Experience the Holy Land

Israel Tour in the Steps of Jesus
with Optional Old Testament Sites Extension

with Dr. Wayne Stiles

March 6–16, 2025


Watch the Tour Video Now

Come see the land of Jesus . . .

This unique tour has a special emphasis on connecting the Bible and its lands to life.

Just imagine walking on the stones of the Temple Mount where Jesus walked. Picture exploring the very places where our Lord lived and ministered—all with Bible in hand. 

To get a taste of what you’ll experience, glance through the itinerary below. You will never be the same! 

Perfect for someone returning to Israel—or for the first-timer who wants to experience the Holy Land in a unique and fulfilling way.  

✔ This exclusive tour promises a personal, curated experience. We’ll explore sites that larger groups just can’t see.  

✔ This journey is designed with you in mind, transforming the foreign places of the Bible into familiar friends. 

✔ You’ll discover how each site fits the biblical story every time the bus stops—all with your Bible in hand. 

I invite you to join me for this life-changing journey through the land of the Bible.

See the Land with Bible in Hand

✔ You will learn the Word of God right where it happened—with Bible in hand.

✔ I have invited our local guide to offer cultural and historical connections as he travels with us.

✔ We’ll travel the land in a climate-controlled deluxe motor coach.

✔ Our tour will go places and experience sites that larger groups never see. Just look at the itinerary below!

See the Land with Bible in Hand

On this tour, we will connect the Bible and its lands to your life every time we stop—and all along the way.

✔ You will learn the Word of God right where it happened—with Bible in hand. After seeing where Jesus ministered, you will never read your Bible the same way again!

✔ I have invited our guides to offer cultural and historical connections as they travel with us.

✔ We’ll travel the land in a climate-controlled deluxe motor coach.

“Wayne had told us: ‘After a trip to Israel, you'll never read the Bible the same again.’ That has been so true! Being able to visualize the setting now and understand the time and distance relationships as we read the Bible has really made our Bible study much richer.  Wayne’s devotions at each biblical site carried us to the heart of God and in turn, our love for God deepened enormously. Truly, this was a trip of a lifetime!”

Greg and Diane Pihl—Aubrey, Texas

Your Daily Itinerary

Glance over the itinerary and see for yourself...

After your journey to these biblical sites, you will never be the same!


Main Trip Itinerary

(March 6 - 16, 2025)

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Depart for Israel 

We depart for our overnight flight to Tel Aviv, embarking on our life-changing journey!


Friday, March 7, 2025

Tel Aviv and Jerusalem 

We will be met at Ben Gurion International Airport and assisted through customs, introduced to our guide and driver, and travel to the Jerusalem Inbal Hotel for dinner and a well-deserved rest.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Birth, Baptism, and Temptation

We begin our day at the village of EIN KEREM, the hometown of John the Baptist. Then we journey to the HERODIUM of Herod the Great. Then we’ll drive to BETHLEHEM'S CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY, where Jesus was born. The JORDAN RIVER is our next stop, where we’ll see the probable location where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Next, we’ll stop and overlook the vast WILDERNESS OF JUDEA where Jesus was tempted by Satan. Dinner and overnight in the Jerusalem Inbal.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Acceptance in Samaria and Rejection in Nazareth

An early start will take us to MT. GERIZIM IN SAMARIA, where we’ll overlook SHECHEM and SYCHAR where Jesus had His conversation with the woman at the well. Standing atop NAZARETH RIDGE, we’ll drink in the breathtaking panorama over the JEZREEL VALLEY as well as NAZARETH. A short journey north takes us to SEPPHORIS, where Joseph and Jesus likely practiced their trade of carpentry. From here we’ll also overlook biblical CANA where Jesus performed His first miracle. Atop the spectacular cliffs of MOUNT ARBEL, we’ll see an overview of the Sea of Galilee and the sites of Jesus’ ministry. Dinner and overnight are in the lovely Magdala hotel by the SEA OF GALILEE.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Jesus’ Move to Capernaum and Rejection Anticipated

We begin today at the PRIMACY OF PETER CHURCH, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where two miraculous catches changed Peter’s life forever. Then we’ll reflect on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount on the MOUNT OF BEATITUDES. Standing in the synagogue of CHORAZIN, we’ll consider one of three towns Jesus rebuked for refusing to repent. At MAGDALA, we’ll explore the hometown of Mary Magdalene where archaeologists have recently discovered a synagogue from the time of Jesus. We’ll walk in Jesus’ adopted hometown of CAPERNAUM and see the remains of Peter’s house and the synagogue where Jesus preached. We’ll drive past the SOWER'S COVE, the likely location where Jesus began to preach in parables. Next, we visit NOF GINNOSAR where we will see the recently discovered remains of an ancient fishing boat, dating to the time of Jesus. Then we’ll enjoy our own BOAT RIDE ON THE SEA OF GALILEE. Dinner and overnight are at the Magdala hotel.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Training of the Twelve

We start the day at BETHSAIDA where Jesus healed a blind man in order to teach His disciples to see. We’ll drive to northern Israel to CAESAREA PHILIIPPI, where we’ll stand in the pagan Roman worship center near where Peter made his famous profession, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” We will travel up nearby MOUNT HERMON, the location of Jesus’ Transfiguration. Next, we’ll explore Kursi by the Sea of Galilee where the demons entered the swine after Jesus cast them out of the demoniac. Dinner and overnight are at the Magdala hotel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Jesus Set His Face to Jerusalem

Today we head south through the JORDAN RIVER VALLEY. On our way up to Jerusalem, we’ll visit HEROD'S PALACES IN JERICHO, through which Jesus walked on His final journey to Jerusalem. AtBethany we’ll visit Lazarus’ tomb. We’ll also stop at BETHPHAGE, where Jesus boarded the donkey in fulfillment of prophecy. Next, we’ll walk down the PALM SUNDAY ROAD on the Mount of Olives and remember Jesus at His Triumphal Entry. At the DOMINUS FLEVIT CHURCH, we’ll consider why Jesus wept over Jerusalem. We’ll end this busy day at the ISRAEL MUSEUM, where we’ll see a model of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time. We’ll also see some archaeological finds relevant to Jesus and Scripture. Dinner and overnight are in the familiar Jerusalem Inbal.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Passion Week (Mon-Wed)

We begin our journey through Jesus’ Passion Week atop the TEMPLE MOUNT, where Jesus taught during the week and where He cleansed the Temple. At ST. ANNE'S CHURCH we’ll discover its beautiful acoustics as we sing to God. We’ll see the POOLS OF BETHESDA where Jesus healed a lame man. Then we’ll walk outside the Old City walls to the GOLDEN GATE and overlook the MOUNT OF OLIVES where Jesus gave His Olivet Discourse concerning the End Times. At the POOL OF SILOAM, we’ll see the location where Jesus healed a blind man. We’ll walk the newly excavated underground HERODIAN ROAD. We’ll see the excavations at the Temple Mount, including the SOUTHERN STEPS Jesus walked to enter the Temple. We will visit the famous WESTERN WALL and experience Judaism’s most sacred site. Time permitting, we’ll explore the beautiful JEWISH QUARTER. Dinner and overnight at our hotel.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Passion Week (Thurs-Sat)

Today begins on modern MOUNT ZION, where we will visit the UPPER ROOM where Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples. At SAINT PETER IN GALLICANTU, we’ll re-live Peter’s denial of Christ at the traditional site of Caiaphas’ House. Next, we’ll walk to the DAVID'S CITADEL MUSEUM, the location of Pontius Pilate’s PRAETORIUM where he condemned Jesus. After exploring the museum, we’ll see the KIDRON VALLEY Jesus crossed and make our way to a private section of the GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE. We’ll journey to the GARDEN TOMB, where we’ll enjoy the Lord’s Supper/ Communion together in remembrance of Him. Dinner and overnight at our hotel.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Resurrection, Commission, and Ascension

This morning we’ll make our way to the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHER, the location of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Then we’ll travel to the Russian Orthodox CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION on the Mount of Olives and consider Jesus’ Great Commission and Ascension. This afternoon, we’ll enjoy some free time in the OLD CITY. Before our special farewell dinner at the Olive and Fish, we’ll enjoy a time rejoicing and reminiscing over the extraordinary days spent in the land of our Lord. Overnight at our hotel.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Depart for Home

Those not participating in the extension will transfer to the airport for the flight home, with life-changing memories.


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Masada, Ein Gedi, Qumran, Dead Sea

After breakfast, we travel south along the shore of the Dead Sea toward MASADA where we ascend by cable car to King Herod’s amazing fortress. From here, we head to EIN GEDI where David hid from King Saul. Next, we stop at QUMRAN, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Afterwards, we make a special stop at the DEAD SEA (the lowest spot on earth) for a short swim or float. Overnight at the Jerusalem Inbal.

Monday, March 17, 2025

City of David, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Yad Vashem, Elah Valley, Joppa, Netanya

This morning we begin by exploring the finds at the original city of Jerusalem, the CITY OF DAVID, where we’ll venture through HEZEKIAH'S TUNNEL. (Bring a small flashlight or head lamp and water shoes to walk through the tunnel. Or stay dry and walk through the Canaanite Tunnel.) Afterwards, we visit YAD VASHEM, ISRAEL'S HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL AND MUSEUM. Next, we say farewell to Jerusalem and go down to the ELAH VALLEY where David fought Goliath. Then we journey west to the Mediterranean seaport of ancient JOPPA, from where both Jonah and Peter left to take God’s Word to Gentiles. Overnight in the beautiful West Lagoon Resort in Netanya.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Ein Harod, Tel Jezreel

This morning, we begin at CAESAREA BY THE SEA, where Peter proclaimed the Good News to the Roman Centurion, and from where Paul sailed to Rome. We’ll overlook the JEZREEL VALLEY again from atop MT. CARMEL, where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. Next, we explore the strategic site of MEGIDDO. Then we drive to EIN HAROD, the spring where Gideon chose his 300. Afterwards, we visit TEL JEZREEL, the city of Ahab and Jezebel. Dinner and overnight at West Lagoon Resort in Netanya. 


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Depart for Home

We will transfer to the airport for our flight home— with memories of our walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

The all-inclusive cost of $5,749 includes round-trip airfare, deluxe motor coaches, first class hotels, guided sightseeing, entrance fees to sites visited, breakfast & dinner daily, all tips and taxes. You'll only need to cover lunch each day.

The Old Testament extension adds $1,275 per person.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!


About Your Tour Guide

Dr. Wayne Stiles has served in fulltime Christian ministry for more than 30 years, effectively using writing, teaching, music, video, and leadership as the means of creatively communicating the life-changing truths of God’s Word.

A veteran traveler to Israel, he has taught and written extensively on the devotional benefits of the Holy Land on his popular blog, in his books, as well as in dozens of articles for the Jerusalem Post. Wayne earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary, where he teaches as an adjunct professor. He also served in the pastorate for 14 years in the church he helped to plant, and he served as an Executive Vice President at Insight for Living Ministries for 12 years.

Wayne and Cathy have helped lead many tours to numerous biblical sites in Israel, Jordan, Greece, Turkey, and Italy. They have been married 32 years and have two grown daughters.

Wayne’s passion is to help connect the Bible and its lands to life, showing the practical application of God’s Word in lives that display God’s grace.

What Others Are Saying

Dr. Reg Grant 

"Wayne Stiles combines a passion for the land of Israel with a depth of biblical knowledge that inspires and informs. I have had the privilege of traveling to Israel on several occasions with Wayne, and I can tell you firsthand—what you will experience is much more than a casual "fly-over" view of the holy land. You won't simply learn ABOUT the land—you will EXPERIENCE the land, its history, and its people. If you long for more than head knowledge—if you want heart knowledge that will challenge you to follow in the footsteps of our Lord, then let Dr. Stiles guide you on this tour of a lifetime."

Wayne and Debbie Moore, La Porte, Indiana

"Experiencing the land of the Bible was a great blessing. But traveling with Wayne and Cathy Stiles was the icing on the cake. Wayne provided outstanding devotionals and connected the places, events, and history with the Scriptures, showing their relevance for our lives."

David & Cheryl Ratcliff, Bulverde, Texas

"We were privileged to have had Dr. Wayne Stiles as our teacher during our Israel tour. Wayne’s insight and teaching about many of the sites was invaluable. He shared the scripture that was relevant for each site and “tied” it all together. Our local guide provided a lot of history and current events but Wayne made the Scripture come alive as we sat and walked where Jesus walked and preached. It all seamed so real and relevant. We would urge everyone to go to Israel and we could not recommend anyone any more highly than Wayne Stiles to lead you through the Promised Land."

Bonnie Campbell

"What privilege to travel with Cathy and Wayne Stiles through Israel! At every site Wayne used scripture to bring history to life in a clear, yet profound way. I hope one day to return with them."

June Gong Chin 

"Wayne added a dimension and depth of knowledge and Cathy exuded warm compassion, for which I am grateful! Wayne and Cathy were a valuable enhancement to my Holy Land experience."

Marvel Haynes  

"Wayne made the trip to Israel so much more meaningful and brought the bible alive with the devotionals he gave. I certainly recommend him as a Bible teacher for a trip to Israel."

Peggy Allen, Weems, Virginia  

"On my fourth tour of Israel, it was a blessing to be on the bus with Wayne and Cathy Stiles. Each day was exciting! Walking (or climbing) to the places Jesus walked, and hearing Wayne's teaching and reading relative scriptures was emotionally exhilarating. Wayne knows the land! It was not a vacation, but a trip that renewed me like nothing else . . . and left me with a hunger for more. I plan to go back again, and hope that Wayne and Cathy will be my bus leaders. Thanks, Wayne and Cathy!"

Bill and Bev Hanna, Oxford, Connecticut 

"As first-time visitors to the Holy Land, we truly appreciated Wayne’s teaching style that connected the historical and biblical references at each of the significant locations. His insights into Scripture gave us ‘food for thought’ and brought the Bible to life. It was an unforgettable journey! We are grateful to have shared it with Wayne and Cathy."

Jim and Lillian Moneyhun, Greenwood, South Carolina  

"Our favorite moments included looking across the Jezreel Valley to Nazareth and Nain and Mt Tabor. I marvel at Wayne’s insight and knowledge. Talk about a man who can lift details off the pages of Scripture while standing on the sites! And Cathy was such a shepherd, caring for us with such love and grace. What a dynamic duo! We had often heard that a trip to Israel was life-changing. On our tour to the Holy Land, and through Wayne's solid, practical devotionals, the Scriptures became alive and real—right before my eyes. Life-changing indeed!"

Nan McCullough

"Wayne and Cathy are a delightful, caring couple who made my trip to Israel both enjoyable and memorable. His communication style is relaxed, and it's easy to grasp the power of the biblical moments at each site."

Gail Livermore

"My trip to Israel has endless memories, thanks to Wayne and Cathy. Wayne read from the Bible about each site and then added his own words about the events that took place there. Cathy was so good about answering endless questions and making sure everyone was doing okay."

Don and Margaret Lacefield, Plano, Texas

"Our trip to Israel was a life-changing experience! Wayne’s teaching was clear, concise, and applicable. He helped us build the bridge between the Scriptures and the location we were visiting."

Linda Jones

"Wayne's teachings on our tour of the Holy Land were a highlight. Each devotional was rooted in the biblical history of the site we were visiting and as Wayne shared from a Scripture passage related to the site, history came alive. Even though the biblical stories were usually very familiar to me, Wayne almost always brought out fresh perspectives that blessed and challenged me spiritually."

Jerry and Vera Greene, Columbus, Ohio  

"We had the great pleasure of going to Israel with a group from across the US and several countries. One of the most informative and enjoyable parts of the trip was the Bible teaching offered by Wayne Stiles at our tour stops. Wayne's impressive knowledge of the geography of Israel, in addition to his obvious love and understanding of the Old and New Testament stories associated with our stops, really brought the Bible to life. His warm and gentle spirit enhanced our journey."

© 2024 Wayne Stiles
Images courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands