammie. It was such a blessing to be there that day and to walk inside those spaces that one day will be wholly devoted to Jesus Christ.




Bruce on Sep 5, 2019


Wonderful video Wayne. I am amazed that they let you video the areas that you went into. Did you have special permission? Or did you have a concealed camera?

This video stirred me up.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


No hidden cameras, Bruce. :-) We did have special permi$$ion to see these places. It really is stirring to see these spaces that will be devoted to the Lord one day.




Kenyon on Sep 5, 2019


Wayne, when Islam conquers a nation, it builds a mosque upon the conquered lands most holy or important site to demonstrate their dominance over the conquered peoples. Hence, the mosque and Dome of the Rock upon the temple mount. When Islam conquered Spain, they built a mosque that surrounded he Cathedral of Cordoba. Today, the cathedral is in use and the mosque is just a historical relic, but maybe not for long, as Islam is reasserting itself in Europe. In America, Islam wanted to build a mosque at the site of the World Trade center. Interestingly, they called this effort, the Cordoba Initiative. The effort may be a bit premature, but time marches on.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


That's fascinating history, Kenyon. I've always found it interesting that when Islam conquers an area (Jerusalem, for example), they destroy the churches or synagogues. The Hurvah Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter is a great example. However, when the Jews retook Jerusalem they didn't destroy the mosques/minarets but left them out of respect. Totally different perspective.




Karen on Sep 5, 2019


Love the aerial views! They’re always my favorite. Thank you so much for taking us with you through these pieces of history. Blessings and safety always in Christ




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


So glad, Karen, you enjoyed the video and the other aerials. It's such a marvelous way to see the history and the sites. God bless you.




David on Sep 5, 2019


If you want to tour inside the Dome of the Rock get Frommer's book on Israel and find the guide Sam Salem, who is listed. He leads tours inside the Dome of the Rock & al-Asqa for a fee of $90 per person.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


I believe that's who we used, David! Sam is a great guide and a great guy. Highly recommended. His fee is a bit higher now! Around $150.




David on Sep 5, 2019


Wonderful! I've been on the Temple Mount several times & will return this spring. It's my favorite spot in the Holy Land. I've read Ritmeyer's textbook "The Quest" that Wayne refers to. It's outstanding ... I appreciate Wayne showing these specific locations. Jesus is alive and will return to the Mt. of Olives and the Temple Mount one of these days. Let's be ready!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


I agree with you, David. The Temple Mount is living history, and it's so surreal to walk those grounds and realize all the kings and Jesus who walked that very ground. Can't wait for the kingdom, when Jesus renovates it all. :-)




Jim on Sep 5, 2019




You did a splendid job on this one. I entered the shrine in 1981 and have been there the last four Februarys. Was not aware permission would be granted to non-Muslims to even go in it anymore. Returning in February 2020 so I'd like to get that permission if possible.


Jim Phillips

Greenwood, MS




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


Jim, when you're ready for the contact information, just send me an email and I'll pass along my contact. I'll be there in February as well, so maybe I'll see you there! Thanks.




Sandra on Sep 5, 2019


This is an amazing video. I was glad to see the inside of the structures since our tours have only included the outside of the building. Each time we have been on the Temple Mount, we were closely monitored by security. When our guide said “Temple Mount” security would correct him and state al-Aqsa Mosque. Of course rules are pretty strict on this piece of land and observance of these rules are enforced.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


That's fascinating, Sandra. Your group had more security and monitoring than any I've ever led or been part of. Nevertheless, what a blessing to be able to walk around on that special land. God bless you.




Stacey on Sep 5, 2019


Excellent! I've been twice to the Temple Mount, but never inside the Dome of the Rock or the al-Aqsa Mosque. Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


You're welcome, Stacey. Yes, it's RARE to see inside these structures. It was an honor to see them and to video them for you. God bless you.




Christine on Sep 5, 2019


So amazing. I am surprised you - - and camera(s) were permitted to visit the Temple Mount, including the interior of the buildings. How was permission obtained? This is a fascinating site, particularly where the Ark of the Covenant would have rested, and the spot where boundary in Hezekiah's time would have been. I wish our tour group would obtain permission to visit in January.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


It isn't difficult to get permission, Christine, as long as you know the right people and make the nece$$ary arrangement$. I've looked into the option of our groups entering the structures, but the cost for a group would be exorbitant-- and not worth it. I'm glad you have the video to give you a peek behind the curtain.




Mary on Sep 4, 2019


Love your new video on the Temple Mount and can’t wait to see it in person! It gave me goosebumps and filled my heart with the hope and expectation of Jesus’ return!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


Yes, Mary, it's really amazing to walk around on the Temple Mount and ponder its amazing past-- and future. I look forward to seeing it with you and doing this similar tour for real! Thanks.



Temple Mount Tour - A Walk Inside and Around God's Holy Place

Temple Mount - How Our Ordinary Lives Become Holy

Robin on Apr 6


I come before Your Mercy Seat,

To lay my sacrifice before Your feet.

In my hands is nothing there;

I hang my head in great despair.

The blood of goats not rams nor lamb

Will appease the Great “I AM.”

What can I give to satisfy Thee?

In humility, I give You me.




Bruce on Apr 2


My wife and I were in Israel in 2010. We visited the temple Institute and saw that menorah. It was awesome to see it in person. Thanks for sharing it on this video.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 3


What a blessing, Bruce, that you were blessed to journey to Israel and see such special sites. The Temple Institute is a fascinating place, for sure!




Doreen on Feb 9


Wayne, I have heard you say this before--and this has/will be debated for generations--that the site of Jesus' crucifixion is within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Yet, my tour group took us to the Place of the Skull, which is outside the city gates. I tend to believe that was the actual site. We also walked to the Garden Tomb, which might possibly be the actual location of Jesus' burial. I'm curious to know if you've considered these two sites, instead of the church--and why you conclude that the church is the legitimate location.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


Yes, indeed, Doreen. I have considered the Garden Tomb for years-- and it is the place we would want it to be. But history, archaeology, and Scripture all point to the Holy Sepulcher. See this post I wrote for more details. It hasn't been debated for too many "generations," since the Garden Tomb was only "discovered" in the 19th century.




Doreen on Feb 10


Thank you. It's still kind of confusing, partly because the church has built so much on top of the sites. But the important thing is, Jesus DID die, and He DID rise from the dead, for us. Thank you SO much for all of your educational videos and podcasts.




Ty on Dec 28, 2022


Interesting the comment 'God chose it'. God chose to stand at the door of my heart and I have opened that door. (Revelation 3:20) That was over 30 years ago and now I have to ask myself, who occupies that territory, God or the world? This is a constant struggle that lives within me. Ephesians 6:12 says my struggles are fought in the battles lead by God if I let Him. Not really on earth, but in the mind and heart of my inner being, in my consciousness, where that heavenly place of eternity is pictured and remains as it has the Prize I seek.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2022


Indeed, Ty, just as the Holy Land became holy because God chose it, we are the same way.




Norma on Dec 26, 2022


I appreciate the video, watching each time i heard something new




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


Really appreciate hearing that, Norma. God bless you.




Juanita on Aug 21, 2022


I am in love with casting this to my T.V. So very relaxing.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2022


I am thrilled that you enjoy casting the videos to your TV, Juanita. I do too!




Lynn on Aug 15, 2022


Love this video of The Temple Mount I did not know the majority of this History and it certainly puts many of the puzzle pieces together helping my confusion




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2022


I am thrilled, Lynn, that the Temple Mount video was an encouragement to you and offered some insight. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Jun 13, 2022


All I can say,is awesome is our God, and the Temple Mount where the original temple with the Holy of Holies built by Solomon and destroyed by the Babylonians and second one built by King Hezekiah, destroyed by the Romans were all man made and destroyed by man!The true temple of God is within ourselves,as holy and dedicated to worship him!





Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


Yes, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit today. Such an amazing privilege.




Claudia on Apr 1, 2022


How could I have anything to offer my King ? I will adore Him and worship Him and praise His name . He has given everything to me . How excellent is He !!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2022


Amen, Claudia! All we really have to offer the Lord is our worship.




Marie on Mar 28, 2022


Worship is the way we; I can show God thanksgiving. I am the temple of the Holy Ghost, God's spirit. I am to treat my body my life as a gift from God and to treat it as it is. I also need to remember when I keep my walk, life in God's He shall and will provide.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


Magnificent points, Marie! Thank you so much for those essential reminders. God bless you.




Norma on Jan 22, 2022


God, who created us to its image and resemble, wanted to dwell in us and have an intimate relationship. Worshipping is the way he created for that intimacy. We are his Temple. He warned us about limiting his presence in a contained space: "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands." Acts 17:24.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 4, 2021


It's pretty awesome to try and comprehend for me. Ps. 24:1 says it all and someone else, maybe Paul said it in the NT I paraphrase it this way: God owns everything and everyone!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


It is a magnificent concept isn't it, Wanda? God owns everything – and he is so generous.




Julie on Sep 2, 2021


The Almighty, Sovereign God of the Universe and Creator of all good things, deserves and only desires from us our worship, which is motivated only by our love for Him and our gratitude for all he has done for us. Every action in our day can encompass worshiping our God in spirit, which originates from within - the sincere heart - when lifted to Him. We can lift anything in our day to Him as an act of worship when given in the spirit of a sincere heart. Worshipping in truth, is deeply rooted in the Word of God. When these two things are ingrained in our being, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, and we freely practice them (or attempt to in our feeble human state).............we are giving worship to God. Praise be to Him alone! Now......off to water the grass and flowers He has created with praise and for anyone He places before me on the street.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


I love reading your thoughts here, Julie. Thank you so much for sharing them. Indeed, He is worthy!




Randy on Jul 8, 2021


Give Him my obeisance!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2021


Yes, Randy, I pray the Lord encourages you as you trust Him each day. God bless you.




Barbara on Jul 1, 2021


God cannot be contained in a building. His spirit is within each believer and in all things. The beauty all around is His handwriting and worthy of praise. Thanks be to the Great I AM!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2021


So glad you enjoyed the video, Barbara. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you with each video. So much to see and learn in these biblical places! God bless you.




Maria on May 1, 2021


Yes! God is beautiful and worthy of our worship! That is what He seeks! That is what I will give Him, always!




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2021


That’s right, Maria, our Lord is worthy of worship – including a life lived for Him each day. God bless you.




Maria on May 5, 2021


Yes, Mr. Stiles, including a life lived for HIm each day! God bless you!




Rosemarie on Apr 19, 2021


Definitely God deserves Worship. Makes me know I need to try harder.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


We all worship the Lord in many ways, Rosemarie. May He encourage you as you walk with Him today.




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


Ok, I’m crying now. I feel my worshiping has not been up to par. I need to dig deeper in the Word to help me with my words to worship God better. I also listen and sing Christian music however I feel that’s not enough. I don’t go to church as often as I would like. My husband shows no interest on Sundays. Should I go anyway without him? I feel I am lacking in the worship arena. Help !




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


Bobbie, your struggle is real, but you're not alone. Yes, I would say you should go to church, if even alone. Also I urge you to connect with a good Christian counselor in your area and talk it though. You can find one here. I think you'll find some great encouragement. God bless you as you follow Him.




Bobbie on Apr 15, 2021


Thank you for your support. I will.




Jane on Apr 11, 2021


My eyes are opened to the need and beauty of worshiping God.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


What a wonderful perspective, Jane. Indeed, God is beautiful and worthy of our worship! God bless you.




Jane on Apr 12, 2021


It’s an awakening for me. Thanks be to God!




Connie on Apr 11, 2021


Thank you for the video the only thing I have is to worship God through reverence and adoration. Yes my music also shows the Lord, I play bells in church and what Glory it is, I feel so Blessed to have the ability to play. I am now learning the dobro to honor the Lord with music and fill my soul, 🙏 Amen




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I grew up in a church that played bells, and it was wonderful. I miss them! Thank you for that wonderful memory, but especially thank you for serving the Lord in such a creative and beautiful way. God bless you.




Sally on Mar 26, 2021


Thanks for the explanation of the significance of the Temple Mound. When I was in Jerusalem we didn't get the tour inside or the explanation that this is where Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac. Learning so much and connecting the Bible scriptures to these places is wonderful. Thanks for making the Bible more realistic for all.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021


I understand, Sally. Honestly, you're not alone. Very few, if any, tourists and tours get to go inside the Dome of the Rock. It is too expensive and large groups are not allowed. I am thrilled that these videos get to take you there! God bless you.




Donna on Feb 21, 2021


There is nothing I can offer to God that has any value except worship. It is in recognizing that His life alone has worth; that who He is and what He's done for me has value in my life. I can show worship to a holy God through reverence and adoration, through song, and with a holy lifestyle which I know is all that will please Him. Keeping my heart in an attitude of worship draws His Presence to my heart in greater measure. In His Presence there is joy, and peace, and an awareness of His love. Worship has been the key to a Kingdom lifestyle, where I now recognize that the King is living in my temple by His Spirit, and allows me to live in adoration of Him.




Bonnie on Feb 20, 2021


Worship and praise is what we can give our Lord and Savior!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


That's right, that is so true… What else can we truly give Him but worship? God bless you.




Linda on Feb 5, 2021


I am reminded of Psalm 50 when God said what He wants is sincere gratitude.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2021


That's a great reminder, Linda. Gratitude in our hearts each day really helps put all things in perspective, doesn't it? God bless you.




Yolanda on Jan 17, 2021


Question: According to the video, 2 Chro:31 says that Solomon built the house of the Lord at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

In his book, TEMPLE, Robert Cornuke believes the threshing floor is actually located in the City of David, as is Gihon Springs, a source of water necessary to wash away the blood of all the sacrifices at the Temple.

A fascinating read. I would love your thoughts on it.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2021


Great question, and thankfully, an easy one to answer. :-) In short, Bob Cornuke and his cronies are way off the beaten path with this theory. No archaeologists or geographer worth his/her salt believes that the temple was anywhere other than the Temple Mount. Here is a great article that exposes his errors. God bless.




Yolanda on Jan 18, 2021


Thank you for the quick response and the supporting documentation you provided.


God bless,





Lucille on Nov 19, 2020


What a privilege and honor to worship our Lord. God owns and has everything; yet he welcomes our praise and thanks to him for his love, greatness, provision, mercy, power, and grace.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


I like the way you put that, Lucille. He owns it all, so what else can we really give Him but praise? May the Lord bless you as you love Him and serve Him.




Mitzi on Oct 23, 2020


Breathtaking. Just think, HE chose us to worship HIM in spirit and truth. When I'm alone in the Word, I worship HIM. I have trouble finding a stopping place. HE (JESUS) is the love of my life!!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 23, 2020


That's right, Mitzi, and isn't it a privilege to worship such a gracious God? May He continue to bless you.




Janet on Oct 8, 2020


It is easy to worship God, because of what Christ did for us on the cross.! His promise is true and forever faithful.. we didn’t chose him, but we are the chosen .! With that. What else could one possibly do, but worship our one true living God ?! Our creator.. ❤️❤️




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2020


Well said, Janet. Indeed, our salvation by means of His grace is a wonderful motivation to worship Him.




Linda on Oct 7, 2020


that is why we were made to worship and talk to God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2020


Absolutely, Linda. I love the way Solomon put it when he said that he could only offer worship to God. In truth, that is about all we can give Him. And oh, what an eternity it will take to give it!




Elizabeth on Oct 4, 2020


A wonderful video showcasing the Temple that once stood there. Visiting Jerusalem has been a highlight of our lives (10 x taking groups - not as many as some but every trip filled with awe and hope as we saw this Mount) Thank you for this Temple Mount video and reminder that our bodies are today's holy Temple indwell by His Spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020


What an amazing privilege you have had, Elizabeth, to have journeyed so many times to Israel! Thank you so much for introducing the land to so many people. I am thrilled that this video encouraged you and gave you a bit of insight into this very special place on earth. God bless you.




Mitzi on Sep 27, 2020


Really enjoy watching and listening to these videos!!! What a joy to not be rushed and to be able to watch a second time...

maybe even a third time. To know we don't have to be with you just on Thursday but anytime we can be completely quiet to watch and listen and present ourselves to HIM. To truly

worship HIM. What an honor and privilege!!! Thank you so much. Holy, Holy, Holy. LORD God Almighty!!! I want to grow and learn everyday forever!!! May our LORD JESUS be glorified!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2020


That's exactly right, Mitzi. One of the reasons that I enjoy providing these videos is so that you can watch them again and again – and hopefully learn more and more each time. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him.




Teresa on Sep 24, 2020


I am humbled. I try to honor God with my words, thoughts and deeds.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2020


I feel the same way, Teresa. It is humbling to serve the Lord and such an honor to speak on His behalf. May He give you the grace to continue to honor Him.




Amy on Sep 9, 2020


Who am I, or what do I have, that God could possibly want or need? In His great love, He wants me. He wants me to give all of myself to Him. When I do that, I can't help but worship Him. He alone is worthy of my worship, my devotion, all of me.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


Wonderfully said, Amy. I love the way you put that. Indeed, who are we to give anything to the Lord except our worship? He is worthy of that and of our entire lives. May the Lord continue to bless you as you walk with Him.




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


Yet another stunning teaching video--with a core reality of our Christian faith at its center. Since EVERYTHING we have comes from God, what else could we truly offer Him but the praise and thanksgiving-filled worship that He is due. Thank you for the valuable reminder!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


You’re welcome, Steven, and thank you for reminding me about it as well! I love Solomon’s words. What can we offer Him but praise?




Ellen on May 24, 2020


The notion that all I can give God is worship is true. Because nothing that I have is mine, myself, talents, career, education, treasures, my children, family, everything came from God, God deserves all the glory and honor, and I praise Him that in spite of being a sinner, He gave His life for me, an undeserved favor and grace.




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2020


Well said, Elena. I love that reminder that the best we can give God is our worship. How wonderful that we will be able to give Him such for all eternity…




David on May 7, 2020


Trying to give Him more can lead us into trying to do it all on our own instead of resting in his redemption. An even more effective message in these times, when we cannot meet face to face in worship. It puts more responsibility on our shoulders to find ways to worship, and to find God in different ways. Enjoyed the haunting trumpet tune that amplified the visuals and would like to find it.




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2020


What a great perspective, David, on these current days of separation. Personal worship is amplified all the more through such times. The tune you referred to is actually called "Jerusalem," and was written in 1916 by Hubert Parry. Along with the accompanying lyrics by William Blake (written more than a century earlier), the song has become one of England's most beloved hymns. You can find various renditions, but the one sung at the recent royal wedding is most iconic. It truly is a beautiful melody.




David on May 8, 2020


Thanks. With your gift of weaving context in everything, I should have thought of that title first. In our part of Michigan, "Jerusalem the Golden" is popular.




Lynn on May 6, 2020


Wayne, thanks so much for this teaching on the Temple Mount. The details with pointers, bullets and overlays are very helpful. I especially appreciated the focus that God desires our worship - our sacrifice of praise.... Thank you for guiding us through Israel and through our lives.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Temple Mount video, Lynn. It really is amazing that the Lord desires our worship. Solomon's words at the dedication of the temple – as well as Jesus' words in John 4 – both point to worship as what God wants us do for Him. Amazing honor. Thanks again for your gracious words about the video.




Raul on Apr 25, 2020


I really enjoyed the video on Temple Mount every thing is just amazing from begging to end. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video, Raul. God bless you and I pray the videos are a great encouragement to you.




Timothy on Nov 14, 2019


Wayne, what a treasure! This is like being there again!

Hubbard wrote a book on Proverbs and he said "We will be in glory at the Feast. But the Lord provides us delicious hors d'oeuvres as we journey there."

That is exactly what this video has been for me today!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 14, 2019


What a beautiful word picture Hubbard gives us in those words. Indeed it is like tasting hors d'oeuvres to connect with the Lord through the land today. Can you imagine how wonderful it will be to be there with Him? Thanks, Timothy.




Debbie on Sep 8, 2019


I just finished watching both this video and the companion video from inside the dome and the rare look at the gate. Wow! I love traveling virtually with you to places that are usually inaccessible to visitors. The photography, the highlights drawn on the photos, the Biblical references and your skillful application to my life make these tools both educational and inspirational. I thank God for your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2019


I'm so grateful, Debbie, that the Lord blessed your watching the videos and that He is encouraging you as you do. I appreciate your gracious words. It's a privilege. God bless you.




Elizabeth on Jul 18, 2019


This is an excellent thumbnail sketch of the Temple Mount. Brings history past and future together. It names the primary heroes in chronological order who followed God’s plans for that sacred Mount Moriah to become place where His presence dwelt and from where our Lord Jesus will reign.

Worth showing to the group we will lead in Israel this fall. It gives the big picture context - Ten stars for a first class overview of God’s Place on earth!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Thanks for your enthusiasm, Elizabeth! I love that you're leading a group there this fall. Showing them videos of ALL the sites you'll see would be a great way to help prepare the tour. God bless you. I know you'll have a magnificent time!




Karen on Dec 23, 2018


The outlines from above, maps with moving arrows and bullet names are so very helpful! Love seeing all these videos to put in my head and see when I read my bible.


Oh, that 3rd temple in Jerusalem is almost here... I’m sure you’ve seen they’re practicing their sacrifices near the Wall.


Fantastic devotional




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2018


Really glad this is helpful and encouraging, Karen. :-) Yes, the Temple Institute is chomping at the bit to get the next temple going. I hope it spurs them to trust in the Messiah.




Fran on Aug 17, 2018


This video is exactly what I was seeking when I subscribed. Wonderful blend of archeological and historical information closed with a truly special devotional. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2018


I'm so glad, Fran, that the video on the Temple Mount encouraged you and hit the mark! Thanks for being a member of Walking the Bible Lands, and I pray many more of the videos bless you too.




Tammie on Jul 1, 2018


Again, enjoyed the amazing photos & story told so well!

It's amazing to see the Temple Mount in your photos & in our photos from 4 & 1/2 years ago & from last year as well... the marble beside the Temple Mount looks like the face of a demon, or as our tour guide said, the face of Satan.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2018


Thanks, Tammie. The Temple Mount has such a history—and even more so, such an incredible future! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and its lessons for us from God's Word. Thanks so much for being part of Walking the Bible Lands.



Temple Mount - How Our Ordinary Lives Become Holy

Jerusalem's Geography - How to Understand and Apply It

Rosemary on Apr 11


When I went to Israel in 2019 our guide told us that that name of God (YHWH) can be seen literally carved in the hills by God over Bethel and Shiloh and referred to Deuteronomy 12:15 and Jeremiah 7:12.

It was also shared by him that the Hebrew letter "Shin" (for El Shadai) was over Jerusalem as in Ezra 6:12 "May God, who has cause his Name to dwell there, overthrow any king or people who lifts a hand to change this decree or to destroy this temple in Jerusalem. I Darius have decreed it. Let it be carried out with diligence."

It's interesting to look at the 3 valleys described in article you wrote about the geography of the area.

We were told by our guide that the valleys here form the first letter of Shaddai…God Almighty! I understand that the the first letter of ‘Shaddai’ in Hebrew is the letter 'shin'. We were shown how the Hebrew letters of "shin" were written in their language. It was interesting to see that they formed a similar pattern to the Hinnom Valley, Central Valley or Tyropoeon Valley and Kidron Valley.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11


Yes, Rosemary, this observation that shin can be found in the valleys of Jerusalem is a popular novelty to point out. Just make sure you're standing south of Jerusalem when you look for it. :-) The Hebrew orientation had the EAST as the "top" of the map, so I'm not sure we can confidently say this was God's intention. Maybe it was.




Joann on Mar 16


This is so helpful for me! For some reason, I have always struggled to remember that the Mount of Olives is on the east side of Jerusalem even after having visited the city and stood on the Mount. Also knowing the relationship of the valleys to the city is very helpful to me. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16


I'm glad that video was helpful to cement your understanding of the geography of Jerusalem.




Annette Shadday on Jan 5


Wow, this helps me to remember so much better. I am a visual learner and when I have quizzes or maps or diagrams to look at, it helps so much!!! Thank you Mr. Stiles for all that you do to get God's Word alive in our hearts and minds. Bless you!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6


You're welcome, Annette. :-) I'm so glad the diagram was helpful. God bless you.




Ty on Jun 1, 2022


Unity is a key word. Got all right except one, the cone question, which the quiz cautioned us about. Went for the 1 answer instead of all the applicable answers, much like the word 'unity', we are all part of the one yet we are all uniquely created. Being reminded of Ephesians 4:1-6


'As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.'


Good exercise to be repeated again and then again and so on. Thanks for the reminder of 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


Great job on that quiz, Ty!




Neil on Apr 28, 2022


A while back I emailed Me. Stiles about being able to cast and he said that a staff member would contact us but that never happened. We really want to be able to cast these wonderful videos from my Android phone to our TV. Please help. We are not complaining just reminding you of the conversation. My Cell # (603)703-6799

Or email NeilTimpson@gmail.com




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


So sorry, Neil. Our oversight was not intentional! We will connect with you today, if at all possible.




Claudia on Apr 7, 2022


I had just read Jeremiah 31 for my Bible reading today . I researched the division between the Northern and Southern kingdoms and learned about the taxes imposed on the Northern Kingdom.


I opened my e mail and there was the session on the geography of Israel. I am a visual learner so I loved the ice cream and hamburger buns. And in this session you talked about what I had just studied . I am always thrilled when God connects the dots for me .

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge . You are an amazing teacher .

I have only been to Israel in my heart and mind but I hope to travel to the great city of God in 2023.

Blessings !




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


What a blessing, Claudia, that the Lord so timed your reading of the Scripture with your study of this video! I love that. And when you go to Israel, I hope you will come with me! I already have future tours planned. See them here. I would love to have you join me.




Claudia on Apr 7, 2022


The tours look amazing … I would love to go in February . I will see how the Lord provides Thank you !




Frank on Jan 10, 2022


Hi again brother Wayne. I have to tell you two things, first, I love the aerial views from the drone, second, you failed to make mention of something of paramount importance. Especially notable when you showed us that spectacular topographical model, which defininitively showed the reflected letter Shin (sheen), which is the initial of Shaddai, the Mighty God. I said reflection, which I haven't heard any of the people who taught me about this before, but they really should have because it is truly backwars from the way we always write it, God said that He would write His name on Jerusalem, and there is His initial. Other than those two points, I just want to give you kuddos on such a wonderful advcenture in all of your virtual touors, and the vast wealth of information and theological discussions in your podcasts. God richly blessed you, and you have in turn blessed all of us who have the pleasure of knowing you, and your talents.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 11, 2022


Thanks, Frank, for your gracious words on the videos and podcasts. I'm thrilled that the Lord God is encouraging you through them. As far as the shin shape of Jerusalem, you're right, of course. The connecting valleys do form a sort of shin-shape as we view the topography from the north-south perspective (an orientation totally different from the usual east-oriented perspective the Hebrews had). Still, the point of the video was to teach something unfamiliar (the geography of Israel) by connecting it to something familiar (ice cream and buns). If I thought most of our members knew the Hebrew alphabet, then the shin may have been more essential to include. I'm glad it helps you remember the topography, as well as God's almightiness. :-) God bless you.




Janelle on Jan 2, 2022


I could not view my results or retake the quiz. The buttons didn’t work on my iPad. They are too far down. Please advise. Thanks! I liked the interaction, print out, and quiz.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


I'm not sure what the trouble is for the quiz on your iPad, Janelle. No one has mentioned this before. Perhaps re-orient your iPad to the vertical or horizontal position? Of course, you can always view the website on a desktop computer as well.




Mary on Jan 1, 2022


I missed one question. The question about the valley between Benjamin and Judah. I liked the quiz. It helps me to remember the lesson.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


One question, Mary? That's excellent! Keep up the good work. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 4, 2021


David treated unity like it was very important, even as precious ointment upon the head, beard, and garments of Aaron the priest and as the dew that came down upon the mountains of Zion. In that place of unity, God gives commanding of blessing and life forevermore. This should cause us to make unity of utmost importance in our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Well said, Wanda. Psalm 133 is one of my favorites as well.




Judy on Aug 5, 2021


It’s such a joy to walk through these ancient grounds with you and not only see the land but also hear its history. You really are bringing the Bible to life for me as I can now picture where these stories I have heard my entire life actually occurred. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Biblical history.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2021


Thank you, Judy! And let me say what a joy it is to virtually walk with you along the paths of these ancient places that make our Bible reading so special. I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you! God bless you.




Helen on Jul 2, 2021


Enjoy these trips so much since I am unable to go myself. Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2021


What a blessing, Helen, that these videos are able to take you places you could not go yourself. You are precisely the reason I created them! God bless you.




Helen on Jul 3, 2021



Thank you so much for your comments.




Earl Rudman on Jun 18, 2021


I enjoy all the videos, however this one was one of the best. It was great to understand the geography of Jerusalem. I got a perfect score on the quiz and look forward to more videos. Blessings!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


Great job, Earl, on that quiz! I'm thrilled it was helpful. God bless you.




Sandy on May 13, 2021


I enjoyed the tour and the quiz. Read carefully. I recognized I'd answered one wrong but there was no back button for me to correct it. Did retake the whole quiz, but didn't recognize my sloppy reading early in the quiz. My Sunday School class enjoyed one of the Temple Mount videos when we were studying Ezekiel. Everyone really enjoyed it!!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


That's wonderful, Sandy. Thanks for taking the quiz again and I'm thrilled you did so well. I'm excited for you to explore and to see the many places of the lands of the Bible! May God bless you as you watch each video and dig deeper.




Cheryl on May 13, 2021


Thank you for "walking" me through the Bible lands. These videos and your teachings are an answer to prayer. I have ambulation difficulties so I would never be able to go on an actual tour nor could I afford it...even though going to the Holy Land was always my wish.

Now I can see and experience the lands where my Jesus walked....it has changed forever how I read my Bible. Thank you!

Oh...I only got one wrong on the quiz bc I misread the question!




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


I am thrilled for you, Cheryl! In fact, you are the very reason I created Walking the Bible Lands. I pray that each video would be a wonderful visit for you to this wonderful land. God bless you.




Connie on Apr 11, 2021


Thank you for the video. Yes the ice cream cone and the 🍔 hamburger bun will stick with me. I loved it, awesome way to show. Oh my I only got two wrong, awesome teacher thanks




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


No worries about the missed answers, Connie. Feel free to take the quiz again and again, if you'd like!




Bob on Mar 30, 2021


With Wayne's illustration as a great help, got a 90 on the quiz. I was never good with directions! Today there is a desperate need for the unity in the people of God as described in Psalm 133, That unity will make a difference in the world, but that unity will only come from our humility as Paul describes in Philippians 2:2-4. It doesn't mean we cave on the essentials of our faith, but most of what we disagree about is not critical to our faith,




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30, 2021


Well said, Bob. Indeed, we have so much more that we can agree on as Christians than we have to disagree on. Thank you for being a champion of unity. God bless you. By the way, well done on that quiz!




Betty on Mar 3, 2021


Thank you; It was very helpfiul.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


I am so glad that the video was helpful, Betty, in giving you a greater insight into the geography of Jerusalem. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch these videos.




Diana on Feb 28, 2021


I like illustration, very helpful




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2021


I am so glad that the illustration was helpful, Diana. God bless you.




Betty on Jan 14, 2021


Great! Easy to follow and understand. Wish I had this before going to the Holy Land. Where can I down load the chart you shared?





Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


I'm glad this geography overview helped, Betty. I believe the chart you are asking about is in the sidebar for download. Or you can click here to download it directly. God bless.




Debbie on Jan 1, 2021


We don’t see where to Restart or check our score.

Thanks, Very Interesting videos.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2021


I'm not sure what the technical problem is, Debbie, but you'll go to the Quiz Page, you should see the option to start again. God bless.




Karen on Dec 24, 2020


All I know is I will never eat an ice cream cone again without thinking of this example. :)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2020


Ha! THAT's the goal, Karen. :-) I'm thrilled it was a helpful illustration. God bless you.




Janet on Oct 15, 2020


It is something we seek, because if we didn’t, what would we have ?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2020


That's a great question, Janet. I think pursuing unity is essential and a constant challenge. God bless you.




Teresa on Oct 1, 2020


I scored 90%. I missed the question about the cone. I really liked the illustration with the ice cream cone and two hamburger buns! I’m going to watch it again..

Ps.133 tells us it is good for brothers to dwell in unity. I can understand why the tribes would be angry that Judah was not taxed because it shows partiality and Gid doesn’t like it.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2020


Well done, Teresa. You can always take the quiz again and get 100%! :-) I am glad that the illustration was helpful. God bless you.




Apple on Sep 23, 2020


There is the anointing that comes down on us. It feels like the Holy Spirit is descending on us. We can feel the peace that God gives us.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 23, 2020


When we read the book of Acts, chapter 2, we see the wonderful truth that the Holy Spirit has already come — and He indwells us through faith in Jesus. What wonderful truths.




Robin on Sep 8, 2020


Ok, i missed the cone question 🤪 wentback and rewatched and still am missing it. I need a tutor! 🤣 Can you explain please? And thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2020


Happy to explain, Robin. Please tell me which question exactly?




Ruthann on Aug 22, 2020


It is something to be desired, something to strive for.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020


Absolutely yes, RuthAnn. Unity is something we should both desire and work towards. And it IS work... whew! God bless you as you serve Him.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


Awesome info and layout.


David’s description says unity among believers is good, pleasant, precious, covers us, reaches out, brings blessings and life 😁 Thats pretty good urging to me!




Sherry on Aug 13, 2020


So helpful! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2020


I am glad the video was helpful for you, Sherry. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him.




John on Jul 30, 2020


Thank you for this visual information, it is very helpful. My Mom always said she needed to draw me a picture!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020


I am so glad this was helpful, John! And I think your mom is right. :-)




Marilyn on Jul 23, 2020


I have a terrible sense of direction, so geography is hard for me! This was so helpful!

All the lessons are wonderful, but this was so practical and has helped me focus on primary areas that I read about all the time. Thank you!! Also, I hadn't realized that Solomon taxed all the northern tribes, but Judah was exempt.. It adds clarity to the hostility and secession under Rehoboam.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020


I am glad, Marilyn, that the video was helpful! Sometimes seeing things explained in a new way helps them click. God bless.




Bradley on Jul 16, 2020


Love Jerusalem geography insights! Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020


I'm glad you enjoyed the Jerusalem geography video, Bradley. May the Lord continue to bless you as you study His Word and watch the videos. Thanks so much.




Diana on May 22, 2020


An icecream sandwich! haha You could also add: Kidron Valley- mustard, Central Valley- ketchup, Hinnom Valley is your left hand holding the bun. :)




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


What a creative addition, Diana, to the ice cream sandwich! I will think about what you said…




Scott on May 13, 2020


"The Valley of the Cheesemakers" is a very unusual name for the Central Valley.....can you tell me more about the origin?




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


Great question, Scott. The phrase comes from Josephus and his writings on the war of Jerusalem. His words are as follows: "Now the valley of the cheesemongers, as it was called, and was that which we told you before distinguished the hill of the upper city, from that of the lower, extended as far as Siloam." (Wars, Book 5, Chapter 4:1). His original term for the valley was Tyropoeon, which translates into "Valley of the Cheesmakers."

The reason the valley had this name is debated, and frankly I'm not too familiar with the arguments, except that none are conclusive. Here's a post that may offer more (or less!) insight. Thanks.




Nancy on Aug 22, 2019


I've heard that the three valleys form the Hebrew letter Sin/Shin and that there's some significance with that (tied to a word starting with that letter), but I don't remember what it is.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2019


I think the word you're thinking of is the Lord's name: Shaddai. I have heard that connection also with the letter, and it's a neat coincidence (if you're looking at it from the south!).




Mary Anne on Aug 9, 2019


Giving me visuals especially using an ice cream cone and hamburger buns helped me to get the map in my head!

Thanks Wayne!

I continue loving your videos!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2019


I'm so glad, Mary Anne, that the ice cream and buns helped! Thanks for your gracious words. God bless you.




Carl on Aug 9, 2019


Very memorable description!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2019


Thank you, Carl. :-) I've never forgotten it.




Aaron on Aug 8, 2019


Having the diagram to fill out and really helped me to be actively involved (is that redundant wording?!?) in the video, rather than just watching and listening. I know things that that (and the quiz) are extra work for you, Wayne, but it's appreciated!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2019


You're welcome, Aaron, and I LOVE that you engage with the videos so often. I'm glad the quiz helped take that up a level for you. :-) God bless you.




Bill on Aug 8, 2019


Wayne, I loved the "Jerusalem" soundtrack. I have loved that song ever since i first heard it on the ELP album







Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2019


I love that song too, Bill! So moving... I think England uses it as a patriotic song.



Jerusalem's Geography - How to Understand and Apply It

Jerusalem's Walls and Gates - Why God Lays Siege to Our Lives

Bruce on Apr 1


I Love these videos. It is great to learn about places I have been. I don’t remember which of the gates of Jerusalem that I have walked through. We actually stayed inside The old city on one of our trips. I think that was our our Egypt, Jordan, Israel trip in 2014.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2


If you staying inside the Old City, you probably entered through the Jaffa Gate or the New Gate. These are the easiest to access the Christian Quarter. The Dung Gate gives best access to the Jewish Quarter. What a blessing to stay inside the walls, Bruce!




Gary Templin on Oct 21, 2022


Our daily actions must always be done with God in mind. If we do that God will be 1st in our lives and with us.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2022


So true, Gary. How essential that we keep Christ in mind all throughout our day. Thank you.




Karen on Aug 25, 2022


I just love these videos! The information is so interesting and inspirational!

God bless you for putting these together and sharing.


I just finished reading through and watching the videos on the Timeline you provided. Wow...this is so very interesting. Thanks for compiling and sharing this as well. Great resource!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2022


I am thrilled, Karen, that the video and timeline were encouraging to you. God bless you.




Marie on Jun 18, 2022


I so enjoying watching the videos. I always wanted to visit the land of the Bible. I not able to watch every day but so enjoying it. This is also helping me to connect more to God and His people and history.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


What a blessing, Marie, that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I pray that He will continue to do so, and I also pray that you will indeed get to go to the Holy Land one day. (When you do go, I pray you will come with me!)




Frances Tencza on Jun 13, 2022


I believe the best way for me to fortify my walls of protection is to become more familiar with God’s word,studying scripture regularly in order to keep the enemy Satan from laying siege on my soul!





Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


That is a fabulous strategy, Frances.




Barruda on May 17, 2022


I know the Lord is the best teacher, but I must say that your videos and details have made it so much easier for me to navigate through the bible. God is so good and His wisdom, knowledge & understanding is so amazing. I am amazed at how much I'm learning and retaining. My life truly has purpose and meaning, AND ITS ALL BECAUSE OF JESUS. Hallelujah! Some day by the grace of God I will walk and visit the sites personally. Its amazing how God changes our perspective in life. Thank You! May God continue to bless you.




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2022


I am thrilled, Barruda, how the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I am also excited that you want to walk and visit these sites personally. I hope that when you do go to Israel, that you come with me! I have a number of tourist coming. You can see them here. God bless you.




Marian on Mar 6, 2022


I have watched this video a few times, each time applying it to my life. I know God has been with me all my life and has taken me thru some pretty tough times but this last one was as you said a siege!

Having open Heart surgery was the siege that truly took hold of my life and me! It not only changed my life but others close to me. I could write a book but instead I share his word and now with your amazing videos I can share with people in my home and church.

I thank God for your messages as they bring those of us who see them alive and glorify him!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


What a blessing, Marian, that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. I also pray that He would be gracious to you as He continues to lay siege to your heart. Mine too! God bless you.




Louis on Feb 18, 2022


In the video "Jerusalem's walls and gates", there was a reference to Isaiah 41:8.

But you, Israel, my servant,

Jacob, whom I have chosen,

the offspring of Abraham, my friend;

When I read this it looks to me God is referring to the offspring of Abraham as His friend, not just Abraham. What do you think when you look closely at the verse?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


Great question, Louis. When I look closely at this verse, as well as at other verses that refer to Abraham as God's "friend" (2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23), it seems to indicate Abraham himself. The James passage is very specific its grammar in the original language.




Louis on Feb 18, 2022


Thanks so much for the quick response and I agree with your analysis.




Mary on Feb 7, 2022


Thank you for the timeline! Watching how the area changed over time was incredible! I appreciate all of the time and effort you put into presenting Walking the Bible Lands!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022


I'm so glad that the timeline was helpful, Mary. It is a joy to contribute to this ministry and to your walk with Christ.




Norma on Jan 22, 2022


I keep my door to Jesus thru prayer and meditation in the scripture.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


That is a fabulous thing to do, Norma. God bless you.




Gary on Dec 20, 2021


I also can't get the timeline of the walls to load. Overall, I love what you have done, especially the history and the photography is fantastic! I am having one minor problem. Even if the 'stay signed in" box is checked, it seems like I have to sign-in quite often. Sign-in is easy on my computer but at times I like to watch from my smart TV. That process is much harder as a pointer has to be used to pick one letter at a time from a list. Is there any way to avoid this?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2021


Gary, I've fixed the timeline now. Feel free to take a look.


As far as the sign-in issue, you'll need to tell your browser to accept cookies (here's how). If you've already done that, I'm sorry... Perhaps try another browser? I wish it were foolproof. God bless you.




Cherie Fisher on Dec 14, 2021


I can't get to the timeline on google docs from here. just tries to load and tells me 0 trys on it. This is on 2 different computers by the way. Is there another link to it? I am really interested in seeing that!!! I sure appreciate all your hard work on this, I've learned SO much and had so many nice times with the Lord in devotional. I am glad I found you!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 15, 2021


Thanks for asking about the timeline, Cherie. I'm not sure why it's not working, but I hope to look into it soon. I'm so glad that Walking the Bible Lands has been an encouragement to you! God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2021


Cherie, I've fixed the timeline now. Feel free to take a look.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 4, 2021


God has told me He set me apart for Himself so I am blessed with a close walk with Him. I trust that will never change. Since the age of 25 or 26 Revelation 3:20 has been my favorite verse out of the whole Bible. It always amazes me that He pursues by knocking at the door of my heart and if I hear and open He will come in and we will have fellowship. That He is will to come into me a sinner is totally shocking to me even all these years later.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


You may enjoy watching the video on Laodicea, Wanda. It highlights Revelation 3:20..




Barbara on Jul 1, 2021


Is God laying siege to the peoples of the world in this age as a call to return to Him?

Throughout history He retains a remnant of the faithful to rebuild. Thanks be to God that through Jesus we are saved from total destruction.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2021


Amen, Barbara. Indeed our God is faithful to call us back to Himself. I pray we hear His voice.




Barbara on Jun 29, 2021


I loved this video and the meaning you gave of the sieges down through history. I am trying to be more faithful in reading my Bible and praying.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2021


Good for you, Barbara. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you read His Word. There is such richness there! God bless you.




Lori on Jun 25, 2021


This is a lot of amazing information. I love the timeline with tidbits of information. It is very helpful to see. All of this is bringing the bible to life for me. I am able to see it a little differently. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


I am thrilled, Lori, that the video on the walls and gates of Jerusalem was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Maria on Jun 11, 2021


I loved this video, actually, I love them all, but especially the lessons learned! I never thought, while I went through some of the gates and saw the walls, of the meaning to our lives. What a blessing to see these videos explaining the deeper meaning! Thank you, Mr. Stiles!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2021


How wonderful, Maria, that these gates and walls would be such an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Rosemarie on May 28, 2021


The Covid-19 is the siege of our day and it worked for me. Before even though I prayed daily I gave little time to him. Since this virus I listen and now not only do I have time for Him I made it my life commitment to read bible, be kinder, learn everything of him, watch your videos, be a good Christian and keep him in my daily walk of life.




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2021


What a wonderful blessing, Rosemarie, that the Lord has drawn you closer to Him through this difficult season in our world. May He continue to do so by His grace. God bless you.




Gayle on May 6, 2021


I so enjoyed the series around Jerusalem. I always enjoy seeing what the temple looked like. I wish there was a way to show a artistic picture of what each city could of looked like.

Each story just gets a person closer to the lesson that God is teaching not only the generation of the time but for us to attach not only to the lesson but the character of our mighty God.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021


Well said, Gayle. Indeed, there’s nothing like a wonderful depiction of a location to give us a broader understanding of its history. Thanks so much for your comment, and I pray that the videos continue to be an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Joan on Apr 29, 2021


We can fortify our walls with the Good Lord on the inside by ongoing prayer with Him, studying His word daily, by listening to His voice, by participating in Bible Studies, and by fellowshipping with fellow believers in corporate worship. I love doing all and am blessed to have like-minded church family!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


Absolutely, Joan! I could not have said it better. How essential that we fortify God on the inside of our hearts through these very means you mention. May the Lord continue to strengthen you. God bless.




Bobbie on Apr 21, 2021


Great video. I try and search my heart daily with self examination upon the completion of my day. I have a “ Self Help Bible” NLT which helps with this. Love the history on the gates. I have pics of The Golden, Lions, Dung and Damascus Gates. Walked through Lions and Dung. Would have loved to walk through Damascus Gate. Isn’t Damascus Gate the gate Saul/Paul walked through on his way to Damascus when Jesus appeared to him? I was blessed to visit Paul’s Basilica in Rome a year before our Israel trip. Got to see his sarcophagus. It would have been neat to go through Damascus Gate. ☺️




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


That's right, Bobbie. The Damascus gate covers the earlier gate that lead to Damascus in Paul's day. So it is very likely he would have passed through it on his way north for his providential meeting with the risen Savior.




Anna on Apr 15, 2021


Several of the wall gates are not rounded, but as pointed out in an earlier video I believe you mentioned this as indicative of ?Templar? era construction? At one gate the upper arch is not rounded but the lower one was. Just thought this to be interesting.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


That's right, Anna. Those pointed arches are typically Crusader architecture, or someone trying to emulate that style. The Temple Mount video gives a good illustration of Muslims trying to emulate Crusader architecture.




Lenora on Apr 4, 2021


I did not know that the Golden Gate was closed because a conqueror or Messiah might enter through! I can just see the Messiah walking through that gate...Hallelujah! What a glorious site!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2021


Right, Lenora? It seems pretty silly from our perspective, doesn't it? No bricked-up gate can pause the Creator of the universe.




Debra on Mar 27, 2021


How wonderful. I could watch this several time. I want to learn more.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


That is wonderful, Debra. You are welcome to watch the videos as many times as you’d like! That is what they are there for. God bless you.




Donna on Feb 21, 2021


Reading God's Word, and living in a way that lines up with all it represents helps me to fortify my walk with Christ, and spending time in His Presence just being still in worship helps to keep the door of fellowship open with Him. He said we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, so I believe having a balance of His Word and His Spirit in my life are vital in helping me to "live in Christ."




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


So true, Donna, if there is no better way to fortify your life than with the Word of God.




Rosemarie on Jan 31, 2021


I believe our world and country today is one of God’s sieges. And I am hopeful that the people are in need of being restored in faith. For myself I believe that is what I am doing now.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2021


You may be right, Rosemarie. These are very unusual days we are living in. I'll join you in praying that our nation and the world will turn to Christ.




Mary Jo on Jan 26, 2021


Covid19 has been a siege that brings about an awareness of what truly exists in our life, our marriage, our relationships, our service to Him.. Being in His word and praying daily is the only means of fortification. Praise God in this siege that we may learn to love one another as He loves us. In Jesus name.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


Well said, Mary Jo. Indeed, God's Word is a fortress that we can cling to in these uncertain times. God bless you as you walk with Him.




Peg on Jan 18, 2021


I loved this lesson and the analogy of our lives being restored. This lesson came just at the right time to remind me to dig deeper into what God has planned in my life next. As a baby boomer, they say I'm supposed to slow down but I'm not ready to do that yet, what do you have planned for me next, Lord?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2021


That's right, Peg! God isn't done with us yet-- by far. I pray that the Lord would clearly and powerfully lead you in this next season of life. You haven't lived this long for nothing!




Karen on Dec 31, 2020


Christ's teachings and foundations are simple to learn. Love how they named the gates in the directions so people can relate and learn their ways simple and carefree.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I like that connection, Karen. Indeed, Christ's teachings are simple to learn but so tough to apply. God bless you.




Karen on Dec 10, 2020


Interesting History. Awesome facts that unite with the Bible stories shared in my Sunday School classes since 1965. Awesome visuals and helpful information.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2020


It is amazing how seeing the places does help connect the biblical stories we have read all our lives. May God continue to bless you, Karen.




Sandra on Oct 15, 2020


Could not make it through these times if I didn’t have the hope of God to cling to.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2020


I know what you mean, Sandra. The Lord indeed is a wonderful strength and fortress.




Teresa on Oct 8, 2020


Reading the Bible daily and praying throughout the day nourishes my soul.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2020


Me too, Teresa. My time in the Scriptures and with the Lord is the best part of the day. God bless you.




Apple on Sep 25, 2020


I think that we need to keep on talking to Him and we must not leave God outside of our lives. We must keep God inside of our lives. We must worship Him.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 25, 2020


You're absolutely right, Li-Ann. May God bless you as you keep Him inside of your life.




Anita on Sep 22, 2020


A little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus first thing in the morning!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


I am right there with you, Anita. Except I use a whole lot of coffee as well as a whole lot of Jesus. :-)




Greg on Sep 16, 2020


If I had found these teachings earlier I don't think they would have had the same impact. GOD's perfect timing brought these to me at this point in time because now is when my "walls" are most susceptible to His siege. Time for me to open my gates and surrender to Him again.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2020


What a beautiful way to put that, Greg. Indeed, I join you in that commitment and prayer that the Lord would enter in to our walls and shut the door behind Him! :-) Seriously, what a blessing that He loves us enough to pursue us.




Jodi on Sep 10, 2020


I fortify my walk with Christ by praying to Him daily, worshipping with Him in the car to and from my 1 1/2hr drive to work. Uplifting Him in praise and song, which uplifting to me overall well being. With things in this world the way they are, I need him as my best friend, so I lean on Him on a daily basis. He has been there for me in all of my triumphs and trials. I am so blessed and truly humbled.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


I can relate with what you say, Jodi. In the many years that I commuted an hour to and from work, my car became a sanctuary. I listened to scripture and prayed and worshiped. There were also prolonged moments of complete silence. I don’t miss the commute, but I do miss the sanctuary! I am thrilled that you make such good use of your time. God bless you.




Ruthann on Aug 23, 2020


The time line is very interesting.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2020


I am glad you found the timeline interesting, RuthAnn! May the Lord continue to bless you.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


I fortify my walk with Christ by starting each day with Him. It gets my mind on the proper track daily. I don’t want to be sieged! 😉




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


I agree with you, Karen. We want God on the inside of our walls – not on the outside! Your strategy for keeping him there is a good one.




Sherry on Aug 14, 2020


One other question: I noticed in the section below the video that you noted the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as the place of Jesus' crucifixion. I am curious as to why you think that vs. the location of the Garden Tomb? Do you have any videos that discuss this? When I was in Israel last year, my Messianic Jewish guide told us that the location of the church was chosen for political reasons and were probably was not an accurate location. I would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


That's right, Sherry. I have just given you access to the Via Dolorosa video. I explain it much more there. Also the Passion Week series in the Life of Christ videos (bonus section) elaborates on it some. God bless you. The Holy Sepulcher is almost certainly the correct location, although we would wish it was the Garden Tomb! If after watching the videos you need more clarification, I'm happy to give it.




Sherry on Aug 14, 2020


Hi Wayne, I'm having trouble with the "Walls through the Centuries" portion above. The pictures/videos are so small that I can hardly make it out! Is it possible to expand the size so I don't need a microscope! lol ;)




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


So sorry about that, Sherry. I wish I could change it. Perhaps you could try a different device or a different browser? Thanks so much. God bless.




Gerald on Aug 13, 2020


Several prophets suggest these months of Covid 19 provide an opportunity for spiritual reflection and repentance, like you say happens with God's siege for our possible restoration. These are the days left to allow revival or recognize the arrival of the final season of destruction and judgement prior to Messiah's return.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


I like the reminder that the book of Hebrews gives us, Gerald. Its words are timeless: "As has just been said: 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts...'" (Hebrews 3:15). The best time to draw close to God is always today.




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


God allowed a total disruption of my life in my mid-twenties--which though painful at the time proved to be life-altering in the best possible way. In that time of "besiegement" I found the One who, in truth, had been seeking me! Again, Wayne, the life-lesson you have extracted from this geographical history is a gift to us all.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


Those painful seasons are so challenging at the time, aren’t they? It reminds me of the apostle Paul‘s words in 2 Corinthians 1. God comforts us in our affliction so that we may comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received. I also think of our Lord’s encouragement to Peter in the upper room that final night. He told Peter that once he had turned, he should strengthen his brothers. I see you doing the same, Steven.




Steven on Aug 2, 2020


Wayne, you can see that I had the great privilege of working through a few more of your wonderful video lessons this afternoon and early evening. I continue to be amazed--and delighted, too--in your taking the time to pers0nally respond to each one of our individual responses. How many years has it taken to amass this astounding video teaching curriculum? Is this your primary ministry? Or are you also associated with a preaching/teaching ministry with a church as well? You are a very gifted teacher--and I am so greatly inspired by each of your carefully composed video lessons What a treasury of blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2020


I greatly appreciate your kind words of affirmation, Steven. Although I am a Sunday school teacher, and I teach each week in class, I am not associated officially with our church. You can read all about my background here. As far as Walking the Bible Lands, this has been my full-time job/ministry since January 2017—everything has been developed in these three years. In addition to the videos, I lead a couple of tours to Israel and Greece each year. It's been a wonderful privilege. Thanks again.




Jim on Jul 24, 2020


In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus! This video teaching on the walls and gates hit me close to home. As we have discussed, Phyllis and I are responding to a call to long term mission work in Uganda. We will know God’s will Monday. If He has called and the answer is yes, we will find ourselves living in a walled compound. While those walls, like walls of Jerusalem are designed to protect the compound, I see the gates as the opportunity to do a reverse siege! Jesus commissioned us all to bring the gospel into our hearts and to nurture it inside the walls of our body, but he gave us the wonderful gate of our mouth as we are going to tell the good news, baptizing and teaching! The gates of the city of Jerusalem and the gates of the walls of the compound increase my zeal to tell the Good News! Thank you for a wonderful lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


I am glad the video encouraged you, Jim. I continue to pray God's clarity and blessing and leading in your life.




Jeanne on Jul 14, 2020


I think that God has been using this stay at home order to get my attention. I think that he wanted more of me but I was too busy to acknowledge him.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2020


That's an insightful observation, Jeanne. May the Lord bless you as you draw closer to Him during these days.




Mary Anne on Jun 5, 2020


This touched me today after the chaos in our cities hit so hard this week.

“God lays siege to our lives not to destroy us, but to restore us“, Here’s hoping that we take this to heart. During these times of unrest I pray that more people will see that our biggest supporter is God. Maybe we can step outside of ourselves and return to what is important...loving our Lord God and loving all people. Set aside our prejudices and finding that “Willing the good of another” is the definition of Love. I pray this in the name of the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2020


That’s a wonderful prayer, Mary Anne. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him. I’m so glad the video encouraged you.




Christy on May 16, 2020


Wayne, I want you to know what an incredible blessing your website has been to me this last month. We returned from a tour to Israel mid- March this year. I have loved seeing more about places we visited and places we were not able to visit! I feel like I've been putting together a huge jigsaw puzzle understanding more and more with each additional piece. The quality of everything has been first rate. I've also loved learning about resources and have purchased quite a few. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2020


I want you to know, Christy, how thrilled I am that God has blessed your time on the website. Such an honor. What a privilege that you got to go to Israel in March – and you got back just in time! I pray that God continually blesses you as you study His Word, His land, and enjoy these videos.




Sandy on May 14, 2020


Also - when we visited Jerusalem we did not go to the Church of the Sepulchre but went to the Place of the Skull and the Garden Tomb, other likely places of Jesus Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection. This was a very surreal experience with a reality more worshipful than pictures at the other site.




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


I totally understand that, Sandi, and I'm not surprised. Many Protestant groups do not go to the Holy Sepulcher Church, and yet, that is most likely the legitimate place.




Lauralee on May 13, 2020


This video and your comments/application are very timely! Thanks Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


Thank you, Lauralee. I am so glad that you enjoyed the video. God bless you and keep you safe!




Anne on May 13, 2020


Loved this video. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2020


Thank you, Anne. I'm so glad you enjoyed the "Siege" video. :-) God bless you as you wall Him in your life.




Mary on May 12, 2020


Love this video and the extra below the video about the walls. Is there anyway to see this full screen?




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2020


I wish there was a way to see it full screen, Mary. The best you can do is click on one of the two magnifying glasses at the lower left, as the + or - makes it bigger or smaller.




Lydia on May 12, 2020


To keep my walls fortified with God inside I read the last 6 Psalms in the Bible in the A.M. Then I apologize for any hurt I caused immediately. God taught me to write an email or go directly to that person. That act alone shores up any destroyed parts of my wall. We need certain walls to keep us safe, happy, in the Lord and in right relationship with God and our people. Thank you Wayne for again making me think on "these things."




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2020


It takes a humble person to do what you're doing, Lydia. I applaud you and thank you for your commitment to keep things clean with everyone. God bless you.




Garry on May 12, 2020


Dear Wayne,

What a fabulous video. Thank you for this. I always enjoy a refresher course on the old city outline and the meaning of the various gates. We all have these kinds of gates that we live with all of the time. They just have modern names. However, during the past few weeks, gates of our own have been put in place (for various reasons) that cause us to indeed reflect on so many things. Your video is beautifully done and the over fly of the city is spectacular with the blue sky. I also really appreciate the quote from Revelation at the end. It is a powerful verse. For me, sometimes, I read each word of the verse, one word at a time. Then I think about the meaning of the word itself as it stands alone. Then I go to the next word and do the same thing. This is so helpful and shows the vast meaning of the verse. This verse is not just about dining. Thanks again. Powerful and timely message as always.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2020


Well said, Garry. I love the metaphors that you mention of our modern gates! So true… I also appreciate the word by word method of observing and interpreting and applying the Scriptures. So helpful. So essential. So beneficial. Thanks again.




Sue on May 11, 2020


Your videos are a time of in-filling for me, and they lead me to read related Scriptures beyond the ones you reference. I am seeing a lot of connections and prophetic fulfillment I didn't realize were there, and your life lessons are excellent launching points for reflection and prayer.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2020


How wonderful, Sue, that the videos are helping you dig deeper into the Scriptures. I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time here at Walking the Bible Lands. May it continue!




Heather on May 11, 2020


I'm trying to fortify by making a commitment to reading scripture and trying to soak in his word, study the history and geography through your page, and also spending time with God in prayer and meditation. Thank you for providing your site. One day, I hope to travel and tour these places in real life. Until then, this is the next best thing.




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


I love reading what you're doing, Heather. This is such a fine commitment you have made, and I pray that God honors your hard work and discipline of meeting with Him each day. I pray you receive much encouragement also from the videos. God bless.




Ty on May 11, 2020


Great history and geography lesson to supplement a great personal teaching and growth lesson. He is a pursuing God and will apply tough love to get our attention to the single most important question we all have to deal with. Is it life with God or without God? And it's on His terms not our terms, but His terms are all about love and seeing us at our best 'in Him'. Being changed from inside out once the walls come down and then He puts a hedge of protection around us to allow us to begin our walk with Him. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


I love the way you often summarize these lessons, Ty. Thanks, as always, for your insightful comments. God bless you.




Beverly on May 11, 2020


Loved it! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


Thank you, Beverly. I'm glad the video was an encouragement. God bless you.




Roger on May 11, 2020


This presentation of the gates in the current walls of Jerusalem is wonderful! Very helpful. One curiosity question: does the Huldah gate (now closed) on the southern temple steps not count as a gate? Or other gates opening up on those steps?




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


Great question, Roger. The Hulda Gates were one set of several gates to the Temple Mount, not the city itself. And technically, they were doorways or passageways, since in antiquity they were not able to be closed. Thanks and God bless.




Roger on May 11, 2020


Ah, that helps. Although the Golden Gate was essentially also only to the Temple Mount rather than the city itself? Thank you!



Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


That's correct. Good point. I believe it is the only exception.




Paula on May 10, 2020


I didn't even read the previous comments and made that note about Covid 19 on my copy of the transcript (which I am VERY thankful for Wayne)!! I have never been to Israel and these videos make me feel closer than ever to a country where I have always wanted to go. I just love all the information and the videos are wonderful.

Sincerely, Paula




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2020


Thanks for the encouragement to share this video with others, Paula. Also I’m thrilled that get to experience the Bible lands this way. How exciting! God bless you.




Lynn on May 6, 2020


I agree with Caroline about perhaps making this a public video. This teaching is so appropriate for us during Covid-19 quarantine. God is providing an amazing time for us to repent, to restore and to revitalize our dependence and love of Him. Thank you for this teaching.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2020


Thank you, Lynn, for the nudge to share this video. I may just do that next week! Thanks for the encouragement again.




Caroline on Apr 14, 2020


I am so, so grateful for these beautiful, incredible videos. This particular one is poignant in light of today's COVID-19 situation. Suggestion....you make this one free like you did for the Passion one. The teaching at the end is RIGHT in line with what Jesus would have us do today !




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2020


Wonderful idea, Caroline. Thanks so much! Also, I am thrilled that you are enjoying the videos. God bless you.




Nancy on Mar 31, 2019


This was such an interesting video on what seems like a background topic but one that's very informative about the city. I loved the timeline with the extra information and videos. I imagined God watching over the city through the centuries, still being in control and shaping His plans no matter what people did, because "your walls are continually before me" (Is. 49:16).




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2019


Great perspective, Nancy, and I love that verse from Isaiah. No doubt, God continues to progress His grand plan for Jerusalem and Israel. I can't wait to see those future gates in the Kingdom! Thanks for your comment.




Vera on Mar 27, 2019


God lays siege to our lives not to destroy us but to restore us....this could be another motto for my life. When our daughter Hannah died in 1990 at 7 weeks, even though I had four other children...I was so distraught. We had given our child BEARING over to the Lord but not our CHILDREN. A friend of a friend called me and hit me on the head with God's sovereignty (and I could take it from her because she lost a daughter exactly the same way). Since my conversion, I loved learning ABOUT God ( I didn't know hymns, songs, gospels etc. ) through books, tapes etc. but I didn't KNOW GOD. Huge turning point in my life.. preparing me to become a pastor's wife, BSF group leader and the joyous recipient of TWO more daughters (a double blessing) We recently watched a daughter being laid siege to in getting out of a relationship...Christian guy...not godly man. Prince Charming not prince character! She wrote a great article about that. But God is restoring everything to her 9 months later with a godly Christian man...a steady man...had she not gone through the first, she wouldn't have appreciated the BEST! Love your videos and website! My husband is leading a tour of 4 this fall.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2019


Vera, thank you for sharing your story and for following God and trusting Him as He lays siege. :-) God bless you as you wait on Him.




Joyce on Mar 19, 2019


Thank you Wayne...another GREAT AND AWESOME video. On my visits to Jerusalem one of my favorite things to do is walk Ramparts. But you gave given me an even greator perspective in appling God's purpose in my life in my "seiges". Never do I want to keep Him out! Thanks again Wayne for your videos. God bless this ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2019


How gracious of you, Joyce. Thank you. I'm so glad the Lord encourages you through His Word and through the videos. That's my prayer!




Tammie on Mar 8, 2019


Oh my! Absolutely LOVE this video! To see all the walls at one time & learn the history! Then, the application & verses!! It’s bed time & I can’t sleep- gotta watch it again! Thank you for the great information!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


I'm so glad the video hit home with you, Tammie. Those gates have always fascinated me as well, and I can't wait to see what the gates of God's kingdom in Jerusalem look like! God bless you.




Lydia on Mar 7, 2019


I just usually invite HIM in. I repeat the verse from Revelation 3:20

and open the door!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


I love that, Lydia. Great application.




Bruce on Mar 7, 2019


Excellent Wayne... One of your top 5... I know it was a lot of work but it really did train and educate in many ways. May God guard the gates to our lives and allow only wholesome goods to come in.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


Thanks so much, Bruce. I love the illustration you gave about guarding the gates. Very nice...




Mary on Mar 7, 2019


Is there anyway to print out the timeline you give us?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


Hey, Mary-- No, I wish there was, but I created the timeline only to be interactive.




Mary on Mar 7, 2019


How can you daily fortify your walk with Christ to keep the door of fellowship with Him open? By abiding in Christ daily and not giving the devil a foothold. We are to walk in the Spirit and daily confess and repent of our sins. We do this by daily study of God's Word, prayer, and in community with the Body of Christ; just to name a few.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


Fantastic application and strategy, Mary. I love that God's grace gives us a daily (and moment-by-moment) do-over. :-)




Mary on Mar 7, 2019


Love this new video! I've always been fascinated with the walls and gates.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


I'm so glad, Mary, that the video encouraged you. These gates always fascinated me too. I'm glad to have this in a video all in one place. :-)



Jerusalem's Walls and Gates - Why God Lays Siege to Our Lives

Ein Perath - Why We Must Cling to God Daily

Ty on Oct 27, 2022


Good to view this video again, A picture paints a thousand words. How many pictures cross my (our) path a day? How many affirmations, or challenges, or warnings from God do I (we) walk by and ignore daily? Being sensitive and expectant is a life time discipline I must never lose while continuing to develop this, while being a child of God and enjoying His blessing around me.


God Himself in the 3rd Person of the Godhead personally helps each one of His adopted sons and daughters. (1 John 4:4) I don’t have any excuses, but I sure do make a lot of them. The choice or better said the invite is there, if as Matthew 6:33 reads ‘seek first His kingdom’ is my way of life. The responsibility is on me, not God, yet God is alway responsive to those who truly seek Him with all of their being. Amazing how God will use other things and people around me to affirm or challenge or warn me daily that He is always around but I have to be sensitive and expectant in realising that and be ever so thankful for His faithfulness and promise keeping.


He is the One and True Living God, who takes an interest in all of His creation. We are unique before Him with our own personal DNA that no one else has. Being a student/disciple means we can learn and appreciate His closeness every day as His grace and mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3: 22-23)




Gary Templin on Oct 21, 2022


We often feel we need more and look for a fast, easy and unjust ways to make us happy. God is the true way to meet our needs and happiness.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 15, 2022


Thank you




Sheron Keeling on Aug 13, 2022


I love this illustration and how God show's us just why it is so important to cling to Him daily. As John 15:5, Apart from Me, you can do nothing, is oh so true. I find at times, that I try to do things on my own, and God let's me know that I can't. I love how He corrects me, and then shows me His grace and mercy.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2022


This is a powerful metaphor, isn't it, Sheron? Clinging to the Lord is actually a testimony of strength, not weakness.




Frances Tencza on Jun 13, 2022


God really is amazing how he uses innate objects to get his point across,considering how insignificant our lives can become when we don’t include him in our daily walk with him!





Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


Indeed, Frances, God is the master of using object lessons! How effective they are in getting our attention.




Norma on Jan 24, 2022


Paul said in 1 Thesalonians 5:21 "but test them all; hold on to what is good," Our inquisitive mind take us to look and explore different sources to validate our way of thinking. God has granted us that freedom to find his truths even outside of the scriptures. However, Paul warned and advised us to put that knowledge or outside sources to the test. The scriptures and the Holy Spirit give us tools for such test. There are things that sounds good but underneath are evil Diserment is needed!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Absolutely, Norma. Many places /truths in our world point to the Lord, and the Scriptures remain the ultimate source of truth.




Lydia on Dec 29, 2021


I am thinking that it is because we don't have any tangible item, i.e. maps books, therapists, etc. We have grown-up looking for answers from parents, friends, teachers,etc. Then when we were barraged with self-help books, it became harder to see the answers where the answers really are. Humans like to have answers at

their finger snaps. Take a look in the only book that matters and be patient. And quit snapping those fingers.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2021


I like the way you put that, Lydia. Indeed, we are in instant-mashed-potatoes society, where if a web page doesn't load immediately, or our Amazon order doesn't show up tomorrow, we feel slighted. Truth is, sometimes God takes His time to give the answers we are searching for. But regardless of our question, the answer is found in the Scriptures.




Lola on Dec 12, 2021


Hello.. still waiting to be accepted into the FB Group>

while I am waiting.. question, are there any worksheets for for the site.. which I love and truly am enjoying




Beth on Dec 13, 2021


Hi Lola, We are so glad that you are enjoying your membership. We pray that it continues to be a blessing to you. I just checked your account and it looks like your Facebook request was accepted this morning. We do have a transcript for each of the videos that you are welcome to download and print. You can find those in the right column under each of the videos.


Don't hesitate to reach out to support@waynestiles.com if you need anything more. Blessings!




Patti on Oct 11, 2021


I think we turn elsewhere instead of the Bible because we like to be in charge and make our own decisions. We should trust God more and turn to His word in the Bible for all our needs.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2021


I am right there with you, Patti. We definitely need to turn to the Scriptures sooner than we usually do. May the Lord give you strength as you seek Him there.




Carolyn on Sep 16, 2021


I signed up for this series to help me prepare for our scheduled Holy Land tour around Thanksgiving, which was cancelled yesterday because of the outbreaks of Covid there. Hopefully the rescheduled trip for the same time next year will not be hindered by Covid.

Meanwhile, I am amazed at how much I am learning from you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021


What a blessing for you, Carolyn, to have plans to go to Israel! You will have a magnificent time. I am honored and excited to be a small part in helping prepare you for your significant journey. Thank you for letting me know you are enjoying the videos. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 24, 2021


I had a counselor who said to me: "Embrace the Process". It takes time to grow up and understand things especially things of God. Once I was downloading God to this young person who was eating up all I said. Once done and we said our goodbyes, I went into the trailer I was house-sitting for and sat down. God said, "Wanda (a person) cannot do in 1 year what has taken you over 20." I went and corrected myself and told them to just do the 1 or 2 things God was telling them to do.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2021


Great advice, Wanda. Jesus told His disciples, "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now." (John 16:12)




Taylor on Jul 17, 2021


I've always been confused about something. I've been taught that Jesus is "The Word of God." If this is true, why do we refer to the Bible as "The Word of God?" Should we call it "The Written Word of God" instead? I'm curious what your thoughts on the matter are.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2021


Your question is a good one, Taylor. Scripture refers to both Jesus and the Bible as the Word of God-- and when we understand that the "Word" is simply God's method of communication, that makes sense. Both came to us through the power of the Holy Spirit working through fallible human beings—yet both are without error. Amazing...




Michael on Jun 28, 2021


I would like to use these videos for a group Bible study. How do you suggest using the audio recordings and the transcripts?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2021


What a great idea, Michael, using the videos for a small group. I'm not sure how the audio recordings would help the group, but you can use the questions at the end of each transcript as discussion questions for the group. God bless you.




Maria on Jun 10, 2021


So true, when we depart from God, we become completely useless! Thank you, Mr. Styles for opening my eyes to this passage. I was not familiar with it. May God continue to bless you, always!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


Yes, Maria, this is a magnificent passage from Jeremiah. I am so glad that it encouraged you. God bless you.




Mary Lou on May 27, 2021


We think we question ourselves and don't leave it to God. Sometimes it feels helpful to get others' opinions because we don't have confidence in ourselves or in God. We want an immediate answer and that's not the way God works.




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2021


Well said, Mary Lou. Indeed, sometimes we can try to substitute the wisdom of God with the answers of people. How essential that we filter anything people say with the truth of the Scriptures. God bless you.




Rosemarie on May 21, 2021


Sometimes we think we know what God wants from us and sometimes we don’t listen. We think we know best but prayers and including God in our daily thoughts keeps us on track. Not always an easy task but life is always a challenge and I try to include God every day. Thank you for this message. I didn’t know the story of the linen belt.




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


So true, Rosemarie. Indeed, it is essential to keep God in our daily thoughts and prayers, and especially it is essential to read the Bible each day in order to know the will of God. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him.




Barbara on Apr 21, 2021


I had never read this account before. What an interesting way for God to speak to Jeremiah using the belt as an illustration. It was relevant in his day and still is today. It's a convicting message to not follow after other gods or we will be rendered useless. I pray to always be faithful and useful for God's Kingdom and to bring Him glory.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


That is wonderful, Barbara. I am always amazed how the Lord continues to show us more and more through the Scriptures. I'm glad that the video was able to encourage you and I pray that the rest of the videos continue to do the same. God bless you.




Patricia on Mar 22, 2021


For myself, I lack patience. I don't feel like I'm getting an;y guidance for the solution when I think I should so I take the problem back and try, in my own strength to fix it Oh boy, then I'm in real trouble, not only is my solution not working, I've allowed myself to listen to the wrong voice that has taken me down that dangerous road of self reliance. I ask God where has he gone, why did he leave me to my own demise?

On my knees he gently nudges me and reminds me he hasn't moved, I did that on my own. I ask forgiveness and we start over. He showed me through my own folly how much He wants total reliance and trust in Him. When I release that control, I learn to wait on the Lord. No matter how long it takes, He has total control over the situation and will show me the correct solution, in his perfect timing,that brings glory to Him! Proverbs 3:5-6




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


I applaud you, Patricia, for continuing to plod on and persevere in your walk with God and your pursuit of patience. I am right there with you in the struggle! May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Joan on Mar 13, 2021


I think we're tempted to try other solutions, because we want more instant answers than 'waiting on God' to answer our prayers; but what we invariably don't see is that those 'more immediate' answers aren't answers at all but delays and complications to our concerns in the first place. God will enact His will and all we need do is trust Him more and more (not easy but much more rewarding than we can ask or imagine)! God, please give me patience to trust in Your Word and promises, in Jesus' name, Amen.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


I join you in that prayer, Joan! Waiting on God is, in my opinion, the most challenging assignment He has given us. One day, however, we will see that it is all worth it. May the Lord strengthen you as you continue to wait on Him. God bless you.




Yvette on Mar 4, 2021


I so appreciate your videos. And this one in particular. I believe it is vital for us to Cling to Jesus daily and that was a great example. I wrote a song called "I Cling to Jesus" and use my ministry to help others learn to do so. You can hear it here if you'd like. https://youtu.be/vO5rKjbR1qc

Thank you for all you do to share these stories and videos with us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


I am so glad that the video was an encouragement to you, Yvette. I pray that they continue to be! Thank you for sharing your song with me. It was beautiful. God bless you.




Jennifer on Feb 20, 2021


Arrogance and obscured temptation.




Lola Fitch on Feb 4, 2021


Sometimes we think we have it under control and remain ignorant of what the Bible truly has to offer. I am grateful to have this tool to understand more of the Bible. I always want to learn more. Thank you for this opportunity to learn and grow in our Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


I am also glad that you are growing and encouraged through the videos, Lola. Truthfully, the Word of God is our single source of growth and development in the Christian life. I pray it becomes more and more special to you as you watch the videos. God bless you.




Diane on Jan 28, 2021


Great life lesson and Beautiful photography! I love Wayne’s clear teaching as we Walk The Bible Lands with him in these videos!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


How wonderful, Diane, that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you.




Mary Jo on Jan 27, 2021


If we are truly in His word and prayer, we would not lack trust, patience, or discernment of His will. What is brought to my mind right now is when we are fully active serving Him in our church or community, we need His word even more. We are compelled to serve, but if lacking His daily Word to guide us, nuture us, we may not be serving Him but our own pride; hence looking at ourselves and others for solutions.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


You have made a great point, Mary Jo. It isn't enough to be in the Word and in prayer, but we must also be in service – even in these limiting days. How essential that we cling to God's Word for wisdom for personal living as well as for public service. God bless you as you walk with Him and serve Him.




Amy on Jan 24, 2021


I wasn't familiar with that passage. Thank you for teaching us!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


Hey there, Amy! I am so glad that an unfamiliar passage is now a good friend. :-) God bless you.




Joan on Jan 23, 2021


I have a weekly Bible study with two ladies who love God, but have never read the Bible. Praising God that this video touched them in a remarkable way. The conversation regarding this video led them both to "Ah-Ha" moments and Gospel made sense. One person said, "I always heard that Jesus died for our sins, but now I realize I never even stopped to think what that meant. It was just something we said. I get it now." Another remarked on how we were separated for wanted to be like God in the garden, and only God himself could bring us back. I am so joy filled because of this Bible Study session. Thank you so much for providing the vehicle that touched them.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2021


What an amazing blessing that God would use His Word, His Spirit, this video—and you, Joan—to touch their hearts and open their eyes to Christ's amazing gospel. I praise God with you and thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony of God's power. God bless you.




Peg on Jan 18, 2021


Today through the Covid Pandemic times certainly shows what happens when we do not cling to God daily. We live in trying times right now where daily clinging to God is a must just to get through everyday living, I pray for those who do not know the Lord and turn the wrong direction looking for answers.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2021


I will join you in that prayer, Peg, that those who don't know the Lord will sense the need to draw close to Him during these days when ALL other hopes are sinking sand.




Karen on Jan 7, 2021


Perfect in today's times for sure!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


Yes, Karen, it's amazing how relevant this passage is every day of our lives. God bless you as you cling to Him.




Patricia on Nov 1, 2020


In a society, where everything that we need is easily accessible, it is often hard to wait and that to me is the hardest thing to learn. There was a waiting period between when God told Jeremiah to go to purchase the belt, to bury it, and then retrieve it. The verse that comes to my mind is “God is patience not wanting anyone to perish.” God is a God of waiting. He is patient waiting for us to return to Him!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 2, 2020


So well said, Patricia. Indeed, He is SO patient-- not only with the lost world, but with His wandering people-- like us! May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Loni on Oct 16, 2020


If we don't cling to God, it renders us useless to serve His purposes.


Sometimes like Jeremiah, we need to dig deep to get closer to God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2020


Well said, Lonnie. Thank you so much for your insight. God bless.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


I’m tempted when the enemy wants to get me out of godliness and leaning on the unstable world. Do according to the scriptures and I’m good 💪🏼😁




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


Sometimes great afflictions cause us to cling to God more tightly. What a blessing that he uses whatever he can to draw as close. May the Lord strengthen you as you continue to cling to Jesus.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


Yes, that too, thank you for the reminder.




Kathlyn on Jun 18, 2020


Might not want to take the time to dig it out, look at the context, or look into the "mirror" that shows my sin. Want a quick fix. Lazy. Want an answer that is PC or popular with those around me. Can seem like it is for another people or another century.

While chewing on this question, and an answer, I rediscovered words in my Bible that I marked years ago as a LIFE VERSE...Your Words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16

God blesses us so richly, if we DO take the time and make the effort to listen to His Words. Not only do they offer help, hope and healing, but they BECOME our joy and delight!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


Well said, Kathlyn, and kudos to you for having the courage to dig deep and search for truth – even in your own heart. I love that verse you quoted in Jeremiah! God bless you as you continue to cling to Him.




Sue on Jun 13, 2020


I am always struck by the fact that Jesus didn't do anything apart from what he saw his Father doing and saying. His obedience and dependency flowed from the intimacy they enjoyed... I am grateful the Godhead is praying for us, and Christ's life is at work in us, whether we see it or not. How glorious when I intentionally spend time in the Living Word and cling to him. I am praying it becomes more integrated into my daily pattern.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2020


You've hit the nail on the head here, Sue. Spending time with the Lord in His Word is the essential way to cling to Him-- to know His truth and trust in Him. God bless you as you seek Him.




Lauralee on Apr 20, 2020


All of these videos are so well done and the teaching is so pertinent! Thank you, Dr. Stiles, for all of this. I'm enjoying it immensely.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2020


I'm thrilled to hear that the Lord is blessing and encouraging you through the videos, Lauralee. I pray He continues to do so as you discover new places and connect them with His Word. God bless you-- and thanks so much for your comment! :-)




Paulette on Nov 14, 2019






Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2019


Good for you, Paulette. There's no better, safer, or more fulfilling place to be than clinging to Him.




Ty on Nov 14, 2019


Great reminder. We are visually inspired created beings and that is why the natural is so important to us.


In OT times the Holy Spirit only came upon certain people to deliver God's messages, so they had to listen to God’s Words given to His anointed one to understand and accept or reject them.


A little different for us in NT times. We are still people who are greatly influenced by visual things in the natural. We to have to listen and understand God’s written Word. We, however, have been. given a gift, heaven on earth in the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us understand God’s Word and messages for our life.


‘He who is in all God’s children is greater than he who is in the world’. We can’t see in to the spiritual, but the Holy Spirit can. The spiritual world is real in the heavenly places where our minds are influenced to turn toward God's ways for our life or away toward what the prince of the air, the devil leads those to distract away from God's ways.


We have been given a ‘free will’ to choose, another gift from God. It’s our’s responsibility to choose just like in Jeremiah’s days, but with some supernatural help (internal Counsellor/Advocate) if we choose. Is it short term or long term counselling you and I desire?



Wayne Stiles on Nov 14, 2019


That's right, Ty. I love that the Holy Spirit is now a permanent part of our lives, and He doesn't come and go as in the Old Testament. Thanks so much for your words.


Ein Perath - Why We Must Cling to God Daily

Masada - Making the Lord Your Stronghold

Elisabeth Aukrust on Apr 6


I have just joined this webside, and have just startet listening to the sermons. I really like them! It is so good to combine the tours of the Holy Land with the Bible´s messages of faith and trust in God. This message is so important; to make God our stronghold. I have really experienced that He is my stronghold and my refuge during the last year, sine I was diagnosen with widespread cancer in march last year. I have received immuno therapy, and I am responding to it, thank God, so my prognosis is FairPlay good. I am now at quite good health, exept for some side effects of the therapy. I keep on working as a family doctor and polician for the Christian democratic party in my county. All through the year I have heard God saying to me: trust in me, and I have. I decided to trust in Him no matter the outcome, and thank Him for all the blessings in my life. He has been so good and faithful to me, and has shown me that He sees me and meets me whenever I have needed it, if I have had some bad news. He has given me som many bibel verses, like Palm 30 and 31, and I am so grateful to God that I can celebrate Passover again after everything was so uncertain last Passover. The death and resurrection of Jesus our Savior and Lord is what our faith is founded on.


Elisabeth from Norway




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6


I applaud you, Elisabeth, for you drawing close to Christ during these days of total dependence on Him for your healing and your encouragement. I'm thrilled that the videos are encouraging you, and I pray they continue to do so. God bless you. I'm praying for you...




Elisabeth Aukrust on Apr 7


Thank you for your encouragement, Wayne. Yes, I am very thankful to God and the good health care system of Norway for my healing, as well as support from good friends and family. Yesterday and today I have been to church, and yesterday we had washing of hands in memorial of Jesus washing his desciples´feet and a meal with the service and communion. It was so good. Today was also very good with the reading from Matthew and walking through all the stations of the cross. I brought a friend to church, and I was so happy to be able to explain to her the message of the cross and to pray for and with her and two other women afterwords. The others don´t normally come to church, and are in the prosess of coming to faith in Christ. Whenever we meet we share and pray together. It is so good to be able to share the love of Christ together and so encourageing to see how the Lord is increasing out faith and knowledge of Him.




Ty on Feb 7


Worth its weight to view often.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7


Amen, Ty. We need those regular reminders of God alone as our fortress.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 15, 2022


Thank you for this lesson, to reconfirm just who God our Father really is. We are only secure in Him, with Him, as He walks and talks with us daily. To lead us to the right paths, for His Name sake. Exodus 14-13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” There are 3 commands here: Do not be afraid, stand firm and see! We must seek God as we see and ask Him for His understanding in all things. Praise Him for all our blessings! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2022


Thank you for those additional scriptures, Sheron. Great insights. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Jul 28, 2022


Never Again is what is written on a poster I have from my one of my trips to Israel!

It is hanging in my memory room on the wall dedicated to my deceased father Edward Rosenfeld and a photo of me pointing to his name on the Memory Wall to The Friends of Zion Heritage Museum in Jerusalem! My dad, was a Jew who lost distant relatives to the Holocaust!That Montra is what is in the heart of

every Jew, and sadly the persecution of their people continue!

Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


Indeed, Frances, the passion of the Jewish people is amazing, in spite of the persecution they have endured through the centuries. Still, it is not a nationalistic or geopolitical passion that makes "never again" a reality. It will take the deliverance of our Lord Jesus Christ, and ultimately, Israel accepting their Messiah. As the Masada video reminds us, even the best passions and plans of humanity are nothing unless God is our security.




Frances Tencza on Jul 28, 2022


Wayne, that is so true! I am praying that the members of my dad’s remaining relatives will embrace the revelation that Jesus is their messiah too!




Frances Tencza on Jun 24, 2022


Yes, God alone is our stronghold!

It is tragic that the patriots of the days of Masada didn’t lean on him for protection!Obviously they didn’t have a relationship of trust with God, and didn’t take Psalm 18:1-2 to heart!They took their own destiny in their own hands! So many of us struggle with that today,with lack of trust in our creator!!





Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2022


Yes, Frances, there is an aspect of Elazar Ben Yair's speech from Masada that is often left out. The specific points usually highlighted involve the bravery of death over slavery. What is left out is the leader's perspective that all of this is God's judgment on them.




Tony on May 16, 2022


Thank you for the wonderful video and history lesson of Masada and the application to our life. The reminder that God is our stronghold, fortress and rock, and that we are protected and secure by Him.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


I'm so glad, Tony, that the Masada video encouraged you in that essential reminder to keep the Lord as our fortress and strong hold. God bless you.




Rosemary on Feb 8, 2022


I really enjoyed my visit to Masada. So impressive!! Massive!!! What a fortress!!!

I didn’t realise that the Hebrew word for fortress is Masada. I’ve seen lots of caves (that would have provided a stronghold for David) around Qumran, En Gedi where David could hidden from Saul. 1 Samuel 23:14 “David stayed in the desert strongholds. Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands. “. David wrote many Psalms about God being our fortress.

Having seen Masada and it’s height, size, advantages to see the enemy come, protection, difficult to access gives me a totally different understanding of the meaning of ‘God being our fortress.’ I have much more awe in relation to God being our stronghold, towers, strength etc.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


You make a great connection to God as our fortress, Rosemary. Thank you for affirming these wonderful truths.




Ty on Feb 6, 2022


One marvellous piece of filming, enlightening, and teaching. Hard not to take something away on a very personal level. In my mind it would be impossible for one not to feel/hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit during and after seeing and hearing this short film. Although historical facts and stories were given, the spiritual directness of God saying, hey you to each viewer, can not or should not be missed to one's own peril.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2022


That’s a tremendous insight, Ty. Indeed, I always appreciate and applaud your sensitivity to God.




Norma on Jan 26, 2022


"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalm 18:2. I lost my mom when I was 11 years old. This tragic loss put me in a situation to raise my younger siblings. I had the need to find strength and wisdom from God. He was my comforter, my compass, and my fortress. My relationship with God went deeper when in college; I had a personal encounter with Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2022


What a blessing, Norma, that the Lord has been your strong hold all of your life. May He continue to be!




Patti on Nov 9, 2021


I know God is my stronghold as only He know my strengths and my weaknesses, my past and my future. I depend solely on Him. He is my strength.




Michael on Sep 16, 2021


While in seminary, I took a class in archaeology. I chose Massada as my term project. Three years later, I was able to visit Israel and Massada. It made an unforgettable impression on me. You are right, I have discovered that only Yahweh is my stronghold (massada). I will take refuge in Him alone. Thank you for this very meaningful video and the reminder that in God alone will I trust.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021


What a blessing, Michael, that you had the privilege of studying Masada so closely. I am thrilled that the video brought back some of those memories and encouraged to you. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Aug 24, 2021


One time I was struggling with a past sin and I didn't think I could talk to God about it. He spoke to me and said, "Wanda, I see all and know all." My reply: LORD, I have to talk to You." He has kept me and I am so glad!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2021


So true! He will never leave you, Wanda. Keep yourself daily in the Scriptures where God speaks truth to you. God bless you.




Renee on Aug 19, 2021


I am loving the videos, especially the Lord is my stronghold (Masada). My husband is in the hospital with covid/pneumonia and I need the strength of the Lord right now. He is my rock and my fortress and in Him I put my trust.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I am praying for your husband, Renee. I pray he recovers very quickly!




Renee on Aug 19, 2021


Thank you!




Michelle on Aug 19, 2021


I'm in awe. Thank You.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I am so glad, Michelle, that the video on Masada was an encouragement to you. I pray that the rest of the videos will continue to be! God bless you.




Ann on Jul 23, 2021


Faith...is what keeps the Lord my stronghold. He will never let us down and He is the ultimate conqueror.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021


Well said, Ann! Faith keeps our confidence in God strong. May He continue to strengthen you. God bless you.




Marlon on Jul 23, 2021


I have really enjoyed watching these videos. It's the next best thing to being there. I am learning a lot about each place , also.

Thanks for sharing, Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021


What a blessing, Marlon, that the Lord has encouraged you through these videos. I pray that He continues to do so! God bless you.




Dorothea on Jul 15, 2021


Having lived through World War Two as a child, being bombed out before the end, seeing people shot (my grandmother was wounded), I can totally see that only God is our refuge and strength. There is no safe place in this world for many people. Unless we cling to God and live by faith, we can never feel safe.

Being hearing impaired (wearing cochlear & hearing aid), it is sometimes difficult for me to hear some words over the music. That is my only complaint. Great videos though.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


Thank you so much for letting me know, Dorothea. I have created for every video a transcript in the sidebar you can download so that you don't miss a word. You should be able to follow along with the video. Thank you so much for your life of faith and reflection from the difficult years of the war.




Dorothy on Jun 1, 2021


The lord is my stronghold




Wayne Stiles on Jun 1, 2021


Amen, Dorothy! Our Lord is the only stronghold we can truly cling to in times like these. May He strengthen you as you wait on Him. God bless you.




Nancy on May 20, 2021


This is the first video that I have watched through. My internet service is so bad that if I try to watch it keeps stopping. I downloaded this one- then watched. It is absolutely great, it brings back to rememberance my Israel tour in 2017. I was really blessed.




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021


What a great idea, Nancy, to download the video in order to watch it straight through. I am so glad that worked for you, and I am even more thrilled that the Lord encouraged you through this video — to remind you of your significant journey to Israel several years back. God bless you.




Gayle on May 6, 2021


It is hard to understand how they were able to construct such a elaborate fortress. They didn't have the tools or equipment working at such great heights. Truly amazing.




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2021


It really is amazing how they built Masada, isn't it, Gayle? Thousands of slaves with cranes and levers… And plenty of time. Still astounding!




Barbara on Apr 22, 2021


I loved the way you brought out the lesson from Herod the Great's paranoia, the tragic end to the people of Massada when the Romans were about to reach them and David's prayer to God as his rock and his fortress. This massive rock structure meant different things to each of them. It just goes to show how we are all at different places in our spiritual journey with God. I hope to join my heart and voice with David!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Well said, Barbara. David's affirmation of God as our stronghold is such a magnificent reminder in light of the weakness of the fortresses this world offers. God bless you.




Bobbie on Apr 22, 2021


Thank you Mr. Wayne for this Masada - stronghold perspective. In my youth, my Mother wanted me to see the movie Masada. It struck me as a sad time for Jews and then in 2018 being there in that place brought it to reality. And the heartfelt sadness for the Jewish people I felt while walking there was more powerful. It seems to me to never give up like in Psalm 31 praying to God to be our rock and stronghold for I need Him every day to fight the invisible forces we battle with. When I ask, almost every day, I ask Adonai to strengthen me because I am weak. And in my times of frustration with tears I tell God I really hate the way the world is with all the hatred and evil in it. His beautiful earthly creation I love. Then I receive strength and peace. God Bless.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Wonderful insights, Bobbie. So true, the story of Masada is tragic, even moreso in light of the fact that Israel's destruction during that time occurred because they rejected Jesus. I appreciate your perspective of relying on God daily. Thank you and God bless you.




Betty on Apr 15, 2021


I was at Masada in 2017 when the temperature was 104° degrees. It was hard to see it as a refuge with that temperature.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


I know what you mean, Betty. The Dead Sea can be blistering hot at that time of year. I think the refuge was more of a military and geographic advantage, rather than a vacation spot. :-)




Michelle on Apr 1, 2021


First of all I thank you for these video's cause being fearful of heights I could never go to Masada! I am happy to see them from the comforts of my home.

God is my Masada in that Jesus has always been there for me in tough times as well as the good times.

How amazing that I am declared a child of God, fully forgiven and loved. Still can't grasp it but I know it to be true, looking forward to the day I can finally feel it fully!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Amen, Michelle. Indeed, our gracious God has given us the greatest gift in His Son, Jesus. I also long for the day when we see Him! God bless you.




Judi on Mar 20, 2021


This is so wonderful to see again. I made the trip with, Englewood United Methodist Church, Florida, in 2014. When trying to grasp everything in one trip, it is sometimes hard to remember it all.

Thank you so very much.

Judi Wright




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021


Absolutely, Judi, I understand. A tour to Israel is magnificent and life-changing, but there is no way to see or to remember at all. I hope that the videos will be a wonderful reminder to you of your significant journey. God bless you.




Jennifer on Feb 21, 2021


To have the Lord as your stronghold or not to have the Lord as your stronghold? One must chose, because there is no standing in both doorways. So seeing that the Lord is my for life, how could I not choose Him as my stronghold?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


I like the way you put that, Jennifer. It's tough to stand in both doorways – you are in neither room! God bless you as you rely on your true Stronghold.




Mary on Feb 13, 2021


This was an exceptional video with many spiritual applications. When I visited this site in 2014, I was so grateful that our security rests in our personal relationship with Christ and not in natural fortifications.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2021


Well said, Mary Lou. Indeed, Masada is a great reminder of where our true security lies-- with our strong God. May He bless you and keep you.




Lola Fitch on Feb 6, 2021


Remaining in the Word daily reminds me to trust in God for my strength and understanding . Biblical history demonstrates over and over how evil the world is and how God has never changed. When we go against what God tells us there will be a price to pay whether it be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically. Even when we 'mess up' we can call upon the Lord for strength and patience and His forgiveness. The photography in this video is fabulous. One can almost reach out and touch the rock and imagine sitting in the bathhouse relaxing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the Masada video, Lola. Indeed, it is essential to remain in God's Word on a daily basis and to trust Him for strength and understanding. I pray that the rest of the videos will be just as encouraging to you as this one! God bless you.




Rosemarie on Feb 2, 2021


I have this saying in my memory “only God is our Masada only

god is our stronghold “ How true this is, thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2, 2021


That is a great saying, Rosemarie, and a great truth. God bless you as you cling to Him as your stronghold.




Mary Jo on Jan 30, 2021


We can be God's hands and feet for others as God provides us with our needs, but we must pray for his guidance, knock at His door as He requests; ask and receive. The stronghold of staying on His path and discerning His will.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2021


Well said, Mary Jo. God is our stronghold and His Word offers a wonderful guide for us that keeps us out of MUCH trouble, regardless of the trials He allows. God bless you as you follow Him each day.




Amy on Jan 24, 2021


Only God is our stronghold. What a powerful message! Thank you, Wayne. I'm praying God will let me visit this place. hopefully sooner rather than later.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2021


I do hope you get to visit Masada soon, Amy! In fact, I would love to show it to you on an upcoming tour. :-)




Judith on Jan 20, 2021


I am really enjoying the video's of Masada. I have never been to Israel but I so wanted to visit it . I have had cancer four times and now only have 1 lung . and am a born again Christian but i know i probably cant make it there. I have enjoyed your videos so much love learning about our LORD. Thank you for sharing with us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


How exciting, Judith, for you to "experience" Israel virtually through the videos, and I'm thrilled that the Masada video encouraged you. May God bless you as you continue to walk with Him.




Claudia on Dec 22, 2020


I had the privilege of walking on top of Masada in 2009. Your video gave it a whole other meaning for me so thank you! Only God IS our Masada and only God IS our stronghold!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020


What a blessing for you, Claudia, to have journeyed to a Masada! Wasn't it amazing? I am so glad that the video took that wonderful place to additional heights for you. May the Lord continue to be your stronghold. God bless you.




Claudia on Dec 23, 2020


It was so amazing! I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed EVERY video that I’ve watched. I just shared your website on my Facebook page and I’m hoping that some of my friends will consider a membership. I’ve had the privilege of traveling to Israel twice and also doing a Footsteps of the Apostle Paul tour but many of my friends long to visit the sites and have not been able to. Seeing the sights makes the Bible come alive. It’s so wonderful when you can read the scriptures and picture the sites that they are referring to. Thank you so much for what you do. May God richly bless you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Jennifer on Dec 20, 2020


Wow! It's been 20 years since I walked on Masada....but I remember it like yesterday! I am so grateful for your videos that give a broader perspective AND go to many places we weren't able to see. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2020


What a blessing for you, Jennifer, to have taken a journey to Israel and to walk on top of Masada. Wow! I am thrilled that the video helped you relive your significant journey and that you got to experience a broader perspective. May the Lord continue to bless you through the videos! God bless you.




David on Dec 7, 2020


Thank you for this video on Masada. It was my privilege to go there in 2017. Will be going back in 2021. Good reminder for me of that old hymn.- .A Mighty Fortress is Our God..




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2020


What a wonderful privilege you had, David, to journey to a Masada several years ago. I pray that he will be able to go back again very soon! God bless you.




Apple on Oct 14, 2020


As I worship God daily. I am in God's presence.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


There is no greater place of security than in the presence of God.




Anita on Sep 24, 2020


I'm going to repeat all day long...." God you are my Masada"!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2020


I like that, Anita. "God, you are my Masada!" Very nice application.




Joyce on Sep 22, 2020


Thank you Wayne for this wonderful video. I loved the opening views leading up to Masada which I have seen only from a distance. The rocks and hills and valleys..Beautiful! That is what makes your videos great. You go places we can only see from your advantage. Thank you for this. It is a favorite place of mine, climbing the snake path twice and riding cable car once.. I must say walking was a wonderful experience but the ride was just as great...and a whole lot easier. I also loved the story of David and his stronghold experience and so thankful we have Jesus as our stronghold. I never watch any of your videos and not come away with a way to live a better Christian life following Jesus. God Bless




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


I am so glad, Joyce, that the Lord blessed you as you watched this video on a Masada. Indeed, it is an inspiring place, isn't it? Walking up that snake path is a challenge! I'm impressed that you did it twice. Wow… May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos and study His Word.




Jeff on Sep 17, 2020


Masada was one of our favorite places to see; love seeing it again. We really appreciate these videos.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2020


What a privilege you had, Jeff, to see Masada in person. Wow! I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos as well. God bless you.




Sherry on Aug 14, 2020


Wow! Amazing footage! It's as if I was there once again!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


What a blessing that you were able to go to Masada, Sherry! Isn’t it amazing? I am so glad that the video helped you to relive your experience.




Ann on Jul 27, 2020


I am loving these videos. It is helping me understand the Bible so much more. Thank you so much. I want to take my son and my sister on one of your tours if you can tell me how to get to the information. It must not be in the summer tho. Too hot. I’ve been twice in the summer




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2020


I am so glad you are enjoying the videos, and Ann. You are right – it really does help you understand the word of God better! I am thrilled that you want to come to Israel with me, as this is even better than videos in getting your arms around scripture. You can read about my upcoming tours here.




Ellen on May 25, 2020


Every video is a blessing to me... all about our relationship with God, and how many times God tried to call our attention to Him... thank you for the new perspective that these Bible lands are more than just locations... every place is a reminder of God's amazing love and grace to us... Glory to GOD!




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2020


I'm so glad, Elena, that the biblical sites are more than just locations and information. They truly do offer greater insight into the Scripture-- and the Scripture adds the life-changing truths. God bless you.




Paula on May 10, 2020


You made it so much easier to experience a place that I always thought of with fear and sadness. Thank you for changing my perspective on it. The Lord IS our stronghold, our Masada.




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2020


Paula, I’m so glad the video brought some clarity and perspective greater than fear and sadness. God bless you.




Lauralee on Apr 23, 2020


I loved this Masada video and the truth of God as our only Refuge and Stronghold. How relevant today!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2020


I'm grateful you enjoyed the Masada video, Lauralee. Such an amazing place! And yes, seeking God alone as our refuge is so essential-- especially these days. God bless you.




David on Oct 16, 2019


I just finished reading Masada by Yadin. Was an outstanding read, and your video added wonderful Biblical concepts to what we see when visiting there. It’s interesting to consider David may have climbed up there as well. So maybe Masada is a “Biblical site” after all! I look forward to returning there this spring. Thanks Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2019


Yadin's book is a standard on Masada. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tough to know if David climbed Masada, but it's fun to ponder that with the masada meaning "stronghold." Enjoy your time there this spring!




Danny on Sep 28, 2019


Awesome. I so want to go but this will have to be my substitute, at least for now. I like the connection to David and I love the transposing of the words stronghold to Masada. If God builds the Masada of our lives it will truly never fall.

What are the resources I can look up on the possible connections to David?

Thanks Wayne. God Bless





Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2019


Dan, the best connection I know of to David is what I mentioned in the video. I believe you can see the particular reference if you download the transcript in the sidebar.


I am thrilled that the videos allow you a virtual tour until you can make it there for real! Thanks.




Beverly on Jun 28, 2019






Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2019


Thank you, Beverly. I'm glad you enjoyed the Masada video. God bless you.




Corlyus on May 9, 2019


Such wonderful videos I can’t wait to share them with my grandkids. I noticed locations our visits didn’t allow us to see.. I’m so thankful I don’t need to build a fortress around me for protection but can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is my stronghold.




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2019


I read your comment to my wife, Corlyus, and we both are thrilled you plan to share these videos with your grandkids. How blessed they are to have a grandparent who loves them and pours into them spiritual truths. God bless you.




Cobi on Aug 18, 2018


yes, God is my Masada, my stronghold. If my Masada, is God, who cam stand against us? All glory to God, who was, and is, and is to come!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2018


That's a great thought, Cobi. God is our stronghold indeed.




Christine on Aug 15, 2018


Our Guide in Israel highly recommended the book, The Dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman. She recounts the story of Masada which Josephus wrote down. Seven survivors of the suicide atop the mountain hid in an underground aqueduct. Upon rescue by the Romans, they convinced them of the validity of sharing the story of what occurred before and during the siege. They eventually were released. A very disturbing passage in the book told of the continuation of combining scripture with witchcraft, amulets, spells, idolatry even after their release from Roman captivity. How tragic their story. Do we do the same, combining Christianity with all manner of pagan pursuits? It was very troubling and thought-provoking.

I loved your explanation of the meaning of Masada in Hebrew -- Stronghold. Your films are very well-done, The photography, including aerial views, is astounding. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2018


So grateful you like the videos, Christine. And yes-- that challenge of blending in with the world's system is pretty frightening. How essential to stay fixed on the Lord each day. You might enjoy getting a sneak peak at the video on St. George's Monastery, where our solitude with God is emphasized as essential.




Mary Anne on Aug 2, 2018


Thanks! Our 6 year old grandson watched this with me. It held his attention! Good job Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2018


Wow, Mary Anne... There's no greater affirmation than to hear your grandson enjoyed Masada! Thanks so much and God bless.




Robyn on Jul 1, 2018


I have been to Masada and was amazed at all the thought and effort Herod put into it to make it a "kingly" place of comfort for himself as well as to fortify it as an impregnable fortress for his personal safety. And yet, as David says in Psalm 31:1-3, God is our only rock and fortress in life that can lead, guide and save us. WOW - what a great lesson in this video.....




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2018


Yes, Robyn, on the Lord is our stronghold; such an amazing contrast between King Herod and King David. So glad you're a member of Walking the Bible Lands! Thanks.




Karen on Jun 14, 2018


Oh wow!


What keeps the Lord as my stronghold are the memories and reminders of His victories. The Word of the Lord does happen.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018


That's a great plan and strategy, Karen. Thanks for sharing that.




Linda on Jun 2, 2018


Amazing place both in vision and in heart!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 2, 2018


Isn't it amazing, Linda? Nothing I've ever seen is like it. Just magnificent.



Masada - Making the Lord Your Stronghold

En Gedi - Struggling with God’s Timing in Our Lives

Bruce on Apr 1


Waiting upon the LORD and renewing our strength is sometimes the hardest thing to do. My wife is completely renewed and healed. While I get to watch these videos in the process of renewing my strength.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2


What a joy, Bruce, that the Lord continues to encourage you through the truth of His Word. You are exceedingly blessed in so many ways.




Ramona on Sep 15, 2022


continue in his word and he will let us know on his timing. However would I be able to wait like David in todays world so much Distractions




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2022


Yes, Ramona, it is often a challenge amidst the distractions of our world to wait on God. David is a great model!




Sheron Keeling on Aug 16, 2022


What a mighty God we serve!




Frances Tencza on Jul 7, 2022


I am struggling with waiting in God’s timing, finding myself hiding in my personal caves and often drifting from my being truly in the word!

I admire David’s ability to harness his frustration towards being a victim of being hunted and persecuted by a person of authority and showing respect not only to that person, but to God who has the final authority!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


I am right there with you, Frances, and the struggle of waiting on God. Have you read my book, Waiting on God? If not, you might find encouragement there. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Jul 7, 2022


No I haven’t read it!

Can I order it online?





Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Yes, you can order it online. Just click here.




Bobbie on Jun 1, 2022


I am just now able to start back up with these videos and reading the OT. I left off on 1 Sam 20:1 - 21:15. My sweet Mother in Law went home to Jesus on May 20. My husband and I flew to NY on May 22 returning May 28th. The Lord was with us on our path as we got through this season and what a blessing it was. This En Gedi video is just what I needed for a sensitive issue while I am waiting on with my DIL and I to be reconciled. However, I am a little confused on waiting on God for the reconciliation or as the Bible also mentions to be obedient to the Lord and go reconcile to anyone so as to be able to be continually blessed by the Lord - I am paraphrasing. Wayne help me put this into perspective. Thank you. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


What a blessing, Bobbie, that the Lord has been with you and has continue to encourage you in ways that you recognize. Waiting on God is a challenge with regard to reconciliation. Do you have my book, Waiting on God? I spent considerable amount of time pondering these very issues in relation to Joseph and his brothers – applying them and their lessons to our lives. I think the book would encourage you.




Bobbie on Jun 3, 2022


Hi Wayne. Yes I have your book. I have to admit I read all of Chapter 9 first to check myself that I had the forgiveness thing down. I do. Many times forgiveness has to be given out to people each day, even the people we don’t know. My bigger issue though I poured out my forgiveness for eight years and still do so each day. I will start at the beginning of your book and take good notes on the other attributes I need to learn better. Like patience. That’s a tough one. When I ask for patience God seems to test me even more. There is another book I read last year titled When To Walk Away by Gary Thomas. It helped. Ok, I gotta go - I have to start reading Waiting on God by Wayne Stiles. That Guy is a blessing! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


So glad you have the book, Bobbie! You might also find some encouragement in my podcast episode: "When Forgiving Seems Impossible." May God give you (and me) strength to move on in His grace. I'm right there with you in the battle.




Bobbie on Jun 7, 2022


Thank you. I am listening to your book on Audible. Your right about listening and reading at the same time. I have completed three chapters already. And I read slow. My goal, a chapter a night. Thank you Wayne for being an inspiration. God Bless you. Have a wonderful time in Israel. Hopefully next year for me and my Hubby.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2022


Would LOVE to have you both join me, Bobbie! God bless you as you read (and hear) His Word.




Dorothy North on May 28, 2022


My husband and I still have so very much to learn. He has ALS and I am his primary care giver. We watch several of these every day and we often watch them several times. It seems that we learn something new from them each time we watch. This is such a powerful way of studying the Bible and learning it's history so that it makes it so much more meaningful and it brings it to life for us. We have both wanted to visit the Holy Land, but he will be 89 in June and I will be 77 in July. I signed up for this with the awareness that an in-person visit won't ever happen.... but this entire series is so incredible and gives us such strength, joy and understanding. I had always wondered how hard it must have been for Jesus to not use his powers to heal sadness, disease, etc etc. when he had the ability but he did not use it beyond the will of God. This also gives me a rich perspective on why I sometimes feel my own personal gifts are not being utilized to teach and glorify God. This gives me such great peace and understanding. I urge everyone to join the Walking the Biblelands or to give it as a gift. It has taken us quite awhile to utilize it to it's fullest and we have really just begun. Thank you Wayne and the people who give you support to offer this wonderful, beautiful, incredible tool for learning about the Bible. Yahoooo! - Dot and Neal




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2022


I'm thrilled, Dot and Neal, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. YOU are the reason I created Walking the Bible Lands, and I pray that you continue to be encouraged with the videos and with each site so significant to our faith.




Tony on May 17, 2022


Thank you for sharing God's word and the historical story about David in En Gedi. The combination of Bible verses, history with a biblical lesson, and amazing videography and music make each experience special. May God continue to bless your work.




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2022


Thank you, Tony, and I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you with each video. Thanks for taking a moment to let me know how much you enjoyed the En Gedi episode.




Ty on May 13, 2022


As a follow up to my posting yesterday and in viewing this video again, the following thoughts are being made aware to me. Verse Romans 13:1 is being reminded to me.


'Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.'


I got to ask, how am I doing in this regard? If I have the right to be part of the election process of someone being elected to a position of authority, do I participate in it? If I do participate in that process and the person I would like to have that position doesn't get appointed, how do I react? Whoever is elected, do I pray for that person and his/her family?


Playing at God's role is never good for anyone only God can handle His role as God. If the ungodly are in position over us who's the blame for that? Complaining and/or withdrawing isn't going to make things better, only God can do that. How seriously is God leading my life and how much am I trusting Him and the tough part obeying Him?




Ty on May 12, 2022


I feel I have watched this video before, but scrolling through the comments section doesn't reveal any left comments by myself.


An excellent video with its filming and narrative. Waiting, one of the toughest if not the toughest thing to be presented with, yet probably the best we can offer to God. Not for the sake of waiting or being indifferent, but knowing that is being requested of us by God and waiting on His timing glorifies Him. I would expect there is much to be gained personally in the waiting, although the opposite is probably a driving feeling felt. 1 Samuel 15:22 is being reminded to me.


'But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.'


The multiple waiting times in my life are only to real to me in God doing things in, through, and around me that are very special to me and hopefully to others. To say I have understood them all, and in reality maybe none are thoughts only God can have with me in my walk before and with Him.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


I once had a friend tell me, Ty, that the only thing more difficult than waiting on God is wishing that you had.




Marian on Mar 24, 2022


After my heart surgery I believe God stopped me in my tracks to teach me and show me his will. First he had to cleanse me of many beliefs I had learned contrary to his way. I have spent every morning on a spiritual journey helping to be patient, ridding me of false teachings in my heart. I am now beginning to use gifts he has given me and insights of his word. Thank you for the lesson on En Gedi, it was just what I needed to see and hear.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


I am thrilled that the Lord encouraged you, Marian, through the En Gedi video. I am even more thrilled that the Lord has changed your life. God bless you.




Patti on Nov 9, 2021


I understand the timing of using one’s gifts. I taught discipleship classes for 10 years then took some time off where I started a shawl ministry, and baby blanket ministry. Now I am back to teaching again while still making articles for the hat and glove Christmas tree. Other people took up the shawl and blanket ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2021


That's wonderful, Patti, how the Lord has blessed you through the various seasons of your ministries. I pray He continues to lead you creatively!




Michael on Oct 18, 2021


Your devotional on En Gedi spoke to me. I am actively serving the Lord but not using the full potential of the gifts God has given me. This has been frustrating to me. . Waiting is such a valuable lesson and yet a difficult one to learn. I find myself, right now, in a period of waiting. I need to remember that if I "humble myself before God and He will lift me up." Thanks for the encouragement!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


Michael, I have been there, and I understand the frustration of idling in neutral. I'm glad the En Gedi video encouraged you. Also, you might watch the video on Sepphoris. It may, in fact, be even more relevant for you. God bless you.




Marsha on Oct 4, 2021


This was so enlightening as I never thought about our gifts in that way. I would feel discouraged at times when I felt I didn't have any gifts and therefore, I didn't feel like I was serving the Lord the way I should. Our gifts are His, indeed, and we may never know that He may have already used or is continuing to use our gift. This video really helped me let go of my fears of doubt on this subject. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2021


So glad that the video helped, Marsha! May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him for the use of your gifts.




Janelle on Sep 22, 2021


My life is in a transition since my husband passed away 3-1/2 years ago and is in Heaven. I have a clear direction for my future, but am finding God's timing in what He has called me to do. This message touches my heart to remember that my gifts belong to the Lord and He will open doors as I seek Him. Thank you for a great message of hope!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021


You are welcome, Janelle. I pray that the Lord guides you and encourages you in this new season. He has not finished with you! Your future is so important. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 1, 2021


I knew at the age of 26 that I would be an Evangelist. I am 64 and even though I share Jesus when I can, He keeps me home and doors will be opened at His time. I was gung-ho in my earlier years, very hyper about it but now I am stiller. I understand He must be glorified and my zeal must take a back seat.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


I like the way you phrase all that, Wanda. Indeed, the Apostle Paul was very similar to you: passion that the Lord took years to hone and direct. I pray that He is glorified in your waiting on Him as much as in you're serving Him.




Renee on Aug 19, 2021


Waiting on God's timing to heal my husband and my son.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


May the Lord bless you, Renee, while you wait on Him. If you have not seen my book,Waiting on God, you might find some encouragement in it. God bless you.




Renee on Aug 19, 2021


Thank you!




Jenny on Jun 17, 2021


They demonstrate So much patience.




Diane on Jun 12, 2021


I guess if Jesus and David waited. by example, I need to also! But that's not an easy thing to do.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2021


So true, Diane. I believe that waiting is one of our hardest jobs as Christians.




Diane on Jun 13, 2021


I know I’m not alone, we all go through the waiting!!




Carolyn on Jun 3, 2021


I LOVE these video lessons!! En Geri keeps stopping. Thank you so much for doing what God has called you to do.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


Sorry for the stopping video, Carolyn. You might try downloading the video to watch it. I'm thrilled that the video lessons are encouraging you. God bless you.




Patricia on Mar 22, 2021


Thank you for the reminder that even Jesus (who was God) waited to hear from God with what to do for Gods Glory. Such humility has been imparted to us if we chose to use it.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


That's right, Patricia. I appreciate the way you phrased that. Great thoughts and a great reminder. God bless you.




Claudia on Feb 16, 2021


I really needed to hear this today. I retired from active ministry 3 years ago and I feel like I am in the desert. Just a reminder that my gifts are God's to use in His timing. I know He is not done with me yet. I have these wonderful video to encourage me in my walk. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2021


That's right, Claudia, the Lord is not done with you. I am so glad that the video on En Gedi encouraged you. May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him.




Jae on Feb 7, 2021


How is human to climb these rocks, and get in the cave / how with goat not have a sucktion on feet not fall on rock climbing ?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Great question, Jae. These caves are not all that there are. Some are more easily accessible. But even these could be accessed from the top with ropes hanging down.




Lola Fitch on Feb 6, 2021


I think I need more studies on this. I know everything is in God's timing but I am still trying to figure out how to recognize this is my life without impatience.

I also learned so much new information in this segment. I have just read over En Gedi in the Bible many times. I looked up each of these passages and there is was in black and white. I have soooooo much to learn.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


You are not alone, Lola, in the challenge of waiting on God's timing. You may be aware of it already, but as a member you have access to my complete unabridged audiobook Waiting on God. There is also a hardcopy available. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


God provides ways and means to our lives in HIS timing......not ours. If He doesn't think we need it right then...He makes us wait...for other reasons of delight might spring forth first...and during our wait that will amaze us as wows and not always whoas.



Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


Yes, Karen, that happens so often, doesn’t it? Waiting on God is tough work, but always worth it.




Carolyn on Dec 31, 2020


I have realized I may be missing much of God’s glory in my waiting times. I will endeavor to realize that in the waiting, May be valuable time to learn what He really is trying to teach me. It really is a time I can use for preparation!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Well said, Carolyn. Indeed, those times of waiting are essential times of preparation. May the Lord strengthen you as you walk with Him and wait on Him. God bless you.




Grady Lufkin Frank on Dec 13, 2020


Your Engedi message is very encouraging, especially during Covid when activities, including personal ministry, seem to have been put on pause. I know the Lord knows what He is doing. Thank you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2020


Thank you, Grady, for your good perspective and for a reminder to trust the Lord during these unusual days. May the Lord bless you in your ministry and in your personal walk with Him.




Paul on Dec 12, 2020


15 years ago i felt that God was asking me, "what do you want to do, you can work harder and make more money or you can work for me and the labor will be on my back."

I had been a Christian for about 20 years and wondering what i should do with the rest of my life. So i took God's offer and quit my home repair business and started a homeless Ministry. At this time God sort of threw me into the ocean because the econmy tanked in 2008 and lost most of my work anyway. I remember holding a phone in one hand, talking to a client and a screw guen in the other putting up drywall.

I knew something had to give because i couldnt do both, so i quit my business.


But as God's pefect timing was realized i was eligible for retirement the next month and my wife was still working at a good job. So i had time and a little money and prayer and asked God to lead me in my new career as case manager for my own Homeless Ministry.

Didnt have any Ministry money so i used my own and paid for motel rooms to get the homeless who where living in the woods into a hotel room for a couple nights to get stable then help them progress towards becoming self-supporting.


The rsst of the story is very lengthy so let me know if you want to hear more.

We have been doing this now for 15 years and have helped over 9000 people,homeless and working poor. God has sent over $2,000,000 to do it all with and money is still coming in like water from a spring. Never enough but all we can handle and plenty to keep us very busy. Let me know!


God Bless You for these videos!! Really makes the Bible come alive!

Paul Kruse

www.firststepbackhome.net--------Web site





Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2020


What a wonderful testimony, Paul. Thank you for sharing God's unique calling on your life and how He is providing for you to do His will His way. May the Lord continue to bless you. I'm thrilled that the videos are encouraging you! God bless.




Paul on Dec 13, 2020


Would be good to give your testimony Wayne, so people know you better.


God Bless!




Cynthia on Dec 6, 2020


How do we know that the Dead Sea was not salty before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? Thanks.

Thanks, we read genesis 13! Very interesting.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 7, 2020


That is a great question, Cynthia. Although the Scripture does not say that the Dead Sea wasn't salty prior to Sodom's destruction, we assume it was for a couple of reasons. Lot chose to live in the area of the Dead Sea, and the specific reason he chose the area was because “it was well watered everywhere — this was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah — like the garden of the LORD” (Genesis 13:10). To say it was well watered like the garden of Eden suggests that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah significantly changed the area. Otherwise, why mention the destruction in this verse? Also, the fire and brimstone rained down on “all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground” (Genesis 19:25). "All the valley" would include a Dead Sea. Finally (and this is mere conjecture), because the Dead Sea will become fresh water in the kingdom of God, it could suggest a restoration to its previous state (Ezekiel 47:8–11; Zechariah 14:8). I hope that helps some. God bless.




Rowena on Nov 13, 2020


Wonderful video!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 14, 2020


I'm so grateful to God, Rowena, that you enjoyed the En Gedi video. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Janet on Nov 12, 2020


I Find that when I am waiting on God rather it be an answered prayer, or whatever it may be, I dig deeper into prayer and scripture.. waiting is hard, especially at times when he seems sooo far away !




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2020


I'm right there with you on that, Janet. I think waiting is the toughest discipline in the Christian life. :-) Have you read my book, Waiting on God? You might find encouragement there too. The audiobook is available to you free as a member of Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2020


Here's the correct link to the audiobook. Sorry about that! :-)




Greg on Oct 22, 2020


I received your book, "Waiting on GOD", last weekend but haven't had a chance to start it yet. I am rewatching the videos and watched this one on En Gedi today. I watched it twice, actually. It had encouraged me regarding 'waiting on GOD' to fulfill the calling I believe He has for my life. I also NEED to read your book before distractions get me sidetracked.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2020


I am so grateful to God, Greg, that the Lord encouraged you through the En Gedi video. I pray that He will also powerfully bless you through the book, Waiting on God. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Karen on Oct 14, 2020


I did enjoy this video!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


I am thrilled, Karen, that the video on En Gedi encouraged you. Indeed, we are all waiting on God's timing for something. May the Lord strengthen you as you wait on Him.




Anita on Sep 25, 2020


The bonus of waiting is that I am closer to God in those times.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 25, 2020


What a wonderful perspective, Anita. Drawing closer to God during times of waiting. I love that.




Cindy on Sep 18, 2020


I have found through my life, I have grown most in my waiting. It is always well worth the wait!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020


I agree with you, Cindy. I think that waiting on God has to be one of the greatest challenges of our Christian life. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Judy on Sep 3, 2020


This is the second time I've watched En Gedi. I'm in a new season but I have no idea what God's agenda is. Nevertheless, this morning, I heard Him tell me to exercise my gifts. This video helped me accept the rhythm of dormancy and activation of gifts He wants to use for the benefit of the church. This was so worth a second view! Much like the Word of God, when we're ready to hear what message is embedded, it is beyond an educational (virtual) journey.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2020


I agree with you, Judy, that waiting on God is such a challenge at times! I am thrilled that the second time through the video was the charm for you. I hope that you continue to find encouragement in the videos and especially in God's Word. God bless you.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


Yes! Bigger things need more time, growing, experience, and learning; but I’m still to look for the daily ways to serve too...like David and Jesus did, in both ways. I just wanted to know everything real quick so I could go already, yet now I see the reason for the wait. (I still want to hurry though lol but I’m not sad with waiting anymore)




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


You are really making your way through these videos, Karen! I’m glad they continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


I did some good catching up today, thank you for your replies, you’re always gracious in extra communication outside of talking to us in the videos. Have a great rest of the day!




Jeanne on Jul 24, 2020


I have usually felt like I don’t have any gifts or that others are doing better than I but I have been learning during this at home season that I do have gifts and I can use them and in some ways already have been using them. It is nice to know that David and Jesus also had to wait with theirs until the right time.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


That's right, Jeanne. We all have gifts and passions given to us by God for His glory. Our challenge so often is that we compare our gifts to one another. You might enjoy rewatching the video: Sepphoris - Why Our Little Lives Matter So Much. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him.




Denise on Jun 6, 2020


I appreciate your insight that we should seek our fulfillment in faithfulness and not our gifts.

It is hard to see how I can be important to God if I'm not one of the leaders at church but they do need someone to lead, right?! Thank you for these encouraging messages and beautiful peaceful scenes.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 6, 2020


Absolutely, Denise. Be sure to watch the episode on Sephorris. It has a similar encouraging application. God bless.




Mary on Jun 3, 2020


Your photos are awesome!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2020


Thanks so much, Mary. My cameraman, Scott Wilson, is the one with the keen eyes. :-) God bless.




Diana on May 4, 2020


It was refreshing to soak our feet in the cool water just like David did when he was here. Thank you for showing the animals there because I didn't see any. Over the years in my ministry, I would get discouraged that I wasn't using my gifts. Thanks for the reminder that just being faithful in whatever God gives us to do right now is enough.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2020


I do understand that potential discouragement, Diana. You might enjoy watching again the video on Sepphoris, which reminds us that even Jesus did not use all of His gifts – but only those the Father designed for that particular season. God bless you as you serve Him and wait on Him.




Steven on Dec 29, 2019


I remember En-Gedi very well. The principles you extracted regarding periods of dormancy, waiting on the Lord's timing, and periods in which one's full potential is not being realized are so pertinent to me at this point in my life. They propel me forward daily. You do a fantastic job in extracting life application principles from every site Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2019


I'm so glad, Steven, you enjoyed the En Gedi video-- and its principles on waiting. I'm convinced waiting on God is our number one challenge as believers. Have you read my book Waiting on God? It may encourage you as you wait on Him to use you to your full potential.




Paulette on Jun 16, 2019


Well...this certainly hit the bulls eye for me. I am behind in listening to the videos because I have moved 3 households out of state, one of which was mine and another was my mother's who is now living with us in a new state for us. God has had my life on hold for the past year and a half in order to accomplish this move. Now that we are starting to get settled, I am reminded that God indicated that there was something He wanted us to do here. So, we are doing one thing He wanted--that was take care of my mother. But, there is still another thing unknown. So we wait. It's definitely an interesting place to be. This teaching was encouraging. Felt like God was talking out loud right to me. Thanks for faithfully sharing. It's a huge blessing. I will be getting caught up on the videos soon. Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 17, 2019


I'm so glad, Paulette, that the Lord encouraged you through the video and through His Word. Yes, waiting on God is a huge challenge at times. I think it's our biggest challenge as followers of Him. If you enjoy audiobooks, you might enjoy listening to my book Waiting on God. It's free to you as a member, and you can find it in here in the Bonus section.




Lynn on May 6, 2019


I love this peaceful video. We visited En Gedi on what must have been some Israeli school holiday. The place was busy as can be with pre-teen visitors who were excited to run around and splash and play in the water by the falls. I loved seeing the place, and I was able to have a nice quiet meditative time with 2 Rock Hyraxes! They really are cute, and quite friendly. Anyway...thanks for this opportunity to experience the place again, in a peaceful manner.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2019


I've discovered the same thing, Lynn, that in Israel wherever there is water, there are kids! En Gedi is one of the most popular spots for that. :-) I'm glad the video allowed you to have a more peaceful experience. God bless you.




Joyce on Jan 14, 2019


On one of my visits to Israel, we walked through Engedi and it was amazing. We talked about David and his hiding from Saul in the caves we passed by and how even in the deep dark caves David knew God was with him and would deliver him from his enemies. The Psalms are full of David's time in the wilderness and I gain much strength from his writings especially when he talks about God's strength in him. I have had some deep dark places but I too know God is with me. I read the Psalms and can not be afraid and just wait until I can see the light....JESUS. Thank you Wayne for this wonderful videos. They are awesome and you show places where I have walked..only from a diffetent perspective. LOVE IT!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


I'm so glad, Joyce, that you're enjoying reliving the sites through the videos. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you!




Norene on Jan 12, 2019


Waiting can be harmful if you allow yourself to become bitter or anxious. Hearing about David’s faithful waiting is certainly encouraging. Yes I know there are seasons in our life but at times we need to be reminded of this. Thank you Wayne for these great reminders.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


Yes, Norene, we ALL need those reminders of how important it is to wait on God and trust Him in His sovereign delays. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him...




Tammie on Jan 12, 2019


En Gedi- Loved the aerial views & the lesson taught! (Although, I really do not like waiting...) Thank you for this perspective!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


I don't like waiting either, Tammie. :-) But boy, it's such an essential part of our walks with God, isn't it?




Connie on Jan 10, 2019


Great video and message.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2019


Thanks so much, Connie. I'm glad the video encouraged you. God bless.




Ken on Jan 10, 2019


Extremely well done videography, description of the geographic setting for En Geti, and articulate and inspirational comments about waiting for God's timing. One of your best ever...

Thanks, Wayne.

K. Smith




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2019


Thank you, Ken! En Gedi is such a beautiful and significant spot. I'm so glad the Lord encouraged you through the video. God bless you.



En Gedi - Struggling with God’s Timing in Our Lives

St. George's Monastery - The Inestimable Value of Solitude with God

Ty on Feb 15


I believe one can get too busy and not make the time for God, been there and done that. Seek ye first, not do ye first. Actions in my mind are always easier than the sitting, talking, and mostly listening time.


I suppose in my mind it's the Martha and Mary comparison. Surely there will be a mixture of both in one's life, but without the time spent with our Maker than burnout and loosing touch with the One who created me would happen. Relationships take time to invest in for them to be worth while. Our relationship with God is our most important relationship we will ever have. So if the plate becomes too full then something has to give. If not the burden can become too much to bear and burn out can become real. Accountability circles are also good to help one along these lines for me.


Most precious time for me is time with our Maker and when I am fresh as I am going to be, so that begins in the morning. Yeah at the get go of the day and prior to everything else that can and does come my way. It also allows me those fleeting times during the day to check in and remind myself how I started the day and with who saying thanks Abba Father for Your constant reminders around me and supplying the wisdom to know when to say no or lets take a time out, when You know I need it.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15


I am with you here, Ty. The first part of the day is the best part of the day – and that's the part I have to give to the Word of God. If I let it slip, it usually doesn't happen.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 17, 2022


I went to Saint George Monastery, and I could see just how the Monks would use this place to have solitude, and find shelter with God. Here we can get recharged from our daily lives, and just sit and welcome the presence of God into our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2022


I have often wondered how neat it would be to spend several days in this monastery, Sheron. The solitude would be so refreshing.




Frances Tencza on Jul 14, 2022


I am totally amazed how such a majestic building such as the Monastery of St George is situated among the cliffs and the discipline that the monks who live there to be in solitude with God! How peaceful that must be and how important it is to find quiet time with the Lord, in order to hear his voice!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Yes, Frances, wouldn't it be neat to spend a few quiet days there with the Lord?




Frances Tencza on Jul 17, 2022


Yes, just to get immersed in his word,

a total respite from this crazy world!

I remember as a young girl listening to monks chanting from a nearby monastery above the Lahn River from a camp ground in Germany where my family and I would spend our weekends, how peaceful that sounded!





Lisa on Feb 5, 2022


Reading the Scripture every day, and through prayer. Listening for Him to speak. It is truly a wonderful habit to get into …I’ve grown tremendously through meditating on His Word and applying the truths I learn to my life. This year I’ve added Walking the Bible lands to my learning and growing in the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2022


I applaud you, Lisa, for your dedication to the Scriptures and to Christ each day. That is magnificent! And it is an honor to join you through these videos as you grow in the Lord.




Norma on Jan 28, 2022


What an impressive view of the Judah mountains! These pandemic times have been ones of solicitude. I have been in prayer and reflection with a lot less noise. I have been enjoying listening to God's voice through the reading of the scripture and his revelations in my dreams. I am celebrating that God has made possible an encounter with the international evangelist Eugenio Jimenez that through his ministry, I met Jesus Christ. He had adopted me as his spiritual daughter and asked to be the guardian of his memoirs. Eugenio Jimenez is at the same stature as Billy Graham. The Holy Spirit inspired and commissioned me through this time of solicitude to organize his Jubilee World Tour. I am so happy to watch your videos! The Tour of the Holy Land must be on this World Tour..




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


Norma, we recently visited Billy Graham's Library in NC, and I believe I saw some info there on Eugenio Jimenez. It's so amazing how God has called each of us to fulfill our roles in our lifetimes. May He continue to encourage and bless you as you serve Him.




Dawn on Jan 9, 2022


Solitude is precious. I find solitude when driving my car and I gaze at the sky and think of the beauty in nature that God has provided no matter what is happening in the world. I marvel at the beauty of the earth, the animals, and the gifts that the Lord has provided. I pray for the needs of others as well and thank the Lord for prayers that are answered. I thank God for His continuous outpouring of love. It is in solitude I experience the joy and peace of the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2022


I couldn't agree with you more, Dawn. Solitude is gold for the spiritual life. I try to dig a little gold every day. May the Lord bless you as you continue to spend time with Him — alone with Him.




Kathy on Dec 12, 2021


And their shoes didn't wear out for 40 years?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2021


Yes, that's a miracle in itself, isn't it, Kathy?




Kathy on Dec 12, 2021


It's funny, but I always pictured the Jews wandering in the wilderness on flat ground. It amazes me to see what it really looks like. So many barren mountains must've made it even more difficult to walk and not grumble.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2021


The area they wandered in wasn't the Judean Wilderness of St. George's Monastery. It was further south in the area of the Wilderness of Zin. Check out the video about the wanderings to see more. Even flatlands cause grumblers. :-)




David on Nov 25, 2021


This makes me want to find a place like it to read and absorb it, pray thanks to God. So many other things come to mind. I don't seem to have time, need to change this. Holy Father help me to love you more and spend the short time I have left with You the great I AM. your son David. Amen




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


I applaud your prayer and your passion to spend more time with the Father, David. May the Lord bless you as you schedule that time — just like you would any other appointment. God bless you.




Patti on Nov 9, 2021


I sometimes complain I can’t hear God speak to me but that’’a on me. I don’t quiet my heart and mind long enough for Him to fill it with His words. I need to spend more quiet time in God’s presence.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2021


That makes sense, Patti. And kudos to you for recognizing the need to spend that quality time with the Lord. I pray He blesses you profoundly as you do so.




Maria on Oct 18, 2021


Solitude w/ God do wonders… calms the storms, give direction w/ assurance, recalls His care &!needed promises.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


I am right there with you, Maria, on the need for regular time with God. May the Lord bless you as you spend time with him.




Marsha on Oct 4, 2021


Another great video showing and proving that our time with God is so essential. I value that time so much because it has helped me grow and to know Him better.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2021


Good for you, Marsha. I applaud your commitment to a regular time with God. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him.




Janelle on Sep 22, 2021


My solitude with God quietens me down and gives me peace in the midst of a busy life. I like the idea of focusing on a truth all day. I can't start my day without time with the Lord. For several weeks, every morning when I awaken, I thank God for His love and the blessings of the day. Then I ask Him to help me be a blessing to someone. I have had special encounters with others and have shared God's love in different ways as the Holy Spirit directs me.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021


Good for you, Janelle. I'm so glad that you have a quiet and solitude time with the Lord. His word is our source of truth, and he speaks to us through the Scriptures. God bless you.




Ginny on Sep 21, 2021


Quiet time in isolation has been provided by Covid-19. I need to focus more on the with God part of it. Not worrying about the recurring cancer, a place to live, and the spiritual position of my family.

God bless you richly for your videos and ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 21, 2021


May God bless you also, Ginny. Thank you so much for you commitment to our Lord during these unusual days-- and beyond.




Ginny on Sep 28, 2021


Found a place to live, Cancer to be taken care of next week.

Now to find church. Would a pastor trained at Evangelical sem. Of Myerstown PA likely be mainstream evangelical?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2021


Praise God for His answered prayers for you, Ginny. As far the pastor you asked about, honestly, I'm not sure. I'd suggest you check out this website, which shows a map of all the places DTS grads are serving. Just zoom in to your area, click on a few of the points, and you'll see some options. Praying for God to keep leading you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 6, 2021


I absolutely love God's Presence and we are very close. I heard you make reference to meditation. I just did a 20 Lesson teaching on Meditation on my FaceBook page and Phil 4:8 is my "Life Verse" for 2021. I enjoyed seeing this video and was quite surprised to see this is where Jesus was for His 40 days in the wilderness.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


That's right, Wanda. Can you imagine more than a month and this desolate land? It literally stretches the bounds of our imagination to picture Jesus alone and starving and tempted. What an amazing Savior…




Rita on Aug 14, 2021


I love how you spoke about feelings and faith. In my opinion in today's world, acting on feelings means I my "self" directing my own life rather than fully relying on GOD. FROG. This is dangerous as it makes man the director instead of God of his life. I personally believe this is exactly what the evil one wants. Our youth especially I'm concerned about. They seem to have a.. Who are we, men or mice attitude based all on feelings. And "feel" that they are in control of our own destiny.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 14, 2021


Very true, Rita. Young or old, the self wants to reign supreme. May the Lord give you strength in those moments when self pushes His presence away. God bless you. I am right there with you in the battle.




Rita on Aug 15, 2021


It is amazing and absolutely clear to me that the more I commit to time in prayer, or study about my faith the greater the obstacles and distractions there are. It's so obvious! Sometimes I recognize it and sometimes I don't and those times makes me even more furious with the evil one and so much more committed to my focus. I'm so enjoying this journey you've made available. Thank you so much and know I've spread the word!




Marlon on Jul 29, 2021


I wonder, is solitude the same as isolation? Does not seem too

desirable to me. In our busy lives we like activity and the sound of

familiar things around us. The Lord's words come back to me, "Be

still and know that I am God".




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2021


Your question is insightful, Marlon. Isolation is certainly solitude, but I think we can also be very much alone even in a crowd. I think the emphasis of this video is more on the importance of our personal time with God. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him.




Pamela Huebschman on Jun 3, 2021


I learn so much from these videos, and cherish the time of living the Bible. I value time that I find to read and study God’s word. Thank you for these walks you give me.

I can’t imagine what it took to build such a beautiful place in that wilderness.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


Right, Pamela? It is amazing how they constructed that monastery to cling to the cliffs as it does! I am thrilled that the videos encourage you, and even more excited that you cherish your time in the Scriptures. God bless you.




Joan on Jun 2, 2021


I cherish my alone time with God, because it allows me to reflect on His greatness, majesty, and sovereignty! I love my time in His Word as well, where I hear Him speak into my life and learn from His Holy Spirit more about God's love for His creation and His righteousness!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


I'm with you, Joan. My time with the Lord is the most precious part of my day. May the Lord bless you as you spend time with Him.




Bobbie on Apr 23, 2021


Solitude with God and being in His Word surely opens my eyes and heart to things I would never see on my own. God truly knows at the right time to reveal the Words needed. I have learned so many things from the Word and these videos. Thank you Mr. Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


I'm so glad, Bobbie, the Lord continues to encourage you and teach you. May He continue to bless you through the videos!




Bonnie on Apr 12, 2021


I treasure times of solitude with God but I also struggle to make these times happen. Hopefully as these videos speak to my heart I am restoring my hope and drawing nearer to Him as I listen to the description of His homelands.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I understand, Bonnie. And I applaud your authenticity and your desire to spend time with our God. I pray that these videos will be an encouragement to you, not only to experience the lands of the Bible, but also the Bible itself. God bless you.




Lydia on Mar 15, 2021


When I am able to spend time alone it gives me Peace

It allows me to clear my mind of all the excessive thoughts of my busy day and it reminds me that God is with me no matter what




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2021


That is wonderful, Lydia, and such a blessing for you when you are alone with God. I pray that those times of reflection and focus will continue to encourage you each day. God bless you.




Mary Jo on Feb 8, 2021


Helps me to meditate, give thanks, ask questions, pray for others, relieves stress and fear. Most importantly creating faith that gives peace in the storm and discerns His will.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


So true, Mary Jo. Our solitude with God gives us time to take deep breaths and to ponder the truths of Scripture in quiet moments of meditation. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him today.




Jae on Feb 7, 2021


How do the monks get food out in the middle of no where and rocks ?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Great question, Jae. There is a road that goes all the way down there, believe it or not! Trucks go in and out daily.




Lola Fitch on Feb 6, 2021


Solitude with God, not just solitude, reminds me I am not alone. When I spend time with Him daily He will know me and I will know Him. One would really have to be in the Lord to live in this land today and thousands of years ago. It is so beautiful from a distance and for a short time. I often imagine what it was like for the early Jewish people-no running water, no air conditioning, soft bed to sleep in, no grocery stores, no lots of things. Thank you Jesus for your grace.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Wow, Lola, I love the way you put that. Solitude with God is never solitude. Very nice…




Rosemarie on Feb 2, 2021


The wilderness is amazing and vast. Time of solitude and quietness has been a part of my life now with this pandemic. It has given me a much better time for reflection, both spiritual and prayer. A time to assure God is in my daily thoughts.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2, 2021


So true, Rosemarie. These unusual days we are living in offer us an amazing amount of time in solitude. I think we will miss them when they are gone.




Nancy on Jan 28, 2021


One of the few "upsides" of the pandemic might be enforced solitude. It gets old, for sure, but it allows for the uninterrupted "alone time" with God that you talk about in this particularly great video. I ran across a survey recently that reported a strengthening of people's Christian faith during the the pandemic, possibly because we're all less distracted by places to go and people to see, and more focused on the one thing that matters most. These videos are incredible, Wayne. I joined your site earlier this month and have already watched about 30 of them. So well done in every way. Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2021


I am thrilled, Nancy, that the Lord is blessing your time here in Walking the Bible Lands. You are right, the solitude we all are experiencing right now is a magnificent opportunity. I think when it is all over, we will look back and wish we had focused more on the Lord during these days. May He bless you as you continue to watch these videos!




Karen on Jan 28, 2021


My teachers always taught us to give God a minimum of 15 minutes at the beginning of everyday. I rely on Him all day long. Everywhere I go. I am not ashamed to say Help me Jesus.....God Bless You Jesus when I hear sweet joys....and I depend on God more than those who don't help me to others. Just calling out God and Jesus at the "I need you hours" is not just a private, personal thing for He and I....it's a testimony of who I can rely on the most.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


Thank you for sharing your passion for the Lord Jesus, Karen. I pray that He continues to strengthen you and give you help when you call on Him.




Peg on Jan 21, 2021


Solitude is that time given to God where intimacy can be created, It's different than my daily devotion and studying, I often go on a walk alone, just me and God, and pour out my heart to Him, discussing my life and concerns and asking for direction and guidance. It's amazing when answers and confirmations come then throughout the upcoming days, often that very same day, God is an awesome God if you allow Him into your life. This was my most enjoyable video so far making me want to go to the Holy Lands, even more, thank you for pouring your heart into this ministry Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


I like the distinction you make, Peg, between your study and your solitude. I also like the idea of walking with Him – literally! I may need to give that a try.




Teresa on Nov 5, 2020


Solitude enriched my soul. I usually have a daily quiet time for an hour each morning. Once a month I set aside 3-6 hours of extended time with God..




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I applaud you, Teresa, for your commitment each day and month to be alone with the Father. How essential! May the Lord continue to give you strength and blessings as you spend that solitude time with Him.




Apple on Oct 20, 2020


He gives us life daily. He helps me to be a better speaker at a speaking tournament. when I talk to him he hears my prayers everyday. God answers my prayers when someone gives something to me. i feel encouraged. when someone praise me like my parents and my teachers too.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2020


I think that is wonderful, Li-Ann. May the Lord continue to bless you as you spend time in the Bible and listen to His words.




Karen on Oct 14, 2020


Well I did not realize the Judean wilderness consisted of far rims of distant cliffs and rock. Who knew? But as you said it is preserved to understand solitude with God! Love this idea...




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


No doubt, Karen, these barren, uninhabitable places are wonderful pictures of the blessing (ironically) of the solitude we can experience with the Lord. I pray that your personal time with Him as a blessing each day.




Lydia on Oct 6, 2020


I love being in the wilderness. My husband and best friend and I go hiking in the wilderness in Oregon. It is so quiet, you can actually sense God with you in this beauty. It feels in my spirit like heaven!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2020


You are so correct, Lydia. Sometimes those wonderful moments of silence and solitude are the best times to I feel the presence of the Lord and even His power. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Denise on Oct 2, 2020


What a great picture and reminder of being seperate from the world allowing us room to be filled with the presence of God. It is so hard to break away from our dependence on noise and activity. But how refreshing

for our soul to be revived through time in the word, prayer and these wonderful videos!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2020


I am glad that you sense these videos are a getaway in the wilderness, Denise! I never thought of it that way, but that's nice. God bless you as you retreat with Him.




William on Oct 1, 2020


Wonderful message with great video showing the beauty and majesty of our Lord and Saviors favorite lands.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video of the wilderness and monastery, William. It truly is a barren and beautiful land. May the Lord continue to bless you as you wait on Him.




Anita on Sep 29, 2020


What nuggets I received from God through this video ...through your beautiful application. .My son and wife are waiting for their house to sell. I pray the Holy Spirit will help me say just what they need to hear.Their fearful emotions really took me by surprise. The simple truth they can meditate on right now is on their refrigerator..I've been teaching my granddaughter Matthew 28:20."I am with you always." That's a good one for them to think about all day!!!

Thanks Steve






Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2020


I am so encouraged you, Anita. I love that verse from Matthew! May the Lord continue to bless you as you wait on Him.




Greg on Sep 21, 2020


How can one really get away from people in order to get alone with GOD? I have been a part of a particular ministry for years (as volunteer leadership team). In the past three years I have tried to get time away from the busyness of the ministry put circumstances always seem to arise that have prevented it. We are very small so each of the seven leaders (plus the pastor and his wife) do all of the work. That makes it difficult to get away when an unforeseen emergency comes up. I am getting dangerously close to my "lower black line" (Sea of Galilee analogy) and spiritual burn out.




Wayne on Oct 11, 2020


Hey there, Greg. I'm not sure how your comment slipped through the cracks. So sorry! I hope you're still above the "lower black line." Mostly what is essential for us is to get alone with God on a regular, preferably daily, basis. To spend time with the Father with an open Bible and to allow His Spirit to teach us. I have found that what gets scheduled gets done, and what doesn't-- doesn't. I have to have my time with God first thing each morning, or it doesn't happen. Feel free to write back, but know I'm praying for you. Your significant, small ministry needs you to be most effective. I think of the verse in Ecclesiastes 10:10. If you don't sharpen your axe, the efforts you DO do for the ministry will not be as effective. You multiply your effectiveness by stepping back, sharpening, and then swinging at the tree again.




Sherry on Aug 14, 2020


Does the monastery still have monks living there? Also, have they added electricity?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


Absolutely yes! There are still monks living in the monastery and they do have electricity. :-)




Kim on Aug 5, 2020


In our constant business, it is hard to even consider times of peace and solitude. Thank you for the reminder. Recently, to get through a day I have had to recite one scripture or promise that God has given us. I will never leave you our forsake you. I am with you always. My lifeline has been the Word of God.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020


I am right there with you, Kim! Reading God‘s Word each day and clinging to its truth is an anchor for the soul. May God bless you as you cling to Him.




Lynne on Jul 18, 2020


I like your idea of focusing on one thought or idea throughout the day. I sometimes feel like my devotional time is not meaningfully connected to the rest of my day so I am going to try this to see what God teaches me - hopefully it will keep me more focused on listening to his spirit throughout the day.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2020


I am so glad, Lynne, that this idea of focusing on one principle has taken root in your mind. I have found it to be very helpful, and I believe you will as well. May the Lord bless you as you continue to seek Him in His Word.




Jeanne on Jul 10, 2020


Whenever I try to pray and read God’s word, I find that I struggle to stay focused on what I’m doing and not on what my day will be like. A retreat from life would be awesome however a permanent retreat would then just become a new part of life, like if I lived in the monastery. How does one go about focusing on God’s word and allowing it to speak to me to actually change my life?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020


That happens to me too, Jeanne. Whenever I find myself distracted when I am trying to read and pray, it sometimes helps me to have a piece of paper I can keep a list of thoughts on — and then set them aside mentally. Somehow getting them out of my head allows me to get back into the Bible.




Sue on Jun 19, 2020


Valuable teaching as always. I am curious - was there something happening in the wider culture that caused 1000's of monks to come to the area in the 5th & 6th centuries? Or what generated the movement?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2020


That’s a great question, Sue. Although I am not certain of all of the specifics, this was the Byzantine era when the Roman Empire supported Christianity and pilgrimages to the land. It was a discipline and lifestyle that just caught on and took hold. Honestly, much of it is attractive! God bless you.




Sue on Jun 21, 2020


Thanks, Wayne. That makes sense! Oh, that the Holy Spirit would stir up the Church to actively engage her relationship with God through the disciplines and to see lives transformed in a way that catches on and draws others in. I give thanks for your gift of teaching and for leading the way.




Steve on Apr 24, 2020


The time we spend is surely not wasted. In light of the Covid forced alone time, this might be an opportunity to share this insight with the greater population using Facebook or some other platform. It will be both a service as well as let more people know of your ministry's availability to them. I would surely love to post this on my churches page.





Wayne Stiles on Apr 24, 2020


Thank you, Steve. I am actively trying to share Walking the Bible Lands on Facebook. You are welcome to do the same. Just share this URL: www.walkingthebiblelands.com

Thanks so much.




Dona on Jan 20, 2019


I am enjoying the magnificent videos and teachings. This is a wonderful ministry for the Church because many people can't imagine the landscape of the Bible lands. I have visited 49 of our states and have seen how diverse the landscape is in our country so I truly appreciate these videos.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2019


Thanks, Dona. I'm so glad the videos help you visualize the landscape and get a better grasp on the context of the Bible. May God bless you as you continue these virtual tours and your walk with God.




Tammie on Jan 13, 2019


Watched this again & love the way you encourage through these lessons & the geography!

I get the chance to actually go here with my son & daughter in law this May. Very excited to go & through your teaching, I will be thinking of the lesson learned. Solitude with God.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


What a tremendous opportunity, Tammie! When you go, be sure to watch for pickpockets among the vendors that will approach you when you arrive. :-) Other than that, you'll have a GREAT time at St. George's.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Wow. And very sound and logical advice and wisdom about faith vs. feelings. God got me in the wilderness (alone with Him for a season) to teach me to follow His Word not my feelings (since most of the time they ended up being wrong and made messes), and if there were a few right ones how to react Godly...not proud or snotty. I found freedom, peace, and blessings in obedience. God knows what He’s talking about :) and it works. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


So true, Karen. So, so true...




Tammie on Sep 13, 2018


Wow! That was amazing!!!! Never knew this place existed!


I did have a question.... You said in this video that Jesus was in the wilderness for more than 40 days, but I thought it was 40 days, not more than 40 days... Just curious...




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2018


Great question, Tammie. Matthew 4:2-3 says: "And after He had fasted forty days... the tempter came..." The 40 days prepped Jesus for the temptation which followed. Thanks.




Linda on Aug 29, 2018


Thank you for this gorgeous video! I pray I can make it back here soon! I saw this from afar and really would enjoy an up close look. I’m struggling with all kinds of distractions today and thanks for your reminder that we need to be alone daily with our Father! God Bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2018


You're welcome, Linda! Those distractions in your day can really tug at your spiritual sleeve, can't they? I'm glad the Lord used His Word and this video to encourage you. I'm right there with you in the daily need to be with God.




Connie on Aug 21, 2018


This was a beautiful video. Thanks to you and your marvelous photographer.

Question, when you make the climb do you get to go inside?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2018


Yes, Connie, we can go inside, but they allow no photography inside. Hence, no video there. But my drone captured some of the inside from above. :-)




Lawrence on Aug 13, 2018


Wayne, such a beautiful piece! Video and teaching! Time alone with God is so vital! Any rentals available at St. Georges"? :>)! I love your work, Wayne! Please continue! Your brother in Christ! Kevin




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2018


Kevin, I think I asked once about staying at St. George's! The answer was disappointing. :-) Thanks so much for your affirming words. God bless you.




Sharon on Aug 9, 2018


Private time with God....the MOST necessary thing we all need! Amen!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2018


I completely agree, Sharon. Such an essential part of our days, years, lives. May the Lord bless you as you spend time with Him.




Linda on Aug 9, 2018


I find it amazing the architecture from ancient monks! Amazing what you can do when in solitude!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2018


Too true, Linda! With a lot of time on your hands (or no television), a lot can get accomplished. :-)




Anne on Aug 9, 2018


Thank you Wayne for these videos

The solitude with God is so important

I felt the Lord speaking to my heart during this




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2018


You're so right, Anne. Time with God is always time spent well. It refocuses our hearts and aligns them with truth. I'm honored the Lord would encourage you through the video and His Word.




Estrella on Aug 9, 2018


The different sites and places you take us makes me meditate the sovereign of God! It's so awesome and true that sometimes I just want to be alone with God and meditate on His faithfulness to me and my inadequacy.

Thank you Wayne for the lessons you share to us!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2018


You're welcome, Estrella. I'm so glad the videos encourage you to ponder God's sovereign hand in our lives.




Floyd on Aug 9, 2018


Thank you Wayne for taking me were I can no longer go myself. Geographically enlightening and spiritually challenging as always.





Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2018


The virtual tours are for that purpose, Floyd! I'm thrilled you can go to places you could not otherwise go. So glad they encourage you.




Steve on Aug 9, 2018


I so look forward to your videos Wayne, and this one touched my heart and my soul. I struggle daily with this life I live and always thought if I could do it over again I'd be a monk. Seeing this monastery and it's seclusion has made me rethink my monk wish. I know that's a silly thought, but what a wonderful call from the Lord to live in such a place. Thank you again Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2018


Thank you, Steve. I'm honored to have the joy of taking you to these places of significance both biblically and spiritually in our lives. I've thought about the monk life too—but only thought about it! God leads us for His purposes where we are. God bless.




Jim on Aug 9, 2018


I've never visited that site. Thanks for sharing Bro Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2018


You're welcome, Jim. St. George's is really off the beaten path, and so few folks ever get to see it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks.



St. George's Monastery - The Inestimable Value of Solitude with God

Gezer Boundary Stones - Essential Lines in Our Spiritual Lives

Elsie on Feb 3


Boundaries are for our safety and as guidance along the path. This video visually illustrates the importance of applying God's wisdom in establishing boundaries. I fail to correlate generalizing land ownership to denying humans the opportunity to honest work.

Were we not all "foreigners at one time?

Did the Isrealites not live and work as "foreigners"? I am lost.

Were we not instructed not to pass judgements?

Did our lord not promise he'd make a way, not for one but all who believe in him?


Please clarify so I can understand.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4


Elsie, I've read your comments a few times, but I'm not sure what you're asking. Mind rephrasing your question? Thanks.




Darlene on Sep 29, 2022


Thank you God

for giving us boundaries and allowing your Holy Spirit to remind us of them.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 25, 2022


Thanking Father God for setting up boundaries in my life, for His glory. 0




Frances Tencza on Jul 21, 2022


I believe our nation has become too lax on maintaining our borders and enforcing laws that allow only legal aliens to enter our God given nation!

I am appalled that certain church organizations are condoning illegals to enter, with no vetting. Reaching out to the underprivileged of other nations is a noble cause, but not at the expense of protecting our nation from potential harden criminals, and allowing our rightful benefits to be distributed to those who didn’t earn them!

God is watching! May he protect us from this travesty, if our government won’t!!

Without boundaries,without borders, there are no countries or nations!!

We need the wall to be finished and rightful laws to be maintained!!

Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


Indeed, Frances, the Lord wants the laws of the land to be obeyed.




Tony on May 18, 2022


God sets boundaries out of love and to discipline us, teaching my wife and me to set boundaries for our baby grandsons to protect them, even though they don't like them. Thanks for the biblical teaching of boundaries.




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2022


Indeed it does take great wisdom, Tony, to know how to set boundaries and how best to enforce them. I pray for God's grace upon you and wisdom as you walk the fine line.




Travis on Feb 23, 2022






Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2022


Nice and succinct, Travis. And true! Thanks.




Jessica on Feb 17, 2022


Boundaries...so coincidental that you would be talking about this today. I am reading “Boundaries in Dating” by Cliud & Townsend. I recently had to define a strong spiritual boundary with someone new who was interested in pushing a relationship. Our spiritual backgrounds were not the same, and I had to say no to any further contact. Sad for him, but what a relief for me. What looks good isn’t always God’s best, and I will rely on the Lord to bring forth the right partner, if there is to be one at all. I’m grateful for the boundaries I know to be the truth. :)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


I applaud you, Jessica, for applying those boundaries and for knowing where to set them. May the Lord richly reward you and encourage you on a level beyond what you can see right now. God bless you.




Jessica on Feb 19, 2022


It is really a challenge being single at my age. 70, and still young enough to have a lot of spring in my step. I will continue on the path of seeking the Lord and studying His word. Lol. If you know of a mature, Godly gentleman who might want a companion, keep me in mind! Loving the podcasts and videos.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


Jessica, you are a hoot! I will keep my eyes out for godly gentleman looking for a godly companion. It seems these are few and far between. You might check your church! :-)




Norma on Jan 29, 2022


I can see boundaries being moved in the church to accommodate ethnic groups and cultures. These accommodations in worship, language, music, shared facilities, and management have brought the dominant church to complain about their new members and tenants. People -,in general - as they grow older, become territorial. Moving our boundaries is part of the "open door, open minds, and open hearts" campaign that the United Methodist Church did a decade ago to help the church adjust to the new generation changes.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2022


I like the way you put that, Norma. Indeed, we can easily become territorial — when in fact, all territory is God's.




Maria on Oct 18, 2021


All☹️😩😳. We as society break all His 10 commandments.



To love God above all.

Keep the sabbath.

No idols

Obey parents, honor them

Don’t lie

Don’t steal

Don’t envy

Don’t covet

No adultery

No murder…


Sadly. I don’t see society following … I break at lest 1/2… which makes me guilty of all…


I just overcome by His grace vs getting worse.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


That’s right, Maria! We all need his grace…




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 6, 2021


Certainly, all the boundary lines have to be being crossed that were set with Noah, Abram/Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. As a matter of fact, it will be "as in the days of Noah" when the end is going to be the end. Probably no boundary line God set will be in place except for with His remnant.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


We indeed live in a world where boundaries are relative, don't worry, Wanda? How grateful we are for the objective truth in the Scriptures.




Marlon on Aug 12, 2021


thank you for this video.

It reminds me how important it is to set boundries in our lives and the lives of our children. As with God, it gives us security, calmness of spirit and a point of direction. He always lets me know when I tend to stray beyond my boundaries and draws me back into His presence. Thank God!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2021


Well said, Marlon. I pray that the Lord continues to guide and protect you. God bless you.




Gary on Jun 4, 2021


G'day Wayne, I had my boundary lines and they the vandals broke the 08th commandment . That's why will keep losing the battle. They are fighting against God as well my justice will come eventually. Cheers Gary Steele. Good story. Psalm 91.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021


So sorry to hear that, Gary. I have had vandals cross the boundary on my property as well! So essential that we keep the end in mind and play for long-term. God bless you.




Gary on Jun 5, 2021


G'day Wayne, the worst part of this that it was people in my former church and leaders committed perjury they think they got out of it but God will have the final say they only way I stopped them was bringing the lawmakers into it to pass down that I was seriously considering pressing charges on them for this criminal behaviour towards me. Their electronic toys of big tech were heavily fined in 100s of millions of dollars to big tech Robocop i call it was taken away from forced to by the lawmakers watchdogs. After I reported to them what was going on. This is all just before bigtech was also exposed in America as well for frauding election. I was one of the first individuals that was attacked by this job because of my Christian beliefs and knowledge. Perjury in my country is a serious crime they can get 14 years to life they ran off once I startedwarning them this was heading their way or a lawsuit from me.. God will compensate my losses in income. He still may force them to do it. Down the track. Marxist came out in the open when they passed Same sex marriage in 2015 God has removed His protection a bit since. China was pushing against my country at one stage. We had wild fires floods straight after then shutdown happens 18mths later.




Joan on Jun 3, 2021


I'm thinking they've moved all the boundary lines and have escaped anything remotely resembling God's boundaries and obedience thereto, very sad to say. I've lived long enough to see the cresting over the long slippery slope of the late 50s into 60s and straight downhill from there. I see it in the media all the time, to where I don't watch programming that allows it, even news reports that include it, never mind advertising, which is rife with it! Is this generation any different than the Northern Kingdom's apostasy and then Judah's, I have to ask? .. and I don't like the looming answer, May God Have Mercy.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


That's right, Joan. Our country is just one of many throughout history that has started strong and then started sliding. Revival begins in our own hearts. God bless you.




Marilynn on May 23, 2021


In our world of Relativism, every biblical boundary is being stretched to the maximum. The world thinks of many truths rather than the one truth taught by God.




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2021


So true, Marilynn, our world is topsy-turvy in its priorities and its perspective of truth. What a blessing that we have the Word of God to keep us right-side-up. God bless you as you read His Word and as you follow His wonderful truth.




Debra on May 20, 2021


Very interesting. Would be a good bible study.




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021


I am glad, Debra, that you enjoyed the video on the boundary stones. :-) I pray that the Lord would continue to bless you as you study His Word.




Eileen on Apr 18, 2021


Such a good illustration of what’s going on in our country today and a great reminder to me that His Word stands firm and sure! I’m a picture person, so this “picture” will help me remember...




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2021


You are right, Eileen. Those boundary stones should not be moved. How essential that we remain in the Bible each day to remember where those stones are placed. God bless you.




Jae on Feb 7, 2021


Shacking up, no marriage




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


So true, Jae. Our culture more and more sees a little need for what they define as conservative, traditional conventions. But we know from God's Word that His boundaries are safety nets for us to keep us clear from dangers we cannot anticipate.




Lola Fitch on Feb 7, 2021


Every Biblical boundary is being challenged today. It is hard to think of one that is not. We all fall short at one time or another but today my kids and grandkids see breaking God's boundaries is the norm. To pick up the pieces after breaking a boundary can be challenging but not impossible.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Well said, Lola. Biblical boundaries are often cultural preferences these days, it seems. How essential that we all stay in the Word of God and that we continue to gather, as best we can, for mutual encouragement to remain faithful until He comes.




Karen on Feb 4, 2021


Living in a close knit neighborhood...people are always making big deals about their boundary lines. Now I know how that got started! Some people get angry and snippy over their property lines...in regards to mowing, parking, and of course building fences and such. Tax purposes on our lands I guess is the reason. Insurance liabilities too.?? Anyway there is a beginning to all worries I guess. Thank God gives some of us peace and love more than grief and heartache in living within our boundaries.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


So true, Karen! Boundaries are amazing concepts. What's funny is we tend to pay attention to them when we see someone else violating our boundary. But when we do it? No big deal… So ironic!




Susan on Nov 19, 2020


We went to Tel Gezer as soon as we landed in Israel. I wish our leader would have talked about the boundary stones. Instead our focus was on the Standing Stones which I also enjoyed learning about. Our question to answer was, “what in our life is worthy of a standing stone.”




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


How rare, Susan, for your group to visit Gezer. Most tours skip it all together. Honestly, I'd be surprised if a guide would mention the boundary stones, as they are tough to find and some guides may not have even seen them. I like your "standing stone" question.




Teresa on Nov 12, 2020


One big boundary the culture is redefining marriage. God’s Word says marriage is between one man and woman. The culture says marriage between same sex couples is ok.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 13, 2020


So true, Teresa. God's Word clearly defines marriage as heterosexual and His design shows it so. Our world needs the gospel shown and modeled.




Taylor on Aug 14, 2021


The meaning, based on context, of the so-called "gay" verses are disputed by theologians.


It's my understanding that the word "homosexual" was mistranslated into the Bible in 1946 by the Revised Standard Version. All other Bible translations then followed suit.


The RSV publisher currently agrees and is looking to make changes.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


Many verses are disputed, for sure, but the original Greek terms are plain enough. In 1 Cor. 6:9 (and 1 Tim. 1:10) the word is arsenokoitēs, from two words —arsēn "a male" and koitē "a bed"— and refers to a male who lies with another male as with a female (some modern translations reflect this translation clearly, such as the NIV). In the same verse, the word the NASB translates as "effeminate" refers to behavior, specifically the passive partner in the homosexual act. Simply said, whether or not the term "homosexual" was used prior to 1946, the original language clearly reflects the homosexual act. You may find this post helpful, as it gives more details about the alleged mistranslation, in addition to other clear and biblical thinking.




Karen on Oct 14, 2020


Glad you found boundary stone 8! Wow!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


Yes, Karen, it was amazing to actually find that boundary stone after two trips to Israel and hours of searching. But it was worth it…




Tammie on Oct 13, 2020


Wow! Always amazed at how you can tie that land & the visuals of it to Gods word. Just loved this- boundaries.

Thank you Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Oct 13, 2020


You are welcome, Tammie. It is amazing how the land of the Bible connects so clearly with the Word of God. Even that simple proverb about boundary stones goes a long way in its implications for the decisions we make. God bless you.




Denise on Oct 2, 2020


Although it is meeting a current need, I think the "video" conferencing of our church services and bible study fellowship are distancing us from the precious "in person fellowship" and worship of former days. Gospel sings,

revival service, communion, bible fellowship and dinner on the grounds need a personal attendance.

It is a blessing to see you can touch the past.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2020


You make a great point, Denise. There really is nothing like physical touch and physical presence. Still, video conferencing and these video virtual tours are the next best thing! God bless.




Heather on Aug 27, 2020


Hi, I am curious if the boundary stone you showed in the video are still legally observed in Israel today, or if they only consider them historical monuments for visitors to see?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 27, 2020


That's a great question, Heather. No, those boundaries stones are just history and irrelevant to today's boundaries. However, the Jews love all the archaeology, because it shows their presence in the land (and claim to it) millennia ago. Palestinian Arabs would love to see the archaeology all buried again. God bless.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


Oh my, it’s like all God’s boundaries are being moved (removed) by the socialist/communist, NWO culture. Even though God told us to be aware, the enemy still snuck in while I believe like the apostles...we kinda fell asleep. Jesus capture night feel like a quick version of these end times.




Kim on Aug 5, 2020


Good stuff! I never knew about the stones. It makes sense now. That is why I enjoy watching your videos so much. They help put the Word in context. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020


I am so glad the videos helped put that in perspective, Kim. God bless you.




Joy on Jul 13, 2020


Thank you very much for showing and talking about these stones. It always amazes me how (w/o survey) people knew where to mark things. I'll never get to see these stones in person = THANK YOU.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2020


You're welcome, Joy. And yes-- it IS amazing how the ancients did all they did before GPS and air conditioning. The pyramids are probably my greatest wonder of humanity's construction.




Nancy on Jun 1, 2020


This reminded me of our first home with boundary markers. We knew where our lines should be but a neighbor thought differently. We thought we had plenty so we didn’t fight for it. Years later after. The man had planted a line of beautiful trees as a border he decided to have it assayed. Not only was the driveway properly placed but the beautiful trees were on our property. Keeping peace was more important to us. God took care of it for us. Boundaries in our life are just as important. The stones are a great reminder.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 2, 2020


What a blessing, Nancy, that your neighbor planted those beautiful trees on your property. How kind of him. :-) I applaud you for keeping first-things first and keeping peace. God honors that.




Paulette on Jul 9, 2019


Loved the way you brought out that the boundary stones around our property reminds us of exactly what God has given us. Feeling very thankful today for our new home that He very visually and succinctly provided for us in so many ways while we were in the process of moving out of state. There can be no questions in our mind who owns our house. It belongs to the Lord. It was yet another confirmation to me that God's hand has been strongly with us. I cannot be more grateful. I cannot possibly praise Him enough for His works. Also thankful that His Word is our boundary as well. What a perfect correlation. Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2019


Congratulations, Paulette, on your new home! Indeed, that's a huge blessing in this day. I'm so glad the video connected the biblical boundary stones to your life today. God bless you as you serve Him in a new state.




Connie on May 17, 2019


Thanks for this lesson. Boundaries are so important in our lives and it’s so easy to cross them. This is a lesson I want to share with my Study Group.




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2019


What a great idea, Connie, to share the video with your Study Group. And yes, God's boundaries are certainly for our good, aren't they?




Gary on Mar 4, 2019


Wow, how far has our society in the USA and the rest of the world strayed from God's boundary stones? That is a sobering and challenging thought that I need God's daily direction in for how He expects me in my daily walk to off set these violations in my area of influence. I think starting with myself, my children and grandchildren and those that I can influence each day. Thank you Wayne for this view and challenge of God's truths to stay in contact with every day. .




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2019


It's so easy, isn't it, Gary, to drift away from those boundaries? You're right, we do need to begin in our own lives before we focus on the world's offbeat priorities. Thanks.




Lydia on Feb 28, 2019


God's boundaries are there for a reason, Our health, joy, contentment, safety.

If we ignore those boundaries, we WILL be miserable. God's love has put them in place for us. Just as a small child needs boundaries, such as not walking in front of cars,, or a teen shouldn't follow the wrong crowd, God is all about protection for HIS children.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2019


Great examples, Lydia! His rules have reasons, and they are always for our good. Thanks.




Christine on Feb 28, 2019


The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6 NIV



One of my favorite passages.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2019


Great connection, Christine. What a wonderful verse! Thanks.




Wayne on Feb 28, 2019


Your discoveries are always fascinating and so interestingly presented. I think you must be one of the few who knows almost every square inch of Israel! Thanks to you, Cathy and Scott for your diligent research and the exciting way you share them with us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2019


Thank you, Wayne. I'm so glad the Lord blesses you through Walking the Bible Lands videos! You're a gem. God be with you.




Stephen on Feb 28, 2019


Boundaries are a big subject in the Bible. A misunderstood subject. We were not made to have it all. But we were made to enjoy it all within God’s boundaries. Beautiful images in the presentation Wayne! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2019


Yes, Steve, I agree that we weren't meant to have it all. But wasn't He amazingly generous from the get-go? Adam and Eve could eat from ALL trees except one! Satan and the world turn that upside-down and focus on the one, while we should focus on the many.



Gezer Boundary Stones - Essential Lines in Our Spiritual Lives

Emmaus Road - The Value of Seeing the Big Picture

Bruce on Apr 2


I love the thought of hearing Jesus talk about all the Old Testament Prophecies that he fulfilled. It would be just as interesting to hear him talk about all the prophecies that complete his restoration the world and us to himself.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 3


So true, Bruce... It will be amazing to see and hear all these prophecies yet to be fulfilled. One day!




Frances Tencza on Jul 21, 2022


They, the two on the Emaus road, we’re walking with the true word of God made flesh! They didn’t understand his purpose, and Jesus graciously revealed it to them! They were blessed with being witnesses to his resurrection ! It would be amazing to hear how he explained in detail precisely everything that is revealed to us in the Bible!

Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


Oh, I so agree, Frances! That walk to Emmaus and the conversation there is some thing I would have loved to hear.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 29, 2022


I agree, Frances. That must have been an amazing walk and talk with the Master!




Tony on May 18, 2022


You walked on the Road to Emmaus, where the resurrected Jesus walked. What an amazing experience. Does the entire road (path) exist from Jerusalem to Mozah? It looks very overgrown. This is a biblical truth that Jesus revealed himself to his disciples who were eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ. Thanks again!




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2022


Indeed, Tony, that road is an amazing experience, but unfortunately very little of it still exists. I shot this video two years ago, and I took my tour to this road only a couple of months ago. In that short time it has been overgrown and has almost disappeared. The construction beside it is fairly destructive. It won't be long and this road will be only in the Scriptures.




Linda on Feb 3, 2022


He will never leave me nor forsake me. As He, through the Holy Spirit, gives me direction I feel like I am walking with Him on that very road. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


What a beautiful picture, Linda, to walk the very road of Emmaus with Jesus. Thank you for sharing that.




Norma on Jan 30, 2022


It gives me hope that when things don't go the way I thought, Jesus , in his companionship , will reveal to me and explain the reasons for these changes. We just have to trust, and our eyes will be open. Oftentimes, when the storm passed and dark clouds were moved by the wind, we looked back to the road and had an understanding of the purpose for everything we experienced along the way. Thanks for showing this road and his biblical significance.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2022


Yes, Norma, the Lord reveals His will to us in His time. I love how Jesus took them straight to the Scriptures, explaining who He is throughout the whole Old Testament. Amazing…




Kathy on Jan 16, 2022


Even though there is only a remnant of the road, there remains a full "Walk to Emmaus" in my mind as I review the discussion that was all encompassing along the way...And what the two recalled later, like This is where He explained about the coming crucifixion, the prophecy of Isaiah, etc They would have a permanent WALK seared into their very mind that ended with the revelation of who Jesus was!! So very moving!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


That is a beautiful picture, the way you describe it, Kathy. Thank you.




Frank on Dec 18, 2021


hi Wayne, I trust that all is well with you and your household, in Yeshua's mighty name. I would love to have a transcript of that conversation on that road to Emaus. Could you imagine the strong witness that we could have toward the Haredim?

Now on to the elaborate road building process of the Romans. I found that to be quite amazing to hear about so many layers being applied. ai believe that if our roads here in the USA were made with such diligence, they would probably last longer than ours.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2021


No doubt, Frank! I would LOVE to read that Emmaus Road transcript. And yes, the Romans built those roads to last! Today we build only to hit code and to make a profit. Radically different goals.




Dawn on Dec 10, 2021


I am shaken this week. I am clinging to Jesus. I had a stroke on Tuesday, and it would be great to be with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Jesus knows what lies ahead and what went behind and where the path leads from the perspective of his own life and everyone else.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 11, 2021


I'm so sorry to read about your stroke, Dawn. I pray the Lord will bless you and continue to encourage you as you walk with God.




Patti on Nov 10, 2021


The fact that God has a plan that is far better than any we could imagine gives me comfort when things aren’t going the way I expected. I trust God and going back to that time in history sounds wonderful to me.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2021


Yes, Patti, how essential is our daily trust in God! Our lives are the lives of faith — trust is an essential part of that faith. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 6, 2021


I love that story! One day I was in the Bible and asked God to show me something new about Him that I didn't know. He showed me the verse about He and His Father working. This was while I was in my late 20's or early 30's but I remember the incident. Walking with our LORD is still the same as it was as Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


Aren't memories wonderful, Wanda? What a blessing that you have that specific answered prayer to cling to. May the Lord continue to be gracious to you.




Taylor on Aug 14, 2021


I wish He would come back now. I wonder how much crazier this world has to get before that happens.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


How I agree with you, Taylor! Wouldn't it be wonderful if He came today? Until then, I rejoice with all of those who are coming to Christ in the interim. God bless you.




Joyce on Jun 21, 2021


This is a video I had missed until now. His timing is perfect. Open my eyes Lord I want to see, know, understand ,Jesus and His message.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021


Amen, Joyce. What a beautiful prayer to ask the Lord to open our eyes as we look into His Word — that we may discover more of Him there.




Bobbie on May 12, 2021


Love this video. Even though I know much about the OT and that it shows the pathway of the coming Messiah; I realize I need to read more of it bc there is still much I do not know. God has surprised me in many things in my life where He showed up and those things were far better than I imagined. Thank you Mr. Wayne for opening my eyes. And love seeing where Jesus walked. Love it!




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


What a blessing, Bobbie, that the Lord has blessed you to learn much about the magnificent Old Testament. I am thrilled that the Emmaus Road video was an encouragement to you to dig even deeper! May the Lord continue to bless you as you study His Word.




Mary Jo on Feb 14, 2021


Though we have faith and trust, there are those long periods of time when we feel alone. When we question, when will this end? When will we feel happy and at peace? What am I not doing, or what am I doing wrong? This lesson, the road to Emmaus helped me, This will remind me when I feel alone, too tired, not able to focus, sleep or pray, God is walking with me when I am feeling so blind. Praise God, He is still walking beside me, as if on the Emmaus road. Thank you for this virtual tour.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


I am so glad, Mary Jo, the Emmaus Road video encouraged you to take the long view. Indeed, when we look at where we are right now, it can be terribly discouraging and despairing. But when we remember the end of the journey, it helps us keep going. God bless you.




Lola Fitch on Feb 9, 2021


Appreciate this reminder in these times of hatred and selfishness that even when I can not see the big picture of this world situation, God is in control. And even when I do not understand why things are happening I can walk and talk with God for patience, understanding and wisdom. God has shut the ears, eyes and hearts of many just as He did to the disciples on the walk to Emmaus.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


That is an interesting insight, Lola. I think my biggest challenge is asking God to open my eyes to understand the Scriptures fully. Such a challenge when my own agenda gets in the way… May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him along the road to Emmaus.




Rosemarie on Feb 3, 2021


I really liked how you explained the Bible here. I never thought of it that way. I am learning so much in Walking the Bible Lands. I am so glad I decided to joined.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2021


How wonderful, Rosemarie, that the Lord encouraged you through the Emmaus Road video. I pray that each video continues to be a great encouragement to you. I also I'm glad you decided to join! God bless you.




Carolyn on Jan 14, 2021


Each of us can have our own Road to Emmaus when we walk and talk to Jesus each day. It keeps us going in the right direaction and it is good to know He is always walking with us. He shows up and we have the privilege to recognize His presence. How comforting!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


What a great way to think about the Emmaus Road, Carolyn. Indeed, our walk with Christ is filled with many conversations that require Him to open our minds to understand the Scriptures.




Karen on Dec 17, 2020


I close my eyes and imagine myself as today Christ walking and talking and guiding me wherever I go. Sweet to see the location of the true appearances.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 18, 2020


Yes, Karen, it is wonderful to see those few places where the Lord actually walked. So meaningful! Great affirmation of his walking with us each day. God bless you.




Susan on Nov 19, 2020


What do I think? I think these videos are fabulous. Thank you so very much. Can’t wait until I’m able to go back to Israel.

God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


I'm thrilled, Susan, that you're enjoying the videos. I'm with you, I can't wait to return to Israel. Such a powerful place of context for Bible study. God bless you.




Patricia on Nov 18, 2020


We just studied this lesson in our Life Group! I love this story too because it brings so much hope! In the darkest hour when hope appears to be lost, God is doing His greatest work!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


How wonderful, Patricia, that you just studied about the walk to Emmaus in your Life Group. Isn't God amazing? I agree with you, we need to keep the big picture in mind when it seems we are about to lose hope. There is so much to look forward to…




Loni on Oct 28, 2020


God's plans are so much more glorious than our minds can comprehend.


As the video points out, we tend to focus on our own needs and timetables first, but God thinks in terms of what ia best for all of Mankind and to fulfill His purposes that exceed our wildest dreams.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2020


Well said, Ronnie. His ways are amazing, aren’t they? God bless.




Tammie on Oct 13, 2020


Wow! Loved this information you gave! I was driving while listening, watching when at red lights, so I’ll have to watch it again, but thank you for this!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 13, 2020


Now that's dedication, Tammie! I'm glad you were able to listen in the car. :-) I look forward to when you get home and can watch. God bless.




Eurith on Oct 13, 2020


I absolutely love these videos. Seeing the word of The Lord come alive through these videos is truly beautiful and humbling. I wait in anticipation to seek the next video.

Thank you so much Dr. Stiles.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 13, 2020


I am thrilled that you are enjoying the videos, Eurith. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch and as you read His Word.




Denise on Oct 2, 2020


Thank you for this video and question. It is a reminder that God is near even when we don't see Him. He is revealing and guiding our lives as we focus on Him. He is bringing us together in fellowship around His ressurection. I loved seeing the curb stones.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2020


I agree, Denise. Seeing those curbstones is surreal when we realize Jesus likely saw them as well. How wonderful that God's plan encompasses all of the Scriptures and somehow includes us.




Gerald on Sep 17, 2020


Absolutely fantastic presentation in every way. This would make a perfect evangelistic nutshell of the Gospel "commercial". Thanks. When I was in Israel last summer, I saw the road from the lookout of the Holocaust museum. Nice to see you on the real thing.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


What a blessing for you, Gerald, to visit Israel last year. Honestly, I did not realize you could see this road from Yad VaShem. I will have to ask my guide about that next time I'm there! Thanks for your encouraging words, and may the Lord bless you.




Yvette on Jul 19, 2020


Sitting in quietness after the last three videos ,A new vision of my journey ! I'm Undone .




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2020


I am glad you are enjoying the videos, Yvette. May the Lord continue to bless you as you read His Word.




Joy on Jul 13, 2020


Never ever did I think I'd see video of the road to Emmaus. It's easy to lose track of time and the pain and work it took to make roads, to walk, to live in that time period.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2020


The road to Emmaus is vanishing... I'm so glad we have a video to remember in years to come. God bless you, Joy.




Denise on Jun 19, 2020


Wow, this must be why your insights are so good. You put yourself in the events that happened in the places.

I loved thinking about walking along side and listening to Jesus. It made it so clear to see you walking the road and explaining the architecture of the highway. Thank you for sharing.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2020


I am so glad, Denise, that you are finding joy and insights in these videos. What a blessing! Thanks for your gracious comment. God bless you.




Heather on Jun 12, 2020


Such a shame when we lose great archeology, and the Romans were great builders, our roman roads in the uk are still going strong, tho obviously have evolved with the modern - but essentially their direction remains as was intended. God's purposes also remain as He intended and were fulfilled in Jesus's first coming. It must have been quite an experience for those two disciples to receive a personal exposition of the actual intention of His purpose through the OT scriptures. This morning in my reading I read of the Holy Spirit's entry into things, where he was sent to teach us the whole Truth, Everything that Jesus taught he would remind us of, and i felt it to be much the same as what Jesus did with those walking to Emmaus. Thanks again for these videos. Seeing the country and surroundings that Jesus would have known and walked really enlivens the words read.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020


No doubt, Heather, the UK is rich with archaeology and history! I remember the last time I was in London I saw Roman ruins not too far from the Tower. I agree with you; I can't imagine the joy it was to walk that road with Christ and hear Him explain the Old Testament! What an amazing privilege…




Rich on Apr 28, 2020


Wonderful video and meaningful devotional application as always; thank you so much, Wayne! One question though: might there not be a typo at 6:44? I don't see how Isa 53:4 can be understood as a prediction that Jesus would perform miracles.






Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2020


Great question, Rich. Matthew 8:17 says that Jesus' miracles fulfill Isaiah 53:4's reference to the Messiah/Servant carrying "our infirmities and ... sorrows." His physical healings were a sign of the coming kingdom and the greater spiritual healing of our sins, which He would accomplish on the cross.




Rich on Apr 29, 2020


Wow! Thank you, Wayne. I could only think of the cross when I read Isa 53:4, I did not realize that Matthew, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw something more than the cross in that verse. So I'm learning more from"Walking the Bible Lands" with you than I ever anticipated!




Steven on Jan 6, 2020


Based upon the dating of the other comments, I must be behind by about a year :-) Amazing videos and absolutely wonderful object lesson Wayne. I did not get to see the road to Emmaus on my trips to Israel. So, this was special. The story of Jesus visiting the two on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection is to me a reminder that God is concerned enough to accommodate our limited perspective and open new vistas to us that are right in front of us. I am so absolutely dependent upon Him and His ministry to me through the Spirit and the Word to see more clearly. Loved this video and what you are doing through this form of ministry. I've added a link to Walking the Bible Lands to my "Other Resources" page of my website.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2020


You're not behind at all, Steven. It's okay! Different folks join at different times and we have members all over the map (pun intended). You're right, MOST tours never see the Emmaus Road, and it's vanishing anyway. I do have a tour planned in 2021 on the life of Jesus that will go the road. :-)


Thanks for your gracious words and for sharing Walking the Bible Lands with others, Steven. You're a valuable part of this ministry.




Christine on Jan 28, 2019


Remembering that prophesies may take hundreds (thousands?) of years to be fulfilled, but that they do come true gives me comfort. God is faithful. His promises are fulfilled. His timing is perfect. His care for us is assured always. The LORD places us where He wants us and we are here as long as He directs.




Christine on Jan 28, 2019


If I could participate in one day in Biblical history, it too would be on the road to Emmaus with Jesus and his two disciples. I've often longed to hear the words Jesus spoke. Then, I found a phenomenal book: Promises of The Messiah: New Testament fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies by Abram Kenneth Abraham and published by Barbour and Company Inc. in 1987. It goes through so many of the Messianic prophecies and to read it, your eyes are opened to the wonders of God's redemptive plan for mankind. Unfortunately, I believe this is out of print, and it is difficult to find.

Another great read -- Evidence that Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell.

Thank you for the "tour" of the Emmaus Road. It was so inspiring. I wish I could walk it. The supplemental material on it was also very informative. Love your videos, blogs and audio. Thanks much.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2019


Thanks for mentioning those resources, Christine. I agree: prophecy is just amazing.




Mary Anne on Jan 25, 2019


Loved your presentation of the road to Emmaus! I felt I was right there with you.

I also enjoyed the video on how Roman roads were made.

Thanks Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2019


You're welcome, Mary Anne. Those Roman roads were built to last! Ours get potholes after a few months. :-)




Steve on Jan 24, 2019


Another powerful video and wonderfully clear explanations Wayne. I particularly liked the last narrative with you sitting. To me, that demonstrates your most relatable teaching technique, you know the lesson. That was a long explanation and I was thinking all along that you truly know what you're teaching.


Thank you so very much for what you do Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2019


So glad, Steve, that the Lord encouraged you through the Emmaus Road conversation Jesus had with His disciples (and us!). Thanks for your gracious affirmation, too. Much appreciated--and it's an honor. God bless you, Steve.




Fred on Jan 24, 2019


Don't we all in a sense take that walk on the road to Emmaus? Thank you for taking us there Wayne. Nicely done!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2019


Good point, Fred! Yes, we all walk that road; we all stand still and look sad, don't we? It's so important when we feel all is lost to keep the big picture in mind.




Garry on Jan 24, 2019


This was a wonderful video today. This was the first set of pictures of a walking path or actual road I have seen going to Emmaus. Sorry we have missed visiting this sight on our previous trips.. The explanation of the Roman building of the road was amazing. So thankful Suzanne and I have traveled with you and Kathy two times to Israel.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2019


Thank you, Garry. Yes, that Emmaus Road isn't something a lot of folks can even find! Pretty off the beaten path. :-) Appreciate you and Suzanne.



Emmaus Road - The Value of Seeing the Big Picture

Gezer - Keeping God's Essentials on the Calendar

Sheron Keeling on Aug 30, 2022


Thank you. I enjoy how to teach the Word!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2022


Thank you, Sheron. It is certainly a privilege. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Jul 28, 2022


I have always found the archeological

digs in the Holy Lands to be fascinating! This video shows how important being in step with God’s seasons is essential to daily living, mostly to be instep in our daily life with God as our leader and provider!

Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2022


I am so glad that the video and its archaeology was a helpful reminder to you, Frances. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Jul 21, 2022


Very fascinated by my he archeological digs! Proof that the Israelites have been around for many centuries, and that God chose them to be his people!




Rosemary on Jun 13, 2022


Thanks so much Wayne for making these videos. I found this one very interesting and helpful relating it to the Scriptures in Solomon’s day and reference to Gezer. It was very interesting seeing its location from Jerusalem and the archeological ruins.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos, Rosemary. God bless you.




Ty on Jun 5, 2022


A great comment to end this video with, it is never too late to start or start over with God.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


Every day, Ty. Yes, every day.




Norma on Jan 31, 2022


Putting God in our calendar is important. Having a quiet moment to reflect on the scriptures and pray helps us to evaluate things that are happening in our lives and put them in perspective to God's will and plans Revelations occurred as the result of this intimacy with God. Your travel series has helped me to place myself in those biblical times and places, making my daily appointment with God an enjoyable one.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022


I'm thrilled, Norma, that the videos are helping to bring the Scriptures to life. May they continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Dawn on Jan 11, 2022


I have several daily email services that post first thing in the morning that provide Bible readings, and inspirational readings. During the year they may change according to the liturgical calendar/season. I find that these readings put my mind on God at the start of my day and are encouraging. I start my day this way and at the close of day read again and pray. It is now a habit just as much as looking at a calendar for planning and guiding.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12, 2022


Dawn, this is a wonderful plan you follow-- including Scripture at the beginning of each day. As it is with you, so Bible reading is a habit for me, the most essential part of my day. May God continue to encourage and bless you as you spend time with Him each day.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 14, 2021


A heart can be easily distracted with the calls of the day (life) and if a heart does not line up with God and His Way one is subject to human ways. Ultimately this brings forth a life not lived well for Jesus. Having time for our LORD and giving Him a place inside really brings forth that Life and Life Abundantly that Jesus speaks of.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2021


So true, Wanda. Your observation reminds me of Jesus' parable of the soils. When our seed gets sown among the thorns, the distractions of life can choke out our fruitfulness. Our daily time with the Word is such an essential part of keeping focused.




Kimberly on Oct 14, 2021


Wanda I couldn’t have said it better myself. I wake up every morning with prayer and the hope for a good day. But it’s real easy for me to get distracted by the tasks I have constantly. I have stage 4 COPD, end stage technically. I talk to Jesus many times throughout my day, mostly saying “Lord have mercy”…I was in the process of being listed for a double lung transplant when covid happened so it put things off for awhile. And now completely off the table due to the mandate for the vaccination. So ya see I struggle all day everyday just trying to do what I have to do. And the good Lord knows I don’t have the air or the strength, so after all the negative thoughts that build up, and the frustration, I have to remind myself that He goes before me and His yolk is light. And put Him in charge. Only then do I find my peace. 🙏




Wanda Faith Sewell on Oct 14, 2021


Kimberly, I pray Jehovah Rapha gives you a completed healing breath of life so you can fulfill His desires of you that He created you for. I just shared today on my FB page about being bald when I had cancer and was going through chemo. God had to step in and help me or I would be long gone from this earth. (Which is not a bad thing since I'm saved but God said He had a work for me to do!) Blessings to you as He does what only He can do for you, Kim!




Kimberly on Oct 29, 2021


Thank you 🙏




Betty on Jun 26, 2021


Very interesting. I am learning so much and I cannot wait to go to the next video. Thank you for such beautiful videos and commentary.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2021


I'm so glad, Betty, that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. God bless you!




Rosemarie on Jun 7, 2021


I spend time with God every day and if I miss a day I feel bad about it




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2021


What a blessing for you, Rosemarie, to spend daily time with the Lord. If you do miss, please know that the Lord does not think less of you. Feeling bad about it should simply be missing time with our Lord rather than feeling guilty about it. Time with him is not a hoop to jump through or a requirement, as much as it is a privilege.




Lola Fitch on Feb 9, 2021


Sunday is ALWAYS church time. Designated weekly Bible studies ALWAYS a call. Urgency to call upon God for sure when life in this world gets tough and I think I "can

handle it myself because I am busy". When I take time to sit with God each day, I can handle the challenges better since He is always with me. My whole perspective of life is hopeful.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


I know what you mean, Lola. How essential it is for us to spend our daily time with Christ. It provides the perspective we so desperately need each day.




Rosemarie on Feb 5, 2021


Such historical knowledge I am gaining with these videos. Interesting archeological finds. Would love to visit someday




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


Thank you, Rosemarie. I am glad that the Gezer video encouraged you and offered some additional historical knowledge. I pray that the Lord would also encourage you with spiritual truths as you seek Him and continue to enjoy these virtual tours.




Carolyn on Jan 28, 2021


Before I eat my physical food, I begin my spiritual food and focus on worship, praise, thankfulness and prayer. I am starting off well for my day!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2021


I know what you mean, Carolyn. I am the same way! Of course, coffee usually is there with me while I am in the Word. :-) God bless you as you eat every day in the most important way.




Polly on Jan 28, 2021


Very encouraging for our lives when we feel our freedoms and life as we know it is crashing down. Trust, trust, trust. Sometimes I feel guilty that I worry when I know so many others are suffering without any foreseeable lifeline.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


I know what you mean, Polly, about feeling guilty when others struggle so much more than we do. Still, the Lord does urge us to cast all our anxieties on Him, because He cares for us-- so we pray and ask for His grace anyway. He is able to handle all situations according to His wisdom. God bless you.




Mary on Jan 21, 2021






Susan on Nov 19, 2020


We went to Tel Gezer as soon as we landed in Israel. I wish our leader would have talked about the boundary stones. Instead our focus was on the Standing Stones which I also enjoyed learning about. Our question to answer was, “what in our life is worthy of a standing stone.”




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


How rare, Susan, for your group to visit Gezer. Most tours skip it all together. Honestly, I'd be surprised if a guide would mention the boundary stones, as they are tough to find and some guides may not have even seen them. I like your "standing stone" question.




Karen on Oct 14, 2020


Must NOT forget Gezer...Luv OT Hebrew calendar and yes for me , it is one season at a time and they remind me to focus on... Also liked the map showing Solomon's 3 gates. Thank you and God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


I'm so glad, Karen, you enjoyed the video on Gezer. Be sure to watch the video on Hazor too, as it details Solomon's gate there very well. God bless.




Rosemary on Jun 22, 2020


Great video Wayne. Thanks for doing it. It’s really interesting to understand a bit more of the significance of Hazor, Mediggo and Gezer had in the land of Israel in relation to why they were fortified so strongly - as they were important in relation to the major routes travelled between two empires. In that position they had the opportunity to affect the whole world of their day.

It was fascinating to find that the gates of these cities were all similarly built. The only place I have visited is Medigoo (late last year) and I walked down into the cistern there and through the tunnel up to the other side - and marvelled at that. The one at Tel Gezer is mind blowing how It was made. Thanks for including the bonus video which really shows the depth of it. There is so much to be learnt from visiting these ancient sites that can be related to our lives.

I found the Standing Stones interesting and understand that they probably were from the Canaanite period. I understand that there was a tradition in middle eastern culture that when something of significance happened of a religious or political nature, covenants or treaties they would raise huge stones to signify it and the meaning of it was passed down from generation to generation. As in Exodus 24 :4 where Moses had 12 stones set up in relation to covenant between God and Israel. It’s a great reminder that just as someone might ask about what do those standing stone mean, that what other people see in our lives might cause them to ponder or ask “what happened to you in your life” and that we may be able to share what God has done in our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 23, 2020


Great points you've made, Rosemary. And what a privilege for you to have gone to Israel and seen Megiddo! That underground water system is amazing. I like the standing stones as a reminder trigger. We can use many things for this today-- even a note on a mirror! God bless.




Diana on May 23, 2020


Loved the bonus video on the tunnel for the spring at Tel Gezer. So much work to dig down there, but what an exiting place!


Our tour group got to participate in sifting at a dig called Temple Mount Sifting Project. The dirt was from a first century street! It was really fun. Found some pottery and bone fragments.




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


Wow, Diana! What a privilege you had to do an archaeological dig! That is rare, and your group was blessed to participate in that way. The sifting project is an amazing project – I would love to see it.




Mary on Oct 3, 2019


Loved this video on Gezer! Learned so much! I also love that you include extra videos for us to watch. Sometimes I miss them if I don't scroll down. It would be neat to have all the "extra" Youtube videos in one location. Just a thought. But thank you for including them! So much insight!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 3, 2019


I'm glad you enjoyed the Gezer video, Mary. Yes, it's easy to gloss over the library of videos. You know you can check them off as "done," right? Thanks for the ideas on Youtube.




Tammie on Jan 13, 2019


Loved hearing & seeing the history of this place! Never been hear & didn't know it was such an important place!

Thank you for this video & information & Biblical insight.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


You're welcome, Tammie. I have another video on Gezer that's going to release in a few weeks-- one that focuses on a boundary stone found nearby. :-)




Tammie on Jan 14, 2019


Can't wait! I got a bit behind with our traveling schedule but anxious to get caught up again!




Mary on Nov 27, 2018


Loved both videos! Thanks for including the video on digs from Tel Gezer! So fascinating!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2018


You're welcome, Mary. Yes, wouldn't if be exciting to join a dig like that? (At least the first day.)




Hannah on Nov 8, 2018


When I see the sun every morning, I stop and thank the Lord for the new day, thank Him for His mercies that are new, and ask for His strength and help for the day ahead.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 9, 2018


That’s a great way to think about it, Hannah. I’ve used the seasons before as a similar reminder that God keeps the big picture under control.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Love the videos always. You mentioning giant walls, and the other video mentioning huge water system and walls and rooms...these were the caananites that made Joshua and crew feel like grasshoppers? Lots of talk about giants (9-36ft) coming up a lot in Christian conversation and finds pre and post flood. We enjoy learning and acknowledging the feast days (We’re not Hebrews Roots movement), I like you brought a couple of them up. Beautiful land.


I use triggers to think of God daily in the letters of license plates: B - believe, C - Christ, J - Jesus, F - Faith, H - Holy Spirit, S - salvation, T - trust, and so on for all 26. FSH - Father, Son, Holy Ghost; combos too. Makes me smile in reminders.


Do you know if there are any videos that takes finds and computer graphically rebuilds the walls and what the building would have looked like complete? That water system was amazing and huge! Thanks again Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


I love your license plate triggers; what a novel idea! Videos on graphic rebuilds? No, I know of no place that reconstructs them. I usually see such only in occasional individual videos. They're pretty rare, actually (probably cause they're a lot of work!). Thanks, Karen.




Estrella on Oct 25, 2018


My future eternal life with God reminds me daily of my present relationship with Him. Do I need to cultivate my obedience and knowledge of Him better daily and be a follower ? I try to be mindful of my standing before Him daily.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2018


I love the question you ask yourself, Estrella. I agree: our future life should guide our present choices. Thanks for your comment.



Gezer - Keeping God's Essentials on the Calendar

Cave of Adullam - What to Do When You Feel Alone


Rebecca on Apr 15


I'm binge watching while I put my Holy Land trip photos in my scrapbook. The reason I enjoy watching the videos multiple times is because I'm trying to learn more Biblical history, but often I realize your message applies more to me today than it would have before. I have barely left my house since February. I had a back injury which required surgery in March. I am still recuperating for a few more weeks so the loneliness has been ugly at times. While my choir friends have been able to participate in the Easter cantata or neighbors enjoy a spring vacation, I have felt stuck in time. There have been days I have really felt sorry for myself, but then there are many more days when I believe God is giving me a chance to not only spend more time in Bible study and prayer, but he is also giving me the desire of my heart, which is to have the time to watch more of your videos and relive my Israel trip as I journal along side of the photos. With my busy schedule, I would never have 'found' the time. I want to personally thank you for making these videos. I can see so much more than I could on my tour. As I am working on my book, I pull up your videos to match the location. They carry me back to each place so I have relived my trip multiple times. The videos helped me prepare for my trip, but continue to enhance the value of my trip even more than a year later. God bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17


Yes, Rebecca, yes--yes! This is exactly why I created Walking the Bible Lands-- not only to prepare you but also to remind you of all those places (and more you didn't get to see). I applaud you for looking above and beyond the struggle of this season of forced isolation to the blessings God has for you. This season will pass, and you will be richer for it. God bless you.




Bruce on Apr 2


I can only remember one weekend that I felt lonely. I was by choice alone a lot until I met my wife who just died March 1. I was either working or doing something for the Church or alone by choice and with the Lord. Now though I feel lonely more than I could have ever imagined, the Lord is comforting me in a way that I do not feel alone. I am so grateful that the Lord’s ways are not our ways otherwise this would as confusing as it sounds.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 3


What a blessing, Bruce, that the Lord is comforting you in this season of trusting Him and time with Him.




Frances Tencza on Aug 11, 2022


Loneliness gives us a time to reflect on drawing nearer to God, moving away from self pity, and comfort in knowing that our King and Savior also felt alienated by his loved ones but by focusing his prayer 🙏towards his Father in heaven, he felt he presence of comforting love.❤️




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Indeed, our Savior felt abandoned — and was abandoned — by those closest to Him. Still, He knew that they would come around after the resurrection. The same is true for us and our expectations. That resurrection will be magnificent!




Ty on May 12, 2022


To follow up on comments I left in July 2018.


This is a very good video to watch again and again to help ground one self. Wayne does an excellent job of using his gifting and talents to reflect deeply on God's Word and see through the different seasons of our life the faithfulness of God to us personally. Religion leaves lots of holes in one's life, but a personal relationship with our Creator God, never disappoints, even in the darkness and loneliness parts of one's walk in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


You are so right, Ty. We must draw close to the Lord during those lonely times! I am convinced the lonely times are God's call for us to draw close to Him.




Marian on Apr 28, 2022


Being alone was something I felt all my life including my childhood.

Now I fill my loneliness with his word and music that encourages me and reminds me I am not alone. Those honeycomb caves are so beautiful, and it reminds me of his words, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Thank you for sharing these wonderful videos!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


I know what you mean, Marian, about a lonely childhood. Indeed, it was those years that drew me close to Christ and to the Scriptures. I also had a recent reminder of those wonderful words, "I will never leave you or forsake you." Thank you for the reminder once again. The body of Christ is a wonderful way to connect when feeling lonely.




Mary on Apr 14, 2022


Thank you for this episode, Wayne. It's message is one I could listen to daily to help me through.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


I know what you mean, Mary. This message is one we can listen to repeatedly – all our lives.




Linda on Feb 3, 2022


This was fascinating information, thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I'm so glad, Linda, that the Cave of Adullam video encouraged you. I pray the rest of the videos continue to do so. :-)




Kathy on Jan 16, 2022


Physically, menataly and emptionally, I have had a week/month like no other. Full of pain, anxiety attacks because of surgical changes all I could do was cry even hours at a time. But God finally answered in the form of a doctor and 2nd emergency room visit....and that prayer before I went was: Have the right doctor there!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


Wow, Kathy, God has strengthened you to endure so many things. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you.




Linda on Dec 31, 2021


I turn to my Bible when I feel lonely, which isn’t often. I read my Bible every day with “Jesus Calling” devotional by Sarah Young. Therefore I rarely feel lonely.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


I'm thrilled, Linda, that you turn to God's Word when you feel lonely. Me too! Especially the Psalms. God bless you.




Paula on Oct 21, 2021


Great video! I go directly to the Lord in prayer, studying scripture, singing hymns and spiritual songs. Sometimes fasting is helpful. Doing good deeds for others also helps.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


That sounds like a magnificent strategy, Paula. May the Lord bless you as you continue to cling to Him.




Karma on Oct 16, 2021


When my husband recently passed at the beginning of harvest of a 3,000 farm acre, I felt overwhelmed. I asked in prayer to our Father in Heaven to please send the Holy Ghost to me for comfort and for understanding. It is now 2 1/2 months and He has givev me the Comforter, and still is granting me my pleas. Yes, I sometimes feel alone but I am Not.

I participated in serving at the Soup Kitchen twice this week. I know some of those strangers too feel lonely at times. Being kind and reaching out to others gives comfort in times of grief. Thank you for sharing David and his loneliness. I appreciate your time and sharing Walking the Bible Lands.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


Thank you, Karma, for letting me know how the Lord has encouraged you during this difficult season of loss. May the Lord continue to lift you up and give you hope.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 14, 2021


The only lonliness I experience is the dark night of the soul type of loneliness and that is few and far between. I practice God's presence and stay close to His Word when that happens. If I meet people who are dealing with such feelings, I refer them to Psalm 42-43 where David experiences depression with the questions and answers.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2021


That is a good recommendation, Wanda. What a blessing that you are there for those who need direction and wisdom from the Scriptures.




Taylor on Aug 14, 2021


I needed to hear this tonight. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


I'm so glad that the video on the Cave of Adullam encouraged you, Taylor. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Jul 24, 2021


I felt loneliness during 2020 COVID-19 and I found that I prayed more and Jesus was on my mind daily. Now that life has gotten a little more busy for me and not so lonely I make sure I always have time for Him.. it surprises me sometimes when night comes and I think of my day I can honestly say Jesus was on my mind. That is my positive for loneliness.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


What a wonderful application for all those lonely months, Rosemarie! Thank you so much for sharing.




Lorraine on Jul 22, 2021


This was so encouraging. Loved the reminder to be lead what we “Know”, not feel. Therefore “Peay”, as David did. Great video.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2021


I'm so glad, Lorraine, that the Adullam video encouraged you. How essential is that reminder to cling to truth and not to feelings! May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you follow Him and His Word. God bless you.




Michael on Jul 8, 2021


Loneliness is often a part of ministry. I have experienced this many times when living away from home, family and friends. I guess I am going through some of this right now. Thanks for the reminder that loneliness is a time to draw near to God. I am learning to lean on Him to sustain me through this solitary time.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2021


I applaud you, Michael, for stating the obvious truth-- and for taking a moment to express your dependence on God during this solitary season. David's wonderful psalm reminded me recently that even when I feel very, very alone, I'm never truly alone. It's just a feeling. May the Lord continue to bless you powerfully and encourage you through His Word.




Joan on Jun 24, 2021


This video was of great comfort to me, Pastor Wayne, especially toward the close when you said that God may have something greater ahead, instead of just relief! That's a great comfort! When I lost my husband eight years ago next month, I felt not only alone but with out a rudder, without footing, and without direction. I turned to God, His Son, friends, and family. A year later I relocated to be near family and it has been a great joy ever since, also in large part due to my new church home! God bless you for creating these inspiring and comforting videos!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


What a wonderful testimony, Joan, how the Lord is able to bring great comfort and great good after a season of great morning and struggle. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Gary on Jun 24, 2021


Gday Wayne,I'm going through things alone right now people too afraid to come close to me now. Church has deserted me. Became the fault finding like king Sauls of life. They haven't changed after 05years on my own my churches are in America now I base myself around 03 different ones my country Australia is now commie run by the leftys is why I got out of them way too many Marxists in them now. I look for churches still pushing Gods message. Is a good video what km goung through now. I lost my then girlfriend she wasn't strong enough to stick it out couldn't handle leftys pressure game they play.. Cheers Gary




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


Thank you for sharing, Gary. I pray that you would continue to draw close to the Lord during this season of loneliness and frustration. Only he is the one who can truly encourage and satisfy.




Gary on Jun 25, 2021


Gday Wayne,would luv to go one of your trips one year in Gods timing would be interesting to see alot of history there.. there are alot of blind people in my country Australia they keep listening to the wrong voices through fear of losing something thing they suck up to what is wrong and accept it as being right though really they know it's wrong a lie is a lie in my book why I have paid the price in keeping the truth out in the open.. thanks for your prayers I'm living on the edge financial at the moment it won't be forever just stuck in a dry season in all directions of my life the shutdowns habe destroyed my business now have to join other groups to rebuild income then work on other asset column . I enjoy your videos. Cheers Gary




Bobbie on May 12, 2021


In times of loneliness, and in deep loneliness I have to turn to God and Jesus bc I know he is listening as go through it. I ask for His peace and to feel his love in my heart. He gives it and I ask for a little bit of wisdom too so I don’t do anything crazy in my loneliness like eating too much chocolate. Ha! I love feeling His peace that surpasses all understanding. Actually staying at home for over a year due to COVID, I have learned to lean on Him so much more during me working from home alone. That loneliness hit hard.




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


I know what you mean, Bobbie. This year has been an amazing opportunity to use loneliness to draw closer to Christ. I pray He continues to bless you as you draw near.




Genie on May 12, 2021



Sad to say, but true.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2021


Food tastes good, doesn't it, Genie? Honestly, it's a struggle for many of us. May the Lord give you comfort in those lonely moments. May the milk and meat of the Word of God be a deep and abiding joy for you.




Janet on Mar 8, 2021


Every time I reach for people to ease my loneliness it ends up empty.

I’m learning that at the first sign of loneliness or angst or discomfort if I run to God with all my feelings He is always there to comfort me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2021


You are so right, Janet! Although people can often be God's hands and his encouragement, they are a faulty foundation for all of our hopes. May the Lord bless you as you rest in Him alone.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


Have trained myself to quit looking down and count my tears and fears....but look up because that is where Jesus resides the most. He is my refuge and strength indeed.




Carolyn on Feb 25, 2021


I am doing better with my loneliness in my later years since my relationship with Jesus is secure. In my earlier days of my young life, I sought not so wise choices. Life is a journey and we have the best friend to be with us. I am thankful that I learned I am not alone no matter my circumstances. Carolyn




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021


Yes, Carolyn, as the song says, "What a friend we have in Jesus…" May He continue to be your constant companion. God bless you.




Jae on Feb 21, 2021


Why does not his family not care (dad, brothers)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


The Bible isn't clear, Jae, why David's family did not seem to care. However, many of them did join him in the cave. Also as the youngest brother, David may have simply suffered the kid brother syndrome that many have faced through the centuries. :-)




Rosemarie on Feb 7, 2021


I pray to God for comfort. He gives me hope.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


That is a wonderful reaction in moments of loneliness, Rosemarie. I also pray that the Lord will give you comfort and help. God bless you.




Teresa on Dec 3, 2020


To family, friends, and God




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2020


Those relationships are so central to our lives, Teresa. May the Lord bless you as you seek refuge in Him.




Loni on Nov 28, 2020


I am thankful that I can cry out to God when I need comfort. We are never alone.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


Yes, Loni, isn't that a wonderful reminder? Indeed, we can cry out to the Lord when we feel alone. Such an essential and magnificent hope. God bless you.




Leonora on Feb 22, 2021


When I am lonely and seems that life is not going according to my plans I always pray to God and believe that God is with me, He will never leave nor forsake with this thought I felt secured and loved by God.




Apple on Nov 10, 2020


where do i turn to comfort? i would go to God for comfort when i need him all the time. although our lives maybe normal but sometimes there are downhills in our lives. But we need to still go to God when we are lonely. It is really hard to find friends but you can ask God to give you friends Don't be afraid just go to God when you feel like it. he is always with you wherever you go. ask and you will be given. God will fight your battles in times of need. He will be your comforter when you are feeling lonely. Don't be scared just go to him. give all your worries to him he can heal it. God will open the doors for you a .Ask God to open the correct door to you. Don't hesitate to ask him. He will do it for you Don't worry just give all to him He will heal it.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2020


I enjoyed reading your words, Li-Ann. Indeed, God is the greatest source of comfort, and we find that comfort in the truth of His Word.




Kim on Oct 19, 2020


Beautiful reminder of Gods goodness. I have to picture Him walking beside me holding my hand as we (He and I) navigating this world. I can't make it without Him.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 19, 2020


I'm right there with you, Kim. We have to hold His hand and draw near to Him at all times-- not just the lonely times. God bless you as you walk with Him.




Alejandra on Oct 13, 2020


I love all the videos and teachings! I always cry when a beautiful piece of jewel is revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry and all the hard work you put into it. God bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 13, 2020


Thank you, Alejandra. I am so glad that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos and teaching. I am always amazed how He knows exactly what we need to hear – and when. May He continue to encourage you greatly! God bless you.




Anita on Oct 4, 2020


God's promises are like the stars. The darker the sky, the brighter they shine. God's promises always shine boldly and brightly for all to see, meditate on, believe, and trust.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2020


That is a beautiful picture, Anita, about gods promises like the stars. I like the idea of gazing at them and counting them. God bless you.




Judith on Sep 12, 2020


These videos are blessings but this one is so insightful and perfect for my week! I am reflecting on how God has used this pandemic period in my spiritual life. I am amazed that the internet has become this powerful tool for Jesus. I have just begun to struggle with depression after months in this isolation. Seeing the caves King David could have lived in was a wonderful reminder that God has a plan for me in our pandemic upheaval today as well, I praise God for these video Bible lessons! He is doing a new thing.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2020


I do understand that struggle, Judith. All of this time stuck in our homes without connecting to one another – it really is a challenge. I am glad that the video was able to encourage you in the Scriptures. May the Lord continue to uphold you during these days. He is with you!




Mary Anne on Jun 30, 2020


This teaching really hit me as I stay at home during this time of pandemic. Often times I feel very alone as others seem to go about their daily with no fear. Being a 76 year old I don’t feel comfortable being out and about yet. These videos and your words reassure me that I am not alone that God is here with me . I feel God led me to finding these during this time when I really needed a deeper understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is watching over me for sure. Thank you for sharing these, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


May the Lord bless you, Mary Anne, as you cling to Him during these lonely days. I pray that you find great comfort in His presence and in His Word. I am thrilled that the videos also are God's tool to encourage you.




Heather on Jun 21, 2020


A lovely and ever timely reminder of remembering God's presence and I liked what you said at the end of the video, about when we're feeling alone it is Father calling us to spend time with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2020


It is so true, Heather, that the lonely times are the times to cling ever closer to God. May he strengthen you in those moments! God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 4, 2020


What a wonderfully timely and needed reminder in this season of life we are all in. Praise the Lord that we are never truly alone. We must not listen to satan's lies that tell us we are. Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


You are right, Lynette. How essential it is to have a reminder when we feel alone – and when we are stuck at home – that the Lord is with us at all times. Thanks for your comment – and God bless you.




David on May 17, 2020


A powerful lesson in these times, when we are physically isolated and may feel alone. Separated from our usual routines, we discover that "the world's solution to our loneliness doesn't do the job", and "eventually reality shows up again." We have time to discover that our usual diversions weren't effective. We need so much more to break the cycle.

David asks God to "bring my soul out of prison"" An apt image that when we worry about being physically trapped, we can let our soul loose to find God and His Word for comfort and strength. So encouraging that we can look on such times as seasons of loneliness rather than a permanent condition, when we look to Jesus.

Thanks for the insights again.




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2020


You have some wonderful thoughts here, David. Thank you so much for sharing them. I appreciate the reminder to look to the Lord alone during the lonely days. God bless you.




Stacey on May 26, 2019


Thank you for your teaching that “Lonliness is God’s call for me to draw near.” Beautiful words of truth. Also, I know from experience that distraction is very temporary. Only God can fill my heart. This is why your videos are a joy. I was blessed by remembering how Jesus suffered and the amazing reality that he intercedes for us. I would not have been able to connect David in Psalms to the gospel the way you did. Seeing the caves and landscape helps make it that much more real to me. Thanks, Wayne !




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2019


I'm so glad, Stacey, that the Lord encouraged you through His Word and through the videos. We definitely need encouragement-- all of us. May God bless you as you continue to wait on Him.




Patty on May 5, 2019


this has been my favorite so far .. beautiful land where the LORD is felt as if walking holding HIS hand. ,




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2019


I'm glad you enjoyed the Cave of Adullam video, Patty. It really is a beautiful land and the lessons it offers are equally as inspiring. Thanks and God bless you.




Tammie on Jan 14, 2019


Just brought the Bible to life in 3-D... Psalm 142 has new meaning! I want to see this place! Is it by En Gedi?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


Tammie, the area of the Cave of Adullam is west of Jerusalem, while En Gedi is east by the Dead Sea. Thanks.




Tammie on Jan 14, 2019


Aw! Thanks. Still working on the geography of knowing this place! On our tour in May, we are going to Egypt & Jordan (Petra!!!) & a tour of Jerusalem & then staying a few days on our own. Because of your videos, we want to stay to see Mount Tabor & just stay in Jerusalem. Seeing your videos put a passion in me to see Petra & it was on this tour my son picked out.

Would still love to do one of your tours in the future.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2019


That's totally, fine... And I know you're going to have a magnificent time on your tour! I look forward when you can come on one of ours, Lord willing.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Well said! Those caves were fascinating. The main thing I remember about David in the caves was the other people with him also struggled in areas in their life. That they were there for each other in understanding. Sometimes in groups we can feel alone too. David was one of those who kinda went through it all and we can say by David’s decisions many things didn’t work out so well, but his heart for the Lord and repentance always did. When I used to feel lonely I would dwell, then God did like Elijah “What are you doing?” So I left my days to the Lord to plan and He’d have me watching this Christian video, or read a good book, or prompt me to open the Bible and study it...always teaching me more. I love it. He also removed bad people from me and brought me amazing ones who love Him too. And very true, with God we really are never alone. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


Great insights, Karen, about David's companions also in need. The Lord surrounds us with people who need each other and who can help each other. He is so good with things like that.




Estrella on Jul 23, 2018


I agree! When I feel so discouraged, i dig on God’s Promises and past victories and remind myself what He had provided for me before....




Ty on Jul 19, 2018


Great insight to what Wayne shared with us. Been there and done it. Big difference between OT times and NT times is indwelling Holy Spirit our internal Counsellor, not inside folks prior to Pentecost. Nothing wrong with the Word and nothing wrong with the Spirit, but the 3rd part is me. Which isn’t perfected yet. Our walk in the here and now after we give our life to God is called sanctification. We should be always looking for the Triune sign of the Trinity who is true to His Word. Do we really believe Him in the valleys of life where we spend the majority of our time?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2018


Nice insight, Ty. Thanks for including that here.




John on Jul 19, 2018


So well done. Encouraging use of Psalm 142 and of technology, and wonderful photographic presentation of The Land.

This is about the 8th of your devotions I've watched. Thanks very much for the work. I hope it gets broader and broader circulation.

John Morrison

Winchester, Va.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2018


Thanks so much, John! It means a lot that you'd take a moment and share your thoughts with me. I'm so glad the land, the Lord, and His Word encouraged you today.



Cave of Adullam - What to Do When You Feel Alone

Beersheba - How to Trust God with Your Future

Bruce on Apr 3


I have found after 43 years following Jesus that things go badly when I don’t listen to his leading into a new direction and when I listen and follow into the new direction things turn out better. This tends to make me more afraid not to head into the new direction than the other way around.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 3


You're right, Bruce. In spite of what feels right in any moment, the best path to take is God's path.




Seth on Feb 5


This is my second time watching this video and I still learn from it. Thank you for the time you and your team spent developing these resources.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5


Thank you, Seth. I'm so glad the Lord continues to bless each watching of the videos for you. It is a labor of love and the blessings go both ways.




Ty on Jan 22


Lovely amount of encouragement to see this video again and have it connected to our daily OT reading for today. Great 4 statements Wayne leaves us with at the end of the video. If God is for us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) Neat to know He who resides in us (Revelation 3:20) and therefore walks with us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23


Yes, Ty, those four statements from the Lord are so comforting to me as well. God bless you.




Ty on Dec 30, 2022


Another well done video. Fear, it's real, but it is also a choice. One fear sticks out in God's Word and it is the 'Fear of the Lord', one to embrace. (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10). Wisdom is God's gift to man/woman. The best humanity can do is chase knowledge passed on through the seed of man. (Genesis 2-3) The rest of our fears fall into the phrase 'love cast our all fears' for those who trust in God (1 John 4:18) or drive us in how we live out our life.


It's a lifetime of learning to the question posed in the comment section; 'How do you get over the fear of following God into something new?' Decisions and choices, we all have to make them. Lamentations 3:22-24 reads something is given each and every day and it's free from the Giver. Being born again children, it's going to take trust every day to live it out. Every day is new territory as none of us have been there before, even in the familiar. Nothing takes God by surprise, yet every day I walk in to surprises. None of us walks alone if we are 'in Him, in Christ' and that's a lifetime learning process. God is not in a hurry, yet the operative word for us seems to be hurry.


Lots to reflect upon in the sights and words presented.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Indeed, Ty, there is so much to reflect on and learn from in God's command: "Do not fear."




Sharon on Oct 28, 2022


This video presentation brings back memories of my time on the WalkingtheBiblelands tour to Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. This experience has awakened my soul to a better understanding of the history of the Bible and God’s sacrifice of His son, Jesus, to give us eternal life. My life has been changed forever after accepting this gift from God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Yes, Sharon, it has been a joy to have you on the tour! God has truly blessed us.




Rosemarie on Oct 7, 2022


Getting over the fear of the unknown is always something I need to continue to work on. I trust GOD and I constantly remind myself the saying “ It’s in GOD’s Hands Do Not Be Afraid”




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


The fear of the unknown so often seems bigger than the fear of what we see — even win what we see is terrible. I pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen you, Rosemarie, as you read His Word and trust him each day.




Frances Tencza on Aug 11, 2022


Wow, in the times of the patriarchs,

trusting God to lead them was a matter of life and death! Arid land,seeking the right place for life sources such as water,was not an easy task! Having to dig so many feet into the ground was an enormous project. Then after becoming familiar with their surroundings, leaving their lively hood behind traveling to Egypt due to drought and famine, without God leading them every step of the way, they would’ve not survived. So it is with our personal lives, we tend to go sometimes around in circles without guidance and trust in our God, which leaves us repeating the same mistakes and causing lack of growth!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Well said, Frances. So often it seems we have nailed our own foot to the floor and we simply walk in circles. How essential that we trust God to lead us each step. God bless you.




Marian on May 26, 2022


By trusting God and moving forward, even though I doubt or fear the unknown, I say, “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding “




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Amen, Marian. I love that saying.




Deb Scott on Apr 27, 2022


I am so enjoying these videos. Thank you for bringing the scriptures to life. I can't imagine how many miles you have walked making the videos. Many thanks!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


I've never really thought about that, Deb! It has probably been hundreds of miles. :-) I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. God bless you.




Patti on Mar 3, 2022


Following God led me from familiar home in Pennsylvania to Florida, then Alabama and finally Georgia. Along the way He strengthened my faith and increased my trust in Him. I know He goes with me wherever He leads me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


I know what you mean, Patti. God leads us according to His wisdom, and he does not ask our opinion. :-) What a blessing to hear how He has led you all over the country.




Patti on Mar 4, 2022


Wayne, I’ve read the Bible many times but until I studied it with Live the Bible.and saw pictures on Walk the Bible it was confusing in parts. I have much more clarity how everything ties together studying it against other bible passages and your explanation of the Hebrew words and their meaning. I thank you and how God chose to use you to reach people for Him. I feel more confident in talking with others on what I believe. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


Patti, I am thrilled that the Lord has encouraged you through Walking the Bible Lands. What a blessing that simple things like videos can bring such assistance and encouragement in our Bible reading. I pray it continues for you!




Loni Horn on Feb 17, 2022


The message you gave about Jacob's journey really spoke to me.


I began to realize I often try to retrace my steps to what is familiar instead of allowing God to work through me and end up going in the wrong direction..


The Bible has come more alive as I can now visualize the land of Israel..


God Bless!!🙏




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


What a blessing, Loni, that the Lord encouraged you through the Beersheba video and through Jacob's story. I pray that the Lord will continue to give you courage as you follow Him into the future.




Linda on Feb 3, 2022


I am enjoying this walk through the Bible at my pace. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I'm so glad, Linda, that you're enjoying the tours at your own pace; I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as we walk these virtual tours together.




Norma on Feb 3, 2022


"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see" Hebrew 11:1. Trusting God, when you do not see the road ahead of you, it is challenging. It's like driving on a foggy night that you need to follow the other car lights and rely on the foggy lights. This week, I received bad news: my husband didn't pass the cognitive test required to be admitted to the trial group, the Stem Cell Therapy that could have cured him of his Parkinson. This is an obstacle in the road. At this point, I need to trust God with all my heart and know that he is in control. He will guide me on what the next step or reroute will be. I imagine the obstacles that Abraham found in his way to Egypt and return. Trusting God is a powerful experience.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2022


May God give you both grace, Norma, as you trust God during these foggy days. I'm praying for you both! I applaud your faith.




Loni Horn on Feb 17, 2022




I will be praying for you and your husband.


May God give the doctors for wisdom and direction to help your husband.


My husband also has cognitive issues and it can be so difficult to find support


God bless you for being a caregiver to your husband. ❤️🙏




David on Dec 30, 2021


Knowing God's promises and how He has fulfilled them in my life gives me assurance He will continue the same. I must continue to trust Him. At times I ask Him to help me as He holds on to me. Many days I want to run from Him, then I remember don't give up. God never gives up on me. Then I rejoice in the salvation God did for all of us. Hallelujah Amen. David




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


Thanks for sharing, David. We all have those moments when the world's alternatives seem quicker and easier than God's way of faithfulness. I pray that the Lord would continue to hold you close to Him in those moments of decision. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Dec 11, 2021


I had a mentor who said: Never make a change w/o God's leading...know your next step will be harder than the step before it. I've learned that more and more now that I'm 64. At a point in my life, I was always trying to make my life easier and one day I heard God's still small voice: "Wanda, your life's not going to get any easier." So I gave it up (not in the hoping for it but in the striving to get it part). Being raised military dep. and then on active duty, we gird up our loins and act like a man!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2021


Indeed, Wanda, we always want to follow God's lead in our lives. Sometimes though, we discover His leading by taking the initiative to seek it-- like Ruth who actively sought work and God led her to Boaz's field. Or like Paul in Acts 16 who sought what direction to go, and God closed doors until He opened the door to Macedonia. We move and submit to God's leading. It's a lot easier for God to steer a car that's moving. :-)




Marlon on Sep 3, 2021


Thank you for these insightful videos. At this time in my life I can give a testimony of God's presence. It has been over 4 years since my wife passed away. I grieved, experienced what a broken heart felt like. I prayed for the presence and healing in my mind and heart .God has answered that prayer for me. While I still have moments of sadness and loneliness I never doubt God's love and care for me. It is real!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2021


I rejoice with you, Marlon, how the Lord has answered your prayer for comfort. May he continue to be with you each day! Bless you.




Gary on Jul 1, 2021


Gday Wayne,enjoyed the video. Still going through tough times mostly on my own in the natural people don't too close to me any more since I had to defeat a big army giants of people and Google and you tube. If I didnt attack back they would have won. But lost and won at sametime in doing so. To prove they were wrong. I know what it's like to be in this dry season where they only talk at a distance too afraid something will go wrong. Hopefully things will turn around they were attacking my beliefs on God . I would have ended up in a bad way if I didn't make my attack plans happen. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. So I went ahead with it anyway. To win the battle ground of wits. And keep my family name in tact . Was it worth it indeed so. They didn't win either.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2021


So glad you enjoyed the video, Gary. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you with each video. So much to see and learn in these biblical places! God bless you.




Bonnie on Jun 28, 2021


I am in awe of this! It was as if you knew what I was going through and showed me how this impacts our lives! So many times I speak out and thank God for His direction and care. Trusting in the Lord with all my heart and leaning not on my own understanding!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2021


God's Word is just like that, isn't it, Bonnie? He know what we need each moment, and His Word meets that need. God bless you.




Bonnie on Jun 29, 2021


God bless you!




Jenny on Jun 16, 2021


Tons. Of . Practice!

I know that I hear Him. So if he hasn’t spoken, like you said, Iearn to be ok with secrets.

I haven’t worked in 12 years...and Im in the midst of trusting him to show me next steps for providing for my family as a newly single mom. I remind myself over and over “ He is Faithful and True. He is the God of all the Earth!”




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


May God be with you, Jenny, as you follow the Lord in this new season of your life! He will never abandon you.




Genie on May 12, 2021


The question is not so much following God into something new, as it is knowing that He is speaking and not ourselves.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2021


That's true, Genie. It's best to always compare the direction we perceive as well as the Word of God. The Lord will guide us from different directions, and not just from ourselves and our emotions. His Word is and essential part of following Him.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


Patience on both sides for it takes time for me to grasp new ideas. If it is truly meant for me to go where He says go then I do it. If not....we have a long talk of why I'm skiddish in the direction He wants me to go. He slowly changes my mind....rarely do I not do what He says for I feel if He has faith in me...it's worth trying.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Yes, Karen, the Lord leads us according to His wisdom and in His timing. It's where He wants to take us that He wants to bless us. May He encourage you as you follow Him.




Mary Jo on Feb 22, 2021


I trust God; I do not fear, because I know through experience what he has done for me, when times have been very tough, He has given me strength, and His strength is perfect. It's me at times, questioning if I am discerning His will.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


It's wonderful, isn't it, Mary Jo, how the Lord uses the past to prepare us for the future? God bless you as you walk with Him.




Rosemarie on Feb 7, 2021


I alway say “ Jesus I Trust in You”




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


That is a wonderful prayer, Rosemarie. "Jesus, I trust in you…" Nice and simple and short — and effective! God bless you.




Loni on Nov 28, 2020


If we trust in God 🙏 He will show us the right path to travel instead of retracing the same failed attempts when we go in the wrong direction.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


That's right, Lonnie. Failure is never a waste of time when we submit our hearts to the Lord and humility. He guides us in His grace to take different steps for our future. God bless you.




Patricia on Nov 25, 2020


Trusting God is a day by day or second by second process. Changes will come but it is that relationship of daily trust which has allowed me to take next steps and to place my fears in His hands. It is not an easy road at times. The road is an ongoing journey in my relationship with HIm that guides me.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


Well said, Patricia. Thanks so much for sharing with us.




Apple on Nov 25, 2020


How do you get over the fear of allowing God into something new?


we have to take a step of faith and we don't want to be afraid just do the right things what he wants us to do. pray and seek God ask him to help you wherever you go. just give everything to God he will help you. pray about it ask him Don't worry be strong and stand flim. In the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 25, 2020


Your words are a wonderful application, Li-Ann. I pray that the Lord would give you the confidence and courage to push past the fear and to trust Him for the future.




Apple on Nov 25, 2020


Thank you.




Jim on Sep 29, 2020


Oh how this video spoke to our hearts this morning! As you know, in March we will be headed to Uganda as missionaries. Even at nearly 70, God has been an amazing dream giver and provider. We also just finished reading Bruce Wilkinsons's Dream Giver and leaving the familiar for the unknown resonates in our souls! The wonderful assurance from God to Jacob you presented in this wonderful teaching is claimed by both of us! God bless you! Dr. Jim Robbins and Phyllis




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2020


Isn't it wonderful, Jim, how the Lord leads in our lives through multiple channels—including His Word, Spirit, and the passions He places within us that coincide? May the Lord bless you as you follow Him into His will for your future.




Maxine on Sep 26, 2020


Because of unbelief (trust) the Israelites did not enter into their promised land. The story was written so we might learn from their mistakes. This is such a timeless message!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2020


You're absolutely right, Maxine. What a blessing for us to learn from the lives of others; that's still a good idea, even today. :-) God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on Sep 24, 2020


Great video and explanation. My husband and I are praying about a change of residence and this was very encouraging. I was impressed that the city was so large and important and had never considered it as significant.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2020


Indeed, Cathy, the city of Beersheba was very significant. Of course, today it is but ruins, but its lessons linger through the centuries. I am thrilled that the Lord allowed the lesson of encouragement to work its way into your heart today. May the Lord bless you and guide you both as you seek Him for your future. He is with you. He will guide you.




Karen on Sep 7, 2020


Coming from the Midwest and having lots of room to roam in our small towns it amazes me how small the towns were and how close together they lived. Maybe if the buildings were actually there it wouldn’t seem so small.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2020


That's true, Karen. Often, the biblical towns had many people living in the surrounding area. But in times of siege the population would gather inside the city walls. So, in practical terms the populated area was much bigger than the walled ruins we see today.




Roger on Aug 23, 2020


Great narration. I love the way you sum up things with practical, spiritual applications. Your messages are always so affirming and comforting. Keep them coming.


As an aside, when will you be able to resume your trips to the Holy Land ... and add more virtual-touring content?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2020


Thanks for your affirming words, Roger. As far as the Bible land tours, they are resuming in the spring, Lord willing. You can see the schedule here. As far as the virtual content, I hope things open up in the next couple of months! I would appreciate your prayers.




Roger on Aug 24, 2020


We will pray that things open up for you soon.






Heather on Jun 14, 2020


One little thing that puzzled me when reading the verses quoted in comment below vid, 1st - Abraham dug the well and it was named Beersheba, 2nd - Issac's servants later said about digging a well and Issac named it the same, surely he would have already known there was a well/place called Beersheba already? Anyway with reference to the current covid virus I am hanging on to the fact God is in control despite the madness going on and tho' trust is an ongoing lesson for me I am glad He knows what is the other side of it and glad He has hold of me in it. Yes there is uncertainty but I'm not as afraid as i would be did i not know Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2020


Great question, Heather. Abraham named the site Beersheba (Gen. 21:31) because he took an "oath" there. Beersheba means "well of the oath," or "well of the seven (lambs)." Isaac simply affirmed that name; he wasn't naming it anew.


With regard to the current crisis, you're right. It's so essential to cling to God and trust that He has the world in His hands. Looking at the many, many pandemics, wars, natural disasters, terrorists, etc. of history-- these past events remind us that God is still in control. We made it through 100% of those crises, and God's plan is still clicking along. You're so right: knowing Him is the key to peace.




Lynette on Jun 4, 2020


1. I am God

2. Do not be afraid to go where I am leading you.

3. My purposes for you are THERE not here

4. I will go with you.


Wow!! We can move forward without fear, into the unknown. Such good reminders! I especially like #3. Gives me confirmation to where I think God is leading right now.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


I am so glad, Lynette, that God's words to Jacob were also His words to you. May He guide you and comfort you as you follow Him.




Teresa on May 13, 2020


This was so timely during this time of fear and anxiety from COVID19. Who knows what the future holds? Who knows what the right thing to do is?. What will our nation love k like on the “other side” of this? God knows the future and, though, it may look different than what we have known, God is with us and He will guide us. He doesn’t change.




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


You are so correct, Teresa. It's funny how so much of God's Word applies to so many of our situations – most any crisis relates to the principles in this Beersheba episode! Trust in God and refuse to bow to fear -- such common experiences for us. Thanks so much for your insightful comments.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Always great biblical insight. I want to go where led, my Fear is I made it up and it’s not from God. So I had to back off and say let me put nothing before You Lord, what can I do for You today? If I never get to do what’s on my heart futurewise, I want to stand before Him and say I still did the daily ones as best I could for Him and know that’s good too. I do still pray to go, and remember to take each step for Him along the way.


I wonder how they drank water while digging for water? Do you know how that works? 250ft deep, how do they dig that well, and so narrow? Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


Honestly, I'm not sure how they dig those wells. Probably the technique hasn't changed much in the centuries of well-digging.




Nancy on Jun 2, 2018


Just so you know, the Facebook link doesn't work. Just goes to the camel : )




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2018


Thanks for letting us know, Nancy. We'll take a look at it!



Beersheba - How to Trust God with Your Future

Dead Sea - 3 Essential Questions Lot Failed to Ask

Ty on Dec 30, 2022


Three great questions asked in the video that anyone would do well in keeping in front of themselves in their decision making. Rubbish in usually equates to rubbish out. What do I consistently fill and re-fill my mind and heart with? Philippians 4:8. reads whatever is true ... It's called the Good News for a reason. (Luke 2:8-10) It has led me into a new birth as every Christian will experience in giving their life to Him. (John 3;3-7, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 1:3. 23)


To fulfil my part of Jesus's Great Commission to us I'll need to know this good news, so I can live it out and when the opportunities present themselves (Spirit-led) chat about them to others. His will not mine being done (Matthew 6:10) and that's a life time of learning and being sensitive to His promptings.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Great words, Ty: "Rubbish in, rubbish out." Indeed, as a man thinks—so he is.




Sheron Keeling on Sep 8, 2022


When you asked the question: "How many times have I made decisions, and it turned out the worst." That was a deep question. I filled up my page with decisions that I made, without prayer and trusting in God in my life, that it did not turn out right. As a whole, we are to seek God, and not ourselves, nor anyone else. He is my loving Father who has rescued me so many times, and has shown me just how much He loves me. I am wiser, stronger and so much better now, because I seek Him first now, not second, third or last. This has made a huge impact in my life. I can't serve two masters, only want to serve God in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2022


I am right there with you, Sheron, and then daily struggle of serving only one Master – not money, not people, not even myself – just Jesus. Such a tough assignment…




Frances Tencza on Aug 15, 2022


If I had only been a believer before I married, my life would have turned out so differently!My late husband and I believed in God but none of us knew the Lord! He was a Catholic but didn’t practice his faith and I grew up with no instructions in faith. So we decided for our children’s sake to attend church.Mom was a non practicing Catholic and dad was a non practicing Jew!

So I didn’t come to know Jesus as my Savior until my trip to Israel 2015 when I was baptized in the Jordan River! Floating in the Dead Sea both in 2015 & 2019 was quiet an experience, but I didn’t really know the history behind it until this video!

God does have real lessons for us to learn, that have consequences when we don’t pay attention!





Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2022


I rejoice with you, Frances, that the Lord brought you to himself in His sovereign time. What a blessing…




Norma on Feb 5, 2022


I identify myself with Lot's experience. When I moved to the US, it was always my dream to retire in my homeland, Puerto Rico. I listened to the advice of my family that this was not a wise decision to live there for security and economic reasons. I decided just to visit and vacation. This week, I had a revelation from God that I should buy and invest in a property there, so that I can work closely with the evangelist Eugenio Jimenez on planning the jubilee and celebration of his ministry. Due to your response to one of my reflections, I am coordinating a visit for Eugenio to the Billy Graham's Library. Now, I have a spiritual reason to go back to my island. When I registered in this course, I didn't have an idea that these reflections would guide into understanding God's plan. God has its times and seasons. God bless you, Dr. Wayne Stiles in this ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2022


I am thrilled, Norma, that the Lord has led you to serve in a significant capacity. I pray that he blesses you as you do so.




Linda on Dec 31, 2021


I feel like Lot. I didn’t ask the right questions up front and now paying for my bad decision each and every day. I’m trying to come to terms with it and have had conversations about it but Im not sure I’m being heard. I’m still praying about it however.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


To some extent, Linda, we all have walked Lot's path. However, God's grace is bigger than our failures, and His sovereign plan often surprises us along the way with blessings in spite of us. Just keep going...




Wanda Faith Sewell on Dec 30, 2021


I stick to our LORD like glue! I put HIm first and ask His permission for everything.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2021


That's a great plan, Wanda. Sticking to the Lord is a great way to walk through the day. God bless you.




Lucy on Oct 28, 2021


I visited the Dead Sea way back in the early 1990's. Back then I knew very about the Old Testament and about Sodom and Gomorrah. I am so grateful that I have come to know the Lord and now long to learn about His Word.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2021


Wow, Lucy... What a blessing that you have come to know the Lord and have a hunger for His Word now. I pray your passion only grows deeper as you grow in the Scriptures. God bless you.




Mary on Oct 20, 2021






Marlon on Sep 16, 2021


I imagine we, as believers, have all experienced "Dead Sea" experiences. A time when we have strayed from Gods best for us.

I know I have. Praise God, that when we drift away God is still by our side, drawing us back into fellowship with Him.

Thank you Wayne for this reminder with this interesting video.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021


Amen, Marlon! I appreciate your wonderful summary and reminder and personal application. How wonderful it is that we can always return to the Lord when we wander.




Sherri on Aug 8, 2021


I didn’t realize that Sodom and Gomorrah were near the Dead Sea. It is interesting that Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the city which God had warned against.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2021


That's right, Sherri. Aren't we glad God doesn't still turned us into pillars of salt when we look back?




Victoria on Aug 2, 2021


I love these videos, and how it brought to life the scripture s that I have been studying already. I'm so thankful that the Lord made it possible for me to subscribe at this time and moment in my life, Amen! Thank you Lord for your love....




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2021


What a blessing, Victoria, that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. May He continue to do so! God bless you.




Joan on Jul 12, 2021


My best course is to run to the Father for His flawless guidance and surrender my will to His. Not always easy and not always my first course of action; but I've learned well enough over my years that it's best to do so as soon as it comes to mind!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2021


Well said, Joan-- and SO challenging to do. Thanks for the reminder.




Diane on Jun 29, 2021


Most of my answer was lost before I posted it. We wait for an answer from the Holy Spirit by praying, not the first notion that pops into our head. It probably will come from the ego




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2021


Good thoughts here, Diane. Thanks for sharing. Indeed we must be led by God's Word and not by our own desires.




Debra on Jun 24, 2021


I am very involved in a church. I did work for a church for 10 years. Still very involved.

Making baby blankets for others countries. Study of the Bible. I would like to thank you for these messages.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


Thank you so much for your involvement in church, Debra. What a blessing to make baby blankets for other countries. May you continue to prosper under the hand of God.




Karen on Jun 24, 2021


Do not play with God’s wisdom, to think and act as though it is your right

places your judgements above God’s . Allowing one strand of you to roll the dice mocks your authority, God and He alone. To guard your heart full it with Him, His Word, His truth.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


Good words, Karen. Thank you so much for sharing.




Brenda on Apr 10, 2021


Guarding my heart means belief/faith of who God is (his attributes, visible and invisible) and that He has shown He kept His promises; (again and again) and will fulfill His promises.

I need to also ask, like the Lord asked Abraham (Sarah), "IS ANYTHING TO HARD FOR THE LORD?" Gen 18:14. When faced with fear and doubt, choices, or relying on my own self-sufficiency after your 3 questions (which are excellent) I need to ask this 4th question above.

How I go forward "in Christ" is evidence of who Christ is in me, evidence my faith is sure right now and for eternity. "I am sure, that he who began a good work in you [me] will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Wonderful applications, Brenda. Thank you so much for sharing. I appreciate the perspective that guarding our hearts means keeping faith in the character and attributes of God. Marvelous insight…




Kay on Apr 3, 2021


Wayne, is the "pillar of salt" that was Lot's wife still standing where Sodom and Gomorrah stood?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Kay, the pillar called "Lot's Wife" is at the southern end of the Dead Sea. You can see the location on Google Maps. Of course, this is just a rock-- not the real wife. :-)




Rosemarie on Mar 2, 2021


Three good questions for sure. I hope I think of these as situations arise.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


If it is not scriptural.....I do not follow the guidance.




Lola Fitch on Feb 13, 2021


That is a tough question. I usually avoid situations that might try to compromise my spiritual life. The world offers so many godless substitutes and there usually is a worldly consequence to pay. Forgiveness of God and self and future avoidance helps.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


Well said, Lola. I like your strategy. It's so essential to keep the end of the picture in mind.




Karen on Feb 11, 2021


All my life I have been told too much salt was not good for the health. However small amounts of salt heals wounds. God knows how to control our lives with the right spices in life. Yet too much can be damaging too our whole bodies if not educated correctly. Indulging to me is a sin especially if it can damage my whole being.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


So true, Karen. Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Your words about salt are also true about honey. As Proverbs says,


“Have you found honey? Eat only what you need,

That you not have it in excess and vomit it.” (Proverbs 25:16)




Sandi on Jan 12, 2021


Remember as you said our spiritual life is our life don't look back.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12, 2021


That's right, Sandi. The quality of our spiritual life is the quality of our life.




Karen on Jan 7, 2021


I have been in church my whole life. These videos and commentary have been a strong asset in me seeing and connecting the readings that have been shared every session in my area of living. God knew I needed visuals with readings to completely understand the scriptures and so your program a few months back came thru my feed. An answer to my thoughts and prayers these past few years. These have been blessing and I look forward in seeing all the insights you behold. Dr and Mrs. Wayne Stiles. God Bless You! in sharing the wisdoms that God has instilled in you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


I am so glad, Karen, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos and these virtual tours. What a blessing! I pray that He continues to open your eyes to wonderful things in His Word.




Rowena on Dec 31, 2020


Enjoyed the video as always, thank you! Never knew the Dead Sea exist because God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The only way we can guard our hearts is to daily stay in His Word, have a prayer life and be on guard of all that is happening throughout the day. Also, be part of a great church and have Christian friends.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Well said, Rowena. Indeed, being in God's Word on a daily basis is so essential, isn't it? It's been rough lately keeping connected with our church, but it is important to have the Body of Christ. May the Lord bless you as you continue to walk with Him.




Carolyn on Feb 25, 2021


Just give me Jesus! You can have all this world but give me Jesus! This world is not my home. I am just passing through but I do realize that I have work to do while I am here.. Carolyn




Gwen on Mar 2


i like your whole comment i agree whole heartley!

yep we are just passing through! thank goodness!!!




Apple on Nov 25, 2020


How can you guard your heart when the world offers to meet your needs with a godless substitute?

to keep God in our hearts and contiue to praise God wherever we can.

We can sitll worship God and we can ask God to help us when we need him.

we just need to go God and walk with him daily.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


I like your words, Li-Ann. Thanks so much for sharing with us.




Rebekah on Nov 19, 2020


So I'm alittle confused. Abraham's gate has been said to be where abraham rescued Lot. I don't recall it being that close to the Dead Sea. Can you clarify for me. Thanks much, RebeKah




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


Great question, RebeKah. You're probably thinking about the Middle Bronze mud brick gate up at Tel Dan. You're right, Abram rescued Lot not at the Dead Sea area (that's just where Lot was taken from) but up north at Dan (Gen. 14:14). Check out the video on the Dan Stele to see more about this gate-- especially why "Abraham's Gate" is likely a misnomer. God bless.




Tammie on Nov 18, 2020


Wow! I actually have never heard that Sodom & Gomorrah was by the Dead Sea. I just looked up the scripture references, & don’t know how I missed this info! Totally brings a new understanding to this visual! Thank you once again Wayne!

Loved the music by the way!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2020


Yes, Tammie, the Dead Sea is an amazing place when we realize that the salt and deadness of it all occurred because of Sodom. Amazing…




Jeanne on Nov 3, 2020


Thank you so much for this video and the 3 questions. They are questions that I have been beginning to ask myself but I didn’t really have the words to put it so clearly. I struggle in wanting to be every thing to everyone but that is not what I am called to do. I should do well for my employer but I should weigh what I do with how it affects my relationship with Jesus, I should weigh how I present myself as to whether or not they can see Christ in me. As I get older, some of this makes more sense and I realize how difficult it is to walk this road. I really hope that I complete it acceptably.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2020


That's wonderful, Jeanne, and I am so glad that the video helped put into perspective and into words the very issues you are trusting God for right now. May the Lord continue to bless you as you trust Him and seek Him.




Heather on Oct 1, 2020


What an incredibly beautiful place. I liked the statement, "Our spiritual life, is our life." I spend so much time thinking and doing things related to physical aspects of life- laundry, feeding the family, getting from point A to B, that I often forget that "Our spiritual life, is our life." Thank you for the reminder. I hope one day to see the Dead Sea and all of the Holy Land.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2020


I know what you mean, Heather. Sometimes the mundane, small things we do each day seem to matter little. But in fact, these things are so essential to our walk with God. Be sure to check out the video on Sepphoris for more encouragement in this area.


And when you do go to the Holy Land, I hope you will go with me. :-) God bless you.




Kim on Aug 20, 2020


It was 106 degrees when I was there. We need to prayerfully consider all decisions we make. I like the 3 questions. We tend to want instant answers and waiting is not our default. Believe me I know because I go around that mountain every day!!! :)




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2020


Wow, Kim! That was a hot visit to the Dead Sea. I have been there when it has been that hot, and it is amazing. I am glad the video encouraged you with the questions and trusting the Lord with His delays. God bless you.




Sue on Jul 3, 2020


Valuable teaching as always that leads to Christ's ever-open heart. 2 Peter 2:7-8 speaks to me of the growing oppression (suppression) of Biblical teaching and values in America, and we certainly agonize over abortion, racial injustices, and the growing hatred and division apparent in our land. Yet God has placed us here in this time and place for his purposes and to be part of his work in connecting people to Jesus, the only source of transformation. Christian music, relationships, your teaching, and my church keep me rooted in Christ. At the same time, at age 67, there simply isn't much appeal in what the world has to offer after a lifetime of following Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


You're so right, Sue. How essential that we cling to Christ during these days and pray that He uses us for His glory. Thank you for your commitment to Him and to the Great Commission your whole life. What a tremendous legacy-- and you still have a long way to go!




Lynette on Jun 4, 2020


The Dead Sea will become the Living Sea or the Sea of Life when Jesus returns. What an incredible thought!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


You're right, Lynette. Only our magnificent Lord could redeem people as well as places! Won't that be magnificent to see?




Diana on May 8, 2020


Lot's poor choice in pitching his tent towards Sodom sounds like the Devil's timeshare presentation lol. It looked like prime real estate at first, but then he finds out the benefits weren't worth it in the end. I've made my share of poor choices myself, so I can relate. Really great video as always!




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2020


Well said, Diana. We've all made those poor choices like Lot, haven't we? God bless you as you continue to cling to Him.




Joy on Jul 16, 2020


"Devil's Time Share presentation" That's a great thought/comparison. Thanks for the smile and thought.




Steven on Jan 17, 2020


The video and facts about the Dead Sea are amazing Wayne! I remember floating in it on two separate occasions as so many have done. Truly a unique experience - like being on the surface of the moon in a salty sea. The story of Lot and what the area may have looked like then, will look like one day future, and the principles we extract from that are priceless. Simple, yet so critical and profound to the trajectory of our lives. I think your point re running to the forgiving embrace of our Lord when we realize we have made a decision influenced by the lure of what seems right at the time, but not ultimately in accord with His character, is one with resonance to us all.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2020


Thank you, Stephen. You're right, it is so penetrating and convicting to see the salty Dead Sea area and realize that it came about because of the compromise of that city. Also seeing that wasteland reminds me of Lot's poor decisions. How gracious was the Lord to rescue Lot! How gracious is He to do the same with us. God bless.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


I remember my mom went there and so easily floated, she wanted to take a nap like that. There was a recharge she got there too... I would say until I learned and did the word my heart wasn’t very guarded. Discernment and recognizing the Holy Spirit saying Hey! that’s not of Me was huge help to get me into Godly habits and saying No to the world...that turns on itself anyway at some point.


The preserving of the Dead Sea is interesting, and will be wow when Jesus comes back! Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


Floating in the Dead Sea is pretty amazing, for sure. I can't wait until it's fresh again. Maybe we'll swim there in God's kingdom. :-)




Christine on Oct 16, 2018


I'm just curious: do people know where the salt block known as Lot's wife is located? Thank you for your insights. I enjoy these videos so much.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2018


Great question, Christine. The location of Sodom isn't completely clear, and the pillar of salt that was Lot's wife is completely unknown. However, there are some pillars of salt in the area that some people have called "Lot's Wife." Here are some examples.




Christine on Oct 16, 2018


Wow! You went above and beyond. Thank you so much.




Tammie on Jul 2, 2018


Great information! When we went to the Dead Sea in 2013 & in 2017, it was way lower the 2nd time around. Last year, I was scheduled for surgery due to sores on the bottom of my feet, after our Israel trip. When I came back, the Dr. cancelled it because they were gone! He asked if I had been in the Dead Sea- he believed the Sea healed them-that was crazy!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2018


You're not the first one I've heard that happening to, Tammie. It is amazing... And its reputation for its healing properties is ancient. Some of us should camp by the Dead Sea more often!




Steve on Jun 18, 2018


I love all of your videos Wayne, but I keep coming back to this one. The three questions are food for my soul and I just can't get enough. Your words, to me, are as if coming straight from the Lord. There is truth and guidance which I need daily in my life. Thank you Wayne for all you do,


Ever considered a blooper reel?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2018


I'm so glad, Steve, that the videos encourage you and that the Lord blesses you through His Word and through the Land. Blooper reel? That released in December! You can watch it here.



Dead Sea - 3 Essential Questions Lot Failed to Ask

Good Samaritan Road - Love God and Others

Marian on Apr 15


This video came to life for me today! My scenario was about a young mother with 4 children 8 and under, her husband had to be away for a full year! She had a vehicle but no license to drive. She needed help.

That was it, no lectures or advice just help in time of need unless she asked.

The illustration was so beautiful it made this story truly come to life, God is the same yesterday today and forever!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17


What a wonderful illustration and application, Marian. Thank you so much for obeying the Word. God bless you.




Ty on Apr 13


Great impacing video to see again and be challenged by Wayne's teaching and expounding. Learning to love when life or someone throws us a curve is not easy. If God is a God of love and we choose to follow in His footsteps His central characteristic trait of love is going to work its way into and through our life as He becomes more and I become less. (John 3:30)




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13


Absolutely true, Ty. Loving others, like that Samaritan loved the no-name man is a tough assignment! But this is exactly what the Lord Jesus did for us.




Diana on Feb 6


Lately, I've been studying about the cultural and religious history of the Samaritans. As the Jews' worst enemy, I can see the parallel in our society today. We could replace "Samaritan" with our current despised people groups and enemies. God, help us love them like Jesus demonstrated.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7


Excellent application of a timeless truth, Diana. It's amazing that the set-up for the story defines who the Samaritan is, as well as the Jews who refused to help the beaten man. But the beaten man is not identified—nor could he be from those who passed. He had no identifiable clothes and likely could not speak. The parable shows the hearts of those who passed, not based on the beaten man.




Frances Tencza on Aug 15, 2022


Being a Good Samaritan means sharing Jesus’s compassion and concern to others ! Even just smiling at the grocery clerk at the grocery store and asking about their day is showing His grace and mercy towards others.

Thanks for this video, Jesus sure did alot of walking in his day, spreading the Good News!





Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2022


Indeed, Frances, Jesus walked the legs off His disciples! It is astounding how much ground they covered.




Jeanne on Mar 19, 2022


Thank you so much for this video. I seem to be learning more about how to love my neighbors. Some people on the news have been going to help in Ukraine and I have been somewhat envious because I can’t go. I have wanted to do something like that for years but opportunity doesn’t allow me to. I have realized that I am helping here by supporting children that I sponsored and by sending money for Samaritan’s purse so that they can help. I will now not judge myself but look for more opportunities.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2022


Amen. Thanks, Jeanne.




Gary on Jun 3, 2022


G'Day Wayne,I had to get away from my former neighbours this past month of May. they were way too toxic vandals and criminals steal and stalk your movements I was glad to see the back of them maybe taking legal action against former agent and owner from hareline fractutured wrist still recovering is 04 mths since accident I enjoy your videos In a better area already. cheers Gary.was in cilicon valley before gaglag type city




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


You lead an exciting life, Gary! God bless you.




Gary on Jun 3, 2022


G'day Wayne, there's never a dull moment for me to chill out . Cheers Gary




Lisa on Feb 17, 2022


I have always had many great neighbors but there is one neighbor who doesn’t even say hello and looks angry all the time but what can I do the only thing I can do is pray for him




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


That's right, Lisa. Whenever the Lord shows us a fault and someone else, that is His cue to pray for them.




Norma on Feb 7, 2022


John Wesley -the founder of the United Methodist Church- described love your neighbor as "Social Holiness". "Hence 'social holiness' describes Wesley's understanding that holiness is love; this love is manifested in the pursuit of the good of others. It thus only exists in the contexts of relationships with other people. Love, and hence holiness, cannot be manifested in solitude. God said: "Be Holy because for I am Holy" Leviticus 19-20. The levita and the priest had a chance to show that love out of the walls of the temple but they failed. There is a lot of homelessness in Sacramento, CA. I always carry with me food gift cards and bible tracts with a message of hope. However, we should remember Jesus words in Matthew 4:4 "Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022


What a wonderful practical expression of love of God, Norma. Thank you so much for doing that.




Dawn on Jan 22, 2022


I see that loving our neighbor IS loving God. Some ‘neighbors’ make it more difficult than others to love. These are the neighbors that we can pray for and ask God to take over. And then there are those we must see beyond the surface and just love them and meet their needs as best we can.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


No kidding, Dawn . . . some "neighbors" are difficult to love. Reminds me of Romans 5 that says that God loves us when we were enemies of God. Such amazing love!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 4, 2022


By loving God and loving your neighbor according to Jesus you have fulfilled all the law.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5, 2022


So true, Wanda. Now, if we only could do it! :-) How essential that we cling to the grace of God.




John on Jun 29, 2021


Wayne : which scripture listed Samaritan woman repentance ? also happened along rugged way ascent of Adummim on Christs last journey to Jerusalem ?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 29, 2021


John 4:24 implies her testimony led to the belief of some from the village—also that she left her water pot and referred to Jesus as Messiah. I’m not sure I understand your question about the Ascent of Adummim? Mind asking again?




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


Being single I have to be cautious in who I love. I have pulled in many a wrong person in my life just saying Hello to them. I try and love everyone. Yet when evil lurks..my love stays tucked away. If I see someone in need.....distraught....with no human control....I offer help. However even then....I have to protect my being because even those who act distraught...may just see how far I will go. My money and security is very little....to where I am not a 100% Saviour of help. So I just find someone stronger than I that can help the person in need.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


The Lord will lead you and guide you, Karen. How essential is a good church for you during your singleness. The Body of Christ is a great family and support for us all. God bless you.




Stacey on Feb 17, 2021


I recently had an opportunity to help a woman in great need. She was on the campus where my school is located and was disoriented and bleeding from a fall. I approached her and helped her with water, bandages and finding her glasses which fell off her face during the fall. People told me she was a drunk person and I felt they judged her for that reason, which is why they came to me to "solve the problem." As it turns out, she has a neurological issue which caused her to be disoriented. It was very inconvenient to help her, taking hours out of my already busy schedule. I was able to call someone in her family to come and help her home. The surprise is that while I sat with her waiting to be picked up, people from the church walked by with a stare, but did not speak to either of us. This took place in a church! When I returned to my office a parent was indignant that it took so long for me to return their call. They went on the complain and demand I meet with them for not addressing their issue immediately. I had a peace and gratitude for helping someone regardless of what others did or did not do to help. The woman I helped was wearing a cross necklace and talked about the Lord some after she gained strength and presence of mind. She asked me why I was helping her and I said "you would do the same for me" and she smiled. I have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and when I have a seizure it looks like I am disoriented and I cannot control my body movements. Perhaps someone would say that I was drunk too. I would have treated her the same even if she had indeed been drunk. What an experience for me to reflect on. I knew I was doing God's work the entire time. What happened with the angry Christian parents? They did not understand or show compassion when I explained the circumstances of my afternoon. Very sad!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


Stacey, your gracious response-- from helping the woman to dealing with the irate-consumer parents-- is rare indeed. Thank you for modeling so well the love of Christ. I pray the Lord gives you joy beyond the trials that seem so very overwhelming.




Lola Fitch on Feb 13, 2021


It is THE true connection. God is love. It doesn't mean it is an easy thing to do when that person is more like an enemy. The world wants us to be self seeking not paying attention to the needs of others. That is demonstrated daily. It is only with Christ as our example that we learn selflessness. We are called to be our brother's keeping and even those who think differently are God's creations. That is a tough one to swallow sometimes.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


You are so correct, Lola. The unselfish love of God is our example to be unselfish toward others. Of course, the fruit of the Holy Spirit shows itself in other ways as well – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. God bless you.




Steven on Feb 12, 2021


This really helped me visualize the parable in such a more contextual and helpful way. I'd never known the context like this. Also, it caused me to think about it in a different way. The "good Samaritan" was able to help his "neighbor" because the good Samaritan had the resources to do so in an otherwise very subsistence based economy. To pay the denarii and offer to pay more did not come from someone with nothing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 12, 2021


That's right, Steven. The basic principle of a need that you're in a position to meet excludes ALL needs. It's interesting also that Jesus, who could have met every need with a lift of His eyebrow, chose only to meet some-- not all. Such wisdom needed in application.




Ann on Feb 11, 2021


Beautiful photography —So much work is involved in producing these videos and such a blessing to me. Thanks to all who are involved. Ann




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


Thank you, Ann. Yes, this episode, more than most, was a ton of work. Finding that Roman road was a huge challenge. But worth it! God bless you.




Ellen on Apr 30, 2021


Thank you Wayne Styles for this video and I praise God for your strong legs to travel this road. I never could have made this journey myself, even in my younger days. The scenery was awesome, the message profound.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2021


Thank you, Ellen. I appreciate your encouragement. God bless you.




Scott on Feb 11, 2021


Thanks for the video Wayne. I have explored Wadi Qelt on many occasions and hiked much of it from Jericho to Jerusalem but I have not identified the ancient remains of the Roman road you featured on the video. Could you give me coordinates or directions from the Good Samaritan museum so I could locate it on my next trip please? Thanks,

Dr. Scott Fenton




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


Hi, Scott. The Good Samaritan Museum is easy to find. It is an easy exit off of the modern Jericho/Jerusalem highway. You can find it here. As far as the Roman road, it is a challenge to find! You have to walk through a Bedouin village and then up a hill or two. Best we connect on the phone when you are ready to go. :-)




Debbie on Feb 11, 2021


I heard someone say this week that they had “compassion fatigue”. It reminded me again that as Christians living in a time that emotions are more raw than usual we cannot walk by any injured strangers on the road. We must not grow weary in exhibiting compassion. In fact, people are more open to the message of the Gospel now than before the pandemic. Life is short. Godly encounters are numbered. May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


I love your perspective, Debbie. God bless you as you continue to be a blessing to others.




Ty on Feb 11, 2021


Until we have our white death and die to the flesh and step into a life lead by the spirit, we'll make the choice as the lawyer as to who is who. In giving up this leader title we all seem to be chasing and become followers and disciples/students in using God and His unlimited gifts in being His vessel and us having a front row seat in allowing Him to show us His understanding of things this teaching will be taught over and over again without the penny dropping. It's just another self help lesson. A Spirit led life is not a natural led life, which we are all too familiar with. His grace and mercies are new every morning so every day is a school day in God's practical school of life in class room 101.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


Your metaphors are rich and true, Ty. Thank you.



Good Samaritan Road - Love God and Others

Lachish - Why Facing the Facts Begins with Faith

Bruce on Apr 3


If my wife were alive, our bucket list of places in Israel that we would want to visit keeps growing.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4


I do understand that growing list of sites, Bruce! You could go yet again with Paulette in your heart—perhaps with a good friend or family member. I'd love to have you join me for one of my upcoming tours. God bless you.




Bruce on Apr 4


I would like that very much but we pretty much spent all we could on travel that we did as a couple. I am planning to drive up to the Arc Experience and the creation museum in May for my 75 birthday. Paulette ask me to do that trip for us on her death bed. We have wanted to get up there since we moved from Broomfield, CO to Knoxville, TN in 2019. Her room mate from her 2006 Israel trip before we meet is going to fly out from Denver and go with me. She went with us on our Turkey trip in 2011. We used to have a dinner out every couple of months with her while we were in Broomfield which is about half was from Denver to Boulder. in the memory section of Paulettes obituary page I listed all 7 of our international trips. I would like to do the Compass international Grand Canyon trip but that is more than I feel that I should spend right now. Maybe next year after everything settles down. Who knows maybe GOD will show me that I should go on one of your trips. Like I said in another post about following him, he can show me that it is the right thing to do even if the the cost is uncomfortable.




Frances Tencza on Sep 1, 2022


Oh my how grateful we should be that we have all these precious archeological sites to solidify the proofs of biblical history! God does want us to know that He is real and that his people were responsible through His guidance to establish and inhabit and conquer the land he gave them! This knowledge helps us to strengthen our faith and to combat the lies of those who are trying to discredit anything validating His existence!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


Yes, Frances, these magnificent archaeological sites do much to support the truth of Scripture. They are a wonderful asset to our faith and the history that so abundantly supports it.




Patricia on Jul 25, 2022


A little difficult to understand but worth the effort . Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2022


I'm so glad you're pushing past the difficultly and seeking the truth of God's Word, Patricia. God bless you.




Ty on Jul 23, 2022


I am sure I have seen this video before, but don't see any comments made by me, which I believe I have made, but somehow inadvertently didn't save.


Lots to be reminded of in watching of this video and pleased to read over and over again how history supports biblical text.


Lamentations 3:22-23 says His grace and mercies are new every morning. (paraphrased) Every day I am vulnerable, so if I stay faithful to our Creator God through His Son, empowered by the Holy Spirit then I walk with Him leading and me following. Maintaining that sensitivity and focus is not easy, but He who is in me (1 John 4:4, Revelation 3:20) will engage with me if I engage with Him to allow me to not get off the straight and narrow. (1 Corinthians 10:13) However, if I do get distracted, if I respond in humility and ask for His forgiveness and continue on in obedience and sensitivity to Him, He is more than able (Ephesians 3:20-21) to lead me and be a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105) in staying the course.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 25, 2022


I love your comments on Lamentations 3, Ty. Thank you for adding them.




Marian on Jun 19, 2022


Another wonderful lesson, this really touched me this morning! It made me actually think about myself and what my buffer might be!

My verse every morning is Mt.6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. This led me to James 1:14 and then thru chapter 2 and then prayer and what a blessed morning. I truly need to examine myself and thank God I was led to this amazing lesson, What are my areas of vulnerability?

Thank GOD for your ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


I am right there with you, Marian, in the need to protect that buffer zone! May the Lord bless you as you spend time with Him each day and as you strengthen your buffer. God bless you.




Joan on Jun 2, 2022


This was a fascinating video lesson, Dr. Wayne! My vulnerability lies in clutch self-doubt. In other words, when the going gets tough, I momentarily find myself second-guessing, which I almost always shove aside with determination and a quick prayer! I'm much better at it in my 'older years' lol! 😁 Thanks so much for this informative teaching!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


What a blessing, Joan, that the Lord has continued to develop you and mature you to such a point that your knee-jerk reaction begins one place but quickly goes to a better place. May the Lord continue to strengthen you.




Betty on May 12, 2022


This video was a repeat from 4 weeks ago.




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2022


Hi, Betty. Help me understand what you mean, please. How was this video repeated for you?




Betty on May 13, 2022


When I went to watch the video immediately knew I had heard it before. I save them in a file so I went back and looked. It was sent to my email 4 weeks ago.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


Sorry for the confusion, Betty.




Norma on Feb 7, 2022


Trusting God in the middle of a storm requires a profound faith that He is control even In the worse circumstances. We feel vulnerable when we aren't in control. This reminds me the anxiety that the disciples experienced when a big storm formed at sea with strong winds and they needed to wake up Jesus to take control. We feel powerless when we can't control the circumstances that provoke a crisis. I haven't been able to see my husband for a month because the VA Care Facility is been in quarantine and lockdown. Employees have brought the virus to the facility and patients have been infected. Now they test employees everyday. I feel nervous -as the disciples- hoping that God take control of this pandemic and nothing happens to my husband. "Casting all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you." Peter 5:7. These are times that we need to belief and rest on Him.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022


Thank you for taking the Scripture and directly applying it to your situation, Norma. I join you in praying that you will be able to see your husband soon! God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 20, 2022


Yes. Jesus is my buffer against all things. He comes first and is the most important One in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2022


That's a wonderful perspective, Wanda. Indeed, He is our buffer-- I like the way you put that. God bless you.




Sherri on Oct 20, 2021


Trusting in God alone. It is very easy these days to be distracted because society is changing so much and is impacting us more than ever. That distraction can lead to being focused on what is happening and can lead to being fearful of what may come or to what is now being experienced. Keeping my eyes on Jesus while the wind and waves are blowing. There have been some very strong wings and waves.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


So true, Sherri! Distractions in our world are plenty… Thankfully, a daily time in the Word of God can help keep our focus on Him.




Trish on Jul 25, 2021


What a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon! I've watched about 20 videos.The last 16 months my life has been hell I Lost my home at the beginning of the pandemic and nearly all my earthly possessions. Today, listening to the loneliness of David, and it hit me, God is preparing me for something greater! My osses are to make more time for Him. Thank you so much, Trish




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


Wow, Trish, I am thrilled that it rained and you got to watch so much of the contact! I am even more thrilled that the Lord encouraged you through the videos. May He continue to do so!




Rosemarie on Feb 11, 2021


The Walking the Bible Lands videos and your narrative helps me understand the the Bible so much better. I am learning so much

And things are coming together for me.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


What a thrill, Rosemarie! I am so glad that the videos are helping you understand the Bible better, and that many truths are coming together for you. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 11, 2021


I put my armour of God shield on daily to fight off the evil that approaches.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


What a wonderful reminder, Karen. The armor of God is our best defense and offense in the spiritual battle of life. God bless you.




Apple on Dec 4, 2020


so Amazing The video is so fun and enjoyable.

i learn alot from the videos. i am really happy because i have not learn the history befor This is my first time learning about the history. i am looking forward to learn more about the history. I can't wait to watch more videos. so powerful i am really happy because i get to exlore new Aears at the Temple Mount and other places too thank you for blessing my Family me. Li-Ann.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2020


I'm so glad, Li-Ann, that the videos help you better understand the history of the Bible places. God bless you.




Kim on Oct 19, 2020


WOW!!!! How I love to see the historical proof of the Bible. There is no way even if I returned to Israel for a visit that I could see all of these places. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 19, 2020


I'm thrilled, Kim, that you get to "visit" these many places! That is exactly why I enjoy creating these videos for Walking the Bible Lands. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him.




Heather on Jun 27, 2020


Lovely video and I recognise with Hezekiah that Faith in God is strength, to be always availed of, particularly when living with someone spiritually challenged and a non-believer. The potential for compromisation is big in that circumstance and my vulnerability is in how not to succomb to it. The videos and your comments are definitely helpful in guiding my walk, it is all being utilised by Our Father in showing me His guidance. Thankyou.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2020


May the Lord continue to strengthen you, Heather, to cling to the Father in those moments of frustration and temptation to compromise. I'm so glad the videos are encouraging your walk with Christ. God bless you.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Love the drone views! A horned alter, yikes, and the toilet to desecrate. Same antics today. Using the stone relief to tell the battle story was very well done, 1000 arrowheads found, wow. And pottery letters to back up scripture, praise Jesus. My vulnerable area is not to weaken when past friends mock and talk about me going back to faith and bible over the world. Jesus stood strong, and if I’m to be like Him I better do it too :) in love, truth, service, and confidence. Thank you for walking us to these places and asking great questions!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


You're welcome, Karen, and I appreciate your insightful comments.




Mary on Aug 1, 2018


Loved this video. It brought me to tears that the Lord brought your ministry to me so that I can continue to learn and teach others these truths! Thank you again, Wayne, for great teaching and God honoring videos! I love how the Land speaks!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2018


You're very welcome, Mary, and thank YOU for taking a moment to leave a comment. Tel Lachish is such a powerful location in so many ways. I'm glad the Lord used His Word and His land to encourage you.



Lachish - Why Facing the Facts Begins with Faith

Bethany - Why Jesus Delays So Long in Our Lives

Tammie on Apr 17


This is such encouragement at a time like this! I will be sharing this video with our family as we walk the road of great loss. There is hope beyond the grave for those who know Jesus on a personal level! Thank you Wayne for your insightful video.




Wayne Stiles


Tuesday at 10:12am


Yes, Tammie, there is hope indeed. You might also find some encouragement in the Hebron video, as well as the Hill of Moreh video. God bless you.




Joan on Nov 10, 2022


All I know is that God has been miraculously merciful and patient with me in my walk of faith over the decades! With each step and challenge, such as first--and hopefully only--episode of atrial fibrillation this past Monday and resulting ambulance ride to Emergency Room, God has shown His great mercy, power to heal, and love to pull me back to His side, thanks to His hands and feet working through others: doctors, medical staffs, and facilities I've received treatment at! I've slowly learned to pay attention to Him, not my time schedule and preferences! Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


I rejoice with you, Joan, and God's amazing grace and provision and protection in your life.




Frances Tencza on Sep 8, 2022


In my case, it was merciful that my husband died when he did! I did pray for the Lord to provide a miracle of recovery from his Leukemia which ultimately lead to a bone marrow transplant that didn’t take!But the Lord knew that it was time for Joe to go to be with him(2007).God knew that his earthly body had been through enough! It left me at peace knowing that he was in better hands and out of suffering, and that one day ,hopefully very soon we would be reunited in the resurrection!





Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2022


Indeed, Frances, you will be reunited one day! In fact, I will be there with you as well. Can't wait to meet you. :-)




Frances Tencza on Sep 9, 2022


Yes, Maranatha Lord Jesus!🙏🙏🙏




Joyce on Jun 8, 2022


A wise friend once told me, "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." One day I realized that what God delivered was far better and more than what I thought I wanted and would have been willing to settle for. We don't have the big picture for our lives but God does. We must believe that God's timing, in all things, is perfect.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2022


Yes, yes, yes, Joyce... Only time proves the sheer wisdom of your words-- and I agree with you. God bless you as you wait on God's ultimate revelation of truth.




Marcia Visker on May 31, 2022


Waiting is the hardest when it is for another person’s salvation. I have been praying for a family from Tajikistan for over 6 years. It is no mistake that I have met them and my husband and I have become part of their lives. All we can do is pray and wait for those little openings God gives us. Meanwhile we just cover them with love. Oh God- answer our prayer!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


I join you in prayer for that family, Marcia. May the Lord continue to powerfully work through your prayers and through your love. Luke 18:1 comes to mind.




Norma on Feb 9, 2022


The story of Lazarus resurrection is one of my favorite. It shows our humanity facing illness and death, which Jesus understood when he wept. In this miracle Jesus made the most important promise. “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25. God delays in his answers for a divine purpose. We just need to trust and then our eyes and understanding will be open. Jesus said to Martha: “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”. I have learned to respect God's delays and silence. Often times he is working in the background preparing the circumstances for a glorifying moment.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2022


Oh yes, Norma, I love the way you put that. Indeed, God is working in those moments of delay and silence in order that we might grow in our faith and that he might reveal himself faithful all along. May he give you strength today as you wait on him!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 20, 2022


I ended up going to Bible School at the age of 42, At the age of 45 I finished a Bachelor. In my 50's I finished a Masters's and Th. D. At 64 I am still working on my Ph. D.


When I was a home missionary with the Union Gospel Rescue Mission in VA (29-34 years old) I was on my day off driving down Indian River Road to go and hang out at CBN when I heard God say, "Hello, Dr. Sewell."


At that time I only had completed my AAS degree. God redoing my education has been quite a journey and delay. I always hope in my heart I don't let Him down and accomplish all He did all this for.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2022


What a magnificent offering you have to give our God, Wanda. I pray that He allows you the joy of both service and surrender with your advanced degrees. They are tools in the tool belt for His glory.




Kathy on Jan 18, 2022


I loved the comment you made about how our pain blurs our sight but Jesus can see everything clearly. A favorite illustration of this is when I get overwhelmed by pain or unforseen future, I imagine myself laying down to rest in the back of the van while Jesus is driving down the road. All He wants me to do is rest while He watches the road...that is not my job but HIS!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2022


Your wonderful metaphor, Kathy, reminds me of that song, "Jesus, Take the Wheel"!




Joan on Jun 9, 2021


It is so stirring to me that these sites have been preserved over the millennia, that we can see and experience for ourselves (if virtually) the life and times of God's people (OT) and especially of His Son, Jesus (NT)! This was a profoundly touching, dramatic, and poignant miracle Jesus performed. Thank you for your message in this lesson that, because God wants only what's best for us, we need to wait patiently on Him. Not easy but worth the discipline to do! 😇




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2021


I love the way you put that, Joan. Indeed, our Lord is worth the wait. Thank you also for that reminder! God bless you.




Marilynn on Apr 1, 2021


So uplifting to become aware of Jesus' delay in answering our prayers/wishes due to His love for us. I pray and have been praying daily for my son, who is a lost soul. I remind myself of how long Monica prayed for her son, Augustine, who was a lost soul, for many years.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Yes indeed, Marilynn, our Lord's delay confounds us at times, doesn't it? When I think of Mary and Martha's profound disappointment with Jesus' delay, I also think of their profound joy at Lazarus' resurrection. The resulting joy far, far outweighed the temporary mourning. I join you, Marilynn, in praying for your son. May he become an Augustine to the service of our Lord! God bless you. (Luke 18:1)




Sylvia on Sep 1, 2021


Marilynn, I too am years praying for my son. This video was such an encouragement to trust the Lord with the pain and burden that I carry for my son. Praying that the joy of our sons' salvation will be ours one day, with all glory to the Lord.




Ed on Mar 11, 2021


This was one of the best and I think it is because of the preservation of the site. Loved the idea that they named Bethany after old Bro. Lazarus! Good job!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


I am so glad, Ed, you enjoyed the Bethany video. It really is an amazing place, and it gives a magnificent sense of what it was like when Lazarus and his sisters lived there. God bless you.




Lola Fitch on Feb 16, 2021


It is easy to become impatient with God. Then it is time to step back and understand God is in control even when we do not understand. Currently we are getting our lesson in patience with the state of the USA. We must humble ourselves and pray for God to heal and give us strength to deal with the world.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2021


So true, Lola, that it's easy to lose patience with God's timing. Only in hindsight can we see more fully the wisdom of His delays. May God bless you as you wait on Him.




Rosemarie on Feb 11, 2021


I know sometimes it’s hard and discouraging at times when I pray to Jesus and it seems that he didn’t hear me or answer my prayer but I have learned to believe and accept that Jesus works in his time. When I look back at some of my prayers asking Jesus things turn out did different from what I wanted but then see it turned out better or most importantly what I needed.

I never thought I would see Lazarus’s tomb.knowing the story of Lazarus rise from the dead.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


How wonderful for you, Rosemarie, to see Lazarus' Tomb. May the Lord bless you as you continue to wait on Him.




Opal on Feb 10, 2021


In times like these it might be good to respond in the manner Jesus did so we are bathed in prayer & confidence in our Father




Wayne Stiles on Feb 10, 2021


Yes, Opal, that's a great point. Jesus is our model for prayer and trust in the Father. How blessed we would be if we could have strength! God bless you.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


Everything we go through in this is life is for God's glory and out good.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


Right, Kim-- but oh, what a challenging truth to embrace! I am so glad that the Scriptures give us accounts like Jesus, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. They help to give illustrations of how our faith is real.




Hal Warren on Nov 1, 2020


I agree with the teaching of divine delay, glorifying our Heavenly Father, God’s great love for us, etc. All excellent! However, if we do the math it can be demonstrated that Lazarus was already dead by the time the messenger reached Jesus. So, Jesus was not waiting for Lazarus to die but rather waiting to resurrect him!


For example, 4 days dead - 2 days of delay = 2 days of round trip travel time. This allows one day for the messenger to reach Jesus and one day for Jesus to reach Lazarus which was the typical travel time for this distance. Conclusion: Lazarus died shortly after the messenger was dispatched and Jesus was aware of it.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 1, 2020


I appreciate your passion for correctness and attention to detail, Hal. Thanks and God bless you.




John on Oct 25, 2020


The Jews believed your spirit hovers over your dead body for 3 days with the possibility of resurrection. To prevent confusion; He waited.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2020


I have heard that interesting presumption, John. Peter notes Jesus was elsewhere during this time (1 Peter 3:19–20).




Tammie on Oct 12, 2020


Just watched this- not sure how I missed it, but I love the things you brought out that I hadn’t heard it this way before: Martha’s shattered expectations & the faith the sisters revealed in their answers. Enjoyed this!! Thank you.😊




Heather on Sep 12, 2020


Another lovely video. It is hard when we expect more immediate response but Father delays a while. As I am being taught about trusting Him more I saw that element in this story, He wants us to trust in that time He delays, hard as we find it. His ways are definitely not ours but He knows far more than we do, and when we grasp that it brings us greater strength and confidence in Him.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2020


I am right there with you, Heather, in the struggle of waiting on God. He is so quick to hear us and sometimes so slow, it seems, to respond. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Sue on Aug 11, 2020


I think the other reason God delays is so that it's evident he is the source of what happens. I have worked to develop an aspect of ministry for 7 years and couldn't really find the partnerships to move it forward. Now, in the midst of the pandemic and nearing retirement, God is providing people who are "all in" and offering their gifts to help in whatever way is needed. What a sense of humor God has! It's a discipling ministry and God-given passion of mine, so if he moves it forward, I will be volunteering to continue to invest in its development and my energies won't be scattered among diverse responsibilities.




Sue on Aug 11, 2020


And that's really all part of the same reason. He is lovingly providing fresh energy and focus as I near a season of transition.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2020


It really is amazing how the Lord is so creative in His means of providing. I was just reading this morning about Hezekiah's trust in God against the Assyrians, and how the Lord destroyed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. Talk about a provision! I am thrilled for you, Sue, that God's delays ended up being His blessing.




Hayden on Jul 20, 2020


Great video! It is wonderful to reflect on this story.

Have you heard the teaching that the resurrection of Lazarus was the first of three "signs of Jonah" that Jesus has given the Jewish people. The second sign was His own resurrection, and the third sign will be the resurrection of the two witnesses in the middle of the Tribulation. The Jewish people will accept the third sign.

If you have heard this, what do you think about this teaching? To me, it seems like a stretch of the text, but I am still unsure.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2020


I've never heard this interpretation, Hayden, but I agree-- it sounds stretchy. There are no "signs" of Jonah; Jesus referred only to one "sign" of Jonah-- His own resurrection. Lazarus' resurrection is actually the final of seven signs in the book of John to show that Jesus is the Christ. Charles Ryrie says: "The gospel is sometimes called The Book of the Seven Signs, since the author chose seven sign-miracles to reveal the person and mission of Jesus: (1) the turning of water into wine (2:1–11); (2) the cure of the nobleman’s son (4:46–54); (3) the cure of the paralytic (5:1–18); (4) the feeding of the multitude (6:6–13); (5) the walking on the water (6:16–21); (6) the giving of sight to the blind (9:1–7); and (7) the raising of Lazarus (11:1–45)."




Hayden on Jul 23, 2020


Thank you. I just finished the Cana video, in which you talked about the first two of these signs. The water to wine miracle is one of those that I read and read about, but I always come away from those expositions with wanting more insight.


Why did Jesus question His mother, and then follow through with the miracle even though "His time had not yet come?"

This miracle is BEFORE Jesus withdrew the offer of the Kingdom after the unpardonable sin, which means that this miracle began His ministry of offering the Kingdom to Israel, correct?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Great questions, Hayden. I take it that Jesus' response to Mary was in reference to her prodding to use this miracle to get the kingdom rolling. That's what He meant by His time not coming yet – it wasn't time to start the kingdom. Jesus' act was a private sign for the disciples. And yes, you're correct. This miracle was before the Matthew 12 conflict. God bless you, brother, as you continue to probe God's Word.




Denise on Jul 2, 2020


Thank you for this insight. There is no way I would have gone down in that cave. It is precious to see that sight honored. A lasting miracle.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


I understand, Denise. That cave was pretty tight quarters! God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 9, 2020


Wow, for the first time I could picture Lazarus, bound in cloth, coming from that tomb. I've never doubted that it's true, but seeing this helps to get a visual of such a happening. Amazing!! "Jesus loved them on a deeper level than to remove their pain". That's a powerful statement. God sees the whole picture. My finite mind cannot. God always has a purpose. Nothing in our lives is ever wasted by Him. Praise His Name!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


You're right, Lynette, our finite minds can't comprehend the power and plan of God, who created the world with a word. Amazing... I'm glad the Bethany video helped you picture the story better. Hurrah! God bless you.




Diana on May 12, 2020


What a blessing to see Bethany. So when Lazarus came forth from the tomb bound, did he have to crouch down and then go up the stairs to get out? Or was the entrance different than it is now?




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2020


Diana, the entrance was different then. The original entrance was blocked when a mosque was built. So from the 16th-century to today, the tomb has been accessible from a set of stairs you see in the video that were chiseled from the bedrock descending to the original antechamber of the tomb. From there a very small opening led to the location of the tomb itself.




Don on Apr 2, 2020


Thank you Wayne. Our time in Israel has already deeply impacted my own faith and blessed assurance. It has changed how I read Scripture and listen for God's message to God's people. Now I can picture and feel myself there... And it renewed a wonderful friendship with you and blessed Carol and me with a new friendship with Cathy. May God continue to bless and multiply your ministry as through your sharing we hear the very rocks on the ground in Israel cry out hosannas to our Lord. -Don Wilson




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2020


So beautifully said, Don! I agree… It was a wonderful and life-changing time together. What a blessing to be with you both. I am absolutely thrilled that you got to go and that the Lord blessed your time there exactly as I had hoped. Even more! I pray your ministry abounds with greater insight into the Scriptures and into the hearts of your flock.




Delphine on Apr 2, 2020


I am normally a relatively healthy 69 year old. On Monday, March 23rd, after a week of coughing and fever, I found myself in a place I had pleaded with God, not to allow me to go...the hospital. I was never afraid during my 5 day stay with a diagnosis of pneumonia and Covid-19. That diagnosis was not even a thought in my mind. I only knew that I felt sicker than I had ever felt in my life!

I wanted God to touch me sovereignly before needing to be hospitalized. However, in the hospital I was immediately deemed to qualify for the drug that has been effective in fighting Covid. There was a shortage of it, but with God's favor it was given to me.

I am home now and recovering quite well!!!! God delayed so that I could get the best treatment available! Bless His name!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2020


What an amazing testimony, Delphine. Thank you so much for sharing it and for your repeated and obvious faith in our Savior. I'm glad you were able to filter the events through the sovereign hand of God. I admire you.




Delphine on Apr 2, 2020


Thanks, Wayne. I just want my life to continue to be a reflection of Who God is!




Ty on Apr 2, 2020


Some very good, but some tough teaching by Wayne to us in this video. Our walk before the Lord this side of heaven is going to stretch every one. If His ways are not our ways then we have lots to learn, grow and mature 'in Him'. I am so please God has blessed His church, (the people, us who believe) with so many gifts and we see some of them with Wayne teaching (teaching is one of the gift) us. The gifts are there to build up His church (the people) and it takes a life of building in all of us. Thanks and blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2020


Thank you, Ty. So often it seems that the good teaching is tough teaching. Jesus had plenty of it! I appreciate your consistent encouragement through these months. Really look forward to our time together this fall and the Holy Land!




David on Apr 2, 2020


Excellent! I was there in 1970 and plan to return in 2021.... Thanks for going there and sharing with us!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2020


Wow, David... 1970? I'm sure you'll see SO many changes in the past half-century! I'm glad the video took you back and gives you a preview. God bless you.



Bethany - Why Jesus Delays So Long in Our Lives

Qumran - Hope When You Feel Hopeless

Nancy Clarke on Oct 20, 2022


When all seems lost with no way out, I remember what God said in Isaiah 26:3, that He, himself will keep me in perfect peace as I trust in Him. And my Spirit, with His Holy Spirit rests in that perfect promise.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Thank you for reminding me of that verse, Nancy. I have loved it for years!




Ann on Sep 27, 2022


Great video & lesson I wish my son could read & hear it. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2022


I'm always amazed, Ann, how the Lord is able to communicate to others in ways far more creative than we can pray for. Still, we pray for them.




Frances Tencza on Sep 25, 2022


This was such an amazing discovery and proves that the Lord wants us to understand that His word will never die!! The fact that the scribes were so exact on their transcribing, proves how sacred Gods word is! I was privileged to visit the cave sites and Museum of the Book on 2015 and again just the museum in 2019! Both visits went by so quickly!

So much to learn, and I wanted to read about each exhibit, almost got left behind by our tour guide & missed going to the gift shop the first time, but managed to get some unique gifts the 2 trip!





Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


What a privilege you had, Frances, to journey to the Holy Land and to visit Qumran. I am thrilled that the Lord helped to use that tour to drive home the importance of the everlasting nature of the Scriptures. God bless you.




Ty on Sep 22, 2022


Neat and challenging video. I am reminded of words like faith, obedience, discipline, and choice from this video by Wayne. A good question to reflect upon that Wayne raises. How real is Isaiah 40:8 to me? How real is my relationship with Him? Hebrews 4:12 says God's Word is living and active. Always the student I am, as He is always the Teacher.




Deb Scott on Apr 30, 2022


What an amazing video. To actually see where the scrolls were found is magnificent. Thank you so much for these videos. All of the time and efforts you have put into each one is such a blessing!!




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


Blessing goes both ways, Deb. Thank you for your encouragement and enthusiasm with these videos. God bless you.




Joan on Apr 28, 2022


I cling to the eternal hope I have in Jesus Christ and His protection from any doubt or attack by the enemy. " What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"! Rom. 8:31




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Why do you magnificent perspective, Joan. Thank you so much for sharing.




Gary on Apr 28, 2022


G'Day Wayne, I'min a similar situation everything has gone against me to top it off I'm recovering from a fractured wrist but I Did get into a argument with my brother about GOD in my life the way i got him quiet was to mention the dead sea scrolls and then showed him the picture of verse Isaiah 40.08 i mentioned this proves GOD is for me not against me. I was watching this video he gone quiet now. cheers GARY HOPEFULLY MY SITUATION CHANGES FOR BETTER WOULD LOVE TRAVE TO AMERICA ONE YEAR TO TEXAS I KNOW A FEW PEOPLE THERE NOW.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Just keep coming to Christ, Gary, and stay in the Word day by day. That's all it takes to persevere – just day by day.




Norma on Feb 10, 2022


I had a revelation back into 2,000 when God showed me a lot of events that will happen years later. Of all sceneries in the revelation, I saw a beautiful lake -that its water look like a mirror- and a youth chorus standing in front of it singing a gospel song "Your Faithfulness is Unmatched" or in Spanish "Tu Fidelidad es Grande". This song highlight God's Faithfulness. When we rely on God's word and rest on his promises, He is faithful enough to fullfil his plans for us. "The great love of the Lord never ends, and his compassion never ends. Every morning his goodness is renewed; Very great is his fidelity!" Lamentations 3:22-23. Enjoy this song as I listened in my revelation.






Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 27, 2022


There were a couple of ladies I used to try and witness to who lived across the street from me here in Little Falls, NY but it was a no-go. At separate times they died and I didn't know it. I prayed for these ladies (an elderly mother and daughter) even while they were no longer on the earth. When I found out I wondered why God didn't let me know because I don't pray for the dead. He didn't give me an answer. I have to choose to move on in Him in the face of that. It is challenging but I don't want to forgo my faith for such an incident.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


Your heart for the lost is wonderful, Wanda. Thank you for your commitment to pray, even when you didn't know they were already in the place of permanence. You not knowing about their deaths is totally fine-- and the Lord often keeps from us knowledge like that, and it's a reminder that only He knows all things. He lets us know when it's time. May God continue to bless your heart for Him.




Dawn on Jan 22, 2022


I found this very interesting to see where the Dead Sea scrolls were found. Also, I would like to hear more of your comments on the Essenes. I have heard speculations that Jesus’s family may have had a tie to the Essenes. It is amazing and reassuring to hear how scribes were so intent on meticulously and accurately copying the books of the Bible. Of course that is as it should be for it is God’s words.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


Yes, Dawn, there is some debate on whether or not Jesus or John the Baptist had Essene ties. Although there is some similarity in their teachings, there are enough contradictions to conclude there was no connection.




Linda on Jan 19, 2022


This was very interesting. Thank you for posting and giving us a chance in a lifetime to actually see it up close first hand.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2022


I'm glad that you enjoyed the video on Qumran, Linda. Indeed, studying the lands of the Bible gives greater context to the Scriptures. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Uvita Scott on Dec 2, 2021


This is “awesome.”




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Qumran video, Uvita. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each video.




Deanna on Nov 28, 2021


This video is phenomenal! I love how you explained that the rooftops represent darkness and light, and I love the extras you provide below the video in allowing us to see inside the museum. The highlight was where you mentioned that it is not enough in simply having God's Word, but that it requires obedience to what God is telling you to do. It makes me think of the scripture text where God can be heard not in the wind, the fire, or earthquake, but rather in that gentle, still small voice.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


Thank you for that wonderful application, Deanna. I'm so glad that the Qumran video was an encouragement to you. I pray that the others continue to be! God bless you.




Marsha on Oct 26, 2021


All I can say is WOW! That video was incredible! With all that is happening in the world today, it is important to stay in God's Word every day. Cling to Jesus. He is our only hope.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 26, 2021


That is so true, Marsha... God's Word is absolutely essential for us; how grateful we are that He preserved it for us for so long and with such accuracy. God bless you.




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


The Word of our Lord stands forever! Plant it deep in your heart, mind and soul!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


I like the way you put that, Kim. In a way, it would be magnificent for someone to dig through the ruins of our lives in years to come and to unearth hordes of Scripture.




Beth on Sep 18, 2021


Wayne, we have been looking up some of our favorite passages on the Isaiah Scroll from the Shrine of the Book website. Wow!!! It is surreal to see written there on the Dead Sea Scrolls some of the Scriptures which have meant so much to us in our walk with the Lord. We are thoroughly enjoying your videos, your teachings and all the resources you have shared. Everything you have presented here on your website is really excellent. Thank you so very much!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2021


I am thrilled, Beth, that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. You are so correct, seeing those verses in Hebrew on the Dead Sea Scrolls is amazing…




Bette on Aug 27, 2021


I cling to God’s Word, and believe and trust God to bring me through these circumstances and difficult times. Being older, I can see how God has used these circumstances to help me grow and make me a stronger Christian. He has done many wonderful and amazing things in my life, and brought me closer to Him!


Reading Psalms was great in helping me see God’s bigger picture of how God leads and takes care of us. (Psalm 23) In Psalm 28 David cries unto the Lord and then says in 28:7-8 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart ❤️ trusted in Him, and I am helped….” Then David rejoiced with His song 🎵 and praised God.


I remember all the things God has done for me through the years, my memory stones , and when I felt all hope was gone, then the God I trusted and believed and obeyed, surprised me with a solution that surpasses my requests for help! I have seen His miracles in my life, and how He waited in His own time at the last second to change the impossible to provide what I needed!


When people harassed or made fun of me because I was a Christian, I would see how people in the Bible trusted in God in bad times, like Daniel and his 3 friends.. I knew God had a purpose in allowing this to happen, and perhaps help others to see Him working in an awe-inspiring way!


I told one person I would not give in and do something wrong, and they told me I was “stupid” ! God in the end blessed me for my obedience to Him by not giving in to the harassment. My thoughts turned to what Joseph told his brothers who did wrong to him in Genesis 50:20 “But as for you, ye thought evil against me, BUT GOD meant it unto good, to bring to pass……to save much people alive.”


God’s answer to my harassment was to move me into nursing home ministry, and helping individuals to get through their circumstances by hearing my experiences. Like Joseph, God is using me,and working through me to help others to trust and not doubt that God is working in their lives too.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


I applaud your passion and dedication to God, Bette. May the Lord continue to give you strength to represent him at your current nursing home ministry. God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on Jul 22, 2021


Thank you for such a great video. For me, I first must believe His word then I obey it. Trust is a big factor and when evidence like this is found, it makes trust easier for me.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2021


Good insight, Kathy. Indeed, trust is huge and essential if we are to obey the Lord in the face of the world's influences. God bless you today.




Simeon on Apr 27, 2021


Been preaching through a series on the topic of hope, looking at various passages that give direction from God providing hope. What a neat study it has been! Would encourage others to study the different scriptures out that speak on hope.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2021


What a wonderful series you are teaching through, Simeon! Hope is such an essential part of our walk with Christ. Our faith is bound up in the "blessed hope." May the Lord bless you as you powerfully preach His Word.




Michele on Feb 5, 2021


The wonderful part of getting older is that you can look back and see the many times God has gotten us through hard times and even blessed us through them. Romans 8:28 reminds us, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Thank you God!!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2021


Yes, I love that verse as well... Romans 8:28 (and Genesis 50:20) are two of my favorites. God bless you as you continue to watch the videos and read His Word.




Karen on Jan 14, 2021


Hope has always been a strong goal in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


I am right there with you, Karen, in clinging to hope! It's my number one passion in my spiritual life.




Apple on Dec 29, 2020


Question: What do you cling to when circumstances demand that you doubt God’s Word?


i would hang on God always. i will run to God for help when i need it. worshiping God is important so we can communicate to him everyday through worship songs and we can always go to God in prayer when we do prayer as a family. put your trust in Him always. don't give up just try. Run to God when you worry to much give everything to him He knows your worries. He will heal you now. seek for healing when you are not well God can do great things God is most powerful just talk to him about how you are feeling Than he will heal you. Amen i Hope that this powerful story can touch other people who are looking for Healing. Li-Ann.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2020


I like the strategy you're proposing here, Li-Ann. I pray that the Lord will bring it to your mind often as you continue to walk with Him day by day. God bless you.




Judith on Sep 22, 2020


This is amazing to see! God knew the perfect place to save those scrolls for us. His Word endures no matter how strange our world becomes. Watching this video inspires me to dive deeper into my Bible! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


That is wonderful, Judith. I am thrilled that the video is encouraging you to dive deeper into the Scriptures. That is the goal, isn't it? I pray that the videos continue to encourage you and to inspire you to dig deeper into the Bible. God bless you.




Dianne on Aug 5, 2020


I was honored to know Richard Sneed who was one of the people that discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020


Wow, Dianne! What an amazing privilege.




Sue on Jul 6, 2020


I appreciate the way you normalize the journey of growing from seasons of doubt into confidence and trust that God's Word - the Lord himself - is faithful and true. Also, the difference between "having the light" and "walking in the light." Thank God for those faithful followers and the Holy Spirit who lead us into walking in the light into rock solid faith and who encourage us along the way. I find Romans 8 holds so many powerful reminders of our human condition, life in the Spirit, and the Trinity's work on our behalf. May Jesus' joy be yours in all you do.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2020


Thank you, Sue. Yes, there is such a difference between having the light and walking in the light. Such a convicting principle for us! How essential that we apply the truth we know. God bless you.




Stewart on Jul 2, 2020


Wow, this is incredible. I remember being there as well. What a wonderful devotional and encouragement. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


I am so glad that the video encouraged you, Stewart, and also gave you a good reminder of your time in Qumran. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Denise on Jun 26, 2020


Thank you for this wonderful tour. Surely I have seen more than I ever would have seen if I take a trip to isreal.

The spiritual insights make me return daily to hear a word of encouragement.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2020


I am so glad, Denise, and that the videos offer you regular words of encouragement. I'm also thrilled that you get to experience much more of the land of the Bible then if you had gone in person. I pray you continue to be blessed!




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


The Isaiah scroll link is wonderful, thanks! I cling to: In this super duper stubborn and cynical period of time I got to the point of people saying manuscripts blah blah blah but how do you know God is real??? that I had to say because if the Bible wasn’t alive and true these promises wouldn’t literally happen to me, these proverbs wouldn’t work, these miracles spoken of couldn’t be, and these sites wouldn’t be found...but they do and they are all the time (and I share personal miraculous things that match). They want me to doubt when I can’t physically put God in their face and vision, but then that didn’t work in Jesus time either for the forever hardened hearts... I pray though, hope. Your videos are stunning and I appreciate so much the time and effort you put into them for us and God’s glory.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


I'm so glad, Karen, the videos are encouraging you and that they cause you to think deeply. Thanks for your encouraging words.




Tammie on Jul 2, 2018


Just incredible that you included the walk through the Dead sea Scroll Museum! I remember this well- I actually went into the wrong bathroom- My group didn't let me live that down! Loved this lesson on hope & did not know most of it, like Frederic Kenyon's statement. The verses you have given with the background pictures are a great way to have visual pictures with the verse. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2018


Isn't Google Street View cool, Tammie? I love all the places you can see "virtually" through that service. So glad you enjoyed the video. God bless.



Qumran - Hope When You Feel Hopeless

Joppa - God’s Greatest Export for Your Life

Bruce on Apr 5


How can I even count the ways that God’s compassion works in my life.




Frances Tencza on Dec 21, 2022


I think that God gave Jonah a time out period ,to give some reflection to him of his disobedience ! I believe that when I feel a bit rebellious by not staying in the word every day, God is telling me to be still,reflect and know that his way will bring me direction in my life and that he has compassion, and great patience towards me!I should in turn be compassionate and patient towards those who have alienated themselves from God and have tried to do things their way! Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2022


That is a great way to look at it, Frances. Jonah was in time out! Great observation.




Ty on Dec 13, 2022


There's a military phrase called spatial awareness, of being alert to those things around. Being in God's army we should be aware of this in God's promptings and guiding in having an attitude of readiness in season or out. (2 Timothy 4:2) I am sure this is a continuing learning process all through life, which improves as it becomes a way of life. A pressing on to the mark which I (all of us) have been called. (Philippians 3:14-16) Knowing God has compassion on me, should be a natural transition passing through me on to others He is calling and/or attracting into His family in using me as His instrument of compassion. It will be a life time of learning in this calling through all stages of life.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2022


Ty, I like your mention of spatial awareness and how it is part of the Christian life. Great connection.




Joan on May 26, 2022


God's compassion toward me makes a huge difference in my life, because I know I can always return to Him and repent of my mistakes and He will forgive and welcome me back in His arms! I am His beloved child!




Wayne Stiles on May 26, 2022


Yes, Joan, isn't that wonderful?




Patti on Feb 25, 2022


God didn’t give up on me when I strayed from His will. For that I am eternally grateful. Like Jonah I have to examine my priorities vs. salvation of people. In gratitude is obedience. Thank you for your insights.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022


Yes, Patti, and I praise God with you that He never gives up on us-- and we should never give up on Him either. In gratitude is obedience-- I like that thought. Thank you.




Norma on Feb 11, 2022


Both Jonah and Peter experienced deliverance in what they thought it was their role and call. Before I marry to a church pastor, I was a leader in the church free to do what I thought it was my call. Once I married, the church boxed me into the role of being a pastor's wife. I needed to be my husband's shadow. I felt like a bird in a cage. To find my own call and wings I had to go thru a transformative experience that took me in becoming a strong advocate within the United Methodist Church for Hispano-Latino Ministries. Thanks to God that he vomited me -like Jonah-in becoming a church pastor. I had all the gifts and talents to do it. Instead God placed all kind of road blocks to prevent it. That would have limited me to a local role. Like Jonah, God had other plans. He wanted me to represent and reach out to an ethnic population that are underrepresented, invisible, discriminated in our churches for not knowing the language and culture. Today I met thru ZOOM with a group of pastors and Lay leaders of UMC CA-NEVADA Conference. They wanted me to accompany them in getting organized as a Caucus. I was surprised to hear that they consider me an "institution" for my years and accomplishments in advocacy. Peter became an "institution and a rock" for his role in the early stages of the church development. God's vision helped Peter to transform his mind in preparation for a bigger role. It's in our obedience that God's compassion and love is manifested.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2022


Thank you for following the leading of the Lord, Norma. I pray that He uses you powerfully in the lives of many people in accordance with the Scriptures. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 3, 2022


As a very broken individual, God's compassion reached out to me on I64 when I was a 15 year old runaway as I prayed, "God, if You think I'm worth it, please watch over me." I always say this was one of the best prayers I ever prayed! God in His compassion reached me, saved me, cleaned me up, and set me on His path of life! I like how you gave the expression, "God's greatest export from Joppa was His Compassion." What a neat way of putting it as demonstrated through the life of Jonah and Peter.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Yes, Wanda, we are all runaways like Jonah and Peter. As Isaiah says, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray." Thankfully, our Lord Jesus has "come to seek and to save the lost." I praise God for His grace in your life-- and in mine.




Frank on Jan 31, 2022


"A fish story that's hard to swallow." That's cute Wayne. Two puns in one short sentence.

I submit that while many people like to allegorize, others say such things as, "how are we supposed to believe that someone can live inside a whale, or a fish for three days?", I say that he didn't live in the fish. He was actually was calling out from Sheol.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2022


That's certainly possible, Frank, that Jonah died, but the text implies he didn't. In fact, the Hebrew text indicates that after he prayed in ch. 2, the fish vomited him up. National Geographic does have a story of one being swallowed by a whale shark and surviving, and there are other accounts of similar occurrences.




Frank on Feb 2, 2022


Hi Wayne,

While with God all things are possible, from a literal reading either case can be true. However, that Jesus Yeshua said that He would be like Jonah being three days in the belly of the fish, it's equally possible that he was dead in the belly of the fish, but that he prayed before he died, and after three days God resuacitated him from the dead as the fish coughed him up on the shore. Either way, it's pretty miraculous for someone to be in a fishes belly for three days and be able to talk about it.




Uvita Scott on Dec 9, 2021


God’s compassion for me makes all the difference in my life. I sometimes think I act just like Jonah in failing to obey what He tells me to. But His mercies never fail, do they? Each morning I wake up, ready for His assignment, more obedient and willing than the day before. Bnkurged (Be Encouraged)!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


I love your enthusiasm and passion for God, Uvita. May He continue to bless and encourage you and USE you for His glory. Bnkurged!




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


How careful we must be to not withhold God's compassion and grace from anyone. Obedience to the call to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ could bring someone to salvation.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Right you are, Kim. In fact, it was someone else's obedience and compassion that introduced to Jesus Christ to us.




Fred on Sep 30, 2021


I'm so glad that God extends His grace and salvation to everyone. It's to whosoever will.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2021


Amen, Fred. Thanks for your essential reminder. We need grace...




Lisa on Apr 29, 2021


“We shake our heads at pitiful Jonah—until we realize he recorded his blunder for us to learn from. That we wouldn’t repeat his mistake (Romans 15:4). So that our priority to live comfortably doesn’t outweigh out commitment to live godly. That our passion for justice in the world never causes us to lose our compassion for the world. Joppa’s greatest export was God’s compassion.” Thank you Dr. Wayne! The way you combine touring the Holy lands with biblical & spiritual lessons is wonderful and SO well done! I am enjoying and learning so much. And I confess, I’m a bit envious of your life’s work. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


Thank you so much for your gracious words and reminding me of the principles of Jonah and Joppa. As far as your own life's work, Lisa, no one can do what you do like you do! God has uniquely gifted you to be powerfully effective for His glory. May the Lord bless you as you serve Him and follow Him with your unique gifts.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


God shows me compassion thru His unconditional love, patience, forgiveness, acceptance allowing me time to grow in His Word with discipline as well as guidance..




Lola Fitch on Feb 20, 2021


We are equal in His sight. We must look at all with compassion not pity. To be Christ- like I must look at even enemies with compassion and patience in understanding. As I walk in their shoes I can have more compassion.

Other priorities like time, world pressures, world fear, impatience get in the way.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


What a fascinating takeaway, Lola. I pray that the Lord would give you strength to have compassion on others as He has had compassion on us.




Kathleen on Jan 23, 2021


Thank you for this eye-opening video. It perfectly complemented our bible study's lesson this week regarding "Loving More People" and choosing to follow Christ's example to accept with open arms, not discriminate.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


I'm so glad, Kathleen, that the Joppa video encouraged you. Isn't our sovereign God amazing to complement your current study with the video? I pray this occurs many more times! God bless you.




Apple on Dec 29, 2020


What difference does God’s compassion toward you make in your life?


He does not leave us nor forsake us. just trust him always just seek his face. he does not forget our names He has great plans for all of us. we are special children of God he calls us by our names and that our names mean alot to him He give us the meaning of our names. we are such a blessing to our family and Friends we bring joy to our family and friends because we are special in his sight. whether i have special needs i always bring so much joy to my family and my Friends and my church friends. i thank God that i bring so much love and joy to my parents and sibings they are such lovely people in my life. i am happy that i can be such a blessing to others around me. Blessings Li-Ann i Hope that this story inspired you today.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2020


Thank you so much for sharing your story, Li-Ann. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless your family.




Kim on Oct 19, 2020


Beautiful city...beautiful message of God's perfect plan.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 19, 2020


Yes, Kim, Joppa is a beautiful city with a beautiful history in God's amazing plan for the world.




Judith on Sep 22, 2020


The Peter connection to Jonah is new to me. We are seeing salvations & baptisms in the midst of areas with strife and chaos today. Praying for a great period of revival now across our 50 states and the nations. I am grateful Peter listened,




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


That is a wonderful prayer of application, Judith. We do need to pray for the many Peters in our country to listen to the words of the Lord – as well as the Jonahs. May the Lord bless you.




Jeanne on Aug 9, 2020


I never had connected the idea that Jonah and Peter were at the same city because they were in different sections of the bible yet they are telling the same story. I also appreciate the people that have shared God 's love to me over the years. I'm so glad that I am part of the story and want t continue being part of the story but most often I find myself nervous to share. How do you get passed that?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2020


It isn't easy, Jeanne, to get past feeling uneasy about sharing. It's really a fear of rejection, and it stems from a fear of man. Totally normal for us as humans (but a weakness). Sometimes it helps me to think about the fact that what I have to share is good news. Also, as long as I share it in a way that is loving and not judgmental, I can walk away satisfied to leave it in God's hands.




Hayden on Jul 7, 2020


Thank you Wayne. This was a great message. Two particular things my spirit was convicted by:

(1) "Our passion for justice in the world, never causes us to lose compassion for the world."

(2) "The message of God's love for gentiles went out from Joppa through the lips of a reluctant Jonah and a confused Peter."


I love these concepts, but I struggle to know how and when to apply them. Micah tells us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. It seems that harmonizing all three of these is impossible without the wisdom of God. I feel so far from being there. I want to love mercy, but I do not want to compromise truth. I want to act justly, but I do not want to misrepresent God's lovingkindness. I want to walk humbly, but I want to be as bold as a lion.


My struggle is having a love for the truth and God's Word, while at the same time knowing how to interact with the hundreds of people around me that claim Jesus as their Lord yet turn a blind eye and participate in false and destructive teachings (i.e., psychology, yoga, replacement theology, legalism like baptismal salvation).


Do you have any insights or corrections to my thought process? Thanks again for the video!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020


I appreciate your heart, Hayden. You are right, there is no one-size-fits-all way to respond to all people. When we look at Jesus as our model, we see all of these characteristics of Micah 6:8 being portrayed — but just not all at once. When Christ is talking to the Pharisees He is bold, and when He speaks to the woman at the well, He is gracious. It does take great discernment, but the Spirit of God can provide that in the moments we need them. Failure is also a great teacher. I like the two proverbs that seem a contradiction if they were not side-by-side:

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

Or you will also be like him.

Answer a fool as his folly deserves,

That he not be wise in his own eyes.” (Proverbs 26:4–5)

I also find it helpful to remember Jude's counsel when dealing with those who may not have the fuller understand of Christ (as we do) yet:

“And have mercy on some who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” (Jude 22–23)




Hayden on Jul 9, 2020


Good reminders. Thank you :).




Lynn on Jun 24, 2020


This entire episode was enlightening. I appreciated your explanation of the dietary laws. God was protecting His people from the godless cultures.


Also appreciated how Jonah and Peter were deterred by their own misconceptions. I think I fall into that category, but for the grace of God He straightens my path.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2020


I am right there with you, Lynn. Misconceptions are such a challenge, aren't they? It's comforting how great people of the Scriptures like Jonah and Peter also had to wrestle with what we wrestle with. God bless you as you follow His leading.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


How beautiful. And learning people have been swallowed by fish/whales and survived. I thought peter said at the end Acts 10:28 his vision shown 3 times was about the 3 gentiles (jews call unclean) coming and to not call them unclean/common, not about dietary laws going away. Huh...interesting take on a pig being a pagan food and a goat being Hebrew and now eat whatever, I thought it was animal digestion issues they had that’ll still harm us today. Food for thought, and prayer :) Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


It's both, Karen. The dietary laws going away represent the separation from Gentiles also going away. Hope that makes sense.




Linda on Jul 7, 2018


I never connected the Old Testament story of Jonah and the gentiles gift of forgiveness with the New Testament story of Peter and His acceptance and spreading Gods truth to the gentiles! Wow, I am grateful for Gods extension of mercy and love to me!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


Yes, Linda, aren't we grateful God reached out to us? Like Jonah and Peter, we tend to resist God's Word. Amazing that Joppa was the scene for both of these incidents. God bless.




Estrella on Jul 5, 2018


I love the way you teach The Word of God to us, its comparable to where a kid can reach the cookie.. I savor your teachings just like a kid eating the cookies....




Lydia on Jul 5, 2018


Wayne--Thank you for sharing compassion for us sinners. This is a beautiful city.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2018


You're welcome, Lydia. I'm right there with you as a sinner in need of God's compassion. So grateful for it!




Jerry and John on Jul 5, 2018


Outstanding information for us. I appreciate the way you tie the lessons to various parts of Scripture.. You make the lessons so real. We are loving the casual video instruction every week. THANK you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2018


Thank you, Jerry & John. It's so encouraging that the Lord blesses you through His Word and through the videos. Thanks for letting me know.




Jim on Jul 5, 2018


Wayne, I really enjoyed the video and lesson. Makes me want to take another trip to Israel. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2018


So glad for that, Jim! I do hope you can go again. Every trip for me adds rich insights. God bless.



Joppa - God’s Greatest Export for Your Life

Ziklag - How to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

Frances Tencza on Dec 21, 2022


I feel like David did,with the past regrets and haunting of past unfulfilled relationships. In desperation always running and hiding and finally having to face my inadequacies and realizing that God has a wonderful plan for me,that I should strengthen my relationship with him,because he values me and wants only the best for me!


Frances Tencza




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2022


I love your reflective thoughts, Frances. May the Lord continue to be with you and to encourage you with truth.




Dorothea on Aug 15, 2022


Great message, all is happening in God’s time for our benefit. It makes me feel secure not in my own, but in God’s plan for me.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2022


That's right, Dorothea. God's timing is perfect. God bless you.




Roseanne on Jul 7, 2022


What a beautiful message, especially on my birthday!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Happy birthday, Roseanne! May the Lord give you many more years of drawing you closer to Him.




Rosemarie on Jul 7, 2022


I find that is so true in my life, that the struggles, hardships, disappointments, and even the tragedy that I experienced, God has strengthened my faith and has provided me with new opportunities to grow in faith and love for Him that I never would think would happen.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Only a God so wonderful as ours can redeem our past and use the pain of our experiences for His glory and for our good. May the Lord continue to strengthen you, Rosemarie, as you walk with Him day by day.




Gary on Jun 25, 2022


G' Day Wayne I feel as I'm in this area of life right now before I make my next move financially for growth and away from the enemies of GOD. Keep them to a minimum none if possible. especially in my country very hard thing to do alot of corrupt people these days. I'm praying that my next move is the correct one in all directions cheers Gary.

I hope your having goodone




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2022


God bless you, Gary. May the Lord be with you as you continue to walk with him.




Joan on Jun 23, 2022


Awesome lesson, showing actual locations specific to key points in David's pre-crowning life and how God's power propelled him to his reign as King of Israel! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 23, 2022


Yes, Joan, it is indeed awesome to see the real thing and to realize these were real events in the hand of God. God bless you.




Ty on May 12, 2022


Some added comments to the ones left in January 2020.


We live our life to an audience of One, yet in doing so, not only Him, but many will be blessed with our obedience to our Creator God. Will it be easy? Based on my experience, no way, but even in those tough times there is a personal sense of not walking alone and walking with something higher. A sense of belonging to Someone so much more than me. God's promises to us that He would never leave us or forsake us, is truly worth the walk with and in Him. I have been disappointed many times and surely I have disappointed people many times, but God has never once disappointed me, even when the going was tough and I thought I was at the end of myself. God is a Being that can truly be leaned upon and trust in. In His time He does make all things good.




Norma on Feb 14, 2022


It's amazing How David went thru all those trials and tribulations and guided him on all his decisions to protect him and his family. We only have to trust. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". Faith move us into God's plans and direction. This have been very certain and true in my life. This Sunday was communion service in my my church and I showed my pastor this program and explained how important this has been to my spirituality growth. I wonder if this program have Spanish audio or subtitles to recommend it to my church members. So far I haven't seen it.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 3, 2022


I've got too many experiences to share here but I have always been encouraged by David's experience of strengthening himself in the LORD. One time I was complaining to God about some ill-treatment I was receiving and as I complained God said: "Wanda, people are going to be and do what people want to be and do, let them; you stay close to ME."




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Indeed, Wanda, we cannot change people, but neither do they have to change us. We choose to cling to Christ in spite of others' actions.




Marsha on Oct 26, 2021


Sometimes we get caught up in self pity which can hold us back from God's plan for us. I am guilty of this and have always taken those feelings to God in prayer. He always lifts me up and gives me reassurance that He is in control; not me!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 26, 2021


I really resonate with your words about self-pity, Marsha. So easy to see ourselves as the victims of others who "owe" us happiness. I'm so glad that taking your feelings to prayer always lifts you up and reassures you. What a blessing!




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


We can always trust in the promises of our Sovereign God! His Word is our strength!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Amen, Kim. God's Word is our strength, because it reveals to us His character in which we trust.




Fred on Sep 27, 2021


This reminds me of what we know as the dark room. Back in the day, photos were developed in the dark room. God sometimes allows us to go through dark times to develop character, wisdom and dependence on Him. These are the times God uses to help us mature and grow stronger in Him. When we go through dark times, we should reflect on the times in the past where He brought us through. What God did before, He can do now. I was very encouraged by this video. Can't wait to watch more.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021


What an amazing connection you have made, Fred! Thanks so much for sharing it.




Juanita on Aug 21, 2021


The Woman After God’s Heart


I know You’ll understand that

I am the woman after Your Heart.


My life has been so far from perfect,

So this is where I’ll start.


I’ll follow Your every calling and do only good

I’ll love others as I love myself,

just like I should.


Whenever I ‘m doing what’s pleasing in Your eyes

Give me a sign and teach me more whenever

you hear my cries.


Just like You had planned

Our hearts belong together,

I’ve been waiting for You

for what seems like FOREVER!


Guide me each day,

You know how my day will start,

I’ll soon be running after

My Lord & Savior’s Heart!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2021


Poetry is one of the best ways to journal your thoughts, Juanita. Well done!




Juanita on Aug 22, 2021


Thank you. I believe the Lord blessed me with this gift of poetry. It began when I was pretty young, and I absolutely love it and Him!




Rosemarie on Apr 2, 2021


The sadness and trying times I had made me turn to God to be strengthened me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


So true, Rosemarie. The Lord used those sad times to give us greater joy in the long run. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


Men try to quiet me....God tells me to speak up




Rowena on Feb 9, 2021


Just what I needed, thank you! I love that God waste no experience but wants to develop and strengthen us in the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


That's right, Rowena. Our gracious and sovereign God wastes no experience in our lives – not one! I cannot wait to get to glory and find out how He has redeemed many of the painful experiences in our lives. Only His majestic power could do such wonders!




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


In a time when it is so easy to feel like we are being controlled by what is going on around us, what a good reminder that God is sovereign and we can strengthen ourselves in the Lord. This brings me peace today during a time when plans I have made were derailed due to COVID. Frustration is like a lion crouching at the door ready to pounce and fear right along with it. The reminder that everything we go through works into God plan brings me comfort. I may not see the why today, but that is fine. I can trust God with the situation and know that nothing that comes into my life did not first pass through the hand of God.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I share that frustration with you, Kim. I have had a tour postponed this fall and face my spring tours potentially being postponed as well. Huge disappointment on so many fronts. Thankfully, our God is in control.




Lynette on Jun 9, 2020


What a beautiful video and tremendous reminder. I love how the Lord always provides exactly what we need, when we need it....whether a friend as Jonathan was to David, or a scripture, or a song....God has so many resources that He uses to encourage us. What a beautiful land. Seeing all those green fields is not the typical image I think of when I think of the Holy Land. It was refreshing and lovely to see. Another wonderful video, Wayne. Thank you again for this site.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


I'm so glad, Lynette, that the Ziklag video encouraged you. We really do need those regular reminders that God is able to meet our needs in various ways and resources. God bless you.




Stacey on Jan 10, 2020


This was affirming to me and encouraged me greatly today. God took me through a devastating season recently. I immediately sought the Lord for direction and obeyed what I believed He was leading me to do/go. Following weeks of prayer and literally crying out to God, I put fear in the back seat and went where God provided. While I have had times of doubting that I heard God correctly, the fruit in my life shows me otherwise. When I read the Bible and it says "God told/said," I wonder what this practically looked like in the lives of God's people. There have been times in my distress that I believed I heard from God and it was amazing. This video gave me comfort and the green fields were beautiful to look at, especially in January! Thank you for your work, and the joy I have in taking the virtual tours of Israel.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2020


How wonderful to read your testimony and your journey, Stacey. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. It is amazing how faithful the Lord is if we will trust Him and wait on Him. I'm convinced that one reason we don't see Him work more in our lives is that we don't give Him time to do so.

The green fields in the Negev in this video were filmed in February! It's one of the most beautiful times to go to Israel, after the rainy season has greened everything up.




Karen on Jan 10, 2020


God uses my trials to keep me in His Word, in addition to regular study.. Proverbs tells me how I should react and behave. Psalms encourages me through sad times and spiritual warfare. And God is always amazing at sending me (and reminding me) to certain books and people who went through the same type of trial and how He helped and strengthened that person or group...for God’s glory, plan, and promised fulfillment. Because this world is fallen, I have personally seen how trials have strengthened my weak areas to get me through and back up to par, and corrected my disobediences. My behavior and wisdom must match His plan for me, for Him. And sometimes that takes time and logical set backs. Another great video, Wayne, thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2020


Karen, I'm so glad the video encouraged you. And thanks for sharing about how the Lord keeps you in His Word. I love the specifics of what each book does to help you and encourage you. God bless you.




Tammie on Jan 10, 2020


So awesome that you take us to a place that we may never see except through your video. Thank you for giving such a great visual of this so the Bible can come alive with this story!





Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2020


You're welcome, Tammie. Ziklag and the Brook Besor are beautiful places. It was great to go there and to "take" you with me. :-) God bless.




Ty on Jan 9, 2020


Some reflective and thought provoking teaching with some great expounding to encourage us along on our walk. Challenging to me in asking who is my first port of call I turn to in the day in and day out experiences I have in my life? Worldly teaching is run to this or that to fix things or change things or get this for an added boost as one deserves it. Looking beyond the natural quick fixes or sources and to the supernatural in what is the true value I am seeking in what is in front of me. Thanks Wayne for challenging the grey matter. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2020


I agree, Ty. It's so easy to pour the substitutes into our coffee instead of the real thing. In other words, the world offers and promises many quick-fixes instead of the long waiting that God requires. But His way is so worth it! God bless you on the long way.



Ziklag - How to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

Hebron - Why in Death We Lose Nothing of God’s Promises

Bruce on Apr 5


It is more like walking up in a new room




Frances Tencza on Dec 22, 2022


It shows how dedicated the Jewish people are to their patriarchs!

Even Jacob’s son Joseph made an oath to have his bones brought out of Egypt to be buried in the Promise Land like his father! Moses kept that oath after 400 years of leading his people out of slavery, as Jesus also leads us out of our slavery to sin, and as believers we are promised the gift of eternal life in his heavenly kingdom .Moses passed the bones of Joseph on to Joshua 24: 23 to be buried in Schehem ! Even though Moses, was not allowed in the Promise Land, his body disappeared, but he reappeared , along with Elijah,in a resurrected form at the Transfiguration of Christ! Our God is a great Promise Keeper!

Come Lord Jesus!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2022


God's promises are indeed, Amazing, Frances. Can't wait to see Abraham resurrected on his land!




Frances Tencza on Dec 23, 2022


Same here, it will be so awesome to hear about his and all the other patriarchs life journey and so much wisdom we’ll receive,plus of course and most of all God’s imparted wisdom to us!!

Blessed Christmas to you and your family!


Frances Tencza




Marlon on Sep 8, 2022


At this time of my life, 87 years, God's promise to me will become fulfilled in next few years. That is when I leave this life and go to heaven to be with Jesus. The fulfillment of the divine promise. I get excited at the thought of it.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2022


I'm not far behind you, Marlon, in the grand scheme of things. What a wonderful time that will be when we are finally with Christ.




James on Jul 7, 2022


That video and narrative was awesome! You have a way of explaining history, Biblical meaning and thought provoking words, all in a very short video. That is an amazing talent! Love your site! The hope of the resurrection is all there is. There is NOTHING else. There is no one else to turn to other than Jesus. If Christianity wasn't true, we are all dead.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Well said, James. Indeed, if Christianity isn't true, to quote the apostle Paul, "we are above all the most to be pitied." But thankfully, Christ is raised from the dead! What a great hope we have! God bless you as you wait on Him.




Gary on Jul 6, 2022







Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2022


I am glad, Gary, that you enjoyed the video on Hebron. God bless you.




Joan on Jun 30, 2022


I love this video lesson, Dr. Wayne! It reopens my eyes to a future beyond this life that every 'today' often blurs! It's a great video to return to and contemplate how Jesus Christ opened that veil to Everlasting Life by His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection three days later! Praise God!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


Amen, Joan. Indeed, Jesus' resurrection is our hope and offers SO much perspective that this life isn't all of life. Thank God! God bless you.




Sandi on Jun 18, 2022


This life ends in death but because of Christ those who believe in Jesus will also be resurrected! This gives me much strength to carry on and not be afraid.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2022


I am thrilled, Sandi, that the Lord encouraged you through the hope of your own resurrection! I am right there with you.




Linda on Jun 2, 2022


Well all we have is hope that we receive all of Gods Promises because we are still alive. In reading the Bible we read that most of the ancient ones never received all of Gods promises, but they never lost hope. We are told to hope for the unseen things. Jesus said he goes to prepare a place for us if he did not intend to take us unto himself he would tell us.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


That's right, Linda. If God made promises that we'e not fulfilled in this life, then we know there is a resurrection where the promises will be fulfilled.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 10, 2022


I was medically given 3-6 months to live when radiation and chemo was going to kill me rather than heal me as I had uterine/ovarian cancer. But God has given me extra time in life. As a matter of fact on 2/12/22 I'll have been healed 19 extra years. My grandmother who prayed for me and didn't live to see me walk with God died on 2/12/83 and twenty years to the day I was given a Biblical miracle of healing on 2/12/03. Even with all that I have to remain in Christ so I can finish well and complete that for which I was created for.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2022


Your story continues to amaze me, Wanda. Thank you so much for using these additional 20 years for the glory of God.




Joan on Jan 27, 2022


By braving the prospects of death, we pass through to eternal life, celebration at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and peace in Jesus Christ, with all the saints, elders, and God Himself! What joy divine!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


What a great way to put it, Joan. Indeed, death is but a portal to an existence much broader and beautiful than we ever could imagine.




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


From death to eternal life! Thank you Jesus!




Mary on Sep 2, 2021


Death to me will be a new beginning. It gives me great hope. We are living on a dying planet overrun with sin, selfishness, greed, dishonesty, and lack of regard for human life. Death is actually something to look forward to because the world has become such a dark place to live.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


Yes, Mary, I share the burden you express here so eloquently. Indeed, heaven is our hope and the coming of Christ is our greatest anticipation. I echo Paul's words:


“But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake” (Philippians 1:23–24).


I eagerly want to go to glory as well, but we remain because God wills it and because so many people are affected for the good with our presence, in spite of the darkness of our times. May the Lord strengthen you to press on another day until that final day!




Jenny on Jun 16, 2021


Amazing video & perspective....gives me so much hope.!

The hope of resurrection is hard to express bc I feel the limited constraints of my own mind regarding time...however, glimpses of our eternal home and inheritance through the Holy Spirit, and the Word of the prophets and Revelation are especially real.


Reminds me of verses in Eph & about the “holy spirit is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance”. I “marked and sealed” my children with this blessing at bedtime for years, knowing we are truly “sealed” in Him.

This video raises the expectation in my Spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


I love the connection you make to the Holy Spirit in Ephesians, Jenny. Thank you for sharing that.




Lola Fitch on Mar 9, 2021


Wayne, I have a question. Why does the Jewish side of the Cave of Machpelah building have cenotaphs of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, and Leah while the Muslim side has Issac and Rebecca? How with they decide who went where?

Learned many new things with this video.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 9, 2021


Great question, Lola. From all I've heard, it's just how it ended up. The irony is would be that Isaac, of all people, would have a cenotaph on the side of the descendants of Ishmael! I'm not sure how they came to that unusual conclusion. It had to be someone on the Muslim side, as the cenotaphs are spread out.




Rowena on Mar 3, 2021


How wonderful! I know there is a lot of work that goes into the videos, especially after watching the blunders! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


I am glad that the video was an encouragement to you, Rowena. God bless you and thanks again for your gracious words.




Karen on Feb 25, 2021


I trust that accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and hear the scriptures state firmly.....when death occurs I will live with Jesus in heaven forever. Eternal Life promised to me by scripture and baptism....that my beliefs is a ticket in for eternal home in paradise. I hold on to God's promises for my life.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Yes, Karen, our absolute security is accomplished in the Lord's gracious death for us on the cross-- and affirmed by His resurrection. I'm so glad you have trusted in Him. God bless you.




Linda on Feb 25, 2021


Wanted to see the area dedicated to each of the partiarchs and their wives.😒




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021


Sorry for the disappointment, Linda. In truth, not all areas of the site are open to the public. What makes matters even more complicated is that some parts of the site are Jewish and others are Muslim. God bless you.




Norma on Feb 16, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2021


Thanks, Norma! I'm glad you enjoyed the Hebron video. God bless you.




Norma on Feb 17, 2021


i have spent the last 4 days watching and learning videos, i am buying one for my church to share in class to help other realize this is not a story but the TRUTH. We as a nation are called to pray and repeat and turn from worshiping gods of tv ,internet ,games ,food ,money, evil actions, and protect the children and widows. I thank the Lord for allowing me all this information .




Teresa on Feb 3, 2021


I've been wanting to read the whole bible in sequence (I know the NT very well), but this desire for the OT caused me to start there again. I finished Genesis in two afternoon settings. It was so inspired and intrigued (and touched emotionally!) This tour of Hebron couldn't have been more timely for me.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


What a wonderful goal, Teresa. Since you have embarked on a read-through of the Old Testament, you might enjoy combining some searching in the Scripture Index of this website with your reading. There are many videos that will coincide with what you are reading each month. God bless you.




Doris on Jan 16, 2021


Enjoyed how you tied Hebron to God's promise of eternal life. Since I did not get to go to Herbon while in Israel, I found it interesting to see the comparison with the Temple Mount. I did not know that we had any idea of where Abraham was buried. Knowing that your life with Jesus is just begininng after death is a great comfort and peace of mind. Looking forward to seeing Him face to face.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2021


How wonderful, Doris, that this video was able to provide some additional insights to encourage you. The resurrection is a marvelous hope! God bless you.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


Fascinating! I am about to begin a study of Abraham in Bible Study Fellowship. I didn't know about the modern Hebron. We anxiously await that promises God has for us. Jesus is coming soon!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


My wife is also in BSF, Kim. What a great ministry. May the Lord bless you as you study the life of Abraham.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


I am so excited that your wife is in Genesis with us. It has been fabulous this year. I have learned a lot about my sin. The big one was I tend to put the men like Noah on a pedestal, like they are special. Noah was just as much a sinner as the people that died in the flood. The difference was that he was obedient and had faith in God. Blessing to you both!




Denise on Jul 2, 2020


This is a wonderful site to see as a point of bible history. I did not realize that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were buried in the same place. Do we know where Moses, Joseph and Eseau are buried?





Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


Great questions, Denise. Moses is buried somewhere in the area of Mount Nebo — in modern Jordan. But the Scriptures say that no one knows where he is exactly – because God buried him. (Probably a good thing we don't know, or there would be a worship center there for Moses!) Joseph is buried in Shechem, or modern Nablus. There is a structure there today called the Tomb of Joseph. Whether it is the actual tomb site or not is debatable. There is a strange tradition that Esau's head is buried in the Machpelah Cave – but this is a myth. In truth, Esau was probably buried in Edom — or modern Jordan. But not sure where exactly.




Diana on Jun 4, 2020


As always, the buildings are so beautiful. And I was going to say it looked like it was Herod architecture. It is sad that they have to have a Muslim side and a Jewish side. I pray that the Price of Peace may unite them someday.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


That unity would be wonderful, wouldn't it, Diana? Indeed, it will take both groups to receive Christ in order for that peace to occur. How magnificent that would be!




Caroline on May 6, 2020


Just fascinating......incredible! It is so wonderful to see how you tie together these events and places to living for Him today. Thank you to all who made these videos and teachings possible.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Hebron video, Caroline. It is a privilege to put these videos together for you. God bless.




Brenda on Feb 28, 2020


Who lights the candles under the locked door, and do they go in at night and unlock the door - using that entrance? Is there significance in having a candle burning?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2020


That's a great question, Brenda, and I've actually wondered it myself! Honestly, I'm not sure. :-) I'll ask around and see what I can discover.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2, 2020


Brenda, I looked into this while I was at Hebron this week, and no one I asked had a firm answer. :-(




Tammie on Jan 31, 2020


I never knew this was something to go see, so thank you for the video! I may never see this in person, so I appreciate you sharing this.


Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2020


So glad you enjoyed the "new" site, Tammie! Hebron is a special place in light of God's promises. God bless you.




Ty on Jan 30, 2020


Some very good reminding by Wayne to us in the faithful and promise keeping God who created us. Lots to learn, grow and mature this side of heaven and then ...... well the best gift of all, we see Him as He sees us now. It's the Prize for the journey we are on.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2020


Very well said, Ty. Abraham had amazing faith to believe in the resurrection when there wasn't a scrap of scripture in his hand – just the promises of God given directly to him! Thanks for your encouragement.




Eric on Jan 30, 2020


We visited the Cave of Machpelah 3 years ago. We were the only group there. While visiting the Israeli side, a young soldier approached our group and asked us where we were from. After telling him which states we were from, he fought back tears and said, "Thank you for coming here. Not just to Israel, but here, to Hebron. The world says we shouldn't be here and it feels like no one cares about us here. We feel isolated and alone. But the fact that you came here, to Hebron, proves that you care!" It was one of the most powerful experiences I have had in all my trips to Israel! Thank you for sharing!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2020


Wow, Eric. That IS moving... I pray that the soldier would also consider the compassion of Christians as a means of drawing him to Jesus. Thanks so much for sharing this story.



Hebron - Why in Death We Lose Nothing of God’s Promises

Gerar and the Negev - God’s Promises Against Impossible Odds

Frances Tencza


Saturday at 12:57pm


I am grateful that we have a God who can dig us out of the wells we have buried ourselves in and offer us such great resources in our lives!

He uses people who have great dreams such as Ben Gurion who was instrumental in developing Israel God’s land!

Praise God!




Wayne Stiles


15 hours ago


Right, Frances? Our Lord is SO resourceful to use us, as well as politicians, for His amazing purposes.




Bruce on Apr 10


Ben Gurion’s home is a very interesting location. We saw it in 2010




Bonnie on Jan 16


Have you read THE ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINE, BY ILAN PAPPE? He is a Jew, whose father was a military officer during the wars. A very insightful and informative book.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17


I haven't read that book, Bonnie. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.




Ty on Jan 11


Great video to be encouraged by and one to revisit often. Good to see this one again.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 11


It's always good to get reminded about how God can do the impossible in our lives. Thanks, Ty.




Roseanne on Jul 21, 2022


Nothing is impossible for and with God.




Joan on Jul 8, 2022


I cling to the hope that God knows my plight, sees all the people and/or elements involved, and is taking names. I trust His provision in those times that I will ultimately be redeemed and my needs will be met. I love this video as a dramatic example--one of the very first for humankind recorded--of God providing for His people despite seemingly impossible odds!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


That's what he's all about, isn't it, Joan? God shows up in impossible situations and does only what he can do. God bless you as you walk with him and trust him.




Norma on Feb 22, 2022


When I toured Israel I couldn't keep my eyes from looking these vast crops that make these arid land look green. I heard church leaders complaining about the cost of planting new churches without much success or fruits. Many of these decisions and plans are made by top-down leadership without considering the faith community needs. Grassroot leadership can help the church in developing a plan that is creative and community based. God moves and is present among those who believe that he can make things posible. "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2022


Great perspective, Norma. Indeed, we always are faced with a lack in ministry (and life). Jesus taught this to his disciples when He sent them out two-by-two with nothing on the journey. Also the feeding of the 5000 shows that we are working with fish and loaves and we need the power of the Lord.




Joan on Feb 18, 2022


As I lead a women's Bible Study about Abraham and now Isaac settling in the Negev (and remaining chapters of Genesis), I'm awestruck at the fertility of the region! God's blessing shone brilliantly on Isaac there! I cling to the hope that my granddaughter, a sophomore at a prestigious scientific university, turns to Jesus Christ for salvation and pray every day for it! Please pray for her--thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


Yes, Joan, the negative has some amazingly fertile areas! And I indeed will pray for your granddaughter, but the Lord Jesus would open her eyes to his grace.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 17, 2022


Another excellent video to me. I just started a teaching on God's Biblical Promises! I loved your presentation of it. When I sense that God has something for me and it is not here or things don't look good, I still rehearse in my talk to God what I felt. For example in 2008 I was suppose to go to Israel. Prior to that I felt like God said, "Wanda it will delight Me to show you the Land of My Heart. Here in 2022 I never made it to Israel but I still discuss this with God to keep it alive. I even say to God, "If these videos are Your way of showing me the Land of Your Heart, I'll be satisfied."




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


I love your perspective, Wanda, and your gracious sensitivity to God and His leading. By the way, if you ever want to pursue another journey to Israel, I hope you'll come with me! God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 17, 2022


Thank you so much. I am hoping for a 3-6 month trip w/o responsibilities. I can tell by your videos that may not be enough time either. As long as God keeps providing I'll keep up with your videos. And again, if God only provides a 10 or so day trip I'll be satisfied so maybe I will go with ya!




Kathy on Jan 22, 2022


When the wells keep getting filled by enemy attacks, I need to remember this video! Thank you for filming!!!! I am being blessed!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


Indeed, Kathy, those wells keep filling up-- but our God's promises will never fail. He is SO good.




Maria on Jan 8, 2022


I keep looking to the Lord

Seeking His help & will

Seek advise from successful more experienced people.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2022


Amen, Maria!




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


God's promises are true and unfailing! As we dig deeply into the Word we are filled to over flowing and thirst no more.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Absolutely true, Kim. Digging deeply into the Word of God is the essential activity of our daily lives. We would never think of skipping a meal, and yet, so often the Scriptures find us dieting.




Jenny on Jun 20, 2021


Amen. What a beautiful prayer. I receive it today for myself. This has been a season of years of “excavating wells.” “spring up Oh well!” has been resonating in my heart for a few years from Holy Spirit. Love seeing this land where the ancient wells are! Something very profound about the ancient wells in this season.

I cling to (and have sketches or painted canvases for reminders of these verses)

“Restore our fortunes like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy....carrying sheaves with them.” Psalm 126:4-6


“I will not die but live and proclaim what the Lord has done.” Psalm 118:17


“I will make all her wasteland like the garden of Eden. Joy and gladness will be found in her. Thanksgiving and the sound of singing.” Isaiah 51:3


Really resonates with this video. May this be my new season of reaping all that has been planted, drilled, excavated, and re-dug.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2021


I agree with you on that prayer, Jenny. And thank you so much for adding the additional scriptures. God bless you as you walk with him in this new season.




Wayne on Jan 31, 2021


Very encouraging and comforting! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the video on Gerar, Wayne! Indeed, God's promises are full of comfort and encouragement. May He bless you as you continue to watch the videos and study His Word.




Judy on Sep 11, 2020


Do you have a video that addresses the upper and lower springs that Acsah receives from her father? If so, where would I find it?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2020


Not yet, Judy! But that’s a great idea. :-)




Brenden and Tania on Aug 31, 2020


We are learning so much together as a family every week and this evening we talked together as a family and our nine year old son shared about how he views things and said "We are the well and Jesus fills us up with clean water. But when people come and they distract us from God they are throwing dirt in and drying up the living water that Jesus gives us." We as a family together also added in that we need to check to see if sin is in our lives as dirt represents that sin. Our daughter who is 10 years old, said "sin needs to be out of the well so that we can be clean once again by asking for forgiveness and saying sorry for our sins and repenting and asking God to help us to keep the dirt out of our lives." She also added that it is like the vine and the branches and if you are not connected to the vine you cannot be a branch that bears fruit."




Wayne Stiles on Sep 1, 2020


What a blessing, Brenden & Tania, that the Lord is blessing your entire family through the videos and especially through His Word. You have some insightful children! May God continue to bless you with a genuine understanding and application of the Scriptures.




Garry on Feb 7, 2020



I wonder how many of your subscribers ALSO identify with some of your words from this video? The quote "Lord God, I have lost count of the number of wells that have been filled in by the Philistines in my life?" Such a very powerful insight. Maybe some wells filled in by the enemy, and some filled in by God? And, of course, through our own misdeeds, we fill in some of our own wells because of our own human nature.

Again, in this video, you offer so much for us to ponder. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2020


Thank you, Garry. Yes, I think so many of us can identify with that. I appreciate the extra perspective that sometimes God fills in those wells. He absolutely does allow frustration in order to redirect and to refine our hearts. I've had more wells filled in than dug! Grateful for you.




Garry on Feb 7, 2020


Thanks Wayne. Grateful for you and your family too. I think as we get older - or to our mature years - digging any well better be worth the effort, and something we are sure we have been directed to do.




Ty on Feb 6, 2020


Always good to be reminded of promises not yet realised or to be realised again. In the great teaching on love in 1 Corth 13 we are told faith (present), hope (future) and love (eternal) are the greatest of the qualities. Heaven and earth may disappear, but His Word will remain. The waiting may be a little unsettling with nothing seemingly on the horizon, but that only keeps a person (speaking about me personally) pressing in more.


Thanks Wayne for the encouragement and reminding.






Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2020


Appreciate your good comment, Ty, and always grateful for your words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you.




Floyd on Feb 6, 2020


Being attentive to agriculture, I was so pleasantly surprised when our tour stopped at the Ben Gurion home in the Negev Desert. I immediately zeroed in on "where does the water come from?" Israel has some amazing things with that stream we call the Jordan river. Narry a drop of water is wasted.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2020


You're so correct, Floyd! Israel has mastered (and invented) the drip irrigation system. I appreciate your comment, as you more than most would know about these innovations. God bless you.



Gerar and the Negev - God’s Promises Against Impossible Odds

Judean Wilderness - Making Rough Places Smooth

Bruce on Apr 10


At this stage of my life and walk with the Lord I don’t understand how people live without Jesus.




Treesa on Oct 13, 2022


Wow , I have dreams and visions of the stories you are sharing. God has used your anointed teachings to confirm revelations in my life thank you for being a wonderful servant of our Lord and savior. I pray for Gods abundant blessing on you and your family your sister in Christ Jesus , Tree




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2022


Thank you, Treesa. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you as you spend time with Him in the Scriptures. What a great God He is!




Ty on Sep 22, 2022


Very challenging indeed with the sights and the anointed teaching of God to us through Wayne. The physical versus the spiritual is what is poised to us.


Before seeing the video the word that popped into my head for the question asked was nothing. However, after seeing the video I was reminded of my dependency on God, my guidance not to be independent, and the blessing of interdependency on others as God uses them to encourage me in my walk before Him, while I encourage them in their walk before Him. Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Corinthians 13:13)




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


How helpful it is to be reminded of our ongoing dependence on God. Sometimes his abundant blessings blind us to our dependence on him.




Joan on Jun 16, 2022


The world offers temporal, fleeting solutions and pleasures that, as you wisely pointed out in this video, only leave us unsatisfied and our problems unresolved. 'We eat and get hungry again; we thirst and get thirsty again', constituting a never-ending chase. God, however, provides us the spiritual solution that satisfies our deepest longing! He is our Provider!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


So true, Joan. Only the Lord offers ultimate solutions. Everything else is cotton candy.




Joyce on Jun 16, 2022


What a wonderful gift, free for the taking! There is nothing else in life that can come close to this offering.


At a time in my own life when I was in a valley so deep, that lasted so long, I would never have made it out without the promises of those words. It was only upon looking back that I realized the awesome magnitude of Gods promise. God did for me what I could not do for myself.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


So true, Joyce. The promises of God are all we have at times to cling to in the valleys. God bless you.




Linda on May 23, 2022


I think John the Baptist would say your heart is like peaks and Valleys, sometimes lush and full and sometimes void of life like the sands of the barren desert. He would also say keep your faith and Love and share do not be discouraged you are not ever alone. Perseverance and hope never fails just like Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Well said, Linda.




Linda on May 23, 2022


I think John the Baptist would say. Linda your heart has many peaks and valleys. Sometimes it is lush and thriving and times very much void of life like the sands of the barren desert. Then he would ask me do you not believe in the Messiah i would say yes i believe and hope he vomes




Patrick on Apr 28, 2022


Dr. Stiles,


I can't thank you enough for this particular video which came at the exact time when I needed it most. We lost our precious dachshund Diego last night and we're fighting Covid while also preparing for a trip to Europe next week which may/may not be in jeopardy. Your words reminded me that worldly solutions to our issues only deepen and fail. Further, the gnawing in our soul is only heeled with God's presence and the pages of the Bible as only God can satisfy. While I already knew and 'felt' that way, your words, video, and reminder brings great comfort. Thank you so much for continuing to share these videos and all other content on this website.


As a side note, I get 'concerned' when I see you driving your car on those steep, windy, dangerous looking, rough roads, as well as stand close to the edge of a cliff. Additionally, I always look at your footwear and wonder how many pairs of shoes you wear out walking all over the world to make these videos. I know that God will protect and provide for you ... just wanted to mention that I'm thinking about and praying for you. Again, can't thank you enough.


Mike Kelly




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Animals means so much to us, I know and understand, Mike. We lost our Labrador last year, and it's never an easy transition. They are part of the family! I take comfort in knowing that God sees every sparrow that falls. Thanks so much, Mike, for your concern and your prayers. We do our best to stay safe! Yes, it's taking quite a few shoes to accomplish all these videos. :-)




Dawn on Apr 19, 2022


There is no substitute for God. The world offers only temporary satisfactions and cannot provide the lasting. It is delusional to think otherwise.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Your statement and application are penetrating, Dawn. Thank you so much.




Wanda on Mar 19, 2022


First of all, I am loving these videos. I want to go to Israel and this is a way that I can go every day!


Substitutes for God's satisfaction:.

BUSYNESS- . Letting good things get ahead of the best thing. - Time with God. Prayer - Listening and obeying God.

DISTRACTIONS - We have to be intentional about what is truly important because there are a many things/people vying for our attention.

It is hit or miss for me more often than not. I am grateful that God's mercies are new every morning!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Amen, Wanda. Thanks.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 17, 2022


You don't have to look far or long to answer this question. The world is filled with substitutes and lies to make life satisfying. I did them all but God showed how only He can bring satisfaction to my spirit, soul, and body. As far as my heart goes, it is in process of growth. If I sense a hard heart approaching, I call on God and He does something so that doesn't happen. Daily I am thankful for a thankful heart before our LORD!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


I applaud you and I am right beside you, Wanda, in trusting God over the lies of the world. May He continue to give you grace as you follow Him.




Kim on Oct 22, 2021


Blessed to know Jesus navigates us over those rough roads. We can have peace and hope in Him!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


So true, Kim! The rough roads are so often representative of our hearts, aren't they? How essential it is that we walk with Christ each day and we spend regular time in His Word, renewing our minds. God bless you.




Jim on Aug 22, 2021


My wife and I just watched this video in Kamonkoli, Uganda. The roads here are full of ruts and bumps! Much like the lives of those we are called to minister and tell the Good News! As we walk along these roads we are reminded of our Savior walking with the disciples along the dirty, dusty roads. White people here are called “muzungas” in the native Lugwere language. As we walk the voices of little children call out to us “mazunga” and we turn and smile and greet them in the name of Jesus. So just as the Word was found in the Judean desert, we find Jesus and his joy along the rough roads of Kamonkoli. As always, God bless you for your incredible ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2021


What a wonderful message to read, Jim! How exciting that you are the hands and feet of Jesus there in Uganda. May the Lord continue to bless you with his powerful hand. Thank you also for your gracious words. God bless you.




Joan on Jun 9, 2021


The world only offers immediate gratification of insatiable hunger: Materialism that never delivers soul-satisfaction, self above all others, sex,outside of marriage that only brings deeper pain and guilt, and exploitation of those around us that only hurts our soul. It's tragic that so many run head-long into these lies. We must pray for such lost souls that they will one day turn to the One who will provide for their every need! Thanks so much for taking us up into these rocky hard wastelands that so clearly show that we need to tender our hearts anew to Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2021


What wonderful details and observations you make, Joan. Indeed, only the Lord Jesus provides the needs met in the deepest part of our hearts. Oh, that we would seek satisfaction in him alone! God bless you.




Rosemarie on Apr 29, 2021


Beautiful video and how can one not feel God amazing me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


Thank you, Rosemarie. I am glad that the video on the Judean Wilderness was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Ed on Mar 31, 2021


This was a blessing today, and only complaint might be it was just too short!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


Thank you, Ed! Hopefully you can watch many other videos to fill up that time. :-) Here are a few more on the Judean Wilderness. God bless you.




Rowena on Mar 11, 2021


Thank you, another great video! It’s amazing what people fill their lives with and don’t even think about God.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


So true, Rowena. It is tempting to try to fill in our low spots with the junk and landfill of this world, isn't it? How much better it is to fill our emptiness with Jesus. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Many people praise natural things rather than spiritual things for satisfaction. Like Hugging a tree, meditation on earthly things like spices, aroma candles, illegal plants for smoking. Not stopping to realize WHO created those items for them to enjoy. Many rely on Buhda and other idols to cope. God created all humans....but that gets ignored alot.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Your words remind me of Isaiah's words that talk about idolatrous people who make idols from wood. Part of it they burn and part of it they worship — and yet they do not see the contradiction. So true of modern day idols as well! May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him.




Sue on Jul 31, 2020


This was so interesting! I can't believe you navigated this terrain in a car! What stands out for me is the impossibility of making this way smooth. I noticed the word 'every' and passive voice in Luke 3:5 - Every ravine will be filled... every mountain and hill will be brought low. I knew another verse that says, "Repent and believe the good news!", so looked it up (Mark 1:15)and discovered that once John was in prison, Jesus proclaimed "the kingdom of God has come near! Repent and believe the good news." As you so clearly say, our hearts long for good news, and the Word of God is the only source of it. It is the power to transform our hearts and lives. When we read God's word and put it into practice, our lives bear the fruit of repentance. Clearly, we never fully arrive, just as this terrain will never be smooth. Still, we grow more like Jesus a step at a time over the course of our lifetime as we allow him to fill the ravines and smooth the mountains and rough paths. All praise and thanks to him. :D




Wayne Stiles on Jul 31, 2020


Wonderful thoughts and applications, Sue. You are right, I cannot imagine the challenge of making this wilderness smooth! But somehow through the cross of Christ our lives are being ironed out. May God give you grace as He presses.




Kathy on Jun 30, 2020


Thank you for these precious words. My eldest daughter recently revealed to us that she has rejected the church and the Bible. I pray for her daily but these words today will remind me to add to my prayers that she will thirst for a renewed relationship with God and seek the truth through His word.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


I will join you in that prayer, Kathy, for your daughter. I have learned that it isn't over until it's over. Sometimes the wandering prodigals learn things in their journey the Lord uses to make them stronger once they repent. I cling to the Lord Jesus’ words that we “ought always to pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). The longer I live, the more convinced I am of the power of prayer. I'm amazed that our sovereign God would want to include us in the process of life change and blessing.




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


What do I see the world offering as substitutes for God’s satisfaction? False/demonic gods (new age, spiritual eye enlightenment) and their false peace, perversions, drugs, psychotropic medications, stuff, status, other people... Maybe I should just say everything outside of God/Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


That's a great summary, Karen. Thanks.




Sarah on Aug 17, 2018


The camera work is amazing. Thanks. These videos are awesome. And I had never noticed the superscription of Ps 63. It is so powerful to read this psalm and visualise the desert. And David seems to have been in the sanctuary and this is a reflection on his way home. The hills are so dry and are desperate for water, but how much more our souls need God, and are satisfied by him.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2018


I agree, Sarah. The terrain in the wilderness offers such a fitting metaphor for our hearts in need of God. Kind of makes the "living waters" statement of God's Spirit even more poignant. Thanks.




Rosario on Jul 15, 2018


Excuse me, but the Download video link (blue button) seems to link to the Lachish title. Is it supposed to be so?

Still, thanks for the helpful videos.



Judean Wilderness - Making Rough Places Smooth

Desert of Zin - Getting Wisdom from Wandering with God

Ann on Dec 29, 2022


Great & true words of wisdom!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Thank you, Ann. I'm so glad the Desert of Zin video encouraged you. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Oct 7, 2022


Wayne I liked your last words on this video “ we need the word of GOD for life. Since I am reading the Bible for the first time I am in awe that I am reading the Word of GOD.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


I know I have said it before, Rosemarie, but I applaud you and I am proud of you for reading the Scriptures for the first time. I am also thrilled that the Lord is richly rewarding you.




Necia on Sep 15, 2022


When temptation squeezes, the word of God should spill out…I like that.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2022


Yes, Necia, how essential that the Word of God is so ingrained in our hearts that it forms our thinking and directs our actions. God bless you.




Sheron Keeling on Jun 18, 2022


This Scripture was the very first one that came to my mind. 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Your message is always so encouraging, thank you, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2022


Thank you, Sheron, for reminding us of that verse. Now, you have encouraged me! Thank you.




Joan on Jun 9, 2022


I draw from my life Psalm, Psalms 23:4: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me." Temptation is either from Satan or the flesh--both of which lead to destruction; and Psalm 23:4 helps steel my resolve to stay in God's will!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


What a great perspective, Joan. May the Lord continue to strengthen you in those moments.




Sandi on May 26, 2022


Psalm 121 My help comes from the Lord. This verse helps me in times of trouble and temptation.

Another wonderful video thank you.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Yes, Sandi, God is our help in those times of need. We so desperately need His mercy, don't we?




Melissa on Mar 10, 2022


Another incredible lesson - even though it’s one that I should already know by now. Way too often I see myself acting more like the Israelites, as opposed to responding as Jesus taught us. 😥 Thank you, Lord, for this visual reminder of your expectations, along with the assurance of your amazing grace each time I fail!!! 🥰




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


I am right there with you, Melissa, in the need for a regular check on my spirit and my heart. Seems we are wandering in the wilderness most days and desperately need to depend upon the Lord.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 17, 2022


A main verse is in Jesus never leaving me or forsaking me. Another verse is maybe Jeremiah or Isaiah "I have loved you with an everlasting love." These verses give me strength to keep on keeping on. I liked your quote about God's Word being our life. I just finished a teaching on God's Word but didn't make the point you made. But then I am not you. It was still a good one though! :-) I also forgot a verse: Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not of.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


Those are great verses, Wanda. Thank you for adding them. Indeed, we are not each other! How essential that we teach and encourage others by following the lords particular leading in our own lives and ministries.




Suzanne on Dec 10, 2021


Your perspective and information are always enlightening.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 11, 2021


I'm so glad the "Desert of Zin" video encouraged you, Suzanne. I pray the rest of the videos continue to do the same. God bless you.




Patti on Dec 4, 2021


Jesus is with me always. Ask and He will give you. The Holy Spirit knows what is in your heart and gives you the words you need.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


The Lord's Prayer helps me with temptation.




Carolyn on Mar 3, 2021


I'm so grateful for these videos and lessons! I viewed this video out of order because I am currently committed to reading the Bible through, from Genesis to Revelation. I'm in Numbers now where the children of Israel are wandering and grumbling! This fits perfectly and allows me to envision their environment. I never realized just how desolate the "wilderness" is! I really appreciate your practical and personal scriptural applications and the lessons by location. It adds SO MUCH to my Bible reading!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


How exciting, Carolyn! Be sure to use the index in the menu to search for any site that connects with your reading. There is also a scripture index that might help. God bless you.




Georgia on Feb 8, 2021


Your videos are such a blessing. I am not even half-way through, but this is better than our visit there in 1993. The tour videos are beautiful, the scriptural connections are so helpful and meaningful, and your life application so needed. I am amazed at this whole project.....the organization and grouping of videos, the time it must have taken to map out the tours, and the actual time you must have spent in All the Bible Lands. It has to be a DIVINE PLAN. Thank you very much for your vision and God’s guidance. Even though I am in a senior living facility (ages 85+) and we are still mostly quarantined due to the virus pandemic, I plan to start sharing the videos with fellow residents a few at a time.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


What a blessing, Georgia, that the videos are encouraging you. I am thrilled that the Lord is using these lands as well as His Word to give you much needed encouragement during these unusual days. God bless you.




Apple on Jan 26, 2021


Psalm 103: 13

As a father has compassion on his children,

so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.

This verse really speaks to me.it tells me that my dad will always shows compassion to his children like me.

As he is the head of the family. He always spends time with me when he is free.

I thank God that my dad can bring me out on dates sometimes. Li-Ann




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2021


What a blessing for you, Li-Ann, to have a dad like you have. Enjoy every single moment. My daughters and I also have a special relationship. I wouldn't trade it for the world. God bless you.




Patricia on Nov 29, 2020


This verse came to my mind. "And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. In all or any circumstances, God's grace is there because He is the One working for those who love Him. It's not me, but Him working. My part is believing that He will provide in the wilderness. Praying for belief when the wilderness comes.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


Yes, Patricia, that is such a wonderful verse, isn't it? God works in us for His glory and for our good. Even during the wilderness days… God bless you.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


This spoke to me today. As we are waiting to see who will be the president of our country, I am reminded that it really doesn't matter. Deuteronomy tells us that we are in a wilderness because this is not our home. We need to have an eternal perspective. We are always tested. And as you said we "blow it and respond with a lack of faith." but God will always provide for us. No matter who the president is, God is sovereign over all. We need to hunger for the Lord! Trust in His plan. I am so thankful for the Word to remind of of the truth. We need to continue to be lights in this dark world. We are safe in the loving arms of our Savior and King.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


You are exactly right, Kim. How comforting to know that our sovereign God controls history as well as the minute details of vote counting. Thankfully, the Lord has led us through some lousy presidents in the past. We can trust Him for the days ahead.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020






Mary Anne on Oct 20, 2020


Oh my Goodness Wayne, I feel like we are walkIng in the wilderness these days, so to speak, during these times of so much unrest. And turmoil We’ve lost our way and there is so much unbelief in God. So many are looking In the wrong direction for peace and comfort and rest. There is so much blame and anger, violence, unkindness and finger pointing. We need to get back to what is true and good and find God in our everyday lives. This is what is truly missing. We are wandering and it seems like it’s gonna take at least 40 years to find our way. I pray for the people of this world that through offerings like your website and many others I have found that we will find our way and walk with God. Thank you for presenting the Bible in a visual way so we can see Jesus And his followers in there time walking through these places Spreading the “Word”.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2020


How wonderful, Mary Anne, that the Zin video was able to encourage you during these difficult days. Indeed, I'll join you in prayer that the Lord would use these unusual times in a special way to draw many people closer to Him. God bless you.




Jeanne on Aug 6, 2020


I never realized that they walked on flint, I just thought it was regular desert. But it looked like for miles around that all you can see was just desert. In some ways it feels like an abandoned waste land. Sometimes it is what I think about areas around me, areas that are given over to crimes and shootings, but God isn’t finished yet and the temptations are just as real but God’s word needs to be firm in us . I need to realize God’s word in my life to resist the temptation around me and somehow reach out to others with it as well.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


That's right, Jeanne. One of the greatest benefits of seeing the land of the Bible is putting a proper context on our imagination when we read the Scripture. I appreciate your commitment to standing firm in the wilderness. I'm right there with you!




Sue on Jul 22, 2020


I found that stopping to consider God's miraculous provision of clothes and sandals that didn't wear out in the context of 40 years and walking on rocks and sharp-edged flint to be a marvelous great deepening of how richly and generously God provides for us. Deuteronmony 32:47 is an excellent verse to commit to memory. Indeed, the Word is our source of life!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2020


That's wonderful, Sue! Did you also stop in the wilderness? That sharp, flinty ground is just amazing. God's grace is abundant all over the place.




Sue on Jul 22, 2020


No, I wasn't in the wilderness, but I am familiar with flint from the Tall Grass Prairie National Preserve near Emporia, KS. Quite a different environment with its own challenges for the pioneers. God's amazing grace is everywhere we look if we open our eyes. So thankful that grace-filled life flows through you.




Friend on Jun 10, 2020






Karen on Oct 27, 2018


“Overcoming temptation begins long before temptation begins”, oh that’s good, and so true. My scriptures: In your anger do not sin, show mercy as God has shown you, all the proverbs, actually putting on the armor of God, and remembering who we truly battle. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


I love those Scriptures you've chosen, Karen. Very helpful.



Desert of Zin - Getting Wisdom from Wandering with God

Kadesh Barnea - Take a Look at Your Future

Bruce on Apr 10


Being more like Thomas and paying attention to details it is surprising when a detail like a year in the wilderness for each day the spy’s were in the promised land is shown to me. Clearly this is the time when God wanted me to have that specific as ha moment.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10


We all have those a-ha moments, don't we, Bruce? They only occur when the Lord is ready to open our eyes to some truth.




Lynette on Sep 26, 2022


"Walking along side God"...not rushing ahead or falling behind...so important!!! But sometimes a challenge to not run ahead when timing seems to take so long. But, I know God's timing is perfect every time!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


So true, Lynette. I think one of the most difficult disciplines we have as Christians is waiting on God.




Dawn on May 11, 2022


Both my husband and I have COVID right now. I believe I am improving and getting better with God’s blessing. My husband has been in bed six days for the most part and this is added to his dementia. I don’t have family closer than 1 1/2 hours away. I am very reliant on God’s help.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


So sorry to hear this, Dawn. I am praying for your recovery quickly! I pray that these videos and the Scripture would be a great encouragement to you during these days.




Norma on Mar 7, 2022


After receiving from God plans to engage in great missions that are close to my heart I encountered a giant, I had a medical emergency that requires follow up and attention. The way I took this set back is that God needs me in good health to do the journey that He is calling me. The Israelis and their lack of vision and faith prevented them to complete their journey. It took another generation to happen. It's amazing how Ucrania is facing its giant with great determination and faith. I hope God is fight along with them and with a sling and a rock can conquer this evil giant.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


Amen, Norma. We are all praying for God's grace upon Ukraine. Of course, God's purposes are spiritual as well as geopolitical.




Norma on Feb 28, 2022


God lately has commissioned me to accomplish on his name a couple of missions. This past week I had a medical emergency that requires me to pause and take it easy. I understood that He wants me to take care of myself before I embark on these journeys. I totally put my faith on the Lord, that he will take of me the same way He took care of its people in the wilderness.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2022


What a blessing that you are available to the Lord to be his hands and his grace in the lives of others. Thank you, Norma.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 24, 2022


I think both prove to be fruitless. With a past of being hyper-active, having a street-mind mentality, needing lots of deliverances from a whole slew of things, God has had to work with me extensively. For that I am thankful. And every day I am grateful for His "getting through to me". Not many thought that could be possible. These stories written for examples to learn by are helpful. One prayer I like to pray is, "LORD, please let me be a quick learner."




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


I pray that you also are a quick learner, Wanda! God can get through to any of us – as only he can.




Deanna on Dec 15, 2021


For me, I tend to find the act of waiting on God the most difficult, because I am the type that likes things to fall into place just as I plan them out to be, and when that ends up taking longer, it shows me just how dependant I really am on God. I tend to want things done on my timetable, but then again, that would only result in disaster. Waiting on God to move is not always easy, but you can look back and realize His timing was perfect. Perhaps He was aware of things that you were not. Sometimes as we are going through those circumstances, we may not always have all the facts like we think we do. We tend to not see that though in the process, but on the flip side looking back. There may be reasons we cannot see, or quite possibly the Lord is wanting to show us and teach us something in the process.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2021


I agree with you, Deanna. I think waiting on God is the most challenging of all Christian disciplines. If you've not read it yet, you might find my book encouraging: Waiting on God: What to Do When God Does Nothing. It was as much therapy to write as it was ministry. :-) God bless you as you wait on Him.




Tammie on Sep 3, 2021


Wow! Love how you said ‘the plans God has for us are good, but the future also has giants’. Just such a great lesson & I love how you made it so practical! I wrote those words on a 3x5 card so I can remember to trust God instead of listening to the many voices. Thank you for this lesson. This one is one of my favorites!!

Tammie 😊




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2021


I'm so glad, Tammie, that lesson from Kadesh Barnea hit home for you. YES-- the future has giants, but our God is bigger than all of them. I love that He proves we can trust Him. God bless you.




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021



To believe God is making all things new in my finances , productivity and future. The past is gone.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


Yes, Jenny, the past is gone. But the lessons learned in the class of God's grace stay with us long beyond the past. I'm proud of you for walking hand-in-hand with Christ.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Since I live my life alone....strength in health, safety, and finances to survive as strong as possible.




Ann on Feb 11, 2021


Good lesson which convicts & reminds us of what & who is most important. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2021


I am glad that you enjoyed the episode about Kadesh Barnea, Ann. May the Lord guide you and bless you as you follow Him into your future.




Lynette on Feb 3, 2021


This is a good reminder of how important it is to be in-tune with God and His leading in our lives. It's dangerous either way....to refuse to go where God leads, or to run ahead of Him. It's a sure sign of disaster.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


That's right, Lynette. How essential that we stay close to the Lord each day, and walk near to Him – so that we can be sure not to lag behind or run ahead. How gracious he is to pull us back in during those times.




Apple on Jan 27, 2021


What part of your life is requiring of you extraordinary faith?


IT is to go to God and to trust him always. That i can be a good example to other people's kids. And to show them that they can be a good public speaker.

i want to help my art teacher to be part of public speaking.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


What a blessing you are to those around you, Li-Ann! May the Lord continue to encourage you as you serve Him so well.




Garry on Jan 17, 2021



What a wonderful and powerful 8 minute video. The message is so very real and timely. I picked up on the fact that the "Promise Land" was not the people's to take, but the Lord's to give. This is such a great point. Thanks again Wayne. You always hit the target.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2021


I'm grateful, Garry, that the Lord encouraged you through the Kadesh Barnea video and the truth of God's Word within it. God bless you, my friend.




Lydia on Jan 14, 2021


Watching and Waiting!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


Me too, Lydia. I'm right there with you.




Kathy on Jan 14, 2021


Perfect lesson for this time.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


It's amazing, Kathy, how often the Word of God speaks right to the need of today's headlines. This episode, as you say, is perfect for us as we anticipate an unknown future in the hands of God we know well.



Kadesh Barnea - Take a Look at Your Future

Tel Creot – Judas’ Regret and God’s Mercy

Ty on Feb 8


Good to view this video again and reflect upon the two choices Wayne's teaching reminds of us. Is there any pit too deep the Lord won't enter to offer His grace?


We read in God's Word in Matthew 19:25-26 'When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible".'


God grace has a far reaching hand if one repents.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8


Yes, Ty, His grace is abundant and far-reaching. Even to us! So amazing...




June Ewald on Jan 30


It Is so sad that Judas could not see he could repent. He did not have godly sorrow. Judas walked with Jesus, was taught by Jesus, but it didn't end well for him. This is troubling.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31


I agree, June. It is very sad about Judas, but this was his choice.




Gwen on Sep 12, 2022


about at half way in this viedo you said judas hanged himself, spilling his inners.? thus the place being called the place of blood.

when a person hangs them self , i dont think of their inners comming out , dont they just suffocate? is there another meaning to hanging that iam not understanding?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2022


That's a great question, Gwen. There are various theories as to how Judas could both hang himself and then "fall headlong," to quote Peter. Likely the branch he hanged himself on broke.




Melissa on Apr 17, 2022


I’m enjoying a quiet start today for Easter morning and just watched this video. What a precious and timely truth on the choice that we have between sin’s penalty and death, or sin’s remedy and grace. Thank you, Jesus, for providing the remedy for us to receive your amazing grace and forgiveness for our sin!!! He is risen indeed!!! ✝️




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


Yes, Melissa, he is risen! What a gracious God… I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you as you walk with him in the remedy of his grace. God bless you.




Norma on Mar 8, 2022


There are good people who make mistakes and get repented as result of a guilty conscience. You don't see them giving thanks to God for it's forgiveness. My sister has made mistakes and you can see her expressions of regret or sorrow, however never step in a church and its altar to publicly confess that she have sin and give thanks for God's grace and forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Confession is key for restoration. Judas experienced regrets however didn’t cleanse himself from unrighteousness.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


Indeed, Norma, regret over sin is not the same as faith in Jesus. Regret saves no one. We need that faith, in fact, to make our regret a life-changing experience.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 24, 2022


Only one...blaspheme of Holy Spirit. Even so, one time God spoke to me and said, "Wanda, there is no one who I do not love." I try and stay on the same page as Jesus with my life and thoughts. This was an interesting video on what could have possibly been a connection with Judas' name. I like how you pointed out how both Judas and Peter went against Jesus but one was one way and the other was another.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


Absolutely true… There is no sin that Jesus did not die for. Not one.




Kathy on Jan 27, 2022


I am convicted that I have to deal with sorrow and loss the way Peter did, not Judas. But how often I am tempted to not wait on God's timing for healing when I am SO MISERABLE and my chronic illness ebbs and flows. Thank you for contrasting the way Peter handled denial as opposed to Judas. Lord, help me every day to bravely not give up easily when the circumstances get too hard.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


We just take it one day at a time, Kathy . . . one breath at time. God strengthens you for each day, as you cling to Him and trust Him. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 20, 2022


The only sin that Jesus does not cover to be able to enter the Kingdom of heaven freely IS the fact that God is not God and that disbelief 100% sets into our sinful hearts, minds, and souls. All God thru His son Jesus Christ wants us to do is to BELIEVE in Him and thou shall be saved.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


What a pity, Karen, that so many people do not avail themselves of the free gift of salvation.




Rich on Sep 6, 2021


This may be my favorite video of them all, Wayne, not because of what it shows -- all of these videos are wonderful to watch -- but because of what you say in this one. The contrast you point out between Peter and Judas is striking -- even arresting. And I just love your concluding words that emphasize how all of us will choose to handle the guilt and shame we feel in one of two ways. Either we will be driven towards the penalty of sin which is death, or we will be drawn towards God's provision for sin, the atoning work of the Lord Jesus provided for us entirely by His grace. How wonderful that anyone who is overwhelmed with guilt can find complete relief in God's promise to extend His grace and forgiveness through Christ. I know I'm just repeating the ideas you were expressing at the end of the video, but they are so important and so well stated . . . that they deserve to be repeated . . . over and over! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


Thank you so much, Rich, for letting me know how much you enjoyed the Tel Creot video. Those wonderful truths that you shared with me have stuck with me quite a while. I'm so glad they resonated with you as well. God bless you. (Be sure and watch the bloopers video that shows that I left my Bible at Tel Creot overnight accidentally!)




Doris on Mar 18, 2021


If I understand scripture the only unforgivable sin is the sin of unbelief or blasphemy of God.. Thanks for viscal picture of Peter and Judas being on opposite sides of the valley. and how each handled their sin. Nice addition to my Lenten preparation.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


What a wonderful truth is God‘s grace, isn’t it, Doris? None of us need to be on the side of the valley where Judas ended up. We can all climb the hill of grace and stand there with Peter. God bless you.




Terry White on Mar 18, 2021


My impression of Tel Creot from the video is that it seems a dry, pitiful, barren, lonely place, almost a metaphor for the soul condition of Judas and anyone who betrays or rejects the offer of grace. That thought is overwhelmingly sad, depressing, yet, thanks be to God that He offers such a magnificent grace, a grace greater than all our sin!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


Yes, Terry, the site does seem to reflect the barreness and desolate state of Judas‘s heart. Such a tragic and unnecessary life decision. So challenging to factor God‘s sovereignty into the whole ordeal. Our God is beyond comprehension!




Connie on Apr 11, 2021


Enjoy all the comments and agree with the barrenness and desolate state without Jesus. It may just be me, but the last view in the video, on the far right it looks like the rocks form a shape of a heart. My first thought was even when everything looks desolate and empty . . . God's love is still searching for us!




Ty on Mar 18, 2021


Wayne states that Judas's betrayal stemmed from Satan influencing him. I immediately thought of the verse in 1 Peter 5:8 ‘Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.' We seem to think we can measure our battles in the natural, which do have their fall out in the natural, but the battle is being fought in the spiritual realm (Ephesians 6:12). Scripture says the Lord fights those battles.


When someone hardens their heart enough then even when grace passes by it will not be heard, which reflect the statement Wayne makes of Jesus saying to Judas, you betray me with a kiss? That person when reflecting back upon entering eternity will remember his/her own last words as they turned away from God’s grace for the last time. It is interesting to read that Judas’ repentance was to the very persons who sought to kill Jesus and not to God where he took his own life. Being a people pleaser doesn't end well. Peter’s repentance was to God which lead to his forgiveness. Being a God pleaser does end well. Wayne’s quoting 2 Corinthians 7:10 is well worth remembering and repeating to one’s self often. And also ‘For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.'




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


Profound and insightful ponderings, Ty. I really appreciate your connection to 1 Peter and the true-to-life confession that he makes there. Peter knew, better than most, about that prowling lion! Thanks again for your comment.




Jeanne on Mar 18, 2021


This was really amazing! I, have usually tried to pay for my sins like Judas probably thought that he had to, but now I have seen that the difference between Judas and Peter, and hopefully me, is that I need to accept the payment that Jesus did for me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


Yes, Jeanne, yes, YES, YES! We can never pay for our sins in a way that removes them. Only Jesus' death on the cross is God's allowed payment for our sins. What's more, in addition to Jesus removing our sins when we believe in Him, He also gives us His righteousness. That way, when God looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Christ. It's the best gift ever given, and it's ours—it's yours—by faith in Jesus.




Bonnie DeFreese


12 hours ago


I pray that I will live a good, long life. I want to be able to follow Jesus wholeheartedly in this life so that I can say that I truly love Jesus. It is a war I know I will win, God willing.




Tel Creot – Judas’ Regret and God’s Mercy

Timna Park Tabernacle - A Picture of Your Redemption

Bruce on Apr 10


I would love to be able to see that Tabernacle Model.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10


The tabernacle model truly is amazing in that it gives you the authentic scale.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 28


Loved this video too! I am celebrating my Jubilee Salvation (Saved 1973). It would be 10 years later that I would be saved where I knew it (March 28, 1983). In 10 years I can have my "Walking with God" Jubilee but today I have my Salvation Jubilee! I would imagine the Holy of Holies is what impacts me the most with the ripping of the veil from top to bottom. This gives us access to God through Christ in the Power of Holy Spirit! What a celebratory day I am having and I enjoyed your video as well! God Bless your ministry!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


Yes, Wanda, isn't the ripping of the veil an absolutely incredible statement on behalf of God? I'm so glad He did that.




Sandra on Mar 24


The mountains in this area are so unique and beautiful.

I was surprised by the shape of the Tabernacle, figuring the sides would be straight down and not out at an angle. But I can see that my vision would not have made a strong covering to protect the Tabernacle. Thank you for showing and explaining what I have read about the Tabernacle.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25


I'm so glad the Tabernacle video was helpful, Sandra, in displaying what you've read about for so long. In many ways, this is a small bit of what going to Israel is like. There's no way to picture it like seeing the real thing.




Romeo on Mar 23


I like it when you put into context (geographically and historically the focus videos. Thank you 🙏.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


I'm so glad that you enjoyed the video, Romeo, and its connection with the Word of God. God bless you.




Julie on Nov 10, 2022


I've been in a line-by-line bible study group covering the book of Exodus under Jen Wilkin's video leadership. It is excellent! As we wrap up the whole study next week, I've been wanting to search your videos for the Tabernacle and other places we studied in Exodus. The scriptural description of the tabernacle, its dimensions, the objects inside, fabrics chosen, colors, so much more, were all specific directions God gave, which makes them important (commanded). I had always skipped over these pages of details very quickly in the past (blah, blah, blah), and now that I have learned so much about the importance of every detail in and around the tabernacle, I have a much better understanding and those pages have become holy. Seeing the tabernacle to scale in your video is just what I was looking for. It really puts the words and details into perspective. I'm searching for more videos now. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


How exciting, Julie, for you to study the Scriptures so closely! I applaud you for your dedication. I am thrilled that you were able to connect with the Tabernacle video, and I pray that the other videos will be a great encouragement to you as well as you continue to study the Word of God. I am right there with you.




Kathy on Aug 27, 2022


Simply beautiful and amazing! Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022


Indeed, Kathy, Timna Park is a very beautiful location!




Bonnie on Jun 8, 2022


What an awesome share of the scriptures and the tabernacle. I was moved as you shared this Bible Land walk!! So blessed by these !!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


I am thrilled that the Lord encouraged you, Bonnie, through the tabernacle video. Such a magnificent place! God bless you.




Lynette on Apr 19, 2022


Wow, what an amazing, and in it's on right, beautiful park. It's vastness reminds me (in places) of Qumran or even Petra. Seeing this to-scale model of the tabernacle brings home what it must have been like to have to offer the sacrifices. As I read scriptures, this model will come to mind. I'm so grateful for Jesus and HIS sacrifice. I'm so privileged to live on this side of Calvary.


Is there any significance to the pink and light blue (or white) fabric at the entrance to the tabernacle, when all the rest is tan or white? Perhaps it just marks the entrance.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Lynette, I think that pink fabric is merely the park's addition. Nothing in Scripture designates that it should look that way. In fact, I think it has been different colors throughout the years.




Norma on Mar 10, 2022


The part of the temple that make visualize my redemption is that veil that separated the Holy from the Holies. That thick veil was turn from top to bottom into two pieces when Jesus gave up his spirit meaning there isn't anymore separation between man and God. Thru Jesus sacrifice and blood we are cleanse from our sins. Fascinating having a visualization at scale of this important place. The lost ark of the covenant continues missing and I understand will descend by the end of the times. "Then the Temple of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen inside his Temple. There were flashes of lightning, noises, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail." Revelation 11:19.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


I love your tremendous metaphor, Norma. That veil is ripped — and God ripped it. Hallelujah!




Joan on Mar 4, 2022


This is a fantastic structure, to see what the original Tabernacle looked like, functioned, and the daily role it played in the lives of the Israelites! Very stirring and such a majestic location it sits in! The most impressive picture it provides for me is the veil into the Most Holy Place, which Jesus Christ tore at His death, removing separation from God and us through His Son's sacrifice on the cross! Also, the imposing bronze altar on which so many animal sacrifices had to be offered to atone for sin, until Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross! We are greatly blessed to live in these times, enjoying the whole body of Scripture and so much research, proofs, and knowledge about both the Old and New Testaments! Thanks so much for this presentation!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


So true, Joan. The tabernacle model is a magnificent way of seeing and understanding the words on the page. God bless you.




Gina on Mar 3, 2022


I love watching videos like this to bring the Bible to life and a broader understanding of God's Word. Watching this video the thought came to mind. Putting all the videos together and making them into a movie for the world to enjoy especially in the end times we are living. We are living or approaching Ezekel 38, 39. It is imperative for people to see as much as possible God's Word come to life so they can be Saved. Who knows how many people would be Saved watching a movie of such caliber as this videos? The Lord would Glorify Himself Mightyly. The Lord has His Vessels for such a time as this. I believe you, Brother Wayne is one of them. God Bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


Your words are very gracious, Gina. Thank you. It's a blessing to serve in this capacity, and I pray that the Lord continues to powerfully encourage you and many others through these videos. God bless you.




Laura on Feb 26, 2022


Wow, this was really cool to see the replica of the tabernacle and even inside. It’s one thing to read about the description of it in the Bible and try to imagine what it might have looked like but then to see this was really wonderful. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2022


Right, Laura? Reading is one thing, but seeing and experiencing it add so much dimension to the truth on the page. May the Lord continue to bless you with each video.




Jeanne on Feb 26, 2022


That is so amazing! I loved the surroundings but I am reminded of a life sized reproduction of the tabernacle here in Lancaster PA. Part of it is inside because of weather but it is really interesting as well.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2022


It's pretty rare, Jeanne, that a life-size tabernacle stands to see. I'm so glad you get to experience the best of both-- real and virtual. :-)




Kathleen on Feb 25, 2022


What is the reference for Your last comment on video from Paul?

Thank you Wayne. I m looking forward to our October trip to the holy land —lord willing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022


Kathleen, I believe the reference is 2 Cor. 5:15. (Check out the transcript in the sidebar for the text and for references, if it helps.) Thanks!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 24, 2022


The curtain torn in two from top to bottom best allows me to enter into the Holy of Holies. What a great gift we've been given. I was kind of surprised to see you enter into the different areas of the tabernacle...I would have wondered if we could have had I been there in person. Are you using a drone for your photo footage?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


Yes, Wanda, the Tabernacle is set up for people to explore. My tours to this area go through it all the time! It is a delightful experience. Yes, I use a drone in my footage! It adds so much…




Sandy on Feb 20, 2022


I was privileged to see a life size replica of the Tabernacle a few years ago as it 'traveled' around America. It was quite well done but of course lacked the pure gold and bronze. It certainly helped to put a perspective on the size and use of each item. I also visited Shiloh in Israel where the real one stood for many years. There the rough terrain added to the picture of the difficult lives the Israelites must have had. Seeing this video and comparing it with the descriptions and instructions in Exodus was very helpful in visualizing the real Tabernacle. THANK YOU!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


You have had a rare privilege, Sandy, to experience the Tabernacle in so many ways! I am glad that this video was helpful to bring it all together for you. God bless you.




Ty on Feb 18, 2022


Extremely well produced video and excellent biblical teaching. What strikes me is the freedom Wayne uses in explaining history with no hang ups, like should a Christian be doing those things.


Love casts out all fears except one 'the fear of the Lord', We should never lose that and we all have, but in trying to understand the meaning of John 10:10b 'I have come to bring life and live it to the full' (Paraphrased). Then we will go through an entire life time of learning, growing, and maturing about that phrase in the ways God desires us to understand.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


What a blessing, Ty, that the Timna Park Tabernacle video was an encouragement to you. Indeed, we have no need to fear any longer because of our wonderful High Priest and Sacrifice, Jesus.




Cari on Feb 17, 2022


Great video, Wayne! I just finished reading these details in Exodus. This replica and your insight painted a great picture of what Scripture tells us. Thank you! Hope you are well, brother. ~ Cari




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


So glad you enjoyed the video, Cari, and I'm thrilled that it parallels your reading in Exodus. Hooray! I often think with fond memories of God's grace in our years as we worked together. God bless you and Tim and your precious family.




Rosemary on Feb 17, 2022


I visited the scale model replica of the Tabernacle at Timna Park two years ago. It is quite small - about the size of an Olympic pool. It really helped me when reading the scriptures to have an understanding of what it was like. Seeing the items described in the scripture really helped me when reading about how it was built and it’s function and how the priests followed what God’s requirements were for specific tasks with the burnt offerings.

I can understand that it needed to be portable, for when God’s Presence lifted by the Pillar of Cloud/Fire indicating to move. It would have been quite a feat to move it but the scriptures outline in detail how that was to be done.

It was very hot the day we visited and even hotter inside the two areas inside the tent seeing all those items that only the priest could see. Experiencing that heat and the desert/ rocky terrain sure made me appreciate the difficulties the Israelites faced but amazing to read how God provided for them.


I found visiting the replica of the Tabernacle (and reading the scriptures) show me God’s plan for salvation for His people. What a privilege we have to boldly come into the Presence of God now because of what Jesus Christ has done for me/us in the shedding of His blood for me/us. And also how important it is to be ready and willing to go when and where He leads me by His Spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


I'm glad you got to visit the tabernacle, Rosemary. Isn't it amazing in the scale it offers and the perspective? I have been there many times, but my favorite times were when it was blistering hot outside — and inside the tent it was even hotter. Like a Texas attic! It provided a sensory feel that the Scriptures simply cannot communicate by themselves.




Bonnie on Feb 16, 2022


What a great video!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


Thank you, Bonnie. I'm so glad that the tabernacle video encouraged you. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 16, 2022


I get aggravated that the Ten Commandments are not an important part of our lives that we can't have them posted in all schools, public areas, government buildings for lessons like no other. Just seeing the sites in this video and understanding that God meant business years ago as well as today. If we could just make the laws of Moses under God's Leadership to be a pledge for all....we would have a better nation and world.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


It wasn't too long ago, Karen, that the 10 Commandments were posted in our school houses and courthouses. Of course, Israel also had the 10 Commandments and they still struggled with idolatry and sin. It all boils down to the heart.



Timna Park Tabernacle - A Picture of Your Redemption

Negev Highlands – Standing on the Precipice with God

Ty on Mar 31, 2022


Some good words (fear, fairh and obedience) used here in this teaching and expounding video. When we get these wrong, and we all do, there are consequences and one's we won't like. We may not lose our end Prize, but we and others may have to experience things that really weren't in the planning.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022


How good it is of our God, Ty, to reveal to us a glimpse of the future so that we can adjust our present decisions. May God continue to have a grace on you as you walk with Him each day.




Rosemary on Mar 29, 2022


I visited ancient Avdat, it was interesting learning about the spice route etc. We then traveled on to see Machtesh Ramon Canyon zig zagging up the cliffs to be rewarded with the spectacular view. Seeing these place, travelling through the Negev really helps me.

We travelled in an air conditioned bus on a paved road. We experienced the desert heat when we got out and explored. The conditions the Israelites had to walk in (the sand is hot/terrain is quite rocky so it wouldn’t have been easy). There are so many treasures as I read the Old Testament that are great to meditate on and allow God to speak to me on.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2022


What a blessing, Rosemary, that you got the journey to these very places! I pray that this video reminded you of your significant moments in that barren land. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 17, 2022


Decisions are hard at times and I avoid whatever I can. I used to jump into anything and everything and then I had enough. Now I don't want to do anything and I want an easy life. God one day outright said, "Wanda, Your life is not going to get any easier." Right now I am finishing up school and staying home most days so I don't have much to input here. I was intrigued by your talk during this video. When I hit post my comment I'll go watch it a second time!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 17, 2022


Where do you go to learn to pronounce the names in the segments that you teach on?

I notice others with your last name. Is this spouse/siblings/children?

P.S. I enjoyed the 2nd viewing of it too.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Good for you, Wanda!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


I pronounce some words as they are spelled in the Hebrew. With those I don’t know, I’ll just look them up or search the web.




Joan on Mar 17, 2022


Magnificent video lesson in context of the fleeing Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land! Getting lost in a desert is an oft-repeated plight over history. Spectacular landscape, not unlike many I've visited (some frequently) in the American Southwest. From mesas to sheer cliffs to desert floors, I've been very blessed to enjoy such vistas, especially from the Grand Canyon to the Mojave to the badlands of Anza-Borrego Desert to the saguaro-'forested' Sonoran Desert! At my age, there aren't many decisions I fear making, as a retiree's life is a relatively uncomplicated and self-managed one--I can be as busy or not as I wish, with attendant commitments and responsibilities according to my tolerance. I praise God I've lived so long!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


You have seen some beautiful places, Joan! I also praise God for your long life. Thanks.




Norma on Mar 14, 2022


Right now with the change of events and the economists predicting doom days ahead I am afraid to invest in a property that the Lord said I should buy to fullfil a call for a mission. Like the the people of Israel I should not be listening to these bad predictions and trust God in the middle of uncertainty.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2022


May God guide you through His Word and through wise counsel in the days ahead, Norma. God bless you.




Ann on Mar 3, 2022


Wow- beautiful colors in the rock formations….Great video & the lesson is perfect for our Old Testament study.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


Yes, Ann, I am always amazed at the beauty of the Negev. Thank you for your keen observation at the beauty that God has made.




Ty on Mar 3, 2022


What a great video, breath taking filming to get started and a marvellous history teaching session to relive the past. Then buckle up for a time of personal reflection time with Wayne as he is one of God's anointed mouth piece for us to listen to.


I have spent 45+ year in the Oil and Gas Industry and the biggest reason why the industry exist is in my opinion was the flood. Hydrocarbons are decayed plant, animal and human remains in large quantities. Put under heat and pressure and you can produce hydrocarbons with a few other things thrown in. Lots of heat and pressure the closer one gets to the earth's core.


Also it is my opinion erosion would have occurred when waters started to drain after the flood. Remember water drains in a downward direction not an upwards vertical direction. This drainage into the earth would have caused massive cuts in the earth's surface as it flowed to the drainage points. Think of the oceans now then consider the drainage amount after the flood as the whole earth was covered with water..


To give as an example look at a picture of Niagara Falls now and compare it to 50 years ago. Measure the rock face location now to where it was 50 years ago. How much erosion has occurred? Just imagine the amount of water returning into the earth after the flood as the water receded. The volume of water drained was enormous.


Math, history and science lessons over. Reflection time at the end of the video and

Wayne's teaching on what does that all mean to me? Quite challenging thoughts to consider and reflect upon. God is sure gracious in giving out yellow warning cards and red sin bin cards (tough love). God knows how forgetful I can be and how easily distracted I can become. Keeping the main thing the main thing is not always easy, but it should be.. We all have heard the expression, 'you are making it a lot hard than you need to', Well guilty as charged as surrendering to the I know better disease or allowing my emotions to get the better of me, when I have switched off the listening system everyone can do at times, will bring on not so good results.




Negev Highlands – Standing on the Precipice with God

Beth-shemesh – Taking the Ho-Hum Out of Holiness

Bruce on Apr 12


I find it interesting that most Hebrew manuscripts, and the Septuagint say that there were 50,070 killed not just 70 like many of the English translations say.


I also find it interesting that Sampson only lost his strength when Delilah cut his hair off, and that he regained his strength in prison when the philistines did not keep it cut off.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12


Right, Bruce. It's almost as if Samson renewed his Nazarite vow in prison. God was so merciful to him.




Joan on Oct 6, 2022


I think the thing people take lightly today is the importance of faith in God, common respect, and civility--which are directly related. The decline of behavior in schools, in parents, and school boards in recent decades has bred a society that strikes out at and blames others, rather than seeking to find solutions. God's laws and commands are for our benefit--not for limiting our well being. May God forgive us all!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2022


So true, Joan. God's commands are for our good, although the world would tell us the commands hem us in. Society will keep sliding until God brings revival of some kind. We just pray His methods are merciful.




Kathy on Aug 27, 2022


Yes, God sees the whole perspecive and scope of individual lives. We can trust Him that he is taking infinate care to bring hearts to HIM>




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022


Well said, Kathy. Thank you.




Lynn on Jul 16, 2022


Wayne, What an incredibly hopeful reminder of God’s plans for each person. Knowing Samson is mentioned in Hebrews gives me much hope for God’s plans for my prodigals. Thank you for giving me hope. Trusting God for the final word.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Amen, Lynn. We're trusting the Lord together for those special people of our prayers.




Frank on May 13, 2022


Hi Wayne,

I love the music when you show the aerial views. Thank you for making such high-quality virtual tours.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


Thank you, Frank, for your comment on the music. It means much to have you speak of the quality of the production as well as of the content. God bless you.




Bonnie on May 9, 2022


What a wonderful video. You have such a gift of taking us to the site and explaining these truths of the Bible in such an artful, simplistic, and concise way for us to understand. What a blessing it has been, and has deepened my understanding and faith. May the Lord richly blessed you for playing out this great work you are doing of helping so many in our Christian walk.




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2022


Thank you, Bonnie, for your gracious words. It is definitely a mutual blessing. I'm thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos and through His Word. God bless you.




Ann on May 6, 2022


Thank you, Wayne. Great video- especially since it goes with our OT study. Helpful lesson, too.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2022


I'm so glad that the video was an encouragement to you, Ann. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on May 5, 2022


While in Bible School taking a class in Evangelism, we took a field trip to the Albany, NY area to put to practice Evangelism. When I wrote my report about this I put an observation about how angry the people were. I was amazed at how much anger was present that day and this was over 20 years ago. It is much worse now.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


You should try evangelism in Texas! Anger with a smile. :-)




Lawrence on May 5, 2022


Once again, Wayne, my soul is refreshed. Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


I am thrilled, Lawrence, how the Lord encouraged you and refreshed you. God bless you.




David on May 5, 2022


Thanks Wayne for going to Beth-shemesh! I plan to visit there in March, 2023. I was so happy to see video of the area and listen to the scripture you read and, as always, your thoughtful comments. Great lessons for our lives. Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


How exciting for you, David, to anticipate going to Beth-shemesh in March! I pray that the Lord powerfully encourages you there. God bless you.




Ty on May 5, 2022


This is a tough question and not in answering, but in being honest. Can't look to others, but to my own life to comment on.


1) God's word for starters, even if I am reading it often (daily) it's hard to take in at times. But I believe God is faithful, but my limited understanding surely takes me only to a certain level and then faith and trust must then be committed to. It is easy to write off something written about many years ago as not being applicable to one's life now, but God's Word is timeless as it applies today as much as it did applied in the past. God has said in His Word (bible) Heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will continue. (Matthew 24:35, Luke 21:33)


2) Does God really live in me? And if He does, what changes in my life should I be realising? How does that play itself out? I surely can see changes in my life and so does those around me. That's not to say everyone likes what they are seeing in me. The pathway I have now chosen to walk, isn't appealing to some. It did take be 40 years of my life to make the decision I made back then to walk in the pathways of life for the last 31 years. Yet it is easy to not take this decision seriously and start to compromise. Lots of discipline has to be applied and lots of Divine help required.


3) Is there more than just this life? If there isn't then life seems pretty cruel and meaningless. Shades of Solomon's writing of the book of Ecclesiastes. But in Solomon's ending of the book of Ecclesiastes, his final two verses read 12:13-14:


'Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.'


If I take lightly the phrase 'fear God or fear of the Lord' as I would rather understand love cast out all fear (1 John 4:18), but one I have stated, it can lead to complacency. So what does 'fear God or fear of the Lord mean? If love casts out all fears, then fear in God's eyes must mean love. As one of my chosen studies states it:


If you fear God you fear nothing else, but if you don't fear God you fear everything else.' (Oswald Chambers).


Learning to take more seriously and live my life accordingly to the Godly meaning of this phrase and not the world's definition of the word fear. There are a lot of scary things in this world and Oswald Chambers understanding is better to pursue than fearing all the world is offering.


God's ways are not humanity's ways, so to get tuned into God's way, one has to know His Word. The bible is called the Word of God written under His influence over many years. God is very deliberate in trying to help us along in guiding us. God did give us a 'free will' to choose, so it is our personal call to make how we live out our life. Yet if there is more to this life, it will be God's call in where that plays itself out, either with Him or without Him. If God is love then it will be a good place to be. If the other option is given then it is a place without love. To see what mankind can do without love is pretty awful and I got to believe it will only be magnified on a God scale in the afterwards good with Him and very bad without Him.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


Your pondering is always thoughtful, Ty, and I'm grateful that you take the minutes required for introspection and application. May the Lord continue to strengthen you each day.



Beth-shemesh – Taking the Ho-Hum Out of Holiness

Eilat - Always Look Below the Surface

Bruce on Apr 12


The light’s from our hotel in Eilat at night were pretty.




Tammie on Jan 15


My daughter & I went to Israel & we were here! ( Except on the Jordan side of Aqaba).

We had no idea of how cool Eliat is & all the things you shared. Thank you for your insights & teaching & the cool video. Now we have to go back!!!!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


Indeed, Tammie, Eilat has SO much to see—as does that area with Timna Park.




Kathy on Aug 27, 2022


Pray for my daughter and husband as they navigate gender issues with their daughter. Loving without compromise with wisdom is what they need. Thank you!! What lies below the surface just like Jehosophat and compromise is jeopardy for spiritual walks.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022


Praying for you and your family, Kathy.




Diana on Aug 4, 2022


I keep asking that question right now as I'm contemplating a new job. How will this new job affect my relationship with God and my family? I'm trying not to jump in head first haha. We really enoyed the underwater footage! Did Scott take the footage or did you have a GoPro with you?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


Diana, it was a bit of both. I had a GoPro on the deep water scenes, and Scott filmed me from the surface. Some of the fish footage is stock video I purchased.




Joyce on Jun 21, 2022


As human beings we tend to complicate things. By asking the simple question, "how will this relationship affect my relationship with Christ?" it brings down to a very simple circumstance.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


It really is a simple question, isn't it, Joyce? How often we should ask it!




Lynette on Jun 13, 2022


What a fabulous video! Oh my goodness, such beauty. God's creation is amazing. Your videos just keep getting better and better. And they are already so wonderful. I can only imagine what that was like in person. I think if I were in the enclosed facility seeing under water, I'd never want to leave. And what a tremendous application. One I'll not forget.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


Thank you for your gracious words, Lynette. I am thrilled that the Lord has encouraged you through the videos – and I pray He continues to do so. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 9, 2022


I have made it a practice to ask God to let me see through His Eyes in the lives of others. This was such a neat video. I can't wait to go. I told God I wanted Him and me to go to this place!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


I hope you have a wonderful time in Eilat, Wanda! It is a beautiful place.




Michael on Jun 2, 2022


Great job Wayne! May the Lord continue to give you insight and opportunities.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


Thank you, Michael! I am glad that you enjoyed the Eilat video. God bless you.




Ty on Jun 2, 2022


Interesting video to watch and provide insight upon what Wayne is teaching and expounding. It is a beautiful area and well filmed. In answering Wayne’s question ‘What helps you look below the surface of people to the beauty underneath?’, I can only look to God and His gift of the Holy Spirit to realise how I should see things and not with my human knowledge and understanding.


1 Samuel 16:7 – ‘But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’


It is easy to be a Samuel and look and make decisions on the outside appearance and the things heard. The only true thing I know in my life is the God working inside me. My understanding is I have an active working relationship that is working all the time with my internal Counsellor. As with all of us, out of sight out of mind, so I fall prey to the outside appearance thing as I am late in checking in with my internal Counsellor at times.


It takes discipline to take that moment to say I am the student and I have just been prompted into this situation and/or occurrence. Therefore, I need to be in a listening mode. Maybe more in the same way Samuel in his early days was taught to respond to what he thought and heard was happening around him.


1 Samuel 3:7-10: ‘Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. A third time the LORD called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me. Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel! Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening”.’


It's going to take a lifetime to learn how the Holy Spirit communicates to anyone in all the seasons of one’s life. The desire and then the discipline must be applied. It starts with asking the Lord into one’s life and then becoming a disciple/student of His Word. Once the Word is read and continually studied then being sensitive and expectant of God the Holy Spirit’s ways to communicate in bringing the Word alive in one’s life becomes real. The key words/phrases, in my opinion, in this relationship between the Holy Spirit and oneself are awareness or expectancy, listening/seeing, being sensitive to the promptings and following up with obedience.


Still got my ‘L’ plates on with this after 71 years on this planet and expect them to stay on until the next part of the journey happens. Always the disciple/student and always learning.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


I enjoyed your (perhaps) unintentional metaphor to "reflect" on what is below the surface. God bless you, Ty.




Ty on Jun 4, 2022


oops, could have worded it better, so thanks for pointing it out to have another go.




Eilat - Always Look Below the Surface

Timna Valley - Seeing in the Dark with Job

Video 17 of 23


Timna Valley - Seeing in the Dark with Job


In Timna Park, in southern Israel, beautiful Nubian sandstone formations stand tall. But what we don’t on the surface of this area are countless ancient mines below ground where copper was taken from the land.


The book of Job uses the process of copper mining to show us where we can find the wisdom we need when we’re struggling. In fact, the book of Job urges us to ask ourselves a question in the midst of our struggles that we may never have even considered.


Scriptures: Deuteronomy 8:9; Job 1:1; Job 1:3; Job 1:14; Job 1:19; Job 28: 1-4; Job 28:11; Job 38:4-6; Job 42:1-6; Job 42:12; Jeremiah 25:20-21; Lamentations 4:21

Sites: Arabia; Edom; Timna Park; Timna Valley; Uz

Characters: Jeremiah, Job, Nelson Glueck, Solomon

Topics: Wisdom, Suffering, God’s Sovereignty


Join the Conversation

Question: Explain the difference between knowing why verses knowing Who—in suffering. Leave a comment below by clicking here.


Deuteronomy8.9 Job1.1 Job1.3 Job1.14 Job1.19 Job28.1-4 Job28.11 Job38.4-6 Job42.1-6 Job42.12 Jeremiah25.20-21 Lamentations4.21


Member Comments


Tell me what you think...


Gwen on Feb 28


hi wayne

my son bill and i visted israel for 28 days december 2017 we actually arrived the day Trump moved the embasy to Jerusalem..we were there with history being made..sooo cool.

we were at all the places in this viedo! i have pictures with my son in them at the mushroom rock..the pillars of solomon, the white tunells and some of the whole views!

at the time i did not really connect that area as being "in" the bible.

one day back home i just randomly opened my bible and read deuteronomy 8:9 iam like oooo my gosh that is where Bill and i were!! i was sooo excited! i stood where old testments stories took place.

of course we were at many sites from the bible. i was very excited when our driver pulled over and said this is the valley where david killed golitha!!! i had no idea i would see these stories in person!!.

we had a van tour of just 6 friends so that was special!! we went to the underground secret bullet factory i think it was by that valley.

we stayed with israel family that lived in Netanya..they took us on a day trip to hike the mitza crater.

God called my 2 older sons home 6 and 7 years ago now...so for my last child, bill and i, our visit to where jesus walked was healing for us.

looking forward to eternity to begin and all sadness will be no more.

also your viedos have made my israel vist more real. understanding more of where i was and the meaning of it all. putting a lot of the information together from you and my visit, a lot of" ahhh haaa" moments, that is what that was all about ahhh that is what i was looking at.

we drove 1,200 miles in the van. and we rented a car did exploring on own also.

. my son brought his fishing pole..he fished in the red sea, sea of galilee, and in the mediterranean sea by hafia, where he caught a small fish.

bill bought a metal detactor in israel we spent an afternoon on the beach by caesarea (where that big aqua duct is on the beach)

bill found a tiny piece of pottery with a touch of gold on it, we called the historian authorities, they meet us on the beach the next day so we could show them where we found the treasure.

of course we had to give it to them. was a good day.

thank you sooo much for your sharing what you know of Gods word and israel.

certainly has been my stronghold to keep the faith.

thank you for listening

i will now always be watching and re watching your viedos.

i live in southern oregon

my son bill lives in alaska(he gets gold from the creeks) and has a commercial fishing boat.

he built a cabin in the wilderness..bush pilot plane access only. sooo matthew 13:14 /rev6:14 that says run for the hills...well.. bill wont have to run ,he is in the hills!!

blessings to you and your family





Wayne Stiles on Feb 28


Thank you, Gwen, for sharing your story with me. What a blessing you had to have such a unique experience and Israel! I pray that the videos continue to remind you of your significant journey, and to encourage your walk with Christ.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 25


I happen to be one of "Why me God?" kids. I know I have to move on past it and He does grace me for that. What amazed me at the end of the video is how tiny you looked up against God's creation of just that one spot! Amazing!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


Indeed, Wanda, we do feel like a tiny speck in the grand plan of God. At the same time, this vast creation was created by Him for us to RULE (Psalm 8). I'm not so sure that you have to suppress the feelings of, "Why me?" The Psalms give plenty of examples to express our honest emotions and feelings to God. But we do need to wrap those feelings in a context of faith.




Ty on Jul 28, 2022


A little more insight from my previous comment. A child knowing why he/she has a parent versus knowing who his/her parents are will supply the security and confidence they need. A worker knowing why he/she has a boss versus knowing who their boss is will allow that worker to learn, grow, and mature into more responsibilities with their benefits. Knowing God and having the passion to increase that versus what He has created or what He can and cannot do gives one the confidence of knowing God more intimately than a general awareness of Him. We have been pass the gene through the seed of man of increasing our knowledge and we have done that very well. However, our application of that knowledge comes from only one source and that is God.


Proverbs 1:7-9 (NIV) reads:

'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Listen, my son (daughter, my insert), to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.'


Who really understands and appreciates a gift we have been given to increase our knowledge? Without Godly wisdom the knowledge is misdirected every time as it misses the mark of why the ability to increase one's knowledge is given and how and where it should be applied.




Lynette on Jul 21, 2022


What an incredible video. The massiveness of that area is stunning. And somehow in all the years of reading of Job's problems, the responses of his wife, "friends" and Job himself, I never really caught the teachings of the copper mines. Thank you for another enlightning video.


The knowing "why" and knowing the "Who" -- some things we'll simply not know on this side of heaven. Maybe someday, or I have a feeling that when we stand before Jesus, many of the "why's" we want now, won't matter anymore.


The amazing view at the end as you stood there amongst those massive formations and the camera pulled away, having you appear smaller and smaller, I thought of Ps. 8: 3 & 4. "What is man that You are mindful of him or the son of man that You care for him?" When I think of all His tremendous creation, He still cares of us, as small as we are!! Wow!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


I like your perspective, Lynette! It is absolutely astounding when we consider our existence on this speck we call earth that orbits our sun in our massive universe-- how the Lord cares for each one of us and numbers the hairs on our head. He is truly a God beyond comprehension.




William on Jul 12, 2022


I have studied Job over the years, heard messages where preachers used the counsel of Job's friends. Since I had and still have no interest in experiencing the trials that Job had. Totally enjoyed the paintings capturing a thousand words in Job's trial. I agree that Job needed the truths God gave. Look close at 42:5, 8, 9. What a difference between heard of and actually seeing. Think of every human response when God reveals Himself. We have the NT, yet if God would appear to us face to face we would have a similar experience to Job. The painting was something that really impressed me in the Bible text of how Job was suffering and his friends offered no physical aide. Contrast that with the story of the good Samaritan. Job would live to an old age and more than ever he would need the who!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Great points about Job, William, and so true…




Ann on Jul 7, 2022


Amazing what God made! You have a true gift to relate his word with all things. The photography is beautiful.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Thank you, Ann, for your gracious words. I am encouraged that the video encouraged you! God bless you.




Ty on Jul 7, 2022


Tough Subject suffering. Knowing why versus knowing who is a good question to asked and reflect upon. Knowing why might help me appreciate why something may be happening. Knowing who provides possibilities of me asking that person for things to change. Galatians 5:22-23 allows us to read God gift of the fruit of the Spirit (Spirit of God). In these two verses there are 9 flavours to enjoy and be reminded of God truths. Following on from that 1 Corinthians 10:13 reads God always provides a way out of things, so one can expect the Galatians verses to be realised. This is not to minimise what someone is going through. However if God is Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnibenevolence, while be Sovereign then God does respond to Psalm 51:17 in His own way when a broken and contrite heart is offered.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Well said, Ty. I love the attribute you mention: Omnibenevolence!




Timna Valley - Seeing in the Dark with Job

Wilderness Hope – The Righteous Will Inherit the Land

Rosemarie on Apr 13


I loved this video and the explanation you always provide for me to understand, however you made me a little nervous as I see you walking so close to the edge. 😳




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14


Ha! Rest easy, Rosemarie. It only looked precarious. It was totally fine. :-)




Stacey on Apr 12


I am always amazed at how beautiful the Judean desert is! Thank you for the continued reminder to not give up. The fact Abraham died before seeing the promise fulfilled which is still in tact, helps me to remember God's timing is perfect, but often is not aligned with my expectations. I'm always grateful for your application to the here and now. Stacey




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12


Yes, Stacey, we all need those reminders. I need them too-- which is why I so often repeat these principles. May the Lord strengthen you TODAY as you take another step.




Uvita Scott on Apr 6


I love these videos! Can you tell me, if you don’t mind, what version of God’s Word do you read from? Just asking.

Uvita Scott




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7


Uvita, I read, study, and teach from the New American Standard Bible. Other versions are great too. God bless you.




Uvita Scott on Apr 7


Thank you for your reply. I’ve also looked up Dr. Reg’s website, but I couldn’t find the site you mentioned about in the broadcast you did with him. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Bnkurged (Be Encouraged) always, Uvita!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7


Yes, Uvita, I think Reg's website is under construction. I'm not sure when it will be back up!




Francis on Feb 23


I just loved this video so much. The contrasts between King David's Judean Wilderness, and Jesus' Mount of Beatitudes is amazing. And your teachings were the icing on the cake. Thank you for your insights. I need to look it up, but I am pretty sure that Isiaih wrote about withering grass as well.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


You're right, Francis! Isaiah wrote about that withering grass occurring in this same wilderness (Isa. 40).




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 25


I suppose those verses that speak of spending eternity with our LORD. But I also enjoy various things about all of it: the fact that it is God's Word to us humans, it reveals God's heart, His feelings, His plans, His desires, etc. It is a timeless Word and an enduring word.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


Well said, Wanda. The holy Scriptures are our anchor.




Ty on Aug 25, 2022


In seeing this video again I wouldn't want to change from my original comments. A of Scripture gives me Hope.


I am also reminded of 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The questions I have to ask myself are:


1) How well am I aware of God communicating to me every day especially if I am in His Word.


2) How well do I respond to the Holy Spirit being my Teacher of the verses 2 Timothy 3:16-17?


The Hope I and every adopted son or daughter is in a Person. That is suppose to be an active relationship.




Barbara on Aug 5, 2022


At the 4:28 mark in this video, there are some flat looking structures in the upper part of the shot. Do you know what those are?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


Yes, Barbara, those flat-looking structures are coverings for the banana plants. The covering helps retain moisture.




Ty on Aug 5, 2022


What God started in Genesis 1 and 2, He will accomplish, so Hope right from the get-go.


The bible points to a person, Jesus Christ, that provides Hope. The OT pointing to His coming. The NT telling about His coming and walking among us to His redeeming us and then returning to His place alongside His Father until His second coming.


John is a good book to read, allowing all those truths to sink in with 3:16 as a good verse to appreciate, reflect upon, and be thankful for the Hope we have.


The encouragement of God being a pursuing God desiring no one to perish 2 Peter 3:9 brings much hope.


Revelation 3:20 in God partnering with us in helping us with our application of the Word (Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 10:16) in our life.


Revelation chapters 21 and 22 provide the Hope in God bringing things to an end in the here and now and bringing something new and eternal for His adopted sons and daughters.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I love the way you put that, Ty! I was just reading in a book last night by J. Sidlow Baxter that talked about how Christ is the central message in the whole Bible. The Old Testament points forward to Him, the Gospels reveal Him, the epistles explain Him, and Revelation looks forward to His coming again.




David on Aug 4, 2022


So where exactly in the Judean wilderness did you film this? Great thoughts from the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


David, most of the Judean Wilderness footage here was filmed north of Highway 1 right across from the Good Samaritan Museum. There is a simple turn-off that turns into glorious wilderness very quickly. We have filmed here quite a few times.




Wilderness Hope – The Righteous Will Inherit the Land

Valley of Achor – Trading Your Trouble for Triumph

Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 2


My life has been crazy for sure but God! I anticipate that in the end I will not let God down and make Him proud. I will pray sometimes: "LORD, don't have invested in my life in vain." I am the oldest of 4 and was the worst child in our family. Very broken. But God redeemed me and then spent years investing in my life. I want to do something great for God and His Kingdom before my life is finished on the earth!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


Your motivation is so, so biblical, Wanda. I applaud you—genuinely. Sometimes those broken, early years are what God uses to make our later years even more fruitful. We have empathy for the broken.




Ty on Oct 27, 2022


Another opportunity to soak this great filmed video in along with the teaching and expounding to reflect upon. Disappointments and setbacks, no one escapes these in this lifetime. The marvellous hope and encouragement our Creator God continues to take the initiative in my life is beyond me, but I do know first hand He has been there every time one of these challenges have confronted me.


Can God be trusted, even after I have miscued or I walked into something I didn’t plan? You bet, but it is always on His terms and timing. My personal experience has been, it was always more for my internal growth and maturity in living life this side of eternity, where we all our heading. His support, encouragement and guidance was never to walk around the challenge, but through it. He was there every step of the way and even carried me when it was hard to take the next step. Indeed great is His faithfulness.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Your words hit home here, Ty. God's timing is what it's all about. It is seldom, if ever, our timing.




William on Oct 9, 2022


History connected to prophecy yet to be fulfilled. The land tells the past and present, but God reveals to us the promises yet fulfilled. Thank you for bringing us to a trail less traveled.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


Thank you, William! Yes, this amazing place is definitely off the beaten path. It is a blessing to travel there and share it with you.




Ann on Oct 8, 2022


Thank you for this wonderful message of hope.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


You are welcome, Ann, for the encouragement in this video. Isn't it amazing how God can redeem the most awful of places in our lives?




Pam on Oct 6, 2022


Great video Wayne… Do you take your two groups to the Valley of Achor, or is it too physically challenging to get in there? As I was watching the video I was wondering why there were not the sheep trails that figured so prominently in your other videos. I assumed it was because the area was closed and only open one day per week but then right after my thinking that, there showed up the shepherds in your video ! I loved all the scripture references that you gave in this video but especially the one out of Isaiah 65 period how beautiful to know that this apparently desolate area will one day be lush in a place for gods chosen people to congregate. Thanks Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2022


Yes, Pam, this area is too physically challenging for most pilgrims. But also because it opens only on Saturdays, the site simply doesn't line up with most itineraries. This is why Walking the Bible Lands takes you there! :-) God bless you.




Ty on Oct 6, 2022


Being a created being, it is not possible to get on the same plane of our Creator God, however, to believe in His promises and accept He can accomplish all we read in His Word is something I can accept and believe. Scripture informs us we live in a fallen world and it needs to be redeemed. God has done this and all who accept and believe that this was accomplished in His Son and follow Him will be led in the Spirit. We who are led in the Spirit and following the Lord Jesus are a work in progress (Philippians 1:6) being changed into one glory into another. (2 Corinthians 3:18)


So, the faith I have been given to accept and believe this is a gift given by the Father of heavenly light (James 1:17), leading to my belief as stated in 2 Corinthians 1:20. Yes and Amen! The real gift is the Prize and knowing Him.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2022


Indeed, Ty, we are all works in progress. I like the simple and succinct way you put that.




Valley of Achor – Trading Your Trouble for Triumph

Arad - Unearthing Your Walk with God

Ty on Mar 14


A great filmed video with lots of historical information and some very good and challenging reflective thoughts the Spirit via Wayne has challenged all viewers. All of us can be complacent in our walk with God. It does take discipline and effort to dig into His Word and allow the Spirit to lead in applying it in one's life.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15


Thanks, Ty. Indeed, we all need to walk closely with God each day and daily blow the dust off our spiritual lives.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 9


Yes indeed. The sad of the saddest is in trying to snuff out the things to do with God and His Word, His Ways, His Desires for His Creation and the like. Praise God for...wherever this Gospel is preached what she has done will be spoken of as a memorial for her... Therefore there will not be permanent success in snuffing out our LORD, His Word, His Ways, or His Desires for His Creation!




Michael on Dec 1, 2022


Hello Wayne...

wow - that was a 'digging down deep' but really keeping it very simple & clear! The Lord gave you some very encouraging & exhorting words in that video. It blew some of the dust away out of my heart & so it is now back to the renewing of my heart with His Word! Thanks Brother! Michael in Texas




Wayne Stiles on Dec 2, 2022


I am right there with you, Michael, in the daily task of blowing the dust off my heart. God bless you.




Lynette on Nov 16, 2022


These videos are remarkable, Wayne. As I watch and rewatch them, I'm astounded to think of civilations buried beneath areas. I marvel at what archeologists can discover and what we can learn from them. I try to wrap my mind around thousands of years passing...what was accomplished back then, how it all can apply to us today. Your thoughts and applications are so timely. Oh how important it is to keep our minds unburied from the things of this world. What treasures await us as we clear the mental clutter and focus on God's Word.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2022


I am thrilled, Lynette, that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. The video on Arad is one I also resonate with, because it seems that the topsoil of the world wants to continually bury my genuine walk with Christ. I am right there with you with my shovel.




Ty on Nov 3, 2022


Wayne’s question: how is culture and time affecting society’s commitment to biblical principles? I would first ask myself what influences society mostly today? Things like tattoos, smoking or not smoking, clothing, hair styles, the pursuit of pleasurable things or entertainment, cosmetics. weather. These all appeal to our senses, stimulating them with a craving. Once we have a taste of pleasure from any one of these things we can get hooked on it and use it as our bit of escapism. We are drawn to the advertisements and marketing of what we may not have often. This brings our attention on wanting it, so the thought is planted and we can go to great lengths to obtain and/or experience something. Probably in and of itself most of the things can be OK, but they are self pleasing. It’s about me who is at the centre and that is appealing to the human desires of ease, pleasure and more.


All culture is being drawn to these things and if experienced our boasting and posting of these things on social media only adds to another’s desire to have and increase in ourself more of it. We then become owners of these things and events in our mind. These are physical and obtainable needs, which I can achieve by myself and will pursue them.


Christianity is looking at other people around me (us) and how I can (we) help them or encourage them along on their journey of life. It’s affording the time and energy to help someone in what seems to be missing in their life and bringing some enjoyment into it, where it is evidently missing.


We all seem to be searching for the truth, but what is the truth to our understanding? If it is all about the here and now then we got the grave for a reward. However, if the truth has eternal value to us than our focus is beyond the grave and how do I get there?


2 Timothy 3:1-7 gives us the look at what is going to happen and is happening about end times. It takes discipline and the God in us to stay on the straight and narrow road and off the wide and broad way. (Matthew 7:13-14)


There is much of society heading in the wrong direction in my opinion and that in my view is short term. My personal view for myself is an eternal and long term where it may be more difficult and takes discipline, but the rewards as I see them are priceless.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2022


I'm with you, Ty, with regard to a longing for the eternal things. But like most people, I also struggle with the quick and easy fixes.




Arad - Unearthing Your Walk with God

Jordan River Devotional - God Will Lead Us Home

Ty on Apr 6


A wonderful reminder to the best gift available to us all, God's gift 'in Him, in Christ'. The ripping open of heaven by God to us as mentioned by Wayne in this video (Matthew 3:16, 27:51, Mark 1:10, 15:38, Luke 3:22, John 1:32), is there for the taking (Matthew 11:12) as God kingdom is advancing. It's a personal decision for all of us and to seek again in asking for God's forgiveness when we take a long path along our journey of life. And God in His abundance of grace and mercy desire this to be so. (2 Peter 3:9)




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6


I love that the sky ripped open, just like the veil did. Isn't that amazing, Ty? Such a picture of God's amazing grace in our lives.




Jan on Mar 23


How does 5 years pass so quickly? I have recently begun studying Joshua, yesterday's class covered chapters 2-5 & I shared how your tour has forever changed the way I read Scripture. Ladies were asking questions & I was able to answer them (instead of being among those asking) because I was sitting at the Jordan River across from Jericho listening to you as you gave this devotional. When I read about the parting of the Jordan & how the ark went before them because they had never passed that way before...those Scriptures come alive only because of your tour, & being at the place that I am reading about in Scripture. Your tours are a blessing that just keeps on giving & giving & giving! THANK YOU, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


I am just as humbled as you are, Jan, with how our powerful God used that tour in your life. Our resulting friendship is the icing on the cake.




Lynette on Mar 4


What a treat to have a taste of one of your tours, and at such a strategic Biblical place. To picture the waters parting is an amazing sight to try to comprehend. And I love the last part...He will bring us home. In Jesus is our life and hope.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 9


One day while in ministry with Youth Challenge (Teen Challenge), in Newport News, VA, I was walking to sit with my LORD prior to my shift to sit by the James River. I felt like I heard His Still Small Voice say, "Wanda, I see you want more time with Me, I'm going to give it to you." This was early 1999 by Sept of 1999 I was in Bible School full-time in Upstate NY and lived there for 8 1/2 years!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


Time with the Lord is the most precious time of the day, isn't it, Wanda?




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 9


Yes indeed!




Ty on Feb 3


The calling of me in giving my life to Him at the age of 40. Had pretty much of what the world would say is the life to have. International job, travelling the world, with the perks to go with it, climbing the corporate ladder, yet God had mercy on me to have my eyes open and direct it with His leading instead of my leading.


Now 30+ years on God continues to lead and guide my steps in those patriarchal years with 5 children and their partners and 15 grandchildren with number 16 on the way. Proverbs 22.6 provides influential opportunities in my family and younger Christians to walk the talk and stay the course. There is nothing wasted in God's economy in encouraging believers of all ages and being an attractor to God for the lost. Every day is a new day and opportunities exist on our front line wherever that exist 24/7, 365 days a year. Staying sensitive, responsive, and obedience to His promptings and in His Word daily is a good course of direction to follow.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


Isn't it marvelous, Ty, how the world gave you its best and yet God had to rescue you from it? I praise God for what He did in your life.




Jeanne on Feb 3


I really liked this video, but I wish that I could have been there in person. God has previously prepared for me to move states by making me very uncomfortable with where I was and causing me to be looking forward to the new place. Now I have been here for over 20 years and renewing my faith in God.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4


I pray that the Lord would reaffirm His leading in your life, Jeanne. Time in the Scriptures daily is a great way to hear the Lord's wisdom applied to all areas of life. God bless you.




William on Jan 27


Unique events took place near the location. Enjoyed the devotion




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30


Thank you, William. Amazing connections in an amazing place.




Kathleen on Jan 26


Wonderful reminder of our being there and God’s love and care of His children. It was great to see tel Adam where the river stopped flowing.

Kathy B.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


Yes, Kathleen! That stop at Adam was pretty memorable. :-)




Jordan River Devotional - God Will Lead Us Home

Mareshah - God is Looking to Support You



Friday at 3:35pm


God gives, and he takes away. In my case you know exactly what I’m talking about. And his ways are not our ways, so we just have to do it this way.




Wayne Stiles


15 hours ago


You're so right, Bruce. We would never have chosen His way, but in the end-- we would have had it no other way, for we'll see His way was best. What a life of faith we walk!




Lynette on Mar 4


What is growing in that lush green field around 3:50 on the video? That area is so beautiful.


Many thoughts run through my mind at this video. How easy it is to forget all that God has previously done for us when a new test or struggle comes our way. We can be such slow learners (or "rememberers") during those times. You shared some wonderful scriptures that I want to go back and look at again. It's been awhile since I've read those. God loves us so much that He'll do what it takes to get our focus back on Him and His perfect plan for us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


I'm not sure what that crop was, Lynette. :-) Yes, indeed, God is good.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 26


At 42 I went to Bible School. Every time I turned around they were calling me in the office to tell me if I didn't get a certain amount of money I would have to leave. At that midnight hour the money would come in. I lived at that school from 1999-2008 and God took care of me at every turn.


Question: What did you take off that tree and what did you do with it? Was it an olive? A nut?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26


Yes, Wanda, that was an olive I took from the olive tree. It was just a moment to interact with the place. I didn't eat that olive; just looked it over.


I'm encouraged by your testimony of God's provision when you were at Bible school. That is amazing.




Barbara on Feb 26


I’m in suspense, what did you pick from the tree at the 4:51 mark? Did you eat it?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26


Barbara, that was an olive from an olive tree-- and I did not eat it. :-) Far too early at that time of year.




Barbara on Feb 26


Thanks, now I know what an olive tree looks like, and that unripe olives look like green grapes. Although it might have been comical to see your expression upon eating it lol




Ty on Feb 23


After my daughter's miscarriage, praying into those emotions that rocked hers and my son-in-law faith. Simple daily prayers that they would not lose faith and God would allow this gift they were seeking to be realised.


Son Mateo (gift of God) was born and is thriving within a year of the miscarriage.

Bun in the oven, daughter, due later this year within 18 months of Mateo's birth. God is good!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


Praising God with you, Granpa Ty! God is good indeed.



Mareshah - God is Looking to Support You

Libnah - God’s Word Made Accessible To You



Thursday at 3:24am


Great seeing this reminder again and be taught and challenged by Wayne. The choice is mine to read God's Word and taking in its truths. There really is no excuse I can offer in not taking up this opportunity.




Wayne Stiles


Thursday at 8:54am


Thank you, Ty. Isn't it amazing how good God has been to us in giving us the Bible? Other than the gift of His Son, God's Word is an AMAZING provision.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 9


What fun that excavation seemed to me but a lot of hard work too! I love it when things get found or discovered to back up the reality of God and His Word!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 9


I love God's Word and actually read it to Him believing He would like to hear it. I go on cover-to-cover adventures and have even read the Bible forward and backward a number of times. FYI - I go to the 1st chapter of the book when reading backward. Nothing weird. I ask God to write His Word in my heart but if I can have both in the intellectual part of my life as well. If I can only pick one, I pick that God's Word would be in my heart.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


That's a great application, Wanda. Thanks so much for sharing. And I LOVE your method of reading a chapter. Very creative...




Gary on Mar 9


Your question on, "How does the immediate, 24/7 access you have to God’s Word encourage you all the more to read it? " Today, I greatly appreciate the broad access to God's Word in so many ways. Especially your, Read Through the Bible weekly Bible study you started about two years ago and I'm still in today, 2nd time to read through the Bible. . That has been a game changer for me in my personal walk and growth with the Lord.

Then when I look back at the almost 70 years of being a Christian and serving in lay leadership in my church for over 25 of those years (and that was one of the problems back then, serving only and not growing in my relationship with the Lord) I'm ashamed of myself in the fact that I did not consistently and intentionally avail myself to all of the resources for God's Word that was there.

For you Wayne and Walking the Bible Lands, I am continually impressed with the level of excellence you bring to your work, teaching, and sharing with us in God's Word. Thank you and may the bless you, your Walking the Bible Lands team, and family.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


Gary, it's really thrilling to know that the Lord has blessed your time with me in Reading the Bible Lands. It's been a blessing to me and it continues to be. God's Word is absolutely the best gift He has given us for our lives.




Ty on Mar 9


Scripture supports and affirms Scripture, so the more I get Scripture inside the grey matter, the more the Holy Spirit desires for it to come out. Mostly in practical application of the Word. It's the little everyday things the Holy Spirit sort of guides me into, i.e. lending a helping hand, having a listening ear, giving a wee bit of encouragement, greetings, having someone put on your heart to call, leaving a place if possible better than when you found it.


When studying Scripture, the Holy Spirit brings to mind other related verses for personal awareness and life application.


Also opens up avenues in prayer life in praying into a situations, standing in the gap for and with someone, and speaking blessings over people and places.


Great way to download personal thoughts and challenges while receiving guidance for them.


Scripture is the Good News so it helps with the words 'Good' and 'Very Good' spoken over creation (Genesis 1 & 2) as God originally designed it in realising glimpses of it in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


So true, Ty. God's Word has SO many benefits, as Peter writes, it contains all we need for life and godliness (1 Peter 1).




Lynette on Mar 8


I'm really grateful for archeologists that will spend years of their lives digging in the lands of the Bible, that we may see and better understand history and God's provisions for His people. I have a friend that loves to do just that. I know it's in his blood to do so. I don't remember how many digs he's been on. But, you can just tell his excitement as he talks about it or plans another trip.


I'm more than grateful that God has allowed me to live in the present time with all the resources we now have available to study His Word. I cannot comprehend having to go a days journey to receive guidance from His Word. We are so blessed. I am so blessed. I often think how much more I will be accountable for because of all the blessings and resources God has allowed me to have access to. May God help me to use them wisely and for His glory!!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


Right, Lynette? Those diggers in the Holy Land do us all such a service as they unearth findings that support the Word. So amazing...



Libnah - God’s Word Made Accessible To You

Cana - Jesus' First Miracle and Our Impatient Requests

Frances Tencza on Oct 13, 2022


I have been reading your book Waiting On God and if is a discipline that is necessary and reflects on our obedience to God who knows what is best for us in His timing, not ours!

Jesus was very aware that it was important to rely on his Father’s timing! However he was also gracious and light hearted enough to give an example of his miracles to come in the future!





Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2022


Great insight, Frances. And thanks for reading the book! I pray it continues to encourage you.




Gary on Jun 11, 2022


G' Day Wayne, As you know I'm in a constant battle with unbelievers on the left and also with my former churches who constantly cave into evil workers I don't cave i no matter what kind of pressure they push in my direction they don't like the knowledge I have in Australia they are stuck in the dark ages when it comes to GOD in our nation. i enjoyed watching the videos tonight from 10 to 16 i caught up with them during my down tie recovering still from fractured wrist and have started a lawsuit against former agent who has been trying to burn my financial world into bankruptcy I Have moved out of cylicon valley into a better area. can attack problems better away from them. I Have been riding through another flu season only started here colder weather now winter .With GODS help will defeat this mob as well. Joshua 05.12-15. cheers Gary.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2022


Just keep on keeping the faith, Gary. God bless you.




Juanita on May 11, 2022


I love those personal miracles such as the water into wine. Hearing this story takes me back to my personal miracle of 2018. February 18, 2018 I had an aneurysm and the following day (Monday) I had brain surgery. I describe it as the Lord guiding Dr. Haragan's hands and taking out any thoughts I should not focus on. I try to focus on the Lord and what He created me for. I was blessed to have come out of that without any side effects. He's all I can think about, even though I mess up every day, I want to be the woman He created me to be. Thank you for sharing The Bible Lands with your videos. One day all of us will be able to visit the New Jerusalem. What a wonderful day that will be!




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2022


Thank you for sharing your story, Juanita. I pray the Lord continues to guide your thoughts each day as you continue to be the woman of God He has created you to be.




Juanita on May 11, 2022






Wanda on Mar 25, 2022


I see that you have 2 Wanda's! I am the newcomer! There was a line in this video that touched me. I know that Jesus has a greater purpose in all his miracles, but it was also very kind of Jesus to help the wedding parents "save face." Many times, when I do something stupid or embarrassing, (not talking about sin here) I ask Jesus to cover me. I feel that he likes to protect us from ourselves. How kind of Jesus to help in the practicality of life. To not allow all our blunders or shortcomings to become public.

As far as timing, it is so comforting to know that He really is in control, in the world and in our personal lives.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


I love the way you put that, Wanda. Indeed, I have had the Lord protect me from myself many times, and only after the fact do I realize how amazingly gracious he is and has always been. Thank you for that wonderful reminder. God bless you.




Norma on Mar 20, 2022


In my spiritual journey with Jesus I have made many prayer requests. The ones that had to do with justice required patience and wait on God's time. It's so rewarding to see God working on his ways turning things or circumstances into victory. Mary was wise when she said to the servants "do what he says". She had the assurance that Jesus had the power to turn things around. I have been praying and asking Jesus for a miracle in Ucrania. I, like Mary, have the assurance that Jesus has the power to change things around and give the president of Ucrania and its people David's sling and rock to defeat Goliath. I have begged in prayer - with Mary's urgency - that Jesus be glorified in the middle of this terrible war and the nonbelievers turn to God.



Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Amen, Norma. Thanks!




Kathy on Feb 4, 2022


Don't RUSH!!! How many times has Jesus had to slow me down? But yet, He does private miracles here in Cana and for me so I do not lose heart and keep believing.


GIVE GOD TIME. It is the offering of every day, each hour, every minute.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2022


Well said, Kathy. Jesus is in no hurry, as even He waits for the Father's good timing (Heb. 10:13). But when it IS finally time, as Jesus said, "Behold, I am coming quickly..."




Maria on Jan 28, 2022







Sometimes it has been



But He lifts me up gloriously !




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


That's right, Maria. Whether it's "yes" or "no" from our God, it is from the hand of the Father who knows all and who love us.




Maria on Dec 8, 2021


House, clothes, comfort, trips... Now in older age, I have more than I dreamed. Now that the kids are gone... the grandkids can have what we could not give to them. Yet they got the best.... Jesus! I pray the grandkids know Jesus personally!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2021


Indeed, Maria, you are blessed beyond words! I pray that the Lord continues to keep his hand on your wonderful family. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 27, 2021


I'll share this one: I have a license and I love to drive as I am an adventurer and wanderer. Hence the name Wanda! My car broke down for good in 2002 and I gave it away in 2003. I haven't had a car since. Do I want a car? YES! But on the number of occasions I tried I could hear God say, "It's not your time for a car." I still want a car but above it all I want God's way in my life!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021


What a great story, Wanda! Thanks so much for sharing it.




Rosemarie on Jul 24, 2021


Loved this video. Knowing of this miracle and now seeing the place makes it so real for me. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


I know what you mean, Rosemarie. Seeing the places of the miracles of Jesus affirms the reality that they happened and that He is a living God. God bless you.




Mary on Jun 24, 2021


And to think that the Lord actually walked, did a miracle there and maybe danced!

That is awesome!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


What a wonderful thought, Mary! Thanks for adding that.




Terry on May 27, 2021


Wayne, Thanks for continuing to roll out the Kingdom. Great job!! Terry




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2021


Thank you, Terry. It's a privilege to have you along on these virtual tours with me! God bless you.




Donna on May 5, 2021


Yes, back in the 80's I prayed for healing of a rare dystrophy spreading through my body, and for my spine that still needed healing after 3 back surgeries. Many others were praying as well. While we all were crying out for physical healing for 3 1/2 years, God chose to work on my heart instead. He showed me things about "me" that were not like Him, and as I surrendered to the work of His Spirit, He cleansed and transformed my soul. It was only then, that I received a miracle of healing for my spine after having turned down surgery #4, and also, experienced a miracle of healing of the dystrophy that I'd been told was incurable. My doctors gave God the glory for they knew nothing they had done had helped. If God had responded immediately to everyone's prayers for healing, I would not have begun a deeper and more personal relationship with Jesus, come to a place of repentance in my walk with Him, and experienced transformation of my soul. His timing was perfect, and my heart will be grateful forever for all He has done for me. This video was beautifully done. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021


What a magnificent testimony both to the Lord and to you, Donna! Thank you so much for sharing it. It is amazing how the Lord will love us enough to allow us to hurt only long enough to change our hearts. Oh how gracious He is! Thanks again. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Friends/Family to receive salvation. Allowance before chores done. Dessert before meals. His timing has reasons.




Betty on Feb 26, 2021


A beautiful segment. I'm impressed with the visuals and commentary.. I feel like I am present. Thank you for the quality of the presentations..




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


I'm so glad, Betty, that the Cana video encouraged you and helped you feel like you are "there." That's exactly what I pray for you. I hope the videos continue to be an encouragement. God bless you.




Apple on Feb 9, 2021


Have you ever asked for something from God only to find out it wasn’t time?


I was asking God for a word for my art piece. He did not respond immediately. I was very frustrated that He did not give me a word. and i was complaining to him.


i need to be grateful and not to be impatient.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9, 2021


I know what you mean, Li-Ann. God's answer will come in its time, and we cling to Him and faith until then. God bless you as you trust Him.




Wayne on Jan 31, 2021


Love it! Goes along with what we have seen and heard in the series, “The Chosen “. Very encouraging for our faith!!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2021


Thanks, Wayne. I have seen several episodes of The Chosen, and it is amazing what they can do with photography! I am glad the video on Can encouraged you.




Mitzi on Dec 31, 2020


Wow! Jesus is THE BEST I don’t drink at all. I did earlier but never really liked it. Imagine Jesus doing this showing what’s best, only if we can wait on Him. He always gives THE BEST. He always gives us the best of everything. He’s the best!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I am glad you enjoyed the video of Cana, Mitzi. Like you, I am a teetotaler. But we will both take a sip when Jesus does in the kingdom! God bless you.




John on Oct 25, 2020


Turning used unclean vessels into new beginnings.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2020


I know what you mean, John. It is amazing how the Lord can take our lives which are shattered, and then he will use us for his glory. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow him.




Kathy Haecker on Oct 8, 2020


Of course! We have all missed God's timing. I think He did this miracle in part to introduce to them that, because of Him, washing for purification would no longer be necessary. His blood would soon cleanse man from his unrighteousness.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2020


Indeed, Kathy! In fact, Christ's final sacrifice made ALL of the Old Covenant's requirements, washings, sacrifices, feasts, obsolete, because He fulfilled them all. :-) As Paul wrote, "these are but a shadow" but the substance is Christ.




Tammie on Feb 1, 2020


Wow! If I saw this before, I don't remember how well done this was. It was amazing hearing the story you told in John, but to see it- wow! Just came alive!!!

Thank you once again for this visual & the amazing video!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2, 2020


You're right, Tammie. There's nothing like seeing the places as well as reading about them. Puts the "real" in reality! :-) God bless.




Steven on Jan 25, 2020


I can only echo all of the previous comments regarding the amazing work to combine the drone footage, panoramic scans, speaking, etc. - esp. the message re timing. How you dealt with the wind in the recorded message is phenomenal. You must have a really great team to pull this together. It is a fantastic way of ministering to others.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2020


Thanks, Steven. My great team that day in Cana was just my great cameraman, Scott! 😄 The wind was a huge challenge that day. Thanks for your encouragement. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 10, 2020


Excellent points! So, true, Jesus could have decided to do nothing with the water in to wine, but things being private can be helpful and encouraging too. Ive been so anxious for yeeeeeears, and have done my share of shoving. Yet as I look back at the private answers and needed knowledge and experiences, I understand timing, and going too soon wouldn’t have worked. I’m still in an excited hurry, but I’m definitely waiting better :) Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2020


I'm right there with you in the struggle to wait, Karen. God is effective, but so slow (on our terms). Interesting that Jesus said when it's time for Him to come, He will come quickly. I love that. Have you read my book, Waiting on God? As a member of Walking the Bible Lands, you have access to the audiobook for free. God bless.




Karen on Jan 10, 2020


Yes, lol, and quickly to an infinite God is also over 2000 years. Makes sense now on both timings. I have your book and the audio, yep :) God bless to you and yours as well.




Carl on Dec 1, 2019


A big ditto to all the positive previous comments!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 2, 2019


Thanks, Carl, for your enthusiastic and gracious words-- as always! :-)




Paulette on Nov 14, 2019


This was a beautiful presentation of Cana. It was so very peaceful and profound. If I ever get back to Israel, it is on my bucket list. This teaching was awesome and very meaningful to me; definitely spoke to where I am today in my walk with the Lord. It's all about timing; HIS TIME. The struggle is real; but the so is the hope and assurance. Thank you for this post.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2019


I'm thrilled, Paulette, that the Cana video encouraged you. You're right, we DO need to trust the Lord with His timing. Such an amazing struggle every day. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Garry on Nov 8, 2019


Dear Wayne,

This video is wonderful. Several things are especially great. The music is very nice that you chose for the sights, and I really liked the variety you chose with the music selections. Is Pond5 a different site, or have you been using this for a while? The sites where you combine your speaking with the filming and the background music are really great. I know a little bit about how much work this is to combine your speaking with live video on a windy hilltop in Israel. Bravo to you. Of course I am always fascinated by the drone/filming work you and your team do. As for the message of the video, timeless.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 8, 2019


It means a lot, Garry, that you would applaud the music! You, better than most, know the challenge of mixing and getting it all just right. The wind was a challenge. Thanks also for your words about the message of the video. It's one we need to hear so often! God bless.




Michael on Nov 7, 2019


Hello Wayne...

Really appreciated this video & message about Cana. It is always a blessing to know that the LORD has the best for us as we wait & trust in His Timing. You really made that point clear in this episode. Thank you.

Quick Question, so the ending drone footage of you standing on that hill with obvious ruins of a Small village around you... that is the remnants of Cana? Wow - what an amazing view of the valley & scenery below! I would have a house there! Cana was not a very large village at all then... of course we have to factor in the 2000 years of change & decay, but the video was very insightful! Michael in Texas




Wayne Stiles on Nov 7, 2019


Thanks for your words, Michael. And yes, the drone footage at the end is me standing on biblical Cana — somewhere in that area Jesus' first miracle occurred! And you're right, it does seem amazing and that all these villages lived on such small hills! Very different from today. God bless.




Reg on Nov 7, 2019


Wayne, thanks for an insightful, encouraging, and technically outstanding video. It was particularly encouraging to me as we wait for the Lord’s timing in bringing our prodigal sons back to a right relationship with Him. Thanks for your dedication, your hard work, and your wisdom. Our prayers are with you, my friend!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 7, 2019


Thanks for those prayers, Reg. Seriously! And I'm thrilled the Cana video encouraged your long-suffering prayers for prodigals—for the Lord to "bring them home." They remain in my prayers as well. God bless you so much.




Walt on Nov 6, 2019


When we were in Israel together in 2008, I remember going into a church built over what our guide told us was the ruins of the church of Cana. Part of the foundation was still visible in the basement. I was under the impression is was an authentic site. Apparently not. What did we see? It was very near nazareth.




Wayne on Nov 7, 2019


That's strange... We never stopped in Cana on that trip, and near Nazareth? I can't imagine what church that would be. Your memory is better than mine! The only visible foundation I'm aware of that we saw was the 1st-century synagogue's foundation under the present synagogue in Capernaum. Otherwise, I'm stumped.




Cana - Jesus' First Miracle and Our Impatient Requests

Mount Hermon - Jesus' Transfiguration and a Good Dose of Hope

Ty on Jan 5


First time viewing of the wonderfully done video. I haven't worked by way through all of Wayne's and his teams videos, but getting there. This one is no different than the many others viewed to date, which inspires and challenges at the same time. Am I which is taught in this video and written to us in 1 Corinthians 3:18 'being transformed with ever increasing glory', while carrying my cross daily? (Matthew 16:24-26)




Frances Tencza on Oct 13, 2022


It is so refreshing to know how compassionate Jesus is, that he understood his disciples concern that he would be crucified and die on their and of course our behalf.

But he gave them a glimpse of where he would be going and that he would be in the company of the patriarchs,Moses &Elijah! His transfiguration also showed how we as believers would also be transformed into our new and glorious body as we enter into his kingdom, and that we would also be greeted by the Lord, the patriarchs and our loved ones! What a joyful 🙏comfort that is !





Marian on Jun 16, 2022


Awaking to a beautiful morning and wondering what video Wayne has to compliment it?

Wow what a way to start the day, seeing where Jesus transfiguration occurred and wondering now how it will affect me and the cross I will bare for him.

Thank you for this blessing and for the insights you bring with each lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


What a blessing, Marian, that the Lord encouraged you through this Mount Herman video. I pray He continues to do so!




Marian on Jun 17, 2022


I try to share your videos with my bible study ladies or anyone I can! They are so helpful, especially now that I’m reading the Old Testament!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2022


Thank you so much, Marian, for sharing the videos and encouraging others. God bless you.




Richard on Jun 7, 2022


The video on Mt Tabor led me immediately to this video of the Mt of Transfiguration (Mt. Hermon). What hope and glory was shown upon this mountain. The contrast between the Mount and the Jordan River in the South where Jesus was baptized is fascinating. It puts a new perspective on the life of our Lord and Moses and Elijah. Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2022


Yes, Richard, isn't the contrast/comparison between Mount Hermon and the Jordan River so interesting? I'm still waiting to figure out all the implications of it. God bless you.




Mary on Apr 28, 2022


Another episode, Wayne, that clarified so much for me. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


I'm so glad, Mary, that the video was helpful. I pray the Lord continues to encourage you. God bless you.




Cyndee on Mar 24, 2022


The hope in Jesus helps me to carry my cross by knowing he's guiding my steps everyday. Knowing I need to keep my heart soft and tender for him to work with me so I may be guided and obey. I'm so thankful I joined, just seen a few videos and many have brought me to tears I'm so happy 😊 thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


I praise God for how he has encouraged you already, Cyndee. I pray that He will continue to bring forth the tears, as well as the encouragement. God bless you.




Kathy on Feb 4, 2022


Wayne, certain passages talking about the transfiguration seem to suggest it was at night. Luke 9 talks about the disciples eyes were heavy with sleep, bu they came fully awake when the transfiguration began. Do you have any insight as to when it did happen? At night it would be spectacular!!!! Jesus shining like the sun!! Also, in our night, Jesus shines his glory even more in many cases of our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2022


It's not clear, Kathy, whether it occurred during the day or night-- but the fact that the disciples "had been overcome with sleep" suggests it may have been night.




Maria on Jan 28, 2022


Always, w/ The Lord the best is yet to come. Eye has not seen

Ears heard

Mind conceived what our Great Good Shepherd has stored for us.





Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


Amen, Maria! I love those verses you mention. Thank you.




Dawn on Oct 30, 2021


I hope to return for burial in the little cemetery in Hermon, NY, not far from the Adirondacks. In the meantime I am carrying my cross, sometimes not very willingly (long story). This video is so meaningful and I loved seeing Mount Hermon & hearing of the contrasts between Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 31, 2021


Thank you, Dawn, for sharing. What a blessing that you hope to be buried in Hermon, NY-- the namesake of the Mount of Transfiguration. :-) May the Lord strengthen you as you shoulder your cross, willingly or unwillingly-- which I totally understand. He is good and gracious. God bless you.




Saleem on Oct 1, 2021


Thanks for the amazing video along with the deep geographic & spiritual knowledge of two places ---- one in the North and second in the South. The reminder of bearing our cross on daily basis was very timely for me.

God bless you




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2021


I'm so glad that this video encouraged you, Saleem. I pray that the rest of the videos continue to do so. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Sep 27, 2021


This was exciting to see the possible place of Jesus' Transfiguration. I can't wait to see it in real life though you did an excellent job with this video! I will say to God time and again, "LORD, I want to finish well." The totality of that of course is in being His disciple and bearing the cross He has given me. I have an entire testimony about being a disciple of Christ. But that's for another time!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021


What a blessing, Wanda, that this video encouraged you. I pray they continue to do so! God bless you.




Rosemarie on Aug 11, 2021


Carrying our cross and knowing Jesus gives us the strength to do so and our reward of his love is comforting.

I learned a lot on this video and you made me understand the comparisons.. Thank you also the “mosquito “ was a added bonus.😂




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the mosquito, Rosemarie! It was fun to add a bit of humor. God bless you.




Joan on Jul 22, 2021


Because it pleases Jesus that I follow Him, look to Him for His example and strength, and take heart that He will reward me with life everlasting with Him in Eternity! Praise His Holy Name! 🙏⛪️✝️




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2021


What a wonderful perspective, Joan. Thank you so much for sharing it. God bless you.




Lola Fitch on Apr 21, 2021


Christ died for all - even enemies. Sometimes it is very humbling to think that when we are confronted with enemies. Christ wants all to be saved. We must help others see the hope to believe in His suffering, death and resurrection for eternal life. What a gift we have been given! Grace through faith alone. Shout out the hope of Jesus Christ to all the world and pray for those unbelievers that they too will leave the darkness of their sin and evil ways. Each morning is a fresh start.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Thank you for this refreshing perspective, Lola. What a blessing we have to hope for the coming kingdom of our Lord. May He continue to encourage you each day, and I pray that these videos would continue to be a blessing for you. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 25, 2021


Because He Lives....I CAN FACE Tomorrow.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


Amen, Karen! Because He lives, we will live. What a wonderful help!




Opal on Feb 24, 2021


I had just finished watching the video when a friend called very disturbed by the behavior of family members & co workers I was able to mention the lesson in order to gain a different perspective. God is always on time He amazes me every time.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2021


Wow, Opal, isn't God amazing? How wonderful that you were able to use the truth from Scripture in the video to encourage someone else. Thank you so much for doing that.




Doris on Jan 23, 2021


Yes, knowing Moses who did not get to enter the promise land but was with Jesus at His transfiguration provides hope and comfort. Also, it is in His Timing not ours. Thanks for the North, Mount Hermon and South, Dead Sea comparison.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


I'm so glad, Doris, the Lord encouraged you through the Mount Hermon video. Those geographical comparisons are amazing, and Moses on the mount is a huge encouragement, isn't it? May God bless you as you walk with Him each day.




Heather on Dec 17, 2020


How good to watch your videos again. It has been a while. The main thing to come out of it in ths video was to remember the Joy ahead. As things have been going of late I was feeling a bit sucked under and restless, unhappy with people around and circumstances weighing me down - but - now I see that I had really lost sight of hope and Joy in my experience and now I know to get and ask Father to restore my vision for it.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


I applaud you, Heather, for your renewed focus and joy in the Lord. You are right, it is so easy to get distracted by all that we see immediately before us. It is easy to see things from the perspective of people, rather than God. May the Lord bless you as you continue to watch the videos and study His Word.




Judith on Oct 17, 2020


I have worked with young troubled women at church who are now dispersed around the country. One just faced a suicide battle again. How wonderful this video would be to start conversations in a new way.! Thank you, I had a very hard time when one young lady did die after accepting Christ and being baptized. Another young believing woman just shared her experience of overcoming a suicide crisis. If we can keep this younger generation in prayer and keep asking God to open His Word up in new ways to all of us, I know He will provide healing. I pray your videos reach many people.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020


Thank you so much, Judith, for your significant ministry to these young women. Indeed, hope is such an essential part of our Christian lives. I'm not sure if you listen to my podcast, but I've just begun a series on 1 Peter, which is ALL about hope. God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on Oct 15, 2020


Great video! It reminds me that heaven is real and eternal life means exactly that. Moses and Elijah lived even though they died physically and so will I.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2020


That's exactly right, Kathy. The Mount of Transfiguration gives us so much hope! God bless you.




Jeannie on Oct 8, 2020


I really appreciate how you "Connected the Dots" between the Baptism at the Jordan and the Transfiguration. It helps with keeping the Bible Land "Real".




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2020


Thank you, Jeannie. That connection you mention between the Transfiguration and Jesus' baptism has always fascinated me. I am sure there is more there than we are noticing at first, and I'm hopeful one day to glean a deeper understanding of it. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Hayden on Jul 26, 2020


Beautiful sites! Mr. Wayne, I would like to ask if you believe Moses and Elijah will return to be the two witnesses of Revelation.

Considering Malachi's prophecy that Elijah would come before Jesus' Coming, I believe that the literal Elijah will be one of the witnesses. All prophecy must be fulfilled to the very yod. Also, the conversation between the three men during the Transfiguration leads me to the understanding that they were conversing the Messianic program. More could be said, but I would like your take on the topic.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 27, 2020


Great questions, Hayden. Of course, the book of Revelation does not name the two witnesses, but John does describe them in terms that do point to Moses and Elijah. If I had to pick, I would say it was them. As far as Malachi's prophecy about Elijah coming, Jesus told us that it was fulfilled in John the Baptist (Matt. 11:14).




Friend on Jun 17, 2020


One land two sites Mount Hermon in North and Jordan River in the south both used differently in two messages of Who Jesus was in one God.

Beautiful comparisons. Loved it!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


I'm glad the video was encouraging to you. I've always loved that connection about the Jordan River. God bless you.




Friend on Jun 18, 2020


Watching the videos makes me experience the history experince God's faithfulness to protection and guidance his people.🙂




Lynette on Jun 10, 2020


What a neat comparison between the Jordan River and the Mount of Hermon.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


It is fascinating, isn't it, Lynette? It's amazing how the land of the Bible connects together so much. God bless you.




Beverly on Oct 24, 2019


Loved it. Watched it twice to fully enjoy it.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 24, 2019


I'm so glad, Beverly, that you enjoyed the Mount Hermon video. We all need a good dose of hope now and then, and Jesus gives us the best I've ever heard on the mount of Transfiguration. He gave us a peek of what is to come!




Karen on Oct 6, 2019


Good doses of hope are such blessings from Jesus, and especially when the enemy wants us filled with fear instead. That hope strengthens me as I go through scripture and see all its hopes from Gen-Rev and how God’s promises worked in their lives and the same ones work in mine....under obedience, yes. Wonderful footage, great message. Blessings Wayne, thank you, for loving Christ and you’re fantastic work for Him.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019


You've had a great Sunday morning full of videos! :-) I'm thrilled that the Transfiguration's message of hope has given you just that, Karen. We NEED that regular dose of encouragement. God bless you as you encourage others.




Cathy on Oct 3, 2019


Wayne, this video and teaching are especially timely for me. I enjoy your videos and teaching so much but I have to say this is my favorite! My life story, even with all the difficulties, will follow Jesus’ story. And the end of His story is resurrection. And that gives me hope!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 3, 2019


That's fantastic, Cathy! I agree... the lesson of the Transfiguration is so, SO essential for our lives. The cross is now, the crown is later. So challenging, but so encouraging. Thanks.




Mount Hermon - Jesus' Transfiguration and a Good Dose of Hope

Chorazin - Influencing Lives Like Jesus

Ty on Apr 4


A great video to reflect upon and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to me in the ways only He can.


To the question in the comment section, well for sure God is number one who influences me on my journey of life. Took me 40 years to get to that decision and understanding. He sure has brought others into my life to help me along on the journey. These would include blood family members, teachers, military folks, co-workers, co-business stewards and His current and past church family members being great encouragers and influencers. The journey continues meeting more of those God allows to cross my path of life, providing me opportunities to use my gifting and talents for their benefit while many continue to influence and encourage me with their blessings of their gifting and talents.


I am always remembering now, all good gifts come down from the Father of heavenly lights. (James 1:17 paraphrased)




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4


I love that verse, Ty, that you paraphrased from James 1. Such an essential reminder of God's blessings.




Frances Tencza on Oct 25, 2022


I was there in 2015 with The Jerusalem Prayer Team and I do remember the synagogue was made of volcanic stones , just like the original base of the one in Capernaum! The one thing that stood out was the Moses seat and the geometrical designs used that were obviously pagan in nature! Maybe that is why Jesus cursed Chrozin and Capernaum because the people were tied to their old belief system of worship and didn’t pay enough attention to his teachings!‼️





Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Yes, Francis, Jesus indeed cursed Chorazin. Scripture tells us He did so because they did not repent, in spite of the abundant miracles that Jesus has done there.




Frances Tencza on Oct 28, 2022


Their repentance to clinging to their old ways of life, that is definitely a stumbling block, and one I’m struggling with as well!

Frances Tencza




Ivette Rebecca on May 6, 2022


I was so blessed to grow up in a church where the pastor, Rev. Antonio Lopez, and his wife, Carmen Lugo, where an example of service and love to their congregation and the whole community. They were committed to develop every one with talents and desire to serve not only the local church but to get involved in church planting and missions. They served as pastor for over 50 years and as a result over 30 pastors, pastors wives, evangelists and missionaries were formed and sent out to minister to others. I know that my own calling and Christian ministry has been model and influenced by their lives, their teaching and their mentoring. They are now with the Lord, but I missed them every day.




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


What a tremendous testimony, Ivette, you share about Antonio and Carmen. Thank you for continuing their legacy of love and service.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 25, 2021


My Grandma Hazel was the most influential person in my life because of her unconditional love and prayers for me. Once she offered to come and beat up my Training Instructor while I was in Boot Camp in the AF! lol




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


What a blessing, Wanda, to have had your grandmother as a mentor. That's who I want to be for my grandchildren as well. God bless you.




Dorothea on Oct 1, 2021


I always enjoy your lessons. People in general did not change over time. Jesus teaching are still rejected by many.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2021


So true, Dorothea. Thankfully, our God is a God of grace.




Rosemarie on Aug 11, 2021


What a special video to see these ruins and temple. I am so glad I am part of the Bible Lands. I feel like I am there with you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2021


What a blessing to be able to travel virtually to these places with you. I am glad that the video is an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Barbara on Apr 14, 2021


How special to look down on these places like Chorazin from above.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


Indeed, Barbara, the blessing of being able to take video with the drone is an amazing addition to these journeys. Thank you so much for your encouragement. God bless you.




Teresa on Jan 21, 2021


Two people besides my parents greatly influenced my life. First, Ted Smith because he presented the gospel so clearly I accepted Christ. Second, Carrie Clark who discipled me and gave me the vision that I could lead others to Christ and disciple them. It revolutionized my concept of the Christian life .God has used me to point others to Christ for nearly five decades.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 22, 2021


How amazing and how wonderful, Teresa, that the Lord has allowed all of these spiritual multiple generations to flow through your life and to flow from you. God bless you.




Maxine on Nov 3, 2020


I was privileged to visit here last year. To think that my feet could have stood where HIS stood was a deep experience! It is amazing how a cursed place became a blessing to me and others that day!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 4, 2020


That's a wonderful perspective you offer, Maxine. Yes, it's amazing to be at the places where the biblical lives occurred-- especially Jesus. It offers a greater appreciation and understanding of God's Word. God bless you as you continue to watch the videos and study the Scriptures.




Denise on Jun 30, 2020


I so appreciate this journey in video. It is the still waters restoring my soul. Thank you for your diligent

presentation of the bible and the lands.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


I praise God, Denise, that He is encouraging you through the videos. May He continue to restore your soul! God bless you.




Diana on May 14, 2020


I remember sitting on the Moses' seat when we were in Chorazin. Our guide had this long explanation about the Medusa and zodiac symbols but I don't recall what their meaning was. Around Christmas I was reading the Gospels and actually noticed when Jesus cursed Chorazin! it is eye opening when a place that didn't seem that important before pops off the page. It sure changes things when you have been there and understand what happened in reference to the ministry of Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


You are exactly right, Diana. It makes such a difference when reading the Scriptures to be able to see in your mind the context in which it occurred. Those zodiac symbols were a compromise and reflected the syncretism of the day. Early Christians believed that the earthquake that destroyed Chorazin was God's judgment on that compromise. Who knows? Jesus did curse the place...




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


This might be cliche but God definitely most influences: He corrects, teaches, sends people in and out of my life, sets things up, helps, moves me places, and inspires & encourages with the Word. Seeing and experiencing those things influences a continually growing faith, greater trust, and a higher respect for Him and eventually myself. He influences me to want to do good, right, and better. “Be with Him, then serve Him”, good advice.


I’m loving these virtual visits! Home to only rock badgers now, lol, well makes sense. The reconstruction is fantastic to help me have more of an idea, but Medusa? How strange... Thank you Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2018


Yeah, that Medusa is strange. In Tiberias there is a synagogue that has signs of the zodiac! God's people then-- as now-- struggled to keep their loyalty to the Lord alone.




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


Zodiac, Really? Yikes. Yep you’re right about some loyalty struggles. Reminds me of people in Ephesus shouting out for the goddess Diana in Acts 19 and Paul just shaking his head at first.




Arne on Sep 13, 2018


Is it possible to download this video? I don't see a button for doing that or for downloading a PDF transcript.

Thanks for doing the video!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2018


Arne, it sounds like you got it working now-- but the sidebar responds to various sizes and shapes of browser windows, depending on the device. I'm grateful you enjoyed the video. God bless.




Lora on Sep 13, 2018


Wayne one of your sentences really jumped out to me. You said “people are the goal of our labor” This statement really put into perspective of what our goal in ministry is all about; People.


It’s so easy to get bogged down in all the details and planning, that sometimes we loose sight of the real goal: reaching people with the Love of Jesus.


Your teachings also bring new insights.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 13, 2018


Thanks, Lora. Absolutely true! As Paul wrote: "The goal of our instruction is love." Thanks for affirming such an essential part of our passion as believers.




Gordon on Sep 13, 2018


I especially enjoyed and appreciated your commentary of Chorazin as I have not been there. You mentioned Capernaum which I have been to several times. I pronounce it as Kfar Nahum. Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 13, 2018


Thanks, Gordon! Yes, Chorazin is the lesser-visited site of the three cities Jesus cursed. It's a bit off the beaten-path, but really a neat site to see. Thanks for your comment!




Gordon on Sep 13, 2018


Hi Wayne from Down Under. Wondering if you received my comment not long ago re Rosh Ha Nikra and also my comment re the Tabernacle having 4 pillars at the gate and not five! Shalom!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 13, 2018


Hmm, I guess I received neither, Gordon. Sorry... You left them on a post here on Walking the Bible Lands?




Gordon on Sep 14, 2018


Hi Wayne, I checked back and found what you sent me on August 21. Here is what it said: Gordon,


I need your advice.


I’m planning the next batch of videos for Walking the Bible Lands.

But before I film them, I want to make sure I’m covering the topics that are going to be most helpful to YOU…

So, my question to you is this.... end copy. I therefor REDID it and hope you receive this time. I filled in all the questions... Shalom, Gordon September 14




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2018


Oh, I see... Thank you, Gordon. Yes, I'm still making my way through the surveys. I appreciate you taking the time to ask-- and also to redo the survey. Thanks so much!




Gordon on Sep 14, 2018


Hi Wayne, trust all will get sorted out. I am really surprised at you taking time as you must be very occupied in your ministry with other folks as well. Hope my comments have been helpful. God bless you richly.




Gordon on Sep 13, 2018


I especially enjoyed and appreciated your commentary of Chorazin as I have not been there. You mentioned Capernaum which I have been to several times. I pronounce it as Kfar Nahum. Thanks.




Gordon on Sep 13, 2018


Especially interested to see Chorazin right now as I have not been there. In passing when I refer to Capernaum I call it Kfar Nahum. I appreciated your narration. Thanks.




Chorazin - Influencing Lives Like Jesus

Mount Arbel - How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

Kimberly on Dec 1, 2022


I greatly appreciate the simple clarity of knowing that my commission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my purpose is to use whatever means God has given me to accomplish that. That is very comforting.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 2, 2022


You some summed up so well, Kimberly! May the Lord continue to bless you, as you pursue His will for you.




Brenda on Dec 1, 2022


Thank you.




Marian on Jun 30, 2022


I have seen and listened to this video more than once and each time I learn more about The Great Commission. I am so thankful to have these videos and share them when I can with friends of all ages! Thank you for sharing your knowledge which helps me understand more of Mt 28:28, 29. Now I read the scriptures you have noted so I can relate more to the content of the video.

I am hoping to use share the videos with my ladies group at church.

Again, Thank You !




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2022


I am thrilled, Marian, that the Lord continues to encourage you through the Mount Arbel video — and especially through its message of the Great Commission. May the Lord continue to bless you as you make disciples.




Norma on Apr 24, 2022


Lately God has commissioned me to do a lot of things that to any person in its right mind would sound crazy. "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18. Now, this week I have to pause to undergo a heart procedure to fix a blockage that is causing me taquicardia. We can think that this health situation is a set back; no for those who believe in God's power and control! I can't believe God commissioned me the last three weeks to advocate and accompany a bishop of the United Methodist Church that for the first in the history of our denomination was suspended pending to an investigation. The two revelations that God gave me 3 years ago with this bishop have been fulfilled. Most of the commissions I have received from God have been revealed in form of a revelation in my dreams or what the international evangelist Eugenio Jimenez called "the theofany of the dreams". God, despite of our circumstances, hasn't finish with us. He continues commissioning us for different missions and tasks. Seeing the paronamic view of Sea of Galilee and places where Jesus ministered continue mesmerizing me. I need to be back.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


Thank you for sharing, Norma. May the Lord bless you as you serve him and labor to fulfill the great commission.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Nov 25, 2021


When I found out I was dying of cancer (2002) I said, "WoW, in 3 months I will be walking on Streets of Gold, I'll see Jesus for real and not by faith, & I'll have no more temptations!" Instantly I heard God say, "Wanda, I have a work for you to do!" I repented and so far have had 18 extra years on earth. I have 2 classes to finish my degree and maybe God will show me what's next!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


What an amazing testimony, Wanda! Thank you so much for pressing on and for continuing to serve Christ in this life.




Dawn on Nov 7, 2021


I am realizing that seeking God’s will and finding our purpose has no end. For me, one of my primary gifts at the time of my receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit many years ago was and is acknowledging and sharing the gift of love. That may sound simplistic to some but I did not feel truly loved until I felt the real love of God that never goes away. I was in my late twenties then. In my friendships and in my work as a therapeutic musician and artist I seek to transmit love to others through attention and intention. God has placed me in work and friendships that call me to ‘minister’ to others by bringing music and art experiences that raise their self-esteem and and bring joy to their lives. It is often not planned or expected what God has in mind.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 8, 2021


Thank you so much, Dawn, for sharing your gift of music and for encouraging others through God's love. May He continue to strengthen you to do so! God bless you.




Mitch on Aug 19, 2021


It seems to me that the details of life here on earth are so distracting at times, and sometimes I even wonder if I am filled with His spirit. Often I pray for wisdom and understanding.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I know what you mean, Mitch, that the details of life can get so distracting. I pray that the Lord will give you clarity in the Scriptures every day. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Aug 11, 2021


Spectacular views

When I have to make decisions I always feel it’s in God’s hands and he will guide me. The result may not always be what I expected but funny how it turns out to be the right one.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2021


I know what you mean, Rosemarie. Thankfully, our sovereign God works all things for good.




Joan on Aug 5, 2021


The revelation I gained from this lesson is that I start Where I Am (Jerusalem) and let God reveal the details as I go! How comforting that is! I've reenlisted as a Leader in our Women's Ministry Bible Study semester starting in September and will shepherd about 8-10 ladies. I needed to hear this inspiring message anew! Thanks so much, Pastor Wayne! 😇✝️😇




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2021


That is magnificent, Joan! I pray that the Lord would powerfully bless you as you shepherd these ladies in September! What a wonderful blessing.




Rose on Apr 12, 2021


I wish to go back to Esrael someday and be able to stand at the top of Mount Arbil. Awesome !!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Most of my tours do go to a Mt. Arbel, Rose! I would love to have you join me on an upcoming tour. See the details here.




Lynda on Mar 14, 2021


I once believed it was my duty to God wo witness and help them become citizen's of God's Kingdom.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


Indeed, Lynda, it is our privilege to be witnesses for God so that He can enable people to enter the kingdom through faith in Christ. May the Lord bless you as you follow Him each day.




Lynda on Mar 16, 2021


I have been witnessing to a Jewish Rabbi and I just learned he has left Facebook to go to a new group called weme every time I witness they leave without a goodbye or they just ignore me. I understand what is happening how will I ever know if any that I have witnessed to found Salvation. I have not found one to admit to finding the Lord it is like having a job but nothing you do is good enough




Karen on Feb 18, 2021


I rewatched this. Many people feel unqualified to share the truths about Christ. I fortunately was raised in a Christian based home since birth. I was scared to share my faith for the first 20 years. But then it became easy when I realized I could not survive the hatred and people not going to church...fighting the world more than accepting and sharing God's love. So I would just share my testimony of when I felt comfortable Jesus leading me after acceptance. I would apply all aspects of life to the Bible and how God would handle each situation. I try to learn something new daily in God's word and with devotions and videos like these. If we just open our hearts, minds, and souls more and just casually share what Jesus has done in our lives......others may take note and grasp what we have eventually. Plant the seeds.....and let others and God take it from there. I know of many who have been church goers all their lives and still hateful. We need to not just be church sitters.....but listeners, application to life folks, excited to share of God's love and forgiveness for all.....and just brighten people's lives instead of having them feel there is no hope.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


I'm right there with you, Karen, on this. I couldn't imagine not using whatever gifts I have for God's glory and the encouragement of others. May He continue to bless you as you serve Him with such enthusiasm.




Mary on Feb 2, 2021


The idea when you hold your arms out in two different directions on top of Mt Arbel and you look to see that 2/3 of that area is the area that Jesus preached in was very surprising to me and very interesting to know.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 2, 2021


Yes, Mary, that image is amazing, isn't it? In such a short time, and in such a limited area, Jesus did eternal things.




Karen on Dec 8, 2020


Mount Arbel and past videos has REALLY helped me put the pieces of Christ's large puzzle together. So Awesome. I was like WOW the whole video scene so far. These videos are so cool! Thank you Dr. Stiles! Can't wait to view more!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 9, 2020


How wonderful, Karen, that the Lord has used the videos to encourage you and to give you a bigger picture of the life of Christ. I pray that things would continue to come into focus more and more and more… God bless you.




Wacyf on Nov 4, 2020


Dear Wayne, do we have Free Will to decide (or not) to believe or does God elect who is to be a believer? Many thanks in advance for your answer. Dr Wacyf Ghali




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


That's such a great and important question, Wacyf. The short answer is both. Seems a contradiction, but the Bible clearly teaches the doctrine of election as well as our responsibility to believe in Christ. I spend some time explaining this in the video on Luxor's Valley of the Kings. Check it out. God bless you.




Wacyf on Nov 5, 2020


Dear Wayne, thank you for your answer. I have another question important to me. If you could help me with an answer that will be great. The question is "Has Christ, our Lord and Savior, died on the cross only for the elect or for all so that they be saved? God bless.

P.S. Thank you for the video which I will look at in a moment.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


Yes, Wacyf, Jesus died for all the world (John 3:16), not just the elect. The Apostle John makes a distinction between us and the world-- but notes that Christ died for both: “He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). This is further explained by Paul in a passage that's tough to understand at first: “So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men.For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:18–19). Jesus is the one who reversed the curse that affected all of mankind. In order to do that, his atonement must also potentially benefit all mankind. Tough passage, but that's the gist of it.




Wacyf on Nov 5, 2020


Thank you Wayne for your prompt answer. It certainly has clarified important points to my doctrinal beliefs The reason I am raising these questions is that I have a friend who is Calvinistic and believes that Jesus died on the cross for what he refers to as the elect (in other words the chosen or predestined) - and clearly I have a problem with this concept.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I do understand, Wacyf. Your friend is a 5-point Calvinist, likely, which includes the belief that Jesus died only for the elect. However, the other 4 "points" of Calvinism are biblical. Whenever people ask if I'm a Calvinist, I always have to qualify I am-- except for that one point that's not scriptural. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him in His Word.




Wacyf on Nov 5, 2020


Thank you Wayne for taking the time to respond to my questions and clarifying certain doctrinal issues. You've helped me a lot. It is now as clear as crystal. God Bless.




Jim on Oct 29, 2020


Loved the perspective with the arms and 2/3 of the Gospel message! Seriously considering linking up with you in Israel in 2021 or 2022 from Uganda! Will keep close in contact as time grows closer! Love the fact that we are so close in Texas!!!! Our current Jerusalem is ripe for harvest as we share the Gospel with our neighbors. When we go to the uttermost parts of the world next year, we know that Jesus has prepared hearts for us to share the Good News with! Thank you for this inspiring ministry - we love it!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 30, 2020


Jim, I'm so glad the 2/3 illustration was helpful. It still amazes me, frankly, how Christ's ministry in that small area continues to impact the world. What a great God we serve.

And YES-- I'd LOVE to have you join me in Israel! The fall 2021 tour is already half full. God bless you, my friend.




Kathy Haecker on Oct 29, 2020


My. Arbel was the highlight of my trip to Israel in the summer of 2019. My life story connected me with Magdala but God promised me that the remaining years of my life would be fertile like the valley I could see from Mt. Arbel. He assured me that the gospel I share with others is an oasis in the valleys of life.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2020


I agree with you, Kathy, that Mount Arbel is a highlight. And a high point! :-) SO significant to see all those places of Jesus from one location. God bless you as you share the gospel with others.




Judith on Oct 28, 2020


I enjoyed this video! I also received my Satellite Bible Atlas today, also; it complemented the video. Just wish I had bought an atlas long ago.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2020


Yes, Judith, isn't that atlas great? I use it often too. God bless you.




Jeanne on Aug 24, 2020


I loved this video and the views as well. Is that a reservoir at the top? I was amazed that 2/3rds of the gospel took place in front of this mountain.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2020


I am glad you enjoyed the video, Jeanne. And yes That is a treated wastewater reservoir. Israel wastes no water! :-) Just to clarify, from Arbel you can see where 2/3 of the gospels took place. They didn't all take place in front of Mount Arbel! Thanks.




Francis on Jul 9, 2020


I just simply loved this video. Your message reminds me of the role we are to play in our daily lives. No matter what our particular vocation, we interact with people every day. We can sow, we can water, and perhaps we can even harvest. But the views from that mountain captured my attention from the very beginning, to the very end of the video. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020


How wonderful, Francis, that the Lord encouraged you through the Mount Arbel video. May the Lord continue to guide you as you seek to fulfill His great commission in your special way. God bless you.




Gina on Jul 7, 2020


I so enjoy these videos. Dr. Wayne's love for the Biblelands shows in his facial expressions.. as you really meditate on where it is in the video you are, you begin to feel as though you are right there walking with Dr. Wayne. And the drone views are great! I've worn out my sandals walking these videos!! just kidding! But what a wonderful way to study the Bible and grow in Christ and draw closer to Him. Thank you, Dr. Wayne for this wonderful way to learn of our awesome God.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020


I love that metaphor, Gina! Wearing out your sandals with these videos… That's great! I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your study of His Word through the videos. I pray that you continue to find joy and insight in the journey. God bless.




Lynette on Jun 11, 2020


What a fascinating video....one I want to watch many times. Such a vantage point of incredible land and Jesus's ministry. Stunningly beautiful. I found myself praying again through this video to know God's will for some changes coming in our lives. I want to be in the center of His will, in His timing and serving where and in what area He calls.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 11, 2020


I am convinced, Lynette, that God is far more concerned that we know His will for us than we are. If we are seeking Him, and we wait for His clear leading, I believe His will can't be missed. It really does help to have a filter like the great commission to help us make decisions. Will this direction allow me to fulfill the great commission? Essential question...




David on Jun 3, 2020


We are viewing this just as we are celebrating Pentecost - the first trial run of the Great Commission in Acts 2. A message by Peter in the language and context of his audience led to 3000 being baptized. My hope is to listen enough to God and those He puts in my path so that I might also speak to them in a way that they see God at work in their lives, and turn to Him for guidance and care.

An unrelated question is where in Jerusalem did God provide enough water to baptize that many people. Far more challenging there than along the Jordan.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


I will join you in that prayer, David, that you will speak in a way that many people will see God at work in their lives. As far as where the Pentecost baptisms occurred, it's likely they occurred in the ritual baths just south of the Temple Mount. See this video for more on those ritual baths. God bless you, David.




Rich on May 17, 2020


Excellent video and devotional as always; thank you! I have one question, though: What is it that I was seeing at several points in the video (1:25; 2:10; 10:35) that looks like a large oval pool at the top of Mt. Arbel?




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2020


Great question, Rich. I believe that pool is a treated wastewater reservoir. Israel wastes no water! :-)




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


Amazing view! And so much happened right there. I wonder what the population count was then?


God’s will for my life? (1) Believe on Him (2) Put Him first (3) To go help others. I used to make God’s will for me about me, but a selfish heart He couldn’t work with very well, so He began changing it. That was a good and kind gift. Now it doesn’t matter what I do for Him, yes, like you said He’ll let us know and just...do/go. Thank you Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2018


You're welcome, Karen. Mount Arbel is really an amazing view-- so much of the ministry of Jesus in one view! I like hearing how God has led your life. Well said; great goals!




Sally on Jul 12, 2018


Wow! How amazing that this teaching came this week. I was part of a group that just finished hiking the Jesus trail. One of the high points was hiking up and the DOWN Mt Arbel.

I believe God spoke to me before this trip and told me to video tape it and put it together in a documentary. So I have been working my way through all my footage and listening to God’s guidance as to what He wants this to look like. So seeing and hearing you tell about the history here is reinforcing what I am seeing and hearing on my footage. Thank you so much for this teaching.

Actually, as usual I learn so much from all of your teachings and I am loving being part of Walking the Bible Lands.

Thank you and bless you,

Sally Petrone




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2018


That's great, Sally! I also have hiked down Mount Arbel, an amazing experience and I was thankful for the guide cables! Your video project will really drive home all you learned. I'm thrilled that you're enjoying Walking the Bible Lands, and it's an honor to take these virtual tours with you.




Lorraine on Jul 12, 2018


God's will for my life? Not meaning to be cleshaish (?sp.) but in my personal experience several phrases stand out: 1) the chief end of mankind is to love God (know to the depths of my being) and enjoy Him forever (get, grow and maintain my life with the Lord). 2) trust and obey (in Gen. it reads in the amplified version "...I being in the way by faith and obedience, the Lord lead me) and 3) Go ye into all the world and preach (teach by words and deeds) the gospel (good news of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus) to every nation (right where I am there are people all around me of my nationality and from other lands) baptizing them (immersing them in the knowledge of ) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.... Give control of my life and the lives around me for God to control (oversee). I'm thankful that His mercies a new every morning.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2018


You can't improve much on that, Lorraine! Good for you—and may God bless you as you pursue proclaiming His mercies to those you can.




Garry on Jul 12, 2018


Thank you Wayne. This is yet another wonderful film. It takes us back to the days we stood at the top of this mountain. Next time, for sure, we will do the arm thing........... what a great teaching tool about the Gospels.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2018


Thanks, Garry. Yes, that arm thing is a profound way to take in the scope of Jesus' ministry—and to remind us that God can use us to affect the entire world, even from our little area of influence.




Mount Arbel - How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

Kedesh - When You Need a Place of Refuge

Ty on Apr 1


Great reminder of God being our place of refuge in comparing to the cities of refuge for Israel in OT times.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2


God alone is our refuge, Ty, so true. We need those reminders each day, lest we wander into other refuges that are really traps.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 4, 2022


What a powerful message today, as I needed to hear about Abba providing me a refuge, a place to feel safe. When I am misunderstood, I know that Abba knows the truth, and as Jesus said, "The truth will set you free". Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


Yes, Sheron, our gracious Lord indeed provides us those places of refuge — even today! Isn't it wonderful to know he lends that kind of care to our lives?




Norma on Apr 26, 2022


Often our church buildings have served as a sanctuary for refugee immigrants, that their only sin was to break the immigration laws by staying in the country illegally. Most of them came escaping of violence and poverty. Others their dreams of joining their love ones who already live in US. The constitution doesn't allow law enforcement to storm inside a church building and arrest someone because of church and state separation; especially if the refugee isn't a criminal. Church should be a sanctuary for those who are seeking justice. I am glad that Israel in the old times acknowledged the importance of due process for the defendant or accused and the protections that entitles by providing safe places like Kedesh in Galilee.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2022


Yes, Norma, due process is and essential part of any justice system. How I wish our justice system would keep the verdict in check until truly proven guilty. Social media is a jury all its own.




Bobbie on Apr 5, 2022


This video brought me to tears and gratitude towards Gods sanctuary and place of refuge. I needed this so very badly while I am still in the mist of waiting on God. Thank you Wayne. I believe I will hold onto this encouragement for sometime until God shows up. 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2022


I am so glad that this video encouraged you, Bobbie. Let me ask, do you have my book, Waiting on God? If not, I believe it would be a great encouragement to you. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Bobbie on Apr 6, 2022


Thank you Wayne. I bought Waiting on God. I love Joseph’s story and can’t wait to dive into your book and see what God has for me. Thank you again. God bless you. Ps. I couldn’t turn your book title blue. Hahaha.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


Yes, Bobbie, I saw your book order come through – and I have mailed it out this morning. I pray the Lord powerfully encourages you through the Scriptures and through the book. God bless you.




Ty on Mar 26, 2022


Appears to be the first time of me viewing this video. Indeed some very inspired teaching and expounding with the Holy Spirit leading Wayne in using his gifting and talents. Lots to reflect upon to allow the Holy Spirit to stretch us in the ways God desires us to be stretched. Indeed, God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Line from the movie 'God is not dead'.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2022


Really glad you go to see the Kadesh video, Ty—finally! :-) We all need a place of refuge when people's words wound.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 10, 2022


Knowing God will make all things right is a comfort.




Kathy on Feb 8, 2022


Misunderstood and betrayal.....when I was sick with Lyme disease I was accused of making it up, ignoring and not trying hard enough, just asked to snap out of it...etc. God knew the truth, and He is mending relationships that were broken. How we need the refuge of HIS ARMS>




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


Indeed, Kathy, sometimes only our God truly understands. And isn't that a wonderful comfort? I pray that the Lord will indeed give you a place of refuge in the truth. The words of Peter come to mind as he used Jesus as an example: “While being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously” (1 Peter 2:23).




Maria on Dec 29, 2021


He will see me through




he has been there ...


he is present




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


Indeed, Maria, the Lord is present with us when we need a place of refuge. What a wonderful promise!




David on Aug 26, 2021


God brought me from being a religious church member to being righteous through faith in Jesus. It was over 50 years ago and I still praise Him for what He did.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


I praise God with you, David, for saving you more than five decades ago! What a wonderful memory… May He continue to give you the joy of your salvation.




Rosemarie on Aug 16, 2021


Boy this is a question for today with all the political and controversial lies. God knows the truth and I trust in him. I believe God wants us to treat people with respect and not judge.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


Very true, Rosemarie. Only our great God knows the truth – and thankfully, He perfectly balances justice and grace.




Nancy on Jul 16, 2021


When we know God, we understand we stand approved before Him, not man. God knows our heart more than anyone. It is the truth which makes us free.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2021


Yes, Nancy, so true... Thankfully, even though God knows our heart more than anyone, He sees us as righteous as Jesus when we place our faith in Him. What amazing grace! God bless you.




Nancy on Jul 16, 2021


So blessed with opportunity to participate with you on Walking... This is indeed your calling and such a need for believers who are unable to go there physically. We spread the Word we learn from you. Many, many, many yhanks.🥰




Jeanne on Jun 4, 2021


I loved your domino comment...we see the next 10 but God sees the next 10 million! You say it so simply and in a way to help us remember. Thank you for that!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021


Thank you, Jeanne. May the Lord continue to bless you with each video.




Joan on Apr 26, 2021


When we know that God sees exactly how we were wronged, we know that He will justly redeem us over time and in the best way for us.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 26, 2021


Yes, Joan, God seeing all is a great comfort. At the same time, it is a great conviction. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


The statement trust and obey comes to mind. I worry. I hear the worries of folks daily. Read people as they name call idiots when life doesn't always go with their thinking...or worse their fears. Reasons for all seasons. God knows how to work things out for our favors in HIS timing. Trust and patience is what I meditate on and let God straighten things out. Sure I voice my concerns....but God works with the problems moreso.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


Our Lord's timing is always perfect, Karen. It just take so long! :-) Thankfully He is our refuge and our place to hide when the world crowds in around us.




Gerald on Nov 30, 2020


Paul suggests in 1 Cor 13 that love rejoices whenever the truth wins out. The domino consequences matter when fraud, lies, and cheating go uncorrected and/or invalidated. God, as our individual and "Godly nation" refuge, help us this December, 2020, before and as U.S.A. elections results are finally determined.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


Amen, Gerald. Won't it be wonderful when God's truth finally is revealed and we can rejoice? Whether it occurs soon or in eternity, either way, we will glorify our God who is Truth. May He bless you today.




Jim on Nov 5, 2020


I love the 6 cities of refuge. Our God is a very present help in times of trouble. I am so glad He is our refuge and our strength. He has helped me in "cities of refuge" many times in life. I believe when we are in leadership we get an extra helping of unjust accusations! But my trust has been and always will be in the Lord! Thank you for this very helpful teaching!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2020


You're welcome, Jim, and I completely agree with you. Leadership paints a bullseye on our chests, and it seems our hearts often take the bullets most. Thankfully, like Christ, we can entrust ourselves to Him who judges righteously! May the Lord bless you as you serve Him and wait on Him.




Denise on Oct 17, 2020


God has put me in a place of refuge. It shows me His love, care, protection and provision. It hurts to be misunderstood and rejected but is a great comfort to know and see God's love in provision. It was encouraging to hear the history of the cities of refuge ,especially that the time for being there will one day will bring release.

You can't change what people choose to believe but you can trust God for judging righteously. It s good to know that He knows and loves us.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020


So well said, Denise. As often as I hear the truths you expressed, they never get old, because the reasons for needing to hear them are constant. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Sue on Sep 4, 2020


Amen! Well done. These are truths not often taught but so needed as they take a while to learn. :D It's good to be able to lean on Jesus and find refuge and peace when needed.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2020


So true, Sue. Christ is our refuge and strength-- a very present help in times of trouble. May He continue to cover you with His wings of protection and provision.




Karen on Oct 6, 2019


God knowing the truth when I’m wronged 1) helps get me away from wrong people 2) He promises to avenge me 3) it teaches me to have peace in that what I did was right scripturally 4) I learn to forgive and go on. These were slow lessons as I was getting the old man and world out from me, now they’re blessed reliefs :) Great video, praise Jesus, thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019


Karen, I've needed a City of Refuge as well before, and it's a tough place to be. I pray God encourages you as you take refuge in Christ.




Estrella on Nov 29, 2018


Your teachings are always profound to me and the videos are so excellent and everything ties up together.

Thank You for your insights....




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2018


Estrella, I'm so grateful the Lord has encouraged you through the Kedesh video-- as well as others. Thanks for your gracious words. It's an honor to serve the Lord--and you!-- in this way. God bless.




Joyce on Nov 29, 2018


Dear Wayne, I have been a member since the first day you stated "Walking the Biblelands" and have enjoyed every one. The photography is awesome and your teaching is very informative and attention getting. I have been to Israel several times and I can't get enough of your videos....but...I was going to write and tell you I can no longer afford to be a member which saddened me greatly. I am a senior and live on a fixed income. My rent keeps going up each year as well as my other expenses but my income has not changed in several years. Here comes another "but" ! As you talked about Kadesh, the city of refuge, and how the word means "holy" it made me think. My Holy God is my protector and He also is my provider and as long as I can with His help I will continue to be a member of "Walking the Biblelands". I know I can turn...actually I can run to Him for help and protection. God bless you and this amazing ministry.





Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2018


Thank you, Joyce. I'm so glad to know that Walking the Bible Lands has been a blessing to you. I also admire your faith and trust that He will provide-- just as He always has. God bless you.




Kedesh - When You Need a Place of Refuge

Nazareth - When Jesus Feels Too Familiar



Wednesday at 8:45am


Oh my, Wayne, this has been one of my favorite videos so far. I was imagining myself being there with Jesus in that time. Would I, too, have rejected Him and His teachings? Thank you so much for these beautiful images, and for the questions you posed, pricking my conscience.




Wayne Stiles


Wednesday at 12:15pm


Yours is a great question, Doreen. Thank you so much for pricking my conscience as well.




Ty on Mar 17


It's an attitude concern for me. If I am chasing knowledge only then complacency can and will set in. If I am building a relationship, which is my desire, I am more into a receiving role in my understanding of God's Word. As His grace and mercies are new every morning, so my interest in hearing from God and being affirmed from God through His Word to me grows as it would with being in any relationship one treasures and desires to be part of one's life.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 17


I love that distinction you make, Ty. Knowledge as an end only "puffs up but love builds up" (1 Cor. 8:1). The Word is a means to an end, that of knowing the Lord deeper and obeying Him more fully.




Jeanetta on Feb 11


I listened to this video again, and noticed content I had missed before...familiarity with the Bible stories can lead us to not dig deeper into their meaning in that culture and in our. Thank you!




Jane on Apr 7, 2022


I am so appreciative of Dr. Wayne Styles teachings. It is so worthy to my life. Could you clarify who the man is on videos in this series and who the same man that does the Walking Videos? Is it Father and Son? Or or they same person? Thank you for this bit of onformation. Thank you for your ministry. I got to visit Israel in 1995. Signed Jane Wright. Donp51wright@gmail.com




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


Hi, Jane. What a blessing that you got to go to Israel in 1995. I am a little confused about what you're asking as far as the man who does the videos, etc. It's all me! Hope that helps. —Wayne Stiles




Jane on Apr 8, 2022


Thank you so much for your ministry! I love every episode. God bless you and you are definitely in the right place! Sincerely, Jane Wright




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2022


What a blessing, Jane, that the Lord encouraged you through the Nazareth video. I pray that the rest of the videos continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 10, 2022


I go on little adventures with our LORD on a regular basis so He is not familiar unto stagnation. One time I took the 4 Gospels and wrote out every verse that I could put my name in. Another time I wrote out a list of all the hearts present in the Prodigal son story - that was fun and I will probably re-do it. Sometimes I read His Word to Him thinking He might like to hear it. My list is much longer but you get the idea.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


That kind of creative thinking and Bible study is magnificent, Wanda. I applaud you for your innovation to application.




Sherri on Feb 25, 2022


The video mentioned Jesus teaching in the synogogue. Where did the idea of a synogogue come from? During the reign of King Solomon, King Solomon built a temple to the Lord. We know much later that many were take from their homeland during the Babylonian captivity, so the temple was unavailable for worship for the Jewish captives. History tells us that that the Jewish temple was destroyed in AD70. Why didn't the Jewish people build another temple when they were back in Israel? Then, bringing us to the era in this video, would the Romans, who held the Jewish people captive, have not allowed it? If so, how were the synogogues able to be built as this was a place of worship and instruction? Thank you for your help.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022


I've not done much reading on the synagogue, Sherri, but they seem to have begun after the destruction of the First Temple in the days of the Exile and returns to the land of Israel. Ever since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, the land of Israel has been dominated by "the times of the Gentiles" -- especially after Hadrian removed ALL Jewish-ness from Israel in the 2nd century. Even synagogues weren't allowed. Jews were taken out of the land again. The times of the Gentiles is still true, even up to today, where Israel depends on other countries (like the USA) for its security/military weapons. Spiritually speaking, the Lord hasn't allowed the rebuilding of the Temple yet because that would resume sacrifices--and Jesus was the last sacrifice.




Maria on Dec 29, 2021


unfortunately, sadly, I miss His words or my obedience. Please pray for me that nothing be bigger and scary than not pleasing, adoring, be devoted above all to My Father in Heaven, my Savior and Great Pastor and the voice of my Counselor and faithful helper... The Holy Spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


I have prayed for you, Maria. Rest assured, our Lord God does want us to follow Him, and so, He will make His way plain to us. I pray that the Lord will also give you strength to follow. God bless you.




Kathy on Feb 8, 2022


Marla, I will pray for you too that God will be bigger than any problem, worry, scary future, etc. Even evil men can scare us by what they might do next. Then I remember God says, Fear not what man can do to you but FEAR GOD.




Donna on Oct 28, 2021


I love connecting scripture to the physical place where it took place. The visuals help keep it alive in my mind. I especially appreciate that you always stress today’s application as it’s about obedience and transformation, not just hearing or seeing the Word. May God continue to bless your ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2021


I know what you mean, Donna. It is magnificent to connect the places of the Scripture to the Scripture itself! It gives such a greater context to the words on the page. May the Lord continue to bless you and encourage you as you watch the videos.




Cherie Fisher on Oct 3, 2021


I believe the Christian religion is of the highest intellectual and spiritual experiences in this world of all the religions out there. It is simple enough to understand that grace is ours because he died for us....repent and believe. BUT taking His words and understanding the culture and terrain and realizing why Jesus used the metaphors and parables and words He used is a life changing experience if you care enough to dig a little deeper for understanding. Jesus is so cool. I am so glad to learn and grow and transform by a further understanding of our Savior. Transformation, take me away!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 3, 2021


I like the way you put that, Cherie. Indeed, as Paul wrote in the book of Colossians, Jesus is the epitome of the wisdom of God.




Rosemarie on Aug 23, 2021


I am familiar with the stories of the Bible but not the words of the Bible. Being brought up catholic we didn’t read much in the Bible so now that is what I am learning and understanding with your videos and explanations. I love your podcasts each week too. Thank you for Walking The Bible Lands




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021


I applaud you, Rosemarie, that you are reading the Bible and connecting it to your life. That's why the Lord gave it to us! If you EVER have any questions about what you're reading, don't hesitate to ask. May God bless you abundantly as you read His Word.




Joan on Aug 19, 2021


That is a beautiful video, Pastor Wayne, and inspiring message! I would only hope that I would hear what the Lord is saying to me at that moment in time (as opposed to other times in my life), because, keeping a Divine Appointment, my eyes have fallen on His words as I read the Bible. May the Holy Spirit guide me to do so! 🙏😇🙏




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I join you in that prayer, Joan! May the Lord continue to guide you and give you insight. God bless you.




Betty on Jun 4, 2021


I so appreciate how well your videos are organized and presented. I feel like I am there with you. Thank you for all the time and effort you personally put into Walk The Bible Lands. I don't expect to travel to Israel myself so it's wonderful to be able to watch your videos and hear your commentary, Your maps are wonderful and I am enjoying my journey.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2021


Thank you, Betty. I'm thrilled the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. May He continue to encourage you with each one! God bless you.




Joan on May 15, 2021


Every time I read the Lord's words it stops me to consider how I might apply them, especially words of caution or warning. It doesn't matter how familiar I am with His words or the passage, my current circumstance and/or timing is calling me to read those very words for a purpose through the Holy Spirit. It's a sacred moment. My only challenge is to be in the Word enough!?!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


I know what you mean, Joan. Our daily to-do list screams for our attention, and our responsibilities demand we look to them first as opposed to God's Word. May the Lord bless you profoundly as you spend time in the Scriptures.




Diane on May 13, 2021


Your videos Wayne are like visiting the Nazareth Village once again and SO much more with your inspirational life lessons! Knowledge and experiences are great, but a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is above all most vital! We must communicate with Him by reading His Word and praying!




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


How exciting, Diane, that the Lord is blessing our tour together. I pray that you will continue to find encouragement in each video! God bless you.




Laura on Mar 22, 2021


So true if we read the scriptures, God can reveal new truth in his word. When we are more open spirituality than we were before :)




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22, 2021


Absolutely, Laura. The Word of God is an inexhaustible text! There is no bottom to the book. :-) God bless you as you read and read again.




Steven on Mar 4, 2021


Wayne, My own ministerial obligations has kept me from enjoying your videos for many months now. However, I took time out this morning to watch your Nazareth video--which was as excellent as the many others I have viewed. I remain a very enthusiastic monthly supporter. May our God continue to use your faith-filled giftings to our good and His glory. Please know how thankful I am for you and your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Great to hear from you, Steven! It is refreshing to read your words again. I am thrilled that the Lord encouraged you through the Nazareth video. I pray that He would continue to do so as you watch them all. God bless you, my friend.




Bob on Feb 27, 2021


Great message! I sometimes hear people complain about the teacher or the pastor, "he is boring", "I don't understand him due to his accent", "he is too loud", "I don't get anything from him".... When the problem is with us the audience and congregation. God's word never comes back void. If we approach it with an open mind, you might be surprised what you get from it.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Yes, Bob. Well said.




Janet on Feb 9, 2021


Dear Wayne,

We are really being blessed by your videos and application to our lives. We can’t thank you enough.


Do you have hard copies called Waiting on God Or is it on audio only? Thank you.





Wayne Stiles on Feb 10, 2021


Hi, Janet. I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos! And yes, I do have hard copies of Waiting on God. You can get them here. God bless you.




Bette on Jan 26, 2021


Familiarity with the Bible and with Jesus’ Words helps me to grow more and I learn something new each time I read it over and over again! I love God’s Word and never tire of repeating my favorite passages and those I read less often, and apply it to what I have had happened in my life and areas I need to improve!


Just like Jesus had to walk away from those seeking to kill him by pushing him off the ledge because they did not have faith in him and did not like hearing the truth, I had to walk away from my best friend when she did not want to hear God’s truth from the Bible and she lashed out in anger. I did not argue with her, because it would do no good and cause her to say more hateful things to me. So I decided to let her think about God’s Word.


We both moved and she got married and we lost contact with each other. Then one day she called asking for me. She was coming to visit her brother and wanted to visit with me too. She remained a Christian Science, but she now understood my view of the Bible, and was excited to introduce me to her husband, who had to listen for years to her talking about her best childhood friend-me!


We became friends on Facebook, but I rarely saw anything from her. Then last week, after hearing nothing from her for at least a year, she responded to something I put on my page about good things someone had done to help many different people, and said this person told all lies! Then she sent me a hateful message and called me a Nazi!! I knew I had never done anything that the Nazis had done, and God knew it too, so I basically “walked away” by deleting her message, but keeping her as a friend to give her time to think it over and see how untrue her accusations were, and not revenge evil for evil! The Bible says to be kind one to another and to forgive others. I would let God and the Holy Spirit take care of it and wipe away the hurt it caused me. Every time I show love and compassion towards those who purposefully hurt me, God has worked behind the scenes, and I have made some of my best friends his way!!! 🙂


Update....after writing this earlier today, I just found out she has commented favorably on two of my Facebook entries,(one about the Christian in Holland, Corrie Ten Boom’s life saving the Jews in WWII), and again God has surprised me! On my journal I wrote, “WOW God .....you were right as usual!” Walking away and continuing to help people and live your life for God works. It sounds like she still wants me to be her friend possibly.


When Jesus went back to Nazareth the 2nd time, the people were awed by him, although still thinking of him as Mary’s son and a sibling to those they knew from their village, but now they wondered about him hearing all the miracles he was doing everywhere he went just like it said in the scriptures he read to them the first time he was there. Jesus tried the second time to reach them even though they still rejected who He really was! Sadly, he could not do miracles there because of their faithlessness.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


What a magnificent story, Bette… Thank you so much for sharing this here. It is amazing how stepping back, giving space, and allowing the Holy Spirit to do the convicting – rather than us—gives the Lord room to change lives. It does take years, doesn't it? It's the same with us! God bless you as you continue to love and to represent His unconditional grace.




Karen on Jan 26, 2021


Fabulous History that no other Minister had the facts so thorough! Thanks for these deep info filled videos Dr. Stiles!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


I am so glad you are enjoying the videos, Karen. May the Lord continue to encourage you as you watch and as you read His Word. God bless you.




Sandy on Jan 26, 2021


Thank you for this video of Nazareth. We did not get to visit Nazareth when we were in Israel but we did overlook the city from the same place you were on Mount Precipice. The view of the Jezreel Valley from there and the thought of Jesus being thrown over those rocks became very real while we were standing there. The permission to walk away from those who mock or deny Jesus becomes a great lesson for some of our own situations. There are times it may be appropriate to argue or fight back but often it may be a better witness to ignore and walk away.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


Do you make a great point, Sandy. Sometimes it does take the wisdom of the Lord to know which of these two Proverbs to apply:


“Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

Or you will also be like him.

Answer a fool as his folly deserves,

That he not be wise in his own eyes” (Proverbs 26:4–5).


So often I do find it helpful to step back, say nothing, and allow the Lord room to do the convicting — without me mucking it up with my words. May God give you grace to continue to represent Him well. Me too!




Doris on Jan 25, 2021


Being one of His for many years has shown me that as a college student, I was familiar with His word where now I love to open my Bible and allow Him to show me new understanding, discernment and love. The video on Nazareth reminded me of the time when our youth puppet ministry was accepted better in the community than at their own church.. We have been blessed by at least 2 pastors and a priest that were effected by these young folks.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2021


It's amazing, isn't it, Doris, how often the familiarity of someone becomes a barrier to hearing them. So tragic-- but so common for all of us. I'm thrilled that you pressed on in years past in spite of the opposition from your own church-- and that God provided leaders who allowed your creative gifts. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


When I was younger I would say to someone.....I hope you are not preaching to me when you say that. Now that I am older....I'm like ....ok you just smacked me with another God wake up call in my life. :)



Karen on Jan 7, 2021


So thankful for the Lord of History, so beautifully videoed here, Bro.Wayne. I am celebrating that I know the Lord of all life!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2021


Good for you, Karen. I celebrate also that you know the Lord. What an amazing blessing...




Russ on Nov 18, 2020


As for me and my family...we love these videos! So beautiful and fascinating and full of meaning. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2020


What a blessing, Russ, that you and your family are enjoying the videos. May the Lord continue to bless you!




Jim on Nov 16, 2020


I was just commenting to my wife in our daily quiet time that Jesus is seeking mature believers. Not people who spend all their time in the Bible, but who grow in Christ-likeness! I love your analogies and was reminded of Hebrews 5: 11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. I love the fact that my Messiah loves me and cares for me and desires an intimate relationship with me. Thank you for a wonderful insight to Jesus, my faith walk and Nazereth!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 17, 2020


Great insights, Jim. Thanks for adding them. Indeed, it is a necessary balance to spend time in the Word and also to live out the Word. We can't/shouldn't have one without the other. I'm thrilled the video encouraged you. God bless you.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


I really enjoyed my visit to Nazareth. We visited a spice shop called Elbabour and stayed at the Villa Nazareth Hotel. The Nazareth Village was interesting. We learned that the red dye was valuable because it was made from sea snails. I could see Jesus reading from the Torah in the synagogue. What a view from the Mount of Precipice. The Church of the Annunciation was beautiful. I struggled with shrines that were built in honor of the events in Christ's life. Great places to visit and I enjoyed it but many in Israel do not know Him as Savior. That troubled me the whole trip. They will get a second chance but have to endure the Tribulation. I pray many eyes are opened in these last days.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


You have some wonderful thoughts here, Kim. True, Nazareth is wonderful to ponder-- specifically that its geography and magnificent overlook have not moved. Jesus would have seen much, much similar. So many don't believe, but of course, many do! The Lord always has a remnant of Jews who believe. Amazing...




Jeanne on Aug 25, 2020


This is so true! Sometimes I think I look for more information rather than just meeting with Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2020


It is a challenging balance, isn't it Jeanne? It usually begins with knowledge, and that is wonderful – but it simply cannot remain knowledge alone. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 8, "knowledge puffs up but love builds up." Thanks and God bless you.




Denise on Jul 4, 2020


This tour really brings everything I've learned in the bible close together and more connected.

Thank you for sharing the scripture as part of the tour. It really makes it true to my soul.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


I am thrilled that you enjoyed the scripture, Denise, as part of these videos. Honestly, that is the whole goal! To help bring the Bible to life with a clear understanding of where it took place. God bless you.




Jennifer on Jul 2, 2020


Sad too when we have heard His words and they don't challenge us to live a life set apart and consecrated for His honour. His words need to cut through to the bone and reset our homeostasis, take us deeper into scripture, and our relationship with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 3, 2020


That's right, Jennifer. Thankfully, the Lord offers us many second chances to learn the familiar truths over and over. May the Lord bless you as you do so!




Lynette on Jun 12, 2020


So much truth. Know more vs. Grow more. I never want to stop growing in the Lord. It's so much more than head knowledge. It's heart knowledge through a relationship with Jesus. And the older I get, the sweeter that relationship gets. Very good points about familiarity. That's so true. Being raised in the church, passages are easy to "breeze" through almost mindlessly, but God daily has so much He wants to show me...new truths for the present day. His Word never gets old.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020


I know what you mean, Lynette. I eventually had to get a new Bible because my old one had so many notes that I assumed I had the passage down! So wrong… Thanks for your encouragement.




Cobi on Jan 17, 2019


how true!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2019


Yes, Cobi—and thanks.




Mary on Nov 28, 2018


I love how you ended this video: "listen"! I am very familiar with the Bible. But this does not mean my heart is transformed how it needs to be in every area of my life. I am listening. Help me Jesus, to hear what you are telling me that I will obey and bring glory to your name!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2018


Yes, Mary, that's what Jesus told His followers: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" I love your prayer. May we all listen when He speaks.




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


Personal growth from Jesus, definitely, when I chose to listen. Someone told me once we can read the words of Jesus or we can hear them: which made me look at each word very carefully. When I did that, the books, chapters, and verses came to life more than before. When I finally understood context, things changed, sometimes we can’t use just one verse we need the others around. I’d clap and thank the Holy Ghost for those teachings, then cry cause it’s so joyful and I feel even closer to God. It’s a lot of fun for me! Thank you for another great video Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Nov 16, 2018


You're welcome, Karen. Yes-- each word is valuable and we can learn so much through careful observation of the details.




Nazareth - When Jesus Feels Too Familiar

Plain of Bethsaida - When God Asks the Impossible from You

Jeanetta on Feb 11


I am encouraged by the ending of this video, especially because I feel so inadequate to do full-time care for my parents since we moved them into our home. Mom has had 2 strokes, is in a home hospital bed, on oxygen, and totally dependent; Dad has memory challenges as well as several health concerns; then there is their finances, and etc. Trusting God to provide strength, endurance, and finances is something I need to remond myself of daily--hourly.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


In spite of the daily and hourly challenges, sometimes these forced awarenesses of our dependence on God serve as true blessings. Without such tangible reminders of our need of God, we can begin to see Him as our butler rather than our Savior.




Ivette Rebecca on May 11, 2022


When my children were small we have to move our family from Florida to Illinois. Our first cultural shock came as we try to find an apartment for the four of us and found out that real estate value in Illinois was almost 3 times the prices of Florida! At the time I was not working outside the house because my children were too small, and I fret about how we were going to be able to afford anything of my liking. I spent several days praying to the Lord for wisdom to choose between 3 different places with very different monthly rents. The last night before we had to make a final decision and sign a contract I was restless. As I brought the issue one more time before the Lord I just heard in my heart the Lord saying to me: "Which one of these apartments do you think I will have a hard time helping you make the payments?" I immediately realized my foolishness! If God was with us He will be sufficient for all our needs. Next morning I shared this experience with my husband and we signed on the apartment I really liked. We do not only never missed a house payment but also, a couple of years later bought our own house. He's faithfulness surpases our lack of faith ALWAYS.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


What a great story and testimony, Ivette. Thank you so much for sharing another proof of God's faithfulness in our lives.




Norma on May 4, 2022


God has provided me with abundance. When my husband got sick and his salary was cut in half, God provided me with a job that compensated the lost of income. My income was enough to even save for my house's down payment. Now, in our retirement God has doubled our income to even been able to payoff our home. In a revelation last year, God showed me a mansion similar to the White House. After He took me on a tour inside the mansion and showed all the different rooms, He took me outside and said; "Look how much I have blessed you!". God is ready to do again in our lives the miracle of the fishes and loaves. I am happy with my present home, but Jesus promised in John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." God is ready to bless us even in the worst of the circumstances.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


What a great testimony, Norma. Thank you for sharing how the Lord is working in your life. He is the Provider!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 10, 2022


I didn't go to Bible School until I was 42 years old. I stayed at that school 8 1/2 years and was asked to leave on numerous occasions due to finances. At the midnight hour the funds would come in and I would get to stay. I did 2 years Regular Bible, 1 year advanced Bible and a Bachelor's of Theology. I'm still amazed.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Your story is amazing, Wanda. God is never late, but seldom is He early.




Bonnie on Feb 17, 2022


This really opened my eyes and heart to the message that comes through that as we share what we have others are so blessed. Thanks be to God as he blesses the gifts of others!! We may never know how far it goes in blessing others but we can know in our hearts God will bless!

Thank you for this message 🙏🏻❤️




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


What a blessing, Bonnie, that the Lord encouraged you through the Plain of Bethsaida video. I pray he continues to do so.




Bonnie on Feb 17, 2022


Thank you!




Dawn on Feb 17, 2022


How much we need to keep turning and returning to God. Every day there is something in the email about our economic deficits and political strategies to take more from the average citizen to support the spending of the government by drainingwhat little savings we might have. It is downright scary! There is none but God to turn to.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


You are absolutely correct, Dawn. The longer we live, the clearer it becomes that our only hope is Christ.




Kathy on Feb 9, 2022


pride and self reliance is a recipe for failure! I tried to homeschool and instead of admitting I was in over my head, I plugged along. Eventually, I got so worn out I developed disease.....When you are young, you think you are invincible....but God taught me the hard way that my strength will fail, I need HIM!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 10, 2022


Sometimes it does take coming to the end of ourselves before we realize how much we need God. I applaud you, Kathy, for recognizing that and for relying on Him.




Ty on Jan 13, 2022


The country picking banjo music at the start, almost got me up dancing, yee-haw, PTL! Too many to count in the question posed to us, how has the Lord supplied when we were in need? In my 30 years in walking before and with our Almighty God, right from the get-go, His meeting needs when called upon in the home, extended family, work, and social life was very evident and it continues to this day 30 years on. Matthew 6:34 comes to mind to share 'So, don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.'. Thank God 'His steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.' Lamentations 3:22-23




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


Wow, Ty, do they really say, "Yee-haw!" in your country? :-) Thank you for those good reminders of God's faithfulness. We need them!




Joan on Aug 26, 2021


I know from experience that, when I place my trust in Jesus Christ, He brings me through the waters! My challenge is to *always* remember to trust in Him, when I face challenges that threaten to overwhelm! Such great video lessons, reminders, and counsel, Dr. Wayne! 😇✝️💒




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


I am so glad, Joan, that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. I pray that He would strengthen your faith as He takes you through impossible circumstances. God bless you.




Opal on Mar 3, 2021


I have always thought that the miracle was in blessing what we have,sharing it and seeing how God uses it mightly




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


Yes, Opal, that is certainly part of the lesson. But the greater picture is Jesus training the disciples for how to do ministry. That lesson also transfers to us. We must only do it in dependence on the Lord.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


Never been to a church potluck to where we ran out of food. We always had food left over even when we thought we did not have enough. :)




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


Yours is the church I should go to, Karen! Many times at a potluck I would go last and be stuck with very little. :-)




Karen on Jan 26, 2021


But God kept you going with just a small portion....didn't He?🤗




Debi on Jan 14, 2021


A hurricane wiped out 100% of our clientele which meant they couldn't pay us or give us business. The Lord used our trucking company in new ways, taking supplies in to the devastated areas, helping clients get back on their feet, new clients....... We prayed and felt that the Lord was asking us to trust him for all the money our clients owed us and eventually they ALL recovered and paid us in full. He is faithful!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


What an amazing testimony, Debi! I celebrate with you God's great provision and faithfulness for you.




Neil on Nov 23, 2020


Thanks for the video.A timely reminder where I helped set up a Christian radio station in the UK and I didn`t have the money for my poll tax, going on leave meant I wouldn`t be allowed back into the country.


An envelope arrived at the station with the money& I paid the poll tax during my lunch break




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


What an amazing testimony, Neil! Isn't God amazing? May the Lord continue to bless your significant ministry there in the UK.




Kathy Haecker on Nov 19, 2020


Great video! The Lord paid for my graduate school degree when I was 56. Now he gives me opportunity to use it for His glory at 67. There were lots of impossibilities but you are right- it is His life in and through me!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


How wonderful, Kathy, that the Lord is using you in the ways for which He equipped you 11 years ago. May He powerfully encourage you as He works in you and through you for His glory.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


Watched this one 5 times. Need to drill this message into my head. I never connected the Old Testament accounts with Jesus and the feeding of the 5000. That was great. Much of what we are going through today seems impossible. Where is the end and solution?? In Jesus! All ways going to Him! Again and again. Good message! Going to watch it again.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


Wow, Kim! Five times? I'm not sure I have watched it five times. :-) But seriously, it is a message we need to hear again and again. May the Lord bless you as you continue to trust Him.




Ruthann on Sep 17, 2020


We are so enjoying all the videos! We have purchased a couple of the map books you recommend and have been enjoying them as well. I'm wondering what map you use at during the opening segments of the videos. Thanks for all you hard work. I am sure people are being drawn closer to Jesus through the work of you and your team.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


RuthAnn, I use a couple of sets of maps for the videos. Some of the openings (like this one) come from The Survey of Western Palestine. The rest I use in the videos come from the Satellite Bible Atlas-- which allows for digital downloads. Great resources. God bless.




Denise on Jul 4, 2020


I love the details in your videography and the music that accompanies the episodes.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


Thank you for letting me know, Denise. I am so glad that you enjoy the details – as they are a ton of work! :-) God bless you.




Karen on Oct 6, 2019


God always supplies me with His idea of how His plan should be done , in His timing. I go too fast, He holds me back with more to learn. I go to slow, He lights a fire in me. Example: When I went back to finish school because I believe God put it on my heart for Him, I had no idea how I was going to afford it? At the proper timing a bit later a still small voice said “go clean your mom’s house and let her pay you”. I suggested it and she loved the idea and it worked great for all of us and I’m using that extra schooling for Him today with no debt. It took awhile, but that was His timing too. I find He’ll limit things (the small $ amounts for cleaning) if I need to stay somewhere for a bit and really focus there, or bring it all in at once if ready to go! So much fun seeing the many and perfect ways He works. I always get a kick in scripture when a person tries to instruct God, cause it didn’t work like that for me either, lol. Pass my tests or keep taking them... :)




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019


Karen, your application of God asking impossible things is magnificent. So glad you had the insight to bless your mom and her you too! That's God's blessing. May He continue to keep His hand on your life as you pursue your education for His glory.




Lydia on Oct 11, 2018


Two ladies in church asked me to plan a Christmas bazaar. I do not have any hands on experience to even know where to begin. Left to Father God He accomplished what I could have not done .He CAN do the impossible.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2018


That's right, Lydia. You'll discover God's amazing ability to provide in a context of lack. I'm discovering that right now too!




Plain of Bethsaida - When God Asks the Impossible from You

Kursi - Making Your Commitments to God Stick

Ty on Mar 29


Good to soak in this video again and allow the Spirit to bring home it's truths.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30


Yes, Ty, how essential that we keep our commitments to the Lord. And then when we fail, we start over again.




Jeanetta on Feb 11


It's true, so many things can get in front of taking time with Jesus daily. I sometimes wonder, since I'm a fulltime caregiver for both parents, that if ai wasn't teaching a S.S. class every week, whether I would take time for enough BIble study--that's why I joined this study and it is a true spiritual blessing and emotional encouragement.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


I appreciate and admire your perspective, Jeanetta. Our God will indeed "limit" us at times in order to "enlarge" us in a greater way.




Nancy on Jan 20


After subscribing to Walking the Bible Lands for a second year, I am now doing the Bible in a year study and watching as many videos as I can.. Taking this time to be in the Word has become my priority...And I often listen to your podcasts as I go for my daily walk. I find them so encouraging and uplifting .. God bless you for your dedication and may you continue to inspire others like me.. Thank you for sharing the song also.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23


I am thrilled to be on this journey with you, Nancy. Thank you so much for letting me know that the Lord continue to encourage you to the Scriptures and through the videos.




Steve on Jan 12


Your teachings and the videos are always so relevant. I really enjoy many of the Christian songs from Bob Bernnett's era.


I have been struggling with chronic insomnia for the past two years and feel God is using this to draw me closer to Him. The one thing I want to improve on is my quiet time with the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13


It's never easy, Steve, to understand God's blessings in our struggles; we often simply just want God to remove them. I'm praying for your insomnia-- and especially for the Lord to draw you close to Him in those hours of silence and solitude.




Ann on Jan 5


I didn’t picture this area by the Sea of Galilee looking this way. It’s beautiful! Your message fits our world today ( my life many times). I am thankful how you make God’s truth apply to our everyday life. It’s a gift. I pray for His forgiveness & grace to put Him first. I loved the song. Thank you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6


Yes, Ann, isn't that song wonderful? I praise God that the video encouraged you. God bless you.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 10, 2022


Thank you for sharing this message as well as this song with us!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Yes, Sheron, isn't that song by Bob Bennett wonderful?




Ty on Jun 12, 2022


Some wonderful teaching and expounding in this video. Being challenged over an account I have heard many a time is good. Me being always the student as He is the Teacher while using the gifting to His church in others to help us along. A lot of good imagery used in the teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2022


Thanks, Ty. Our tour group was just at Kursi yesterday! We enjoyed seeing this place and reliving these truths.




Ivette Rebecca on May 11, 2022


Thanks for sharing that beautiful song. Never heard it before. What a great miracle worker is Our Lord




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed that song, Ivette. Bob Bennett has so many great songs like that.




Norma on May 6, 2022


Before having my heart procedure I spent the night before -instead of resting- putting a binder together with instructions of what to do in case of my passing. I have been postponing this priority over others because you never realize that moment will come. It was an overwhelming task to tell others how to manage a household with its finances and administration. I realized that my priorities were concentrated more in caring for others, not so much about myself. I came out OK from my procedure and I think I will use the time that God has granted me to fullfil my purpose and call. When I think about the deliverance of the demoniac by Jesus I feel uptimistic that He can do the same with these world leaders that are so possessed by demons causing a lot of suffering to humanity. Everyday I pray for a miracle. When watching the video, it caught my attention how far was the cliff from the Sea of Galilee.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2022


I'm so glad you have your house in order now, Norma. :-) And I'm even more glad that you made it through your heart procedure. Yes, the distance from the cliff to the shore seems great here – although the height of the lake varied throughout history.




Patti on May 5, 2022


Bible reading is a priority and I can spend hours literally from the time I wake up to noon and even beyond. I first used it as a diversion when husband went into memory care but now it is what sustains me as he was just put into hospice. The promises I claim and the knowledge that God is with me through this is invaluable.

Thank you for bringing a visual of where this miracle took place. I also really like your podcasts to bring the Bible alive.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


May the Lord continue to strengthen you through your many hours in the Scriptures, Patti. And may God sustain you as you anticipate the coming season of grief. I am thrilled that the videos and the podcasts give you greater context to the magnificent truths of the Bible.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 10, 2022


I'm supposed to publish a poetry book but circumstances like money, knowledge and the like have gotten in the way. I got Scrivener but can't seem to figure out how to use it. Just stuff and things. I have a typed version of the book. Anyway, I know God will help me and I figure we will zero in on it when I finish this degree.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Wanda, you might find helpful Michael Hyatt's ebook, Writing a Winning Non-Fiction Book Proposal. I found it a good read.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 12, 2022


Thank you!




Maria on Jan 28, 2022


Become member of the church to be able to serve & to belong.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2022


That is a tremendous commitment, Maria, and I applaud you for desiring to do so. You have significant gifts that the body of Christ needs. God bless you.




Joan on Jan 22, 2022


After Bob Bennett's spellbinding "Man of the Tombs', it's hard to think beyond the picture words he wove; but I would say that I need to (re)prioritize time for reflection of God's Word. More than just ticking off my Bible reading and/or lesson each day, spending even just a few minutes pondering how the passages pertain to me would help make the Bible more a part of my life. Thanks much for helping me think about that!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


Yes, Joan, Bob Bennett is a great artist. My favorite song he does is "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" -- so beautiful. Hopefully you saw the link I sent you about meeting Bob in Jerusalem.




Kimberly on Jan 27, 2022


I too got a really powerful reminder that this is time with God to reflect deeply on scripture. The song was a wonderful addition that brought it more to life for me. I can almost see this man as he wandered about his cavern in his suffering.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


Yes, Kimberly, I agree with you. The location gives an amazing context to the suffering of the demoniac until Jesus showed up that day. In many ways, as the song so beautifully shows, we were all like that man. God bless you.




Linda on Jan 6, 2022


I think everyone at times chooses to put other priorities ahead of Reading the scriptures, going to Church, setting specific God times and keeping to it and even in prayer time. I know I’m guilty, I will have to refocus and reschedule my time more wisely and stick more closely to to it. I’m really pretty good at it, I’ve just added more Jesus and studying to my days of late Because of winter times I can’t/won’t go outside in this cold weather.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


Yes, Linda, we all struggle to keep those priorities in line, don't worry. May the Lord continue to bless you as you follow him each day.




Rosemarie on Sep 2, 2021


I never heard this particular story/miracle before. Listening to Mr Bennett’s song helped me understand it. I am learning so much about Jesus with these videos. It’s true how we put off things or have excuses or we think other priorities Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


How exciting, Rosemarie! I am so glad the videos are introducing you to new parts of Scripture. I pray that you continue to learn and that the Lord continues to encourage you. God bless you.




Rex on Apr 15, 2021


Hi Wayne

I saw a question about the water level on the Sea of Galilee. I agree the level has remained fairly constant as we see the shoreline very close to the fishing village of Capernaum. But Kursi sits near the mouth of Nahal Samakh and the stream has deposited silt that causes the beach to be further away by 75 yards. I dug with Tzaferis in 2010 at Kursi and the beach continues to shift much like the sea at Troy is now over a mile away from the ancient waterline of its port RCM




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


That makes sense, Rex. And you are right, Turkey is notorious for silting its harbors! I am amazed how the harbors of ancient cities like Ephesus and Seleucia and Miletus have almost vanished. Great insight; thanks!




Mitzi on Feb 12, 2021


The Sea of Gallilee is gorgeous! I could sit by it and watch the waves come in and remember my commitments to Jesus and pretty much stay on course, but I have to leave there and face the world. Would like to just stay there. I'm 89 years old. Was saved when I was 34. (Very late in life!) Taught God's Word for more than 50+ years. Now I can spend time alone in His Word and just get lost and want to stay there forever, but again I have to face reality. Please help me to focus on Jesus all the time and make my commitments stick.. I'm still learning and growing. Your WBL videos are wonderful and helpful. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 12, 2021


I applaud you, Mitzi, at how your commitment to Christ has stayed firm for more than 50 years. May He continue to give you grace to serve Him more and more. God bless you.




Jeanne on Feb 12, 2021


This was really thought provoking because, even though I have heard this story before, I never thought that I was the ‘man in the tomb’. I think that I never wanted to ‘need to be rescued’ by Jesus as much as I really do. Those guys aren’t really any different than any me except that they recognized it quicker.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 12, 2021


Great insight, Jeanne. We really are much like those guys in so many ways. I appreciate your words and your personal application. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


I am forced to live a single life and when God takes His time to solve a problem for me....I get upset that I seem to be not important...last. But then I just pray and ask Why have you forgotten me....please help me Lord. Within a few hours my answer comes forth. I just need not to get angry and frustrated and just pray.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


So true, Karen. How is central it is that we keep the past in mind as we deal with the present and anticipate our future. He has always been faithful.




Denise on Jul 8, 2020


Question about background buildings.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 8, 2020


Great question, Denise. Those are actually coverings for banana fields! The coverings reduce the evaporation and maintain a better temperature for the bananas. Israel is a genius at water conservation.




Denise on Jul 8, 2020


Changed my comment. I didn't have peace about it but appreciate your gracious response.




Lea on Jul 1, 2020


Love the devotional Wayne. This is one of the places I long to go on our second trip! Thank you for framing the miracle in the context of discipleship... very penetrating and forces one to analyze idols in their lives.

One question... do archaeologists believe the water level was higher back in Jesus’ time around the Kursi area? It seems the pigs would have had to run on level ground for quite a while before running into the Sea of G had the event occurred today. Thoughts?

eric r




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2020


That's a great question. The water level goes up and down quite a bit depending on the rainfall each year. This is true even today! In fact, 2020 was a major blessing for Israel in that there was a lot of rain and the level of the lake was higher than normal. All that to say – as far as the ancient level of the water, it would not have varied all that much from the high water level of today. Of course, there may have been some level ground for those pigs, but it wouldn't have been too much. The cliffs along that eastern shoreline in that particular area are steep. But when you are talking about number of pigs, those in the front get shoved by those in the back. Just like us at ballgames. :-) Thanks for the great question.




Dona on Feb 7, 2019


This song brought tears to my eyes as I thought of a dear relative and several friends who are suffering from various forms of mental illness. God has claimed them in Holy Baptism is my greatness comfort as they struggle daily with their conditions. I remember His promise that He will lose not one of His sheep. Thank you, Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2019


Yes, Dona, that song is so moving... It often stirs my soul as well. We were all men and women of the tombs before the Lord graciously reached out to us. I'm joining you in your prayers for your relative and friends.




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


Don’t prefer the pigs over Jesus; got it. Another wise and very well stated devotional. I was a prodigal that lived with the pigs for a long while, then came back home. Shwew. It really is always a mess in the pen. An important priority I put off was getting me out of the way and stop putting stipulations on what God asked of me: “Okay, but only on that road will I go.” Yeah, no, God definitely doesn’t work that way. There’s more peace in letting go than being stubborn to get what “I want”.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2018


I agree, Karen. In the long run, the Lord's way is definitely the best way. And His path OFTEN takes soooo long.




Karen on Nov 15, 2018


So true. Jesus said I’ll be back soon, and that was over 2000 years ago. In lieu of eternity though, that would be soon to God :) Lol I just love Him




Norene on Jun 14, 2018


“Man of the Tombs” evokes praise and worship to our God for His great mercy toward us. We were all zombies, the walking dead until Christ redeemed us. May this cause us to devote more and more to Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018


Isn't that a great song, Norene? I really like how it mirrors our own place of need before God apart from Christ.




Linda on Jun 14, 2018


Loved the lesson and the song! May I see others through Gods eyes and always place others above worldly pursuits. May I go wherever Jesus leads me no matter the cost!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018


Thanks, Linda. Yes-- isn't that song powerful? I love it. God bless and thanks for your comment.




Robert on Jun 14, 2018


Regarding the miracle at Kursi:

1. The demons asked to be sent into the pigs which ran to the sea and died. Did the demons die with the pigs? Do demons need a living host?

2. Rather than recognizing the miracle from the Creator's Son, the locals asked Jesus to leave their area. I wonder if at the time, superstition and belief in a pantheon of gods lead them to see Jesus as a magician or demon possessed person himself.

No, I'm not missing the lesson from the miracle. I just get lost in the details as I place myself in other's shoes. Why did they not recognize the Son of God after seeing His power over the devil and his demons?

Thanks for the lesson.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2018


Magnificent questions, Robert. No, the demons didn't die, but the watery demise of their hosts would serve as a preview of a greater abyss to come. Holy angels are never portrayed as possessing anyone, but they can appear on their own. Demons, on the other hand, never appear to humanity apart from some kind of possession. So, it seems the answer to your "host" question is yes.


As far as the Gentile's view of Jesus, you could be correct. But we don't know for sure. As the Gospel of Matthew points out, even the Jews on the western shore "missed" the Son of God—and they believed in the true God. So, it's hard to say what was the particular hurdle for those at Kursi. Great insights, Robert. Thanks.




Kursi - Making Your Commitments to God Stick

Bethsaida - How to See Jesus Even Better

Ty on Feb 25


As the saying goes getting a PhD from the school of hard knocks takes a lifetime of learning. God has limited us to receive information and learn as time marches on. Every day is a new day of learning and putting into practice what we take onboard. As God's grace and mercies are new every morning, so our ability to receive new learnings are made available to us even those things we walked by and seen on numerous occasions but didn't pick up on. The process of learning about and in our God is like our practical learnings in the world's systems we engage with. Our relationship in our learning about our Maker is progressing daily as we spend time with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26


Right on, Ty. We are constantly learning from the Master Teacher, who has many more things to teach us which we cannot bear just yet (John 16:12).




Marcia Visker on Aug 12, 2022


For us who were raised in a Christian home and have known Jesus our whole life it is really easy to think that we know everything about him. Some days while reading the Bible I just gloss over it because I’ve read that before. But then other days the words just leap off the page and I am amazed at the new truth God has shown me. How crazy to think that I can know and understand everything about my wonderful Savior!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2022


Yes, Marcia, I know what you mean. One thing that has helped me in recent years is to listen to the Scripture. There's no way to skim the Bible when you are listening to it! I have discovered amazing things that I never realized before simply by reading. Especially in the book of Job.




Sheron Keeling on Aug 11, 2022


What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry. Everything to God in prayer. I welcome the stages of Jesus teachings. He doesn't give it to me all at once. For I would not understand everything at one time. Each stage is a blessing, a reassurance of His love and devotion to me, as He continues to mold and shape me in His Image. He draws me closer to Him, as I depend on Him. Thank you Father for Your Son Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Yes, Sheron, I am right there with you, stage by stage. Thankfully, God gives us what we can digest, bit by bit.




Norma on May 12, 2022


I like the fact that Jesus did the healing miracle of by stages to help with the disciples understanding. If I look back at my difficult times, these circumstances made me seek Jesus for understanding. It was part of my spiritual growth in understanding his power and how he can turn things around for our own good. We just have to trust him and believe.




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


Absolutely correct, Norma. Our growth stages are all part of God's plan.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 24, 2022


I've had people say they say to God, "Since Wanda went through it, so can I." I have been a not likely to make it individual but God stepped into my life and did things. Forever I am grateful!

P.S. Your photographers did a great job showing the beauty of this area.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


How amazing to be the source of inspiration for others, in spite of a struggled background. I am thrilled that you enjoyed the photography of this episode, Wanda.




Dawn on Nov 1, 2021


I am not aware of anything from ‘my difficult past’ that the Lord has used for his glory. I would think that maybe being tolerant and working at it daily is only possible because of God. That is an ongoing challenge as well as something exercised in the present.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 2, 2021


Thanks for sharing, Dawn. May the Lord continue to encourage you and bless you through the Word and through Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you.




Dawn on Nov 2, 2021


I just thought of something, Wayne. I came very close to dying when My first son was born due to a very difficult labor and emergency C-section delivery. I had a fever of 104 for several days, BUT the prayers of my Mom and sister pulled me through. My son had no complications. I give God all the glory for that. In fact, some years later I was on the operating table for a mysterious mass in my ‘tubes’ and it was definitely there the day before and seen on x-rays, but the doctor could not find it the following day. I had a female visitor at my bedside the night before who came to pray with me that was a total stranger. I think she must have been sent by God. I have had some other incidents as well where God intervened. I guess I wasn’t connecting them last night.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2021


What wonderful experiences of grace you have had, Dawn. I appreciate you pondering God's great work in your life. I'm amazed at God's power in you.




Nancy on Sep 30, 2021


Even in the most difficult situations, we must trust Him. That, I believe, is what Jesus is doing in my life. I’ve been a Christian for 42 years and am still learning to trust Him in everything. Thank you for your videos. I hope to travel to Israel someday. Please keep my 95 year old husband in your prayers. He just won’t let go and trust Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2021


Praying for your husband, Nancy! May God open His aging heart.




Karen on May 13, 2021


I have survived many trials and tribulations. I have been told my strength and perseverance thru it all is amazing to many. I just tell them Jesus is my Leader and inspiration of that strength!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


That's wonderful, Karen, how the Lord has not only led you through your trials, but He has also used you to encourage others. Reminds me of 2 Cor. 1. God bless you as you continue to follow Him.




Rex on Apr 14, 2021


Wayne...enjoyed the Bethsaida teaching. I will be at the site this July and Aug excavating El Araj with Steve Notley et al. Given the possibilities I appreciated even just the question mark on the area map you included! The lesson here I believe is that people , like ancient places, do not often come with a name tag identifying who they are and what they believe...we need to dig to find out. RCM




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2021


Thank you so much for your work and ministry, Rex! I am thrilled that you are working at El Araj with with Steve Notley. What a blessing! But August? Wow… That is warm. Wonderful insight about tagging people and digging to discern what is real below the surface. Very nice.




Rex on Apr 15, 2021


Hi Wayne! I am thrilled to run across someone with similar passion for the Land. This is a great ministry and I promise to not rain on your parade with a shower of comments etc. Speaking for many of us though we appreciate your timely responses that answer so many questions we all have ! I started in the land with a class at JUC (Jerusalem University College) 20 yrs ago and Wink Thompson and Steve Notley were two of my professors and we have been fast friends ever since. 72 and still learning but re-inspired by your teachings and stunning visuals RCM




Mary on Feb 26, 2021


I know that God has worked miracles in my life over the years. I have also learned that things we pray for do not always get answered right away. Sometimes God just wants us to keep praying a little longer. Sometimes the outcome of what I’m asking is not what he wants for me. God always wants what’s best for us which is not always what we ask for. I usually realize the reason at some point.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Yes, Mary, the Lord reveals Himself to us in stages, as we can bear it and apply it. I pray He continues to encourage you through the videos and His Word. God bless you.




Brenda on Feb 23, 2021


I had never made the connection of God’s healing in stages and that the disciples would learn in stages. This is a great example just in learning this that I definitely learn in stages. That applies to all learning to an extent, but learning about our Lord is the most rewarding learning of all! He holds our interest because there is an infinite amount to learn. You never “arrive” on your learning. The journey though is so rewarding!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021


I know what you mean, Brenda. The Word of God is an inexhaustible text! We never reach the bottom and we never arrive. What a blessing to have a truth from God we can study and learn from all our lives. God bless you.




Norma on Feb 17, 2021


well said




Karen on Jan 28, 2021


We can never learn enough to understand God's interest for us! Thank you for this introspection into this miracle




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


So true, Karen! There is always more to learn about God's grace and love for us. A lifetime assignment… God bless you.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


I learned about Jesus first in nursery school at University Baptist Church...52 weeks of the year from birth to 1998. My Aunt sat down at bedtime with me at age 10 and told me about her bestfriend. I just thought church was storytime. But after she reminded me of stories that matched our worlds today...she helped me understand Jesus was just not a person in a story but was with us today as a living friend in spirit. So at age 10 I accepted Jesus as the real deal. Baptized in May of 1975. In 1978 I rededicated my life to Christ at age 13 at a Nazarene Church revival for I knew my sinful ways was not pleasing to God...going along with classmates on outings that were not pure. I started working in Vacation Bible Schools, attending Bible summer camps and doing mission projects within youth group and later with churches. Taught Sunday School class from 1990-1999. Quit teaching because parents wanted me to teach their way and not God's way. They did not like that I would say if you didn't follow God's laws like the 10 Commandments God would be displeased with you. They wanted me to only teach love, forgiveness, and God loves you no matter what which I didn't do well with for in my life....I know God disciplines me quietly when I do wrong. I know God loves us all daily and forgives....but I try to walk straighter paths as much as possible. I have dealt with a nightmare marriage, dealt with adultery on His part, alcoholism, lust, porn, drugs....that I had to end my marriage and couldn't handle Him having that life. Always felt I wasn.t good enough for anyone in that way of life. I come from a line of missionaires and Pastors. Been disciplined by many of my speech and actions all during my life. Yet I find imperfections of many daily and yet they don't get scolded as much as I. I just keep caring for my, my household, and Senior Citizens on my job.....internet witnessing. Love sharing Christian music online, sharing my wisdoms of what Jesus has taught me through the years. I'm 56 now....and currently praying for a stable future for sometimes the news with politics and such keeps me wavering. God works hard to keep me sane.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


I praise God with you, Karen, that He has held your hand through all these years of joy and trial. I pray that you would find genuine fruitfulness and encouragement in the days ahead. God bless you.




Bette on Jan 8, 2021


Jesus brought me through many difficult times to teach me in stages about Him and that He could use me for His glory! I was bullied in High School for going to church and being a Christian. I tried to ignore it, and God sent some girls who liked me and tried to protect me from my worse bully. One day this bully got hurt and I talked with her and walked with her towards the nurse’s office.


About 10 years later a lady recognized me in a store and called me by name! She told me I was the reason that her son was being baptized the next day! I asked if her son knew me, and she explained that we went to high school together. She said she watched me and how I was sweet and kind to everyone, even the bullies and others who made fun of me. Then she explained, “When we graduated, I went to every church I could find to find people who acted like you as a Christian! I finally found one, became a Christian, and raised my son in that church. He accepted Christ as his Savior and will be baptized tomorrow all because I saw Christ in you!”


About 45 + years I responded to a Facebook entry about how music helps people in nursing homes by telling how my singing and playing musical instruments helped in the 5+ nursing homes where my group did church services. One man came out of a coma when I sang ‘How Great Thou Art’! My worse high school bully said how wonderful that I did this nursing home church service music. I found out she knew my Pastor’s wife, who had just died the week before, and she became a Christian when they talked several times they met! She wanted to be my friend on Facebook, but I hesitated accepting her for a week. However I felt God pushing me to be her friend and we have met and talked during several HS reunions!


Those days in high school were very difficult for me, but God used them to help me grow. When some Christian ladies in a group told me that I must not be a Christian if I did not lead people to God every week and baptize them, I was discourage! BUT God sent the first high school lady with a son to me that very week to help me see that He was using me to bring others to Him to plant the seed and let the Holy Spirit work in their lives afterwards. He taught me in stages never to give up or be discouraged when I was not sure He was using me for His glory, and revealed how we all can influence the people at the very time we feel that way!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2021


What a magnificent testimony, Bette! Isn't the power and providence of God amazing? Thank you so much for sharing this. God bless you.




Sandy on Dec 31, 2020


After visiting Israel in 2019 I have become hungry to learn more about the places we visited and also learn about sites we didn't have time to see. Bethsaida was mentioned as we drove by and through this video I have now 'visited' the site. It is wonderful to get new insights into the WORD and connect the sites both physically and spiritually to the stages of understanding Jesus used to teach the disciples and us. The Bible has become rich with messages for my heart and understanding of Jesus. THANK YOU for continuing my 'visit' to the Land of the Bible..




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


How wonderful for you, Sandy, to see up close a site you merely drove by... There are MANY more places to see as well. I pray the Lord blesses you as you enjoy each one.




Anita on Dec 14, 2020


I teach preschoolers this song to sing every morning..."Good morning God! This is Your day.I am your child. Show me Your way."


In other words.....God what are your interests todaY!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 14, 2020


I also learned that song in Sunday school when my wife taught it to preschoolers! 😄 God bless you in your ministry to those precious children.




Judy on Dec 12, 2020


I just love everything about these videos - the music, the aerial perspective, how you give us the complete history combined from separate pages of Scripture, and, of course, your great teaching! My husband and I toured Israel a number of years ago, but these videos take me to many places we did not visit. I've been reminded of many truths through your videos (though this is the first comment I've made), but the truth from Cana about God's timing, not my timing, and this one from Bethsaida about God's interests, not my interests, and the idea of learning about Jesus in stages have really stuck with me. These are all concepts I need to keep reminding myself of over and over. I think I've watched the video on Cana about ten times! (The last piece of music in that one combined with the message always brings tears to my eyes.) In addition to my personal Bible study and worship at our church, your videos add a wonderful dimension to my Christian walk, and I am so grateful. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2020


Judy, what a blessing that God is reaching out to you through His Word and through various other means that point you to His Word—like these videos! Thanks for letting me know, and I pray that the Father continues His gracious hand upon you. What a blessing that you and your husband were able to go to Israel and that the videos are bringing back memories of your significant journey.




Heather on Dec 4, 2020


Thank you. I've always wondered why Jesus healed the blind man in stages. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Bethsaida is a beautiful location!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2020


Thank you, Heather. Yes, the reason for the miracle in stages really becomes clear when we look at the book of Mark as a whole. Amazing and genius structure. Oh, that the Lord would open our eyes to see His purposes! God bless you.




Judith on Sep 7, 2020


Every time I venture into a new Bible Study in Covid-19 isolation, I see scripture in a new light. Never would I have thought the computer could be helping me to learn the Bible so vividly and grow in understanding. Thank you for pursuing this project!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2020


So true, Judith. The Lord uses technology in wonderful ways to deep in our walk with him. I am glad that the videos are an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Friend on Jun 23, 2020


Insight to healing of the blind in stages= Read & heard before, sunk in now! -stages thank you!,

The knowing of Him through listening who He is-great reminder!

Teaching us to know Him, as he Reveals who he is.

Yes God's interest is our best interest! Amen




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2020


I am so glad that the video on Bethsaida gave you a greater insight into the familiar passage. It often is that way, isn't it? We hear a simple truth that helps us collect and make sense of a passage we have read all our lives. God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 14, 2020


"The more I learn (know), the more there is to learn (know)!!" Isn't that the truth!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 14, 2020


It always will be, Lynette... :-)




Lynette on Jun 14, 2020


Yes. :) How can anyone say that God's Word isn't relevant for today? It's new and fresh everyday!




Steven on Feb 15, 2020


Thanks Wayne for extracting practical spiritual life principles so well from all of these sites. Separately, every time I view a video, I am amazed by how rocky the soil and landscape is everywhere in Israel. It is amazing it is such a highly agricultural land considering the rocky nature of the soil.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2020


You're right, Stephen. Israel is amazing in so many ways! God has certainly blessed them in technology as well as agriculture. His hand is still on that land.




Estrella on Sep 12, 2018


I love your insight! You make me aware of my relationship with God and how to face my struggles in life.

Thank You




Wayne Stiles on Sep 12, 2018


You're welcome, Estrella. I'm so glad the Lord used the video to make you aware of these issues. Such a blessing.




Bethsaida - How to See Jesus Even Better

Tel Dan - When Convenience Crowds Your Walk with God



15 hours ago


Compromises are like erosion of the soil. Erosion occurs over much time little by little until the hill gives way and your house falls into the river. We have seen America go further and further on this slippery slope until we are now a hedonistic society. This is because the church has given into the temptation of compromise with the world.




Wayne Stiles


3 hours ago


Indeed, Wanda, the erosion is effective and progressive. So is the potential for rebuilding. Just as it erodes bit by bit, so it can get strengthened-- and it begins with us.






yesterday at 2:05am


Good being challenged by this video again. Lots of distractions during our life's journey for all of us to deal with. Remembering 1 John 4:4 coupled with 1 Corinthians 10:13 will provide us what we need at any given time.




Wayne Stiles


16 hours ago


Yes, Ty, our world offers so many convenient alternatives to the hard work of trusting God. I like those verses you added. Thanks.




Sharon Cummings on Dec 6, 2022


I had been away from church for 30 years. I started to feel God put it on my heart to return. I knew something was missing in my life, and I knew it was God in my life. I started looking for a church. I searched different churches over the next year and finally found one I felt God had led me to. I felt like this was the closest I had felt to God in my lifetime. It wasn't the convenient church.... that I originally had thought was important. It is a nice drive for me. I talk to God and pray on my way. During Covid our church shut down during the state mandatory time, but we were one of the first ones to do live church services when we could. It is sad to see churches that still do not have in person services. Speaking for myself, I feel more energized for the week by attending live service than I ever did watching online. The interaction with God's people, the music and the sermon fill me up with so much love and I feel the Holy Spirit within me!

Thank you so much for your messages and the beautiful scenery. I pray that I will get the opportunity to travel there sometime soon. God bless!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


I know what you mean, Sharon. It is so much more meaningful to have church in person! In fact, it really isn't church, unless there is an assembly — because that is what "church" means. How gracious of the Lord to draw you back after 30 years. I am thrilled that the videos are an encouragement to you. I am also excited that you want to go to Israel. I pray that when you go, you will come with me! I lead tours multiple times per year. See them here. God bless you.




Norma on May 13, 2022


I live close to downtown Sacramento and there is a United Methodist Church with a huge temple, a great choir, and hospitality. This church is just 10 minutes away. I prefer to join a small church farther away because of their spirituality and witnessing. I feel closer to God in their worship. They don't have a choir or huge temple, but you can be in intimacy with God. Nowadays, people find any excuse for staying home and build an altar that usually is their television.




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2022


I understand that, Norma. We also drive 40 minutes to our church. Inconvenient in many ways, especially for fellowship, but this seems God's will for now.




Hal Warren on Apr 23, 2022


Perhaps continuing to watch church in our pajamas versus colocating and participating. Ouch!




Ty on Apr 17, 2022


Seems to be the first time I have viewed this video. Lots of tough questions and statements Wayne presents us with. These are personal decisions to be made and as Wayne reminds us, if we decide to walk with God there will be challenges along the ways and we'll face decisions to be made. John 6:66 comes to mind here.


'From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.'


Words are easy to say, the carrying out of those words are much harder and to be honest impossible to do without God.


Joshua 24:15 comes to mind:


'But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.'


What decision will you and I make in following after those who went before us?


I am also reminded of Jesus's statement if you don't approach heaven with the mind of a little child you won't make it. Little children don't have to prove themselves. They just have to know they are loved. Train a child in the way he/she so go (Proverbs 22:6). Whose doing yours and mine training? Both God and the world delivers their pitch. The question is who is doing my personal training and who am I following?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2022


I like the collection you make there, Ty, with Joshua. Indeed, walking with God is never convenient – it takes gut-wrenching commitment.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 7, 2022


The world and its view will offer any number of things to distract from going the straight and narrow path. On the wide path, you find: If it feels good, do it; doing anything you want is okay as God will forgive you; just do some good deeds or compare yourself to so and so; the list is much longer but you get the idea.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


Your words and assessment are right on the money, Wanda. How seductive is that wide path!




Kathy on Feb 12, 2022


The scariest part of the Christian walk is my tendency for ease, especially as I age. I think I could pray daily that I do not fall into the ease of whatever convenience I am tempted to do, spiritually speaking. And in daily activities too. An EASY RELIGION does not have an EASY END.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2022


Your observation about an easy religion and an easy end is profound, Kathy.




Dinah on Jan 15, 2022


Computer games




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2022


Good observation, Dinah.




Dinah on Jan 17, 2022


Praying that my time will be spent on my spiritual walk with my Lord and Saviour as I learn more about the Holy Spirit who dwells within me leading and guiding my path to share God with others. Thank you for doing what God has called you to do. Making a chance for us to see the Holy Lands.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


I am thrilled, Dinah, that the Lord is blessing you as you watch these videos. I join you in your prayer that your walk with Christ will deepen and your love for the Spirit of God will grow. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to lead you on these virtual tours. God bless you.




Lori on Dec 2, 2021


Pretty much everything competes with God in our society. I have been through so much the last 5 years that it has revealed how independent I was. By that I mean I took for granted my ability to just get another job. I had built a strong skillset of several different things so I would always have something to fall back on. What I never expected was to be disabled and unable to work at all. That left me completely dependent on God. Places I thought I was depending or leaning on God, another layer or several were actually revealed for me to lean or go deeper. That may sound like nothing but it has been eye opening in many ways. Pride competes with God. It creeps in places that we would never expect it to be until it is revealed. Love competes with God. We often place our families, children, ourselves, our church, or whoever else above God without even necessarily realizing that is what we are doing. Time competes with God. How we spend our time competes with God. It is so easy to turn on the tv or get busy doing something rather than spending time in Gods word, worship, praying, or otherwise studying/considering how God wants us to spend our time.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Wow, Lori . . . What a blessing has been the past few years for your walk with God. How marvelous that you have relied on Him and seen His faithfulness. May the Lord continue to encourage, provide, and bless you.




Dawn on Nov 2, 2021


This is so thought provoking. Something that concerns me in these COVID times, is that people will get so accustomed to virtual church service that they choose virtual over communing in a place of God with other Christians. We need to worship God together to support not only our knowledge and beliefs but to love each other as witnesses to God’s love.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2021


That’s exactly right, Dawn. Too often we view our church participation as a consumer activity – rather than some thing we actually contribute to.




Sharon on Sep 10, 2021


Wow! That is a reminder for us to ask ourselves what is important and what do I put first in my life. Thanks, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2021


That's right, Sharon. Great question to ask. God bless you.




Beth on Sep 2, 2021


When Isreal chose to worship a calf instead of God's ordinances, why did they make a calf - what is the significance of a calf?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


That is a great question, Beth. When Jeroboam chose to make golden calves, it would remind people of Israel's golden calf after coming out of Egypt (1 Kings 12:28). Some scholars suggest that the golden calves were objects on which God was to ride. Seems a bit of a stretch, but it is suggested, as other deities are sometimes pictured as riding on calves. However you slice it, it was idolatrous and wrong (v. 30).




Patty on Aug 19, 2021


Silly me! If I had gone to the bottom of the page I would have seem the link to the transcript! Thank you so much for all you do to help us grow in our walk with Jesus❤️




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


So glad you found it, Patty! I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. God bless you.




Patty on Aug 19, 2021


This message on sacrifice vs. convenience in our worship is so important as people refuse to return to church in person because “it’s more convenient online”. For some it’s safety which is understandable. But many admit it’s just more convenient. Is there a written version of this teaching ?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I love the point you make here, Patty, about the convenience that Covid has given us to just stay home and not go to church. That is so true!




Bonnie on Jul 29, 2021


I’m so grateful that you make videos over the less traveled places. I’m so grateful to have my knowledge and memory enhanced, of the places I’ve traveled., and how they relate to the Bible. Hope you keep making videos. Your maps, interviews, podcasts are enriching my life. You relate well to others, with your gentle, humble, and knowledgeable presentations. Thank You. Bonnie Jo Holmes




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2021


Thank you so much, Bonnie, for your gracious words. It is indeed a privilege to be able to walk these virtual places with you! I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you. God bless you.




Lisa on Sep 17, 2021


Hear hear, Bonnie! I feel the same way. I have been repeatedly blessed with your teaching, Wayne….both through these videos, but also your podcast sermons. Really appreciate all you put into taking us deeper into the word of God. He is working through you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2021


Thank you so much, Lisa, for chiming in! I am so glad that Walking the Bible Lands and the podcasts have been an encouragement to you. You are an encouragement to me…




Diane on Jun 10, 2021


Tel Dan is a beautiful area! I can see how taking the shortcut to worship here would have been very tempting instead of continuing on to Jerusalem. However, Gods ways and paths in life, as He directs are always best! We must enjoy the journey of life, even when it gets long and rough at times!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


Absolutely true, Diane. How tempting it would be to travel the short distance to this beautiful place rather than the long road of obedience. I pray that the Lord continues to guide you in ways of clarity and affirmation. God bless you.




Joan on May 14, 2021


Money, power, approval, and materialism is what the world offers. We're studying "Trustworthy" by Lysa Terkeurst and last night we saw her video on Tel Dan and discussed Jeroboam and his sin. One person thought that Jeroboam had been a good man; but on research, evidence only was that he was a 'mighty man of valor', whom Solomon saw fit to appoint to a leadership position but then wanted to kill for rising against him. Jeroboam fled to Egypt until Solomon died and returned on that report. Do you know if Jeroboam had been a 'good man', Dr. Wayne? Thanks much in advance!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2021


No, Joan, I don’t think the Scripture indicates Jeroboam as a good man. But there was potential in him that God saw. Remember that the Lord offered him a kingdom as enduring as King David’s! An incredible opportunity that he lost.




Joan on May 14, 2021


Thanks so much for that word. It was my sense that the term 'good man' wasn't one I'd think of when the name Jeroboam comes up; but I wanted to rule out some subtlety I may have missed. It was striking that Jeroboam received the same promise that David did and still plowed head-long into rebellion .. but I'm not quick to criticize, as sin is sin to the Lord and I need to work on my own sin nature, before I cast that first stone! 😬 😁 God bless!




Rita on Apr 6, 2021


Always enjoy the videos.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021


Thank you so much, Rita, for letting me know you enjoy the videos. God bless you.




Aaron on Mar 2, 2021


I was struck by how far Bethel was from the area of Dan on the map you showed. People from the north would already have traveled SO far, and yet the temptation to save just the smallest amount of extra effort by not going to Jerusalem remained. How silly we are sometimes! When obedience would only ask a few more miles of us, we convince ourselves that either the journey isn't worth it or that we don't have what it takes to complete the journey.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


Your observation is profound, Aaron, and full of implications. Thanks so much for sharing your insight.




Karen on Jan 21, 2021


People working hard to support themselves, their own families and their communities thru donations and taxes. Everything receive starts from someone. Many sacrifice money, things, and time to help someone else cope easier. God is pleased when He sees that we are working for the good progress in others.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


I like the way you put that, Karen. Our Lord is pleased when we are willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of His glory.




Jim on Dec 11, 2020


Oh this video spoke volumes to me! Phyllis and i hopefully will be on field in Uganda by May. In our interview process a board member was concerned about our convenience and sacrifice in leaving the "good life" of Texas and the "inconvenience" of living in Uganda! We both told the board that this was not about convenience but our commitment to serve the Lord, wherever He sends us! The last several months have been tough as the uncertainty of COVID and all that goes with that have made spiritual commitment "tougher." But we have been encouraged to start 2 Bible studies and participate in online experiences for worship. We both count it a blessing to get our Thursday morning videos from you and to feed our souls and worship together! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2020


What a blessing, Jim, that the Lord is affirming His call for you and Phyllis through the videos-- and especially the video of Tel Dan. Thank you for your heart to serve Christ! May the Lord continue to encourage you powerfully in His Word-- and in the videos. :-)




Zina on Nov 20, 2020


Wow!! This video brings home with today’s Covid, how convenient virtual worship has become. I crossed 2 different picket lines in my 34 years of nursing career to work. And today I’m crossing the Covid line to Worship. We all wear mask, temperature check, and disinfect after each service. So far no outbreaks. Praise God!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


It's amazing, isn't it, Zina, how many lines we have to cross in order to live our responsible, obedient Christians lives? May the Lord bless you-- and protect you-- as you worship, serve, and cross those lines.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


It is not just what the world offers, the church is offering much compromise today. This is nothing new. Religion offers feel good practices that are against the Word and will of God. A relationship with Jesus and a moment by moment walk is the only thing that will keep us from compromise.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


Oh yes, Kim, I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, I think religion offers the most subtle and seductive alternative to a true walk with God. This is precisely what Jeroboam was trying to do at Dan. How essential that we cling to the Word of God and allow no substitutes.




Kathy on Aug 15, 2020


I work full time. Pre-COVID I used this as an excuse to not attend church Sunday nights or Wednesday nights. Now we don’t have those services at all and I sorely miss fellowship with my church family. You can be sure when churches start opening up again I will be there whenever church doors are open!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


I am the same way, Kathy. I have not been able to worship for months and months with other believers. Really do miss it.




Renee on Jul 4, 2020


Thank you for this video! Just returned from visiting Tel Dan a few months ago and was hit with the same conclusion of how inconvenient it was to travel all that way south - and into a different climate and landscape - to Jerusalem. It made me sad for those in Dan who truly wanted to worship the One True God and could not travel south, that choice was taken away from them. They lost everything. Yes, there was an alter, but to a golden calf! Their belief was replaced with a false god. We must be very careful that we do not sacrifice the ways written in scripture for a more exciting, more enticing, more convenient, more popular form of worship or belief. It is difficult today as everything seems to get more confusing on what is right and what is wrong, and also with our busy lives, it seems to become more important to settle for convenience. Standing for truth and being obedient to God is getting harder. Let's pray that we do not end up without a choice as well.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


I agree with you, Renee. The quick and easy alternative is so available in our lives. Thank goodness for God’s grace to steer us back to the true and only place of worship. God bless you.




Friend on Jun 23, 2020


Terrible compromise= Terrible outcomes in the spiritual lives of God’s people. :-(


These videos are great! thank you for your insight and wisdom in making this geographic challenged person. understand much appreciated. :-)




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Tel Dan. True, we really need to cling to the Lord and to trust Him in those moments when we are tempted to compromise. God bless you.




Ellen on Jun 13, 2020


I am amazed in every video and wonder how each location would reveal a new lesson. Your devotional approach to this virtual tour is really a blessing, more than I expected. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020


You are so welcome, Elena. I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time here and that the videos are encouraging to you. God bless you.




Steven on Feb 17, 2020


I remember the site of Tel Dan very well. The remnants of blatant defiance of God's express plan and desire for Jerusalem to be where He was worshiped combined with the use of two golden calves (the exact images representing rebellion in the wilderness wanderings) represented not just naive or casual ignorance or apathy, but blatant rejection and disbelief. Such leaders make me hurt for the people. If only Jeroboam had realized his error and repented! The tragedy of it all! The other thing amazing about this site was the remnants of more recent conflicts between Israel and her enemies. I remember a rusty frame of some type of military piece of equipment and the trenches and observation perspective the site afforded - right at the very place of Israel's past rebellion. I wonder if the irony ever crossed the mind of those involved in more recent conflicts. Thanks Wayne for this incredible type of ministry to everyone!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2020


Those are some profound thoughts, Stephen. Tel Dan really is an amazing place – both regarding archaeology and the spiritual life.




Corlyus on Jun 21, 2019


Now I have a better understanding of this site. Thank you & yes thank you for reminding me of what gets my time.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2019


I'm so glad, Corlyus, that the video helped with the site and offered some perspective of priority. We all need those essential reminders, and often! God bless.




Rosemary on Feb 26, 2019


Wayne is Tel Dan the current name for the Old Testament area of Dan (Laish). I've been looking on a map of Israel in Old and New Testament Times so that I can understand the geography of the land in relation to the videos. Should I be looking rather at a modern day map instead. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2019


Yes, Rosemary, Tel Dan is ancient Dan (Laish). Your best bet to find the ancient sites is to look at an atlas. Then compare the site's location to a modern map. Google Maps is great for that.




Rosemary on Feb 28, 2019


Thanks Wayne I have been using an atlas. Thanks for the suggestion of using Google Maps. I checked that out as well. On another note your videos etc are so well done and very informative.




Karen on Dec 20, 2018


The world offers us the compromise of tolerance: We must accept sin or shame on us and we will be called bad people and taken to court or lose jobs. It competes with God by teaching Christians to fear men when God says to not fear men ever. The world is not more important but it sure thinks it is...




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2018


So true, Karen. I've been on the receiving end of what you're talking about, and it is SUCH a challenge to trust/fear God in those times. But so worth it.




Anita on Jul 20, 2018


Your teaching on Tel Dan is great. We, I sometimes think I'm discerning some area when really it's my own selfish desires. I really do want to follow Jesus more than myself.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2018


I'm right there with you, Anita. It's really easy to favor convenience rather than commitment. Thanks.




Anita on Jul 20, 2018


I would like to know if I can view these videos that I have already seen. Maybe to share with a friend, or just refresh a teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2018


Yes, Anita, you're welcome to view and even download any video as a member. Just click on the "All Content" in the menu or use the search feature. Let us know if you need something you can't find. Thanks!



Tel Dan - When Convenience Crowds Your Walk with God

Tabgha - Starting Over With God

Ty on Jan 19


Been a while since I have seen this video. The inspired questions Wayne is lead to ask us in these videos are challenging and so ever needed, at least for me.


My first 40 years of life in walking in darkness and then having my eyes opened to the light is my first trigger. That was over 31 years ago. Since that time like Peter I have needed healing of my denial of Christ many times. As Wayne reminds us God's grace is just so amazing. When I have made a wrong turn or decision, God has graciously got me alone with Him and restored me. A sort of picking me up, dusting me off and reminding me of that question said to Peter. Do you (me) love Him? My response is found in another saying of Jesus John 14:15 'If I (you) love Him I will obey Him. He is changing me from the inside out to do just that, all the time in being Spirit-led.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20


I love reading this about your life, Ty. Just this week the Spirit brought the verse to mind: "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." I needed to hear that.




Necia on Nov 17, 2022


That was lovely - and not just the scenery.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2022


I am so glad, Necia, that the Tabgha video encouraged you. It encourages me every time I think about it. Because I need it all the time! God bless you.




Janet on Oct 28, 2022


Wayne,thanks, for refreshing the stories of Tabgha and Sea of Galilee .Thank you for the walk on the sea shore.It was good to be there again. God's blessings bestowed on your ministry and you life 🛐




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Thank you very much, Janet. These are two of my favorite places in all of Israel. God bless you.




Marlon on Oct 27, 2022


This video is a great encouragement to me. As I have failed more times than I want to admit. Yet God in His love and compassion forgives and say " Lets start over again". God is always there, by me, holding my hand and saying, follow Me. Thank you , Wayne for this reminder.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


I am right there with you, Marlon. Thank you so much for your gracious words and for standing alongside me in the battle.




Carrie Fraser on Oct 16, 2022


I'm really enjoying your videos of Israel. I love the Lord's intentionality and timing in my life, that I viewed this video today since we're studying 1 Kings 19 in BSF this week. How many times have I failed or grown weak and opted to run from God instead of to Him, just like Peter or Elijah? It's humbling to know He'll mercifully be there with His hand outstretched, waiting for me to turn back to Him as I let the Holy Spirit work in my life. What a blessing!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2022


I am right there with you, Carrie, in rejoicing at God's incredible and ongoing mercy in our lives. May He continue to sustain and encourage you through His grace. I'm so glad the videos are encouraging you!




Joan on Aug 18, 2022


I love to hear this encouragement and see where it first originated--that God wants to start over with us, after we blow it, as He did with Peter, the Rock on whom He built His church! I remind myself (and others as needed) that as long as I'm breathing, God has a plan and purpose for my life! Thanks so much for this edifying lesson and important reminder!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2022


Yes, Joan, we all need these simple but essential reminders of God's grace, don't we? It's always so amazing how gracious He is.




Marcia Visker on Jun 13, 2022


When I first watched this video I thought “I know all this about God not giving up on Peter” and it was just more facts…..until I went to God in prayer. I have been struggling with my weight my whole life until lately when I gave it to God. The last few weeks I have been slipping again. God said to me, “ I love you. Start over!”

Thank you for your video. God used it in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


That's right, Marcia. The Lord is right there beside you every day, and every day His mercies are new. God bless you as you walk with Him.




Norma on May 15, 2022


In 2010, I was going thru difficult times when my husband fell ill and my hands were full with two projects to complete for the church. My husband was hospitalized for 3 weeks. What a bad timing, I felt overwhelmed! One night I went to my bedroom and looked at the empty bed...my husband was not there to offer me words of encouragement. Suddenly I heard Jesus' voice whispering to my ear "How much I love you!". That's all what I needed to hear to wipe my tears. I completed both of my tasks. God provided church volunteers for my husband's care. What a special moment Peter had with Jesus listening to his call for ministry! The only thing that empower us to respond God's call is that incondicional love that He pours on us that becomes the driving force for all what we do for him. There is nothing that moves God's will that our love and faithfulness for him!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 7, 2022


Just before swearing into the military in 1979, I went to the gay pride parade in Washington, DC. After getting saved (1983) and beginning a new life in Christ I went back to Washington and did 2 or 3 Washington for Jesus' and I also attended a gay pride parade one year where I was giving out Christian tracts and witnessing to people. There have been a number of places where I was living for the devil and after getting saved went to those places to do something for God! This story was interesting and the point was as well.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


Praise God, Wanda, for the work he has done in your life – and for the work he is doing!




Joan on Mar 19, 2022


This was a poignant and stirring video! Thanks so much for helping us realize that Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, wants to start over with us, when we blunder in sin. It's not only comforting but edifying that, in our sorrow for our falling, we have second and third chances with Him by His grace and love for us. Thanks so much for this uplifting and impactful lesson, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2022


Amen. Thanks, Joan. We all need His daily grace.




Darlene on Mar 17, 2022


This is one of the best videos yet! It really spoke to my heart. I was in that exact spot 4 years ago.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


It seems I’m in this spot often, Darlene. So grateful we can always begin again with God.




Uvita Scott on Mar 5, 2022


I see now that I had so many wrong attributes, kinda sorta like Peter did. But I realized that just as He saved Peter, so He, thankfully, saved me. I am not perfect, yet I know that Jesus loves me; and I do love Him. Every day is given to me as a precious gift, and I am so overwhelmed by His love for each of us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


What a tremendous perspective, Uvita. Thank you so much for your humility, honesty, and perseverance to follow God.




Kathy on Feb 15, 2022


Please pray for my son Christian. He made a decision for Christ at age 15 but now struggles with many questions about God. He seems to wander trying to find purpose in jobs that seem to never be what he is looking for. Pray that God will draw him and save him for great purposes. He has come close to being killed (garage door, tree) but we keep believing God has a purpose for him. He is now 30 and still single, lack of purpose,etc. He has struggled with learning problems all his life...but he is very good with people. Thank you for your prayers!! This video reminded me of him.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


I join you in praying for Christian. Indeed, Kathy, he is in the hand of God and his turning is and the timing of God.




Lawrence on Feb 8, 2022


Being reminded of this freedom of restarting with God's blessing makes me weep today. Thank you, Wayne, for telling me about this truth. Such a blessing. Maranatha.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


I am weeping right alongside you, Lawrence. Indeed, His mercies are new every morning. May the Lord bless you as you start again and again with Him.




Beth on Jan 25, 2022


This really impacted me today. In any situation, we can start over with the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Yes, Beth, yes, yes . . . We can always begin again with God. His mercies are new every morning. God bless you as you follow Him today.




Sharyl on Dec 5, 2021


Starting over every day and throughout the day is such a mind boggling concept. “Jesus, do you love me?” That is the amazing question always answered with an astounding “yes!” Also, the two burning fires in two different places touched my heart today. I’d never known that before.

Thanks for this video today.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


How wonderful, Sharyl, that the Word of God continues to provide new and powerful insights for you. I pray that it continues to do so! God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on Oct 21, 2021


Loved this video! It was one of my favorite places in Israel and now I know why. Yes, His grace takes what we learned when we messed up and uses it to help us and others in the future. Peter likely had much more patience with others after Jesus restored him.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


I am so glad that you enjoyed the video on Tabgha, Kathy. That spot IS my favorite place for the same reason. God bless you as you walk with Him.




Patti on Oct 11, 2021


I felt like a failure with my first son. My marriage only lasted 1 month and I raised him alone. He turned his back on God and the family and ended up in jail for a traffic accident and panhandling. I turned him over to God because I knew God loved him even more than me. After about 10 yrs of not hearing from him at all (he lives off the grid in FL woods) I now occasionally hear from him on Facebook. He says he is a believer. I praise God for reaching him where I couldn’t. I have two other children and a loving husband. God is good.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2021


What grace God has shown for you, Patti. What a blessing that you were able to connect with your son and that you have some certainty of his salvation. I pray that the Lord continues to bless your family. Thank you for sharing.




Bob on Aug 3, 2021


The Repetition of places, events, people, and things in the Bible is crucial in understanding the Bible. The discovery of repeated things is the Spirit's call to compare passages and realize their significance.

B. Bates




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2021


I couldn't have said it better myself, Bob! Thanks for that keen insight.




Kaye on Apr 13, 2021


As a nurse, I was watching through a window into the emergency room and saw a small child very ill. God impressed upon me to go in there and lay hands and pray for the child. I didn't work in the ER, so my flesh came up with lots of reasons why I shouldn't go in there. Instead I stood at the window and prayed. The child had to be transported to a children's hospital, thankfully he was ok. I have never forgotten how my disobedience cause extra turmoil for the family. The Lord told me if I had obeyed the child would not have to be transferred. I learned a very valuable lesson that day. But it still haunts me to this day.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2021


I'm so sorry, Kaye. We all have regrets, and I do not think the Lord would have us mull over them with shame for the rest of our lives. Regret can definitely give us lessons to learn from, but God's grace gives us freedom from wallowing in any guilt. God bless you.




Denise on Mar 3, 2021


Lovely, wonderful, peaceful, comforting hopeful video.

Thank you for sharing




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


Thank you, Denise. Honestly, this is probably my favorite site in all of Israel. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 17, 2021


My Mom loved me but she for some reason had mental issues...depression, jealousy, low self esteem, always driving others to do their best, would cry when she wasn't 100% accepted and love. When I wouldn't be like my college degree brother, or dress like a female should, be thin, be this or be that she lashed out at me as a teenager that she wished I was never born. When she developed Alzheimers at the age of 64...my Uncle confessed to me that Mom had been mental all her life. I have forgiven her. But so glad God still loved me even when I wasn't accepted by the parents fully who took time to conceive me and raise me. Even my Father.....I had to prove to Him that I was worth something even though I didn't complete a college degree.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


Thank you, Karen, for sharing your story. Your mature heart and willingness to see God's view remind me of the words of Psalm 27:10:


Though my father and mother forsake me,

the Lord will receive me.




Eileen on Feb 3, 2021


Oh how He loves us! The example and story of Peter stirs my heart in appreciation for His grace. It was good to be reminded and to visualize Peter’s journey. Jesus never turns His back on us.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


I like the way you put that, Eileen. The story of Peter in this particular place is one of the most powerful of all in the journeys to Israel. I hope you get to see it for real one day!




Patricia on Nov 20, 2020


How precious is God’s enduring grace! What a treasure to hold onto! Everyday, I seek God’s forgiveness. However, with forgiveness comes His bountiful grace! How precious is also His eternal love for us!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


So true, Patricia, His grace is the anchor we cling to when our own hearts would otherwise wander away. I appreciate your enthusiasm!




Steven on Mar 8, 2020


Such an encouraging message Wayne! I cannot add anything to all of the previous comments from others I see. The fact that God has extended to me not just 2nd, but 3rd, 4th, and many more opportunities to adjust beliefs and behaviors to His desire and will serves to increase my love and appreciation of Him more. Any sense of self-righteousness gets demolished.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 9, 2020


You're so right, Steven. God's grace is absolutely limitless, and His commitment to us is astonishing. How much we can learn about the power of grace displayed toward another as a motivation for life-change. God bless you.




Ty on Jan 23, 2020


Compared to eternity our years in the here and now are really nothing, so we are all kids as compared to our Creator God. Part of growing up as a kid is making mistakes and learning from them., so as Wayne reminds us, we all like Peter can think very highly of ourself. It is nice to be reminded of grace, as by grace we are all saved. Grace as understood by the One and True Living God is going to be a life time of living, learning, growing and maturing ‘in Him’. So every day is a day spent in God’s daily class room 101 of life. The learning, growing and maturing is up to us as to who is the Leader (Him) and who is the follower (disciple, us)..


Thanks for the encouragement Wayne. Ty




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2020


You're so right, Ty. We definitely need God's grace and starting over each day. I love that His mercies are new every morning. Growing up occurs with age regardless of our decisions. But growing up spiritually is all a matter of reflection and application of what we learned.




Rosemary on Jan 7, 2020


Thanks Wayne for this beautiful video and your relevant words about the area. I visited Tabgha in September and loved it. We went inside the beautiful church and explored the seashore of Sea of Galilee. Our tour group sat together and read the relevant scriptures and what happened there. As you said "Jesus accepted Peter despite of his sin to a place of grace." Peter was carrying a great deal of shame, remorse and embarrassment because of his spectacular fall from grace on the night of Jesus' arrest. Three times Peter denied knowing Jesus. Peter had to live with what he did and it's hard not to feel for him. But Jesus gave Peter three opportunities to make his confession right. Everyone has a story but God meets us at the point of our need. I love the statement you made "Yes you failed but let's start over again - and that He brings us back to a place of grace."




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2020


What a blessing for you, Rosemary, to have visited Tabgha. I'm thrilled that the video helped you relive that special moment. God bless you.




Brenda on Jan 3, 2020


I don’t remember going to this place. Thank you so much for sharing. I can identify with Peter sometimes more than I want to. and yet am very thankful that the Holy Spirit helps me when i want to doubt or deny Christ. When God answers my prayers I see my boat is so full. In the times when I’m waiting on God and my heart is heavy, I need to realize that my boat is still full of his grace and not empty when the prayer still is not “answered.” So glad God renews our relationship with Him and forgives. That is as refreshing as standing by the seaside. Thank you so much for this video.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2020


I'm glad you got to see the video, Brenda, as not all tours get to go to Tabgha. I love the way you put it, that your boat is still full-- even when it seems God is far away. I appreciate that reminder. God bless you.




Hannah on Jan 2, 2020


I went to Tabgha for the first time this summer, Wayne, and it was a very special place for me as well because Jesus' conversation with Peter in John 21 has greatly impacted my life.


Toward the end of their conversation, Jesus tells Peter how he is going to die. Peter's response was to point to John and ask, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus responded to Peter, "...what is that to you? You follow me!"


Peter's story was going to be different than John's just as my story is going to be different than any other person's story. Comparison has been a struggle for me but I've seen God's grace helping me to be confident in the story He is writing for me. When I'm tempted to compare and grow insecure, I can just hear my Savior's voice saying, "You follow me."


Both times I've been to Israel, the Lord has reminded me of this passage so it holds a very special place in my heart. Thank you for putting together this beautiful video to take me back!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2020


I love that application, Hannah. Tabgha offers so much! Comparisons are lethal, as you've said, and it's so helpful to remember Christ called us to follow Him individually, and we will stand before Him as individuals one day-- accepted and loved, just as Peter was. How wonderful that you got to go to Tabgha. My favorite place in Israel.




Cerese on Jan 2, 2020


Loved this video! One of my favorite places too, my very favorite is right above Heptapegon, Eremos Cave (The lonely place). Such a beautiful, peaceful place overlooking Sea of Galilee.


You did a beautiful job on this video devotion, loved your words and pictures!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


That's great, Cerese. If you have hiked up to the cave, you or your tour really got off the beaten path! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and the memories. God bless.




Beverly on Jan 2, 2020


Especially liked this one! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


I'm glad the video on Tabgha meant much to you, Beverly. May the Lord bless you this year as you follow Him step by step.




Allison on Jan 2, 2020


What a perfect lesson for the new year! Thank you Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


You're welcome, Allison. Yes, it's a blessing to have a new year and second chances with the Lord. God bless you.




Jack on Jan 2, 2020


Thank you Wayne.


I write this from Jerusalem as we tour Israel with our Virginia church.


Tabgha is also a special place for us. We were there just four days ago on Sunday morning where we reflected that God indeed gives us second and third chances (and infinitely more).






Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


How timely for you, Jack! What a privilege to be right there only a few days ago, remembering our second chances with God. Have a great day in my favorite city! God bless you.




Camille on Jan 2, 2020


Thank you for reminding me that thru Gods grace I can start again. So glad I know Jesus! He’ll help me thru!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


You're welcome, Camille. We all need reminders of God's grace and the freedom we have in Christ to start over every day. After all, His mercies are new every morning. I'm so glad! God bless you.




Carole on Jan 2, 2020


This is so good. I have been here. It is a wonderful place but more meaningful knowing what happened here. I remember the rocks scattered Round the shore made it very hard to walk...especially since we had taken off our shoes to wade in the water. This meaningful too...since sometimes we have a hard time walking, so many 'rocks' hindering us. Definitely not a smooth path. But He teaches us even through the rocks and leads us on higher, as He did on our trip in 2017, to vistas and revelations we had never seen before.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2020


What a privilege, Carole, that you got to go to this place. It is so meaningful knowing what happened there. God bless you as you follow Him along the rocky path this year.



Tabgha - Starting Over With God

Capernaum - How Confusion Can Deepen Our Devotion

Sharon Cummings on Dec 6, 2022


Wow, powerful words! You are so right. Just because we are confused about something we read, does not give us a reason to abandon Christ. It is about faith! No matter what we are struggling with, if we have faith in Christ, things will become clearer to us. It may take a lot of digging and time, but the answer will be in our Lord's time, not ours. We need patience and faith.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Excellent summary, Sharon. Thank you so much for sharing.




Karen on Nov 17, 2022


When I am baffled on something of why things happen or things are done out of my ordinary lifestyle eventually God helps me sort out the reasonings and the verse Lean Not on your own understanding comes to mind multiple times in my daily walk. Eventually God and I figure out the reason and either have an Aha moment or a good cry.



Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2022


I am right there with you, Karen, in the challenge of understanding a God who is incomprehensible.




Marcia Visker on Jun 14, 2022


I always loved the illustration of the tapestry. From the back side which we see, is a tangled mess of knots and strings. But turn it over and - ahhhhh, this is what God has done and it is beautiful! I have been blessed to have a peek at what God is doing in my life every now and then. The painful things that I don’t understand I have seen the growth in me later! Praise God!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


That is a beautiful illustration, Marcia. Thank you so much for reminding us of God's sovereign hand in our lives.




Norma on May 18, 2022


Isaiah 55:8-9 "The Lord says: My thoughts and my ways are not like yours. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours." In the many revelations God has given to me, there are things that I didn't quite understand. One time God spoke to me in my dreams given me the same message 3 times to my husband - who was a church pastor at that time mentoring a candidate to ministry. God kept telling my husband that He was not endorsing this candidate because of honesty issues. My husband didn't believe me. I remembered getting frustrated, asking God why he was using me as a messenger, when the Recepient - my husband- was not be willing to give it much credit. God reprimended me and said: "I just asking you to share the message, the act of convincing the recipient is mine". A month later, my husband came home very emotional telling me that what I was seeing in my dreams came true. Since then, my husband stopped doubting my revelations and I stopped questioning God's domain.



Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 7, 2022


I am finite and God is infinite. I am flesh. God is omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresent and I am not. I know in part & He knows all.


I was wondering how you were saved and how long you've been a preacher. If you have a testimony in book form you can just tell the name of it and I'll check it out.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


You can read some about my background here, Wanda. From as early an age as I remember, God unmistakably drew me to Himself. I grew up in a broken home with little stability. Even still, the Lord became very present in my life as a little Baptist boy in Sunday School. I understood I wasn't perfect and God required absolute holiness. At the age of eight I trusted that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and then rose again. And while I began to read my Bible daily, it wasn’t until college I really began to grow in my relationship with God. The difference came when I joined a church that made discipleship a priority for me. This church not only ignited my personal desire for God but revealed the incredible means through which my maturing spiritual life came: the ministry. As soon as I began serving in the church, God began producing fruit in my life and through my life. This remains an experience from which I have never recovered! My call to the ministry could not have been clearer. I am a layman, not a preacher or pastor. These tours and virtual tours are my vocation and passion. Thanks for asking.




Ivette Rebecca on May 24, 2022


Thanks for sharing. May the Lord continues to use you for His glory.



Kathy on Feb 15, 2022


Loved that the questions we don't get about God should make us doubt ourselves and our understanding and lean on Jesus!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2022


Right, Kathy. When something doesn't make sense, it is our understanding that is lacking, not God's.




Maria on Jan 29, 2022


My comprehension of life and God's comprehension is as different as a grain of sand and the universe!




Patti on Oct 11, 2021


Jesus said He came to give us life and life abundant. When we don’t feel we are living life abundantly that is where the confusion comes. But Jesus also said ask and you shall receive. If we ask God for wisdom on His words He will give it to us. Abundant life is living life for and with God.




Lisa on Jun 8, 2021


Such solid teaching! Thank you so much. I find great encouragement from your teaching and videos. Several this morning have strengthened my heart. Thank you, Lord, for Wayne’s commitment to you and your calling on his life. Have a fantastic day.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2021


Thank you so much, Lisa, for taking a moment to let me know how much the videos have encouraged you. It is such a privilege to be able to walk with you virtually through the Bible lands. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 17, 2021


Everyone will have a mate til death do us part. God provides all ages of people in our midst to connect with in hopes that we all can be truly all brothers and sisters in Christ. Not everyone is to be married. We are to love everyone despite our marital statuses. Marriage love is designed for family upbringing....moreso. However, all of us have the ability to teach, share and care what is important to build strong relations.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


Your words remind me of Jesus' comment that His true mother and brothers are those who know the will of God and do it. The family of God certainly enlarges our circles, doesn't it? Thank you, Karen.




Doris on Jan 27, 2021


My understanding of where my physical body and soul go at my time of death and what Jesus know. Maybe confusing but I know He is preparing a place for me and will return for me. Even the disciple did not completely understand everything Jesus spoke to them but still wanted to follow and be with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


Your question is a good one, Doris. Thankfully, the Scriptures are clear that although our physical bodies are buried or turn to dust after we die, our soul immediately is ushered into the presence of God (Philippians 1:23). As the Apostle Paul said, "We are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord" (2 Cor. 5:8).


When Christ returns, our souls (with Him in heaven) reunite with our bodies, which are resurrected to live forever in a glorified state. Again Paul writes:


“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”

(1 Thessalonians 4:14–16)




Paulette on Dec 5, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2020


Yes, Paulette, isn’t the Sea of Galilee beautiful? So much of this area I must have looked so similar to Jesus. Beautiful lessons in a beautiful setting.




Beverly on Nov 17, 2020


Loved it. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Capernaum video, Beverly. May the Lord continue to bless you as you follow Him in faith.




Sarah on Nov 15, 2020


Great reminders, Daddy!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 16, 2020


So great to get a comment from you here! Thank you, Sarah.




Sarah on Nov 16, 2020


I thought I'd surprise you! :)




Ty on Nov 12, 2020


Some very challenging things to ponder. And God in His grace and mercy gives us a choice. How will we exercise the gift from God 'free will' in using it? Getting older and accepting responsibility doesn't mean we can not lean on or consult with someone in making a decision. For sure those disciples who made the decision to turn back from following Jesus were very religious. Their desire was for their traditions to be the final word. Commitment and loyalty are great, but to who and what are we loyal?


So will religion get anyone into heaven? Religion won't be making the decision as to where one will spend eternity, a Person will and that will be God and God alone.


A spirit lead life is not lead by religion, but by a Person and that is Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, before God the Father. All three parts of the Godhead will be in the decision-making process as to where we will be spending eternity as they act as one. His ways are not our ways. Much of our worldly training with its limited knowledge and not infinite knowledge as God has its limits. So, maybe some radical changes to our understanding need to happen to allow God to have His way with us. Jesus had a choice to go it alone or follow the Father's will. Are there any lessons in emulating Jesus' lifestyle and decision making when He walked the here and now that we need to appreciate and accept in living it out? I for one sure do, so it's a school day every day in God's daily school of life where I am learning. God provided the very best Teacher anyone could ever have in coming to abide in us. It's personal, so the commitment is on a personal basis. We sure can learn from the evidence of God being in another person, but it is God doing the training and teaching. The person is the anointed vessel God is using. God's ways are higher than our ways and the decision to have a life 'in Him' only opens the doors to the life-long teaching by Him that will follow. God will provide an ample appetite for the hungry ones.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 13, 2020


Your comments and thoughts are always challenging and insightful, Ty. Thanks for your commitment to God's Word.




Rich on Nov 11, 2020


Thank you, Wayne; your words are so very true and they cause one to pause and think. They remind me of something Charlie Clough says in lesson 7 of his Biblical Framework series that has stuck with me since I studied that material over nine years ago: “We trust in the trustworthiness of God [cf. Heb. 10:23]; we do not trust in the capabilities of our intellect to fathom Him.”




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2020


I've never heard that quote by Clough, but it's the same idea-- so profound and so true. I'm glad that principle has stuck with you these 9 years. Thanks, Rich, and God bless you.



Capernaum - How Confusion Can Deepen Our Devotion

Hulah Lake - Following God by Pondering Birds

Karen on Nov 17, 2022


I don't think all jobs and humanity was designed for us to worry about. This video reminded me that God has multiple verses to say that We should not worry about every little detail for He designed the plants, the seeds, and other things to help nourish the birds, the fish, etc.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2022


Very true, Karen. The Lord has so many lessons for us in the natural realm that we need to apply in our walk with Him.




Joan on Aug 25, 2022


When we choose to follow God, obey His ordinances, and accept His Son as our Lord and Savior, humans bring glory to God, because we've acted out of our own free will-- not through an 'automatic' response. Plus we're capable of so much more than creatures which respond on instinct, bringing further glory to God, especially as we provide His hands and feet to others in this hurting world. Loved this teaching today about such a remarkable landmark on Israel's map!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 29, 2022


Great thoughts, Joan. Thank you so much for sharing. Indeed, we are so much more than mere creatures of instinct. Or, at least, we should be… God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 14, 2022


When it comes to humanity, we have Holy Spirit to help guide/convict/comfort/teach, etc. in addition to the Word of God.


In your last scene, were the birds running from your device? I thought this was an interesting video and found it neat that God questions Job about the direction the birds fly.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


To be honest, Wanda, I believe that last scene is one I purchased from stock video. My drone and birds don't usually get along. :-)




Lynette on Dec 3, 2021


That's amazing. Something I've never thought about before...birds migrate around the world. I watch the migration over my house and think how they head to FL or wherever they are going. Nothing profound, but just never thought about it happening on the other side of the world. Such an interesting video, and once again, a beautiful illustration to God's Word and our spiritual walk.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Yes, Lynette, isn't it amazing to see God's handiwork and lessons in nature? Even in birds! God bless you.




Bob on Mar 3, 2021


After watching the video on Hulah Lake, I will never take offense if anyone ever calls me a "bird brain"!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


What a great insight, Bob! Oh, that we all were bird brains!




Connie on May 21, 2021


Bob, That was my first thought also!




Karen on Feb 17, 2021


I have a Senior Citizen currently worries about the birds. Especially when it has been as cold this 2021 week. (Feb). She dislikes the large black birds. I said all birds need food. We can't spend time making the large birds go away for they are God's creatures too. She said but they don't leave enough for the smaller birds. I said but all birds need the seed...so we can't be nice to just a selected few. I was amazed about how many verses are in the Bible regarding how God takes care of the birds even though He gave Adam and Eve to take care of the world. I told my Facebook friends....birds have no problems in social distancing. Be like a bird. :) When we had floods near Cape Girardeau MO...Mississippi River last year.....for months we had large white birds grab the fish even in the side ditches along a Hwy. Was so awesome to view. To answer your lack of instinct question....just need to have more faith that God IS in control of all creatures large and small.




Patricia on Jan 24, 2021


It is amazing how God intricately designed animals and humans and all of nature. It's also marvelous how He designed birds to instinctively to know where to go. As a Christian, we may not have instincts like the birds, but He has given us everything we need to carry out His plan (2 Peter 1:3) Because God is love, He has granted us choice. Our choices should follow His will for our lives; thereby giving glory to Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2021


I love how you put that, Patricia. Indeed, God has put within animals and instinct to do what He wants. Don't you wish it was that easy for us? We are given the choice to give Him glory. Oh how we long to do His well! God bless you.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


Now you found my happy place! I could watch birds all day long. While it is mostly from my kitchen window, it makes me smile to watch them. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2020


Birds are indeed amazing creatures. I love that God used them in Jeremiah to teach lessons of life. God bless.




Sue on May 27, 2020


On our visit to Israel in Jan.-Feb. of 2014, on the day we were on the Sea of Galilee. We heard a noise and our boat guide began excitedly pointing up to the sky. Very quickly we were treated with an amazing sight. A large flock of Pink Flamingo flew over our boat and settled on the water. Our give told us how unusual this was for that time of year. They were beautiful, didn't stay too long but provided one of many special moments of our time with God in Israel. Sue McDonald




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2020


What a wonderful experience, Sue, you had with those flamingos! Indeed, it is rare and it afforded you the privilege of seeing in reality the wonderful truths that you also heard affirmed in this video. God bless you.




William on Mar 9, 2020


Somehow I picked up an irrational phobia about birds. It wasn't helped by Hitchcok's film the "Birds" in the early '60s. But God has enabled me to be a bird watcher at a distance. Barb and I keep track of our sightings. As long as birds are not in my personal space I'm good.

This being said, I enjoyed your teaching and seeing the birds. Another great way to connect to the land and the Bible. Very encouraging.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 9, 2020


Thank you, William. I had to smile when I read about your bird phobia! Our younger daughter shares your disdain for birds. In fact, when she told me that she watch this video, she said it was "interesting." :-) Either way, I'm glad that the video encouraged you and gave you another way to connect the Bible lands to life.




Ty on Mar 5, 2020


Some great reminding and teaching about God’s creation. By it, I am reminded of animals, birds, fish, plant life and the world as a whole verses humanity in how it relates to each other and to God. (Genesis 1 and 2). We are visibly inspired beings, so what we see and hear adds to our understanding (knowledge), which is different than those created living creatures and inert things on this planet we live on. Being given the gift of a mind to understand and learn things (knowledge) is unique to human beings. We were designed to have 100% dependency on God as all created things. Two special trees were placed in the garden of Eden. 1) The tree of knowledge of good and evil. 2) The tree of life (wisdom). Only tree number 1 had restrictions placed on it by God to Adam and Eve at that time not tree number 2. With all the abundance around Adam and Eve with no restrictions other than tree number 1, they got distracted by another created being (satan) and chased (chose a lie) knowledge to be equal to their Creator. That seed in man was placed in man’s seed being passed from one generation to the next (Genesis 3, the fall). At that time a restriction was placed around tree number 2 wisdom, eternity with our Creator and Provider. Only the Creator can provide for eternity the created can not.


Adam’s and Eve’s decision placed a restriction around tree number 2 (tree of life) once they made their bad choice. Even with Adam’s and Eve’s bad choice God had a gift for humanity to receive what only God can give, ‘wisdom’. From early days God used knowledge of the written word to give a way through a person (Jesus Christ, the spoken Word of God) as a path way to the tree of life. This is given through another gift of God our internal Counsellor and Advocate, the Holy Spirit). He, the Holy Spirit, illuminates the written Word or knowledge with wisdom.


We all can gain knowledge as that ability was chosen by our first parents and is passed on from generation to generation through man’s seed. The choice to receive wisdom from God to apply our knowledge correctly and to eternity is through God Himself. God’s oneness of unity (3 in 1) does not equate to human measurement of understanding in the natural. It take supernatural understanding (Godly wisdom) to begin to gain some awareness of God’s definition of unity. The written Word the bible, God’s story to humanity even with it’s human dirty laundry, sin points to the spoken Word of God, Jesus Christ.


It’s important for us to take onboard Wayne’s teaching, so we can apply our quest for knowledge to God’s written Word, that it is alive and living in a being, Jesus Christ. The wisdom to connect with Jesus Christ is through another gift from God the Holy Spirit. God is one Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A unity of oneness is beyond humanity’s knowledge without the wisdom of God. The path to applied wisdom is through the life of a person, Jesus Christ, the son of man and the Son of God. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2020


Ty, your insights are, as usual, enlightening and encouraging. The animal kingdom so often is used by the Lord to communicate to us in simple terms. In order to connect us to the unfamiliar, God uses the familiar. Grateful for your words, as always.




Hulah Lake - Following God by Pondering Birds

Nazareth Ridge - Reflections from Jesus' Boyhood Panorama

Jessica on Mar 30


What an incredible video this is! I remember Nazareth from the 2014 when I went with Chuck, and to stand in the village and look out over the countryside, seeing what Jesus saw was amazing. Thanks for making the scriptures come so alive! Memories for a lifetime!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30


I'm so glad that you got to go to Israel with IFL in 2014 and that your bus teacher was able to open the Bible at this significant place. What a treasured memory! God bless you, Jessica.




Sharon Cummings on Dec 6, 2022


Another wonderful video full of thought provoking advice and information.

My husband is new to reading the word. We have great conversation. He brings a different perspective to the discussion. You are so right when you say to read and listen as if it's your first time. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Yes, Sharon, it is essential to read the Bible and to read it as for the first time. I am praying for your husband as he reads! Perhaps you and your husband would enjoy working your way through the New Testament Reading Plan next year? You can see all about it here.




Sharon Cummings on Dec 12, 2022


I just signed up for the New Testament Reading Plan. Thank you for your suggestion! I believe it will be helpful for my husband and myself! I am looking forward to growing more in my faith and knowledge.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2022


I am thrilled to hear this, Sharon! I pray that you are powerfully blessed as you read the New Testament. Be sure and connect with me in the comments and leave questions, etc. I look forward to reading the New Testament with you!




Rosemarie on Jul 31, 2022


I love how you connect the words of the LORD, the Bible and the Bible lands. Hopefully someday I want to take a trip to the Bible lands.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


I would love to have you join me for a trip to the lands of the Bible, Rosemarie! It truly is life-changing and allows you to read the Scriptures in a brand new way.




Joan on Jul 21, 2022


I'm in utter awe of Jesus; and I try to think of Him as He would be speaking today: in Glory at the right hand of God, saying the very things that He said in the Bible, like they're fresh to me. He lives and His words are eternal--then, now, and forever!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


It won't be long, Joan, and each of us will be standing before our magnificent Lord. Until then, maybe trust him every day!




Norma on May 21, 2022


I can repeat by memory Jesus' words, but every time I listen to them it has a profound meaning depending of the experience or circumstances I am living. The word of God has the power of revelation. When I moved to city of San Francisco I had my cultural shock when I came to know and share with the Gay community. I came from a cultural and religious background with conservative values. I prayed for discernment and guidance. That very night God gave a revelation thru my dreams telling me to be compassionate and loving, and then He said that he will have other plans for them. I was very puzzle for years until -thru the scripture- He gave me revelation in the book of John 10:16-18. I learned to respect God's domain and to understand his profound love for not wanting that any of us perish.




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2022


It does take the wisdom of God to look past the sin to the sinner who needs the wisdom of God's Word. So often it seems we struggle to connect with those whose sin is different that our own, since we take such offense at the difference. Thank you for your compassion and for applying the truths of John 10.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 14, 2022


If I can sing a hymn or sound off a verse w/o thinking about our LORD that bothers me. I love the idea of reading the Bible again as if for the 1st time. There have been times I take time to read but say, "LORD, show me somwthing new." I need to do that more often.




Kathy on Feb 21, 2022


Familiarity can dull the senses and make us unappreciative. This happens with parents, family, and day to day life. But knowing Jesus was disregarded as too familiar helps me with the disregard or disrespect I face. If Jesus was willing to walk this road, I too can follow Him. And then when change of heart comes, it will be sweeter than honey..Think of the sweetness when Jesus's brothers/ sisters recognized HIM for WHO HE WAS!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2022


Great perspective, Kathy. I love the idea of the sweetness of Jesus' family finally recognizing Him for who he is. I love that! He knew it would come, so He tolerated the injustice for a time.




Uvita Scott on Feb 3, 2022


I tried to watch this on both my phone and iPad but it would not play🤷🏽‍♀️! Uvita Scott




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I'm not sure why the video isn't working for you, Uvita. I just tried it on my phone, and it works fine. Perhaps try downloading the video (see the sidebar at the bottom) to watch it. You might also try a desktop computer. Thanks and God bless.




David on Jan 26, 2022


Thank you, Wayne, for a great reminder to see scripture with new/fresh eyes. Too often I see the familiar in Scripture and forget our awesome God might just have something new to show me. May God continue to bless you and family.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2022


Thank you, David, for your encouraging words and your prayers from my family. And yes, how essential that we continue to come to the scriptures with an expectation that the Lord will reveal something to us brand new for us to apply.




Kathy Haecker on Sep 23, 2021


I agree with you about praying with new eyes to see things we have overlooked or taken for granted because of familiarity. Also, we should not be surprised when we are misunderstood because we try to share spiritual things with people who are still blind. They can't see until God reveals the gospel to them and opens their eyes. Question: Why do some translations add "to heal the brokenhearted" to the Luke 4 passage and others don't?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021


The KJV adds the phrase, "to heal the brokenhearted," because some manuscripts include it. But most scholars of modern editions recognize that it doesn't appear in the best manuscripts and it seems to be added by some scribe in order to bring Jesus' words more in line with a direct quotation from Greek translation (Septuagint text) of Isaiah 61:1.




Kathy on Dec 17, 2021


Thank you for explaining this! I'm a different Kathy.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2021


You're welcome, Kathy. :-) I'm glad it was helpful.




Karen on Feb 17, 2021


Do not Fear helps me ....even when I am scared to death. Sometimes my fears stop me in trying.




Sue on Sep 26, 2020


Jesus' chosen text brings to mind a song by Marty Goetz that reminds me of who I am in Christ, and that the same Spirit that was upon Jesus in the Nazareth synagogue that day is upon me/us, and has anointed us to live in a way that proclaims God's good news! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!





Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2020


Thanks for sharing Marty's song, Sue. Beautiful piano work and voice. May the Lord bless you as you continue to seek Him.




Denise on Jul 10, 2020


Watching these videos with the scriptural insight adds a layer of beauty and truth to God's word.

I love to see you hold the bible and read from it in the place it is talking about.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 10, 2020


Thank you, Denise, for your continual encouragement and especially for your love of God's Word. I pray that His Holy Spirit continues to encourage you along this journey. God bless you.




Friend on Jul 2, 2020


Real tour, real truths, comes together everything read, heard and now with tours experienced.

Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


You're welcome! I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you as you watch these videos.




Peg and Dale on Jun 28, 2018


Had a good reminder of what is so familiar for us that is not to everyone. We had 2 of our young grandchildren this week so we could take them to Vacation Bible School. One referred to the cross at our church as a "T". Please pray for our little ones.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2018


I love it! Peg, what a blessing you have...




Garry on Jun 28, 2018


Wonderful teaching Wayne. Suzanne and I remember standing at this very spot on two trips. Great points you are making about not taking the Lord's words that are so familiar - so for granted. Also, sometimes, the Lord modeled "slipping away". !! Wonderful photography and blending of the two shots toward the end. Blessings.




Garry on Jun 28, 2018


Wayne, you are a master at teaching. Your approach is so natural. Also, your warmth as a person comes through in what you are saying. You show preparation, but you need no notes, and it just rolls off of your tongue in such an understandable way. Blessings.

If Jesus thought it best to slip away, why is it that we all think we have to stay in the middle of a toxic





Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2018


How kind; thank you, Garry. Yes, I'm not sure what keeps us in toxic environments. Perhaps it's like the Hebrews longing to return to/stay in Egypt because an unknown future requires trust. We too often prefer a familiar bondage. :-)




Nazareth Ridge - Reflections from Jesus' Boyhood Panorama

Caesarea Philippi / Banias - Setting Your Mind on God's Interests

Robin on Apr 6


At the cave of the netherworld

They faced the door of death.

Jesus queried their little faith,

And in the very next breath,


Peter replied, “You are the Christ,

The living Son of God.

We put our faith in You alone

And walk where ere You trod.”


He said, “My path leads up to death,

And you will follow, too.”

“Far be it, Lord,” Peter replied,

“This will not happen to You.”


“Behind Me, you, and tempt Me not,

Foul ruler of the grave.

This cross I have to bear alone

For many souls to save.”


We, too, must bear our cross today,

Denying worldly things,

We will not be ashamed of Him.

He is the King of kings.




Ruth on Feb 26


I went with my Church group to Israel in Oct of 22 and we visited Caesarea Phillipi and saw the cave. In fact I took a picture the exact same as one of your views in the video, but we didn't see or go to Banias Falls. How far were we from it, it looks like you walked right to it? It looks beautiful and I'm sorry we missed it. We did walk to where supposedly the king made two golden calves and set one in Dan, at the Sacred Precinct. 1Kings 12: 28-29




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26


Ruth, the Banias falls are a two-minute bus ride from the Caesarea Philippi parking lot. Not far at all. You'll need to go back! :-)




Ruth on Feb 27


Hi Wayne, Thanks for your reply and I would love to go back, although I'm very thankful to our Lord for allowing me to go when I did. It had been on my bucket list since I was in my twenties, and although it took 40 years to happen, it was wonderful and ignited my interest even more. I really enjoy you videos, in fact I had copied many of the dialogues from them and taken them with me to Israel and at some of the spots our guide took us to, it was almost like it was reading your commentary. I am really enjoying going thru the Old and New Testaments with you this year. Thank you for all of you, and your companies hard work to bring us such beautiful videos and insights into the history of the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27


I'm thrilled to read this, Ruth, and it's such an honor to have "walked" with you through commentary in Israel-- and even moreso now with Reading the Bible Lands. God bless you.




Heather on Feb 24


So beautiful!!! I truly appreciate your videos and the inspiration and guidance. It's wonderful to be a part of community of those who love and follow the Lord. I will go on one or more of your tours one day. I would love to see in person the sites that I've read about in Scripture and to walk where Jesus lived and walked. I would like to see Petra, Jordan too but is it secure/safe for Americans there? Just wondering. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25


Heather, I would love to have you join me on one or more of my tours. And YES-- every place I go is safe. I have led these tours many times. Please come! God bless you.




Heather on Feb 27


Thank you Wayne. Yes, will do as soon as I am able. Looking forward to it. God bless you too.




Heather on Feb 27


I would be interested in going on the tour of Paul's journey to Turkey, but with the recent earthquake, is that still possible? Any idea of the extent of the damage?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27


Great question, Heather. The area of the earthquake would only affect the sites of the first couple of days of this current tour. I'm still looking into the feasibility of keeping this tour as is or tweaking it some. But 95% of the rest of the tour would be unaffected.




Nancy on Feb 3


The words that come to mind are from a song we sang growing up,

“Why so restless soul unworthy,

Why so burdened down with care?

Put your trust in God Almighty, He will help you, He will bear..All your burdens still this day, From distress will free alway. Turn Thy countenance upon me, Lord I praise Thee and Adore Thee!

God will take care of us no matter the circumstances...when we Trust and Obey!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4


I love those lyrics, Nancy. Thank you for sharing them here. God bless you.




Lynn on Oct 30, 2022


I would like to share this video to my prayer chat is this possible?

So much valuable info in this and God does speak through his scriptures when people are in despair. There is about 10 prayer warriors that we get together on instant messenger and we pray over the needs of the Church.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 31, 2022


Lynn, I'm not sure how you could share the video via chat. If you did a Zoom meeting with your group, you could perhaps share your screen while you are streaming it-- assuming your internet speed is zippy. You could also share the transcript with them, and I'm fine with that. Thank you for wanting to encourage them through the Scriptures.




Joan on Jul 28, 2022


I think at my age, having overcome many challenges in my life, that through it all God sees me, protects me, and will once again deliver me! Thank You, Jesus!




Norma on May 25, 2022


When I am in despair I just claim for God's presence and help. This experience often happens when I receive a call from the care facility where my husband stays that he has fallen from his bed or wheel chair. I feel so hopeless and powerless that I can't run to his bedside because of the restrictions imposed from this pandemic. I just claim and pray in despair that God will be on his side. Soon after, I feel God's presence that wipes my tears and soothes my soul. Psalm 42:8 "Every day, you are kind, and at night you give me a song as my prayer to you, the God of my life."




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2022


What a beautiful psalm of comfort, Norma. Thank you for sharing that.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 14, 2022


Starting at the age of 6, during halloween, a spirit of fear gained access and remained until the age of 33. During my last panic attack, I kept quoting Isaiah 26:3 over and over again while saying Jesus' Name repetitively. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." I then contacted my mother about the image I could see in my head and she clarified it and knowing that truth set me free. I've gone 31 years w/o having panic attacks! Praise God!!


I'm doing a class on "Capture that Sermon" so I am using this video for that.




Ty on Jan 13, 2022


I am thinking of this verse I received as one of my dailies today. Mark 10:29-30 (NIV) states “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.”’


The struggles and despair are going to be there, for sure BUT


‘“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world”’ (John 16:33, NIV).


The best is yet to come, so keep trucking on!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


Absolutely, Ty! The struggles we face in this life are nothing compared to what awaits us.




Jim on Oct 24, 2021


Thank you for the video and question. We just took an emergency flight back to Texas. We both contracted malaria and my case was nearly fatal. I have developed a heart arrhythmia. We see a cardiologist in Fort Worth on Monday. In the midst of the pain and suffering and the grief of leaving behind the ministry we both have sensed the overpowering presence of God! We thank Him for the experience to draw even closer to Him!




Charis on Jul 18, 2021


I found a reason to live amidst all the heavy burden and long hours of labor and little sleep and despair when I began to memorize scripture. I found solace and rest from my rapid moving thoughts. The scripture captures my attention and gives meaning and hope and all that is needed. God knows just what we need! I began to sing scripture to the tune old hymns or even an annoying tune. James 1:21 "Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls." I lean into God's word as the lifeline to give meaning to each moment and instruction in God's perfect path in Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God and we learn about how to come to him by hearing the word of God. The preacher will preach God's Word that some hearing God's word may come to Jesus to be saved. Romans 10:15. Now after 40 years I'm retired from the school system. 18 years in private Christian school and 22 years in public school as a special needs Parapro. In addition to teaching I cleaned at night every night. I'm getting a bit more sleep than 4 or 5 hours a night. So I have owned a cleaning business for 25 years and we still clean buildings in the evening. I also paint and draw which has been my passion since I was young and completed my fine arts degree in Painting. I hope to paint every day and glorify God in my work! I do card writing prayer ministry for my church as well. Despair turned to Joy! Right now I cannot do all I would love to do. I'd have no time!!! I'd love to do some kind of child evangelism!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2021


What a wonderful testimony, Charis. I was deeply encouraged by your words. Thank you. God bless you.




Opal on Mar 11, 2021


The way we bear our cross really speaks volumes to those around us




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


Well said, Opal. Indeed, we bear our cross before a watching world and a watching family and friends. May the Lord bless you as you carry yours!




Karen on Feb 17, 2021


I turn my struggles into a lesson of reasoning and then count my blessings which outweighs my troubles. I think of people who have probably gone thru the same craziness and do the WW_D? Helps me keep going with God's wisdom thru Him and them.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


What a great strategy, Karen. We usually limit the WWJD to Jesus-- the master of all wisdom-- but sometimes the body of Christ has its living examples of Christ's wisdom we can emulate more easily. I would like to use your method; thank you.




Karen on Feb 18, 2021


You can use anything I wish to share for I feel all wisdom that God gives us to help lift up others should be taught, learned, used, and forwarded to help as many people survive this wonder gift called life.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


Bathe my heart in the Word and the promises of God. We come out of these times with a testimony. God is good...all the time.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I think that Christ's words up at Caesarea Philippi were indeed speaking in principle of our current day. If there was ever a time when people set their minds on man's interests and not God's, this is it. How much we need to be in the Word on a daily basis in order to keep this mindset.




Lynette on Jun 15, 2020


Hmm, I don't think I've ever thought about this being the only time we have to glorify God through suffering. One day we'll glorify God in different ways. I know that's true but never quite thought about it in those terms. Thank you. All the water video is so beautiful. When I see God's creation like that it just reminds me of His power and unendless resources to meet our needs.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2020


Yes, Lynette, it is an unusual concept – but so true. Struggle is temporary and, as Paul says, cannot begin to compare with the glory that awaits us. I like what you said about the water showing the power and resources of God. Great insight!




Caroline on Jun 1, 2020


Watching this after devastating riots throughout the US this past weekend.


The Word is ‘fitly spoken.’




Wayne Stiles on Jun 1, 2020


So true, Caroline. It's amazing how relevant the Word of God is in any and every situation. In peace or panic, the Scriptures fit.




Diana on Feb 18, 2020


I meditate often on your words of being able to praise God while struggling in this life, that it is the only time in all eternity to be able to do this. Thank you for your ministry of sharing both God's Word, and beautiful videos of the Holy Land.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2020


Thank you, Diana, for your gracious words. It is an honor to serve in this way in this ministry. I also appreciate the reminder to praise God in times of struggle — for that is my current situation. :-) Looking forward to those eternal moments with him!




Lynn on May 25, 2019


We visited Caesarea Philippi and the falls this past February. But this video took me to an important concept regarding suffering. I and a close relative have medical conditions that often depress us. We are both saved, but often confidentially speak about our fears about having shortened life spans (not too many others want to hear such things). What you said about our sufferings giving us an opportunity, during our small time on Earth, was very inspiring. Thank you for that...I needed to hear that.




Wayne Stiles on May 26, 2019


I'm so glad the video and God's Word encouraged you with this perspective, Lynn. You might also take encouragement from this post I wrote, reminding us we haven't even come close to living our full time on earth yet.




Scott on May 23, 2019


I’ve gone to Banias Falls the last few times I’ve gone to Israel, but never tied it to Psalms 42. Thank you for the insight because I will always think of it as I read this psalms, and next time I visit the falls.

As far as the region of Caesarea Phillipi, it strikes me that this is not too far from tel Dan where Jeroboam set up the golden calf. I can’t help but think that Jesus wasn’t just alluding to the pagan gods of the Romans when He asked this question, but that His disciples would’ve been very familiar with Dan as well. Peter is quick to contrast The dead false gods of the region with the son of the Living God, which again the psalmist refers to in Ps. 42:3.

Thank you Wayne for tying this all together, for an even more vivid picture of this iconic scene.




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2019


What a great connection, Scott, about Jeroboam and the calf and the false gods of the area. Thanks for sharing that here. I'm grateful the video encouraged you. May God continue to encourage you through His Word and through seeing the land of the Bible.




Dona on Feb 18, 2019


This video has so much information and significance to the importance not only of the area but a perfect place for Jesus to propose the question of His identity and His mission. As Christians/ the Church, we face the same two questions everyday and the world watches as our lives answers the most important question of all.


"Who do say that I am."

I love how you include Old Testament facts tied to the locations. I am so very thankful for your ministry. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2019


I like how you said we face those questions every day, Dona. So true... It's helpful to return in our minds to Caesarea Philippi often and revisit the essential questions. Thanks and God bless.




Tammie on Jul 6, 2018


This is my very favorite place of all time! Brought back memories... Loved how you taught on Psalm 42, which I had never put it together with this place.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2018


Yes, Tammie, isn't it beautiful there? And such great lessons from the Lord. Thanks.



Caesarea Philippi / Banias - Setting Your Mind on God's Interests

Sower's Cove - How are You Listening to God's Word?

Lori on Oct 21, 2022


The thing that helps me the most is prayer. Otherwise I get lost, distracted, or forget everything. Sometimes I have to listen a couple of times to something or read a scripture several times while praying over it. Sometimes I can read or listen once then go walk and pray on it. Sometimes I need to read it in several different versions of scripture to get a good understanding of what I even read before I go pray on it. Those are the things that help me listen. Being still afterwards is also key for me. Just having some quiet time alone with God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


I love the way you put that, Lori. Prayer is indeed so essential and yet often so neglected. Thank you for the reminder.




Joan on Aug 4, 2022


This was a fascinating and very informational video, Dr. Wayne! I've learned for myself that a discipline of refocusing my attention works, when my mind begins to wander from a message on Sunday or a video devotional online. I will write key words and phrases down on the bulletin in church or rewind a video to be sure I heard right. Thanks so much for this valuable lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


That is a great strategy about retaining the key points from a message, Joan. Thank you for sharing.




Gary on Jul 21, 2022


G'Day Wayne, i know where alot of my problems come frm is real estate agents who try and steal money off me while renting. since i have had this break from them is a lot of nothing for me. what is going now is what I'm looking for alot of good headspace. enjoy watching video's while i'm off work praying place is better than previous no drama queens there. thats what they try and do if here if they can get away with it.to have a decent owner and agent would be nice forchange alot of evil people involved in this industry. in my country thats where i face alot of challenges would better if GOD give me my own place for change. looing for new work again. hopefully one day i can get to on one of your tours.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2022


I would love to have you on a tour, Gary! I believe it would be a powerful encouragement to your walk with God.




Gary on Jul 21, 2022


Wayne, will put it on my bucket list as well a separate trip on its own. Texas America is another place on my last one of my other big churches is there as well I watch alot on line these days . I think I would blend in Texas.. Cheers Gary




Ivette Rebecca on Jun 21, 2022


You say it well; Distractions are an enemy of devotion. As a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, minister of the Gospel, I feel this tension daily. Many times it feels that tending to other people's needs leaves me with no time or energy to tend to my own physical/spiritual needs. That's why I endeavor to start my day with time of prayer and meditation on God's Word to order my day, and focus in what God wants me to do. I'll admit that sometimes I allow the outside demands to derail my day, but I'm committed to stay focus on God's agenda.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


I am right there with you, Ivette, in the feeling of output, output, output… How essential that we both give the first and best time each day to the Lord in order to reflect, recharge, and connect with the ultimate source of our output.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 21, 2022


In church, I sit near the front taking notes & in Reading God's Word I read out loud to Him! These are ways I keep my focus.


I noticed you had a jacket on at one point and later it was removed. Was it a cold morning and the weather got warmer that day? Or what?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


You have a good eye for detail, Wanda. Yes, most likely the weather warmed up. But sometimes these videos get filmed on different days as well.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 21, 2022


Interesting to know!




Karen on Mar 23, 2022


I have taught myself to listen and learn what God is saying thru speakers, ministers especially, testimonies, and thru the written Word since age 13. FOCUS yes is the key to life indeed in learning just about anything.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


Well said, Karen. Thank you.




Kathy on Feb 22, 2022


I find it interesting that in the "14,000" spots occupied by the crowd surrounding Jesus, each spot was unique just like the person's heart. Each person represented each soil of the Sower's Parable where they stood physically and spiritually. and so it is with us.....we can go through all the soils at one time of our life or another.And the Word of God is heard in each of the soils just like the Cove mimics sound everywhere. Lord help us to strive for the fertile life, soul, and heart for Your Eternal Kingdom..




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2022


Great observation, Kathy. Thank you.




Lola Fitch on Feb 18, 2022


I am constantly taking sermon notes, Bible study class notes and even notes on the Walking the Bible Lands. It helps me stay focused. Many times I replace 'I' for 'we' and then the question or story applies to me not just everyone else. It helps me redirect my life slowly but surely closer to our God and rethink my strengths and weaknesses. The Sowers Cove is a beautiful place.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


I am thrilled to hear that you take notes, Lola. Although it may not seem like a spiritual activity, it is extremely wise and effective — because studies have shown that we learn far more when we write stuff down rather than just listen.




Maria on Jan 29, 2022


the video does not load:(. Sowers cove. Can you re send it please? thanks.


In answering your question, Reading and listening to God's word is helped by taking notes, doing drawings, connecting to an experience.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2022


I checked the video, Maria, and it is working fine. Perhaps try a different browser or download the video to watch it. Thanks.




Jim on Jan 13, 2022


The timing of this video and it’s message are very helpful to Phyllis and me. We were originally supposed to watch this on October 7, 2021 but we were both in a hospital in Mbale, Uganda. So, over the next several days we will catch up on our Thursday video discipleship with you! We are doing Reading Through The Bible Lands with you and love it! You remember that we had planned to go to Israel in 2020, but God had other plans! We are so excited that we both get to go with you in October! Thank you for the video cove experience, the teaching on the seeds, and for me, the picture of Jesus getting away by himself to be with his Daddy! As you focused the camera on the sunrise and then panned to you with your Bible on the hill above Capernaum I started to cry. Just like you, I need to get up early and spend my time with God, alone. To know that our Savior did the same is such a blessing! God bless you - we are really looking forward to our first trip to Israel in October! Until then we will faithfully prepare through the videos and the daily Bible reading!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


I am so excited for you, Jim! It is really impossible to express all that you are going to experience on your first journey to Israel. I am honored and thrilled that we get to do it together. I can't wait… We will even drive by the Sower's Cove!




Jeanne on Dec 24, 2021


I really appreciated the graph with sowing seed and how you hear and respond. I think that I fall into 2 different categories where affliction and things both are barriers to producing fruit. I wonder how to crossover to being a fruit bearer?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


That’s a great question, Jeanne. I think we are all, at some level, at various stages in our growth and walk with Christ. The essence of what Christ is teaching in the parable is that we need to respond to the revelation we are given in order to grow. Simply said, when the Scriptures give you clear direction, simply move forward in that direction. That is bearing fruit. God bless you.




Sandy on Nov 21, 2021


It is very interesting to understand how Jesus could have been heard by so many people from the shore or from a hill top without modern amplification.

I am curious about the white trail in the upper right at the beginning of the video. Would this possibly be the Iron Dome doing its work




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2021


Sandy, I have looked at the beginning of the video and tried to find that white trail you are asking about—but I can't see it. Most likely, it is not the Iron Dome, as it would be in areas a little farther out.




Sandy on Jan 1, 2022


I just looked at this video again and I was wrong about where the white trail is found. It is on the left upper corner at 1:10-1:25 time. Again, just curious about what it could be.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2022


The scene from 1:10-1:25 is the Sea of Galilee looking into the sun, and I still don't see a white trail. Sure would love to help, Sandy! Thanks.




Kathlyn on Dec 19, 2020


Amazing to think that when the Godhead was creating the earth, they planned out the landscape, the acoustics, the water to be ready for the teaching Jesus-in-the-flesh would do. And at the receding of the Flood, all land, water, hillsides obeyed to prepare for the the Savior's feet and voice! What a MIGHTY God we serve!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2020


Yes, Kathlyn, isn't that acoustic creation amazing? Our God is indeed mighty and brilliant. May the Lord bless you as you continue to watch the videos and study His Word.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


I try to apply it to my life right then and talk about the experience to someone very soon after. I take notes and review them and now that we live stream I listen to the message again if I can.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I really like your strategy, Kim. Taking notes and reviewing those notes is a wonderful way to keep the principles of a message and a passage fresh in our minds. Thanks for sharing that.




Lawrence on Oct 22, 2020


Pastor Wayne,


Studying Mark right now. Your videos and teaching here are so rich, satisfying, and imbued with grace. My soul is substantially fed. Thank you, my brother, for making these precious resources available to us. Until He comes! Love, Kevin




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2020


Thank you so much, Kevin. I truly appreciate your gracious words. I'm not sure if you listen to my podcast, but I have gone through the entire book of Mark. Here is the first episode. God bless you, my brother.




Norman on Jul 26, 2020


Here is a short article about acoustics that you can print without payment





Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2020


Thanks for that link, Norman. God bless you.




Friend on Jul 2, 2020


Sermon =Matthew 7:7 =Ask and it shall be given you, Seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that ask receive; and he that seeks finds,and to him that knocks it shall be open.


Continues to grow me spiritually. Every pre-dawn, time alone with the Great IAM humbles & refocus me.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


I completely agree. I am right there with you every predawn time alone with Christ. It is the most special part of my whole day.




Friend on Jul 2, 2020


Listing well spouse sent me for hearing testing a few days ago. LOL

Currently waiting on God.

I am enjoying your listening book!




Lynette on Jun 15, 2020


I found this fascinating!!! I can't help but smile to think how God thinks of absolutely everything....every needed detail. Amazing!! I often wondered how large crowds could hear Jesus. Wow!! Very cool!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2020


Yes, Lynette, this cove is amazing. The acoustics have to be heard to be believed. So amazing that when God created the world He included this little cove for Jesus's sermon that day. Magnificent! I believe all of the world's geography has some purpose behind it.




Rosemary on Mar 17, 2019


This was very interesting concerning the acoustics of the area and that so many could hear Jesus as he spoke. I'm amazed that people have opportunity to visit all of these historical places. With this one I'm amazed that the Sowers Cove is still accessible to the public and has not been taken over by urban settlement particually seeing it is on the Sea of Galilee.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2019


The slope is so steep, there wouldn't be an easy way to toss up hotels or gift shops. Also, I believe this hill may be part of a plantation for bananas. :-)




Rosemary on Mar 19, 2019


I just read the article you referred to on “The Acoustics and crowd capacity of natural theatres in Palestine.” It was very interesting to read about this cove and other areas like Shiloh, Shechem, Kadesh-Barnea etc and how these natural amphitheaters allowed people to hear even though there were thousands. It’s easy to read the scriptures about Jesus, Moses and others speaking to the people and miss things such as the amazing acoustics that allowed the people to hear clearly what was said. Good to ponder on.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2019


Really glad it was helpful, Rosemary. Thanks.




Mary on Feb 14, 2019


Powerful video and teaching! Thank you for this Spirit-filled message!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the Sower's Cove video, Mary. Thank you.




Tammie on Jul 5, 2018


I was here, but did not know the name of the cove! So interesting- thank you for the information you gave. Love the examples of the 4 kinds of soils & also the added information on the acoustics of this place.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2018


It's rare that folks get to see the cove, Tammie. So glad you did! Such a unique and special place. Maybe you'll see it again one day. :-)



Sower's Cove - How are You Listening to God's Word?

Dan Stele - How the Lord Will Vindicate You One Day

Anne on Mar 2


Years ago my little granddaughter and my daughter became big Justin Bieber fans. When they EVER placed an ornament of him on front of our Christmas tree, I reacted so strongly against it that they are still laughing “with/at” me. Today, Beiber says Jesus is Lord and evangelizes Him. …last laugh…

Love your course! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2


It's amazing, isn't it, Anne? The Lord can redeem any of us.




Deborah on Jun 17, 2022


Wayne, I never knew until this video that David's actual existence was in question. What an eye-opener! Also, the more I read and learn, the more I understand why God let them wander for 40 years. The tribes seemed to squabble among themselves more than they were determined to get rid of the Canaanites. Power-hungry, jealous leaders were everywhere. Sounds far too familiar, doesn't it? One more thing...I am always AMAZED that these people have been able (and determined) to dig and uncover so many layers of history. Unbelievers should see more of this somehow. These were real people in real places who actually heard God speak to them!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2022


Absolutely yes, Deborah! It is amazing what archaeology reveals and how it supports the Scriptures.




Ty on Jun 6, 2022


A good challenge for me to consider, what ironies in my life honoured His Word when it seemed the world has won? Me giving my life to the Lord is my biggest irony when religion that was taught to me pushed me away from Him for many years. Phrases like, when I am weak, He is strong. When I can't, He can. God's faithfulness, when I am unfaithful. God's forgiveness, when I feel unforgivable.


The ways the Holy Spirit communicates with me when I get too focused on myself or those things around me distracting me from keeping the main thing the main thing. Also when I try to push back from something, I often am led to the fact that God directs me to step into this and be His instrument according to His will with His leading not mine. Many times it is for my learning, growth, and maturing 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


Great insights, Ty. Thanks for pondering these truths.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 28, 2022


The fact that I am an ordained minister & theologian is a miracle. Out of 4 kids, I was the only dropout from high school. I failed out of my 1st military career and almost my second, I was an alcoholic by 15 years of age and that's just a small clip of the troubles of my life. Daily I am amazed and thankful that I am Born Again from above! I am a daughter of the Most High God (for years I lived in gender confusion but no more!)


Are the people I see in videos on tours that you provide? Or just people at random?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Most of the people you see in the videos are random folk at the sites. I don't usually mix the two roles – tour leading and filming. Can only focus on one thing at a time. :-)




Kathy on Dec 19, 2021


Will we have access to this material after December 20?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2021


Yes, Kathy, you have access to all of the videos and content as long as you are a member. You can also download each video and transcript to keep.




Joan on May 14, 2021


It's awesome that God weaves and works mistakes, sin, and/or evil into outcomes for good! What irony that enemies of the Israelites delivered archeological proof of the Biblical record yet again--and that the House of David stands strong today as we await the return of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! Recently, God returned me to a place where I can give back for significant kindness that was extended to me several decades ago! I'm overjoyed at this 'golden opportunity'--and it lies very close to my home! Thank You, Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


Yes, Joan, isn't it wonderful how the Lord can use historical irony for His glory? He is amazing…




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Everyday the world tries to resolve a problem with a worldy situation. I find spiritual meanings in problems and solutions....offer my wisdom of Christ again on WWJD in situations and just give other objectives to handle the situation. People listen, take note, at first fight my reasonings.....then later come back to me and say thank you for your insight. Many times I deal with denial of mentality...but with patience and people sleeping on comments...come back to me and say interesting thoughts there. It wasn't me....it was a God thing.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


I know what you mean, Karen. The world does offer quick fixes that are actually long-term regrets. How essential that we cling to God's promises and trust Him for the long-term solution.




Kim on Nov 5, 2020


As a person who walks out my faith daily and sometimes quite vocally, I face opposition regularly. In the past I have had bad leaders in the company that I work for. This person had it in for me. He did everything he could to destroy me. But God was faithful. I never believed that the Lord wanted me to give up and quit. I am still with this company today and God continues to use me there. What man meant for evil, God has used for His glory.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


My biggest challenge, Kim, when I do decide to speak up, is to do it as Peter commanded us: “always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you,yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15). It is that last part about gentleness and reference that is such a challenge. We/I often want to beat people with the Word of God, rather than to love them like Christ and to lay down our lives for them. Such a tough assignment.




Teresa on Aug 9, 2020


I guess I never realized there are no historical references to King David! No other kingdoms that existed at the same time mention him? That just seems so weird since he is one of the heroes of our faith! Are there any other kings of Judah or Israel that have no extra-biblical supportive historical references?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2020


Great questions, Teresa. Honestly, I'm not sure of all of the kings that have no historical references outside of Scripture, but I'm certain there are many. From a worldly perspective, Israel wasn't that significant – except for the land bridge that it provided to Egypt. The Dan Stele was not the only reference to David. I believe the Mesha Stele also mentioned him, but the Dan Stele was so clear that it removed accusations from those who criticized David's existence previously.




Friend on Jul 2, 2020


Tel Dan = bible truth house of David.

Stel Dan -->Steely Dan will remember that.

lol :-)




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


Yes, that little turn of the phrase does help the memory! God bless you.




Diana on Aug 4, 2022


Lol "Friend" and I think along the same lines. I keep calling it Steely Dan! This was an interesting site.




Sarah on Aug 17, 2018


Thanks Wayne. I have seen the Stele in the Museum but not yet been to Dan. This is an excellent historical and thoughtful commentary that helped me put the pieces together. My favourite yet!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2018


The next time you go to Israel, Sarah (hint, hint), I do hope you'll head up to Tel Dan. So lush and beautiful; it's clear why the tribe of Dan relocated. I'm glad you're enjoying the videos. :-)



Dan Stele - How the Lord Will Vindicate You One Day

Mount of Beatitudes - Trusting God to Provide Each Day

Robin on Apr 6


He taught with such authority

The people were amazed.

He gave them hope, He gave them love,

Their spirits, too, were raised.

“Repent and simply follow Me,

My life for you I give.

I am the Way, the Truth, the Life;

Believe in Me and live.”

We, too, must follow in His steps,

The Commission to fulfill,

To make disciples that go on

And do our Savior’s will.




Melissa on Jan 12


Oh my goodness… last night our small group started a new study about “Living in the goodness of God” and what happens when we forget God’s goodness. It’s going to focus on Psalm 23 - but the comments in this video are practically verbatim to our discussion last night. Worry/control vs gratitude/trust is probably one of my biggest faith challenges. But if I truly believe that God can save me from death, and that I’ll actually get to live for eternity in heaven with Him, why do I even worry about Him taking care of the smallest needs that I have on this earth? That’s illogical! I definitely think the Lord is speaking straight to my heart on this teaching!!! Apparently I have a huge lesson to learn… praying that it will take root and my “little faith” will grow strong and firm in His ability to provide for ALL of my needs from day to day. 🙏🏻




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13


We all have a lot of room to grow in the worry arena, Melissa. There's a good reason Jesus taught on this-- as well as did Paul. It's great that you're noticing the Lord's repeated emphasis for you. That's definitely His Spirit and His love reaching out to you, His daughter.




Ann on Dec 31, 2022


Perfect advice for today & every day . (Beautiful video, too)




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


I'm so glad, Ann, that the video and devotional encouraged you. God bless you.




Joan on Aug 12, 2022


Beautiful message of assurance and trust in God! Instead of depleting my energies in worry and anxiety, I instead focus and work on being who God created me to be and to do what His Will is in my life!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2022


I love the way you put that, Joan. We don't deplete our energies oin worry but in work for Christ.




Susan on Aug 5, 2022


I wish I could visit the Beatitudes Church. I imagine heaven to be somewhat like that. Thank you for sharing.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I'm glad that you got to visit the Church of the Beatitudes through the video! God bless you.




Norma on Jun 8, 2022


I love the quotation you used in your reflection that the beginning of your anxiety is your lack of faith and the end of it in our complete faith and trust in God. That's remind me Jesus words in Mathew 11:28 when he said, "Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest." Knowing that he can carry my preocupations and heavy burdens, give me hope and inner peace. I visited the Church of the Beautitudes by the Sea of Galilee in November 2019. What a beautiful scenery to preach such important sermon!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2022


Indeed, Norma. The Beatitudes church is a lovely setting for the timeless lesson.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 28, 2022


One day I was fretting over my finances and God spoke to me and said, "Wanda, I own everything and there is no lack with Me." That has been a big help in me understanding if God wants me to have something He will provide.


Another lesson I learned was when a car was provided for me to use at will. This wisdom came to me: Provision is not Permission. I try and get God's permission for everything, even remaining on this site.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


That sounds like a good game plan, Wanda. We can also trust that if the Lord doesn't want to us to do something, He will redirect.




Debra on Mar 26, 2022


Wonderful video and message. I could not help but remember when I was several states from home, and scheduled to have a brain tumor removed the next day, how at peace I was. I had stayed in God's word, and He had given me the peace that transcends human understanding. I normally run on the "anxious" side, so this was a true gift to me. Thank you for this video, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2022


What a beautiful testimony, Debra, of the transforming power of God's Word in your life. May He continue to strengthen you each day.




Christy on Feb 3, 2022


Just noticed the quote by George Mueller, which I love. Is his name misspelled?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Thanks for asking, Christy. I've seen it spelled both ways. (See examples here.) Likely the "e" is added to aid pronunciation.




Nelda on Jan 21, 2022


Just want to share how beautiful Israel's history is. When I visited Israel , I went to several places one being the location of the sermon of the mount. It is breath taking. It felt so majestic something in me changed. I so appreciate your ministry Pastor Stiles. Every time I finish watching one of your videos, I know Jesus more it draws me to Him more and more and it strengthens my relationship with Him. Thank you for your love to God, His Word and for your dedication to the ministry He has called you in to. I also appreciate your downloads. It really helps to have the added literature handy to study further. I can't wait to go visit this beautiful land again meanwhile your videos are so inspiring. GOD Bless you and your family




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


I'm thrilled, Nelda, that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. I pray He continues to do so. I also hope that when you do go back to Israel, you'll come with me! :-)




Nelda on Jan 24, 2022


Good day Pastor Wayne, I will most certainly plan to visit Israel some day with your team. Send me information on your trips to Israel to review. God bless!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Sounds great, Nelda. :-) You can see all the upcoming tours here: https://waynestiles.com/tours




Lori on Dec 6, 2021


God promise to provide frees me to focus on obeying Him because it takes away the consequences of OBEYING Him. Which in my experience when He asks me to do something, its not the something that I worry about or have had an issue with, it has always been the consequences of what He asks me to do.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 7, 2021


Very interesting perspective, Lori. I don't know that I have thought about obedience that way, but what you say makes sense. God bless you.




Anne on Aug 16, 2021


Thank you once again. I love to view all the places that are mentioned in the Bible and to be able to visualise them now !




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021


What a blessing, Anne, that the Lord encouraged you through the Mount of Beatitudes video. So true! It is wonderful to be able to see the places where the biblical events occurred. God bless you.




Bonnie on Apr 17, 2021


Thank you for this beautiful view and message! I truly rely on God as I obey and follow His commands. Some days are easier than others of course. But He has been there for me in the past and I trust in the future as well. Thanks again for the positive reinforcement of our loving God’s promises!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2021


I'm so glad, Bonnie, that the video was a encouragement to you and a reminder of God's gracious promises. God bless you.




Claudia on Apr 9, 2021


This beautiful video reminds me to be anxious for nothing. That is hard for me because I suffer from anxiety and it has gotten worse the older I get. I have to pray daily that God keep me safe. Staying in His Word and prayer are the most effective weapons against fear and anxiety.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021


I agree with you, Claudia, that time in the Scriptures and prayer are the essential elements each day in keeping us close to God and keeping our minds renewed toward the things that are true. May He bless you with joy and contentment and trust.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


The Bible and nature are the two top things that reminds me of God's promises. There is never a day that God is not speaking thru something else to remind me that He is near and on the job of helping me cope. A program, an internet memo, a newscast about how life is elsewhere...good or bad. Reminding me to keep looking up and count my blessings and not my troubles.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


That's right, Karen. If we are attuned to watching and listening, God speaks to us through His Word and his natural creation around us proclaims His glory and holiness. It is amazing how the Lord communicates to us in various ways.




Ty on Jan 6, 2021


A short and snappy message, but one that is resonating very much in me. Who doesn't like being on a team? Once we were all running around trying our best to make the cut for some team we admired or knew was good for us and we hoped we were good enough to make the cut and wear their strip.


When we ask God into our life we joined His team (He doesn't cut anyone who tries out and makes a real commitment for His team) we stripped off every other jersey we had on in the natural that bore the hallmark of sinner and we took on the strip of sainthood.


One must build on the positive called saint Romans (12: 1-2) and not on the house of cards called sinner (Romans 3:23). Making the cut doesn't mean I am perfect, but I joined a team that is willing to do their best in achieving what the coach (Holy Spirit) and leader (Jesus Christ) desire their team (His church, us) to be.


Yeah, we were fallen beings in sin, but now as His team with teammates of brothers and sisters as His new creations in us we wear His invisible strip, and we are called by Him His saints, His adopted children, be that in training (the sanification process this side of heaven) to a perfect level being called home (heaven) to win the Prize.. Perfection for sure is 'in Him, in Christ'.


To read today's readings both in Matthew and Proverbs, I sure have a lot of training to do and the tough part, it's going to last for the rest of my life time in the here and now. Practice is every day and all day long. God's practical school of training is every day in class room 101 with no breaks. Do I really want that? What comes at the end of all that training and hard work of choosing? What do I get with all that personal effort, which may not be realized by those around me?


The Leader and Coach have the play book and know how to win. Matter of fact they never lost a game yet nor will they never, but there may have been some close matches in the here and now that we may and others have preceived as unwinable. I played on enough teams who were not winners and what a lousy feeling and even with the few teams I played on where we did pretty good the nice feelings were fleeting.


A reminder of some of those plaguing questions. Do I really want to put in all that effort? What comes at the end of all that training and hard work of choosing? What do I get with all that personal effort, which may not be realized by those around me? What's the Prize and Reward?


Oops practice has started and I am running late, got to run.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2021


We all are on a long journey of growth, Ty. It is a lifetime assignment, and our gracious Lord knows that. Thankfully, it is not an eternal assignment! Most of our eternity we will enjoy in perfection.




Lynn on Jul 1, 2019


This message was a very good one for me. Depression and anxiety runs in my family, so quite a few of us have struggled with it over the years. When I am walking with the Lord in a disciplined way (daily Bible study and devotions) life goes well. But I see how the unexpected things in life are used by Satan to distract me (like my sister's unexpected death at a young age). Thank you for this message which I will listen to often.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2019


I'm so glad, Lynn, that the Lord used this video and especially His Word to encourage you. The episode on St. George's Monastery also encourages us to make our private time with God a vital part of our day. May the Lord bless you, Lynn, as you seek Him.




Christine on Apr 4, 2019


When we seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, all the things we really need are added to us. It is Christ's promise. We need to trust Him and stop the worrying. Anything additional that we seek may not really be needed nor beneficial to us in the long run. Putting our focus on perceived needs (wants) instead of on God Himself means we are placing something(s) above God, which is idolatry.

Thank you so much, for these videos. They are helping me to remember my trip in January 2018 and to anticipate the return journey in January 2020.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2019


I'm so glad, Christine, the videos are encouraging your walk with God and reminding you of your tour! I pray your upcoming tour is also a fabulous blessing.



Mount of Beatitudes - Trusting God to Provide Each Day

Gamla - Zealous for God like Paul

James on Jan 25


Such a beautiful, well done video. I have been to Israel 3 times. But remote places like Gamla would be awesome to see.....




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


Thank you, James! Indeed, there are many, many places in Israel that are remote and beautiful. I would love to show them to you some time on one of my tours! :-) God bless you.




Ty on Dec 10, 2022


Another viewing of this well done video. Lots of helpful and goods thoughts to reflect upon in being changed from the inside out.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


How exciting, Ty, for you to have been encouraged through the video. Thank you for letting me know.




Gary on Jul 14, 2022


G'Day Wayne, I'm in that area of life waiting for vindication isn't easy in a country like mine isn't a Christian but in a draconian one now. I'm in a neutral area while I wait to get things back on track' I enjoyed watching this weeks 03 video's we live in crazy times at the moment alot of tyrants like old Egypt in Moses's day. alot of them in AUSTRALIA as I go to rebuild things again. still recovering from injury then rebuild time starts keeping my knowledge in GOD'SWORD IN FOCUS. I KEEP TRAINING MYSELF IN THIS AREA SO IF I HAVE NO BIBLE AROUND IT'S IN MY HEAD.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Indeed, Gary, we just keep waiting on Him. Amen.




Sheron Keeling on Jun 14, 2022


I am so blessed that God just kept on provoking me, as He draw me closer to Him. His grace and mercy, when we really don't deserve it. God knows how to get our attention, and allows us to focused back on Him. We need a Savior, and His name is Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


I know what you mean, Sheron. The Lord loves us so much that He will not allow us to continue to wander. May God bless you as you continue to walk with Him.




Wanda Faith Sewell on May 5, 2022


I was raise to be a party type person, ie. I was making drinks from my parents bar when I was 9 years old and people thought that was so cute. I was also an alcoholic by the age of 15. Even as a believer I liked to party or socialize (I took my last drink in 1984 and last cigarette in 1985). I always surrounded my self with people. God now has taken me into a life of solitude and I live my life before Him and Him alone. I am not isolating (that's dysfunctional) but a life of solitude before out LORD is good!


I noticed you had an overcast and possibly chilly breezy day to work in for this video. It was still interesting to see where Paul had his experience. I am doing a Deep Dive in Romans 8 with Katie Orr's ministry Bible Study Hub. It is interesting to study out Paul's words!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


I praise God that he has delivered you from the roots of your childhood. I still struggle to yank those roots from my heart on bad days. Yes, Wanda, the day filming at Gamla was overcast in many ways – as I lost my drone that day! It was so windy that the drone could not return to me.




Kathy on Feb 26, 2022


I had no clue there was a Masada in the North! How long is the road to Damascus that Paul traveled??




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2022


I'm not sure, Kathy, exactly how long that particular Damascus Road is. Also, this is just one of many! It may or may not be the exact one Paul traveled.




Sue on Jun 16, 2021


Thank you for this! Our group had gone to a Druze village in Golan Heights, but no mention was made of Gamla. It's not likely part of any tour group's agenda. I read some of the pdf files, too, and had no idea the Jewish Revolt was nationwide, imagining it only in the south. Very insightful. Thank you for taking us there and for the extra resources.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021


It is pretty rare, Sue, for a group to go to Gamla. My groups go! :-) I am so glad that you were able to learn about the site and its connection to the Jewish revolt. God bless you.




Paulette on May 19, 2021


LOL!! Loved the teaching, and the cows that saw the drone and ran away made me laugh out loud, especially the last one. Hilarious!




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021


Yes, those bovine creatures don't like flying things. :-) Such an apt illustration of how we naturally run from God as well.




Paulette on May 21, 2021


For sure!




Ty on Apr 8, 2021


A very challenging question to respond to, but one we all should feel compelled to answer. In Matthew 10:33 and Luke 12:9 it says 'But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God.' It took me 40 years to come to this decision point of responding to the goading in my life before submitting my life to Jesus Christ. Now 30 years on it was the best decision of my life in continuing to live it out, which I gladly do each and every day, and thank God for His prompting me to make this eternal decision..




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021


I also rejoice with you, Ty, that the Lord guided you all those years and that you indeed did respond to Him. We are all blessed because of Christ calling you to Himself.




Paulette on May 19, 2021


What Wayne said!



Gamla - Zealous for God like Paul

Aphek - When Our Disappointments are God's Protection

Wanda Faith Sewell on May 27, 2022


In my multitude of pursuits to advance in the land of opportunity to become wealthy, door after door was shut. I would say to God, "Don't you see I need to take care of myself?" But it fell on seemingly deaf ears. Then at 42 I went to Bible school and only knew 2 weeks ahead of time that I was moving from VA to NY. Because of all those "failures" of advancement, I am now a Theologian for our LORD Jesus Christ and will "work" to build His Kingdom for the rest of my earthly days!




Ty on May 15, 2022


A wonderful video to see again and be challenge with reflective thought of our never sleeping or never slumbering God, who allows us moments to see, feel, or think about His sovereignty and His amazing love.


Great to be reminded of Romans 11:33.


'Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!'


A great verse to hang on to and be reminded when the going gets tough.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


I like your connection of the Romans 11 verse here, Ty. Indeed, the inscrutable and unfathomable ways of God are always at work in our lives.




Kathy on Mar 15, 2022


Thank you Damon for your comment. I have a son who is headstrong and also

confused spiritually.l I cannot see why God has not granted him a family or wife yet to help give him grounding. He sees his life as a series of things frustrating him with no purpose. As his parents, we get frustrated with the "stalling" of his life. This video reinforces God is still working even if I see little change for him... (Chris)




Damon on Mar 3, 2022


As you said, sometimes our disappointments are God's protection. As the Bible says, God works all things out for our good for those who are Christ Jesus.

Years ago, when I was a young man, I was determined to leave my good paying job to go back to school to earn a masters degree in engineering, but God had other plans. Even though I had professed to know Christ, I was far from him. While at school, a series of events lead me back to Christ. I did not obtain my masters degree, but the master, the Lord Jesus, got me back. Thank you for your ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


I know what you mean, Damon, in God closing one door and opening another. Isn't His sovereignty amazing? I am thrilled that He gave you a bit of insight into His magnificent leading in your life. God bless you.




Carmelita on Jan 27, 2022


Thank you for the reminder that God uses even disappointments for our protection.

I can trust Him in everything!!!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


Yes, Carmelita, our God is faithful to us, even in those head-scratching moments when the closed doors make no sense. May the Lord bless you as you trust Him and wait on Him.




Rosemarie on Oct 8, 2021


My Uncle Carmen taught me the saying “ it’s in Gods hands, it’s up to Him”. I live by that phrase.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 9, 2021


Nice words of wisdom from Uncle Carmen! Thanks for sharing, Rosemarie.




Suzanne on Apr 16, 2021


I needed to hear this today! We are in a family "trifecta of oopsies!" that has inconvenienced and cost us time and money. (2 of them Covid shutdown related).

Hearing a reminder of God's watchcare and providence for David and Paul is a comforting reminder today. I know He cares for us, too. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2021


That's right, Suzanne. I'm so glad the Lord is giving you a bigger perspective during these very unusual days. God bless you.




Denise on Apr 10, 2021


Such beautiful photography and so wonderful to hear these stories and biblical connections. Thank you for giving every place a word from God and scriptures to go along with them.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I'm grateful that the video on Aphek brought encouragement to you from the Scriptures, Denise. David's and Paul's experiences there truly were life-changing for them – and they offer wonderful lessons for us. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Failed relationships




Lynette on Jun 18, 2020


"Sometimes following God feels like sitting in the audience of a play. We hear God moving things around behind the curtain, but we see nothing until it finally opens." What a wonderful way to look at the delays and disappointments in life. I love that analogy!! I often cling to the knowledge that God is working behind the scenes, whether I can see it or not. I think of a tapestry. On the underside all we see are the hodgepodge of threads that don't really make sense. But, when completed and the tapestry is turned over to the right side, Wow, then we see the beauty that was being prepared and created. Only God can be crafting such a tapestry of our lives. I can "hear God moving things around behind the curtain" of my life. I can't wait till He finally opens the curtain to reveal all He's been working on. I get anxious. His timing certainly isn't mine :) but I know HIS is always right.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


I love that tapestry metaphor, Lynette. So, so true! What's confusing now will one day be beautiful. Oh, for that day to come...




Hannah on Mar 11, 2020


Appreciate your perspective on this, Wayne. I just experienced my own disappointment and this video was an encouragement. I was supposed to be leaving for Mexico today to serve at a women's conference for work, but instead I find myself at home recovering from the flu. It sure is a disappointment, but trusting in God's good plan.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2020


So sorry to hear this, Hannah. I truly admire your mature perspective on disappointments. They are still disappointing, but it’s amazing how hindsight offers insight to those pauses. Be sure and watch tomorrow’s video on Neapolis! It has much the same theme. When I’m disappointed about something, I like to ask myself, “What does this make possible?”




Paulette on Jan 30, 2020


Really great lesson. Kind of sums up a lot of stuff that goes on in my life on a regular basis. I am really glad that I did come to understand God's protection in disappointments. It sure is easier to deal with things "going wrong" - as humans, we will always get stressed when things don't happen as we think they should (especially for us planner-outers). But it's easier when you truly understand and believe that God is control of one's life, and there are NO coincidences (you would love to the strange looks even from Christians that I get when I say that). Truly believing and accepting God's sovereignty in my life and ultimately in other's lives as well (such as when my 31 year old daughter had a stroke) has definitely given me more peace and surrender in my walk with the Lord. Not perfect - since we are weak in our human perceptions. But so happy - because He is strong on our behalf. Thanks for the lesson. It was a blessing to be reminded from a very unique point of view - Aphek.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2020


I'm really glad, Paulette, that the video on Aphek at home. You're right, it helps us release so much anxiety when we place our complete trust in the God who is sovereign. Not just 99% sovereign – but 100% in control.




Michael on Nov 21, 2019


Thanks Wayne for digging into the ruins of history and connecting the unseen dots of God's Almightiness! This video is one of your best (out of 100's of Bests), because it lifts my eyes past our current struggle or delay and helps us, by faith, to see the Amazing Heart of Jesus for us! Thanks for all your labor (and your team) to make these powerful messages possible! Just want to let you know your work is not in vain!! Grateful - Michael in Texas




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2019


We so appreciate your gracious words, Michael. And you are right, we need the regular reminder of God's sovereign hand in our lives. It's so easy to get focused on the weeds and not see the forest. Thanks again for taking a moment to pass along the encouragement!




Ty on Nov 21, 2019


Some great reminding of the Sovereignty of our Creator God.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2019


It is a great reminder, isn't it, Ty? How our God weaves His wonders in our delights and also disappointments is something only He can do.



Aphek - When Our Disappointments are God's Protection

Beth-shan - Why the Blessings of God Seem Hard to Hold



16 hours ago


Marriage, parenting, spiritual disciplines to name a few are very difficult. Satan doesn’t want us to do God’s will so he puts shortcuts in place. However, the sweet fellowship we have with God and to see Him work is well worth it. Not to mention how we can use these experiences to strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ. Of course, we can’t even imagine the rewards in eternity when we hear God say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”




Wayne Stiles


3 hours ago


How helpful are your words, Wanda. How essential that we take the long view of eternity. Thank you.






yesterday at 2:23am


Wayne's and his team's videos are both informative and challenging in their teaching. Lots of good reflective thought time throughout this video can be beneficial to take in, pressing the pause before carrying on. Bitesize amount of information and/or teaching can bring blessings that are unexpected.




Wayne Stiles


16 hours ago


Right on, Ty. God's blessings aren't for the casual believer. They are HARD work sometimes to keep hold of.




Carrie Fraser on Nov 8, 2022


My friend and I are traveling in Israel and have so enjoyed watching your videos in advance of the places we’ve toured. Thank you for providing us with such a wonderful resource that includes scripture and application - truly a blessing to us!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


How exciting for you, Carrie, to be able to walk in the land of the Bible — and also watch these videos in preparation for it! I pray God continues to give you a magnificent time.




Lori on Jun 18, 2022


Oh, how I hope to go to The Holy Land!!!!

Praying 2023 is the year……

….. how often do we abandon, ignore or minimize the blessings God gives us, not understanding what they would mean for our future……we need to pray for Godly insight.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


I will join you in that prayer, Lori, that you would be able to go to the Holy Land. And when you go, I hope you will come with me! I already have tours for next year, and they are already filling up. Please join me! God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on May 27, 2022


When I detect that God has given me a blessing and a battle begins in my mind regarding that blessing, like, something's about to go wrong I begin quoting that verse in the OT "The blessings of the LORD... and they add no sorrow with it." It allows me to appreciate whatever blessing I have. For example I was 50 years old before I ever had my own apartment. It has been hard and a challenge but God has gotten me through and He coaches me about anything that pops up.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Great strategy, Wanda. The battle for recognizing God's blessings is so true.




Renee on May 19, 2022


My husband of 38 years, passed away last August. He took care of our investing finances that I know nothing about. I am faced with an investing decision I must make and your teaching has brought peace and confirmation so that I believe I can make a wise decision. So thank you for this video and teaching.




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


What a blessing, Renee, but the Lord has guided you and encouraged you through the content on Walking the Bible Lands. I pray that He continues to guide you and provide for you in your future.




Renee on May 20, 2022


Thank you.




Ty on May 15, 2022


Good to see this video again and be challenged with statements by Wayne to us. As we are reminded of many historical facts and God's faithfulness, we to have our own journey to travel on and without a doubt will be confronted with decision making to take God at His Word or choose to go our own way. Every season of life in the here and now we will find ourselves in this position. God is faithful, however, the question is will I be faithful to Him?




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


Yes, that is the essential question, isn't it?




Bobbie on Apr 30, 2022


God’s blessings are a blessing and can be tough each day to cling to them. I am always thankful for what he has done for a wretch like me. Praise the Lord. On another note, I walked the street here, did not hike up to the tell, nonetheless a few of us got to hear a man sing in the theater while walking around outside of it. Wow such acoustics and a great voice. Heard he was just messing around and thought he would give it a try. What a treat! And amazing place for so much history. I really enjoyed walking down the Main Street. It was incredible. Thanks for this informative reminder of my visit there. Great video!




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


I am glad that this video on Beth-shan was an encouragement to you and was a great reminder to you of your visit there. An amazing place!




Hal Warren on Apr 24, 2022


Thanks, for this lesson. I have been tempted many times to let go of a “blessing” the Lord has given me to conquer, in His ability, because it felt like a “curse.” Thanks, I needed this insight. Amen.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


I am right there with you, Hal. Hanging onto God's blessings is tough work sometimes.




Ty on Apr 18, 2022


Another first time viewing for me. Lots of historical fact provided to affirm biblical script, which is pleasing to read and hear. As with all videos produced great filming and teaching is provided along with reflective thought by God through Wayne to us.


God is faithful in keeping up His end and has also provided us with heaven on earth with the gift of the internalised Holy Spirit to help us along. God's Word and Spirit are 100% engaged with us, but the third part of this equation is us. Allowing God to teach us not to become legalistic and religious is not as easy as one's thinks. No matter what our age we are as little children before our Creator God and that is the attitude we need to maintain with His help. As God's little children not experiencing John 10:10b would be a shame. Little children don't have to compete for their parent's love, they just have to accept it and live it out. As we mature in faith, we do need God's reminders in His Word to keep us walking the talk and being expectant as little children to His calling as being His adopted sons and daughters 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2022


Well said, Ty. God is so faithful to keep up His end of things, isn't He? So grateful He is.




Linda on Feb 2, 2022


Without Gods help, I can do nothing on my own, The many blessings he pours out of us we mostly take for granted, I pray I can remember to thank him each and every day, even for the little things in life, like turning my page in the Bible right where my lesson needs to be. Thank you Lord for waking me up to a new day.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2022


Amen, Linda.




Dorothea on Dec 2, 2021


At age 86 I feel even more dependent on God. By myself I can do nothing. Depending on His goodness and mercy for each day is the only way to go. Thank you for reminding us where our blessings come from.

In Christ,





Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


Absolutely, Dorothea. Indeed, our blessings come from God alone. God bless you




Elida on Nov 25, 2021


He has blessed me all through my life and thank him daily.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


What a great testimony for you to share, Elida. I pray that the blessing God has given you would overflow into the lives of others. God bless you.




Betty on Nov 23, 2021


Wonderful. I so enjoy this series.


***I watched the 5 days video leading up to Jesus birth. I deleted it by mistake before I could share it. Could you PLEASE SEND IT TO ME AGAIN. .It isn't in my deleted folder.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2021


Sure thing, Betty. Here is the link for your own access. And here's the link you can share with others. Thanks.




Joan on Sep 30, 2021


God will fortify us, when we cling to Him under any circumstance, especially when He blesses us greatly! He draws us closer to Him and we feel His love surrounding us! What great joy!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2021


I love your enthusiasm, Joan. Thanks so much for sharing!




Denise on Apr 10, 2021


Love to hear your foot crunch the rocks. It really gives a sense of being there. Thank you for sharing all these significant out of the way places.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I have to say, you are the first person to mention this! But I am so grateful you have. I include those foot crunches for the very reasons you mentioned. God bless you, Denise.




Dianne on Apr 2, 2021


The ruins are amazing, would love to visit some day. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Thank you, Dianne. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Beth-shan video. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 4, 2021


Him not doubting our weaknesses. Waiting patiently for us to grow in spiritual maturity and loving us each step of the way despite our faithfulness towards Him.




Karen on Feb 15, 2021


Beautiful video...loved seeing these ruins.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on Beth-shan, Karen. I pray that the rest of the videos also are a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Anita on Jan 23, 2021


Just read all the wonderful , meaningful comments below and I'm sorry but I must add how cute your grin was as you sat on the latrine!!!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


Thanks, Anita! That was a fun moment there in Beth-shan. :-) I appreciate your comments. God bless you.




Maxine on Jun 4, 2020


I see many parallels between our lives and the Israelites. God told them to drive out the people who lived in the land and to rid the land of idols. What snares have I left in my life? Am I trying to drive them out?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


Those are insightful questions, Maxine. I love the connection you have made with the idols all around us and the battle to drive them out of our hearts. May God strengthen you to that end!




Diana on May 15, 2020


Such a huge site with so much history! We only got a half hour to explore on our own and that definitely was not enough time. Only a couple men in our group ran up to the top of the hill. They wanted to see the tree from Jesus Christ Superstar. I was really glad to revisit this place again virtually!




Wayne Stiles on May 15, 2020


That's funny, Diana... Racing to the top of Tel Beth-shan to see the tree! :-) Hopefully they enjoyed the view. You're right, 30 minutes to explore the site isn't much. I'm glad you got to relive it some through the video. God bless you.




Rosemary on Oct 11, 2019


Thanks Wayne. Great footage and script. I visited this amazing site just 2 weeks ago. We walked all over those areas. We were told that while these ruins are extensive the majority of the ancient city is still unexcavated, as it is situated underneath the current modern city sitting on top of it. It was amazing to walk over different areas and understan a bit about what life was like in those days. Thank goodness for modern plumbing and privacy at toilets, bathing area etc. It was quite an interesting place to visit and be able to relate what happened here. Our tour group leaders shared the scriptures in relation to around this area and Jesus' ministry. The Bible certainty came to life through visiting these areas.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2019


What a privilege for you, Rosemary, to journey to Israel and Beth-shan so recently! I'm glad the video helped you relive some of the joy of your experience. You're right; there's nothing like seeing the real thing.




Estrella on Oct 11, 2019


I’m so thrilled to see Tel Beth-Shan again, I saw and walked all the steps leading to the top! It’s a spectacular view indeed! I’m always in awe and blessed I am to experience the place just like at their time!

Thank You so much for your videos and the spiritual teachings you give, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 11, 2019


You walked to the top of Tel Beth-shan? That's great, Estrella! (And so rare.) I'm glad you got to go there and to see this amazing place. Thanks also for your encouragement. God bless you.




Tammie on Oct 10, 2019


I've been here!!! Seeing it again in your video with the information is like reliving this. I love how you feel like you are actually in the place you are showing.I did not know about the Egyptian history here, so that was a surprise to learn.

Do you think this is where the prodigal son may have gone when he left home?


Thank you for this chance to see this way cool place




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2019


That's a great question, Tammie. Not sure how "distant" the land was the prodigal journeyed to. If it was the Decapolis, I'd tend to think it would be on the east side of the Jordan rather than so close to Jewish Galilee. Jesus probably was in Perea when He told the parable (which is east of the Jordan), but the "distant land" would be distant from the prodigal's home, not necessarily from where Jesus told the parable. That's a long way of saying, who knows?



Beth-shan - Why the Blessings of God Seem Hard to Hold

Mount Gilboa - Love is the Greatest Motive

Wanda Faith Sewell on May 27, 2022


The name who comes to mind is Hitler. He led by evil means and intimidated many. He ruined the lives of many, he killed many, and he didn't respect or honor God.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Great connection, Wanda. Hitler epitomizes one possessed of evil.




Ty on May 9, 2022


Wayne’s question in viewing the video can only allow me to make one statement, we all are capable of being like king Saul, but for the grace of God applied to our life.




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


Amen, Ty! We are all Saul at heart – but God is remaking our hearts.




Ty on May 5, 2022


‘The first time I viewed this video I left a comment in Feb 2019 and have viewed this video from then from time to time. There is a great message in this video. The message leaves us with a choice. Our choice is between 3 options, which are reject God and walk in the ways of the world, try to live a life to God on our terms, or live a life to God on His terms.


We all have the gift of 'free will' to choose, that's God's gift to us. Wisdom only comes from God and we at best can only seek the knowledge of good and evil to make that choice. However, God is a pursuing God and He desires no one to perish (2 Peter 3:9), so He will provide every one of us the opportunity to make the right decision. But, it is our choice and we are aware in Scripture, many are called, but few are chosen. It is worth the time to reflect upon this before we decide.’




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2022


Once again, Ty, your insights are applicable to everyday life. Thank you.




Lori on Mar 8, 2022


Sadly I think our politicians too many lead by Sauls example right now. The ones that lead by Davids example are very few and far between. They do exist. The ones that use God and try to manipulate Him to get what they want are more than I care to mention right now. It genuinely makes me sick to my stomach. I pray for every level politician that they would seek the Lord and His will.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


Indeed, Lori, we should be praying for our political leaders. They need prayer to hear the voice of God! (Romans 13; 2 Timothy 2)




Judy on Jan 20, 2022


I enjoy all of the videos. I loved my trip to Israel and Walking the Bible Lands adds so much to my trip that I didn’t get to see. Thank you for your ministry.


I have a question.. Even though I check the box that I don’t want to log in each time, it requires me to. How is that suppose to work? Does it just not require you to log in for a certain period of time?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


I believe the answer, Judy, is to enable cookies on your web browser. I will ask someone on my team to connect with you and help you with that. God bless.




Barbara on Oct 28, 2021


Hi Wayne, it saddens me that King Saul missed out on a wonderful relationship with God and missed blessings by doing things his way instead of God's. That gets us in trouble every time. The contrast that David's servant heart shows us is a message we all need to "get" and follow in our own walk with the Lord. I truly enjoyed this video and the way you presented it. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2021


I'm so glad, Barbara, that the Mount Gilboa video encouraged you. I pray that the rest of the videos continue to do the same. God bless you.




Rinda on May 3, 2021


I am learning so much from these lessons. I was in Israel for 10 days and i enjoy seeing the sites I did see, but I am learning more and seeing sites I did not get to see.




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


I know what you mean, Rinda. Indeed, our tours to Israel are magnificent, but they can only show us so much. I am so glad that the videos are giving you additional input and insight beyond your tour. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos!




Karen on Mar 10, 2021


All I know all of us have room for improvement in our walk with the Lord. Especially me. I am no Leader and don't want to praise or hang a Leader for their righteousness and or faults.....so I will say.....Keep on keeping on and just keep strong in what Jesus wants rather than what the world desires.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


We are all with you on that, Karen. We all have so far to go – whether we are leaders or simple servants of Christ. May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him.




Timothy on Apr 9, 2020


Hi Wayne. So Good! I am studying 1 Sam and I only have to go back one chapter from here to see the result of David following HIS own agenda as he comes upon Ziklag. It is here that he turns, finally, to God. I find if I pray, "Father not my will but your will be done" and commit to obey and serve others, I find God works in amazing ways. Come to think of it—finding your videos and podcast was one of those "amazing ways." Saul shows me what it is to not be humble and grateful. Your teaching is a constant reminder of the great need we have for His love and Grace. Beautiful videos, too. So well done! True ART!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the mount Gilboa video, Timothy. I'm not sure if you have seen them yet, but the Ziklag video and Aphek video also relate to your current study. Sounds like a wonderful time in the Scriptures! Thanks.




Paulette on Jul 1, 2019


Because it is what HE wants!




Mike on Feb 16, 2019


Some of the best advice I was ever given you just gave in your closing take-a-way...our relationship with our Lord will always be the best when we want what He wants for us..

Wayne you are a breath of fresh air.





Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2019


Thank you, Mike. It is so freeing to know that God's wants the best for us, not the worst-- as the world and the devil would have us believe. God bless you.




Lydia on Feb 15, 2019


Great video--again! I'm just so blessed to be able to watch you and "Come to Israel again". Lydia




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2019


Lydia, I'm so glad the video encouraged you and that Israel comes to life again for you. God bless.




Kerry on Feb 15, 2019


Wayne, thought provoking leadership style, allowing some one to fail will/can help them learn and thus be successful. Certainly applies to the love and style of our Lord with us. Successful in being obedient to Him and so doing His good pleasure

thanks so much for the wonderful drone shots and your application of of geography, history and scripture to me.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2019


Yes, Jesus set the gold standard of leadership by His example of grace. I'm so grateful the videos are encouraging you. God bless.




Tammie on Feb 15, 2019


Wow! Great visual of Mount Gilboa & it totally made the Bible come alive in 3-D !!! I have been there & walked this place< but you gave a different perspective than what I saw & heard. Thank you once again.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2019


So glad, Tammie, that the Mount Gilboa video added to your sense of "being there"—even though you had already been there! God bless you.




Steve on Feb 14, 2019


"...let's determine to follow Christ not to try to get what we want, but because it's what He wants."


Powerful words of prayer for me. Once again this video has opened a new door in understanding the life of those I read about in the bible. What a difference it makes to me seeing the actual mounts and valleys that I read about. To my simple mind it bring truth to the words I read.


Thank you Wayne and know that I pray for you daily.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2019


Your prayers mean more than I can say, Steve. Thank you so much.




Mary on Feb 14, 2019


Love this new video! We just finished studying Saul's life. Now we can visually see what Mt. Gilboa looks like as well as the wall that Saul and his sons were hung on. Every video helps me experience some of what it would have been like in the pages of the Bible. Thanks again, Wayne and your whole crew!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2019


There's nothing like seeing the places where the Bible occurred to drive home the reality of our faith. I'm so glad, Mary, that the videos are helping you experience the Scriptures.




Ty on Feb 14, 2019


Found this encouraging and challenging. Very well presented and put together. Thanks Wayne for using your gifting. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2019


I'm so glad, Ty, the video on Mount Gilboa encouraged and challenged you. That mountain always does the same for me when I see it. Such a sad chapter in Saul's life but such an opportunity to learn to stick close to God. Thanks and God bless.



Mount Gilboa - Love is the Greatest Motive

Mount Tabor - A Panorama of Beauty and Praise

Dick on Feb 2


God's plans are not known to us. As described in the battle below Mt Tabor; God directed the battle, selected the site, used the flooded river to stifle the enemy. Just one of many examples of following God's Plan will lead to a victory for his kingdom




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


I love the way you put that, Dick. No part of God's plan is haphazard.




Richard on Jun 7, 2022


I have taught many times on Mt Tabor and Deborah and Barak in my Emotional Resiliency classes with the substance abuse and mental health Veterans. I have often wondered what did it look like to see Sisera's Army from Mt. Tabor. This video gave me a good sense of what they saw and their advantage over the enemy that day. Thank you for such a great video.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 8, 2022


So glad the video gave you the perspective that words alone never could, Richard. Have you been to Israel? If not, you would LOVE it. Go bless you in your significant ministry.




Wanda Faith Sewell on May 27, 2022


I would have to say that your story is the most interesting about how people think Mt. Tabor was the place of Jesus' Transfiguration. Of course, the life of Deborah and Barak is fascinating as well!




Helen on Apr 2, 2022


Thank you for doing all these video.. I have always wanted to visit the Holy Lands and this is one way to do it. Praise the Lord!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2022


You are the reason I created these videos, Helen. I pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you through them. God bless you.




Helen on Apr 4, 2022


Thanks Wayne.




Kathy on Dec 20, 2021


Hello, Mr. Stiles,

I signed up a year ago, but haven't been able to watch all the videos yet. Will I still be able to access them (the ones you've sent in emails) after today?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2021


Yes, Kathy. You have access to the videos as long as you are a member. No hurry… Walking the Bible Lands is a resource for you, not a race! :-)




Rosemarie on Oct 25, 2021


Looks like a place I would have loved to see. So thank you for this beautiful and informative video. Yes a place to praise God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2021


What a blessing that the Lord encouraged you, Rosemarie, through the Mount Tabor video. I pray that the rest of the videos will also be a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Vickie on Oct 7, 2021


THank you for the video. Can you please tell me how often I am supposed to be receiving videos for $25/mo. vickie gillespie oneagleswings52@gmail.com




Juanita on Sep 8, 2021


How many miles did you travel to the top of Mount Tabor?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2021


Hi, Juanita. From the bottom to the top of Mount Tabor is only about 2 miles. But it takes about 10 minutes to drive it! God bless.




Juanita on Sep 8, 2021


Awesome. While you traveled up the hillside, I kept asking to myself "When are we gonna get there?" LOL. God bless you for allowing all of us to tour with you through the Holy Land.




Michael on Jul 24, 2021


Watching this film about Mt. Tabor causes me to reflect on the actual Transfiguration. I cannot wait until the day that I also have the opportunity to see Jesus in all of His glory. Thanks for the beautiful video.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


What a great application, Michael, from the video on Mount Tabor. Yes, won't it be wonderful to see Jesus in all of His glory? This is our hope…




Karen on Mar 10, 2021


That drive reminds me of the curved hilly road in San Francisco CA. Have to pay attention on every curve for sure...WOW. Mountains in TN also are crazy like that. I'm a believer in churches to have low ceilings for heat/AC costs. Amazed at the beauty of all chapels. Just the thought of Jesus in these churches gives me that old fashion goose bumps. Beautiful connection all the way around.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the curved hills and their reminder of your own personal roads with Jesus. God bless you as you travel the road with Him.




Jim on Dec 31, 2020


Wow! This was spectacular! You asked in the email about hope. I found myself singing the old familiar hymn, "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less" by Edward Mote. The first verse sums it up for me as well as the chorus: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name! On Christ the solid Rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!" I thought about the chariots sinking in the mire from the Kishon River and the exact opposite of the solid rock of Mount Tabor! (Matthew 7:24-27) God bless you and Happy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


What a wonderful connection, Jim! I never thought of it that way. Truly, the view from Mount Tabor is astounding. It does give a panoramic perspective unlike few places in that valley. God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 20, 2020


Wow!! Incredible Beauty. What a view!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2020


Yes, Lynette, it really is a beautiful mountain! God bless you.




Steven on Mar 15, 2020


I remember seeing Mt. Tabor from Megiddo in the distance. We did not visit it unfortunately. How beautiful and rich in history! The visuals you provided are incredible. I can only imagine how much time it took you to go to each of these places in Israel, prepare your message, set up, record, get the drone to provide aerials, visit the location, then drive to another location and do over. All of that is after all of the administrative stuff you had to do to get there, get permits, etc. This is incredible Wayne and on top of it all, you were able to get day after day of beautiful weather :-)




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2020


Thank you, Steven, for your encouragement and gracious words. Walking the Bible Lands is a huge privilege, and I'm thrilled that it is a blessing for you. YES-- it's a ton of work, but God has made a way for the ministry to move forward with each of the issues you've outlined above. A lot goes on behind the scenes, for sure. :-) Thanks again.




Kurt on Feb 26, 2020


I like the musical score at the beginning. What is it? Also, we are enjoying the videos very much!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2020


I'm traveling in Israel, Kurt, but I'll try to locate that title after I return to the USA next week. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10, 2020


Sorry that it has taken me a while to get back to you, Kurt. The name of the piece is, "To Close For Comfort" [sic], and you can find it here. Hope that helps! God bless.




Karen on Dec 22, 2018


Amazingly beautiful! I love in Judges 4:14 when Deborah says to Barak on Tabor, “Go. Is not the Lord before thee?” And he went! That’s trust, and I love it. God has gone before all of us so we should go too wherever He sends, yes.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2018


What a great reason to press on, isn't it? "Is not the Lord before thee?" YES. Thanks, Karen.




Tammie on Jun 30, 2018


Wow! Wow! Wow! Never even knew you could get up to Mount Tabor! And that winding road- I want to go there just to experience this road! Loved how you showed what it took to get up to view this place. Thank you for this experience on this mountain through the footage- I so want to go there now! Great information & the history & the maps... just can't get enough!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2018


Really glad you liked it, Tammie. Yes, Mount Tabor is pretty stunning. From every angle! Thanks.



Mount Tabor - A Panorama of Beauty and Praise

Gibeon - Why You Need More than Wisdom

Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 9, 2022


My answer is to ask God for whatever is needed. One crazy testimony: One day this lofty thought popped right into my head out of nowhere: Wanda, you do a pretty good job obeying the LORD. God instantly said, "I don't give you much to do." Perspective. Other times I ask to be returned me to my younger years but let me keep the wisdom I have obtained thus far. God is mercy through it all! I'll keep walking with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


I am right there with you, Wanda, in the daily challenge of walking with God. Step-by-step, day by day…




Sylvia on Mar 8, 2022


We need to see near tonKeep our eyes, thoughts and lives on point with God. For we know not when he will return.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


Amen, Sylvia. That is a great point.




Lori on Mar 8, 2022


God helps me to see and apply wisdom to my life. Sometimes it is through my dogs. Sometimes it is through others. Sometimes it is in bible verses that I just see with fresh eyes or perspective. Sometimes it is in some hardship I am going through. Every day is different but the consistency is God helping me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


Yes, Lori, aren't our dogs great at teaching us the grace of God? I love dogs. :-) May the Lord continue to be with you each day through the hardships. May His grace sustain you.




Joan on Nov 25, 2021


The realization that the seeming 'short-cut' to gratification in the mid-to-long run is an almost never-ending circuitous route to God's blessings in my life! Obedience = God's fulfillment of His promises over me! Wishing You and Your Family a Very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


Thank you for such a succinct and helpful summary, Joan. May the Lord continue to bless you as you walk the road of obedience with Him.




Ty on May 28, 2021


Supplication + Godly wisdom + obedience = peace, favour and blessing


Supplication + Godly wisdom - an ignoring ear = striving, wanting and no peace




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2021


I like your mathematics, Ty. It all adds up.




Ty on May 28, 2021


The book of Ecclesiastes seems to endorse the math as Solomon sums it up!




Meri on Mar 14, 2021


Wayne, I'm loving all your videos and all I am learning not just about the Biblical lessons, but about the country or nation of Israel. High places are always strategic!

I was fortune enough to visit Israel in 1986 taking a course on the Biblical Geography of Israel. We stayed at a former boy's school near the old city wall. I loved going up on the roof at night to look out across the old and new city of Jerusalem.

The think I noticed right away in viewing your videos is how much larger the cities are since back then. Much more modern in appearance of course. A favorite location of mine then was Jacob's well since we knew that Jesus had stood right there witnessing to the Samaritan woman. But, you are opening up many more areas of significance to me. I'm so excited to pull up your next video each morning. Of course, todays lesson of the significance of application is VERY important! So, I appreciate your application questions that get me started in thinking about that. God bless you for making this available! By the way, I looked up the population in 1986 (4.299 million) and for 2020 (9,291,000). No wonder it looks so different! (and 74.24% are Jews for those who like me are curious)




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


What a blessing for you, Meri, to have been able to journey to Israel back in 1986. Indeed, much has changed. Not only in the way of population and building of new housing, etc., but archaeology has been abundantly busy! I hope you get to go back very soon.




Karen on Mar 10, 2021


Love, compassion, willingness to serve, willingness to witness, willingness to show others on how Jesus might get it done thru His instruction.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


These are wonderful attributes to pursue, Karen. Thank you for your commitment to apply the wisdom and not merely to learn it.




Kim on Dec 5, 2020


Powerful message. Relationship not works. Obedience not walking in the flesh what we think God wants us to do. Trust and faith. Focused on the Word and it's application in our lives. I see more and more as I study how much the Lord has provided in His Word for us to guide us through this life, if we would just listen and apply.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2020


I appreciate your wise words, Kim. Indeed, application is the toughest part of Bible study, isn’t it? May the Lord give you grace to apply His Word each day. Me too!




Rhodora on Jun 17, 2020


Most anointed message on wisdom. Bless you Dr. Stiles.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2020


Thank you, Rhodora. I'm so glad the Lord blessed you through this video. May He continue to do so!




Steven on Apr 2, 2020


That is a powerful point Wayne - and esp. poignant for those of us who come from the independent Bible church type background where learning God's word has been a focus. Learning w/o proper application just leads us to self-righteous arrogance. Seems like a timeless issue doesn't it.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2020


Yes, absolutely, Steven. As Paul wrote: "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." And: "The goal of our instruction is love." So much of the Bible's message emphasizes the necessity to apply it, and we who study, study, study God's Word also need to take the next steps to apply, apply, apply it. :-)




Connie on May 17, 2019


Such a lesson to be learned. Wisdom isn’t enough.

So agreeing with Linda, we truly need to study the Scriptures to know how to apply it in our everyday world.

Love all your lessons. Thanks again.




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2019


Thanks for the comment, Connie, and yes-- we so need God's Word daily like physical food. I'm thrilled the videos are encouraging you.




Linda on Nov 9, 2018


Perhaps when we ask for wisdom we should ask for faithfulness too!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2018


That's a great prayer, Linda. :-)




Mary on Nov 8, 2018


I loved this video and your teaching! Take away: Having wisdom is useless if it is not obeyed and lived out! Solomon was certainly an example of being the wisest man in the world and yet he did not follow his own teaching. I also love the music in this video. My eyes even welled up just taking in the beautify of the land and its reflections of the shadows of the past. Beautiful!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 9, 2018


Thank you, Mary. Yes, it is sobering to ponder how Solomon could know so much but allow his heart to wander from wisdom's true source. Such a lesson to us to walk humbly with God day by day.



Gibeon - Why You Need More than Wisdom

Dothan - Why We Must See Both Near and Far

Patti on Jul 28, 2022


We need to see both near and far to keep a healthy perspective on things. What seems monumental now reduces in size as time goes on. Heaven is our home and we are just sojourners here. God is in control. If we remember that and trust Him we will get through what we are facing now. I also liked the speed of car perspective. Slow down and spend time with God.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


Excellent summary, Patti, and splendid reminders. Thank you.




Sunni on Jul 21, 2022


Thank you for this teaching, it’s so meaningful to me personally. It’s so pertinent to remember that the issues of life are seen differently if the perspective changes. Thank you, Wayne, for your faithful teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2022


I am thrilled, Sunni, that the Dothan video was helpful and offered an encouraging perspective. God bless you.




Ty on Jun 17, 2022


Some great and inspired teaching and expounding of Wayne by the Holy Spirit with some great visual effects for us to learn and grow in this video. The video part of a visual perspective of being in a car parked and then traveling at different speeds was a real eye opener in comparing it to one’s own lifestyle. The faster we go the less spiritual perspective we will have. Our life is not about living it out on our terms, but on God’s terms and being obedient when He prompts us, while living, enjoying, and being thankful the other parts of our life in the here and now.


God is more than capable of holding up His end. The question is am I (are we) capable of holding up my (our) end. Romans 8:31 is good to be reminded of often.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2022


I am so glad that the illustration of the car speeds was helpful, Ty. I try to think of that illustration often as well.




Greg on Jun 10, 2022


I just watched this for the...I don't know how many times. Boy, is the message from this teaching so appropriate for today, in 2022. It is so easy to see so much happening in the world so fast that we forget to see what GOD is doing. And I believe He is doing things a lot faster than we realize. This is such an encouragement. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


I am glad, Greg, that the repetitive watching of these videos offers you repetitive encouragement! God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 9, 2022


I was amazed at how those events were 1000 years apart and yet they are so huge and real that they equally stand out. The wheels are turning about the Biblical perspective concerning life itself. I do a series called 20 Lessons and a poem on my FB page. Currently, I'm doing it on Spiritual Warfare. This video caused the idea of doing 20 Lessons and a poem on Biblical Perspectives about life. I was also amazed when you picked up that pebble which looked much larger between your thumb and index finger!




Tony on Jun 9, 2022


Thank you for the stories of Joseph and Elisha's servant at Dothan. They bring me to the perspective of God's teaching (through you), to see that a trial or the chaos in this world that I see, I must realize that God is in control and there is a purpose for this trial or chaos for a greater good and to strengthen my faith.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


I am thrilled, Tony, that the Dothan video was an encouragement to you. May the Lord continue to give you the perspective both near and far. God bless you.




Kathy on Apr 4, 2022


Liked the illustration how the faster we drive the less perspective we have....how much this parallels our incessant thoughts and worries which make us see near sighted instead of far sighted. Joseph and his brothers went through relational "famine" as well as physical famine....how novel a thought. We do the same thing when we do not yield to God's greater plan and focus and instead only see our pain. Thanks again Wayne!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2022


Great insight, Kathy. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom here. God bless you.




Janet on Jan 13, 2022


Thanks for sharing all the videos and scriptures. I have been to Israel, and never saw many of the places you tell about..Our tour only visited the highlighted places. I am now reading daily with your group. Hopefully learning (old - new facts) !!blessings




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13, 2022


What a blessing, Janet, that you got to journey to Israel! I am excited that you are getting to see all of the places that you saw on your tour – as well as the many new places that few ever get to see. God bless you.




Joan on Nov 4, 2021


These two events help to strengthen my faith that God is both working through me and for me and that I can trust Him to safeguard me. I loved this visit to Dothan! Thanks so much, Dr. Wayne, for this encouragement!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


I am so glad that the video on Dothan encouraged you, Joan. May the Lord continue to encourage you with each video! God bless you.




Michael on Jul 24, 2021


I needed to see this video more than I realized. Seeing my perspective and keeping an eye on God's perspective is challenging. It seems that God's perspective is more difficult to grasp than what lies before me. Watching this video about Dothan reminded me to keep on track even when God's "big picture" isn't always so easily seen. Thank you Wayne for the great devotional.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


What a blessing, Michael, that the video on Dothan encouraged you to see the big picture. So essential that we keep it in mind, isn't it? May the Lord bless you as you continue to follow Him step-by-step.




Karen on Mar 18, 2021


What a wonderful video! I love the reminders that God is with us, whether we "see" Him, or not. Also the point made about seeing more when we slow down is so timely. While this year of pandemic has brought about many losses it has also given me so much more time to be in the Word, in prayer, and to read writings of Christian saints. God is good!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


I know what you mean, Karen. The pandemic has forced us to slow down. Almost like a Sabbath year! May the Lord bless you as you draw near to Him each day during this season.




Karen on Mar 10, 2021


We must really learn to slow down and smell the roses. Don't speed thru life.....for you will miss what is really happening.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


Amen, Karen! I appreciate your personal reminder to slow down… I need to hear that again!




Sandy on Feb 25, 2021


The illustration of the pebble was very helpful to understand how even the smallest incident can be huge on the path of life. It is a great reminder to always be aware of the decisions we make or experiences we are living as they play into the rest of life. God is in the little things as well as the big things; and sometimes the little things are really the big things.


Also just an observation in the narrative: Did you mean to say (at about 2 minutes) Gen 37 not Gen 17 is where it says Joseph's brothers hated him?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021


Yikes... What an oversight! Thanks, Sandy, for pointing out that glitch. I'll get it corrected. God bless you as you keep the big perspective on those pebbles.




Anita on Feb 1, 2021


To me your fingers picking up that tiny pebble symbolized God gently,lovingly picking up a "pebble" on my path.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2021


Yes, Anita, isn't that a helpful visual? I like the metaphor that you have added to it. God bless you.




Heather on Jan 28, 2021


Wow! I absolutely loved this video and the lesson along with it. Having recently read the Story of Joseph and his brothers made it all the more awesome. Thank you for reminding me about the importance of perspective as we go through life with faith.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


I'm so glad, Heather, that you enjoyed the Dothan video. Isn't Joseph's story absolutely magnificent? If you haven't seen it already, you might enjoy my unabridged audiobook, Waiting on God — available to you free as a member. This whole book is about Joseph's story. Or you may prefer a physical book. I pray you continue to find encouragement through the videos. God bless you as you wait on Him.




John on Nov 19, 2020


Birth of a vision, death of a vision and fulfillment of a vision - a prototype in the scriptures. Joseph, Jesus, ....




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


What a fascinating insight, John. Thank you so much for sharing that.




Paulette on Jul 20, 2019


Totally awesome message. The pebble REALLY hit home. The need to look near (circumstances we are experiencing) out of one eye and far (God in this world in it with us) out of the other is so graphic. It's literally what I am living magnified every day. People look at me like I am from Mars when I try to convey what I am seeing God do in this world all around us and in my life. It's so easy to chalk things up as coincidences rather than answers to prayer - and then not thank Him to boot for answering our prayers. I am asking God to give me 20-20 vision spiritually. Thank you for this awesome correlation.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2019


I'm glad that pebble illustration helped, Paulette. So often it's just a matter of perspective. I'm thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. :-)




Christine on Mar 17, 2019


Joseph likely did not see the blessings that lay ahead of him as he contemplated imprisonment in a cistern foisted on him by his brothers and the imprisonment he endured when falsely accused as a slave in the house of Potiphar. The brothers meant it for bad, but God meant it for good to save many people alive during the famine.


Elisha's servant saw only the approaching army while at Dothan. But at the request of Elisha, the Lord God opened the servant's eyes to see the surrounding hosts of heaven.


The Lord God works everything out for our good, despite perceived challenges. God works in hearts and lives to wake us up, to get us to turn from evil and trust Him. In the end, we can say with Job, "I know that my Redeemer liveth and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God."


His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2019


I love reading your takeaways, Christine, about Joseph and Elisha and us. Thank you for sharing.




Tim on Mar 15, 2019


I love this! Beautiful cinematography and dialogue. The illustrations were unique (Texas driving manual and especially the pebble) and powerful. The maps and routes were helpful as well. Simply put, this is a great example of your unique contribution to bringing the ancient lessons of the history and archeology of the bible right into our modern times. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2019


I'm so glad, Tim, that the video hit the mark for you. Thank you for your encouraging words! God bless you.




Carl on Mar 14, 2019


A wonderful reminder for the tumultuous time that we live in.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2019


Thank you, Carl, and you're so right. The world and its ways often obscure the biblical truth we see in the distance. How wonderful it will be when faith shall be sight!



Dothan - Why We Must See Both Near and Far

Michmash - When the Odds Against You are Impossible

Heather on Feb 16


Thank You for the encouragement. I'm in a threatening and seemingly impossible situation (by limited human understanding that is). I've been having a hard time dealing with the feelings of overwhelm, weariness and despair. Thank you for this message today. I appreciate the encouragement. I know God is faithful and I know this is temporary.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17


I'm praying for you, Heather. You might find some encouragement in Psalm 42. I also have a video with Psalm 42 that might encourage you. You're not alone.




Ty on Sep 11, 2022


Lots of good encouragement in the video. Taking the time to allow the words expressed by Wayne to sink in is worthwhile as we all have much learning, growing, and maturing to go through in the here and now. The past has a lot of lessons for us to learn from. Proverbs 1:7 reads 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.' Been down the road of the fool and am pleased to know God has allowed me to experience His grace and mercy to smarten up some. Still a ways to go though.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2022


I rejoice with you, Ty, how the Lord has led you from the path of the fools to the path of the winds. I hope to join you on that path! :-)




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 9, 2022


Life has always been hard and a challenge for me but God keeps getting me through. My prayer is to finish well. I loved that statement from Jonathan about God saving by many or few and God will always keep a remnant for Himself to do whatever He wills. There is so much to learn and do in life. No matter how hard it is, it is important to invite God in for the accomplishment of it all. Thanks for these wonderful teachings I just love them.




Sandi on Feb 21, 2022


So interesting that in WW1 they used same strategy as Jonathan. I like what you said- our faith & God's faithfulness! I am trusting God in my financial situation & strength to work until I am 70 + if it is God's will.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


May the Lord strengthen you, Sandi, to work for his glory as long as it delights you both.




Joan on Oct 21, 2021


This was an awesome video! I'm blown away by the eons over which key sites in the Bible repeat across generations! It's been difficult for me to lead ladies' Bible Study this semester (the first in-person since covid struck), because everyone seems so beset by distractions and problems their loved ones are having, leaving me to think that this post-lockdown time is one of shaking our priorities out across the board. Although I've been blessed thus far during the last 20 months logistically, I see how others are struggling, some with more difficulty than others to adjust, as we resume 'normalcy'. I know God is mightily at work but pray for the struggles friends and ladies lead are mired in. I trust in God to lead me, even as I seek to lead others! 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Thank you for sharing, Joan. I am grateful that the Lord has strengthen you during the pandemic and that you are also a catalyst He is using to strengthen others. May the Lord continue to work powerfully through you! God bless you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


Wisdom in knowing what to do at the right time.




Teresa on Feb 24, 2021


These video's are so fascinating that I have to download the transcripts to read afterwards and keep. I'm currently making my way through the O.T., and this brings vivid color to the stories and puts me right there. I just love it. Where did you gain all of your knowledge? I see that you have your doctorate, so it must come from studying the bible in college? You have a real gift and its wonderful to see you operating in your element. It's the gifts of God in you and they are very effective. Thank you for your obedience in following your call. BTW: You do a lot of hiking on rocky terrain and those sneakers seem to serve your purpose really well! What is your sneaker secret? Haha!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021


Thank you, Teresa, for your gracious words. Honestly, all of these videos and the Walking the Bible Lands Ministry is the culmination of more than 30 years of full-time ministry and study. But mostly, it's God's simple grace in my life and in the lives of others who have poured into me. I am honored and thrilled to be able to share some of that with you and with the other members. My sneakers? I have worked my way through a few pair!




Mary on Jan 15, 2021


I am caring for two children-a 2 year old and a 6 year old grandchild. Their mother had a mental break down and the father is not capable of managing the children at this time. I am praying that God will heal this family and allow them to all go back together again. I am 66 years old and it is not easy to provide the care these children need. I am very encourage today by this video.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 15, 2021


May the Lord powerfully bless you, Mary. I pray that He would give you strength and encouragement as you cling to Him each day. God bless you.




John on Nov 19, 2020


Beleve this video would be a good free video on Facebook.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


Thank you, John, I will consider that! God bless you.




Jackie on Jul 4, 2020


I'm enjoying all of these videos and learning so much....is there a way to buy a membership to show at our church?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


So glad you're enjoying the videos, Jackie. Please tell me more about showing them at your church. In what context?




Jackie on Jul 4, 2020


I was thinking in a Bible study at the church or even as part the Sunday morning service. I would love to have them projected on our big screen. Christians need to see the Bible lands to better understand God's Word and your teachings are so helpful and understandable. I am certain they would be a huge blessing for our people. My husband has been pastor of our church for 44 years.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2020


Jackie, that's absolutely fine. As long as you're not sharing your password, you're welcome to show the video(s) to your congregation. May the Lord powerfully bless your ministry for His glory.




Jackie on Jul 5, 2020


THANK YOU! Our Lord is blessing your ministry in mighty ways and using your videos to change and strengthen His people...our prayer is that He will increase and prosper your ministry to reach people all over the world for His glory.




Gloria on Jun 1, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Jun 1, 2020


I believe you can download the videos, Gloria. If there's one you can't download, please let us know. God bless.




Diana on Feb 27, 2020


Another great video! I learn so much when you show different historical accounts at a specific geographical location. And then you enlarge the area with a biblical, spiritual meaning, which causes me to meditate on a truth that God is impressing on me. Thank you for these wonderful teachings and videos!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2020


I'm so glad, Diana, that the Michmash video encouraged you and put a better "context" on the text for you. How wonderful! God bless you.




Karen on Dec 22, 2018


I love Jonathan’s humility, faith, and heart! I’m trusting God for what I believe the world and darkness tells me is impossible: a human trafficked rescue ministry. I’ve been waiting 4 years, been to school, volunteering, learning about, biblical ordination, and help run a large community at this moment. The enemy (or so I believe right now) says after this long, not gonna happen, move on, God won’t use you for something that big. Doesn’t feel big to me at all, but I don’t want to give up...cause that’s when I hear God was just about to bring it to pass. Do I wait and prepare my whole life? Yes; and serve Him everyday in that hope, whether I do actually go or not :)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2018


Tremendous perspective and ambition here, Karen. I applaud the calling you're following! Like Jonathan, just keep climbing, for the Lord is not restrained to save by many or by few.




Mary Anne on Oct 6, 2018


Hi Wayne, this lesson was so informative to me! The terrain is so much more rugged than I had invisioned!

Thanks for these wonderful videos!

Mary Anne Bellow




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2018


I'm so glad you found the video informative, Mary Anne. Yes-- it's impossible to imagine these sites without seeing them. I'm thrilled you're on the "tour" with me. :-)




Mary on Aug 29, 2018


Thank you, Wayne for this great video! This is actually where I'm at in my bible study and can't wait to show it to the ladies during class. I love the history you shared behind Michmash! If only the stones and hills could talk.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2018


That's super, Mary! I think what most fascinated me about studying the area of Michmash was learning that Jesus likely journeyed across the Pass on His way to Ephraim, just before His final Passover. I'm amazed how many places in Scripture occurred where other events occurred.




Connie on Aug 16, 2018


I have studied the Bible as. Lay person my whole life. It is truly a treasure to me, but now it is becoming even more so as I go thru these lessons with you.

Your videos and teaching skills are truly amazing.

I’m asking God to continue to bless your work.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2018


I'm so grateful the Lord is blessing your time in Walking the Bible Lands, Connie. I'm humbled, and thank you for your words.




Tammie on Jul 1, 2018


Very interesting information I never knew! Mishmash... incredible journey of learning!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2018


Yes, Tammie, Michmash has some powerful lessons on trusting God. So glad you're with us on this journey.




Billy on Jun 23, 2018




Quick question - how can I change my password? Don't see what you had on the previous version, My Account or something to that efffect.


Please advise!








Wayne Stiles on Jun 23, 2018


Billy, I have sent you a reset password request, but for the future, you can change your password either by going to settings (under the person graphic circle thing at top right), or by logging out and resetting the password. Thanks.



Michmash - When the Odds Against You are Impossible

Caesarea - When You're Ready for a Change

Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 16, 2022


I sure enjoyed this video and the photography was beautiful. If Peter had not been used to open things up for the Genties, once Paul came along, he would not have been accepted for this mission.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


I'm so glad that you enjoyed this video, Wanda. Indeed, it is a beautiful place with a beautiful message.




Robert on Dec 30, 2021


Thank you, Dr. Stiles. I needed to listen to this today. I so want to be used of God more either through the podcast God has blessed me with or to evangelize more. I just need to be still and know that He is God. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


That's right, Robert. Our Lord is indeed leading --we only must wait for Him to open the doors and close the doors of His sovereign choosing and timing. May God grant you strength and joy as you wait on Him.




Fred on Dec 3, 2021


We don’t often miss God’s will as much as His timing. We receive a burden or a vision of what God wants to do, but it may take time for us to grow and mature before the right time comes. I learned so much from this video. Thank you. I may never get to see Israel, but these videos make it real for me and opens my eyes to visualize what I’m reading in the scriptures. The Bible has come to life so much more now than ever.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2021


I love the way you put that, Fred! So true, God may simply have a different time frame in mind. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Oct 25, 2021


At age 70 that I am now seems that God is answering my prayers and is still teaching me every day. I can see now and understand why it’s taken this long. Amazing! And patience was not one of my virtues.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2021


I understand, Rosemarie. Indeed, we are all still in process. May the Lord bless you while you wait on Him.




Bonnie on Oct 16, 2021


What an inspiring commentary! I loved seeing the land where this took place. I pray God continues to guide me as I seek what may be in store for me in my next stage of life as I consider retirement from work…..not God’s work.so I wonder where will He use me?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


Wonderful prayer, Bonnie! I join you and asking God to make clear for you His plan for you in this next season of life. You haven't lived this long for nothing! God bless you.




Joan on Oct 14, 2021


My husband and I were going to take a helicopter ride out to Catalina Island for a day visit; but a Winter storm was underway. Instead, we decided to forego our Catalina visit and visit the Crystal Cathedral instead. It turned out that that helicopter flight crashed and killed at least one person. I'll never forgot the thunderous realization my husband and I had that those people could've been us and the instant appreciation that God had better plans for us! It still gives me chills! I need to remember that day more often to give me patience! Thank You, God, for Your hand on my life, Amen!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2021


What an amazing testimony, Joan! Our gracious and sovereign God is so good. He is also merciful to give us occasional insights into the benefits of His sovereignty. Can you imagine what heaven will be like when we see the tapestry of His unimaginable will unfold?




Trish on Sep 17, 2021


I just got a terminal diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease, and a new diagnosis of advanced diabetes. Watching this video reminded me God is not done with me yet! Thanks you Dr. Giles.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2021


Thank you so much for letting us know, Trish, about your diagnosis. We are praying for you! I am so glad that the video encouraged you that God has plans for you. Special plans! May He continue to comfort you as you walk through the season with Him.




Michael on Jul 28, 2021


I've been waiting on God to move forward with some things in my own life and ministry. I am grateful for this timely video which resonates in my heart. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2021


What a blessing, Michael, that the Lord encouraged you through His Word and through this video on Caesarea. I pray that He continues to guide you and that His perfect timing shows up soon! God bless you.




Karen on Jun 18, 2021


This popped up in my emails today. How did you know I needed to hear the wisdom behind this video? Reminding me to wait on God's timing and the reasons things are not moving on the other side because the other people are in training and still learning too? Many people have told me this the past 30 years and the hardest part is I am still waiting for my relations to connect better. So far it's just been God and I tackling what's next. At least I can depend on God and understand not all is capable in being with me in the same capacity of Christian growth.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


I'm right there with you, Karen. I'm often amazed how the Lord's Word hits the mark so clearly with today's needs. It's like the ink is still wet! His Word is living and active. Not sure if you listen to my podcast, but the recent episode on God's inefficiency may hit home for you as well. God bless you.




Gary on Oct 21, 2021


GdayWayne,you may remember my story howGod helped me out of trouble i now know tey were marxists tyranny type people trying to keep me oppressed then pushing imense fake crimes in my directions.His guidence for me because I was on my own against vast numbers kept my wit about me using book of Joshua tactics to help defeat and find my own army of lawmakers to bring things undercontrol. but now have different obstacles because of shutdowns lost my income now looking for new income asap watched episode of michmash.enjoyed reminded me of my army GOD help me defeat.cheers Gary. i hope to go on one of your trips one daywhen all these worlds mandates disappear




Sheryl on May 3, 2021


This was a great video I really enjoyed it and all your video's God Bless




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the Caesarea video, Sheryl. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each video.




Steven on Apr 22, 2021


After some weeks away from WALKING THE BIBLE LANDS, I have found time this morning to watch a few more videos . I continue to be so enriched, Wayne, by how artfully you have joined inspired Christ-centered contemporary applications to teachings about significant historical Biblical sites . Thanks yet again for your gifted ministry. that blesses us so richly. Keep up the great work!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Thank you so much, Steven, for letting me know how the Lord is encouraging you through the videos. I am so glad you carved out some time to watch more of them! May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each and every one. Thank you again for your gracious words. God bless you.




Sandy on Apr 14, 2021


I love revisiting these sites with you and almost feel like I'm actually there again. Thank you for keeping my memories from Dec 2019 so current. Your incites along with my recollections make the scriptures so real.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2021


What a blessing for you, Sandy, to have journeyed to Israel in 2019. I am so glad that the videos are helping you to remember your significant journey. I pray that familiar places and many new and unfamiliar places will be a blessing to you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


I get annoyed when my planned out day doesn't FIRST go as planned. Always a road block or detour. When this happens I avoid an accident, bad weather, a crime. But other days I usually end up meeting an old friend at a store, a chance to speak to a stranger and make their day better, helping a person in need who is more disturbed than me. Get to a point that God reminds me other priorities and or allows me to enjoy blessings like a nice meal somewhere or a better spending time when my budget is low. I could take all day...sharing my world. So do what I do...Let God lead and take one day at a time with flexibility.



Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


What you described here, Karen, is also what David and Paul experienced at Aphek. You might enjoy watching that video. God bless you.




Bob on Mar 24, 2021


What an appropriate message as we wait for this COVID-19 pandemic to cease!! I need to explore what God is teaching me to prepare me for the next phase of His ministry for me.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


What a wonderful perspective, Bob. Thank you so much for sharing that. I join you in the prayer and waiting for God to show you what is next for you. God bless you.




Jan on Mar 20, 2021


This was fantastic! I've been to Israel twice. The last time was in sept. of 2019. with a volunteer group. we volunteered on a military base and we volunteered on an archaeological dig in the city of David. we were there for about 3 weeks all together. Did some touring also. I'm absolutely in love with Israel! The land of my God.. I am hosting my first group trip to Israel in October. I'm so excited! I am watching your videos to get info to share with my group. Of course i have a guide but I will be reading scripture at the various places we go and teaching a little. Your videos are great! and I love the google maps! I'm homesick for Israel. Cant wait to get back! Thank you for your videos. They are great and i love how you incorporate lessons..




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021


What a blessing, Jan, that you got to go to Israel and that you plan to lead others there! How magnificent… I pray that the videos are a wonderful help and preparation for you as you anticipate making the significant journey. God bless you.




Debi on Mar 4, 2021


I really enjoyed this video! I’m always so amazed at ancient architecture & enjoyed the sound of the sea!

We have prayed for years for the Lord to heal me of Lyme Disease and CIRS/Biotoxin Illness. He hasn’t so far but I still trust His will, His plan & purpose for it all.

We’ve also prayed for years for our prodigal children and we are seeing fruit from those prayers!

He’s never finished with us and it doesn’t matter how He chooses to answer our prayer, we can rest assured that He is faithful. His plan and purposes are for our good and His glory!

Thank you so much for these videos! They are a blessing as I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to make to Israel as much as I’d love to!

Numbers 6:24-26




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Thank you, Debi, and I pray that the Lord would bless you and keep you as well! I am glad that the Caesarea video encouraged you. I join you in your prayers for your healing as well as for your precious prodigals to return to the Father.




Karen on Feb 22, 2019


Just when I think I’m ready God teaches me another thing toward His plan for me, which makes me pause my rushing heart in gratitude and understanding. Patience has a suffering feeling to it if I allow it to, but Paul said be content where you are. So each day I have to realize I am where God planned and make every moment possible toward His glory in my words, behaviors, and thoughts. We wait on others too...yes. Great devotional!


I am one of those who believe God made animals clean for His purpose with them, but still not for us to eat certain ones God knows will harm us...that true, Peter realized the vision was actually about gentiles. Thank you for the satellite views. The area is amazing, wow.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2019


Karen, be sure and watch the video on Joppa as well, as I discuss the issue of Peter and kosher foods even more. God bless you.




Karen on Dec 20, 2018


The delay was a blessing in that God has an appointed best time, so trust Him, learn more / mature / grow in all His ways the waiting, and that regardless of the answer God 1st always. Love Him.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2018


What a great perspective, Karen. Isn't that SO often the case? His delays are such grace.




Tammie on Jun 29, 2018


Amazing teaching! Enjoyed this video- very well done!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2018


Thank you, Tammie. That lesson at Caesarea always rings true with me. Waiting is so tough! :-)



Caesarea - When You're Ready for a Change

Ein Harod - How God Can Free You from Fear

Karen Demorest on Jan 19


Lovely views and perfect music! I think Gideon's heart was too focused on the signs and not on trusting God. I believe God gave Gideon a great test by raising the stakes with fewer men! I relate totally as I tried to be light hearted during Covid by joking, "If I perish, I perish!" And my emotional vision changed to my being uptight, frustrated and complaining over the relentless mandates for my job. It would have been so much more productive if I had kept my peace with God and just had real trust in His Providence.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


What tremendous insights and application you have gleaned, Karen! I love that you connected Gideon's experience with your own.




Sharon Cummings on Jan 6


This video is amazing, and I feel it is an answer from God for me. I had realized that in my walk with God I have not turned control over to my life over to him. I still want to decide what and where I'm going. Last May I felt I was letting my life get in the way of my relationship with God. I started to pray that I would give the control to him and keep my ears open to hear and my heart open to feel his words and direction. Shortly after that I was asked if I wanted to go on a Mission Trip out of the country. Immediately I thought I couldn't because of what was happening shortly before I would leave for the trip. There would be so many things to organize to get me to the place I could leave. That was what I thought my problem was, but God took control and everything worked out well, so I accepted. Things happened on the trip that definitely opened my eyes to God's power and his ability to control everything. Yesterday I was faced with the same thing. I have felt, because of circumstances, I can't go on a mission trip that was presented to me. I know that if God wants me there it will be worked out. Then today I was watching this and I feel he is telling me again to have faith because he has control and he is guiding me to where he wants me to be. I have to not let fear get in the way! Thank you so much for these videos and your words. God is using you to reach so many!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7


Sharon, I'm thrilled to read your words and to hear how the Lord is guiding you to trust Him more. May He continue to draw you close in the Scriptures -- and even through the videos. God bless you on your upcoming trip! God is using you as well.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 16, 2022


I think I am the only one who believes Gideon was brave because he was the one threshing wheat to hide it from the Midianites. Everyone else was too chicken. Plus the angel came along and called him a mighty man of valour. However once the ball got rolling some issues appeared and had to be overcome. Notice how the altar of baal were torn down and the folks were going to kill Gideon. Anyway... I found this video an eye opener for the positioning of the Israelites vs the Mideonites. Very interesting.




Ty on Apr 28, 2022


I know I have viewed this video on more than one occasion, but haven't left a comment until now. The verse coming to me is 1 John 4:18


'There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.'


I believe this with all my heart, yet there is one fear I must never forget and that is the 'fear of the Lord'. If one fears the Lord, one will fear nothing else, but if you do not fear the Lord you fear everything else as I am reminded by one of my daily devotionals. (Oswald Chambers)


This I have found to be true in my life. I asked the first year of my giving my life to God for the Lord to teach me the 'fear of the Lord' and He has and continues to do in the 31 years I have been walking with Him. There have been many a time where turning back seemed to be the answer based on all the natural evidence around me, but then there is God's Word and His promises and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, which needed and continues to be needed to be reminded to me.


It is a walk of faith and the out comes are not to be manipulated by me, which I surely have tried to do at times resulting in hard lessons to be learnt. I can honestly say our Creator God has never failed me once, even when I have dropped the ball on numerous occasions. God has a wonderful way of picking and dusting one off and reminding that person to keep going.


Every day is a learning day in God practical school of life. There are no breaks or time outs in that school. However, the choice is mine to show up or not. His grace and mercies are new every morning, so it's new territory every day, no matter how familiar it looks to me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Wise words, Ty: "It's new territory every day, no matter how familiar it looks to me." Thank you.




Bonnie on Nov 25, 2021


What a great video to share- it was exactly what I needed to see today.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


Isn't it amazing, Bonnie, how the Lord encourages us with exactly what we need each day? I pray that He continues to do so through these videos and through the Scriptures. God bless you.




Gary on Nov 7, 2021


G' Day Wayne ,it has me reminding me of what God has been doing my life yet again i face uncertainty with no work at the due to too many lengthy shutdowns in Australia we are still treading on eggshells here in my state NSW, Victoria down there is still getting hammered a lot of uncertainty at the moment. this story has reminded a verse in psalm 121 where GOD keeps reminding

me HE will not fail me has taken me this far. not to lose. also I believe AUSTRALIA has drifted far from GOD and HE is allowing this heavy handed stuff by dirty Dan. to give Australians warning they have drifted of course like Israel has before In GIDEONS time.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 8, 2021


Some great thoughts here, Gary. May the Lord continue to be with you there in Australia! God bless you.




Joan on Oct 28, 2021


I think Gideon was putting God to the test, instead of trusting in God and His promises about deliverance from the Midianites. He was asking God to "jump through hoops" to prove Himself, which is arrogant in my opinion (easy to see in hindsight and with benefit of the Scriptures). I think it showed Gideon's insecurities as a leader, instead of Gideon showing courage and strength in the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 29, 2021


You may be right about Gideon, Joan. Still, I find it comforting that the Lord condescended enough to meet Gideon where he was and challenge him to push past his fears. I need that same encouragement each day. :-) God bless you.




Jessica on Jul 31, 2022


Pushing past our fears….it’s a constant struggle in this life. Our God is SO patient and faithful to be there for us when we falter. What a loving Father! Thank you for this wonderful reminder that no matter the outward circumstances, I can always depend on my Lord and Savior to stand with me in all the hard times. I love you, Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


Yes, Jessica, it is a reminder we all need! I am right there with you. God bless you




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


Many are scared of what's next to come. New things freak me out. But once I try something that I am hesitant on and realize it wasn't all that bad after being forced to do something others have done for years before....then I feel a growth of education to that unplanned level. My fears is facing someone who gets angry that I am not adequate to the job....but God whispers in my soul and says Let's handle this together and see how they respond. Facing those with power frightens me. But God reminds me that even the weakest educated adult has the same nervous system as I at times.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


The emotions and experience you describe, Karen, I can relate to. Fear is usually fear of the unknown and lack of control. Control, however, is such an illusion! Only our God is in complete control. This should provide us peace instead of fear.




Bettie on Mar 18, 2021


I have drunk from the spring there. Our guide said that the little black snales that are in the water showes that the water is pure.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


How fascinating, Bettie! I am so glad you didn’t get sick. :-) What a blessing you had to be able to go to Israel and to drink from the very spring where biblical history occurred. Amazing…




Sandy on Feb 20, 2021


My Chronological Bible reading for the day was this story. I am amazed how meaningful the Bible reading was after viewing it. The lesson to not fear but trust God is very clear. But I am a little confused about the two methods of drinking the water. What is the significance of the two different ways? Why did God choose one over the other?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


That is a great question, Sandy. There are different views on why the two methods of drinking. It seems to make most sense to me that the Lord knew which of the two methods would produce a smaller group of soldiers. God wanted the smaller group to fight so that He could show His might and power. In fact, the text seems to indicate that this was God's goal in selecting the methods of drinking. God bless you.




Sandy on Feb 22, 2021


Thankyou! I wondered about that view also.





Raul on Feb 5, 2021


God does what he says you just need to have faith




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


Well said, Raul. Indeed, having faith in God is so essential as we walk and wait with Him day by day. God bless you.




Rich on Jun 3, 2020


This message was deeply meaningful to me, Wayne. I found myself "amening" under my breath all the way through.


When I first trusted Christ, I knew I had eternal life simply and solely on the basis of God's promise to give it to me as a gift. And the first few months of my Christian experience were wonderful; I was floating along six inches off the ground!


But then my pastor preached a message that raised all kinds of questions in my mind. Did I really believe? Did I have the right kind of faith? Did I rush into faith without first repenting sufficiently? Would I be able to persevere? If I failed to persevere, was that proof my faith was spurious? Notice that, tragically, my focus had shifted away from my Savior and His promise to myself.


I struggled for decades with the issue of assurance. I went to seminary to try to get the issue settled by learning for myself what Scripture really said about the matter, but the mildly Calvinistic bent of most of my professors just made my problem worse. After seminary, I taught for five years in a Christian college where a stronger form of Calvinism dominated the campus, and that made my situation even more worse. Eventually, I was forced out of the school because of my contrary views, and, in frustration, I simply gave up trying to maintain my Christian profession.


But God has been faithful to me throughout my whole experience and has brought me back to seeing that my assurance is to be rooted solely in His promise and not, in any way, in my performance. This video helps me see that in all my experiences, God has been at work, seeking to help me face my fear of not truly belonging to Him and then come to the firm conviction that deliverance from that fear comes only from simply and solely trusting His promise and not from looking at myself.


So many in Christendom want to point me to my performance for assurance, but God points me to His promise and insists uncompromisingly that I simply BELIEVE what He has said. And in BELIEVING God's promise, firm assurance is once again my blessed possession.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


Thank you so much, Rich, for sharing your experience here. The Lord certainly has taken you on a journey to solidify your assurance of salvation and security in Christ. You may have already watched and gleaned the encouragement from the shepherd video, but I think it would give an additional boost to your heart. God bless you, my brother.




Nancy on Sep 27, 2019


Another outstanding message at a significant and beautiful location! The Gideon story always reminds me that we wont necessarily be part of the 300. As a faithful servant we may kneel to drink and therefore be told to back down. In following God's will for our life we may not be one of the "select" and we need to know that our part is still building the kingdom even if it feels unimportant at the time.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2019


What a magnificent perspective, Nancy! You are right; we may not be part of Gideon’s 300 chosen. But we are still significant in God’s grand plan — even if He sets aside for a season and asks us to trust Him by doing nothing but waiting. May God bless you as you trust Him and wait.




David on Sep 6, 2019


Thanks so much for this feature. I've never visited this site but I've added it to my bucket list and hope to go there my next time in Israel. It looks like a beautiful little spot! I appreciate your devotional thoughts as well. Thanks Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the Ein Harod video, David. YES-- it is a lovely spot and so significant. I'm glad you've added it to your bucket list! God bless you and thanks.




Tammie on Sep 5, 2019


As I sit healing from my total knee replacement, I am watching all your videos over again & this one especially touched me to trust God in my uncomfortable circumstance!

What hope & encouragement this video gave me! Thank you Dr Wayne😊




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


Wow, Tammie! So glad you've got some GREAT study time and forced time of rest. I'm sure you'll look back on this uncomfortable circumstance and see hidden blessings.




Stacey on Aug 11, 2019


I found it interesting that God chose to give the "sign" but did not change the circumstances. Fear has been an on-going struggle for me to fully live this abundant life that Jesus died to give to me. I recently have experienced circumstances that have some similarities to Gideon's battle experiences. Not the same yet similar (I was outnumbered). God has been so faithful to give me freedom from fear but not necessarily circumstances. These seemingly impossible events in life that leave me so vulnerable are in the end a gift from the Lord. I'm grateful for the refining fires or pruning that is described in His word. I would not have willingly signed up but I am better for them which is precisely what my heavenly Father knew and lovingly chose for me.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2019


I love the way you put it, Stacey. It's so true that no discipline seems pleasant at the moment, but in the end it yields the fruitful result of righteousness. God puts us through what we don't want in order to give us what we do want: Him. God bless you as you take the next steps and endure with His strength.




Penny on Aug 5, 2019


I just loved this video. I know God is a God of the impossible. Why do we have little faith? I guess it’s humanist 🥰😂. Thank you for all your hard work n the videos you guys put in . Each one has touched my heart ❤️




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2019


I'm so glad, Penny, that the video touched your heart and encouraged you. May they all! God bless.




Tammie on Aug 4, 2019


Fear- great reminder to trust God.

Love how you brought the BIble to life once again with the vivid pictures of the land.

Thank you! Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2019


Thank you, Tammie. Sometimes it helps to see the land in order to bring extra "real" to reality. Fear is such a barrier at times to our faith.




Estrella on Aug 1, 2019


Faith, is the most difficult to practice if you are not closely in touch with God! Though said as such, I simply remind myself of the previous instances when God heard and answered my prayers...

Wayne, I am so blessed by your exhortations..God bless you dearly




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2019


May God bless you as well, Estrella. I agree that we need to stick close to the Lord in order to deepen our faith. So essential! Thank you.




Lydia on Aug 1, 2019


I just experienced this same thing brining a bazaar to my community.

Hebrews 11:11 he Lord gave me this Scripture awhile back!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2019


I'm so glad the Lord encouraged you through His Word, Lydia. That's the best source to hear from Him! May God bless you as you represent Him in your community and as you seek Him personally. Thanks.




Garry on Aug 1, 2019


Another wonderful video and story from the Bible. Again, easy to read or watch, knowing the story is from a Biblical past of long ago, and knowing the end of the story, but so very hard to live still today. I have always loved the story of

"putting out the fleece". I have even said it to others as a reference to help them in their lives and Christian walks. As I get older, I also wonder how these "God opportunities" in our lives are changed in our own minds, because we face the fact that we are no longer young, and we have become maybe less adventurous and fearless. If Gideon was older when this took place, the challenge was even more difficult for him to accept. We all face these Gideon challenges. It doesn't matter our own age, except the older we are - the easier to just read about it, and fear stands like a 30,000 man army in our heads, hearts, emotions, and minds, right in front of the very things before us that are opportunities for God to work.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2019


Well said, Garry. I love how you put it. May God strengthen your faith as you follow Him in faith.




Robert on Aug 1, 2019


Gideon needed to make sure he was hearing from God, thus the tests. For me, it isn't lack of faith that God will keep His promises, but am I hearing from God. The double-fleece test was only used once in the Bible and I don't think it will work again. So, how do I know? Too many times I thought I was doing His will only to fail. Some Bible promises are clear to me, others are not.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2019


You're right, Robert. It isn't always easy to understand God's direction and leading. Often it takes hindsight. Thankfully, the Lord knows when we are really seeking His will (even if we get it wrong) and also when our fear is looking for a way out (even if it is God's will). Dr. Howard Hendricks told me once that he's convinced God is far more concerned that we understand His will than we are; if that's true, then it's just a matter of waiting on God for the right time. A tough assignment! Thanks.



Ein Harod - How God Can Free You from Fear

Shiloh - Choosing Faithfulness to Our God

Ty on Oct 8, 2022


Some great filming and wonderful teaching and commentary by Wayne. As to the question asked by Wayne, I feel humbled by God in being used for his glory. Keeping the student’s/disciple’s mind set in play and not running ahead of myself or trying to make things happen thus allowing the Spirit to lead, much can be gained.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2022


Indeed, Ty, we are so humbled to be used by God in His grand plan. I often shake my head in amazement that He would use me. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 23, 2022


I live for Divine appts and love it when I see it happening! More mountain tops and less valleys for this kid! But I understand growth happens in those valleys!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2022


Amen, Wanda. Amen…




Connie on Mar 11, 2022


Thank you soooo much Wayne. You have awesome knowledge. I. Am very grateful you made these video for traveling there may not happen,, Thanks again and God Bless




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Connie, I am so glad that the videos continue to encourage you. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Rosemary on Feb 4, 2022


Very interesting. Thank you. I visited Shiloh in late 2019 with a tour group. It with very interesting. We also saw a hologram of the tabernacle in a building on that site. It was really good. It helped that I had visited the Tabernacle replica in the wilderness in Timna Park.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


You are way ahead of most, Rosemary, with your experience in the Timna Park Tabernacle and the location of the Tabernacle at Shiloh. We have a video on the Tabernacle releasing in a few weeks, as I just visiting Timna Park again and was granted full access to the Tabernacle. Such a powerful metaphor for our Savior.




Rosemary on Feb 4, 2022


Thanks Wayne. That will be very interesting.




Brenda on Jan 23, 2022


I am not sure how many times I have watched this video, but I love the heart of Hannah. She loved the Lord so much that she returned her son back to Him. Because of her faithfulness, Samuel was used mightily by the Lord. This is such an example to me to not hold on to what is really not mine to begin with. I loved seeing this place as well when we went in 2018. I am so grateful to the Lord for being able to go and see this places and so many other sites. It was the best trip I have ever taken and strengthened my walk with the Lord... and to do it with my sister and mother was even better. It was such a great memory that I will cherish all my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


What a blessing, Brenda, that you were able to go to the Holy Land with your sister. I'm so glad the video on Shiloh and Hannah encouraged you to trust God with your own life. Me too.




Roseanne on Dec 9, 2021


Very well done commentary on Shiloh. I enjoyed it trmendously and will be viewing it again. Also, is there any way we can collect all your commentaries?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


Thank you, Roseanne. You can download the videos and their transcripts in the sidebar of each video.




Sandy on Nov 18, 2021


I learn so much from each of the videos God has blessed you with the ability to provide to so many. But the ears are old and though I listened more than once, I could not understand what you said the word "Shiloh" meant. Would you please repeat it in writing? Thanking God for what he has enabled you to do!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2021


Hi, Sandy. I am so glad that you enjoyed the video on Shiloh. By the way, every video has a written transcript for it in the sidebar which you can download. I have copied and pasted the portion referring to the meaning of "Shiloh." God bless you.


The patriarch Jacob first spoke of Shiloh on his deathbed, giving a promise to the tribe of Judah:


“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.” (Genesis 49:10)


Most commentators agree that Jacob’s prediction pointed to “Shiloh” as a person, for Shiloh means “him to whom it belongs.” Ultimately, the tribe of Judah would produce the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who would tabernacle with us behind the veil of His flesh (Hebrews 7:14; Revelation 5:5). The name has messianic overtones and included a promise of kings as well as a place of rest.




Elizabeth on Nov 11, 2021


Videos 9 and 10 are rich with history and truthful in application. I love what you say related to Gideon's lesson and then the travel to Shiloh. Both will be useful next week with two Bible Studies - one in Luke and the other with a group of previous Adventists who have never done a walk through the Bible, seeing one of the earliest places where the Lord stationed His presence. Fantastic teachings that aid us. With gratitude. Elizabeth Inrig




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2021


What a blessing, Elizabeth, that you get to supplement your reading of the Scriptures by seeing the very places where they occurred. I pray that each video continues to be a blessing and encouragement to you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


I was taught not to boast or brag about my accomplishments. Humbly accept assignment and wait for His reward of a good and faithful servant in heaven later.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


Good for you, Karen. At the same time, we can boast in what God has done. That way He gets the glory. God bless you.




Carl on Feb 7, 2019


You make great descriptive comments about the site and its history and its archaeology. The footage and descriptive markings are very clear and informative. And the drone footage is outstanding. Of course, the application is very appropriate and challenging! Thank you for your work!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2019


Thank you, Carl. Your encouragement means more than most. I'm honored you'd watch and that the Lord encouraged you. God bless you, my friend.




Phil on Feb 7, 2019


We teach kids that sin is choosing our way rather than God's way, and that sin separates us from God. God would choose not use someone who prefers separation from fellowship.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2019


That's a good way to put it, Phil. Teaching children in the context of an unconditional relationship is one of the best ways to talk about fellowship with God. Cathy and I tried to do the same with our daughters. Sin puts on pause on the fellowship, but never on the relationship. Thanks and God bless.




Mary on Feb 6, 2019


Great video teaching! So interesting! Thanks again for including archaeology in your videos. It makes it real; real place and real people in the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2019


You're welcome, Mary. Archaeology fascinates us so much. It's like proof of truth waiting for us to dig it up! And yes—it puts skin on our Bibles.




Stacey on Feb 27, 2019


It is truly fascinating to see the actual land and surrounding elements. I'm continually reminding the children I teach (and pray for) that God is real. Seeing the lands of the Bible make it more evident that God is real and His places of reference in the Bible show God's work in a very real way. This encourages my faith. Thank you for your work.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2019


I agree with you, Stacey, that the land supports the fact that our faith occurred in real places and is itself real. So ,so true. Thanks.




Kathy Haecker on Feb 4, 2021


My heart was so encouraged as I watched remembering that now we are His temple and His promise is that He will never leave us or forsake us. I pray that I will have an awareness of His glory and power in me and will properly appreciate His faithfulness. And yes, Jesus reigning in my heart produces obedience!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


I know what you mean, Kathy. It is encouraging, humbling, and convicting that our physical bodies are the temple of the Lord in this current age. Absolutely amazing!



Shiloh - Choosing Faithfulness to Our God

Mount Carmel - Learning the Blessing of Struggle

Robin on Apr 6


Just arrived back this week with the BICS group (Mike Tuttle). Tremendous and certainly eye opening. I wrote several poems while I was there. Here’s one on Mount Carmel:


The priests all danced before the bull,

They swore, they cursed, they pled.

They cut themselves and bled their blood,

Though Baal their god was dead.

The people also danced of sorts

Between their two opinions;

They’d not decide which god to serve

Nor whom to give dominion.

He made it vain for man’s prevail

With water, wood and stone;

The lightning fell, the bull consumed,

Yahweh is God alone.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6


What a blessing for you to have traveled with Mike on your recent tour to Israel! I love that you "journal" your reflections through poetry. Just like David in the Psalms. :-) God bless you, Robin.




Ty on Dec 17, 2022


Faith an interesting word to use. Measuring it, isn't easy or meaningful at times. Interesting the question Elijah posed to Israel on the mount of Carmel. What is more enlightening is their response, it was being silent. Is that my response to the faith I say I have? Silence, when stepping up to the plate is in front of me?


Do I really need these tough tests or am I living out a life of faith 'in Him, in Christ', every day of my life? Living in the here and now isn't a bed of roses, but I can believe, accept, and live out John 10:10b as He leads and I follow in dealing with whatever comes my way. Knowing great is His faithfulness and His closeness in keeping His promises when the darkness tries to fill moments trying to press in. (Lamentations 3:23-24)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2022


Silence often seems the easiest response, doesn't it, Ty? Non-committal, but not unsure. The answer is obvious, but the answer is hard.




Joan on Sep 1, 2022


Several health challenges have brought me close to God and kept me there! I'm completely dependent on Him for my present and future, praise Him! Very beautiful location to 'visit' in this video! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


I am so glad that you enjoyed the video on Mount Carmel, Joan. And I am thrilled that God continues to draw you close to him, in spite of the challenges that did so. God bless you.




Marcia Visker on Jul 10, 2022


In today’s world the same question can be asked. If culture is God, follow it. If God is God, follow him. It is so easy to try to combine the two. My prayer for the church is to follow God and him alone!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Yes, Marcia, I think your application is right on the money. These truths are timeless.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 30, 2022


I come from a pretty broken background so every day I am grateful for God's Salvation and Deliverances in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


Me too, Wanda. Me too... He has been so, so gracious.




Ty on Jun 11, 2022


A good challenging reminder of Wayne to us along with his very good teaching and expounding to reflect upon. 'Choose this day' and then live it out. Hopefully our choice is following the Lord. It is a life worth living, but it is only realised once a person has made that decision and actively lives it out. It surely doesn't mean a stress free life or one without hardships, no one escapes these. But, having God guide us through these times while comforting us is more than worth it.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2022


It is our choice every day, isn't it, Ty? May the Lord continue to keep his hand upon you.




Darlene on Apr 6, 2022


The Lord is my God and I will follow Him.




Mary on Nov 2, 2021


I’m loving the videos and the lessons. They are just the right length.

You have done such an excellent job with showing the sights and linking them to the Bible references. It makes the stories come alive for me. Thank You for your ministry!!!!

I’m curious about the opening scene to each video, what plateau is featured each time??




Linda on Aug 31, 2021


I had the privilege of traveling to Israel in February 2020., yes, I too saved for 3 years, but so worth it. This was one of many sites that we visited. I was totally captivated by how small the country of Israel is from this vantage point. 12 miles wide if I remember. Also, this is where it is speculated that the battle of Armageddon might take place. I love that Elijah had such Faith in God to answer, with fire, and baal prophets lost. Thank you, loved the video.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 31, 2021


What a blessing for you, Linda, to have traveled to Israel a couple of years ago. You know, better than most, how much of a benefit it is to have experienced such a journey. I pray these videos continue to bring back great memories-- as well as introduce you to many, many new sites. God bless you.




Francis on Jul 15, 2021


This is always one of my favorite Bible stories, so I enjoyed this video immensely. Thank you so much for sharing and for your insightful narrative. What a beautiful panoramic view, as well.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


Thank you, Francis, for your delightful comment. Isn't Elijah amazing? I pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you through the videos. God bless you.




Jenny on Jun 15, 2021


2 decades of incapacitating pain / illness , betrayal by closest relationship, house flooding bc foundation falling down, extreme disappointment unable to practice as a doctor & use my skill.


In all these I am emerging this summer as an overcomer.

What story will I tell in the next season?


I will not die but live & proclaim what the Lord has done!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021


My heart goes out to you, Jenny, as you describe the difficulties of the last two decades. I pray that the Lord would encourage you with the hope of heaven and the preciousness of his sovereign hand in your life.




Tammy on Apr 1, 2021


I’m leading a women’s Bible study on Elijah at work and church. This is just so incredible to see where the events at Mount Carmel took place.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


That's wonderful, Tammy, that you're leading a women's Bible study on Elijah! Check out the Character Index on "Elijah," and you'll see several more videos that include this great man of God. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


When no one else is around.....Jesus is always there!




Bettie on Mar 18, 2021


Just FYI, the brchure that you have posted shows the nine pages extreamly small and are not legable.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2021


Thank you for letting me know, Bettie. I have removed the brochure with tiny print. Not sure what went wrong there.




Gloria on Apr 20, 2019


What great videos as well as the application to our own lives! I have experienced many times in my life the value of the struggle to remain faithful, and you are exactly right. The struggle is worth it! I am always brought to a place of realizing that God's will and His Word are true and that when my life is centered around these truths, it works, but when I try to launch out and do things MY way, it doesn't work. Thank you for giving us these resources that help the Bible's truths remain real.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2019


Yes, Gloria, that is such a truth, isn't it? Our dependence on Him keeps us close.




Rosemary on Mar 8, 2019


Hi Wayne. I'm loving the series. Very helpful to be able to see visually where these areas are. It makes the Bible come more alive to me and gives me a greater appreciation of events described in the Bible. I find understanding a bit more of the Bible geography very helpful. Understanding the location in relation to the rainfall is very helpful rather than just skipping over some of the names of the places which are recorded in the Scriptures. I like your statement " The Promised Land only worked if you had a relationship with God". Meaningful then - and now. This video helped me understand more about the fact that Mt Carmel was in the best position for rainfall geographically yet because of disobedience the people of the land suffered drought for 3.5 years. But as soon as the people turned back to God and away from Baal it rained with a huge downpour.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2019


Rosemary, you really have a good grasp of the essential concepts in this video! I'm so glad it encouraged you and helps you see the greater context of Scripture. God bless you.




Christine on Aug 14, 2018


I remember visiting Mt. Carmel on the journey in Israel. Very moving experience. It was good to see the Olive grove and the brook below in your film. Our group was unable to see the brook, although we did hear about it. During my time at the site, I was humming to myself portions of Elijah by Felix Mendelssohn. Having performed the oratorio twice, and memorizing various Bible texts from the music has helped me so much in the past. "He, watching over Israel, slumbers not nor sleeps." This passage was especially meaningful following the loss of a ministry position in the early 1980s and following the loss of my husband in 2016. God's word brings hope and comfort in all our trials. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2018


I can really relate to what you're sharing here, Christine. Loss is one of God's greatest tools to cultivate growth in our lives, and you have certainly felt that loss with the ministry position and, especially, with your husband. I'm glad the video encouraged you with good memories of your time at Mount Carmel! It is such a great place to ponder God's power in our lives.




Estrella on Aug 3, 2018


I chose to follow God!


Thank you ,Wayne for your brilliant illustration...May God continue to bless you that your blessings trickle down to us....




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2018


You're welcome, Estrella. So glad you enjoyed the episode on Mount Carmel. God bless you as you trust Him.




Ruth on Aug 2, 2018


I did not know there is no water source, like the Nile River in Egypt, but only rain in Israel (Deut. 11:11), which served as a continual reminder to depend upon the Lord daily and to draw near. It is especially meaningful as our farmers in SW OK face the loss of their cotton crop, if we do not receive rain; as fires rage in the northwest threatening people and animals; as our country "halts between two opinions," failing to recognize God and to return to Him (I Kings 18:21). Thank you for a new perspective on struggle and the call to more earnestly pray.




Ruth on Aug 2, 2018


Thanks for joining us in prayer for Oklahoma rains and for our country to turn back to God. A group meets every Sunday night at 8 at the courthouse to pray for the drought to break. The last time we experienced drought, they prayed for 5 years, then in a single event the Lord dropped 13 inches of rain!!! Ruth




Connie on Aug 23, 2018


Hello Wayne. My Bible study group is studying the book of Joshua. We are ready for the battle of Jericho, do you have a video on that available?

God Bless





Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2018


Not just yet, Connie, but that's on the plan to video in October! Thanks.



Mount Carmel - Learning the Blessing of Struggle

Jezreel - Finding the Secret of Contentment

Joan on Sep 9, 2022


Starting with gratitude when greed comes knocking removes the impetus to follow that greed and in the same moment restores our connection to God and what He wills for us. Gratitude always brings contentment! Thanks so much for this great lesson and seeing the very location Ahab/Jezebel fiascos took place!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2022


Thank you for that profound insight, Joan. I appreciate you adding it here. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 30, 2022


Testimony: I wanted a new laptop, it would be my 1st. Every brand new Christian I met I asked them to pray for me to get a laptop. I was in my mid-40s at this time (not a baby Christian). As a baby Christian, I had once heard God gives a brand new Christian everything they want to encourage them. That stuck like glue with me. One day I was telling this story to someone at the Bible School I was attending as this is where my deed took place. Their response was..."W A N D A F A I T H!" Inside my heart I said, "Uh-Oh." But I repented. I'm on my 3rd new laptop 20 years later but the motive is totally different!! lol, I no longer seek out brand new Christians to get stuff from God!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


That's a funny story, Wanda. :-) Isn't it amazing how much we grow through the years? I think many of our current requests must seem a bit naive compared to God's amazing perspective. Still, it's our tender heart He loves.




Ty on Jun 12, 2022


Always good to be reminded and then give it time to reflect upon. We have so often been reminded of our need to take the time out and allow the Holy Spirit to do what only God can do, by changing us from the inside out. What we all are capable of is very disturbing to admit to, but it's the reality without the Lord in one's life. The thought often that is reminded to me is there I go, but for the grace of God.


2 Peter 3:9 reads - 'The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.'


How we respond to this gift is up to us personally.


Our promise keeping God desires good things for those who come to Him and follow His Son in the power of the Spirit. A Spirit-led life is going to take a lifetime to live out requiring discipline and focus along with our obedience to respond to His promptings and guidance.


We are fully dependent on our Creator God and He encourages all of us to meet up and encourage one another often. (Hebrews 10:25-27)


'not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.'


Lots of good teaching and expounding in this video of reminding us to walk the talk.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2022


Your words make me smile, Ty, as our tour group in Israel was just at Tel Jezreel two days ago. Such great truths from this place. God bless.




Mary on Nov 12, 2021


I loved this video. I find myself having to learn to say "No" to things that the world thinks I need. Funny thing though, now that I am older and retired, it is easier to say "No" to myself. I can stand there and think to myself, "God is going to burn this all up one day and it will all be gone." I try to be content with what I have and to use the resources God has given me wisely. Many things that we think are important are not.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2021


I guess there are some advantages to growing older, right, Mary? That it is easier to say no to yourself is an amazing blessing.




Marcia Visker on Jul 11, 2022


I too find myself much more content and earthly things don’t matter to me like they once did. Is this maturing in the faith or just the progression of life? I hope it is the maturing of faith - but I sure haven’t worked on it! Maybe a gift from God!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Either way, Marcia, I think it is a gift. Deeper contentment is God's merciful grace in our lives.




Eileen on Jun 10, 2021


Doing a study on Elijah and your videos and lessons have added insight and helped put the story in context. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


That is wonderful, Eileen, and I am thrilled that the videos and scripture are encouraging you. I pray it continues! God bless you.




Dawna on Apr 30, 2021


I am so great Grateful to God. Though a lot of hardship he has taught me true contentment only comes in Christ. Nothing this world has to offer compares to what we have in Christ. Thankful for his correction, love, mercy and grace.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2021


What an amazing blessing, Dawna. I am so grateful that the Lord has given you the grace of contentment. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


Just feeling blessed and content with what I have already received. I have learned not to want more when I have enough.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


That is a wonderful perspective, Karen. Contentment is indeed a virtue that continually needs nurturing. God bless you as you do so.




Doris on Feb 2, 2021


Thanking God in prayer each day keeps me focus on the many blessing He has giving me and when a hobby , stuff or family become to important prayers and His Word brings me back to Him, who provides, cares and gives me every things. Grateful that His Word shows that we do not have to be perfect to be Loved by Him.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2021


I like the way you put that, Doris. The Lord loves us just as we are — we don't have to be perfect – because He sees us as righteous as His Son, Jesus Christ. He loves us as we are, but He loves us enough not to leave us that way. God bless you.




Angela on Nov 8, 2020


I try my best to thank God for what he does for me. I have prayed over decisions especially when I feel uneasy. I ask God if it’s not His will to please let the decision fall away and the outcome to not occur. I wouldn’t want more if it wasn’t God’s will or if His blessing wouldn’t be on the item. I am finding I feel happy in the outcome.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 9, 2020


That's a wonderful strategy, Angela. It's such a great idea to thank God on a regular basis for His many, many blessings. I appreciate your take on asking for more blessings only if they're truly a blessing-- God bless you.




Rosemary on Mar 15, 2019


I thank God for what He has done in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2019


I join you in that prayer of thanks, Rosemary. I'm so grateful He opens our eyes to His grace and to see His great work in us.




Mary on Feb 11, 2019


I really enjoyed this video and your other one on Mount Carmel. I'm studying the Divided Nation of Israel that started with Rehoboam and Jeroboam. I will look to see what other videos you have for this time period. Thanks again for your teaching!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2019


Be sure to watch the video on Tel Dan, Mary. It deals a lot with Jeroboam.




Paulette on Dec 5, 2018


Wow. That was a truly great lesson. I have learned that the more grateful I am for what I have and realize that it is the kindness of the Lord that He has given to me all that I have, the happier I am to be where I am and with what I have been given. It's such a comfort to understand that I am learning that truth! I got say, I LOVE the visuals. The maps are awesome; I've been hoping that you would do more with maps, etc. I am a very visual learner. LOVED the drama of the screaming and the barking! Good job on that. Hope you will continue to explore effects. Really added depth and was very attention catching. Thanks for all you do!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2018


Thank you, Paulette. Yes, gratitude is SUCH an essential part of who we are (Phil. 4:6-7). So glad the maps helped; I'm committed to adding those as often as possible. More screaming and barking too? You got it. :-)




Lydia on Oct 4, 2018


From Lydia Roskey---This video and audio will go with my teaching in the Book

of Ecclesiastes this month. Thank you Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2018


I'm thrilled, Lydia, that you can use this to supplement your teaching. That's wonderful!



Jezreel - Finding the Secret of Contentment

Caesarea: Pilate Inscription - Insights into How God Guides Your Life

Kristian on Mar 1


I don't know if its a known fact on how we are allowed to know that Pilot's wife had this dream. But I'd wonder if she had converted or if someone in Pilot's household (family member or servant) converted to Christianity later on and told this story and its why the Gospels mention this.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2


We aren't told how the gospel writer knew about Pilate's wife's dream. But the tradition that she converted is a genuine tradition. All we know for sure is that she dreamed it-- and the Lord inspired its inclusion in the New Testament.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jul 7, 2022


On a Feb 12th, both Fanny Crosby and Brother Lawrence died. On Feb. 12, 1983, my praying Grandma Hazel died at Andrews AFB where I had just spoken to her about me getting stationed so we could have 2 years together. She thought that would be nice. During the blizzard of 1983 in MD, she had a heart attack and instead of being able to go to the regular hospital, the ambulance had to go to Andrews AFB. On March 28, 1983, I was Born Again where I knew it and my life changed. That year then-President Reagan proclaimed it the Year of the Bible! On the same thread, Jesus had to be crucified so Pilate, his wife, and all else was a part.




Linda on Feb 7, 2022


To be honest there’s too many to count. God has blessed me much more than I can ever repay. Each and everyday I find a blessings given to me, some so small you don’t realize until after they’ve past. Others so apparent you must stop and give thanks at the exact moment. Just wish I had realized this in my younger years, but sometimes think maybe like the disciples, I could not have understood all at once. So I’ve gotten a little bit more understanding each year as I grow older. With people like you doing what you do. Sorta puts your ministry in my life to clarify my readings of the Bible bringing it it life. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022


What a blessing, Linda, that the Lord gives us insight and instruction from His Word bit by bit, so that we may understand and apply it. I pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you through these videos. God bless you.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


Something or someone pops in my mind of meeting, seeing, needing. They show up shortly after the coincidence is thought. He knows my thoughts and needs even before I do. I swear He is always planning my whatever before I think about it.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


Your words remind me of the apostle Paul's words:


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)


God plans ahead for us!




Sue on Jan 1, 2021


I hadn't placed Pilate at Caesarea before, and that whole section was very informative. I wonder... were Pilate, Quirinius, Felix, and Festus all living there at the same time? On another note, I retired Nov. 30, after 40 years in parish ministry in 8 different settings. I can definitely see the ways God provided insight and awareness and propelled me forward into new settings to develop the gifts, talents, and faith he has given me to bless others. I am now waiting and watching for the doors he opens as retirement unfolds.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2021


Congrats on the upcoming retirement, Sue! May the Lord guide you and bless you in this new season of service for Him.


As far as the Praetorium, the governors would live there much like the presidents do the White House-- only as they served in leadership.




Judy on Oct 7, 2019


This is such a timely teaching for me, actually a series of experiences to encourage and strengthen my resolve. Each came from various means to direct me in following the narrow path. I will not go into detail about the issue, but the situation stems from a hostile feeling I sensed from a cherished sister in Christ whose perspective is very different from mine on a particular matter. The ways that God spoke to me first came from my desire to ask Him to take away any offense to or from me in the matter so that I could intercede for participants in a retreat (a commitment I had made earlier in the week), and I did receive peace and was able to pray for them freely. Second, a complete stranger validated the role of an organization in which I work for its Kingdom purposes in my community and my role in it. The third came from another sister in Christ who has been a missionary for many years in various countries. I was driving her to a Bible study the next morning, and on the way she spoke about covenant community. The LORD also gave me a Scripture - how to pray for that sister who was offended and from whom I originally sensed frustration - on the same morning of the Bible study. That "offended" sister who had challenged me was hosting the study in her home. The missionary friend and I were also part of that small group. During the Bible teaching, the leader also spoke of how God restored unity by 2 sisters in humble dialogue where a spirit of conflict had entered in. I was willing to engage in that kind of dialogue but the "offended" sister said "I hate conflict" and would write her thoughts to me. Therefore, there was no opportunity to humbly engage and come against the real issue: a spirit of conflict. It is very sad to me that Christians are divided about so many matters, but God allows it and teaches us how to interpret, communicate, and stand firm in the blessed position of peace even when the issues threaten to tear apart the friendships due to theological differences. Watching this video this morning once again increases my confidence that God is speaking to me, leading me to hold my position in a loving and peaceful way rather than engage in an intellectual, written debate. We all want peace, but we humans are so vulnerable to wanting our way/wanting to be right more than wanting to suffer and let God speak to our hearts. I've been walking this faith journey for many years, and I'm still learning how to love, how to choose peace, and how to listen and obey God.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2019


Thank you for sharing your story, Judy. I'm always amazed at the different ways the Lord continues to guide our lives. May He encourage you as you follow.




Tammie on Sep 28, 2018


In a different place in my life so I watched this again & just appreciate the application you've given to this place. I've been here & I learned some new things that I just enjoyed- like bringing the Bible new & fresh in video form!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2018


Thanks, Tammie. I'm always amazed, no matter how often we return to God's Word, there's always some new insight waiting for us.




Estrella on Jul 12, 2018


So true!!! God leads our lives at all times as we have relationship with Him!

Great similes!! God bless you , Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2018


Thank you, Estrella. Yes, the Lord's leading is wonderful and frequent-- as we seek Him in His Word. Thanks for your great encouragement.



Caesarea: Pilate Inscription - Insights into How God Guides Your Life

Dothan Valley - God Uses All Things in Your Life

Kendell on Nov 2, 2022


Doctor Stiles, We certainly enjoy encountering God's Word through the experience of Walking the Bible Lands with you. Thank you for this great resource. Just a side note. In the notes on the video about Dothan the scripture passage shows Genesis 27 and it actually is Genesis 37. I was confused at first. god bless.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2022


Thank you very much, Kendell, for your keen eye on that typo! It has been corrected. I also appreciate your gracious words about the videos. I pray that the Lord continue to encourage you powerfully. (And call me Wayne!) :-)




Pamela Huebschman on Sep 22, 2022


Thank you for this wonderful video and your commentary. Just another reminder of how my God works for my good and his glory, even when I don’t always know it.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


I am right there with you, Pamela, trusting God to realign my often jaded perspective. God bless you.




Kathleen on Aug 18, 2022


I had not thought about the location of the fields for Jacob’s sheep to graze and the highway being adjacent to it as being God’s plan for ultimately establishing the nation of Israel. God’s plan is incredible!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2022


Isn't our God amazing, Kathleen? What's even more fantastic is to think that he designed the earth and its natural pathways to play a part in history.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jul 7, 2022


Upon my Salvation which many will proclaim is a miracle, I mistakenly responded in arrogance with it instead of humility. One time I was in the newspaper for being an indigent and didn't know what an indigent was. I was sent at the age of 42 to a Bible school to knock the pride right out of my life. God has a way and His ways are the best. I'm not saying I'm perfect at humility but I understand now. God's way is the best!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Indeed, Wanda, we all have responded poorly at first — but thankfully God's grace continues to shape us and fashion us into his image.




Greg on Mar 31, 2022


My wife lost her job of 29 years back in November 2020. She was making more than me at the time so it was a little more than half of our income. Naturally, at first she was quite concerned but we quickly realized what a blessing it was. She has been able to spend so much more time redeveloping her relationship with GOD and she has been available to watch our grandsons, which has been a huge benefit for our daughter and son-in-law. Financially, GOD has provided for us so we hardly have felt the loss of income. And I believe the blessings are just beginning.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022


What an incredible testimony, Greg! Isn't it amazing how the initial disappointments that the Lord allows in our lives so often become His grand appointments for blessing? I have experienced that myself more than once. Thank you so much for taking a moment to share this with us.




Lynn on Aug 28, 2021


Thank you, Wayne. We've been going through a difficult twenty year period and we needed your refreshing applications that "God wastes nothing." There is purpose beyond our comprehension and for His glory.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


I applaud you, Lynn, for continuing to cling to God these two decades as you are waiting on Him. Indeed, there is a purpose behind His sovereignty — and it is beyond comprehension. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him with a perspective of faith.




Michael on Aug 3, 2021


This was a great devotional! I had something difficult happen in my life about a year and a half ago that I saw no redeeming value from. However, God later used that unfathomable event to open up the doorway to ministry in my life. This would never have happened if it were not for the way God structured events in my life. Thanks for the insight!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2021


Great connection, Michael. How wonderful that you've been able to redeem that memory and filter it through the sovereign hand of God. May He continue to give you perspective greater than the event itself.




Michael on Aug 4, 2021


I do believe that God will enable me to see even more of His plan as time progresses. I am so thankful for the insight your devotional gave me.




Karen on Mar 30, 2021


When I deal with difficult situations....He reminds me Be still....for I am God. Meaning....relax God has this!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2021


I love that application, Karen! So essential, isn't it?




Patricia on Mar 17, 2021


This is probably one of my favorite videos and commentary! I love the story of Joseph and how he walked beside God even in perilous times. And God honored Joseph's faithfulness. My prayer is that I would glorify God in both good and challenging situations just because I love and trust Him. He has taken care of me from Dothan (where I grew up but not Jerusalem) to many places and has always been faithful!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


I also love Joseph's story, Patricia. He was an amazing individual. You might enjoy my book, Waiting on God, which is about the life of Joseph and what he can teach us. God bless you.




Stacey on Feb 27, 2019


Your teaching and reminder of who God is "unfathomable" ring true for my life's experience. I'm returning to life after a solid year of recovery and suffering from my second go around with cancer. My oncologist said "you are just unlucky" to have had cancer twice at such a young age. I let him know I do not believe in luck, I believe God is sovereign! What I know to be true of the God I trust and worship, He used this most recent suffering for my good. Only God can take ashes and turn it into something beautiful. He has done just that in my life! Due to sickness and suffering (my most recent surgery in December 2018) until January of this year, I have not been consistent on your site. Now I am eager to learn and seeking truth through your teaching. Thank you so very much. You continue to be a source of spiritual growth and encouragement to me. I believe one day I will go on tour with your group to Israel!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2019


Stacey, I applaud and admire you perspective on God's sovereignty in your sickness. Such a necessary and mature way to view it. I'm eager for you to come to Israel with us! I hope you'll choose to do it as soon as you can. God bless you.




Deb on Nov 1, 2018


This study on Dothan was spot on with what is going on in my life with the Homegoing of my dear husband of almost 55 years in January of this year. I accepted his death as God's will and am walking closely with my Father in heaven, learning what He wants for me to do each day. I did not choose singleness as my lot, but I am choosing to use it in my service for Him.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 1, 2018


Many other widows desperately need the wisdom of your experience, Deb. Thank you for seeing all things-- as Joseph did-- from the hand of your loving Father. God bless you as you wait on Him.



Dothan Valley - God Uses All Things in Your Life

Hill of Moreh - Your Hope Rises from the Dead


on Mar 26


A marvellous video to see and be challenged in expressing our faith in the life we have in Jesus Christ. Encouraging to see this video again and be reminded that in the last days all believers will be rewarded for their faith in Jesus.




Wayne Stiles

on Mar 27


Absolutely true, Ty. Our ultimate hope could be fulfilled at any moment as we are taken in resurrection to be with our Lord Jesus forever. How wonderful it would be if it happened today!




Wanda Faith Sewell

on Jul 14, 2022


No matter what I share it will be a long story so I will say how much I was surprised to see the connections of these places of healing - one from Old Testament and one from the New Testament. I so love your videos and teachings. I was amazed to look out across the way and see traffic. Just doesn't seem right to me as I listen to you talk! Blessings to your ministry.




Wayne Stiles

on Jul 17, 2022


Thank you, Wanda. God bless you.





on Apr 22, 2022


I am sure I have viewed this video before, but didn't leave any comments. The teaching and expounding of the Lord through Wayne to us is pretty special. Wonderful reminders of our faith walk. In our Christian understanding the word 'hope' is not as the world would define it as wishy - washy, but a certainty in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We, who believe 'in Him, in Christ' will be raised up on the last day to a life that 1 Corinthians 2:9 reads:

'However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for those who love Him.'

Wonderful hope to have, but it takes faith and obedience to find it.




Wayne Stiles

on Apr 22, 2022


Indeed, Ty, hope and faith walk hand in hand.





on Aug 28, 2021


Wayne as you said the words "only son," I was struck by the power of those Words. God's, only Son, was to die for us. We are a blended family. My husband's only son, only child, died overnight 12 years ago. As a believer, we will see him again and rejoice. But the words, "only son" through Scripture have more power than ever of God's and Jesus sacrifice of His "only Son." Thanks for this episode.




Wayne Stiles

on Aug 30, 2021


Yes, Lynn, there is something special in the Scriptures about the only son references. How special they are! Especially in light of the fact that whenever they are mentioned, it is usually in relation to a life-threatening experience. May the Lord continue to give you comfort as you trust Him.





on Jul 15, 2021


Yes I have hope in Jesus. He is with me today, tomorrow, and in the eternal heavens in which I am not scared to continue on and enjoy later when my times come. Jesus is our only hope for eternal happiness, love, and peace.




Wayne Stiles

on Jul 15, 2021


I am right there with you, Karen, with that hope! What a wonderful future we have ahead of us in Jesus. God bless you.




on Jun 16, 2021


I’m going to ponder the implications of repeated encounters in my life...this month is a time to review God’s faithfulness.
Connecting the dots of scripture in a new way is fascinating.




Wayne Stiles

on Jun 19, 2021


Good for you, Jenny, in pondering the implications of God's work in your life in repeated ways. I'm right there with you in the pondering.





on Apr 16, 2021


When you read John 6:40 at the end where it says ....and I Myself will raise him up on the last day..does that mean when we die we are in a sleep state until Christ returns? Some believe we go straight to heaven with our spirit when we die--others believe we sleep and will only be raised from the dead on the last day. It seems like there are many verses in the Bible supporting both ideas. What are your thoughts on this?




Wayne Stiles

on Apr 17, 2021


Great question, Bonnie. Thankfully, the Bible is crystal-clear on this issue, and we aren't left to guess or wonder. The Bible only refers to death as "sleep," in reference to our bodies, never to our souls. The body is pictured as "asleep" because it will awaken. As Paul notes in a couple of key passages:


“While we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord —for we walk by faith, not by sight —we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:6–8)

“I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better;”
(Philippians 1:23)


In other words, the soul departs the body and is immediately in the presence of Christ. Also, the Bible provides many examples of people who are conscious after their deaths and before their bodily resurrections (Matthew 17:1–4; Revelation 6:9–10). Jesus is saying in John 6:40 the same thing Paul wrote in 1 Thess. 4:13-18.





on Apr 10, 2021

Just beautiful! So encouraging to hear the scriptures with these pictures.




Wayne Stiles

on Apr 12, 2021


I am thrilled, Denise, that the video on the Hill of Moreh was able to encourage you. Isn't the Word of God and the land of the Bible amazing? God bless you.





on Apr 5, 2021


Watching the closing scene I can't help but remember Julie Andrews in the Sound Of Music opening scene! I thought you might break our with "the hills are alive" ...LOL. What a beautiful message. I love how you tie locations together. Thank you Wayne, as always!! Nancy Bell




Wayne Stiles

on Apr 6, 2021


Nancy, I'll never look at that closing scene the same again! The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. God bless you.





on Apr 2, 2021


Wayne, I so much appreciate your virtual tours of Israel. Since touring with you and hiking with friends in Israel, I have come to love anything Israel. Listening to you bring the Bible alive keeps us grounded in the reality of Israel's history past, present day Israel and future hope for Christ's return. Especially in this time of restricted travel you keep us touring. Maranatha!

Grant Gehman



Wayne Stiles

on Apr 2, 2021


Yes, Grant, wasn't our journey magnificent? I'm so glad we can continue to walk the Bible lands together through these videos. May the Lord continue to encourage you with each one! God bless you.




Ty on Mar 26


A marvellous video to see and be challenged in expressing our faith in the life we have in Jesus Christ. Encouraging to see this video again and be reminded that in the last days all believers will be rewarded for their faith in Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27


Absolutely true, Ty. Our ultimate hope could be fulfilled at any moment as we are taken in resurrection to be with our Lord Jesus forever. How wonderful it would be if it happened today!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jul 14, 2022


No matter what I share it will be a long story so I will say how much I was surprised to see the connections of these places of healing - one from Old Testament and one from the New Testament. I so love your videos and teachings. I was amazed to look out across the way and see traffic. Just doesn't seem right to me as I listen to you talk! Blessings to your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Thank you, Wanda. God bless you.




Ty on Apr 22, 2022


I am sure I have viewed this video before, but didn't leave any comments. The teaching and expounding of the Lord through Wayne to us is pretty special. Wonderful reminders of our faith walk. In our Christian understanding the word 'hope' is not as the world would define it as wishy - washy, but a certainty in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We, who believe 'in Him, in Christ' will be raised up on the last day to a life that 1 Corinthians 2:9 reads:


'However, as it is written:


“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for those who love Him.'


Wonderful hope to have, but it takes faith and obedience to find it.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2022


Indeed, Ty, hope and faith walk hand in hand.




Lynn on Aug 28, 2021


Wayne as you said the words "only son," I was struck by the power of those Words. God's, only Son, was to die for us. We are a blended family. My husband's only son, only child, died overnight 12 years ago. As a believer, we will see him again and rejoice. But the words, "only son" through Scripture have more power than ever of God's and Jesus sacrifice of His "only Son." Thanks for this episode.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


Yes, Lynn, there is something special in the Scriptures about the only son references. How special they are! Especially in light of the fact that whenever they are mentioned, it is usually in relation to a life-threatening experience. May the Lord continue to give you comfort as you trust Him.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Yes I have hope in Jesus. He is with me today, tomorrow, and in the eternal heavens in which I am not scared to continue on and enjoy later when my times come. Jesus is our only hope for eternal happiness, love, and peace.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


I am right there with you, Karen, with that hope! What a wonderful future we have ahead of us in Jesus. God bless you.




Jenny on Jun 16, 2021


I’m going to ponder the implications of repeated encounters in my life...this month is a time to review God’s faithfulness.

Connecting the dots of scripture in a new way is fascinating.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


Good for you, Jenny, in pondering the implications of God's work in your life in repeated ways. I'm right there with you in the pondering.




Bonnie on Apr 16, 2021


When you read John 6:40 at the end where it says ....and I Myself will raise him up on the last day..does that mean when we die we are in a sleep state until Christ returns? Some believe we go straight to heaven with our spirit when we die--others believe we sleep and will only be raised from the dead on the last day. It seems like there are many verses in the Bible supporting both ideas. What are your thoughts on this?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2021


Great question, Bonnie. Thankfully, the Bible is crystal-clear on this issue, and we aren't left to guess or wonder. The Bible only refers to death as "sleep," in reference to our bodies, never to our souls. The body is pictured as "asleep" because it will awaken. As Paul notes in a couple of key passages:


“While we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord —for we walk by faith, not by sight —we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:6–8)


“I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better;”

(Philippians 1:23)


In other words, the soul departs the body and is immediately in the presence of Christ. Also, the Bible provides many examples of people who are conscious after their deaths and before their bodily resurrections (Matthew 17:1–4; Revelation 6:9–10). Jesus is saying in John 6:40 the same thing Paul wrote in 1 Thess. 4:13-18.




Denise on Apr 10, 2021


Just beautiful! So encouraging to hear the scriptures with these pictures.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I am thrilled, Denise, that the video on the Hill of Moreh was able to encourage you. Isn't the Word of God and the land of the Bible amazing? God bless you.




Nancy on Apr 5, 2021


Watching the closing scene I can't help but remember Julie Andrews in the Sound Of Music opening scene! I thought you might break our with "the hills are alive" ...LOL. What a beautiful message. I love how you tie locations together. Thank you Wayne, as always!! Nancy Bell




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021


Nancy, I'll never look at that closing scene the same again! The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. God bless you.




Grant on Apr 2, 2021


Wayne, I so much appreciate your virtual tours of Israel. Since touring with you and hiking with friends in Israel, I have come to love anything Israel. Listening to you bring the Bible alive keeps us grounded in the reality of Israel's history past, present day Israel and future hope for Christ's return. Especially in this time of restricted travel you keep us touring. Maranatha!


Grant Gehman




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Yes, Grant, wasn't our journey magnificent? I'm so glad we can continue to walk the Bible lands together through these videos. May the Lord continue to encourage you with each one! God bless you.



Hill of Moreh - Your Hope Rises from the Dead

Western Wall - Keeping Your Prayers Authentic

Rosemary on Apr 1


Thanks for the video and information about it. In regards to the Southern Steps have you any idea of why those gates were sealed and when??




Wayne Stiles on Apr 3


I asked my Jewish guide this question, as I didn't know the answer. He told me those gates were likely sealed in the Umayyad period (7th Century AD), when they built three palaces at the southern and western corner of the Temple Mount.




Rosemary on Apr 3


Thanks so much Wayne. I’ve visited the site. I found it impacting to walk on those steps. At the time I hadn’t thought to ask that question.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 16


I like to have a devotional time with our LORD before I begin my day but I understand He has all 24/7. Still when I miss those times on occasion, I don't feel as good about my life. But He and I work it out and go on. It is a heart of the matter. I rarely bow physically down to our LORD but occasionally I will kneel just to let Him know I bow before Him though it is mostly in my heart and not physically.


Question: Does any of your videos have the original National Anthem playing?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17


Wanda, I've tried to think through any videos that include "HaTikva" (Israel's National Anthem), but I can't think of any. If I do, I'll let you know! :-)




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 17






Paul Kizanis on Aug 26, 2022


I was there in May.




Sheron Keeling on Nov 12, 2022


I left the beginning of May. This was a trip of a lifetime.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


What an amazing blessing, Sheron. I'm so glad you got to go to Israel!




Lori on Mar 8, 2022


I used to pray head bowed, eyes closed, and in silence. I broke out of that pattern for many reasons but when I did, I also seen Jesus with new eyes. This is a great video. I have always struggled with traditions in general because I had a hard time believing it had to be our way or their way (no matter who we are talking about really). Jesus broke the barriers to the traditions and gave us more than eternal life. He gave us a direct link to God, whether rehearsed or unrehearsed, head covered or uncovered, bowed or not, on our knees or not, and the list goes on. I will say there is a special power in displaying submission during prayer as well such as kneeling, however it is not necessary to pray.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


I appreciate your dedication and your prayerful heart, Lori. May the Lord continue to be with you as you connect with Him in prayer.




Sharon on Feb 8, 2022


Loved, loved these videos! What a blessing you are to so many. I had the pleasure to go in 2018 and 2019. Definitely want to go again. God is so good!





Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


I do pray that you get to go again to the Holy Land, Sharon. And this time, I pray you come with me! God bless you.




Dorothea on Feb 7, 2022


A very interesting presentation. So glad to see the sites and hear you talk about them. Thank you! God bless you! 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed the journey to the Western Wall, Dorothea. I pray that the Lord continues to encourage and bless you through the videos.




Judy on Feb 3, 2022


I have always been confused about the retaining wall that Herod built. 1. When I am standing on the top of the Temple Mount today, is this the same elevation as the temple in Jesus’s day? 2. When you show the Eastern Wall, you say you can see stones that Solomon built. Does that mean that Herod built the Eastern retaining wall on top of Solomon’s wall around the temple? 3. When you show the western wall coming from the southern wall, you say we are 30 ft below the western wall plaza. In Jesus’s day, would we be standing at an elevation that was underground? 4. When Jews pray in the underground tunnels to be closer to the Holy of Holies, how does this elevation compare to the elevation of the ground where the temple sat? I am having a hard time picturing the elevation of the temple and the elevation of what I am seeing at the Eastern Wall, at the Northern Wall, at the Western Wall, and at the Southern Wall Please help me.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Great questions, Judy. Yes, the top of the Temple Mount today is this the same elevation as the temple in Jesus’ day. Yes, Herod built the eastern retaining wall on top of Solomon’s wall around the temple. The point where the southern wall and Western Wall is 30 ft below the MODERN Western Wall Plaza-- so the 1st century street you see in the video is the street from Jesus' day. The current plaza (30 feet above it) was built over the rubble of the Temple's destruction. When the Jews pray in the Tunnel, this would have been near to the street level of the 1st century, so it was below the level of the Temple. If you keep in mind that the top of the Temple Mount today is this the same elevation as the temple in Jesus’ day, it puts the elevations of the wall surrounding it in perspective.


I think you would enjoy a wonderful little volume called Jerusalem: The Temple Mount. It’s by Leen and Kathleen Ritmeyer. The Ritmeyers are the foremost experts on the archaeology of the Temple Mount. They’ve studied and excavated the site for decades. Frankly, I’m amazed at all they’ve put into this little volume. Full-color pages full of drawings, photos, and archaeological, architectural images that show, with real precision, the placement of the first and second Temples and how they relate to the modern Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem: The Temple Mount gives a brief history of the Temple Mount and a virtual walk-around of the walls of the Temple Mount. It takes you through the tunnel and then it takes you up onto the Temple Mount itself and explains the history, the locations. I think this is the best small book on the Temple Mount that I’ve ever seen.




Judy on Feb 4, 2022



Thank you so much for your response

to my questions. Your answers certainly made things much clearer. I appreciate your book recommendation. I ordered it and am so looking forward to reading it.


Walking the Bible Lands is an amazing ministry. You are certainly in the center of your gift mix. Your explanations of the history at each site are so clear and easy to understand. And to have the opportunity to ask you questions is such a bonus!!


I love the way you send a video each Thursday but how we can also view any of the videos at any time.


Thank you for your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2022


You're welcome, Judy. Truly, it's an honor to serve in this capacity. I praise the Lord He is encouraging you.




Joan on Dec 3, 2021


I pray all the time, eyes open as I'm whirring around the house and speak to God about something that just occurs to me; or bowing my head with my eyes closed to say grace before each meal at home or at a restaurant with friends. I read my Bible before I turn out the light at night and have for years .. altho' getting a little older now, I likely have to exchange that for morning Bible readings, because I nod off now-and-then at bedtime. I loved this video today and will view it again, because it contained so much great material! Thanks so much, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Your words, Joan, remind me of Keith Green's old song: "No Compromise," which begins: "I make my life a prayer to you..." Thanks for such a wonderful application of prayer in your life. God bless you.




Michael on Aug 3, 2021


Just a brief question: Are non-Jews no longer able to touch the Western Wall? When I travelled there I was able to go to the Wall and place my prayer in the cracks between its stones. This was a moving moment.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2021


Absolutely, Michael. Yes, Gentiles can approach, touch, and pray in the wall just as any Jew can. I've done it many times.




Janet on May 27, 2021


When I wake up each morning, I read several Bible verses before my feet hit the floor .. I try to spend time alone with God to pray, and just be still .. every day ..




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2021


What a fabulous routine, Janet! Most people sit in bed and read their smart phone and the news of the world. You begin with much better news – the best! God bless you.




Sheryl on May 6, 2021


I love each every video they bless me please do not cancel me thank you and God Bless




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021


Your membership lasts as long as you want it to, Sheryl! There are so many videos and biblical places to see. God bless you.




Loi on Apr 12, 2021


I remember I did write a prayer, asked my local priest to stick it in the western wall, as you said now my prayer is in the earth of the Mount of Olive.

I learn more and more as you talked, very interesting to know, the fact the tradition of the Jew.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I'm glad, Loi, that the videos continue to encourage you! I pray that the Lord will continue to lift you up as you watch each one. God bless you.




Loi on Apr 12, 2021


Thank you Dr. Stiles




Opal on Apr 6, 2021


Meeting with you each morning while I have breakfast has become my now normal. I look forward to the good news you bring each morning. God is certainly at the table.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021


That's great, Opal! I like my coffee with a little cream, please. :-) I'm thrilled that we can take this journey together with God.




Doris on Feb 7, 2021


Since the pandemic, this saying We have always done it. that way. or saying the Lord's Prayer as the closing of every meeting have not happened but finding new ways to worships and communion has shown a new love for traditions, technology and fellowship.. .Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am.. Wow! What an awesome God. .




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Well said, Doris. Indeed, these unusual days have called us to re-examine our traditions and to realize we can do things differently, or even perhaps, more efficiently in such a way that glorifies God. God bless you.




Denise on Jul 11, 2020


The tradition of attending church on Sunday morning has been sorely tested lately.

These traditions give us a way to express our faith and commitment to God and the body

of believers. I am so thankful for this video tour that has helped me through a difficult interruption

In my Christian traditions.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2020


Yes, Denise, these months have been a pop quiz of sorts, haven't they? Traditions are so helpful for us, as you said, "to express our faith and commitment to God and the body of believers." I miss it tremendously. :-)




Sue on Jun 25, 2020


Hi Wayne,

I am so enjoying and benefiting from the films. I have a question. On my first trip to Israel standing on the Mt. of Olives, our guide pointed out the Jewish cemetery close by. As we looked beyond at the Eastern wall, he said that the cemetery by the Wall was a Muslim cemetery placed there to "prevent" the promised Messiah from entering, the same purpose as closing Eastern Gate. It does look different than the Jewish cemetery. Were both the cemetery and closed gate placed there by the Muslims for that purpose? Shalom, Sue




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2020


That's right, Sue. The closed gate is to prevent the Messiah from entering, and the cemetery is there to defile anyone who tries to enter. I talk about this more in the video on Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 1 . I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the videos. God bless.




Christine on Oct 5, 2018


I'm really glad you include the PDFs with your films. I was able to listen to Jerusalem the Gold, a truly beautiful song. There are several Youtube versions, some of them with English subtitles.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2018


Thanks for affirming those PDFs, Christine. So glad they're helpful. Yes! I love "Jerusalem of Gold" as well. Such hope, intricately bound in the Messiah.



Western Wall - Keeping Your Prayers Authentic

Pool of Siloam - Cleansing a Clear View of Our Future

Greg on Apr 9


With the new excavations at the Pool of Siloam, have you given any thought to making a new video once the excavations are completed and open to the public? Also, a video showing the opened Pilgrimage Road would be very interesting.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10


Yes, Greg, this is on my shortlist! I can't wait to see what they find.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 16


The greatest of the great is that things will be in place as they should be and God will have His place as He should without all the trouble the world and sin bring. As I heard part of the verses, I could hear a tune that was made from it that brings it to light from verse 2.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17


Amen, and YES, Wanda... I can't wait for that glorious day when Jesus' kingdom begins.




Barruda on Feb 16


Hi Wayne. As always your lessons are a teachable instrument that I can apply to my bible study time. I always snap a picture of key topics, so that I can go back into the bible verse and always read the entire chapter if it applies to the video. Also I would like to say that the video quality is superb, I often feel as I am there. Thank You and may God continue to bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16


Thank you, Barruda, for letting me know how much the Lord continues to bless your time in the Word-- and I'm so glad the videos play a part in your enjoyment of the Scriptures. God bless you.




Melanie on Feb 1


It seems that the designation of this section being related to Leviticus 42–43 is incorrect since Leviticus ends with chapter 27. 🧐




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


Thanks for your keen eye, Melanie! I have corrected the references so that vv. 42-43 are part of the previous chapter mention.




Sheron Keeling on Nov 18, 2022


A Song of Praise-Isaiah 12, powerful praise!




Robert on Jul 1, 2022


In these days of predicted "doom and gloom", (a failing economy, corrupt government, violence in the streets) verse 1 tells us that when we repent, although God was angry with us his anger will turn away from us and he will comfort us. We will know joy and we will know his salvation. PRAISE THE LORD!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


Indeed, Robert, God's promise to Israel through Isaiah is a glorious promise, in spite of the current events of Isaiah's time that seemed so gloomy. We share this hope of Christ's coming kingdom. Can't wait!




Kathy on Jun 21, 2022


Wayne, our VBS this summer is Destination Dig. It shows the pool of Siloam and I am telling people about your website there through a little advertising on my VBS backpack! It tells on the back about "Walking The Bible Lands" and I hope that the kids/parents/ workers will check out more Bible Lands. Thought you would like to know and be praying for more people to "visit" the Land through your video tours!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


Thank you so much, Kathy, for sharing Walking the Bible Lands with others. I pray that the Lord will encourage you powerfully as well, as you continue to explore the videos.




Kathy on May 24, 2022


Facinating that the tunnel is still operating as designed after so many many years!! And waters of salvation are flowing in each of us operating all the time too!




Rosemary on May 16, 2022


There is something about visiting areas such as these that leaves so many impressions, and is so helpful when reading the scriptures. Revisiting the area again through your videos is wonderful and brings back many memories.

You mentioned in this video about the priests drawing water in a pitcher from the Pool of Siloam on the 8th day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles - Booths) and carrying it up to the Temple Mount to pour on an altar before the Lord.

I visited this area late 2019. Our messianic guide advised us that this was a Jewish tradition and that this was done to ask God for more rain. She said that 'water liberation' or 'drawing of water and bringing it before the Lord' is a popular tradition even today at Sukkot. She said that large crowds would gather at the Pool of Siloam and the priest would obtain the water in a pitcher and then the priest was accompanied by thousands of joyful people walking, singing and dancing with music up the pilgrim road to the Temple Mount. The priests would pour water along with wine on the altar during the liberation ceremony. She said wine pouring was done every day but 'water pouring' was only done on the day on Sukkot. She said it is not mentioned in the Bible but it was an established custom in Jesus's day.

Your reference to Isaiah 12 was really great as it ties it together.

Scripture says in John 7:37 “On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.’ “ NIV

The joy of my salvation comes from Jesus. I need to give freely to those around me to become a source of love and compassion to those around me.




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2022


I think it is wonderful, Rosemary, how your guide mentioned this very ritual on your tour. It is amazing how the Lord Jesus pulled together these metaphors to point to Himself and to His grace.




Lola Fitch on Mar 2, 2022


Isaiah 12 is almost totally sung as part of the LCMS worship liturgy. It is such a song of praise for all the Lord has done for us. All our praise goes to Him. We find gratitude in everything because of Him. Our true joy comes to our lives because of Him. Thank you for the lesson.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2022


What a wonderful experience it must be, Lola, to hear Isaiah 12 sung in the liturgy. How magnificent!




Barbara on Feb 23, 2022


Loved the video about the pool of Siloam. It brought back memories of this site and a rock found there. The rock was brought to Istanbul and in 9/2007 when I was visiting this old city I found the rock in the Archeology Museum. This same rock was used during the reign of King Hezekiah’s tunnel being built from the Spring of Gihon through rock to the Pool of Siloam to provide water for Jerusalem. This story was carved on this rock in the 7th Century BC. Telling of tunnel’s story. It was in Istanbul when I was there. What an honor to see it. We were surprised that the museum was almost empty of people visiting it. Wonderful memories visiting all the ancient sites. I was visiting Ephesus and the tiny village where we lived for a month with students from UCSB in Santa Barbara CA. I was staff working at UCSB and had an opportunity to go with the Summer class and their teach who was also an Archologizt




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2022


What an amazing privilege you have had, Barbara, to visit all these places! I am thrilled that the videos are able to help you relive your significant journeys. God bless you.




Marlon on Feb 18, 2022


How amazing is this? To walk on the stones that the jews, of that day, walked on and even Jesus Himself.

It brings me to a deeper level of worship. Thank you for providing this video. I am enjoying this very much.





Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


What a blessing, Marlon, that the Siloam video encouraged you. You encourage me…




Joan on Dec 9, 2021


That God comforts me! When I turned from my sins and repented and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, salvation and eternity in Heaven with God Three-in-One is my eternal future! God has adopted me, I am His, and I am wedded to His Son with all other believers in His Kingdom, praise Him praise Him, Amen! I love this video and will view it again, as it has a lot of very rich content! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


I'm thrilled, Joan, that the Lord has powerfully blessed your life and saved you. I pray He continues to encourage and bless you.




Sandi on Dec 5, 2021


The Pool of Siloam & Jesus the Living Water! Isaiah 12 vs 3 "with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation"

God Bless you & family for teaching these Biblical concepts. What a blessing to me to learn in this way!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


I am thrilled, Sandi, but the Pool of Siloam video was an encouragement to you. I pray that the rest continue to be as well! God bless you.




Bob on Nov 5, 2021


I loved the Ushpizin movie! The tremendous patience and faithfulness of the key role in the movie would have exemplified the life of a righteous man in OT Israel.





Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Yes, Bob, isn't that Ushpizin movie good? Wonderful insight into modern Judaism. I like you connection to an OT saint as well. God bless you.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Loving these videos. Deep history and deep teachings. Your enthusiasm and smiles Pastor Wayne makes these more interesting to watch one video at a time. Love your podcasts as well.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


What a blessing, Karen, that you are enjoying these videos. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless you with each one! I also appreciate your comment on my enthusiasm! Going to Israel does that for me. :-)




Jenny on Jun 20, 2021


Drawing water from the well of salvation


This video really touched me. Seeing the first century stones and path is very powerful. Also: Peter,s comment @ the booths makes so much more sense now!

I love the scriptures about all nations coming to celebrate the Feast of booths in the future. What a joyous hope.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2021


I’m so glad this video was an encouragement to you, Jenny. God bless you.




Michelle on May 2, 2021


I too enjoyed seeing the Jewish custom of Sukkot and how they celebrate the festival, made it all so real and really left me thinking about the reference of our temporary life and the victory we have in Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


Yes, Michelle, isn't it amazing how the feasts and customs give greater insight into the Word of God? May the Lord continue to bless you.




Michelle on May 2, 2021


What a wonderful movie, I laughed, I cried and I related to the trials we must go through to gain wisdom and to grow spiritually! I want to watch Ushpizin again, because there were many stories inside the main story and trying to take in the Jewish language and body language of the actors was all overwhelming.

Understanding our loving Father was the best story of all and this couples wonderful faith thru all their trials and love for each other was so very emotional and uplifting! Thank you for referring this movie to us. It truly is a blessing!!

Gratefully, M Schaeffer




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie, Michelle. It does give a wonderful and dramatic portrait of the feast — as well as the culture of the Jews in modern Israel. God bless you.




Annette on Sep 10, 2020


I enjoyed seeing the customs of Sukkot. I have heard of the Feast of Tabernacles, but had no exposure to it. I thought it was interesting when they spoke of the structure being temporary representing our life here as temporary. Thank you for the recommendation.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


I'm glad you enjoyed the video, Annette. Sukkot isn't far away! I pray it has a special meaning to you this year and that the Lord will encourage you through the truth of the Scriptures. God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 29, 2020


Very interesting!! I'll not look at the Pool of Siloam in scripture the same way again.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


That's right, Lynette. It's really tough to see the places in Scripture the same again when you've seen the real thing. Such a huge benefit. God bless you.




Rhodora on May 30, 2020


Its so powerful to have experienced dipping in the pool in 2019...week of Passover and Sukkot. I also brought water from the pool and provided it for. mass water baptism ( symbolic act ).

The video God used to give context to my experience...The tabernacle ( I was not able to go up to Temple Mount via tunnel). Thank you for this anointed teaching.




Mary on Oct 31, 2019


thanks Wayne for the movie suggestion! Ushpizin was great and gave us a cultural example of how Sukkot is celebrated today. And I love this video on the pool of Siloam and details about the Feast of Tabernacles. Can you tell me what other videos you have done that talk about the Feasts? Like the 3 Pilgrim Feasts and I believe there are 7 main Feasts and a few less important. Are you familiar with the book: The Feasts of the LORD, God's prophetic Calendar from Calvary to the Kingdom by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal? It's a great book but it's been years since I've read it. I need to read it again. Also, have you considered doing a video where you put all the feasts and points of reference in one video or a series? I know there are the Spring Feasts and the Fall Feasts and if I remember correctly, Jesus has fulfilled the Spring Feasts with His First Coming and His return will fulfill the Fall Feasts. What are your thoughts? It that correct? It's been awhile since I've studied the Feasts. Thanks Wayne for any insight... :)




Wayne Stiles on Oct 31, 2019


I have not read that book by Howard and Rosenthal. It sounds interesting. This video on the Pool of Siloam is the only one I've done specifically that includes a feast. I do have an audio devotional on Passover, but that's all I've done in Walking the Bible Lands. I once taught a whole sermon series on the book of Leviticus(!), which does deal with all of the feasts — but it's not video. I would love to do a video series on the feasts in some way. I will have to think about how to squeeze that in.


As far as the spring feasts being fulfilled, yes they have been fulfilled in Christ. The Passover reflects HIs death, the unleavened bread represents Jesus purging us of sin, and the first fruits represents HIs resurrection. Pentecost, of course, was fulfilled at Pentecost! The fall feasts have a future fulfillment in some way — specifically the feast of trumpets (fulfilled at Israel's gathering prior to the Kingdom) and the Feast of Tabernacles fulfilled in the kingdom. The Day of Atonement has been fulfilled as well on the cross (it is a fall feast). I hope that helps some!




Mary on Oct 31, 2019


Thanks so much for answering, so quickly! I will have to listen to the audio on Passover as I don't believe I have yet. I would love to hear your sermon on the book of Leviticus! Maybe a future Podcast some time in the future?? My husband, Ken and I are really enjoying your Podcast series on Mark!

Thanks for clarifying on the feast. I do agree with you! Blessings...




Wayne Stiles on Nov 1, 2019


Mary, here's that Audio Devotional on the Passover. The series on Leviticus isn't just one sermon-- it's a whole series! I have one message that summarizes Lev. 23:4-8. You can hear it here.

I'm glad you both are enjoying the podcast! Thanks so much for letting me know.




Mary on Nov 1, 2019


Thanks so much! I can't wait to listen to your message on both of these! :)




Paulette on Oct 17, 2019


I loved the movie Ushpizin. I watched it quite a while ago. I loved learning that they clap their hands when they pray. I have always done that in the heat of intense prayer and didn't know why. I may be of German descent, but I'm pretty sure, I am thoroughly Jewish at heart. :0)




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2019


Aren't customs fun, Paulette? It's often amazing how different people express themselves. One day in God's kingdom, even the “trees of the field will clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12). You're in good company!



Pool of Siloam - Cleansing a Clear View of Our Future

Hezekiah's Tunnel - When Trusting God is All You Have

Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 2


God's Word makes everything so alive and we can trust Him. I have some personal encounters where God's Logos became Rehema in my life and those are powerful times. I want to draw them out to share my stories someday.


Question - Do your daughters work with you in ministry? Sometimes I see your wife's name in the credits but not always.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2


Wanda, my daughters have ministries of their own—one as an emergency room nurse and and the other as a missionary for Children's Relief International. They both love the Lord, thank God!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 3


Praise God!




Janice on Feb 28


Thank you, Wayne, for these wonderful videos. I was in Jerusalem in 2020 and saw the dark alternate route of Hezekiah’s tunnel, but we chose to take the dry path. :) I loved this virtual experience of walking through it with you.


I randomly picked this video to watch today, but was very blessed by its message: “When the world besieges you on all sides with the hard facts, remember your strength lies in the Lord your God—not in the arm of flesh. In spite of whatever you’re facing today, this is also true: God will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). God’s provision—or lack thereof—has your good in mind (Deuteronomy 8:3; Philippians 4:19). You will not die until it is God’s time for you (Job 14:5; Psalm 139:16). These are the facts too. These facts just require faith.”

God knew I needed to hear this today. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28


Isn't it amazing, Janice, how the Lord knows exactly what we need? I am so glad that the scriptures and the video encouraged you. God bless you.




Carrie Fraser on Jan 25


We're studying Hezekiah in BSF this week and I so enjoyed watching your video about his tunnel. Like you, I am fascinated by the existing archaeological record that continues to grow in support of events contained within the Bible, further proof that continues to point everyone to God and how He writes the history of His creation.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25


Absolutely true, Carrie! Simple stuff we can dig out of the ground supports the eternal Word of God.




Sheron Keeling on Nov 19, 2022


Praise God for whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!




Jeanetta on Nov 10, 2022


Thank you for such encouragement. Not only has Hezekiah's tunnel been an interest of mine, but the encouragement about "facing the facts" of a situation and recognizing that God is with us helps me as a full-time caregiver for my 91-year-old ailing parents in my home. I plan and work and pray, but need to do more and more specific prayers - for them and for myself & my husband.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


What a blessing, Jeanetta, that the Lord encouraged you through the video on Hezekiah's Tunnel. What an amazing bit of engineering! I join you in your prayers for your caregiving and for your husband. Our God is great God.




Jeanetta on Nov 18, 2022


Thank you, and God bless you as you continue His work!




Ty on Jul 31, 2022


Good summary of the 3 words (water, wall, and worship) Wayne's uses to theme this video. We have to look beyond the natural to gather and know the facts that God has faithfully provided for us to seek and discover.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


Indeed, Ty, the water, wall, and worship all work together as we rely on the Lord.




Maria on Jun 4, 2022


God is bigger than my enemies … He will defend me & give victory.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


Amen, Maria. May the Lord strengthen you as you wait on Him.




Dinah on Apr 14, 2022


Loved the tour and lesson on Hezekiah's tunnel. My take away is the verse..Lean not into my understanding and rely on Jesus. He is my Savior and as Hezekiah had Isaiah we thank God that we have you to guide us through the Holy Lands. May your work continue as you share God's word through sight and Love for your fellowman. Nothing is impossible to God!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


I like the way you summed that up, Dinah. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.




Sylvia on Apr 11, 2022


Amazing video and such words of encouragement for me as I experience the "fear of facts." Thank you for pointing me to the Lord and His Word. "Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.."




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2022


I am thrilled, Sylvia, that the Lord encouraged you through the video on Hezekiah's tunnel. I pray that he continues to encourage you through every video! God bless you.




Deborah on Apr 9, 2022


I loved this video. Some time ago I read a series by Lynn Austin called Chronicles of the Kings and Hezekiah was phenomenal in those books. I also loved how she portrayed Isaiah. This video amazes me. How hard that must have been to dig that tunnel. Thank you for making this real.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2022


I know what you mean, Deborah! Walking through that tunnel that was chiseled out of solid rock is an amazing experience. I am thrilled that the video was able to take you there – and encourage you. God bless you.




Dorothea on Feb 25, 2022


It is so encouraging to look at the faith of Hezekaiha. We all have our ups and downs in our lives, putting our faith in God is keeping us grounded and on the right path. Thank you for your lessons!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022


Yes, Dorothea, our God is wonderful. Hezekiah was a man of deep faith.




Louis on Feb 24, 2022


What strong faith Hezekiah had by putting his trust in our Heavenly Father. I hope to have faith at least the size of a mustard seed compared to Hezekiah's faith and trust. Sometimes it is hard to know when God's will is pointing in the same direction as my efforts or will. I know that He is always there though. Thanks so much for the insightful lesson and reminder.


Correction on this webpage needed: The Deuteronomy bible verse noted by the Scriptures: label shows 8:32 and should be 8:3.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


Absolutely, Louis! Hezekiah was a great man. I love that the scriptures also record his weaknesses as well as his strengths. By the way, thanks for the correction on the typo for Deuteronomy!




Joan on Dec 16, 2021


What a fascinating video visit, Dr. Wayne! I love the take-away that Hezekiah spoke, "With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles"! Something so simple but easily overlooked in our 'facing the facts'! Thanks so much for his inspiring lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2021


Yes, Joan, isn't that a wonderful principle from the lips of King Hezekiah? I love his faith and I love his commitment to the Lord.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Stephen Curtis Chapman sings a song called Facts are Facts. What God says is true and yes we must have Faith to keep stronger than ever. I have had friends and family die suddenly with no warning. They died in their sleep with no previous health issues. I have others with multiple health issues and still are alive today. My former husband's Grandma had 24 hours to live per a phone call. We got to her West Virginia location by nightfall. She did not die until 5 days later. Her doctor's were baffled for her body was shutting down when they called us. She did not pass until all her far away children touched base. They had unfinished business to do that God knew. After the last daughter called and said Mom I'm sorry for running away years ago....She took her last breath. God is in charge of our lives. We must embrace every minutes as it comes. Enjoy the moments and trust that God knows what best for our futures. I pray more people come to know Jesus sooner than later. Awesome heavenly benefits in the hereafter.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


What an amazing story, Karen! And you are right – the next life holds everything we are yearning for in this one. May the Lord continue to sustain you each day with these wonderful memories. And our wonderful Hope…




Bonnie on Apr 19, 2021


Glad you are were the one walking through the water tunnel as I was getting a little claustrophobic just thinking about a 20-25 minute walk in that tunnel. I sure am enjoying the wonderful way you present this historical information in bite size chunks, and look forward to each day going on a tour with you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and praying for a special blessing on you for shepherding so many in such a wonderful way.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


Thanks, Bonnie, for walking through Hezekiah's Tunnel with me. :-) I'm so glad you're enjoying the videos and I pray the Lord continues to grant grace to you each time you watch.




Gerald on Apr 14, 2021


Very powerful and true in a world where living by faith means knowing God has our "end in sight" as we go through what happens in our time and place.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2021


I like that picture, Gerald, of having the end in sight! May the Lord continue to bless you as you follow Him – whether it is dark or light.




Kathy Haecker on Mar 13, 2021


When I visited Hezekiah's Tunnel in July of 2019, I did not hear the part about them meeting in the middle. I walked the dry tunnel and was amazed by how skinny it was but now I am even more amazed. Without technology, how they met is truly a miracle. All I can think is "In the beginning God". That is the same God that I have with me, regardless of my circumstances. All my efforts (water, wall, worship) are nothing without His divine intervention. Thank you and your camera man for a great video.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2021


I appreciate your wonderful summary, Kathy, and I am excited that you got to relive your unforgettable walk through the tunnel. God bless you.




Jeannie on Mar 4, 2021


Not sure why, but Hezekiah's Tunnel was one of the main things I was looking forward to seeing when I went to Israel in 2019. It was AMAZING, and this Video is a good recreation of walking through the water, and feeling so Overwhelmed by God's Grace and Protection of His People.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021


What a blessing for you, Jeannie, to have journey to Israel and waded through Hezekiah's Tunnel. it amazing? Such a rare opportunity to interact with archaeology! God bless you as you continue to watch the videos.




Friend on Feb 26, 2021


It is revelationary, as well as transforming, We bless the Lord for His grace upon your life,




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Thank you, Ihuoma. God bless you.




Wayne on Feb 17, 2021


Very relevant and comforting




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


I'm so glad, Wayne, that the Hezekiah's tunnel video encouraged you. May it continue! God bless you.




Doris on Dec 30, 2020


Really enjoyed this because only 6 in our group walked the water tunnel. Hezekiah Tunnel is amazing. It is encouraging to know that there are facts to support our faith in Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Isn't the tunnel amazing, Doris? Each time I walk though it, I marvel at the ingenuity of the engineering. I also appreciate that Hezekiah's faith also took matched with actions like chiseling the tunnel. Such an important balance each day-- faith and action.




Francis on Nov 19, 2020


I always enjoy your video tours, but this one was especially enjoyable. I felt like I was sloshing through the water with you. What an engineering feat, and what a faith in the Lord. As you mentioned, can you imagine praying with Isaiah?




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


Right, Francis? It is amazing how the ingenuity of the people of that day were able to accomplish digging the tunnel! I'm so glad you enjoyed sloshing through the tunnel with me. God bless you.




Judith on Sep 14, 2020


In our current season, God’s Word is the solid foundation we can trust in the midst of an unsettled season. 2 Chronicles 7:14




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2020


Amen, Judith. Indeed, the Scriptures are the anchor for our souls. I cannot imagine living without them, can you?




Denise on Aug 7, 2020


Thank you for this wonderful insight. Nothing more real than actually walking in water thru a dark tunnel.

When I hear you share how important water was I can appreciate it better when you show it this way and the connection it has to the history and important places of bible history.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020


Hezekiah's Tunnel is amazing, Denise. So rare is it to interact so directly with archaeology. I'm glad the video was helpful! God bless you.




Caroline on Jul 22, 2020


Oh my goodness, what a fascinating video. I so appreciate you and your photographer’s willingness to put it on video. I don’t think I could walk through that tunnel, I was getting claustrophobia just watching you guys!


One can only marvel and worship at the provision of Him for Hezekiah and his people. Just amazing.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2020


Absolutely, Caroline. Walking through that tunnel is amazing! But water is kind of important, you know? Today we have huge machines that dig these tunnels for us. Back then it was elbow grease-- and God's grace. Hey, that's a good title: Grace and Grease.




Caroline on Jul 23, 2020


Yes...great title too....with a good lesson.




Lynette on Jun 30, 2020


Wow, amazing!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2020


Hezekiah's Tunnel truly is amazing, Lynette. As many times as I've walked through it, it still mesmerizes and amazes me. It also shows how a godly king both trusted God and prepared physically.




Teresa on Jun 16, 2020


Wayne, my husband and I watch 2 or 3 of your videos each night and have been doing so since the COVID crisis hit. I want to thank you for this absolutely amazing series. Time and again the episodes we listen to each night hit home. They give me peace and help me keep my focus on Jesus and the hope we have in Him. It seems like every day we are assaulted with more bad news - the virus and the fear and confusion that has caused, the violence and today the upsetting ruling from the Supreme Court. I look forward to watching these videos each evening so I can regain my equilibrium and refocus my thoughts heavenward. Blessings to you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 17, 2020


Yes, Teresa, when we keep our eyes horizontal, despair and doubt and desperation rule. But keeping our eyes vertical gives us the perspective that God is still on the throne. I know you've been watching the videos-- and I'm so glad!-- but you might also enjoy this podcast I did called: "What God is Doing When Nothing is Happening." It relates to dealing with world events versus God's seeming absence.




Jimmie on Oct 10, 2019


It is wonderful, I am enjoying it so much. Just knowing I have actually been there and able to see it again and again if I want. Thank you, you did an amazing job




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2019


I'm so glad, Jimmie, you're enjoying the videos. Hezekiah's tunnel is simply an amazing place to be, isn't it? And such a godly king. God bless you.




Mary on Aug 12, 2019


I just love this video! I think I've seen it a few times now. I'm teaching this part of the Bible next week and will be showing to my class. I'm also so excited that next year, LORD willing, I will be walking in this tunnel myself with Wayne's group touring Israel as we are signing up tonight! It's going to be the longest year ever as I can't wait! Thanks Wayne for all that you put into your ministry! Shalom!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2019


Can't wait, Mary, to take you both through the "real" thing! How exciting. God bless.




Jan on Dec 15, 2018


Wayne, I walked alone through Hezekiah's Tunnel in total darkness on my first tour to Israel in 1998. I was given a candle for light which lasted about two minutes. I had no idea what was in that tunnel except to know I was walking in water in a narrow tunnel on uneven rocks not knowing how deep it was going to get. Others in my tour group was in the tunnel but not with me. I was definitely walking by faith and not by sight! Because of your video I now know what I did not see at the time. It all turned out well and it was a memorable experience, but if I had another opportunity I would do as you did by taking a flash light and not depending on a candle provided by the tour guide.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2018


Total darkness, Jan? Wow... Even back in 1998 I would think you'd be given a flashlight. :-) Today they sell little flashlights in the gift shop. When you go again you'll enjoy seeing all you missed. Glad the video was some help!




Steve on Dec 13, 2018


Wayne, my wife and I watched both The City of David and Hezekiah's Tunnel videos last night. I walked thru the tunnel in 2016 and can't wait to do it in Feb. when I am there! I had not known about the story of Hezekiah and Sennacherib. I loved the way your video and the explanation brought that story alive. My wife and I read the story in 2 Chronicles this morning.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2018


So glad, Steve, that the video and the land helped put skin and bones on the Bible! I'm thrilled you enjoyed revisiting the sites. God bless.




Mary on Jul 17, 2018


Wayne, I love the devotional aspect of your teaching! Not only are we learning but we are being encouraged! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2018


Thank you, Mary! I love adding the "So what?" to the rocks and sites. :-) I'm grateful God's Word combines with the Holy Land to encourage you. Thanks!



Hezekiah's Tunnel - When Trusting God is All You Have

City of David - How to Keep Your Strengths Away from Your Weakness

Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 9


I'm not in positions of authority any longer. But I understand that my life is not my own and as long as I keep that in my heart all will be well. I do ask God that I would keep short accounts with Him and others. I ask Him to have His Way before He has His Way. I ask to finish well. Etc. This keeps me from going astray. Oh yes, I tell Holy Spirit He is welcomed here (inside me) and here (inside my apt.)




Maria on Jun 3, 2022


Yes… I become entitled & proud☹️




Ty on May 18, 2022


First time viewing of the video. The video is very well done with its filming and script. It is also very challenging in being real with oneself. Romans 3:23-24 is a very sobering few verses I keep reminding myself. For me it is easy to see there I go, but for the grace of God and even that thought doesn't fully protect me from the pull of the flesh and maintaining the correct attitude before and with our Creator God.


Yet, how can I deny God providence of heaven on earth in the third Person of the Godhead residing in all of God's adopted children. There really is no excuse, but we are frail beings and are easily distracted by our knowledge from the tree of good and evil. It is so easy to look at me, when it is all about Him working in, through, and around my life. We really don't appreciate the spiritual death we died in giving our life to Him and allowing Him to lead us in the internalise gift of the Holy Spirit. We only see in the natural, that is the best we can do with our tree of knowledge of good and evil understanding. To see into the spiritual we all need God and He hasn't denied us that gift. It cost the life of His Son for our rebellion and our selfish nature toward our Creator God.


Jesus's obedience to His Father's will in paying the price of our fallen nature allowed Jesus to ask for and to be given a most wonderful gift to be passed on to every adopted son or daughter of God, by God. We have the same opportunity as Jesus did in listening and hearing the Father's will for our life. The question is are we willing to obey? The gift is there and not hearing it is not God's problem, but ours. The created doesn't dictate to its Creator. We listen and obey, while being His little kids. Little kids don't take life too seriously as that is the responsibility of the parents and our Spiritual Parent is God. God is totally efficient and able to teach us His ways. Sadly, we take our focus off Him and put it on us and others in getting distracted at least it is for me.


So the question asked is about the privileged position of the new life I have been given 'in Him, in Christ'. Like David I get distracted and lower my gaze to the natural in reasoning and thinking things out, instead of saying I am here and listening when prompted by the Holy Spirit to every day events and happenings. It's the little everyday things in life where we are taught obedience and not the big events we all crave. Still we are God's adopted children and taking life to seriously causes its own problems. Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15 says 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'


Children know when their parents are calling them. The question is how willing am I to obey and on their timing and conditions, not mine? How it works in the natural is a pretty good indicator of how it should work in the supernatural. To start with am I listening and knowing the prompting of our internalised gift from God?




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2022


I like your addition of Romans 3:23–24. Indeed, those are sobering verses, Ty. Thank you.




Bobbie on Jan 6, 2022


Please pray for me. The position I hold at my job is extremely stressful. I am 65 years young, and trying to understand if God wants me to retire in a couple of months. My Financial Advisor suggest if I can hold on until April 2023 it will be a little better. I need to ask him by how much. I am in a good position this year to be able to retire. In my weakness I am struggling with hang on because of the paycheck. I do not want to be defined by that. If I retire this year I would like to go walking every morning, read and study Gods Word more than I am able now, volunteer at Church and get more involved. I work from 6:30 am to 3:30pm and the job takes all of my energy. I continue to ask God for strength and he gives. I pray God will give me more than whisper’s on what he wants me to do. I am weak, He is my stronghold.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


Praying for you, Bobbie! I am confident that the Lord has a clear path for you for this new season of life.




Bobbie on Jan 7, 2022


Thank you. God Bless You 🙏




Joan on Dec 23, 2021


I lead a women's Bible Study group and I'm constantly aware that my words have impact and I need to choose them carefully and lead with God's guidance. When we get off-topic, I remind us that we have study questions to answer and discuss. I'm glad I'm in a Bible-teaching church and that the Women's Ministry strongly shepherds us group leaders to hold us accountable! Merry and Blessed Christmas to You and Yours, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Yes, Joan, accountability is an essential part in us becoming all we want to be. What a blessing that you are in a church that holds high the Word of God and also supports you as you lead your Bible study group. May the Lord continue to bless you!




Rosemarie on Dec 8, 2021


I think being retired now gives me much more free time. I need to use that time wisely now not to be a weakness. Since I got my Bible now, I spend time reading it and becoming closer to the Lord.

I enjoyed this 3d video. Amazing that you get to walk these lands and thanks for taking me along.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2021


Rosemarie, I am so glad to have you along on this virtual tour! I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you with each and every video. God bless you.




Marilynn on Nov 12, 2021


What a wonderful reminder that even though David sinned, God loved and forgave him, however, that did not remove the consequences of his sinful behavior.

I know that when I fail in doing God's will, it is so reassuring to know that even though the consequence may seem to be punitive, I know it is just God's way of teaching me to turn to Him.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2021


You are right, Marilynn. Your words remind me of Jesus's statement in Rev. 3:19: "‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent." Seems to be a daily challenge for us to stay close to Jesus.




Barbara on Oct 17, 2021


Hello, I'm not very tech savvy, but this video references a 3D video from the City of David Visitor's Center with a helpful overview of the city's history that is "included in the show notes below", but I don't see anything...help?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


Barbara, sorry for the confusion here! The video is now on the website and you can watch it. :-) Thanks for letting us know.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


It is an honor to have God (Jesus) walk with me daily! When I get lonely, upset, and discouraged....God shows ways to boost my spirits. Sometimes it is thru miracles and at times His sense of humor shines thru to make me smile again.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


So true, Karen. The Lord does boost our spirits through His Word and through His people. Thank you for being part of what the Lord used to encourage me today. God bless you.




Jim on Mar 20, 2021


Watching this video in Kamonkoli, Uganda at the guesthouse on a bright Saturday morning. My wife is in Texas so we are separated by over 6000 miles and 9 time zones. The story of David and Bathsheba in this video also reminded me of staying pure and in God’s favor. As I am preparing for extended ministry here eventually with my wife joining me this summer I have been blessed to remove distractions such as TV and to focus on the beauty of this area and the people who need Christ. I find devoting myself to God through serving, through reading His Word and through devoted prayer are strengthening my resolve to follow Him and do His will!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021


Good for you, Jim, to rededicate and renew your commitment to the Lord in this way. I am thrilled that the video played a small part in that. May the Lord continue to strengthen you during this season apart. And may he powerfully bless your ministry!




Teresa on Feb 28, 2021


I think that this is wonderfully laid out. It reveals the righteousness and power of David, yet reveals his human inclination to sin, which he did within the privacy of his privilege. It was so destructive. Accountability is SO important. I wish it was more widely offered within the church. Like you said; "You and I both want to walk with God and accountability simply urges us to do whatever we want to do to begin with."




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021


That's right, Teresa. How often I have praised God for accountability. The video on Samaria also emphasizes this important theme. God bless you.




Teresa on Mar 1, 2021


I’ll watch that video! Thank you.




Doris on Dec 30, 2020


What a blessing to have someone to hold you accountable especially when you are in leadership position in HIS kingdom. Knowing when to hand the rains over to another so they can grow in their love of Jesus. Thank you for your insight in David and the City of David.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on the City of David. It's true, Doris, that accountability helps us become who we really want to be. May the Lord bless you and encourage you today.




Lynette on Jun 30, 2020


Powerful message!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2020


Thank you, Lynette. I am glad the video and its message encouraged you. God bless.




Rhodora on May 30, 2020


Dr. Stiles. I appreciate your insight on King David's position of ( military) strength that became a position of weakness...sobering lesson.




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020


Yes, it really is a sobering lesson. I’m so grateful that the Bible tells it like it is. God bless.




Danny on Sep 28, 2019


This video is very interesting and I like the story of David and "his" city. So interesting to contrast the old city location with the city all around it now. Or to even contrast it to the city as it would have appeared at the time of Christ.

Your 3 questions are very convicting. Even with my best intentions I fall far short. I like the way you describe accountability as a positive thing rather than a negative thing. It's not that I don't want to be accountable to someone - it's the fear that they will reject me and cast me aside. That they would condemn me as unworthy. Never thought of it as support for the times I am weak.





Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2019


Danny, I have found that my accountability group has been an essential part of my walk with Christ. They really help me become all I want to be. You might watch the video on Samaria. It highlights the importance of accountability in our personal lives. God bless you.




Danny on Sep 29, 2019


Thanks I will get there. I'm using your material to teach adult SS. I've been teaching forever but I'm not a "canned" material teacher. I take your video and scripture passages and massage it with some other material into a 45 minute or so class. I'm an IT geek by trade and I've actually gotten this class to be 100% paperless (not really my goal - I'm lazy). I create a Google Doc of the lesson and put all the links into that document, along with Bible passages and even a link your video (I use my account of course). I was able to procure an older SMART board for our church and that's what we use to teach/present the lessons with. Works really well. I'm so pleased with your material.

In the past I've used Ray Vanderlaan's stuff, Paul L. Maier (my son-in-law is a DCE at his church in Kalamazoo, MI) and others. I really like anyone who teaches with a geographical/cultural/Biblical archaeological slant. I've taken a course or two in Hebrew, one from the local synagogue, and I read and study all that I can. I call myself an amateur Biblical archaeologist. Oh, and I've collected some artifacts and Biblical era coins as well. I've also taken some course from edX, the course, "Biblical Archaeology: The archaeology of ancient Israel and Judah", taught by Aren Maeir (leader of the Tell es-Safi dig) was especially good. And of course I'm a subscriber to Biblical Archaeology Review.

Again, thank you for your material and please keep up the good work. Keep my SS class in your prayers and I will continue to pray for your ministry Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2019


I love reading about all that you’re doing, Danny. What a privilege to be a part of your significant ministry. Thanks for including me.




Mary on Jul 16, 2018


I'm just in awe of the photos and your teaching! I can't watch the videos fast enough and can't wait to watch them again and again. I do have a question. Are women allowed to visit the Temple Mount? I've been to the wailing wall in 2016 but we did not have a tour on the Mount. I want to do that next time if I'm able and would like to tour Gihon Spring. Thank you for all you do to teach others God's truth concerning His Holy Land! Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2018


Thank you so much, Mary. Yes, women may visit on top of the Temple Mount itself, though the "modesty" requirements are pretty stringent and any public affection (holding hands or hugging) is prohibited. We go atop the Temple Mount on most all of our tours. Definitely don't miss it next time you go to Jerusalem.




Tammie on Jul 2, 2018


I was here! What an amazing video that shows King Davids palace. Great lesson as well. I learned on this lesson that there are transcripts to download so I won't have to write so much! Very helpful!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2018


That's great, Tammie. The City of David is a site so rich in history and lessons for life. (Glad you noticed the transcripts!) Have you seen the introductory video? It offers a tour of the whole Web site. Thanks.



City of David - How to Keep Your Strengths Away from Your Weakness

Jerusalem’s Holocaust Museum and Burnt House - God Using Us Depends on Two Questions

Maria on Jun 3, 2022


I need to hold tight & do quietness

Eating less

Just what is needed

Expending less on wants & satisfying flesh

Being more generous

Giving more time to elders




Kathy on May 25, 2022


When they read a child from Latvia, It reminded me of my Jewish friend, Leah. I met her while at my doctors appointment. I know now it was God arranged. Please pray for her that she will discover the truth of the Messiah and that Gentiles like me owe so much honor to the Jewish people we meet today.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


I have prayed for Leah, Kathy. Thanks for letting us know about her.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Apr 21, 2022


My counselor used to encourage me to embrace the process. Even today that is still difficult. As a new Christian I must have read about being a disciple of Christ and I wanted that. My life was a challenge and 10 or so years later God asked me, "Do you still want to be my disciple?" I was stunned in hearing this question but after a moment of thought, I responded by saying yes. He has never asked me again and I keep on in Him as He enables me! God is Good.


That was a very sobering video and some are trying to wipe away the historical reality of the holocaust from the pages of history. May it never be. Also, even though Corrine Ten Boom is credited with that famous quote, it came from her sister as Corrie was heading into having a hardened heart. This quote from her sister allowed Corrie a perspective that enabled her to continue on in her walk with God.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


I appreciate your words, Wanda, and especially the reminder of our current age to wipe away our history – especially those portions of it that are not politically correct. Political correctness is an ever-changing glob of opinion — and we will be erecting and demolishing statues in our courthouse squares for generations to come. Israel used to require visiting dignitaries to go to the Holocaust Museum. I think that is a magnificent requirement, as it keeps reality in the history books. Sometimes it is precisely those ugly parts of our history – like slavery in the USA – that we need not forget. Someone once said that whoever forgets history is doomed to repeat it.




Susan on Mar 22, 2022


Most inspiring video yet!! You are helping God prepare us! Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2022


I am thrilled that the video encouraged you and inspired you, Susan. God bless you.




Dorothea on Mar 16, 2022


I knew about the holocaust after ww 2.

I was a child in Berlin, Germany, I never knew what was going on during the war.

I believe my parents did not know either.

I just remember the bombings and our apartment house burning down, when we lost everything. When we walked to my grandparents apartment several streets away, we heard about the 7 civilians killed, my grandmother was injured at that house. After the war we learned in school about the holocaust. It was a terrible time of great suffering. I am now feeling very bad about the invasion in the Ukraine. Praying that God will bring peace quickly. 🙏




Renee (with Gravy) on Mar 17, 2022


Your experience sounds terrible, Dorothea. I praise God that he preserved you through that time.




Janet on Mar 11, 2022


Thank you Wayne,I visited the museum in Israel.I was moved by all of those victims and their deaths.Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I thank our God for you and your ministry janet




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Thank you, Janet. I'm so glad that the video encouraged you, or at least reminded you, of your significant visit to the museum in Jerusalem. May the Lord continue to keep his hand upon you.




Earl Rudman on Feb 24, 2022


As I watched the video of the Children's museum, I wept. And I sat and wondered which of those young souls would have grown to be great leaders in their countries or churches, famed physicians or great musicians. I pray that as I watch what's going on in our world today, that our Lord Jesus will come and save us from a repeat of that horror!

God Bless you Dr. Wayne for your studies and these videos. I know I will never be able to visit the Holy Land, but through these videos I do!.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


You are the reason, Earl, I have created these videos! I am so glad that you get to experience in a virtual since the emotions of what it would be like to be there in person. May the Lord continue to encourage you! God bless you.




Dorothy North on Jul 1, 2022


This is why my husband, Neal, and I are also so very grateful to you, Wayne. Neal just turned 89 and is struggling with ALS, for which there is no cure. I will be 77 in July and I am his primary caregiver. We are not able to travel and always dreamed of going to the Holy Land. We watch your videos every morning after feeding him through a feeding tube and giving his medications, etc. I am watching this at 4AM after checking on him and I couldn’t get back to sleep. Your videos give us hope and strength and peace. They deepen our understanding of the Bible and strengthen our trust in Jesus Christ even when we don’t understand why some things happen. Thank you, Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


Dorothy, your words (and recent email) are THE reason we do this ministry. I'm thrilled that the Lord has blessed and encouraged you so much. May He continue to do so! God bless you.




Joan on Dec 31, 2021


A very impactful video, Dr. Wayne, heartbreakingly so. It's critical we never forget but also to pause and consider the forever-lost potential of those innocent children's lives, to infinity. Thanks so much for offering this video about these two significant museums. Praise the Good Lord He brought the Jewish People back to the Land of Israel! Wishing You and Yours a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


Yes, Joan, those children's lives/deaths are heartbreaking. Israel does a great job of balancing the presentation of truth with the urgency never to forget and never to repeat the holocaust again.




Marilynn on Nov 12, 2021


Thank you for sharing the Children's Museum.

It is very beautiful and haunting at the same time.

So very heartbreaking to think of such young beautiful souls taken long before their time.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video that included the Children's Museum, Marilynn. Indeed it is heartbreaking and also inspiring. Praise God for His sovereign hand.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Evil ways and Evil times makes my body just go in shock with anger and hatred. God teaches me to forgive.......but it is so hard when lives are destroyed for greed, hatred, and jealousy reasons. Many of us live and work and play gently......others play God yet the true God disciplines in HIS time and ways. So hard for me to accept mean people.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


When evil ways and evil people do what they do, our righteous anger honors God. Only the Lord Jesus perfectly balanced a righteous anger with righteous actions. The rest of us tend to goof it up! May God strengthen you to keep the big picture in mind.




Kim on May 28, 2021


We can die more to self each day as we remember the sacrifice Christ made for us on the Cross. Mercy we did not deserve. I am nothing without Him! I can do nothing apart from Him.




Wayne Stiles on May 31, 2021


Well said, Kim. Christ's example is our model to live up to. God bless you.




Loi on Apr 15, 2021


It is sad to see The Children Memorial , Rest in Peace with God who were the victims of Nazi.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


Amen, Loi. Yes, it is a very sad memorial.




Jim on Mar 27, 2021


I now live in Uganda. This past Thursday I was outside Soroti helping a team find a place to drill a well for fresh water. The location brought up the horrors of the holocaust to me as I was talking to the pastor of the church next to their new worship building. The church building is on his ancestral grounds and his village compound is less than 100 yards away. There is a huge mango tree in the courtyard. Pastor Charles told me that in 2003 the brutal, evil Joseph Kony took the compound away from his family and they fled to a refugee camp for protection. Kony and his group murdered scores of people in the area in a reign of terror. He was eventually run off the land and the family, including Pastor Charles were able to return to their village in 2005. They put up a grass hut church then this year they completed the brick building. The connection I saw to your question and the video was Charles and his family chose to come back and what Joseph Kony meant for evil, God, through Charles and his family’s choice meant for good. And when we discovered the best site for the well it was right across from the church entrance less than 100 feet. I could not help but think of John 4 and the Samaritan woman! Here is a place where you can quench your physical thirst and go into the church and receive The Living Water! Thank you for these videos and challenging us to live out our faith and appreciate the lessons God teaches us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


Thank you so much, Jim, for sharing this wonderful story and how you made the connection from the Bible to your current situation. And I especially thank you for serving our Lord Jesus Christ in Uganda! May God continue to strengthen the work of your hands.




Heather on Mar 25, 2021


Wow- that was very powerful, and very sad. Thank you for sharing for those of us that may never get to see it face to face.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


I know what you mean, Heather. The museums are sad but true, and they give us sobering reminders that we must remain willing and available to our God. God bless you.




Barbara on Feb 26, 2021


I’m looking forward to visiting Yad Vashem and The Remebrance Hall. I’ve studied the Holocaust and genocide. It’s so important to never forget the many people who lost their lives due to hatred. The Final Solution was the epitome of evil. Praying for the families who have lost their loved ones during this time..




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


So true, Barbara... Humanity's evil is astounding, but God's grace in Christ is even more amazing. God bless you.




Barbara on Feb 27, 2021


Thank you.. my family is Eastern European Jewish from Minsk, Russia area in Belarus. My immediate family came through Ellis Island in the early 1920s due to persecution and settled in NY and NJ. Many family members from this area and throughout Europe were deported and later perished in the camps. I have their names and where they were deported from and which camp they ended up at. I will bring their names with me to Yad Vashem when I go as a memorial to them.




Bette on Feb 23, 2021


I would love to go to these Museums and learn their history! I loved Corrie ten Boom and the story of her family and her involvement in saving the lives of the Jews, as well as the nurse with her barking dog saving children from the Polish slums, and the man from England who saved children and took them to England and later tried to reunite them with their families if any had survived, and the German who saved as many Jewish prisoners as possible by assigning them to work for him! These are my heroes........the less than 1% who helped the Jewish people during the holocaust!


I would love to visit the museums and Israel, but from what I have seen on your tours, I think it would be too hard for people needing walkers! Have you ever had handicapped people on tours?


I remember one Winter Festival after church when I saw a man sitting alone and decided to sit with him for a few minutes before visiting the festival and food. We talked for awhile, and then he told his life story of being in a death camp as a child during the war and how he was separated from his family and watching as they got in different lines-to live or die. He wanted to go with his family, but someone grabbed him and told him to stay with him and not go where he was suppose to go. A long time later he got sick and a German man saved his life (doctor?) and told him how to get across several countries by himself avoiding spots where the Germans might capture him, and found him a way out of the death camp to freedom. He repeated the story many times and showed me his numbers on his arm to prove his story, and I let him repeat it and just showed my love for him by listening attentively and encouraging him and held his hand as he told of never seeing his family members again. After about 45 minutes + his grandchildren and great grandchildren came to get him and confirmed his story, and started apologizing knowing he probably repeated it over and over, but I stopped them and said it was my privilege to sit and hear his story, and they thanked me for being so kind and loving towards him!.................................I never did get to the festival or eat the food, but I went away thanking God for prompting me to go sit with him and learn first hand what had always touched my heart since I was very little!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021


Yes, Bette, we have had those with some disability attend the tours, but to be honest, you would need to limit your expectations. If you're serious, send me an email and we can chat about more detail. Would love to have you!




Diana on Feb 3, 2021


Yad Veshem was very moving. The Holocaust Museum in Washington DC is of similar quality and experience. I missed Corrie Ten Boom's tree, but we saw Schindler's tree. I was glad to see the replica of the Warsaw Getto mémorial there too. We were in Warsaw and our local guide told us that no one would help the Jews. Not only would you lose your own life and your family's life, but the whole neighborhood or building where you lived would be sent to the gas chambers as well. The price to save Jews was very very high, yet some brave people were willing to do so.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2021


I have never been to Warsaw, Diana, but your description of it gives me chills. What courage beyond belief! Thank you so much for sharing that with me here. God bless you.




Jan on Jan 28, 2021


Thank you for this video, Wayne. Going through Yad Vashem was overwhelming, heartbreaking, emotional & depressing and walking out to see hope was breathtaking. Only 1% of Christians helped the Jews. I am speechless...sigh. But then are even 1% helping unborn children today??? We are to get on that battleship, put on the full armor of God & fight the good fight...we are NOT to get on the Love Boat & be apathetic, remain silent & ignore God's Word.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


Thank you, Jan, for your enthusiasm for all things related to God's Word! I pray He continues to give you the wisdom of balance and passion. What are good and gracious God we serve.




Mary on Jan 28, 2021


No words can truly express what horror they all went through during this evil time. I can imagine just visiting this museum would be so overwhelming heavy and somber on my heart. Thanks for sharing this video to remind us they should not be forgotten. It is heavy on my heart and leaves me at a loss for words to explain how deep this truly is.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


You are right, Mary. Every time I walk through the museum there is a heaviness in my heart. The potential for evil that humanity is capable of is astounding. It takes us back to the pre-flood era where every thought of every person was only evil all the time.


At the same time, this evil context allowed the glory of God's grace to shine in ways that equally astound. I remember reading Joni Eareckson Tada say that "God allows what He hates in order to accomplish what He loves." May the Lord give you comfort as you balance His goodness in the midst of such evil. God wins in the end! (And we with Him.)




Karen on Jan 27, 2021


Wish EVIL was never part of people's lives.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


Yes, Karen, I'm right there with you; I'm so glad of God's promise that one day, He'll deal with evil finally and completely.




Denise on Aug 10, 2020


Thank you for sharing this video. How soon we forget what evil and horror can be done. I'm thankful Isreal has

built a place of remembrance. With the restrictions that have been imposed on us lately, I can see how quickly

Our lives can be overcome. Thank God He never leaves or forsakes us. Thank God for Jesus sacrifice that makes a way of salvation that nothing can over come.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2020


You are so right, Denise. Our lives are very frail— and hang by the thread of God's grace. Places of remembrance are essential. This is one reason I love communion and the regular reading of Scripture. It gives us reminders not only of our frailty but also of God's strength. God bless you.




Lynette on Jul 1, 2020


I cannot imagine that one could walk out of there the same as when they went in. So incredibly sad and thought-provoking!! What am I doing to make a difference? And your questions,..."Am I willing?" "What is my motive?"


I was thinking of Corrie ten Boom right before you showed their tree. I'm so glad that's there. Thank you for this video. Watched with tears and an aching heart.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2020


Yes, Lynette, this museum is powerfully moving. How wonderful that the Lord was able to use Corrie and many others to share the love of Jesus. Only heaven will be able to show us how God used this terrible time for His greater good.




Gloria on Jun 1, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Jun 1, 2020


That's true, Gloria! It would be very long…




Gloria on Jun 1, 2020






Paulette on Jul 20, 2019


Your picture inside the hiding place in the Ten Boom house struck me. The first time I read about the Holocaust was when I was 12 and read the Diary of Anne Frank. I was captivated and impacted. The second book I read about the Holocaust, was the Hiding Place. I still love Corrie Ten Boom - her quotes, the book, the movie, everything I can learn about her life and what she endured and how God took her through so much travesty and heartache at Ravensbruck. She was an awesome woman of God; www.tenboom.com has a virtual tour of each room in the house with family photos and narrative regarding what happened in each room. I found it very absorbing. Thanks for mentioning her on the video. I was so very moved at Yad Vashem the times that I have been there in Jerusalem. It's mind bending at best and heart rending to understand the horror of the Holocaust. It's definitely worth the time to seek it out and experience it for yourself.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2019


Thanks, Paulette. Corrie is a real hero of ours. She was amazing in her passion and commitment to Christ. Such a model of perseverance.




Dawn on May 7, 2019


What is our motive?, I find myself recently, often asking this questions of others based on events happening around me. Thank You Wayne for pointing this out, I will now turn that question to my actions.

I did visit YAD VASHEM but did not get the opportunity to see the whole campus. I am taking notes of other places to visit when I return to Jerusalem. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2019


Yes, Dawn, it's amazing how often our motives are so much more important to God than our actions themselves. Yad Vashem could take a whole day to explore! Like so many places in Israel, all we get so often is just a brief visit. There's so much to see. God bless you.




Cathy on May 3, 2019


Thank you, Wayne, for the reminder to die to self daily and that God will judge my works on the basis of my motive and in whose strength the work was done ... His or mine. It seems that the emphasis today is on much religious activity without regard to how our heart is engaged. But God is not waiting on us to do lots of important work for Him ... He’s waiting on us to die to self so He can work through us.


I visited Israel in 2009 but the Holocaust museum was not included on our itinerary. Thank you for including it here with additional links so I can virtually visit it. It’s horrible to see what we’re capable of doing to other people when we don’t have God in our life or we do but we’re not following Him for a season, like David. And thank you for the accompanying spiritual lesson, which is very timely for me.




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2019


You're welcome, Cathy, and I agree with you that we need the reminder to die to self daily. What a challenge! I have John 7:18 written on my desk to remind me the proper motive for my life and ministry. God bless.




Tammie on May 2, 2019


I went to this museum & you did an amazing job at capturing this very sad place. One inscription I read of a man who wrote during his time of capture is that he 'had lost all hope'. Then you walk out into the daylight & realize how grateful you are to be alive & then again, it makes me wonder if I were back in those times, would I have been one, like Corrie Ten Boom, would I have helped them?

I didn't know Corrie Ten Boom was there, but I did get a picture of Schindler's grave.




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2019


That's great, Tammie, and you're right: it is a profoundly sad place to consider what we are capable of as people. But it's also encouraging to know that the Lord can strengthen us, as He did Corrie's family, to push aside self and be willing to serve and help.




Lydia on May 2, 2019


Those precious children are in the arms of their God. Hallelujah!

I will think of these faces always!




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2019


Yes, Lydia, it is such a moving, moving experience. God bless you.




Keith on May 2, 2019


We went to the Holocaust museum when we were in Israel the first week of April. It is indeed a sad and moving experience, May the world never forget. Have mercy upon us Lord Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2019


What a blessing, Keith, that you included Yad Vashem in your tour to Israel. I try to include it in all my tours as well; it adds so much reality to the biblical history and struggle of the Jews. God bless you.



Jerusalem’s Holocaust Museum and Burnt House - God Using Us Depends on Two Questions

Via Dolorosa - Discovering the True Way of the Cross

Robin on Apr 6


Step by trudging step

He carried the fatal wood.

Pulled from the crowd Simon helped and did the best he could.

But Simon could not take away

our sin and damning pride.

So they pierced Christ’s hands, His feet, His side;

He bowed His head and died.

They sealed the tomb, the deed was done;

To them the case was closed.

But little did they realize

In three days He arose.




Maria on Jun 3, 2022


I know I can go in Gods presence when my tent is not useful… dead.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


We all will go on, Maria, and one day . . . rise again from the dead.




Louis on Apr 27, 2022


Dr. Stiles (Wayne),

In the PDF version of this lesson there is a reference to (Wars, 2.14) which I assume is a reference to the historian Josephus writings. When I look it up on the web it takes me to the University of Chicago site on Josephus mentioning something about War. What do I do with the reference (Wars, 2.14)?





Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2022


Sorry the reference wasn't crystal clear, Louis. You ask a good question. The reference points to Josephus' book on the Jewish Wars, Book 2, chapter 14-- if you look at paragraph 8 you see that the Roman governor set up his tribunal at the palace. See the reference here. Thanks.




Louis on Apr 29, 2022


Thanks Wayne; you reply so quickly!




Donna on Mar 29, 2022


Jesus was willing to walk the road to Calvary "for the joy that was set before Him" in obedience to the will of His Father, as led by Holy Spirit. I know this must be true for me as well. I am willing to walk in obedience to our Heavenly Father, as led by His Spirit day by day, knowing that I am not carrying my cross alone. Jesus lives in my heart by faith, and I am filled with His Holy Spirit who is leading me step by step on the "narrow way that leads to life." I know my sufferings will result in His glory...Himself... being released through my life in greater measure. My cross has brought a greater "death to self" so that His life can more fully indwell my heart. That is the joy I have that is set before me...knowing that my cross leads to the fulfillment of the "mystery" the Apostle Paul spoke of. "Christ in me, hope of glory." That has been, and always will be, worth "dying" for, knowing it leads to an experience of the glory of Christ within me, and being revealed through me in the months/years to come.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2022


Well said, Donna. Indeed, the cross we bear each day can splinter our shoulders, but how helpful it is to remember that Jesus walked this road before us – and for us.




Dorothea on Mar 11, 2022


It was very interesting to hear the different ways of walking in Jesus path. Regardless, the Way to Jesus is by Faith. The most important way is to have faith in the sacrifice Jesus made to redeem us.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Amen, Dorothea. The true path to the cross is ultimately faith.




Joan on Jan 6, 2022


Because we know that Jesus Christ is trustworthy and will deliver us safely to be with Him in eternity, we know that He will only lead us in the way that is best for us! Lead on, O' Lord! This was a very inspiring video!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


What a great way to look at it, Joan. Thank you for sharing.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jan 4, 2022


In my 20's I said I wanted to be a disciple of Christ. On I went. Talk about challenges. Rejections, misunderstandings, etc. About 13 years late I heard God asked me if I still wanted to be His disciple. I was stunned by this question and paused. I had been through so much but as I thought on it, I said, Yes. He has never asked me again and my life of rejections, misunderstandings, etc continues on. I stay in His presence and He coaches me through things.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5, 2022


We all have that path of suffering to walk, don't worry, Wanda? I pray that the Lord continues to give you strength as you take each step each day.




Michael on Aug 6, 2021


I was a bit surpised by the archeological and historical evidence for the Church of the Holy Seplechure being the authentic site for Calvary. What is your take on the alternative sight called "Gordon's Calvary?"




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2021


That is a great question, Michael. I have actually written an entire post as a response. Please check it out here, and let me know if you have any other questions. In short, Gordon's Calvary and the Garden Tomb have have zero tradition to support it — and archaeology contradicts it.




Michael on Aug 7, 2021


I was surprised how much the hillside actually resembles a skull and I thought Gordon may have been right. However, while the Garden Tomb is a beautiful place to meditate on Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, the facts don't support its authenticity. That's a little disappointing to me but I am glad that archaeology and history do support the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as the authentic sight. Its just not quite the place to meditate as you said. Thanks again for helping me gain this fresh insight.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2021


Yes, Michael, the hillside does (or rather, did) look like the eye sockets for a skull. However, in the past 20 years the hillside has eroded, and it no longer has the same appearance. This is another reason to doubt its authenticity, for what is the likelihood that in the last 2000 years there has been no erosion?




Bobbie on Jan 20, 2022


When I walked to both places in Jerusalem: looking at Golgotha - Matt 27:33 and Mark 15:22 and John 19:17, “outside the gate” Hebrews 13:12, and noticing the road next to it, I felt in my heart and spirit this was where he died according to Scriptures. And (the ‘garden’ was nearby -John19:14).

When I visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, I felt confused. Too many people to ponder on this traditional sight.

We may never know where Jesus truly died however, we know he did according to Scripture and what really matters is that He is Risen. “He is not here” Matthew 28:6. My Hope is in Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


Indeed, Bobbie, the most important truth is that He is risen! Still, history and archaeology do offer much credibility and compelling evidence that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the authentic place of Jesus' death and resurrection. I'm with you – the emotions don't line up, but the facts do. Here is a post I wrote that may offer more explanation.




Bobbie on Jan 20, 2022


No wonder I felt confused in The Church of the Holy Sepulcher - there is similarities to the outdoor Garden Tomb and Golgotha. At the Church it is very difficult to see all that is there, where at the Garden and Golgotha outside the walls it is very visible. On our tour we did not have enough time to stand in line for The Church of the Holy Sepulcher to be able to see it all. All we had time for was to walk around on our own for 15 minutes. Wow, did we miss out!! 😞. Great post you wrote by the way. I’m still confused by it all. But not my Savior. 😀🙏




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


I try hard daily to find the simplest ways to help people and enjoy peace each day. When my days go wild......I ask Jesus to help me calm situations down and then He and I enjoy peace together after all is calm again.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


Carrying our cross each day is a tough assignment, Karen. I appreciate your strategy of connecting with Christ during those moments when you need peace. Thank you.




Jennifer on May 1, 2021


Every time I think something is too hard or difficult, I think of the cross Jesus carried. It reminds me that we all have our crosses to carry, but none as heavy as His. So if Jesus did it, I can too and how could I dishonor Him by not.




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2021


What a wonderful application, Jennifer! Thank you so much for sharing that. I am in awe of you that the cross of Christ is such a magnificent motivation for you. God bless you.




Jim on Apr 2, 2021


As I prepare to make Uganda our home for a while, I am reminded it is not easy. So many conveniences left behind and so many challenges ahead as we share Jesus with these precious people. Right now my wife and I are apart as I have gone ahead to prepare the way. Sickness, no electricity, no water, no internet have become sporadic realities. However bearing these “crosses” only accentuates the real purpose to be here - to follow Jesus and to gladly give my daily life so the precious children and people of Uganda will get to know Jesus as their savior!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Jim, I continue to applaud your labor for the Lord and your many sacrifices for Him in this current life. How much you have to look forward to! I pray He continues to keep you close to Him and that you continue to find your greatest joy in HIM. God bless you, my brother.




Eileen on Mar 24, 2021


We were there for a whirlwind 3 days. Had aJewish guide who had done his homework. I was so disappointed because it looked so “manufactured” and because of the disagreements between the churches over “rights”. Your research and explanations helped me see with new eyes. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


I know what you mean, Eileen. Three days? Wow… That is a whirlwind! I am so glad that the videos are offering some additional insights. God bless you.




Bettie on Mar 20, 2021


Question, was the place where the Church of the Holy Seplicure outside of the city at the time Jesus was crusified?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2021


Great question, Bettie. Yes, the Holy Sepulcher area was outside the wall during the time of Christ. In the second century, an additional wall was built that enclosed the area.




Mary on Jan 28, 2021


Thank you for this video as I hope some day I get the chance to walk the path of Jesus in the holy land. When you Guide tours through the holy land which path do you take people?

Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins and this helps me know that God Will always be with us and never leave us. He is always there for us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2021


Indeed, Mary, it is wonderful to walk some of the places Jesus walked in Jerusalem. When I lead tours, we walk bits and pieces of both of these pathways. However, I explain how history points to one as credible and as the other as merely traditional. Nevertheless, it is a powerful experience – and I hope you will join me!




Diana on Jun 16, 2020


Unfortunately, The Via Dolorosa was my second least favorite experience in Jerusalem. (Church of the Nativity was my least.) The peddlers and mobs of people pushing us up the stairs ruined the spiritual component. We saw the line into The Church of the Holy Sepulcher and decided not to go in. We looked around the courtyard and the outskirts of the church. There was a Greek Orthodox Processional when we were there, which was interesting. My husband and one of the priests had a conversation and took a selfie comparing their long beards lol.


I enjoyed watching your video, as always, giving me the second chance to meditate on the Lord as it was intended. I really liked what you said: "Carrying the cross is not extra credit!"




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2020


Yes, Diana, unfortunately, the Via Dolorosa is ground zero for marketing in Jerusalem. I'm sorry your experience was so unpleasant. But hey, at least it helps to know that isn't the true way of the cross. :-) If you ever get to go again, try the Holy Sepulcher Church early, early in the morning. It's peaceful and quiet and contemplative. My favorite time to be there.




Rhodora on May 30, 2020


Just wondering...how were you able to film with hardly anyone in the VD? When I visited on the week of Passover the via was hardly passable...is this unusual?




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020


Great question, Rhodora. There aren’t many people up at 6 AM! Also, we weren’t there during Passover —which is the busiest time for Christians. 😄




Paulette on Jul 19, 2019


I have always felt that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the top candidate for the site of the crucifixion. I did know that there had been a pagan temple built there at on time to destroy the site because of Christian connotations. My Jewish guide on my 1st visit to Jerusalem said that their stories that were passed down to determine the site of Calvary was told to Helena. They took her right to the place. It was their oldest understanding and knowledge of the place. And thus, the place of the current church. I am glad that you think this is a good probability. I have had a lot of bad feed back when I tell people the very history that you told in this video. It's kind of comforting to know that someone else feels the same. Thanks for sharing.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2019


Sure, Paulette. It's true that the best credible history points to the Holy Sepulcher as the location. Feelings may point elsewhere, but there really are no other legitimate options. God bless.




Dick on Apr 25, 2019


I really enjoyed the message, gives me faith to continue to carry my cross, and looking for a worthwhile mission for Christ




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2019


Yes, Dick, what a great perspective. He carried His cross-- and how tough it was! Inspiring for sure. Thanks for your words.




Tammie on Apr 19, 2019


I was here!!! I did not know the history behind this! Thank you!!! Will walk this path again in 3 weeks with a new perspective!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2019


So glad, Tammie, that you'll be able to walk the road with some true knowledge of the history associated with it. Have a great time!



Via Dolorosa - Discovering the True Way of the Cross

Garden of Gethsemane - How to Find Peace like Jesus

Robin on Apr 6


The sorrow was great, the agony real.

Tears were shed, blood drops fell.

“The cup You have given Me weighs a ton.

But not My will; Yours be done.”




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 16


After Grandma Hazel went to heaven on Feb 12, 1983 (same date 2/12 as Brother Lawrence & Fanny Crosby) my life was radically changed on 3/28/1983. I am getting ready to celebrate my 50 years of Salvation and my 40th year of walking with Him!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16


That calls for some cake, coffee, and hallelujahs. :-) God has certainly been good to you, Wanda.




Chad Bunnell on Feb 22, 2022


Will watch later Wayne,,, so busy out here trucking ,,, like Adrian Rogers said “if the devil can’t make us bad he will make us busy“

Thanks so much later. Chad




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2022


That's the great about these videos, Chad; they are always there to come back to! Stay safe and God bless you.




Gary on Jan 14, 2022


it will be a while before i can travel anywhere with all these mandates

discrimination against those who don't need to be vaxed. we have to wait for political power to be swapped over before life can return to normal travel. i will have to watch videos for a while yet. a visit to America is first on my bucket list.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2022


I am so glad, Gary, that the videos fill a need in your desire to travel. I pray that they continue to encourage you! God bless you.




Bonnie on Jan 6, 2022


Thank you for these amazing tours and biblical accounts that bring it to life!! I am moved by them over and over again!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2022


Thank you, Bonnie! What a blessing that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. Thank you.




Kay on Nov 18, 2021


I was blest to visit Israel in 2014 and kneeled at the rock where Jesus may have prayed. I don't remember any hinderance to touching the rock, and I cried at the thought that this could be the very place where Jesus shed those drops of blood for me and all sinners. The rock was smooth from what I imagined was due to the many hands caressing that rock. The whole experience is still as fresh to me today as it was then, praise God. Thank you, Wayne, for all of your videos.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2021


I know what you mean, Kay. That beautiful church in Gethsemane is special and commemorates well the anguish and surrender our Lord Jesus made for us that night in prayer. I am so glad that you were able to go there – and I am thrilled that the videos are helping you to relive your significant journey. God bless you.




Kay on Nov 18, 2021


Thank you, He has! Continued blessings to you, too.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Faithfulness comes easy for me because I have had great teachers, parents, Leaders who were faithful to one person, to their jobs, to their churches, to their communities to make Progress progress. They stick with things even when things look doom and gloom. They seek answers to help turn things out for the better. I walk away when no progress and perseverance is strong. I have left many organizations because nothing seemed to ever change. We must seek new horizons of betterness in order to have more complete legacies of success in our lives. I believe in doing our best and let God handle the rest.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


What a blessing that the Lord has surrounded you with great teachers, parents, and leaders. Such a rich heritage for you, Karen…




Donna on Jul 13, 2021


I am so grateful that God has given us the technological tools and that He speaks through individuals such as yourself. Slowly, I am soaking in God’s Word, Biblical history, and the related sites. Each morning, I look forward to spending quality time with Our Lord. Thank you for your contributions. Your work truly blesses me.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 13, 2021


Donna, I am so grateful to God that He is encouraging you through the Scriptures and through these videos. I pray that He continues to do so! God bless you.




Teresa on Apr 2, 2021


My parents were going to let me go to Israel with a group when I was 13 years old. We were scheduled to leave June 5, 1967. Needless to say we didn’t leave for Israel that day because that was the first day of the 6 Day War. It was 51 years later before I actually got to go to Israel in 2018, but I wanted to go so badly all those years. When I came home in 2018, I was going to make plans to go again but COVID happened. I signed up for Walking the Biblelands at the beginning of the pandemic and it has been such a blessing as many times we were unable to attend church. Watching your videos are the next best thing to bring there. I have also learned a lot from your teachings on your podcast. Thanks so much for all your hard work.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


How wonderful, Teresa, that you finally got to go to Israel! If you're still wanting to return again, I invite you to come with me. I have several upcoming tours. God bless you.




Friend on Apr 1, 2021


Thank you very much Wayne, for the good work your are doing; the video of the Garden of Gethsemane is an awesome site, amazing, and truly captivating, my imagination is running wild, and l can't stop replaying it, just picturing myself in the same spot that our Lord and Saviour Jesus was kneeling, praying and agonising alone: What a wonderful way the Lord is using you to touch the world, and to revive His people: May the good Lord continue to use you, and also sustain this vision.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Your words mean much to me, Ihuoma. Thank you for your encouragement. I'm also thrilled that God has blessed you with Walking the Bible Lands; may He continue to do so!




Sharyl on Mar 22, 2021


I visited Israel 20 years ago and remember the Garden of Gethsemane. I would love to take a trip with you, Wayne.

God bless you..




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2021


What an amazing blessing you had, Sharyl, to visit Israel 20 years ago. Seems like yesterday, doesn't it? My first trip to Israel was almost that long ago—in the year 2000. So much has changed since then! I would love to have you join me on one of my upcoming tours. You can see all of the information on this page. Please join me! God bless you.




Steven on Apr 18, 2020


Love these videos Wayne! They are a part of my morning ritual. This was #75 of 175 I believe. I remember the Garden, the olive trees and the beautiful Church of the Nations very well. Such a refreshing revisit to Israel - some places I've been and some I've not. No need to reply. Just wanted to express my appreciation for your work.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2020


I do appreciate your gracious words, Steven. What a privilege it is to be part of your morning ritual! God bless you as you serve him.




Estrella on Nov 1, 2018


Thank you again, Wayne for your wonderful insight. Through your sermons, I believe many people get their eyes opened and have their faith and trust in God more solid.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 1, 2018


Thank you, Estrella. That is my prayer precisely. God bless you.




Brenda on Nov 1, 2018


Thank you. I have a daughter needing to make the right decision right now. I woke up last night praying for her and asked her through text to come home so that I could talk to her. The moment I sent the text (2 am) she came through the door. I refrained from saying much - wrestled to go back to sleep - and woke up with trusting God for opportunity this morning and an idea of giving her my gift of the widows mite from our trip to her with words that I believe God has placed on my heart. . I thought of your words on our trip- “Contentment comes from security.” Our security comes from our Shepherd, Jesus. She needs that security.


This video gives me much to think about when I talk to her about decisions. All decisions have consequences. I am so thankful for Christ’s decision to give himself for me - a very desperate sinner. Pray this morning that God would move. Just as the widow trusted God in her poverty and gave all she had, I too must trust God in my life, giving my youngest to the Lord to do as he will. I’m excited to learn more and more as I watch these videos and reflect on our recent trip. Than you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 1, 2018


I'm praying for your daughter, Brenda. If you've not yet seen the video on The Wilderness - Enjoying Security from the Good Shepherd, you might find some encouragement there. It goes deeper into the "security" theme. God bless you.



Garden of Gethsemane - How to Find Peace like Jesus

Israel Museum Virtual Tour

Tammie on Jan 15


Just amazed at the well done job you did here Wayne! How did I miss this one?

I am so grateful for your knowledge & willingness to share this information!

Just makes me want to go back once more!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


I'm thrilled, Tammie, that you enjoyed the Israel Museum video. :-) I have multiple and different tours upcoming to Israel. I would love to have you join me for one! See them all here.




Juanita on Aug 18, 2022


Loved this virtual tour!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2022


What a blessing, Juanita, that the Israel Museum tour encouraged you. It's really good to hear from you! God bless you.




Juanita on Aug 19, 2022






Debra Davis on Jun 29, 2022


Thank you Wayne for such a wonderful display and understanding of these artifacts when my son asked me How do I know there’s really a god this is great example about artifacts so wonderfully done




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2022


Indeed, Debra, it is wonderful to be able to point to physical, actual things that support the Scriptures. I pray that your son deepens in his love and devotion to Jesus Christ.




Debra Davis on Jun 30, 2022


Thank you.




Joan on Jan 20, 2022


What a great 'tour' you led us on, as an introduction to one of the world's richest historical museums! It has whetted my interest in exploring the Israel Museum online with its vast collections of archaeological finds! I must say I'm underwhelmed by the tiny square footage allotted to Jesus Christ; but the four treasures in that corner are thunderous: Caiaphas' lavish ossuary, the only archaeological mention of Pontius Pilate, and the only artifact proving barbarous practice of crucifixion by the Romans! Speaking of "only's", the only archaeological proof that King David existed on the Dan Stele lies in the Museum--*awesome*!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


I am glad, Joan, that the Israel Museum virtual tour was an encouragement to you. Aren't those artifacts magnificent? God bless you.




Barbara on Jan 9, 2022






Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Awesome history there! Thank you for your helpful and Leadership in this tour blessing.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the virtual tour through the Israel museum. There is such history there and wonderful support for the Scriptures.




Bette on May 21, 2021


I loved seeing your quick tour through the museum. I tried to figure out how to see more (without a mouse) on my iPad and did see a few more things, but could not get the descriptions of the objects.


I was impressed with all the proofs of the existence of people found in our Bible. I did not know that they thought King David was a myth before finding that one proof about the House of David! Through the ages, groups have tried to destroy the history of other cultures, and it is sad to see it is now happening here in the US as they destroy historic places and statues and wipe out the true history as if it never happened, or change it to what they want others to believe! I am glad that there are people who are dedicated to discovering the truth of the Biblelands in finding and reading descriptions of people and places from ancient times buried beneath thousands of years’ layers of ruins!




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


Absolutely yes, Bette. I love that quote that says that when we ignore history we are doomed to repeat it. How essential that we learn from the past! God bless you.




David on Sep 10, 2019


Thanks Wayne. I've just gotten around to watching our tour of the Israel Museum. Think I'll use this tool to plan my next trip to the museum as I haven't been there in several years. Very helpful. Thanks again!

David Wallace




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2019


This tour has served me well, David, in leading whirlwind tours of the museum; I usually allow 20-30 minutes after the Dan Stele for free time to look around. God bless.




Karen on Dec 20, 2018


For those of us who will never be able to make it to Jerusalem to see these things, thank you so much. On my phone I can’t read what many of these items are, does the computer help to read some of the plaques better? I did jump through walls and floors, lol, glad you explained how to get back. Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 20, 2018


Yes, Karen, the computer screen makes it much easier to navigate and read the text. So glad you were able to take this virtual tour-- even on your phone! Amazing...




Melinda on Sep 30, 2018


My daughter and I so enjoyed this revisit to one of our favorite stops when we were in Israel. This mini tour brought a couple of questions up though. When we were at the temple, our guides mentioned the temple stone, referenced as the trumpeting (?) stone, as the likely place that Satan tempted Jesus to throw Himself down. Do you agree with this suggestion? Also, you mentioned the ramp at Lachish as one of the only ones in Israel. Is there also one at Masada? We seem to remember there being one there as well. It really is incredible to think of all the evidence that has been found to support the people and the events in the Bible. Thank you for teaching us one more way to visit them often. :)




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2018


Great questions, Melinda! The pinnacle of the Temple was either the southwest corner (where the trumpeting stone fell) or the southeast corner near the Kidron Valley. There's no real way to know for sure. As far as the Lachish ramp, although there are a number of siege ramps found, the Lachish siege ramp is the only excavated ramp in the near east.




Melinda on Oct 1, 2018


Thank you so much for your response and for the clarifications.




Cerese on Sep 29, 2018


Loved this visual tour of the museum. I was there in 2014. You did a great job of navigating us through on Google Maps as I find this very tricky to use. It is wonderful seeing these in the museum and I have experienced the sites while in Israel. This was great, thank you so very much.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2018


So glad you enjoyed the tour, Cerese! Google Maps is amazing (when it works). :-) Thanks so much.




Bruce on Sep 28, 2018


Excellent presentation Wayne. I think I have enjoyed today's presentation the best of all that we have seen since the beginning. Or maybe I just like museums? Great tour today.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2018


Yes, Bruce! I'm with you. I like museums as well; I could spend LOTS of time in the Israel Museum, but time is always so short. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for your words.




Steve on Sep 27, 2018


This was great Wayne. Thank you for sharing and teaching. I visited the Israel Museum in 2014. Your video brought back many fond memories of my trip. Keep up the great work. You are making a difference in peoples lives. Best Wishes. Steve Heston




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2018


Thank you, Steve. Your words mean very much to me! So glad the video brought back some fond memories.




Keith on Sep 27, 2018


Really enjoyed this. We are going back to the Holy Land in March of 2019 and this time we will be able to visit the Israel Museum.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 28, 2018


That's wonderful, Keith. I'm glad you'll get to visit the museum. I hope you get to see some of these finds in the video. I have a tour going in March as well. Maybe we'll bump into each other!



Israel Museum Virtual Tour

Mount of Olives Ascension Churches - Finding Hope When You Need it Most

Celia on Apr 13


Hi Wayne,


I am so glad to have signed up and be able to see the Biblical sites and the history behind them. Missed some of the 4 episodes during the Holy week.

In the last video on Christ Resurrection and God sending us the Helper, the Holy Spirit.. i do so believe and see his presence in my circumstances and yet as i share to friends and acquaintance with doubting hearts - we must acknowledge the Holy Spirit, that He is for real, He is God in our eartly realm... i hear skepticism... so I keep on praying ..




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14


I'm so glad that Walking the Bible Lands is encouraging you, Celia. It the friends you're sharing with about the Holy Spirit are not yet believers, perhaps its best to wait on sharing such deep truths until the simplicity of the gospel message has taken root in their hearts. First things first... :-) God bless you.




Ty on Mar 25


Wonderful to see this video again and be reminded again and again of God's faithfulness in restoring His creation to the order He designed it to be. There is such a feast of learnings and remindings in this video to be encouraged by in living out our life, 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25


What a wonderful hope we have—our coming resurrection with Jesus. I look forward to being there with you, Ty!




Ron on Feb 20


Dr. Stiles, I purchased and continue watching the Walking the Bible Lands videos regularly. I have enjoyed getting to know the area that I have all my life imagined as I have read the scriptures. I am a Pastor of a small Christian Church. I would like to show these videos during our Wednesday night Bible studies and lead our congregants in a Bible discussion. What do I need to do to legally have permission to show the videos for this purpose. Sincerely, Dr. Ron Byrd, Pastor Pleasant Hill Christian Church, Benson, NC (rbyrd1565@gmail.com)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21


Good to hear from you, Ron. You're welcome to show the videos (during your Bible study) from your own account; just don't share your login info with others. God bless you in your significant ministry.




Ron on Feb 21


Dr. Stiles, I appreciate your very quick response. I know our congregation will enjoy our Bible studies even more as we connect the videos to the scriptures on a weekly basis. God bless you for your willingness to share the Biblical insight that your videos bring to the study of God's Word. May God continue to bless you and your very unique ministry, Pastor Ron Byrd




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


You're welcome, Ron. If I can ever help you, please let me know. God bless you.




Steve Johnson on Feb 8


Wonderful to see the Mr. of Olives and to know that, when Jesus returns to set up his Kingdom (after the tribulation), He will descend to that place. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is prophesied that the mountain will cleave apart when He lands there, right?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


You're exactly right, Steve. Check out Zechariah 14:4.




Ty on Jan 18


Nice to be reminded once again in this video of God's faithfulness and Jesus's trust, passion, and love in His Father, who Jesus says is our Father too. The Father reciprocates His love to us in the power of the internalised gift (Holy Spirit) given to every believer who enters this Oneness of love. I am reminded of Romans 8:31-39


Nothing can separate us from the love of God because the more than a conqueror lives in us. I can't, but God can, and He is more than willing to do so for those who believe, trust, and obey.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Isn't that a wonderful promise, Ty? Nothing can separate us. Absolutely nothing...




Debra on Jun 15, 2022


I sure do thank you for spending your time and money making these videos. I’ve enjoyed them for over a year now. I watch these and listen to your podcast. They are wonderful. God bless you.

-Debra Burkett, RN.

Stockbridge, Ga.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


What a blessing, Debra, to have journeyed together through these biblical sites this past year. I am excited to continue the journey! Thank you for letting me know how much the Lord has encouraged you. God bless you.




Sandi on Feb 14, 2022


Our blessed hope, our own assention! I am looking forward to this more & more every day!




Joan on Jan 27, 2022


The Good Lord Himself gives me hope! Additionally, God's Word gives me great hope for my Eternity with Him, when my assignment here is complete (which I hope is a long way off .. at age 77 ha)! Also my family, church friends, pastors, and leaders, all are an inspiration and comfort for my hope! This was a wonderful overview about the Mount of Olives, the Ascension, and our hope in Jesus Christ, Who modeled for us the reward we will have one day with and in Him, as we sing shouts of praise and honor and glory to the All-Wise King of Kings forever!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2022


Yes, Joan, we have a tremendous hope in Jesus. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Jan 24, 2022


Yes my hope is for me to go to Heaven and be with Jesus. Actually I never thought of it as ascension. I hope and continue to pray that I will be worthy.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Rosemarie, you need not pray that you will be worthy. If you have placed your faith in Jesus, you are as worthy as Him, because His righteousness is given to you in total.




Ty on Dec 17, 2021


I (we) have lots to learn, grow and mature this side of eternity


John 14:6 ‘Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.’

The way:

Jesus came from heaven, walked the earth and when back to heaven. Jesus is the way.


The truth:

Jesus said in John 18:37 ‘I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth.’

Not believing the truth we are reminded in Galatians 4:16 ‘Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth.’


The life:

John 10:10 ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I (Jesus) come/came that they (the believers in Him) may have life and have it to the full.


Matthew 28:20 ‘And lo, I am (God) with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen’


There’s more coming than our time in this world. If we only believe and trust in this world then we have no hope, but the Christian Hope is based on a Person (Jesus Christ) a certainty as He is eternal. Matthew 28:18 ‘Then Jesus came to them and said, “all authority in heaven and on earth have been given to me.”


Jesus is the wonderful hope to have and believe in as this time in the here and now for all of us is limited.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2021


I like the verses you added to Jesus' familiar designations of Himself as the Way, the Truth, the Life.




Dawn on Oct 12, 2021


I have missed watching the videos and so today I am home watching Jerusalem extended tour. My right arm/shoulder has "frozen shoulder' so I can't play my instruments or share music. In these and all times my hope is in the Lord, on going to Heaven and being with my Lord. I hope I am worthy.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2021


Dawn, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior-- you have all you need. You are worthy because His righteousness is given to you completely. You needn't wonder if you're worthy. Rest assured.




Dawn on Oct 12, 2021


Thank you, Wayne. I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a child and that was decades ago.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


The Song The Solid Rock comes to mind. Hope is in His Righteousness Indeed.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


That is a great song, isn't it? Our hope is built on nothing less than His righteousness alone. Amen!




Karen on Jun 17, 2021


Very awe inspiring the parallel of Jesus' ascension to our ascension to come! Tha k you, Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


So glad, Karen, that the Ascension video encouraged you. It is my hope! God bless you.




Judy on Apr 29, 2021


I love how you connect the dots concerning Christ's ascension. I never looked at it this way before. I took His resurrection, ascension, and intercession as kind of separate points or events, not really seeing the flow and connections. His ascension was something I took for granted, but now I see the fuller picture. And, oh, what a great hope we have! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


Isn't it wonderful, Judy, when the Lord brings together a bunch of truths/events we had learned and strings them as one new thought? I am thrilled that this video helped do that alongside you. May the Lord continue to give you hope! God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on Apr 22, 2021


As much as going home to be with His Father brought Jesus joy, I think that Jesus was also thinking about having us (the church) as His bride. That is why I look at the groom instead of the bride as she walks down the aisle at a wedding. I think the look on the groom's face has to be much like how Jesus looks, thinking of us coming to be with Him some day. Knowing that Jesus and the Holy Spirit (Romans 8) are praying for me gives me great hope!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Great insight, Kathy. So true! I guess a more biblical-type wedding would be for the bride to be waiting up front and the groom to enter! God bless you.




Rhodora on May 30, 2020


Glory to God... it is not by coincidence that I got to view this today, the day before Pentecost Sunday 2020.

Connecting the dots... Acts 2 the promised gift in Matthew 24 manifested in the upper room, believers endued with"power from on high" to be witnesses... now the blessed hope to be with God when Jesus ascended. What an awesome revelation!!




Wayne Stiles on May 30, 2020


It really is a great time of year to ponder the ascension, isn’t it? I appreciate you pointing that out. I can’t imagine how awesome it was to see Jesus ascending! 😄




Rick on Sep 9, 2018


Wayne, I'm not finding the resource on the five benefits of the Ascension that you mentioned in the video. Could you help me?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2018


Thanks for asking, Rick. My apologies! I have corrected the link by adding the download to the sidebar for easy access. Thanks for pointing that out! God bless.



Mount of Olives Ascension Churches - Finding Hope When You Need it Most

Jerusalem's Ritual Baths - and Our Baptism in Jesus

Steve Johnson on Apr 12


Very Insightful. I have been teaching for years that baptism means to identify with. I was so glad that you said that. What grace, that He forgives the sins we don't remember to confess!!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12


That's right, Steve. His grace is simply magnificent.




Ty on Jan 19


Seek ye first, how far does one have to travel to be in God's presence? If God is, indeed, inside all believers as He has promised in the giving of the Spirit, then not very far. It is always great to be reminded in the places we travel of our personal relationship with our Creator God.


The two most important places where God exists, in my opinion, is heaven and inside a believer, Omnipresence, all present/ever present. That brings us into His Omniscience, His all knowing of His awareness (including living in us), leading to begin to appreciate His Omnipotence, His all Almightiness, to what He says He is in being Omnibenevolence, He is the all Good God.


Like everyone else, I tend to forget if I don't practice things, so these reminders (these ordinances) give me reflection time to remember why I chose the life I live out.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


So true, Ty. These ordinances give us wonderful reasons to stop, pause, and ponder, the great grace of God.




Ty on Jan 19


From one who has had some military training and experience and has a little appreciation of Matthew 8:5-14 - the faith of the centurion.


Ordinance definition in a military sense = military supplies including weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and maintenance tools and equipment. The natural reminds us of the spiritual. Ephesians 6:12 our struggles are not against ... but against. Therefore, our weapons and other military supplies are of the spiritual 2 Corinthians 10:4 kind.


An ordinance is given to someone to deliver a strong impactful effect, a blow to the enemy. Every Christian has God's gift of heaven on earth inside them to deliver an ordinance; a strong effect, a blow to the enemy. God's entire church needs to remind ourselves of Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27 in binding the strong man in releasing our ordinances to be blessed in being a blessing to Him who created us and to His creation who we have been given stewardship over. In doing that John 10:10 become real in our understanding and appreciation. The distractor and deceiver can be bound and our life 'in Him, in Christ', can be realised. Blessings, Bro




Debra on Jan 3


It makes me homesick to return to Israel. I have been blessed to travel there twice. There is so much to learn.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4


I know what you mean, Debra. Israel is a magnificent journey. If you ever consider going again, I invite you to come with me. I also have trips for those who have been before that allow you to see places most first-timers don't see. God bless you. You can see my upcoming tours here.




Roseanne on Oct 13, 2022


This beautiful video was a bit choppy, but I got through it. Thank you.




Kristian on Dec 30, 2022


I got that too. But when I took it from full screen to normal it stop being choppy.




Sheron Keeling on Jun 21, 2022


John 16:12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear". I know that I have mentioned my trip to the Holy Land. As I reflect through my pictures, some places I am totally award of, and some places were not clear. After watching this presentation today, I have clear knowledge of going to the Ritual Baths in Jerusalem, I took tons of pictures, and looking at this message, it is so profound, we took basically the same pictures. Now I am aware of that location. I just can't tell you enough, just how blessed I have been with Walking the Bible Lands and learning so much more. I am truly blessed beyond words! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


What a blessing, Sheron, that these videos remind you of your own significant journey to Jerusalem. I pray that the Lord would continue to powerfully encourage you as you watch each video.




Ginny on Jun 9, 2022


I am attending an evangelical church that only has communion 4 times a year and feel like I am starving!

In a previous church communion was every week.

Thank you for all of your videos and teachings. I’m learning so much. God bless!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


Indeed, Ginny, different traditions have different times for communion. Quarterly does seem a bit too few, and weekly can seem a bit repetitive and rote. Such a challenge to balance it all… God bless you.




Tog on Apr 21, 2022


Wayne, this is so inspiring. Remembering leaving prayers in the wall, the Jordan river, seeing the Halda gates, takes me back to Jerusalem. thank you for all you do. you are a light to the world.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Thank you, Tog, for your gracious words. I'm so glad that the video on the ritual baths was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Bobbie on Feb 17, 2022


Oh what a wonderful video. Message so powerful. Looking at the Jordan River, Western Wall where I prayed takes me back. And your right the ritual baths are everywhere in Israel. I did not know about the 3000 ritual baths location. That is awesome. Love the Scriptures with this video. Especially 1John 1:9. Thank you Wayne for this remarkable video and scripture lesson. Love it!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed the ritual baths video, Bobbie. Indeed, it's wonderful to be able simply to confess and to be back in fellowship with God.




Joan on Feb 4, 2022


Wonderful video! Participating in Communion reinforces my commitment to following Jesus Christ and gives me a stronger connection to Him. It's a recommitment for me!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2022


That's right, Joan. Communion is designed by Christ to reconnect us to those essential beliefs of our faith.




Hal Warren on Jan 3, 2022


Thanks for the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost, Shavuot) probable location of baptism! I humbly share the following in return. I have heard many times during the Lord's Supper the expression "His body was broken for you." I said that before myself. The truth is that is not in the Bible:


While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat, this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26 NET)

While they were eating, he took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it. This is my body.”

(Mark 14:22 NET)

Then he took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19 NET)

Is not the bread that we break a sharing in the body of Christ? (1 Corinthians 10:16 b NET)


Although Jesus broke the bread to share it with the apostles, His body was never broken (John 19:31-37. Psalms 34:20). Certainly, His body was bruised beyond recognition but not one bone of his body was broken even as the Passover lamb, which was a type of Jesus God’s Lamb (John 1:29,36), was not to have any broken bones (Exodus 12:45-51. Numbers 9:12. 1 Corinthians 5:7). Furthermore, this was true of all Old Testament sacrifices of Levitically clean animals, which were required to be killed by the shedding of blood and not like unclean animals killed by breaking their bones (Exodus 13:13). Thanks, again for the learning!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


Great points, Hal. Thanks for including these. I hope that most (thinking) people don't mean broken bones in reference to Jesus, but use the phrase as a euphemism for His flesh which was shredded all over His body. Still, we could be more accurate. Amazing how easily these phrases slip into our rituals, isn't it?




Hal Warren on Jan 3, 2022


Yes, I have handled the types of Jesus in the Old Covenant loosely in the past. However, I chose to learn from Moses' mistake. Moses struck the rock twice, thus affecting a type of Jesus in the plan of salvation, costing him going into the promised land until the transfiguration. Jesus, the Rock of our salvation, was struck once by the crucifixion, and water (including blood) came forth. God the Father "spoke" to the Rock on the third day (as there was no need to strike or crucify Him again as the price for our sin was paid once and for all, hallelujah!), and Jesus, our living water, came forth out of the grave! Consequently, I desire to get the types correct, not for legalistic reasons, but rather to bring glory to God our Father by lifting up His unique Son, Jesus the Messiah, and their beautiful plan for our salvation.




Patti on Dec 4, 2021


It reminds us that we are to be holy like He is and to do the Fathers will like He did.




Ken on Nov 11, 2021


Wayne, The Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast will be held in Dallas March 24-25. I will send you the website information when site is up.


Ken Newberry




Wayne Stiles on Nov 11, 2021


Thank you, Ken.




Dawn on Oct 12, 2021


Wonderful and so much material, so much to remember. I will be watching more. I was speaking to a friend about confession. I will tell her it is a 'renewal of our relationship with God.' She has a problem with the Catholic view of confession, confession to a priest. I think that is difficult for many. Confession to God in our heart is quite another thing, and really God knows all. But speaking aloud to a human what we are sorry for brings a new dimension. It says my confidence is in the Lord that, if I am truly repentant, and determined to work at not repeating my 'sin' the Lord will hear my prayer and forgive me and give me strength to not sin again. What do you think?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2021


Indeed, Dawn, there is no need to confess to a priest in order to be forgiven. Scripture teaches that nowhere. Instead, Scripture tells us: “There is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). The beauty of 1 John 1:9 tells that if we confess, we are forgiven. We take it a day at a time...




Jeanne on Jul 16, 2021


I liked how you take on the characteristics of what you are immersed into. I never looked at baptism in that way before. I have been baptized a few times and I meant it to either please some people or to recommit my life. I wonder sometimes if I have been wrong in my treatment of baptism. I will remember this way of looking at it.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2021


That's right, Jeanne. Biblical baptism has as its sole purpose a public testimony of your faith in Christ. You only need to do it once. :-) God bless you.




Karen on Jul 15, 2021


Refreshing the mind, body and spirit with the Trinity as Our Leader. Such an awesome feeling!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2021


You are really working your way through these videos today, Karen! Good for you.




Hayden on May 15, 2021


1 John 1:9 is a great comfort.




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


Amen, Hayden. That beautiful verse in 1 John is such a comfort, isn't it? May the Lord bless you and your fellowship with Him.




Kathy Haecker on Apr 29, 2021


I loved the part about "taking on the characteristics" of what we are immersed into. Since we are now baptized with the Holy Spirit, we take on His characteristics! Also, communion gives me opportunity to confess that Jesus forgave my sins (past, present, and future) at the Cross and is a celebration!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


What a wonderful insight, Kathy! I appreciate you adding this here. God bless you.




Norene on Dec 7, 2019


Wayne this video really touched my heart. The actual door that Jesus May have touched and the ritual baths that brought to mind my own baptism I loved seeing so many waiting to be baptized in the Jordon. Thank you for bringing to life these precious truths




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2019


Thank you, Norene. I'm so glad the ritual baths video encouraged you. Yes, it's surreal to see that door stone by the Temple Mount where Jesus passed. Our faith occurred in real time and space! So amazing.... God bless you.




Beverly on Dec 5, 2019


Loved this teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2019


Thanks, Beverly. Yes, the Lords encouragement with regard to our fellowship with Him and confession to Him is deeply rooted in His grace. What a blessing. God bless you



Jerusalem's Ritual Baths - and Our Baptism in Jesus

The Pools of Bethesda - Finding Your Greatest Motivation in Life

Gary on Oct 1, 2022


G' Day Wayne, you may have heard about OPTUS cyber attacks in Australia

my phone is one of them that has been hacked into stealing personal info off me nd many others anything suspicious that isn't me would b good to report it I'm taking part in class action against them for allowing to get into my files and data

now KNOW WHY I have been having problems with phone internet.

I'm enjoying videos in between criminals thinking we are a soft touch about 4 Million people have been affected changing company that has better security is another way I'm looking into. I Have found new work starts next week early rises then build from there. cheers Gary Steele




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2022


Keep on reading the Word and renewing your mind, Gary. God bless you.




Joan on Sep 29, 2022


This was a very moving video lesson! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2022


I'm so grateful, Joan, that the Lord encouraged you through the Pools of Bethesda video. God bless you.




Darlene on May 18, 2022


Wayne, I love watching these videos!


Although I visited Israel only once (2018), when I watch these videos, I feel myself right back there again.


The more I feel God's loving presence, the greater my love becomes for Jesus, others and myself.




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


I am thrilled, Darlene, that the Lord is reminding you of your wonderful visit to Israel a few years back. You need to go again! God bless you.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


I have been a believer of Jesus Christ for 46 years. I have realized as I get older and have aches and pains that after a prayer of asking the Lord to help me get thru the day and after a shower and or bath...I feel refreshed, healed from my aches and pains and more motivation to get going for the day. Once in awhile I would depend on meds to get me thru which is ok once in awhile. But to save my internal organs from meds not needed always....I just depend on God's natural resources of warm/hot waters to soothe my soul and maintain my owies. God knows what the body needs in His wisdom and gifts.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


Good for you, Karen. I'm so glad that the Lord uses a variety of means to encourage you and to keep you going. May He warm your soul today with living water. God bless you.




Janet on Nov 29, 2020


My husband and I are getting such a blessing from your videos, You make it feel like we are there with you. We always wanted to visit the Holy Lands but it is impossible. You have such a love for the Lord and it radiates from your voice. God bless your ministry Wayne. Thank you so very much. My husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas and this series was the only thing I wanted. Best gift ever!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


How wonderful, Janet, that you and your husband are being blessed by the videos. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, and I am thrilled that this video series is an ideal Christmas gift for you. God bless you.




Denise on Aug 16, 2020


These tours have been a refreshing to my soul. With the loud dramatic worship of today I have missed the quietness and truth of God's presence and reality of life. I appreciate that you go down steps. It helps me virtually experience each location. The angles and views are beautiful and add to the scriptures that you share. Thank you so much for doing this ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


Thank you so much, Denise. I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your virtual tours to these significant places. What a privilege in these unusual days to still be able to travel there virtually. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Caroline on Aug 1, 2020


Just love these videos and the awesome songs of praise you caught on film. God is so good! Thank you again to you, your family, and your team for this journey. What you captured blesses so many that will not be able to see these places this side of heaven.


It truly brings scripture alive. Glory!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2020


Thank you for your note, Caroline, and I am so grateful that you are enjoying the videos and these songs of praise from these dear people. Indeed, God is good – what a blessing to be able to journey through video to these sacred places with you.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Faithful Obedience to God... great way to end this video!

I was here last year at St Anne's church & we got to sing 'Amazing Grace'. I was so overcome by emotion of what God has done for me, in all the videos, I'm singing, then just bawling a non stop cry! The acoustics are incredible! And God is Amazing! I think on a trip to Israel, you just never know what will touch your heart & soul. The 1st time here, it was the bus ride going in the tunnel & then suddenly, there was Jerusalem! Very emotional!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


You're not alone, Tammie, in that "bus" first-sight moment. That was one of the most memorable moments in my life too. Finally seeing Jerusalem for the first time. Amazing...




Linda on Jun 7, 2018


God is so faithful even when I am not, God is so forgiving demonstrating His Love, grace and patience, God protects and provides and is worthy of all Praise! Thank you LORD for being so amazing!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2018


I'll amen that prayer, Linda. He is amazing indeed-- His grace more than anything. Thanks.



The Pools of Bethesda - Finding Your Greatest Motivation in Life

Psalm 125 - God Surrounds You

Treesa on Mar 10


God is gathering his people and putting a wall of protection around us and Psalm 125 is perfect for such a time as these, I absolutely admire and respect your ministry.. May God be with your coming and your going’s, for you have blessed me with knowledge. Thank you for your obedience in Gods calling. Tree Dickerson




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


Thank you, Tree, for your gracious words. I'm so glad the Lord continues to bless you as you watch these videos.




Mike on Feb 2


Love this Psalm and love the thought of the mountains that surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people. I lived near the mountains in Colorado for a number of years and have always loved seeing them. They remind me of the strength and beauty of the LORD! Thanks for this video and reminder.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


Aren't mountains a powerful picture, Mike? I love their metaphor of security, power, and permanence.




Ty on Dec 5, 2022


Romans 1:20 comes to mind that creations testifies about its Creator and its Sustainer. A Creator who is Sovereign, yet chooses to give the gift of 'free will' to humanity. Some other parts of Scripture coming to mind where God puts His physical evidence of a hedge of protection (reminders) around His people in dealing with the distractions, while adding to their faith of His presence and promises. (Job 1:8-10, Psalm 91, Ephesians 6:10-17)


We all need those reminders, at least I do, as it is easy to get distracted by the wind and waves of time leading to our end in the here and now. Is there more than just the grave ahead of us?


Psalm 125 provides a thoughtful reminder to consider to reflect upon that we need constant reminders that there is. Matthew 24:35 and Luke 21:33 state why looking into God's Word should be a constant reminder for any of us. These two Scriptures lead me to 1 Corinthians 13:13 to 3 Words; faith (for today to keep going - John 20:29, Hebrews 11:6), hope (for tomorrow in the Person of Jesus Christ - John 14:6), and Love (for eternity as God is a God of love - John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2022


Yes, Ty, we all need those reminders from God that he surrounds us. I pray that the Lord will provide you those visual cues to remind you of his love for you.




Joan on Oct 6, 2022


Salve to my soul, Dr. Wayne! Beautiful picture from the physical of God's abiding protection and faithfulness to His people! Mountains, starry skies, magnificent clouds, and stunning sunsets always remind me of God's majesty and presence! Thanks so much for this timely encouragement in these challenging days!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2022


Yes, Joan, those mountains surrounding Jerusalem always encourage me each time I see them. I'm so glad they have uplifted you as well. :-)




Bobbie on Sep 29, 2022


Living in HTown many people who live here call themselves “flatlanders”. I call myself that. This is why I love the mountains. When I grow tired of this concrete city we travel to the San Juan Mountains in SW Colorado. You can feel Gods presence in those mountains. Just last month we, my Hubby and I, traveled to Colorado Springs and discovered the little town of Buena Vista. Oh my! This town sits next to a long line of “fourteener’s” all along the Continental Divide. Such beautiful mountains. I don’t know what it is about mountains and God’s creation, when I am out there in it, I feel great peace. West Texas mountains near Ft Davis is similar however Colorado mountains take your breath away in all of God’s glorious creation.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2022


Yes, Bobbie, those Rocky Mountains are magnificent. They show the invisible attributes of God's power. He made them just so that we would respond as you do! God bless you.




Faith on Dec 29, 2021


The physical reminders for me are by ways of Hope in my dreams from God , engaging in songs that fill me with strength and Faith. Focusing on his goals for me !




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2021


Those are some great goals to focus on, Roli. I pray that the Lord continues to surround you with His presence and His reminders of grace. God bless you.




Faith on Dec 29, 2021


Amen. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


God bless you, Roli. I pray that the others videos continue to encourage you.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


When life gets wild in my world....I take nature walks and get fresh air and get amazed of the nature that keeps on being beautiful still in the midst of all crisis. It's God reminding me there is still beauty out there even if I think life has been tarnished.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


So true. Nature is one of the best ways to walk in a context of God's glory. The fall is coming in – and so is the beauty. God bless you.




Jenny on Jun 20, 2021


Flowers: message of hope

Dog: his comfort

Rivers: life giving


Love the psalms and nature. Thanks for highlighting this one



Bonnie on May 15, 2021


This is an amazing video with the Biblical reference!! I am often drawn to the mountains for help, prayer and solitude. I will be watching this one over and over!

Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


I'm really glad you enjoyed the Psalm 125 video, Bonnie. Isn't that a beautiful metaphor? God bless you.




Norma on Feb 27, 2021


well said




Wayne Stiles on Feb 28, 2021


Thank you, Norma. May the Lord bless you as he surrounds you.




Lynette on Jul 5, 2020


A beautiful reminder of God's ever faithful Presence with us. I love hearing the scriptures with the sites of the Holy Land. It makes it so personal and real. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2020


This psalm is one of my favorites, Lynette. Such a beautiful picture of God's land and God's Word working together.



Psalm 125 - God Surrounds You

Western Wall Tunnel - Searching for Holiness in the Right Places

Necia on Jan 12


Yes, because if I’m not feeling the peace of the Holy Spirit, I realize there is something I need to change so as to not offend the Spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13


I love the promise, Necia, of 1 John 1:9 that tells us all we need to do is confess our known sins, and the Lord cleanses us from "all" unrighteousness—including what we don't know to confess.




Joan on Oct 13, 2022


What a spellbinding place to walk and behold! I can't get over the massiveness of the large stones, especially the largest one: How did they move and put them in place?!? Awesome video--thanks so much for sharing!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2022


Yes, Joan, those stones in that wall are massive and amazing! I'm so glad that the video was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Marcia Visker on Aug 23, 2022


Maybe I am crazy but that gold dome on the Temple Mount infuriates me. Do others or you, Wayne, feel the same way when you see it. It just DOESN'T belong there! Am I making too big a deal about this?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2022


You are right, Marcia. That shrine does not belong there – permanently. But for now, God uses it as a placeholder. I think of it like a ball marker in golf. It just marks the spot for when it's time to start playing the game again.



Necia on Jan 12


Nice imagery




Elsie on Jan 23


Your analogy is right on point. Thank you for the encouragement




Anita on Apr 22, 2022


Wow, excellent video Wayne. Has the Chuck Swindall tours included this in their Israel tour?? Awesome experience. Thank you, Anita Gonzales




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


I have helped to lead many of Chuck's tours, Anita, and there really isn't a consistency with regard to the Western Wall tunnels. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't include them. It is tough to funnel 800 people through this place!




Maxine on Dec 23, 2021


I’ve touched these walls, prayed at the wall, and been in awe of its beauty. I pray that one day I can return.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


What a blessing for you, Maxine, to have been able to go to Jerusalem and to that special place. I pray that you will be able to return. And when you do, I hope you’ll come with me! God bless you.




Maxine on Dec 24, 2021


Traveling back to Israel with you as guide would be wonderful! Please send info to mxnward4@yahoo.com and add me to your mailing lists. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2021


Thanks, Maxine. I would love to have you join me for a life-changing tour to Israel or any of the other Bible lands (like Paul's journeys in Greece and Rome). In fact, I have several tours coming up this year! You can see them all here. I hope you'll join me. God bless you.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


The song The Solid Rock comes to mind. Jesus represents Our Solid Rock indeed.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


That is a great song, isn't it, Karen? The words are magnificent.




Sue on Feb 19, 2021


I remember just how massive the stones of the Western Wall are, too. I'm wondering how they compare to those that are in the tunnel.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20, 2021


Sue, the one stone in the tunnel is the largest found so far-- but there are many others around the mount that are also massive. It truly is an astounding feat.




Sue on Feb 20, 2021


Thank you. Yes. Absolutely astounding!




Doris on Feb 14, 2021


Seeing Jews praying so intently here, showed their desire to be as close as possible to the Holy of Holies. Oh, what Love. The Prayers at the Western Wall are sincere and not just signs of tradition. Also the size of the stones and how they moved it there were a big discussion with our group too. One comment made was how sad that many people probably died in make these walls.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


It is amazing to consider, Doris, how they may have moved these massive stones. When I see the Jews praying, I ask that the Lord would open their eyes to Jesus Christ. I think of the Apostle Paul's words:


“My heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” (Romans 10:1–4)




Janet on Feb 4, 2021


How did they make the Western Wall with such huge pieces of stone? That is amazing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


It really is amazing, isn't it, Janet? There are a number of theories how they maneuvered those huge stones, but likely it was through simple machines and levers with the strength of animals. Absolutely astonishing when you see it up close.




Janet on Feb 5, 2021


Your videos are such a blessing to my husband and me. A day rarely goes by when we miss seeing one or two of your videos. We saw your interview with DSW Ministries and was touched by your testimony. Even though we communicate by technology, the Lord has put a special connection as a brother and sister in Christ. Thank you for touching so many lives. as well as ours.

Alan and Jan from Oregon




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


Thank you, Alan and Jan. What a blessing to read your words, and I’m glad that the interview was an encouragement to you. Yes, technology is amazing! What a blessing that we are able to connect over such a great distance and yet have our common bond very close in Jesus Christ.




Denise on Aug 16, 2020


Do the aqueducts fill with water when it is raining,?. Is there a levy to control the flow?

Do these aquaducts work today and are they used by the city?


Sorry for the many questions. I see this as a continuing theme at many sites.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


Great question, Denise. No, these do not fill up and run with water during rainy days. However, I have been down there a number of times when there are drops and moisture seeping through.




Rhodora on Jun 1, 2020


So refreshing to relive 2019 experience under the Kotel (tunnel).

You may want to add a section on the new visible chapel size "temple" inaugurated in 2017 ( I forgot the name) under the Kotel. It has a huge pomegranate sculpture. I was allowed by the guard to take pictures ( he turned the lights on) at a distance but not allowed to come close.

Anyway, I hope you can update the video to include this beautiful part of the Kotel.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 2, 2020


Thanks for the note, Rhodora. I'd love to see a photo of what you're talking about, as I don't recall it. Updating videos is a tough assignment, as you can imagine. So much changes so quickly over there. God bless and thanks again.




Rhodora on Jun 2, 2020


I am referring to the tunnel synagogue that was inaugurated and dedicated in Dec 18, 2017.

See see thekotel.org

Or The Jerusalem Post article 12/19/2017. Shalom.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Very well done!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


Thanks, Tammie. God bless.



Western Wall Tunnel - Searching for Holiness

Pater Noster Church - How to Know Your True Needs

Ty on Jan 7


Good to see this video again and soak in the richness of Wayne's inspired teaching and expounding. Very fitting in today readings.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8


I'm grateful, Ty, that the video helped add to the richness of God's blessings for you as you read the Word. He is so good...




Joan on Oct 20, 2022


Praying and asking God how I can glorify Him today reminds me of Who's really important, as well as prioritizes His will over mine, as He would want and is what is best for my life! Thanks so much for this magnificent video and feature of the vocal performance of the Lord's Prayer!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


I am thrilled, Joan, that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. This one on the Lord's Prayer is a great reminder. God bless you.




Kathy on Jul 22, 2022


Most touching to see the language display of the Lord's Prayer...I imagine all the wonderful languages God hears in every tongue....a display of His Glory. And how wonderful your dad sang!! Kathy




Wayne Stiles on Jul 25, 2022


Indeed, Kathy, our great God speaks all languages! :-) I remember when I first began to study another language, I was absolutely awed at the mind of God.




Anita on Mar 15, 2022


This was just beautiful.I noticed "lead us not into temptation" was not mentioned. I know God is not ever going to do this. He may test us but not tempt us. Could you help me understand this?

So enjoy Walking the Bible Lands!!!!!





Renee (with Gravy) on Mar 17, 2022


The question is an excellent one, Anita. I wrote this post to help explain the difference between a test and a temptation. I think it may help. God bless you.




Joan on Jan 18, 2022


The mere thought of God's glory humbles me in submission to Him. It lifts my focus and my spirits to rise above my mundane humdrum and challenges to the Everlasting, Almighty God, Who conquers all! This was a lovely lesson, Wayne, and I'm awestruck that your dad sang that most beautiful rendition of The Lord's Prayer! Thanks much for sharing his poignant voice and links to his recordings!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 18, 2022


So glad you enjoyed Dad singing, Joan! He sure did enjoy doing so.




Hal Warren on Jan 7, 2022






Debra on Dec 29, 2021


We really enjoyed this video, especially the Lord's Prayer being sung. If you don't mind me asking, who was the singer? It was very beautiful, a real tribute to the words of our Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video and the "The Lord's Prayer" at the end of it. The singer was actually my father, Dudley Stiles. His recording of "The Lord's Prayer" is from his album "The Wonder of It All." You can see his other albums below. Thanks for your interest!

• I Remember Camp Ground

• Flowers Follow Snow

• Begin Again




Maxine on Dec 23, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


I’m glad you enjoyed the video, Maxine. I pray the rest continue to encourage you as well. God bless you.




Mary on Dec 23, 2021


God truly provides all of our needs. As Americans, we often confuse needs with wants. There is a difference. I continue to remind my worldly children that they will leave this world as they came in-with nothing. Just keep your eyes on the prize of eternal life with Jesus and your wants on this earth, our temporary home will decrease. I loved this video.




Dawn on Oct 17, 2021


Such a wonderful video on the The Church of Pater Noster. I read a book recently on Praying the Lord’s Prayer and it taight me to slow down and read each phrase slowly and be mindful of the meaning. Now I pray it every night along with other prayers and concentrate first on the praise and the gift of God’s kingdom to come. Then my thoughts go to my needs as God sees them and the needs of others. It has helped me calm my anxieties and has become my nightly habit.


I love these videos so much!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


I am so glad that the videos are continuing to encourage you, Dawn. God bless you.




Anne on Sep 16, 2021


I appreciate the way you present scriptures, in a simple easy to understand way

There definitely is a Wow factor with this video….and love the fact that The Lord’s Prayer is in so many languages, because it is an inclusive prayer for all mankind. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2021


I agree with you, Anne. It is amazing that God speaks all those languages! Sounds sort of silly to say that, but it is so profound to be able to see it displayed so beautifully. God bless you.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


Awesome information about The Lord's Prayer! When you said that this is written in many languages at this site I got enthusiastic chills like the Holy Spirit and I was wowing at the same time. This makes me feel secure more and more that Jesus means business in our daily lives. Splendid facts!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


Yes, Karen, isn't it amazing that God speaks every language? So simple once you say it, and yet so profound.




Clifford on Jul 19, 2021


The singing of the Lord's Prayer reminds me of the times that my mother used to sing this wonderful prayer to me. So beautiful! (Marilyn, Clifford's wife, writing)




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2021


What a blessing, Marilyn, that you have that wonderful memory of your mother singing to you this delightful song. God bless you.




Opal on Apr 23, 2021


God grace It’s all about reversing the curse & walking in Peace with God. I love it so beautiful.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Yes, Opal, God's grace is such an overarching blessing-- it fills in the cracks of all we lack. God bless you.




Sue on Feb 23, 2021


I always appreciate your easy applications as you lead us through Scripture and their locations. It reminded me of Fr. John Shea's teaching on the Our Father. His framework was identity, purpose, and needs as we embrace our mission calling. The Holy Spirit is another need and provision in the wider teaching in Luke 11 (v 12). How so amazing God is eager to give His very Self to us as the Kingdom comes through us. May the Spirit continue to guide you and empower your teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2021


Thank you, Sue, for your prayer and your gracious words. Indeed, without the empowering of the Spirit, we could not live the Christian life. How essential He is to us! God bless you.




Doris on Feb 14, 2021


Enjoyed this more through your video, was tired when we visited here and I love hearing the Lord Prayer sang. God"s Blessing to you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2021


How wonderful, Doris, the Lord blessed you through the video more than through your visit to the church! What a blessing. I pray that He continues to encourage you through these virtual tours. God bless you.




Dona on Jan 7, 2019


I have been enjoying all the videos and information you have made available. I have always wanted to visit the Holy Lands but knew I probably would not be able to go. These virtual tours are perfect for me. I can replay and reread at my own pace. I am 75 years young and my pace is slowing. Thank you for answering God's call to do this inspiring work. Blessings on your work.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2019


That's wonderful, Dona. I'm thrilled that the Lord has blessed you with an excitement to experience these places through the videos-- and that you're 75 years young. :-) God bless you.




Paulette on Oct 3, 2018


Really loved this teaching. The singing of the Lord's Prayer at the end really enhanced the devotional spiritual moment. Thanks for that!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2018


So glad the Lord's Prayer encouraged you, Paulette. It's amazing how the Lord can use music, along with His Word, to powerfully affect our love for Him.




Nancy on Aug 24, 2018


Wayne, Thank you for the video. It helps me to keep my life centered on Christ. May the Lord continue to Bless you and Keep you and make His light to shine upon you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2018


You're welcome, Nancy. Keeping our hearts centered on Him is such an ongoing challenge. Thank you for your gracious prayer.




Sheryl on May 26, 2021


This video is not working all the other ones are working but I really like your videos they are a blessing to me




Wayne Stiles on May 26, 2021


Sheryl, the video is working, as I just tried it. Perhaps try downloading the video to watch-- or try using a different internet browser. I am so glad that the videos are a blessing to you.



Pater Noster Church - How to Know Your True Needs

Hinnom Valley - God’s Blessing on the Hopeless

Ty on Mar 6


Am left with the thought, 'there I go, but for the grace of God'. Much in this teaching and expounding to reflect upon.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


Yes, Ty, me too! Thank God for his grace.




Karen on Nov 3, 2022


Beautiful History and Music added. Enjoyed this. I forget at times to just ask God for help and peace....yet in time He gives it to me unconditionally and with a Fatherly hand of problem release.




Sylvia on Aug 16, 2022


Your opening captured my heart! "This valley and this king offer us examples of hope for those lives we think are too far gone." Oh, yes I have people in my life like that - my dear son, my atheist brother, and others I love who are steeped in a religion of works. King Manasseh's return to God gives me hope that my son will return to the true King of kings and that my brother will discover Him as well. Thank you so much for a wonderful, hopeful video!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2022


I join you in your prayers, Sylvia, for your son and your brother. May the Lord be merciful and open their eyes very soon! God bless you.




Sylvia on Aug 17, 2022


Thank you SO much! May God continue to use you richly for His glory!




Ann on Aug 5, 2022


‘Love this video & message . Numbers 6:24-26 is one of my favorites. God is so gracious & merciful. I thank Him & praise Him for the peace & hope that He gives me. Thank you Wayne, & all who have a part in the production of these videos. May God bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I am thrilled, Ann, that the Hinnom Valley video was an encouragement to you. And yes, those verses from numbers are magnificent.




Kathy on Jul 22, 2022


Blessing in the midst of the depths of past evil...God REDEEMS! We need to keep this in mind of the present evil depths of social depravity...God will REDEEM!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 25, 2022


Yes, Kathy, there is nothing beyond the reach of God's grace.




Anne on Apr 22, 2022


I am reminded that there is always “hope” whilst ever there is breathe in anyone’s lungs

I do find it hard though as I look at the absolute evil in our world today, the natural human thinks, no way , they need to pay for what they have done” but God in His mercy still accepts those who come to Him, whom He has called




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2022


Amen, Anne! When we think about the amazing life change that Manasseh had, we see that God can turn around anybody.




Rosemary on Mar 28, 2022


Great video. Great encouragement to continue to believe for family and friends to come into relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour. Never give up believing for that ! Great way to finish with the priestly prayer of Numbers 6:24-26 of God’s Blessing. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2022


Yes, Rosemary, we need to never give up regarding our prayers for others. Luke 18:1.




Melissa on Mar 8, 2022


Wow! This may be one of my favorite videos that you have done. Thank you SO much for this lesson, the visuals, and the beautiful reminder of God’s grace to anyone who calls on His name. (Praying today for the Lord to provide opportunities for me to share this video and His grace and forgiveness with those in my life who are far from God).




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8, 2022


I am right there with you, Melissa, with a heart goes out to those who have yet trusted in Jesus. I pray for those in your life who are far from God-- that He will be merciful as He was with Manasseh.




Hal Warren on Mar 6, 2022


Thanks for the Hinnom Valley footage! I wonder where Solomon built the temple for his wives to sacrifice his children (ouch!) (1 Kings 11:3-8; 2 Kings 23:13,14). Agreed, Manasseh was the worst of the worst and would likely be considered a warlock and satan worshipper today. However, he received mercy when he repented. I agree with your key takeaway: there is indeed hope for us all in Christ Jesus our Lord, no how far we have strayed! Hallelujah!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


Most likely, Hal, the "Hill of Offense," as it is commonly called, where Solomon built the shrines to the pagan gods of his wives, is today occupied by modern Silwan. It is just opposite the Kidron Valley from the City of David.




Francis on Feb 18, 2022


I thoroughly enjoyed this video, from the scenery, to your message, the history, and archeology, your benediction, and the uplifting music at the end. Just Wow, how amazing.is our God. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


I'm so glad that you enjoyed the video on the Hinnom Valley, Francis. Indeed, God's grace is great.




Jeanne on Jan 9, 2022


I loved seeing the ancient burial grounds! I had always wondered if any was found. And the scroll was amazing showing how consistent scripture is from then until now.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2022


Yes, Jeanne, there are burial grounds galore! It is amazing how history, archaeology, and the Scriptures work together to reveal to us what happened. God bless you.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


Hallelujah and yes AMEN




Michael on Aug 8, 2021


This video about King Manasseh encourages me to keep praying and keep believing for people in my own family who need to turn their hearts back toward God. I will not lose hope. Thank you for this great video and application.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2021


I am so glad, Michael, that the Hinnom Valley video encouraged you with regard to family members who have still to walk with God. It's not over til it's over! May the Lord bless you for your perseverance.




Thelma on Feb 20, 2021


This is a very interesting video, how the grace of God changed and forgave Manasseh, and the first place where they found the evidence of the bible we have right now.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


Yes, Thelma, isn't it amazing how the Lord uses those kinds of paradoxes? If God can change Manasseh, He can change any of us.




Marlene on Feb 12, 2021


so good! Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 12, 2021


Thank you, Marlene. I'm glad you enjoyed the video on the Hinnom Valley. May the Lord bless you!




Paulette on Nov 26, 2020


This was beautiful. Thank you for the song at the end. It brought so much peace and worship of our Great God and Savior. Beauty from ashes. So thankful.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


I love that phrase, Paulette. Beauty from ashes. So true...




Kathy on Nov 23, 2020


Thank you for this encouraging teaching, Wayne. I have many relatives who reject God, but the dearest to me is our eldest daughter who was raised a Christian. She now rejects the Bible because “it was written by man” and says the American church has failed. She is caught up in the philosophies we read about in the paper daily. Thankfully we still communicate and we pray for her daily. My own redemption story is miraculous so I know God can reach her too. Today’s teaching renewed my hope!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2020


I'm joining you, Kathy, in prayer for your daughter. I'm sure you have many excellent resources about the Bible's inspiration, but I taught on this in an upcoming podcast called: "Three Reminders that Matter" (releasing Jan. 12). You may find it encouraging. May God bless you and FILL you with hope. Never give up! Luke 18:1.




Lynette on Nov 15, 2020


What beautiful contrast of that valley. And I love that blessing. Such a perfect and fitting song to close with. So uplifting!! Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2020


Yes, Lynette, isn’t that song beautiful? I was so glad that I was able to use it in the video. May the Lord bless you and give you peace.




Hayden on Nov 2, 2020


Beautiful way to end my tour of Israel. Thank you, Mr. Stiles. The LORD bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2020


There's much more to come, Hayden, Lord willing! May the Lord bless you and keep you as you tour Israel again and again. Always more to learn the next time around.




Barry on Oct 25, 2020


Loved it. loved it! What a great story of God’s redemptive love.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 25, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video, Barry. May the Lord continue to bless you in His redemptive love.




Ann on Oct 22, 2020


This lesson was so encouraging. Thank you. Beautiful song.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video and song, Ann. God bless you.




Beverly on Oct 22, 2020


Loved it! Beautiful!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2020


Thank you, Beverly, I am so glad you enjoyed the video on the Hinnom Valley. God bless you.




Ty on Oct 22, 2020


Indeed, a well presented, informative, and very good reminder in this presentation. The production is done extremely well, and the biblical teaching and expounding is significant to the church, God's people corporately, and to each of us individually. Learning His ways not our ways is going to take a paradigm supernatural shift in each one of us. The broken gene we inherited through the seed of man has done much damage and is only increasing the bent on ourselves. Only a perfect love and a perfect sacrifice could change that and it is done in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is available to everyone. God doesn't desire anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9). God is a pursuing God and provides lots of grace and mercy for anyone to repent, but there can be a hardening of the heart where grace and mercy will not be recognised or accepted.


What we can't do in the natural, God can do in the supernatural. Nothing is impossible with God and Manasseh's life gives evidence to that. James 5:13-16 speaks of the prayer of faith. The only one who I know who is truly faithful is the one inside me. It's a gift of heaven on earth, inside all of God's kids as a deposit, a foretaste as to what is to come. Being discipled by that Person is going to take a commitment and resolve throughout my (our) lifetime in the here and now. The Pursuer, who is inside of God’s children is the One who doesn't desire anyone to perish. He is looking to the stewards over His creation to voice (pray for or request) a paradigm shift in what we see in His stewards in correcting this broken gene we all inherited and seek repentance and acceptance of Him. God truly is the Giver of all good gifts (all good gifts come down from the Father of heavenly light 1 Chronicles 16:11-12 & James 1:17).


The priestly benediction in Number 6:24-26 originates from our One and Only High Priest in Heaven, Jesus Christ, who is sitting at God the Father’s right-hand. At the cross we see God’s best, a perfect sacrifice couple with perfect love, and man’s/woman’s worst, what we are all capable of if only in our thoughts. God surely will use us in pouring out His blessings, but we have to accept Him using us and then allow Him to lead us through the Spirit in being obedient whether it is being used or received. The video ended with one of God’s adopted kids being His channel to give us a visual and audio reminder of that. It’s a hope (A certainty in Christian faith in Jesus Christ) of affecting a paradigm as we are lead in the Spirit on God’s time, not ours. We are made in God’s image and are to become like Him, persistence pursuers of godly change in His stewards, which includes each one of us..




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2020


What a wonderful insight, Ty, that the priestly blessing connects to our great high priest, Jesus. Thank you so much and may the Lord bless you.



Hinnom Valley - God’s Blessing on the Hopeless

Kidron Valley - Myriads of Tombs and Our Resurrection Hope

Dawn on Oct 17, 2021


The return of the Lord….somehow I envisioned the seeing of the Lord’s return as not so distant (like having to view something happening in a far off land) and rather more up close and personal.

If the Lord returns after I am buried, I may be in a remote little cemetery up in northern NY where my brother is buried. I loved my brother very much, and we appreciated each other’s qualities.. (My husband will likely be buried where his first wife of 34 years is buried. His remaining family would want that.).

The most important thing is to be with the Lord in eternity and not my earthly burial space.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


That's right, Dawn. Our burial plot is only a temporary bed! Our bodies will rise again never die again.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


My burial will be at the land that my parents prepurchased for their kin. However I personally do not care where I am buried because my soul will be with Jesus in heaven as soon as I am allowed in His kingdom in His timing. My walk with Jesus is priority over where I will be later. I trust that Jesus will take me to the proper place for He is the true one who knows my true heart, soul, and mind and knows I know His Leadership is whom I follow. I just trust that He knows my faithfulness is strong and I trust He will never let me go as He has promised me in the scriptures.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


I know what you mean, Karen. Even when our bodies are raised for the kingdom, they will be brand new bodies. Even those buried at sea will rise again. God bless you.




Joan on Sep 8, 2021


Knowing about how the Kidron Valley--the Valley of Decision--is the location that the Lord will judge the nations makes that time--Final Judgment--seem much more real. That encourages me, as we live out each day and note the times and seasons in this challenging era!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2021


Well said, Joan. That's right about it seeming so much more real; the places of the Bible Lands DO that. They put the real in reality.




Sue on Mar 2, 2021


I'm wondering 1) if ossuaries are placed in the tombs, 2) whether any of the tombs are 'family tombs', with more than one person in them, and 3) whether people are still buried here, or how long ago would they have run out of room? Thanks, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2021


Great questions, Sue. Yes, there were family tombs, which were essentially large caves with niches that held the ossuaries. This is part of what is meant by one being "gathered to his fathers." I guess the room would depend on the size of the cave/Tomb. You could always dig another one! For the most part, no bones still survive. Ossuaries that are found only contain dust.




Gail on Nov 21, 2020


Wayne, what if any significance do the stones on top of the tombs have?






Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2020


Great question, Gail. As I understand it, those stones are similar to our flowers on graves. They honor and remember those buried, with the added benefit that the stones will remain permanently. Unlike flowers that wither.




Marilynn on Nov 28, 2021


That is exactly as we were told while in Israel. Also, stones don't blow away. I believe you are correct Wayne.




Lynette on Nov 15, 2020


I think it will always amaze me that we today can see places that Jesus actually saw and walk today where He walked. Just amazing!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2020


You’re so right, Lynette. Of course, it would be even stranger if the world Jesus lived in was not a world we could see. It needs to be true to be true! :-)




Lydia on Nov 5, 2020


Wayne, I get all tingly inside when I see the Kidron valley and the East Gate. My husband and I have walked where you did and I got chills, shaking in the Spirit when I stood where Jesus. I can still feel this 5 years later. THANK YOU for taking me back.

Love in Christ Jesus, Lydia




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


I know what you mean, Lydia, about that tingling feeling. It is amazing to stand in a place where history has happened – but also where it will happen! So profound and humbling to be on the winning team. God bless you.




Ty on Nov 5, 2020


A great production and teaching combined with scripture to learn from and reflect upon. The faithful and promise keeping God is going to bring all to completion in His time, but for us in the here and now, we can only walk before Him.or without Him.


'Free will' is a wonderful, yet awesome gift of responsibility. Prior to my giving my life to Christ I in my mind ran my life, so to speak, and played my own little god. My world revolved around me. Since being born again that old person is dead, or as the song goes, I was once blind (in darkness even with daylight around me) and now I see (new life, 'in Him). He leads in the spirit and I follow learning every day.


In God's Word (Bible) to us He says, His grace and mercies are new every morning, so with that thought I sure have lots to learn, grow, and mature 'in Him' daily with my new life as a new creation, one of His disciples. He is a pursuing God, so He has extended time for personal decisions by us to be made. God desires no one to be lost for eternity. Yet eternity will be experienced on God's terms, not our terms, for everyone.


Great history lesson combined with an outstanding video, plus a good reminder that the Creator God will accomplish what He intends to do with many who have gone before us reminding us of God's promises. For God's adopted sons and daughters there is a very real expectation for future events beyond the grave.. The way beyond the grave is lead by a Being named Jesus Christ and the training for that prep is in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 5, 2020


Well said, Ty. It's amazing when we remove ourselves from the center of the universe and put Jesus Christ there, how wonderfully our perspective turns. In fact, it is a great burden relieved off of our shoulders. We do not have the strength or wisdom to organize our own lives. Thankfully, our Lord Christ has it all in control.



Kidron Valley - Myriads of Tombs and Our Resurrection Hope

Valley of Dry Bones - Ezekiel's Vision of Hope

Karen on Nov 3, 2022


Without Jesus our souls do not receive the Holy Spirit of God. When God says love with all your heart, soul, and mind....He means it. Without these traits the fruits of the spirit stay only within the dirt with no true growth.




Kathy on Aug 2, 2022


There are dry bones in my family...my grand child is struggling with gender issues. This feels like dry bones will never come back to life. I mourn for the parents trying to deal with this. Pray for wisdom and resolution for a 15 year old girl to let reality be the truth to guide all.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2022


I will join you in that prayer for your granddaughter. May the Lord bless you, Kathy, as you seek Him for the wisdom in love.




Debra Davis on Jul 13, 2022


Love the visual felling of God looking over his people.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Yes, Debra, it is amazing how the Lord watches over his people and has a plan for their future – even today.




William on Jul 3, 2022


Our hope in a grave. We live in a day where we cremate and invent our own memorial, soon to be forgotten. Video reminded of our need to trust God with eternity and His word gives hope. The graveyard has really expanded since I was there. The last of those who experienced WW2 as adults share with us their world view. Drone views were awesome and thoughts from Ezekiel point us to the one who raised Lazuras, one day the bones, and us.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2022


I appreciate your insights here, William. Indeed, we have a magnificent hope.




Ty on Apr 28, 2022


When you live your life to an audience of One, His Words and promises are the truth.




Anne on Apr 22, 2022


I love the Lord’s promises as I know that all He has promised or foretold will actually happen

We are witnessing so much of what has been foretold in our lifetime, such a wonderful time to be alive

Thank you for posting all these videos

I was having trouble with a couple of them, stopping and starting and couldn’t finish watching unfortunately

I love how we are able to witness through the videos, all the areas spoken of in God’s word !




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2022


Sorry for the trouble watching the videos, Anne. When the Internet speed is a bit slow, sometimes it may help to download the video and watch it that way. God bless you.




Lynette on Apr 19, 2022


What wonderful hope!!! And it gives me goosebumps to see prophecy being fulfilled in my lifetime! Some day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Indeed, Lynette, it would be magnificent if prophecy is indeed being fulfilled in our lifetime. We will have to wait and see! God has taken Israel in and out of the land multiple times throughout history. Conceivably, He could do it again… But I hope they are there to stay this time.




Lawrence on Apr 14, 2022


Hallelujah! Come, Lord Jesus!




Linda on Apr 13, 2022


To let us know he still lives with us today. To give us hope for those that don’t know him that there’s still time to turn their lives over to God. That Nothing is to great or bad that God can not forgive them.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


Amen, Linda! He never gives up on us.




Brenda on Apr 7, 2022


This is a wonderful video. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


I'm glad that the Ezekiel video encouraged you, Brenda. Thanks for letting me know. God bless you.




Janice on Apr 7, 2022


The timing was perfect. How like our Lord! Yesterday, I discussed Ezekiel 36-38 with a friend and explained God's promises to Israel. Then we talked about God's faithfulness to His promises to Israel and to us. We see the first fruits of the promises in these chapters unfolding before our eyes today, and perhaps we will live long enough to see their fulfillment. Thank you, Wayne, for your solid teaching and for, over and over, turning our hearts toward the Lord and His Word and reminding us of His faithfulness. Psalm 34:3




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


Isn't the Lord's timing simply amazing, Janice? I am thrilled that He encouraged you through the timing of this video's release. What a blessing that Israel has a future with Jesus Christ! I cannot wait to see that…




Marilynn on Apr 6, 2022


I have always wondered at the mass graves of the Jewish people in Israel. The fact that the majority to this day do not accept Jesus, as the Messiah, made me wonder why the belief that on the last day the Messiah would appear and bring them to life.

Thank you for the clarification.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


Yes, Marilynn, the assumption by many Jews about the Messiah today is similar to those in Jesus' day who figured because they were Jews, they had a free pass to God's Kingdom (Matt. 3:9; Luke 3:8). However, the Prophet Daniel gave a clearer prediction, as would the Apostle Paul:


“Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.” (Daniel 12:2)


“For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants . . . That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.” (Romans 9:6–8)



Valley of Dry Bones - Ezekiel's Vision of Hope

The King's Garden - How to Avoid a Meaningless Life

Karen on Nov 3, 2022


When I was younger I wanted to try it all that I thought was ok. Now that I am wiser after listening to multiple lessons by my instructors, ministers, and family as well as God disciplining me thru the scriptures....the holy places in my life that is easy to dump trash at age 57? Sin. Lying, cheating, adultery, stealing, cursing, etc. I try to stay clear of such areas and try not to get involved with these territories.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


We never arrive, do we, Karen? Walking with God is a battle we do every single day. I am right there with you.




Deb Scott on Sep 25, 2022


Thank you so much for these videos, and the numerous hours of preparation. Your library of knowledge is amazing and I thank you for that as well. I'm sure I would never have learned as much if I had personally gone there. These videos help bring God's word to life. Thank you again for this opportunity!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


I know what you mean, Deb. Even with multiple trips to Israel, there's no way to see it all. I'm thrilled that these videos are helping to fill in the gaps. God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 13, 2022


The older I get, the more that this truth rings loud and clear. I sure could have used the insights and God-given wisdom I have now back 30, 40 years ago. While we can't go back and redo our lives, I am responsible to go forward in His truth and wisdom the rest of my life.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


I know what you mean, Lynette. Indeed, it would've been wonderful to have the wisdom in our youth that we have now. But it took the painful path to get us to a wiser place. Now is the time God wants us to live that wisdom.




Ty on Apr 21, 2022


Great, but tough question to be asked. I see this as one of those reality check questions about my life. If all of my life is His, our God's, then there may be lots of places. When I become legalistic and religious and try to force things or make things happen then in my opinion it becomes a dumping ground. And then there are those times where my attitude is becoming dull and not engaging.


If I compare this to a relationship with a good friend then when I am not real with my good friend, they know it and I know it. It's not the real thing, it's fake where I am trying to fill it with anything but friendship.


Surely I am going to be in a lifetime of learning about my relationship with the Almighty, but God's doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get there. He's more interested in me involving Him in the every day details of my life, so we can work through them together. In building that relationship where I grow in what John 10:10b reads thus removing those trashy bits and eliminating as much as possible any dumping grounds.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


As always, I appreciate your thinking about these lessons on a level much deeper than mere surface – or mere video watched and completed. Thank you, Ty.



The King's Garden - How to Avoid a Meaningless Life

Jerusalem – Daniel and the Messiah

Karen on Nov 3, 2022


He trusted and Had Faith that God knew the right direction for His life. We are to know and trust His care for our personal lives.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


I like the way you make that connection, Karen, between Daniel and us. Thank you.




Lynette on Oct 27, 2022


I often forget the age of Daniel as he faced the lions. He certainly wasn't a young man but had the experience to know that God would not fail him. Your quote is such a good reminder for us: " He is soveregn over history and eternity...and worthy of our devotion and praise!" The older I get, the less other things seem to be important. Time in His Word and in relationship with Jesus is all that truly matters.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Well said, Lynette. Thank you for sharing your heart.




Ty on Oct 27, 2022


A good time to revisit this well done video and it’s teaching. It takes discipline to pray and then it takes the Spirit in us not to legalise it as I have done it, so I can check the box. Daniel was an example to us in God becoming more and Daniel becoming less in his life. Daniel represented one who was seeking first God’s kingdom before all else.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


I like the way you put that, Ty. God is not a box to check.




Yamilet on Oct 20, 2022


Thank you Wayne, great video lesson.

I’ve listened to the book of Daniel in a dramatization format numerous times, a man of integrity. Love it!

It’s interesting to watch The Lord setting the stage, we are the modern day disciples, witness to the lost John 3:16 and strengthen the church. He’s coming, for us!

I can’t wait! Come Lord Jesus, come!

Keep Looking Up!😇♥️✝️




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Yes, Yamilet, it is magnificent to think about the fact that our Messiah could come at any time. How exciting!




Ty on Oct 20, 2022


Another well constructed video with its filming and commentary teaching and expounding. What was important to Daniel should be the same for us. Matthew 6:33, ‘Seek ye first’ and to do that needs to be done seeking the Source. That Source is a Person, our Creator God. Daniel saw enough of the Lord’s affirmations in knowing who was Sovereign over all and it wasn’t humanity, no matter how it looked in the natural.


God supernaturally affirmed that to Daniel on several occasions. In order to know someone a person must invest time and it isn’t time left over from our busy life style. That personal reflective time where you know in your knower it isn’t a one way conservation, but one with the most influential part in the relationship given the prominent position to converse.


Becoming an adopted son or daughter and learning, growing, and maturing in this gift of a new life is all about us as is was with Daniel being available, teachable, and grateful. God didn’t disappoint Daniel and God will not disappoint us who seek Him first and do that consistently and with expectancy.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2022


Thank you, Ty, for your gracious words. Indeed, it is exciting to think about the fact that our Messiah could come today. God bless you.



Jerusalem – Daniel and the Messiah

Mount Sinai - Why God’s Word Comes First

Jennifer on Sep 16, 2022


Thank you for this lesson. The Lord spoke to me throughout it and gave me answers and confirmation of the things I needed. Blessings to you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


What a blessing, Jennifer, that the Lord blessed His Word and encouraged you through the Scriptures and through the Mount Sinai video. May He continue to do so! God bless you.




Ty on Apr 28, 2022


Lots of great reminders to be listened to in seeing this video. The flesh longs for its own desires and it leads down a life of self satisfaction, which in itself may not be all that bad, but it will be a life of God on my terms at best. It may be full of religious duty, missing the joy found in the life fully given over and walking with Him.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Great words, Ty. The way of the flesh is like eating cotton candy. It seems so satisfying in the instant, but it disappears quickly forever.




John Haugen on Apr 12, 2022


Beautiful sunset videos from the summit! But that made me wonder if you walked down all those steps in the dark?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022


Great question, John, and the answer is – yes! But thankfully we had a local guide and some flashlights. Going down was much, much easier!




Debra on Apr 7, 2022


Now I understand! Any gift of God including the Jews' homeland, is given with God's perfect timing and after the preparation of his people. It also taught His people to trust Him. A difficult lesson for them, and us, for sure, one to which disobedience comes at a price. For the Jews...40 years of wandering in the wilderness so that the entire generation of adults that left Egypt would not cross into Israel...even Moses. Thank you for this illustration, Wayne and chuckles on your camel riding. You looked pretty good up there!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


Thank you, Debra! Honestly, that camel was terribly uncomfortable… First and only time I will do that. :-)




Roseanne on Mar 10, 2022


Such barren mountains!




Rosemarie on Mar 10, 2022


Thank you for walking up Mt. Sinai for me and giving me that look of the beautiful view.

I am trying to start each day with reading and walking the Bible before I get bogged down in my daily r

To do list.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


I am glad I was able to walk up Mount Sinai for you as well, Rosemarie! Once was definitely enough. I applaud you for starting each day with the scriptures before you get into your routine. That is a magnificent way to begin each day.




Joan on Feb 11, 2022


Beautiful panorama and message this morning, Dr. Wayne! Despite scholars' disagreement on exactly where Mt. Sinai is, lessons we can learn from what God accomplished leading the Israelites to Mt. Sinai and how He gave them and humankind His law apply as much today as ever. Thank you for reminding us that God many times brings us through a process to prepare and/or change our hearts!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2022


Thank you, Joan, for your enthusiasm and your encouraging words. God bless you.




Gary on Feb 11, 2022


G'Day Wayne,would be interesting to go there no more safer than Australia now

looks more safer there than here. is a good view of everything. i climbed to the top of Ayres rock you need to be fit to do both. cheers Gary.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2022


I believe you would enjoy climbing Mount Sinai, Gary. It is a tough hike – but the view is spectacular.




Gary on Feb 11, 2022


I use to do alot of these mountain climbs before keep you fit even in the blue mountains area as well I use to pick the rough areas for a good challenge but still safe at the sametime to do




Stacey on Feb 3, 2022


Thank you for the most beautiful view. I sat amazed and found myself smiling during the video.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I'm glad the Sinai video gave you a smile, Stacey. The view is spectacular, and the spiritual perspective is even more panoramic.




Steven on Oct 7, 2021


Wayne, Our God has gifted you with such an effective teaching strategy--yoking essential Scriptural lessons to Holy Land geographical sites that so aptly illustrate them. Thank you for your faithfulness to His leading. I am so grateful for your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2021


Thank you, Steven. It's such a privilege, and I continue to be amazed at His grace.




Karen on Sep 23, 2021


I have a hard time staying attention to written scripture and comprehending it all. These videos especially this one put alot of perspectives together better than ever. Seeing is truly believing when understanding about life. At my age...if I rode those camels with no restrooms I would be a mess. LOL I could never walk up all those steps and I probably wouldn't have survived living there too long. Thank God the Lord knows what I need and when.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021


I'm so glad, Karen, that the Mount Sinai video encouraged you. I pray they continue to do so! God bless you.




David on Sep 2, 2021


Thank you Wayne. Good information. Leading a pilgrimage in October to Egypt where we will see St. Catherine's Monastery. Also I pulled out your book "Going Places With God." which I purchased a while back. Good stuff. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2021


How exciting, David, for you to anticipate your journey to Mount Sinai! I hope you are prepared for a challenge, as it isn't an easy trek. God bless you as you lead the group and as you point them to the Scriptures. Thanks for mentioning the book. And thank you for your prayers.




Lauralee on May 6, 2021


Thank you once again, Wayne and helpers, for giving us such a remarkable look into Biblelands! I love your hard work, photography and all of the prep that goes into your excellent deliveries for us! And it amazes me the way you can always bring such perfect application to the Word. God is clearly using you, Wayne, and I'm continuing to pray for you. THANKS and God Bless You!!!




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2021


Thank you, Laura Lee, for your gracious words. It really is a privilege and a joy to walk alongside you in these virtual video tours. May the Lord continue to bless you. And thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers.




Kathy Haecker on May 6, 2021


I loved this video. They are all good but actually seeing this made this section of the Bible more real. I totally agree that spending time in His Word helps us to realize how empowered we are to meet the demands of each day. Where it is does not seem as important as the fact that God chose to reveal Himself to Moses and the people and wants to do the same for us. Thanks for the effort and expense it took to provide this video.




Kathy on Apr 26, 2021


There is overwhelming archeological evidence that Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. No evidence it is elsewhere. See YouTube by Discoveredsinai.com.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2021


Hi, Kathy. I appreciate your passion to connect the Bible with real places. I share that love! :-) I'm very aware of the theories of Ron Wyatt and of Robert Cornuke, and their evidence has some serious concerns. You may want to check out this very biblical and archaeological analysis in three parts by Gordon Franz of why Mt. Sinai cannot be Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia. I hope it helps some in your considerations and conclusions. God bless you.




Marilynn on Apr 2, 2021


I just watched The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston and the one scene in your video appears to be the spot where the finger of God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt Sinai. Cecil B. DeMille must have picked the right spot.

It was quite a wow moment for me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


I thought the same thing when I recently watched The Ten Commandments, Marilynn! I was amazed at how authentic their scenes seemed. God bless you.




Lynne on Dec 14, 2020


Since I have been to Israel - many of the sites on those tours are familiar to me. But I would love to go to Mt. Sinai! The thought that God was on that mountain and spoke to Moses there gives me chills. When I pondered that thought God brought to mind that He is here with us all the time through his spirit. We should be in awe of that fact, but often kind of take it for granted.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 15, 2020


That’s right, Lynn. He is with us always, as Jesus said, and He is IN us with the Holy Spirit. What a great and gracious God.




Caroline on Sep 22, 2020


Magnificent! I was exhausted just thinking about you and your staff’s physical sacrifice to show us this lesson. Thank you, thank you..... I know that I will never see that location this side of heaven!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


You are welcome, Caroline! Yes, that was a tough hike. I am glad you got to enjoy it through the miracle of photography. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos.




Diana on Sep 17, 2020


I was wondering if the camel ride was uncomfortable. I guess they don't plan on building a cable car up to the top (like Masada) lol. The view is so beautiful. In my bible reading, I am in Leviticus where Moses is given the Law. Quite fitting! Your videos are so encouraging in these trying times. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


To be honest, Diana, the camel ride was very uncomfortable! And no, there won't be any cable car headed up for all those miles. :-) I am thrilled that the videos are coinciding with your Bible reading. May the Lord bless you as you read and study.




Lynette on Sep 13, 2020


Oh my goodness, what a trek!! I'm grateful you made that journey to allow us to see that view. I could not have done that. What timing of my viewing of this video! I watched this today and then realized that my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow is on Mt. Sinai. I could picture this video as I read the lesson. Wow!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 13, 2020


Wow is right, Lynette! How wonderful that the Lord lead you to watch this video just before your Sunday school lesson. Aren’t his providential timings wonderful?




Dale on Mar 4, 2020


I don't know if this will reach you in a timely manner.

I've been DOWNLOADING the videos and using them in Wed. evening services at church. However, on the DOWNLOAD VIDEO for Mount Sinai … it just plays the video and won't allow me to download it. I've tried numerous times. Hoping to use this tonight (03/04/30). Any way you can help me?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2020


Dale, I'll send you a direct download link. Not sure why it's not working for you. Thanks.




Tammie on Sep 7, 2019


Just can’t get enough learning through these videos! I was suppose to climb this mountain while in Egypt in May, & instead, I got hurt & had to fly home before I got to do the climb🙁 Through your video, I am so encouraged & feel like I’ve been there!

What an amazing lesson to Mount Sinai! My perspective now is that I praise the Lord he kept from from the climb & sent you to share your experience & insight! Thank you once again😊




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2019


Tammie, I'm so glad you got to "climb" with me through the video. Even more glad you were encouraged! God bless you.




Paulette on Jul 21, 2019


I visited Jebel Musa. I did not walk to the top, as I was with a hiking group and they hiked to a Bedouin camp and spent the night. Was honestly thankful I chose not to go, because they were all sick the next day probably because the food the ate at the camp. I am curious how long did it take you to walk to the top and back down?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2019


I probably took us about 7 hours to walk up and down. But we also spent a couple of hours on the summit filming this episode.




Lora on Jul 4, 2019


Wow! I think this is my favorite video you’ve made. I admire your dedication and ability to make the journey to produce this video.


To me Mount Sinai has always represented where people (Moses, Israelites and Elijah) heard the Voice of God. And I am so thankful to live in an age that has amazing access to God’s Word and as a Believer in Jesus, have God’s Holy Spirit living in me. May I never take such a precious gift for granted. I’m inspired to spend even more time in God’s Word and to be listening for His “still small voice.”




Wayne Stiles on Jul 5, 2019


The video hit its mark, Lora, if it encourages you to spend more time with God's Word. You're right, we DO live in an amazing age when we have access to so many resources. Of course, God's Word and Spirit are the most important! Thank you for your gracious words. Thank you for your commitment to God's Word.




Steve on Jul 4, 2019


An absolutely breathtaking video of a place most of us will never visit. I thank the Lord for you ever day Wayne. You help me to see Him and keep Him first, as I tend to get caught up in this world. Thank you my friend.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


Steve, I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the "climb"! :-) Thank you so much for your support, prayers, and many words of encouragement. I'm grateful for you.




Ken on Jul 4, 2019


Great Video Wayne. Do you have a tour in the fall of 2020 to Egypt and Israel? Will you be going to this area? Can you let me know? Thanks. Ken




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


Yes, Ken, I do have an upcoming tour that has a pre-tour extension to Egypt. Check it out here. We will not be going to the Sinai Peninsula, as it is a lot of effort and cost to travel there, and most people would find the climb to Mount Sinai beyond their capability (or desire). The Egypt tour will visit the significant sites of Cairo and Luxor, with all the biblical connections my Egypt Videos have made. I hope you'll join us!




Sally on Jul 4, 2019


That was great. I would love to climb that mountain to view more or God’s masterpiece.





Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


The climb is a HUGE challenge, but the view is worth it. God bless.




Joyce on Jul 4, 2019


I've been to Israel but never to Mt Sinai. Thank you for this video and taking us along...the devotional was very thought provoking. Going to God and His Word before entering the day. Makes the morning time with God more important to me now,. Thanks Wayne. Anothre excellent video and teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


Thanks, Joyce. I'm glad the video encouraged you. Mount Sinai is a huge challenge to climb, which is itself a great metaphor for our time with the Lord each day. Such a challenge to begin the hike but SO worth it at the top.




Cerese on Jul 4, 2019


Beautiful video, beautiful words! Holy Spirit, please fill me with all of You.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


I'm glad you enjoyed the Mount Sinai video, Cerese. I'll join you in that prayer -- that the Lord empower us to live for Him each day.




Estrella on Jul 4, 2019


Hi Wayne,

So much invaluable lessons learned through your insights.

Thank You




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


I'm glad the video and God's Word encourage you, Estrella. How essential it is that we keep God's Word first in our lives. May He bless you as you seek Him today. Thanks.



Mount Sinai - Why God’s Word Comes First

Pyramids of Giza - When Egypt Sounds Better than the Promised Land


on Feb 17, 2022


Wonderful visit to the magnificent pyramids of Egypt! I think fear of the unknown causes us to want to return to the familiar. What we fail to realize is that we will quickly gain our footing by obeying God and accepting where He's placed us and/or directing us toward. Someone once put it that disobedience to God will never take us to where we want to go! We believe the illusion instead of God's promise and will end up having to learn yet another bigger lesson.




Wayne Stiles

on Feb 17, 2022


Your words are so concise and helpful, Joan. I actually reread them again! Thank you so much for adding your wisdom here.





on Feb 17, 2022


I'm deeply humbled! In my 70+++ years, I've been through more than a few 'repeat lessons', finally learning that God wanted the best for me all along and I needed to stop fighting Him, because He loves me enough to be patient with me! (Does this discussion finally redeem me from my 'Isaac and Rebekah' gaffe? 😁)




Wayne Stiles

on Feb 18, 2022


Completely redeemed, Joan. :-)





on Oct 21, 2021


I have realized I am a child of God and God leads me. If we agree my life is to be one way and not my way....God leads and I must not question the direction in which He leads me. When I want it my way and He is not in agreement then problems arise more and more. When I cry Save Me Lord.....He does with grace and authority on many occasions. He overrides my





Wayne Stiles

on Oct 21, 2021


How gracious, Karen. Our gracious God gives the affirmation of his presence.





on Sep 29, 2021


Surprised to hear that professional builders that lived nearby were the ones who built the pyramids and not the Hebrew slaves. But your point that these are not mud bricks but instead bricks of stone supports your point well. Or is it possible that the slaves were still used to carry these heavy stones? I would love to know the resources you have used to learn about this amazing event in history.

Thank you for your videos. They are phenomenal!




Wayne Stiles

on Sep 30, 2021


Cheryn, these pyramids were built several centuries before Abraham. Therefore, the Hebrews who came several centuries after Abraham are too late to have built the pyramids. Abraham was about 2000 BC. I hope that helps some. I'm so glad you enjoyed the videos, and I pray you continue to do so!




Kathy Haecker

on May 13, 2021


Great video! Obedience to the Lord is the life we are seeking because it is congruent with the life of the Lord Jesus in us.





Wayne Stiles

on May 13, 2021


Absolutely yes, Kathy! Obedience is the incredibly difficult challenge God gives us, but its rewards will be worth it – at some point. God bless you.





on Apr 21, 2021


I have visited Giza with my family, many years ago and saw the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. All these years I remember these amazing ancient wonders as a
human super achievement. Now that I saw this video, my perspective has widely been expanded. I played the last part three times over! What a wise choice of words! I understand God’s desire for us, to put Him first above all our circumstances, good or bad. He writes the rest of our life’s story. What a liberating feeling to place everything in His hands! A million thank you’s for this perspective shared in this video! I am grateful to have discovered Walking the Bible Lands. It hugely broadens my understanding of the Bible. God bless you Dr. Stiles and your ministry for helping me “quench my thirst” and strengthen my faith. 🙏




Wayne Stiles

on Apr 22, 2021


I am thrilled, Stella, that the Lord encouraged you through the video on the pyramids. Aren't they magnificent and marvelous structures? What a blessing that you were able to see them in person and also to broaden your perspective through the video. May the Lord continue to bless






on Feb 23, 2021


So if the Israel were not building the during the exodus a pyramid then what were they building. Pharaoh took the straw away from them during the trials of Moses what was it.

Thank you




Wayne Stiles

on Feb 24, 2021


Great question, Norma. Exodus 1:11 tells us: “And they built for Pharaoh storage cities..." That's all we're told.





on Feb 12, 2021


Another thought provoking video. We learned so much and thank you again.




Wayne Stiles

on Feb 13, 2021


I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the video on the pyramids, Janet. May the Lord bless you in those days when Egypt sounds better than the Promised Land. :-)





on Nov 5, 2020


It is unreal how old those pyramids are and they are still standing. You said that the Hebrew slaves didn't build the pyramids. Before the Exodus they were making bricks, and then bricks without straw. So the bricks weren't for the pyramids?




Wayne Stiles

on Nov 6, 2020


That's right, Diana. The Hebrews made mud bricks and the pyramids were bricks of stone. The Hebrews built "storage cities" (Exodus 1:11), not the pyramids. In fact, the pyramids pre-date even Abraham by about 200 years! God bless.





on Jul 21, 2019


I am curious what time of the year you visited the pyramids. When we were there is was 120 degrees. I was surprised to see you wore a jacket. I enjoyed this teaching, especially pointing out the pyramid that was probably built at the time of Joseph. The temptation is always for us to return to our personal Egypts when things do not go as we expect. Thanking God for his mercy and patience. Praying that my eyes will always stay on the path ahead where God leads every day, not the path behind. I see the path ahead as the doors He opens and to proceed forward. The path behind for me are the doors He closes that I need to leave. Staying at the closed door is counter productive in my walk with the Lord. That has been my great lesson in our recent move out of state. Now we are waiting on Him for the next open door.




Wayne Stiles

on Jul 22, 2019


Paulette, we went to Egypt in February. For one reason, we didn't want to go when it was 120 degrees! :-) I appreciated your words about waiting for open doors. I just wrote a post on my blog about that topic. I hope to make video about that soon, Lord willing. Thanks again.





on Jul 4, 2019


True, I always think that life is better on the other side of the fence. I mean the life I want and not what God is leading me too.




Wayne Stiles

on Jul 4, 2019


So true, Estrella. There's something about us that still wants to believe the lie that our parents in Eden believed -- that God somehow holding out on us by keeping us in His will, and after we go our own way life will be better. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father is gracious and teaches us patiently that His will for us is the best possible scenario we could hope for. God bless you as you seek Him.





on Jun 22, 2019


Really love how you told the history & yet brought it down to how we are a grumbling people as the Israelites were. The examples of Joseph & Amenhotep was amazing examples.
Can’t believe I was just here! Brought it to life by your information!




Wayne Stiles

on Jun 23, 2019


I'm really glad, Tammie, that the video added to your personal tour in Egypt. What a blessing that you got to experience what so few do! God bless.




Joan on Feb 17, 2022


Wonderful visit to the magnificent pyramids of Egypt! I think fear of the unknown causes us to want to return to the familiar. What we fail to realize is that we will quickly gain our footing by obeying God and accepting where He's placed us and/or directing us toward. Someone once put it that disobedience to God will never take us to where we want to go! We believe the illusion instead of God's promise and will end up having to learn yet another bigger lesson.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2022


Your words are so concise and helpful, Joan. I actually reread them again! Thank you so much for adding your wisdom here.




Joan on Feb 17, 2022


I'm deeply humbled! In my 70+++ years, I've been through more than a few 'repeat lessons', finally learning that God wanted the best for me all along and I needed to stop fighting Him, because He loves me enough to be patient with me! (Does this discussion finally redeem me from my 'Isaac and Rebekah' gaffe? 😁)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2022


Completely redeemed, Joan. :-)




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


I have realized I am a child of God and God leads me. If we agree my life is to be one way and not my way....God leads and I must not question the direction in which He leads me. When I want it my way and He is not in agreement then problems arise more and more. When I cry Save Me Lord.....He does with grace and authority on many occasions. He overrides my stubbornness.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


How gracious, Karen. Our gracious God gives the affirmation of his presence.




Cheryn on Sep 29, 2021


Surprised to hear that professional builders that lived nearby were the ones who built the pyramids and not the Hebrew slaves. But your point that these are not mud bricks but instead bricks of stone supports your point well. Or is it possible that the slaves were still used to carry these heavy stones? I would love to know the resources you have used to learn about this amazing event in history.

Thank you for your videos. They are phenomenal!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2021


Cheryn, these pyramids were built several centuries before Abraham. Therefore, the Hebrews who came several centuries after Abraham are too late to have built the pyramids. Abraham was about 2000 BC. I hope that helps some. I'm so glad you enjoyed the videos, and I pray you continue to do so!




Kathy Haecker on May 13, 2021


Great video! Obedience to the Lord is the life we are seeking because it is congruent with the life of the Lord Jesus in us.




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


Absolutely yes, Kathy! Obedience is the incredibly difficult challenge God gives us, but its rewards will be worth it – at some point. God bless you.




Stella on Apr 21, 2021


I have visited Giza with my family, many years ago and saw the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. All these years I remember these amazing ancient wonders as a

human super achievement. Now that I saw this video, my perspective has widely been expanded. I played the last part three times over! What a wise choice of words! I understand God’s desire for us, to put Him first above all our circumstances, good or bad. He writes the rest of our life’s story. What a liberating feeling to place everything in His hands! A million thank you’s for this perspective shared in this video! I am grateful to have discovered Walking the Bible Lands. It hugely broadens my understanding of the Bible. God bless you Dr. Stiles and your ministry for helping me “quench my thirst” and strengthen my faith. 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


I am thrilled, Stella, that the Lord encouraged you through the video on the pyramids. Aren't they magnificent and marvelous structures? What a blessing that you were able to see them in person and also to broaden your perspective through the video. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Norma on Feb 23, 2021


So if the Israel were not building the during the exodus a pyramid then what were they building. Pharaoh took the straw away from them during the trials of Moses what was it.


Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2021


Great question, Norma. Exodus 1:11 tells us: “And they built for Pharaoh storage cities..." That's all we're told.




Janet on Feb 12, 2021


Another thought provoking video. We learned so much and thank you again.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2021


I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the video on the pyramids, Janet. May the Lord bless you in those days when Egypt sounds better than the Promised Land. :-)




Diana on Nov 5, 2020


It is unreal how old those pyramids are and they are still standing. You said that the Hebrew slaves didn't build the pyramids. Before the Exodus they were making bricks, and then bricks without straw. So the bricks weren't for the pyramids?




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2020


That's right, Diana. The Hebrews made mud bricks and the pyramids were bricks of stone. The Hebrews built "storage cities" (Exodus 1:11), not the pyramids. In fact, the pyramids pre-date even Abraham by about 200 years! God bless.




Paulette on Jul 21, 2019


I am curious what time of the year you visited the pyramids. When we were there is was 120 degrees. I was surprised to see you wore a jacket. I enjoyed this teaching, especially pointing out the pyramid that was probably built at the time of Joseph. The temptation is always for us to return to our personal Egypts when things do not go as we expect. Thanking God for his mercy and patience. Praying that my eyes will always stay on the path ahead where God leads every day, not the path behind. I see the path ahead as the doors He opens and to proceed forward. The path behind for me are the doors He closes that I need to leave. Staying at the closed door is counter productive in my walk with the Lord. That has been my great lesson in our recent move out of state. Now we are waiting on Him for the next open door.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2019


Paulette, we went to Egypt in February. For one reason, we didn't want to go when it was 120 degrees! :-) I appreciated your words about waiting for open doors. I just wrote a post on my blog about that topic. I hope to make video about that soon, Lord willing. Thanks again.




Estrella on Jul 4, 2019


True, I always think that life is better on the other side of the fence. I mean the life I want and not what God is leading me too.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2019


So true, Estrella. There's something about us that still wants to believe the lie that our parents in Eden believed -- that God somehow holding out on us by keeping us in His will, and after we go our own way life will be better. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father is gracious and teaches us patiently that His will for us is the best possible scenario we could hope for. God bless you as you seek Him.




Tammie on Jun 22, 2019


Really love how you told the history & yet brought it down to how we are a grumbling people as the Israelites were. The examples of Joseph & Amenhotep was amazing examples.

Can’t believe I was just here! Brought it to life by your information!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 23, 2019


I'm really glad, Tammie, that the video added to your personal tour in Egypt. What a blessing that you got to experience what so few do! God bless.



Pyramids of Giza - When Egypt Sounds Better than the Promised Land

Goshen and the Exodus - When God’s Justice Comes Slowly

Linda on Apr 13, 2022


Oh my, how can I count the ways and So much I could probably never recall all the actual times. I can tell the most reliable is when he took me by my hand and led me into my little country church 27 Years ago and placed me next to an elderly woman named Rena. I still sit next to Rena’s empty spot every Sunday. I hadn’t been in Church for almost 9 years. I would say he was being pretty patient wouldn’t you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


Indeed, Linda, our Lord is amazingly gracious and patient with us. Every day! I am thrilled to hear your story about how the Lord lead you into a deeper relationship with Himself. May He continue to do so…




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


When I need to make an important decision on a personal matter, a relationship repair, a job to start and finish, a right or wrong decision.....I feel His presence waiting with a vision of a man with arms crossed and a voice saying.....child please make the right choice here before acting upon it.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


What a great picture, Karen! I would love to add to that picture the words: “I believe you can make the right decision. I’m proud of you… “




Brenda on Jun 8, 2021


I am so thankful that God fulfilled his prophecies and has fulfilled his promises without fail throughout history; so that we may hope and trust in the invisible of what we don't know or understand today and about the future. What he has revealed is terrifying (Daniel & Revelation) but what He is revealing to believers is glorious. But it does give me perspective for living within the chaos of our times and the unfinished business of our lives that God wants us to address and trust in His soverignty over all things. I'm thankful for the gift God has given you to share the gospel through places from Scripture.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2021


I like the way you put that, Brenda. It is so true that we can get a lot of comfort from the fact that God has always made good on his promises. Oh that we would trust him more! God bless you.




Jim on May 21, 2021


As you know, I turned 70 in February and started a new chapter of my life with Phyllis as missionaries to Uganda. The patience I see in my life from God our Father is that in my call to salvation when I was 17 was a distinct impression God wanted me for international missions! 53 years later we find ourselves being obedient to His call, uniquely prepared for the specific mission He has for us in our “twilight” years. Thank you for all your biblical insights with these beautiful video teachings!




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


You are in good company with Moses, Jim! May the Lord powerfully bless you and your wife in Uganda — in this your most fruitful season yet.




Heather on May 20, 2021


I would love to know more about the modern site and why it was so littered with trash? It was so severe, I felt sad for those that appeared to be fishing. The garbage washed up on shore reminded me that no ones life is without sin-we are polluted by it. But praise be to God for Jesus Christ, who washes us in his blood of redemption and forgiveness.




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2021


It really is sad, Heather, why so many of these places are littered with trash. Egypt is the worst I have seen, to be honest. But I have also seen it in the countries of Jordan and Turkey, as well as some predictable places in Israel. You might read over my post I call "Touring the Holy Landfill and its Surprising Helpful Lessons". God bless you.




Connie on Sep 24, 2021


After reading the article mentioned, I am curious as to why Bibles are not permitted at the Temple Mount. The trash is sad to see in these areas but excluding the Bible is even more heartbreaking!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 24, 2021


I am not sure of the logic behind the prohibition, Connie, except that Muslims do not permit any non-Muslim scripture in their turf.




Paulette on Jul 21, 2019


I am so thankful for God's grace.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2019


His grace truly is amazing. Thanks, Paulette.




Mike on Jun 7, 2019


Another great one Wayne, keep on being God's man,


While God's patience has limited His amazing grace for those who are lost, He love for the lost is still incredibly amazing.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2019


Thanks, Mike. Indeed, if the Lord would have saved only one of the billions who have lived, it would still be a testimony to His incredible grace. But He has extended that grace to more than just one—to anyone who will respond. I'm grateful for your encouragement.




James on Jun 6, 2019


Today is our 51 wedding anniversary and as I look back at those years I can’t help but praise the Lord for his faithfulness. Time and time again we have called on him to save us from one crisis (to us) or another and He has not failed us yet.

Miss you ! God loves you and so do we

James and Jeanelle Sims




Wayne Stiles on Jun 6, 2019


Happy Anniversary, Jeanelle and James! You're an inspiring couple and we miss your friendship as well. His grace is indeed amazing to sustain us for so many years.



Goshen and the Exodus - When God’s Justice Comes Slowly

Nile River - Learning to Trust God’s Provision

Ty on Mar 27


Such a great video to see again. Lots of information about Egypt and the Nile and how it is important to Egypt. Very interesting teaching on how certain people measured its abundance and how they used it for their own benefit. This was compared to Israel and God giving the promise land to Israel. Big difference on the water of the Nile dependency and the water from heaven feeding the promise land and ultimately the people living in the promise land.


We have the fountain of life, from the tree of life in us now, God Himself as His gift to every believer. Very important for me to not get distracted from the fountain of life from that which is around me that is not God honouring.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27


Right on, Ty. The Nile represents all that the world offers in terms of abundance and immediacy, and yet—it is a false hope. How essential that we rely on the true source alone.




Dorothea on May 19, 2022


I enjoy seeing the videos and biblical references, but wished I could open it on my iPad. Tried it, but will not open when I give my password, but disappears.




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2022


Dorothea, I and many other members are able to watch the videos on iPads. If you will connect with our customer support, they can try to help you. Click here.




Connie on May 12, 2022


Oh my the stairs where scary, okay God provided the path for you. I want to thank you soooo much for the videos you do. I am learning sooo much.


I was hoping you could pray for me, I had a mini-stroke, only 62. I am off of work for a few weeks. The sad news is my job has no benefits, I work for private healthcare assistant living. I do have fear of things being payed. I know in my heart God will provide just my head plays games. Thank you. God Bless. And thank you again




Wayne Stiles on May 12, 2022


Praying for you, Connie, as you recover. I pray that the Lord will powerfully continue to encourage you through the Scriptures, the videos, and random surprises that only He knows about.




Sharon on Mar 29, 2022


Those stairs were scary. When the water got high did it go around the outside of the columns near the stairs. How did they know when the crops were going to be good was there some kind of markings on the column that told him the level of where it needed to be for good crops?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2022


Nilometers were amazing. Here's an article that tells you how they worked.




Ty on Mar 21, 2022


Possibly the first time I am viewing this video. It is well filmed with lots of historical information and lots to reflect upon with Wayne's, Spirit led, biblical teaching..


Some tough challenging teaching for us to reflect upon and allow the Holy Spirit to do what only God can do and put a little wisdom into our life and be very appreciative for this Great God, the One and True Living God, who desires no one to be lost, but says I have given you the gift of 'free will', so decide this day who you will follow? Then act upon it.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Indeed, Ty, only God is our Provider. Good bless you.




Linda on Jan 28, 2022


Since we ( most of us) do shop for our groceries and provisions from outside sources. How do we honor God with our First fruits since we did not actually grow the crops?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


Great question, Linda. For those in an agricultural society, farming WAS their income. But for the rest of us, we can still apply the principle of first fruits by honoring God from the first of our income (Prov. 3:9-10; 1 Cor. 16:2).




Patty on Feb 3, 2022


I believe we can also honor God with the first fruits of each day by having morning quiet time.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2022


Yes, Patty, I agree. It's the best part of the day-- the morning-- that we give Him. May God bless you in those precious moments.




Diane on Nov 25, 2021


Thank you Wayne for this excellent video and your amazing teaching…especially on Thanksgiving Day!

Wishing you and your family a Blessed Day!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


Thank you, Diane. I pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you through the videos and through the Scriptures. God bless you.




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


Those who claim richness in this and that can distract us from God. Yet it's God who provides all things and so richness is not in things truly...but knowing God and Him knowing us inside and out.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Your insightful words, Karen, remind me of Jeremiah 9:23-24:


This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength, nor the wealthy man in his riches. But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD..."




Jim on May 27, 2021


Wow! I live about 60km from the source of the Nile in Jinja, Uganda on Lake Victoria! Recently preparing to get back home while in Texas we have had many distractions that tried to keep our focus off God! But just like this video and our nearness to the source of the Nile, we are blessed to know our soul provision comes from the source of God! Thank you for this wonderful teaching!




Wayne Stiles on May 28, 2021


What a blessing, Jim, that you are able to be so close to the headwaters of the Nile River! Amazing… May the Lord continue to keep His hand on you as you prepare to head back to the Lone Star State. God bless you.




Kathy Haecker on May 27, 2021


I love that you remined us that God is our Source, rivers and rain are the resources He used in different places. He knows what it takes to make us fruitful At different seasons of our lives we learn to trust Him for different things. I am so glad He is always faithful.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2021


Right, Kathy? Indeed, our Lord is always faithful. Even the massive rivers of the world cannot compare with the limitless resources of His grace. God bless you.




Janet on Feb 15, 2021


You mentioned manna but not quite sure what it actually was when God supplied it to the Israelites. Thank you so much for making the Holy Lands come to life and your connections to our lives today. You bless us everyday.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2021


Janet, I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with these videos. As far as the manna, indeed, it is a mystery what it was! In fact, the Hebrews themselves asked, "What is it?" That's where we get the name manna – the Hebrew phrase for "What is it?" The Bible itself gives us the clearest explanation of what it was: “It was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers with honey.” (Exodus 16:31)




Joan on Dec 17, 2020


I joined this group because I wanted to see the historical sites but I am really being enriched by the quality preaching. Seeing the places that are discussed in your sermons really does bring them to life and help me to remember them. I really love this site.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


I am so grateful, Joan, that the Lord is blessing His Word as well as helping you see the places where it all happened. It's an honor to play a small part of that. Thank you for your gracious words. God bless you.




Joan on Dec 17, 2020


I've been reading Denise Prager and using your site alongside his book is a stunning experience. I normally study the word with the Bible Project, and with the works of Collin Smith. They are both great resources. Now I am adding Prager and Stiles and it's bringing me allot of peace.




Lisa on Apr 10, 2021


I agree! What a blessing. Dr. Wayne, thank you...such quality and richness,




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Thank you, Lisa! I am so glad that the Lord is encouraging you through the videos and the Scriptures. God bless you.




Kathy on Dec 15, 2020


Thank you for this great reminder that God is our provider and we need to trust Him and give Him praise and gratitude daily!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2020


Yes, Kathy, that is such and essential reminder, isn't it? We need to trust in God and not in the Niles of our day. God bless you as you walk with Him.




Diana on Nov 26, 2020


After this crazy year, we've gotten a lot more practice trusting God for provision. Having a job doesn't guarantee you won't lose it somehow. We still need to trust God to provide for us in numerous ways. Thanks for the great video.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


That’s right, Diana. I’ve lost two positions, but each time God has opened a better door after waiting a while. He is faithful.




Lynette on Sep 15, 2020


What a beautiful and interesting video. So true....apart from God, I can do nothing. All I have is His. All that I am or can be, is because of Him. He's the very breath I breathe. Oh how I need to remind myself of that daily.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 15, 2020


I'm right there with you along side the Nile, Lynette. Indeed, we need that regular reminder of God's gracious provision in our lives. We need the reminder that apart from Him we can do nothing. Thanks for reminding me today! God bless.




Paulette on Jul 21, 2019






Tammie on May 28, 2019


Great video & reminder to rely on God. I was here, in this same area, over a week & 1/2 ago! So awesome to see it in your video😊




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2019


I love that you, Tammie, and other members who have been to the Bible lands can re-live your experience through Walking the Bible Lands videos! God bless.




Stacey on May 23, 2019



These videos are fascinating. I was amazed to see the straw in the mud bricks and the faces of Bible in the form of mummies are also interesting to me. You being there is the next best thing to me being there!




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2019


I'm so glad, Stacey, the videos give you the next best thing to being there! That's precisely what they're for. :-) Thanks for letting me know, and may God continue to encourage you through seeing these biblical places connected with His Word.




Steve on May 23, 2019


I've been meditating on what great rivers I'm trusting instead of God, and I am amazed at the results. Though I know God puts the air in my lungs therefore everything I do is a gift from Him, I too often forget that in my everyday dealings.


This was a wonderful reminder to me to remain humble and grateful.

Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2019


We need those daily reminders, don't we, Steve? Thanks for your humble spirit and for determining to stay grateful for God's gracious gifts.




Allison on May 23, 2019


Loved this visit to the Nile!! Thank you, Wayne, for your beautiful insight!




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2019


Thanks, Allison! I'm thrilled that the Nile River video encouraged you. God bless you so much.


Nile River - Learning to Trust God’s Provision

Luxor's Valley of the Kings - Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb

Cynthia on Feb 15


God certainly blessed you Wayne to make these videos available to us. Which is a blessing poured out to us. As I watched and listen to you explain the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, my heart is overjoyed but yet I still struggle at times with fear of man and what he might do instead of what God can, will and has done. This was a great lesson on Gods Sovereignty.





Wayne Stiles on Feb 15


We all struggle, Cynthia, with the fear of man. Thankfully, God in his grace continues to reach out to us in love. His sovereignty is an amazing comfort.




Craftylelab on Jan 27


God's sovereignty gives me comfort by just knowing He is in control of everything. I don't have to try to control situations, He already has it under control. And knowing that He knows the future allows me to enjoy life and not worry about things.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30


Absolutely true. I love the way you put that. God bless you.




Ty on Jun 2, 2022


Some marvellous teaching and expounding by Wayne to us along with the outstanding film making of the video. Indeed, history reminds us that the walk we are on is real and like the Pharaohs mentioned in this video we all have choices given to us. The gift of 'free will' is a wonderful gift, one to be taken seriously and reflected upon, for one's eternity demands upon it.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


It is fascinating to ponder that our free will somehow works in conjunction with the sovereignty of God. Our God is amazing!




Sandi on Mar 20, 2022


God's Sovereignty - when the earth is realing out of control, God is incontrol and has won the victory 🙌 Thanks again for another great teaching! Now I also want to go to Egypt!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


I just returned again from Egypt, Sandi. It was amazing. God bless you.




Joan on Mar 11, 2022


God's sovereignty offers me comfort, because I can trust Him! God's promises come true, remain, and deliver us from chaotic times on Earth. It's comforting to know that God is in charge!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Amen, Joan. God's sovereignty is one of our greatest comforts. This was Job's ultimate means of peace.




Charles and Linda on Mar 3, 2022


In 2010, we were in the Valley of the Kings and could not even shoot a photograph, although I do have a picture of the Ben-Ben (mountain) that looks like a pyramid, which I took before we were told no pictures. We hiked in the "back door" over one of the mountains so we did not see any of the warning signs about photos. How did you shoot video? Did you get special permission or have to pay a significant fee?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


Egypt changes a lot, Charles and Linda. They were not too keen at all on my video camera, but when we filmed in public places we used a very, very small camera. Likely, the stipulations have loosened quite a bit in the last decade. But they were still very unfriendly toward my cameras. We did have a guide with us who often ran interference. Couldn't have done it without him.




Pamela Huebschman on Jan 28, 2022


I watched this video in conjunction with the read the Old Testament Bible study you are doing now. Having this additional visual of where all took place and the number of Pharoahs involved helps me better understand. I also appreciate the reference you gave in Romans 9 and 10.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


Yes, Pamela, seeing those sites in Egypt offer some great additional insights to the Old Testament Scriptures-- and that Romans passage. Thanks for taking a moment to let me know you enjoyed the video. God bless you.




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


We are made from dust and we are buried within God's creation of dust which forms many things and people daily. God's creation to me is indeed the only magic in our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


I like the way you put that, Karen. God's amazing work in our hearts is indeed one of His most powerful creations. God bless you.




Jeanne on Aug 20, 2021


That was really amazing! In my (very little) mind, I always thought of the Pharoah as just one person—-it just blurred together. Of course I know that they died but they just were people that blurred together. To see the markers of the different ones and how God used them and how they interacted in Biblical history is amazing. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021


That's right, Jeanne. It's easy to confuse simple things like that! The pharaohs were simply a title like "king." I'm glad that the Lord encouraged you through the video. God bless you.




Judy on Jun 10, 2021


One more comment: I think many Christians think that the Pharaoh of the Exodus died with the rest of the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. But if Amenhotep II was that pharaoh and his mummy is in the Cairo Museum, then he obviously didn't drown with his army, and he continued to live with the knowledge and personal witness of the awesome power of God for the rest of his life. I wonder what he thought.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


I like the way you think, Judy. Very, very interesting…




Judy on Jun 10, 2021


I really appreciate the way you connect real Egyptian history with the the Bible both Old and New Testaments, i.e. God's sovereignty and our free will from Romans 9 and 10. My father and I visited Egypt for a week in the mid-90s, and we saw most of the what is in your Egypt series. But we did not learn about these places or people from a Biblical perspective, so this series has refreshed my memory, but in a much more meaningful way. I am so enjoying the spiritual truths and connections that you teach. Thank you! I'm sure my father and I saw the mummy of Amenhotep II, but I didn't realize who he was at the time. We were not allowed to take pictures of the mummies in the museum, which I always regretted, even more so now that I know their connection to Moses and the Exodus. Thanks for the great teaching!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


What a blessing, Judy, that you got to go to Egypt — and now that you get to relive your significant journey through these videos. I am thrilled that the videos are able to add additional insights to your experience. I pray they continue to do so! God bless you.




Mary on Feb 11, 2021


Wow...this video goes right along with our Church's bible study using "The Story" by Max Lucado & Randy Frazee. I wish I could show this to my study group but the download would not work.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 12, 2021


I'm glad you enjoyed the Valley of the Kings video, Mary. Sorry about the download trouble. I just tried it and it worked just fine. Mind trying again-- perhaps with another internet browser? Here's the download link.




Lynette on Sep 18, 2020


Wayne, what a fascinating video!!! Amazing. I had no idea such a place existed. And I never gave thought to a Pharaoh being a woman. And then to see the actual remains of those that interacted with Moses. Wow.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020


It really is amazing, isn’t it, Lynette? To see these places and faces of biblical history… Truly amazing.




Nancy on May 25, 2019


How amazing to see the body of the actual pharaoh of the exodus, and what a stunning contrast between Amenhotep II's meager monument compared to where Hatshepsut and the others are buried. I hope I'm not taking it out of context, but it reminded me of King Jehoram in 2 Chron. 21:20, "And he departed with no one’s regret. They buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings." And Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse." Thanks for this Egypt series. Every bit helps us see the Bible more in 3D.




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2019


That's a great connection, Nancy, with Jehoram and with Abraham's blessing. Thanks for including that-- and I'm so glad the Egypt series is encouraging you. There's more to come!




Dick on May 20, 2019


Thank you for this lesson on God’s sovereignty, I am blessed to be a small part of his plan. Your lesson gives me faith




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2019


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video on God's sovereignty, Dick. Yes, it is an honor to play a role in God's grand plan. God bless you.




Wayne on May 17, 2019


Hi Wayne I always enjoy your videos. In the last video I totally agree with the 1446BC date for the Exodus!

But my textbook “The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt” by Ian Shaw says the Thutmoses III was reigning at that time so I’ve always thought that he was the Pharaoh of the Exodus. He reigned from 1479-1425

What do you think?

Thank you

Wayne French




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2019


I've read that as well, Wayne. If you get a chance, look over Merrill F. Unger's Archaeology and the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1954, pp. 140-); and Gleason L. Archer, Jr.'s book, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction (Chicago: Moody Press, 1964, pp. 215-6). The chronology of Egypt has some debate, but most conservative scholars date Thutmose III to 1482–1450 BC and Amenhotep II to 1450–1425 BC.




Wayne on May 18, 2019


Hi Wayne

Thanks for replying so quickly and professionally. Your videos are very impressive and I have enjoyed them for years. It is a pleasure chatting to you and I will definitely look up your references and buy the books. I am in Israel in a couple of weeks with a few people. I have just begun a ministry in Australia with a semi trailer showing archaeology to school children using archaeology to give confidence to the Bible. My website will show you the semi and the work that we are starting


God bless you in what you are doing!!

It is exciting and amazing

Wayne French




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2019


You're welcome, Wayne. I forgot to mention one of the very best resources to help with Old Testament chronology. Be sure and put Eugene Merrill's book, Kingdom of Priests at the top of your list.


May the Lord powerfully bless you, Wayne, as you teach children God's Word through the wonderful tool of archaeology.




Brenda on May 17, 2019


Oh that was really good! I love how I can visualize the actual people of the Bible. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2019


You're welcome, Brenda. And YES, it's amazing to see the faces of those who interacted with Moses. Absolutely amazing.




Lydia on May 16, 2019


Recently, my daughter and her two children have undergone a divorce, very disturbing and sad. I've had to look towards sovereignty that "this to shall pass." I just have to hang on to God's Sovereignty every day and consciously Remember This Sovereignty. It gives me peace to know that HE is in charge and I'm not!


My comfort and those around me comes from knowing this and living it every minute of our days!




Brenda on May 17, 2019


I had that happen with my daughter. I was grieved- just like a death. However, as you have said, it truly is great to know that God is in control even when we are not. Good has come out of things, and I can’t look back. Though the hurt is still there, I am so thankful for a Lord who loves me so much through it all. 2 Timothy 1: 12-14




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2019


You're right, Lydia. We really have to filter everything-- both good and bad-- through the filter of God's sovereign hand. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter and grandchildren. May the Lord bring comfort and wisdom in the days ahead.



Luxor's Valley of the Kings - Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb

Karnak Temple - Egypt, the Holy Land, and Us

Ty on Sep 14, 2022


Would rather take this personally and direct this question at me instead of others. If we are following God, we're in the right place and at the right time, however, challenging it may seem. Sensitivity to the Spirit has to come into play and then obedience.


What am I putting in my life to allow me to be sensitive to the Spirit, yet have the expectation of a child in being in wonder to those things around me? I can't be a P/T'er, sitting on the fence at times. Either I am a F/T'er in being a student/disciple with the Spirit leading or I am not. It's a lifetime journey we all are on and we're going to get it wrong at times, children do. And when that happens knowing the way back and acting on it, sooner rather than later, is adding to my growing and maturing 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2022


I appreciate that reminder, Ty, to remain sensitive to the Spirit of God — which also leads to obedience. That is a great connection.




Marlon on Jun 16, 2022


I want you to know how much I have enjoyed and been blessed by these virtual tours. These tours are the next best thing to acually being there.

I am not physically able to travel to these places. God bless you for this ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


Thank you, Marlon. You are the reason I created Walking the Bible Lands! God bless you.




Joan on Feb 4, 2022


I see people escaping to their technological devices and the sinful things they seek out there. It's anathema to God's will for our lives to seek things of the flesh anywhere--and especially where it's found so readily. I pray for my grandkids to guard their eyes, hearts, and souls from any corruption! 🙏✝️🙏




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2022


Amen, Joan, and we must all guard our particular avenues of weakness and vulnerability.




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


People still escape to sin thinking they will be forever forgiven just because they have God on their side. Which Bible says no one can be plucked from God's hands once saved and is always saved. Yet the Holy Spirit stops me from doing alot of the sinful ways because Jesus helps me to turn from those wicked ways. I'm far from perfect....but Jesus keeps me focused on what is right vs wrong. I tell my peers who drag me into things..."No thank you". My Jesus will be displeased if I take that route.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


You are incredibly blessed to have such a sensitive ear to the leading of the Lord, Karen. Indeed, we are all in process, and we all desperately need God's grace on a daily basis. May He continue to strengthen you to walk with Him.




Michael on Aug 10, 2021


What a great eschatological perspective on the ruins of Karnak. Won't it be wonderful when the Egyptian, the Assyrian and the Israeli will bow down at the feet of Jesus and worship Him. Thanks for the insight. Great stuff!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021


Yes indeed, Michael, that will be a great day when these Muslim nations realize who the true God is. Oh, that many would continue to turn to Him in this age!




Gaye on Aug 5, 2021


Extremely interesting to actually see the temple and how it has withstood the "sands of time" and yet in light of eternity they are nothing. It is exciting to know that one day they will bow the knee to worship the true king.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2021


Yes, Gaye, won't that be wonderful! Indeed, all will bow the knee to Jesus Christ. I can't wait! God bless you.




Lynette on Sep 18, 2020


What a massive place! Such construction to please the gods. What a sad thought to know how that misses the mark!! I'm fascinated by how archeology supports Bible history. Yet what an exciting thought that one day ALL will recognize and worship our God!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020


So true, Lynette. It is amazing how mankind will build these marvelous temples to gods who amount to nothing. But then, if you were trying to earn your salvation, it makes sense that you’re going to make it as grand as possible. Sad…




Lynette on Sep 19, 2020


That's sadly true.




Paulette on Jul 22, 2019


I liked the information about the Egyptian artifacts in Israel. That was very interesting. And the verses at the end about the highway that Egypt will go up to worship the Lord. Very nice!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the Karnak Temple video, Paulette. I love the promise that Egypt will one day worship Christ.




Paulette on Jul 23, 2019


Me too!




Tammie on May 12, 2019


Karnak... wish I saw this video before this trip! I turned down the opportunity to go here & stayed in Cairo, while my son & daughter in law left for Luxor yesterday. I learned so much & will share this with them! So glad you shared on the steele in Cairo- I go to that museum Wednesday & will look for this!! So very interesting!!! Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2019


Wow, Tammie. How amazing that you get to explore Egypt during the same time these videos release. When you go to the Cairo Museum, be sure to pay the extra to see the Hall of Mummies. Three of the pharaohs lying there saw Moses' face! Check out my post for more info on Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Amenhotep II.




Garry on May 10, 2019


Dear Wayne,

Just watched the video on Egypt and the one of Petra. Fabulous!! I have had these on my bucket list for a long time. Perhaps sometime it will work out.






Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the videos, Garry. And YES-- I do hope you get to check off Egypt and Petra from your bucket list very soon! God bless you.




Estrella on May 9, 2019


Truly , your teachings are God inspired and I thank Him for using you in a mighty way.

Normally, in this secular world, God is the last bet when all else fail instead of the first we ran to in times of trials and calamities. Money and power play a good part in trusting for solutions to problems . Our God indwells us through The Holy Spirit and so He knows what we are in need of. God is my only source of strength and I praise Him for his Mighty Providence in all my needs..




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2019


What great insights you offer here, Estrella. Indeed, God is our ultimate source of strength and security. God bless you and thank you.




Steve on May 9, 2019


"What a privilege we have today to know and worship the Lord today, as all nations will tomorrow."


What wonderful words you speak Wayne. I pray for this very time, every day.

Thank you for all you do Wayne. You inspire me always.




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2019


Thank you, Steve, as always, for your gracious words. Indeed it is a privilege to know and worship the Lord today!



Karnak Temple - Egypt, the Holy Land, and Us

Cairo - The Flight to Egypt and God’s Unusual Leading

Cynthia on Feb 15


Thank you again for the amazing video. I have not been to Egypt

so I do appreciate the glimpse of it and the scriptures tied into it.

Makes it so meaningful.





Wayne Stiles on Feb 15


I am thrilled, Cynthia, but the Lord has encouraged you through these videos! May He continue to do so. God bless you.




Ty on Dec 6, 2022


A well done video with lots of teaching and reminders to reflect upon. As is expressed in the video, life is lived going forward, but understood in looking a back and reflecting upon it. We have an excellent opportunity in looking into the past through the Word of God and visit the lands and experiences of the bible through God's Word and these videos. If one's heart is sensitive and hungry the Holy Spirit can help apply meaning for our own application in our life.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Yes, Ty, well said. How helpful it is to look back and see God's faithfulness in our past in order to trust Him for our future.




Friend on Jun 1, 2022


Thank u & GOD Bless u, loving seeing the places of Bible history!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


I am thrilled that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos and through seeing all of the places where the Bible events occurred. God bless you.




Susan on Apr 15, 2022


I am truly enjoying these videos. I may never have the opportunity to visit these places, so thank you for sharing them with me, I am so glad that I knocked on the door to Bible Land Tours to virtually see what life was like for Jesus and the people of Israel. As a visual learner this videos are good for me and enjoy its presentation. So thank you again for putting this virtual tour together as I find it to be another way of teaching the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


Thank you so much for letting me know how much the Lord encouraged you through the Cairo video and through the rest of the videos. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Apr 3, 2022


I enjoyed the video and have the memories of when I traveled to Egypt. I was so moved when I got to walked down the area where it was where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph hid. Throughout my life journey I too wonder where God is leading me. But since I joined your Bible lands and Bible readings I know he is wanting me to follow this path. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2022


I am glad, Rosemarie, that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. And Egypt? You are among a rare number of Christians who have gotten to journey to that significant land.




Joan on Mar 24, 2022


Impactful video! To see such historic biblical places as a church in Cairo from the 4th Century impresses once again that God's faithful then yet prevail today--awesome and inspirational! Thanks so much for this visit to Christian history!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


Absolutely true, Joan. These ancient churches in Egypt are an amazing testimony to the enduring grace of God.




Bonnie on Mar 17, 2022


Amazing video! I am so moved by the scriptures being read there where it was to take place. Thank you!!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Thanks, Bonnie. Yes, God’s leading is amazing.




Pat and Gary on Feb 14, 2022


Very enlightening video! Thank you for your knowledge and hard work! Your videos are truly a blessing!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2022


I am so glad you enjoyed the video on Cairo, Pat and Gary. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you with each video.




Brenda on Jan 2, 2022


I realize these fulfilled prophesy, but was this going and coming out of Egypt also another identification of Jesus with the Israelite people that he too understood the need or rescue from slavery- the slavery of sin? Or am I reading too much into this?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


That's a great question, Brenda. I don't know that the text gives us any indication specifically that Jesus as a child understood the connection of redemption from Egypt with redemption from sin. However, we do know that He makes that connection other places in the Scripture. For example, it was at the Last Supper, a Passover meal (which celebrated the Exodus), that Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper (which celebrated His death on our behalf).




Brenda on Jan 2, 2022


Joseph was such a Godly man to continually follow the Lord in taking care of Jesus. He was warned, and he went.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


Right, Brenda? I love that Joseph had immediate obedience.




James on Dec 3, 2021


You are giving us insights that whet our appetites for more WORD investigation both with you and individually. Thank you for your diligence.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


James, I'm so glad the videos are encouraging you with context and insight into the Scriptures. God bless you.




Patti on Dec 3, 2021


God led me to different states at different times and my life intersected with different lives in each place. Sometimes for their benefit and sometimes for mine. I didn’t understand at the time but in hind sight there was a purpose that only God knew at the time. Now I follow where He leads and look forward to what is revealed there. I trust God and so can follow without question.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2021


Well said, Patti. God‘s leading in our lives does not always make sense at first, but in time His purposes become clearer. God bless you as you follow.




Karen on Oct 21, 2021


Since God had a hand in creating each of us....He knows how our life story is before we live it. Life amazes us....but God already knows our steps and when. He has created our story and now we endure the tests of times. When I am clueless on what has happened and brace the next stage in my life...I say ok Lord....what is next? Stay with me if it is happy, sad, rocky, or smooth. I'm here to embrace anything you and I do together. Just keep Satan away and we will be just fine!.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


Amen, Karen. The Lord is our Shepherd and our only protection against the savage wolves.




Steven on Oct 7, 2021


Wayne, Due to recent months of my own ministry preoccupations, it has been a while since I have had opportunity to enjoy again your anointed video presentations. Not coincidentally, I tuned in this morning to watch this one--at the very kairos moment in my own life where God has led me to take an unaniticated but already fruit-bearing ministry turn. I so enjoy your unique ministry for which I remain abidingly grateful. Many blessings to you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 8, 2021


So grateful to you, Steven, for reconnecting. I applaud you for following God's lead in this next season for you. God bless you.




Michael on Aug 10, 2021


God does lead in unusual and not always in easily understood ways in my life. This video reminded me of Isaiah 42:16 "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." This verse has been a comfort to me during these unclear moments of God's leading. Thanks for the great video and application Wayne. It is a blessing how your application always gets straight to my heart.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021


That verse from Isaiah is powerful, Michael! Thank you so much for sharing it.




Brenda on Jun 11, 2021


'God seldom gives us all we need in order to understand, but He always gives us what we need in order to obey," is so true. God gives us ample examples in Scripture of those who were led by God to move forward, "going not knowing" "arise and go" without clear understanding or direction; but always for our good and His glory. And He also repeatedly assures "I will be with you.." In a recent Bible study, the teacher said, as we read through Scripture it is ok to "dwell in the unknown." not understanding at first or even after multiple reads, what the Scripture is saying. In due time, God may or may not reveal His understanding and His purposes. I think of the terrifying visions Daniel had. It seems that as we obey and have humility before God; the more He blesses us with at least some portion of understanding. "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus," rings true.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2021


I love that song, Brenda. It's amazing how those simple lyrics some of the goal of the Christian life. Trust and obey…




Doris on Feb 20, 2021


Was surprised hearing of the different maps depicting The Holy family journey to and from Egypt there. Thanks for the video.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


I know what you mean, Doris. When the Bible isn't specific about the particular direction they traveled, it is easy for many people to create many maps! God bless you.




Paulette on Nov 29, 2020


Having just gotten back from a 2-week trip to Egypt, I was really excited to watch this video in Cairo. I have also been fascinated with the different maps depicting Joseph, Mary, and Jesus' journeys to and from Egypt. So many churches, pastors, or teachers never talk about these subjects. I personally feel an enrichment to see the traditional settings and discuss what they represent, even though we cannot know for sure. Thanks for this video. I really loved it!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


What a blessing, Paulette, for you to have gone to Egypt during these difficult days of travel. How wonderful for you! I am thrilled that these Egypt videos are bringing back memories of your trip. Hopefully, they will also offer some additional insights. God bless you.




Paulette on Nov 30, 2020


The additional insights are definitely happening, believe me! I am continually thankful for your ministry and your insights that God gives you. The expansion of understanding just keeps building. I pray God will continue to bless you and keep you, and to make His face shine upon you, and give you Shalom!




Lynette on Sep 19, 2020


"God seldom gives us all we need in order to understand, but He always gives us what we need in order to obey." That is such a great quote!! So often we don't understand God's purposes at the time, but oh what a thrill when even years later the lightbulb comes on and we do get to see what it was all about!! And those other times? Guess we might have to wait for heaven to understand.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 20, 2020


That's right, Lynette. So much of the faith we applied toward the inexplicable events of this life will be revealed in heaven in all the glorious wisdom of God. Oh, that we only would keep that in mind during those seasons of doubt and discouragement... God bless.




Rich on Aug 29, 2020


Another wonderful video with interesting and relevant Biblical truths and meaningful application. Thank you so much!


I especially appreciated your closing paragraph: "Wouldn't God receive more glory from our lives if we trusted Him along the path of the unknown rather than if we understood His purposes from the start? God seldom gives us all we need in order to understand—but He always gives us what we need in order to obey."


It's ALL about trusting, isn't it? I think the enemy's number one strategy is to keep me from trusting God. If he can do that, he's won; and if he can't . . . then, in God's will and in His power, I'm unstoppable!


In fact, I've even wondered if perhaps, at the most basic level, that's the enemy's ONLY strategy. Doesn't everything he does to get me to fail ultimately come down to dislodging my trust in God?


And of course that's exactly what he did with Eve in the garden; he raised doubt in Eve's mind about God's goodness and trustworthiness and then eventually flat out contradicted what God had said.


I think that just REALIZING that the enemy's number one strategy is dislodging my trust in God is helpful in focusing my efforts on THE central issue: always, moment by moment, maintaining my confidence in Him.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2020


Great thoughts here, Rich. Thanks so much for sharing them. Yes, trust is HUGE, isn't it? So much of the life of faith boils down to trust. May the Lord give you "grace to trust Him more."




Garry on Dec 12, 2019



This is fabulous. Thank you so much for bringing the story of Christianity to Egypt in a way I have never heard it. Also, I have never seen the pictures of the Coptic-Christian Churches either. I had no idea the buildings would be this beautiful. Bravo. Nice piano work at the beginning.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2019


Thank you, Garry! I always think of you when I include a piano. :-) Yes, Egypt is another great part of the Bible lands. I'm so glad we can include it here.



Cairo - The Flight to Egypt and God’s Unusual Leading

Moab - Ruth’s Hope and Ours

Earl Rudman on Mar 9


The quote "Our Choices are Gods Chances" touched me deeply!! It made be stop and reflect on many choices I have made in my life. And I found the chances he gave me. Thank you brother and God Bless!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


I'm so glad, Earl, that the Lord encouraged you through that simple principle He shares in the book of Ruth. God bless you.




Fred on Sep 19, 2022


Loved this video. The views are amazing. I just love following you on your journeys and learning about the places in the Bible. I’m sure you thoroughly enjoy what you do. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


It is indeed a blessing, Fred, but like any vocation, it requires dependence on God and can be exhausting at times in every way! God bless you.




Kim on Apr 5, 2022


Yes God is always working- for His glory and our good! Better to hop on His bus than go our own way! I love when I have those divine appointments. That chance to pray for someone or best when I get to share the Gospel or the goodness of God in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2022


Yes, Kim, some divine appointments have been absolutely amazing, haven't they? Our God still works His wonders among us.




Lynette on Jan 15, 2022


Two quotes stand out to me in this video. "Our chances are God's choices" and "Faith to wait and see". Another excellent video. Thank you for these wonderful reminders.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2022


I am glad, Lynette, that those particular quotes and principles were encouraging to you. May the Lord continue to bless you through the videos. God bless you.




Jeanne on Jan 2, 2022


I really like the idea that chances in life are really God’s way of directing my life. I’ve usually thought that I am lacking God’s direction but when I think back over the years, he very well has been directing parts of it. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


Absolutely, Jeanne. Sometimes we just have to stare at the obvious in the face before we see it. I'm glad that the video was able to encourage you. God bless you.




Ty on Dec 30, 2021


Isn't it interesting verses Ruth 1:15 and 17. Seemingly, the believer, Naomi encourages her daughters in law to return to their 'gods' (the gods of this world) and yet Ruth reminds Naomi of her belief in the One and True Living God and seemingly Orpah heard this. Surely God put this story in His Word for us today, as He has for everyone for all time. When things don't go the way we all would like them to go, what are you and I going to hold on to and what do we truly believe and trust in?


Choices and more choices, we all have to make every day and yet God says we don't have to walk this alone. I for sure have lots to learn this side of heaven, but I (we all) do have an eternal travel plan with God's Word with the gift of the mark of the deposit inside all God's children to help us along.


I also think actions at times speak louder than words (I came to serve and not be served). How much influence did Elimelech's and Noami's actions have on their daughters in law. The husbands would also have influenced their wifes, which would have led to the event of Noami, Ruth and Orpah decision point of where they would decide where to travel. Every day actions, which we all may think are insignificant, may have far more reaching effects.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


Yes, Ty, it is amazing the long-reaching effects of our choices. What seems so insignificant today often compounds to great significance tomorrow. Oh, may we be faithful in the little things!




Darlene on Dec 15, 2021


I’m just on here to say “Thank you for these precious teachings through visual tour.My only chance I’ve ever been giving to see the Bible places I’ve read most of my life’




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2021


You're very welcome, Darlene. I pray the Lord continues to bless you as you watch the videos and draw closer to God.




Floyd on Dec 10, 2021


Hi Wayne; I've found that the older i get "coincidences" that i used to experience, are now truly God stepping into the middle of my life. This provides additional comfort as my life consciously slips closer to meeting Him face-to-face. Daily I meet strangers here, and almost daily there is a meeting that has extended meaning. Two days ago i sat with a couple at lunch and learned that he retired from teaching at Texas Weslayn in Ft. Worth. Turns out they were both members of Grace Bible church where Stan & Chuck ministered while they were there. From that I learned that he was a graduate of Wheaton College and knew about my dad's cousin who taught there earlier for a number of years. It's not about getting older here its about meeting new friends late in your life.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 11, 2021


Absolutely yes, Floyd. God's choices first appear as our "chances," just like Ruth!




Ken on Dec 9, 2021


Wayne. What beautiful scenery! Your message that God is in everything, directing our lives as we get out of ourselves and help others, as Ruth did. Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


Yes, Ken, that message of God directing our lives is so powerful-- and Ruth illustrates it so well. God bless you.




Beverly on Dec 9, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


Thanks so much, Beverly. I'm glad the Ruth video encouraged you. God bless you.



Moab - Ruth’s Hope and Ours

Jabbok River – Finding Our Strength Wrestling with God

Ty on Dec 6, 2022


Lovely to view this video again and drink in the sights of the Holy Lands and the Holy Spirit's inspired teachings using Wayne. Wrestling with God, why would I do that, if I am following Him? God always leaves enough awareness to keep pressing on 'in Him, in Christ'. His affirmations whether fast or slow in coming have been right on time in my life. The amount of learnings and understandings happening in my life are progressive during all the flat line times, incline upward growth line times and exponential growth curve times. The One leading knows the right speed of travel through them all for me to achieve maximum learnings and affirmations to press on 'in Him, in Christ'.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


How good is our God, Ty, to give you an experience without much wrestling. I rejoice in that for you.




Heather on Oct 13, 2022


This was great! A Surprisingly beautiful place in the midst of a dry, rocky desert. As a clergy person, I am confronted with my weaknesses constantly. I often fall into the trap of comparing myself to other preachers and leaders and feeling like I'm coming up short. I can wish that I was gifted or skilled in particular ways, whether in preaching, organization, administration, etc. God has proven to me over and over how he takes my weakness and uses it for his good. I am humbled and blessed to surrender and be used by him.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 16, 2022


You are not alone, Heather. Even biblical greats like Moses and Gideon were reluctant to serve the Lord, because they felt that their giftedness fell short of the task. In truth, we all are unequal to the task! But God takes our fishes and loaves and multiplies them for His glory.




Karen on Dec 2, 2021


What limps or thorns has God left in your life to remind you of your need for Him? Oh let me count the ways. Multiple times. But I don't blame God for my pain ....I blame Satan trying to slow me down. I automatically pray to God for help....for HE is my only refuge and strength every time!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


What a mature perspective, Karen. I greatly appreciate you sharing this.




Ty on Nov 18, 2021


This has been a good reminder of reflecting on my journey through life. In the personal, social, and business areas of my life, there have been challenges for sure. I am thankful for the experiences in learning from them as indeed it draws the heart, mind, and soul closer to our Creator God to continue walking in the way I desire to walk before Him. The mental or physical limp and/or thorn reminder allows me to focus better when approaching a similar experience and pass through it with more grace and sensitivity.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2021


I know what you mean, Ty. Those handicaps of life that God sovereignly allows are actually the means of His grace to give us greater strength. I like the way you put it that the thorns and limps give us greater grace and sensitivity to the weaknesses of others. May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you strengthen others.



Jabbok River – Finding Our Strength Wrestling with God

Petra - Abandoning the Stronghold of Pride

Marlon on Jun 30, 2022


After watching this I am in aw of wonders of God. It was God that gave these people of Petra the skills, strength and intelligence to plan and creat such a wonder.

My mouth was open and my eyes not able to believe what they were seeing on these videos. We serve a mighty God that can do all things. Thank you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


Right, Marlon? These tomb-carving marvels indeed reflect the creativity given to the people of Petra. Wonderful to see how the gospel came even to them during the late-Roman era. God bless you, Marlon.




Joan on Mar 31, 2022


I would offer that the recent glaring example of a famous Hollywood male slapping another famous Hollywood male on worldwide TV; then having to backpeddle, apologize, and possibly being stripped of his award might be an example of being humbled, at least we hope. Lord, help strip me of my pride, in Jesus' Precious Name I pray, Amen!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022


Yes, I think Mr. Smith's actions were a shock to us all. Most probably to himself. May God have grace on all of us!




Connie on Feb 25, 2022


Just completed a study of the minor prophets. Makes the book of Obadiah come alive seeing the location and understanding the verses 3 and 4 "dwelling in the clefts of the rock, who's habitation is high"!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2022


Yes, Connie, the terrain of ancient Edom really does give a context to Obadiah's message. Thanks!




Linda on Feb 14, 2022


It’s sad but I see that pride way too often in my grandson. No surprise to me that because he does not depend on God most all his plans are fruitless no matter how hard he tries or the hours he puts in. I am of the attitude if and when he accepts Gods help and establishes a relationship with him things will change for the better. Question: Has all the area of Petra been searched for additional caves, it looks so massive. Thank You.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2022


Petra is massive, Linda. Much more of it has been searched than the public is allowed to see, but I do not know if all cabs have been discovered. I kind of doubt it. Praying for your grandson, that the Lord will be merciful to his heart.




Karen on Dec 2, 2021


Amazing location and history I was unaware of until now! WOW! Makes me want to read deeper in the scriptures now that I've seen this video!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


I like your reaction, Karen! If watching the videos makes you want to dig deeper into the Scriptures, it's a home run! Win-win.




Elvarene on Dec 1, 2021


I was at awe, when I went to Petra. The huge rock walls, oh my god! Walking through the street this was amazing to see, touch and experience such history. Pride goes before a fall. Lord create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in me. I need Jesus every step of the way. I even rode on a camel. Wow I was on top of my game. (😇) Thank you for bring the memories of my trip back to me. Bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 2, 2021


Wow, Elvarene! What a blessing that you got to go to Petra. I am glad that the video helped you to relive your significant journey. God bless you.




Jeanne on Sep 9, 2021


Wow! This was so amazing! Is this where one of the biblical end of times events is supposed to happen? I can’t imagine living there. I liked the water gutters.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


Yes, Jeanne, Petra is amazing indeed! There really isn't anything in the Scriptures that points to this part of the Bible lands and connect it with end times. Still, it's awesome! God bless you.




Michael on Aug 11, 2021


This view of Petra is stunning! I did not realize that it was so large and at one time held 30,000 inhabitants. What a blessing to have been able to see this presentation. Thank you, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021


Thank you, Michael, for your enthusiasm. Isn't Petra amazing? I'm so glad that the video was able to encourage you through the virtual tour. God bless you.




Barb on Jun 22, 2021


This Petra video is my favorite so far Wayne!! Incredible landscapes and a powerful message. Thank you again for sharing your Holy Land travels with us!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021


Hey there, Barb. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Petra video! May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch each one.




Sue on Mar 29, 2021


How amazing to have the visual context for Edom, Esau, and the book of Obadiah. While I have seen pictures of Petra, I never had the Biblical context. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


Fantastic, Sue! I'm so glad you finally got to see the land of Esau... May the Lord continue to bless you through each and every video.




Diana on Dec 9, 2020


Fortunately, I've never been stung by a scorpion, even after living in Phoenix most of my life! lol. I am so grateful for these stunning videos, especially when we can't travel right now. I didn't know you could see it on Google maps!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2020


That's right, Diana. Google Maps has most of Israel mapped out. It's pretty amazing… I am thrilled that you are enjoying the videos. God bless you.




Lynette on Nov 16, 2020


Wow, just incredible!!! I loved seeing this again. I was there in January of 1978 (yes, it feels and sounds like forever ago!) :) I remember walking this long way and then into that open area and seeing all that was there. Just amazing. It's a site I've never forgotten. But, wow, I don't remember seeing all that this video and the extra resources show. I'm so grateful for Walking the Bible Lands. It's truly one of my favorite websites. Thank you for all your work in putting this together. And then to have the blessing of all your spiritual insights and applications!!! Just tremendous!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 17, 2020


What a blessing both ways, Lynette, when I hear you and others share how Walking the Bible Lands is encouraging them. Thank you for letting me know. And Petra-- YES, it's so amazing. And there is much more to it than any of us ever have time to see on a mere 4-hour visit. :-)




Stacey on May 29, 2019


2,000 Years is impressive. But God.....




Mary Anne on Nov 13, 2018


Wow! Petra is such a beautiful place! I never dreamed I would be able to visit so many places in the bible lands by visual tours! Thanks so much Wayne for producing these wonderful videos!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 13, 2018


You're welcome, Mary, and I'm thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with His Word and with the videos. Yes!




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Oh my! Never been to Petra & the video & pictures & 3-d map are incredible!


I learned so much! This is on my bucket list! (Anne Graham Lotz -Billy Grahams daughter, is doing a tour here right now that I wanted to go on, but the price was quite high). This just made both my husband & I want to see this place!

I loved how you tied this into Obadiah & a passage from Micah- I knew they were there, but didn't make the connection until this video! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


I'm leading a group there this fall, Tammie (the tour is full-up). But we're also planning a possible "Second-Timer's Tour" in March of 2020-- which would include Petra.




Tammie on Jul 17, 2018


I got a brochure showing that you are doing a trip march 1-12th, 2019. Is this trip still on?

Are you doing another trip in 2020 still that includes Petra?

Thanks, Tammie




Wayne Stiles on Jul 18, 2018


Yes, Tammie, our March tour still has room on it. You can read all about it here. I'm not sure about 2020 just yet; still working on that! You cansign up to be notified of upcoming tours.



Petra - Abandoning the Stronghold of Pride

Machaerus - Discovering the Benefit of Your Doubt

Ty on Feb 22


Great seeing this well done and challenging video again. We seem to think the toughest and bravest people we know are people of violence, special forces and tough sport people. Meekness is weakness, really?


What did it take to accept those beatings, carry that cross to his hill of crucification, get nailed to the cross and die? Our view point and understanding of things can get pretty screwed up.


John the Baptist was one tough and brave cookie, hanging in there as best he could right up to the end. But, no where near as tough and brave as the one who took the cross for all of us.


And to take it up another notch, just as tough and brave as the One who saw it all happening to restore what humanity lost in accepting that meekness that was offered up by His Son, with the third Person of the Trinity looking on.


Toughness and brave as defined by humanity can't even get on the first run of the ladder as defined by God.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


Wasn't John amazing, Ty. Like you, I deeply admire his passion and even his honesty when struggling.




Dorothea on Jun 18, 2022


God knows our every thought, so there is no hiding when doubts arise. Your presentations always increase my awareness of all God did through Jesus for us, his sheep.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


I am glad that the video on Machaerus was an encouragement to you, Dorothea. I pray that each video will continue to be! God bless you.




Patty on Apr 14, 2022


When godless evil or wickedness appears to continue to win - despite praying and fasting - individually or as His Body Church.


So we sing Habakkuk’s words by faith not sight:


‘I heard and my heart pounded my lips quivered at the sound; decay crept into my bones and my legs trembled. Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the invading nation.


Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls


YET I will rejoice in the Lord - I will be joyful in God my Savior. The sovereign Lord is my strength- He makes my feet like the feet of deer - He enables me to tread on the heights.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


Yes, Patty, what an appropriate scripture to bring alongside this lesson with John the Baptist. Thank you.




Sharyl on Apr 7, 2022


I may have heard this statement from you, Wayne, “Doubt your doubts but do not doubt your faith or God’s promises.” I say that over and over when I doubt things in life. His truths are forever and ever. Amen




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


You may have heard it from me, Sharyl, but I was simply quoting Walt Allmand who said: "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs." That is a helpful statement, isn't it? I'm glad it home with you.




Joan on Apr 7, 2022


The untimely loss of a loved one or deep hurt caused by a friend (or loved one) would prompt doubt in some people, I imagine. What I remember, when something or someone negatively interrupts my life, is that God may be redirecting me in a safer, sounder, and/or healthier direction!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2022


What a wonderful perspective, Joan! What you shared is distilled wisdom and maturity. May the Lord continue to bless you as you trust Him.




Brenda on Feb 21, 2022


This was one of my favorite spots that we visited with you. I loved seeing my then 83 year old mom pretending to dance on this floor. However, I loved even more the lesson about faith in this story. Seeing this place cemented the lesson in my mind. It was an awesome trip!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


I do remember, Brenda, your mother dancing there! That was actually pretty funny. God bless you.




Marilynn on Jan 25, 2022


Reminds me of the story of Job and how he suffered unjustly. Or so it seemed. God, however, knows the big picture. The message I received is even though we think we ought not to be suffering in this world, we need to trust in His divine purpose.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Yes, Marilynn. God's goodness comes in circumstances that require we take the LONG view. May the Lord bless you as you trust Him today.




Hal Warren on Jan 3, 2022


Thanks for sharing where John the Baptist was held as prisoned and the insights concerning his doubts and Jesus' affirming response.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


Yes, Hal, John was a model of an honest believer in Jesus. That's what I love most about him – his integrity even in his doubt. How gracious was our Lord to affirm John before his death. How very gracious…




Stacey on Dec 21, 2021


The beheading of John the Baptist was one of the three times when I read there was no other reaction but to cry in despair. My life is low but I will not suffer his fate. This reality is all consuming and requires faith and trust that suffering is in the big picture of God’s perfect plan. My reality requires trust and faith. When compared to the worldly emptiness it seems so very sad and even makes me angry. But God will use for good. That requires my response to be trust which is hard. What John went through is incomprehensible.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2021


Yes, Stacey, what John suffered was unjust and hardly compatible with the righteous life he had led to that point. His struggle included doubt, which he took straight to Jesus. I believe the Lord used that struggle so that John could die with peace of mind. Those messengers who returned to John with Jesus' words would have brought a message of hope and encouragement to John before he died. It is that same hope we are called to cling to in our suffering. As Peter wrote: “For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong” (1 Peter 3:17). We only need to make it through today, and thankfully, we are not alone.




Ty on Dec 17, 2021


Limited knowledge, insight and doubt verses unlimited knowledge, eternity and truth. Good reminders for the way ahead as to who to follow and trust.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2021


Yes, Ty, our doubts can creep in and try to push out the truth of God's Word. How essential that we take our doubts to Jesus (like John did) and trust the Lord above the weaknesses of our own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6).




Beth and Steve on Dec 17, 2021


Decades ago, we rode the Space Mountain ride at Disney World in Florida. It is the ride that, to me anyway, best describes what living with God is like. On the ride it was so dark that you couldn't see or in any other way anticipate what the next move of your ride was going to be. So, we just hung on and enjoyed the ride. God has told us many times that He wants the best for those who love him. So, when one of those changes comes into our lives, make it like the Space Mountain ride. You say, "God I wasn't expecting that" but I'm hanging on trusting you because you know best for me. If I could trust that the Space Mountain ride wouldn't come off its rails and do me harm, how much more can I trust God. Just thank him and enjoy life's ride.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2021


I have written that ride at Disney World as well, Beth and Steve! It was surreal not to be able to see the track. I like your metaphor of hanging on and trusting God.




Patti on Dec 4, 2021


When we don’t get the expected results we sometimes doubt God. But when we are fully submitted to his plan we can accept his results as his will and trust him.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


So true, Patti. Doubt can creep in when God doesn't conform to our expectations. Thankfully, He loves us enough to walk us through the uncertainty into certainty.




Karen on Dec 2, 2021


Many times I question God Why Lord Why? God tells me None of your business often. Just listen, learn, and keep trusting Him in the final outcomes. It's hard...for my patience gets thin and my thoughts go wild at times. Thru tragedies and personal attacks I receive daily from people who I thought knew better on how to behave.....makes my heart jolt often. God teaches me love, forgiveness, acceptance constantly.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


I am right there with you, Karen, in the struggle of trying to figure out what God is doing in our lives. Thankfully, He never asks of us to try to understand at all, just to trust Him and obey Him. May the Lord give you strength today to follow Him completely.




Mary Anne on Aug 12, 2021


The message here is profound. I’ve lived a long time 77 years and each time I’ve waited for an answer to a prayer it didn’t come when I wanted but at exactly the right time. In His time. Hindsight always has shown that what I needed was given when God felt it was the right time. God is good.


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to walk the Bible lands with you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2021


I'm so glad, Mary Anne, that the video on Machaerus encouraged you. Indeed, God's timing is perfect! God bless you.




Robert on Jul 23, 2021


When hard times come. I don't know that I doubt as much as I forget and start to lean to my own understanding I liked Psalm 131:1 and statement that our strongholds are defended by PRIDE, but that we should rely on the Lord Alone. Boast in HIM Alone from whom we receive ALL we need




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2021


That is a great distinction, Robert. Indeed, our own understanding seems so right, doesn't it? May the Lord bless you with a deeper comprehension of His Word.




Mary on Dec 21, 2020


Rest in His promises, not your feelings.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020


I like the simple way you put that, Mary. "Rest in His promises, not your feelings." Promises never change! God bless you.




Diana on Dec 9, 2020


I never realized how many palaces that Herod had. For some reason I pictured John The Baptist imprisoned somewhere closer to where Jesus was. Wow! The place where Salome did her dance. The Bible is archaeologically accurate for sure.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2020


So true, Diana. The palaces of Herod are amazing in and of themselves, but when you combine them with biblical history… It's beyond fascinating. May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos and study His Word.




Stephen on Jan 24, 2020


Great thanks to you and your team for this production Wayne! This video like the others is fantastic!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Machaerus video, Stephen. It's a joy to travel to these places and bring you along on the virtual tour! God bless you.




Rosemary on Aug 18, 2019


Thanks Wayne for your video and explanation. It is very helpful to understand the location along with seeing the area. I always wondered about what the dungeon areas were like. Seeing the area is impacting.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2019


It is an amazing area, Rosemary. So glad you got to see it. God bless you.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Just a great perspective on this place. Makes me feel what John the Baptist must have felt. Learned about another new site!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


Yes, absolutely. I feel for John. Did his very best and struggled with discouragement of all he thought was right. How gracious of Jesus to encourage John before his death at Machaerus.




Tammie on Jul 17, 2018


Machaerus... is this the Island of Patmos?


Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jul 18, 2018


No, Tammie, Patmos is among the Greek Isles of the Aegean Sea. Machaerus is in modern Jordan, east of the Dead Sea.



Machaerus - Discovering the Benefit of Your Doubt

Plains of Moab - How to Find Contentment with God’s Blessings

Ty on Mar 15


Great to see and listen to this video again. If you are listening close you'll hear a phrase 'as He defines it'. Ask the Spirit to allow that phrase to soak in and see what happens.


Who's writing the book on my dictionary of life?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15


Right on, Ty. "As He defines it" is the operative phrase.




Kristian on Mar 13


"Blessings is ours in abundance and they tempt us to forget God."

This statement is so simple but true. How often does the scripture reveal this to us that we get so comfortable with the blessings that we do in fact fall into that temptation.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15


Yes, Kristian, and the struggles that we so desperately pray for God to remove are the very things that draw us back to God.




Merleen on Jul 21, 2022


I am about to make some changes in my life and I have been excited about the changes, but I’ve seen some disappointing things occurring that are a concern and cause hesitation. I saw the changes as God’s purpose for me and my family, but manipulation has caused me some concern about my families motives. I am trusting the Lord for wisdom and clarity. Please pray with me for Godly wisdom and clarity!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


I have prayed for you, Merleen. As I mentioned in the other comment, I think it would be very wise for you to seek some godly counsel on these important changes.




Merleen on Jul 21, 2022


I’m actually about to make some changes in my life and at first I was very excited about doing so, but I am having doubts. It is hard to trust the intentions




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


I know what you mean, Merleen. It is difficult to have a confidence in our intentions and motives. This is where the wisdom of Scripture and the counsel of other wise people can help bring clarity to our thinking and more confidence to God's leading.




Patty on Apr 15, 2022


Contentment and Waiting Upon The Lord


Be still and know that HE is God.


“Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust/wait in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:30-31




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


I love those verses from Isaiah chapter 40. Thank you so much, Patty, for including them. God bless you.




Joan on Apr 14, 2022


God has always come through for me, despite my anxieties. He has blessed me immeasurably!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2022


I am right there with you, Joan, in praising God for the strength that He gives us to press on in spite of our anxieties. May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you walk with Him each day.




Rosemary on Mar 30, 2022


My first view of Israel was looking out from Mt Nebo. It was an amazing experience standing in an area where Moses had looked over the huge panorama view of the land that was the Promised Land viewing the Dead Sea, Jordan River, Jericho, Bethlehem, in the distance Jerusalem etc. The stunning mosaics in church and the brazen serpent monument were awesome. When I visited this area it left me with a lot of thoughts about my relationship with God and his blessings.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30, 2022


I never thought about that, Rosemary, but your first view of Israel from Mount Nebo is a magnificent experience! You and Moses have that in common. :-)




Marilyn on Mar 27, 2022


Excellent video! So helpful to see it in the context of our daily readings!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


I'm glad that the videos are helpful to give a broader context to your Bible reading, Marilyn. God bless you.




Ty on Mar 9, 2022


Another great video to watch and learn. The filming is spectacular and Wayne using his gifting to ask some hard and penetrating questions are good for the soul.


As a military trained person, I would like to add a thought to consider in some of the referencing in the reading of Numbers chapter 32 with some of the tribes asking for and giving permission to settle east of the Jordan. It was only the fighting men who went over and lead the Israelites across and were obedient to the end in being released from their fighting for years by Joshua. And then they after being released from all the fighting by Joshua, built an altar to remind the other tribes that they were a part of the whole thing.


We are in the Lord’s army, and He knows armies need focus in doing their service. Israel starting out in leaving Egypt and the Lord directing them not through the lands of the Philistines because they weren’t ready for fighting comes to mind.


Not having one’s family around allows the military trained individual to focus all his/her attention to the task at hand. While the other tribes had to contend with their family members after crossing the Jordan in occupying the promise land the tribes who settled their family members on the other side of the Jordan could and probably did focus all their energy to keep their promise and commitment to do what they asked and were granted by God through Moses. Just wonder if another slant can be gained in this reading. Was it really their second best and were they distracted or enlightened to ask and then receive?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Your question is a good one, Ty. The reason I say it was second best is that it was outside of God's intended bounds of the promised land. Also, the enemies essentially consumed these tribes so that they disappeared.




Georgia on Jan 3, 2022


I continue to be amazed at how you literally bring the Bible alive through the Virtual Tours, Reading the Bible, and your Living the Bible Podcasts. I subscribe to them all, and my only regret ( now that I am almost 89) is that they weren’t available when I was younger and trying to teach a SS Class. I love the Podcasts, and am trying to catch up since I only tuned in last year. I am curious…….it is evident you have an audience for the Podcasts. Are they Sermons, or just a class of nterested people, or what? I also am taking the opportunity to share these resources with family and residents here in this Senior Citizens Facility. Thank you so much for this wonderful ministry and visualizing how much it is needed. May Gods continue to bless you, and even give you more insight on how to spread His Word.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


What a blessing, Georgia, that the Lord is blessing you through the videos and podcasts. I am humbled to play a small part of God's great encouragement to you. The podcast is essentially my Sunday school class, which I teach each week at my church. Thank you so much for sharing with others at your senior citizen facility. I pray that the Lord would powerfully encourage all of you! God bless you.




David on Dec 30, 2021


For me need to remember the time God blest me and see where He brought me out of the land of Moab to the promised land. Looking to 2022 will be more aware of blessings and give God all the praise and glory.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


That is a magnificent goal, David. I pray that the Lord will encourage you this next year as you continue to walk with Him day by day. I also hope that the videos continue to encourage you along the way.




Karen on Dec 2, 2021


I look at what is ahead. If it doesn't match what I am already comfortable with and I see no excitement of great things ahead....I count my blessings and stay in my comfort zone. People are wanting me to change for their better. If I see no joy or excitement of continuous blessings of same as well as added blessings I don't head in those directions.




Lynette on Aug 12, 2021


This video popped up on my email this morning. As I listened again, it is so timely to where life is right now. So good to hear again.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 12, 2021


What a thrill, Lynette, that the Lord was able to encourage you through this timely video and message. May He continue to do so!




Lynette on Aug 8, 2021


As I watched this video again, I'm reminded of a tapestry. Our lives sometime seem like the underside of a tapestry. All we see are random threads that at times don't make sense. But, turn the tapestry over, there is woven something beautiful and meaningful. God sees the big picture, His huge plan that I'm just a small part of. I must and do trust Him to be weaving something beautiful and meaningful for all that happens in my life. God never wastes a thing!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2021


What a beautiful metaphor you describe, Lynette. Thank you so much for sharing it. It is rich with implications.




Doris on Feb 21, 2021


When we at Mt. Nebo, the church was under construction. Seeing the mosaic, serpent cross and imaging Moses feelings seeing but not entering the Promise Land was a blessing. Because I never thought I would every see this beautiful church and area. restored. Though your video I saw it again but also the richly blessing it was to go there and wait for His timing of this blessing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


How wonderful, Doris, that you got to see the church restored! I am glad that the video gave you a window into what you missed. I remember the church both before and after the restoration, and the restoration is absolutely beautiful. God bless you.




Lynette on Feb 3, 2021


You are right. That church is beautiful. I can only imagine what it would look like in person. It amazes me to think that we can stand and walk where the poeple of the Bible stood and walked. I wonder if they ever thought about future generations being where they were. I doubt if they could wrap their minds around 2021. [I barely can] :) Such good points. These last months have been ones of trying elimate detractions in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


There must've been some sense of realizing that future generations would stand where they stood. Abraham he had the promise that his generations following him would return to the land. I'm sure that future generations played a huge part of their present reality.




Hayden on Dec 8, 2020


This was a great encouragement for me. Thank you Mr. Wayne. I am at a place where it seems as if the next step of my journey is impossible. Through prayer and Godly counsel, I believe God has directed me to this place, but it just seems like there is no way that the next step will happen. Ultimately, all I want is God to get the greatest possible glory through my little life. I trust He will answer that, and I do not want to settle for second or third-best.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 9, 2020


The Lord can do wonderful things, Hayden, through your amazing attitude. The desire of your heart is the desire of God's heart. He will indeed lead you in His timing.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


What a lesson! Thank you! It brings the Bible to life to hear the story of the Israelites & Moses, & then to see the place!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


Wow, you are really going to town on these videos, Tammie. I think you win the "new member enthusiast" award! Thanks.




Tammie on Jul 8, 2018


Lol! Very excited to find a site with so much quality information & Bible knowledge! I appreciate the way you have connected the dots & obviously spent so much time in research & reading. Your love for God & the truth really shines through!



Plains of Moab - How to Find Contentment with God’s Blessings

King's Highway - When God Takes You the Long Way

Ty on Mar 24


The video shows lots of undulations of the land which reminds me of my or anyone's walk in life with all the ups and downs we'll have to take. Wayne's simple yet anointed message is significant for anyone to hear. God is offering to guide anyone along their pathway of life or they can choose to go it alone. Having ariel oversight, so to speak, in the forward coming challenges on the road ahead is God's desire for us to know with His help, so we can make good decisions and for us not to get lured into detours, which can and will be demanding and costly.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24


I like the way you put that, Ty. God has the "aerial" view. Great thought.




Marian on Mar 17


Today I am going on a short journey which is taking me away from my quiet precious time with my Lord. I usually spend my first hour in prayer and reading, but today will not be that way. I am so grateful for this lesson and now will enjoy where he is leading me and how he just might have something more for me to learn, on a different time and place! Thank God for this ministry today and reminder from this lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18


I love your perspective here, Marian. May the Lord be with you as you take your journey.




Patty on Apr 22, 2022


LOVE this title ‘When God Takes You The Long Way’. Isn’t that the truth! It’s a truth I’m coming to realize in this older age - and past couple years when life isn’t coming to quick satisfactory solutions not conclusions. For decades I’ve been used to very little resistance - nothing I can’t handle by sheer force of Will or my flesh. BUT GOD in His wisdom and sovereignty and love and mercy and patience…. is taking me the longer way - to build that all important faith within me. And it’s a long hard road at times for me. God is good and His everlasting goodness is good to me.




Joan on Apr 21, 2022


That's a very insightful and helpful lesson, Dr. Wayne! It's time to relax and spend time with God, when He redirects our steps into a different direction than we anticipated! Thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Amen, Joan. Sometimes those re-directions are blessings in disguise, aren't they?




Karen on Dec 2, 2021


I always get short term relationships. Long lasting friends but never a true soul mate. Gets frustrating at times. Sometimes I feel like He is selfish and won't allow me my desires of a balanced home life. It's like He wants me all to Himself. I feel used at times. But maybe He is protecting me. I just have to continue my faith in Him and trust His Leadership.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2021


I know what you mean, Karen. Lifetime friendships are rare indeed, and family balance is an illusion. Social media can truly rob us of a right perspective. I like your conclusion – just continue in faith and trust in him. He is not asleep at the wheel of our lives. God bless you.




Lynette on Feb 3, 2021


So much truth!! God's ways and thoughts are so much greater than mine. It's easy to want the shortest and easiest journey, but God knows what I really need. How much would I have lost if I always had my way? I shutter to think. While it's not always easy, I'm so grateful that God takes me on the path He knows is best. I always grow through those times.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


So true, Lynette. The Lord takes us the long way when it is the best way. At the same time, I am thankful that when Christ returns for us, it will be in the twinkling of an eye.




Hayden on Dec 10, 2020


"The LORD often leads us according to the needs of our heart, and not always according to the wants of our heart." Praise God.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2020


That is a tough lesson, isn't it, Hayden? I pray that the Lord would strengthen you as He leads you according to the needs of your heart.



King's Highway - When God Takes You the Long Way

Mount Nebo - God's Plan for Your Future

Elaine on Apr 6


As I read Deut.34:1 again, what stood out to me was “all the land”.


When we visited Mount Nebo in 2019, we were blessed to have a very clear day, and yet because of the geography, we could not see all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, the western boundary as described in Numbers 34:1-12 to Moses. So, does this mean what Moses was able to see was miracle?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6


Yes, exactly, Elaine. Even the best and clearest of days only allows you to see as far as the Mount of Olives. Moses must have seen beyond this through a vision of some kind.




Elaine on Apr 6


Thank you. This is why I love the videos and the scripture references you provide to catch these small yet important truths.




Patty on Apr 22, 2022


Wonderful flying video - love the scripture captions ❤️




Patty on Apr 22, 2022


Guiding Hand examples:

The family He placed me in - the friends and church He’s given me - the Kingdom work He’s brought my way - the dear Lost in my life (more than ever) - opportunities and words to share - the quick running paths and the still water places along the way -




Debra on Mar 4, 2022


There is really nice camera work on this video! They are all video'd so well.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2022


Thank you very much, Debra. My cameraman is the best! So grateful for your gracious affirmation.




Debra on Mar 2, 2022


Is Mt. Nebo the place of Jesus' transfiguration?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 3, 2022


Great question, Debra. No, Mount Nebo is not the place of Jesus' transfiguration. That was most likely Mount Hermon. Mount Nebo was the place where Moses saw the promised land for the first and only time.




Marilynn on Jan 25, 2022


It does seem unfair that God didn't allow Moses to cross over into the Promised Land, however, it could have been a blessing. Moses was old and probably pretty tired after wandering the desert for 40 years and spending time reigning the wayward people in.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


God's sovereign plan often seems unfair, doesn't it, Marilynn? It takes hindsight to see that God knew what He was doing all along.




Carl on Jan 6, 2022


It is great to receive these weekly reminders and to hear and see your exposition of God's Word! The quality of your production is outstanding!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


Thank you so much, Carl! It's always a joy to see your name here. I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos. Truly, I do…




Ty on Jan 6, 2022


Another great filming with an informative teaching session. It is short, snappy and easy listening. A very good time investment for sure.


Reminders, how often do I need them? Pretty often I would say. God graciously gives me plenty of reminders to encourage me along my path way of life.


God's Word to us is a gift that shouldn't be taken for granted and should become a way of life, referring to it often, daily, I believe. I have read the bible in a year for decades, attend weekly bible studies and have other teaching sessions on a weekly basis and repeatedly the topic I am going through may be familiar, but new details are revealed and referrals to the other passages are made aware to me with new learnings or appropriate information important to me at the time revealed. That just confirms to me that we have a very active God in desiring to have an ongoing relationship with Him engaging with all of our being and in all the seasons of our life, God will respond to us accordingly as He desires to do this, but His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), so in reality we have lots to learn throughout our entire life-time. My years compared to His eternity being just points out to me the huge gap between my understanding and His knowing..


Reminding myself that He is the Creator and I am the created makes me want to keep our relationship open and working to learn and grow more about the why's and what-for's of the here and now for me. Nothing wrong with the Word (Bible) or the Spirit (God's gift of deposit all Christian receive) helping me along as they will provide 100% effort, but my end, sad to say doesn't come up to their enthusiasm all of the time and to be honest probably I am distracted and don't desire to communicate at times, because of whatever that is going on in my life. Maybe even boarding on the lines of OK, but wait I'll fit You in when I can. A sort of God on my terms. I often find my quality of life takes a nose dive and I become acutely aware of become complacent with the relationship I desire to have with our Creator


For me it starts with knowing and reaffirming His Word to me (us) and allowing it to guide me in my learnings and maturing while growing in Godly wisdom in my decision making.


This has been a good lesson leading to a good question being asked to ponder and have a think about with God graciously allowing me to experience things, but learning of the need of His Godly wisdom in navigating my life's journey




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed the Mount Nebo video, Ty. Indeed, we all need those reminders in our lives, less we forget the simple lessons of God's grace.



Mount Nebo - God's Plan for Your Future

Ammon – Seeing What Could Have Been

Patty on Apr 22, 2022


Just read through this Bible account today - Gods conviction pierces right through us - and what a piercing as Nathan uses this story of a precious little lamb to convict David ‘You are the man!’ It can’t help but bring us back to our own precious spotless Lamb of God Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


Amen, Patty, we do need God's grace – just as David did.




Rosemary on Feb 5, 2022


Thank you for this video. It’s really helpful to visually see the area referred to in the Bible. It brings the Bible to life.’ I’ve visited Ammon but was not aware of its significance.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2022


What a blessing, Rosemary, that the video helped frame your memory of Amman in a way that is significant. Perhaps you can go again! God bless you.




Ty on Feb 3, 2022


Lots of good historical information Wayne helps us with and the filming is done very well in supporting Wayne's teaching.


In answering Wayne's question I would generally answer with a broad sweeping brush stroke by quoting Romans 3:23 'all have fallen short of the glory of God'. All through the bible starting with Adam and Eve and even before them with satan and 1/3 of heaven's army falling with him will point to massive fallout.


Although I can read about others in the Word, I can also reflect upon my life and can say guilty as charged. I seem to be reminded of Paul's inspired words. found in Romans 7 ending with verses 24 -25 'What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature, a slave to the law of sin.'


The Good News is Jesus Christ and for those who believe and commit to following in the foot steps of Jesus will hear the words some day, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25: 21 & 23)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I think you quotation of Saint Paul's confession in Romans 7 is so appropriate, Ty. We are all like Paul in this regard. Well said.




Patty on Apr 22, 2022


Amen Brother Ty! Beautiful Gospel application!




Ty on Apr 22, 2022


Thanks Patty, we are brothers and sisters in His army. Our service is done in love and our obedience is our love shown. It's personal and not any religious experience.


God has His kids in every religion I believe, but kids know their Leader and encourage others to know Him personally in the midst of what is referred to as religion. Not always an easy road to travel on.


Man and woman titles are all around us and given out based on our knowledge and experience. To raise or accept our role in His church while being His church in a fallen world is something only God can do. Our knowledge only takes us so far and it surely doesn't enter the spiritual without God involved personally.


Appreciate your encouragement to keep the main thing, the main thing.




Ken on Feb 3, 2022


Great Video Wayne. The message is so good. Our decisions have consequences. How true. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus as we walk through life. Only he will direct our path in the way we should go!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Amen, Ken! His grace is also SO abundant in our lives, just as it was in David's life. He was still a man after God's own heart, even after his sin. How essential that we trust what God says over what we see that seems more compelling.


Ammon – Seeing What Could Have Been

Balm of Gilead - Your Help is So Close

Melanie on Jan 15


If the Balm of Gilead trees were unavailable for over 1500 years, where did the seeds/plants come from to produce this farm?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


I think, Melanie, that the point was more of a lack of opportunity to grow the plant in the land (Israel was only back in the land after 1948). Their absence from the land and its native plants removed the people's experience with it for centuries.




Nancy on Jun 18, 2022


I loved this. I've been intrigued by the balm of Gilead since I first heard the song about it in the movie The Spitfire Grill. It was fascinating to get a glimpse of the actual plants and imagine how they grew in biblical times. I'm always amazed at how God packed so much symbolism into His land. Thanks for sharing all these places with us that add color and dimension to our understanding of the Bible.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2022


Indeed, Nancy, the Lord uses so many powerful metaphors from his own natural creation to give us insight into the spiritual life. He is amazing!




Gary on Jun 16, 2022


Well, like Ty I can only answer this question for myself. For me today it is: A) to have the faith and focus vertically on the truth that God's plan and answer for me will ALWAYS be the best in the long run. Then B) to have the fortitude, commitment, and patience to wait on God's timing and see what His answer is. Then wait for it, and take the action He desires for me. I think my answer to this would change and adapt somewhat to the circumstances and struggles I would see at any one point in time.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


Well said, Gary. Thanks and God bless.




Ty on Jun 16, 2022


Interesting question in light of Matthew 7:1-2. I can only speak about myself, while still desiring to be careful. The hardest part of me to accept God's solutions to any challenge or struggle I am facing is me. I know enough of the Word to appreciate what Scripture says most times, but then there is what the world has taught me, my experiences and beliefs and then my obedience and trust. If I am honest, not being sensitive to the Holy Spirit even with the knowledge of Scripture I have and allowing emotions to rule instead of God's truths is a stumbling stone at times.


Yet, God in His grace and mercies keeps allows me time to come to myself and seek His peace and leading. I must admit it is a humbling experience when that happens, as I thought I had learned that lesson, where I had missed the mark, I re-learn a valuable gift, more of God's grace. The influence of the fall and sin with the pull of the flesh allows me to remember Romans 7:7-25 and Paul's inspired discourse on the law and sin coupled with our desire to control things our way.


After getting real and over myself, God is more than happy to take the lead with my following Him in going forward.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


Indeed, it is a humbling experience, Ty, for the Lord to be the Lord of our lives. And yet, how essential!



Balm of Gilead - Your Help is So Close

Neapolis – Opening Our Eyes about God’s Closed Doors

Virginia on Jan 12


There is a tough situation in which I would like resolved. My hands are tied, it is up to God to move the hearts of those will be instrumental in solving the situation. It is all in God's timing.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12


I'm praying for you, Virginia, that the Lord will open the door in His perfect timing-- and that He'll encourage you in the mean time.




Dorothea on Dec 15, 2022


We have to believe God's timing is always best, even when we often don't understand it.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2022


Absolutely, Dorothea! I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you.




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


‘Setbacks: Part of Gods Plan to move us forward.” Very good articulation of my recent years of frustration even in minor things of life. But in actuality Gods way of moving me forward in Him alone - trust and expectations and patience in Him. ‘Be still and know that I AM God!’ ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles’




Kerry on Feb 3, 2022


really neede to b reminded . the Lords' timing is not our timing




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


Yes, Kerry, we all need that reminder that God's timing is perfect-- and so seldom the same as ours. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Marilynn on Jan 29, 2022


I love the reminder that everything is simply in God's timing.

We seem to want our prayers answered now.

It certainly requires patience and trust.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 29, 2022


That's right, Marilynn, God's timing is perfect. But so challenging to wait for!




Heather on Jan 10, 2022


I used to think I was pretty good at discerning God's will for my life. After marriage and family and mid-life, its a whole lot harder for some reason. Probably because there are more people to consider when making changes or going in a different direction. Thanks for the reminder that Paul and his companions faced open and closed doors often, and that it is okay to just be waiting in the place between the next open door. I found this video very inspiring with you walking the remnants of the road that carried God's Message to the world. I wish I had the funds to travel to all these special places!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2022


Yes, Heather, some of the toughest places to be are those in between seasons where we are waiting on God to open doors. I am thrilled to be able to take you virtually to these many places! Also, I encourage you to start a small savings account in order to travel to Israel. My wife and I saved for nine years for our first trip – totally worth it!




Karen on Dec 9, 2021


Closed doors are depressing but it makes me reprioritize my plans. If I find a locked door in my hopes and dreams and really want God to open the door...I change my course only briefly and just keep praying and waiting. If it eventually opens then we agree. If door remains closed I just start pursuing other areas that maybe will be pleasing to God, I, and others at the right time.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2021


That is a great strategy, Karen. May the Lord encourage you as you turn those doorknobs! God bless you.




Lynette on Aug 10, 2021


"It all comes down to God's timing....keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking" -- so true!!! I know God's timing is perfect....just not my own timing usually. :) In the long waiting, I need to remember to keep asking, seeking and knocking!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2021


That's right, Lynette. God's timing is the key! How essential that we trust Him for it.




Diane on May 15, 2021


Once again Wayne what great videos, Biblical teaching and insight!

My husband and I are looking forward to touring Greece with you on September 13-23, 2021 with Imagine Tours and seeing these amazing sites!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


Yes, Diane, I am thrilled to anticipate our wonderful upcoming journey. You will see Neapolis and so many other places! God bless you.




Joan on Jan 2, 2021


Can you tell me a little about the church ruins in this video? Where are they and who built them?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021


Hi, Joan. I have looked through the video again and I am not seeing the ruins of a church. Perhaps you mean the façade of the library at Ephesus? Tell me the time code where you were seeing the church, and I'll be happy to help. God bless.




Paulette on Apr 26, 2020


This video was a HUGE confirmation for me as well as a rounding out of understanding and clarity. God has been speaking to me about open and closed doors for about 3 years now. And it has been an amazing and enlightening journey. There is still so much that He continues to speak to me about them, and this video was a continuation of His education of my understanding and such a calmness and assurance that I received during this teaching. Thank you SOOOO much!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2020


I'm so glad that the Lord used the Neapolis video to encourage you, Paulette. It's amazing how He can use a simple thing like media to impact us with the power of His Word. Thank you for remaining open to His leading in your life, both with the closed doors as well as with the open ones. God bless you as you follow Him.




Judi on Mar 20, 2020


Wow, what memories! I stayed in one of the hotels on the water and walked the path along the water. I don't remember connecting Neopolis with Kavala. Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2020


Wow, Judi... Did you realize you were at a biblical site? How great to be able to look back now with that insight. :-)




Tammie on Mar 12, 2020


I just read this in my BSF Bible study!!! Such timing! Beautiful place! Thank you for sharing your video & insights & Biblical knowledge on this place! Learned that Byzantium was modern Istanbul! Love the learning from your videos! Thank you!





Wayne Stiles on Mar 13, 2020


So glad you enjoyed the Neapolis video, Tammie. How great that you're studying this in BSF! Amazing, God's timing... God bless you.




Ty on Mar 12, 2020


Some very good reflective teaching and expounding to us by Wayne in this video message. Wisdom is God given not man/woman given. Connecting the dots is experienced at times, but lots of redirections happen along the way. Character building and personal shaping takes time. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). God changes us from the inside out. We all look to mentors and coaches to influence us, role models who influence or help shape us in the natural. I surely did and still do. I often say now in my head I can follow the person I see in you, Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit, and that is the person I am following, yet all in the natural fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), so I need to be watchful as to who I am taking guidance from.. Is it the natural or supernatural? And in the supernatural is it the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) or is it self which has been influenced by world decisions lead by the prince of the air (Genesis 4:7). There is one person, Jesus Christ, I am doing my best to follow in my life, however, being a child of God means I got lots to learn, grow and mature 'in Him'. Every day is a day in God's school of life in class room 101. When I think I know better and don't show up, is when the messes occur in my life. I don't go to church because we the people are the church of God. So every day we are in church and taking an active role in learning from our internal Counsellor, Advocate and Coach, the Holy Spirit. I took 40 years with religion in my life to make that personal call to follow the Leader, Jesus Christ, in my life. New seasons occur and there is so much to learn in every season, mostly about my character 'in Him'. After walking 29 years in my personal relationship with our Creator God, He sure shows me lots of turns to make when I enthusiastically embark off on a certain path or experience a certain situation or occurrence to learn from. I guess I am getting better at it as folks say every now and then they learned something from what they saw/see in me and it's Him, Jesus Christ, I believe with all my heart. Thanks Wayne. Ty




Wayne on Mar 12, 2020


As always, Ty, your insights are profound and appreciated. It's amazing how God's closed doors can last so long, it seems! Still, his closed doors are so essential for our redirection. I like to remember that slammed doors do more than bend our nose; they keep our heart pliable, sensitive, and available to God’s leading. Not only does He keep secret the difficult valleys we experience (and many of the mountaintops), but also the tremendous lessons we glean no other way. Lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn. Lessons we’ll thank Him for one day.



Neapolis – Opening Our Eyes about God’s Closed Doors

Philippi - Lydia’s Baptism and Our Changed Hearts

Barbara on Jan 19


It seems that sometimes we try too hard to "convince" people to turn to God. We must tell the story, but as you pointed out, it is God who does the changing.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Amen, Barbara. Waiting on the Lord to change a heart (including our own) is a challenging assignment.




Roseanne on Nov 18, 2022


Thank you for this beautiful video!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2022


Thank you, Roseanne. I'm so glad that the video on Philippi was an encouragement to you. Me too! :-)




Joan on Nov 3, 2022


Absolutely magnificent video visit to Philippi and lesson on Lydia's role in spreading the Gospel at the gateway to Europe! God has miraculously given me His patience and blessing across my life, despite my wanderings and periods of inattention, praise be for His mercy! Thanks so much for this fantastic video!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


What a blessing, Joan, that the Lord encouraged you through the Philippi video. Isn't it wonderful how our Lord is so immeasurably patient with us, and all of a sudden — boom! He opens our heart to respond to His Word, just as He did with Lydia.




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


Yes - what a great video of this incredible Bible place. ThankYou! Love it!

Gods patience and mercy with me is supernatural indeed! What love and absolute commitment to my sanctification process - long after I’ve given up. Yes and through this He holds me back with others and says ‘I’ve got this, Patty - you just continue to focus on Me while praying for others - pray as Paul prayed throughout the Epistles - for My Saints. I open their hearts and the hearts of My lost sheep”




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2022


I am so thrilled, Patty, that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you.




Heather on Jan 8, 2022


Wow, what a beautiful place! I had no idea that there was such a location still visible and available to see. Thank you for sharing! I imagine it is even more beautiful in the spring and fall with the plants and trees blooming or turning color.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 9, 2022


Yes, Heather, Philippi is a beautiful places—as is all of Greece! I look forward to you seeing many more places like this. :-)




Lynn on Jan 7, 2022


Thank you, Wayne, for reminding me that God opens hard hearts in His time and we are to wait on Him. I cannot imagine finding no synagogue in Philippi but God had planted Lydia and her companions outside the city and God opened their hearts to His message. Thanks for this timely message which encourages me to pray for God to open the hearts of my beloved prodigals.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2022


Yes, Lynn, our God is sovereign on His timing and so, so patient... And aren't we glad He is patient toward us? I join you in praying for your beloved prodigals. (Luke 18:1)




Francis on Sep 26, 2021


Thank you for this timely message. My eighteen year old grandson reached out to me this morning and we agreed to get together on Tuesday, which we both happen to have off from work. I pray that God will open his heart, and that the Holy Spirit will guide my words that I might plant or water the seed, or perhaps even harvest the fruit, the truth of the redemptive power of belief in Jesus Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2021


Yes, Francis, I will join you in the prayer for your grandson. May the Lord work in his life!




Michael on Aug 16, 2021


I love how you shared Acts 16:14 that "the Lord opened Lydia's heart." I hadn't realized that before. That gives me hope for those that I know that seem to have hardened hearts towards Jesus. I will continue to pray and believe for them that "God will give the increase." Thanks for the beautiful insight.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021


So true, Michael. Only the Lord can open the heart – including our own! May the Lord give you grace for those you are praying for.




Lynette on Aug 10, 2021


Such a beautiful area. I love Lydia's obedience. One woman, in tune with God and dedicated to Him, can change her world!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2021


Absolutely true, Lynette. Lydia was a magnificent and generous woman. I love that the Lord chose her as the first convert in Europe.




Jeanne on Feb 7, 2021


That was really good! I have been praying for my parents, nephews and a couple of other people for years but I haven’t been praying for God to change their hearts. I know that it is in his timing and I don’t know what he is doing behind the scene and periodically I get frustrated. I will keep on praying for them but rest in that ultimately it is their decision and God’s timing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


I know what you mean, Jeanne. I cling to the Lord Jesus’ words that we “ought always to pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). I join you in prayer that your family will come to Christ. God bless you.




Marleen on Jun 12, 2020


This video will not play starting in video 2, I have tried several times




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020


Marleen, I have tried the video and it works just fine. Do you mind trying with a different Internet browser? You can also download the video and watch it.




Paulette on Apr 27, 2020


Whelp. Yet another 3 year theme that God has been working with me on. God changes the heart, speaks to the heart, works with the heart. He very graphically changed by heart about 2 major issues that had plagued me - one as far back as my childhood. I finally realized that as much as I wanted to and no matter how hard I tried to change my own heart, it would not happen. Finally, heard a pastor on the radio addressing this, and said that God would change my heart if I seriously asked Him about that thing. So, I did pray. He did free me from anger that I could not change with in myself no amount of repentance or forgiveness I extended. But when GOD changed my heart, 3 days after that prayer, I could not even remember what I was angry about and still can't to this day. He fixed the broken in my heart. Then He started to talk to me about how He does that all the time for every one. I have butted up against a very difficult situation in my home; a major change, a big move, and having someone in our home living with us that was WAY harder than I could ever foresee. Began praying for God to change the hearts of all involved - mine, my husband, and my mother's. It's been almost a year, but I can truly say, God has done a work in hearts. Some hearts more than others, but He is faithful. I have been applying this to those I am able to speak to about the Lord. I now understand that all I need to do is speak what God says; I absolutely do NOT need to worry about the results. That is in God's hand; the work of the heart only He can do. Oh my. Has this every made life so stress free. Of course, there is always the spiritual warfare fight to stand on the truth you know and stand therefore. But WHAT a journey this has been so far, and I am so excited to see how things unfold. Thanks for your faithfulness to speak the truth and share your insights in the Bible and the lands of the Bible. It's a continual confirmation stream for me that I am hearing the Lord in some very difficult situations.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2020


Incredible testimony, Paulette. I admire your courage for praying and responding to God's prompting to change. I know that must be incredibly challenging. May the Lord continue to bless you as you follow Him and as He changes your heart.




Tammie on Mar 26, 2020


Loved what you said, ' We cannot force in another person what God has yet to change'.


This was an amazing place to experience through your video. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27, 2020


I'm so grateful, Tammie, that you enjoyed the Philippi video at Lydia's baptism spot. That principle of waiting on God to change someone is a tough one, but so essential. God bless you.




Judi on Mar 20, 2020


I visited the area on a Footsteps of Paul trip back in 2013. I remember seeing the mountain top fortress - you showed it - any info on it? We spent more time in the ruins of Philippi and never saw the river - thanks for that.

We saw Philippi, Corinth, Mars Hill and the Acropolis, Smyrna and Ephesus and left from Istanbul.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2020


What a blessing, Judi, to be able to visit those significant places. Yes, I have more videos releasing on the main ruins at Philippi (the forum, etc.) soon. Also coming are videos on all the other biblical sites you mentioned--and more. This year will be super. God bless.




Bruce on Mar 19, 2020


Excellent video. I am really blessed to see where Lydia was baptized and the area around it. I never imagined that the river was just a creek. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2020


You're right, Bruce. It's amazing what video can show us to focus what's in our mind. What I was most struck by were the beautiful surrounding mountains and the snow on the peaks. Just beautiful! It's neat to think that those who lived in Philippi experienced that terrain and temperature.




Garry on Mar 19, 2020


Dear Wayne,

I visited Philippi in Greece in 1977 on a performance tour. Yes, that was many years ago!! All of the sights you show here in your video show lots of updates for the area. I don't remember the small foot bridges, and terraced areas or even the beautiful church. The inside is spectacularly beautiful. Is it newly restored? This area is rarely visited by Christians because of the remoteness of the city, but it is really worth a visit. I also gave a performance in the giant rotunda building in Thessolonika. I am not sure the building survived the earthquake a few years back. The drone shots on this video are fabulous.

Thankful for the work God did in Lydia's life, and that she was willing to take the step of faith.





Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2020


What a privilege you had, Garry, to visit Philippi back in the 70s. It does seem that these updates are recent, and they are amazingly beautiful. I would love for you to see them again!




Ty on Mar 19, 2020


A pretty neat message from Wayne in reminding us (me) about my part in God's plan. I am and all God's children are witnesses to His work in, through and around our (my) life. If I am walking the talk and learning, growing and maturing in a Spirit lead life then, I will see, hear, feel and be prompted by my Teacher (He, the Spirit of God, who is in me is greater than he, devil and the fallen angels who followed him, who is in the world). God is changing all His kids from the inside out as the outside world has been influenced by a fallen being (satan, the prince of the air). Using our gift of 'free will' and being God's instrument, vessel or channel to influence someone(s) by living the life 'in Him' He has chosen, designed for me and just being myself, is God's plan for me and anyone. No one has anyone else's DNA. We are all unique and the only one who understands that uniqueness is the Creator of it, God. Only God can handle properly the glory that will comes by others to all of us. Our choice when someone tries to pass it on to us is to direct it to God our source of living, at least in our own mind and heart, maybe not audibly. We'll never really know how much we can influence someone in our spheres of influence, but allowing God to use us, whether we know it or not (I believe at least for me, mostly not knowing) God can do immeasurably more than I can even begin to appreciate, which I thank Him for every day.


This is a good reminder of Lydia story as it reminds me in taking 40 years, with religion in my life, to know I needed a 'personal' relationship with my Creator God and not just some head knowledge or traditional practices. Personal means all of me involved in the relationship and do I ever need it for learning, growing and maturing 'in Him' this side of heaven in walking the talk. When you love someone, you are all in, not just parts of you. God is love, so He sets the bar, so I have lots to sort out if what I understand about love is based on my learning and teaching with a human definition and experiences. God's love is unconditional, free and always available. It's my choice if I am open to it and respond to it. As we are reminded by this teaching, when that happens. God can and will use everything to respond to one of His created beings (us) in building on that relationship if we choose 'Him'. Many blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Mar 19, 2020


Thanks for sharing this, Ty. Lydia's story does have a lot to teach us about how God opens our hearts to his grace.



Philippi - Lydia’s Baptism and Our Changed Hearts

Philippi Forum – Finding Freedom in Spite of Hostility

Patty on Apr 24, 2022


I’ve met Gospel opposition here and abroad. It’s hard. But more difficult is afterward - to continue boldly stepping out to share despite doubts and fears of more rejection. Being connected with church or team or partner is intrinsic to encouraging one another to keep on keeping on as ambassadors of Christ. We see this pattern in the NT church and Jesus sent them out 2 by 2 - coming together again to report and share what God has done for His Kingdom!




Yvonne on May 2, 2020


Wayne, we love listening to your teachings every Shabbat.. You have a wonderful way of presenting information and we see the Holy Spirit working through you: Praise God. Bless you for allowing yourself to be used in such a powerful way. This particular video spoke to me louder than most. Thank you, be well and Shalom!!




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2020


I'm so glad, Yvonne, that your Shabbats include a virtual trip to the Bible Lands-- what a great idea. I'm thrilled that the Lord is blessing you through His Word and through these videos. God bless you.




Tammie on Apr 16, 2020


I did not make the connection about the times a 'serpent' appears in scriptures & how it is in direct opposition to God's people & God's work. Very interesting information! I love the way you put that 'each time a serpent appears throughout Scripture, God wins'! Love this! God gave you a gift to teach so others can understand & I appreciate the way you use this to tell others, like me! Thank you once again for this video & learning opportunity. Your videos are the best gift I gave myself years ago because I can pull it up any time & relearn the information!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2020


Thank you, Tammy, for your gracious words. I am amazed the more we study the Scriptures how relevant they are and how full of encouragement they are for us as Christians. God bless you.




Pam on Apr 16, 2020


Hello Pastor Wayne: I love this story of Paul and Silas in jail., and the deep faith and love for the Gospel which they demonstrated in this most difficult situation. This image of Paul and Silas singing hymns and praying at midnight, after a most horrible day, gave me great witness and encouragement when I found myself facing divorce after my long-term marriage dissolved 14 years ago.I felt badly beaten up, bruised, and humiliated myself. This story helped me to realize that I was in the "prison of divorce", and that God was showing me ,that , like Paul and Silas, I needed to praise and trust in Him alone! Thanks Pastor Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2020


My heart goes out to you, Pamela. Also, I applaud you for your godly response to such a difficult season. I am thrilled with the connection you made between Paul in prison and your divorce situation. Like Paul, there may be a scenario of affliction all around you, but in your heart you are truly free – more than many others who seemingly have it all together. May God continue to bless you as you walk with him!




Ty on Apr 16, 2020


A good short message of encouragement and teaching from Wayne to apply in our life. Most of us won't see opposition anywhere near what St Paul faced, yet we might receive cold shouldering or distancing from folks we may know because of the decision we have made and they haven't. However, that leads to great potential in that our actions can speak louder than our words. St Paul did say I try to be all things to all men/women so that some may be saved. There are some exception to all things, but the door is pretty wide open. Actions can lead to conversations and a relationship developing where in time other people may be making the same decision we have made, because they see something in us that in missing a lot in this world. A short vision look verses a long vision look. If all that there is to exist in only this life then life and all it's challenges don't offer very much and is then pretty sad, but if there is more, and I truly believe there is, then a good life is worth living 'in Christ' to find out. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2020


Some great thoughts here, Ty. You're right, we don't face near the opposition that Paul did. Still, as Paul wrote, all who live a godly life in Christ will face suffering and opposition. Seems like more and more our world is anti-Christian. How grateful we are that we are victorious in Christ in the end.


Philippi Forum – Finding Freedom in Spite of Hostility

Philippi Latrines – How to Keep from Wasting Our Lives

Nancy on Jan 26


Oh the truth in Paul’s analogy! Nothing compares to the love of our Savior Jesus!!! His love and mercy shine so brightly!!! Everything on earth pales in comparison!!!

My heart and soul’s desire is to spend eternity in that glorious home on high!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


So true, Nancy… Everything else pales in comparison.




Joan on Dec 2, 2022


I only want to be fondly remembered by family as a loving Mom, Grammy, Sister, Aunt, and friend, as far as earthly accolades go. But my most cherished accolade will come from Jesus Christ Himself, when He says to me, "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant!"




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2022


Amen, Joan!




Jane on Nov 23, 2022


The first Christians celebrated the feasts of the Lord. I have recently discovered that non Jews are also supposed to be celebrating the feasts also so that we are ready for Christ's return. I would love to see you do a series on the feasts and how we are to celebrate them. I would think it would be near impossible to get a church to get involved with the feasts so I'm wondering how I can do this in my own home? I want to rejoice in my saviour and learn the feasts but I don't know how. Thanks! Jane Towe




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2022


Good to hear from you, Jane. I'm curious where the New Testament requires the church (Jew or Gentile) to participate in the festivals? Indeed, there is much that seems to say we may participate—but we are not required to. Paul writes: “Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day —things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.” (Colossians 2:16–17)




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


Very graphically true. My waste has more to do with time wasters. Media escape waste into streaming and games and kindle reading. Even when in my own I do desire to spend that time with Him - more and more




Hal Warren on Feb 10, 2022


Did they have separate male and female latrines or unisex?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 11, 2022


In the Roman world, latrines were unisex, Warren. But there was a modicum of modesty because the clothes were pulled up rather than pulled down.




Heather on Feb 3, 2022


Short but powerful teaching. Thank you for the reminder that all the stuff of this world- even our modern luxury bathrooms which we enjoy with hot showers and clean, running water are nothing compared to our Savior and knowing him. God bless your travels and teaching!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2022


I like that perspective, Heather. Indeed, nothing compares to knowing Christ our Lord. Thank you.




Lynette on Aug 16, 2021


I. Can't. Imagine!!! :) I'm glad I live in this day and age. :) I know this is a different context, but it reminds me of the story of Corrie ten Boom. When she was assigned to clean the latrines, she determined to do so for God's glory. Maybe it ties together also....all that matters is Jesus and because of that, all we do should be for His glory!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021


Wow, what a perspective Corrie ten Boom had! Thank you for that wonderful reminder, Lynette.




Sue on Apr 23, 2021


Just read a blog that fits. Hope you enjoy it. https://leadershipfreak.blog/2021/04/23/7-things-you-learn-when-you-step-in-crap/




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Yep. The big difference, of course, is that Paul is saying all of the benefits of his former life are as dung to him. Nothing compares to having Christ.




Sue on Apr 23, 2021


Exactly. Christ is everything. His own accomplishments matter not. He's singularly focused on what God has done and knowing and living for Christ alone. Not the way of the world, and sometimes, not the way of the church. Thanks, Wayne.




Sue on Apr 23, 2021


That was great fun! As I read it in my study Bible, I'd made a handwritten note years ago: Pit of shit! LOL. loved seeing the context. No room for pride in such a public latrine!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


I have to be honest with you, Sue. I’ve never heard that before! Thank you for adding that significant phrase! God bless.




Paulette on Apr 27, 2020


HAHAHAHA!! Loved this teaching from the Latrines. Thanks for being so down to earth!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020


Really glad you enjoyed the latrines video, Paulette. I think Paul was smiling when he wrote about skubala. :-)




Paulette on Apr 29, 2020


For sure!!




Andrea on Apr 23, 2020


Interesting to know, and something that definitely is going to stick in my mind. Though how does it connect to not wasting your life (besides the obvious pun)? Is it just that if you keep Jesus as the most important thing you won't waste your life? It would have been nice to see that link made more clear.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2020


Sorry it wasn't more clear, Andrea. Even though Paul had all those wonderful accolades, those were his goal. His goal was Christ. Any other goal is a waste of life.




Nathan on Apr 23, 2020


Definitely vivid. THANK you for this practical picture from the past. Love how Paul (and the Scriptures) uses many an everyday example.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2020


You're so right, Nathan! It is amazing how the Lord uses everyday examples to teach us. Jesus' parables were full of such things. In fact, I think He even used a latrine as an example as well! God bless.




Michael on Apr 23, 2020


Thanks Wayne... Phil. 3:8 is forever etched into my mind now. I will always recall the graphic reminder of what Paul was saying. I can only imagine what the Saints who first read that Letter must have thought, even with some of them blushing! However, the Truth you shared is one we need to hear loud & clear in the world today! Thanks for 'unpacking' verse 8! Michael form Texas




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2020


Ooooh... that's a good one, Michael. How we all need "unpacking" from Paul! Nice. Thanks.




Ty on Apr 23, 2020


Interesting and brief expounding, but very good example. The Word written is the bible and the Word spoken is Jesus Christ. Paul wrote as Wayne has expounded in his written words inspired by the Holy Spirit are good, but not enough. Knowing the person of Jesus Christ and having a relationship with Him all through our life is our ticket into heaven. Sadly, I can memory lots of the bible and still not know Jesus Christ. Without Jesus everything is rubbish. Thanks Wayne, Ty




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2020


Convicting truth, isn't it, Ty? So essential that we not merely know the Bible, the Word of God, but also know Jesus, the Word of God! Thanks.



Philippi Latrines – How to Keep from Wasting Our Lives

Berea – How to Know What’s True about God

God's Word provides the absolute best guide for me, because it holds me in His will and what's best for my life, when I submit and obey! Do I always submit and obey? No, but when I wander, I return to Him in repentance and seek His forgiveness each and every time! Wonderful video and lesson--thanks much, Dr. Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Yes, Joan, I am right there with you in that daily challenge and struggle. Thank God for the Scriptures!




Teresa on Jul 14, 2022


This is the 3rd video in a row that I've watched after work tonight. There are golden nuggets in each and every one. Things to jot down and look up in scripture, verses to add to the power of prayer, encouragement and just plain awe. Thank you so much for being obedient to God's calling in making these. You will never know who and how many are being drawn and fed.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Thank you, Teresa. It's indeed a labor of love and a calling. I pray the Lord powerfully blesses you as you seek Him and enjoy the videos.




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


Every time His wisdom thoughts and ways are infinitely far above my own - and I prove this daily as my thoughts of expectations and speculations run away with me. I spend challenging time wrestling to take these thoughts captive to Jesus. It’s hardly ever quick - but He is patient over and over and over. ThankYou Lord and ThankYou for putting Your Word Truths into our hearts!




Lynette on Aug 16, 2021


What a fasinating video and such a beautiful area. I'm forever amazed of the ancient things that still remain for us to see today. Especially today, we must weigh all we see and hear against scripture.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021


Absolutely true, Lynette. The Word of God is our standard and it is where we should go for truth. God bless you.




Michelle on May 15, 2021


I made the mistake of reading God's word after a poor decision instead of before to help me make a decision according to His Will, not mine. Live and Learn!

Really enjoying these amazing video's and your tying it in with scripture!! Thank you so much for all your time, planning and organizing to make this possible for those of us who can't get to the Middle East!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


Yes, Michelle, God's Word is definitely the best and first place we should go. What a blessing that even our mistakes affirm this! I'm glad you are enjoying the videos and it is an honor to be able to provide them. God bless you.




Jane on Mar 23, 2021


Today we take the truth from our feelings and not from the truth of the Bible. How greatly I appreciate this video to remind us to filter our feelings and beliefs from the truth of God's word.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2021


Yes, Jane. Indeed, it is a daily challenge and a tough assignment to set feelings aside and put Scripture above them. May the Lord give you strength each day to see the big picture. God bless you.




William on Oct 26, 2020


I appreciated the art work and video. These things really happened with classic reminder What does God say? The art reflects the murals in Turkey of Paul dating back to 6th century.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2020


Yes, William, it really is essential to ask what God says, isn't it? Thank you for your comment and for your commitment to the Scriptures. God bless you.




Jan on May 26, 2020


Another awesome video, Wayne! God's Word is truth, His Word is sufficient & Christians MUST know truth so that when false teaching crosses our path we will be able to recognize it.




Wayne Stiles on May 26, 2020


That's right, Jan... Those Bereans (and Paul) were a model for us all. Filter it all through Scripture and show the love of Christ to all. Thanks—and God bless you, my friend. :-)




Jim on May 9, 2020






Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2020


Thanks so much, Jim. I praise God that you're enjoying the videos! God bless you.




Ty on May 8, 2020


A simple message and good reminder from Wayne to us here. Without taking things to God or from God, we as created beings have a way to distort things and make them bias to ourselves. I am amazed by the openness of God in His Word. He is not afraid to allow us to read the dirty laundry (historical events and experiences of those who walked before us) along with His wise council He gives us and the good choice others have may in following His Word. The question or challenge to me is will I be like the Bereans and investigate things being taught and said to me as Godly teach? Will I allow heaven's best internal Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to guide me in understanding things? I do know the Holy Spirit will never lie to any of God's children in applying His Word to our life. If I should find something that appears to not resonate or affirm God's Word in my understanding, will I have the grace and approach someone who is more mature and taught in the Word to bring light onto this, so the Holy Spirt can work in both our lives for God's glory and bring the needed clarity. Thanks Wayne for using your gift to help us along. Blessings, Ty




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2020


Well said, Ty. I agree with you that we are always on a quest to align and realign our lives and minds and motives with God's Word. The Bereans were amazing in that regard, weren't they? Thanks, as always, for your insightful comments.




Beverly on May 7, 2020


Awesome. So interesting. Thanks for your work. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2020


I'm glad you enjoyed the video, Beverly. God bless you too. Thanks.




Michael on May 7, 2020


Morning Wayne... When I had visited Greece many years ago, I did not get opportunity to visit Berea... so thank you for supplementing my journeys. I especially appreciated how you didn't jump right into the story, but backed-filled Paul's adventures with much of Paul's earlier itinerary.

Wow - loved the Lion statue and that story. Amazing!

Do you become saddened at times when some Cities you visit seem to value & preserve their History & the many Ruins while others (like in Thessaloniki) seem to build over them and only as an after-thought attempt to preserve a few ruins??

Again, thank you for insights & visuals! The 'Ruins & Stones' help me put all the Biblical Adventures into a more meaningful understanding & experience in my 'Christian Journey.' God bless & protect you & your amazing Crew! Michael in Texas




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2020


Hey, Michael, we are neighbors! I live in Texas too. :-) Thanks so much for your gracious words and I am thrilled that you got to "experience" Berea. Yes, I am saddened at times when places we visit place little value and secondary emphasis on biblical ruins. So many of them simply do not understand their significance – especially in countries dominated by Muslims. If they only knew the value economically for tourists! Thessaloniki is a great example. Thankfully, there are so many places that are open to us coming and filming. They will certainly reap the benefits of such generosity. God bless you, my brother.



Berea – How to Know What’s True about God

Athens – Paul’s Compassion through Christ’s Resurrection

Roseanne on Dec 2, 2022


Without Paul, who had initially hated the Jews and the teachings of Christ, would Christianity be where it is today? I think not.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2022


Indeed, Roseanne, God powerfully chose to use Paul-- and so many others-- to shape the early church.




Bobbie on Nov 3, 2022


After this wonderful video I had to go grab my book “In the Footsteps of Paul” by Ken Duncan with Forward by John MacArthur. It does have beautiful pics of the Parthenon, Temple of Olympian Zeus with the Acropolis in the background, and the rocks where it is believed Paul spoke to the Philosophers about Jesus, the Areopagus. I have not been to Greece however I did visit Paul’s Basilica in Rome and got to see his sarcophagus. This video helped with putting pieces together about Paul with my book. Thank you Wayne. On a daily basis when meeting new people and the Holy Spirit nudges me, I hand out a little booklet with only the Gospel of John and how to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The rest is up to God.

Btw, you can get the book I mentioned on Amazon. It’s a little expensive now but it has wonderfully beautiful photos in it. On to the next video. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


Thank you, Bobbie, for that book recommendation by Ken Duncan. I actually have that book! I love the photographs. What a blessing that the Lord encouraged you about visiting Paul's basilica in Rome. You know I have a video about that, don't you? You can see it here—as well as all of the Rome videos.




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


Love this account of Paul in a very skeptical place of hardened hearts - much like places around us today. The Holy Spirit truly inspired Paul and this was no exception. Opportunities to share Jesus can come through asking folks how we can pray for them - most of us find life challenging these days and are open to prayer. Identifying with others through our own life sharing with them can open doors to sharing how Jesus came in and became our Savior because He loves us - loves the whole world! Using the 3 Circle Gospel is effective across different cultures and languages. And everyone loves the EvangeCube 😊




Sue on Apr 29, 2021


I so appreciated the historical context and seeing the immensity of the buildings and the Athena replica. It was cool to know that Paul's words are inscribed in the original Greek for Greek-speaking people to read even today. The way in which Paul began with affirming what mattered to people is marvelous! Oh, that the Spirit would work that in us.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2021


Yes, Sue, the apostle was a master at communicating to audiences, wasn't he? Such a gifted individual, not only for that generation but for all of us who can learn from his methods and his compassion.




Pam on May 3, 2020


Thanks Wayne for your wonderful tour of Athens, and your review of Paul’s outreach there. I will watch this video many times, I am sure, I had made plans 1 1/2 years ago to travel to the Mediterranean for a “Journeys of Paul “ tour, which alas, was scheduled for June 2020. The tour has been canceled, but you tour has left beautiful images of the evidence of God in Athens, to which Paul alluded. Bless you and your work.... I am a fan!




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020


I'm thrilled, Pamela, that you enjoyed the video in Athens! I'm sorry to hear that your trip to the Mediterranean was cancelled. I invite you to come on my "Journeys of Paul Tour" next year! We'll see so many significant sites in Greece (including Athens!), as well as Rome. You can read all about it here. God bless you.




Paulette on Apr 27, 2020


We very much enjoyed going to the Parthenon and stand on Mars Hill. Thanks for this great teaching to go along with our memories and pictures from when we were there. It was one of the highlights of that trip for me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2020


What a blessing for you, Paulette, to get to travel to the Parthenon and stand on Mars Hill. I'm glad the video helped you relive that wonderful memory. God bless you.




Paulette on Apr 29, 2020


It definitely did!




Garry on Apr 10, 2020


BRAVO WAYNE for another wonderful, insightful video. Loved the message and the dates of the events/and constructions of the buildings, etc. was very helpful. My first time to see Athens was in 1977. Much has changed of course, but your video work from the air is just amazing. On my first visit, we watched a sound and light show of the Acropolis from a distance maybe a mile away on a hillside.

Not sure if they still offer this experience.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10, 2020


How wonderful, Garry, that you got to go to Athens! Yes, I'm sure so much has changed in the last 43 years! I didn't see anything about a sound and light show, but that sounds wonderful. Thanks again for your gracious words. God bless.



Athens – Paul’s Compassion through Christ’s Resurrection

Athens Agora - Paul’s New Word is God’s Old Word

Helen on Mar 4


I have been to Greece many years ago

& enjoyed the teaching of Paul's trip.

I also enjoyed Sara Groves song. Thanks for adding that to this program.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


I'm so glad that you enjoyed the video on Athens, Helen. God bless you.




Rosemarie on Dec 8, 2022


These video are great on my learning of Paul. I never been to Greece, someday!

First time I heard of Sara Groves, loved the song and will be checking her out. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Yes, Rosemarie, I believe you will enjoy Sara Groves—especially her early works. And when you go to Greece, I hope you come with me! I have a trip coming up in this next year. See it here.




Bobbie on Nov 3, 2022


Love the video. Powerful message. Thank you. And will be downloading the song on iTunes. Thank you.




Kathleen on Aug 23, 2022


That is a powerful song. I am not a big fan of a lot of contemporary Christian music because I get lost in the drum beat and the speed of the text, so I appreciate all the words shown on the video. The message in this song makes it one I will be singing all day!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2022


Yes, Kathleen, that is a special song. God's Word never gets old.




Jeanne on May 7, 2022


At school, due to stress, the administration brought in a person to work with us on deep breathing and meditation. I have gone to the classes and for sure I have learned something but I also felt uncomfortable, especially when she would say things like‘you have good inside you’. Now I know what I was missing and I need to rediscover my relationship with Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


Very true, Jeanne. I have found with classes like this that I simply use what works and toss what doesn't. Eat the meat and spit out the bones. I am thrilled that you are rediscovering your relationship with Christ. Walking the Bible Lands is a great way to do that!




Patty on Apr 24, 2022


Live for Eternity!

2 things eternal on this earth:

Gods Word and People


We use a lot of attention getters to draw folks in - but at end of the day- The Lord calls and The Lord does it. With His Word of Truth some sow and some water but it is the Lord that gives the increase. Solomon has a lot to say about vain futile winds of man in Ecclesiastes.




Marilynn on Jan 29, 2022


Powerful words in Sara Groves song, The Word! Thanks for adding that as a bonus to your already wonderful video.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2022


Yes, Marilynn, Sara Groves' song is magnificent-- as is so much of her music.




Michelle on May 15, 2021


We are like groupies following the latest christian speaker or author looking for the truth; but God!

Just read His Holy Word to find the truth!! Follow Jesus not satan!




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


So true, Michelle. The Lord Jesus is the primary teacher in our lives. God bless you as you seek Him.




Lydia on May 14, 2020


In my Hebrew study courses, I am studying the Apostle Paul and his writings from the Jewish perspective. We talked about his very topic yesterday. I love to learn

"The old WORD is NEW". Thanks for the confirmation.




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


What a great way to study Paul's epistles, Lydia. His letters are filled with Scripture from the Old Testament books, still just as relevant in timeless truths as the day they were written. Always NEW... God bless.




Ty on May 14, 2020


A great geography and historical teaching applied to spiritual learning and teaching. The visual effects are pretty impressive and add so much more value in the presentation.

I am remind of both the Hebraic thinking verses the Greek thinking. The Hebrews were heart reflective thinkers with those who had God first in their lives, while the Greeks stressed the intellect. Most of if not all of the Western world and probably lots of the rest of the world has followed the Greek type of thinking. With today's technologies we can reach for an enormous amount of information with lots of it just someone's interpretation of their views. The question for all of us, at least for me, is as Wayne challenged us in his presentation,do we (I) desire short term thinking, which will change with the times or eternal thinking to influence us and make it a way of our life?




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


Your question is both insightful and profound, Ty. I appreciate the reminder of the Hebrew way of thinking with the heart and not just the head. How grateful I am that God gave us emotions, intellect, feelings, etc. All of it must be filtered through God's Word!


Athens Agora - Paul’s New Word is God’s Old Word

Corinth's Judgment Seat - What's Your Motive?

Charles and Linda on Dec 11, 2022


We were blessed to visit Corinth in 2019 with missionary friends living in Athens as our tour guides. Seeing your video brought back many memories of that one day that we had there. We were on a cruise ship and had only one day in Athens, so we did not see any of the Athens sites so we could drive to Corinth for the day. Thanks for helping us member that day.



Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


What a blessing, Charles and Linda, that you had the chance to visit Corinth a few years back! I am thrilled that the video brought back significant memories and encouraged you. God bless you both.




Patty on Jun 16, 2022


1 Corinthians 4:15 - such Truth! And convicting to look at my own testing - not so much others’




Patty on Jun 16, 2022


Yes - happening right now with a young church - began by group with specific leading of God in message and vision. 3 years in the young pastor dies suddenly and another group takes over and in short time demolishes the purpose of church - trying to make it into their old church. They think they’re doing right thing to keep church going but motives are not correct and meat of Word watered down.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


I am praying, Patty, that the Lord would be gracious to this young church you mention.




Bonnie on Feb 14, 2022


Great video. Explains so much in such a simple, practical and direct way.




Lynette on Aug 19, 2021


What a beautiful area. The whole Bible Lands is such a land of contrast between the old and new. I'm forever AMAZED at how there are still portions of buildings standing from Bible times. Just incredible to actually be able to walk where Jesus, Paul and others walked. Another excellent Biblical application as well. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


Yes, Lynette, isn't it amazing how much is still there? So grateful for the bits and pieces we can put together that enhance our understanding of Scripture.




Mary on May 22, 2020


Wayne, love how you always teach us not only the history of the land, but a message from God's Word! Thanks for clarifying the different kinds of testing. Knowing which Hebrew or Greek word is used and its meaning is so important in interpreting the Bible and applying to our lives. Thanks for another great video! and how cool is that canal!!




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2020


Thank you, Mary. Yes, it is never enough simply to point to rocks and quote dates and scriptures. It is wonderful to connect it to our lives. Indeed, that canal is amazing!




Ty on May 22, 2020


Another super geography and history lesson from Wayne with an outstanding visual presentation that combines with it teaching and expounding on the Word. The Judgement seat is going to happen for everyone. I am reminded of Wayne's teaching by the Word in Matthew 25: 14- 30 titled 'The Parable of the Talents and Luke 19: 12-27 titled 'The Parable of the Ten Minas'.


Right now we are spending our time with the Master or King away with the gifting and talents He entrusted to us with the DNA He spoke into our life when we were born. Surely we will all have to give account some day to the Giver of all gifts. What we do with those entrusted gifts with have its consequences. God's joy for us is realising these gifts and talents He has given and using them for the greater good of His creation. God Himself gives us the most excellent internal Coach in the Holy Spirit to use these gifts and talents He has spoke into us. Am I being lead in the Spirit with my motive for doing things or am I just making it up for what I think pleases me? Is the dominate thing in my life being lead by the Spirit as Jesus was as the Son of Man in the here and now in pleasing His Father or am I living a natural life seeking pleasure on my terms? I sure had to have a rethink that I am not a natural being looking for temporary spiritual experiences, but am a spiritual being living in a temporary natural body. Thanks Wayne




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2020


One of your greatest gifts, Ty, is encouragement! Thanks for using it well. You will be commended before the Throne one day.



Corinth's Judgment Seat - What's Your Motive?

Acrocorinth – Living Temples that Glorify God

Patty on Apr 14


Beautiful inspiring geographic illustration of Holy Spirit and our bodies as temples of the living God




Barbara on Mar 18


This is so appropriate for us today. We, as Christians, must be aware of God's requirements are of us and at what cost was paid for our redemption.




Linda on Nov 3, 2022


I really have to give this some serious thought before I can answer this meaningfully.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 3, 2022


I applaud you, for that reply, Linda. Most people just gush out their initial thoughts. Thank you.




Diana on Mar 17, 2022


No one ever explained how tentmaking had anything to do with The Gospel. How fascinating to learn he made tents for those watching the games and was able to preach to those who would go back home with it! Wow. I wonder what opportunities Paul would take advantage of during our modern Olympics.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


I like the way you think, Diana. Thanks!




Nancy on Jul 4, 2020


I've been fascinated recently to study about the ruins of Pompeii because they're a remarkable time capsule of daily life in the early Christians' time. When I saw a video of the ruins, it was pretty clear how grossly immoral people were back then (and gross is an apt description!).


This video on the Acrocorinth helped me understand the situation in Paul's day even better. The ending was so powerful as you juxtaposed verses over scenes of the temple to Aphrodite. It felt like a cleansing of the "grossness" by God's so-much-higher plan for our lives. It's so like Satan to take God's meaningful concepts (such as the temple) and molest them. Praise God that He is a restorer of goodness and a giver of holiness—and He leaves the enemy's purposes in ruins!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


Yes, Nancy, God’s amazing sovereignty triumphs every time. The contrast between the two types of temples is amazing. Praise God for his grace in our lives.




Ty on Jun 4, 2020


Filming is specular, while the historical teaching is very good. Best of all is the expounding and teaching of God's Word to us. Living a spirit lead life and not living a religious lead life. Our journey in learning about a spirit lead life is going to take a life time. Religion has many names from government, academia, business, media, arts & entertainment, family and religion itself. There only one Name that is going to get anyone into heaven and that is Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit knows and desires to glorify Jesus Christ in the life that is contained in these human temples (bodies) of ours. God gave us a free will to choose our life walk with in or without Him. God surely has His adopted sons and daughters in all the so called gods of this world as mentioned above. Going to church isn't going to get anyone into heaven, it will help for encouragement and some teaching, but we, the people are the church. We're it 24/7 and 365 days a year. No getting out of it. Being the church allows us to fulfil the Great Commission as we bring the church to wherever we are at, but who's doing the leading in our life? It is spirit lead or other lead? The choice is ours to make and it's personal. History in this fallen world until God decides to end it will repeat itself from one generations to another. Current world conditions only show the frailty of the human race. Some good reflective teaching given to us to ponder over. Ty




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


Thanks, Ty. I appreciate the reminder that God has given us a choice of how we will live in these temple/bodies. What an honor to choose to dedicate our lives and bodies and hearts to Christ.




Stephen on Jun 4, 2020


Thank you for sharing this contrast that Paul faced and our Lord desires so clearly for each of us to understand. Our bodies together is his holy temple...to be righteous is to be moral according to the law and grace that has been given for all time!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


Great point, Stephen. Indeed, our bodies are for His glory. It reminds me of Paul's words in Galatians 2:20 when he wrote that he no longer lives, but Christ lives in him.



Acrocorinth – Living Temples that Glorify God

Erastus Inscription in Corinth – Affirming What Lasts in our Lives

Patty on Apr 14


The importance of words of affirmation using Paul as example. Paul the great knowledgeable intelligent scholar brain of our faith - taking the time to encourage others on personal level. Love this!




Lynette on Aug 24, 2021


Praise the Lord that "no one is obscure to God!" I'm so guilty of all too often skipping over the list of names that are in the Bible. But they were important too. As you read those names, I couldn't hardly remember hearing of them besides Aquila and Priscilla. I'll certainly want to pay more attention to these names in the future, and do a little research. That stonework with his name is amazing. Wow, I wonder if he had any idea how long that would last. This has been a fascinating series. Thank you again for all your hard work to put this together.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed that Erasmus video, Lynette. YES-- no one is obscure to God. So true and so wonderful. God bless you.




Stephen on Aug 3, 2021


Really really really really good Wayne! This message vividly etched on my heart good friend!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2021


Thank you, Steve! I like your "etched" metaphor. :-) YOU are an encourager par excellence.




William on Jul 14, 2020


Wow so simple, affirming others. Wayne I have seen you do this regularly. Where would the early church be without these people Paul affirmed. Unknown, unseen, yet doing the real work of the gospel and the church. Today there are millions nobody knows about. I get it, there are a few I know about to affirm. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Jul 15, 2020


William, I love your spirit! Thank you for your affirming words to me. The people in your circles are blessed to have you. I am grateful to you for your contribution to the work of Christ. God bless you.




Pam on Jun 12, 2020


Hello Pastor Wayne: I want to take this opportunity to thank-you for your ministry to the world. I got to hear you speak in Whitefish, Montana a few years ago. jas I first learned of your calling. . Now as a subscriber, I look forward each week to your teaching. I also rally appreciate your audio sermons. Thanks for sharing your profound knowledge and experience of the Holy land, and the Holy Word of Elohim with us all. Bless you in your pursuit of your holy calling.

Pam Roberts




Wayne Stiles on Jun 13, 2020


Thank you, Pamela! What a wonderful time we had up there in Montana! That trip and that church are still in my mind. By the way, did you know that Sam and Elizabeth have moved back to Whitefish? What a great couple. Thank you so much for your encouraging words – and I pray that the videos and audios continue to be a great source of encouragement and your walk with Christ.




Pam on Jun 13, 2020


They are so helpful t me...bless you!




Garry on Jun 11, 2020


Dear Wayne,

Another fabulous work.

Substance, perspective, and camera work are wonderfully presented. Thank you for this.

At this time, I would like to choose you and Cathy to thank you both for what you do. Only you could produce these works and lead tours as you do. You both have inspired, encouraged, and befriended so many people, from all walks of life - including Suzanne and me, while touring with you in Israel - two trips, and in Greece and Turkey. Thank you for your very gifted and unique perspective which comes about through years of life long continued learning. And by the way, I learned a new word today. Not sure I can spell it, or pronounce it. Fascinating indeed!! Who knew Erastus had such a title? So at this point, I am not a writer of great works, nor do I hold an important office, but consider yourself and your entire team THANKED for what you

have done and continue to do.


Garry and Suzanne Bailey




Wayne Stiles on Jun 11, 2020


Thank you very much, Garry and Suzanne. What a joy you both have been in our lives as well. Thank you for your gracious words and consistent affirmation. May the Lord bless you!



Erastus Inscription in Corinth – Affirming What Lasts in our Lives

Appian Way – Walking God’s Surprising Path

Joyce on Mar 26


It makes me feel secure to know God leads me. By following Him I feel safe and know nothing can come between God and me. I feel His love and concern for me. I feel like He cares and I matter.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27


I love the way you put that, Joyce. Nothing can come between you and God. What a tremendous application.




Dorothea on Mar 9


I can identify with Paul, since my earthly tour went differently from my expectations. In hindsight, it must have been God’s chosen way for me, since I feel very blessed getting to old age with a wonderful family for support. Thank you Lord!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


Yes, Dorothea, our God's ways are unfathomable-- but good. O for grace to trust Him more. God bless you.




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


I have stopped planning my own life and just allowed God to lead. He knows what is best for me. I pray to Him always. He sees my needs. I don't get always what I want but what He knows I need. I am just glad He takes care when I feel like no one cares.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


Yes, Karen, it is magnificent to know that God cares when it seems like no one else does.




Frances Tencza on Apr 22, 2022


Psalms 23 is my favorite and most comforting of the Bible.

It shows me how I need to place my trust solely in God, to not lean on my own understanding, because life can be confusing and scary. Focusing on slowing down and shutting out the noise and clamor of the world, knowing that He is by my side through all my ups and downs, that He hears my voice as I cry out to Him , and that I need to listen for His gentle voice as I rest!

I was privileged to be on a sheep farm in Scotland and watch how the shepherd could command his flock by a whisper!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2022


Yes, Frances, Psalm 23 is magnificent – such a beautiful picture of our relationship with our Lord.




Dana on Feb 12, 2022


God as Everything Psalm 23:1

God as rest Psalm 23:2a

God as peace Psalm 23:2b

God as restorer Psalm 23:3a

God as guide Psalm 23:3b

God as protector Psalm 23:4a

God as comforter Psalm 23:4b

God as provider Psalm 23:5a

God as avenger Psalm 23:5b

God as healer Psalm 23:5c

God as abundance Psalm 23:5d

God as love Psalm 23:6a

God as Eternity Psalm 23:6b




Anne on Sep 7, 2021


The rod and staff are a comfort bc they keep the sheep on the right path and they can be relied upon to do that always.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2021


Well said, Anne. We don't usually think of God's rod and staff as a comfort, but they are indeed. Thanks so much for your insight.




Lynda on Jun 4, 2021


I had to learn contenment

And be happy with those choices that are not always pleasant to bear but that God had a reason for allowing me to face and go through them




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021


That is so wise, Lynda, may the Lord continue to grant you contentment and wisdom to follow His lead. God bless you.




Charis on Apr 22, 2021


A short Bible study as a follow up would be nice. John 10 is filled with more lessons about the Shepherd and his sheep. There is a cool video on youTube of how a flock of sheep will not respond to visitors calling them. They keep eating and don't respond one bit. The shepherd then calls and they immediately look up and then come running! This is a wonderful study, thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Great additional insight, Charis. Thank you. You might enjoy watching the video on the wilderness and our security in God. That video talks about sheep and John 10. God bless you.




Genie on Apr 7, 2021


I learned that God as my Shepherd leads and then walks besides me. Boy, do I need His help when I stumble!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2021


I am right there with you, Genie, on needing God's help for each step along the way. May He continue to strengthen you as you walk with Him! God bless you.




Leslie on Mar 11, 2021


I am at the very beginning of the videos. I am already thrilled with the first one. I really like the scenery and the teaching that goes with it. I am already thinking g how I could use these in Sunday School Class. Thank you .




Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


I like that you began, Leslie, with the Appian Way video! I pray that the may other videos waiting for you will be just as encouraging. God bless you.




Jennifer on Mar 6, 2021


This was such an opportune time to hear such encouraging words as I face a cancer diagnosis. I am so thankful. He is always there -behind-beside and before me. I praise you Jesus




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2021


Praying for you and with you, Jennifer, that the Lord would be gracious as He guides you with His wisdom in the days ahead. God bless you.




Sherry on Jan 14, 2021


This helps me know that my Good Shepherd Jesus is always there and if I fall back or stray HE is there to get me back on the right path. Thank you Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


Yes, Sherry, the Lord is a marvelous and gracious Lord to keep us on the path of His grace.




Paulette on Oct 14, 2020


Another awesome lesson in the Word of God and beautiful views of the area it happened in. It's so awesome to make these connections. My husband and I went to Rome in 2017. It is an amazing place. It was so awesome to think of Paul and Peter and other ancient believers walked in the very places where our footsteps took us. Such a blessing. Again, a beautiful teaching (very pertinent for me - I am definitely on the "Appian Way" in my life with no idea how it is going to all pan out.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 14, 2020


What an amazing privilege you and your husband had, Paulette, to visit Rome several years ago. I'm glad that the video reminded you of your significant journey, and I'm thrilled that the Appian Way lesson also has made its way to your heart. May the Lord walk with you step-by-step.




William on Sep 19, 2020


I learned new things about Paul's life in Rome and even greater appreciation of the ministry he had, that we only have a few verses about. What a way to travel! The stingy merchants, Three Inns I totally get it. The smooth flat road, yet here in WW2 it was quite different. Walking seeing these sights goes right back to God's Word being true. Thanks again for a fine production.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020


That’s great, William. I am glad you enjoyed the video and got to learn some new things! God bless you.




Cathy on Aug 5, 2020


The lessons I've learned as God is shepherding me is truth when God says he will never leave me nor forsake me this is so crucial, I may not be strong in my wilderness but as long as I persevere and stay focused in his word my faith might be a mustard seed but because I didn't tap out, patience won in faith in knowing that God takes care of me.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020


That really is a wonderful lesson, isn't it, Cathy? How essential as we walk God's surprising path that we remember He will never forsake us. He always walks with us. Much more, He leads us.




Diana on Jul 29, 2020


Beautiful place. Would you say that is the "Roman's Road"? ;)




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020


Funny you should ask that, Diana. Along the Appian Way are also the catacombs — which we are not allowed to photograph inside of. But there I usually share with my groups the Romans road!




Steven on Jul 29, 2020


Protection... Provision... Promise... Thank you for this inspiring presentation of the deceptively "simple" divine depths of Psalm 23.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2020


I'm glad that simple outline was helpful, Steven. I really love the way the lovingkindness of God is behind, beside, and before us in this psalm.




Lynette on Jul 5, 2020


What a beautiful route. I would love to walk that path. And what a powerful message....to see these sites brings Paul to life in my mind....and to be reminded that even the 2 years in prison was part of God's plan for Paul....and used of God for His glory!! This will be watched again and again.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 6, 2020


It really is a beautiful route, Lynette. I have seen it only several times, but it is magnetic and makes me want to walk it. I actually had the privilege of walking the road all the way into Rome one day, as Paul did. It was a magnificent experience that connected me deeper with Paul.




Estrella on Jul 4, 2020


I agree! We all have our Appian way.

Thank You for your exhortation Wayne. I love your insights and applications to our daily lives...

May God continue to give you spiritual wisdom to strengthen us...




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2020


Amen, Estrella, so true. May the Lord continue to give grace in our lives as we follow him day by day.




Garry on Jul 3, 2020



What great comments by your members. "The Appian Wayne"!!! How terrific is that? You surely had many of these treasured places all to yourself. That is amazing as well as the overhead shot of you walking the Appian Way by yourself. I watched this one two times and learned more about Paul than I knew before. When the Lord redirects in such ways as 10, 9, 8, instead of 1, 2, and 3, it does not indicate things will be easy. However, for me, when the Lord saved me, HE used 10, 9, 8 to save me from myself. Thank goodness He did.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 3, 2020


Thank you, Garry! We are all blessed that the Lord saved you. Thank you for following His leading and for being His instrument.




Jayne on Jul 2, 2020


I have had a pleasure watching this video. I have come from working 4 days a week to retirement! I didn't plan it that way! God's plan was different! I went on vacation in September. I had surgery and was off for 12 weeks! I went back after 6 weeks to have problems with pain. so I was told 6 more. During this time I worked on my family tree and. I got bronchitis for 5 weeks which put me in the hospital. It ruined my lungs so with this virus now I am at high risk so I stay home. 6 weeks ago Katie Lee Gilbert had a book and video of the holy land. I enjoyed it and now I am doing your video! I need to get back into the word again so this study. I am looking forward to seeing more of the holy land!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 3, 2020


Sometimes God's greatest blessings come in unusual packages, don't they, Jayne? I pray that the Lord blesses you as you enjoy His Word and these videos. There is so much to see and to learn in the lands of the Bible.




Stephen on Jul 2, 2020


Thank you for the surprise found on the Appian Way!!! I’ve begun my appian walk to fulfill a God sized vision to my Rome via my Spain!!! Grace and Peace!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


I applaud you, Stephen, for being willing to walk the Appian Way with Christ. May He give you strength as He directs and redirect you each day. God bless you.




Delphine on Jul 2, 2020


God is the Chief of redirecting. We must be ever alert for the fresh downloads of instruction that await our ongoing journey. I never would have thought that I would be preparing to do a book tour as I approach 70 years of age on my next birthday. It also demands that I get in physical shape for the assignment. His plans are always multi-dimensional in scope. For that, I am grateful. What an Almighty God we serve!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


You are a model for all of us, Delphine! Thank you for walking with God and for clinging to Him as you approach the seventh decade! Indeed, we serve a mighty God. And may He powerfully bless you as you work on your book.




Delphine on Jul 2, 2020


Thanks, Wayne! I graciously receive those words of encouragement and support! Blessings................




Don on Jul 2, 2020


Thank you so much Wayne (and Scott!). I can't help but think about the current challenges that the coronavirus is presenting to our society and also to the Church, including the church I pastor in Arlington TX. I pray that God will lead us clearly and faithfully through these times of "10, 9, 8" and do abundantly exceedingly far more than we could hope or imagine, as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ on our Appian Ways.

Also, please let me be the first (?) to dub you "The Appian Wayne." You're welcome.

-Don W.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


Ha, Don! You never cease to disappoint. I am now, thanks to you,Sir Appian Wayne. In all truth, I agree with you that we are having to cling closely to Christ during these unusual days. Thank you, Don, for pointing your flock to the Word of God.




Ty on Jul 2, 2020


Another outstanding video production with some fantastic photography and filming bringing the reading of scripture and Wayne’s expounding of it to life. It’s a rare treat to receive and a unique group of God’s kids using their gifting and talents to bless others.


Scripture says before we were born God ordained things for us to do. It’s not my plan I want to follow for my life, it’s God’s plan I desire to follow. Every day is a new day of learning, growing and maturing ‘in Him’ and will be until He calls me home. Easy words for me to write, but without Him taking the lead and me following it won’t happen. All I can see is His affirming signs that I am heading in the right direction or being prompted by the Holy Spirit for living His design plan and walking His Appian way for my life. Lots of encouragement given here in learning to turn into understanding God’s personal communication ways He has for each one of us.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2020


As always, I'm so grateful for your words, Ty. And you are right, we all walk that Appian Way of God's will in our lives – so often filled with surprises and turns and detours. But always led by God's love.



Appian Way – Walking God’s Surprising Path

Paul's Final Days in Rome - How to Finish Well

Marlon on Apr 6


I was filled with emotion watching this video. All most to the point of tears. The cruelty of man to man. Not just any man, but a great man of God that had so much to contribute. Evil unspeakable.

Sadly, we see that the heart of man has not changed much.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7


What a blessing, Marlon, that the Lord blessed you with compassion through watching the video about Paul's final days. Indeed, as Paul himself wrote, apart from God's grace, we all are the "chief of sinners." God bless you.




Joyce on Mar 26


To me, finishing well means to live a life for Christ. I pray that God will guide my thoughts, my words, my actions. I pray that others may see Christ through me, not for my glory but for His.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27


I will join you in that prayer, Joyce! That is precisely what I want from my life as well. God bless you as you follow Him.




Rosemarie on Feb 3


I remember on one of our zoom calls you mentioned that “finishing well” is a prayer we should pray. I have included this prayer in my prayers…..”when our life ends, I hear the words “ Well done good and Faithful Servant”. Thank you for this wonderful prayer.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4


Yes, Rosemarie, that is a great prayer. I'm learning that finishing well is a prayer for God to strengthen us for obedience to the end.




Bobbie on Nov 11, 2022


Yes, I watched this back in ‘21 and left comments. Watching it again is even better. I’m wondering though and assume were you not able to video Paul’s Sarcophagus below the alter. I have pic of it. It shows behind the grill you can see the corner it. I knelt and prayed in front of it. Also there was a little Chapel on the side where Stephen was honored. Don’t recall what we read about the Chapel details on why it was there. Maybe the story on Paul’s approval to have Stephen stoned to death. That whole Basilica was amazing. Love this video. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


No, I was not able to video Paul's actual tomb, Bobbie. I was there a couple of months ago and looked very closely. I believe the sign in front of the tomb says that the tomb is actually located a bit further back than what we can see. Indeed, that church is astonishingly beautiful and very appropriate for the beloved apostle.




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


I feel God created parents, teachers, counselors, health personnel, judges and many other work fields to represent himself. Carpenters/Construction workers, project completers. I am not skilled in many areas but the day I stop being curious in learning other occupational and instructors in guiding my life morally and with proper maintenance that's when I just continue to try and finish. I feel great when I finish with something but then I realize God isn't done with me yet so I just persevere and get ready for the next lessons of life. Even after I die...I read God has assignments for me in heaven as an angel choice up high....so God is for sure my Father of many directions in which He leads and I hope I still follow in love and with no selfish desires of my own. He gave me the chance of human life and I respect Him enough to just go with the flow.



Jeanne on Jul 8, 2022


That was amazing! I never realized that what I read in the Bible is still here and can be verified until I have seen your videos, thank you so much for doing them and the research.

This one encourages me that all is not lost when I have not followed Jesus fully when I was younger and that it is how I finish is important.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Absolutely true, Jeanne. Indeed, if our faith is rooted in history, we will find remnants of the events in the ground. Truth is easily verified and supported by history. And yes! Our past is just that — our past. Jesus died to give us a future.




Frances Tencza on May 5, 2022


Paul was a dedicated follower of Christ even at his last breath!

He endured much physical suffering but his perseverance towards encouraging his fellow. believers , and those who were lukewarm in their faith,during severe periods of persecution made him a great example of how Christian should live their lives!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


Well said, Frances. Indeed, our God was gracious to Paul, wasn't He? He is gracious to all of us. The grace Paul preached was the grace that Paul had received.




Heather on Mar 31, 2022


Wow- thanks! So much of what you shared was new to me. I appreciate the time and effort you take to bring us to these locations and explain their significance with a faith lesson we can apply to our own lives.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2022


What a blessing, Heather, to journey to these special biblical places with you. I pray that the Lord would continue to encourage you with every video. God bless you.




Marilynn on Feb 18, 2022


God certainly knew what He was doing when he chose Saul soon to become Paul to carry out a difficult mission. My heart went out seeing the places of his imprisonment and eventual beheading. It really brings scripture to life. The video touched me in a deeper way than reading about him in scripture. Thank you...




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


I know what you mean, Marilynn, about seeing the places of Paul's final days. So moving! I am glad that the video gave you some sense of being there and I'm experiencing the very places.




Michael on Aug 23, 2021


By far one of my favorite videos. I have always wanted to visit the Mamertine Prison and now I feel like I have. I have heard much conjecture concerning Paul being released from his first imprisonment and continuing his ministry. You seem very settled concerning this matter. How have you come to such a strong conclusion? Thanks for your patience. I hope it's alright that I ask a question once in a while. I am learning so much. Thank you again.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021


That's a great question, Michael. Honestly, there's no way to harmonize what Paul wrote in the "Prison Epistles" (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon) with what he wrote in 1-2 Timothy and Titus—without him being released and then later re-imprisoned.


For example contrast what Paul wrote in the prison epistles about his expectation of being released (Philippians 2:24; Philemon 22) with His expectation of being executed in 2 Timothy 4:6. Also in 1 Timothy 1:3 Paul says he departed for Macedonia, and in Titus 1:5 he says he left Titus in Crete. These statements require that he had been released from his first imprisonment.


You're always welcome to ask questions. I'm happy to help, if I can. God bless you.




Michael on Aug 24, 2021


Thank you for the Scripture passages relating to Paul's release and later reincarceration. Internal evidence from the Word is always the best evidence. Thank you. Your insight has really helped me.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2021


You're welcome, Michael! God bless you.




Bobbie on Apr 21, 2021


I hope I will have served to the best of my ability. And I hope for the Rapture. If not, then I am hoping with God’s strength to keep standing. Love this video. Wish I could have seen the prison and the Abby. Seeing the Basilica was great. though. Thank you Wayne. 🥰




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Indeed, Bobbie, your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is all you need to have a confident expectation that you will participate in the rapture! I am glad that the video was able to show you some additional sites that you did not get to see in Rome. That is wonderful!




Bobbie on Apr 23, 2021


Thank you for your reply. Very helpful. Very helpful in deed. I have been a believer since I was around eight years old. Praise the Lord and God Bless you Mr. Wayne.




Steven on Feb 6, 2021


Incredibly impactful to watch these video productions of the life of Paul. Superb work Wayne and thank you! I cannot watch and think about Paul and Peter's deaths (plus the deaths of the other Apostles) without considering the possibility that I too might some day be required to give my life for Jesus in such a manner. How would I handle it? Hopefully, I'll die in my sleep :-)




Wayne Stiles on Feb 6, 2021


I know what you mean, Steven! Even better than dying in our sleep would be the rapture! That’s my hope. :-) Nevertheless, let’s stand together faithful until the end.




Tammie on Aug 6, 2020


The time you put in your videos is appreciated! The music of the Monks was like I was right there! Just absolutely informative & well done!

Great Job Mr Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2020


I'm glad you noticed the monks, Tammie! How great it would be to hear the real thing in that beautiful church near where Paul was martyred.




Timothy on Jul 30, 2020


There are so many things in this video that touched me. I taught Acts about 10 years ago. What a blessing this video would have been for me then. But it brought back many of the things I taught to my memory. Then, Paul's guards asking for prayer reminded me of Bonhoeffer's Nazi guards who befriended and comforted him before his death. How the Lord provides at the end! Next, the 12th century Abbey made me think of Ken Follett's book "The Pillars of the Earth", a historical novel of how these churches were built and the culture of that time. Finally, since I was saved out of Roman Catholicism, I would often "bristle with resentment" at the site of these magnificent churches. Your videos have been part of my getting over that resentment, which is a poison that can only hurt me. Your books and your videos have been grace to my heart. Grace that gives me the perseverance to end well, in a life marred by many early detours.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 30, 2020


I really resonate with your words, Timothy. I'm so glad that the Lord has redeemed you from your early detours. I think His grace in rescuing you from the context you mention also prepares you to have great compassion for those still there. I pray the Lord continues to greatly encourage you and give you His grace.




Lydia on Jul 9, 2020


Finishing well to me means that I will die and go to meet my Lord with a totally clear conscience. For I have done everything HE has asked of me. Amen!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2020


That is a great goal, Lydia. What a blessing it would be to finish well like Paul! God bless you.




Barbara on Jul 9, 2020


Dear Wayne,

Less than a year ago, in Sept of 2019, I had the remarkable privilege of accompanying you and others to Rome and experiencing these amazing sites related to Paul‘s finishing well! Thank you for this episode of Walking the Bible Lands...a wonderful reminder to stay the course of keeping our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Barbara Lipe




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2020


Yes, Barbara, wasn't that a magnificent journey together? I am so glad that these videos are getting to remind you of your significant trip. God bless you as you continue to walk with Him.



Paul's Final Days in Rome - How to Finish Well

St. Peter’s Square - When Life Takes a Hard Left Turn

Joyce on Mar 26


My marriage turned out to be the hard left turn I never expected. I am still trying to figure out what the reasoning is behind it. I did survive it with the help of years of Christian counseling, prayer and support of my children. I still ask God, “why?” It’s not what I expected. I am trying to figure out how to use it to glorify God.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 27


I grieve with you, Joyce, to hear about your hard left turn. Sometimes even years of hindsight and of insight don't give us all the answers we long for. The Lord God will show you when it is time — and if it is His will — for you to somehow use this for His glory. In the meantime, there is the quiet glorifying of God that occurs in your own heart. What a blessing, that He has surrounded you with such support! That is a tremendous gift from His hand.




Charles and Linda on Jan 22


Bummer that they have not updated the site or maybe you need to update the link. We were in Rome in Sept 2019 and visited most of the sites you mentioned. We do not recall the church of the chains. Will have to look up were that is located.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23


Unfortunately, Charles and Linda, the Vatican is still old school with regard to the website! No updates are yet in sight. As far as the Church of Saint Peter in Chains, you can find it here.




Bobbie on Jan 19


I wanna know Wayne, did you touch Peter’s toes?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


I confess, Bobbie, I did not touch his toes. I will just wait and do it in heaven.




Bobbie on Jan 19


I agree Wayne. Wait for the real Dude! Hero of the Faith.




Bobbie on Nov 11, 2022


Great video. Revisiting this location virtually is a blessing. I wish I would have had a better perspective and knowledge when I was there. So much Biblical history. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


I'm so glad you got to go to Rome, Bobbie. I'm also grateful that video was able to give you an additional perspective. May the Lord continue to be with you.




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


Divorce. It's been an unplanned turn of events in my planning but I am coping one day at a time.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


I pray that the Lord will continue to be merciful to you in the hard left turn, Karen.




Kim on Jun 17, 2022


I have to pray each day, Lord give me the grace for today! I do not plan without clear direction about the path I am to take. I don't try to figure it all out, just trust the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2022


Planning and praying. That is a good procedure, Kim!




Maxine on Apr 18, 2022


It seems like so much focus is put on “walking the straight and narrow “ that those hard left turns sometimes take us by surprise. This chosen life is not the proverbial bed of roses often portrayed by many presenters of the Gospel. Expectations for struggle and left turns are often brushed aside and some are left with no biblical skills to confront that turn.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2022


Profound insight, Maxine. Thank you for sharing it here – and for continuing to trust in a God who sees higher than the details we see.




Lynn on Apr 7, 2022


Wayne, Your teaching on Peter's hard left turns has encouraged me so much. I know the hard left turns are God's perfect will, but you have again reminded me of God's perfect plans for His glory. I am in life where I never expected to be, but thankfully I can trust my God to use me for His glory and my good despite the temporary pain and disappointments. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 7, 2022


I am right there with you, Lynn, in trusting the Lord during hard left turns. So often we can look back at our lives and see how those turns have actually been amazing blessings. We will trust Him together that are current redirection is also for our good and for His glory. God bless you. I have prayed for you.




Marilynn on Feb 18, 2022


I wasn't able to open up the Life Magazine article from the 50's




Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2022


Thank you for letting me know, Marilynn, about the Life Magazine article. I have fixed the link on the Web page.




Marilynn on Feb 22, 2022


Thank you!




Bonnie DeFreese on Jun 3, 2021


I tried to explore the Necropolis but it says that Adobe flash player is no longer supported. :(




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


Yeah, Bonnie, that's sad. I hope they update it soon.




Bobbie on Apr 21, 2021


Wow! I wished I’d known this information when there in 2018. It would have been so much more fulfilling. I did not know Peter was born in Rome. Wow! Many hard left turns in life doesn’t feel like blessings however when the hard left turn is done is when one needs to be aware of the blessing with Thankfulness. For God is good. Thank you Wayne. God Bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


Thanks for leaving this comment, Bobbie. I'm not sure where the misunderstanding occurred, but Peter was not born in Rome — he simply died there. Peter was from Bethsaida in Israel (John 1:44). I am so glad that the videos continue to broaden and encourage you after your visit to Rome in 2018. God bless you.




Bobbie on Apr 22, 2021


I went back to the video to see where I missed what you said. I totally did not hear it correctly. My apologies. Thanks for letting me know. I will be looking up Bethsaida on the map. Thank you Mr. Wayne. God bless you. 🙏🙏




Marlene on Apr 2, 2021


You've provided us with some great resources here. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Thank you, Marlene. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Rome videos. God bless you.




Diana on Mar 4, 2021


Such a beautiful place. I always appreciate the world history and biblical history behind each location. I have heard even secular tour guides say the same thing about the Colosseum, that the Christians were not martyred there. What confuses me is that Paul in the book of Romans greets all these saints at Rome, but never mentions Peter. Is it a different timeline perhaps?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


Great question, Diana. The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Romans from Corinth around February AD 57. Peter did not go to Rome until around AD 62.




Paulette on Oct 17, 2020


Several times I felt like my heart was jumping in my throat. We visited the Circus Maximus, St Peter in Chains, and St Peter's Basilica when we were in Rome in 2017. (Compass Bilbeland Cruise) We were on our own the first day after our flight landed and had a private tour of the city that we set up for ourselves ahead of time. One of the destinations that was not on our list was St Peter in Chains. However, we had the coolest driver, who "surprised" us by taking us to St Peter in Chains. I was soooooo glad!!! Because I wanted to see the St Peter Chains, but we had NO IDEA that Michael Angelo's Moses was in there. We were just beside ourselves. And still thankful to this day our driver insisted we go in - after all he said - it's free. LOL!! Just seeing the Circus Maximus and the Basilica brought back so many memories; and you gave us so much additional information. The hard left turns seem to come on a regular basis; but thankful for how God so gently and sweetly prepares us. Thanks for this awesome study and lesson!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020


That’s wonderful, Paulette. What a blessing to go see all that you did! Thanks for sharing. God bless.




Tammie on Aug 6, 2020


Just incredible! We were here just last year with Compass Bibleland Tour, but since there was 108 people in our group, we saw this, but couldn't hear all the things they said about the history you showed. Thanks for this! I totally loved learning about it!

And, loved being there, even though we did not know all the cool things you shared.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


You're not alone, Tammie, in the hurried feeling of being in Rome – especially at the Vatican! Always so crowded and rushed. I'm so glad you got to experience it personally and then to add to that the details from the video to watch again and again. God bless you.




Joyce on Jul 20, 2020


I really enjoyed your video and as always I learn so much from your teaching. I have been to Israel several tines but i have never been to Rome because I never really thought it would be that interesting with all the statues and ornate buildngs. Thank you for shedding a new light on the history of Rome and knowing that Peter who is one if my favorite disciples is buried there and how he died, I would like to see someday to visit there. The extra videos were also very interesting. The thing I love about your teaching is you go beyond the statues and ornarte and give us a new insight on how we can apply these situations to our everyday life. Thank you Wayne.

God bless




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2020


I am so glad, Joyce, that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. And I am thrilled that you enjoyed the episode on Peter in Rome! Seeing the city really is worth the trip if you can go sometime. (I'm leading a tour there next year.) May the Lord bless you.




Carl on Jul 19, 2020


And, thank you for the link to the video of the Vatican Necropolis. I visited the necropolis in May of 2018 — as you know, "no photos allowed!"


I clicked through the whole video to St. Peter's "Tomb" at the end. I think it took me 20-25 minutes to view the whole program. While I appreciated the photos and the written commentary, I think they should hire you to make a whole new presentation of the necropolis that would be more userfriendly and understandable!




Carl on Jul 19, 2020


Wayne, this is another wonderful video. I have taken a number of groups to Rome and by the time we visit the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica everyone is tired and hot.


It was so nice just to relax and meditate on what you were sharing with us!


Your use of graphics and drone shots was so informative. Thank you! Carl




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2020


Carl, I am glad you enjoyed the video on St. Peter's Square. You're right, it is always challenging to squeeze in all there is to see at the Vatican. I'm also glad you enjoyed the necropolis virtual tour. I'm not sure they would want a protestant to "fix" their site! But wouldn't that be wonderful? Thanks, as always, for your gracious words.




Walt on Jul 17, 2020


What a blessing to see the places again where you and I walked together last September, and to hear your insightful and inspirational teaching. God is using you to touch so many lives including mine. God bless you, son.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020


Thank you, Dad. Yes, wasn't that a magnificent trip together to Rome? What a blessing to have that memory forever.




Garry on Jul 17, 2020


Dear Wayne,

Mostly left turns.

That says it all.





Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020


Right, Garry? My left turns often keep me going in circles! Thankfully, God's driving.




Ty on Jul 17, 2020


Finishing well is an important question to ask oneself. Wayne has used his gifting well in challenging us to look deeply into our own life and be real. It is so easy to look at others to compare, but that is not the bar God desires of each of us to use. Using God's bar in seeing our life before Him and allowing Him to work in, through and around us is His desire for each of His kids. With that thought we can take on the long journey of life and allow Him to complete what He started in us. God sees us not as we are, but what we will become 'in Him'. I have much to learn, grow and mature 'in Him' this side of heaven. I am the disciple, follower, student, learner or whatever one sees their role and He is the Leader we all should have to finish well, indeed, 'in Him'. Every day is a school day in God's daily school day of life. Showing up and participating is on me not God as He is faithful and true. God is there as He keeps His promises, 'I will never leave you or forsake you', His words not mine. Great is His faithfulness as His grace and mercies are new every morning, enabling all of us 'in Him' to finish well even will all the distractions the here and now can throw at us. Thanks again to Wayne in allowing God to work through and in his life to encourage and build us up 'in Christ'. .




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020


I always enjoy reading your insights, Ty. No doubt, God's great grace leads us along a winding path for His glory. Thank you for walking that path with me, my friend. May God bless you there across the world!




Kerry on Jul 16, 2020


oh thank u Wayne for this word. I have and regrettably sad about the path HE is laying out for me. BUT humanity aside, i know there is His good for His glory in this life




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020


I do understand, Kerry, how very sad and challenging it is to walk those hard left turn. I am sure that crucifixion was no picnic for Peter! May the Lord bless you and keep you — and make His face shine upon you — and give you peace.




Kerry on Jul 17, 2020


i appreciate that u take time to personally relate to us on Walking the Bible Lands. I don't feel like just another credit card #




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2020


Ha! Well, Kerry, it is a privilege to connect and interact. I view these virtual video tours the same as I do my real tours. Personal interaction is essential to effective ministry and encouragement. God bless.




Cathy on Jul 16, 2020


Thank you, Wayne for this teaching and the previous ones related to Paul. I’ve been reflecting for the last year about being more intentional in my life, especially since more of my life is behind me than ahead of me. Seeing Paul and Peter continue to be fruitful for the Lord in their 60’s and be such an encouragement to fellow believers towards the end of their lives is giving me courage to press on. Maybe through these difficulties we are experiencing these days God is preparing us for future hard left turns. I sure want to be prepared and faithful to the end, like Paul and Peter. Thank you so much for these timely insights.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020


You're welcome, Cathy. I appreciate the application you made from reflecting on these videos as well as your reflections for this last year. Living intentionally definitely is the secret to a successful Christian life of growth. May the Lord strengthen you as you continue to press on!




Lydia on Jul 16, 2020


I praise my God the future, whatever that is for me. His WILL will have been accomplished!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020


That's a comforting place to be, isn't it, Lydia? What a great feeling of security to know that all things are in His hands. God bless you.




Delphine on Jul 16, 2020


What the Lord told Peter about his latter days is quite interesting. When we ask for insight about our future, we rarely desire to be made aware of upcoming struggles or painful situations. God loves us enough to prepare us for all of life, if we are willing to listen. Personally, I have come to appreciate the 'heads up', no matter what the circumstance. Preparation is preferable to devastation Thanks for another beautiful historical tour loaded with valuable insights.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 16, 2020


I am torn, Delphine, between knowing about the future and letting it come as God's surprise. I'm not sure I would have your courage to know the future! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. May the Lord continue to bless you.



St. Peter’s Square - When Life Takes a Hard Left Turn

Colosseum and Arch of Titus – Seeing Our Secure Salvation

Dorothea on Mar 23


God’s forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings is the biggest miracle and our hope. For nothing can separate us from Him because of Jesus. Thank you for making this point again and again.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


Yes, Dorothea, the gospel message is called good news, because it never gets old — as often as we repeat it. And we need to hear it often! God bless you.




Rosemarie on Feb 16


Thank you for the video of The Coloring of Titus, very interesting as I didn’t know of this before. Always learning something new and always reinforcing things I did know from watching these fabulous videos.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16


I'm so glad, Rosemarie, that the videos continue to teach and encourage you. God bless you.




Bobbie on Jan 26


Watching this again thank you Wayne for sending this via email. I’m glad God is not done with me when I failed. I love “knowing the security of my salvation remains certain because of God’s promises, something even our failures cannot change.” That is true unconditional Love of God. Amen! Thank you God! To God be the Glory!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26


Yes, Bobbie, God is not done with us yet! But He promises to complete the work He began in us. What a wonderful hope!




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


John 3:16




Joan on May 2, 2021


I just watched this a second time, because I was unaware of the famous Coliseum's connection to the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Arch of Titus commemorating the victorious entry into Rome of Titus bearing the Temple's holy articles and treasure! At the end of the video, Dr. Wayne, you upliftingly reminded us of God's promises, despite our failures, which brought to mind the worship song our Church's Thrive Worship band, led by Pastor Corbin Philllips, wrote and recorded, which we also happened to sing this morning and which I think will lift others up too! Click over to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UV02Bdbk50




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


I am so glad, Joan, that the video on the Colosseum in Rome gave greater insight to the timeline of the destruction of Jerusalem. Thanks so much for sharing and for passing along the song.




Bobbie on Apr 21, 2021


So much history I did not know. Thank you. I took pics of Titus’ Arch but in a hurry. Wish I could have seen it up close for a little while longer to see the Menorah. Great video. God’s faithfulness is what reminds me of his promises. And how he shows His love for me day to day. Thank you Wayne. Great insight. 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2021


What a blessing for you, Bobbie, to have been to Rome and to have seen all of these wonderful structures in person. I am glad that the video was able to bring additional insight to you from your significant journey. God bless you.




Paulette on Oct 18, 2020


So glad that God never forgets His promises!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2020


That’s right, Paulette! God’s promises to Israel are true, and his promises to us are as well. God bless you.




Tammie on Aug 6, 2020


Just watched the 'Colorizing of the Arch of Titus'- very interesting! Thank you for all the research & cool stuff you give us to go along with your teaching videos!

Very grateful to have found your site, Wayne!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2020


Sure thing, Tammie. Yes, that colorized Arch of Titus is fascinating. It's amazing what archaeologists can dig up.




Jan on Jul 24, 2020


Your ability to teach practical applications through these ancient sights never ceases to amaze me & my life continues to be blessed by each one. This video brings back so many wonderful memories of our Footsteps of Paul's tour with you & Cathy last year & I can't wait to return to Israel with you next year!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Thank you, Jan. Your name always brings a joy to my heart — as does any time we can spend with you and Don. Next year will be wonderful, Lord willing!




Ty on Jul 24, 2020


Another great teaching and learning session from team who put these short, but very informative and professional, videos together. Finishing well is indeed a question we all need to address. Life and all it's challenges will provide a great test of our convictions and faith. No one escapes challenges of life. The question will still remain to all of us. Will I finish well and to who does it really mean anything to in the long run of things? Does my choices in life matter? I believe my choices do matter as everyone else's choices do and our choices may seem to play out in the short term, but really it's the long term that matters. What impact have we left for others after you and I have gone and why did you or I intend to leave whatever we intended to? Is there life beyond the grave or is the grave the end of it all? If there is only life in the here and now then life is pretty sad. There will be a time when everything in the natural will pass and be forgotten. Why do everything we do in the here and now to just pass away into nothingness But, if there is life beyond the grave and I have an opportunity to be lead in that direction for something more in having it's choice played out in the here and now, then I would be foolish to not look into this and make some eternal decisions. God chose the foolish things (the things we all hang on to and like to show off in our knowledge and experience of) in the present instead of looking into and investing time in what hope the future (eternity) may offer for us. If I live only for today then I better get after it, but like most things in the here and now, planning and purpose has to be applied to reach a goal. Eternity, life beyond the grave, is coming for all of us. What thought are you and I giving to that goal and allowing it to work itself out in our life now? The video might seem like a history lesson, and a good one at that, but the real value of learning about history is in the here and now as history gives real evidence of repeating itself and it doesn't have good track record. Beyond the here and now isn't known, so is it worth time and effort to find out about it? I believe it does, so I am investing time and energy into it by looking and giving time in finding our about it from the source of wisdom. Knowledge is gained in the here and now by everyone. Wisdom is not of the earth as the results of repeated history shows that. Wisdom is not of the earth and it has application of eternal rewards or the lack of finding out about it. Do you or I really just desire and want a repeat of what we already know of history in the here and now? If we are to experience life to the full, as promised by God, then the values of life in the here and now must be found out in what keeps a person's core steady, real and looking forward to keep going when the tough and painful things happen to all of us. As the Word says I press on to the Mark 'in Him' as He gives me wisdom in applying the knowledge I gain in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Ty, you're amazing. You should write a book! Thank you, as always, for your insights. May the Lord bless you as you press on to end well.




Rich on Jul 23, 2020


Thank you, Wayne . . . beautiful footage and wonderful truth: "God is not done with us when we fail," for even our failure can't change God's promises.


This reminds me immediately of my favorite verse in all of Scripture: "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful" (Heb 10:23).


I am to hold fast the confession of my hope, and do so without wavering, because . . . I have the PROMISE of a God who is FAITHFUL.


And having that . . . there's nothing else I need.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


I love the way you put that, Rich, and thank you for that verse from Hebrews. Indeed God's grace is so huge — made it even more clear by the hugeness of our failures. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!




Ken on Jul 23, 2020


Fabulous video. I loved your commentary!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video on the Colosseum, Ken. I appreciate your gracious words. May the Lord continue to bless you.




James on Jul 23, 2020


Wayne I am so happy to be a small part of such a professionally done video. God has great plans for you and your ministry

God has used you in so many ways to bring me closer to Him. Thank you for your faithfulness to serve Him




Wayne Stiles on Jul 23, 2020


It is a privilege, Jeanelle, to serve the Lord in this way. It means a lot to me to hear your gracious words. May God continue His hand of grace upon you.



Colosseum and Arch of Titus – Seeing Our Secure Salvation

Ostia - Is Jesus Really the Only Way?

Joyce on Mar 28


Other religions focus on doing specific works to promote you to heaven after death. You often have to go through another entity to reach higher levels of spirituality. Christianity encourages a personal relationship with God. It is through acceptance of Christ that we attain eternal life.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


Amen, Joyce. The simple gospel is so beautiful and accessible. Still, it takes humility to accept, since grace gives us no reason for boasting before God.




Walt on Oct 4, 2022


Thank you for presenting the Gospel message so clearly. As you said it is up to us to tell others. We get to tell the best news the world has ever heard. If we don't tell them who will?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2022


Yes, this is so true... How will they hear otherwise? God bless you as you continue to share so effectively.




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


God created the world. He was tired of being overlooked. So He created Jesus the son of God to become human flesh and go about doing good. God's way of showing the world....that miracles can and actually do great things on earth by a sight in person as well as history of past occurrences just so people can believe stronger. People claim they never feel and see Jesus so He doesn't exist. But once you feel the presence of Jesus in your own heart, soul, and mind then there is no going back in the realization that He is real and the scriptures speak true.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


Indeed, Karen, what is so obvious to us is a literal blindspot for much of the world. 2 Cor. 4:4.




William on Aug 3, 2022


Barely thank you for clearly presenting the gospel. What a wonderful context. It is so exciting that learn something new about a new location and the people that live there so close to the time of the apostles. It actually looks like if you built up the brick houses people that live there today. That restaurant it looks modern. I am working my way to see all of the videos now and I am clearly excited. Like someone who said I love it




Wayne Stiles on Aug 3, 2022


So true, William! It is amazing how well preserved Ostia is.




Ty on Jul 28, 2022


Religions talk about a god who may exist. Christianity is about a personal relationship with God. Knowing about and knowing who, while having a personal and developing intimate relationship with the God who created all things with His Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnibenevolent qualities and character is quite different than having religious beliefs about a god, in my opinion.


Religions speak of a one way relationship and only Christianity speaks about a two way living and thriving relationship between the created and the Creator. I would also think it would be quite messy if many gods existed with them competing against one another for our attention.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


Wonderful summary, Ty. Thank you.




Carey on Jul 23, 2022


All religions believe in a supreme being or God?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 25, 2022


All major religions do, Carey. Even atheism crowns self as God. I guess the point is that the major religions that DO point to some kind of deity also point to good deeds as the way to whatever "salvation" represents. Only Christianity points to grace – emphasizing the fact that we can never earn salvation when the standard for it is the holiness of God. It must therefore be a gift.




Gary Templin on Jul 21, 2022


Jesus is the only path to the Father. However, through God's grace there are numerous paths and us as mortal brings will never know only God knows.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


So true, Gary. God bless you.




Lawrence on Jul 21, 2022


This video and the Gobekli Tepe video have significantly deepened my understanding of our human God-given need for worship, God's solution to the dilemma of sin separating us from Him, His desire for that separation to be removed, and the ultimate sacrifice of the Lord Jesus to remove that separation. Thank you, Wayne. Your efforts continue to feed my soul's desire and need to know God more and make Him more known. Your ability to clearly and precisely illumine the word is most certainly blossoming. The exercising of your gift increases my understanding of the Bible. The geographic links to His Word that you include in the videos does the same. Such a blessing! So miraculous! I pray that God continues to bless the use of your communication gift, Wayne. Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


Lawrence, your gracious words uplift my heart today. Thank you so much. I praise the Lord that he has encouraged you through the Scriptures and through these videos. May he continue to do so!




Ty on Jul 21, 2022


Religions other than Christianity are based on man's/woman's works to please God, where Christianity is based on the work of God, which requires man's/woman's faith in God through and in His Son, empowered by the Holy Spirit, all of the Godhead. Ephesians 2:9 not by works, so that no one can boast. John 14:6 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2022


Wonderful summary, Ty. Thank you.




Barbara on Jul 20, 2022


I love this!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2022


Thank you, Barbara! I am thrilled that the Ostia video encouraged you. God bless you.



Ostia - Is Jesus Really the Only Way?

Pompeii – Escaping the Coming Judgment

Joyce on Mar 28


The words of Jesus give me the most hope and comfort. He spoke of the love of God and His goodness. John 3:16 sums it all up for me.




Anne on Feb 8


This video is fascinating also

I love how the drone moves quickly over all the sites… to see some of the structures that were built so long ago… amazing

The contrast between earthly rulers and kings and Almighty God …earthly rulers think that they are all powerful

But, in reality they are just a speck, just as we are in comparison to Almighty God who is in control of all things




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


Well said, Anne. The crumbling ruins of all these sites—once powerful and impressive—contrast with the long-lasting glory of God that will never fade.




Anne on Feb 8


Truly fascinating

A job well done !

I watched a video many years ago where they had done some diggings around Pompeii. That was also interesting

I have watched this just after the earthquakes In Turkey/Syria and seeing the destruction and loss of life over there

It truly shows you the power behind all of these types of geological activities

And makes you realise just how quickly things can change

Thankfully no matter what…our mighty God is always in control




Gary on Feb 4






Wayne Stiles on Feb 6


We are all worthy of getting flattened, aren't we, Gary? Thank God for His amazing mercy in our lives.




Gary on Feb 6


G'day Wayne, God does a thorough job even He is protecting us against pure 😈 evil. I have seen God in action alot protecting my life in the midst of it. Would luv to visit pompeii one day. Before God flattens it Again.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7


I go to Pompeii on my Greece/Rome tour. I'd love to have you join me, Gary. Here's the info.




Walt on Oct 4, 2022


Wow!. Thank you for this video and your excellent commentary. I remember my mother talking about visiting the ruins of Pompeii in 1928, and the death masks of the people who perished. I always wanted to go there, now thanks to you, I've had the next best thing to being there.

Thank you for including the animation of the destruction. As the cloud of ash engulfed the city at the last, I was reminded of the scenes from the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11. How quickly life can end.

Thank you for your reminder of the way God has provided to escape His wrath, through Jesus Christ. This video emphasizes the urgency of spreading the Gospel message to those who don't know Him. If we don't tell them who will?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2022


How interesting that your mom went to Pompeii in 1928-- before the latest eruption in the 1940s. I was there only a couple of weeks ago, and it is so sad to see all of the casts of victims who could not escape. Such a picture of the need for the gospel.




Karen on Sep 1, 2022


By just the reassurance have faith in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit The Trinity that He knows best for my life. I believe when He says Revengeth is mine. I am faithful enough I trust Him in what needs to be done to stop the sin in this world.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


Thankfully, Karen, God can perfectly balance wrath and mercy. Only he can do that! How grateful we are that he has been merciful to us in Jesus Christ.




Gary Templin on Aug 31, 2022


Christ followers know God's way and will prevail. Those denying Christ or refuse to follow will see the troubled times.




Lynette on Aug 20, 2022


I'm speechless after watching this...stunned. I didn't realize so much of Pompeii had been excavated. That was amazing to see. And then that animation!! So hard to wrap my mind around! Thank you for including this...and for ending on the wonderful, good news, that we have a choice. We've been given warning.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2022


Yes, Lynette, Pompeii is amazing! And sobering…




Sally on Aug 18, 2022


This was so well done, Wayne. I remember the impact this excavation had on me last fall on you tour. Your devotional that day was also very impactful for me.

I have been listening to Jonathan Welton’s book “Raptureless: an optimistic guide to the end of the world” where he contends that all the scripture about the rapture and tribulation is really about the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.

I just wondered if you have read that book and what you thought.

To me it was a compelling take on the end times but whether the scripture is for future or past events, I just know that God has a plan and we just must be faithful in believing that it is perfect.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2022


Sally, I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Pompeii video — and that it provided some good memories about our significant journey there together. As far as the Tribulation allegedly being fulfilled in AD 70, this really is a stretch. A simple rebuttal is that the book of Revelation was written 25 years after the destruction of Jerusalem — and yet it clearly points to a future tribulation.




Ty on Aug 18, 2022


All of the bible gives me hope as it is God's our Creator's story to us and all of it is true even if I don't fully understand it or appreciated it. 2 Timothy 3:16 says all Scripture is God breathed.


Genesis 1 & 2 indicates a wonderful start that was suppose to last forever. But, human beings along with some help from a fallen being messed that up.


God right from that point had a plan put in place and is rolling it out in how and in His time to correct that unrighteous act by our ancestors, which has been pass from one generation to the next through the seed of man.


God is the initiator of all good acts as that is His nature. The closing of God's Word to us says be ready as no one knows the timing of God's closure of the here and now, only God. Yet the best for us is yet to come.


The pages in-between the first book and the last book of God's Word to us is filled with human drama mixed with faith, hope, and love or the lack of it leading to the opposite with God watching and ready for He takes no pleasure in anyone perishing, but is giving us time by His grace to decide The choice is ours to make. It's called 'free will' and it is a gift freely given to all.


There is a time limit as God is intentional with what He says, even as we are blessed by His patience before He brings things to an end for the here and now. There are serious consequences for those who delay in their decision making as when it is over, it'll be over. God is fast, very fast as in a twinkling of an eye or a single Word expressed by Him things happen at a speed beyond our comprehension.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2022


I appreciate the reminder, Ty, that God takes no pleasure in the condemnation of anyone. He has provided a means of escape, if only we will accept it!



Pompeii – Escaping the Coming Judgment

Caesars and God’s Sovereignty

Walt on Apr 10


It is amazing how God used the Political leaders to fulfill His prophecies. Thank you for this video which makes it clear. Well done. It makes me think about the political leaders today and how God is using them to accomplish His will. He is in control. I also enjoyed revisiting these places where you and I walked together.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10


Yes, Dad, this was an amazing experience to have to gather. I will cherish it always.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Mar 28


This was an amazing video. There were a few spots you were at where I could say, "Wow, I've been there!" Military family living in Spain. We took a trip through Europe when I was 10 or so. I want to rewatch this and take some notes about it in my future! As far as God's Peace I have a powerful story where I was experiencing issues or troubles and God spoke to me and said, "Wanda, people are going to be and do what people want to be and do. Let them! You stay close to Me." I have run to Him over this time and again. He gives a Spirit of Love, Power and a Sound Mind...sound mind is a peaceful mind. Fear is a demonic spirit who has no authority over Jesus' Name!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


How exciting, Wanda, that you got to journey with your family to many of these significant places. What a privilege...




Joyce on Mar 28


Nothing will happen in this world that God doesn’t want to happen. He is in control. All things will happen in His timing.




Cynthia on Mar 23


I have been so blessed in watching these videos. And following the Study. Such a life changing experience.

Thank you!

With Love and blessings




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


I'm thrilled to hear how the Lord is blessing you, Cynthia. Thanks for telling me.




Ann on Mar 22


Great video for our first session. I have learned so much from your teaching. Thank you, Wayne. Was the 400 year silence after Chronicles or Malachi?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22


Yes, Ann-- the 400 years of silence began as soon as the Old Testament canon was closed with 2 Chronicles. Thank you for your gracious words.




Tammie on Mar 21


Wow! The Drone footage is amazing!! I've been here & have a picture of the Arch- you just brought it to life because the other stuff- we had no idea of what it was!

Thanks for your attention to details & the history lesson intertwined with scripture. It just makes it so much more incredible how God wove the pieces of history together & used the Emperors in spite of how Godless they were.

Thank you Wayne!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22


Right, Tammie? God's sovereign hand in history is just amazing. Such a comfort to know He's in control. God bless you.




Ty on Mar 16


Just a great video to see once again of God's peace, which is not of this world, but can be realised internally with the grace and mercies of God wrapped up in God's love.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16


So true, Ty. We can trust God's sovereignty in every way.




Lynette on Mar 4


I've been reading a book that reminds me that God is over the micro and macro events of this world and our personal lives. He reigns Supreme and His will will be done, often using unlikely people through which to accomplish His will. I love that!! Just like this video emphasizes, it gives me a wonderful peace to know that God is working His ultimate plan even when news events around us seem out of control. He is getting all things in place for the time of His coming reign on this earth. I can't wait!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


Well said, Lynette. Thank you!




Nancy on Feb 13


This really put into context how God can use absolutely anything and anyone for His purposes. What a great summery of the Roman Emperors within a biblical context. I just love the drone!! Having such an overview is impressive!

Thanks as always Wayne!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14


Yes, Nancy, it's so amazing how the Lord uses EVEN godless leaders to accomplish His great purposes. As Joseph said, they meant it for evil but God meant it for good to bring about this present result which is far greater (Gen. 50:20).




Barbara on Feb 11


Wow, there was a lot in this one. I especially loved the different rulers and their years of reign. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


I'm so glad the Caesars video was an encouragement to you, Barbara. God bless you.




Ken on Feb 9


Thanks, Wayne, for the panorama of Roman emperors presented in Biblical history as God accomplished His purposes. I haven't seen that done before from Caesar Augustus to Nerva, capped off by Isaiah's prophesies. The graphics and aerials as usual were also excellent.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


I'm so glad, Ken, that the Caesars video offered some encouragement and summary for you. I take great courage from the fact that these (often) godless kings were mere pawns in God's providential plans. Just like today!




Stacey on Feb 9


Eternal perspective is a Biblical truth I learned from you over two decades ago. I white knuckle the perspective as I navigate world news and my own small place in the times I live in. I have an opportunity to lead teachers to instruct students of all ages to see God sovereignly work His perfect plan in history classes.


I watch your videos multiple times in order to learn in a way to pass on the lesson to others. This video is superb in content and encouragement for what is yet to be. I think about Christ ruling this world and gain patience for what seems like a grim reality today. But as you have said, “what we see now and on the news is only part of the story.” Thank you for your hard work in your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


I'm so glad the Lord continues to give you the amazing gift of faith, Stacey. It's been a privilege to play a small part in that journey. Yes, one day this whole filthy mess will show itself as the servant of God we trust it is now. "White-knuckling it" is the best phrase I've heard all day regarding the struggle. Thank you.




Ty on Feb 9


Great question as it is going to take another gift from God, faith to realise this, and personally speaking, God does not disappoint, even in the midst of upheaval.


I got that T-shirt as the more I see of what this world is offering in going its own way without God, the more I see God right in the middle of it encouraging His sons and daughters to press on as the best is yet to come when His Son returns to bring that into effect.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 9


Amen, Ty. The world and its ways come at us in physical, financial, and sensual ways that offer as much substance as cotton candy. Sweet but short—and ultimately disappointing. How essential that we keep the long view.



Caesars and God’s Sovereignty

Gobekli Tepe - The Only Way to God Revealed

Patty on Apr 6


How did the biblical ruins in Turkey hold up in the earthquake?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6


Amazingly, Patty, those ruins that have withstood centuries of earthquakes are still standing. I've not heard of any significant damage.




Ty on Jan 2


Great video to view again and be challenged by. Very engaging with today's bible readings and Wayne's spirit-led teaching.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2


Amazing, isn't it, Ty, how God's Word relates to so much of life? Even from the very beginning...




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


God created humans to take care of each other faithfully and the earth faithfully. When we disobey His jurisdiction for us then He had to demonstrate His lessons thru actions. So I feel strongly Jesus was brought to earth to show us in vision that God is representing Himself as human flesh to prove to the world He is the real deal.




Rosemary on Jan 21, 2022


First I have heard of Gobekii Tepe. Fascinating! It’s interesting that there has been an desire amongst human beings to acknowledge and worship and sacrifice to a higher being. After the death of Joshua there was no prominent successor like he was to Moses and Judges 2:10 states “After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel,”. How sad. So after the great flood it did not take long for many to forget God and do what was right in their own eyes (thinking themselves better than God). However there must have still been something in them genetically for them to worship and sacrifice drawing upon what their ancestors had shared , but changing it to suit their own belief. Genesis 11 records how God came down to see the city and tower the people were building when they spoke one language and as a result of that confused their language so they could not understand one another and hence were scattered like they had feared. Verse 6 is interesting in that it refers to “nothing they plan to do will be impossible to them when they spoke the one language.” It’s great that that chapter then goes on to record the line from Shem to Abraham. I find it interesting that Harlan is not far from Gobekli Tepe and that he probably knew about that area.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


Yes, Rosemary, it's so amazing to consider all that you have written here. So fascinating! God bless you.




Hal Warren on Jan 2, 2022


First, I have heard of Gobekli Tepe! Interesting that I have not heard of it in my life’s journey. My curiosity is now piqued. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed the Gobekli Tepe video, Hal. I pray that you continue to enjoy the rest of the videos. God bless you.




Bonnie on Jan 2, 2022


These were the notes I jotted down during todays reading/video…


Gobekli Tepe- never had heard about this and being the oldest ritual site-amazing to see!


Fellowship with Adam and Eve was how God intended for it to be.


There were serious consequences for Adam and Eve’s disobedience but God still provided a way.


The following comment you made sums up todays lesson for me—

Forgiveness of sin is always a gift of God’s Grace through faith in a sacrifice that God has provided apart from any works we do to earn it.


Hard to understand the Love, Grace, and Forgiveness God has for us -and how He continually shows this -beginning with Adam and Eve to present day with us…me.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2022


I love your summary, Bonnie! I think you nailed it. What magnificent grace God has shown us--from the very beginning. He hates sin, but He loves us. Only a wise God could deal with both so well. God bless you.




Brenda on Jan 1, 2022


Does the dating of this place of thousands of years before Abraham conflict with the view of a young earth?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


Great question, Brenda. Abraham dates to 2000 BC. Even a young earth view sees the earth at the very minimum 6000 years old. So no, there is no contradiction.




Ruthann on Jan 1, 2022


The fact that God had a plan for saving humankind before the foundation of the world shown his great love for us. How can we help but love him back?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


So true, Ruthann. "We love, because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).




Joan on Nov 11, 2021


I've watched this video a few times now, because I'm mesmerized by the lesson it provides and as much where it's located--near Haran and Sanliurfa, such pivotal locations in the Bible record! I can't believe I hadn't left a response before today; but there's no time like right now! Jesus Christ as our substitute sacrifice allows us immeasurable freedom from striving to find an adequate atoning sacrifice for our sins on our own, as well as assures us of God's love for us and His desire to be intimately central in our lives! Thank you so much for this important perspective on Gobekli Tepe!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 12, 2021


I am thrilled to hear, Joan, that the video on Gobekli Tepe was an encouragement to you! Indeed, God's grace in our final sacrifice is amazing. God bless you. Keep those comments coming. :-)




Michael on Aug 19, 2021


I think this is a pivotal site in the Middle East. I could not find it on my maps can you tell me more about where it's located?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2021


Sure thing, Michael. You can find Gobekli Tepe here on Google Maps. By the way, all of the sites for the videos can be found on the Maps Page for Walking the Bible Lands. Gobekli Tepe is on the Turkey Map.




Michael on Aug 20, 2021


Thanks for the insight and the help with Google maps! Loved the video. It is a key site!




Brenda on Jun 6, 2021


I should not be amazed at how God brings new understanding at the right time and for His purposes. But I still am! In the midst of a study through Genesis; the line and the types of Christ; I had not initially considered the problem of Iraq and Iran not being accessible for "discovery" today as I worked through the places in Genesis, so I started with Haran. But Gobekli Tepe; not only the historical perspective of worship and sacrifice. but also God's solution for sin through love for His creation; revealed: sacrifice. substitute, covering to bridge the separation from God, from the beginning, brings a new understanding; and hopefully a better way to explain sin and it's consequences of separation from God (Ro 6:23) to a younger generation (grandchildren & campers in my case) and the reason for making wise choices; especially the choice accept Jesus' sacrifice and follow Him. There are no accidents with God and His plan is always perfect so whether is for my good or He uses it for His glory; I am very thankful for both the visual and the spiritual teaching Wayne. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 6, 2021


I am so glad to hear it, Brenda. Indeed, the Lord‘s grace is amazing as we look the need in the book of Genesis. Grace was needed from the moment Eve took the bite of the fruit. May the Lord bless you as you teach and encourage others with the grace of God.




Tammie on Jan 9, 2021


Another Wow! video!! Love how you put in perspective the archaeologist uncovering buried truth & interpretation & differing opinion. I never thought of it in this way so that was quite interesting! Interesting to also see that it was shot in the time frame of ‘wearing masks’ as people in the background were wearing.

Loved the lesson on sacrifice & how it came from God in the 1st place & how you related it to the first hint of the gospel. Just made this so real for me to share in a new way to other people who don’t know about Jesus’ sacrifice. I made my own small few page ‘track’ to share with people who don’t know the Lord, using pictures of Israel with sharing the gospel that way, & I wanted your permission to use the words from you on ‘But their own coverings didn’t soothe the burden they felt’ & how you explained ‘bridging the gap’- loved the way you put it so well! Am I able to use your words?

Thank you again for a well done video on a place I never knew about!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2021


That is wonderful, Tammie, that the video was helpful and encouraging for you. You are welcome to use my thoughts in your own words, or feel free to quote me, as you would like. God bless you.




Paulette on Dec 5, 2020


Thanking God for His spotless Lamb.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2020


Amen, Paulette. The grace of Jesus never ceases to amaze me – as He spanned the immense chasm between God and us caused by our sin. Praise the Lord!




Ty on Dec 4, 2020


Tough question to ask and answer. First another great production and teaching of fact and truth. Video is 1st class and the short brief history lesson is outstanding and delivered by a gifted person who radiates that DNA passion gifted to him.


In addressing the asked question an individual (me) needs to answer the question of why am I here or why was I born? Even coming up with an answer for that question is going to take a life time of learning and reflecting and probably come up short.


The gap between sin and holiness is as vast as heaven and hell. No one that has ever lived a life in the here and now can bridge that gap, except Jesus Christ. The perfect sacrifice chosen by a perfect God to deal with sin.


Everyone ever has worshipped a god. It doesn't have to fall into the definition of religion to worshipped something. Whatever it is that is the be all and end all in our life this side of the grave is god, which may be ourself.


Sin started before humanity in heaven with Lucifer and the other fallen angelic beings choosing to go their own created way instead of the Creator God's design for goodness and holiness. God creates forever, which we really don't appreciate. He is the Creator God and not the killer god. Eternity will be realised by all created beings.


Those fallen angelic beings are trying their best to influence us to align with their decision, life without Creator God. I seem to be reminded of the song with the words 'and I did it my way' ringing in my inner ear. Pretty amazing the created trying to dedicate how creation needs to live to the Creator or Designer of all creation.


Sin will be paid for by death as God said in the beginning sin will lead to the grave followed by an eternity of nashing and grinding of teeth by those who choose to live for a god in whatever fills their life in the here and now as their chosen substitute of choice for short term seeking. But, life eternal with God in the Spirit is for those who choose as their substitute, Jesus Christ, to lead us in our life time in the here and now through a gift from God, His Spirit. The Holy Spirit interacts at a level with us outside the natural in our spirit or conscience in guiding us in our decision making where by we accept it or reject it. This is because we have another gift from God 'free will' to choose.


Why would I, knowing I have a bent toward myself and miss the big picture eternity door decide on being influenced to make a short term decision rather than giving it to the One who makes the right decision all the time for the long term decision? Not realizing and appreciating the One and True Living Creator God in desiring to know Him better through His choice of sacrifice, Jesus Christ who leads me in staying on track to look at the big picture is a no-brainer for me. It's God's way and not my way, which only raises the bar in worshipping His Son the perfect sacrifice for my and everyone's sin and for the glory of God.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2020


I love the way you put that, Ty: "The gap between sin and holiness is as vast as heaven and hell." How wonderful that our gracious God provided a Sacrifice that fully bridges that gap. I appreciate you taking the time to express this so well. God bless you.



Gobekli Tepe - The Only Way to God Revealed

Euphrates River - Finding Eden and Your Ideal Life

Douglas on Jan 1


Day two of Reading the Bible Lands. Much information provided here is what I have already know so it's nice to hear confirmation again...

As to the question on God's wisdom vs what I want in life. All I can say that it's totally opposite from what I wanted in the past. I believe it is part of walking the straight and narrow vs the wide open path of destruction.

My younger days I never thought I would be living the life I am now and now days I can't believe I ever chose the life I did.

God's wisdom is just so amazing!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2


I am right there with you, Douglas, in awe of God's plan for our lives being SO different than what we had planned (and prayed) for. His wisdom is unfathomable, and so much better than what we could imagine.




Chris on Sep 16, 2022


Beautiful video as usual Wayne. I'm teaching through Genesis so I love the message about us seeking an Eden that doesn't exist. One additional thought. You mentioned a possible location near the Persian Gulf. This is the general region of Babylon. There's a lesson here. We not only seek an Edenic life of pleasure and paradise, we often look for it in Babylon, i.e., the world's system that is doomed for destruction.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 25, 2022


That's such a good perspective and additional insight, Chris. Thank you!




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


Instead of a family taking care of me I have chosen to help others take care of their daily lives in their homes as a personal caretaker. I chose to fill in the care and share programmed in my soul thru Christ's ways of doing.




Zina on Jul 15, 2022


God’s Word is so consistent and connected. I’m reading Revelation where the Euphrates dies up. Where it all began in Genesis come full circle for the End love your insight and videos




Wayne Stiles on Jul 17, 2022


Great point, Zina! God bless you. I'm thrilled that the videos are encouraging you.




Debra on Mar 20, 2022


What a great message in this video. What a realization, that "Living the Dream" is living in obedience to God!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2022


Amen. Thanks, Debra.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 20, 2022


Amen. Thanks, Debra.




Dana on Feb 22, 2022


We often think the ideal life is what we imagine in our minds that our lives should be, however as it was pointed out we can easily become discontented with what we think we want. Therefore our focus should be "obedience" to whatever God wants for us. If we focus on obedience to God, there is nothing to become discontent with. This was a great lesson.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2022


Just saw your comment here, Dana. Thank you so much for this wonderful summary! It was good for me to read it again. God bless you.




Diana on Oct 20, 2021


I like that you pointed out that it was Adam and Eve's will that led them into disobedience. I hear a lot of people say that they wouldn't have sinned like Adam and Eve, or that it isn't our fault that they sinned. Maybe. But unlikely. Instead of looking to Eden, I prefer to look towards heaven, our Eternal home.


Bye, did Scott capture that great footage of the snake? :)




Wayne Stiles on Oct 20, 2021


No, Diana, I can't get Scott close to snakes! I had to buy that clip. :-) And I agree with you, it is always strange to hear people claim that they would not have sinned like Adam and Eve. And yet they make those same sinful decisions daily… We all do! We all need a Savior.




Debra on Mar 20, 2022


Which leads me to ask what I have often wondered while watching these videos, especially from the more remote desert areas....did you need to be careful of encountering snakes or other threats while filming?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Really only encountered a scorpion once, Debra. That’s it. 😄




Joan on Sep 25, 2021


God has blessed me over my life far more than I could've ever imagined or planned. Being obedient to God is key for me going forward, because I've been so blessed. Thank you so much, Dr. Wayne, for showing and summing up what truly is the "ideal life"! 😇✝️👌




Wayne Stiles on Sep 26, 2021


Thank you for summing it up so well, Joan. I'm so glad that this video encouraged you. God bless you.




Lynette on Sep 12, 2021


Such an excellent video.....so much truth here. [There always is in all your videos, but this one stands out to me today.] And you summed it all up with, "the ideal life we are seeking is the life of obedience." Obedience to Jesus is the only thing that truly satisfies. Thank you for another thought-provoking video.




Brenda on Mar 18, 2021


I loved this video; a simple and informative picture of how, as one who is "in Christ" should "take in" meaning drawn from the Garden of Eden. Some thoughts I had from this: God intentionally guarded the garden after man was cast out and protected the garden and the ensuing sin separating man from the "delight" of the place where God dwells. (like holy of holies in the tabernacle) This video made me think of Ps 1:2 although I don't know if this is accurate from the original text. This Psalm seems to set our path (v.1) towards obedience in the Law of the Lord; meditating on what separates us from Eden, from God's delight, where he first made a dwelling for himself and man. God guards that path of righteousness as he guards our hearts when we accept God's path of obedience to be "in Christ" rather than "in Adam." (I Corinthians 15:22)




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


I love the principles and applications you have shared here, Brenda. Thank you so much for including them. God bless you.




Joan on Feb 4, 2021


Pretty profound message. How obvious that seeking paradise on earth by what we do or have won't work for us. First story of the Bible tells us that it won't work. Never saw it that way before. I guess the goal is to want God's will? We have to desire Him. Anything else will leave us searching. Is that right?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2021


Yes, Joan, I think you are thinking correctly and biblically. While it is perfectly fine to ask God for what you want, assuming it is within His moral will, it is also essential that we ask with an open hand. Much like Jesus did in Gethsemane – "not my will but yours be done." In fact, Jesus' time in the garden is a poignant contrast to Adam in his garden. You might enjoy watching or re-watching the Gethsemane video.




Kerry on Jan 7, 2021


oh Wayne yes, obedience is the ideal i know is out there. And in finding it would be fulfillment this side of glory, this quest is to be struggled toward, achieved only in sublime completeness when my dear Jesus says, well done good and faithful servant.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2021


Right, Kerry. Obedience is the ideal life for sure, but even an obedient life is full of challenges. Jesus is the perfect example! Oh, that His kingdom would come...




Lydia on Jan 7, 2021


As I look back over my life, I can not really say that I ever really wanted anything.

I expected to have a life full of what society wanted for me, husband, children, etc.

But, sooner or later you grow up. That is when I met the Lord on a personaI l basis.

I started to want what God wanted. He took me back to the desire I had as a 5 yr. old.

He had called me to teach. Then as He moved me along His timeline, He fulfilled other desires I never knew I had. At this season of life I can honestly say I will finally find my Eden in my heavenly home with my LORD.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


What a blessing, Lydia, that the Lord has given you such contentment. I pray that he continues to sustain you with His grace until glory. God bless you.




Terry White on Jan 7, 2021


Beautiful video and devotional thought. I had not realized before that the Euphrates River could be such a lovely, still, and reflective piece of water, reminiscent of the tranquility undoubtedly enjoyed in Eden, at least for a while.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


I agree with you, Terry. I was very surprised to see the Euphrates such a beautiful place. I can't imagine how stunning the Garden of Eden must've been.




Garry on Jan 7, 2021


Dear Wayne,

The Finding Eden video contains some stunning drone filming in an area of the world few of us will ever see or walk upon. Thank you for taking us there through this video. Also, thank you for pointing out that although life in the Garden was perfect, perfection just wasn't enough for Adam and Eve. Reg says it best in his comments below.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the footage, Garry. And yes, Reg's comment is profound. God bless you, my friend.




Tammie on Jan 7, 2021


Loved the history you gave of the Euphrates River! It just makes the Bible stand out in 3 D with your explanation! THANK YOU! I never knew why Mesopotamia was so important, & you told in the video of where it is today-wow! So good to learn this to bring the Bible to life! Such great information open the Garden of Eden & the application also, like how God required obedience even in paradise.

Thank you for this insight, Wayne. Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


I am glad the Euphrates River video encouraged you, Tammie. Indeed, that insight about God requiring obedience even in paradise is one worth pondering a long time. God bless.




Cathy on Jan 7, 2021


This is the prescription I needed to hear for my “If only,” and “What if,” ailment these days. Getting older can certainly provide the environment to look for the ideal life ahead once this body part gets fixed as well as to look back and long for the good old days. This teaching was very encouraging and reorienting! Being obedient where you are IS the ideal life for now ... I pray God will sear that truth to my heart and mind so I don’t miss the life and opportunities God has where I am today. Thanks Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


It does me good to read your words, Cathy. Thank you. If you would like to sear the truth even deeper into your heart, you might look once again at the video on Ephesus and Redeeming the Time. God bless you as you cling to Him this season of life.




Cathy on Jan 7, 2021


Thank you, Wayne. I’ll do that.




Reg on Jan 7, 2021


I really enjoyed and was encouraged by the “Finding Eden” edition. Thanks, Wayne. It reminded me that the Lord plants the desire for what C. S. Lewis called, “a better country” in each heart — a desire that can only be fulfilled in the Person of Jesus Christ. God bless you, buddy.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


Thank you, Reg, for your virtual hug and your encouragement. I like that C. S. Lewis reference, which points us also to Ecclesiastes and God's "eternity in the hearts of men." How I long for that! So grateful for you.




Ty on Jan 7, 2021


Pretty powerful message, which will require some dedicated reflective thought and not with another earthly person, but with God. All have fallen short of the glory of God. That's me and you. It'll be another long walk in God's daily practical school of life garden again today and a return to His class room 101 for some more listening for me. Sin has sure screwed up lots of things and I surely need the God in me (Rev 3:20) to put His finger on the things that are blind siding me every day. No school recesses for me in God's daily school of life in class room 101, even if many places are in lock down once again with the world-wide health issues.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2021


Really appreciate your insights here, Ty. Our world certainly is convincing us that Eden isn't to be found here.



Euphrates River - Finding Eden and Your Ideal Life

Haran - Following God into the Unknown



Saturday at 2:36am


Another grand reminder of our walk of faith in seeing this video again.




Wayne Stiles


18 hours ago


Right, Ty. Ours is a walk of faith-- from the first day to the last.




Jeanne on Mar 6


I enjoyed seeing this video again. I heard things that I hadn’t heard the first time such as when God chose Abram, he demonstrated grace. It never dawned on me that he has done the same for me, that he demonstrated grace when he searched me out. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


Yes, Jeanne, we are all like Abraham. Called by God and following by faith.




Ty on Jan 12


Encouraging to see this video again and soak in its truths. It's our walking the talk in the gift of faith we are given to soldier on in the God of promises and faithfulness.




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


Just seeing and hearing miracles being accomplished daily by other's stories of life as well as my own witness.




Lawrence on Jun 2, 2022


Thank you, fellow alien.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


Most welcome, you are, heaven-ling.




Ty on Apr 17, 2022


First time viewing of the video. Lots of helpful reminders, both physical and spiritual. A faith walk has always been God's plan for us and Wayne's reminders to us from those who walked before us allows us to be reminded of their faith or lack of faith. God does not paint only one side of the picture in His story to us. He allows us to see both sides of the continuing story until He calls it to an end. It's not nice when humanity decides to walk its own way without God and God's reminders to us allow us to decide which way we desire to walk to our journey's end in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


So glad, Ty, you got to see the video on Haran. I pray that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos and through our time together on these spiritual journeys.




Joan on Oct 2, 2021


God has seen me through two very challenging health conditions, allowing me breath and endurance to keep on living, to His great glory! This was an excellent video, Dr. Wayne, which I was (pre)viewing 'out-of-sequence', because I'm leading the Bible Study "God of Creation" (by Jen Wilkin) at our church about the first 11 chapters of Genesis. This particular video (and the one on chasing the Garden of Eden) are directly pertinent and edifying to me as a leader! Thank you so much for the content in this enlightening lesson and the spectacular aerials of Haran and archaeological sites covered there! Awesome!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2021


I praise God for your answered prayers, Joan. Isn’t He merciful? So glad the Haran video encouraged you. God bless you.




Paulette on Apr 10, 2021


We also made a significant step in 2019 when we were used of the Lord as a catalyst for moving not only ourselves out of state, but 2 other households. One of these went to a different state and my husband, me, and my 90 year old mother came to Tennessee. It was seriously amazing to watch God at work in this entire process. It has proven to me that even if we do not know or understand the whys or the outcomes, God is entirely and awesomely present and faithful to His children that believe and stand on the faith the He will never leave us or forsake us. It has been quite a wild ride of faith, but it has been interesting, invigorating, challenging, even in the struggles and the unexpected that brought difficulty that we could have never foreseen. God has shown Himself to be in all things with us. I have loved this walk of faith the past 2 years with the Lord. New challenges have arisen again, but I KNOW that God can do all things and will see us through. Thanking Him for increasing our faith so that we can increase our faith yet again with the new unknown.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Thank you so much for sharing this personal story and application of the principles Abraham learned in Haran. May the Lord continue to bless you as you follow Him, Paulette!




Brenda on Apr 9, 2021


What a wonderful picture of crossroads in our lives (Haran) where our choices are between what we know and are comfortable with and only God's elusive promises ahead. Watching this video helped "seal" a choice I made this week. To step out in faith and go to a place to serve God at a camp this summer. This may not seem like a big deal but to get to that camp I will need to fly from Kansas to Montana then drive to Washington with my grand-niece so she can attend Cascade Camp Cedarbrook and I will serve on staff. at 25 this would seem to be an adventure but at 69 and with bad knees, Abram's journey at his age challenges me to trust in what God's plan is and what He will do with this commitment, and put my self-reliance (Egypt) aside for Christ's sake. Going not knowing.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 9, 2021


I love reading your heart of faith, Brenda! I applaud you for following the difficult leading of God into the unknown. Who knows what wonderful blessings await you in the "promised land"! May the Lord be with you on your journey this summer. I would love to hear how it goes.




William on Mar 1, 2021


Viewing these sights give insights into some of the biggest ideas of the Bible. Battles one and lost had a huge impact upon Abraham's people. The often complicated love stories of Isaac & Jacob. Thank you for showing these wonderful things.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 1, 2021


Thanks so much, William! Really good to hear from you. I am glad that the video was an encouragement to you and, once again, helped to bring the Bible to life. God bless you.




Stacey on Feb 7, 2021


I really benefit from seeing the real places of my faith as it points me to real faith. In my current circumstances it is encouraging to see how God works. I’m currently at a crossroads but I can trust the Lord to direct and provide. My heart struggles to know what direction to take at this crossroads. I will pray and wait for His best for me. While I love, trust and seek Him, it is hard and painful to not know where to live and set up my tent. Being content with where God has me is a daily commitment to faith in God.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


I like how you put that, Stacey. Seeing the real places points us to and undergirds our real faith. I continue to pray that the Lord gives you strength during these crossroads days. He has not left you or failed you, as you well know. God bless you.




Carl on Feb 7, 2021


Another amazing video. Such great photography and content. Of a place so remote—yet so important! Thank you for taking us there!


Isn't it wonderful that we are participants in the promise that he received at Haran (Gen 12:3) "and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2021


Thank you, Carl, for your ongoing enthusiasm and gracious words. Yes, it is wonderful to participate in the wonderful promises made to Abraham! It will take all of eternity to fathom God's grace through Abraham extended to all nations—even to us!



Haran - Following God into the Unknown

Carchemish - Today's Headlines and God's Grand Plan

Ty on Dec 25, 2022


A good reminder to see and hear this video again. I am always reminded in seeing Wayne carrying the Word in his hand, of the thought, how often am I allowing the Word of God to lead me in my life? We are visibly and audibly inspired beings, so is the imagery of God being in my heart (Revelation 3:20) leading me and reminding me as I walk through each day of my life? I might know and have memorised only a small part of God's Word, but if I am into it daily with the intent of reading and re-reading all of it and if I truly desire to seek God first it's amazing how the Holy Spirit will bring to mind God's intended meaning of His Word in any and all circumstances I will encounter and experience for my self application.


Is God that trust worthy and faithful? He says He is throughout His Word and He doesn't sleep or slumber (Psalm 121 with His watching over Israel, along with us being engrafted as a wild olive branch - Romans 11:11-24), so God is always on our case as He resonates inside all His adopted kids.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2022


I love reading your heart here, Ty, about the necessity of carrying God's Word with us all day long in our hearts.




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


God's scriptures discuss past, present and future. All Headlines seems to be the direction of Jesus Soon to Come Back for the mayhem is overwhelming. The anger, the crime, the negativity, the inflation, etc. Mayhem is amongst us. It is a big job but Jesus is the only one who can keep things in line thru His Holy Spirit in motion.




Ty on Aug 2, 2022


A healthy reminder to view and listen to while Wayne's teaches and expounds on where our focus needs to be. Lots of distractions seem to get the headlines as Wayne's says, but the headlines are not the story we are living out. We are reminded in Habakkuk 2:3 'Though it tarries, wait for it'. Can God be trusted? 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, God is faithful and our Creator God is a promise keeper.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 2, 2022


Amen, Ty. We must always read our newspapers with our Bibles right beside it.




Cynthia on May 20, 2022


Now we have the war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the biblical perspective, that God will make an end of all nations. Come soon Lord Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2022


Amen, Cynthia. God uses the nations for His purposes—though it's impossible for us to understand (or to find justification in) all the lives it costs as a result. God is good.




Paulette on Apr 10, 2021


It is so comforting to know that God is in control and that He holds all things in His hands. There is nothing that can surprise or take our great God at unawares. I thank Him for this every day for our world and for all the lives that trust Him (no matter what the circumstances), and for all those that He is drawing to Himself. May we continue to be more faithful to Him looking to Him as His coming draws nigh.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


I agree with you, Paulette. It is indeed comforting to know that our God is in control of all things, in spite of what the headlines say. He is sovereign and He is loving. What a wonderful combination!




Estrella on Jan 26, 2021


In every event, God’s Sovereignty is in control. Regardless of who’s in White House, let’s not forget, we need to see beyond that person but look to God only!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2021


Amen, Estrella! Indeed, God's sovereign hand in our lives is all we need in order to have peace of mind about the future. He is in control…




Terry White on Jan 25, 2021


I too easily can look at the bleak side of things, but this video is wonderfully encouraging and reassuring. Thanks for this needed reminder.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2021


I do understand that struggle, Terry. I'm the same way! We all need encouragement to do as Paul says: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)




Ty on Jan 21, 2021


Lots of reminding of history and of the grace of God. 'Free will' is an amazing gift and God watches how we use it. We today are no different than the past as history repeats itself. Sin has corrupted so much. Each generation sees itself as being in a tougher place than the previous generations and they think God needs to do something soon as it can't get any worst. History also reminds us that God can and does step in from time to time and does what only God can do to sort things out.


2 Timothy 3 speaks of what is coming and each generation can probably relate to this chapter for their time. The key verses in reading God's Word in that chapter for me are found in verses 9 - 12, and 14 - 17. It's going to get rough, but God ...... God continuously shows each generation so much grace and mercy. Truly 2 Peter 3:9 'God does not desire anyone to perish' demonstrates the deep love of God for His creation and for each one of us personally. However, God has a plan, and when He decides to say 'enough' and allows His Son to return to earth, things remain as they are and we wait as all the previous generations had to wait.


Read the headlines and be very concerned and confused or read the bible and ask God into one's life for a personal relationship with Him, so He can teach us by reminding us that He is sovereign and He sees and knows all. We look at the outside to measure things and He looks at our insides to see our worth. It's a personal choice that everyone needs to take seriously in consideration for themselves.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 22, 2021


So true, Ty. These days the news is only bad news, because bad news is what gets clicks. So grateful we have a good news to read alongside it!




Michael on Jan 21, 2021


Wow... very insightful and very reassuring! This was a "Big-Picture" Perspective that we, as Believers, need to be continually coming back to! Thanks Wayne for expanding that 'small footnote' of History and how it all flows back into God's History for the Glory of Christ! ... every knee will bow...! God bless. Michael in Texas




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


I know what you mean, Michael. Indeed, we need the big picture, don't we? God bless you.



Carchemish - Today's Headlines and God's Grand Plan

Pool of Abraham - Why All Religions Can't be Right

Joyce on Mar 28


So often Satan creeps into my head and tells me I am not worthy of the grace God provides. I know the scriptures and the words of Jesus, the prophets, and apostles. Satan wants to take away my joy and hope for forgiveness and living eternally with Jesus in Paradise. It is often a struggle to tell Satan to flee from me but I do have that power.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


God's gives grace to the unworthy to make us as righteous as Jesus Himself. The lies of Satan only affirm that truth. If we had nothing valuable, the enemy would not want to steal it or confuse us.




Sue Walters on Feb 7


It is after midnight, and I cannot sleep, so I’m reading the news about the earthquakes in Turkey. The city of Sanliurfa is now in shambles. As I read about the devastation and rising death tolls in that area, I was thinking that Sanliurfa sounded so very familiar, and then I remembered that I had watched this video only 14 hours earlier. I’m praying for the people in that area - for comfort, physical healing, mental fortitude, miraculous rescues, and on and on. God sometimes uses natural disasters to open the eyes and hearts of people and bring them closer to Him. I pray that many will come to know Jesus and put their trust in Him.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7


Yes, Sue, it is amazing to think I've walked right where so much this devastation occurred. But this is true throughout Turkey. So much seismic activity throughout the centuries! God can use it all for His glory-- somehow.




Hal Warren on Sep 18, 2022


Excellent lesson on salvation and subsequent living by grace through faith in Jesus the Messiah!




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


Other religions just talk to me. I find no real reason to follow their belief systems. Jesus is the only one who I trust and have faith in. No other so called God's exist in my soul.




Rich on Mar 11, 2022


Another wonderful and very helpful video, Wayne! Thank you so much!


I appreciate especially your comments on Gal 4:30 – 5:1: “Right living begins with right thinking [cf. Rom 12:2]. As a Christian, nothing bad you do makes God love you any less, and nothing good you do makes Him love you any more. His grace has you covered from beginning to end.”


This reminds me of the similar and very encouraging words of F. B. Meyer in Jacob: Wrestling with God: “It is ever so sweet to rest on a love which is dated not in time, but in eternity, because one feels that as God’s love did not originate in any unforeseen flash of excellence in us, so it will not be turned away by any unexpected outbreak of depravity. It did not begin because of what we were, and it will continue in spite of what we are.” And as Erwin Lutzer once said in a sermon on Romans 6, ““It is grace not law that gets us out of sinful patterns.”


As well, just a few sentences earlier in the video, you nicely summarized Paul’s point in the Galatians passage in this way: “If there is any thing or any thought that threatens our biblical confidence in God’s grace, we need to remove it. Right thinking begins with grace as the foundation.”


Understanding God’s grace is foundational both for becoming a Christian and for growing as a Christian. In Col 1:6, Paul speaks of the “day” his readers were reborn as the day when they first “heard and understood the grace of God in truth.” And in Col 2:6, he then says to them, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord (by understanding grace!), so walk in Him.”


So central to Christian experience is the message of grace, that Charlie Clough makes grace the linchpin in his definition of faith: “Faith is orientation to grace” (Biblical Framework, Part IV, p. 87). I see biblical support for that definition in Rom 5:1-2, in Eph 2:8, in Col 1:4-6, and more broadly, in the recognition that whenever anyone believes that Jesus is giving him eternal life freely based solely on His perfect life and atoning death, he is thereby embracing a message of grace!


What a wonderful message we have in God’s Word, and what a wonderful job you did of proclaiming that staggering message so faithfully. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I do not hear that message as frequently as I need to hear it . . .




Wayne Stiles on Mar 12, 2022


Rich, your examples are magnificent – and I so appreciate the additional quotes as well as the affirmation of the video. May God continue to strengthen you in His grace.




Deborah on Jan 26, 2022


This video really is so good. I'm retired now, but when I was working, my boss and I were having a conversation just after lunch. Somehow it had gotten to our faith (which it did often) and he said, "You think everything is black or white. Do you really think all those Muslims and other people are wrong?" I said, "Well, we can't ALL be right and Scripture says Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the

life. No one comes to the Father but by me." I thought about this later and couldn't believe that just popped right out of my mouth. This video would be terrific for him to watch. I've also ordered the suggested book. Thank you SO much for these great lessons. I love getting to "go there" -- it makes everything so real.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 26, 2022


One of the great blessings, Deborah, of being so familiar with the Scriptures, as you are, is that the Lord can bring them to mine in moments of need. You experienced that, and it is magnificent! I am thrilled that the videos continue to encourage you.




Lawrence on May 4, 2021


"Right living begins with right thinking!" Thank you so much for this video, Wayne! An absolutely imperative biblical idea! No other way! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2021


I'm glad that the video encouraged you, Lawrence. I pray that they continue to do so!




Norma on Mar 11, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Mar 11, 2021


Thank you, Norma! I'm glad you enjoyed the video on the Pool of Abraham. God bless you.




Steven on Feb 24, 2021


Wayne, thank you and these videos are so excellently narrated and put into video format. I'm curious about the measures and protocols you had to follow to do what you did in Turkey, a predominately Muslim country which is turning more anti-Christian and anti-West? Were there special permits? Restrictions on where you could travel and film? Did they review your work product before you left? Were you monitored or subjected to any surveillance? Restrictions on "proselytizing." Erdogan does not seem to be particularly inclined to welcome Christians. But perhaps what we hear is not reflective of what is occurring in practice? Not sure.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24, 2021


It really wasn't that difficult, Steven, to film in Turkey. We did have a local guide with us to run interference and to translate, when necessary. But for the most part, we just acted the part of tourists and did our thing.




Stacey on Feb 22, 2021


I watched this video three times because it encouraged me to focus on God's grace and not living in bondage to legalistic thinking. What threatens my confidence in God's grace are scriptures which connect obedience to my love for God in the NT and the OT connection to blessing comes from obedience. I've wrestled with this for years now. I landed on (but still fall into the trap) that obedience is about my relationship with God through Christ and not my salvation. When James talks about faith without works, I also concluded that my witness for Christ will not be fruitful if my life does not line up with what God commands. God wants His best for me and living accordingly is His gift to me. Honestly, I know how often I fail to live up to God's standards which can lead to me not feeling worthy of God's grace. Our enemy is waiting for this opportunity to devour a follower of Christ.


Our culture also makes living a grace filled life difficult. Culture says you get paid (earn your worth) for doing a job. You keep a job by doing it well. You are loved by others when you act a certain way or look a certain way. If you are successful, you are held in higher esteem. If you fail it is not something you do, but rather who you are as a person. Critical people, especially Christians reinforce this value system. It is exhausting sorting it all out on a daily basis.


Gospel living can feel like you are the pilot of a plane going straight down and you try to pull it out of a nose dive with all your strength. Staying in God's Word is a solid way to believe in the grace from beginning to end you stated in the video. When I read Scripture and feel a pull from the Holy Spirit, I work at not going to condemnation of myself, rather to the truth of God's forgiveness through Christ and His grace. I wonder if this struggle is why so many Christians do not read their Bible. Thank you for the teaching, it helps my mind and spirit.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2021


So true, Stacey, that our relationship with people is so often based on works! Sad but true. How challenging it is to love with grace like our Heavenly Father does. I guess we do that with our children when they are young, but beyond that… such a challenge. May the Lord give you strength each day to remain faithful and encouraged in Him alone.




Fred on Feb 20, 2021


Wayne, thank you for taking us with you to a visit to a place most of us will never be able to visit and for taking us to places in the Word to help us grasp the significance of both.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


Thank you, Fred, for your gracious words. I am thrilled to be able to take you to these places! I pray that the Lord would powerfully encourage you with each place and each video. God bless you.




Ty on Feb 18, 2021


Another well-done video and teaching to encourage some reflective time. Wayne asks a very good question: 'What in your (my) life potentially threatens your (my) confidence in God’s grace?' If I am being truthful here the answer I would have to give is me. Like Abraham, I have a choice with the gift of 'free will' given to everyone by God to believe or not believe. Then if I believe the word obedience then comes into play. Abraham's life was not perfect, only Jesus has and will ever lead the perfect life, however, Abraham believed in what God said to him and acted on it, so that is what is credited to him.


We have a choice to believe too in Jesus Christ. If we do choose to believe, we like Jesus, follow in the footsteps of obedience. If all we live is for a bunch of rules of do's and don'ts then all we got is religion and a life of works. But if we have a personal relationship with God then His life in us will get us involved with the passions in our life. If we have God first and foremost in our life then we'll be doing lots of things that really bless us and others as God works in, through, and around our life 'in Him'.


So there is really nothing stopping me or anyone from believing in God and in His Word. But it is an individual choice. No one can make that decision for another.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 18, 2021


You've nailed the essential difference, Ty, between religion and relationship. Religion is humanity's (hopeless) efforts to get to God, and relationship is the result of God's gracious outreach to us through Jesus. But receiving that gift is, as you say, a choice. I'm so grateful you made that choice. :-)



Pool of Abraham - Why All Religions Can't be Right

Nicea - Creeds, Weeds, and Why Words Matter

Joyce on Mar 28


It is so important in today’s times to remember the words of scripture. Our society allows for acceptance of LGBQ beliefs, transgender and new age interpretations of scriptures. We need to be clear of our biblical beliefs and not stray from the principles of our Christian roots. The Bible has not changed and we need to be reminded of the truths that the Nicean Creed states.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


Truth is unchanging, and the application of that truth has to be carefully measured against the Scripture. It all boils down to worldview, doesn't it? The world dismisses the Bible-- but we embrace it.




Judy on Oct 1, 2022


Great video! This topic is so foundational for anyone wondering if they can trust the Scriptures. Learning about the early councils that combatted the heresies really strengthened my faith over the years. I love history, so I'm biased, but this topic is really worth understanding. Thanks for emphasizing that these councils were reiterating what the church had always taught from the beginning; they weren't making stuff up or throwing darts onto a board to see how to "influence" Christian doctrine. One question: can anything still be seen of Constantine's palace under the lake?




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2022


Great question, Judy. If you look at this image from Google Maps, you see only a few stones still protruding from the water. It seems that earthquakes and scavengers have reclaimed much of the stones. There are some wall fragments still standing along the shoreline as well.




Maxine on Sep 22, 2022


What are the differences in doctrine between the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed? The Apostles Creed is more specific on certain points regarding Jesus, but both recognize that He was begotten, not made from human effort.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


Great question, Maxine. The Apostles Creed is shorter and gives a basic statement of faith. The Nicene Creed grew out of the need to stops a widespread heresy and deals with the specific issue of the deity of Christ. Here is an article that may help some.




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


Anything God created and spoke in meaning brings TRUTHS to light for me. It's food and drink and spiritual for me. Proves that the Holy Spirit is strong and desires to stay with me.




Melanie on Jun 29, 2022


Can you please help us understand why the church is currently under water?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 30, 2022


Yes, Melanie, the church is underwater because of earthquakes throughout the centuries. I think the video mentions this, but I don't remember for sure. God bless you.




Michael on Aug 20, 2021


Creeds and weeds are still relevant today. The teaching of the Trinity remains under attack in some areas of the church and of course by many cults. It has affected the lives of some of my own family members. I am thankful for this video because it teaches truth which all of us need. Thanks for this great video Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021


May God bless your family, Michael, that they may see and worship our Triune God in all His glory. God bless you.




Lydia on Mar 5, 2021


I appreciate the Creed because not only does it explain what we believe about the

Trinity, but, also, in the reading of the Truths contained within it, is another witness to the faith. It is the whole Gospel right in front of us. Amen! and Amen!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 6, 2021


Well said, Lydia. The Nicene Creed truly does boil it down to the essentials, doesn't it? God bless you.




Brenda on Mar 5, 2021


This group that came together to write the creed were obviously so focused on what mattered. They were directed by God. What wisdom and understanding was in this group as the Holy Spirit directed them! God works in and through His people. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to witness this Godly interaction. Three months to write? Did I hear that correctly? What amount of prayer went into this? I’m sure a ton. So God directed.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 5, 2021


That's right, Brenda. Three months of discussion and debate resulted in the Nicene Creed. Amazing, isn't it? What a blessing those three months have been to hundreds of years of church history.




Ty on Mar 4, 2021


The video is outstanding and the historical facts along with the teaching ability of someone who is anointed and gifted makes this a real feast. Have to also say thanks to all the others behind the scenes for making this available to us to see and hear while being blessed by it. Some very strong points in realizing the unity of the Godhead only makes one more appreciative in being part of the oneness that Jesus prayed we would all experience 'in Him, in Christ' this side of heaven until we are called home and in the mist of the real deal.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


I know what you mean, Ty, and how essential it is that we remind ourselves often of what the Nicene Creed tells us. Thank you also for your gracious words. You humble me.




John on Mar 4, 2021


Wayne, loved this video as it pulls together history in such a practical and real way. Thank you. Your creativity and your ability to be clear and concise, both in word and video, are a gift (I know it is also hard work and a skill that is developed). I am humbled to able to glean from your work and am blessed by it. Getting to see these places is a wonderful adventure! Most importantly, my heart is spurred on towards a greater love for God as I read the portions of 2 Peter and as I read the Nicean creed,




Wayne Stiles on Mar 4, 2021


I am thrilled in every way, John, at your words. Most especially that the Lord uses the videos to encourage you to a deeper walk and commitment with Christ. There is no better compliment! Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your ongoing passion for the Lord and for the truths the Creed confesses.



Nicea - Creeds, Weeds, and Why Words Matter

Hellespont - Esther's Assurance and God's Providence

Joyce on Mar 28


I see God working in so many situations in history. The one that really comes to mind is the event of 9/11. There is so much fulfilled prophecy that occurred that day. It is a reminder that God is in control even in evil times. We don’t always understand why He allows suffering. Our brains are so finite that we can’t see the big picture. We should always pray for guidance in these times .




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


In truth, Joyce, the next prophetic event we are waiting for is the coming of Christ. That event sets in motion all future prophecy. Come soon, Lord Jesus...




Karen on Sep 15, 2022


I try to look at the postivity even after a negative circumstance. I have witnessed car wrecks, public concerns fail, bad weather incidents, and other situations. I look for the reasons why these things happen and then I look for the reasons of positivity to show the world that God is still in charge of all situations. I have seen goodness come out of bad things. I have seen people change into quiet human people to massive angels of helpfulness when things go wrong. Jesus knows how to wake us up. I count my blessings and don't take days for granted. We are here to serve and help others always.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2022


That's right, Karen, I agree with you. Sometimes I think that the Lord allows us to see negatives so that we can pray for people who need the power of God in their lives.




Lynette on Jun 14, 2022


The beauty of this area is stunning. I love the story of Esther. How often I have thought of that verse..."for such a time as this!" So many times we have to wait to see how life unfolds to truly see all that God was working behind the scense all along.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


So true, Lynette! This area of Turkey is very beautiful and so significant to our biblical history. God bless you.




Ty on Mar 24, 2022


During events such as the statement.made in Luke 15:7.




Linda on Mar 20, 2022


This was a really good series




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


So glad you’re enjoying the videos, Linda. God bless you.




Linda on Mar 25, 2022


Thanks for your reply. I also listen to your Podcasts everyday. I just found them and im up to The New Testament after Malachi. I read from the New American Bible Revised in '86. So sometimes our wording is a little different but I get the meaning bc you take the time to explain the Greek or Hebrew meanings, which i really appreciate. Other teachers do not most of the time. So heartfelt Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2022


You're very welcome, Linda. May the Lord continue to encourage you as you listen and dive deeper into His Word.




Nancy on Mar 17, 2022


Great video and times just right as today is Purim! Finding God's providential hand in history is alway clear when you look back. The beauty for us is the trust that builds to go forward with the absolute conviction that His will is always accomplished in His perfect way and we can surrender to Him. Thanks as always Wayne- very special to see these sights!!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


So glad you enjoyed this video, Nancy. 😄 God bless you.




Ken on Mar 17, 2022


You outdid yourself with this video Wayne. I learned a lot and saw such beautiful scenery! I will read the book of Esther with more understanding now.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


So glad you enjoyed the video, Ken! Esther is such a great book. God bless you.




Ty on Mar 17, 2022


A great video providing lots of historical facts, great filming plus teaching along side expounding for us to grow in and reflect upon. God has lots for us to learn if we truly are seeking Him as His grace and mercies as Scripture informs us are new EVERY morning. If that is not happening or being appreciated every day as God's practical school of life happens wether we are aware of it or not, then what are we really believing about God and His truths?


Wayne's question in 'Join the conversation' - What moments in history can you clearly see God’s hand?' is good to reflect upon.


My answer is every day, not just what we would refer to as a Hollywood production movie thing. My view of life for a Christian should be like an out of body experience that is always on going. The following verses 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15, Ephesians 4:24, Romans 6:4, and Romans 7:6 say to us:


'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, The old has gone, the new is here!'


'Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.'


'We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.'


'and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.'


'But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.'


So we are living a new life as the old has passed away. We are supposedly learning every day or are we just strolling along with head knowledge?


Other Scripture like Jeremiah 10:23, Matthew 6:33, John 15:4-5, Galatians 6:3, and Philippians 2:13 says to us:


'Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.'


'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.'


'Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.'


'If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.'


'for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.'


Who is leading and who is following in our life?


Acts 1:8 says


'But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'


I guess we haven't got to the ends of the earth yet. We will be His witnesses of seeing Him move in, through, and around our life using us as His vessels or channels? History is being experience every day in our life. Are we experiencing it or has it become too normal, blase' or just too unexciting for us?


Where are you and I being led in our walk? Are we appreciating His newness every day? Is history being written in our life every day with us walking the talk?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 21, 2022


Great thoughts and verses, Ty.



Hellespont - Esther's Assurance and God's Providence

Istanbul - Peter’s Last Words Give Us Hope


on Mar 28


Jesus said we would suffer in this life, but we are able to go to God and ask for strength, mercy, and peace to endure the suffering. The prize will come. All good things will come for those who wait on the Lord.




Wayne Stiles

on Mar 29


Indeed, Joyce, we need to have that faith in God and hope in Christ's coming soon. It will be worth the wait.





on Nov 28, 2022


I have never been to this location. I remember James Bond Russia with Love and Hercule Poirot and the Orient Express in movies. Marvelous tour. Thankful the paintings are still in the old church. 15,000,000 million people in Istanbul. Lord, our task is enormous to reach the Lost. Paul was forbidden to go into the area but sent Peter, who finally got the message to go to the whole world. Thanks




Wayne Stiles

on Nov 28, 2022


Hey there, William. Yes, it is amazing how the Lord closed the doors for Paul, and opened them wide for Silas and Peter.





on Nov 17, 2022


Interesting question posed to us to consider? Mercy, apathy, and persevere, 3 words all related to one another in some way concerning delay.


The reading of 2 Peter 3:9 should have some meaning to any of God’s adopted kids in bringing some meaning to this question. To be part of God’s team we would surely desire His will be to done as we have One Captain (Matthew 6:10), while He is forming the team and sustains the team.

We all would like to be part of the right team (Genesis 2:26-28). So, we do need the perfect example setter and God has not disappointed us. (Hebrews 10:5-7)

So being a team player means I have changed my jersey from sinner to saint. Game time is not over, until He who has the time clock rings the final buzzer. (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32)

God will use the little I bring for adding value to His team. (Colossians 3:17, 23-24) There is a lot more to come after the game time is over and the celebrations begins. (1 Corinthians 2:9) That’s God promise and God doesn’t lie. (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalm 89:35, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18)

To be on the winning side one has to see the rainbow from this finite lifetime to eternity to see that game time is on. (Genesis 9:13-16). We need the perseverance to keep going in the game, knowing God’s grace and mercies are new and really exciting every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24) with His play book. This to ensure God’s opponents don’t set the seed of apathy in any of God’s team members until the final whistle for the whole length of game time in the here and now. So, no delay, only welcoming and celebrating more new members on to the team. (Revelation 22:7)




Wayne Stiles

on Nov 18, 2022


I like those three words you chose, Ty, to connect with God's delay. Thank you.




Joyce on Mar 28


Jesus said we would suffer in this life, but we are able to go to God and ask for strength, mercy, and peace to endure the suffering. The prize will come. All good things will come for those who wait on the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29


Indeed, Joyce, we need to have that faith in God and hope in Christ's coming soon. It will be worth the wait.




William on Nov 28, 2022


I have never been to this location. I remember James Bond Russia with Love and Hercule Poirot and the Orient Express in movies. Marvelous tour. Thankful the paintings are still in the old church. 15,000,000 million people in Istanbul. Lord, our task is enormous to reach the Lost. Paul was forbidden to go into the area but sent Peter, who finally got the message to go to the whole world. Thanks




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2022


Hey there, William. Yes, it is amazing how the Lord closed the doors for Paul, and opened them wide for Silas and Peter.




Ty on Nov 17, 2022


Interesting question posed to us to consider? Mercy, apathy, and persevere, 3 words all related to one another in some way concerning delay.


The reading of 2 Peter 3:9 should have some meaning to any of God’s adopted kids in bringing some meaning to this question. To be part of God’s team we would surely desire His will be to done as we have One Captain (Matthew 6:10), while He is forming the team and sustains the team.


We all would like to be part of the right team (Genesis 2:26-28). So, we do need the perfect example setter and God has not disappointed us. (Hebrews 10:5-7)


So being a team player means I have changed my jersey from sinner to saint. Game time is not over, until He who has the time clock rings the final buzzer. (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32)


God will use the little I bring for adding value to His team. (Colossians 3:17, 23-24) There is a lot more to come after the game time is over and the celebrations begins. (1 Corinthians 2:9) That’s God promise and God doesn’t lie. (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Psalm 89:35, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18)


To be on the winning side one has to see the rainbow from this finite lifetime to eternity to see that game time is on. (Genesis 9:13-16). We need the perseverance to keep going in the game, knowing God’s grace and mercies are new and really exciting every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24) with His play book. This to ensure God’s opponents don’t set the seed of apathy in any of God’s team members until the final whistle for the whole length of game time in the here and now. So, no delay, only welcoming and celebrating more new members on to the team. (Revelation 22:7)




Wayne Stiles on Nov 18, 2022


I like those three words you chose, Ty, to connect with God's delay. Thank you.



Istanbul - Peter’s Last Words Give Us Hope

Ephesus - Redeeming the Time

Rosemarie on Feb 24


Now retired I have more time in my day and I find I make much more time for prayer, reading the Bible and reflecting on God’s goodness and thankful for all his blessings he has given me.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


What a blessing, Rosemarie. May the Lord continue to bless you as you spend time with him. What a wonderful season you have.




Sharyl on Feb 11


I am making the most of my time ministering to individuals who are hospice patients. Often they are unresponsive, yet they still know music and singing hymns and praise music is very satisfying.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


How magnificent, Sharyl. Thank you so much for your significant ministry to these significant people. God bless you.




Lynette on Jan 17, 2022


Hmm, wow, this video, like the others, just makes the scriptures come alive. These are such wonderful visuals to help us understand better that time period and yet how the scriptures certainly apply to us even today. To see these locations and artifacts from ancient days is just mind-blowing.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 17, 2022


Indeed, Lynette, Ephesus is an amazing place to see! So fascinating to understand that these are the very streets where the apostles Paul and John walked. I am glad that the video gave you some sense of being there, and I am thrilled the Lord encouraged you. God bless you.




Steven on Feb 16, 2021


Wow! The videos are excellent and the way you connect the Scriptures, history, and cinemaphotography together is better than a Hollywood production. I do not know that I will ever get to go these ancient sites, but having access to what you have produced is the next best thing.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 16, 2021


Thank you, Steven, for your gracious words. I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. I pray that His Word becomes clearer and more real in your life. God bless you.




Paulette on Oct 20, 2020


This was our best effort in getting an aerial view of Ephesus. We had special permission by the Turkey government to hike up the back side of the mountain, to the top ridge of the wall of Ephesus. It was most memorable. Loved hearing your teaching on it. Brought so much back to me. Thanks so much! This was my favorite site in Turkey. I tried to paste in a pic but it wouldn't let me paste. It was an awesome view from up there. We could see all the way down the harbor to the ocean. Thanks for this beautiful view and teaching on Ephesus.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2020


What a privilege, Paulette, that you got to go to a Ephesus! I look forward to seeing your photo at some point. I am glad that the video took you back to that special place where Paul minister for several years. God bless you.




Anita on Aug 25, 2020


I think during this time when we are home more than ever, our time with Jesus has increased for some. This is also a time to really trust the Lord as our provider. I do not work, I live on a fixed income, and staying home more lessens trips to stores for frivolous shopping. It seems that there is more food and less spending. Thank you Jesus for providing and allowing me to spend more time with You.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2020


I agree with you, Anita. It is a blessing to have the time to spend with the Lord, and it is magnificent that He draws us close to Him through the Scriptures. I am so glad that the videos are encouraging you – and I pray that they continue to do so. God bless.




Billy on Aug 8, 2020


Thanks Wayne for the reminder from Scripture to redeem, or make the most, of one's time. At the moment I am without full-time employment but do have part-time work. I have asked for God's guidance during this transition period, wanting more hours at the grocery store. And He has opened the door for those extra hours. My manager called asking if I could help with a special project with him at another store on a Sunday. I typically don't like to work on a Sunday. But my thought was that I have asked God for more hours and this was presented to me. So I accepted. My reply to him was I had asked God and would now take what has come. Hopefully this can be a chance for further witness to him. Please pray that I will be a good witness to my manager during this time. Shalom.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2020


What a wonderful answer to prayer, Billy. I will join you in that prayer that you will be a good witness to your manager – and that the Lord would continue to provide for you and this special time of need. God bless you.




Billy on Aug 9, 2020


Thanks Wayne for your prayers. I am grateful for the extra hours. My prayer is that as a result of today's work together will lead to opportunities in the days to come to continue to share how God is providing for me personally but most importantly how He provided the greatest gift - His Son for our salvation.


On another note - do you see Israel opening up any time soon for Christian groups to go there for tours? One of the perks and responsibilities of the full-time position that I had (but which was eliminated due to restructuring) was coordinating trips to Israel. I have asked my friend Gordon Franz who has worked on archaeological digs in Israel in both Jerusalem and Hatzor about the possibility of working together to offer tours to Israel and Greece. I so enjoy being in the land of Israel and in Greece. Just curious if you had any sense about Israel reopening any time soon.


May your days be blessed and safe. Shalom brother.






Wayne Stiles on Aug 10, 2020


I know that the United States has recently opened up international travel again – last week, I believe. But of course this could change in a moment's notice. Everything I am hearing from my travel company says that Israel anticipates October being the first real opportunity for people to tour Israel again. If you need to make plans, I think 2021 would be much more sure than anything this fall.




Billy on Aug 10, 2020


Hi Wayne,


Thank you for the update and suggestion. Doing anything this Fall would be too soon for Gordon and me. And I'm thinking some people would not want to travel until there is a safe vaccine in place. May we all know the wisdom and guidance only God can give in these times and for such situations as making tour plans. I miss Israel and look forward to the day when I can set foot on Israeli soil and walk the lands of the Bible again.








Tammie on Aug 6, 2020


Wow! This video makes me want to read Ephesians all over again! You gave God's word life in 3-D!!!! Just amazing how you gave the word to go with the video. Learned so much!

Ive been to Turkey twice ( only in the airport) & was wondering where Ephesus is from Istanbul. I had no idea where Ephesus was, by the way, so this was so incredibly interesting to find out where its at! I love how you give us so much information & the actual place & the history with it, where it applies in the Bible & how it applies to our lives today. Thank you once again for an exceptional video!

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2020


I'm grateful the Lord blessed you as you watched the Ephesus video and pondered God's Word along with it. There's more on Ephesus coming this month! Thanks.




Tammie on Aug 7, 2020


Can't wait!

I just read my comment, & I think I didn't make my question clear.... sorry- I was wondering where Ephesus was from Istanbul.

Your video showed that it is a real place today, which I never knew it still existed.

Thanks, Tammie




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020


Tammie, you can see the distance between Ephesus and Istanbul on this map. I hope that helps!




Lydia on Aug 6, 2020


I am now in the time of listening and following our Lord. I meditate on what you teach and show and think of what these men and women of God went thru to preach the Truth.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 7, 2020


How wonderful, Lydia, that you're pondering God's Word and its application. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Ephesus video. God bless you.




Walt on Aug 6, 2020


As always I thoroughly enjoyed this video and your teaching. I recognized our group from last Sept in this video.

In a time where our lives have been interrupted and altered by the Covid virus, I particularlyy picked up on your teaching from Eph. 5:15-17. To make the most of the time God has given us. God expects us to be about His work even in these altered circumstances. Something I admit I haven't done as well as I could have. Thanks for the reminder. God bless you, Dad




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


I am right there with you, Dad. It's so easy to point to reasons why we aren't doing the simple things Jesus commanded. A friend of mine likes to ask any time there is a challenge in the way of progress: "What does this challenge make possible?"




Don on Aug 6, 2020


Thank you Wayne, especially for the challenge to "redeem the time" at the end of the video. God sent that one straight to my heart this morning.

The Temple of Diana description reminded me of the Parthenon reproduction in Nashville TN. The 42-ft tall statue is of Athena, not Diana, but the exact reproduction building and statue give me a great mental image of what the Temple in Ephesus must have looked like at that time. The ruins there today remind me of Rich Mullin's lyrics, "Well the nails have turned to rust, but behold the man--he is risen and he reigns!" God bless and please keep 'em coming.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


Thank you, Don. That challenge to "redeem the time" always hits home with me too. I give your Rich Mullins quote a big amen! Thanks for your friendship and affirmation.




Dave on Aug 6, 2020


Love that you included a couple of video clips when you took out group there last September. Thank you for how you bless us with your teachings. Dave Francis




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


Thanks, Dave. It's wonderful to see that Ephesus still has Christians in it! What a wonderful tour that was for us.




Ty on Aug 6, 2020


Another very good video production of history, archeology and the Word of God. A great display of gifted and anointed people using their gifting and talents to encourage us and honour God. There are opportunities every day as God's grace and mercies are new every morning. The kingdom of God is being built within each of God's adopted children. God's class room 101 of life is on going every day. The invite is to all of us, so the learning, growing and maturing 'in Him' can be realised by all who chose to follow and step beyond the natural and into the supernatural empowered by God's internal gift (Holy Spirit) to everyone of His adopted kids. It's a personal choice and so is the learning. God doesn't miss a day, but do we?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 6, 2020


What a great question, Ty. Thankfully the Lord does not miss a day of intentional involvement in our lives. Working in increments, drip, drip, drip… He graciously draws us closer to Him.




Eric on Aug 5, 2020


Thank you Wayne! Ephesus is the most magnificent ruins I've ever seen. Lord willing we will be there in March!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2020


Indeed, Eric, Ephesus is outstanding. I do hope you get to see the site again in March. God bless you.



Ephesus - Redeeming the Time

Colossae - Finding the Freedom to Forgive with Philemon

Louis on Jan 19


Watching these videos and digging into the transcript closely always challenges me to think critically. One of those challenging questions is the Friend of Paul called Onesiphorus or is it Onesimus? Are they one in the same? Thanks for what you do Dr. Stiles and thanks in advance for your answers.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Great question, Louis. No, Onesiphorus and Onesimus were different men. Onesiphorus was Paul's friend, who searched and found him in Rome, and Onesimus was the runaway slave whom Paul sent back to Colossae.




Rebecca on Nov 23, 2022


Watching these videos really makes me want to take the Journeys of Paul tour. Our pastor is taking a group in the spring so now I'm considering it. I purchased Walking the Bible Lands in order to be prepared for our March 2022 trip to the Holy Land. My friends told me the first visit is so overwhelming that you just can't really take it in. I watched the videos to learn about the places I would be visiting so I could just enjoy actually being there. I crammed in as many videos as I could in a short amount of time. That was the best decision I could have ever made! After watching the videos, I just couldn't wait to get to Israel. I appreciated every location and soaked in every sight, smell, and sound in the moment and didn't feel stressed about trying to photograph or document every historical detail - I lived in the moment with gratefulness! But, after being in the Holy Land and seeing my Bible come to life, I couldn't wait to get back to the videos and see more about the places I visited, and the hundred other places my tour didn't take me! The video work is outstanding, (drone footage adds a whole new dimension), and the maps help me put the locations into perspective. One of my favorite things is how you tell me the history, but then you give me a lesson on how to apply it to my life. With all these things together, you really do make the Bible come to life! Thank you for your hard work. You are allowing me to visit places from the comfort of my own home. May God continue to bless your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2022


Rebecca, I'm thrilled that you got to go to Israel and that the videos helped prepare you-- and to encourage you afterwards. That's exactly what they're for! :-) I'm also excited that you're considering taking a journey in the footsteps of Paul. If it is the Lord's will, I'd love to have you join me on my upcoming tour and cruise in the Footsteps of Paul—with an extension to Rome and Pompeii. It's truly an amazing journey! You can see the itinerary and details here. God bless you, Rebecca.




Paulette on Dec 5, 2020


This was a rough one for me regarding difficult relationships. I am experiencing immense difficulty for the past year and half after my 90 year old mother moved in with us. I never expected the deep level of betrayal that would happen in my own home. My husband and I have spent many hours in prayer asking for help and forgiveness. It helps to know that something bigger is truly happening. It gives me hope.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 5, 2020


I know what you mean, Paulette, and indeed, forgiveness is one of our toughest assignments. I just prayed for you, and I ask that the Lord will give you strength and wisdom as you navigate the road ahead. May God give you grace to trust Him with the big picture.




Paulette on Dec 5, 2020


Thank you so much for your prayers. It means so much to me!




Mike on Nov 20, 2020


Good Morning Pastor Wayne,

you tie 'for a little while" and 'forever' and forgiveness and God's Sovereignty together so easily when we so often make forgiveness so difficult. May forgiveness abound in our family.

Happy Thanksgiving





Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2020


I agree with you, Mike. It's much easier to see it all on paper than to apply it all to family and life. May the Lord powerfully bless you and yours with the gift of perspective and may His grace pour in and fill in the cracks of loss and pain. Indeed, we have much to be thankful for, don't we? God bless you.




Ty on Nov 19, 2020


Firstly fimling is of the highest quality along with the history lesson of tying in bible characters with the Word and places, well done.


Forgiveness, a hugh word and why do I need to understand it as a question for me? To deal with, it starts at a personal level. Sin and the deficient gene (sin and the human nature of self seeking) being passed on from one generation to another is going to be made accountable for in death either at the grave or at end of time. God's righteousness and holiness in Jesus Christ will correctly judge and ensure sentence is carried out in our natural bodies.


We are forever created as spiritual beings living for a while in a natural body. Our spirit will face judgement some day where our eternity will be decide either to live with our Creator God or without Him. The choice in the here and now living is ours to make with God's gift of 'free will'. Our 'free will' ends in the here and now at death, the penalty for sin or when God's decides the here and now ends and foreverness (eternity) of time for all spirits begins.


No single person including ourselves bar Jesus Christ can make the correct decision for us as to where we will spend eternity. The cost of living in eternity with God cost a perfect (sinless) life. A perfect life had to be volunteered and then given. Perfect blood was shed on my and everyone's behalf for the self-centerness I and everyone has in the way we live for ourselves.


Coming to terms with my brokeness and asking forgiveness of what I inherited from past generations and add to in the fall of mankind, takes a perfect act of God not humanity to erase. This needs me and everyone asking for, accepting and then acknowledging God's forgiveness personally.


Thanks be to God and His Son Jesus Christ the volunteered perfect life given and the Holy Spirit in enabling all of us the opportunity to do this and receive forgiveness. This enables us to walk in a spirit lead life before God who created all things in the here and now. I and everyone needs the perfect sacrifice Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead to make our decision for us as to where in eternity we will exist.


If it was put in sporting terms, say batting average. Allowing Jesus to make the decision as to where I will spend eternity while allowing Him to lead me through the here and now has a 100% batting average. Verses humanity's batting average of living life on our own and trying to use our life style, position when living in the here and now or using our resume' in presenting to God in making that decision has a 0% batting average. We all need that pinch hitter of Jesus Christ as none of us has that supernatural perfect record to enter eternity without Him.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


I like the way you compare Jesus to a pinch hitter, Ty. In away, you're basically describing substitutionary atonement. He stood in for us to swing the bat when we would only strike out every time. May the Lord encourage you and bless you as you do the hard work of forgiving, in light of your own gracious forgiveness. Genesis 50:20.



Colossae - Finding the Freedom to Forgive with Philemon

Tarsus - How God Uses Your Past for Your Future

Lynette on Nov 28, 2022


As I rewatch this video today, I'm so very grateful that God never wastes a thing in our lives. He uses our past experiences, our personalities as He created us and all our daily challenges to bring us more into the person He wants us to be...and for His ultimate glory. Praise His Holy and Precious Name!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2022


Isn't He amazing, Lynette? He wastes nothing. Nothing whatsoever…




Diana on Nov 3, 2022


I literally was reading this passage of Scripture this morning. My ladies' bible study is reading through Acts together right now. What a blessing to see this video in my inbox this morning to bring the passage to life even more. A beautiful and insightful video. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2022


Isn't it wonderful, Diana, how the Lord brings to us what we need and what will bring clarity to the Scriptures? I'm so excited that He sovereignly timed the Tarsus video to show up when you were reading about Paul.




Lynette on Jun 22, 2022


The message of this video is so true. We've seen it time and tme again in our lives. One particular time that stands out was years ago. My husband was going to work on his doctorate, but felt led to get a 2nd masters instead. It wasn't until 15 years later that God opened up a chaplaincy for him that required that 2nd degree. Wow!! 15 years later. But, God always knows what He's doing and when!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2022


What an amazing connection, Lynette… Thank you for sharing how God had amazing foresight in your lives.




Jeanne on May 27, 2022


I really appreciate the end because you mentioned that God uses our unique upbringing, places where we lived and different things that we went through. Even though I might be ashamed of myself or things that I have done, God can use this. I don’t think I really had thought about that, I figured that I was not able to be useful because I was not always faithful or because my life didn’t mirror someone else’s.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


I'm thrilled the Lord has helped you make that connection, Jeanne. God wastes nothing from our pasts—not even our failures. God bless you.




Stephen on Sep 17, 2021


Powerful message. Stunning views and imagery. Great appreciation for this work Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2021


Thanks so much, Steve! I have great appreciation for you too.




Stephen on Jun 18, 2021


Wayne, what do I think of this video? I think “awesome!” Why? Your hard work and discipline to produce and edit this video is obvious and exemplary of excellence! The Spirit moves through this video like the others and brings the viewer in touch with God. You’re doing it my friend! Keep it up! Stay strong!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 19, 2021


Steve, thanks so much for your gracious words about the Tarsus episodes. It's one of my favorites. :-) I'm actually in Turkey right now. Just left Troas and Assos and headed toward Miletus. Can't wait to show you those videos too! Thanks again.




Paulette on Jun 5, 2021


This was such a beautiful teaching and sites. Especially loved the roads at the end. Stunning! Thank you for the beautiful visuals.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2021


You're welcome, Paulette. It truly is a beautiful place.




Paulette on Jun 5, 2021


HAHA!! Now I am totally curious what the inappropriate name is for the Cleopatra Gate. GAH!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2021


Yeah, well, in Turkish, the name of the gate is sürtük kapısı. You can see the translation here.




Paulette on Jun 5, 2021


Ah...I see. Hmmmm....is it a reference to that certain part of the city or to Cleopatra herself you think?




Wayne Stiles on Jun 5, 2021


To her. :-|




Paulette on Jun 5, 2021


That was my first guess. Thanks for answering my trivial question.




Michelle on May 23, 2021


I believe God has taught me how to accept people where they are instead of trying to change them, by showing mercy and love towards them and being an ambassador for Christ in their lives. I have learned how I can only change myself and have learned to leave all the changing to God Himself!

Acceptance, mercy and love is what I can do for others. Love in action!




Wayne Stiles on May 24, 2021


Your perspective is magnificent, Michelle, and very rare. Thank you for living the grace that Jesus modeled so well. God bless you.




Anne on Apr 20, 2021


God has used things in my past to have an understanding to enable me to help others that need help in a specific way




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


So true, Anne. Yes, the Lord uses our past for our future, for sure. Your words remind me of Paul's words in 2 Cor. 1, where God uses the comfort He has given us in affliction so that we can comfort others in theirs.




Deb on Apr 16, 2021


When I was 16, my future father-in-law gave me a violin and told me that it was mine as long as I played it for the Lord. That simple statement guided me all of my life to use my gift for Him. I am still, at 76, playing for Him at church for the regular traditional service and then also with the Worship Team in the second service as well as other special services. It gives me such joy to use what God has given me, for Him, and to tell my students that their gifts are for Him too.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2021


What a wonderful legacy, Deb, your father-in-law gave you with that statement and that simple gift. Thank you so much for your 60+ years of serving the Lord. Keep up the good work! God bless you.




Ty on Apr 16, 2021


It is hard not to see the hand of God in His leading. Being born in a small town upstate NY the prospects of going to college were slim, but due to a turn of events and a concerned neighbourhood youth worker who did some enquiring and promoting on my behalf, I end up being selected by one of the USA five federal military academies. I graduated with 2 x BS degrees and served 10 years in the navy and naval reserve. That lead me into a 45-year international business career living in 9 different countries for over a 1 year period and a further 25+ countries on short term assignments. During that time, at the age of 40, I gave my life to our Lord God. who has abundantly blessed and lead my footsteps correcting me when needed and encouraging me in so many ways and periods in all of my life. I can only live expectantly in knowing He will continue to lead as I follow, learning, growing and maturing 'in Him, in Christ' for the remaining days until the desired day of His calling me home. Lots to learn and experience this side of heaven every day as His grace and mercies are new every morning.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2021


What a magnificent story, Ty, and how wonderful is God's leading in your life. He is amazing...




Stacey on Apr 15, 2021


I enjoyed this video and seeing the road and well that Paul would have walked and drank from. Real places, real people, real faith in a very real God. Fascinating and encouraging for sure.


God has used my past to place me in ministry with children of all ages. In many ways, the love He gave me for ministering to children came from my childhood. I did not grow up in a Christian home, but longed to be a part of church and the fellowship of Christians. When other friends had posters of performers hung on the walls of their bedroom, I had a "picture" of Jesus above my bed. My pleasure of teaching the Bible and loving children comes from giving what I longed for to others, especially now that I am grown. I picked up a Bible at a very young age in an attempt to read and understand, but quickly felt defeated at 12 years of age. Now, the Lord has given me the love for learning about Him and making Him known to others. I'm am grateful my life has such a purpose. I keep a picture of myself as a child in my Bible to remember all that the Lord has done in my life. I am striving to believe and look forward to what he will call me to next. What a joy to think about the future based on what I have experienced thus far.


Wayne, thank you for being my teacher!





Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2021


Isn't it amazing how the Lord has led and used our pasts, Stacey, both from San Antonio! We have a wonderful sovereign God.



Tarsus - How God Uses Your Past for Your Future

Antioch - Energizing a Right Motivation for God

Lynette on Aug 19, 2022


May I ask what are the white "boxes", "tanks" on the rooftops at about 7 minutes in?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2022


Lynette, those white boxes are indeed water tanks — put on the roof for the purpose of water pressure and also allowing the sun to heat the water. You have a good eye!




William on May 8, 2021


Enjoyed answering the questions. Like Holmes to Watson, "I need more information!" Questions fly, Why did Mark depart? Barnabas was family and may have felt an obligation. Paul I believe was compelled to move in the will of God as head of the work. Soon Paul would write Galatians 6:1. I think he had the stuff to help Mark back from failure. With Paul Mark indeed had a second chance as well with Peter where Mark would write a gospel inspired by the Holy Spirit. Barnabas' counsel to Mark we will have to wait to find out. I don't have enough information to decide between these good people. I am very glad the all played a part to get it right where Mark was useful and indeed he encourages our faith even today with his powerful gospel of action.

The video was the first up close shot of Seleucia. Amazing it is a simple beach today, easy to see where the ships would have been and the open sea to Cypress. Did they experienced sea sickness? Excellent filming.




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2021


These are wonderful questions to ask, William. We have a whole episode on Seleucia coming up! Much more to see there.




Ty on Apr 23, 2021


A wonderful reminder of walking the talk. I gave my life to our Lord our God 30 years ago in a hotel room in when traveling in a foreign country on a business trip. I have faithfully seen the Lord provide His signs and wonders all through my life when obedience to His will has been done. I must admit there are times all through my life I feel like doubting Thomas in desiring to see proof and John Mark in turning back from the missionary journey (my daily experiences) he started out with Paul and Barnabus, sad to say, yet the faithfulness and the promises keeping of God to His Word to anyone who calls upon His name and obeys has been 100% true in my life even when my faith failed me and I had to return and confess that before our Creator God. The times of testing for me are most dangerous when I have experienced great gains and occasions in the Lord where my confidence in knowledge 'in Him, in Christ' was being gained. It at times it has kept me from doubting in stepping out more in being stretched in learning, growing, and maturing further 'in Him, in Christ'. Yet when I have brought this lack of courage to our Creator God, He has wonderfully provided me the courage and strength as expressed in Isaiah 40:31 'But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.'


Just completing an Alpha Course with 16+ people has been a very good reminder of it 'in Him', not me in moving in, through, and around my life to encourage me and be His tool as a blessing to others. It is consistently the same in a weekly Men's Bible Study (BSF) that I participate in with the sharing with others and learning from others 'in Him in Christ'. Seeing God's affirming ways work in following in obedience when I desire and want to step in other directions in family life, immediate and in wider extended family circles happens again and again.


I must admit I am a work in progress, Philippines 1:4-6 'In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.,' is challenging to live out at times as my worldly training and experience will try to lead me in making decisions that are being exposed many times. So, in seeing, deciding, obeying, and realizing the Good Lord's affirming signs and prompting is never far away from this worldly training I have gained. This is further shown in the experiences I have in realizing what is written in Ephesians 6:12 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms' that brings distractions in following the Spirit's leading in learning and experiencing a Spirit-led life.


I am learning more and more of the phrase 'the fear of the Lord' and its meaning in anyone's life is a way of life not to be missed, but gained. His ways are not my ways, thus I have lots to learn, grow, and mature 'in Him, in Christ' this side of heaven.


To the two questions being asked of us;


1) What is an example of when you did God’s will instead of your own? Answer: Too many to list as these happen almost daily in walking the talk.


2) How did it turn out? Following God's (Holy Spirit's) lead 100% success. Following my own decision-making without God's leading 0% success where much is gained in continuing in pressing on to the mark to what I have been called in walking in the new life I have chosen to live. It is a daily living experience in God's practical school of life in classroom 101 that requires me to show up and attend as school is never out. It's 24/7 and 365 days a year for a lifetime in the here and now until graduation day.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Wonderful reflections and applications, Ty. Your including John Mark's failure looks ahead to the upcoming episode on Seleucia.



Antioch - Energizing a Right Motivation for God

Seleucia - Personal Failure and God's Plans for You

Jeanne on Jan 19


Many times I have felt like a failure and sometimes I don’t want to go back to where I felt like I screwed up, maybe church or a job or family. Usually I do go back because I don’t have the option to not and it’s usually fine. I was encouraged by this because I just don’t think that the apostles would ever feel that way and it’s real nice to remember that they were just like us and not super stars. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Indeed, they were not stained-glass saints, Jeanne. They were regular people just like us — whom God powerfully used. Sometimes when I return to places of failures, I like to reframe the scene to be places of God's grace.




Paulette on Jun 6, 2021


So thankful for our Awesome Redeemer God. Thank you Lord for redeeming all of our failures too!! That is such a good Word. I will cherish it.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 6, 2021


Amen, Paulette, He is an awesome redeemer. Thank God for His second chances.




Beverly on May 30, 2021


Awesome. Really enjoyed this teaching.




Wayne Stiles on May 31, 2021


I am glad that the video on Seleucia encouraged you, Beverly. Indeed, we all need the encouragement to keep going. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Ty on May 6, 2021


Lots of good historical facts along with some excellent biblical teaching and expounding in this video. Filming is always of the highest standard and quality, the only thing better would be there in person.


It is great to know we can be learning and growing along our way in our Christian new life just like in our growing up process. Trying and testing new experiences is part of our learning and growing process.


We all do need to be careful to have local experiences to help us along in using our gifting and talents before we step out in expanding evangelism circles. Enthusiasm can get the better of all of us, so it should be tried and tested before going beyond local experiences as entering into new grounds where overnights and limited contact with local sending church bodies and familiar surroundings can be more challenging than realized. That shouldn't put anyone off in responding to the Spirit, but a check on one's spirit and motives as to why we desire to take on anything are always helpful. Having traveling accompanying support in stepping out is good, but like in the video timing and motive can lead to possibly some wrong timing and decision making even with that. Lessons learned and better understanding in our own personal journey in maturity allows one to get back in the saddle in engaging with our sanctification process, which will always need to be worked upon as nobody gets 100% done with that process this side of heaven.




Wayne Stiles on May 6, 2021


That's right, Ty. John Mark shows us that we are always growing and stretching in our Christian lives. Even failure does not have to be the end of the road for us. May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you serve Him.



Seleucia - Personal Failure and God's Plans for You

Pisidian Antioch - How Prophecy Shows the Bible as True

Sally on Jun 21, 2021


The most persuasive part, to me, is Act 13;38-39

Brothers, listen! We are here to proclaim that through this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins. Everyone who believes in him is declared right with God-something the law of Moses could never do.


That’s the gospel in a nutshell put pretty forcefully.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021


Great observation, Sally. The Law of Moses never intended to save us — only to reveal our need for salvation.




Ty on May 13, 2021


I am of the opinion that we all have been created with a god void, that is going to be filled in some way or another. Religion left in the hands of humanity will eventually miss the mark as imperfect beings have a way to spin things to the best of their knowledge in a bias toward them and since we all fall short of the glory of God, we in ourselves can't fill the god void we have been created with by those who we see have gifts and talents (verse 20 judges and verses 21-22 kings). Verses 16 and 26 in my opinion personalized Paul's Holy Spirit-inspired message to God the One and True Living God who raised His chosen one (verse 30-31) witnessed by many to everlasting life. His message is good news (verse 32-34) of what God promised is now made available to everyone who believes 'in Him, in Christ' (verse 37-39).




Wayne Stiles on May 13, 2021


Your opinion about the God-void in our lives is backed up by Scripture, Ty. Indeed, the wisest of men, Solomon, said it this way: “He has also set eternity in their heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).



Pisidian Antioch - How Prophecy Shows the Bible as True

Iconium - Leaning on Grace when Legalists Push

Diana on Dec 31, 2022


I love bridges. And it was fun to see the Roman bridge Paul was on. I also know what a Whirling Dervish is now lol.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Ha! That's great, Diana. And that bridge that Paul walked on is amazing; those Romans made stuff that lasts!




Hal Warren on Sep 16, 2022


I would share with them:


“For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved through him. The one who believes in him is not condemned. The one who does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.”

John 3:16-18 NET


And ask them, If God loves you so much that He died for you do you think He is pursuing you for judgment? No, He is pursuing you with grace, mercy, and love, for He earnestly desires a relationship with you!


“Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days, and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my life.”

Psalms 23:6 NET




Lynette on Jun 23, 2022


Your sentence sums it up so well..."If we have accepted Jesus, He has accepted us." Wow!! So simply stated...so much power behind those words.


It always amazes me to think that remains are still present to walk in the footsteps of those that have gone before us. In our present, ever changing world, it's so nice to see something that has lasted through centuries.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2022


Indeed, Lynette, our security is wholly and entirely based on the righteousness of Christ given to us as a gift (Rom. 3:24). What amazing assurance!




Marilynn on Feb 22, 2022


Yes, we are saved by God's grace. Our faith, however, can soften our hearts to do works as in your case. The work you are doing has to be very pleasing to God. Even in Matthew 25: 35-45 ,Jesus said, " I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink;........""




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2022


Indeed, Marilynn, it is a joy to serve the Lord and his people. But as with all of us, it's the motive behind it all that matters most.




Gary on May 21, 2021


I think this is the 3rd video on Paul's journey's and mission. Great lessons for us today that I can understand because of you Wayne and your example, teaching, and wonderful up-close-and-personal video tours. For me these give me great regret that Leona and I will not be able to join you as we had planned on your Tour to Greece because of my recent mobility issues for longs walks and standing. I suspect many of these sites in your videos will be on that tour if current international circumstances allow. But the videos are a wonderful consolation. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2021


I join you in the sadness, Gary, that you and Leona can't join me this fall, but perhaps next year? I have Footsteps of Paul tours each year upcoming, and many of the places in these videos we see (mostly Greece). God bless you, brother.




Gary on May 22, 2021


Thank you for the reply. You are a busy guy, yet take the time for staying in touch. Great job and I know God is and will bless you and your ministry .




Garry on May 21, 2021


Dear Wayne,

Another wonderfully filmed and thought provoking video with a great message to all of us. Thank you for taking this past year to visit these places in Turkey that we might not otherwise see in a video. Yes, the past always pulls at us. The familiar is always more comfortable even if it is wrong. Another one of my take aways from this video is that Paul did what he was supposed to do, stayed for a while, and then left. I think there is a message there for us as well. Paul certainly used his calling from God to follow God, do what he was supposed to do, offer the gift of Life to the people, and then move on. Our Christian lives require courage as we are often criticized from both worlds - the past comfortable life (and the people there) , and the better possible life- as we try to trust the Lord in everything and encourage others to do the same.




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


Thank you so much, Garry. Indeed, Turkey is the unsung, amazing place of biblical history. So much happened there! I am really glad that you enjoyed the video and got some great takeaways from it. God bless you.




Ty on May 21, 2021


Religion and our own best can sometimes get the better of us. All done in what we believe is for the right intention, but then these are our works and take away from the gift of faith. God says it is a free gift and we can add nothing to it. That is something hard to realize living in a world that screams at us, performance. Yet that doesn't mean we do nothing, as God has a plan intended for each of our lives and that is going to take involvement as He leads and we follow.




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


So true, Ty. Religion is a seductive alternative to a relationship with Christ. How essential we keep that in mind each day. God bless you.



Iconium - Leaning on Grace when Legalists Push

Lystra – Where Our Discipleship Begins and Ends



Tuesday at 1:13pm


Great video!!

Like Timothy, I had a praying Grandmother and Mother and this video moved me to tears in thankfulness to God.

Now I am a praying Grandmother myself!

My daughter is a praying mother with a 2-year old girl and another little girl on the way.

My daughter-in-law is a newer believer (thanks be to God!) and is a praying mother for my grandchildren in that family: a 3 year old boy and a 1 year old girl.


At age 63, I still feel those prayers from my Mother and Grandmother (and probably great and great-great grandmothers I never knew as well).


I am humbled at the privilege of praying for these little grandchildren God has given me (and to pray for THEIR future children, and THEIR future grandchildren...), just like Lois and Eunice did.


May God use me and them to further His Kingdom.





Wayne Stiles


Tuesday at 3:35pm


I applaud you, Ranita, for your prayerful heart and compassion for your children and grandchildren. What a legacy you have! You might enjoy this prayer sheet that focuses on prayer requests for your children and grandchildren (download at the bottom of post). I used it for years for our daughters-- and I'll be using it for my grandson who is due in two months! :-)






Tuesday at 8:18pm


Thank you for the prayer sheet and scripture references! I'll be printing it up and keeping it in my Bible. Looks like an excellent tool.


And early congratulations on the upcoming birth of your grandson! Holding your own children for the very first time is an incredible experience, for sure, as you know with your own daughters. Nothing like it.

Holding your grandchild for the first time takes it all to another level. I know I was speechless at the privilege and responsibility I had now as a grandparent ... and overwhelmed that my child was now a parent him/herself as well.

JOY and thanksgiving at a level I didn't even anticipate.

I'm excited for you and your wife, as well as the young family.




Wayne Stiles


Wednesday at 12:19pm


Thank you, Ranita! God's plan of creation is amazing—especially that through having children and grandchildren, we participate (in a sense) in that creation.




Stacey on Sep 21, 2021


Wayne, thank you for your teaching. Many times I am able to share the scripture I just read in our group and the teaching you provide in podcasts and videos. God has me working in a school where there are countless opportunities to share what I have learned from you. I also live near my family that I have prayed for many years and decades. I grumble that I am unable to drive due to epilepsy, but God so graciously reminded me that the car trips usually lead to conversations about what I am learning and the videos I'm enjoying. Thank you for being my faithful teacher and allowing me to learn from you. God is good to put people in our lives. I will continue to press on in grace and freedom.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 21, 2021


I think it's wonderful, Stacey, that you have the mindset that God's Word is living and active and useful immediately in your conversations, attitudes, meditations, etc. It's a privilege to walk with you through these days of trusting God. I'm thrilled that the videos and podcasts have been a source of encouragement to you. Thank you for taking a moment to let me know. Truly—it means much.




Ty on Jun 4, 2021


Every day has its opportunities and one really doesn't have to go looking for them as I believe divine appointments, moments in time, await us all who are in Christ in either strengthening/encouraging brothers and/or sisters in the Lord or attracting a seeker to Him. Actions have a way of speaking louder than words at times and in some way in the natural and surely in the spiritual there are those who are watching. Either we are reminded or someone else can be reminded just by our actions in having one of those God moments to reflect upon. A good reminder to keep pressing on to the mark to which we have been called.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2021


So true, Ty. Divine appointments are part of God's divine plan that He arranged beforehand (Eph. 2:10). Our only challenge is to look for them, expect them, and walk in them.




Don on Jun 3, 2021


Thank you Wayne, your wonderful video on Lystra arrived to my computer just 5 days after the memorial service for my dear mother, in which I asked for 2 Timothy 1:5 to be read to honor the influence that my Mom's faith has had on my entire life. I am often amazed and blessed by the way God brings things together to encourage and strengthen. "Miracles of timing" I like to call them. My prayers will be with you and Scott as you go on another filming adventure beginning next week. -Don Wilson




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


Yes, Don, I remember that verse being read at the service, and I thought of this video. :-) I'm so glad that Ruth laid a good foundation the Lord used to develop you and grow you-- and that you're passing that along to others as well. Thanks so much for your prayers. God bless you.



Lystra – Where Our Discipleship Begins and Ends

Derbe - How Geography Helps Remove Our Doubts

Lynette on Jul 27, 2022


Oh I love it when scripture is proved right again!!!! Just brings a huge smile!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


Right, Lynette? Truth is truth and we will find it even if it is buried in the ground for thousands of years.




Ken on May 6, 2022


From one geographer to another, thanks Wayne, for your outstanding analysis of the historical geography of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. Thanks for your careful scholarship and "boots on the ground" validation of the biblical text.




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


That means a lot, Ken, coming from you! Thank you for taking a moment to connect, and I appreciate your gracious words. Thank you also for your enthusiasm and commitment to biblical geography.




Michael on Aug 21, 2021


Thank you for these videos Wayne, although I went to Israel many years ago these videos make me want to revisit its sites and has given me a hunger to see other NT sites like I haven't had in a long time. God continues to stir my heart. Pray with me that this possibility might become a reality.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2021


I will join you in that prayer, Michael, for you to go again to Israel. A worthy goal! You'll get as much the second time as the first. And when you go, I hope you'll come with me. :-) I have several tours next year.




Michael on Aug 22, 2021


I would love to your with Walk the Bible Lands on one of your tours!




William on Jun 22, 2021


I have never been to Derbe before. I have read and studied Acts, but on location your video opened my perspective. Sometime in your ministry a work devoted to Acts would be dynamic. A study bible like Gene Getz linked to notes and video. Big work but you have been doing the nuts and bolts all along. How ever you move forward you have been a great encouragement to me. Much thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021


Thank you, William. I love your idea about an extended study on the book of Acts. Actually, I have considered it! At this point, I have covered most of Paul's journeys, and I look forward to deepening the study on his life and locations. God bless you.




Lawrence on Jun 22, 2021


Thank you, dear brother, for strengthening my faith. I love the line, "Evidence will never believe for you." "Blessed are those that believe and do not see."




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2021


I am glad the Derbe video was an encouragement to you, Lawrence. May the Lord continue to strengthen your faith!




Reg on Jun 17, 2021


Wayne, what an outstanding lesson on Derbe! I particularly loved the shot where you envisioned those living in Derbe at the time seeing Paul approaching from the east. The quote from Ramsey near the end was also well-placed and telling. Thanks for your continued devotion to the Lord and His Word, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 18, 2021


Thank you, Reg, for your gracious words. I'm so glad the Derbe episode hit home for you. God bless you, my brother.



Derbe - How Geography Helps Remove Our Doubts

Perga - Your Work is not in Vain

Judy on Dec 15, 2022


Excellent video, but this is an issue that I have struggled with for years. Why do we have to be our own cheerleaders not throwing in the towel because we see so little fruit or impact from our service to God? Why is God so stingy about allowing us to see just a little of how He is working in people's lives that we are investing in? Earthly parents would be accused of child abuse/neglect if they never encouraged or showed positive results to their children for their efforts. Employees are very dissatisfied when their employers deny them any positive results from their labors for their employer. Indeed, we are instructed to do the opposite: "Fathers do not exasperate your children" and do not deny the laborer his wage. Why should it be necessary for Paul to write Galatians 6:9? God is able to encourage His followers in their service to Him; why does He seem to be so stingy with that encouragement? I can relate to Cathy's comments, but your reply to her ("God's long view perspective offers us much-needed stamina to trust Him when we see no results just yet") does just the opposite for me. God's long view perspective takes away my stamina to trust Him and repeatedly tempts me to throw in the towel and give up. The few and far-between times God has allowed me to see how He is working in someone's life has caused me to praise Him because I recognized it was His work, not mine. Why does He not allow us to see His working more instead of directing Paul to essentially tell us to self-cheerlead? I find self-cheerleading exhausting. Thanks for your comments.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2022


I certainly can relate to your struggle, Judy. I often wonder why I don't get more from God than I am currently getting by way of encouragement (and we are not alone; the Psalms are FULL of people like us, asking God to step up and step in). There is a part of me also that wonders how much we would really require of Him in order to trust Him and in order to be satisfied with His amount of cheerleading? Two essential activities I have discovered over the decades of my service to God that are essential to keep my going: 1) the Scriptures are our primary means of hearing from God, not temporal circumstances and not subject "signs." 2) Also, it is essential that I stay very involved in the body of Christ so that I can see the Lord working in the lives of others as well – and translate that encouragement to my own frustrating waiting on God. You might find some encouragement in my podcast, "When You Need To Borrow A Miracle." Speaking of waiting, have you read my book, Waiting on God? If not, I think it would encourage you in the struggle. You don't need to self-cheerlead. I need you and you need me. :-)


Part of our/my struggle also is helped when we realize that, for whatever reason, the system God has set up is the best of all possible solutions to our current struggles. Even Paul, Ruth, Abraham, and Jesus(!) had to apply daily faith and trust in the long view. To refer to your quotes above, Paul wrote Galatians 6:9 under the inspiration of the Spirit—who wanted us to be encouraged at the reality of the struggle. And the "Fathers...exasperate" verse urges fathers to point their children to the Scriptures—which God always does. And the laborer getting his wage—is a great reminder that it is not payday for us yet; we are still laboring. All great reminders.


None of what I've said makes it easy. We have a tough assignment! But Satan would use it all (as he did in Eden) to tempt us to doubt God's goodness and best intentions for us. This is clearly a lie of deception. Our God is good—and His good ways often are perplexing: "We are perplexed but not despairing" (2 Cor. 4:8).




Judy on Dec 16, 2022


Thank you, Wayne, for your very helpful comments. I know that everything you said is true, and I agree with what you said. I just need to mull over your last sentence in particular: "...His good ways often are perplexing...". I think that part of my comments to this video was a response to a very hard year - my mother's death in June from Covid, then my brother-in-law's sudden death from undiagnosed cancer in July, then a cancellation of a very much anticipated international trip a few weeks ago because my husband and I both got Covid, which we are just now recovering from. The video was pointing out another area of struggle and as you said "a tough assignment." At this point in the year, I'm tired of struggling and am resisting "the long view." But your comments have given me the right perspective again, and I thank you. I especially liked your comment that it is not payday for us yet; we are still laboring. I will also check out your book and listen to the podcast you referenced. Thanks again!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2022


I'm right there with you, Judy, in the struggles. I'm praying for you as you take it day by day, step by step in faith. I applaud you. NONE of what you described is easy.




Judy on Dec 17, 2022


Thank you, Wayne. I listened to your podcast about borrowing a miracle last night, which was very helpful. However, right now I feel like Jairus because my flight to SC to visit my ailing father was cancelled last night with no rescheduling option. Another disappointment/frustration in the long line of disappointments this year, especially since other members of my family flew to his home with no issues. (Sigh). I'm not sure what God is trying to teach me, but whatever it is, it's hard. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.




Lynette on Jul 27, 2022


I'm so grateful for the Lord's patience with us. He never stops teaching me and helping me to grow in Him and His Word. I need to have as much patience with others in their walk.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


Yes, Lynette, God is amazingly patient and gracious. It does take a while for us to grow, doesn't it? Thank God he is so long-suffering with us.




Paulette on Aug 27, 2021


It is comforting to know that even though we do not see immediate success or any impact or change from the things the Lord leads us to do, that He is still at work. He is still working on things done 40 or however many years ago. He does not quit; He does not fail. It's awesome that we as believers do not have to become depressed or down-hearted, but rather truly know all things are in His hands that we have committed to Him. And, He IS faithful.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2021


So true, Paulette! We have to remember that our Lord never forgets what we have done for Him, in spite of our weaknesses. Won't that day be wonderful when we see Him?




Ty on Jul 1, 2021


The Word says we are all a work in progress (Philippians 1:6) as God is working in our lives and it is good to be encouraged by Wayne with another very well-produced video of growing and maturing in our faith. The filming is very well done. I am reminded that we may be the best bible someone reads by our actions and words until they give their life to the Lord and read His Word for themselves. We may also encourage another brother or sister in their walk by the way we live out our life. I have been walking with the Lord as a committed believer for 30 years and every season is a growing season as His grace and mercy, which arrive every morning provide for stretching us, at least me, further along in our journey..




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2021


Great reminder, Ty. We are all indeed a work in progress, and while we see each chapter of our lives page by page, the final chapter is still to be written-- God as the Author and Perfecter of our faith.




Cathy on Jul 1, 2021


Thank you, Wayne, for this encouragement. I taught God’s Word in my church for 20+ years to children and young adults and walking by sight can be discouraging. Your video and teaching are a reminder that God’s got more going on than my eyes can see so don’t grow weary. I guess we live in a microwave, instant pot, drive-thru culture and expect to get everything in a short time and then carry that expectation into the spiritual realm, which operates more like a crock pot. And the crock pot seems to have served John Mark well. I wonder what he was doing between the time he left Paul and Barnabas and the time he wrote the gospel of Mark as I wonder about those I have taught …. were they really saved or were they saved and now God is working on them under the radar as they live secular and sometimes even anti-Christian lives? I guess Galatians 6:9 is the answer.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 1, 2021


Profound and helpful thoughts, Cathy; thank you for sharing them here. You're right, it's so easy to want to toss in the towel on others and ourselves (and God) when we don't see our instant mashed potatoes on our plates. God's long view perspective offers us much-needed stamina to trust Him when we see no results just yet. Those children you taught were not in vain! God's Word will not return void. Thanks again.




Cathy on May 25, 2022


Wayne, it’s 2022 and I’ve just rewatched this video from Perga, that our work is not in vain. I reread my comment from 2021. So now, in 2022, I find myself more hopeful about the work of teaching God’s Word to children and young adults in the past. God is at work among them and He’s been working on me too and I’m so thankful. I reread your reply and it was helpful and encouraging again this year! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2022


I'm so glad, Cathy, that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos-- even the repeats! Truth never gets old. :-)



Perga - Your Work is not in Vain

Assos - Roman Roads and God’s Light on Our Paths

Lynette on Mar 16


Although there are times that I wish God would show me a greater distance ahead to where He has me headed, I know it's for the best that He just lights one step at a time. I'm sure I would be overwhelmed at all the curves that lie ahead, but when He sheds light on one step at a time, it's manageable with Him at my side and also leading the way.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16


I couldn't have said it better myself, Lynette. Thank you. Step-by-step…




Lynn on Feb 3


Thank you again for this beautiful illustration that God, our Light, is with us in the deepest darkness that Satan throws our way. Nothing is a surprise to God and His love and shelter and light are an incredible safe place on our paths.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


I love the way you put that, Lynn. Thank you and God bless you.




Paulette on Jan 2, 2022


Loved this! So exhilarating and exciting that Jesus is going to walk with us all the way to glory, and that we can trust Him fully to lead and guide us every step of the way. Made my heart sing today!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


What a blessing, Paulette, that the video cause your heart to sing! Indeed, our Lord Jesus walks with us all along the way. He is a magnificent Shepherd.




Anne on Dec 3, 2021


Fascinating…and to think that they were made so long ago and covered so many miles

And also to think that Jesus and some of the disciples would have walked these roads !




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Yes, Anne! It's amazing to walk the roads they walked and to see the things they saw. I'm so glad you're on this journey with me. God bless you.




Ty on Nov 5, 2021


Incredible timing and amazing to be reminded of how our Creator God is working out His plan through history. He is sending His Word to the nations, in which humanity is included to be part of it in ways we won't fully understand, but believe His is being done.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


So true, Ty. God's timing is always perfect, and it seldom comes when we want it to! But we can trust Him.




Gary on Nov 4, 2021


Having been in the highway restoration and construction business for 30 years, these videos on the Roman roads are fascinating to me. But more importantly, are the lessons and parallels you point out between my life and the importance of God's Word and time with him daily. Like your example in this video of "our cars head lights give us night vision, but only just so far ahead." I have to keep driving and moving down the road WITH THE LIGHTS ON to see the course I need to stay on. It's like daily, quality time in God's Word to see around the next bend. When I stop, the lights may go out, like they do in my cars auto-headlight feature. Or I stop driving and can't see around the next bend. Then I'm in the dark, like I am when I stop my daily time with the Lord and moving forward with Him. Thank you Wayne for your timely and practical application of God's Word and time with Him in my life.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Your illustration about the headlights is magnificent, Gary. Thanks so much for sharing.



Assos - Roman Roads and God’s Light on Our Paths

Troas - Sharing the Comfort of Pain

Anne on Sep 28, 2022


So many times over my lifetime so far, during struggles, very difficult times, He has comforted me Often in amazing ways

It’s proof of scriptures saying that He promises never to leave or forsake us

Scriptures that I hang on to !!!

During my most recent “struggle “ after an accident, I felt like God wasn’t there, it was a “dark time”

But, by pushing through listening to praise and worship songs whilst in hospital and writing out scripture…there was a breakthrough…it was something that I needed to do

I felt like it was a spiritual battle, a big one , but through the Lord we overcame this struggle




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2022


How wonderful, Anne, that the LORD used His Word and His worship to remind you of essential truths during that dark season. I praise God for your perspective. God bless you.




Gary Templin on Sep 1, 2022


I look back at my life and time after time when life's struggles are too much for me, it is a clear sign for me to let go and let God. I must ask God for help each time and He has always come through but I must surrender to Him first.


I'm blessed.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2022


I love your perspective, Gary. What a blessing that not only God came through for you, but that he also gave you the grace to realize your desperate need for him. I am right there with you.




Ty on Sep 1, 2022


Affications, these were never on the cards, but wrong decisions by humanity have passed these on with the 'free will' gift God has given us from one generation to another. God's comfort just demonstrates His great capacity and love.


In every season of my life has demonstarted God's love for me even when I was not walking with Him, but He was tracking me as He does everyone. (2 Peter 3:9)


Life is lived in going forward, but understood looking back. Comfort for me has come from the arms of a loving mother and comfort from an encouraging family in every stage in their and my lives. Friends have been there through the academic years and into the working career stages as God has brought them into my life for comfort.


To give one specific God's comfort of walking through a 6 year breast cancer journey with my late wife and then a further walking 10 years thereafter where God brought another wonderful woman into my life to be my wife. God continues to demonstrate His comfort as His Word says it isn't good for man to be alone. If one's eyes, mind, and spirit are open God's comfort will be seen in more ways even if not realised at first.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 1, 2022


I am so happy for you, Ty, that the Lord has strengthened you through the struggles and has brought you into this current season of joy.




William on Aug 22, 2022


Walking where Paul walked in of course I know Paul talked a long time, but wouldn’t be like a recording. Thank God that though he was very busy he wrote some very careful letters. Very encouraging




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2022


Yes, William, it is amazing the productivity of Paul. Of course, he was single! :-)




Lynette on Aug 20, 2022


Such incredible beauty. And a wonderful reminder that God doesn't waste a thing that He allows into our lives. We don't always see the purpose of our trials at the time, but often, if given enough time, we begin to see God's ultimate plan. And so often, really probably always, it's a time of spiritual growth that He then can use for His glory and the help of others. And even if in this life we can't find the purpose, we can trust that God is working. Maybe some day we'll know, and if not, it just might not really matter when it's all said and done. It's okay that He alone may understand.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2022


I like the way you put that, Lynette. It is true, even if we cannot comprehend what the Lord is doing, we can comprehend that He comprehends it!



Troas - Sharing the Comfort of Pain

Miletus - Answering God’s Call on Your Life

Sue on Nov 10, 2022


I have so enjoyed this walk with you as you traced the travels of Paul. I've been to Israel twice, and seeing those videos brings back such beautiful memories but haven't been to Turkey. And thanks for the maps, it really helps with orientation.





Wayne Stiles on Nov 15, 2022


What a blessing, Sue, that you have had the privilege of going to Israel. I am also grateful to share these videos and take a virtual journey with you to Turkey and other Bible lands. God bless you.




William on Sep 18, 2022


Amazing with silt filling in, the Scriptures and locations make it come alive. There was a lot of work done at Miletus to open the story up to us. There is an amazing parallel to Phil. 4:10-19 in regard to giving. That sermon must be an outline of truths Paul gives us in his letters. The background study was insightful. Thanks!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


Thank you for your gracious words about the Miletus video. Indeed, the site gives valuable insights and context to our reading of the Scriptures. God bless you, William.




Ty on Sep 16, 2022


Great video with some wonderful filming and teaching. Tried to envision myself walking there as Wayne did his commentary and teaching. Walking among these saints of old and those who walked among them as the Spirit was leading my thought process was a neat experience to do. Real encouraging to me for sure.


The question posed to us is very personal and to be honest, one we all should give thought to. The call on one's life is a life given over to Him in all the seasons of one's life, at least it is for me. Being known, seen, and realising this calling as an adopted son or daughter is going to be significant to one's life as they are led or choose to walk either with the Spirit or not. In this changing world, knowing I am being led by an unchanging God is going to allow me to express the words Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 that Wayne mentions in the video as He (God) did all the leading, and I did all the following. Different seasons have brought different meanings to my life, so the ability to change and adapt is real to me, but never lose my identity 'in Him, in Christ'. This is important, so when I miscue, as I do from time to time, I know who to follow and how to put things right. The biggest learning is always keeping my end and my relationship with God right and allowing Him to deal with all the rest.


Although it took me 40 years to come to faith, even being brought up in a religious family, I know those first 40 years are useful. There is always a period of training in one's calling in everyone's life. And that will change in the different seasons of life we walk through. The Spirit of God allows me to recall those prep years in relating to others who are going through their training periods and encouraging those who have accepted their decision to give their lives to Him allowing them to follow His lead. Nothing is ever lost in God's economy as God has a wonderful way of making everything new, 'in Him, in Christ'.


Realising every day is a new day of learning, growing, and maturing 'in Him, in Christ' is exciting and challenging. (2 Corinthians 4:16) The choice is mine as it is with everyone to make with the free will gift we all have been given to live out our life.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 25, 2022


I so admire your perspective, Ty, of seeing those 40 years prior to Christ as preparation God has not wasted.




Lawrence on Sep 15, 2022


Wow, Wayne! Beautiful work! Silt sure is a powerful tool! Interesting timing today with this video. Was just reading about Paul's visit to Miletus this morning. Boy, your work sure makes the scriptures come alive! Thank you! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2022


I love that, Lawrence! The timing of our sovereign God is amazing. I'm glad you enjoyed the video on Miletus.



Miletus - Answering God’s Call on Your Life

Myra - Following Saint Nick and Saint Paul

Diana on Jan 4


I so enjoyed learning more about Myrna and St Nicholas! What a blessing it would be if we taught our children the legacy of this godly man (minus the slapping part).




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4


I agree, Diana. It also makes jolly old St. Nick a welcome guest at Christmas time.




Charis on Dec 20, 2022


I've been reading the account of the ravaging of towns in Damascus, Egypt, North Africa, on to Spain and France etc, by the followers of islam. I am wondering if this St. Nicolas was left intact and not made into a mosque because its seeming emphasis was on someone other than Christ (but it really was about Christ...). At any rate, I have questions about the raids and ravaging of towns from the 7th century till the crusades. The book I'm listening to is very difficult to hear on Audible. The times of the Middle Ages were so violent and filled with hatred against Christ and Christians. Yet, today these raids are still going on in the same manner and for the same religious reasons, in places like Nigeria and all around Africa. The jihadist always will try to uproot the Christian. The target is usually to get rid of the Christians. Yet we know our Lord is victorious and His kingdom has no end. I have to take a break from listening to this history of carnage and go back to memorizing scripture and keeping my mind on what is good and pure and lovely. The muslim jihadists destroyed so much history: cities, culture, buildings, books and so many Christians, took slaves, and booty, that it is a wonder that we still have a record of what happened during the second half of the millennium, from 600AD after the birth of Christ until the crusades. I read that if the Christians had not gone (been sent to) to Ireland in 500 AD much of that beautiful culture from that destroyed city would have been gone because the muslim ravaging and putting to fire more than 10,000 books in one city alone. I will listen to the next book which will explain the next millennium during and after the crusades. Do you have any suggested reading about these times, since you are often in these regions? ...What a lot we need to know and pay attention to. Yet to know Christ is enough for the child and for me, too. Thank you Jesus for your keeping each of us as you have planned. Do you have information on the Word of God being brought to China? He he, I'm asking a lot here. No pressure, take your time. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2022


Charis, you might enjoy reading the book, The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--and How It Died. I am currently reading it and I am enjoying learning about Christianity in the far east. It sounds like you would enjoy it.




Lawrence on Dec 20, 2022


Definite familial resemblance with the theatrical mask at Myra! :>). Love the insertion of humor, Wayne! Hearing you recite the inscription from Priene brought to mind the response we have when we compare and read God's Word versus some extra biblical text claiming to be from God. For the latter, words that are empty, slovenly, and tainted with the lying and imitating influence of the prince of the power of the air. Yes! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 21, 2022


So well said, Lawrence! Thank you so much for your continual encouragement and blessings.




William on Dec 8, 2022


Imagining Paul on location. Nicolas defending the deity of Christ. He probably would not have been too excited about our myth of Santa. Wonderful locations and background. I thought you may have resembled one off the masks. Well done indeed




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Ha! Thanks a lot, William. :-)




Ty on Dec 8, 2022


A well done video


Referring to the question. Not referring to God's Word and reminding us of its truths. Men and women telling their stories and not God's story. Staying in the darkness and not stepping into the light.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 12, 2022


Yes, thank you, Ty. How essential it is, that we step into the light!


Myra - Following Saint Nick and Saint Paul

Ephesus - Keeping Our First Love Alive

Kathleen on Mar 9


Something good about the pandemic was that I spent more time in personal devotion. I didn't have any interruptions to my days. Now that things have gone back to normal living I allow things and/or people to take precedence more days than I care to admit. I must intentionally not allow that to happen so I can keep God as the first love of my life. Thank you Wayne for this video that made me aware of this laziness on my part in letting that happen. What wonderful memories I have of our trip to Ephesus.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


I'm right there with you, Kathleen. In truth, those seasons of abundance of fellowship are blessings. God's call to us is always to return to our first love, so go easy on yourself. God's call for our rededication comes from a heart of grace.




Jeanne on Aug 5, 2022


This video reminded me that my first love with Christ is not the same and I want to come back. Thank you so much for this.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I applaud your honesty here, Jeanne. Indeed, that first love is so wonderful! I pray that the Lord will bless you with a deeper walk with Him.




Heather on Apr 28, 2022


Thank you for this firm but gentle reminder- it has helped me to see that I've been allowing other distractions to steal time away from my time with my Lord.




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


What a blessing, Heather, that the Lord used this video to encourage you in your daily priorities and in your faithful walk with him. I am right there with you in the struggle to keep first things first. God bless you.




Norma on May 2, 2021


Thank you for teaching us. Revelation is made more clear by your videos. I enjoy studying the Word




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2021


What a blessing, Norma, that something as simple as watching videos gives greater clarity to the Scriptures. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Paulette on Oct 26, 2020


This was an awesome video and teaching. It was a blessing to go back the many years to remember my first love and to see if it still remains. Thankfully, not only does it remain but it has grown so much deeper over the years because of His grace and mercy. So thankful for the Lord Jesus. He is the deepest part of my heart, my soul, my life. I cannot live without Him. Thank you God for sending your precious Son.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2020


I appreciate your wise words, Paulette. I am glad also that the video on Ephesus encouraged you in your walk with Christ. God bless you.




Gina on Sep 16, 2020


I really enjoyed this video! So thankful to learn of this place in history and in the Holy Word of God. It has blessed me and am so thankful I came to learn of Walking the Biblelands with you, Dr. Wayne. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2020


What a blessing, Gina, that the Lord encouraged you through the Ephesus video on "first love." I join you in pressing toward that passion in our walk with Christ. We need to renew our first love each day. God bless you.




William on Aug 27, 2020


The video makes it very real to me. I can visualize seeing these things. Seeing John's grave and the location they would have ministered to written to. Those same writings impact us as well. Rekindle for me happens often through my life. Today was a bad day health wise but the video encouraged me greatly. Thanks again




Wayne Stiles on Aug 27, 2020


William, I am grateful that the Lord use the video to encourage you today, of all days – when you needed some encouragement. I pray that the Lord would continue to gift grace each time you come here. God bless you, my friend.




Denise on Aug 24, 2020


It is amazing to see the tomb of John. It makes him more of a real person rather than a "written about" person. Thank you for sharing this video. I loved the encouragement to go back and to find the first love I had for God and that our love for God is what is most important. Thank you for this encouragement.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2020


I agree with you, Denise. It does a lot to have a physical and visual connection to these heroes of our faith. In addition to John, we are fairly confident of the legitimacy of the tombs of Peter and Paul in Rome as well. Of course, Jesus' tomb is empty! But we know where it is as well. :-)




Allison on Aug 20, 2020


Wonderful words to reflect upon! Praying our American church would remove the silt that has kept us away from our first love ... the Safe harbor of Christ that our Founders settled near. Thank you Wayne!

✝️Allison George




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


I will join you in that prayer, Allison, for America. Indeed, the salt has built up and pushed the Lord far away. Thankfully many of us have shovels! We will keep shoveling, praying, and serving Christ.




Garry on Aug 20, 2020


Dear Wayne,

As usual, you said it all again in this video. I only wish America were 5 miles from the sea and not 500 miles. Perfect and understandable symbolism. All of what was taught and warned about to the people of Ephesus by the teachers is directly applicable to us today. This is the way the Bible is. This is the way we learn from the scriptures. After my first trip to Israel, I realized the "stories" in the Bible were not there just to show a record of what events took place. They were there to teach and show us the proper road to stay on, and where the pitfalls were. They were written to show us to stay close to the sea. To wash away the silt. I remember being in Ephesus and trying to strain my neck and use my imagination to see the sea. I could not see it. I knew it was supposed to be closer. I knew the sea was really there. Silt had replaced the closeness needed for Keeping Our First Love Alive.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


Your words are so profound, Garry, and so true! I really like the way you put it — that the Bible was not written to simply tell us stories but to illustrate truth in real lives and real places. Thank you for your continual dedication and devotion to Christ.




Clay on Aug 20, 2020


What a wonderful; teaching this is!





Wayne Stiles on Aug 20, 2020


Thank you, Clay. I am glad that the episodes video was an encouragement to you. May the Lord continue to bless you as you keep Him as your first love.



Ephesus - Keeping Our First Love Alive

Smyrna - Leaning in to Spiritual Struggle

Dorothea on Apr 13


Polycarp showed us how to be a faithful servant of Christ until the end, just like the apostles. An amazing example for us to follow.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14


So true, Dorothea! Polycarp was such a model. Can you imagine him in America today?




Jeanne on Jan 25


I hope to be as faithful as Polycarp was and to remember this forever. That was amazing! When push comes to shove, that is when you see who you really are.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25


Absolutely true, Jeanne. Polycarp was amazing. I believe that in the moment you would also rise to the occasion. We dig deep when we need to.




Jeanne on Aug 11, 2022


That was ever so insightful what Polycarp said, I hope that he will be an example for me.

In answer to the above question, I think that we are persecuted by having the freedoms that we have. What I mean is that we feel that we don’t have to value the church-it will always be there and so we don’t go, we don’t value our Bible-so we don’t read it but at some point we might not have it, we don’t value prayers-so now we don’t even know how to pray.

I am hoping to reverse this attitude for me.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Indeed, Jeanne, one of the most effective ways to value something is to lose it – and then get it back. Sometimes just going through that mental exercise helps.




Mike on Sep 5, 2020


Thinking aloud and wondering if we will face the choice of Polycarp should our Lord's Plan and timing allow the radical left to take control and wondering if we wold be faithful until the death..




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2020


It is a great question, isn't it, Mike? We may found out... I think of Peter's great boast that he would die with Christ and only hours later he denied the Lord. Sobering... So grateful for His grace.




Brenda on Sep 4, 2020


This really encourages me to live faithfully for the Lord. I’m always praying, “Lord, please help me not to deny you if I literally faced death from persecution.” I don’t want to be like Peter, but in my flesh, I know I easily could. I just keep praying that the Lord would keep me faithful to him.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2020


We need examples of faithfulness, don't worry, Brenda? I am glad that the video encourages you to live faithfully for the Lord. You are right, Peter blew it – but later stood strong for Christ and died faithfully in Rome. May the Lord give us strength to stand strong and the day of testimony for Him.




Lydia on Sep 3, 2020


In this day of uncertainty, I find that I have to willfully remember that I have a God Who is above all, thru all, and in all. Nothing on this side of Heaven will ever separate

us from the love of Jesus Christ--not even death. I will follow the example set by Polycarp, this is the only way to find LIFE.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 3, 2020


Indeed, Lydia, that great old man Polycarp was amazing, wasn't he? What an inspiration that a normal human can have that kind of dedication.



Smyrna - Leaning in to Spiritual Struggle

Pergamum – Satan’s Throne and Christ’s Promise

Charles and Linda on Feb 25


When we were there in 2004, there was a stage platform in at the bottom of the theater for a play. It is hard to tell if you were there before or after 2004 in your video?

We were told that the white rock displayed the names of those who were healed.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25


I was there only a few years ago, and the bottom of the theater is just dirt these days.




Charles and Linda on Feb 26


That is interesting. Maybe someone was setting up for a actual production when we were there. One person in our group froze in the top entry way because of fear of heights. It visually feels like you are stepping off a cliff that theater is so steep. The person had to take the long way around so they could entry at the bottom of the theater or on the road that goes to Dionysus temple. I remember that our leader at the time kept saying, if you want to see the ruins of Pergamum, go to the museum in Berlin. Haven't made it there yet.




Lauralee on May 21, 2022


Psalm 84:5 "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage." The Lord's strength is what gets me through this fallen world. My heart is set on pilgrimage--to reach the wonderful promised land! This world is not my home, I'm just passing through!




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Wonderful reminder, Lauralee. Indeed, this world is not our home. Thank God...




Marilynn on Feb 25, 2022


The world today is still full of temptations that are always trying to lure us away from what we know to be true. The media, full of advertisements showing extravagant wines, dining, and entertainments of which we are compelled to indulge in excess. Billboards along all the highways showing enticing products to indulge in.

Reading scripture daily, reading spiritual books and attending church regularly help me to deny the excessive pleasures of this world. God certainly gave us pleasures in this world, however, we need to be careful of enjoying them in excess. Moderation is a good practice.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2022


Amen, Marilynn! The renewal of the mind from the influences of the world is an arduous, daily task. But essential! God bless you.




Michael on Aug 22, 2021


Wayne, I have done quite a bit of study concerning the churches of Revelation but I have not run across anything which provides the historical and archaeological content that your videos do. My question is, what sources do you use for your research? Thanks for sharing. I have a hunger to learn as much as I can.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2021


Michael, for the churches of Revelation (and other sites), I found helpful these resources:

• Lexham Geographic Commentary on Acts through Revelation (the volume on the Gospels is also good)

• A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey




Michael on Aug 23, 2021


Thanks for the resources Wayne. I am truly amazed how God has gifted you for sharing all that you do in the videos! Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2021


Amen in thanks to God. Also grateful to you, Michael. God bless you.




Paulette on Oct 28, 2020


Hi Wayne, this was an awesome teaching and video presentation for Pergamom. It was one of my favorite spots that we visited in Turkey. I was disappointed when I learned then that the Altar of Zeus had been moved to Germany. I really appreciated the 3-D video of the sites. It was a beautiful place Walking down the steps of the theater was a little intimidating for me. It made me feel like I could step out into the air. I was really fascinated with the Healing center. One thing our guide told us that they would sedate many patients and then speak down into the sick rooms and tell them that they were being healed by whatever god was associated with their sickness - a type of hypnotism. That was pretty fascinating. As always, loved the gorgeous views from the drone!!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2020


So glad you got to visit Pergamum, Paulette! What a rare treat. I’m glad the video reminded you and encouraged you of your journey there. God bless you.




Garry on Sep 10, 2020


Hello Wayne,

Thank you for this video. Was this filmed in 2020 - Feb - or on a previous trip? I noticed the year of copyright is 2020.

Just a few unrelated thoughts.

I would encourage everyone to click on the Youtube video link. you provided. It was very helpful. It connected the dots for the city on the hill and where the buildings were placed. Very interesting.

One of the Youtube videos shows extensive use of color on the outsides of the buildings. Would this have been the case? The colors are vibrant and beautiful like the colors of the hand made rugs we saw in Kusadasi.

Also, in your video I saw only 3-4 people walking ( in black long robs) beyond a column. I am always fascinated at your ability to get to these places and be there alone - or so it seems.

Does this hilltop and surrounding area feel safe when you are there? This part of Turkey looks so much "left alone" like it has been for years.

At the other end of Turkey, also left alone by design up on top of a mountainside somewhere - would be Noah's Ark!

Mountains and lessons taught on both ends of this part of TurkeyAsia.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


Garry, we filmed this in February, 2020. Yes, the stones were often plastered and painted. Of course, the moisture through the years causes all of that to crumble off and nothing left is but the stone. Check out the Rome video on the Arch of Titus, and you will see a similar phenomenon.

Turkey felt completely safe and comfortable with regard to touring. It is a challenge to give the impression of solitude at these places, but sometimes it's easier than others. We try to get there early!




Ann on Sep 10, 2020


‘Love what you said , “Stand strong , knowing what is coming tomorrow.”




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


Yes, Ann, it is our hope that gives us the strength to stand strong, isn't it? The certainty of our future gives us determination today. God bless you.




Beverly on Sep 10, 2020


Awesome. I really enjoyed this!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


I am so glad you were encouraged by the Pergamum video, Beverly. Such an amazing place! God bless you.




Ty on Sep 10, 2020


Another excellent production (video), a great history lesson, with some easy listening expounding, aligned to the Word of God. A great resource for those who desire to dig more in the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to challenge and improve our relationship with our Creator God.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


Thank you so much, Ty. Indeed, we do need to cling to Christ's promise as we live in a world that seems to be dominated by the evil one. How wonderful to have the hope of truth to cling to in these dark days. May the Lord continue to give you light even more and more.



Pergamum – Satan’s Throne and Christ’s Promise

Sardis and Thyatira - Keeping Far From Compromise

Linda on Jan 14


The previous question asking if I'm spiritually mature; my answer is NO. I say that bc I am transforming from being a Methodist to becoming a Catholic. Ask me why? IDK. I have ask my Pastor to help me understand. No response. Talked with the Father at the Catholic Church he really gave me no good answer. Talked to God not really an answer, however several times a week I show up for Mass have been in RCIA for 3 months and read my Bible with your help and understanding along with the book on Catechism and it just fits me and more what I believe in. I continue with your Podcasts everyday and look forward for each new series on Walking the Bible Lands. Thank you for being a great teacher.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14


Linda, it is a shame that your clergy have offered no good help with your questions. In truth, the Word of God is rich, rich with wisdom, and some clergy may not (unfortunately) have much skill in the Scriptures. BUT... there are many who do! Don't give up in your search for a good church that will teach the Bible as God's Word and as our ultimate authority. You can search for churches in your area with this link. I'm so glad that the podcasts and videos are encouraging you, Linda. God bless you.




Steven on Feb 27, 2021


Incredible! These videos are a treasure Wayne. Thank you and Scott for your ministry in this unique and impactful way. You do a fantastic job of melding the historical and biblical into application. May God continue to bless and use you to continue this ministry for years to come.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


Thank you, Steven! I am so grateful that the Lord continues to encourage you through these videos. His Word is so rich with application. God bless you.




Paulette on Oct 31, 2020


Hi Wayne. It was so awesome revisiting Sardis and Thyatira with you on this video. In Thyatira, there was a gentleman sitting on a bench along the outside of the fence along the street with the shops. Through the fence, He asked me in English if I was American. I said yes. He said that he loved to speak English and asked if I had time to talk for a few minutes and we started chatting - him on his bench and me on the other side of the fence in the archaeological area. He was a professor and had a deep interest in the United States. He was the nicest person. We actually chatted for quite a long time. He told me all about his family and is aspirations to come to America some day. He was such a genuine and polite person. It was a blessing to share such a meaningful conversation with him. It is such a sweet memory. I was amazed at the synagogue in Sardis. It was so beautiful. This video again brought back such awesome memories for me, as well of the lessons from the people who lived there. This was very peaceful-feeling video and teaching for me. I appreciate it very much this morning at 6:24 am. Thanks again!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 31, 2020


What a special memory for you, Paulette. And what a blessing for that professor! Yes, that Sardis synagogue truly was amazing. So large, so well-decorated, so well-preserved. I'm glad the video brought back good memories and reminders for you. :-) God bless you.




Kenyon on Sep 18, 2020


Wayne, seeing the ancient ruins of the temple to Artemis and the small Byzatine church, also in ruins is poignant. But if you pull back and look at the larger picture of Turkey, you will see the ruins of most of the Greek Orthodox and Armenian churches there. All caused by the ravages of Islam. Time marches on and so does Islam. Before they got to Turkey, they destroyed Christian lands in North Africa, Egypt and other Middle Eastern lands and you cannot find many Church structures there, where once over 600 Bishops ministered to the faithful. Just a thought..




Wayne Stiles on Sep 19, 2020


You make a great point, Kenyon. Islam has had an incredible influence in the Middle East! The many churches that are now mosques are amazing. Even in recent news, this continues to occur. God bless you.




Ty on Sep 18, 2020


We all know from the Word that the Heart is the most deceitful part of us (Jeremiah 17:9) and to guard our hearts like in (Proverbs 3: 5-6 & 4: 23-27). God's gift to all His believers is Rev 3:20 where He says He'll start with the messiest place we have (our heart) and change us from the inside out. That means to me that the kingdom of God is being built inside each one of us who believe. We are all interested in knowledge (humanity's fall) where the tree of knowledge of good and evil was chosen over the tree of life. Now to engage with the Tree of Life and receive God's gift of the Holy Spirit we have to go through Jesus Christ and bow the knee and confess with our tongue and be lead by Jesus through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit who is guiding us into following in the footsteps of Jesus in doing what the Father desires of us. Even that God has taken the initiate is saying He (God) will write His laws on our hearts and mind (paraphrased Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 10:16). If we put the Word (God Words) in the Holy Spirit will get them out of us if we are prepared to obey and listen to His prompting. Discipleship is tough, either being discipled or the one giving the discipling. It's going to take a lifetime of commitment in being discipled by the Holy Spirit in order to follow the One (Jesus) who is leading us. It takes God in us (Rev 3:20) to active the difference between good and evil as only God is good (Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19). Huge difference between the natural and supernatural. We all need to realise only God can be God and He is always good. So, to get it right, we all need to realise we need to be the follower and He (Jesus) our personal Leader.


As food is to our natural bodies for life, the Word of God is food to our spiritual life, so God can guide us with it as it applies to our life. Seems this side of heaven I got lots to learn, grow and mature 'in Him'. Some very good expounding by Wayne, in being prompted by the Holy Spirit in helping us along




Wayne Stiles on Sep 18, 2020


I always appreciate your passion, Ty, to apply these videos in a personal way. May the Lord continue His blessing on you as you do so.




Don on Sep 17, 2020


Wonderful challenging reminders from Christ to the churches of Revelation to my own heart. Thank you Wayne (and Scott!).




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


Thank you, Don. Scott and I appreciate your continued applause. Grateful for you in so many ways.




Nancy on Sep 17, 2020


Always an important message: Don't Compromise!

Thanks Wayne! Another fantastic video!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


Thank you, Nancy. Indeed, we do need the reminder to stay strong, to stay the course, and to keep far from compromise. God bless you as you follow Him.




Beverly on Sep 17, 2020


Loved it. You have a very pleasing voice.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


Thank you, Beverly. :-) I'm so glad the video (and the voice!) encouraged you. God bless you.



Sardis and Thyatira - Keeping Far From Compromise

Philadelphia - A New Name, a New You

Jane on Mar 30


My name is Jane which means Yahweh is gracious/ merciful in Hebrew. Last year I had been studying about the name changes and one day out of nowhere I heard in my heart- you are now Dorcas. I hadn't thought of Dorcas in years as my Bible studies had turned to focus more on the Torah. I really feel that God can change names even today. Whether my name is Jane or Dora's, I hope my life reflects Jesus in such a way that everyone knows I am a Christian.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30


Yes, Jane, we definitely want our lives to reflect His glory. Amen...




Sylvia on Dec 30, 2022


I heard a story about a man saying to a son he was about to adopt, “You will be taking my name, and I expect you to honor it and not blemish it.” God says the same to us when we become Christians—we now wear the name of Christ; honor it and live it well.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Nice connection, Sylvia. I also like that along with His name, the Lord gives us His righteousness and His Spirit to enable us to do what we couldn't do otherwise.




Judy on Jun 23, 2022


I never noticed the part of that verse that talks about Jesus' new name. Jesus will have a new name?! Can you expound on that idea a little more? Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2022


That's a great observation, Judy. It simply means that Jesus will have an additional name – not a new name that replaces His current one. In fact, Jesus has many names all throughout Scripture.




Paulette on Nov 30, 2020


There's a new name written down in glory, and it's mine; oh, yes it's mine; with my sins forgiven I am bound for heaven, nevermore to roam.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


Sounds like you're singing a song, Paulette! What a wonderful day that will be…




Paulette on Nov 30, 2020


It is an old song that I learned when I was a little girl. We sang it in our church. It's probably not sung anymore, but it just popped into my head. Strange how God never loses anything for us; no matter how long ago it was learned, when it comes to Him and His truths. He brings them to mind at the most interesting times.




Nancy on Oct 7, 2020


Because I grew up unsaved and am still trying to shed mindsets from my past, it's so hopeful to think of a new name that signifies that all things not honoring to Christ will be left behind for a bright new life.


The verse from Rev. 3:12 just struck me that when God says they'll never leave His temple, it means they'll never again be separated from Him. Wonderful promise!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2020


Indeed, Nancy, that is a wonderful promise, isn't it? I agree with you, the renewal of the mind is a daily and ongoing challenge. Thankfully, God's grace provides us the safety net of eternal salvation where we can learn to walk with Him each day. God bless you as you hold His hand.




Margaret on Oct 5, 2020


My name means Pearl




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2020


That's great, Margaret! Your name reflects the building material for the gates in glory! God bless you.




Margaret on Oct 6, 2020


Also I was born in Philadelphia Pa. what a coincidence!




Gale on Oct 3, 2020


Meaning of a name - Gale is my given name. It has a host of meanings depending on the language or dialect and the historical period cited. When used as a given name for a male it's origin, according to Wikipedia, comes from the middle English word gaile meaning jovial, cheerful or friendly. Your video about new names peaked my curiosity to research the meaning for the first time in my life (I'm 83 years old). I always thought it just meant a big wind!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 4, 2020


Do you have a great sense of humor, Gale! Indeed, you live up to the true meaning of your name—joyful. God bless you.




Judy on Oct 2, 2020


Judith means “woman of Judea / the praised one”




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2020


What a magnificent name, Judy! God bless you.




Ty on Oct 2, 2020


Holy Spirit inspired teaching, expounding, and video'ing my Wayne and those who work with and around Wayne. Lots to take away from this short sharing. God, our Creator, will personally give us a new name 'in Him'. It says in Jeremiah 31: 33b and Hebrews 8: 10b: "I will put My law within them, and on their hearts will I write it; and I will be their God and they shall be My people'. Hebrews 8:11 further goes on to say 'And it will nevermore be necessary for every one to teach his (her) neighbor and his (her) fellow citizens or every one his (her) brother (sister) saying Know - (that is) perceive, have knowledge of and get acquainted by experience with - the Lord; for all will know Me from the smallest to the greatest of them'. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a bent (broken gene) we all inherited from our ancestors, that broke our relationship with our Creator God. To enable us to use the tree of knowledge of good and evil correctly, we need the Tree of Life within us. It's a personal choice we all must make individually. That too is a personal gift (free will) from our Creator God. We all have been given within us a moral standard (compass our conscience). Jesus tell us in Mark 10:18 & Luke 18:19 'only God is good'. We all need that new name given to all God's children to have His wisdom to correctly apply His standards. It's a life time of learning for me from the best Counselor anyone will ever have and He's changing me (us) from the inside out, while we learn about our new name 'in Him'. Lots of encouragement and a challenging message from Wayne inspired by the Holy Spirit in this brief to find out about our personal new name 'in Him'.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 2, 2020


Yes, Ty, it is wonderful how the Lord brings about changes—And that He is committed to us growing more and more into the image of His Son, Jesus. Thank you for your encouraging words, and may the Lord bless you today




Beverly on Oct 1, 2020


Beautiful. Loved it.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2020


Thank you, Beverly. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him for that new name!




Lora on Oct 1, 2020


Beautiful video and great teaching.


I love learning the meaning of names, I think they are very important. My name is Lora Glynn Berry Raymer.

Lora means: victory/loyal,

Glynn means: valley,

Berry means: dweller on the rampart,

Raymer means: warrior.


I have always loved the meaning of the name my parents gave me. It means someone who is loyal and victorious in the valleys or hard times, yet is a watchman on the wall. My married name Raymer adds beautifully to the story of my life with the meaning of warrior.


I’ve had many valley experience’s in my life and have been victorious over all of them. I am loyal to my family, friends and God. I’m a watchman on the wall and I am a proud warrior or soldier in Gods army. I know that my strength, loyalty, honor and victory only comes to me through the Grace of God.


I am looking forward to the New Name that Jesus will give me on the day that I get to see Him face to face. When He says to me “Well done, my good and faithful servant”




Wayne Stiles on Oct 1, 2020


What a blessing that you have so many wonderful meanings connected to your name, Lora. My name, Wayne, means "Wagon Maker"! Not that significant, but at least I'm not walking. :-) I look forward to my new name as well.




Renate on Oct 1, 2020


Hello Wayne,

my name actually means ' the born-again one'

It's of Latin origin ....see below ((-;

****Der weibliche Vorname Renate bedeutet übersetzt „die Wiedergeborene“. Renate ist die weibliche Form des Namens Renatus und hat daher eine lateinische Herkunft*****




Wayne on Oct 1, 2020


I like that challenge, Renate, of having to translate the German in order to read about the Latin origin! May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him to give you a new name.



Philadelphia - A New Name, a New You

Laodicea - Leaving the Lukewarm Life

Rosemarie on Apr 13


I guess that phrase “knock and the door will be open” comes from this scripture. I am looking forward to reading and understanding the book of Revelation in a new mindset instead of being frightened by its prophecy. I am not there yet in my reading of the New Testament.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14


Actually, Rosemarie, Jesus said it here in Revelation-- but He first said it in Matthew 7:7–8: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”


You will come to love the book of Revelation, Rosemarie. Its prophecies of doom and gloom having nothing to do with us who believe in Jesus.




Jeanne on Sep 8, 2022


I have always struggled to understand the messages in revelation and I really appreciate that you are explaining it to me. This one spoke to me because I want this intimate relationship with Jesus and I don’t know how to get it. I think that I am like this church but I need to change because this is so important.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2022


I applaud you, Jeanne, for your desire to grow closer to know the Lord Jesus. Truthfully, the formula is not difficult to understand, but it can be difficult to apply on a daily basis. Being in the Scriptures on a regular basis with a mindset of application and devotion – this is the first step. It is essential. We never outgrow it. It is also really helpful to be involved with a small group of other Christians to discuss scripture and the Christian life.




Sue on Sep 3, 2021


So true! Well said and expressed in the context of Laodicea. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2021


I'm so glad the Laodicea video encouraged you, Sue! I'm right there with you in the passion to leave the lukewarm life and follow Jesus more closely. God bless you.




Paulette on Nov 30, 2020


This was one of my favorite sights when we toured in Turkey. It was so very beautifully excavated and had such a meaningful message. Thanks for bringing these memories to the forefront for me again. So thankful for the "visual aides" that God has provided for us to understand His Word so clearly!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


What a blessing for you, Paulette, to be able to visit Laodicea and Turkey. So few Christians get to do that! May the Lord bless you as He brings to mind many memories and also offers some new insights.




Ty on Oct 9, 2020


Indeed, some very good reminding of the need of our relationship to our Creator God. It is His church not ours and our words need to reflect that. It is too easy for me to claim what is not mine. My intentions might appear to be good, but if I am not careful they will be my dreamed up intentions and not the Lord's.


I read these letters written to the various places in the NT as 'the church' at such and such a place like the church at Laodicea and the church is God's church not our labels we put on them. God's church is His people, so I believe it is more fluid then fixed in one place. The local church body is indeed very important to build up and encouraged the local folks in God's church in a particular area to "Go' into the world, their every day influencing circles and allow God to work in, through and around their (our) lives, thus fulfilling the Great Commission every day. I find I have to be very careful not to allow the blessings of God given to me to become a curse where the blessings receive the focus of my attention and God seems to become a by-product or add on. The real building of God's church starts and fills a life time of allowing Him to build me on the inside, so I can witness His use of me on the outside.


Rev 3: 20 'Listen, I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him (her) and have dinner, and he (she) with Me'. That church building is personal, intentional and internal to each and every one of God's children, where He's the Teacher and we the disciple. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to listen and hear with His supernatural abilities in learning from Jesus and encourages us to obey Him as He leads in changing us from the inside out.


A great reminder, this teaching and expounding, around God's Word that I am sure I'll have to be reminded of often. I say to folks at times, I have a great memory, but it's short. Constant reminders of God's truth of His word and teaching is so very important to me and all of God's children, which we'll need for the rest of our time in the here and now.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 9, 2020


I like the way you put that, Ty: "I have a great memory, but it's short." How essential that we continue to remind ourselves of the basics of our walk with Christ. Indeed, His invitation to come in and to dine with us – this is our constant challenge to keep the door open for Him.



Laodicea - Leaving the Lukewarm Life

Birth of Jesus - Episode 1

Trinidad on Mar 10


God has His time and that His timing is beautiful, just right. And Even in His silence, He was praying for the people as well as the setting to be ready. Those times must have been hard for those waiting…imagine 400 years…how many lifetime is that…. I truly appreciate that in our times now we have the completed Bible and your ministry videos that connects the Old Testament with specifically to this time. It’s God’s book …with spiritual meaning to us, history and archaeology and we just want To share because it’s the truth and has the answers for all of us! Thank God for what He’s done!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 13


I love the way you put that, Trinidad. Well said.




Douglas on Dec 31, 2022


When the prophets around you go silent, instead of thinking that you have been abandoned. Know the fact that Jesus can work His plans without help from anyone....So when Jesus shows up, give Him the glory and know that He is the only one you can trust to be there!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Great perspective, Douglas. Thank you!




Anneliese on Dec 28, 2022


A great reminder that God’s ways are not our ways. In that 400 years of silence and in our lives as well, God is executing His plan. I am so thankful for Philippians 1:6! He is not giving up on this child of His and continues His work in me.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


Well said, Anneliese. Our sovereign God wastes no time at all.




Ty on Dec 15, 2022


I have viewed this well done video a few times and have been impacted by it each time I have watched it. Lots to reflective upon and be thankful to a promise keeping God for His faithfulness to us.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 15, 2022


I'm glad that the video continues to encourage you, Ty. God bless you.




Sheron Keeling on Jun 3, 2022


We can trust God's promises, they prevail and never fail!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 7, 2022


Amen, Sheron! They never fail, though we often do. God bless you.




Frances Tencza on Apr 14, 2022


God is faithful with His promises!

Jesus I s His greatest promis to us !




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


Amen, Frances. Wonderful summary. Thank you for sharing.




Donna on Mar 29, 2022


We keep going by holding onto the hope we have through all of God's promises in the Word of God, when we can't see yet what God is doing. We are blessed to have His Holy Spirit who leads and guides us daily, who reveals "His Word that is the lamp under our feet and the light unto our path." to help instruct, prepare, warn, teach, and guide us. His Spirit keeps us on schedule according to His plan, as our destiny and God-given purpose is being fulfilled.




Bobbi on Mar 6, 2022


I’ve been to Israel twice but never saw the Herodium




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2022


What a blessing for you, Bobbi, to you have been to Israel twice! Yes, the Herodium is an amazing place. Be sure and watch the full episode on this magnificent site. God bless you.




Patti on Dec 2, 2021


God never does nothing. He is either preparing us or waiting for the fullness of time. But He isn’t ignoring us. He hears us and is aware of our needs. We just need to trust Him and wait on Him.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Absolutely right, Patti. Even in those times when it seems God is doing nothing, we know He is working out His will.




Sharyl on Nov 30, 2021


What a journey this will be, Wayne.

I’m going to get up earlier each morning and pray for great self-discipline to stay abreast of this devotional.

I also had difficulties getting signed up on Cyber Monday.

Can’t wait to keep going one day at a time.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 2, 2021


Thank you so much for making time with the Lord a priority, Sharyl. I pray that the videos will be a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Ginny on Nov 27, 2021


This is going to be great!

Suggestion - don’t launch any thing on Black Friday. The net was so busy I could not stay connected long enough to register. I still don’t know if I did it correctly or once reregistered for “Walking “”. If I goofed please straighten it out. I registered for “Walking” back in May and have learned so much. Thank you Wayne for your teaching. God richly bless you and your family.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


Thank you, Ginny, for your comment and suggestion. We will do our best to straighten things out, but if you notice something went wrong, don't hesitate to let us know. God bless you.




Gail on Nov 26, 2021


I love this series. I already feel closer to God. I am so Blessed by this series.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 29, 2021


How exciting, Gail, the Lord is drawing you closer to Him through this video series. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you.




Janet on Jul 2, 2021


I have to constantly remind myself that what ever happens is on “ Gods timing “ and not ours, that is the hardest part .. I remind myself of all that Christ had endured for us, what we go through is nothing to compare to the cross … my struggle lately is wanting to hear from him and sometimes wonder when will I . ? What am I doing wrong ? Nothing , simply 4 words…. Be still and know ..




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2021


So true, Janet. I believe the hardest part of our Christian lives is waiting on God. May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Hayden on Mar 28, 2021


It has been a pleasure to tour with you this last year, Dr. Stiles. I have a couple of weeks left, and after having visited all the sites, I decided to have you take me back to the beginning. The second time is even better! Thank you for the journey.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


That’s awesome, Hayden! I pray that you will glean more than twice the amount from your second time through. Honestly, there is still so much to see! Plus, more videos are added each month. God bless you.




Sue on Dec 15, 2020


I appreciated hearing what God was working over the 400 years after Micah's prophecy, paving the way for the world to hear about Jesus. God certainly has been actively working in my own life for 67 years and will continue to do so. It's always good to take notice, give thanks, and celebrate what the Spirit is doing!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 16, 2020


That's a great point, Sue. Indeed, the Lord is living and active in our lives-- although sometimes it seems centuries between significant events, doesn't it? May the Lord bless you as you wait on Him.




Denise on Oct 15, 2020


I heard once that we need to keep doing what God has told us to do until He tells us to do something else.

Remain faithful, trust and obey. I challenge myself to look for God at work everywhere, everyday, in every situation and be thankful. It is easier to do when you are not trying to control everything in life. The fruit of this is heartache. Trusting God and seeking His way brings joy.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2020


Your words are wise, Denise. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.




Mary on Aug 13, 2020


Faith keeps us going. We know that God has a plan and that he is always doing his work. He is watching over us and protecting us. Often little things happen and I know - God that was you.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


Isn't that a wonderful promise, Mary? It is amazing how faithful our God is. God bless you.




Ty on Aug 8, 2020


A very good reminder of the relationship that we lost. The key words in my mind are: OT, God among them and NT, God indwelling in us. There is a huge difference. Think of Jesus's first disciples and their lives pre and post Pentecost. Jesus came to restore a relationship for us with God not to increase head knowledge, so we can have religious ceremonies or meetings. Our relationship with God is really on us not God. Nothing wrong with the Word (Jesus) and nothing wrong with the Spirit (Holy Spirit). They are 100% and perfect and surely desire a working and active daily relationship. The third part of that equation is us. How bad do you and I really desire this relationship? It is not God on our terms, but God on God's terms that we all have to come to appreciate and accept. The Word (bible) says if you seek me with all of your being, you will find me (God). One of the toughest words in the Christian life is discipleship, which has to be lived out. It is limited in numbers (people) and long, a life time long. One can preach and teach to the masses, but discipleship takes time, effort and discipline. That has been painted to be not very attractive for our lives by the world. I surely have lots to learn, grow and mature with this understanding and living it out daily.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020


I'm so glad you got a chance to watch the video, Ty. I love the distinction you make about God "among" and God "indwelling." Well done. God bless you.




Lynette on Jul 23, 2020


I often think about and can't even imagine what it must have been like not to hear the voice of God for 400 years. But, what a wonderful reminder that God is still working behind the scenes, whether we see evidence of it or not. That's especially comforting in these chaotic times that we live in. God is working to fulfill His promises....and He will not fail!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Yes, it must have seemed strange to Israel. Still, they had the Scriptures and the promises to cling to – just as we have today. May the Lord continue to bless you, Lynette, as you wait on the Lord to fulfill His promises.




Anne on May 27, 2020


God’s promises. Our Hope !!!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


That's right, Anne. God's promises are indeed our hope. Thanks.




Julie on May 18, 2020


God's promises provide an anchor for our soul. Faith that only the Holy Spirit can provide helps us even when we don't see or feel it...... He.....Is.....Working! He never stops working......our Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.........that is who our God is. (Way Maker - by Leeland). Love how you encapsulated so many promises in this one short video. Sometimes looking back at all of His fulfilled promises helps us to trust that He continues to work even in the quiet times. I like to look at those times as being "sheltered under His wings".




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2020


I love the way you put that, Julie: "Sometimes looking back at all of His fulfilled promises helps us to trust that He continues to work even in the quiet times." So true! Thanks for the reminder that looking backward is essential to moving forward. God bless you.




Bette on May 16, 2020


God has a plan for his children, even if they do not see Him working. He will prepare it and reveal it in His perfect timing, not in our impatience to know it now! This is part of my poem I made up

MANY years ago.......

He plans it very carefully,

Unfolding it in time.

A little piece He gives each day,

Until His will is mine.

by Bette Kufke




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2020


Nicely said, Bette. And so true! God bless you as you wait on Him.




Karen on Apr 25, 2020


Trust and pray. Everything happens according to God;s perfect timing!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2020


That's a wonderful plan, Karen. There's nothing like great faith in God's sovereignty. God bless.




Apple on May 1, 2020


how do i turn the volume up?




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


Li-Ann, your volume is determined by your device, not by the videos. Thanks.




Paulette on Jul 18, 2019


Hi, I am not seeing the transcript and audio download for this episode. Did I miss it somehow? Thank you!




Kathleen on Jun 10, 2020


I am looking for the transcript as well, please.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


Hi, Kathleen. I originally made these videos on the life of Christ (all 9 parts) as a promotion for Walking the Bible Lands, and they are much longer than the rest, so transcripts were never created for these. :-( Thanks for asking; we may need to create them at some point. God bless.



Birth of Jesus - Episode 1

Birth of Jesus - Episode 2

Robin on Apr 6


Is this the spot, is this the place

On which was born the Lord of grace?

“Maybe yes, maybe no,”

But this one thing now we do know:

His birth arrived with angels’ news

To share with us the Gospel truths.

Immanuel, born a King,

And unto Him our souls do sing,

“Glory to God in the highest!”




Ty on Mar 13


This video series adds lots to the teaching and expounding by Wayne in him using his gifting and talents for our benefit. So much in this video and lots to reflect upon. It is good to be included in Wayne's teaching series of walking the bible lands.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 13


Ty, I'm grateful that the life of Jesus video continues to encourage you, just as you continue to encourage me.




Holly on Apr 18, 2022


One thing that I have wondered for awhile...Mary is from the tribe of Judah. Since Zecheriah is a priest, it seems like he and Elizabeth are from the tribe of Levi. How can Mary and Elizabeth be related?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2022


Fantastic question, Holly. Although the Scripture doesn't tell us how they are related (or how far back), certainly it had to have been through a marriage of some kind. Some translations call Elizabeth Mary's “cousin,” but the original word is not that specific.




Holly on Apr 19, 2022


Thanks so much. I've kind of wondered if maybe they were really close friends, or the families were really close friends, almost like "cousins". I know that my children have called people "Aunt" or "Uncle" who aren't actually their aunts or uncles. What is the word that is actually used in the original?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Holly, the word συγγενίς (sungenis) is the original term for "relative." Depending on the context, it could mean someone related by blood, or a family relation, or even a relation by race or a fellow-countryman. This context implies at the very least a family relation.




Holly on Apr 21, 2022


Thank you so much!!




Donna on Mar 29, 2022


When things have looked impossible for me, God has kept me in His Word daily, stretching my faith, and giving me hope, for a happy ending in spite of how things look with my natural eyes. He helps me to look at my situations through His eyes instead. His Holy Spirit speaks through His Word and in other ways my heart understands to keep hope alive until the tide turns and there is an end to the trial.




Taylor on Jul 10, 2021


Is that you on guitar Wayne?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2021


Taylor, no that's not me on guitar. :-) Much easier just to buy studio tracks already mixed and mastered.




Estrella on Jan 2, 2021


Expository writings like this with visual aide of places where the events happened surely transcends me to the time before. Sometimes, I can’t fathom how seven hundred ago the event of Christ birth was foretold and surely the prophecy happened. This assured me that all God’s promises will hold true and yes I always apply these in my life. There’s assurance in God’s Word!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021


What a wonderful application you have made, Estrella. I am glad that the content of the video and the visuals are encouraging. God bless you.




Mary on Aug 17, 2020


Faith in God. Knowing that With God, all things are possible. God will have an answer.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020


Those are wonderful takeaways, Mary. How helpful to remember that with God all things are possible.




Ty on Aug 8, 2020


Some outstanding photography and filming being presented. The teaching and expounding is very good and brings to life the Word, God's Word, to us clearly and meaningful. There is a lot packed into this short video and well worth the time to allow the Holy Spirit to inform, affirm and challenge us in our walk and understanding with our Creator God.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020


So glad you enjoyed Part 2, Ty. Our wonderful Savior came to earth for God's love to us. How magnificent to see the places where it occurred. God bless you.




Lydia on Jun 11, 2020


I love to here this Gifting of God over and over and over ad infinitum!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2020


You are right, Lydia! The good news of Jesus coming to earth is a story that never gets old. God bless you.




Anne on May 27, 2020


I also love that God is the God of seemingly impossible things

All things are possible through God




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2020


Yes, Anne, it is so encouraging that God can do the impossible. We have plenty of impossible things in our lives that need accomplishing, don't we?




Anne on May 27, 2020


I am loving all your videos. They open your understanding more of the areas that we read about in the Bible




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2020


I am grateful you are enjoying the videos, and Anne. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you as you watch them and that you are encouraged. God bless you.




Julie on May 19, 2020


Trusting God has allowed me to receive His revelation that many "needs" I thought I had were actually only "wants".......even things that I thought were larger than life. This has taken a bit of a journey, but when I began to try to live with an "eternal focus", my waiting changed from "daily" and "event" waiting to the "ultimate" waiting for God to bring all things together when He comes again. This certainly changes my day to day perspective on what is important. I need to ask each day, am I more focused on "temporal" well-being (wants), than I am on "eternal" well-being (NEEDS) for myself and others? When I am able to answer, "eternal well-being", then I am able to fully trust without reservation, in our God who is all sovereign and in control.


I LOVE the image your showed of Mary when the angel Gabriel came to her. I've never seen an image depicting Mary at that moment as this image does. Through this image, I can feel deep trust, even in her questioning. What I see in her face is that trust that we all long for. The way you have put these videos together awakens a new meaning of trust that Mary, Joseph and other people in Scripture had during the impossible. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2020


I am so glad you enjoyed the video, Julie, and that you are continuing to deepen your trust in God. May He continue to bless you as you do so.




Diana on May 16, 2020


We enjoyed the Shepherd's Field and surrounding areas, but The Church of the Nativity was my least favorite site when we were in Israel. We were there at the crack of dawn to get in line to go down to the cave. We stood in line for 3 hours. Lovely church. It was very crowded and warm. There was nowhere to sit and wait. When it was time for our group to go in, there were 3 or 4 people (not in our group) that were cutting in line and pushing us out of the way, and being disrespectful to our seniors in the group. It was unpleasant to be in a mob of people trying to get down the narrow stairs to that cave to see the star on the ground. When we were down there, all I wanted to do was get out. It was hard to get up the stairs because some people were blocking the exit, on the floor kissing the star.


Here we were trying to pray and meditate on what happened here, but quite the opposite happened. We sure didn't feel very spiritual lol.


I laughed when I saw you walking in the empty church and enjoying visiting the cave! That is the way to go! It's much more enjoyable to watch your videos instead! Thank you for providing these virtual (and pleasant) experiences.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2020


Diana, I'm with you on this... The church of the Nativity is such, such a challenge. We also had to fight the crowds at 4 AM to see the "star," and although the camera doesn't show it, I knelt by the star while in line with hundreds of others. I only did it for this episode and will likely never do it again. Just not worth it... But the Shepherd's Field is a nice contrast. :-)




Jeanne on May 7, 2020


I just truly love this program. it brings to life all of the promises of the Lord. What a great way to read and view the Bible. Much easier for me to understand.




Wayne Stiles on May 7, 2020


I am so glad, Jeanne, that this program encourages you and helps you read and review the Scriptures. I am thrilled! God bless you.




Sheila on May 4, 2020


Thank you for this episode Wayne. For me, it's the promise that changed not only the world but also my human perspective when you are in a difficult circumstance,suffering, hopelessness and emptiness. It gave me hope that really, nothing is impossible with our Mighty God!




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020


Yes, Sheila, that is a wonderful reminder, isn't it? We need that continual hope from the Lord, otherwise our emotions tend to engulf us like a title wave. May the Lord bless you as you cling to Him each day.




Patricia on Apr 15, 2020


Not sure why but this video stopped playing at around 10:14.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 15, 2020


That's strange, Patricia. It plays just fine... Perhaps try another browser or download the video and see if that works. If it stays stuck, please let me know. Thanks.




Paulette on Jul 18, 2019


Hi Wayne! You can ignore my question regarding the transcript on my previous comment on Episode 1. I see that you are not providing them for this section of the series. Are you also not providing an audio of the episodes then as well? Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Hi, Paulette. That's right, these episodes are a bit longer, so I don't have transcripts for them. Would you benefit from the audio if I provided it? Thanks and God bless.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Love this series on the birth of Christ! So many interesting things I did not know!


Would you have a transcript of this series? It is so much easier to follow & pay attention when I am not writing like a madman, trying to take it all in !




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2018


Hey, Tammie; no, I didn't provide a transcript for this series. It was way too long! :-)




Tammie on Jul 8, 2018


I saw it would be a longer series, but it sure held my attention, so it did not seem like it! I took notes & will watch it a few more times- really enjoyed this series!


By the way, my profile picture is at En Gedi at the top of the falls! Love that place & would love a video from your perspective & the Bible knowledge you know, from here. Another place would be the Decapolis or Scythopolis- maybe where the Prodigal son left to go visit? Looking forward to more knowledge about Israel, God's chosen place.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2018


Great ideas, Tammie. Yes, we plan to video at En Gedi this fall-- as well as at Beth-shan (Scythopolis). The prodigal left for a "distant land," so I'd be surprised if Beth-shan was it. Who knows?




Tammie on Jul 9, 2018


Looking forward to the fall for this video!

Thank you!



Birth of Jesus - Episode 2

Birth of Jesus - Episode 3

Andrew Macafee on Jan 29


Hey Wayne, why did Mary and Joseph stick around Bethlehem for 2 years, surely they needed to go back to their home. They just came for the census correct?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30


It seems clear, Andrew, that they intended Bethlehem to be their new home-- since they stayed and had a house. Also they tried to return to Bethlehem after the sojourn in Egypt-- but the Lord directed them not to.




Lynn on Jul 7, 2022


Soo many artifacts and the cross that Moses raised in the desert helps with all the bible stories I have read that leads to all that the Father had planned This is just so insightful and beautiful. Its has help with many question. I guess that is why it is called faith that we trust that his word is true.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Indeed, Lynn, it is wonderful to see so many of these things that support and help authenticate our faith. What we believe is rooted in history, and the Scriptures our testimony to it. God bless you.




Merry Lu on Apr 19, 2022


I think it is amazing! I am 86 years old, have been blessed to visit .israel three times, now getting hard to get around......This is like being there again, except more concise, able to focus, love your excellent teaching, pleasant voice. Everything is perfect! I love every scene...thank you, thank you , thank you,! Excellent work, well done!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Thank you so much, Merry Lu, for your enthusiasm and for your gracious words. I am thrilled for you that you get to relive your significant journeys to Israel through these videos. God bless you.




Donna on Mar 29, 2022


We must follow Him "by faith and not by sight" trusting that "He is the way, the truth and the life" and understands the "why" behind everything that is happening, and will come behind it all to "make all things work together for good" because of His love for us and His purposes for our lives.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2022


So true, Donna. We walk forward in the dark by holding the hand of our Savior.




Marilyn on Mar 28, 2022


I hadn't realized how pivotal Balaam's prophecy was to the wise men from the East. I had thought that Daniel's writings were the only guidance the astrologers had about a coming King. Thank you for bringing this truth from the Word front and center!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


Yes, Marilyn, just as the Lord used a donkey to speak to Balaam, so the Lord used Balaam to speak to us. He can use anyone!




Debra on Mar 22, 2022


It is confusing to me to see the serpent on the pole and it is hard to understand how God used this image to protect those Israelites who looked on it from death. To me the serpent has otherwise depicted Satan in the Bible. Can you please explain this picture? Thanks Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2022


I know what you mean, Debra. Indeed, the serpent always depicts Satan. This quote from the Expositors Bible Commentary may help:


"With all these factors in view, now we think again of the enormity of what Moses was asked to do, of the taboos he was asked to break. This is not unlike Peter being told to kill and eat food that he regarded as unclean (Acts 10). The people had called the bread of heaven detestable. Moses is commanded of God to make an image of something truly detestable in their culture and to hold that high on a pole as their only means of deliverance from disease. Only those who looked at the image of the snake would survive the venom that coursed through their bodies. This is an extraordinary act of cultural shock, an exceptionally daring use of potent symbols. As the people had transformed in their own thinking the gracious bread of heaven into detestable food, so the Lord transforms a symbol of death into a source of life and deliverance. The rejection of God’s grace brings a symbol of death. The intervention of God’s grace brings a source of life." (Ronald B. Allen, Numbers, EBC 2)




Debra on Mar 23, 2022


Thank you very much. You helped me understand this complex symbolism. God bless you, Wayne.




Linda on Jan 1, 2022


Do you think that God in all his glory appreciates or is disgusted by all the reinactments or interpretations presently being shown to the public of his sons birth? I appreciate learning from you and the traveling I would never be afforded to do on my own. But some of the places you take us like today into the cave and seeing the nativity set and the angels and Shepard’s just made me wonder.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2022


As long as there is no contradiction to the Scripture, Linda, I see nothing in the Word of God that prohibits these reenactments – especially when their purpose is to bring awareness and honor to the Lord. Even the Passover meal and our Christian communion are regular events that cause us to remember. It's not the same, of course, but it shows that God did set up a "reenactment" ordinance to cause us to remember.




Patti on Dec 2, 2021


We follow Jesus because he knows better than us what we need. He knows the future and we don’t. Again we must trust.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Right on the money, Patti. If we really believe Jesus is the smartest, wisest to ever live-- we'll follow Him.




Karen on Sep 9, 2021


Love the fact that Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving that we also get to keep! Thank you for your time and inspirations!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


Yes, Karen, Jesus is God's indescribable gift. I'm so glad that the video encouraged you, and I appreciate you taking a moment to encourage me. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


Very insightful. I never connected the serpent on the staff to Jesus un the cross. Also insightful was the way Joseph was led to lead his family so scripture would be fulfilled.




Donna on Aug 12, 2021


Very insightful




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2021


Thank you, Donna. I am glad the Lord encouraged you through the video on the birth of Christ. God bless you.




Susan on Jun 3, 2021


Wayne, Lee & I just watched all three of these...we were in Bethlehem a few years ago, but it was a rainy January 1st..so we decided to "GO to Bethlehem" TODAY with you! We just love how you wove the history, prophecy and lessons of waiting into the story of Jesus' birth. Though it is only June, we are planning to have an event before Christmas when we can show these three episodes to our friends and have some discussion. We love how you explain so clearly, how you always have your Bible in hand, and all the arial photography along with the rest. Thank YOU and Your TEAM!! :) :)




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2021


Thank you so much, Susan and Lee, for letting me know that you enjoyed the Christmas series so much. It really is a shame that we only read the birth narratives at Christmastime! They are so relevant every day of our lives. I pray that the Lord will encourage you with your Christmas celebration. :-) God bless you.




Bonnie on May 30, 2021


This series is such a blessing! I love the reference to the gift of salvation that we can regift and still keep by sharing the the message of the cross! 💕




Wayne Stiles on May 31, 2021


That's right, Bonnie. Christ is the gift that keeps on giving! God bless you.




Karen on Mar 16, 2021


I love how these videos not only show the incredible scenery of places in the Holy Land that we read about, over and over, but that you share historical information and...joy of joys...offer applications for our lives. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2021


Absolutely, Karen! The whole goal of these videos is not only to take virtual tours of the Bible lands but also to connect the Bible and its land to life. God bless you.




Kim on Dec 28, 2020


Thank you Dr. Wayne for the reminder that God is sovereign over all things! In these current times I need that reminder regularly! Re-gifting Jesus. That is a good one! Blessings to you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2020


That is so true, isn't it, Kim? Our sovereign God has His hand over all the details of the goings-on these days. What a major relief that is for us. God bless you as you continue to walk with Him and trust Him.




Monica on Dec 26, 2020


I'm in one of those long periods of time that doesn't seem to make sense. I'm still eagerly waiting to see how God is working out His plan. For now my hope is in the Lord and His unfailing Love for me..




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2020


Yes, Monica, I do understand those challenging seasons of waiting. My audiobook, Waiting on God, is included in your membership. Or if you prefer, the physical book is also available. It may encourage you during this period of time you're walking with the Lord and waiting on Him. Praying for you and want to encourage you that the Lord hasn't forgotten you. I love how you referred to His unfailing love. What a great hope.




Patricia on Dec 25, 2020


What beautiful truth in this story! Hope is knowing God is for us even when we may not understand the present situation. Often times I have seen God at work in hindsight than in the midst. Thank you for these spectacular videos on the birth of Jesus. They bring HOPE! Merry CHRISTMASmas!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2020


I am with you on that, Patricia. Almost always I can only see God's hand working in hindsight. We take each step forward by faith. God bless you.




Teresa on Dec 24, 2020


Great three part series! Perfect for Christmas Eve. Thanks for alerting me to it’s existence.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2020


Really glad you enjoyed the series, Teresa. God bless you.




Beverly on Dec 24, 2020


Beautiful. Really enjoyed all three.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2020


Thanks, Beverly. I'm glad the Lord encouraged you through the Christmas videos. :-) God bless you.




Mary on Aug 17, 2020


Faith And trust in God is always the answer. We know that God knows everything including things we cannot see right now. At some point we have faith and trust in God that it will eventually make sense to us.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020


What a great perspective, Mary. You are so correct. Faith and trust. Someday what makes no sense to us we will see explained in the course of God's great wisdom.




Ty on Aug 8, 2020


A very professional and gifted teaching for everyone to gain from. Scripture is entwined with some excellent expounding of the Word. This 3 part series is so well worth watching to allow the Holy Spirit to move in one's being with the giftedness of the individuals putting it together. The gifting of God to His church, us His people, are to be use to build one another up 'in Him' and this series does just that. The kingdom of God is being built inside each one of His adopted children. Be expectant, be encouraged and be blessed as you watch this series to the glory of God.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 8, 2020


I love that you're watching this series in August, Ty! How essential to ponder the incarnation all year rather than just December. I applaud you.




Lynette on Jul 24, 2020


"God seldom give us all we need to understand, but He always gives us what we need to obey."

"Jesus is the only re-gift that we give that we also get to keep."

Two great thoughts!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Thank you, Lynette. Yes, those are wonderful principles. Thanks for reminding me of them!




Rich on Jul 7, 2020


I was stunned to see that metal sculpture of a snake on a cross-like pole, especially with the words of John 3:14-15 written below -- words that so clearly connect the wilderness healing miracle with the healing from the death-dealing consequences of sin that is made available to us through the cross of Christ. It is just wonderful to see that kind of a testimony held forth in a physical symbol standing in the land of Israel. Thank you for sharing that with us! To me, one of the neatest things to see in Israel, should I ever get to visit, would be that physical monument that directly connects so clearly an event from Israel's history with the good news of the eternal life offered in Christ.


I also loved your comment that Jesus is the only gift that we can re-gift to others and also, at the same time, keep for ourselves. What wonderful truth!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2020


Yes, Rich, it is amazing to see the sculpture with the Scripture with it. It's even more amazing when we consider that the sculpture is in the country of Jordan – not Israel! This is on Mount Nebo, should you ever want to go. God bless-- and thanks.




Julie on May 26, 2020


Wonderful video. Trust is how we follow God when His leading makes no sense. Without giving us the full picture or outcome of His plans, He gives us "just enough" to move forward in order that we don't become disheartened. If He gave us the entire plan, we might move forward depending on ourselves rather than on Him. It is so true that God's plans can never be thwarted by godless decisions - you gave some great examples of this, which we can lean on during these times without worry. Thank you.




Sheila on May 4, 2020


So far, this is my favorite episode. You have shared a lot of inspiring and encouraging words that touched me and also very applicable to our times now with Covid 19. That the leaders and rulers can make whatever decisions but can only play in under God's sovereign hands, He has a purpose and will in everything that is happening and it is for our good.




Wayne Stiles on May 4, 2020


I love how the Christmas story gives us those reminders, Sheila. The leaders of the world only are puppets in the hands of our sovereign God. How comforting! God bless.




Anita on Mar 13, 2020


Thanks so much for the wonderful series. It brings back memories of our time together 2yrs. ago. Glad to see Bethlehem, which we weren't able to go see at the time. I love all your work and dedication to bringing us visual as well as the written word of God. 🙏I pray for peace in Israel and God's Devine protection. In Jesus name amen 🙏




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2020


Really glad you enjoyed the Christmas series, Anita. I join you in prayer for Israel and especially that the Lord open their eyes to the truth of God's Word and Messiah.




Stephen on Dec 19, 2019


Thank you Wayne for your 3 part Christmas series. From Genesis 3:15 to John 3:15.... the promise of the one who brings emnity is the promise fulfilled by the one who salvation is offered by love of our Abba Father. From the first advent completed looking forward to the second advent of promise...Acts 1:11 to Revelation 19:11. Come King Jesus!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 19, 2019


I love the breadth of your perspective, Stephen. So rich are the promises, aren't they? Thanks for your encouraging words. Yes, maranatha... Come soon, Lord Jesus.




Mary Anne on Dec 18, 2019


Love the statement "Jesus is the only gift we can give, but we also get to keep". I may not have quoted it perfectly!

Thanks Wayne! Your videos have been a blessing to me through this year!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 18, 2019


You're welcome, Mary Anne, and Merry Christmas to you as well. I'm thrilled that the Lord continues to bless you through the videos and Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you!




Linda on Dec 21, 2018


Amazing presentation! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2018


Thank you, Linda! I'm really glad the Lord encouraged you through the Christmas series. God bless.




Tammie on Jul 7, 2018


Wow! So much in this video- just overwhelmed at how you told the story of Jesus in such an incredible way! I love how you said, 'Jesus is the only gift we give, but we also get to keep'. The information on the gifts from the wise men- just grateful I found your site Wayne, to learn how things tie together in the Bible. I just can't write fast enough to make the notes in my Bible!

Very well presented & tied together with Mount Nebo.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 8, 2018


I'm really glad you found the site as well, Tammie. So grateful the videos are encouraging you.



Birth of Jesus - Episode 3

Ministry of Jesus - Episode 1

Raye Rufty on Jan 19


In your Judah/Jordan River ep you said Jesus was baptised "across from Jericho" - does that mean in present day Jordan? Where? (I will be crossing from Jericho to Amman - perhaps by bus - in March.) Is there a trusted designated spot there for tourists?

And which place on the Sea of Galilee did you say is the best (and worst) for a baptism today? (I will be there with a group with the opportunity in/near Yardenit.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


How exciting for you, Raye, to be able to journey to Israel soon! I also will be there in March, so let's look for each other. :-) Both sides of the Jordan River have a place from which to view the traditional location where Jesus was baptized. And it is likely very close to the actual location. Here is a link that shows where to find it from the Israel side. This is the place where you should not be baptized. The place that is clean and nice by the sea of Galilee is Yardenit. So it sounds like you are all set. Have a great time!




Raye Rufty on Feb 18


Thanks for all that, Wayne. My group is going to the Yardenit baptismal site! I will keep my eyes open for you during my travels. Who knows, I may join one of your tours in the next few years.

Meanwhile, I'll dive more into the podcasts you have when I return. I take notes - I started that at least 6 months before I knew I was to go on this pilgrimage.

Thanks for all you do - creating new podcasts, renewing us in study of the Word and making it all come alive. I have suggested your program to those who can't or won't travel to these sacred lands.

I pray for you and your ministry, with sisterly love, Raye




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20


I would LOVE to having you on one of my tours, Raye. I have advanced tours to Israel as well as tours to Greece/Rome. I pray your journey to Israel and the Jordan River is exceedingly blessed by God. And thank you for your prayers! God bless you.




Raye Rufty on Jan 19


In your where is it




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Sorry, Raye, I'm not sure what you are asking? Feel free to try again.




Donna on Mar 30, 2022


Jesus did what the Word said to do when temptation would come..."Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) One of the ways we can "resist" is to do what Jesus did and pull up His Word from our heart and speak to that situation, trial, or temptation. He showed us what the most effective way to win the war against our enemy was and gave us the "sword of the Spirit...the Word of God" to do our fighting with. When trouble comes my way, I speak the Word to it. Can't praise Him enough for showing me how I can find victory for living by using His Word no matter what I face.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30, 2022


Great words, Donna. Thank you.




Lola on Jan 19, 2022


man i love this !




Wayne Stiles on Jan 20, 2022


What a blessing, Lola, that the Lord encouraged you with the video about the ministry of Jesus. I pray that the rest of the videos will encourage you as well. God bless you.




Karen on Jan 6, 2022


He teaches me to just Walk Away without no hesitations.




Linda on Jan 2, 2022


I’m still working on that. Food is a big temptation to me but I’m learning that it is ok not to finish what’s on my plate, if I’m full.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


What a great perspective, Linda! When my parents would tell me to clean my plate because of the starving children in Africa, I would always say, "They are welcome to it." But seriously, I applaud you for striving for self-control. We all need it!




Patti on Dec 3, 2021


This shows our need to meditate on and memorize Scripture so that when facing temptation we have God’s Word to fall back on. It will stop the devil in his tracks and show that God is with us always.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2021


Amen, Patti. As James wrote: "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." We do that by quoting Scripture. God bless you.




Dawn on Oct 17, 2021


I just watched the first three videos of the Ministry of Jesus -outstanding! Every video I watch makes history so real, I can hardly wait for the next. I am binging on Walking the Holy Lands Tours while I can.


BTW- I am working on writing a Christmas song on harp and I love the thought ‘the promise that changed the world; the life that changed the world.). Once my right arm heals, I can actually go back to playing it.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 18, 2021


I'm so glad, Dawn, you had some extra time to binge watch the videos! I pray the Lord continues to encourage you through them. I am also praying that the Lord heals your arm soon. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


We need to follow Jesus’s example and know scripture.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


Absolutely yes, Donna. I couldn't agree more. God bless you.




Sandy on Jul 8, 2021


I love this video and will be using a part of it to help explain Matt 4:13-16 in my zoom Sunday School class this coming Sunday. THANK YOU!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2021


How wonderful, Sandy, to share this with your class! Be sure to check out the Scriptures Index for any future verses you'd like to illustrate with videos. God bless you.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Amazing how God prepared the way for Jesus. I love these videos a lot thank you again




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


So true, Connie. It is amazing how the Lord prepared for Jesus centuries before Jesus came. I wonder how heaven will reveal He has done this all throughout history!




Joan on Feb 21, 2021


I appreciate learning that God used the Romans to develop a highway and a universal language prior to the birth of Christ. The way the Lord used the geography of the land is something I have never thought about. It's such a joy to learn new things about the Word of God.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


Yes, Joan, it's amazing how the Lord God prepared for the coming of Christ centuries before He came. He is doing that still! God bless you.




Sandi on Jan 14, 2021


We should go to the Word of God and read it and speak it!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


Yes, Sandi. God's Word is essential for us before we open our mouths. :-)




Mitzi on Dec 31, 2020






Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Really glad you enjoyed the video on the Ministry of Jesus. God bless you, Mitzi.




Mary Anne on Oct 16, 2020


Happy Fall, Wayne, I’ve just started a bible study on the Gospel of John. I checked your site to see if you had anything that corresponded to this time in Jesus life. I’m so happy to have found that of course you did have a video and it is a great visual as I do this study. I so appreciate that I can walk the Bible lands with you as I do bible studies and also anytime I just want to feel the presence of Jesus in my life. Thank you for doing all the “footwork” for me. Something I couldn’t do myself right now. Blessings to you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2020


Mary Anne, I'm thrilled that Lord has blessed and led you to study the Gospel of John. As you run across places in the book as you read, for example Cana (ch. 2) and Sychar/Shechem (ch. 4), be sure to use the search bar to see if there are specific videos for those sites. There probably are! God bless you. Please let me know if I can help.




Mary Anne on Oct 17, 2020


Thank you for that suggestion. I definitely will check that Out. What a great idea. I’ll let you know how things are going along the way.




Mary on Jul 20, 2020


I know this is not spoke of in this video but it is part of my studying. In Luke 5:36-39 we have the parable of the wineskins. What do the wineskins represent? Thank you in advance for any help you can give.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 20, 2020


Hi, MaryBeth. As I understand it, the point is that Christ's New Covenant of grace and can't fit in the "skin" of the Old Covenant law (John 1:17). The church wrestled with this very concept in Acts 14-15 and they came to the same conclusion-- especially with regard to Gentiles not having to obey the Law in order to be saved. Hope that helps some.




Julie on Jun 4, 2020


"Jesus stood strong BY quoting Scripture" is a model that shows us how essential it is to have the Word in our minds and on our hearts. Without the Word, we will act on temptations more frequently, thus becoming sin, than if the Word has been embedded in our hearts where we can easily pull from to avoid falling into sin.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


Well said, Julie. Having God's Word in our mind and hearts makes the truth more accessible in those immediate moments of decision. Unless we make the Bible a habit, and transform our minds, we will respond by knee-jerk "common sense." (Emphasis on the "jerk" part!) Thanks for your insightful words.




Julie on Jun 4, 2020


Absolutely. And......"jerk".......too funny! But, true! LOL's




Bette on May 20, 2020


When we are tempted, we need to use God's Word to keep us from giving in to the temptation. This means we need to study the Bible and memorize verses, because the devil will tempt us to do wrong by quoting the scripture, but twisting the meaning. However, Jesus knew the scriptures and used it against the devil successfully. In the end, the devil left Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on May 20, 2020


Well said, Bette. How essential it is that we know God's Word without having to scramble to find versus all the time. Jesus had it in His heart and it was ready on His lips in the moment of need. God bless you.




Apple on May 1, 2020


If mom says I can only eat 8 pieces of chips, I must stop eating. But I can't control myself. When my friend offers me the chips, I feel it is nice to eat it so my friend will not be offended. But I will listen to mom and say 'No, thank you.' or 'Not today' or 'It's ok, you can eat it.' . I can eat something else that is healthier for me. I can also bring my own snacks. It is more important to obey mom. I need to please God and not hide my sin.




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


Thanks for watching, Li-Ann. I hope that the video about the life of Jesus was an encouragement to you.




Apple on May 3, 2020


Thank you




William on Aug 23, 2019


main point video made my day! At the 5:52-5:60 part of the video what is coming out of the water?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2019


Those are fish, Bill! Real, live, Sea of Galilee fish. :-)




Gordon on Apr 11, 2019


i cannot access any

Gordon Johnson




Gayla on Apr 2, 2019


Knowing that I will probably never get to go to Israel, and certainly could not walk that terrain, I am so thankful for these virtual tours that allow me to enjoy the experience from home. Blessings to you and your crew for putting these videos together.


I, too, noticed a slight glitch. This video seemed worse than others I have watched. The visual is held for a few seconds, while the audio continues, then the a/v is not in sync with each other for the rest of the video.


Still, a very fascinating and well put together production, overall.

Thanks, again, Wayne, for your faithfulness.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2019


Thanks, Gayla, for letting me know. We'll get in touch with you to find out some more details. Thanks again.




Joyce on Mar 30, 2019


AWESOME! Oh my what an awesome video...photography as well as content. Following Jesus through Israel is so super exciting. Thanks Wayne for another beautiful video. When watching the part over the rapids of the Jordan River, it reminded me of when I was re-Baptized in an area of the Jodan River like that. We all had to hold on to each other or we would fall and drift away. The pastor that was leading the group chose this place to remind us that in life we need to give our lives to the Lord and we need each other to hold us up so we don't t drift back into the worldly things. Yes we need the Lord most of all. but we need each other as well. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30, 2019


What a great metaphor, Joyce. Hold on to each other so we don't drift away... I like it. So true!




Jill on Mar 28, 2019


This was great but it kept stopping and wouldn't play smoothly. Something might be glitchy in the rendering of the video?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2019


That's interesting, Jill. Do other videos play without the glitch? I've not experienced the glitch and others haven't mentioned it. Strange. Maybe try downloading the video, using another browser, or just try again at another time. Let us know if you still have trouble with it. Thanks!




Jill on Mar 29, 2019


Most of them do. But there have been a few that stopped and we had trouble getting through them. I've watched them in Safari and Chrome, so I don't know what the problem could be.


One other glitch I keep having is when I log in. I click "remember me" so that I don't have to login every time. Sometimes the link in the email takes me right there and sometimes I have to login again. It's not consistent.


I don't have an answer for this - just thought I'd let you know. I don't think it's my computer as I don't have trouble with other types of videos. If it does It again next time, I'll try downloading it. Thanks.




Carl on Mar 28, 2019


My Oh My. What beautiful photography, content, and production.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2019


Thank you, Carl, as always-- for your gracious affirmation. So glad you enjoyed the video!




Garry on Mar 28, 2019


Dear Wayne,

Such an interesting perspective you bring not only to the locations featured in this video, but to the locations of the life of Christ. And, the question at the end of the video is such an important one. Are we living where we should be living to be the most effective for the Kingdom? Beautiful filming work as well, and your fly overs with the camera are amazing.

Garry Bailey




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2019


Thank you, Garry! Yes, Jesus' strategic "move" to Capernaum has been a principle that can help us filter many opportunities. Thanks again for your comment and encouragement.



Ministry of Jesus - Episode 1

Ministry of Jesus - Episode 2

Ty on Feb 22


Another viewing of this well done video to reflect upon and be blessed. Even when we are right in the rough of it, God is right in the middle of the storms of our life.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 24


I love that perspective, Ty. Thank you.




Ty on Jan 5


To the question asked, the lack I have in walking the talk. Without He who is in me, allowing me to use all His abilities to see the Gate leading to His way, the truth, and the life, I'll be walking blind only producing some religion practices. It would be a life without hope. Hope in being a Christian is a certainty as a Christian's hope is on a Person, Jesus Christ, on not on a wish.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6


Profound insights, Ty. Thank you.




Greg on Jan 5


No matter how well we think we know YESHUA, He reminds us there is still so much we need to know...and how much we need to know to live the life He has called us to. This was light a bucket of cold water...it has caused me to "wake up" from my spiritual slumber and pay better attention to all that is going on around me. This year, 2023, is a year of promotion so I need to live my life - publicly AND privately (lets face it, there is really no "private" life with GOD since He knows and sees all) - to be worthy of that promotion. This will not be the last promotion as long as I am obedient.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 5


Your insights are profound, Greg. I love that our God continually gives us more understanding so that we can apply that knowledge to life. I'm right there with you in the struggle to keep public and private in God's favor.




Karen on Jan 6, 2022


Just trust and have faith.




Linda on Jan 2, 2022


I’m more aware of the people in Church their needs and try to accommodate them as well as the few that are in my circle. Including my family which I’ve normally kept distances from and have tried to become more involved in our community projects and those that are in my community Nursing home by visiting and reading too those that wish me too.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


Good for you, Linda. Thank you so much for your commitment to reaching out to the needs of others. Jesus was like that! I pray that the ministry of Jesus and the other videos continue to encourage you.




Olivia on Dec 12, 2021


Please elaborate on the sign of Jonah meaning Jesus’ resurrection. I’m assuming you mean Jonah was dead and given new life, just like Jesus. I’ve just not heard that before. Thanks I truly enjoy and learn from your videos.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 13, 2021


Great question, Olivia. Jesus explained what He meant by comparing His resurrection to Jonah: “for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40). Jesus simply was comparing Jonah's three-day "burial" in the fish with His own burial in the tomb. Of course, the resurrection is implied when Jonah emerged alive--just as Jesus did. I hope that helps some. Thanks.




Donna on Aug 18, 2021


I enjoyed learning why Jesus moved to Capernaum and how he prepared His disciples to trust Him. Thanks for explaining how Jesus talked about Jonah as the last sign the people would see.:

Would you please tell me of a resource that explains the beatitudes.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2021


Donna, check out: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


We need to be more grateful thankful and look for God’s hand in the scheme of things.




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


When my son was looking at colleges we went to Norte Dame. When it became apparent that he would not be accepted we went to Our Blessed Mother’s grotto and lit a candle. My prayer was that she would take care of him since we had no savings for college. Shortly after he received a full ride scholarship - room, board and tuition - for six years to Drake. This was better suited to him since he was going to be a pharmacist.

Another time when he was playing baseball In fourth grade he was last batter and the score was tied with the bases loaded. With little hope I put my head down and prayed “please let it be over”. Imagine my surprise when the crowd began to cheer. He had hit a grand slam home run to win the consolation championship for the Twins! Praise the Lord and Our Lady!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


What a blessing it is to read of our Lord's gracious watchcare over you and your son. I urge you to continue your study of God's Word and your trust in the truth that it alone reveals. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


We need to rely more on God and less on worldly goods. I am troubled since the beatitudes are hard for me to understand. I née some examples of being poor in spirit etc.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


I agree with you, Donna, how we need to rely on God more and less on the world and its wisdom. What a blessing is the Bible! Everything we need for life and godliness is found there.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Amen, Jesus supplies us with all we need. There Are times I think I need something when in actual it was a want not a need. God does provide all we need. Thank you for the videos I am enjoy them daily.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


I am so glad you are enjoying the videos, Connie! I pray that each one encourages you through the Lord in a special way.




Cynthia on Dec 27, 2020


Jesus provides what we need physically and spiritually, meeting needs we have. Trust in Jesus to provide because He enables us to grow in Him and provide for our daily needs.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2020


That is a wonderful principle, Cynthia, you have observed from the ministry of Jesus. I pray that the Lord would encourage you as you continue to trust in Him each day this next year. God bless you.




Mary on Aug 23, 2020


Jesus will always provide. We may not know exactly how he will, but through our faith we just know that he will. Many things have happened in my life that I knew Jesus provided and lead me to it and through it. Jesus will not lead you to anything that he will not walk you through. AMEN




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2020


What a blessing, Mary, that the Lord has not only provided for you in wonderful ways – but also that He has given you the grace to recognize His provision. May you continue to lean upon His strength. God bless you.




Julie on Jun 4, 2020


The common principle I see running through Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Feeding the 5,000, and the storm on the lake, is total RELIANCE upon Him. I have learned this through volunteering and great mentors. When I am coaching mommies at Life Network or leading our church community group and begin to rely on "myself" thinking "I" have to do it all or come up with the right words, guidance, etc., "I" become so anxious and worry about the impact "I" may or may not be making. When I take the "I" out of the equation and replace it with "Jesus", and when I am faithful to "Jesus" in my work, my total reliance turns toward Him and I am overcome with that peace that passes all understanding. Sure takes the pressure off of me and puts it into the loving hands of our Sovereign Lord. Even if I never see the end results, just knowing I've been faithful, I can fully trust Him to do the rest, it is a great place to leave any kind of serving I do, any sort of prayer I lift, etc. Thank you for helping to make this connection of "reliance upon Him" through these events. Its so great to see visually where all of these events took place.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


That's an astute observation, Julie. And I totally agree. When you get a moment, check out the sea of Galilee video – where the feeding of the 5000 is highlighted. You basically have summarized its message. :-)




Julie on Jun 4, 2020


Oh.....perfect. The Galilee Essential Tour is next on my list!




Bette on May 23, 2020


Jesus was teaching them to trust Him completely and to expect Him to put us in circumstances that are impossible for us to do on our own. We are led into going to Him for his help and guidance to do those things which seem impossible to us!


Throughout my life Jesus has done just that! He gave me the love and gift of reaching and teaching children, How does one enter college when my parents were just surviving and the only scholarships left were for those entering college in sports? I was approved for a grant, but still not enough money to do even one year! A business approached my parents and said they would make up the difference the 1st year.


On the 1st day of college my father was in a truck and car accident and the car was totaled. There was no money left over, nor transportation to college! All we could do was pray that I would be able to attend college in the future years! That same day the businessman called and said the company ok'd the money for my college, however mom said I probably could not go, because dad needed a car. The man told her to wait, went back to talk, and came back saying for mom to cancel the grant and that his company was going to sponsor me for all 4 years!!!


It was impossible for us and there was nothing we could do, yet God answered our prayers about my life, which college to attend, and provided the tuition for not just one year, but all 4!




Wayne Stiles on May 23, 2020


That’s an incredible story, Bette! Thank you so much for sharing that. It encouraged me that our powerful God still works in wonderful ways.




Apple on May 1, 2020


If i need help to do my math, I will ask God to help me finish my work.

I want to obey God and my parents too. I will go to God for help when I need help

to do whatever I do.




Wayne Stiles on May 1, 2020


You are right, Li-Ann. It is essential that we go to God for help whenever we need it.




Apple on May 3, 2020


Thank you so much.




Patricia on Apr 18, 2020


Thank you Wayne. I loved the point you made about listening to parables, “How we listen makes all the difference.” Also, how we must come repeatedly to the Lord with our inadequacies. Love your gentle manner of conveying rich insights.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2020


Thank you, Patricia. I'm glad the video about the parables encouraged you. There's much more to come! God bless.




Pam on Feb 21, 2020


Hello Pastor Wayne: Thank-yu for your prayer for me on the occassion of my birthday a few weeks ago. I am using your videos with my Grades 3-5 youth group as we meet weekly . We will be preparing the young people to anticipate the suffering of our Messiah., as He lays down his life willingly for the sins of the entire world. They really enjoy the beauty captured ;and the lessons taught in your videos. I am also using them to prepare myself for my 4th trip to Israel this coming early summer. Shalom!





Wayne Stiles on Feb 21, 2020


So glad your children and youth are enjoying the videos! May God bless you, Pamela, as you share His Word so effectively. And a 4th trip to Israel? Wonderful!




Paulette on Jul 18, 2019


I have been enjoying the Ministry of Jesus episodes 1 and 2. I loved the shot toward the end with the sun setting behind a mountain. Was that Mt Tabor? It looked like it, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the awesome teaching and as always, I really love the fly overs of the sites and the gorgeous views of the country and areas associated with the video teachings. Really adds an awesome dynamic that enhances where I have traveled in Israel and all my memories come flooding back.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 19, 2019


Paulette, the shot at the end is the Jordan Valley and overlooking the Sea of Galilee. The mountains in the background are many, but yes—Mount Tabor is peeking over the top! I'm glad you're enjoying the videos, Paulette. God bless.




Gordon on Apr 11, 2019


cannot access during an hour. Gordon




Gordon on Apr 11, 2019


cannot access during an hour. Gordon




Ken on Apr 4, 2019


Wayne, I just returned from Liberia this week and finished the 2 episodes of Jesus Ministry. It brings back memories of being with you and the group in these same places last month. The video's were wonderful! Thanks! Ken




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2019


Welcome home, Ken! I'm so glad the videos are encouraging your walk with God and reminding you of our tour! It was such a magnificent time. God bless you.




Wayne on Apr 4, 2019


Such a vivid but condensed picture of our Lord's work on earth. Both parts have been a great blessing to me. Awaiting the next. Mil gracias!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2019


I'm so glad, Wayne, the videos encourage you with the life of our Lord. God bless you as you serve Him, amigo!



Ministry of Jesus - Episode 2

Ministry of Jesus - Episode 3

Ty on Oct 13, 2022


Seeing this video again and having the question asked is quite challenged. Life is a learning progress no matter what age we are.


What do you want me to do for you? I want to see? See what? The real sights are not in the here and now as we have only signs. The real sight to see is Him as He is the Prize. And that is coming in stages whether I (we) like it or not.




Bobbie on Aug 11, 2022


My expectation is mercy. I am not one to want fame, fortune, or glory. I would mess that up! Ha! Each day all I need is his mercy and grace and asking for protection against the enemy as I draw closer to him each day.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


I am right there with you, Bobbie, in my daily need for mercy. Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning.




Ty on Aug 11, 2022


Jesus' teaching methods are different than ours, so have to accept the Scriptural statement in Isaiah 55:8-9, hence we are always the learners. The gap between the created and the Creator is huge. Jesus always has the big picture in mind, where, we have a tendency to focus mostly on the immediate, so we always have steps to take and make in our learning along the way.


What's my motive in seeking answers or knowledge? knowing of Him (Jesus) leaves lots of gaps along with frustration in not understanding all the answers. Knowing Jesus as who and what He is allows me and anyone the opportunity to learn and grow as I or anyone gains more life experiences as our relationship matures and develops with Jesus.


It's a journey we are all on and everyday has new grace and mercies to be received and be appreciative of. (Lamentation 3:22-24)




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


I appreciate that reminder, Ty. So often, it boils down to our motives.




Karen on Jan 6, 2022


I have always solved concerns in an ABC or 123 etc format. No matter how many steps it takes Jesus finds a way to get er done.




Linda on Jan 2, 2022


I’m not sure I have any expectations except to dwell in the love and house of the Lord forevermore.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


You are rare, Linda, among humanity! The rest of us have massive expectations of God — both in this life and the next.




Dawn on Oct 20, 2021


What do I want from Jesus? Peace and stronger sense of security.

I pray each night for sleep without nightmares and anxiety. I am daily coping with a husband who has cognitive, emotional and physical problems and I am very concerned about my eldest son who is a disabled veteran and is trying to get a medical exemption from shot mandates so he can continue to work. I must place my trust in Jesus for Jesus is my hope.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 20, 2021


I will join you in that prayer, Dawn. May the Lord grant you to lie down and sleep in peace. Psalm 3 often helps me when I need to pray that.




Juanita on Sep 22, 2021


Wayne, I'd like to thank you for these tours and for all information you've provided to us. I've lived a life very similar to the Woman at the Well. Believe me, it is nothing to brag about. Even today, I do and say things I shouldn't. I live a sinful life, but regardless of my iniquities, I've come to believe that Walking the Bible Lands has allowed me to become familiar with our life everlasting in the New Jerusalem. Thank you for all your insight and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2021


I understand, Juanita, believe me, we have all tossed our buckets down that Samaritan well and come up empty. Only the Savior fills us in a way we were designed to be filled and satisfied. I am so grateful that the Lord has encouraged you through the videos, and I pray He continues to fill you to overflowing. God bless you.




Juanita on Sep 22, 2021


Here's to our empty buckets.... LOL. God bless you and thanks, again!




Donna on Aug 15, 2021


I enjoyed seeing the progression of places and the changes in Jesus’s ministry as He approached His Passion. I didn’t know that Bethsaida was close to Jerusalem, that Martha, Mary and Lazarus lived there or that Jesus always stayed there with them when He went to Jerusalem.

Also interesting was the blind man who wanted mercy while James and John wanted glory. This reminds me of the publican praying for forgiveness while the Pharisee was thankful that he had not been created like other men. The curing of the blind man in two steps was interesting. Would you please explain why it happened that way again?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2021


Good questions, Donna. It might be easier if you watched the video on Bethsaida to understand more about the two stages of healing for the blind man. In essence, the blind man's sight reflected the disciples' understanding. Jesus healing in stages represents Jesus teaching and giving understanding to the disciples in stages. Also, minor correction, but it was Bethany, not Bethsaida, that was near Jerusalem.




Donna on Aug 16, 2021


Thank you! Do you have a resource that explains the meaning of each beatitude hopefully with some examples?




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2021


Donna, you might try Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It's fairly detailed, but trustworthy.




Donna on Aug 17, 2021


Thank you so much. I’m anxious to try it. I’ve heard the beatitudes for years but never felt that I truly understood them.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Amen, Jesus reveals as we need to know. Amazing how it all goes in stages, so we do not get overwhelmed in the Blessings. Thank you again for the videos




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


I am thrilled that you made your way through all three episodes of the ministry of Jesus, Connie. What a wonderful way to spend your time!




Mary on Sep 6, 2020


We do not learn everything about Jesus all at once. We have to seek to learn more and pray about it.

Jesus watches over us and guides us in stages to what we need to learn or know. We don’t always know everything as to why it happens a certain way all at once. Jesus makes sure we know and have what we need to know and have at the time it is necessary.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2020


Well said, Mary. It's amazing the gracious way in which Jesus reveals Himself to us more and more overtime. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek Him in His Word.




Apple on May 3, 2020


I need peace from Jesus.




Wayne Stiles on May 3, 2020


Li-Ann, you may enjoy and be encouraged through this podcast episode. I hope you'll listen to it. God bless you.




John on Apr 29, 2019


So great, Wayne. Never stop with the applications. I love how you never let the rocks just lay there, but always show me how what happened there has an important message for my life now.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2019


What a great way to put it, John: "Never just let the rocks lay there." I love that! That is precisely what I never want to do. God bless and thanks.




John on Apr 16, 2019


Wayne, thank you for this series.


Would you mind commenting on the John 9 passage and Jesus’s use of spit and mud to bring about sight? I understand it was done on the Sabbath and that was connected to the “work” God wanted done...having a priority of people over rules.


I appreciate you the connections you made in this series on seeing and wondered if there might a similar lesson from the John passage in some way.






Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2019


John, the reasons for the mud aren't clear, though I'm not sure the mystery warrants the response Joaquin Phoenix gave recently. The best possible explanations I've heard do relate to the Sabbath, but particularly to ignoring the extreme Rabbinic regulations against kneading clay on the Sabbath (John 9:14 makes the connection somehow). Also because the man was born blind, the work Jesus would do wouldn't be to restore the man's sight but to create for him eyes that see. Some suggest this echoes Jesus' work at creation, making man out of the dust (Gen. 2:7).


There was something about using spit, for Jesus did it more than once-- but the reasons for it aren't clear just yet. Thanks.




John on Apr 16, 2019


Thank you. Sometimes it is helpful to know something is unclear. ;) A little bit of irony is wrapped up in our dialogue about mud and clarity!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 16, 2019


Right? Clear as mud. :-)




Mike on Apr 11, 2019


The three part make up an incredible overview of our Lord's ministry.

Repetition of key truths in often used in teaching and repetition of saying your are good is also a truth often say by all you ministry to.






Wayne Stiles on Apr 11, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the series, Mike! I agree, repetition is so essential to retention--and often to life change. Thanks for repeating your affirmations to me! Really appreciate it.



Ministry of Jesus - Episode 3

Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 1

Ty on Apr 4


Seeing this video again at this time of the year is pretty moving and personal. Passion week can and does bring about lots of emotions to reflect upon. God's best for restoring the opportunity to be close to God in a personal relationship for what was lost (me and all His creation). Pretty sobering time to reflect upon and be ever so grateful.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4


So true, Ty, that the Passion Week continues to inspire us each year. What unspeakable blessings we have because of Christ.




Sandy on Mar 4


I am thoroughly enjoying the 2nd round of Walking the Bible Lands with you. After visiting Israel in 2019 these videos constantly remind me of the very places I saw and walked. Seeing them again without the crowds and with your narrative makes them even more vivid and real in my memory.

We did not visit the church in Bethpage so I appreciate seeing it in this video. The paintings, carvings, and mosaics depict this day well but I am confused about the one with the crowd looking at the person in the tree. Please explain?






Wayne Stiles on Mar 8


Please tell me at what point in the video, Sandy, the person in the tree appears that you were asking about?




Sandy on Mar 8


Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 1 at 4:10. The painting is on a wall by the stone in the church in Bethany commemorating where Jesus got on the donkey.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 10


Now I understand. That person in the tree is just getting branches for everyone to wave. :-)




Sandy on Mar 10






Steve Johnson on Feb 25


Wonderfully done!




Sheron Keeling on Sep 9, 2022


I started this lesson at 10:24am, and I just completed the lesson at 1:37pm. It was packed with so much information that I really had to take my time and let it all soak in. When I was in the Holy Land, I was on a Pilgrimage with 57 people, and so much was going on.

So as I walked down the steep sloop, with the Jewish Graveyard on the left and the Dominus Flevis Church on the right, I did not realize that this had represented two different walls, with different view points. It's so amazing to see the Huldah Gates, where we sat for a devotional, and know that Jesus might have sat, where we sat.


Going through the Marketplace was very busy, different religious backgrounds, so many shops, the crowds were so overwhelming, and the cars were running through the place. There was so much going in inside of the Marketplace. I thank God that He kept me on my feet, as I was walking through the place. It's a hustle and bustle time of atmosphere.


I felt the presence of Jesus surrounding me, cooling me down as we navigated in the Old City of Jerusalem. I could only wonder how it might have been back there when my Savior walked this earth, to reveal Himself as the One and Only Messiah. While knowing that so many people had rejected Him. I have been so blessed by this Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I am stronger, wiser and better, so much better. Jesus shows me just how to trust in Him, obey and I want to become more fruitful and faithful, as I want to know more and more each day about Jesus. Thank God that He sees the best in me, when everyone else might see something different. He loves me unconditionally, and I am sheltered in the Arms of Jesus!


Mr. Wayne, this was awesome lesson today. You have an amazing passion for what you do, and it comes through. Thank you for being a Servant of Jesus!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 14, 2022


Sheron, I am so appreciative of your gracious words. And I am thrilled that you are taking your time with these videos! I believe you will reap rich rewards in doing so. God bless you.




Jeanne on Mar 26, 2022


I enjoy watching these videos more than once because I learn something new each time. Today I realized that God’s looking for a real person, not someone that is hiding behind a good facade. I pray that I will become a real person in a real relationship with him.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2022


Yes, Jeanne, we need the repeated reminders of God's grace, don't we? I'm thrilled that the repeated watching of the videos encourages you to be a real person with the Lord. Great, great insight there. Thank you for sharing.




Ty on Mar 10, 2022


The distance between the two roads is eternal. How true is this statement if one knows what it means personally. Choices and more choices, life is full of them. What drives us in making our decisions?


Gee-whizz, Jesus the meek and mild, the do gooder and then He goes OTT (over the top) making a whip, turning over tables, and driving out people. What would we label that today? Mania maybe or bi-polar?


Lots of evidence being presented to think about and reflect upon. If our time is only in the here and now, how sorry is life? Work, sweat, and toil for what? But and it's the biggest but we all are presented with, if there is more, then maybe just maybe, we need to pay attention to what is being presented and challenged with

by stopping and focusing on life and taking to heart what we are hearing. If life ends in the grave, what's the use, but if there is more, then we'll need more than human help to understand what life is all about. A taster for today and more insights and wisdom coming in the next few episodes. Pretty exciting stuff.




Elvarene on Dec 6, 2021


Blessing Wayne, i said that I would like to go back to Jerusalem to visit and by you my request has been granted. thank you for a deeper and more valuable time spent. i touched the tombs, seen the Temple, walked the streets where Jesus walked, my trip was awesome. thank you for the refreshing of my mind, eyes and heart.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 7, 2021


I am delighted to read your words, Elvarene. Indeed, it is a blessing to travel to these magnificent places – whether in person or through these videos. I pray that the other videos would continue to encourage you. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 18, 2021


This was very interesting to me. I watched it twice. The donkey fulfilled a prophecy, we hold the keys to our hearts that can let Jesus in, Jesus wept over Jerusalem, Jesus said not a stone will remain unturned and the withered fig tree were brought to life for me. I had learned these concepts before but having them explained in this order with the biblical quotes gave me great insight. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


What a blessing, Donna, that the Passion Week video gave you deeper insight into the ministry of Jesus. Thanks for letting me know. God bless you.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Thank you for the videos, this has enhanced my understanding of the Biblical times. I am a daughter of a pastor and I am learning things I never knew. God Bless you and thank you again




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


How wonderful, Connie, that you are learning new truths for the first time. Honestly, we are always learning, aren't we? There is always new insight in the Word of God for us. God bless you.




Kim on Mar 16, 2021


Can we download to watch off line?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2021


Absolutely, Kim. There should be a download button on the page or sidebar.




Debra on Mar 13, 2021


Thank you for sharing these video. So special since we near Easter. We are blessed.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


I'm excited that you are enjoying the Passion Week videos, Debra. Indeed, it is wonderful to see these places as we approach Easter. God bless you. He is risen!




Anita on Nov 13, 2020


It blows my mind our blind hard hearts can become.!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 14, 2020


So true, Anita, we can become so hardened without God's grace. Thank God for His grace.




Mary on Sep 6, 2020


I am enjoying these videos and trying to wrap my head around it and imagine that I am there at the time of Jesus living through his story.

To answer your Question, we have to know what is in our hearts, study the word of God and pray on things we have difficulty with or decisions we have to make that what we do is right. Our actions and how we live our life must be what’s in our heart compared to how we talk. Actions speak louder than words. God knows.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2020


So true, Mary. Actions are louder than words with regard to one another's motives. Even still, I find that sometimes I can do the right actions with the wrong motives. Only God knows the heart, and thankfully, He is forgiving. God bless.




Lynette on Jul 26, 2020


I love all of your videos but this one just may become one of my favorites. Such rich teaching. So much food for thought about the fruit we are to bear. That beautiful chapel overlooking the Old Jerusalem with the cross, the statue of Jesus on the donkey with the children, the contrast of the two walls in Bethphage......you stated so well....close in distance, but an eternity apart. If they would only understand that!!!! Breaks my heart for those who are misled and for the Jewish people (or anyone) who don't recognize Jesus as their Messiah!! Some day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!!!! Even so Lord Jesus come!!!


How incredible to see and walk the steps where Jesus probably left the temple. I try to wrap my mind around that and imagine that....and to think we can still walk those steps centuries later. Amazing. I wonder if Jesus thought about all those, like you, who would walk those same steps so long after him.


And wow, sensory overload in the market place. I would find it hard to know where to start. ;)




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the Passion Week video, Lynette. Indeed it is an amazing place to experience the final week of Jesus. God bless you.




Bette on Jun 3, 2020


I love hearing about Jesus' travels and activities and seeing the places where they happened to make them come alive. I love hearing about the archeologists' findings that help to prove that the things in the Bible really happened to refute the lies the world would have us believe!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2020


Yes, Bette, it's amazing that God has support for His Word buried in the ground and later revealed. Such evidence is hard to ignore with honesty. God bless you-- and thanks for your comment.




Jeanne on May 22, 2020


For me, this is amazing to have the Bible come to life. It creates within me a much better understanding of the Bible and the life of Jesus. Thank you Wayne for bringing the Bible to life.




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2020


I am so glad Jeanne, that the videos are helping bring the Bible to life for you. What better way to explore the life of Christ, if not for being there personally! God bless you.




Gina on Apr 19, 2020


Dear Dr. Wayne.. I just am so thankful for your videos. Not only am I enjoying them and feeling like I'm learning so much from see the actual places Jesus walked and performed miracles and taught but my husband has been watching with me. It is a true blessing to experience this type of Bible study with you. Thank you for making this trip to Israel possible for me though these exceptional videos. I would like to know what version of the Bible are you using? Just curious. Thank you! God Bless your ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 19, 2020


Good to hear from you, Gina. I'm so thrilled that the videos are encouraging you! Oh, and I use the New American Standard Bible (NASB). I pray the Lord blesses you as you seek Him and study His word. I'm excited that you will be able to see so many places relevant to the Scriptures.




Yamilet on Apr 5, 2020


Hi Wayne,

Hey I don’t have facebook can I share the passion week on email or text?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2020


Sure, Yamilet. Just share www.passionweektour.com





Gordon on Apr 11, 2019


I cannot access episode 2 or 3 from Gordon




Dona on Apr 1, 2019


Thank You Wayne for all the videos and manuscripts of the Holy Land. I have truly been enriched and strengthen in my faith by seeing and learning from your ministry. I love and need the transcripts to reread and study. Please continue with this wonderful work of spreading the Gospel in this manner. Yours in Christ, Dona Forbes




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2019


Dona, I'm thrilled that the Lord blesses your time with the transcripts and videos. Lord willing, I DO intend to continue with this ministry. :-) Thank you.




Randy on Mar 6, 2019



Just wanted to say what a great job you have done on your videos in presenting Israel. I've led tours for about ten years now and have thought something like this needed to be offered. Great job.


Randy Sheridan

Burleson, TX.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2019


I'm really grateful to you, Randy, for your gracious words. Thank you. I agree that there is such a need both for review for those who have been to Israel, as well as a virtual tour for those who could never go. God bless you as you lead people to the land of biblical context! :-)



Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 1

Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 2

Bonnie DeFreese on Mar 26


I am having a problem with this video. It keeps stopping on me and freezing. Can you help me?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26


Hi, Bonnie, you might try downloading the video to watch it. If the problem persists, please contact us at Support.




Ty on Feb 8


I have seen this video several times and its impact is quite significant. Wayne and his team do a wonderful filming job while Wayne's teaching provides reminders that are excellent to hear again. There is much to take in and reflected upon allowing the Holy Spirit to guide one's thought processing into a more intimate relationship with our Maker.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8


Thank you, Ty, for your ongoing enthusiasm. God bless you.




Colleen on Jan 2, 2022


Dr. Stiles, thank you so much for these videos. I've struggled so much the last 3 years since the sudden loss of my healthy ( I thought) , active, sweet, Pastor, husband. These videos remind me that God is my Father, and He does have a plan that is much bigger and better than mine. My husband was able to go to the Holy Land about 7 years ago. I hope to be able to go with your group sometime in the future. These videos are a real blessing to me. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 3, 2022


What a blessing, Colleen, that your husband was able to travel to the Holy Land before his journey to glory. And yes! I would love to have you come with me. I have several trips this year that still have space. Please pray about joining me. It will be as life-changing for you as it was for your husband.




Colleen on Jan 7, 2022


I am praying and giving considerable thought to going in June. I just want you to know how much these videos and devotions mean to me. Thanks for all the time and hard work you have put into doing these videos at such an affordable price. God Bless You!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 7, 2022


I'm so glad you are enjoying the videos, Colleen. And I would encourage you greatly to join me in June! Who knows what the future may hold? It will be a magnificent tour…




Colleen on Jan 7, 2022


I know it will be. I have a few questions, so I'll call the information number you have listed. I live in the Texas panhandle, so it shouldn't be hard to join the tour at the Dallas airport. Thank you for replying to my comments!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 8, 2022


Colleen, you're welcome-- and I DO hope and pray you'll join me. If you have any questions I can help with, I'm always here for you. God bless.




Dawn on Oct 20, 2021


God is not done! And there is much to be done that can only be done through prayer, especially now in these very troubled times. Miracles do happen and I am sure of that as I have had miracles in my own life. I am waiting for more miracles for our society,our families, our country, and the world. God is not done!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


That's right, Dawn! Our God is not done. There is so much more to do in the world and in our own lives. May the Lord bless you as you walk with Him each day.




Debra on Jul 2, 2021


Man oh man, this one was so good! This one really hit me in my heart. My 87 year old mother-in-law lives with me and I told her if I ever get to visit the holy land ( I pray every day that I do), I’ll take her eternal prayer with me to place in the wall. She is working on that prayer now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.... For your gift to the world by following His will for your life and in turn blessing others like myself. You rock, Dr. Styles!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 3, 2021


Thank you, Debra! What a blessing that the videos are an encouragement to you and your mother-in-law. I hope that when you go to Israel, you go with me! God bless you.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Wayne awesome video thank you. I was in a dark space when I had to bury my second son, Joseph, he passed away from drugs. This was sooo hard in me. I know God gives you as much as you can handle, I have had to bury two children. I do feel Blesssed for my son, Isaiah was a gift when I turned40 years old. Thank you again God Bless




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


It will take a lifetime and probably resurrection before we can ever fully understand why the Lord allows such dark places in our lives. It is encouraging to know that, whatever we may face, He has faced it Himself on that first Easter—and He ROSE from the dead. That is our future as well.




Kayleen on Feb 9, 2021


Wayne, this video addresses exactly the reason Larry and I travel with students! The questions asked as we journey together are what was answered here!! I rewrote the “answers” to remind myself of their importance!! So often I get caught up in other details that I forget the TRUTH!! Knowing our faith is based on Reality, and, not myth or mystery!! So very thankful for words of truth to share with others!!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 10, 2021


That's wonderful, Kay!! I'm so glad the video was helpful as a reminder of the essentials for your groups. Thank YOU for your enthusiasm and passion to share Israel with students.




Janet on Dec 22, 2020


I learned so much in this series. You are an incredible speaker and we are so blessed by you. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2020


Thank you, Janet, I appreciate your gracious words. :-) I am thrilled that the Lord blessed you through the Passion Week series. I hope that the other videos will also be a great encouragement to you as you dig deeper into the Word of God. God bless you.




Janet on Dec 22, 2020


My husband and I have seen about 30 videos so far.. We appreciate all the time and effort you put into sharing the Holy Lands with us. So far about 70 people have viewed your introductory videos from Facebook and emails we have sent out and just praying they all sign up to be blessed like we have been and continue to be.

Your life lessons at the end of each video is so heartfelt. Thank you again, Wayne.

Alan and Janet




Mary on Sep 6, 2020


We ask God for forgiveness of our sins and have to mean it. We repent to show God how sorry we are. We pray with God to help us,




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2020


So true, Mary. Forgiveness is essential in our relationship with God. You might enjoy reading this post on the two kinds of forgiveness. God bless you.




Mary on Sep 7, 2020


Thank you. I agree with everything regarding the post on forgiveness. Very interesting reading.




Lynette on Jul 26, 2020


I love that history supports and proves the Bible. Just makes me smile!! I'm grateful for the knowledge of archaeologists who can recognize the importance of the ruins they find. I'm sure I would just see a pile of rocks. It's amazing what they uncover.


I remember seeing the Western (Wailing) Wall when I was there in the 70's. I've never forgotten that site.,,,.to see the papers stuck in the wall and them standing so close to the wall. I don't think I ever understood that it was so they could get as close to their temple as possible. Hmm. I also remember the Garden of Gethsemane. I remember being amazed at how small it was compared to what I'd always pictured in my mind. I can't help but think we all must be going through the times of grief and uncertainty with all that's going on in our world today. So much doesn't make sense. But, thank God for His peace during these times as we surrender to Him.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2020


Yes, Lynette, it does help to remember the big picture. God is in control of all things, as is evidenced by Jesus' resurrection. One day, He will bring justice and make all things right. What a day that will be!




Heather on Apr 27, 2020


Having watched through these videos again the fact you raise about God's grace giving us another chance is really good news, that even when we beat ourselves up over our failures He says 'come back, i'm not angry, we can work on it together' How Amazing is His Grace.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 27, 2020


I know what you mean, Heather. It really is amazing that He forgives and forgives and forgives. Such a gracious God!




Apple on Apr 25, 2020


ti is really nice. I enjoy watiching the bible lands it tells me that i am a child of god




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2020


That's a blessing, Li-Ann. So grateful also that you are a child of God. God bless you.




Sarah on Aug 17, 2018


I cannot download this video.


All good now. Thanks. It downloads in a different format but it works.




Tammie on Jul 8, 2018


Learned a lot again! Like the Holy Sepulcher as the original place of Calvary. I was there, but it didn't have the 'right feel' like the Garden Tomb, so I didn't take the time to really see anything in that place. I realized that I lost the real reason I was there- to know Jesus & feel what he went through by those paintings I missed out on.

Thank you for this information! Very grateful for what Jesus did for me & grateful for your video to capture this so well!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2018


Thanks again, Tammie. Yes, the Garden Tomb wants to "feel" right, but history and archaeology points to the Holy Sepulchre.



Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 2

Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 3

Lynette on Apr 8


I love all the videos but this is one of my favorites for several reasons. Seeing the Garden Tomb brings back wonderful memories of being there so long ago. The joy of seeing the empty tomb, even knowing it mostly likely is not the exact sight. The thought of Peter dealing with hearing the rooster every morning after his denial of knowing Jesus...I'd never thought of that before seeing this video the first time. And then the final scene where Jesus reinstated Peter. Just wow!!! Thank you for this series. I watch it every passion week. So grateful for all your work to provide this website.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8


Yes, Lynette, that is my favorite place in Israel — beside the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus and Peter had this conversation.




Ty on Mar 12


Lots packed into this video in the series of 3 of the Passion Week. Wayne and his team produced a wonderful video series for us to soak in the richness of Wayne's teaching and expounding, the sights and sounds of the various places, and the most important part the Holy Spirit to stir us beyond what words can express.




Kristian on Mar 1


Thank you for this mini series and for the great message towards the end. Again, I love how the Holy Spirit reveals tiny details to us so that we are allowed to make connections that were previously hidden.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 2


I'm thrilled that the Passion Week series encouraged you, Kristian. Thank you for lettign me know about it. God bless you.




Steve Johnson on Feb 25


Wonderful!!!! What a blessing! Thank you Wayne and love you brother!


ps - I do have a geography question. After meeting the disciples at Galilee, then they all met back at the Mt. of Olives, because that is where Jesus ascended, AND that is where He will land when He descends (and will split it into, and a river will flow from it - Zech. 14 Correct)? So in Acts 1, He ascends from the Mt of Olives and the angels tell the disciples He will return at that same spot. Am I correct?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25


Correct on all points, Steve. :-)




Juco on Apr 21, 2022


I watched all three episodes so I could get a full picture of the events that took place . It has always been a love of mine to understand the history, customs, and how they relate so I can see the truth of a situation. This tour has been a blessing to open up the knowledge of Israel and it's land and early times.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


I'm so glad you carved out the time to watch all three episodes, Juco. I pray that the videos continue to be an encouragement to you as you see the places so central to our faith. God bless you.




Melissa on Apr 14, 2022


We watched all 3 episodes last night with our small group that meets every Wednesday. It’s been so much fun sharing our joy of visiting Israel with them, and seeing them light up and connect to the Holy Land through your videos has been such a blessing!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


What a great idea, Melissa. Thank you so much for sharing with your small group these significant sites from passion week! God bless you.




Hal Warren on Feb 14, 2022


Amen! Thanks, I needed to hear that.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2022


You are welcome, Hal. I am glad that the Passion Week video series encouraged you. God bless you.




Dawn on Oct 20, 2021


Thank you, The Passion is so heart wrenching. You have so artfully and spiritually developed this series. I am deeply appreciative - it is awesome.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 21, 2021


I am so glad that the Lord encouraged you through the Passion Week series, Dawn. I pray that the rest of the videos will continue to encourage you as well. God bless you.




Sue on Sep 6, 2021


Thank you so much for this series🙏 I really enjoy it. God bless you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed the Passion Week series, Sue. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you! God bless you.




Donna on Aug 19, 2021


What does Tovka mean again. Each time I watch these videos I learn new things.

Jesus has a special relationship with each of us.

Just as He told His disciples to cast on the right side of the boat He tells each of us what to do if we only discern, listen and follow thru. Sometimes we need to pray for grace to do that.

The example of Jesus bringing Peter back to a special place shows how each of us can see Jesus working in our lives by the people, events and timing that enters in.

In my life the timing of numerous events showed the hand of God. If we leave things in God’s hands we will see God’s hand in everything.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I think you are referring to the side called Tabgha. You can watch an entire episode on the site here. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 19, 2021


It was encouraging to hear that God intends our shame to lead us to his grace and that the empty tomb convinces us of this. It was nice He appeared to Peter separately. It would have been helpful to me if some of the hard words could have been printed on the screen so I would have a better understanding of them.

What was the name of Peter’s beginning? Was it Taga? How did they get charcoal?

Thanks for this series of videos.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


Hi, Donna; every episode has a transcript in the sidebar you can download and read along. You never have to wonder what the words are. The place of Peter's beginning again was Tabgha. Charcoal is simply the hot embers of a particular firewood. God bless you.




Donna on Aug 20, 2021


Thank you for your answers. I am enjoying this tour immensely and the interaction!




Bobbie on Apr 23, 2021


I missed this video on Easter Sunday. It is a beautiful video and in its message. Thank you so very much. Love it. 🥰




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Thank you, Bobbie. He is risen! God bless you.




Amelia on Apr 3, 2021


Thank you for these Passion Week videos. We’re sharing them with our Sunday School - tomorrow on Easter Sunday we will share this last one! I think it’s very meaningful that you end it in Galilee where Jesus meets his disciples, particularly Peter It must have changed Peters life & it gave Peter what he needed to become a bold believer of the resurrected Lord so much that he shared Jesus boldly/faithfully with many many people in the years to follow!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Yes, Amelia, I also love it that Jesus took His disciples back up to Galilee to "start over." Such a model for us all.




Susan on Apr 2, 2021


Thank you for these wonderful videos on the Passion Week. I have been so blessed by your explanations of these amazing story of what Jesus did on His last days on earth. I especially loved John 21: 1 - 25 when Jesus reappeared to Peter and the 12 Disciples at the Sea of Galilee. Jesus' gift of grace is the best gift of all.

I was so blessed to be able to take a tour of Israel several years ago, and have loved revisiting all the places that you have taken us to.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Thank you, Susan. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Passion Week videos. God bless you. Your journey to Israel was life-changing, I can tell.




Connie on Apr 2, 2021


Thank you for your videos and sharing all your knowledge with us. You are a Blessing




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Thank you, Connie. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Passion Week videos. God bless you.




Dina on Apr 1, 2021


Thank you for sharing your amazing videos and knowledge with us. What a blessing! May our appreciation of how you encourage us, also encourage you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Thank you, Dina, and you have encouraged me. :-) I so appreciate your gracious words, and I'm thrilled that the Lord has blessed you through Walking the Bible Lands. May He continue to do so!




John and Kathy on Apr 1, 2021


We watched all three Passion Week videos in succession and loved them! They were so compelling and easy to understand. It’s so wonderful to visually see the actual journey Jesus and disciples walked during Holy Week and to hear your narrative to more fully understand the events that transformed the world then, and continues to rock our lives today. Jesus is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! Thanks so much, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


How wonderful, John and Kathy, that the Lord blessed your time with the Passion Week videos! I'm thrilled and I pray He continues to encourage you through Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you both.




Jan on Mar 27, 2021


Thank you for these amazing videos!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


I am so glad that the videos are encouraging you, Jan! May the Lord continue to encourage you and bless you.




Eileen on Mar 27, 2021


Great lessons! God’s grace...how deep , how wide...

Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


So true, Eileen… God‘s grace is absolutely amazing in our lives. How thankful we are for the truth of the Bible.




Connie on Mar 25, 2021


Amen, yes Jesus gives us hope in the world.




Lola Fitch on Mar 23, 2021


I have a question: In Matthew 27:52-53 he mentioned the the saints who had fallen asleep rose and walked through the city. No one mentions or demonstrates this in resurrection story. How come?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23, 2021


Great question, Lola. Other than Matthew mentioning this event, you are correct… No one else mentions it. It is more of an incidental miracle to show the marvelous significance of Jesus's resurrection. These individuals would not have lived forever, but would have died again – like Lazarus. These were temporary resurrections that simply displayed the glory of God.




Teresa on Mar 6, 2021


Can you imagine the joy of the disciples seeing Jesus on the shore after the suggestive net toss? What I personally love about this piece of scripture is the coyness of Jesus in revealing himself to them and the fact that He was preparing breakfast on shore! It's a fun and touching mental picture!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 7, 2021


What a great thought, Teresa! I like how you add imagination and possibility to the Scripture. Keep up the good work. God bless you.




Karen on Feb 4, 2021


What perfect timing to come to this series with Ash Wednesday only two weeks away and Passion Week not far off. I believe it will bring new meaning and I’m sure I’ll reflect back to your videos. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 5, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the series on Passion Week, Karen. I pray that the Lord would give you strength to follow Him faithfully and rejoice in Him completely. God bless you.




Lynette on Jul 27, 2020


I have such a special memory of the Garden Tomb. When my group from college was there so many years ago, we went to the Garden Tomb. We had a devotional time and together sang, "He Lives". I remember sitting on that hillside and watching the sun move across. As we got to the song "He Lives", the sun was completely over the doorway of the empty tomb!!! The thought still gives me chills and brings tears. So powerful! Hallelujah!!! He Lives!!


And what a neat comparison of the charcoal fires!! The Lord provides every little detail to teach us and help us learn. That must have been so amazing for Peter!!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 27, 2020


What a great memory for you, Lynette. Thanks for sharing that.




Bette on Jun 9, 2020


I loved hearing additional information about why Jesus wanted to meet the disciples at Galilee! I already knew about returning to a place where Jesus met Peter-fishing- and asking him 3 times if Peter loved him-he denied Jesus 3 times, and repeating "Follow me" just as he did before. However, I never thought about the charcoal fire Jesus had prepared as being something to remind Peter of the fire at the place he denied Jesus 3 times. No matter how many times you read the Bible, Jesus always reveals something new that you did not see before!


We need to face our failures and sins from the past before we start over with God. We need to learn from our mistakes, so we can become stronger and help others who may be in the same or similar situation with the understanding gained from our past experiences. Looking back to where we first met Jesus, we can see how God has changed our lives to where we are now and how we have grown, just as the Jewish Festivals do to show all the stepping stones their people had in their history walking with God, turning away to worldly things, going through struggles, and finally returning to follow Jesus again through his grace that he gives to them and us today.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 9, 2020


Well said, Bette. I appreciate all of your insightful comments and the wonderful reminder that God is never done with us. Thanks again.




Kay on May 10, 2020


Thank you for this wonderful series! My husband and I watched and enjoyed it! He has been to Jerusalem...I have not. Love seeing the places and relating it to Scripture. I did not know this about the charcoal fire. How cool is that that Jesus cared so much for Peter (and all of us) to restore us if we are willing when we displease and sin against His good and perfect ways. Just to think Jesus wanted Peter to go back to the place where He first called him. That special special place.

Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on May 11, 2020


I'm so glad, Kay, you enjoyed the series on the Passion Week. You might also enjoy the other series on the birth and ministry of Jesus. You can watch all of them here. May the Lord powerfully bless you as you continue to study and grow close to Him.




Rosemary on Apr 8, 2020


Really great series thank you Wayne. It was great looking at the places shown in your videos - it brought back so many memories of visiting all those areas just a few months back. It was so good to visit the Garden Tomb and have communion there. It gave an idea of what it was like. The important thing is that Jesus has risen from the grave and the tomb that he was in is empty. So many great thoughts you shared. I particularly liked the ending referring to Jesus and Peter at the Sea of Galilee where Peter was initially called by Jesus to follow him. I found that area particularly moving when I visited it. I loved what you shared around different things that Jesus used with Peter like the reference to Jesus cooking fish over a charcoal fire and that there are only two references in the Bible to a charcoal fire and that Jesus used this to replace the other one days previously when Peter had sat warming himself by the charcoal fire after denying Him. I also liked the reference that he would feel so much different from then on when he heard a rooster crow in the future. So good. So much to ponder on. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2020


Rosemary, I am thrilled that the videos encouraged you. And yes, I also love that place by the Sea of Galilee where Jesus spoke with Peter. Such grace! God bless you.




Timothy on Oct 25, 2019


My wife and I went to Jerusalem in 1994 and saw the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Gordon's Tomb. We had never heard of Gordon's Tomb before. Our impression of the CHS was "religious tradition"—commercial, busy, noisy and gloomy. Our impression of the Garden Tomb was "Peace and Tranquility". It seemed real: the tomb, the skull like rock face, etc. Now that I have "aged" a little, I see maybe the science of archaeology leans toward the CHS, based on new findings by National Geographic in Oct 2016. I found that a little disappointing. But then, it isn't really a disappointment, is it? Jesus is not in either place! He is at the Throne of Grace serving as our Great High Priest. Halelu-YAH!

I REALLY liked your connections with Peter and Galilee! I will steal that for my next Bible class. Hope you don't mind!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 26, 2019


I really appreciate the objectivity with which you approach the sites, Timothy. You’re right, the holy sepulcher is odd and uncomfortable, but history and tradition and archaeology do give it the upper hand. And yes, you are welcome to use the inside on Peter! God bless.




Linda on Sep 5, 2019


Thank you for the insight you bring to the familiar stories.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2019


I'm so glad you enjoy the videos, Linda. It's an honor to bring familiar stories to our personal lives this way. God bless you.




Linda on Apr 18, 2019


Love, love, love this series!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2019


Thank you, Linda. It's such a blessing to see all those places connected to our Savior. God bless.




Lydia on Apr 5, 2019


I just finished the 3 videos on Jesus' Passion. Great meditation. Easter and the Passion week are only 2 weeks away. As I sit at my computer, I'm so glad that God and Wayne have reminded me that God has called me to forgiveness and erasure of all my sins through the Sacred Blood of my Savior. Now I am free to do as HE asks.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2019


I'm so glad, Lydia, that the Passion Week videos encouraged you. I love the perspective you have about freedom. Thanks.




Tammie on Jul 8, 2018


I love how you recap with the following episode, although I watched it right after the other, that was great. I loved how you taught on Galilee & why God chose that place- it totally connected the dots when you said Jesus' set-up for Peter was unmistakable! Oh, & I loved the places you showed- the bench you sat on was the same bench my daughter & I sat on for a picture. The bench has 2 carved roses on it & both our middle names are 'Rose'- we are the 2 roses! Silly, but we remember that place by that bench, the story of what happened there & the fire by the sea. Did not ever hear about the 'charcoal' fire & it's connection just a few chapters before. Thank you for your teaching on this! I wish everybody could experience Israel, but you've done a great job at pictures & video to experience while sitting at home!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2018


You've captured some great takeaways, Tammie. Glad that bench has a special meaning for you. Such a special place is Tabgha/Primacy of Peter.



Passion Week of Jesus - Episode 3

Life of Jesus - Preparation and Birth

Sandy on Mar 29


I learned so much from the video about the Caesars and the Pax Romana and how God used this time along with the various Herod's to fulfill His promises. Also the video of the Roman Forum brought back very vivid memories of the 100 degree day I was there. Thank you so much for doing a Zoom meeting with us again.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30


I'm so glad the Caesars video encouraged you, Sandy, and reminded you of your trip to Rome. 100 degrees in the Forum? Yee-ouch!




Ruth on Mar 24


My Bible ( New International Study Bible) says the author of James is Jesus brother. Would or should the name be different? You mentioned that in the zoom meeting. Ruth




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25


Yes, Ruth, the author of the book of James is Jesus' half-brother. For some reason, the New Testament has developed the tradition of translating the name "Jacob" as "James," unless, of course, the New Testament is referring to Old Testament Jacob. Clear as mud, huh?




Samuel on Mar 24



I caught most of this week's session and purchased the book about the chronology of Christ. Thanks for doing this study!






Wayne Stiles on Mar 25


I'm so glad the study on the life of Christ was an encouragement to you, Samuel. And I think you'll find great value in the chronology book. God bless you.




Robert Talley on Mar 23


Lake Suzy, Fl




Holly on Mar 23


This is a very good study. Could I join the Live study next week? How do I do this? I saw the replay, and it was good, but it really would be nice to be included in the live study.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


Absolutely, Holly! We'll make sure you're on the list to get notified. See you then!




Holly on Mar 23


Thank you so much!!! Looking forward to it!!




Uvita Scott on Mar 23


This was a very good program. I'm a little late in cliclking on, but all the information shared was inciteful and informative. I didn't know how to click on, or if I was allowed to. Thank you for continuing your godly assignment in my time. Bnkurged (Be Encouraged) always, Uvita...




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


Uvita, you should be able to join in the live session. We'll make sure you get the invite for Tuesday at 11 AM central time USA.




Uvita Scott on Mar 23






Rosemarie on Mar 23


So good to be back to the zoom meetings. I learn so much from you and the group questions. The video Caesars and God's Sovereignty was inspiring. I have been to Rome and saw some of this, but your video and explanation was the best. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


Thank you so much, Rosemarie! Yes, it was good to be back and to interact with each other and with the Scriptures. I'm so glad that the video on Caesars was an encouragement to you.




Rebecca on Mar 23


I enjoyed the video tremendously this morning! Great teaching and discussion. The photographs you include help me so much to relate to the area and to know this road was traveled by Jesus hundreds of times just brings more life into my studies! I know the Bible is real, but photographs showing specific places with some historical background brings God's Word to a whole new level for me! Thank you for bringing Walking the Bible Lands into my home. It has truly made a difference in my life!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 23


I'm thrilled that the session was an encouragement to you, Rebecca. I'm also so glad that the Lord continues to encourage you through Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you.



Life of Jesus - Preparation and Birth

Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 1


on Apr 1

Thank you Wayne. Theses videos are awesome and you explain the Bible areas you film in laymens terms. I really appreciate this. I’m fully into your Podcasts too on a daily basis.


Wayne Stiles

on Apr 2

Linda, I'm thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos and in His Word with regard to the podcasts. It's a privilege to be with you on these "journeys." God bless you.



on Mar 31

Thank you for these and for sending them out via email since I am unable to be there live!


Wayne Stiles

on Apr 2

I'm so glad, Meredith, that the Lord blessed your time with our Zoom group! God bless you.



on Mar 30

Wow! this is excellent, I'm so excited about this series of teaching. Loved the Preparation and Birth. Finally some order to the Gospels.


Wayne Stiles

on Mar 30

Thank you, Zina, for your enthusiasm on the Life of Christ series. I pray the Lord powerfully blesses you with it.



Linda on Apr 1


Thank you Wayne. Theses videos are awesome and you explain the Bible areas you film in laymens terms. I really appreciate this. I’m fully into your Podcasts too on a daily basis.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2


Linda, I'm thrilled that the Lord is blessing your time with the videos and in His Word with regard to the podcasts. It's a privilege to be with you on these "journeys." God bless you.




Meredith on Mar 31


Thank you for these and for sending them out via email since I am unable to be there live!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2


I'm so glad, Meredith, that the Lord blessed your time with our Zoom group! God bless you.




Zina on Mar 30


Wow! this is excellent, I'm so excited about this series of teaching. Loved the Preparation and Birth. Finally some order to the Gospels.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 30


Thank you, Zina, for your enthusiasm on the Life of Christ series. I pray the Lord powerfully blesses you with it.



Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 1

Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 2

Rosemarie on Apr 13


Wayne just last week a friend asked me why Jesus taught in parables and actually I wasn’t very sure myself. Thank you for the explanation and today I am going to call her and tell her.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14


That's great, Rosemarie. The Lord often does that, doesn't He? He gives us what we need when we need it.




Janet VanDagna on Apr 7


Oh my bubble has been burst, so to speak. I never thought the Church of The Holy Sepulcher as being the actual place of Jesus’ burial. I always thought the Garden Tomb was a tomb like Jesus’ tomb, while not being the actual one. Not sure I’m convinced yet. 😊




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8


I know what you mean, Janet. It is really, really tough to set emotions aside and look at the bare facts. May the Lord continue to encourage you as you watch the series! God bless you.



Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 2

Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 3

Holly on Apr 17


Thank you so much for your teaching! I really appreciate it. I've learned a lot. I was just wondering... and this may be a crazy question. On the Good Samaritan Road video, it shows sheep. For the sacrificial sheep - without blemish and perfect, could they be any color? In pictures or paintings, the sheep is usually white. Could it be a black sheep?




Wayne Stiles


Tuesday at 10:09am


That's a great question, Holly. There is no stipulation of color for the sacrificial sheep, other than they be without blemish.






Tuesday at 10:38am


Thank you so much!!


Also, could I join any of your video lessons? Could I be added to your e-mail link for any Zoom/video lessons that you do?




Wayne Stiles


Tuesday at 10:44am


Holly, sure thing. Beth will get ahold of you.



Life of Jesus - Ministry Year 3

Life of Jesus - Passion Week and Ascension



yesterday at 12:30am


I am so bummed I missed the live sessions. I am working during the day, so I was grateful that you posted the replay. I am very excited about the app and new website! Many times I have wanted to watch a video at work during lunch and it was a challenge to access the site depending on the internet signal in the building. This series was really great. I hope you have more.




Wayne Stiles


19 hours ago


Sorry, Diana, I can't offer evening live sessions at this point. I'm grateful that the videos are still helpful and encouraging for you. :-) God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell


Friday at 11:00pm


This was a wonderful conclusion to this series. I enjoyed it so much and found myself surprised in various places. Like seeing the steps Jesus probably walked up and down, etc. What a blessing this program has been. God Bless your ministry!




Wayne Stiles


19 hours ago


Thank you, Wanda, and I'm thrilled that the Lord blessed you as you watched this series. May He continue to do so!






Friday at 5:58pm


I was so disappointed to be flying all week and miss the finale of this series. I just finished it and am so grateful that you post these sessions. I echo everyone’s comments about the tremendous value the series, and all your videos, bring to the study of the Bible. Thank you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles


19 hours ago


Thank you, Don. We missed you too! I'm glad the videos were a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Kim Hansen


Thursday at 7:10pm


Thanks Wayne! I have loved this series. I went to Israel in November and our guide mentioned that the tomb of David being below the Upper Room was the primary evidence that pointed to the Upper Room being the place of the Last Supper. We saw people praying over this tomb. Can you speak to this? Thank you!





Wayne Stiles


Friday at 9:59am


Hi, Kim; I'm sorry to disagree with your guide. :-( The tomb of David is actually just a cenotaph (memorial) of David in the modern synagogue beneath the Upper Room. The actual tomb of David is somewhere in the City of David on the eastern hill (1 Kings 2:10)—totally different location that the Western Hill. The misnomer began when the Byzantines came to Jerusalem and saw the imposing Phasael Tower standing on the Western Hill and assumed it was the palace of David (when it was actually built by Herod the Great a thousand years after David). So... the Western Hill got (mis)named "Mount Zion," and the "Tomb of David" was somehow located here.


The authenticity of the location of the Upper Room is well-described in an article published by Biblical Archaeology Review, entitled "Church of the Apostles Found on Mount Zion." I have included the PDF as a download on this post.






Thursday at 12:21pm


Oh wow!! Loved this series. I have such a deeper understanding of Jesus Ministry. This makes it so much easier to have conversation with people who are seeking to make sense of Jesus' ministry. After being in Israel 2018 all this just pulls it together for me. I did purchase the Israel pictorials, thank you for that discount. Looking forward to the new website and future lessons. I am so thankful for your teachings.




Wayne Stiles


Friday at 10:02am


How exciting, Zina, that the Lord allowed you to journey to Israel in 2018-- and now to relive your significant journey here in Walking the Bible Lands. I'm thrilled for you. God bless you.



Life of Jesus - Passion Week and Ascension

The Geography of God With Us - and Why it Matters

Judy on Aug 15, 2022


Great video to see the big picture of God's desire to dwell with us. I agree with all the previous comments. But as I was watching, I was kind of struck as to why the Ark bounced around so much after the Hebrews were in the Promised Land, ie Shiloh, Beth-shemesh, that guy's house. Why was that? Wars? Irreverence? What were the priests doing in all these different places? After that short summary, I can appreciate why David wanted to build a permanent house for the Lord. Can you elaborate a little more on what was going on in those years when the Ark was moving to many different places? Thanks.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2022


Great question, Judy. I'll be honest with you… For years I wondered the same thing myself. Only recently have I come to understand the fact that God abandoned the tabernacle in Shiloh (Ps. 78:60)— and essentially wandered until the Ark would come to rest in Jerusalem during the time of David-- and ultimately in the Temple with Solomon. It was essentially God's response to Israel's rebellion. The Ark in Solomon's temple was a "reboot" of God's presence with His people. Jeremiah pointed to Shiloh to warn that God would abandon Solomon's temple as well (Jer. 7:11-12), and Jesus pointed to Jeremiah to warn that Christ would abandon the Second Temple as well (Matt. 21:13; 23:38). Amazing how it all connects.




Judy on Aug 16, 2022


This is so interesting! I never made the connections before. And this is what makes the gift of the Holy Spirit living inside us so wonderful and amazing! God will never abandon me (and other believers) because Jesus has taken away my sin (no more cause for Him to remove His presence), He lives in me through His Spirit, and we have Christ's promise of eternally dwelling with God! Wow! A cause for worship and praise to be sure. A truly New Covenant through Jesus! Thanks so much for making the connection for me!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2022


I'm so glad that the video on the geography of God with us was encouraging to you, Judy. Indeed, we have a God who longs to be with his people all throughout history — and eternity! What a blessing we have to look forward to.




Jeanne on Aug 5, 2022


I really like how this video ties it all together, from the garden of Eden to the last days. Sometimes I need the reminder that it’s not just a lot of individual stories but only one story with me somewhere in the middle.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I love the way you said that, Jeanne. Indeed, history is simply His story — and we are somewhere in the pages.




Ty on Jul 21, 2022


Can't say enough about the constant reminders God speaks to us in the gifts He has given to His church. He is a pursuing God and yet He doesn't deny us in using the gift of 'free will' to choose. It's a personal choice we all have to make to enjoy or not enjoy what God offers.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 21, 2022


Yes, Ty, isn't it wonderful how our Lord pursues us? Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.




Hal Warren on Apr 30, 2022


What a powerful video! Bravo!




Kimberley on Apr 20, 2022


I loved this! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


I am so glad, Kimberley, that the geography of the location of God's presence throughout the Scriptures was an encouragement to you. Such a great reminder of His love for us and His desire to be with us. God bless you.




Stacey on Apr 30, 2021


Thank you! The video and music were both beautiful and encouraging. For me to focus on the heart of God to be with me/us this morning filled me with love and joy. I especially like the way you shared the beginning through Revelation. What an amazing future that awaits us. I’m grateful and hopeful.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2021


So true, Stacey. We have a blessed hope that is eternal and that has stretched from eternity past to eternity future. What an honor to find ourselves between those eternities in the grace of God.




Joan on Apr 19, 2021


What fascinates and inspires me thinking about 'God with Us' is the restoration of the Garden-of-Eden relationship I will have with God in that great and glorious New Jerusalem, as He always planned, designed, and is bringing to fulfillment after the Fall! Great discussion--thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


I like that perspective, Joan. Yes, that will be a marvelous time in glory, when the Lord restores all things. All we have to do is hang on until then. God bless you as you wait on Him.




Barbara on Jan 29, 2021


I am a new subscriber, and have enjoyed the videos/teaching so much. To think that God desires to tabernacale with me is so humbling and yet, so special. The few videos that I have watched have opened my understanding to the scriptures. It will help me as I teach others. Again, thank you for giving me this opportunity.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021


I am thrilled for you, Barbara, that the Lord has already blessed you as you have watched the videos. There is still so much to see! God bless you as you teach others and encourage them in the Word of God.




Marlene on Dec 18, 2020


This one is so perfect for Advent! I love these so much. Thank you Wayne and Cathy and the whole team for bringing us this wonderful resource. It's super cool to be able to see the actual locations while hearing the Biblical references at the same time.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 18, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed this video, Marlene. Indeed, it is wonderful to be able to actually see the places where the Bible took place. Amazing! God bless you.




Ty on Dec 17, 2020


Pretty remarkable the Creator desiring to spend time with the created and that is to be forever, however, the Creator gave the created a gift of 'free will' to chose. Sadly a wrong choice was made right at the start for humanity and the innocent relationship with our Creator God was broken. The corruption of sin with its distortion is being passed from one generation to another separating us from our Creator.


God being love and being a pursuing God made a way for humanity to be restored to the original relationship through a perfect gift, God's Son Jesus, freely chose to step into time and make a way to restore humanity's relationship with God on an individual basis. It took a perfect gift from heaven to walk among us to demonstrate what a perfect relationship with our Creator should look like.


God's best (Emmanuel) in walking among us is simply amazing. Yet how does that work for us today as we don't see that Person (Jesus) walking in the natural? Although we are in this world we are not of this world (John 17:16), so our physical and mental capacity exists that keeps us in the natural. This part of us needs to work in partnership with our spiritual side. The spiritual side of us can only be opened by the Creator Spirit and that is only done if personally requested in making that happen through the perfect Person Jesus. In order for us in today's world who can not see Emmanuel, Jesus, we need another gift from heaven, the Holy Spirit. God's gift to humanity now exists in the spiritual where God affirms His leading us with His Son Emmanuel through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. We now rely on learning, growing, and maturing in our relationship with our Creator in His affirming signs in the natural, which the Holy Spirit highlights to us.


God has not stopped with His original plan in desiring to have a relationship with His created beings. That is only accomplished with a free will choice by the created to request Emmanuel to live in one's life with a spiritual awakening in the here and now.


Pretty fascinating the Creator showing and demonstrating His desire to live individually in each of our lives in the Spirit. He desires each of us to walk through the natural to reach our fullness 'in Him' in the spiritual. (Hebrews 10:38)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


You have given a wonderful summary, Ty! Indeed, it is amazing that our Creator would want to condescend and spend eternity with us. Our wonderful Emmanuel is God's greatest gift. God bless you.




Christine on Dec 17, 2020


Thank you so much, Wayne. This is so encouraging. God tabernacles with us and desires us. He proves Himself faithful to us over and over again. We serve an Almighty God whose mercies are new every morning. May He bless you abundantly as you continue to serve Him and us. A joyous Christmas to you and yours.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


Thank you, Christine. Indeed, our mighty and gracious God has gone the extra mile throughout the centuries in order to be with us. How wonderful to see the history of His heart – and to know the hope of our future. God bless you.




Yamilet on Dec 17, 2020


Thank you Wayne for this video timeline. Our Awesome Lord has shown so much mercy to us, may we rejoice and spread the message of Salvation in Christ Alone for Eternal Life! Now more than ever and may our Jesus, King of kings Come!

Merry Christmas Wayne to you and your family!





Wayne Stiles on Dec 17, 2020


Thank you, Yami, for your wonderful comments. I do hope that the video was a great encouragement for you to see the sweeping grace of God across the pages of scripture and across the days of our lives. God bless you.



The Geography of God With Us - and Why it Matters

Jerusalem Rolling Stone Tomb - The Resurrection Assures Your Forgiveness

Steve Johnson on Feb 25


Wonderful, both the tomb (seeing a real stone roll tomb), AND much more the lesson. They empty tomb is like our empty sin record. He has removed them from us "as far as the east is from the west." "Psalm 134 3 "If You, O LORD, kept track of iniquities, then who, O Lord, could stand? 4But with You there is forgiveness, so that You may be feared." Praise Jesus! Praise Abba!




Ann on Jul 27, 2022


‘Such a comfort to read these verses. Thank you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


You are welcome, Ann! I am thrilled that the video on the resurrection was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Marian on May 1, 2022


I have heard of rolling stone and wondered how it could have been accomplished only seeing the tomb in pictures of Jesus tomb made me wonder more. Seeing the rolling stone has made it more real to me and the remarkable undertaking it took to engineer this tomb actually existed. It shows the wisdom of God in unbelievable achievements! I appreciate each and every video I have watched as they bring to life all of Gods word.




Wayne Stiles on May 2, 2022


I am glad that the rolling stone tomb video was helpful, Marian. God bless you. I pray that the rest of the videos will continue to encourage you.




Debra on Apr 12, 2022


That rolling stone tomb is an engineering marvel. I wonder how they were able to cut the stone like that. This video really helps my understanding of both Jesus' tomb and God's assurance of our salvation.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022


What a wonderful combination, Debra, to be able to grasp the archaeological finds and engineering of a first century tomb – all in the context of the assurance of our salvation! Thank you so much for letting me know.




Jeanne on Mar 31, 2022


Wow! To actually see a rolling stone like that. It looked so thick and heavy, no wonder the women asked who would roll it away for them. Anyway, I never looked at this verse as proof as to my sins being forgiven, it just never connected, and I can’t say thank you enough. Many times I think that I am unforgivable, unworthy, and all those things but this really helps. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 31, 2022


I am right there with you in the struggle, Jeanne. One of the great blessings of having the Scriptures is that it gives us something solid to hold onto when our emotions swirl in doubt and discouragement. May the Lord continue to encourage you through Romans 4:25!




Kathy on Jan 22, 2022


A lifetime and ultimately resurrection will make us like Jesus and reflect His IMAGE. Considering what He has to work with in our life....growing older, disease, and life's regular challenges it looks like Jesus has His work cut out for Him. But there is nothing, nothing, impossible with God. Thank you for the reminder, Wayne!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 23, 2022


Yes, Kathy, there is nothing impossible with God. How very difficult it is to embrace that when people are so slow to change. We have to believe it's true though.




Joan on Apr 19, 2021


I know my sins are forgiven now, because of the assurance of that one mighty passage--that Jesus was raised because of our justification! I've put my trust in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross many years ago, was baptized, and now am growing in my faith and Bible learning daily, including and especially with the substantial blessing of these magnificent and revelatory videos and your learned teachings, Dr. Wayne! Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2021


I am excited for you, Joan, that the Lord has brought you so far! What a blessing. I am also privileged to play a small part and encouraging you along in your daily growth and walk with Jesus Christ.




Joan on Apr 20, 2021


Thank you so much, Dr. Wayne! Subscribing to Walking the Bible Lands was on my 'Pandemic Bucket' List (my only such); and it has been the greatest blessing I could hope for, especially at my advancing age! Thank you and your team so much for providing such magnificent and content-rich Bible-Lands video experiences! God bless you all!




Chad Bunnell on Feb 24, 2021


Hi Wayne stiles, Loving these virtual tours and the Word of God, brings peace to my heart and tears to my eyes thank you; I love ❤️ Jesus Christ Amen




Wayne Stiles on Feb 25, 2021


How exciting, Chad, that the Lord is blessing you through these virtual video tours. That's wonderful! I pray that He continues to encourage you through the videos and through the Scriptures. God bless you.




Lynette on Sep 2, 2020


Wow, seeing that "rolling stone" really brings a wonderful visual. And what a great verse (Rom. 4:25) showing the tremendous significance to Jesus's resurrection! Thank you, Jesus!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 2, 2020


Amen! I don't think I will ever get tired of these wonderful verses.




David on Oct 16, 2019


I must say Wayne I keep coming back to this video & message. I think it’s my favorite of all of them! I love the scripture...those verses have become my favorite. The scripture and music combined evoke such emotion in me. Puts me in touch with part of myself I don’t usually notice. Thank you so much...and where exactly is that tomb? I’d like to go see it and read those verses there.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 17, 2019


These verses are some of my favorite too, David. You can find the rolling stone tomb in the park behind the King David hotel. Here's a map. Just wander down the Elimelech Admoni St. and search through the park nearby. Can't miss it. It's also called Herod's Family Tomb (though it isn't). Thanks. (Send me a photo of you at the tomb!)




David on Feb 26, 2020


We’re going next month... I’ll try to remember the picture!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 26, 2020


Sounds great, David. Have a magnificent time!




Joan on Jul 25, 2018


wow i am a visual learner the tomb with the rolling stone was so much peace given. the verses you quoted : Romans 4:25-5:1. i am going to m

memorise those. this year the Lord gave me Romans 5:8 b while we were still sinners Christ died for us.


that is amazing love!! thank you i love seeing places i have read about but may never see in person.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 25, 2018


That's wonderful, Joan. This is precisely why I created Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you on these virtual tours.




Tammie on Jul 8, 2018


Incredible! Loved how you used the familiar passage of Romans 8 & explained it!

The Rolling stone tom- just incredible! Just out of curiosity & because I'm going back there, where is this rolling stone tomb? Would love to see it in person!!

Thank you for the way you ended this video. Jesus' resurrection was proof that our sins are forgiven! Love this! The verse with Romans 4:25 -5:1, with the picture of the tomb in the background... just beautiful!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2018


You can find the rolling stone tomb in the park behind the King David hotel. Here's a map. Just wander down the Elimelech Admoni St. and search through the park nearby. Can't miss it. It's also called Herod's Family Tomb (though it isn't). Thanks.




Tammie on Jul 9, 2018


Thank you for the information AND the map! Very much appreciated!


I was wondering if you had ever been to 'The Shroud'-the museum of Jesus & his cloth- very interesting!

There is a hotel close by that looks like a white castle, but I do not know the name or the street.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2018


No, Tammie, never been to that museum.




Barry on Aug 23, 2019


Wayne, I looked at your new Maps feature and I really like it. I cannot find the Rolling Stone Tomb on it. I want to be sure to see that on my next trip to the Holy Land in March of 2020.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 23, 2019


Great point, Barry. I had located the video at the Holy Sepulcher (since it was about Jesus' resurrection), but I've moved it now to the location of the rolling stone tomb. You'll find it behind the King David hotel (just west of the Jaffa Gate). When you go, just look around for an area that is surrounded by a gate, which is easy to walk inside. The tomb is called Herod's Family Tomb (although it isn't). You'll have to look around a bit in the garden behind the King David, but you'll find it. Thanks.


Jerusalem Rolling Stone Tomb - The Resurrection Assures Your Forgiveness

How to Use Google Street View to Tour Israel

Sonya on Mar 21


A great, valuable tool for exploring Israel. I will enjoy this.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 22


That's great, Sonya. I'm glad the Google Maps video was helpful. God bless you.




Leslie Lance on Feb 3


Iam watching on my phone I don't see a sidebar




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3


You might try turning your phone sideways. For Google Street View, you may need to view it on a desktop or laptop computer.




William on Aug 11, 2022


Very cool




Richard on May 13, 2022


This is fantastic. I really look forward to exploring more of this land where Jesus walked and the Children of Israel lived.




Wayne Stiles on May 16, 2022


I'm so glad that the Google Street view was an encouraging tool for you, Richard. I am thrilled that you are part of our virtual tours, and I pray that the Lord will bless you with every single video.




Holly on Apr 21, 2022


Wow! Thank you for explaining google maps!! I will really enjoy exploring these Biblical sites!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


That's great, Holly! Of course, this works for all sites – but biblical ones are especially helpful. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Feb 3, 2022


No. This will be a bridge of learning I will have to cross! Thanks for the instructions.




Barbara on Dec 29, 2021


Absolutely FABULOUS!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 30, 2021


I'm glad you enjoyed the Google Street View tour, Barbara! God bless you.




Dawn on Oct 21, 2021


I downloaded the e-book for “Off the Beaten Path Sires in Israel” and saved it. I will begin to go over it tomorrow. I look forward to it as I do try to watch 2-3 videos per day. Next week I will be going back to work providing music for developmentally challenged and I hope my arm and shoulder are healed enough to permit me to do it. Aging is not for sissies. I know Jesus is with me and has given me this time to deepen my faith. The material in your videos could be or should be curriculum for a college degree. I feel blessed to have found you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 22, 2021


What a blessing, Dawn, that the Lord is encouraging you so much through the videos during this season of your life. I am also blessed that the Lord has brought you to Walking the Bible Lands. Pray He continues to deep in your faith and encourage you each time you log on. God bless you.




Hart on Oct 6, 2021


Technology is so awesome. Your tutorial was so informative and easy to follow. I will have such enjoyment in my exploring these marvelous biblical sites. Thank you for all the videos, resources, tools, bonuses in the annual payment plan.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 7, 2021


Really glad, Hart, that you enjoyed the video. God bless you.




Rita on Aug 19, 2021


How wonderful! Thank you so much. I'm so excited to have this as I study the Bible Timeline Bible Study. How much richer this will be.





Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


That’s great, Rita! I hope that the Lord blesses you through these resources.




Joan on Apr 20, 2021


I have used Google Earth to visit a few spots in Israel, including the end of the pier at Capernaum at the Sea of Galilee, which I loved doing. Also, the Temple Mount, Church of the Nativity, etc. What surprised me, thinking that David's Tower was North of the Temple Mount, was that it's located remotely of it to the West! I have a lot to learn, which I'm going to greatly enjoy doing so, given all the tips you've given in this Bonus video--thanks so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2021


Joan, you'll enjoy learning about the Geography of Jerusalem soon. That video also a quiz with it you can take to help solidify the places of the Holy City.




Pat on Mar 13, 2021


This is so cool! I'm addicted! We were there in 2016 and didn't see near everything I would have like. At our age, I'm sure we won't be making that trip again, at least in this life. This is such a gift. Thank you, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


How exciting, Pat, that you can still journey to the lands of the Bible virtually! I pray that you will continue to be encouraged through the many tools available to you and especially through the videos. God bless you.




Jae on Feb 21, 2021


I am glad for technology, in olden days not have this ability




Onilda on Aug 27, 2020


Question: I can’t get the blue dots on the map. But, I am able to see the street views through some photos. Maybe google maps updated and changed their site? I can see the location mark for the Temple mount on the map, but not the blue dots on the map. I’m using my cell phone to view it. Love your podcasts by the way! Thanks you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 27, 2020


Onilda, I don't believe you can view the blue dots and Google Street View on your phone. Has to be a desktop! I am so glad you are enjoying the podcasts. God bless you.




Lynette on Jun 21, 2020


As if the site you've put together isn't awesome enough, you also give us so many bonuses and resources. Thank you so much for your generosity. It's just incredible!! You are ministering to countless people through your teaching, resources and insights. You are a gifted and anointed teacher. May God continue to daily bless you and direct you and your ministry. I can truly say that this is my favorite and most useful websites. I am praying for you.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 22, 2020


Lynette, you are very welcome-- and thank you! I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the Web site and that the Lord is blessing your time here. Thank you especially for your prayers; they mean the world to me-- and so needed. :-) God bless you.




Caroline on May 16, 2020


I am so sorry to keep bothering you, I just love your site. I’m looking for the PDF e-book for Tour Specific Sites but when I go to the bonus content, I don’t see anything with that name unless it’s by another name. Am I looking in the wrong place?




Wayne Stiles on May 18, 2020


Caroline, sorry for the confusion here. The PDF e-book you're asking about is in the sidebar of this post. You can download it there! Thanks. :-)




Rosemary on May 15, 2020


Thanks so much for this video explanation. It was really helpful. It should be very useful. I’ve tried to use it before and was dissatisfied but you’ve given some great examples. So now to try it.




Wayne Stiles on May 15, 2020


Google Street View can be clunky at times, but overall it gives a great opportunity to explore. I'm glad the video helped some, Rosemary. God bless.




Tammie on Jul 27, 2018


A tutorial on how to use google maps- loved it! I want to go & explore Israel now!


Is your trip next March still open? I would love to go, since it's over my birthday, but not sure if it's something we can do yet...


Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2018


Yes, Tammie, there is still room on our March tour. Would LOVE to have you join us for this journey of a lifetime. You'll never read your Bible the same.


How to Use Google Street View to Tour Israel

How to Use a Bible Atlas - Interview with Dr. Carl Rasmussen

Henry on Nov 28, 2022


Dec. 2022, The website seems to be occupied with galleries other than that of Dr. Rasmussen. It does lead to tour opportunities although the domain is for sale. Has the collection been moved?




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2022


Henry, I have looked at the page and the links, and they still work as far as I can tell. What galleries are you referring to — and what domain is for sale?




Linda on Jan 15, 2022


Thank you. I’ve never pictured the Biblical story painted like you discussed here. Puts a whole new light on how why God actually chose this place and set the twelve tribes in certain places.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2022


I am thrilled, Linda, that the interview with Dr. Rasmussen was a great encouragement to you. God bless you.




Lenora on Jun 27, 2021


This interview was so interesting. I do have some bible maps but I have not really studied using them. I will definitely get a copy of the book and begin to use it. I cannot wait to see the website with the photos. Thanks for sharing!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 27, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the interview, Lenora. I pray that you will find extra insights when you begin including maps and the atlas in your study of the Scriptures. God bless you.




Heather on Apr 17, 2020


I have not yet seen this but just wanted to say that i have some maps in a couple of my bibles and i will look at them to get a clearer picture of the scenes talked about and even doing that can give quite a good idea of how things were. Your lovely videos really help us to get a better appreciation of the countries involved in the stories, how the land actually looked and it's great to feel as though we're stood there too.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 18, 2020


I'm so glad to hear, Heather, that the videos are an encouragement to you and give you a greater appreciation for the land. I think you will enjoy using an atlas as well!




Nancy on Feb 23, 2020


What a delightful man and an interesting interview. Wow, to have been in Israel for both the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. I read his atlas before my Israel trip, and it really helped me frame what was going on so much better. It's a lot to read, but I got a lot more out of my trip than another friend who hadn't prepared herself that way. This makes me want to read it again!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 23, 2020


Good for you, Nancy. So, so wise to prep before your tour! You will likely get as much or more from a re-read of the atlas. In fact, I keep it beside my Bible when I read each day in case I come across a site I'm not familiar with. God bless you.




David on Feb 22, 2020


Thanks for the interview! His atlas is indeed outstanding. What an interesting life he has lived in the Holy Land.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2020


So true, David! Carl is a fine man with an outstanding contribution to our study of God's Word.



How to Use a Bible Atlas - Interview with Dr. Carl Rasmussen

The Cardo Madaba Map – The Value of Using Bible Maps

Ty on Dec 27, 2022


Got to say no with the question being asked. Has joining Wayne's 'Walking the Bible Lands' Club helped use these more? Sure has, tremendously.


Being a trained mariner with a degree in marine engineering and another in marine transportation, I am drawn to other locations afar and my need for maps/charts. Really, we all need these in all sorts of jobs and situations. Whether these are physical or mental, we all do them at least the mental maps. The bible is the road map to refer to in any and all situations and relationships in life, especially our relationship with our Maker and secondary with one another. So, the reflection gained from this video is refreshing and encouraging.


Love Wayne's passion and gifting along with the talents the Good Lord has given him. A kindred spirit with his map pointed in the right direction.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


The blessing is mutual, Ty. Thank you so much.




Judith on Oct 27, 2020


Thank you. Using geography and visuals of Holy Land to study from a new perspective has been refreshing! I live in NC and we have everything but the desert. I notice mentally I’m trying to relate Jesus’ trips to distances locally. Bible Study with both the history and geography of the sites in the story has been a blessing for me. I pray the Holy Spirit will inspire teachers across America to help them both learn and teach with this resource.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2020


That’s wonderful, Judith. Great idea to relate biblical distances to familiar ones. I’m thrilled the Lord is blessing your time with the videos. God bless.




Lynne on Oct 12, 2020


When I went to the Holy Land a few years ago our guide requested that we get the Satellite Bible Atlas as we would use it in our tours. I got it before we left and was not excited about it at all. I thought - I hate geography so I didn't think it would be useful. We did use it every day on our trip and I grew to love it. After returning home - I use it all the time when reading scripture! I used to often just kind of skip over the names of places in the Bible - now I get my atlas out and find them. It helps me to see that the Bible is history and that these events did happen at a certain place and a certain time. It has totally changed how I read scripture!! Thank you so much for your videos - I am enjoying being able to relive those memories from my time there.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 13, 2020


That is great, Lynne! I am so glad, first of all, that your guide recommended that excellent atlas. And second, I am thrilled you are finding great use for it as you read the Scriptures! May the Lord continue to bless you and your love for the Bible and the Bible lands.




Bette on Jun 28, 2020


I love finding the places in the Bible to help me see where events occur, and how God led His people from Egypt to the promised land, and seeing how far Joseph and Mary had to travel to be counted and taxed, etc. I love connecting Bible events to real places and archeological items to help me prove that these events really occurred and were not just made up stories as some of my nonbelieving friends would have me believe. I also bought and received Rasmussen's Essential Atlas of the Bible and the Satellite Bible Atlas and loved familiarizing myself with the information and colorful maps and charts!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 28, 2020


I am with you, Bette, in that I love connecting the maps to the words. You will love the atlas! More and more it has become a good friend. God bless you as you study and enjoy His Word — and these videos!




Paulette on Apr 24, 2020


Maps are my passion. I have piles of them from visiting Israel several times as well as Turkey, Jordan, Egypt. I LOVED the Madaba Map from the first moment I laid eyes on it. There is a center that helps disabled people with jobs near there. I was able to buy a hand tiled Madaba map of Jerusalem. It is a favorite treasure that I show everyone that comes to my house, whether they like it our not (ha-ha). I am sure most people think I am crazy, but I really like this stuff. I sometimes feel like I have missed my true calling in not having become an archaeologist. Give me something old and ancient to look at, especially when it comes to the Bible, I am all in. LOL!! Thanks for the clear explanation of the Jerusalem map. It was very helpful and wonderful reminder of my visit to the Cardo and the Cardo shops, as well as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Sigh....:0) <3




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2020


I love and share your passion for maps, Paulette. Yes, that Madaba map is amazing! I'm so glad you enjoyed the video. God bless.




Nancy on Mar 24, 2020


I love studying the last book of the Bible (the maps 🙂) and atlases to get an idea of the distance between events, what tribal location events took place in, and the geography of the land to better understand a passage’s context.


I also wanted to mention that during this stay-at-home season, the WtBL videos are not only like a mini vacation to escape the monotony of my four walls, they’re also a needed spiritual refreshment. I’m praying for your team to find creative ways to plan future episodes, should travel remain restricted for a while. You all are a blessing!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2020


Thanks for your gracious words, Nancy. I'm glad you're taking advantage of this extra time at home to dive in to the videos!


I'm also grateful that we were able to film ALL of the 2020 episodes before the panic set in. We literally just returned home a month ago from filming for several weeks. God was gracious to allow us to complete the work before the travel restrictions!




Nancy on Mar 28, 2020


That's fantastic; I'm so glad to hear that—an answer to prayer before it was even asked!




Scott on Feb 16, 2020


Last year you were kind enough to send me the GPS coordinates to the Road to Emmaus where you filmed one of your videos...I would have never found it with a regular map! It was a thrill to find that section and to know very few people have Walked on it (probably for centuries), but to think that’s where the Risen Savior May have walked was priceless! I still don’t know how you found that spot, but oh so thankful you shared it with me. Atlas’ and maps are great, but GPS, along with a great instructor, sure helps as well. Thank you again!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 17, 2020


I'm so glad, Scott, you were able to find that road! I'm really glad that the GPS coordinates helped you. God bless.




Lydia on Feb 14, 2020


Yes, I use maps with my studies and with my adult Bible class. I appreciate seeing the places in the area. My class appreciates the locations and seeing and imagining where the Biblical scenes took place. The maps put my class and myself "in the picture".




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2020


I couldn't have said it any better myself, Lydia. I'm so glad that you and your class use the maps!




Dona on Feb 14, 2020


I love the historical information, the photography & the manner in which you relate God"s Word to the sites. Thank you for your work.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2020


I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the videos, Dona. It's an honor to put these together and encourage you.




Ken on Feb 13, 2020


Splendid overview on the use and importance of maps and Google as tools for understanding the scriptural narrative. One of your best narratives, Wayne. Thanks.


(Indeed we are all "geographers" with maps in our minds that need sharpening with these tools to help us understand the world around us.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 14, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the video, Ken. I also appreciate your encouraging words in general. I like the way you say we are all geographers with maps in our minds. Great perspective!




Martha on Feb 13, 2020


Wayne: Thanks for walking me through areas where I am physically unable to go. I felt as though I was walking beside you as you explained maps and significant places in this video! Stay well, Martha




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2020


Martha, I am thrilled to read your message. You are exactly the reason these videos are made! God bless you.




Allison on Feb 13, 2020


Loved this video, Wayne!!! I love maps!

Is there a version of the Madeba map that is translated? Would love to explore it more, but don’t know Greek!!

Thanks, allison george




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13, 2020


That's a great question, Allison. I don't know of an excellent resource to recommend, but this webpage may get you started. It's a bit clunky, and I wish I had something better to suggest. I found it through an Internet search. Perhaps with some time, you can find a better alternative. Almost surely a book exists that you're looking for. You might browse these titles in Amazon.



The Cardo Madaba Map – The Value of Using Bible Maps

The Middle East Today - Interview with Dr. Charlie Dyer

Linda on Apr 13, 2022


That the areas in the Holy Land are still assessable with what is transpiring in the country’s today. I just wonder with this being the year of the Jubilee will God’s children obey the commandments?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


We continue to pray, don't worry, Linda? How wonderful it would be for the nation Israel to place their faith in their Messiah Jesus! God bless you.




Michael on Sep 4, 2021


Dr. Dyer's comment about Bible prophecy really "hit home" to me. He said, "the furniture is moving on the stage and the curtain will then go up." What a magnificent reference to the alignment of the nations alluded to in the Scripture. Thanks for sharing this great interview. I plan on tuning into his podcast. BTW I follow your podcast regularly. Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 4, 2021


I’m so glad you enjoyed that interview with Charlie, Michael. He is such a wonderful individual, humble, and brilliant scholar. You will enjoy his podcast! Thanks also for letting me know you follow mine. I pray the Lord blesses you through it all.




Michael on Sep 4, 2021


Just a quick question? How often do you add new videos to your site? How can I tell when something new is added? Thank you for your wonderful ministry!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 6, 2021


Hey there, Michael. To answer your question about how often new videos are added, roughly one every other week. Since you are an annual member, you have access to ALL of them. You should be getting an email each week that notifies you of the next video to watch. As far as the new ones, right now they are primarily Greece and Turkey.




Michael on Sep 6, 2021


Thank you Wayne.




Doris on Feb 20, 2021


Each day of our tour we prayed for everyone's safety but felt safer in Israel than USA. It was not until we were in Jordan did we feel a little unease in the transfer in the neutraI zone. Personally, I turned my safety over to Jesus and put in His hands .

I was interesting to hear about Turkey and Israel spiritual relationship. Was wondering how much of Paul's journey tour are still open ?




Wayne Stiles on Feb 22, 2021


Great question, Doris. The tour of Paul's journeys is wide open in Turkey. Also Greece and Rome. It is magnificent to travel to those locations.




Diana on Jan 3, 2021


Wonderful interview! When we went to Israel, all my friends and family were afraid for me. But I wasn't going to let fear keep me from going. Our guide took us right up to the Syrian and Lebanon border where we saw the U.N. building and patrols. He said there is so much negative news in the American media. They make it seem like there is constant fighting everywhere, but the reality is that it is mostly peaceful.. We felt very safe when we were there.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4, 2021


I agree with you, Diana, I have never felt unsafe in all of my travels to Israel. The media is hardly fair and balanced! Their goal is to get clicks and eyeballs, not to report on the truth. God bless you.




Cindy on Dec 3, 2020


What was the date this interview was recorded?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 3, 2020


Thank you for your question, Cindy. My conversation with Charlie was released to members in January 2020. Still relevant in every way. God bless you.




Jeanne on Jul 24, 2020


When I choose this video, I thought it would be boring but it was so good! I don’t really understand all of what happens in the Middle East and how it can relate to God’s word. However this was simple enough and interesting enough to make me want to know more. Thank you. I also would be happy to schlep your bags!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 24, 2020


Yes, Jeanne, Charlie is a wonderful man. I am so glad you enjoyed this video. I can always use another bag schlepper.




Nancy on Jan 26, 2020


What a valuable, information-packed interview; thanks so much for bringing Charlie on. I've been praying about taking another trip to Israel (my first trip was led by Charlie—wonderful tour leader!), but the Iran situation has been a concern. I am so thankful for Charlie's wise insights from so many years of study and travel. It gave me the inside scoop that I would never get from the news. Incidentally, my story is exactly the same as the Nancy who posted earlier. In fact, I did a double-take when I saw hers!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 27, 2020


How great, Nancy, that you got to enjoy Israel with Charlie. (He led my first tour two decades ago.) If you're serious about taking another journey to the Holy Land, I'd love to have you come with us! You can see the upcoming tours here. God bless you.




Nancy on Jan 27, 2020


Yes, thank you; I'm on your e-mail list for the trips already. I have some big obstacles in the way, but if He clears the road, I would love to go!




Nancy on Jan 21, 2020


I was first introduced to you when you were Charlie’s guest on The Land and the Book. You invited listeners to subscribe to your new venture, Walking the Bible Lands. What an extraordinary blessing that has been for me, as well as listening to this interview. I feel that your interaction with one another on the air has come full circle. Thank you both.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2020


I am thrilled, Nancy, that you came to see our videos through The Land and the Book. Charlie is a dear friend and a wonderful resource for all things Middle East! What an honor for both of us to encourage you through the lands of the Bible. God bless you.




Sharon on Jan 16, 2020


The fact that “God always held Israel accountable in the OT” even while keeping His promises to them..... was very helpful as I talk with people that question our support of Israel. It seems there is a romantic notion that everything they do has Gods stamp of approval and therefore the US church must also approve. Loving a God and loving people! Great interview. .




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16, 2020


Yes, that was a helpful point, wasn't it, Sharon? I appreciated Charlie's insight into that aspect of Israel today. I am glad the Lord is in charge of the balance between keeping His promises and keeping them accountable.



The Middle East Today - Interview with Dr. Charlie Dyer

Interview with Dr. Bryant Wood about Jericho

Linda on Apr 16, 2022


I believe that those who seek shall find what they are looking for just like the word that is written tells us. Just waiting for our next “Ah Ha” moment when something else has been discovered solidifies our hope in what God has in store for us.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


That is so true, Linda! Archaeology does a wonderful job of affirming the truths of scripture.




Ty on Apr 5, 2022


First time viewing this video and it was well worth it for me. It is good to hear someone who is seen as an expert connect a bible account (Jericho) to our history's timeline. It is interesting to see God’s leading and connect Wayne to his work where others who have a passion for details along a certain path affirm the bible and the biblical accounts in the Holy Lands in encouraging us.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2022


Yes, Ty, Dr. Wood is an amazing scholar and archaeologist — and such a humble man. It is a blessing to connect with him and others in the field of archaeology and biblical scholarship. Thanks for your comment!




Marilynn on Apr 3, 2021


I really enjoyed Dr. Wood's research on the biblical story of Jericho and the Israelites takeover of the Canaanites.

I love the way at the end after proving the earthquakes, walls falling and fires burning, (all proven by the archaeological digs), in the end it was their faith in following God's command to walk around the walls seven times. By their faith, God was able to accomplish His will. It was a long video but well worth it.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2021


Yes, Marilynn, Dr. Wood is a wonderful hero to so many of us. How rare to have a scholar of his caliber who truly embraces the Bible as well as the truth of archaeology. Looking at both of these disciplines with the integrity to combine them honestly. God bless you.




Hannah on Nov 18, 2020


Dr. Stiles, thank you for sharing Dr. Wood's archaeological work. It is amazing that it could be so detailed support the Bible. May God bless what you are doing and strengthen you on that to benefit people.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 19, 2020


I am so glad, Hongyun, that the Lord encouraged you through Dr. Wood's significant archaeological work. Isn't it amazing how the Lord can use the rubble we dig from the ground to glorify Himself and to affirm His Word? God bless you.




Jen and Lee on May 22, 2020


Dr. Stiles, thank you for sharing these bonus features on Dr. Wood and his archaeological work. I find the archaeological support for the Bible compelling and, when interpreted through a faith based worldview, a strong apologetic tool. Blessings to you and your family.




Wayne Stiles on May 22, 2020


I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview with Dr. Wood. He is an amazing man and certainly a hero among those of us who appreciate archaeology and who uphold biblical truth. Thanks for your encouragement, Jen and Lee.



Interview with Dr. Bryant Wood about Jericho

Artemis of Ephesus and Us - An Interview with Dr. Sandra Glahn

Ken on May 9, 2022


Outstanding interview with Dr. Sandra Glahn! Deepened my understanding of the Acts passage and role of women in the early church and today.




Wayne Stiles on May 10, 2022


I'm thrilled, Ken, that you enjoyed the interview with Dr. Glahn. She is a magnificent woman of God and such a powerful advocate for the Word of God.




Michael on Aug 31, 2021


I really enjoyed Sandra's content concerning Artemis, her role in society at Ephesus and the connection she made with 1 Timothy. I would be interested in learning more. I visited her blog and downloaded the two pieces on Artemis that she wrote. Has she published other work concerning Greek mythology and its implications for NT Scripture? Great interview Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 31, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview with Sandra, Michael. Feel free to connect with her on her blog to ask about her other published works. Thanks for your enthusiasm! God bless you.




Charis on Jul 29, 2021


This has been such a huge inspiration for me to hear Sandra speak. Now I will have to look up her work. I am very interested in what she has studied and how Christ is with us and directing our path. That a woman is the weaker vessel but not less valuable. The verses she has referred to on the woman being saved through child bearing has always had me wondering. Thank you for having her!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2021


What a blessing, Charis, that the interview with Sandi was such an encouragement to you. She is a wonderful woman! May the Lord continue to bless you as you watch the videos.




Nancy on Nov 21, 2020


OUTSTANDING! Sandy is a real life force! I so enjoyed your conversation with her and feel I have some fabulous take-aways! Thanks, as always, Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2020


You're so right, Nancy. What a blessing Sandi is to all of us; such a gift to the body of Christ. God bless you.




Rose on Aug 19, 2020


That was so very interesting. Getting a glimpse of the background of Ephesus.

Thank you. I went on to follow Dr Sandra. To learn more n to grow closer to the Lord through His Word.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2020


That's wonderful, Rose! I am so glad that you enjoyed the video and getting a more thorough knowledge of the background of Ephesus. May the Lord continue to bless you.




Teresa on Aug 17, 2020


Thanks a million for this bonus video!! I was mesmerized. As a single, I came away feeling encouraged about my role and value in the Church. Where I attend all the emphasis is on families. I disciple younger women. I will look at Sandra’s Ciffee Cup series and other books. I am very grateful!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 17, 2020


That's wonderful to hear, Teresa. I am so glad you benefited from this interview with Sandi. She is a wonderful teacher and you will love her work.




Karen on Aug 16, 2020


I appreciate when the Word doesn’t change, but as people study and research outside of what we all were TOLD scriptures meant growing up, a person who’s open to proper context will say, “Whoa, this part, according to that time, actually means different than what I was told my whole life.” God didn't change, but He does correct. Learning a few years ago about Diana (in Acts) and Ephesus culture and temples then, was amazing, especially when it corrected wrong interpretations and contradictions God does not do. I don’t care about roles, but I do care when God gives a legitimate desire and dream and someone pulls up wrong interpretation taught and says NO. Great interview! Thank you both 🙏😁




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2020


Yes, Karen, it is magnificent when context gives greater clarity on God’s word. We still submit ourselves to him and his standard, and it is wonderful when that standard comes into clear review. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve him.




Onilda on Aug 15, 2020


Very interesting! Im doing a study of Timothy right now. This provides great insight! loved it!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


It really does, doesn’t it an Onilda? What an amazing perspective the historical context gives us. God bless you.




Lynette on Aug 13, 2020


Very interesting!! What an amazing Word of God we have. The older I get, the more I want to dig deeper into its truths and grow in my understanding of it!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


So true, Lynette. The Word of God is inexhaustible in its depths and profundity. It is like eating candy and filet mignon at the same time.




Lynette on Aug 13, 2020


What a great way to put that!! :)




Phil on Aug 13, 2020


Fascinating interview Wayne. Dr. Glahn's insights and research were a perfect companion to your visit to city last week.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


Thank you, Phil. Sandi is an amazing woman, scholar, and friend. She really did add a wonderful aspect to the emphasis videos.




Jeanne on Aug 13, 2020


I’m glad that I listened, I don’t have any children and have felt that I don’t really belong in the church because I am childless. I have been told this as well. Thank you so much.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 13, 2020


I am so glad that you listened, Jeanne. Any church that says you don't belong because you are childless is the wrong church to be at. The Bible is full of godly, childless people. May the Lord continue to bless you with truth and the freedom it brings. God bless you.



Artemis of Ephesus and Us - An Interview with Dr. Sandra Glahn

Interview with Dr. Scott Stripling about Shiloh

Sandi on Jan 5, 2022


I think one way God reveals/confirms the Bible to others is through archaeology diggs. The coins would be a great find or finding any artifact would be wonderful. Thank you & Dr. Stripping for this presentation.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2022


Yes, Sandi, archaeology is an amazing "amen" to the truths of Scripture. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.




Rosemarie on Nov 19, 2021


Very interesting interview with Dr Scott Stripling.

Wouldn’t that be fun and exciting to be a volunteer in digging Archaeology. However not in my lifetime but maybe some younger viewers.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 20, 2021


Yes, Rosemarie, it would be exciting to be young and digging in an archaeological dig! Especially the "young" part…




Michael on Sep 1, 2021


Dr. Stripling's interview and the You Tube piece on "Dig at Shiloh" made Shiloh come alive to me. It would be awesome to see this work firsthand. Thanks for including this piece in the bonus materials.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 1, 2021


I am thrilled, Michael, that you enjoyed the interview with Dr. Stripling. Shiloh is a wonderful place to visit! It is especially exciting to know that the glory of God dwelt there for several centuries. Amazing…




Michael on Sep 1, 2021






Karen on Apr 23, 2021


Loved this archeological interview, Wayne




Wayne Stiles on Apr 23, 2021


Really glad you enjoyed this interview, Karen. I am always amazed how archaeology contributes to our understanding and affirmation of the Bible. God bless you.




Diana on Apr 20, 2021


Fascinating how the process of excavating is now. What stood out to me was the reason behind digging up sights. The secularists are trying to find out who they are and their purpose. The bible believers know who they are and where they came from, celebrating that this is holy ground where the bible events actually happened.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2021


I appreciate your perspective, Diana. So true! The worldview we have determines how we see the world – and everything we do in it.




Christy on Apr 22, 2020


I LOVED this. If only I were much, much younger … I was so blessed by his devotional comment at the end.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 22, 2020


I know what you mean, Christy! And yet, how much wisdom we have gleaned in our years… God bless you.




Donna on Oct 15, 2020


I agree Christy, if I were younger I would be going.




Wayne on Feb 4, 2019


Wow! Quite a revealing update on how modern archaeology is conducted. It supplemented nicely Wayne's recent video, plus my being at Shiloh last year.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2019


Thank you, Wayne. Be sure to watch this week's video on Shiloh! :-) I'm so glad you got to go there last year.




Mary on Feb 2, 2019


Loved it!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 3, 2019


I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview, Mary. God bless.




Mary on Jan 31, 2019


Wayne, thank you so much for including your interview with Scott on Shiloh! Very interesting and I love learning more about this subject. I was not aware of this web site and will be checking it out. I"m a subscriber of BAS. I'm signing up for ABR. Thanks again for always teaching us! Blessings




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2019


Yes, Mary, I really enjoy ABR and the magazine Bible and Spade is really great. I recommended it as a resource some months back, and you can download a sample edition to check out.




Mary on Jan 31, 2019


Is Shiloh hard for the normal tourist to get to because it is in West Bank? What is around Shiloh? I'm just curious. I've been to Hebron, Bethelem, and Taybeh, Bethany, Hebron, Nablus, Tiberias, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv. on a church trip in 2015. We went to other cities but these are the main ones.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2019


No, Mary, Shiloh is not hard to get to at all. It's fully accessible and I've taken a number of groups there. It's just north in a direction most tours don't go. If you've been to Nablus, you've driven right by Shiloh, most likely.




Mary on Jan 31, 2019


That trip was such a blur that it doesn't surprise me I probably drove right past it! I can't wait to go again with your group once you go again. We can't do the March trip. But I"m 99.9% sure we are going to your next one! lol! I guess I should say, 'Lord willing"!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 1, 2019


That's great, Mary! (By the way, that tour is going to Shiloh! See it here.)




Mary on Feb 1, 2019


I will start praying about this trip! I see that you go to more sites that you don't visit in your other Israel trip but this one doesn't spend as much time in Jerusalem. I'm torn, do I go on this one or wait for when you do the other trip. Praying about it for sure! Maybe I could do both. Lord willing!




Michelle on Jan 31, 2019


Gained further insight. Very interesting. Thank you !




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2019


That's wonderful, Michelle. So glad!


Interview with Dr. Scott Stripling about Shiloh

Top 6 Lessons from the Holy Land Webinar

Susan on Apr 3, 2022


Trusting in God alone is probably the hardest for me. I need to really think about this one though I have walked with him now more than 30 years. I don't want to be put in a position where I have to test the trust, if that makes any sense. Though as I look back there were many times that I have felt He was with me in difficult times, I always felt that He was behind me encouraging me forward...more like He was trusting me to do the right thing rather than me following Him. I want to follow Him but I guess I don't wait on HIm long enough and perhaps He is still waiting for me to be still. But being still seems to be so lazy.......




Wayne Stiles on Apr 4, 2022


We are all still in process, Susan. I am right there with you in the journey to struggle to trust the Lord more. May He strengthen you through the Scriptures to trust him more.




Joyce on Jun 21, 2021


Am I longing for God's kingdom, or just for this life?


Each of the questions packs a punch and brought me up short and has made me think!


I also liked the connection of God-water-life.


Thank you Dr Stiles for the Light you shed.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 21, 2021


Hi, Joyce! I just saw your comment and thought I'd say hello. I'm thrilled that the webinar was encouraging to you and "made you think." :-) God bless you.




Greg on Sep 20, 2020


My first trip to Israel was February 2010. Shortly before the trip I had developed a hernia but I was not going to have it checked because I did not want to miss the trip. On the flight over I took too much dramamine, my blood pressure dropped and I passed out. This causes me to get sick and the consequences stuck with me the rest of the trip. One of the consequences was a terrible cold. I was continually blowing my nose and I didn't get more than four hours of sleep each night. Yet, just arriving in the Land blew away all my expectations. We had just arrived in Tel Aviv and traveled only to the hotel, but overlooking the Mediterranean that first night I said I would do it all over again in order to get back. All through the trip I was in awe of everything we saw and did (except I couldn't enjoy the food that first trip).


That fall we began a study on Jesus' ministry and it included talking about various locations in Israel. After having seen many of those places the Bible came to life! That fueled the passion and longing that GOD has put in for the Israel. I have been blessed to have been to Israel four more times and I have loved each trip. But there is SO much I have seen only in videos or in my reading. I don't think spending an entire year in Israel would begin to scratch the surface of what GOD has in store there (but I would be very willing to try!).


This teaching has been such an encouragement to me, as I am sure it has been and will be to so many others. Blessings to you, Wayne, for your obedience to GOD.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 22, 2020


I am thrilled, Greg, to read about your passion for the land of the Bible and especially for the Lord. What an honor for you to have traveled to Israel so many times! I pray that the memory of these secret places would continue to give you a greater understanding into the Scriptures and into God's working in your life.




Lauralee on May 14, 2020


I guess I was supposed to say which of the six resonated with me the most. It's hard to pick just one because each of them addressed an important area of my life and spiritual growth. I especially love to think that God has me where He does to build my faith. He has certainly proven himself faithful in all matters and has met my every need! Once again, thank you for your great lessons, Dr. Wayne.




Lauralee on May 14, 2020


These insights shared by Dr. Wayne are absolutely spot on, practical and inspiring to my walk with the Lord! Thank you so much! I want to share this with everyone!




Wayne Stiles on May 14, 2020


Thank you, Lauralee. I share this webinar each week publicly, and you're welcome to invite others to it. Here's the registration page link you can share: http://bit.ly/TopLessonsHolyLand




Cindy on May 14, 2020


I love the example of Peter in the Returning. Instead of focusing on something in my past for which I would like to have a "do over", I am reminded that God in His grace takes us back to that moment and says, "lets start again"! How freeing is that?? Great reminder. Great encouragement!




Heather on Apr 29, 2020


I feel the top lesson for me is that of Returning. It stood out when first watching this video and still stands out the most on the subsequent viewings (twice more). I journal and when I read back there has been many times of returning mentioned. Sometimes i am slow to learn, maybe even reticent to let go of what is keeping me back but i thank God for His patience. I will likely revisit this video a lot more, it's very insightful, thankyou.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 30, 2020


I'm so glad the top 6 lessons video encouraged you, Heather. These are lifelong lessons, for sure. In fact, they were the most-often struggles and challenges for Israel in the land as well. We're in good company! God bless you as you continue to follow Him.



Top 6 Lessons from the Holy Land Webinar

How to Search Your Atlas in Evernote


on Nov 9, 2020


From the posts below it looks like I might be a little late. I just saw this video today about Evernote. I do not have it. I do have Office 365 and thus I already have OneNote. I know that they are not the same but it would save me buying something new if OneNote will work. Does anyone know if OneNote will work similar to Evernote? Currently I have never used OneNote but have used the other Microsoft products.




Wayne Stiles

on Nov 10, 2020


Hey, Stephen. I've never used OneNote, but the key is having an application that will perform OCR-- Optical Character Recognition. That way, you can upload the PDFs and search them for particular text. You might upload one and give it a try. God bless.





on Nov 10, 2020


I just searched to see if OneNote has OCR and what I found was that it did have it. I will have to try and see if it works. That may take some time since I must learn how to use OneNote. Thanks again for the quick response. I am currently in the middle of quarantine due to exposure to a covid positive person. I am doing fine with no symptoms at all.
I do agree that OCR and the maps would be a great thing to have. Thanks again for the quick response.





on Nov 10, 2020


I just did a little more checking. I already have Microsoft 365 personal which costs me $69.99 per year. It is great since it has Excel, Word, Outlook and so much more along with OneNote that I am only now checking on due to your suggestion of OneNote. I did check to see that it does have 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage. It may be just what you need also.





on May 8, 2020


Is there a free Bible Atlas that I can download?



Wayne Stiles

on May 8, 2020


Great question, Laura. Honestly, I don't know of any free atlas worth downloading. But the Zondervan Essential Atlas is only $11 on Amazon. Worth every penny.





on May 15, 2020


I think the Zondervan link is broken...fyi




Wayne Stiles

on May 15, 2020


Thanks for the note, Caroline. I am not sure what Zondervan link you are referring to. Happy to help, if we can.





on May 15, 2020


It was further down on that page...toward the bottom. It was in a blue hyperlink.

Then again, maybe I am crazy.




Stephen on Nov 9, 2020


From the posts below it looks like I might be a little late. I just saw this video today about Evernote. I do not have it. I do have Office 365 and thus I already have OneNote. I know that they are not the same but it would save me buying something new if OneNote will work. Does anyone know if OneNote will work similar to Evernote? Currently I have never used OneNote but have used the other Microsoft products.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 10, 2020


Hey, Stephen. I've never used OneNote, but the key is having an application that will perform OCR-- Optical Character Recognition. That way, you can upload the PDFs and search them for particular text. You might upload one and give it a try. God bless.




Stephen on Nov 10, 2020


I just searched to see if OneNote has OCR and what I found was that it did have it. I will have to try and see if it works. That may take some time since I must learn how to use OneNote. Thanks again for the quick response. I am currently in the middle of quarantine due to exposure to a covid positive person. I am doing fine with no symptoms at all.

I do agree that OCR and the maps would be a great thing to have. Thanks again for the quick response.




Stephen on Nov 10, 2020


I just did a little more checking. I already have Microsoft 365 personal which costs me $69.99 per year. It is great since it has Excel, Word, Outlook and so much more along with OneNote that I am only now checking on due to your suggestion of OneNote. I did check to see that it does have 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage. It may be just what you need also.




Laura on May 8, 2020


Is there a free Bible Atlas that I can download?




Wayne Stiles on May 8, 2020


Great question, Laura. Honestly, I don't know of any free atlas worth downloading. But the Zondervan Essential Atlas is only $11 on Amazon. Worth every penny.




Caroline on May 15, 2020


I think the Zondervan link is broken...fyi




Wayne Stiles on May 15, 2020


Thanks for the note, Caroline. I am not sure what Zondervan link you are referring to. Happy to help, if we can.



Caroline on May 15, 2020


It was further down on that page...toward the bottom. It was in a blue hyperlink.


Then again, maybe I am crazy.


Start free trial

Passion Week LIVE Walk

Frances Tencza


Saturday at 12:42pm


This was very moving and I remember our group walking this way on my Jerusalem Prayer Team in 2019! It was in the Fall and would have been so much more meaningful during Passion week!




Wayne Stiles


20 hours ago


What a blessing you had, Frances, to walk on this very special ground and to see Jerusalem from the vantage of our Savior. God bless you.




Shireyf on Apr 13, 2022


Enjoyed the walk, This time of the year. Now I will watch next video of Passion Week, thanks to you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 14, 2022


That's a great combination, Shireyf! Thank you so much for your gracious words. God bless you.




Frank on Oct 26, 2021


When our group entered the garden of Gethsamane, our hearts were stirred by the teachers leading our tour. We then disbanded and took some time to walk through the garden and contemplate the day when the Lord Yeshua knelt, prayin to the Father that the cup of His suffering could pass, but as He sweat droplets of blood, He knew that for this very puorpose He came into the tabernacle of humanity, to take away our sins, and open the Way for us to enter in through His Door to eternal life. It just overwhelms me to know that I put my Lord on that Roman cross., but it gives me more joy than anything I have known. Haleluiah to the King of kings!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 26, 2021


I love hearing of your experience in Gethsemane, Frank. Indeed, it is a magnificent place to ponder the suffering and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for sharing.




Sharon on Mar 23, 2021


This is wonderful to see again. Thank you so much for these videos. I would love to go back someday.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


I am so glad you enjoyed the Passion Week walk. If and when you go back to Israel, I would love to have you come with me! God bless you.




Sharon on Mar 25, 2021


Could you send me your information about your travel dates to the Holy Land. I’m requesting this from North Carolina. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021


Absolutely. You can see all the upcoming travel dates, tours, and information on my Tour Page. Would LOVE to have you join me on an upcoming tour-- even this fall. God bless you.




Peg on Mar 13, 2021


I love that we can experience your videos during the seasons of life, it is the Lenton season and I plan to come back and re-experience this again during passion week. Thank you for making Christianity feel so real as we can experience this Palm Sunday walk and what the Easter season is all about.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


What a blessing, Peg, that the Lord has encouraged you through the Passion Week video. You may be aware already, but I have a three-part series on the Passion Week; you can watch it here. God bless you.




Greg on Sep 16, 2020


Your videos are your teachings only stir up my "homesickness" for Israel even more. And they have been a source of encouragement to me as I deal with so many struggles and disappointments on a daily basis. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to GOD. I look forward to even more.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 16, 2020


I am right there with you, Greg, in homesickness for Israel. I am thrilled that the Lord has encouraged you through the videos, and especially that He has encouraged you in the midst of your disappointments and daily struggles. God is good, and His goodness flows to us through Scripture and encouragement from one another. May the Lord encourage you today, brother.




Lynette on Sep 11, 2020


Thank you for this video. Just you walking down that long path helps me realize how Jesus must have come into the city. It's good to be reminded of the events that led up to Good Friday. I need to remember to watch his every year of passion week. Thank you for your insights and applications. They are always so meaningful, thought provoking and personal.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2020


I am glad you enjoyed the virtual walk, Lynette. If you have not already seen them, you might also enjoy the 3-part Series on Passion Week. It goes much deeper into all the details of the week. God bless.




Lynette on Sep 11, 2020


Yes. I watched those a while ago. Thank you for that reminder. All your videos are so amazing and beneficial. I'll re-watch that set also. Actually marking that on my calendar to make sure I remember next year.




Denise on Sep 8, 2020


I love the last supper. Precious picture of fellowship with God and other believers.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2020


So true, Denise. The Last Supper was the first Lord's Supper – and it is a wonderful communion between us, the Lord, and the body of Christ.




Ellen on Jul 12, 2020


I say just a big AMEN for this video, and for every video that I see here.... words are not enough how to describe it.... I am overwhelmed and so blessed by this virtual tour. God bless you, Sir Stiles. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020


I am so glad, Ellen, that the Lord is blessing the video series for you. May it continue!




Tammie on Apr 6, 2020


I am amazed at how relevant your video is for the time we are living in now with this worldwide pandemic. Such encouragement!

I am wondering what the meaning of the red cross on the door to Gethsemane stands for. It has a cross with 4 red crosses in each corner....

You walked down that big long hill, talking the whole time- that's stamina right there!

Thank you for this video! Tammie Elis




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2020


Tammie, I'm glad the video encouraged you; it's always amazing how timeless the truths of Scripture are.

As far as the cross, it's called the Jerusalem Cross, and it was used in during the Crusader period for a number of decorations and banners. Thanks.



Passion Week LIVE Walk

Thanksgiving from Shiloh - How Gratitude Comes from One Simple Word

Michael on Mar 17


Wayne- I am thankful for your messages. I have 39 people signed up for an Israel trip in February. I got to baptize my grandson and daughter in law in Dallas a couple of weeks ago. I get to share the gospel with 300 leaders on Tuesday. I praise God for His open doors.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18


You have such a tremendous influence and opportunity, Michael! God bless you and your significant work.




Marcia Visker on Sep 7, 2022


I am thankful for my 9 grandchildren, from Sophomore in High-school to Sophomore in college, who all have professed a faith in God! What a joy it is to sit around and share our faith together!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2022


Your family is rare, Marcia! You are exceedingly blessed.




Kathy on Apr 28, 2022


I am grateful for the many blessings in my life- too many to mention here however number one is my deep faith in God as well as my beautiful growing family and my health. I am enjoying these videos immensely and thank you for creating them Wayne!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


I just saw your message here, Kathy, and I want to applaud you for your grateful spirit in recognizing the blessings in your life. I'm also thrilled that the Lord is encouraging you through these videos. May He continue to do so! God bless you.




Linda on Apr 28, 2022


Well it is the week after Easter 2022 that I’m watching this video and I am very Thankful for you Wayne Stiles for these videos giving me the opportunity to see and learn about the Holy Lands.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Thank you, Linda, for your gracious words. It is a joy to bring these videos to you, and I take great joy from your participation and encouragement. God bless you.




Grace on Feb 14, 2022


Today, I am particularly thankful for Christian friends. I've been a widow for 11 years, and my life is rich, for many reasons, especially friendships.




Frank on Nov 6, 2021


I have forgottonm to add that I am thankful for Israel, and the faith of the patriarchs, for without which we would not have Yeshua.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Amen, Frank. I'm also grateful for those wonderful people-- through whom came the Messiah.




Frank on Nov 6, 2021


Hi Wayne, I trust you are well, and that you are enjoying time with your family this weekend. I am grateful for so many things that I could write a whole notebook full of thanks for which I am grateful to God. First, I am thankful that I am free from slavery to sin, and addiction. Foremost, I am thankful for the cross of Christ which set me free, and paid the full price to redeem me from all of my sins, past, present, and future. In addition to those, I am thankful for the abundance of food, and a nice home with climate control, a nice comfortable bed to sleep in at night (and daytime naps), a reliable and presentable Caddilac to transport me to church, shopping, and just to go for a nice country ride in. I am thankful that God chose to have me be born as an American, and to this day we can still enjoy our freedoms to worship as we see fit, to listen to music all that I want to, to enjoy good, wholesome television programs from my youth (because the stuff they put out these days stinks), to enjoy great preaching from all parts of the world, via the worldwide web, and all of the amazing archaeological programming, such as this great work of virtual tours that you produce. Thank you for enriching my life, and God bless your socks off and keep you and your family in the family of our Almighty Father God, and His Son, Yeshua




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Frank, I love your enthusiasm! Thanks for listing all of the things (or many of them) you're grateful for.




Michael on Oct 27, 2021


I am thankful for God’s greatest gift, salvation, which was bought at a very great price. Beyond that, God’s blessings are to numerous to fathom or articulate. I’m awed by His splendor, grace, mercy, beauty, graciousness and on and on. I look forward to eternity in Heaven with God, as undeserving as I am.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 28, 2021


These are wonderful blessings you're thankful for, Michael. In fact, they are the BEST. So many of His blessings also come in other people, which we'll also spend eternity with. Including you and me! :-) God bless you.




Michael on Oct 26, 2021


Thanks for your insights, I have been to Israel twice and walked that road multiple times, but never connected it with Palm Sunday. Your videos connect a lot of dots, they will help when I go again in May. May God continue to bless your work.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2021


I'm so glad the video was helpful and an encouragement to you, Michael. God bless you.




Frank on Oct 26, 2021


When I watch something, hear something, or read something about what Yeshua has done for His children, this praise comes pouring out from my heart, and mouth. A song named B’chol libi.


B’chol libi, Ahalel ot’cha With all my heart, I will praise You

V’et chayai, Akdish l’cha And my life, I will dedicate to You

Omar, Adon ata El(i (I’ll say, Lord, You are my God

Kavashta et libi You have captured my heart.)

B’chol kochi, u’med-odi With all strength,

Ahalel ot’cha I will praise You

Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, Hale-halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, HaleluYah,

Halelu, Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah

B’chol libi, Ahalel ot’cha (With my whole heart, I will praise You

V’et chayai, Akdish l’cha And my life, I will dedicate to You.)

Omar, Adon ata El(i (I’ll say, Lord, You are my God

Kavashta et libi You have captured my heart.)

B’chol kochi, u’med-odi With all strength,

Ahalel ot’cha I will praise You.

Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, Hale-halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, HaleluYah,

Halelu, Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah

V’ze nachon et chayai (And it is true,

B’yadeichcca eten I will place my life ion Your hands.)

Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, Hale-halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah, HaleluYah,

Halelu, Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah

Halelu, Halelu, Halelu, HaleluYah




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2021


Thanks for sharing the lyrics to that Hebrew song, Frank. God bless you.




Frank on Oct 28, 2021


I should have attached the URL so that you could hear it. The singer's voice is so sweet and soothing.




Frank on Oct 28, 2021




there it is. I hope you enjoy it.




Robert on Oct 19, 2021


I am Thankful that God reached down and saved me. He has sustained me and kept me.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 20, 2021


I am also thankful, Robert, that God reached down and saved you. Isn’t he gracious?




Lisa on Oct 9, 2021


God knew that I wanted to get closer to Him so he brought me to Walking the Bible Lands & Wayne Stiles. My days now are filled with love from Him, which I know has always been there, & so much joy. I have grown so much closer to Him and am thankful to Him & to you.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 10, 2021


I praise the Lord to read your words, Lisa. What a blessing that He has encouraged you through the videos. I pray He continues to do so! God bless you.




Lynn on Sep 6, 2021


I thank God for the trials in my life that have broken me and drawn me closer to My Gracious Merciful and Wise God.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 7, 2021


Wow, Lynn, how amazingly mature and insightful is your reflection. Your words remind me of the psalmist's confession: "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees." (Ps. 119:71)




Bob on Aug 24, 2021


I am thankful for this series of videos you, Wayne, and others have produced on God's Holy Land. What an encouragement and blessing they have been both to my husband and myself. Thank you for sharing Christ's heart in each message. Lamentations 3:21-24





Wayne Stiles on Aug 25, 2021


I'm grateful to you too, Linda! Thank you for taking a moment to let me know how much God is encouraging you through the videos. God bless you.




David on Aug 18, 2021


I am thankful for a godly wife who serves by my side in ministry as missionaries here in Peru, South America. She is a virtuous woman indeed!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2021


Yes, David, you are blessed indeed! How wonderful that your wife has those around her who rise up and call her blessed.




Bob on Aug 5, 2021


Every Thanksgiving, in my prayer time instead praying for people and situations, I just list the things I am thankful for. I keep the list from year to year and add to it each Thanksgiving. I am up to 116 things, but number 1 every year is "my salvation" that I did not deserve!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2021


What a wonderful idea, Bob! Thank you so much for sharing it. Indeed, we have so much to be thankful for — not the least of which is our salvation by grace.




Trish on Jul 24, 2021


God has delivered me from 2 months of near hell, living in a group home where at 72, I was ridiculed, sexually abused, stollen from and much more. I thank God for His deliverance of me, to a safer home. I love this series Pastor, Trish Williams




Wayne Stiles on Jul 26, 2021


Praise God for how He has delivered you, Trish! May He give you comfort and may He give you courage to share that comfort with others who desperately need it as well. (2 Cor. 1).




Taylor on Jul 10, 2021


I'm grateful that the Lord loves me even when others reject me.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2021


Amen, Taylor. And so often is this truth able to be applied! Thank God for His unconditional grace.




Veronica on Jul 8, 2021


Thankful that after 28 years of marriage we are working to restore our marriage instead of divorce.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 9, 2021


May the Lord powerfully bless you and your husband, Veronica, as you trust Him to do what only He can. I applaud you for your hard work.




Jeannie on Jun 26, 2021


God healed my cancer. He blessed me with 5 grandsons, my home and my faith. I want to share all that with others.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 26, 2021


What a marvelous testimony, Jeannie! Thank you so much for sharing.




Carol on May 4, 2021


Thankful for the wonderful and rich teaching you offer.




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2021


I'm so glad the Lord is encouraging you through the videos, Carol. May He continue to do so! God bless you.




Pam on Apr 12, 2021


I'm thankful for his love, mercy, faithfulness, forgiveness and instruction. I can not do life without Him. I never want to be without Him. Learning more and more everyday.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Yes, Desdia, I am right there with you in gratitude for God's love, mercy, faithfulness, and forgiveness! What a gracious God we have. God bless you.




Lola Fitch on Jan 29, 2021


It is such a gift to share with others what God has given me. I am grateful for so much my heart is filled with joy. Thank you Wayne for sharing your God-given talents of travel and knowledge with us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021


Thank you, Lola, for your gracious words. It is such a joy to share these videos with you, and I am thrilled that the Lord is blessing you through them.




Paul on Jan 23, 2021


have a homeless and working poor Ministry. Imm thankfull that God provided me with the funds and circumstances to help an elderly lady get a car. Found a high mileage car that ran graet for the funds I had of $3250. I paid the $3250 and she paid for inusrance and taxes,

She didn't have a car because the car she had was broke down bc of a ccomputer problem that no one would work on for her and she didn't have the money anyway.

She was broke bc she went to get a covid test for her work as a department manager for Walmart and found out she had bad heart damage, asthma, half fher kidney use and bad lungs. Now she is devistated living in a mobile home and had no car to get to doctors, food pantries etc.

I just thank God in Jesus name i was able to help her and give her some hope with the short time she has to live. She is a Christian and prays with her sister everyday!

God Bless!





Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


What a blessing for you, Paul, to be God's hand to show His love to many who may see it no other way. God bless you as you serve for His glory.




Jen and Lee on Nov 28, 2020


Dr. Stiles, I am thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness. Thank you for the short video reminder. I hope you have a wonderful Advent season. -Lee




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


Thank you, Lee, for your encouraging words. I pray that the Lord would powerfully bless you and Jen this season.




Anita on Nov 27, 2020


Oh Lord I thank you for Your love, Your sacrifice for us, Your Word, Your gift of faith and Your gift of the Holy Spirit.All we have to do is believe and look what we receive!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 27, 2020


Beautiful prayer, Anita. Amen...




Mary on Nov 26, 2020


I am grateful that God is always revealing new things in His Word through dedicated teachers.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


Amen, Mary. I share that gratitude along with you. God bless you.




Martha on Nov 25, 2020


I am thankful that God heard my prayers over the last year and directed me each step of the way through making the decision to move to Frisco at this stage of my life in order to be closer to family, friends and my church. Looking back I see how perfectly He coordinated each detail according to His will and in my best interest as I strive to continue serving others for His glory until my journey on earth is completed!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


Isn’t God good, Martha? Thanks for sharing this with us.




Deb on Nov 25, 2020


I am thankful that my late husband and I visited Shiloh in 2017. We enjoyed the Visitors’ Center and the video we saw there, and we loved walking all around that special place in Israel’s history.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 26, 2020


What a blessing, Deb, for you to see Shiloh in person. I’m thrilled you had that joy. God bless you and your wonderful memories.




Bette on Nov 24, 2020


I am thankful for God’s love for me and how he shows he cares for me in every part of my life! I am thankful for the troubling times he brought me through to show he never forsakes his children and all the amazing miraculous things that he has done in my life at the very last minute to teach me to trust in him completely to answer my prayers. I am grateful for the little surprises he gives, like when I was hoping to see a cardinal one winter and just 2 minutes later saw a female and then about 6 others joined it one by one!! ...a multitude of blessings given and I was not even praying to God about it! I wanted to see just one, but he gave me a flock playing close to my window for about 10 minutes!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 25, 2020


Isn't it wonderful, Bette, how the Lord hears our prayers down to the last details? The cardinals showing up after such a simple prayer is also a great encouragement that the Lord hears the big, "impossible" prayers we offer Him. They are just as easy for Him to answer. God bless you.




Kerry on Nov 24, 2020


thankful my Father's promises are true, He will never leave or foresake me. HE knows me coming in and going out. When I rise and when i lie down, He keeps me and pleasures in me. I am made in His image and I am as His own child. He prays for me. My dear savior has been where I am, understands more than i know, hides me safely in His arms.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


These are wonderful promises to claim, Kerry. Thank you so much for including them here. May the Lord bless you and continue to give you such a wonderful, grateful heart.




Lydia on Nov 24, 2020


Thankful for LIFE, For my Church, friends, loved ones,God




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


Those are wonderful blessings to be thankful for, Lydia. May the Lord bless you even more this next year.




Kathlyn on Nov 24, 2020


I am so thankful for your videos! My first ever trip to tHe Beautiful Land was cancelled due to COVID-19, so I am spending more time learning and preparing for the time I will be able to go in person....Lord willing! Have a blessed Thanksgiving :)




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


Thank you Kathlyn. Indeed, COVID has redirected all of our tours this year. Hopefully, the Lord will open the doors again next year. By the way, I have a tour in the fall that would be ideal for you. I would love to have you join me. God bless you and have a blessed Thanksgiving.




Janice on Nov 24, 2020


I am thankful for God’s mercy and for the great love He bestows on us. He has given me many blessings.

I am so grateful that I was able to visit Israel in February right before the COVID shutdown. What a wonderful experience. The combination of that trip, the Bible Map app, your books and Walking the Bible Land videos has enriched my walk with the Lord. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


I join you in giving thanks for that blessing, Janice. Indeed, and how thankful I am for how much the lands of the Bible have enriched our understanding of Scripture. What a treasure! God bless you.




Brenda on Nov 24, 2020


I’m thankful for God’s Word, His ever presence, and just who He is! He is truly an awesome God. His mercy and his love are enduring. His faithfulness is truly a gift. I’m overwhelmed with thanksgiving to him.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2020


It's true isn't it, Brenda? He is so good! His grace is absolutely astounding. May God bless you as you grow into a deeper and deeper understanding of Him.




Robin on Oct 6, 2020


So very much that I am thankful for!!! But recently my very "spiritual" (as in crystals, rocks, reiki,....idols) dad has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior!!!!!

His cancer is back, stomach, liver, spine and pelvis...but thats ok! in fact thats exactly what it took to finally get his attention. I couldnt be happier that as his body is dying his soul is secure!!! God is so good!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 6, 2020


Wow, wow, wow… What an amazing God we have, Robin! I rejoice with you.




Lynette on Sep 11, 2020


It seems the list of things to be thankful for are endless. I'm so grateful and thankful for God's love, mercy and grace. I'm thankful for His Son and Holy Spirit that He's given to us. I'm so grateful to be part of a weekly Bible Study where we begin each session stating who Jesus is to us today (or this week) and where we've seen Him work that week. What a wonderful way to keep us focused on God's blessings. I'm thankful for His provisions and protection through this pandemic. I'm thankful He's still on the throne and in control. I'm grateful that while this pandemic has shaken our world, good is coming from it also. And I'm thankful for you and your ministry, What a blessing!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Sep 11, 2020


It really is amazing, isn’t it, Lynette? The Lord used a simple, small virus to stop the world in its tracks. He is so powerful with things so small. I enjoyed reading some of what you’re thankful for. I share some of those same gratitudes. God bless you.




Christine on Sep 5, 2020


I have so much to thank my Lord for,,every day is a blessing and as I look back on my life I can see God’s hand guiding and directing me. He healed me from Cancer, He brought me to beautiful Devon to live, I have been blessed with a loving family and the Robin who greets me and spends time in my shed on my allotment is a gift from God. I was planning to visit Jerusalem again this year but that has not been possible because of the pandemic, yet I have the video’s you have made Wayne and I can virtually walk the land and find true blessings and teachings, thank you and thank you Lord for every good gift you bless me with.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 5, 2020


Amen, Christine! I'm encouraged to read your words of gratitude and thankfulness to God for His blessings in your life—from the simple ones to the profound. May He continue to give you the grace to recognize His gracious hand in your life. By the way, I have several upcoming tours to Israel next year. Would love to have you join us. God bless you.




Catherine on Aug 25, 2020


I am Thankful for Wayne and this series.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 26, 2020


Thank you, Catherine! I'm grateful for you too. :-) May God continue to bless you as you watch the videos and study His Word.




Thelma on Aug 14, 2020


The Covid19 got me closer to God since being home everyday, attending virtual masses at EWTN and praying the rosary has become part of my daily routine. I read the Bible more but your videos has strengthened my faith further and my understanding on the life of Jesus. I am thankful that I am spiritually closer to Jesus and Mother Mary. I have been to the Holy Land and I wish I saw your videos first. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


I am so glad, Thelma, that the videos have been an encouragement to you. There really is no better way to grow deeper in love with the Lord Jesus Christ than to read the Bible. The book of John is a great place to dig deep. God bless you.




Ellen on Jul 12, 2020


I am continually thankful for the Lord's protection especially in this time of pandemic... He is our refuge and strength. Thanks and God bless you more, Sir!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020


Yes, Ellen, that is a wonderful reason to give thanks. God bless you.




Penny on Jul 11, 2020


I am thankful for discovering "Walking the Bible Lands" during these challenging times in our country. Awesome job Wayne Stiles!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 12, 2020


Thank you, Penny. I am thrilled that the Lord has led you to join and to be a part of this community. I pray that the videos continue to encourage you.




Edith on Jun 9, 2020


I am so thankful for the healing of melanoma cancer that God did for me on the cross so many years ago. I was told by the doctor that I had melanoma cancer on my right thumb. This was in October 2017. They cut out that portion of skin and replaced it with some of mine. Also did a biopsy of the lymph nodes to see if it had metastasized. Yes was their answer. Now by this time I had been declaring “by his stripes we were healed” 1peter2:24. Also I spoke to the cancer cells and told them to died in Jesus name. After many test they could not find any cancer. What happened to the biopsy that showed it had spread to the lymph nodes? In Jesus name I was healed and can proclaim to all who have ears to hear the truth of what God provides for his children. Praise God !




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2020


How gracious of God to heal you of the cancer, Edith. I rejoice with you that His sovereign plan included your healing. God bless you.




Rebekah on Jun 3, 2020


I have started a tradition of going to the wetlands near my home on Sunday mornings so I can meet with a small group from Beijing and not wake everyone in the house up at 6am). I’m thankful for this solution because it gets me out into the beauty of God’s creation. After the meeting was over on Sunday I saw two deer and spotted a bald eagle in a tree, I also saw what looked like a canary on the path, and had to duck my head from three sparrows. The nature was incredible. I’m thankful that I was able to capture much of it as my battery was past it’s second warning of low battery. And I think the Lord is bringing a peace. I was able to use my photos to illustrate Psalm 23, which helped me meditate on the scripture too as I thought about the appropriate pictures for the verses. I feel the Lord is working to bring a stillness to me/ bring me to stillness. “He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23:2b-3a I want to thank Him for His creation, and for the work He is doing in me.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 4, 2020


What a wonderful privilege you have, Rebekah, to live so close to the wetlands. My wife also loves the outdoors, and you two would be kindred spirits! You may have already seen the video on the sheep and shepherd, but your Psalm 23 mention urges me to invite you to watch it again. God bless.




Julia on Apr 13, 2020


I'm thankful that God loves me.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2020


I love the simplicity of that, Julia. It is so simple — and yet so profound, isn't it? Thanks and God bless.




Pam on Dec 10, 2019


I am thankful to Elohim that he has given my a deep and abiding love for His people, the people of Israel. I feel called to haAretz by Elohim, and I am just beginning my 7th semester of modern Hebrew studies, as I continue to seek discernment on His call to this endeavor.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 10, 2019


What a tremendous privilege you have, Pamela, to study Hebrew for so long! May a deeper knowledge of God's Word give you a clearer picture of God's will for how He would have you serve Him. I applaud you and look forward to His leading in your life.




Brenda on Dec 4, 2019


Thankful for God’s grace and mercy, above all.!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2019


Thanks, Brenda. I too am so grateful for His grace. Thanks for your comment, and God bless you.




Judi on Dec 3, 2019


I am so very thankful for my family - a part of them, 17, around my table this Thanksgiving. God has blessed us so much. I am thankful for Jesus' offering and those who have asked Him into their lives and I pray for the others - that God will make himself real to them. I am also thank for for these films - for the places I have seen and those I have - yet! Blessings!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 3, 2019


Wow, Judi... 17? What a blessing! Your quiver is certainly full. :-) I'm grateful for you and I pray God blesses your family and your time here at Walking the Bible Lands.




Denny on Nov 28, 2019


I am thankful that the radiation burns on my neck are healing.






Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2019


I’ll join you in that prayer of thanksgiving, Denny. God bless you.




Gayla on Nov 28, 2019


I am so thankful this year, for protection and safety. With many miles on the road, no serious accidents. And for protection and safety for my family as well. I feel His arms around us; his angels guarding. Thank you for your ministry. You are truly a blessing to so many who can’t make those trips you do. May you and your family have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving day!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2019


Thank you , Gayla, and may the Lord continue to keep His arms around you and protect your family. God bless you.




Ian on Feb 20, 2019


We have only joined recently but Ruth and I are really appreciative of the videos and are loving the “watching and the learning” that occurs. Thanks for people like you and Brad Gray (went to Israel with) and our God who is so good!! Ian




Paulette on Dec 5, 2018


My heart overflows with thanksgiving. Thank you for this devotional at Shiloh. Wondering if you could outline where on the site the tabernacle sat from above. That would help a lot if that would be possible. Thanks, Wayne, for all you do!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 6, 2018


Hi, Paulette. This short video from Shiloh is more about Thanksgiving than anything. I plan to do a full-length episode on Shiloh in 2019, so more is coming! As for the probably placement of the Tabernacle at Shiloh, it would have stood at the northernmost edge of the current excavations. I've put a pin here on Google Maps so you can see the spot. Please let me know if that doesn't make sense. God bless.




Billy on Dec 4, 2018


Though Thanksgiving was bittersweet this year - my mom went to Heaven that morning - I am thankful she was my mom. She was the first to tell me about Jesus. My parents gave me a Christian home for which I am forever thankful.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 4, 2018


Billy, you and I share a common bittersweet memory. My mother also went to heaven on Thanksgiving some years back, and it colors the holiday differently now. As you say, there is joy along with sorrow-- but still gratitude. May the God of all comfort give you the strength you need each day as you move forward in life without your mom. God bless you, brother.




Billy on Dec 6, 2018


Thanks Wayne.




Mary on Nov 27, 2018


I am thankful for God's redemption through His Son, Christ Jesus! And for His abundant blessings!

Thank you, Wayne for blessing us with these videos and your time and sacrifice to show us how the land "speaks"!

God bless you and your family!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 28, 2018


Thanks, Mary, for your encouraging words. May the Lord bless you and your family as well with a deeper knowledge and love for Him!




Dave on Nov 26, 2018


Thankful for a special time in South Padre with our Austin Texas tribe. The water was as cold as iced tea but my grandkids could care less when the waves are rolling. May our praise and thanks keep rolling as we finish this year.




Betty on Nov 25, 2018


I am thankful for a happy family.




Ben on Nov 24, 2018


For the fun I have had to see the land come alive ( my SS teacher calls it the 5th gospel ). May the Holy Spirit direct you as you reveal what the land says in 2019. The LAND is always talking -- we may not hear or understand. Ben




Wayne Stiles on Nov 24, 2018


I have heard and I like the idea of the land being the "Fifth Gospel," as it certainly aids in our understanding of the text. Thanks, Ben, for your passion. :-)




Steve on Nov 23, 2018


I am thankful for the air in my lungs, all the blessings I receive daily and do not deserve, my friends and family, and I am thankful for you Wayne. Joining your ministry has brought me joy beyond anything I expected. Thank you for everything you do and may the Lord continue to richly bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


What an honor, Steve, to play a part in what the Lord is doing in your life. Thank you for your gracious words.




Bonnie on Nov 23, 2018


I am grateful to God for restoring my knees and healing them 100 percent. My health is very good and I can do everything I could do before knee replacement.




Gordon on Nov 22, 2018


I am extremely thankful to God for His many Attributes. I am also very interested in Shiloh because I regularly support a splendid organisation led by David Rubin who is founder and director of Shiloh Israel Children's Fund dedicated to easing the trauma of terrorism in children and rebuilding the Biblical heartland of Israel.




Lydia on Nov 22, 2018


I am most thankful for my place set in Heaven. Thank you, LORD.

I am thankful for my family's health. I am thankful for all the wonderful things the Lord has allowed me to do.

I am thankful for you, Wayne and your beautiful spirit!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thank you, Lydia, for your gracious words. God bless you.




Stacey on Nov 22, 2018


I’m thankful for God’s eternal plans and promises. All suffering WILL end......There will be a day!




Nancy on Nov 22, 2018


This year, I’m thankful God brought healing to my family from a 40-year estrangement from one branch of our family. How magnificently beautiful is the reality of Psalm 133:1, “how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”




Bob on Nov 22, 2018


I am most thankful that God brought me back to faith after I had walked away.




Chris on Nov 22, 2018


i am thankful for God’s faithfulness to us. And, especially thankful for my family and friends.




Anita on Nov 22, 2018


I am thankful for God's patience, grace and mercy. For the blessings and the trials that have caused me to seek Him. Thanks Wayne




John on Nov 22, 2018


I'm thankful for God's faithfulness and steadiness... like the rocks of Israel that appear to be "unshifting" and solid, He is our Rock.




Gary on Nov 22, 2018


We are wonderfully blessed by our children and grandchildren. And yes our country of USA as well. Divided and troubled times but it is SO comforting to know that God is in charge! Thank you Wayne for your ministry and help keeping us centered on the person of Jesus Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Amen, Gary. And you're welcome! It's a real honor and I'm grateful to God that He has encouraged you.




Brenda on Nov 22, 2018


I’m so grateful for the Lord’s constant presence in my life; love, forgiveness, and the constant nudge the Holy Spirit gives of conviction of sin. I’m thankful for his precious gifts of not only salvation, but family, friends, church family, and ministering opportunities through my work. I’m so thankful for the Word- written and living - actively working in my life and others. The Lord is so worthy of praise! He has blessed when I have deserved the opposite.




Rick on Nov 22, 2018


We are grateful for having had the opportunity to make our first trip to Israel, October 15-28. Thank you, Wayne, for the way in which your videos helped prepare us for the trip, while also providing many devotional insights on the various locations we visited. Happy Thanksgiving!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Rick, I'm so glad the videos helped prepare you for the trip of a lifetime. I hope they also help to solidify your experience now that you're home-- and also take you to places you didn't get to see! God bless you.




Joseph on Nov 22, 2018


I am thankful for this blessed country we live in and that God is in control and that I am not.




Wayne on Nov 22, 2018


So thankful for the Lord's faithfulness to lead, guide, direct and keep us and our family. Blessed Thanksgiving Wayne for you and your family!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thank you, Wayne! God bless you.




Gregory on Nov 22, 2018


So thankful for God’s provision, protection, direction, and wisdom. Wayne your ministry has been a special encuragement to myself, and our little group of believers! Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thank you, Gregory. I'm thrilled that God has blessed and encouraged you through Walking the Bible Lands. What an honor. Thanks for taking a moment to tell me.




Linda on Nov 22, 2018


I am thankful and grateful for Gods provision of His Holy Spirit and the WORD, both which guide me through this journey called life. I am grateful that this life is just a journey as I walk towards eternity and all the wonderful promises that await His followers!




Jean on Nov 22, 2018


So much to be grateful for...why is it that loss seems to prepare the soil in which thanksgiving grows...we do serve an awesome God❣️




Kay on Nov 22, 2018


I’m so thsnkful to be a child of God because of His love, goodness and sacrifice, Behold what manner of love, that we should be called the children of God”. I’m also so grateful that my father came into a personal relationship with Jesus before he died at age 95! I’m grateful for my grandmother’s prayers that are most likely were a part of my coming to Christ as a teenager although she died ehen I was only 3 years old. Forever grateful, Kay




Mark on Nov 22, 2018


I'm thankful for the love & grace of God; for the love of my family; for the fellowship of fellow believers.




Jeffrey on Nov 22, 2018


Thankful for God, friends/family and you. Looking forward to knowing my family who watch these videos one day. Blessings on you all!




Lora on Nov 22, 2018


I am thankful for all the family and friends that have a special place in my heart. In the past 4 years both my husband and my mom passed away just 8 months apart. Since then I’ve been on a journey of pursuing a closer relationship with Jesus. I’ve been blessed beyond measure as I live a new life of walking with Jesus day by day. And I’m thankful that I know have time to spend in learning more about God’s Word through advance studies and ministries like “Walking the Bible Lands” Thank you Wayne, your Ministry has added depth not only to my understanding of the Bible, but also to my relationship with Christ. God’s Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving Day! Love is Christ, Lora Raymer




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


There is no greater honor, Lora, than to know the Lord is blessing you through the trials He has allowed-- as well as through the videos on Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you as you continue to seek Him.




Natalie on Nov 22, 2018


I am grateful for God’s great gift of love and His mercies which are new everyday.




Karen on Nov 22, 2018


I’m thankful that from day one of the fall of man God was a head of satan and provided salvation! I’m also thankful for my billions of faith siblings, and immediate family. Awesome and informative video, Wayne. You and your family have a super blessed day, and all days ahead in Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thanks, Karen! I'm thrilled the video encouraged you. God bless you and your family.




Norene on Nov 22, 2018


Wayne thank you for your comments. As I thought on these things the Lord has reminded me “again” of His faithfulness. I am so thankful that no matter what I do or others do in my life God is faithful. He is faithful to His promises and to His word. We serve a faithful God. May your whole family reap blessing upon blessing from the Lord.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thank you, Norene. Yes, the Lord has been gracious to me and my family. Your prayers mean so much.




Marion on Nov 22, 2018


Happy Thanksgiving - I am thankful for you and the wonderful teachings!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


You're welcome, Marion. Thank you and God bless you.




Ben on Nov 22, 2018


I am so very thankful that God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to this earth and made provisions to pay for my sins through His Son's death on the cross so that I could be offered the greatest gift of all (salvation from this life) and through my acceptance of that gift be adopted by Him and be a son of His and become a joint heir to His throne with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! I am thankful to be a Son of God!




Nancy on Nov 22, 2018


I am thankful for the hope we have in answered prayer. I don’t know how or when this prayer will be answered, but I know the God who hears and cares is faithful.




Craig on Nov 22, 2018


I am very grateful for my health. I retired from. the pastorate 6 years ago and since then have had the health and time to do many physical challenges. that were in my bucket list.




James and Carol on Nov 22, 2018


We were blessed to be in Shiloh with Wayne and to bring home all the memories of what we learned about God in Israel. Our experience didn't end when we got home - it continues on day to day, as we live out the lessons we learned.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Yes, Jim and Carol, Shiloh was a great blessing to be RIGHT there. I'm grateful the Lord blessed our time in the Land.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2018


What am I thankful to God for? After I lost my job without warning, it caught me completely flatfooted. But I also saw the potential that fear had kept hidden. Fear of leaving an executive position in a ministry I enjoyed serving kept me from seeing my potential to start Walking the Bible Lands. I then realized how all the years behind me had prepared me for the path before me. Upon reflection, loss gave me a perspective—even an opportunity—I never would have had otherwise.


I'm thankful to the Lord for the privilege of leading these virtual tours for you. And I'm thankful for each member who takes these tours to the Bible lands.


Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you!




Steve on Nov 22, 2018


Wayne, I am thankful for you, your transparency and your ministry. God is using you to influence, encourage and inspire many for his kingdom. Toda! Steve




Robert on Nov 22, 2018


God’s provision & guidance through your journey continues to be a tool of encouragement.

“Let me tell you how God used crazy circumstances in the life of guy named Wayne to guide and direct him from pastoring...to writing...to executive leadership...and then to a very unique ministry...”

Thanks for all this transparent sharing Wayne. Happy Thanksgiving.




Linda on Nov 22, 2018


Isn't it just like God to take a humbling and trumatic event to turn it into joy and glory to God. I am learning what truly is valuable is our suffering which yields beautiful hearts and ministries.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Yes, Linda, the Lord has been very gracious to redeem what the locusts have eaten. God bless you.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


Thanks Robert, for your gracious words. It's a real honor to hear them.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 23, 2018


I'm thankful for you too, Steve.



Thanksgiving from Shiloh - How Gratitude Comes from One Simple Word

Best Bloopers of 2017 from Walking the Bible Lands

Lana on Nov 20, 2022


Ha ha ha! Loved the elderly lady walking by, and It never occured to me these were memorized lines :) Guess I just assumed, like Marcia :) You do a great job. Thank you SO much for making "Walking the bible Lands" available.




Marcia Visker on Sep 7, 2022


That was SOOOO funny! And I always thought that you were so good and did it perfectly every time! 😂 The old lady walking by as you were talking about Sarah was hilarious!🤭




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2022


I am glad you got a smile out of the bloopers, Marcia! Definitely we do not always get it right the first time. :-)




Karen Demorest on Aug 30, 2022


So sweet! And I thought you did it perfect the first time always! I really enjoy your calm and friendly demeanor in all your videos. Investing in your Biblical treasures has been a great value added to my life.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2022


Hardly perfect the first time, Karen! I now use a bluetooth ear prompter which saves us tons of time. Be sure and watch the interview with my cameraman, Scott Wilson. :-)




Karen Demorest on Aug 31, 2022


I will definitely watch that interview. Scott seems like he's a pretty humorous guy and a keeper as a cameraman!




Connie on May 7, 2022


loved it...





Charles and Linda on Apr 12, 2022


The 2017 bloopers are the best of the lot.

Try to do an even better one in the future : )




Wayne Stiles on Apr 13, 2022


Happy to make you smile, Charles and Linda! I will do my best at better bloopers in the future. :-)




Frank on Nov 6, 2021


This was a great follow-up from your previous video about thanksgiving. It's funny, and it shares how difficult remembering lines from a script can be, and how all of the details have to be right in place before a take can be accepted. Keep up the great work, and feel free to share more bloopers in the future, because I am sure they will happen.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


Yes, Franks, those bloopers will keep coming, for sure!




Juanita on Oct 4, 2021


Thank you so much for allowing me to learn that I'm not alone when it comes to making mistakes! LOL.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 5, 2021


You are definitely NOT alone, Jaunita! Mistakes are more common, it seems, that successes in my life. :-) God bless you as you press on.




Taylor on Jul 10, 2021


Wow...tougher than it looks to make these videos! Can you get a Starbucks expresso before shooting to help with concentration? WWJD?




Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2021


Starbucks before a take? GREAT idea.




Lucy on May 21, 2021


Thanks for sharing these moments. It was an opportunity to see how much effort goes into each one of these. You generally make it look effortless! Your team must be a good one. Thank you for making all of these. ("Howie" must be so very proud!)




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


I appreciate your affirmation on these bloopers, Lucy. It is far from effortless!




Mary Jo on Apr 29, 2021


Thank you, you made me laugh, but also it shows the hard work and precision necessary to enlighten and teach the Word of God. Blessings.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


I am laughing alongside you, Mary Jo! Thanks for your encouraging note.




Janet on Apr 7, 2021


These were great, Wayne! The elderly woman walking by was the best of show! Thanks for making us laugh, A merry heart does good, like medicine. Proverbs 17: 22. Thank you for these daily virtual trips to the Holy Lands. We absolutely are blessed by each one.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021


I am thrilled, Janet, that you get to smile in these videos as well as ponder the truths of Scripture. Yes, that elderly woman walking by was classic, wasn't it? You can't make this stuff up!




Marilynn on Apr 5, 2021


I very much enjoyed this video. It made me laugh and I felt such relief to know that you aren't perfect and that you have a great sense of humor.

God certainly chose a wonderful man in you, to share all of the lessons for us to learn. One of them being that He can use gifted/imperfect humans for HIs purpose. Thank you for sharing.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 5, 2021


Oh, Marilynn, if you only knew! :-) I would love to put so much more humor into the videos, but I can’t see where to squeeze it in. If you haven’t listened to my podcast, there’s a whole lot more laughter there! God bless you.




Elvarene on Feb 26, 2021


Blessing to you and thank you for all that you do. i really enjoyed the bloopers video. i laughed through it all, you were good, thank you for sharing. I wonder how Jesus perceive us in our fallible state, He is not laughing. But thank you Jesus for your Help...




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2021


I'm glad you enjoyed the Bloopers, Elvarene! It's helpful to remember we're all prone to mistakes and need God's grace.




Estrella on Jan 6, 2021


I love these bloopers... makes me feel the same... sorry to say but some fun is needed always...

love all these videos and touches me in most practical way! Concise but full of insights...




Wayne Stiles on Jan 6, 2021


I am so glad, Estrella, that you enjoyed these bloopers. They never get old! God bless you.




Anita on Nov 30, 2020


God sure does have a wonderful sense of humor with that precious elderly woman walking behind you at the perfect moment!!!!She'll probably never know how much we enjoyed her!!!!!Maybe in heaven!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


That elderly woman was indeed the hit of the show, wasn't she? Ha!




Anita on Nov 30, 2020


Sorry to say I loved these bloopers!!!!!I feel closer to you !!!!

Ha!!!!!God bless you , bless you, bless you!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 30, 2020


I'm thrilled you enjoyed the Bloopers, Anita! I'm releasing this year's edition of bloopers soon. :-)




Bette on Nov 24, 2020


I loved the one about it being “impossible for an elderly lady to conceive” just as an elderly lady walks below you while filming! I really needed a laugh! Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!




Wayne Stiles on Nov 25, 2020


Yes, Bette, that was an absolutely hilarious moment. Sometimes God's providence also shows itself in humor! God bless you.




Steven on Sep 29, 2020


So glad you posted this Wayne. Whenever I've had a camera in front of me, my mind seems to go blank. Somehow it is comforting to know it happens to a pro :-) But, just like a golf pro, you recover magnificently :-)




Wayne Stiles on Sep 29, 2020


Ha! You are too kind, Steven. Indeed, it is a wonderful reminder of humility and God's grace when we make mistakes – recorded for all time. :-) I'm glad to know that I'm not alone when my mind goes blank before the camera. You and I are in this together. God bless you.




Greg on Sep 17, 2020


I am devastated! I was so sure you did everything in one take. 😁 It is great to be able to laugh at ones self...and let others laugh with us.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 17, 2020


That's funny, Greg. :-) Nope. It usually takes a few takes to get it right. Thanks for laughing along with me.




Gina on Aug 15, 2020


I can't stop laughing!! "humanly speakingn it's impossible for an elderly woman to concieve" as an elderly lady walks by... best blooper of 2017!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 15, 2020


Yes, that was hilarious. 😄




Karen on Oct 27, 2018


Lolololololol, thanks for the laughs. “He probably got an ice cream” was hysterical, made me want one too. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 27, 2018


Glad you enjoyed the bloopers. :-) They happen every day.




Mary on Aug 4, 2018


This made me laugh out loud so many times!! I love it! It's kind of nice seeing you mess up because in the videos you make it seem so natural and easy. This shows us all its not as easy as it looks! It's a lot of work! I laughed out loud so many times because I saw myself do the exact same things when I'm teaching! Especially the times when I stop and say, 'what was I talking about'? Thanks Wayne for keeping it real!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2018


Ha! Well, thanks, Mary. Yeah, it's important to keep it real. It takes a LOT of hard work to get things right. So glad you can identify. :-)




Steve on Jun 18, 2018


Praise the Lord! You ARE human! The elderly woman coming into the shot was my favorite! Thank you Wayne.



Best Bloopers of 2017 from Walking the Bible Lands

Best Bloopers of 2018 from Walking the Bible Lands

Connie on May 7, 2022


Priceless. Thank you for sharing. Always enjoy.

We are made in His Image, I know God smiles and laughs.

Can really appreciate the hard work that goes into these videos. Appreciate what you do and for sharing with us that cannot go to the Holy Land. It is so awesome to put the sites with the Word of God.

Keep the bloopers coming!




Frank on Nov 6, 2021


Maybe you could run those crows off with the drone.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 6, 2021


That's a great idea, except that birds usually try to scare my drone off-- not the opposite. :-)




Patti on Oct 12, 2021


I love watching the bloopers. I wondered how you were the only person around and everything sounded so good. Now I know- practice, practice, practice and a good sense of humor like Jesus had.




Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2021


Yes, Patti! How essential that we can laugh at ourselves and with the bloopers that inevitably come. I'm glad you're enjoying them. More are on the way!




Juanita on Oct 12, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Oct 12, 2021


Yes, Jaunita! It's so good to laugh at ourselves, isn't it? LOL.




Juanita on Oct 12, 2021


ABSOLUTELY! It's the best way for me to forget about my past and look for Him...




Taylor on Jul 10, 2021






Wayne Stiles on Jul 11, 2021


I'm glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Taylor!




Lucy on May 21, 2021


You just can't make that stuff up, right?!❣🙏




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2021


That's right, Lucy. There's nothing more funny than the truth. :-)




Mary Jo on Apr 29, 2021


You awakened my heart that God may laugh at our imperfections, so stop being so hard on ourselves. Rather than allowing low self-esteem enter in, Just be humble. Don't get stopped. Thank you,!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 29, 2021


Thank you for sharing these additional insights, Mary Jo. Humility is a lot easier when we trip, isn't it? God bless.




Marilynn on Apr 5, 2021


May you continue to make bloopers so we can laugh with you. Love them!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 6, 2021


Me continuing to make bloopers is guaranteed, Marilynn. :-) I'm just glad I can choose the ones you see!




Kim on Jan 30, 2021


The guys on the burrows were great!!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 31, 2021


Yes, Kim, Israel is FULL of burros-- in one way or another. :-)




Greg on Sep 17, 2020


Laughter is good for the soul. 🤣




Cathy on Sep 10, 2020


Cracking up🤣so glad God made us not perfect so we can laugh out loud, you might can be a comedian 😂🤭 what patience you have to have to bless us with the knowledge you're teaching us there has to be a crown waiting for you.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 10, 2020


I am glad you were laughing along with me, Cathy! It is so helpful and healthy to laugh at ourselves and with each other. It is an honor to put together these videos for your encouragement and edification, God willing. Including the bloopers!




Gina on Apr 25, 2020


I loved it so much!! You smile all the time, but these made me giggle!! It's fun to laugh with you!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 25, 2020


I'm glad, Gina, that the video gave you a reason to smile! God bless you.




Gary on Jul 2, 2019


I missed these back in December so it is catch-up for me.

Having made a few training videos myself for our construction company, I can fully relate to these "great learning experiences" you have shown and I am sure there are a lot more.

So knowing how challenging making these can be, I commend you and your team and thank you even more for your persistence and commitment to provide this wonderful resource to get closer to God each day.

I have always greatly appreciated the commitment to excellence you have to the end product in these video tours and teaching. Photography, composition, script and text, along with your delivery makes them so engaging and powerful. Your study of God's Word and then connecting it to us today with the Bible Lands as the location is tremendously appreciated. Thank you and God Bless you and your team.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 3, 2019


Thank you, Gary, for your gracious words and for the affirmation. Yes, these filming moments are "great learning experiences"! So humbling, and so essential. I love to include the bloopers as a reminder that the videos, as polished as they seem, only occur with effort and even error.


I'm so glad the videos encourage your walk with God. It's an honor-- and thanks again for your note.




Stacey on Feb 27, 2019




You have always inspired me with the gift of being transparent and open with those you teach. I was reminded in these bloopers that the work is real. Your final product is smooth. Without these bloopers, I would be too quick to assume work in general is easy. I know this is not the case. It also made me laugh a lot and that too is a gift in the middle of a busy schedule/life. Thank you! Stacey




Wayne Stiles on Feb 27, 2019


Oh, I'll tell you, Stacey, it's anything but easy! I'm glad the bloopers give some of the reality to it all, as well as offering a few laughs. :-) God bless you.




Paulette on Feb 3, 2019


Hilarious. Laughed out loud the entire time.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 4, 2019


So glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Paulette! Laughter is good—especially when we can laugh at ourselves. :-)




Laura on Dec 29, 2018


This was such a treat. You have a great sense of humor and humility which really shine in these bloopers! So fun to see you (and Scott) just rolling with the punches. Thanks for sharing these with us. Happy New Year to you and your family!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2018


Thank you, Laura. Yes, there are SO many opportunities to laugh at ourselves in life. It's nice to have a few of them on film. :-) God bless you and your significant ministry this next year, Laura!




Joyce on Dec 28, 2018


LOVE LOVE IT AND ESPECIALLY YOUR CAMERA MAN! So glad you shared these moments with us and yes they. ane me smile Now I want to go back and watch the videos they came from.

thanks Wayne and company




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2018


So glad, Joyce, you got a smile from the bloopers. :-) I'm even more glad you want to go back and watch the real thing! Thanks.




Mike on Dec 28, 2018


While I would want to think I would never laugh at you Wayne, I did...out loud...it was wonderful. Thanks for allowing out loud laughs...I needed them today.

Happy New Year and May our Lord bless your Walk thru the Bible Land to His glory like never before.





Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2018


I'm so glad, Mike, you got a good laugh! We need to laugh at ourselves, I think—and often. :-) It's a great reminder not to take ourselves too seriously but to take God very seriously. Thank you for the prayer of blessing over Walking the Bible Lands for God's glory.




Brenda on Dec 27, 2018


Lol- cute!




Cerese on Dec 27, 2018


These are great Wayne, you always make your videos look so easy and they are perfectly done. This was fun to see the interruptions that occur while trying to film in the Holy Land. I love all your videos and so glad to see you are truly human, and do forget something once in awhile. Thanks for all you do in educating us throughout your Israel travels. Happy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2018


Truthfully, Cerese, I forget a LOT. :-) These bloopers are an essential reminder that all of us are still in process. Thanks for your gracious words about the videos. God bless you.




Steve on Dec 27, 2018


You have the patience of a Saint, Wayne. We can all learn from you. Thanks again for another great bloopers reel. God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2018


Steve, you're too kind. Thank you for your consistent, and gracious words. Happy New Year to you, and may you find God's grace to continue to sustain you this year.




Debbie on Dec 27, 2018


Love the bloopers video. How fun that you can laugh at yourselves. Most importantly, this provides great insight into how hard you and your team work to deliver this meaningful ministry. When I am watching a completed video, it looks so easy. It looks like you casually film in one quick run. Now the secret of your investment is out. Thank you! May 2019 be a great year for your ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2018


Debbie, if you only knew! Believe me, we are a team of nuts (especially my cameraman, Scott!). Thanks for laughing alongside us. :-)




Glenda on Dec 27, 2018


Ah, Wayne! Thank you for laughter at your bloopers! It started my day in a delightful way! I've spent most of my life making bloopers; thank goodness they are not on film. But I do know how to laugh at myself. Thank you again for being real!

Happy New Year to you and your staff!

Glenda Cooper




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2018


Thanks, Glenda. You make a great point: I'm SO glad our bloopers aren't on video. Wow, the cross of Christ covers so, so much. Glad you got a smile today.




James on Dec 27, 2018


I love the Bloopers video. It shows how kind, funny,human your are. How hard you work and how dictated you are to honor God.

Keep up the good work.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2018


I'm grateful you could see all that from all the mistakes, Jeanelle! :-) Thank you for your gracious words. God bless you.



Best Bloopers of 2018 from Walking the Bible Lands

Best Bloopers of 2019 from Walking the Bible Lands

Lana on Nov 20, 2022


hahaha What makes you look down at your watch? Blessings!

Got my answer with the next bloopers!!




Connie on May 7, 2022


LOL, always




Connie on May 7, 2022


Question: do you ever come across snakes? I wonder with some of the sites you go to?




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


Amazingly, Connie, I have never run across a snake. I did overturn a rock one time and find a large scorpion!




Connie on May 10, 2022


God is good all the time!




Anita on Dec 8, 2020


Can't wait for the 2020 Bloopers!!!!!!

You are humbled before my eyes!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 8, 2020


You'll love the 2020 bloopers, Anita. :-) They're coming soon...




Jennifer on Sep 29, 2020


I loved the bloopers. Made me smile.

Wondering tho, why you hit your watch after each blooper?




Wayne Stiles on Sep 30, 2020


Great question, Jennifer. I use my Apple Watch in conjunction with a Bluetooth earpiece to help me with my scripts. That way I don’t have to remember so much and we don’t have to do so many takes! :-)




Ann on Sep 23, 2020






Greg on Sep 17, 2020






Terri on Aug 29, 2020


Loved the bloopers!!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 30, 2020


I'm so glad the bloopers made you smile, Terri. God bless you. :-)




Rick on Aug 22, 2020


Dr. Styles, this "Blooper Video" is hilarious! On the other hand, the finished products are such a blessing. Thank you for the laughs, and sincere thanks for the end result. I've only been a part of the Walking Through Bible Lands family a few days, but my life has already been enriched by your videos. God bless you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2020


I am so glad, Rick, that you enjoyed the bloopers! There’s nothing funnier than the truth. At the same time, there’s nothing more encouraging — which leads me to give thanks to God that He has encouraged you through the videos. I’m so glad you are part of our journey together. God bless you.




Brenda on Aug 4, 2020


I appreciate the work you fella’s do. I was fortunate enough to go to the Holy Land in 2018. Am planning on going back in 22. Your videos are so inspiring and informative. Thank you so much for sharing. I am loving watching and remembering certain places. Also being able to see many places I have not . Sending prayers. God Bless you and Scott




Wayne Stiles on Aug 4, 2020


I am thrilled that you are enjoying the videos – and excited for you and your plans to return to Israel in 2022. I have a couple of tours planned for that year, and I would love to have you join me. Thanks, Brenda.




Tammie on Dec 28, 2019


Ha! Ha! Ha! Loved the Bloopers!

I appreciate the time you take to make the videos we see amazing & showing the land of the Bible makes it pop out in 3-D !!! Now we know what really goes on behind the scenes!! Makes me appreciate the videos even more! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2019


I am glad you liked the bloopers, Tammie. Sometimes it really helps to laugh at ourselves. God bless.




Robert on Dec 27, 2019


I've learned that Scott Wilson needs our prayers, too. That's a lot of retakes and I'm sure they are only the cream of the crop. Actually, getting tongue tied is not uncommon and should not be embarrassing. Just rephrase and keep rolling. Believe it or not, we know you are only human. Thank you for the tours and the lessons along the way.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2019


Thanks for your support, Robert, and especially for your prayers for Scott! :-)




Scott on Dec 27, 2019


After traveling over there a few times, I think I have finally figured out the translation of what is being blared out over the speakers... “we’ve got spirit, yes we do! We got spirit, how bout you”.... seriously though, when I hear and see them (people of Muslim faith) stop what they are doing to dedicate this time to their call to prayer, and the devotion I see in the Jewish people with their prayers, it does in some way, put me to shame that I am not as dedicated to prayer as I ought to be, Not that prayer should be a ritual, as Jesus spoke of...but I do appreciate their devotion. God bless you in your work Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 27, 2019


That’s a great translation, Scott. 😄 And you’re right, what other religions do to earn salvation, we should do because we already have it. Reminds me of Paul’s words: “For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.”

(Rom. 10:2–3)




Julie on Dec 26, 2019


Hilarious Wayne! Loved it.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2019


Thanks, Julie! It's always fun to laugh at ourselves. :-)




Jan on Dec 26, 2019


I love this! So funny! The funniest ones to me are when the Muslims start their call to prayer 😂😂😂 I’ve been to israel several times and that’s how you feel when that starts lol 🤦🏻‍♀️




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2019


So true, Jan. They always seem to know when our camera is rolling. :-)




Timothy on Dec 26, 2019


Hi Wayne! I record all of my Bible Classes and I go back and edit them to take out all of the mis-statements and tongue twisted words. I make so many mistakes sometimes I think I must be a total moron! (I'm really not). Watching you not only made me laugh, but I realize this is what we do as we seek to be as effective as the Lord wants us to be. You're finished product communicates so well, and it is not easy. I really appreciate all of your hard work, and you are a "mentor from a distance" in my own life. Thank you and may 2020 be as blessed as 2019! AND--Maranatha!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2019


Thanks, Timothy. You know, more than most, how much work it takes. I appreciate your encouragement. May the Lord powerfully bless you as you teach your Bible class.




Brenda on Dec 26, 2019


What do you use your watch for? Is it a timer for the length of your video?


I realize how hard it is to make these videos when I see the bloopers. It takes a lot of hard work to put together so many wonderful videos for us to watch! Thank you!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2019


Great question, Brenda. My watch serves as an audio prompter that delivers my scripts to me via a Bluetooth earpiece. That way we have less takes and can work more efficiently. 😄




Deborah on Dec 26, 2019


you're listening to it as you speak?!




Jan on Dec 26, 2019


That’s what I’m wondering? He listens to it as he’s speaking????




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2019


That's right, Deborah and Jan. It was odd at first, but now it's second nature. :-)


Best Bloopers of 2019 from Walking the Bible Lands

Best Bloopers of 2020 from Walking the Bible Lands

Sharon on Mar 6


Loved them both! I didn't realize how much work you put into these videos- you make them look so flawless. I too was so glad you got your Bible back- so helps us relate to the lost sheep story when we lose and then find something almost irreplaceable.




Lana on Nov 20, 2022


I rejoice with you that you retrieved your Bible!!!! Great camera man :)




Wayne Stiles on Nov 21, 2022


Yes, I was so glad to get that Bible back. :-)




Connie on May 7, 2022


Don't want to leave out your camera man... he is funny!




Wayne Stiles on May 9, 2022


So true, Connie! In fact, I have an interview coming up with Scott you won't want to miss!




Linda on Apr 20, 2022


Wayne I love these bloopers, shows just how you along with most everyone else is human striving for perfection, as with you trying to provide us, your viewers a video without extras, noise, people and just distractions. Thanks! But I’ve been wanting to ask you; why is it that Tel is put in front of the cities names but doesn’t show on the maps?




Wayne Stiles on Apr 21, 2022


Great question, Linda. Likely the designation "Tel" doesn't appear before city names on maps today, because most people have no interest in biblical sites – just driving! If you are asking why it doesn't appear on an atlas that features biblical sites, it is because in biblical days the sites were inhabited. Atlases share their biblical names, which never included "Tel."




Melissa on Apr 17, 2022


I was watching your video on Judas’ sin and response (contrasting it to Peter’s denial) and one of the comments on that video that you responded to led me to this video. Hilarious! Thanks so much for being humble and vulnerable… what a blessing to know that I’m not the only person who makes mistakes! (If only ALL of our mistakes could have a do-over to capture our true intent! 😊)


PS - also just read a comment on this video from “Dan” in Hoover, AL… which is where I live too! What a small world!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 17, 2022


I like the way you say that, Melissa. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a do over to capture our true intent. Very well said! Thankfully, we have heaven to look forward to. God bless you.




Frank on Nov 9, 2021


It's funny to see how many outtakes you actually have compiled into these shorts. It's fun to watch them, but it was probably a little bit frustrating for you at the time. Thank you for showing us your humanity in these blooper reels. I wonder if anyone saw that Bible, and read any of it where you left it. I'm happy for you that it was still there because I know how attached we can get to our Bibles, with our underlined and highlighted passages.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 9, 2021


I’m glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Frank. There were definitely more than made it to the bloopers reel! Indeed, we all make mistakes – both in front of and behind the camera. God bless you.




Mary Jo on Apr 29, 2021


Thank you!!!! Your bloopers caused laughter and a spiritual learning.




Dan on Jan 29, 2021


So, now you've got my curiosity up... When you read your script that is broadcast into your ear piece, do you read it with the same intonation that you eventually speak it into the live video with the same emphasis and pauses? Even though it's not 'impromptu', I do value your commentary tremendously. The footage is wonderful and makes us feel like we're back in the incredible land of the Bible again. Thanks for your bloopers. They are indeed part of life aren't they?!


from Hoover, AL




Wayne Stiles on Jan 30, 2021


Yes, Dan, I try to communicate in the recording the same way I would communicate to the camera. It’s all from the heart, even if it isn’t impromptu. :-) God bless you, my brother.




Clare on Jan 23, 2021


I just loved your filming of being reunited with your bible which accompanies you to Israel. Our Catholic tradition is praying to St Anthony to find lost/mislaid things. It didn't look as though you had to do this! I was so happy when you found it -just where you had left it. Thanks be to God.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 24, 2021


Thank you, Clare, for sharing my joy in finding my Bible. I really thought I had lost it-- or that it would be ruined since it rained all night. Our God is good. God bless you.




Lawrence on Jan 21, 2021


Love the bloopers, Wayne! As you say, it keeps us in touch with reality!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 21, 2021


Thank you, Lawrence! Indeed, it's important we don't take ourselves too seriously – but that we take God seriously.




Sandy on Jan 14, 2021


Was the year 2020 cut short for you to visit new sites due to closures? I thoroughly enjoy all the new sites you add to the library of videos. Blessings for 2021.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 14, 2021


That's right. I had to postpone several tours, but we were able to go to Turkey and do some filming. That's why so many Turkey episodes are coming soon. :-) I'm thrilled the Lord is blessing your time with the videos.




Pam on Jan 1, 2021


Pastor Wayne....I always look forward to seeing your “bloopers” video. Thanks for sharing your tongue twisters and mis-steps with us, your students and fans! Happy New Year to you and yours!





Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoy these bloopers, Pam! I do them just for you. :-) God bless you and thanks.




Joan on Jan 1, 2021


Such fun to watch. I already thought you walked a lot, but with all of the retakes, I imagine you get miles more each day.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 2, 2021


Yes, Joan, "Walking" the Bible lands is appropriately named! Thanks and God bless you.




Nancy on Jan 1, 2021


Liked it? Everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves when they make mistakes. The only person that doesn’t make a mistake today is the one that is doing nothing.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2021


Well said, Nancy. In fact, doing nothing is a mistake. :-) So I guess everyone makes them. God bless.




Lauralee on Dec 31, 2020


I LOVED this!!! :-) :-) :-) Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the bloopers video, Lauralee! God bless you.




Diana on Dec 31, 2020


Loved the free ride to town lol. It is fun to see Scott in the videos too. I would have freaked if I left my Bible somewhere. Glad it was still there and in good shape!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


That's right, Diana. It was amazing the Bible was still there in good shape. It had rained on it all night! :-)




Teresa on Dec 31, 2020


Loved this video! Now I see you don’t get it right the first time. I appreciate the transparency and the laughter.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Oh yes, Teresa! Getting it right the first time is pretty rare. :-) Just like real life! God bless you — and I'm glad you got some smiles.




Anita on Dec 31, 2020


I am so glad you found your Bible!!!!!God had it waiting for you!!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


That is a wonderful thought, Anita! God had it waiting for me… I wonder if an angel sat there all night. :-)




Rowena on Dec 31, 2020


Thank you for the bloopers video. I got a few laughs! You make the videos look easy, so glad you show us the bloopers as we can see it’s hard work. Thanks and have a wonderful 2021!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I am glad you got some laughs from the bloopers video, Rowena! Indeed, what looks easy is tough work. God bless.




Jim on Dec 31, 2020


Loved the bloopers! Glad you found your Bible!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Thanks, Jim! We were amazed that it was still there after a night of rain. I am so grateful... God bless you-- and thanks again.




Jan on Dec 31, 2020


The bloopers are always great but it seems as though this year's are especially good & much needed! Thank you & Scott! I'm with Nancy, say Gobekli Tepe 3 times as fast as you can...but Scott has to get that on tape! :-)

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Thank you, Jan! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to say Gobekli Tepe fast! So appreciate both you and Don in our lives. :-)




Nancy on Dec 31, 2020


The bloopers are great! The humorous side is much appreciated. Now—say Gobekli Tepe three times as fast as you can...😂. Many thanks to you for the outstanding efforts to bring these Biblical lands to life.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


Believe me, Nancy, I have said "Gobekli Tepe" more times than I care to admit! I'm grateful that episode is done. :-) Thanks for the encouraging words. God bless you.




Renate on Dec 31, 2020


Wayne, thank you for the laughs!

We appreciate that look behind the scenes, and how good-naturally you go about the inevitable do-overs.

We laugh with you. Seeing as we have our own fair share of bloopers it's nice to know it's 'normal' not to be 'perfect'

Shalom to you and your for 2021!

Renate and Dale.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I appreciate you laughing with me, Renate and Dale! We all have bloopers, and it's so helpful to remember that. God bless you.




Debbie on Dec 31, 2020


Your videos make what you do look so easy. This is a good (and entertaining) look at how challenging the filming of these Biblical stories truly is. Thanks to you and your team for this impactful ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I'm glad the videos make it look easy, Debbie, but I assure you, it's tough work. :-) Thanks for the encouraging words-- and may the Lord bless you as you watch each video.




Scott on Dec 31, 2020


We covered a lot of miles this year, and 'blooped' many times along the way!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


That's right, Scott. I couldn't have done the miles (or the bloopers) without you! Looking forward to another year, Lord willing.




Karen on Dec 31, 2020


To err is human but God's perseverance, patience, and push for persistence wins. :)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


That's a great takeaway, Karen. I like the way you put that. Perseverance, patience, and push for persistence. Perfect!




Jeanne on Dec 31, 2020


Bloopers are really enjoyable!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 31, 2020


I agree, Jeanne. Bloopers are especially enjoyable when they belong to someone else. :-) God bless.



Best Bloopers of 2020 from Walking the Bible Lands

Who Cares about History? Interview with Drs. John Adair and Michael Svigel

William on Aug 23, 2022


Church history a fascinating subject. One of the subjects that comes from it is historical theology. I was involved years ago in camp ministry with the Bible club where The apostle creed was an outline of a curriculum for the campers. The value are creeds are when we compare them to the Scriptures. A creed can be wrong like any doctrinal statement. For the Bible student history is another layer like the land of the Bible for our study. Loved the discussion that helps us root our faith in historical truth. Thank you




Wayne Stiles on Aug 24, 2022


I like your perspective, William, that history is an additional layer to our understanding – much like biblical geography. Well said.




Diana on Apr 20, 2021


I enjoyed this interview a lot! I now have to go get the book. I went to Catholic school up until the 4th grade and had to memorize the Apostles Creed. I can still recite most of it today. It is helpful to have that kind of framework when someone asks you "What do you believe?"




Wayne Stiles on Apr 20, 2021


What a blessing for you, Diana, to have a grown-up with that rich heritage of solid doctrine rooted in the creed. May it continue to draw you closer to the word of God! God bless you.




Karen on Mar 24, 2021


Always neat to listen to other's perspectives and wisdom in God's desires for us to just hear His truths and not let the secular world to steal us from true joy. People bring up Easter is not all about the Easter bunny and eggs. Yet God created those things for us to enjoy. I choose that Jesus is whom I worship and enjoy MORE than the secular things.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


I like that perspective, Karen. Indeed, we can enjoy so much with God without having to be fuddy-duddies. God bless you.




Janice on Mar 17, 2021


I did not care for this video and it threw me out of order of my video I was watching.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 17, 2021


So sorry for the aggravation, Janice, as I realize this is an ongoing frustration for you. I hope some of the other 150+ videos encourage you in your walk with Christ and offer some insight into the beautiful Bible lands. God bless you.




Janice on Mar 17, 2021


I guess I am just not that interested in history. My husband is very much in history, especially the history of how the Bible came about. He taught this in Seminary.. I get so much out of Bibleland tours.




Lawrence on Mar 16, 2021


Thank you, Wayne, for this interview information! Very insightful. I have now read the Nicene Creed again! Shoulder to shoulder....! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 16, 2021


I am glad you have reread the creed with renewed passion and commitment! May the Lord continue to deepen your conviction in these essentials, my brother. God bless you.




Ben on Mar 14, 2021


Wayne, I love your site!!! Unfortunately my credit card got compromised and I now have a new #, but do not know how to change it to maintain my membership




Wayne Stiles on Mar 15, 2021


Sorry to hear about your credit card, Ben! Beth will connect with you ASAP. God bless you.




Ben on Mar 18, 2021


Did I miss Beth reaching out,?




Wayne Stiles on Mar 18, 2021


Ben, Beth said she did try to connect with you. If you don’t hear from her in another day, please let me know. Sorry for the hassle.




Donna on Mar 12, 2021


Gentlemen, I invite you attend a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod service in which every Sunday we recite either the Nicene Creed, or the Apostles Creed depending on the order of service for that Sunday.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 14, 2021


How wonderful, Donna! So sad that not all churches are like yours and reciting the creeds. You are blessed… Thanks so much.



Who Cares about History? Interview with Drs. John Adair and Michael Svigel

Passion Week Webinar

Frank on Nov 20, 2021


Dear Wayne,

I enjoy your tours very much. What are your feelings about some people who say that Yeshua didn't come in to Jerusalem on Sunday, but He rather, He came in on Saturday afternoon. And disciples were preparing a Passover meal before evening on Wednesday which becomes Thursday after sundown because they couldn't work on the high Sabbath? They dined in the upper room that Thursday evening (which of course is before Thursday day at sunrise, (which is the Jewish way to count days)) which was the first day of Passover because they had two days with which to prepare the sacrifices, because there were around 250,000 lambs to sacrifice, considering how many people would enter Jerusalem for the feast. Then they go on to say that He was actually crucified while lambs were being slaughtered. And I have read in the gospels that they had to get Yeshua and the other two off of the crosses before sundown, because they couldn't do that on the holy high Sabbath on the official Passover day which began at sunset that Thursday, which is not the regular weekly Sabbath. This would therefore allow for a literal three days and three nights in the tomb. And still rise for the feast of Firstfruits on Sunday, see the woman who wept when she found the tomb empty and the angel who told her He is risen, then she saw who she assumed was a gardener, who was actually the resurrected Savior, and He told her not to cling to Him because He had not yet ascended to the Father. So, I like this theory because I couldn't ever figure three days and nights from Friday to Sunday. But, if He was crucified on Thursday, then the part of Thursday before dark could count as day one, Friday night is night one, Friday day is day two, Saturday night is night two, Saturday day is day three, and Sunday night is night three, and on Sunday morning just before daybreak, up from the tomb He arises, completing the 3D+3N...viola!! Done, without mathematical gymnastics.




Wayne Stiles on Nov 22, 2021


That is a lot of mental gymnastics, Frank! You are not alone in the struggle to try to reconcile a literal three days and three nights. Of course, we can also interpret figures of speech and colloquialisms literally, and in my view this is what Jesus is doing. To refer to "a day and a night" is simply a Jewish colloquialism for a day-- or an onah, and any part of an onah is counted as a whole (cf. D. A. Carson, Matthew, Expositor's Bible Commentary). The same was true for years in the reigns of kings – for any part of a year that a king reigned counted for them as a whole year.


The answer is not that simple for some, I understand. You might find some additional insight in a book called, Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ, by Harold W. Hoehner. The whole book is helpful, in my opinion, but of particular interest to you may be the chapter on the day that Christ died.




Kim on Jun 19, 2021


Thank you Dr. Wayne, I learned a few new things about the sites where I have been. To walk through our Saviors last days and steps is so confirming. Thank you for the time that you put into your work. It is a blessing. I am watching the event in Israel very closely now. It seems prophecy is lining up for Christ's return. God Bless my brother.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 20, 2021


I'm so glad, Kim, that the Passion Week Webinar offered some additional insights and that you're enjoying the videos. God bless you.




Joan on May 17, 2021


This was an awesome webinar, Dr. Wayne. I loved the whole video and will certainly view it again with its comprehensive content. I especially liked the segment about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; what a glorious structure. Also, I loved that there are so many locations which have uncovered 1st Century stones, stairways, streets, and structures! Mic drop to mockers! 🎤😊😇




Wayne Stiles on May 17, 2021


I like that mic drop comment, Joan! That's probably a first here. :-) I am thrilled that you enjoyed the webinar, and even more excited that you will get to watch it again and again. God bless you.




Debbie on Apr 27, 2021


Excellent. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2021


I am so glad, Debbie, that you enjoyed the Passion Week webinar. May the Lord continue to bless you through each of the videos.




Paulette on Apr 11, 2021


Hi Wayne. This was an awesome Webinar of the Passion Week and I thank you very much for going through the week step by step and in such detail. It really helped to see the progression of the entire week. Many of the sites were familiar to me as I have visited Israel 4 times. However, I never visited the sites in chronological order. It kind of felt like a mish-mash that I was trying to sort out. Now, I have a "map" of that week, and I find it so very helpful. This was a great webinar!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 12, 2021


Thanks for your feedback, Paulette. What you expressed is exactly what I hoped you would experience! God bless you.




Mary on Apr 8, 2021


Wow! Love seeing Jerusalem...I was amazed at the crucifix nail in the heel bone!

Thanks for the tour....




Wayne Stiles on Apr 8, 2021


Yes, Mary, isn't that heel bone and spike amazing? Archaeology is a wonderful addition to our study of God's Word. God bless you.




Lynette on Apr 1, 2021


I love your Passion Week series. It's been amazing to have this week brought to life through your videos. I've been using the 3 part video series this week and then just found this webinar. Your devotional thoughts throughout are so meaningful and thought provoking. Thank you, thank you for all your hard working in putting this project/website together. I've said it often and I'll say it again, it's the best website that I have!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Apr 2, 2021


Thank you, Lynette. I'm honored and thrilled that the Lord has blessed Walking the Bible Lands for your encouragement. I pray it continues!




Doris on Mar 31, 2021


Great to relive Passion week through y0ur video . After My visit to the Holy Land, Holy Week has become very special and personal which making Scripture more than words and stories, He Is Risen Indeed.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 1, 2021


Yes, Doris, He is risen indeed! I'm so glad the Passion Week webinar encouraged you and helped you relive your significant journey to Israel. God bless you.




Lili on Mar 29, 2021


I am struggling hosting Easter celebration at my apt garden or not because some Indian just celebrated their trad. Holiday at the same garden.

I hope more churches ⛪️ open their place for souls around us like UPPER ROOM. We failed but Jesus was obedient to Our God.


Thank you for providing insight, awareness about reality and strengthening confidence in God’s Word while I participate passion week with you Dr. Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


How wonderful, Lili, that you want to host an Easter celebration. I wouldn't worry too much that some other religion used the space. God can sanctify any space with truth and His people. God bless you.




Mark on Mar 29, 2021


Thank you Wayne for the daily reminders of the Passion Week. Even though I have walked the actual Bible Lands with you many times, it is so easy to let the business of life and the world cloud what each of those days mean in the life of our Risen Savior. I am so grateful for your ministry and the times we've spent together and may we never forget - He Is Risen Indeed!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


Amen, Mark! What a blessing that we have been able to journey to each of these places together, isn't it? May the Lord powerfully bless you and continue to give you strength as you serve Him and seek Him.




Sandra on Mar 29, 2021


This has been so meaningful to see the places where Jesus walked and what happened during that last week. To read the Bible and see it in this video is priceless. I felt as if I were there and my heart is broken because I know I was responsible for those nails and all the suffering He went through for me. I enjoy the virtual tours so much and wish all mankind could see them. Thank you Wayne and God bless.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 29, 2021


I join you in that prayer, Sandra, that many, many more people would be able to see these videos! I'm so glad that the Passion Week webinar was an encouragement to you. God bless you.




Janet on Mar 26, 2021


Thank you for the clarity and order of passion week with pictures. You are such an inspiration to my husband and me. God bless you, Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2021


What a privilege, Janet, to walk with you and your husband through these significant sites together. May he continue to encourage you through each and every video! God bless you.




Patricia on Mar 26, 2021


Wayne, thank you for the order and clarity you bring to this week in the life of Jesus. But more than that, thank you for the insights you share and the assurance we can claim from these sites and events. I am always drawn closer to our Lord as I view your videos.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021


I am thrilled, Patricia, but the Lord encouraged you through the Passion Week webinar. His Word is so practical and his grace is so magnificent, isn't it? God bless you.




Kathleen on Mar 26, 2021


Thank you. I’ve been with you on a trip to Israel and the video clarified the sites I saw in a chronological way that is very special for this coming week. I’m looking forward to joining you next year on my second trip to the holy land.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26, 2021


Yes, Kathleen, our time together in the Holy Land was magnificent, wasn't it? I can't wait to go there with you again. God bless you.




Jan on Mar 25, 2021


Another excellent video. I love the chronological order, all these sites you took us to 3 years ago, which brought back incredible memories & how that tour has forever changed the way I study Scripture. Therefore, going to Israel with Dr. Wayne Stiles is what I enjoyed the most & look forward to going back next year. Stiles Tour #3 for me & I can hardly wait!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


Jan, you make me a happy person. :-) Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your long-standing encouragement and love. You and Don are a treasure.




Sally on Mar 25, 2021


That was so wonderful. I never tire of hearing your sermons on the bible lands.. The passion week continues to inspire me and bring me closer to all God has for all who believe in the truth of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Wayne, for once again solidifying all that is important in life - faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


How wonderful, Sally, that the Lord encouraged you through the Passion Week webinar. That is exactly what I prayed would happen. God bless you.




Scott on Mar 25, 2021


Great video Wayne, thank you! I cant wait to go back, “if the Lord will...” I am hoping to go in October, hopefully Israel will be opened back up by then, it sounds like, without all the tourists being around, there has been a lot of excavations and new discoveries.

Israel is a beautiful place, but as your video shows, without the Jesus story, that’s all Israel would be, just another pretty vacation spot. Jesus makes this place come alive... in more ways than 1!

Thank you Wayne for these great videos to help us see.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


You are absolutely correct, Scott! Without Jesus and His resurrection, Israel would just be another stack of rocks pointing to history books. How wonderful that all of the rocks and history point to something greater. God bless you.




Cerese on Mar 25, 2021


Wayne, this was absolutely beautiful. The pictures capture each day of Holy Week beautifully. I have experienced Israel three times and it is wonderful to walk Passion Week each year and recall all of my experiences in this sacred land. I always return, in my mind, to all of these places, and Holy Week is always difficult to walk through each year, my first Holy Week I experienced after being in Jerusalem I simply asked, “How do I get through Holy Week?” . I think the answer is we don’t get through Holy Week no more than Jesus was able to get through it. God the Father had to take him through it. He could not but let the Father’s Will carry him all the way. For me it is the same God has to help me get through it. Thank you for this beautiful experience of Holy Week. It has touched my heart deeply. 🙏🙏🙏




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2021


I am so glad, Cerese, you enjoyed the Passion Week webinar. May the Lord continue to bless you this Holy Week.




Karen on Mar 24, 2021


Feels so great to see the locations where Jesus lived and walked in this big world. Feels extra wonderfully that His spirit lives and walks in our own areas today! Happy Easter everyone!



Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


Indeed, Karen, He is risen! God bless you.




Connie on Mar 24, 2021


I loved the whole film. Thank you so much. I know God is not done with me yet. As I reflect of Jesus death, my mind goes to Mary. See I can identify with Mary for I have buried two children, so very hard. I feel Blesssed all in the same breath for I have a son, Isaiah, oh my he was planned, when I was forty. Yes Blessing to have a child at that age. Sorry I talk a lot. Thank you again for the videos I am really enjoying them all.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2021


I love your vulnerability, Connie. Thank you so much for loving your children so well, in spite of the short time with them. This honors the Lord.



Passion Week Webinar

Top 10 Finds of Israel's Archaeology - Interview with Dr. Todd Bolen

Connie on May 10, 2022


Dead Sea Scrolls




Linda on Jan 28, 2022


Thank you. This was awesome




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


You're welcome, Linda. Todd Bolen has such a powerful ministry among us who love the Bible lands. God bless you.




Joan on Oct 23, 2021


My favorite is the Dead Sea Scrolls, so critical in proving the accuracy and reliability of the Bible, as well as shining a radiant light on the meticulous work of scribes and their value of accuracy in transcribing God's Word! Then I would add the Walls of Jericho, followed close by the Tel Dan Stele, both of which also demonstrate irrefutable proof of Biblical accounts! Great interview and content!




Wayne Stiles on Oct 23, 2021


Those are some great picks, Joan! I like how those you've chosen all connect with biblical support of God's Word as true.




Donna on Jun 24, 2021


So much about God remains a mystery to us for now, but when we show interest and study His Word, God opens our eyes and His treasure trove, and He even helps connect the dots for us.

I love how Dr. Bolen and you, Dr. Stiles, show us the Biblical sites, the archaeological sites, and the unearthed artifacts. We truly get to “Walk the Bible Lands” through the ages.

Thank you for blessing us with your valuable contributions.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 25, 2021


I am so glad, Donna, that the interview with Todd Bolen was an encouragement to you. May they all continue to be! God bless you.




Phil on Jun 11, 2021


Excellent presentation, Wayne. Two of my favorite Bible Land guides and commentators.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 12, 2021


Thank you so much, Phil! That means much coming from you. God bless you.




Scott on Jun 10, 2021


Enjoyed the Interview, I have heard of Dr. Bolen before and have the archeological Bible (which I enjoy), so hearing his favorite finds was enlightening. I had not heard of the Amulets found in the Hinnom valley, and the fact that they contain the blessings of God in place known for the depravity as you pointed out, it reminds me of the Psalm 139:8

“Behold if I ascend to Heaven, you are there: If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, you are there.” This discovery really brings a new meaning to this passage.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


That is a great scripture to connect with this archaeological find, Scott. Thank you so much for including it, and I am thankful that the interview encouraged you. God bless you.




Lawrence on Jun 10, 2021


One of the best interviews ever, Wayne. It is moving to see the both of you being enriched by each other. I feel a part of that in watching you both. It encourages me to see how God is increasing your faith in "physical" ways by the archaeological discoveries you mentioned. You said it, Wayne, that it is God's merciful prerogative to strengthen all of us through this medium and you and Todd are strongly helping us mature in our faith in this way! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


Thank you so much, Lawrence! It really is true that the Lord uses a variety of means to encourage us along in our daily faith. Archaeology is just one of many physical elements of encouragement in our spiritual lives. Thanks again, and may the Lord continue to bless you.




Ben on Jun 10, 2021


This interview was so meaningful to me. I had been to many of these sites several years ago and am thankful for the reminder. Keep up the wonderful work. Ben Jones.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2021


I am thrilled that you enjoyed the interview, Ben. What a blessing that you have been able to go to many of the sites years ago! I pray that the rest of the videos would also be a great encouragement to you. God bless you.



Top 10 Finds of Israel's Archaeology - Interview with Dr. Todd Bolen

Dr. Reg Grant Interview on Barnabas and Context in Ministry

Diana on Jan 15


Great interview! Reg reminds me of a former pastor of ours who used to dress up like a biblical character every January preach and recite the Scriptures in character. I think I remember Isaiah, Zechariah, Moses, and John on Patmos. We looked forward to it every year.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


What a great blessing, Diana, to have had a pastor with such creativity! God bless you.




Judy on Sep 25, 2022


Oh my goodness this interview was wonderful.

My husband and I have been to THE LAND three times. The third time, in 2007, we took our Bible Study group - several of them didn’t want to go - they said they’ve been in church for years and have been “in” the Bible for years. We convinced them to go anyway. Needless to say they were blown away and still to this day in 2022 they talk about how the Bible “came to life” for the first time in their hearts!

I so appreciate you and Reg saying that we must take the ‘mind knowledge’ and embrace it deeply into our hearts so we can be a living expression of THE WORD.

You & Reg truly have a Divine appointment. How BLESSED all of us are to be connected to your “CALLING”.






Wayne Stiles on Sep 27, 2022


Thank you for your wonderful, encouraging words, Judy. Reg is indeed a magnificent blessing to all who knew him.




Lynette on Aug 6, 2022


Wayne, all these bonus videos have been so informative, fascinating and inspiring. You are so blessed to know and have all these wonderful connections in ministry. As you share them with us, it just keeps opening up the world of the Bible to us in new and insightful ways. Thank you for including these. I look forward to Dr. Grant's website coming back available at some point. I would like to check it out.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


Thank you for letting me know, Lynette. I have touched base with Reg again and let him know about the website.




Hal Warren on Jun 6, 2022


What a blessing! Amen.




Ron Morris on May 26, 2022


It appears that the "MyUnderstudy" link is not functioning. Do you know if the site is still available?


Thanks so much for the work that you and your team are doing.




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2022


Hi, Ron— I have contacted Reg about this, and he says the site is temporarily down. But it will be back soon! Please keep checking. God bless you.




Ron Morris on May 31, 2022


Thank you.




Linda on Jan 28, 2022


This was a great interview and I will check out “My Understudy.com”. I will agree with the statement that it sure makes a difference in my understanding of Bible by following your footsteps of Walking the Bible Lands. I wish many more people knew and subscribed to your websites. I know I have told plenty of people about it. Thank you for bringing it to us.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 28, 2022


I'm thrilled, Linda, that the interview with Reg encouraged you. Such a great man! I'm also grateful that the Lord has blessed your watching the videos in Walking the Bible Lands. I pray He continues to do so! (Thanks also for spreading the word.) :-)




Karen on Sep 21, 2021


Amazing ministry




Wayne Stiles on Sep 21, 2021


Yes indeed, Karen! Reg is an amazing man with an amazing ministry. God bless you.




Paulette on Sep 8, 2021


I saw this gentleman the first time that I went to Israel in 2006 with Charles Swindoll. He did several cameos for us. The one that was extremely impactful was when we were at Cesarea Phillipi and the entire group (which was several hundred people) were seated in the amphitheater and suddenly he walks out and begins talking. His character was Herod. It was like Herod came back from the dead. I had never seen anything like it before. He did this at several sights. It made my first trip to Israel even more incredibly memorable. I was so excited to see him again on your video.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 8, 2021


YES! Paulette, I know what you mean. I was actually on that same 2006 IFL tour as well. :-) Reg performed at Caesarea by the sea (not Caesarea Philippi), and his Herod character was amazing. I'm so glad you made the connection from way back then. God bless you.




Paulette on Sep 9, 2021


Yes, you are right. I meant to say Cesarea Maritima (probably not spelled right). WOW!! I am amazed that you were on that same trip!! We were on the bus with as awesome older gentleman who had us sing all the time. I wish I could remember his name. He was either retired or semi-retired. I kept in touch with him for a while and then lost touch. Loved when we sang in the chapel with the awesome acoustics. It was amazing.




Wayne Stiles on Sep 9, 2021


Was your "older gentleman" Don McMinn? He's a great friend of mine.




Paulette on Sep 11, 2021


I will try to find out. I need to dig around and let you know.




Lawrence on Aug 5, 2021


This is one of the best interviews, Wayne! Blessed me so much! Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2021


Yes, Lawrence, Reg is a magnificent man. I'm so glad that the interview encouraged you.




Cathy on Aug 5, 2021


I enjoyed this interview with Dr. Reg Grant so much! His personal testimony made my day and caused me to think about what God is waiting on me to surrender so He can work more fully in my life. I especially enjoyed the discussion between Wayne and Reg on Barnabas’ style of ministry versus Paul’s as seen in the different way they handled John Mark … such a thoughtful discussion that brought in the way Barnabas had similarly helped Paul in his early ministry. I enjoyed the way Wayne and Reg encouraged and supported one another. I used to be very task oriented and leave people behind in the dust as I checked off my ministry list. God has helped temper me in that over the years but this is a great reminder that I could still do better in the area of encouraging others, especially these days. We all need encouragement and it can have an eternal value. Thank you, Wayne, for interviewing Reg and sharing it. I am going to check out the link to Reg’s understudy ministry.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 5, 2021


Thanks so much, Cathy, for sharing how much the interview encouraged you. Indeed, Reg is a creative genius and a humble man. So gifted! I believe you will enjoy Reg's understudy website. God bless you.



Dr. Reg Grant Interview on Barnabas and Context in Ministry

Virtual Tour of Jesus' Ministry - LIVE Q&A Webinar

Holly on Feb 18


Thank you so much for this Virtual Tour!! I really appreciate all of your teaching and your videos in the "Walking the Bible Lands". I have learned a lot. It is so good to see the places in the bible where, what we read, actually took place. I appreciate all of your research.


Thank you so much!!!




Wayne Stiles on Feb 20


Good to hear from you, Holly. I'm thrilled that the virtual tour of Jesus' ministry was an encouragement to you. May the videos continue to be! God bless you.




Chad Bunnell on Oct 14, 2021


Wayne enjoyed the photos thanx Chad




Wayne Stiles on Oct 15, 2021


So glad you enjoyed the webinar, Chad! God bless you.




Ellen on Aug 21, 2021


This was such a wonderful Webinar that I had to watch it a second time! Most of the photos were extracted from Wayne’s Videos. What a difference to see them combined for the purpose of this presentation.. Thank you so much Wayne for putting this altogether for us. Tom & Ellen




Wayne Stiles on Aug 22, 2021


I'm thrilled you enjoyed the webinar, Tom and Ellen! God bless you.




Enid on Aug 20, 2021


Your videos have really made the lands of the Bible become real to me! Thanks for making this live podcast available as I missed it when it aired.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 21, 2021


I'm so glad, Enid, that the videos are encouraging you. I pray the Lord continues to bless you through them.




Barbara on Aug 19, 2021


Thank you so much for putting your live podcast on email. I so enjoyed it since l couldn't attend at that time.

God Bless you,

Barbara Krone




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


I am glad you enjoyed the replay, Barbara. God bless you.




Ann on Aug 19, 2021


Thank you , Wayne. I enjoyed this video very much . All who produce your videos etc. are doing a great job.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


Thank you so much, Ann. The videos are produced by my photographer and me! God bless you.




Diana on Aug 19, 2021


I really enjoyed the Live Q&A. Thank you for hosting it. I hope you have another one. It would have been nice to let us in a few more minutes early to be able to chat with fellow attendees before you started. Other than wishing it was longer, I think it was a great presentation and lots of good questions were asked. My husband Brian was sick that day and didn't get to attend, so thank you for posting it here on the website.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 19, 2021


Thanks for your feedback, Diana. I hope you got to fill out the survey link I emailed you. What a blessing it was to be able to get together in person, sort of!



Virtual Tour of Jesus' Ministry - LIVE Q&A Webinar

Best Bloopers of 2021 from Walking the Bible Lands

Matt on Jan 18


Silly question...are you hearing the script you wrote spoken to you in that earpiece when you are rewinding on these takes with your watch?


Thanks for all you do!




Matt on Jan 18


Nevermind...just heard about this in Scott's video. I've tried to do what you are doing and the skill to do that is next level!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19


Yes, Matt! In fact, on the bloopers for 2022 I actually give an explanation of this — because this question comes up so much. Thanks for your encouragement.




Suzi on Jul 8, 2022


Thank you for the chuckles…

Watching your videos after taking a 10 day whirlwind tour has been such a blessing..slowing down to take in more truths …seeing sights and having more insight so helpful…

Both have complimented one another…

Thank you…




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


I am thrilled, Suzi, that your tour was such a blessing and that the videos have been a good complement to your journey. I pray they continue to be!




Ann on Mar 24, 2022


So funny . I don’t know how you do it . Lots of work for all of you . Great job!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


It is a ton of work, Ann! But it is a labor of love.




Laura on Feb 15, 2022


I highly recommend this series and for the cost of way less than a plane ticket to just about anywhere!! Dr. Stiles, thank you so much for video taping all the hours of footage of all the historical places in the Bible lands and for all the wonderful information about those places. Your knowledge of all the places and people in astounding! So, thank you so much for imparting to us the treasure trove of your great knowledge. The Bible “came to life” for me! I finally finished all of the videos and they are fantastic!!! I chose to invest in this series because I will probably never be able to afford to go to Israel, let alone go to any of the other ancient places from the Bible. This series brought the places to me, with a much better understanding not only historically but geographically, and I deeply appreciate it. Thank you so very much and may God continue to bless you, your family, and everyone else that was involved in this great undertaking to have been able to bless me and others like me from everyone else’s tremendous efforts, work, and expense. With much appreciation from Laura Dunlevy from Harrison,Tennessee




Wayne Stiles on Feb 15, 2022


I am amazed, Laura, that you have watched all of the videos! That is actually astounding. I'm not sure I have watched them all! :-) But seriously, I hope that you will undergo the challenge of watching them again and again – because we are never the same person we are when we first watch them or experienced the Scriptures or the lands of the Bible. There is much more to be gained in our continual exposure to truth. God bless you.




Nelda on Feb 8, 2022


Beautiful humor...thanks




Wayne Stiles on Feb 8, 2022


I'm so glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Nelda. God bless you.




Linda on Feb 7, 2022


This video made my day. I’m so glad I can see you as you really are, a normal person bringing and teaching us about the places you visit not only as a minister or Bible scholar but now as a normal person too. You’re kinda funny and I really appreciate seeing this side of you.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 7, 2022


Yes, Linda, my life is full of bloopers! I'm glad you got to see some. :-)




Marilynn on Jan 24, 2022


This reminds me that God has to have a sense of humor. You do such a wonderful job in your script, and with all the hours it much take , it amazes me that there aren't more bloopers.


Love them!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 25, 2022


Thank you, Marilynn, but in truth there are a lot of bloopers! I just include the ones that might make you smile.




Joann on Jan 19, 2022


Wait! I didn't see the goat!!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 19, 2022


It was there, Joann! Maybe watch it again? It is worth seeing.




Debra on Jan 10, 2022


I needed this laugh after work today….. God knew that. Feeling thankful.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2022


I'm happy you got a laugh out of it, Debra! God bless you.




Frank on Jan 10, 2022


Hi Wayne,

I was wondering why you kept looking at your watch every time that you blooped, and then I realized that it was a smart watch. That goat poppping out of the dumpster was a real surprise. Have a great day.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 10, 2022


Thanks, Frank. I look at my watch to stop my audio prompter Bluetooth piece in my ear. :-)




Frank on Jan 10, 2022


You have all the technology! That is really great. I'm enjoying your tours. I have forgotten how much the annual fee is, and does that cover the same thing as month to month fees?




Wayne Stiles on Jan 11, 2022


Frank, the annual membership saves you two months off the cumulative cost of the monthly membership. Plus (and this is the big plus) you get access ALL the Bible lands (Greece, Turkey, Rome, Egypt, etc.), rather than just Israel. Thanks! God bless you.




Diane on Dec 28, 2021


Thank you Wayne for sharing your Blooper Moments. Laughter is good medicine!

Thank you also for your perfect WTBL spiritually inspiring videos! They are good for the soul!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 29, 2021


I'm glad you got a laugh from the bloopers, Diane. And I am glad you are encouraged through the other videos. :-) God bless you.




Deb on Dec 28, 2021


Good for some laughs and a reminder of how much effort it takes to do things right!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2021


So true, Deb. The hard work is worth it. And so are the laughs! God bless you.




Heather on Dec 25, 2021


I loved it! Blooper reels always make me feel better about my own mishaps and blunders.


Some of those views where you were filming were absolutely breathtaking. The blue sea and sky shots especially lovely as I live in the midwest and everything here is currently a drab grey or brown.


Looking forward to seeing the finished videos. They are sure to be inspiring!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2021


I'm glad the bloopers encouraged you, Heather. :-) Happy to help you with my mishaps. God bless you.




Shane on Dec 25, 2021


We see that doing what you do isn't as easy as it looks. We forgive you! :-D. We appreciate all the hard work you do that goes into making Walking the Bible Lands a Joy to watch and learn. Thank You for your faithfulness in teaching us. Thanks for the bloopers as well, so that we can laugh with you....sometimes at you!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 26, 2021


You're welcome, Shane, for all the bloopers that made you smile. :-) God bless you.




Janet on Dec 24, 2021


Wayne, so happy to see and know we all are children of God.To know our God will never leave us, and our God is always here to help us ....Hebrews 13:5-6 .So thankful




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


Yes, Janet, aren’t those magnificent promises? Thank you for sharing them here. God bless you.




Marsha on Dec 24, 2021


I really enjoyed this! Looks like you have a lot of fun doing what you love. That dumpster scene was right out of Hollywood. LOL! Merry Christmas and joyous New Year to you and yours!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


Thank you for your enthusiasm, Marsha! Yes, it is fun to do what I do, especially when the Scriptures encourage others, like you, to walk deeper with Christ. God bless you.




Darlene on Dec 24, 2021


Loved it!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


I’m glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Darlene. Thanks for taking a moment to let me know. God bless you.




Gary on Dec 23, 2021


G' Day Wayne, enjoyed the laughs I'm trying to do A 30 sec one already 02 stuff ups only 04 lines.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


It isn’t easy, is it, Garry? God bless you as you continue to serve him.




Janelle on Dec 23, 2021


The ibex right on cue. Ha! Fun to watch the bloopers.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


Yes, Janelle, that ibex was a funny incident. Those creatures are amazing. God bless you.




Lynn on Dec 23, 2021


Oh, Wayne, thank you for the laughs! God has blessed you richly with a gift of teaching His Word using the geography of the Land of the Book. Your chronological Israel tour was the best ever! Please let me know if you plan to do another one. Sure miss you and Cathy! Hugs and love to you both! Merry Christmas!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 24, 2021


I’m so glad you got a laugh out of this, Lynn! I have been thinking more and more about the chronological tour of the life of Christ. Thank you so much for the nudge and encouragement to pursue it. God bless you.




Jeanne on Dec 23, 2021


That was funny, the animal coming out of the dumpster!




Darlene on Dec 24, 2021


That was a hoot!




Wanda Faith Sewell on Dec 23, 2021






Dean on Dec 23, 2021


The goat stole the show!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Right, Dean? That's the LAST thing you'd think of coming out of that. God bless you.




Hannah on Dec 23, 2021


The ibex coming out of the dumpster is hilarious! So glad you caught that on camera! Thanks for sharing these, Wayne. Happy New Year!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


So true, Hannah. They are bold creatures! Those ibex are climbers. God bless you.




Terry White on Dec 23, 2021


Oh, that was fun! Even in the mistakes, you handle it well, with great charm and humor! I fear my go-to response might be to slip in a bad word every now and then! Lol! Musn't do that! Thanks for sharing these fun, human moments.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Well, Terry, my heart definitely lets a *#@! slip now and again. :-) Yes, even the bloopers get edited!




Joan on Dec 23, 2021


Hilarious! I'm so glad God made us with a sense of humor, without which (at least in my life) our lives would be so drab! The ability to laugh at oneself and recognize ourselves in others' gaffes increases our compassion, because we all are very adept at bloopers of all kinds and varieties! 😂🤣😂




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


That's right, Joan. I am often the key "gaffer" on these video shoots. :-) I'm glad the Lord laughs right along with us.




Lawrence on Dec 23, 2021


Thank you, Wayne and all, for sharing these humorous clips! And thank you for caring for our souls! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Both are a privilege, Lawrence. Thank you for your encouragement. :-)




Karen on Dec 23, 2021


You just made my prayer life for you go into overtime! Glad you can take your bloops with a smile. Beats anxiety. Loved the goat with horns who decided to listen and then later run from the camera LOL. Merry Christmas! May your 2022 adventures be less brain boggling.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Well, Karen, if for nothing else, I'm glad these bloopers make you pray for us more! Sure do appreciate that. God bless you.




Jan on Dec 23, 2021


Another great year of videos & bloopers. I love that lifelong friends not only still have fun together but produce an incredible product for all of us to enjoy in the process! THANK YOU!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


That's right, Jan, Scott and I have been laughing at each other and with each other for a long, long time. And it ain't over yet!




Ron on Dec 23, 2021


WOW, this is an incredible idea of saving bloopers for a fun end of the year bonus.

May I ask for some advice?

I shoot about 17 videos each week to be edited into one On Line worship video. But I lug around a magnetic white board to hold up my scripts and record on my iphone 12 promax. The sound quality can lag especially around traffic or water.


I really like your practice of recording your scripts and playing them into your ear.

May I ask for suggestions on equiptment that you use? Which iphone watch? and ear piece? Your videos each week are a blessing to my ministry and allows my wife Esther and I to enjoy the Holy Land that we miss so much since we were last there in 2015. May God continue to bless your ministry and have a Merry Christmas!

Rev. Ron Philabaum

The Community of Faith of Alamance Lutheran Church

Alamance North Carolina




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Happy to help, Ron. I use this Bluetooth earpiece. Just record your scripts on an audio file, upload the files to Apple Music (on your desktop), then sync those files to your Apple Watch (my version is older, but any version will do). Finally, pair your Bluetooth earpiece to your watch. And you're all set! May God powerfully bless your ministry.




Mike on Dec 23, 2021


Thanks for sharing these bloopers! I loved them and they reminded me a time when I had a weekly TV program that aired in Abilene, Texas, and I had many bloopers also making those videos each week. Funny! Thanks for all the great videos of Biblical places this year. I have shared many of them with my Bible Class on Sunday. They are very helpful in our understanding the context of the scriptures. God Bless you and your family! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year!





Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Mike. I am even more glad that you share the videos with your Bible class on Sundays. Keep up the great work, and may God bless you!




Bonnie on Dec 23, 2021


That was….perfect! 😆




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Touché, Bonnie.




Mary on Dec 23, 2021


I watched it. It destroyed my vision of a "perfect Wayne Stiles." You always look as though you just know everything in each video and it just easily rolls off your tongue. Well this was any eye opener. However, the finished product is always perfect. Thank you for your determination and effort to getting all of your information correct and giving us correct information. I do appreciate you and all of your work.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


I am so glad that your vision of a perfect Wayne Stiles is utterly destroyed. Of course, 10 minutes with me in person would've also taken care of that. God bless you, Mary.




Robert on Dec 23, 2021


Thank you for the video tours. I may never get to Israel but on the days, I get to watch it is like I am there. Watching the bloopers, I was reminded of a dear friend, who has since gone home, told me when I got into the ministry, to buy a handkerchief. So that when I come to words I can't say, "to hold the handkerchief in front of my mouth pretend to sneeze or cough and keep going". Thanks for the laughs but more importantly thanks for the videos.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


That is a great strategy, Robert. I think I may go buy a box of handkerchiefs. Make that two boxes.




Jessica on Dec 23, 2021


I’m sure Jesus is also laughing in Heaven at the content of these videos. While you are there to do some serious work, a few good chuckles makes the end result all worth it. This is a good life lesson for all of us.....remember to laugh when life hands you bloopers!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Right, Jessica? We need to take ourselves far less seriously and to take God far more seriously. God bless you.




Ginny on Dec 23, 2021


I have always been very impressed with the quality of your videos. Wow! To see what you go through to make them is eye opening. And they have provided me a much needed laugh. Thank you for showing your bloopers.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Well, Ginny, I am glad that the videos both encourage you and cause you to laugh. :-)




Merleen on Dec 23, 2021


I loved it!! Tanks!!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


I'm glad you loved the bloopers video, Merleen. Thank you too.




Barbara on Dec 23, 2021


How wonderful, you have a wonderful laugh, and it’s contagious! I had wondered how you could remember everything. Nice to know the little trade secret…clever




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Yep, Barbara, there's no way to remember it all. I tried it at first years ago, and we ended up with way too many takes/bloopers/wasted time. :-)




Diana on Dec 23, 2021


I watch these bloopers on the days I can't string sentences together. It gives me a laugh and I know I'm in good company. My favorite line this year is " the oily church".




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Yep the oily church is right up there with a number of other funny things that go on. Fortunately, they don't all get filmed. :-)




Hal Warren on Dec 23, 2021


Great to see you laugh! I imagine our Lord Jesus laughed as He walked and talked with his disciples in the lands which you are sharing with us!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Me too, Hal. I would love to have heard Jesus laugh!




Kim on Dec 23, 2021


Loved this! I’m curious. Why do you check your watch almost every time you mess up?




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Yes, Kim, as I mentioned above, I’m often asked why I tap my watch after each take. Here’s a little trade secret: I use my Apple Watch in conjunction with a Bluetooth earpiece to help prompt me with my scripts. I listen to myself read my scripts while I’m speaking. That way I don’t have to remember so much content and we don’t do so many takes! 🙂




Kim on Dec 23, 2021


Yeah, I read that after I asked. Thanks for taking time to answer.




Rosemarie on Dec 23, 2021


Truly enjoyed. Wishing you and your family a Blessed and Merry Christmas.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


I'm so glad you enjoyed the bloopers, Rosemarie! God bless you as well.




Greg on Dec 23, 2021


I must admit, I love watching your bloopers. We typically only see the perfect completed videos and think, "Wow! I wish I could be more like Wayne." And then I see the blooper reels and thing, "Wow! I am like Wayne." Thanks for sharing. :o)




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2021


Yes, Greg! That is exactly why I do these bloopers reels each year. The polished is just that — and the reality is hidden. We are definitely together in this walk with God. God bless you. (And I'm GLAD you are like me!)



Best Bloopers of 2021 from Walking the Bible Lands

Jerusalem Snow – A Picture of God’s Purpose for Us

Paul Lee on Mar 25


Thank you Wayne for your videos and comments.

I am really enjoying it. Yes, Like the rain and snow, God's word will not return to us empty but will accomplish what HE desires and achieve the purpose for our lives.

Hebrews 4:12 His word is active and alive.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 26


I like that verse from Hebrews, Paul; thanks for including it here. God bless you.




Ty on Sep 30, 2022


Interesting reading my comments made in March this year. Seeing this video for the second time brings some wonderful thoughts as Wayne was reading the various scriptures with snow and rain in them and providing his expounding on them.


In thinking of the different seasons we live through in life from age (our entry to departure) to climate change (4 seasons of the year) I was being reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 ‘for everything there is a season. A time for every activity under heaven’.


The cold seasons of fall and winter can being frost and snow in lots of places in the world, which leads to death while the warmer seasons of spring and summer bring the rains and life. God in the power of our internal Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, supplies lots of practical examples for us to reflect upon to take our thought process above the natural and on to a higher spiritual plane to appreciate His Word to us. Allows us to have the spiritual penny to drop in reaching one of those Aha God moments, at least it does for me.


Love the colour side of snow that Wayne points out of God’s character and indeed, His grace to us.




Lynette on Aug 11, 2022


What a neat, and surprising, video. I loved seeing the snowfall but never think of it being in Israel.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


So true, Lynette. If we check out a concordance, snow appears only a handful of times in the whole Bible! It is rare.




Joan on Jul 11, 2022


Because God sends His blessings to me every day, like the innumerable drops of rain water and snowflakes He delivers to the Earth by His foreordained weather patterns! There's a direct analogy! He is for me and wants me to succeed in sharing His compassion to a hurting and broken world!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 14, 2022


Yes, Joan, God's Word is intended to connect in your life and mine each day. As well as our broken world… God bless you.




Karen on Jun 16, 2022


Snow to me represents purity and cleanliness. A fresh start to a prettier Spring glow.




Maria on Jun 3, 2022


I love the analogy of the snow & our sins being cleaned as white as snow. PTL


In addition, how precious of realizing that His Word doesn’t come back empty as it has a purpose in us as the rain & snow.


I pray for fértil dirt in ou soils young adults, grandkids, & is bearing bounty of fruit for His glory. Finishing our purpose stein.




Wanda Faith Sewell on May 5, 2022


I had to watch this 5 times and really take it in, it was so pretty to see The Land of God's Heart through your eyes in this video. I did hear a sermon once about there being a spec of dirt in each snowflake. Were those 3 children your children when you were walking up a hill? I guess you are able to do your ministry with your family present.


I grew up hearing the expression: When hell freezes over. So I had to laugh at your pun.


God uses these elements to show us growth and what He desires. How He uses these elements for wartime. God's Word is amazing!!! I really loved this bonus video!




Wayne Stiles on May 5, 2022


So glad you enjoyed the video with snow and Jerusalem, Wanda. And no, those kids are not mine. My kids are adults! :-)




Linda on Apr 28, 2022


I think when it’s raining or snowing here; it Gods way of showing me to slow down; relax and spend some quiet time with just him. Therefore as I’m shut in I do spend more time than usual reading my Bible and praying. He tends to guide me to what and where I need to read, it’s usually places where I feel I fall short.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 28, 2022


Wonderful way to look at it, Linda! Many people would just flip on the television or the Internet. Enjoy those rainy days with the Lord! God bless you.




Rosemary on Mar 27, 2022


So beautiful to see the snow in Jerusalem. What a sight to behold. Thank you Wayne.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


You are welcome, Rosemary, and I pray that the snow and its related Scriptures encourage you.




Nancy on Mar 26, 2022


Seeing Jerusalem blanketed in white was such a treat!! Thank you again for another great visual to accompany another important message.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 28, 2022


So glad that the video on Jerusalem with snow encouraged you, Nancy. God bless you.




Ann on Mar 24, 2022


Loved this one ~especially your comment “ when Hell freezes over.”




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


I'm glad you enjoyed the Jerusalem snow video, Ann. And I smile that you enjoyed the humor. :-)




Cerese on Mar 24, 2022


This was beautiful, Wayne. Thank you so much for the Scriptures going with the beautiful pictures of the snow in Jerusalem. Loved it! 🙏🙏🙏




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


Thank you, Cerese. Indeed, Jerusalem with snow is a rare opportunity to learn the Scriptures in a rare way.




Mary on Mar 24, 2022


Oh, and I forgot to mention that I laughed out loud when you said, "when hell freezes over"! LOL!




Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


Yeah, that's kind of funny. Had to mention it!




Mary on Mar 24, 2022


This was beautiful! Thanks Wayne for sharing! We can't wait to see it in person with you in June! Of course there will not be snow then!





Wayne Stiles on Mar 25, 2022


You are probably right, Mary, that we will have no snow in June! However, I have been to Israel twice so far this year, and every time I've been there and unusual cold front blows in! Maybe June will follow suit. :-)




Ty on Mar 24, 2022


A great bit of filming and lots of food for thought and reflection. Extremes are always good to think about. Snow implying coldness and snow liquified is water implying warmer conditions; Jesus's (God's) nature as read in the scripture is often understood as warm and therefore like water feeding that which requires to drink thus nourishing and/or reviving encouraging life. Snow and making it colder leads to ice and freezing leading to hibernation or a frozen state and immobility implying death or lifeless.


This lead me to Ezekiel 47:1-12 to some interesting reading about swimming in God's love.and being alive. Warmness to God's love is a wonderful thought, but coldness of snow to God's love causes hardness of one's heart.


If I try to apply colour then snow in its whiteness is a very good reference to God Holiness and purity. Water with the many colours it can taken on in its appearance can remind one of the colours of the rainbow. Water can also be seen as transparent and God can see right into our heart and therefore we are transparent to Him. Our bodies are 70% fluid, Can't go long without water or fluids, but can last a while without eating solids. Water or liquids refresh the body and we need this every day to stay stable.


Being at the age of 71 I think I can be without snow and it chillness/coldness and rather be reminded of the warmth of God's love in the warmer climates.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


I like how you use both the temperature and color of snow to connect with the Scriptures, Ty.




Barbara on Mar 24, 2022


Very interesting! Who would have thought there would ever be snow in Israel? I always think of it as dry and dusty. Loved seeing where hell freezes over🙂




Wayne Stiles on Mar 24, 2022


Right, Barbara? Snow in Israel is amazingly rare. It was a blessing to be there that day.


Jerusalem Snow – A Picture of God’s Purpose for Us

Behind the Scenes - Interview with Scott Wilson, Director of Photography

Paul Lee on Apr 9


Wayne, I love your videos and it's very inspiring, and your comments are very scriptural in context and have excellent teachings. Thank you so much. Love the Drone shots and can you kindly let me know what kind of Drone or drones?

I do plan to travel for my missions overseas and would love to catch some needed scenes. Thank you.




Wayne Stiles on Apr 10


Thanks for your gracious words, Paul. As far as drones, I fly several of them. Though there are newer models, I've been very pleased with the Mavic 2 Pro (my primary drone), as well as the Mavic Mini and the Mavic Air (my backup drones). It's good to have a backup in case you lose your main drone (ask me how I know).


God bless you in your overseas work for God's glory.




Paul Lee on Apr 11


Thank you, Wayne, for the info. Still praying as to get the drones or a video and camera.

God bless you in your wonderful ministry.




Susan on Mar 10


Wayne. Thank you for this video. I have been watching and learning so much from your videos over the last couple of years. To see this interview has answered so many questions that I had. I knew I would never get to take these tours, but the walks with you have been an answer to my prayers. Thanks to you and Scott.




Wayne Stiles on Mar 13


How great, Susan, and I'm so glad that the interview with Scott was helpful. I'm also grateful that the Lord continues to encourage you through the videos in Walking the Bible Lands. God bless you.




Ross on Feb 12


Wayne, i’ve watched this a few times over the last year, and have meant to ask you…. When you’re in the drone’s overhead shots, I never see you with a drone controller. How in the world are you flying that thing? You and Scott are an amazing team.




Wayne Stiles on Feb 13


Great question, Ross. My drones have a feature called Active Track that allows the drone to follow me around automatically without me having to control it manually. It's a neat feature!




Merleen on Dec 31, 2022


I think this behinds the scenes with Scott Wilson was a pure delight!! I loved knowing more about how you build the videos. I especially love seeing how God has brought you two together, both with exceptional talents that come together to glorify Him and educate us!! Thank you!!! Merleen




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Merleen, I so appreciate your encouragement here. Isn't God's sovereign hand in our lives just amazing?




Susana Swigert on Aug 16, 2022


Hi Wayne,


I so enjoyed this episode because I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I don’t live there now but return twice a year to visit family. I have never been to Israel but do plan on visiting some day. So I am preparing in advance by learning Hebrew with Citizen Cafe LLC, a Hebrew Language School in Tel Aviv, Israel. My classes are on Zoom.


I found out that I have Hebrew ancestry around 2011 and I have been on a journey ever since. Sadly, I am not attending a church because of a very painful experience in May of 2020. I can’t remember how I first heard of Walking The Bible Lands but it has been a tremendous blessing to me. I am actually crying right now while writing this message.


I use Walking the Bible Land as a church service or Bible study. Hopefully I will have watched all episodes before actually getting to visit Israel.


God bless you for your ministry,

Susana Swigert




Wayne Stiles on Aug 16, 2022


Great to hear from you, Susana. What a blessing that we both came from San Antonio! What a great city to be from. I am thrilled that you are taking Hebrew, and I applaud you – because I know it is not easy. I'm thrilled that Walking the Bible Lands is being used by God in your walk with him and in your healing from your church experience. I do hope you will make it a priority to go to Israel very soon – and when you do go, I hope you come with me! God bless you.




Susana Swigert on Aug 17, 2022


Hi Wayne,


Thank you for the invite to Israel. A few questions from my husband, Michael; how large are your tour groups and how often do you have tour groups to Israel?







Wayne Stiles on Aug 18, 2022


Good to hear from you, Susana. My tour groups are always one bus — less than 50 people — and I go to Israel a couple of times a year. You can see all of my upcoming tours on my Tours Page. I would love to have you and Michael join me!




Lynette on Aug 11, 2022


What a fun video; what an amazing job by both of you on all these incredible videos. Thank you for all that you both do to provide these for us. I'm amazed at how many videos you've gotten from the trips that you've made. The drone shots are just stunning. Such talent and much work, but oh so worth it for us viewers. Thank you!!!!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 11, 2022


Thank you, Lynette! I really appreciate your gracious words and enthusiasm. God bless you.




Diana on Aug 5, 2022


This was awesome!! It is so wonderful to get to know you more, Scott. Thanks for your artistry. My oldest friend is from the 7th grade. I enjoyed all the stories. Extra credit for the carpool karaoke. I laughed so hard!




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I'm glad to make you smile, Diana! Scott makes me smile every time I'm with him. :-)




Karen on Jul 31, 2022


Grateful for your friendship and willing to share the life of Christ to everyone else. Your talents are awesome.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


Thank you, Karen, for your enthusiasm and for your affirmation. It is amazing to see the hand of God in our lives. God bless you.




Mary on Jul 30, 2022


That was one of best interviews. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing. I thank God for your camera man and the good friends you are.

Mary Gagnon




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


Thank you, Mary, for your encouraging words! It is a blessing to work along Scott on these film trips and to serve the Lord with our unique passions.




Jan on Jul 28, 2022


This is my very favorite interview, Wayne. It was great meeting Scott on our tour in 2018 & to hear of more of your adventures & shenanigans in this interview was great, Dudley & Roberto! (I can hear you both laughing out loud!)


Lifelong friendships are a blessing beyond words & the Lord certainly knew what He was doing when He brought the two of you together. Your talents compliment each other beautifully & Walking the Bible Lands is the BEST because you bring Him glory through your love of God's Word, your talents & your friendship! Well done, guys!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 29, 2022


Thank you, Jan! Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean so much. Indeed, I continue to be amazed at God's providence and grace in our lives.




Scott on Jul 28, 2022


Enjoyed your conversation with Scott, the footage and content y’all have put together is incredible! I watched this episode with my aunt yesterday, we’ve been watching your videos for 3 or 4 years now, and today was the last one we will watch together as her health requires her to move to nursing home. Though her eyesight has been getting worse, she has loved seeing these videos and it’s allowed her to travel there without ever going. She said when she listens to her bible cd, she can picture where these places are, thanks to your efforts. It’s been a blessing for her. For me, I’ve been 16 times, and have taken a few people along the way, but every time I watch a video, especially of a place Ive been, I feel like I’m there all over again. Great job and keep it rolling, it’s a blessing to more people than you know!





Wayne Stiles on Jul 28, 2022


I applaud you, Scott, for your servant's heart and encouragement for your aunt these years! Thank you for letting me know that I have been able to journey with you both and walk with you virtually through these wonderful places. I am praying for this significant transition in her life. How magnificent that the Lord has allowed her to retain the visuals so that when she reads the scripture, she can picture of the places. For you as well, Scott, I appreciate you letting me know how much the videos have affirmed your own many journeys to the Bible lands. God bless you.




Marian on Jul 21, 2022


I loved this interview with you two men! You are for real and helped me with my memories of my best friend! It's amazing how our great God works all things together for good, especially with friendships, to encourage, laugh, share goals and sometimes be our silly selves!

Thank you so much for sharing your stories and how you were able to make careers out of it all! God bless you both and keep sharing your beautiful videos and faith.




Wayne Stiles on Jul 22, 2022


Thank you, Marian! Indeed, Scott's friendship has been one of the greatest blessings of my life and continues to be. I pray that the Lord will continue to give you great grace in recognizing the significant friendships he has brought into your path.




Carl on Jul 7, 2022


Thank you for taking us "behind the scenes." You two do great work!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 7, 2022


Thank you, Carl! It is wonderful to hear from you.




Rich on Jul 3, 2022


Wow! I had NO IDEA how much work goes into producing these videos. And I suspect that I still don't REALLY know how much work is involved; I just know it's way more than I can imagine.


THANK YOU both SO MUCH for the work you do to allow me to see as much of the Bible Lands as I've seen through your videos. I am so very blessed by our Lord through the work you two are doing together.


I'm struck, too, by the wonderful way in which God prepared you both to do what you're now doing, and to do it together, and in a way that gives you both such joy and sense of fulfillment in His will. And while thanking you both, I also find myself praising God for the amazing way in which He orchestrates life and demonstrates so clearly His wisdom and power and sovereignty and love. What a wonderful God we have!




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2022


True, Rich! Our God is sovereign and orchestrates every detail of our lives. I think I'll make it to glory will be absolutely amazed at how He has done all things well.




Walt on Jun 16, 2022


Wayne, I can't fully express how much I enjoyed seeing this interview with Scott. It takes me back to those early movies you all made and showed to us. I probably still have that old super 8 camera in a box somewhere. What a blessing that God prepared you both in different ways and has brought you back together to make these films that glorify and honor Him.

God bless you both, Dad




Wayne Stiles on Jun 16, 2022


Yes, Dad, the Lord has been gracious all these years. Scott is a great friend.




Frank on Jun 13, 2022


I loved watching you and Scott playing around like you were still children, and hearing about your life-long friendship. I was amazed to hear the details of how much work goes in to making these amazing videos too. Hoping to see much more, and to learn so much more about the history of this wonderful land.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 15, 2022


Thank you, Frank, for your enthusiasm and your kind words. I pray the Lord continues to bless you as you watch these videos! The lands of the Bible are absolutely stunning, beautiful, and full of application for our lives. God bless you.




Wanda Faith Sewell on Jun 9, 2022


God sure gave the good gift of friendship to you both and this interview was superb! I loved how down-to-earth you were and the quality of what you shared. You two in the camera/documentary field are like Billy Graham/George Beverly Shea! Blessings to you both and all the fruit you will bear for God's Glory!! It will make watching your videos more meaningful as well.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 10, 2022


Thank you, Wanda, for your enthusiasm and encouragement. Indeed, God has blessed us.




Rosemarie on Jun 2, 2022


OMG loved this video. A friendship built by God. I always wondered how these amazing videos were made. Both of you are blessed with a beautiful creative and “funny” talent. Thanks for sharing 👍🏻




Wayne Stiles on Jun 3, 2022


I'm thrilled, Rosemarie, that you enjoyed the interview with Scott! Indeed, his friendship has been a lifelong blessing.




Jeanne on May 29, 2022


So funny! I love the end bit. It’s amazing how God prepared you both.




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2022


Yes, Jeanne, our God's plans are amazing, aren't they?




Scott on May 29, 2022


Wayne, thanks for the opportunity to jump in front of the camera and share some stories from our past, present and future! And I totally missed the 1966 copyright. 😄😆 And thank you for the kind comments from WBL members!




Wayne Stiles on May 29, 2022


Scott! Yes, I'd hoped that 1966 copyright would make you smile. Thanks again for lending your craft to this ministry. Couldn't do it without you!




Lawrence on May 26, 2022


Really, really grand, Wayne and Scott! I feel so much more connected to you both after watching this video! I also love the fact that you have known each other and been friends for so long! These days that is a very rare occurrence! God has a way of letting nothing in our past go to waste, right?! Thank you both for your tireless and strenuous efforts on our behalf. Words are definitely inadequate! This life and the one to come is and will be the so much richer because of your sacrifice! You both are loved from afar! Maranatha!




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Thank you, Lawrence!




David on May 26, 2022


Thanks so much Wayne for introducing Scott to us. What an awesome interview! I feel I've made a new friend. I can't imagine all of that walking backwards, and walking up the Masada Snake Path carrying camera equipment? No thank you! Thanks to you both for sharing your childhood story and also some of how you all film each episode. I smiled and laughed all the way through. Blessings to you both.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


Thanks, David! I'm glad the interview with Scott gave you some smiles. God bless.




Juanita on May 25, 2022


Love it! Thank you guys for bringing to me what I am unable to get to on my own.




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


We love bringing it to you, Juanita. :-)




Tammie on May 24, 2022


Aw, That was great! God brought you two together many years ago, 'for such a time as this'. Thank you for the great videos & pictures of a land God loves. Well done by you both!

Enjoyed this behind the scenes look.

Tammie Ellis




Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2022


Yes, Tammie, the Lord has been clearly involved to keep us in touch all these years. Scott's friendship is as much a blessing to me as his skill is. God is good.




Anita on May 22, 2022


That was so enjoyable 😉 and funny 😁 😂. God is so good! When you get to relive your life like that and then come full circle to end up working together in a most amazing place as Israel 🇮🇱. Wow!




Wayne Stiles on May 27, 2022


I'm glad, Anita, that we could give you a little inspiration and laughs. :-)




George on May 21, 2022






Wayne Stiles on May 25, 2022


Thank you, George. God bless you.




Patricia on May 20, 2022


Every interview you have done has been interesting and insightful, but this one is my all time favorite! It is as much fun to listen to you and Scott reminisce as it is to learn about the ins and outs of filming Walking the Bible Lands. You guys work so well together and the finished product is always amazing!




Wayne Stiles on May 21, 2022


Thanks, Patricia, and I'm glad you enjoyed the interview with Scott. He's a joy with work with and so good at his craft—a true blessing from the Lord. I'm thrilled that you enjoy the finish product. :-)




Ross on May 19, 2022


What wonderful insight into your guy's relationship and the peek behind the scenes! It's amazing what the two of you can accomplish together. I was curious though..... I listened/watched carefully to hear anything that spoke of Scott's faith. Is he a believer, and if not, is there anything in particular I (and we) can pray for, apart from his salvation, of course! :)




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


Thank you, Ross, for your question and your concern. Indeed, Scott is a believer in Christ.




Barbara on May 19, 2022






Ty on May 19, 2022


A neat sharing of two friends who have the glue of God Almighty keeping it going.




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


Yes, Ty, it is amazing how the Lord has continued to guide our lives. Thanks for your encouragement.




John Haugen on May 18, 2022


Really enjoyed this video! One question, why the 1966 copyright on the closing credits? That's about when you 2 were born!




Barbara on May 19, 2022


I’m curious now too, even though I hadn’t noticed that




Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


That's funny, John, and indeed the copyright simply represents our birth year. We were born literally two weeks apart. It's nice to know that people read these credits!




Anita on May 18, 2022


I enjoyed that so so much!!!!Thank you two!!!!!What a friendship God has blessed you with.And look how He is blessed by you allowing Him to work through both of you.....together!!!!He is a good God who can be a lot of fun also.And there is that wonderful ripple effect where we all are so blessed!!!!!!

Again......THank you!!!!!





Wayne Stiles on May 19, 2022


Thank you, Anita, for your enthusiasm. God has been good to us.



Behind the Scenes - Interview with Scott Wilson, Director of Photography

Closed Captions Introduction

Sue on Saturday at 7:09pm


Love the CC feature!

Sue McDonald




Wayne Stiles on 20 hours ago


Thanks, Sue! The closed captions were a TON of work. :-) So glad they're helpful.




Dorothea on Jan 3


I often need close captioning, since I wear a cochlear implant on one side and a hearing aid on the other. The spoken word is often loud enough, but if spoken to fast I get lost. I just wished I could see it on my iPad, but it will only show my password a moment and then disappear. No problem on the iPhone.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 4


Are you able to log in on your iPad, Dorothea? The captions should work there too.




Diana on Dec 27, 2022


We watch everything with captions lol. We appreciate you added them to your videos.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


I love captions too, Diana! I'm so glad you mentioned that they help. God bless you.




Juanita on Aug 8, 2022


Love it!




Linda on Aug 5, 2022


Thanks for this. It helps a lot.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 9, 2022


I'm so glad that the closed captions are helpful, Linda. Thank you for letting me know. God bless you.




Karen on Jul 31, 2022


Appreciate this feature. Will come in handy.




Wayne Stiles on Aug 1, 2022


So glad that the closed captions will be in addition to your study of the scriptures and understanding of these videos. God bless you, Karen.




Janet and Roy on Jul 3, 2022


Thanks Wayne, This is Awesome!!! Will definitely enjoy. You are so thoughtful in every thing you present for us. Roy and Janet




Wayne Stiles on Jul 4, 2022


God bless you, Roy and Janet.




William on Jul 2, 2022


Excellent, 15 years of my 30 year career working in a high school I Spent helping kids to read. Having a text with a video increases the comprehension and remembrance. That’s why I love your writing your script. There was a time when I was studying in Israel and all of this was new to me. I was studying under Dr. Munson back in 1976. Today I don’t have that kind of problem anymore, but it sure helps to see, here and read. Of course when you’re in the land you can add smell and touch. Thanks again




Wayne Stiles on Jul 2, 2022


I'm thrilled, William, to read of your enthusiasm over the Closed Captions. I do pray this helps comprehension and clarity of the videos. God bless you.




Tami on Jun 23, 2022


Just when I thought you couldn't make things any better, you did! Thanks for continuing to promote excellence in all that you do. I have no doubt that this will make a world of difference for a lot of people, including myself!




Wayne Stiles on Jun 24, 2022


I am thrilled to hear that you are jazzed about the closed captions, Tami! I am too. :-)




Rose on Jun 23, 2022


This is a wonderful addition to your videos. Much appreciated.




Wayne Stiles on Jun 23, 2022


Thank you, Rose! I appreciate you letting me know. God bless you.



Closed Captions Introduction

British Museum Top 10 - Interview with Glenn Shotton

Lynette on Mar 4


So interesting. Thank you very much for including this. I love it when archeology and/or science supports the truth of the Bible!!




Stacey on Feb 5


Thank you for this bonus content and the links. This is the best way I can spend a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. Absolutely wonderful history and affirming the Biblical narrative. I can see why Glenn is your friend, he's delightful.






Wayne Stiles on Feb 5


I'm thrilled that the interview with Glenn was a blessing to you, Stacey. He is a "lovely fellow," indeed, and his guiding through the museum is magnificent.




Barbara on Jan 15


Love the links too!




Barbara on Jan 15






Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


I'm so glad, Barbara, that you enjoyed the British Museum video. Such a fascinating place! God bless you.




Jan on Jan 12


Hi, Glenn! It is so good seeing you again & thank you & Wayne for this great mini tour of the British Museum...which sure makes me want to return to my beloved London for another wonderful Day One tour! I would highly recommend anyone who is in London to set aside a day for this incredible tour. I have been on two & recommend them without reservations. Blessings to you, Glenn & thank you again for your faithfulness to God's Word.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13


Yes, and thank YOU, Jan, for introducing me to Glenn. In fact, it was your introduction that made this interview possible and this video which will encourage many.




Ken on Jan 12


Simply superb commentary. Thank you!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 13


Thank you, Ken. I'm so glad the British Museum video encouraged you. God bless you.




Ty on Jan 12


Great conversation and connection with history and the bible. I may never walk through the London Museum, but felt a great introduction with the video and the limited virtual walk through by both Glenn and Wayne sharing and chatting both of their knowledge and passion with the gifting and talents they have.


Couldn't pick one out of the ones listed as any more impacting on me than another, yet pleased to know physical evidence exist for all to see in affirming the bible. It is hard to really process the extent of the recording of old writings with the instruments and material used versus what we have at our finger tips today enabling time frames and places of events to be put on them.


The light hearted and fun sharing combined with the seriousness of the information mix is also refreshing that brings it into today's context, at least it was for me. Well done!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12


Thank you, Ty, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the whirlwind "tour" of the British Museum. If you ever make it through London, it's definitely worth a visit. God bless you.




William on Jan 11


The war strategy of the Assyrians gives insight into Jonah's rebellion to preach in Nineveh. Jonah is great for evaluating our motives when reaching the loss we don't love. Enjoyed the interview. Not likely to see the the museum.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12


So true, William! Those Assyrians were monstrous. I'm glad the interview was helpful. God bless you.



British Museum Top 10 - Interview with Glenn Shotton

Best Bloopers of 2022 from Walking the Bible Lands

Linda on Jan 15


I love these bloopers. Makes me know it’s ok to be myself and sometimes we all make mistakes.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 16


Yes, yes, indeed, Linda... Our lives are bloopers before our God of grace.




Bobbie on Jan 11


Love your funny goofs. Just shows how human you really are. I appreciate that. I would have used a wet suit for the water. You were brave. Fun video.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12


Right, Bobbie? I actually looked for a wet suit, but I couldn't find one to rent-- and I don't usually travel with one. :-) It got better after the initial shock.




Bobbie on Jan 12


That’s good it got better. Have you invested in a wet suit since then? Renting is better than have to drag it everywhere just in case. My husband and I have 150 hours of SCUBA diving in Cozumel back in the mid to late 80’s however I did rent the wet suit. It made a big difference for me. My husband has thicker blood so he didn’t need one. Anyway love the bloopers. Keep them coming. Thank you again for your Ministry. I am contemplating on one of your Israel trips, either late 2023 or the 2024. This July we are flying to meet my son in Hawaii for 10 days. He lives in Japan and I have not seen him three years. I’m working on it month by month to see how God will work it out. Thanks again. God Bless you. Numbers 6:24 -26 over you and yours.




Wayne Stiles on Jan 12


I'm also a certified diver, and Cozumel is a beautiful place to dive. Wet suits are GREAT. Would love to have you, Bobbie, on my fall 2023 tour. It will be magnificent. God bless you.




Jeanne on Dec 31, 2022


I smiled so much when I saw that this was the next video for me to watch! I always enjoy it. Thank you so much!




Wayne Stiles on Jan 1


Thanks for smiling along with me, Jeanne. God bless you.




Diana on Dec 27, 2022


I was waiting for you to push/pull Scott into the cold water! haha




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


Yeah, Diana, I wish I had thought to pull Scott in. :-) He eventually crept in since he had to film underwater.




Lynette on Dec 27, 2022


Always fun to watch. Thanks for sharing these. I have no idea how you can listen to yourself and speak at that same time. You do a great job.


I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Blessings in 2023!




Wayne Stiles on Dec 28, 2022


Thank you, Lynette! May the Lord bless you as well this year. Listening and talking at the same time just takes practice. I know people who seem to do that in casual conversation! :-) God bless you.




Barbara on Dec 24, 2022


Great fun!




Karen on Dec 24, 2022


Seeing the bloopers causes me to appreciate even more the final project that you guys share with us. Thank you thank you thank you! The Lord has used this in my life for a deeper walk.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 25, 2022


I'm so glad, Karen, that God has used Walking the Bible Lands to encourage your walk with Christ. God bless you.




Rose on Dec 22, 2022


Don’t be so hard on yourselves Wayne and Scott. His mercies are new every morning. We all are grateful for that.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2022


Thank you, Rose!




Ann on Dec 22, 2022


Thank you & Merry Christmas 🎄




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2022


God bless you, Ann. Thank you!




Ann on Dec 22, 2022


I really don’t know how you do it . My filming would be totally bloopers 😁😂😁




Wayne Stiles on Dec 23, 2022


That's funny, Ann. Well, we all have our areas of serving God. I couldn't do what YOU do!




Ty on Dec 22, 2022


I wonder how many times the Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder in remembering things? (John 14:26) The Spirit has the abilities to bring to my mind Philippians 4:8 in staying on track and live a life of gratefulness with the miscues I make.


The bloopers, yeah, they come, but great is His faithfulness in not giving up on me. (Lamentations 3:23-24) The Holy Spirit and I often have a good laugh of the silliness of my bloopers to keep the lies of the thief in stealing away the strength and joy I have 'in Him, in Christ'.


A few scriptures in reminding me of His strength and joy as peppered throughout His Word to us in enjoying life with Him. (Exodus 15:2, Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:9, Nehemiah 8:10, Psalms 29:11, 73:26, 121:1-2, Proverbs 31:25, Isaiah 12:2, 41:10, John 10:10:10b, 16:33, Romans 15:5, Philippians 4:13, Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Peter 5:10, Revelation 21:1-5b, 22:14.


A cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22) in having a laugh with the internal Encourager at one's bloopers in carrying on in life.




Wayne Stiles on Dec 22, 2022


I so appreciate your humility and honesty, Ty. God bless you.



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